




初⼀英语⾃我介绍范⽂带翻译(1) My name is XXX.And I'm 13 years old.My hobbies are singing,dancing anddrawing pictures.And I'm a sanguine person.My favourite stars are Shu Chang and JJ Lam.I like playing computer game and reading classicin the rest.I'm studying at Xiao Shi Zhong Xin school.My name is Liu yang.I`m a thirteen-year-old boy.I`m a student of Class Four,Grade Seven in the No.3 middle school from Luo yang .My study is well.I`m tall and strong.I`m a diligent boy.I study hard at all my lessons.My dream is to be a knowledgeable man.I know it`s very hard.The way is very long.But I will try my best to do it well.And I belive myself.I have many hobies.They are reading,running,swimming,playing,basketball,climbing and playing table tennis.Everyday I all need some time to reading.On Saturdays I play basketball or play table tennis with my friends.In my free time,sometimes I help my mother with housework or do what I want to do.I have a colorful life!翻译:我叫某某,我13岁,我的爱好是唱歌,跳舞和唱歌。



动物学一、名词解释(每题2分,共20分)1.分化(differentiation)2.平行进化(parallel evolution)3.消化循环腔(gastrovascular cavity)4.腔肠动物(cnidarians)5.皮肤肌肉囊(dermo-muscular sac)6.假体腔(pseudocoel)7.合胞体(syncytium)8.种群(population)9.血窦(blood sinus)10.裂体生殖(schizogony)二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1、根据赫克尔(E·Haeckel)提出的生物发生律,生物发展史可分为两个密切联系的部分,分别是:()和()。














第十四章数论之余数三大定理概念一般地,如果a是整数,b是整数(b旳)若有a H b=q……r,也就是a 二b旳+ r, 0孕v b ;我们称上面的除法算式为一个带余除法算式。

这里:⑴当r 0时:我们称a可以被b整除,q称为a除以b的商或完全商(2)当r 0时:我们称a不可以被b整除,q称为a除以b的商或不完全商三大余数定理1. 余数的加法定理a与b的和除以c的余数,等于a,b分别除以c的余数之和,或这个和除以c的余数。

2. 余数的乘法定理a与b的乘积除以c的余数,等于a,b分别除以c的余数的积,或者这个积除以c 所得的余数。

3. 同余定理若两个整数a、b被自然数m除有相同的余数,那么称a、b对于模m同余,用式子表示为:a M b ( mod m ),左边的式子叫做同余式。


由同余的性质,我们可以得到一个非常重要的推论:若两个数a,b除以同一个数m得到的余数相同,则a,b的差一定能被m 整除用式子表示为:如果有aM) ( mod m ),那么一定有a-b = mk,k是整数,即m|(a—b)例题1. 用某自然数a去除1992,得到商是46,余数是r,求a和r。

2. 甲、乙两数的和是1088,甲数除以乙数商11余32,求甲、乙两数。

3. 一个两位数除310,余数是37,求这样的两位数。

4. 有两个自然数相除,商是17,余数是13,已知被除数、除数、商与余数之和为2113,则被除数是多少?5. 用一个自然数去除另一个自然数,商为40,余数是16.被除数、除数、商、余数的和是933,求这2个自然数各是多少?6. (真题)三个不同的自然数的和为2001,它们分别除以19,23,31所得的商相同,所得的余数也相同,这三个数是_______ ,______ , _____ 。

_7. 一个自然数,除以11时所得到的商和余数是相等的,除以9时所得到的商是余数的3倍,这个自然数是________ 。



Open CNC PLC 發展工具操作手冊
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1149-5 I/O 定義總表
輸入接點: 編號 定義 備註編號 定義 備註
I 00 X 軸正極限 I 16 手動鬆刀 I 01 X 軸負極限 I 17 夾刀極限(上極限) I 02 X 軸原點 I 18 鬆刀極限(下極限) I 03 Y 軸正極限 I 19 主軸油冷機警報 I 04 Y 軸負極限 I 20 主軸定位完成 I 05 Y 軸原點 I 21 主軸切換至Δ接線狀態 I 06 Z 軸正極限 I 22 I 07 Z 軸負極限 I 23 I 08 Z 軸原點 I 24 刀庫推出確認訊號 I 09 空壓警報 I 25 刀庫收回確認訊號 I 10 程式啟動 I 26 數刀訊號 I 11 程式暫停 I 27 I 12 切削液幫浦警報 I 28 I 13 潤滑警報 I 29 I 14 主軸變頻器警報 I 30 I 15 緊急停止 I 31
輸出接點: 編號 定義 備註編號 定義
O 00 吹氣(切削用) O 16 O 01 吹氣(主軸鬆刀用) O 17 O 02 M30自動斷電 O 18 O 03 切削液幫浦 O 19 O 04 警報燈 O 20 O 05 工作燈 O 21 O 06 主軸動作 O 22 O 07 主軸定位 O 23 O 08 主軸位置/速度控制 O 24 O 09 主軸馬達Y-Δ切換 O 25 O 10 程式啟動按鈕燈 O 26 O 11 程式暫停按鈕燈 O 27 O 12 主軸鬆刀與夾刀 O 28 O 13 刀庫推出與收回 O 29
O 14 刀庫正轉 O 30 O 15 刀庫反轉 O 31。


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1.13s 质控规则的概念
2.13s 质控规则的组成部分
3.13s 质控规则的应用
4.13s 质控规则的优势和局限性
1.13s 质控规则的概念
13s 质控规则是一种用于评估实验数据质量的统计学方法,主要通过对实验数据进行一系列的统计分析,以判断数据是否满足质量控制要求。

13s 质控规则起源于实验室科学领域,广泛应用于基因组学、蛋白质组学等生物信息学研究中。

2.13s 质控规则的组成部分
13s 质控规则主要包括以下几个部分:
(1) 百分比规则:即要求实验数据中每个样本的测量值都要达到一定的百分比,以保证数据的完整性。

(2) 标准差规则:即要求实验数据中每个样本的测量值的标准差要达到一定的数值,以保证数据的稳定性。

(3) 离群值规则:即要求实验数据中每个样本的测量值不能超过一定的范围,以排除异常值对数据质量的影响。

3.13s 质控规则的应用
13s 质控规则在实验数据质量控制中起着重要的作用。

在实际应用中,科研人员会根据具体的实验设计和数据类型,灵活调整13s 质控规则的参数,以达到最佳的数据质量控制效果。

例如,在基因组学研究中,科研人员会通过13s 质控规则对测序数据进行质量控制,以排除低质量测序读段对基因组装和分析的影响;在蛋白质组学研究中,科研人员会通过13s 质控规则对质谱数据进行质量控制,以排除低质量质谱数据对蛋白质鉴定和定量的影响。

4.13s 质控规则的优势和局限性
13s 质控规则在实验数据质量控制中具有明显的优势,如操作简便、效果明显等。

然而,13s 质控规则也存在一些局限性,如对数据量的要求较高、需要预先设定参数等。



普通话的轻声词有以下一些规律:1.助词和语气词必读轻声( 1)助词“的、地、得”( 2)语气词“啊、嘛、吧、呢”2.名词、动词、形容词重叠,必读轻声:(1)名、动词 AA 式(后一个音节):如,姐姐、奶奶、舅舅、宝宝、贝贝、强强等;看看、抱抱、读读、尝尝、比比等。

(2)动词 ABAB 式(第二和第四个音节必读轻声):如,研究研究、商量商量、考虑考虑、拾掇拾掇、检查检查、联系联系等。

(3)形容词重叠①AABB 式(第二个音节读轻声,三、四音节读一声):干干净净、明明白白、舒舒服服等。

②A 里 BB 式(第二个音节读轻声):糊里糊涂、麻里麻烦、迷离迷糊、马里马虎、傻里傻气等。

③ABB 式(第二个音节读轻声,第三个音节读一声):如,灰蒙蒙、黑黢黢、阴森森不过,上述形容词重叠也可以不读轻声,直接读成原调也是正确的。

2.动词重叠中间加“一”(A 。

一 A 式)。


3.名词后缀(构词用的虚语素部分)必读轻声(“子”、“头”、“们”)(1)“子”类:孩子、儿子、老子、棍子、盘子、豹子、包子、裤子、袜子、院子、帘子等;(2)“头”类:馒头、里头、木头、拳头、石头、外头、上头、指头等;( 3)“们”类:我们、你们、他们、同学们、小朋友们等但具有实词意义的不能读为轻声。



5.趋向动词(动词或形容词 +来 /去/起来 /下去 /过来 /过去)必读轻声如:拿来、进来、起来、进去、过去、上去、拿过来、递过去、抱起来、扔下去、甩过来等。






S7200高数计数器使用方法1学海无涯2008-11-22 21:02:27 阅读623 评论1 字号:大中小S7-200 CPU具有集成的、硬件高速计数器。











(2) CPU 221/222 没有HSC1 和HSC2。

表2. 高速计数器的寻址高速计数器的具体编程及相关的中断和其它参数,请参见《S7-200系统手册》,上面有详细的阐述及例程。

STEP 7-Micro/WIN 提供了一个方便实用的高速计数器指令编程向导,用户可以简单快速地配置自己的高速计数器功能。

高速计数器模式12S7-200 CPU 从23 版以上开始支持高速计数器模式12。

只有HSC0 和HSC3 支持模式12。

HSC0 计数高速脉冲输出Q0.0;HSC3 计数高速计数脉冲输出Q0.1。



Hello, my name is Emily and I am 13 years old. I am currently in fifth grade and I love studying English. I live in a bustling city with my parents and younger sister. In my free time, I enjoy reading books, playing the piano, and spending time with my friends. I am also interested in painting and often join art classes on the weekends. I
am a very outgoing and friendly person, and I love making new friends from different cultures. I am excited to improve my English skills and learn more about the world through language.









Unit 13Food◆Listening ObjectivesTo learn how to order dishes; To learn some useful words and expressions about food.Westerners tend to use knife and fork for dinners.People hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right.Forks dominate the western diet in the following ways:·grease factor·to avoid being burnt·to get the largest bite·to heighten the social distance between the diners Warming upListen to the following sentences and repeat.1. May I have the menu please?2. Excuse me! what dessert do you want to have?3. Let ’s have both!4. No, just the bill please.5. How much is the lunch?6. What would you like for lunch?7. What are we going to eat for dinner?8. Are you ready to order now?9. Thanks for lunch. It was delicious.10. Next time lunch is on me.Listening for NumbersOrdering DishesTask 1Listen and fill in the blanks.Section One: Listening Skills Culture TipScript:1. Fresh meals are more tasty and nutritious than tinned or frozen foods.2. Too much salt in the diet may lead to high blood pressure, cancer and so on.3. Chinese food is more delicious than foreign food.4. In western countries, people often eat toast with jam or salad.5. Junk food is convenient and fast, but it has a lot of fat and sugar.Task 2Listen to the dialogues carefully and choose the best answer according to what you have heard.1. What does the man want to have?A) supper B) breakfast C)lunch D)dinner2. What does the man want to have for a starter?A) rice B) chicken C)soup D)chicken soup3. What does the man want for a main course?A) sandwich B) grilled cheese sandwichC) grilled sandwich D) cheese sandwich4. What does the man want to drink?A) water B) beer C)Coke D) soup5. How much is the meal?A) $67.5 B) $16.75 C) $6.75 D) $6.7Script:1. A: Hello, Can I help you?B: Yes, I’d like to have some lunch.2. A: Would you like a starter?B: Yes, I’d like a bowl of chicken soup, please.3. A: And what would you like for a main course?B: I’d like a grilled cheese sandwich.4. A: Would you like anything to drink?B: Yes, I ’d like a glass of Coke, please.5. Kim: How much is the lunch?Waiter: That ’s $6.75.Task 1 I ’m on a Diet to Lose Weight!Listen to the following dialogues between Sydney and Martha, and choose the best answer according to what you have heard.weight [weit] n. 体重coax [k?uks]vt. 劝诱temptation [temp'tei ??n] n. 引诱variety [v?'rai ?ti] n. 种类flavor ['fleiv ?] n.口味strawberry ['str ?:b ?ri] n. 草莓brownie ['brauni] n. 巧克力蛋糕vanilla [v?'nil ?] n. 香草praline ['pr ɑ:li:n] n. 果仁糖1. What is Martha ’s friend going to do?A. She is going to eat some ice-cream.Section Two Listening PracticeWord TipsTeaching tips:Ordering dishesWhat would you like for lunch?What would you like to drink?Will you eat here or take away?How much is the meal?May I have the menu please?Would you like to have some ice-cream?What dessert do you have?Don ’t worry about it. It ’s my treat.I ’d like a “maxi c heese ” menu, a lot of chips and achocolate milk shake.It will cost you 20 pound. The straws and the napkins arejust near the tables. Enjoy your meal.Thanks for the meal. It was tasty.I would like ……B. She is going to buy Martha some ice-cream to eat.C. She is trying to persuade Martha to eat some ice-cream.D. She is going to ask Martha out to have a bowl of ice-cream.2. Does Martha always do something which she thinks is wrong?A. Yes, she does.B. No, she does not.C. She is easy to do something which she thinks is wrong.D. She is easy to do something which she thinks is wrong when she is coxed byothers.3. Why does Martha refuse to eat ice-cream?A. She does not like it.B. She has already eaten some.C. She is on a diet to lose weight.D. She does not want to receive the offer.4. What kind of person is Martha?A. Easily to be coxed into doing something.B. Strong- willed.C. She wants to do whatever she wants.D. Easy-going.Script:Martha is on a diet to lose weight, but her friend is trying to coax her into eating a bowl of ice-cream. Can Martha stand the temptation?Sydney: Would you like to have some ice-cream? I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I’ve got strawberry, peach, chocolate, chocolate chip,chocolate brownie, coffee, vanilla, rocky road, butter pecan, and praline. Martha: Wow! What choices you have! I wish I could, but I just can’t. I’m on a diet to lose weight.Sydney: Come on, it’s just a bite. It doesn’t really hurt to have just a bite.Martha: I’d better not. Please don’t tempt me. Please!Sydney: Gee! You are really strong-willed.Martha: You’re darn right. I’m not so easily coaxed into doing something that I think is wrong.Sydney: Well, I’d better not tempt you. Otherwise, if I give you a piece of cake, you might ask for a glass of milk.Task 2 British Table MannersListen to the passage and answer the following questions.Word Tipstable manners 餐桌礼仪cutlery ['k?tl?ri] n. 餐具crisps [krisps] n. 薯片cob [k?b] n.玉米穗轴buffet ['b?fit] n. 自助餐pizza ['pi:ts?] n. 比萨饼1. What kind of food do the British have without using knife, fork or spoon?The foods they don't eat with a knife, fork or spoon include sandwiches, crisps, corn on the cob, and fruit.2. What should be done in advance if you are going to attend a party?If you cannot eat a certain type of food or have some special needs, tell your host several days before the dinner party.3. As a guest, what is the right time to start to eat at a party?If you are a guest, it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or indicates you should do so.4. What occasion does not require you to use knife and fork to eat?You may eat chicken and pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue, finger buffet or very informal setting. Otherwise always use a knife and fork.5. How to make others know that you have finished your dinner?When you have finished eating, and to let others know that you have, place your knife and folk together, with the prongs (tines) on the fork facing upwards, on your plate.6. How to pay for your meal in a restaurant?In a restaurant, it is normal to pay for your food by putting your money on the platethe bill comes on.Script:The British pay a lot of attention to good table manners. Even young children are expected to eat properly with knife and fork. We eat most of our food with cutlery.The foods we don't eat with a knife, fork or spoon include sandwiches, crisps, corn on the cob, and fruit.If you cannot eat a certain type of food or have some special needs, tell your host several days before the dinner party. If you are a guest, it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or indicates you should do so. You may eat chicken and pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue, finger buffet or very informal setting. Otherwise always use a knife and fork. In a restaurant, it is normal to pay for your food by putting your money on the plate the bill comes on. When you have finished eating, and to let others know that you have, place your knife and folk together, with the prongs on the fork facing upwards, on your plate.Task 3 ObesityListen to the passage and choose the best answer according to what you have heard.Word Tipsobesity [?u'bi:s?ti] n. 肥胖excess [ik'ses] n. 过度、超额index ['indeks] n. 指数morbidity[m?:'bid?ti] n. 发病率mortality [m?:'t?l?ti] n. 死亡率life expectancy 寿命diabetes [,dai?'bi:ti:z]n.糖尿病1. Obesity refers to an of body fat, and in adults is by the body massindex.A) excuse, mattered B) excessive, measureC) excess, measured D) excess, matter2. In children obesity is defined using the British 1990 standard .A) grow reference B) grow relevanceC) growth rate D)growth reference3. Why do rising levels of obesity become a public health concern?A) Since obesity is closely related to many kinds of disease.B) Because of the association between obesity and morbidity.C) Due to the association between obesity and morbidity.D) Because of the association between obesity and morbidity and mortality4. Obesity can also increase the risk of many including type 2 diabetes,coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer.A) acute diseasesB) strokeC) chronic diseasesD) cardiovascular diseases5. Obesity can not only result in reduced quality of life and an on theeconomy, both in terms of and loss of working days.A) increase burden, healthcare B) increase burden, healthcare provisionC) increase problem, provision D) burden, provisionScript:Obesity refers to an excess of body fat, and in adults is measured by the body mass index (BMI) which is defined as a person's weight (in kilograms) divided by their height (in meters) squared. Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30kg/m2 or over. In children it is defined using the British 1990 standard growth reference.Rising levels of obesity are a public health concern due to the association between obesity and morbidity and mortality. An obese 40 year old will, on average, have a reduced life expectancy of 6 to 7 years. There is also an increased risk of many chronic diseases include type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure (which is linked to an increased risk of stroke) and cancer. This results in reduced quality of life for the individual and an increase burden on the economy, both in terms of healthcare provision and loss of working days.Section Three Further ListeningTask 1 British FoodListen to the conversation and mark the statements with T(true) or F(false).Word Tipstrolley ['tr?li] n. 手推车wholemeal['h?ulmi:l] n. 全麦面粉packet ['p?kit] n. 小包、小捆European [jur?'pi?n] adj. 欧洲的cuisine [kwi'zi:n] n. 烹调、烹调法be accustomed to 习惯于chef [?ef]n. 厨师、大师傅(F) 1.If you look into supermarket trolleys, you’ll see that people like to buy thesame kind of food.(F) 2. Most of British people prefer to eat tins and packets of highly processed food.(F) 3. There is definitely such a thing as British food.(T) 4. Northern Europeans, including the British, tend to eat more potatoes than Africans, who prefer rice.(F) 5. Students staying in English families experience British cooking at its best.Script:A: What do you think of British food?B: It’s difficult to answer, because if you look into supermarket trolleys, you’ll see that what people buy is completely different. Some people will go for fresh vegetables and whole meal bread, while others prefer tins and packets of highly processed food.A: Is there such a thing as British food?B: That’s the second problem, because a lot of what we buy comes from other parts of the European Community or further a field. Many trolleys will contain both New Zealand butter and South African fruit.A: Well, what do people mean when they say they don’t like British food?B:It’s probably possible to generalize about what is eaten at main meal-times.Northern Europeans, including the British, tend to eat more potatoes than Asians, who prefer rice.A:Can you explain why many Asians prefer French or Italian cuisine to British cooking?B: That’s both a question of what different Europeans eat and how it’s prepared. For example, pizza has become international. People are accustomed t o eating it and Italians prepare it well.A: Do the British prepare food badly?B: In fact, we have some of the top chefs in the world, but only people with a lot of money experience British cooking at its best. Students staying in English families often have to put up with convenience foods.Task 2 Why is Being Certified Organic so Important?Listen to the passage and choose the best answer according to according to what you have heard.Word Tipscertified ['s?:tifaid] adj. 被证明的、认证的organic [?:'ɡ?nik] adj. 有机的inspection [in'spek??n] n. 检查assessment [?'sesm?nt] n. 评定、估价copious ['k?upi?s] adj. 丰富的、多彩的synthetic [sin'θetik]a dj.合成的、人造的pesticide ['pestisaid] n. 杀虫剂1. How can a farm be a certified organic one?A) meet with the strict guidelines set by the United States Department of Food.B) meet with the strict guidelines set by the United States Department of OrganicFood.C) meet with the strict guidelines set by the UK Department of Agriculture .D) meet with the strict guidelines set by the USA Department of Agriculture.2. What is the most important part of certifying process of USDA?A) an inspection of the fields, soil, crops,B) an inspection of the fields, soil, crops, pest control issues and weedsC) an assessment of how the growers handle pest control issues and weedsD) an inspection of the fields, soil, crops, and an assessment of how the growershandle pest control issues and weeds.3. Is there anything else must be done by the USDA to certify a farm?A) Yes, the entire farm and its processes have to be examinedB) Yes, livestock, food, health records of those animals have to be inspectedC) No, there isn’t.D) Yes, livestock, food , health records of those animals ,the entire farm and itsprocesses have to be examinedtell us?4. What kind of information can the title ‘certified organic’A) going through a very rigorous certifying process conducted by the USDAB) going through a very rigorous certifying process conducted by the NortheastOrganic Farming AssociationC) going through a very rigorous certifying process conducted by theNortheast Organic Farming Association and the USDAD) doing copious amount of paperwork5. If you are a “certified organic”, what kind of things you are supposed to do?A) use no synthetic herbicides, fertilizers, or pesticidesB) use no synthetic herbicides, fertilizers, or pesticides, use cover crops toenrich the soil, and you are good stewards of our environmentC) use cover crops to enrich the soil, and you are good stewards of our environmentD) use no synthetic herbicides, fertilizers, or pesticides, use no cover crops toenrich the soil, and you are good stewards of our environmentScript:To be classified as a certified organic farm you have to meet with the strict guidelines that have been set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).Part of the USDA certifying process includes an inspection of the fields, soil, crops, and an assessment of how the growers handle pest control issues and weeds. Inaddition to this, livestock is inspected, as are the food and health records of thoseanimals. In fact, the entire farm and its processes are examined. This doesn’t in the copious amount of paperwork t hat must be completed to document the facility’s history and present set-up.“The fact that we are ‘certified organic’ tellsyou that we have gone through avery rigorous certifying process conducted by the Northeast Organic Farmingwe useAssociation and USDA,” Kaplan-Walbrecht explains. “We have proven thatno synthetic herbicides, fertilizers, or pesticides, that we use cover crops to enrich thesoil, and are good stewards of our environment.” Task 3 How to eat right?Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words.Word Tipspriority [prai'?r?ti]n.优先、优先权、优先考虑的事commercial [k?'m?:??l] n.商业广告Eating right is not everyone’s number one priority in the day, since many peopleout there are easily influenced by junk food commercials, not to mention televisionshows on say, the top places to eat these fast food options around the country. Itdoesn’t help when you see a chef piling on beef jerky into a sandwich oozing with’s as big as your head,cheese and heaped with deep fried crispy onions, or a donut thatbeing slathered with creamy chocolate and a just as sinful filling. As time goes by,there is an effect on the body that we will not immediately notice, but that others willafter days, weeks or months from last seeing you. If someone you know passes acomment like, “Hey you seem to be getting a little heavy around the waist.”, then youneed to drop that burger down right now, or toss out that donut you’ve been fallingasleep with, and head to a nutritionist for help on how to get in shape, and lead a lifethat doesn’t make you carry on a ton of weight.Task 4 News ReportListen to the news and fill in the blanks with the missing words.In any household, there are people who won't agree with one another when itcomes to food. No matter how much you slog and cook delicious meals for them, there are bound to be some unhappy stomachs. And now you are wondering what is that you can do for your Sunday dinners. What if I told you that we've got some exquisite choices for you? I knew we’d grab your attention. Now let's see what kind of Sunday dinner meals we can whip up for you and your family.Section Four Listening AppreciationTask 1 To Be on the Safe SideListen to the joke and answer the following questions.1. Where did the story take place?It took place in the cinema.2. Why did the man ask such a question?Because he wanted to make sure that this is his row.Script:In a cinema during a performance one of the audiences gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer. A few minutes later he returns and asks the man sitting at the head of the row:“Excuse me, was it your foot I stepped on when I was going out a moment ago?”“Yes, but it doesn’t really matter. It didn’t hurt at all.”“Oh, no, it isn’t that. I only want to make sure that this is my row.”Task 2 Sunshine on My ShouldersListen to the song and fill in the blanks with the missing words.Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy;Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry;Sunshine on the water looks so lovely;Sunshine almost always makes me high.If I had a day that I could give you,I’d give you a day just like today;If I had a song that I could sing for you,I’d sing a song to make you feel this way.If I had a tale that I could tell you,I’d tell a tale sure to make you smile;If I had a wish that I could wish for youI’d make a wish for sunshine all the while.Sunshine almost all the time makes me high. Sunshine almost always…Script:Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy; Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry; Sunshine on the water looks so lovely; Sunshine almost always makes me high.If I had a day that I could give you,I'd give you a day just like today;If I had a song that I could sing for you,I'd sing a song to make you feel this way.If I had a tale that I could tell you,I'd tell a tale sure to make you smile;If I had a wish that I could wish for youI'd make a wish for sunshine all the while. Sunshine almost all the time makes me high.Sunshine almost always…。



i等于1到n 的数学表达概述说明以及解释1. 引言1.1 概述在数学领域中,当我们需要处理从1到n范围内的数值时,经常会遇到i等于1到n的情况。



1.2 研究意义研究i等于1到n的数学表达在实际应用中具有重要意义。




1.3 目的本文旨在介绍和解释i等于1到n的数学表达方式,并深入探讨其推导过程、实例分析以及在不同领域中的应用潜力。



2. i等于1到n的数学表达2.1 定义与范围在数学中,我们经常遇到一类表示方式,即将变量i的取值从1到n进行累加或者变化。



2.2 数学背景在代数学中,我们使用符号“∑”表示求和操作,其中i是一个从某个起始值开始递增的变量。


数学上的表达为:Σ(i) = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n该表达式称为等差数列求和公式。

2.3 应用与实践这种数学表达式在实际应用中具有广泛的应用和实践意义。




东民:大卫,你看,青年旅行社去西安的报价是两千三, 双飞四天。
大卫:是吗?我们打个电话问一下,看看他们到底是怎么 安排的。
(大卫给旅行社打电话) 旅行社:您好,这里是青年旅行社。
旅行社:西安游是第一天坐飞机到西安,第二天、第三天 游览当地的名胜古迹,一共5个景点,第四天飞回北京 。
王丽:新疆大部分人信仰伊斯兰教,所以尊重人家 的信仰最重要。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
大卫:那儿的气候跟咱们这儿比怎么样?比这儿 冷还是比这儿热?
王丽:白天比这儿热得多,晚上比这儿冷得多, 你要去的话,千万别忘了带厚衣服。
大卫:你们在那儿玩了多长时间?大概费用是多 少?
王丽:是啊,新疆好玩极了,我一直想去,这次总算去成 了。
大卫:你们都去了哪些地方? 王丽:我们去了三个主要景点,然后就是随便看看。 大卫:你们是怎么去的? 王丽:坐火车去的,花的时间比较长。 大卫:新疆怎么样啊?
王丽:很值得去,市里的商场东西很有特点,也比我们这 儿便宜,郊区空气特别好,特别美。
百闻不如一见 To see sth. once is better
than to hear about
it a hundred

be used to

do not
worship; believe in



13研究生数理统计习题部分解答12研究生数理统计习题部分解答第六章抽样分布1.设(X1,X2,?,Xn)是来自总体N(?,?2)的简单随机样本,X 是样本均值,记S121212122222?(Xi?X),S2??(Xi?X),S3?(Xi??)2,??n?1i?1ni?1n?1i?112??(Xi??)2则服从自度n?1的t分布的随机变量是T?。

S42A.X??S1n?1B.X??S2X??n?1C.X??S32nD.S4n[答案:选B]12当S?(Xi?X)2时,服从自度n?1的t分布的随机变量应为 ?n?1i?1 T?X??SnA、S1212X??X?? ?(Xi?X)2?S2,Tn?1i?1S1n?1Sn?1而不是T?X??SnB、S2212n?11nn?1222??(Xi?X)??(X?X)?S ?ini?1nn?1i?1n ?T?X??S2n?1?X??n?1nSn?1?X??Sn。

2.设随机变量X,Y相互独立,均服从N(0,3)分布且X1,?,X9与Y1,?,Y9分别是来自总体X,Y的简单随机样本,则统计量U? )分布。

2X1X9Y1Y922服从参数为的的分布]解:X,Y相互独立,均服从N(0,32)分布,又X1,?,X9与Y1,?,Y9分别来自总体X,Y,可知X1,?,X9与Y1,?,Y9之间均相互独立,均服从分布N(0,32)9Yi19?Yi?2因而?Xi~N(0,9?3),X??Xi~N(0,1),~N(0,1),??~?2(9),?39i?1i?1?3?i?192919?Y?且X??Xi 与??i?相互独立,9i?1i?1?3?219?Xi?19i?19i因而19Xi?19iYi23?Yi?19?2iX1???X9Y1???Y922服从参数为9的t分布。


同学习指导文件综例 [答案:a?时,统计量Y服从?分2112),b?时,统计量Y服从?分布,其自度为] 20100统计量Y?a(X1?2X2)2?b(3X3?4X4)2?[a(X1?2X2)]2?[b(3X3?4X4)]2 设Y1?a(X1?2X2),Y2?b(3X3?4X4)即Y??Yi2i?122X~N(0,2)可知Xi~N(0,22),i?1,2,3,4,且EY1?E[a(X1?2X2)]?a(EX1?2EX2)?a(0?2?0)?0EY2?E[b(3X3?4X4)]?b(3EX3?4EX4)?b(3?0?4?0)?0 DY1?D[a(X1?2X2)]?a(DX1?4DX2)?a(22?4?22)?20aDY2?D[b(3X3?4X4)]?b(9DX3?16DX4)?b(9?22?16?22)?100b 若统计量Y服从?分布,则Y?布,即2?Yi,可知自度为2且Yi(i?1,2)服从标准正态分2i?12EY1?EY2?0,DY1?20a?1?a?4.11,DY2?100b?1?b?。





















bartender报错输入数据不符合gtin-13标准 -回复

bartender报错输入数据不符合gtin-13标准 -回复



GTIN-13编码结构如下:1. 前三位是国家编码前缀,代表该商品的生产国家或地区。













具体计算方法如下:1. 将位于奇数位置上的数字相加。

2. 将位于偶数位置上的数字乘以3,并将得到的结果相加。

3. 将第1步得到的结果与第2步得到的结果相加。

人教版七年级英语上册UNIT 1 学情评估含答案

人教版七年级英语上册UNIT 1 学情评估含答案

人教版七年级英语上册UNIT 1 学情评估第一部分(听力共30分)Ⅰ. 听选答案(共15小题,计20分)第一节: (共10小题,计10分)1. A. Class 7. B. Class 6. C. Class 8.2. A. Jenny. B. Johnson. C. Grace.3. A. A dog. B. A cat. C. A parrot.4. A. Gina. B. Alice. C. Mary.5. A. 10. B. 11. C. 12.6. A. White. B. Green. C. Eric.7. A. In Canada. B. In China.C. In America.8. A. The US. B. London. C. The UK.9. A. Hot pot. B. Tofu.C. Beijing roast duck.10. A. Playing tennis. B. Playing the guitar.C. Playing football.第二节: (共5小题,计10分)听第11 段对话,回答第11、12小题。

11. How old is Tom?A. 11 years old.B. 12 years old.C. 13 years old.12. What's Tom's favourite colour?A. Black.B. Yellow.C. White.听第12 段对话,回答第13至15小题。

13. Who is Bob?A. Li Ming's cousin.B. Li Ming's friend.C. Li Ming's classmate.14. Where is Bob from?A. China.B. The UK.C. The US.15. What class is the girl's sister in?A. Class 4, Grade 7.B. Class 5, Grade 7.C. Class 6, Grade 7.Ⅱ. 听填信息(每空不超过三个单词)(共5小题,计10分)16. Peter White is the English teacher of ________________,Grade Seven.17. David is twelve years old and he is from ________________.18. David likes doing sports, and his favourite sport is ________________ .19. The girl with a ________________ pen in her hand is Anna.20. Anna likes ________________ and she is in the school band now.第二部分(笔试共90分)Ⅲ. 完形填空(共20小题,计20分)第一节:My name is Tony. And my first name is Bryant. I'm __21__. I'm from __22__ US. My parents and I __23__ in China now. They want __24__ Chinese. I live in Shanghai with my father and my mother. I have a brother but no sisters. My grandparents aren't with us. __25__ are in New York with my brother. Shanghai is a big city. There are many people here. Now I study __26__ a middle school. I am a new student, __27__ I have got two good __28__. They are Tom and Leo. After school, we often watch TV and play football together. And they always help me with __29__ study. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. She can __30__ English and teaches it in our school. We all love our school and the city. What do you think of my life in Shanghai?21. A. fourteen years old B. fourteen year oldC. fourteen-year-oldD. fourteen-year old22. A. a B. /C. theD. an23. A. am B. areC. isD. be24. A. study B. studiesC. to studyD. studying25. A. They B. WeC. YouD. I26. A. on B. inC. ofD. for27. A. or B. andC. soD. because28. A. friends B. friendC. friend'sD. friends'29. A. I B. meC. myD. myself30. A. talk B. speakC. talksD. speaks第二节:My name is Anna. I am a __31__. I am from Sydney. But I am in China with my parents now. I am thirteen years old. I'm in Yucai Middle School. I like reading books. And I have many __32__ in my room. My telephone number is 929-3155. You can __33__ me, and maybe we can be good friends.This is Peter Qin. He is __34__,too. Peter and I are good friends. We are in the __35__ school, but different classes. We often meet after class. He often __36__ me with my Chinese. He likes playing sports. __37__ is his favorite sport.Ms. King is my Chinese teacher. She is __38__ and nice. Every student likes __39__ in my class. Sarah is her daughter. She __40__ reading books, too. In Sarah's room, you can see her books everywhere—on her bed, on the desk and in the bookcase.31. A. teacher B. studentC. doctorD. classmate32. A. books B. toysC. planesD. pens33. A. ask B. e-mailC. helpD. call34. A. eleven B. twelveC. thirteenD. fourteen35. A. interesting B. sameC. happyD. tidy36. A. helps B. readsC. takesD. gets37. A. Piano B. ScienceC. BasketballD. Party38. A. fun B. smallC. longD. bad39. A. her B. himC. themD. us40. A. buys B. lovesC. meetsD. sharesⅣ. 阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)第一节: (共10小题,计15分)AMany people have their name cards. When they meet people for the first time, they often give them to each other. Do you have one? Is your name card beautiful? I hope so. Now there are four name cards here. You can design(设计) yours like them.:136****3861:189****7778:135****325641. When people meet for the first time, they often give ____ to each other.A. ID cardsB. name cardsC. namesD. student cards42. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. If you can't do well in math, you can call 135********.B. Rose is ill. She should go to see Li Ming.C. Ma Bin is a policeman working on Xueyuan Road.D. Chen Qiang works at the People's Hospital.43. How many jobs are mentioned (提及) in the passage?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.BHello! My name is David. I have a friend. His name is Tony. He is a student in our school this year. There are 6 people in his family. They are his father, his mother, his grandparents, his sister and him. Tony's father teaches math in a middle school. His mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. She works from Monday to Friday. His grandparents are workers.Tony likes playing basketball very much. We often play it after school. He also likes playing football. On weekends, he often plays it in a gym. He is very good at math but he doesn't like Chinese. He doesn't understand many words. He says Chinese is very hard for him. He likes chatting on the Internet. His WeChat number is Tony4245.He wants to make a lot of friends in China. Do you like him? Do you want to make friends with him? If you want, please send e-mails to him.44. How many days does Tony's mother work a week?A. For four days.B. For five days.C. For six days.D. For seven days.45. What sports does Tony like?A. Running and football.B. Badminton and cycling.C. Basketball and football.D. Badminton and ping-pong.46. What does the underlined word “understand ”in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Spell.B. Count.C. Know.D. Say.47. Which can be the best title for the passage?A. Tony's ParentsB. Tony's Favorite SportsC. Tony's Best FriendsD. Tony's Happy LifeCHello, I'm Bob. I'm 12 years old. I am at school now. I want to say something about myself.Playing volleyball is my hobby. I like it very much. I always play volleyball with my friends after school. It's relaxing for me. I have five volleyballs. They are under my desk. And I like to watch volleyball games on TV.I like some food. I have eggs, milk and some fruit for breakfast. For lunch, I have hamburgers and some salad(沙拉). For dinner, I like chicken and some vegetables. I don't eat ice cream. It's not healthy. My favorite food is fruit and vegetables. I think they are good for our health.I'm healthy because I like to play sports and eat healthy food. What about you? Can you tell me about your hobby and eating habits?48. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?A. Bob has four volleyballs.B. Bob can play volleyball and soccer well.C. Bob plays volleyball with his classmates.D. Bob likes playing volleyball and watching volleyball games.49. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refer to(指的是)?A. Vegetables.B. Hamburgers and salad.C. Vegetables and fruit.D. Hamburgers.50. Which of the following is the structure(结构) of the text? (P =Paragraph)第二节: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

SIEMENS S7-300和S7-400梯形逻辑 (LAD)编程 说明书

SIEMENS S7-300和S7-400梯形逻辑 (LAD)编程 说明书

SIMATICS7-300 和 S7-400 梯形逻辑(LAD)编程参考手册2004年1月版前言,目录位逻辑指令1比较指令2转换指令3计数器指令4数据块指令5逻辑控制指令6整数算术运算指令7浮点算术运算指令8赋值指令9程序控制指令10移位和循环指令11状态位指令12定时器指令13字逻辑指令14附录所有梯形逻辑指令一览A 编程举例B安全指南本手册包括应该遵守的注意事项,以保证人身安全,保护产品和所连接的设备免受损坏。


















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