Xylem China 赛莱默(中国)有限公司
➢ 水泵系列 ➢ 搅拌器系列 ➢ 监控元件及起吊装置介绍 ➢ 设备安装说明 ➢ 日常维护及常见故障
将原动机机械能量转化为泵 送液体的压能
电机部分 提供动力
叶轮设计原则是最大的推力,最小的能耗 和最小的缠绕风险。
带导流环 导流环可以提高效率(推力/功率)
优势 结构紧凑 不锈钢材质 适用范围广 安装简易 产品推力范围广 配置选项丰富
4600 Series - Design
飞力定子工艺-滴注(一般制造工艺-浸注) •定子间隙均匀填充 •填充率更高97% •更持久的耐热性能 •高机械性能 •改进热交换
瑞典飞力自己设计制造的机械密封 双重独立机械密封,有效防止水的渗漏 耐腐蚀烧结碳化钨(WCCR) 有凹度的密封面
弯曲电缆可供电工刀方便的地削除绝 缘物。
当电缆外皮割开时,您很容易看到 芯线。这可方便您削除外皮而不损 伤到内部芯线。
• 每年需要进行一至两次的维护保养工作。 • 对运行年限较长以及运行环境较差的设备应按照实际
情况缩短维护保养的时间。建议每连续运行1000小时 应检查一次;对泵送介质高于70度时应3-4月检查一 次。 • 此维护保养工作主要是对电机及水力部分的一系列检 查。
Küppers Elektromechanik GmbHFlow MetersLiebigstraße 2 • D-85757 Karlsfeld • Tel.+49 81 31/59 39 10 • Fax +49 81 31/9 26 04ZHM系列安装和操作手册综述齿轮流量计是容积式流量计,结构与齿轮泵相似。
计算 齿轮流量计的K-系数(标定系数)精确定义了每升流量的输出脉冲数。
每台表出厂时都 提供一份标定记录,可以得到K-系数。
另外,我们的标定记录还提供以下信息:•折合到瞬时流量的最大测量误差• 相应流量范围的最大/最小频率•不同流量时的K-系数•整个流量范围有效的平均 K-系数应用以下公式:Q=流量,单位为升每分钟f= 输出脉冲频率,单位为 Hz=齿轮流量计的K-系数,单位为脉冲每升准备工作机械和电路安装、调试和维护必须由合格或者认可的人员进行。
对于以下介质请使用过滤器作为预防:ZHM01–03:120 微米04–05:200 微米06–07:300 微米流量计的安装齿轮流量计应当按照流量方向(标定方向)安装。
图 1 – 图 GG、HJ 和 HL4197 系列 采用法兰端口的支座型手泵图 2 – 图 AS、AK 和 AL4197 系列 采用法兰端口的支座型手泵吸液口图 3特殊机械密封:维修这些泵时应格外小心。
如果泵要存放六个月或更长时间(或这么长时间不使用泵),则必须排干泵中的液体,然后在所有内部零件上涂抹薄薄的一层非去污型 .SAE .30 .号油。
Viking .建议您每隔轴拨转一周,以便使油扩散开来。
建议维修工具:为了确保正确维修 4197系列泵,必须使用以下工具。
内六角扳手(定位螺丝和特殊机械密封).– .Viking .P/N . -810-047-999 .GG-HJ-HL .4197 ..– .Viking .P/N . -810-0 9-375 .GG-HJ-HL .4197机械密封安装套筒.0 75 .英寸密封的 . -751-001-730.1 5 .英寸密封的 . -810-004-730轴承锁紧螺母活动扳手 .– . -810-043-375可调销式活动扳手,用于轴承套端盖机械密封泵体滚珠轴承空转销溢流阀图 4– GG、HJ 或 HL 4197 型号剖视图图 5 – GG、HJ 和 HL 4197 型号部件分解图编号零件名称编号零件名称编号零件名称锁紧螺母8泵体15空转销卡环(外)9管塞16泵盖和空转销组件滚珠轴承(外)10机械密封17泵盖有头螺丝泵轴卡环11转子和泵轴组件18溢流阀垫圈轴承套12空转轴套19溢流阀卡环(内)13空转轮和轴套组件20阀的有头螺丝滚珠轴承(内)14泵盖垫圈图 6 – AS、AK 和 AL 4197型号部件分解图编号零件名称编号零件名称编号零件名称1锁紧螺母9轴承护圈17空转轴套2轴承隔圈10泵体18空转轮和轴套组件3轴承套端盖11溢流阀垫圈19泵盖垫圈4轴承套唇形密封12溢流阀20空转销5滚珠轴承(外)13管塞21泵盖和空转销组件6轴承套14阀的有头螺丝22泵盖有头螺丝7轴承隔圈15转子和泵轴组件23管塞8滚珠轴承(内)16机械密封部分 . .TSM164版本E页码 第 .5 .页, .共 1 页泵轴卡环轴承套定位螺丝泵轴外卡环锁紧螺母图 7 – 推力轴承组件 GG 、HJ 和 HL轴承护圈轴承隔圈定位螺丝锁紧螺母唇形密封端盖尼龙衬垫泵轴内滚珠轴承轴承套定位螺丝滚珠轴承图 8 – 推力轴承组件 AS 、AK 和 AL 型号组装采用 PTFE .的机械密封安装新密封:请参见图 9 到图 13。
PULSAtron 系列定量泵技术手册说明书
Pulsafeeder ExpertiseTechnology is the key to delivering responsible products to the markets that we serve. Leading the way in the development of metering technologies, Pulsafeeder continues to set the standard for accuracy, reliability and safety.Innovation is another hallmark of Pulsafeeder. Helping customers find a new approach to an old problem is what we do best.PULSAtron Series PumpsFor over 20 years, the PULSAtron product line has evolved into philosophy of design that continues to set the standards for the entire industry. Our engineers have developed a guided check valve system with a proven ‘seat and ball’ design that ensures reliable and accurate metering year after year.Our fin cooled Solenoid enclosure dissipates heat ensuring that the pressure handling capability of the pump can be maintained. The thermally protected Solenoid protects the pump from seizing up in extreme heat conditions with an automatic reset feature allowing the pump to resume operation upon cool-down. All PULSAtrons are tested and rated under hot conditions guaranteeing that the flow and pressure ratings meet the specifications.Materials of Construction • Housing - PBT• Head materials - GFPPL, PVC, PVDF, Viton, 316SS • Seats materials - CSPE, TFE, Viton• Ball materials - Alloy C, Ceramic, TFE, 316SS • Diaphragm - PTFE faced CSPEFlow (GPD)P r e s s u r e (P S I )Pulsatron Performance RangeP r e s s u r e (B A R )Flow (LPH)3710141720240235681624324048566496100150200250300MP , E+, EHVA+C+, C50350TypicalApplications• Water Treatment • Water Conditioning • Ware Wash •Car WashCSPE is generic formulation of Hypalon, a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont Company. Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont Company .ProductSpecifications• Flows to 600 gpd ( 94.6 lph) on specific series• Pressures to 300 psi (21 Bar) on specific models• Accuracy +/- 2% at max capacity on E Plus, HV and MP Series. +/- 3% at max capacity on A Plus, C, C Plus,and E Series.The Pulsatron is available in several different series.Shown here are the Pulsatron MP Series, E Plus Series, HV Series, A Plus, and C Series.PULSAtron ConfigurationsShaftCoil(Solenoid)ArmatureSpringsSuction ValveDiaphragmDischarge ValveDiaphragm Metering Pump TechnologyThe PULSAtron family are solenoid powered diaphragm metering pumps. The key element which differentiates these pumps from other types is the TFE lined elastomer diaphragm. This diaphragm is sealed against the reagent head forming a seal-less, leak free pumping chamber. The solenoid driver is connected to the diaphragm to create the pumping motion. As the diaphragm moves away from the face of the reagent head, it creates a vacuum which closes the discharge check valve and opens the suction check valve, drawing the pumped fluid into the pumping chamber. As the solenoid forces the diaphragm toward the face of the reagent head, the suction check valve closes and the discharge check valve opens allowing the liquid to flow out the discharge valve.Model Specific QR CodePulsafeeder assistseveryonein the field with information for THAT SPECIFIC PRODUCT , quickly and easily. No dedicated app needed. Simply use your QR Reader on your smart phone or tablet and scan the QR Code located on the Pulsafeeder product label, either Pump or Controller.• Identify - Model Number, Serial number, KOPkit (Repair Kit)• View - Quickly find product information such as parts list, IOM, tech sheet and more • Contact - Call or email Tech Support immediately to assist you•Email - Send this information to yourself or someone else, to save or even view laterFeatures & BenefitsMP Series• Automatic control, fully scalable 4-20mADC, 20-4mADC orexternal pacing• Manual control allows for a combined 1000:1 turndown• Flow verification option is available on select sizes• 16 character LCD display and indicator lights• Relay and stop outputs• Simple prompts in plain language and programmable in fourlanguagesE Plus Series• 100:1 turn down ratio• Optional 4-20mA with stop function• Optional external pacing with stop function• Auto-Off-Manual selection switch with indicator lights• Built in circuit protection with easy access panel mounted fuse• Clear hinged cover over controls for water resistanceHV Series• Automatic control, available with 4-20mADC direct or externalpacing, with stop function• Manual control by on-line adjustable stroke rate & stroke length• Viscosities to 20,000 CPS• Auto-Off-Manual switch• Highly reliable timing circuitA Plus, C Plus, E Series• 100:1 turn down ratio; 1000:1 on some models• Water resistant for outdoor installation• Manual control by on-line adjustable stroke length and stroke rate• Optional external pacing with Auto/Manual switch on A Plus• Internally dampened to reduce noise• Optional: External pace, external stop or bothC Series• 10:1 turn down ratio• Optional automatic control by external pacing with prime switch• Manual control by on-line adjustable stroke length• Liquid low level option available to prevent loss of prime• Internally dampened to reduce noiseFeatures & BenefitsPremium Construction• Few moving parts• Optional wet-endmaterials• High Viscosity handling• Long life diaphragm• Leak free designGuided Ball CheckValve System• Dual ball check withTFE seats• Reduce back flow• Outstanding primingcharacteristicsBleed ValveAssembly Standard• Safe & easy priming• Durable and leak freeHighly ReliableElectronics• Timing circuit• Rated hot forcontinuous duty• Thermal overloadAutomatic DegassingTechnologyThe unique degas valve system is designedto allow air to be vented from the pump headwhile minimizing the return fluid volume. Thisallows the pump to be totally self-primingwhich eliminates the need for a bleed valve.The degassing head also prevents the pumpfrom losing its prime due to gas build up,especially in applications where the pump isrun intermittently with long off times betweenruns.Proportional ProcessControlThe PULSAtron series metering pumps offera wide variety of process control inputs.• 4-20mA inputs for metering control withWater meters and PLC’s.• Dry contact pulse inputs for use withPLC’s and dry contact water meters.• External remote stop input that can beused with a level wand for low chemicallevel control.Controls, Options and SystemsValve OptionsIntegrated Tank SystemAvailable on all PULSAtron models • 15 gallon tank• Bulk head assembly • Flow indicator • Float assembly• Pump mounting plateFive Function & Five Function De-Gas Valve• De-Gas - Bypass gasses and fluid with Five Function De-Gas Valve • Back pressure • Anti-Siphon • Air bleed• Discharge drain•Pressure Relief with Five Function ValveValvesOptional Valves available• Double ball standard with TFE seats • Spring loaded • NPT connections • Metric connections• Ceramic, Stainless and TFE balls • CSPE, Viton, and TFE seatsPre-Engineered System and Panel Mounted SystemsAvailable on all PULSAtron models • Pre-Configured system • Easy to install and operate • Mounting flexibility • Quick delivery• Designed for harsh environmentsAutomatic Control• External/remote pacing, with stop available on E Plus, HV, MP Series• External pace with auto/manual selection available on A Plus and C Series• Flow Verification available on MP pumps100 psi or lessTypical Installation Typical Installation Includes:• Tank• Calibration Column• Pulsation Dampeners• Pressure Relief Valve• Pressure GaugeAll Available through Pulsafeeder!Parts & AccessoriesEMP001 B17Corporation StopPulsafeeder’s high quality brass corporation stop and nozzle assembly disperses chemical into the center of a line for even mixing.Pressure Relief Valves prevent an over pressurization situation from ever damaging your pumps or pipes. Over pressurization can occur when a valve is closed or a blockage occurs. They are always recommended equipment for any pump or skid system.Pulsation Dampeners improve pump system efficiency by removing pulsating flows from positive displacement pumps.Solution TanksAvailable in sizes from 15 to 500 gallon.Contact your local Pulsafeeder Distributor or Pulsafeeder Technical Servicesat 800-333-6677Solenoid Valves are used to permit and shut off fluid flow.Pump ShelfDesigned to safely and securely mount your metering pumps on a wall or level surface and contain any potential spills.Calibration KitCalibration columns are used on the supply side of the pump to permit flow calibration.KOPkitsWhen you need a part, you’ve got it. A KOPkit can help you cut downtime and put you back in business fast.。
无锡中康流体科技有限公司 E,CE 系列端吸离心泵 安装、操作及维护手册说明书
V5658120E,CE系列端吸离心泵用户指导手册E&CE Pumps ManualInstallation Operating Maintenance请在安装、操作、使用和维修本设备之前,必须阅读本指导手册。
—安装 —操作 —维护E,CE系列端吸离心泵安装、操作及维护手册目录1概要 (5)1.1注意事项 (5)1.2 免责声明 (5)1.3保证 (5)1.4 安全 (5)2运输和存放 (5)2.1货物接收和拆包 (5)2.2吊运 (6)2.3 储存 (6)3产品介绍 (7)3.1型号说明 (7)3.2结构 (7)3.3性能 (7)4 安装 (7)4.1 安装位置 (7)4.2 零件装配 (7)4.3灌浆 (8)4.4联轴器对中 (8)4.4.1检查和调整对中的要点 (8)4.4.2对中测量方法 (8)4.5管道连接 (9)4.5.1吸入管道 (9)4.5.2排出管道 (9)4.5.3辅助管道 (9)4.5.4 最终检查 (10)4.6 最终轴对准检查 (10)4.7 电气连接 (10)5 试车、启动、运行和停机 (10)5.1 试车前步骤 (10)5.1.1 润滑 (10)5.1.2旋转方向 (10)5.2启动泵 (10)5.3运行泵 (11)5.4 停止和关机 (11)6 维护及维修 (11)6.1概述 (11)6.2 检查计划 (11)6.2.1 例行检查(每日/每周) (11)6.2.2 定期检查(每6个月) (12)6.3 备件 (12)6.3.1 备件订购 (12)6.3.2 备件的存放 (12)6.4 推荐的备件 (12)6.5 所需工具 (12)6.6 紧固件扭矩 (13)6.7 拆卸 (13)6.8 装配 (13)7故障原因及纠正措施 (14)8零件清单及图纸 (15)8.1装配结构图及零件清单 (15)8.2爆炸零件图及零件清单 (16)9增补信息 (17)E,CE系列端吸离心泵安装、操作及维护手册1概要该指导手册必须存放在产品的运行位置附近,或者与产品存放在一起。
Installation, Operation, andMaintenance ManualModel e-HMTable of Contents Table of Contents1 Introduction and Safety (2)1.1 Introduction (2)1.2 Inexperienced users (2)1.3 Safety terminology and symbols (2)1.4 Warranty (2)1.5 Spare parts (2)1.6 Declaration of Conformity (2)2 Transportation and Storage (2)2.1 Inspect the delivery (2)2.2 Transportation guidelines (3)2.3 Storage guidelines (3)3 Product Description (3)3.1 Pump design (3)3.2 Application limits (3)3.3 The data plate (3)4 Installation (3)4.1 Facility requirements (4)4.1.1 Pump location (4)4.1.2 Piping requirements (4)4.2 Electrical requirements (4)4.3 Install the pump (5)4.3.1 Install the pump on a concrete foundation (5)4.3.2 Electrical installation (5)5 Commissioning, Startup, Operation, and Shutdown (5)5.1 Prime the pump (5)5.2 Check the rotation direction (three-phase motor) (5)5.3 Start the pump (6)6 Maintenance (6)6.1 Service (6)7 Troubleshooting (6)7.1 Troubleshooting table (6)1 Introduction and Safety1.1 IntroductionPurpose of this manualThe purpose of this manual is to provide necessary information for:•Installation •Operation •MaintenanceCAUTION:Read this manual carefully before installing and using the product. Improper use of the product can cause personal in-jury and damage to property, and may void the warranty.NOTICE:Save this manual for future reference, and keep it readily available at the location of the unit.1.2 Inexperienced usersWARNING:This product is intended to be operated by qualified person-nel only.Be aware of the following precautions:•Persons with diminished capacities should not operate the prod-uct unless they are supervised or have been properly trained by a professional.•Children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play on or around the product.1.3 Safety terminology and symbolsHazard levelsHazard categoriesHazard categories can either fall under hazard levels or let specific sym-bols replace the ordinary hazard level symbols.Electrical hazards are indicated by the following specific symbol:Electrical Hazard:Hot surface hazardHot surface hazards are indicated by a specific symbol that replaces the typical hazard level symbols:CAUTION:Description of user and installer symbols1.4 WarrantyFor information about warranty, see the sales contract.1.5 Spare partsWARNING:Only use original spare parts to replace any worn or faulty components. The use of unsuitable spare parts may cause malfunctions, damage, and injuries as well as void the guar-antee.For more information about the product's spare parts, refer to the Sales and Service department.1.6 Declaration of ConformityWe at,Xylem Inc./Goulds Water Technology 1 Goulds Drive Auburn, NY 13021Declare that the following products: NPE, MCS, MCC, 3642/3752,3656, 3656 SP, GB, e-SV, SVI, NPO, Prime Line SP, HB, e-HM, HMS, LC,NPV, LB, LBS comply with Machine Directive 06/42/EC. This equipment is intended to be incorporated with machinery covered by this direc-tive, but must not be put into service until the machinery into which it is to be incorporated has been declared in conformity with the actual provisions of the directive.Nick DaddabboIndustrial Product Engineer2 Transportation and Storage2.1 Inspect the delivery1.Check the outside of the package.2.Notify our distributor within eight days of the delivery date, if the product bears visible signs of damage.3.Remove the staples and open the carton.4.Remove the securing screws or the straps from the wooden base (if any).5.Remove packing materials from the product. Dispose of all pack-ing materials in accordance with local regulations.6.Inspect the product to determine if any parts have been damaged or are missing.7.Contact the seller if anything is out of order.1 Introduction and Safety2.2 Transportation guidelinesPrecautionsWARNING:•Observe accident prevention regulations in force.•Crush hazard. The unit and the components can be heavy. Use proper lifting methods and wear steel-toed shoes at all times.Check the gross weight that is indicated on the package in order to se-lect proper lifting equipment.Position and fasteningThe unit can be transported either horizontally or vertically. Make sure that the unit is securely fastened during transportation, and cannot roll or fall over.2.3 Storage guidelinesStorage locationNOTICE:•Protect the product against humidity, dirt, heat sources, and me-chanical damage.•The product must be stored at an ambient temperature from -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to 140°F).3 Product Description3.1 Pump designThe pump is a multistage, non-self priming pump. The pump can be used to pump:•Cold water •Warm water Intended useThe pump is suitable for:•Civil and industrial water distribution systems•Irrigation (for example, agriculture and sporting facilities)Improper useDANGER:Do not use this pump to handle flammable and/or explosive liquids.WARNING:Improper use of the pump may create dangerous conditions and cause personal injury and damage to property.NOTICE:Do not use this pump to handle liquids containing abrasive, solid, or fibrous substances, toxic or corrosive liquids, potable liquids other than water, or liquids not compatible with the pump construction material.An improper use of the product leads to the loss of the warranty.3.2 Application limitsTable 1: Pressure and temperature limitsSeal Code 1HM, 3HM5HM10HM,15HM,22HM2-6 Stages 7+ Stages 2-5 Stages 6+ Stages All StagesBQE 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F BQV 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F 235PSI at 248F QQE 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 194F 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 194F 235PSI at 194F QQV 147PSI at 248F 235PSI at 194F147PSI at 248F235PSI at 194F235PSI at 194FBVE147PSI at 194FNot Avail-able 147PSI at 194F Not Avail-able Not Avail-able3.3 The data plateThe data plate is a label on the pump. The data plate lists key productspecifications.1.Goulds Water Technology Catalog Number2.Capacity range3.TDH range4.Rated speed5.Rated horsepower6.Maximum operating pressure7.Maximum fluid temperature8.Pump serial numberIMQ or other marks (for electric pump only)Unless otherwise specified, for products with a mark of electrical-relat-ed safety approval, the approval refers exclusively to the electrical pump.3 Product Description4 InstallationPrecautionsWARNING:•Observe accident prevention regulations in force.•Use suitable equipment and protection.•Always refer to the local and/or national regulations,legislation, and codes in force regarding the selection of the installation site, plumbing, and power connections.4.1 Facility requirements4.1.1 Pump locationDANGER:Do not use this unit in environments that may contain flam-mable/explosive or chemically aggressive gases or powders.GuidelinesObserve the following guidelines regarding the location of the prod-uct:•Make sure that no obstructions hinder the normal flow of the cool-ing air that is delivered by the motor fan.•Make sure that the installation area is protected from any fluid leaks, or flooding.•If possible, place the pump slightly higher than the floor level.•The ambient temperature must be between -30°C (-22°F) and +40°C (+104°F) unless otherwise specified in the data plate.•The relative humidity of the ambient air must be less than 50% at +40°C (+104°F).Installation above liquid source (suction lift)The theoretical maximum suction height of any pump is 34 ft. In prac-tice, this is not achieved due to the following conditions affecting the suction capability of the pump:•Temperature of the liquid•Elevation above the sea level (in an open system)•System pressure (in a closed system)•Resistance of the pipes•Own intrinsic flow resistance of the pump •Height differences NOTICE:Do not exceed the pumps suction capacity as this could cause cavita-tion and damage the pump.4.1.2 Piping requirementsPrecautionsWARNING:•Use pipes suited to the maximum working pressure of the pump. Failure to do so can cause the system to rup-ture, with the risk of injury.•Make sure that all connections are performed by quali-fied installation technicians and in compliance with the regulations in force.•Do not use the on-off valve on the discharge side in the closed position for more than a few seconds. If the pump must operate with the discharge side closed for more than a few seconds, a bypass circuit must be instal-led to prevent overheating of the water inside the pump.Piping checklist•Pipes and valves must be correctly sized.•Pipe work must not transmit any load or torque to pumpflanges.4.2 Electrical requirements•The local regulations in force overrule these specified require-ments. In the case of fire fighting systems (hydrants and/or sprin-klers), check the local regulations.Electrical connection checklistCheck that the following requirements are met:•The electrical leads are protected from high temperature, vibra-tions, and collisions.•The power supply line is provided with:•A short-circuit protection device •A main disconnect switch.The electrical control panel checklistNOTICE:The control panel must match the ratings of the electric pump. Improp-er combinations could fail to guarantee the protection of the motor.Check that the following requirements are met:•The control panel must protect the motor against overload and short-circuit.•Install the correct overload protection (thermal relay or motor pro-tector).Pump TypeProtectionSingle phase standard electric pump up to 3 HP•Built-in automatic reset thermal-overload protec-tion•Short circuit protection (must be supplied by the installer)Three-phase electric pump•Thermal protection (must be supplied by the instal-ler)•Short circuit protection (must be supplied by the installer)•The control panel must be equipped with a dry-running protec-tion system to which a pressure switch, float switch, sensors, or other suitable device is connected.•The following devices are recommended for use on the suction side of the pump:•When the liquid is pumped from a water system, use a pres-sure switch.•When the liquid is pumped from a storage tank or reservoir,use a float switch or sensors.•When thermal relays are used, relays that are sensitive to phase failure are recommended.The motor checklistUse cable according to rules with 3 leads (2+earth/ground) for single phase versions and with 4 leads (3+earth/ground) for three-phase ver-sion.4 Installation4.3 Install the pump4.3.1 Install the pump on a concrete foundation1.Piping support2.On-off valve3.Flexible pipe or joint4.Check valve5.Control panel6.Do not install elbows close to the pump7.Bypass circuit8.Eccentric reducere wide bends 10.Positive gradient11.Piping with equal or greater diameter than the suction port e foot valve13.Do not exceed maximum height difference 14.Ensure adequate submersion depth1.Anchor the pump onto the concrete or equivalent metal structure.•If the liquid temperature exceeds 50°C, the unit must be anchored only by the motor bracket side and not also by the side of the inlet supporting bracket•If the transmission of vibrations can be disturbing, then pro-vide vibration-damping supports between the pump and the foundation.2.Remove the plugs covering the ports.3.Assemble the pipe to the pump threaded connections.Do not force the piping into place.4.3.2 Electrical installationPrecautionsElectrical Hazard:•Make sure that all connections are performed by quali-fied installation technicians and in compliance with the regulations in force.•Before starting work on the unit, make sure that the unit and the control panel are isolated from the power sup-ply and cannot be energized.Grounding (earthing)Electrical Hazard:•Always connect the external protection conductor to ground (earth) terminal before making other electrical connections.Connect the cable1.Connect and fasten the power cables according to the wiring dia-gram under the terminal box cover.a)Connect the ground (earth) lead.Make sure that the ground (earth) lead is longer than the phase leads.b)Connect the phase leads.NOTICE:Tighten the cable glands carefully to ensure the protection against the cable slipping and humidity entering the terminal box.2.If the motor is not equipped with automatic reset thermal protec-tion, then adjust the overload protection according to the nominal current value of electric pump (data plate).5 Commissioning, Startup,Operation, and ShutdownPrecautionsWARNING:Make sure that the drained liquid does not cause damage or injuries.NOTICE:•Never operate the pump below the minimum rated flow.•Never operate the pump with the delivery ON-OFF valve closed for longer than a few seconds.•Do not expose an idle pump to freezing conditions. Drain all liq-uid that is inside the pump. Failure to do so can cause liquid to freeze and damage the pump.•The sum of the pressure on the suction side (water mains, gravity tank) and the maximum pressure that is delivered by the pump must not exceed the maximum working pressure that is allowed (nominal pressure PN) for the pump.•Do not use the pump if cavitation occurs. Cavitation can damage the internal components.5.1 Prime the pumpH>0H<0+H-H121231.Fill plug2.Drain plug3.FunnelInstallations with liquid level above the pump (suction head)Close the on-off valve located downstream from the pump.Installations with liquid level below the pump (suction lift)Open the on-off valve that is located upstream from the pump and close the on-off valve downstream.5.2 Check the rotation direction (three-phase motor)Follow this procedure before start-up.1.Start the motor.2.Stop the motor.3.If the rotation direction is incorrect, then do as follows:a)Disconnect the power supply.b)In the terminal board of the motor or in the electric controlpanel, exchange the position of two of the three wires of the supply cable.c)Check the direction of rotation again.5 Commissioning, Startup, Operation, and Shutdown5.3 Start the pump1.Start the motor.2.Gradually open the on-off valve on the discharge side of the pump.At the expected operating conditions, the pump must run smoothly and quietly. If not, refer to Troubleshooting (page 6).3.If the pump does not start in correctly in 30 seconds, then do the following:a)Switch off the pump.b)Reprime the pump.c)Start the pump again.4.Switch off and on the pump (for about 30 seconds of continuos running) and make sure that all the trapped air is bled out by re-peating this 2–3 times.NOTICE:Make sure that the pump has bled away all the trapped air. Failure to do so can harm the product.6 MaintenancePrecautionsElectrical Hazard:Disconnect and lock out electrical power before installing orservicing the unit.WARNING:•Maintenance and service must be performed by skilled and qualified personnel only.•Observe accident prevention regulations in force.•Use suitable equipment and protection.6.1 ServiceThe pump does not require any scheduled routine maintenance. If the user wishes to schedule regular maintenance deadlines, they are de-pendent on the type of pumped liquid and on the operating conditions of the pump.Contact the local sales and service representative for any requests or information regarding routine maintenance or service.7 TroubleshootingIntroductionAlways specify the exact pump type and identification code when re-questing information or spare parts from the Sales and Service depart-ment.For other situation not mentioned in the table, refer to the Sales and Service department.7.1 Troubleshooting tableProblem Cause and solutionThe pump does not start.•The thermo-overload protection in the single-phase motor has tripped; it will automatically reset when the motor cools down.•Check the power supply wiring to see that the connections are all tight•Check to see that the circuit breaker or ground-fault protection device has tripped. Or replace any fuses that may have blown.•Check to see if any protection device installed for dry running protection has tripped or hung up.Problem Cause and solutionThe pump starts up but the ther-mal protector is triggered after a short time or the fuses blow.•The power supply cable is damaged, the motor short circuits or thermal protector or fuses are not suited for the motor current. Check and re-place the components as necessary.•The thermo-overload protection (single phase)or of the protection device (three-phase) trips due to excessive current input. Check the pump working conditions.•A phase in the power supply is missing. Check the power supply.•The pump is clogged with solids and the impel-ler becomes bound. Clean the pump.The pump starts but does not de-liver any liquid.•Air is entering the suction piping, check the liq-uid level, the tightness of the suction pipes and the operation of the foot valve.•The pump is not correctly primed. Repeat the instructions in Prime the pump (page 5).The pump’s de-livery is re-duced.•Check for restrictions in the piping system.•Wrong rotation of the impeller (three-phase).Check the direction of rotation.•The pump is not correctly primed. Repeat the instructions in Prime the pump (page 5).6 MaintenanceXylem |’zīləm|1) The tissue in plants that brings water upward from the roots2) A leading global water technology companyWe're 12,000 people unified in a common purpose: creating innovative solutions to meet our world's water needs. Developing new technologies that will improve the way water is used, conserved, and re-used in the future is central to our work. We move, treat, analyze, and return water to the environment, and we help people use water efficiently, in their homes, buildings, factories and farms. In more than 150 countries, we have strong, long-standing relationships with customers who know us for our powerful combination of leading product brands and applications expertise, backed by a legacy of innovation.For more information on how Xylem can help you, go to Xylem Inc.2881 East Bayard Street, Suite A Seneca Falls, NY 13148USATel: (866) 325-4210Fax: (888) 322-5877Visit our Web site for the latest version of this document and more informationThe original instruction is in English. All non-English instructions are translations of the original instruction.© 2013 Xylem IncGoulds is a registered trademark of Goulds Pumps, Inc. and is used under license.。
DescriptionThis pump system is designed for decorative use and canimprove water aeration. It produces water fountains up to 15’ in height, and up to 4,900 gallons of water per hour. Make your floating fountain system even more dramatic at night by adding the NightBright lighting system 023069.Operates in 5 feet of water or deeper.UnpackingWhen unpacking the unit, inspect carefully for any damage that may have occurred during transit.Floating Pond Pump SystemModels FPS0501 and SPS0501Operating Instructions & Parts ManualPlease read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in per-sonal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.FW07790909 Supersedes0408General Safety InformationCarefully read and follow all safety instructions in this manual and on pump. Keep safety labels in good condi-tion. Replace missing or damaged safety labels.This is a SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL. When you seethis symbol on the pump or in the manual, look for one of the following signal words and be alert to the potential for personal injury or property damage.Warns of hazards that WILL cause seriouspersonal injury or death, if ignored.Warns of hazards that MAY cause minorpersonal injury, product or property damage if ignored.IMPORTANT: Indicates factors concerned with operation, installation, assembly or maintenance which could result in damage to the machine or equipment if ignored.NOTE: Indicates special instructions which are important but are not related to hazards.Never enter the watereither wading, swimming or in a boat with thepump power on, as this may result in severecarefully. Failure to follow could result in serious bodilyinjury and/or property damage.shall be in accordance with National ElectricCode (NEC) and all applicable local codesand ordinances. A licensed electrician shouldperform installation.“NO SWIMMING” ANDOR WARNING SIGNS SHOULD BE POSTED PERSTATE AND LOCAL CODES.Please affix included warning label to powerreceptacle or junction box.100ft power cord with three prong GFI plug. –Must connect to properly grounded receptacleof grounding type. Do not remove groundpin on plug. Do not extend the cord length by splicing orTHIS UNIT, WITH THE GFI, TO A PROPERLYGROUNDED RECEPTACLE MAY RESULT INto a circuit equipped with a fuse or circuitbreaker of ample capacity.Always disconnect powersource before performing any work on ornear the motor or its connected load. If thepower disconnect point is out-of-sight, lock itin the open position and/or tag it to prevent unexpectedapplication of power. Failure to do so could result in fatalelectrical shock or bodily injury.DO NOT handle pump withwet hands or when standing in water asfatal electrical shock could occur. Disconnectmain power supply before handling systemfor any reason.from coming in contact with sharp objects,oil, grease, hot surfaces or chemicals. DONOT kink the power cable. If damagedbox, fused disconnect switch, or covers open(either partially or completely) when notbeing worked on by a competent electricianor repairman.Always use caution whenoperating electrical controls in damp areas.If possible, avoid all contact with electricalequipment during thunderstorms or extremedamp conditions.equipment in protected area to preventmechanical damage which could produce seriouselectrical shock and/or equipment failure.DO NOT use this system topump flammable liquids such as gasoline, fueloil, kerosene, etc. Failure to follow the abovewarning could result in property damage and/or personal injury.Do not pump water above 120 degreesFahrenheit.Water leaving nozzle is at high velocityand can cause bodily injury if contact is made.in swimming pool areas.!to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects orother reproductive harm.!coming out the bottom and protected from direct rainfall.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Only install this system in ponds where no swimming,wading, boating or fishing is allowed while fountain isoperating. Disconnect power to pump before fishing orentering the water.2. Post appropriate warning signs per local and state codes.3. Inspect pump system for damage before installing inpond. Check that all bolts and screws are tight. Check forany bent prongs or a cracked case on the GFI.4. The unit ships with one spray nozzle attached. To changeto one of the other 2 nozzles, remove the 4 screws fromthe nozzle then replace with desired nozzle. Refer toFigures 1, 2 & 3 for spray pattern appearance. Nozzlesare marked “This side up.” Make sure the o-ring isseated in groove before installing nozzle. Tighten screwsuntil seated, approximately 10 to 12 in-lbs.5. Attach nylon anchor ropes to 3 eyebolts located at topof screen. Secure (make sure rope is tight) to weightsplaced on pond floor or stakes on pond shore. Whenusing weights to anchor the pump, place weightsapproximately 10 feet from unit. Alternately, two anchorropes placed 180 degrees apart can be used, but 3 ropeswill provide the best stability.6. Before connecting the unit to the power receptacle,check to insure there is no leakage to ground. This canbe done by using an ohm meter and setting the scale toits highest setting (i.e. Rx100K). Connect one ohmmeter lead to the unit power cord ground (round prong) and to one of the flat prongs. It should read infinite or at least 2 mega ohms. Repeat with the other prong. If reading is below 2 mega ohms on either prong contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page.7. Do Not Operate System on an Extension Cord. If no power is accessible at the pond, contract a licensed electrician to install the proper power supply in accordance with National Electric Code and all applicable local codes and ordinances.8. After installing the unit, checking ground andconnecting power to the unit, the unit can be powered up. Check operation of the GFI by pushing the “Test” button, the unit should stop. Pushing the “Reset” button should restart the unit. If pressing the “test” button does not stop the unit, immediately shut off power to unit and contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page.NOZZLE PATTERNST h is s id eu p Figure 1: Water Lily - An eye-catching combination spray. Item #2AT h i s s id eu pFigure 2: Sky Cannon - A dramatic single plume of water. Item #2BT h i s s id eu pFigure 3: Water Trumpet - A symmetrical inverted bell shape.Item #2CFigure 4: Typical InstallationINSTALLATION CHECK LIST☐ Read installation instructions and warnings ☐ Post appropriate warning signs ☐ Install desired spray nozzle ☐ Install and anchor unit in pond☐ Check insulation resistance to ground ☐ Power up unit☐ Test operation of GFI by pressing the “Test” Button.☐ File instructions for future reference REQUIRED TOOLS & SUPPLIES• #2 Phillips screwdriver • Nylon rope to anchor unit• Stakes or weights for anchoring unit• Ohm meter to check insulation resistance to groundWINTER STORAGE• Rinse unit with clean water to remove any build-up on unit.• Check unit for any damage.• Store unit in heated space in freezing climates.The pump motor is water lubricated and is factory filledwith an antifreeze solution. During operation the antifreeze may exchange, thru the filtered check valve, with the pond water. In climates where freezing may occur, the unit must be stored in a heated storage space to prevent damage to the motor.TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSESCORRECTIVE ACTIONUnit won’t run Circuit break-er trippedReset circuit breaker GFI Tripped Reset GFINo or low spray Blockedscreen ornozzle, miss-ing or dam-aged o-ring,or incorrectlyinstallednozzleDisconnect power. Clean screenand/or nozzle. Check that o-ring isundamaged and seated in groove.Check that nozzle is installed prop-erly (nozzles are marked “This sideup”). Check depth of pond. If lessthan 5 feet deep, move to deepersection. Restart unit.GFI Trips Electricalstorm can tripGFIReset GFIShort in sys-tem Disconnect power and check cord for damage. If cord is damaged contact Customer Service Help Line listed at bottom of page for replacement.Unit spins Anchor ropeloose Check anchor rope and re-attach if necessaryItem #Qty Part No.Description16021624Screw - #10 x 3/4 Pan Head High-Low 2A1021617Nozzle - Water Lily2B1021618Nozzle - Sky Cannon2C1021619Nozzle - Water Trumpet31021622O-Ring - AS568A - 041 (3” ID x 3/18” OD) 44021628Bolt - SS 1/4-20 x 3/454021629Lockwasher - 1/4”61021707Mounting Flange71021534Float81021713Pump End91021740Motor 1/2 HP 115V104127021Locknut - SS 5/16-24111021715100 ft. power cord with GFI11A1021614GFI123021609Eye Bolt - SS 1/4-20 x 2-1/2133021623Locknut - SS 1/4--20141021608Screen151021611Screen Cap161021613Strain Relief172021625Warning DecalFlow (GPH)Spray Height(Ft.)PatternImagePatternName 490015Thissi de upIL053Thissi de upThissi de upWater Lily- 2A 330015Sky Cannon- 2B 270013WaterTrumpet - 2C15161112(A/B/C)345671710911131214811A。
Please read this manual carefully before attempting to install, operate or maintain the product described. Failure to comply with the information provided in this manual could result in personal injury and/or property damage. Retain this manual for future reference.LaingSeal-less CentrifugalCanned Motor PumpsFor Instant Hot Water Recirculating Systems About LAING PumpsLaing Recirc ®pumps have only one moving part--the rotor/impeller. The motor creates an electro-magnetic field that balances and spins the rotor/impeller on a stationary bearing ball inside thepump cavity. The motor is fully encapsulated inresin, has no moving shafts or seals, and elimi-nates conventional wear that can generate noise.Like all seal-less centrifugal circulators, the pumpcannot be run without water lubricating the bearing.The pump housing must be flooded before start-upand water must be maintained in the system duringpump operation. The unique leak-proof integrationof the motor and pump housing eliminates theneed for conventional mechanical seals or othershaft sealing devices. These components are self-lubricating and require no external lubrication.WARRANTYLaing recirculation pumps are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for 24 months from the date of manufacture (see mfg. date label on pump) or twelve (12) months from date of user purchase,with proof of purchase, whichever is later. In order to receive warranty considerations, the product must be returned prepaid to the company from which it was originally purchased. If the pump is found defective, the pump will be replaced or in the case of wholesale customers, appropriate purchase credit will be issued.Prior to returning any defective pump to Laing for warranty consideration, contact the Laing factory for an RMA tracking number. Any claim for consequential damages resulting from a pump malfunction is not covered by the Laing warranty. Additional warranty details are available on request.(1/02)SM-303-B Models:SM-303-B SMT-303-B SM-909-B-14SMT-909-B-14UC-303-B UCT-303-B SMT-303-B with 24 hour timerSM-909-B-14SMT-909-B-14with 24 hour timerUC-303-B UCT-303-B with 24hour timerAbout Recirculation SystemsAir in the System: A properly installed system should include a method of automatically venting the air that enters the water supply line during use. Air enters the system each time fresh, cold water is introduced into the hot water heater. Air may also enter the system any time a plumbing line is opened, for instance during a faucet change or adding a sprinkler system.Water Pressure: A recirculating system is a pressurized system operating at the city waterpressure, as determined by the pressure regulator on your line, or by a well pump, if you are on a well system. In most residential plumbing systems, water pressure is set at 35 psi and above.Below 35 psi, water pressure may not be sufficient to fill the pipe diameter, leaving space for air to accumulate in the lines. If your system pressure is less than 35 psi, use the next larger pump on the Pump Selection Guide.Multiple Floors: Because the system is pressurized, the number of floors in a home is not taken into consideration in sizing the circulating pump. The pump has only to produce continuous flow at a pressure sufficient to overcome the friction losses created by the piping in the house water supply line and the return line.Oversized Pumps: Pumps should not be so large as to produce flow rates that may eventually erode holes in the pipes. According to the Copper Development Association, excessive erosion occurs at a velocity of about 5 ft. per second and higher; or about 4 GPM in 1/2” Type M copper pipe; and 8 GPM in 3/4” pipe. Use the recommended recirculation line size shown in the Pump Selection Guide. Laing pumps are sized so that flow velocities are well below these limits.Pump Selection Guide: The Laing SM and UC 303 models are designed to handle the recircula-tion requirements of residences with a pipe loop (the total length of hot water supply line plus the recirculation line) up to 250 feet while the SM-909 model pump is designed to handle the circula-tion requirements of residences and small apartment complexes with pipe loop runs to 700 or 1000feet. The chart below provides a simple rule of thumb to help you match the pump to your system.Housing Codes:BS 1/2 - 1/2” Sweat BT 1/2 - 1/2” Female NPT BS 3/4 - 3/4” Sweat BF - Flanged Total Pipe Loop Recirc Line Pump Model Building Size (Supply & Return)Pipe Size SM-303, UC-303(BS 1/2” or BT 1/2”)Residential 250 ft.1/2”SM-909-B14 (BS 1/2 or BS 3/4)Residential 700 ft.1/2” or 3/4”SM-909-B-18, 909-B-26Large residential,1000 ft.3/4”(BS 3/4” or BF)hotel, apartment orcommercial buildingPump Selection GuidePump Data Model HP RPM WattVolt Phase Cycle Amps SM/SMT-303, UC/UCT-3031/1503400331151600.3SM/SMT-909-141/503400651151600.6SM/SMT-909-181/203400981151600.9SM/SMT-909-26About Plastic PipingIn many cities throughout the U.S. Polybutylene and CPVC plastic piping is approved for use in residential water systems for both hot and cold water supply lines. However , it is not clear as to the plastic pipe manufacturer’s position relative to the approved use of their pipe when there is always hot water in the hot water lines such as would be the case with a hot water recirculation system. Evidently having hot water in the lines intermittently is acceptable (timer operated pump)but not constantly. As a result Laing cannot offer any recommendations for or against the use of plastic pipe until such time as the plastic pipe manufacturers themselves establish a clear position in this regard. Check your local codes on the permissibility of plastic piping for your hot water recirculation system.Note: provide upward slope of piping from thepump to the water heater.Installation and Start Up1. Select the sink under which to connect the recirculation line (the sink where the hot water takes longest to arrive which is usually the sink farthest from the water heater).2. Plan your installation. Decide on the course of the recirculation pipe (also determin-ing the length of the pipe required) and whether the return line should be connected to the water heater cold water inlet line (tee fitting required) or to the bottom water heater drain valve (“Y” type fitting required to fit to existing drain valve outlet). See figure 1 and 2 for the installation schematic.Above diagrams are for single line returns only. For multiple branched supply line installa-tions, a recirculation line should be installed for each branch.Note: The pump must always be installed below the water level of water heater so that the pump flow is always upward or directly horizontal and not downward. Do not mount the pump above the water heater.3. Purchase materials required.• Laing Recirc® Pump (SM-303/UC-303 or SM-909)• (1) 1/2” or 3/4” swing check valve • Copper pipe or tubing• (1) 1/2” or 3/4” hose bib • Tee for under sink connect• (1) Auto air vent • Tee or “Y” fitting connection to water heater• Misc. nipples and fittings • (2) 1/2” or 3/4” shut-off valves • Pipe insulationA. Return into Cold Water Line at Top of WaterHeater fig. 1B. Return to Drain Valve at Bottom of Water Heater Shut-Off Valve (allows isolation of water in the tank in the event of pump servicing).Hose Bib (allows venting of air from system at start-up).Auto Air Vent (allows continuous venting of air bubbles that intrude into all hot water circulating systems during operation).4. Shut off the water to the house.Or, if the Rotor/Impeller cannot be removed using forefinger and thumb,carefully lever offevenly with twoscrewdrivers.5. Drain the plumbing lines by opening the faucets in the house. Drain the water heater if you plan to make the connection at the botom of the water heater, which requires removal of the drain valve.6. Connect the return line at the last faucet riser and run to the water heater. Tee the return line as close to the end of the hot water supply line as possible and run the return line back to the water heater.7. Install the pump and other components required in accordance with the diagrams provided in fig. 1 or 2 and connect the return line to the water heater (also see fig. 3).For SM(T) and UC(T) 303 ModelsCheck pump operation before youbegin. Unscrew the pump housing fromthe motor (fig. 4) and run the pumpfor a few seconds to make sure it isoperational. Remove the rotor (see fig.5) and add a little water to the bearingball for lubrication. Do not usegrease or oil to lubricate the pump.Fig. 5303-Models - Rotor/Impeller Installation: To remove the rotor unit, grasp the top of the unit and gently pull straight up. Do not pull up on one side only or push the rotor sideways. If the rotor sits too tightly, carefully lever it off with a screwdriver on each side of the rotor. When re-installing the rotor, use enough force to hear the rotor “click” on to the ceramic bearing and spin the rotor with your fingers to insure that it turns freely.For SM(T) - 909 ModelsThis unit may be installed into the pipe system without disassembling the pump.However, it is recommended that the motor section be disassembled from the pumphousing by removing the two pump housing screws so that the system may be flushed as noted in paragraph 9.Remove the Rotor/Impeller by usingforefinger and thumband pulling upward.Fig. 4Remove the motor unit and o-ring from the pump housing into the plumbing line. Do not sweat the housing into the plumbing line with the motoror o-ring attached.Arrows on thepump housingindicate the direction of water flow.Caution: Only hand tighten the screw ring. Do not overtighten! Do not use plumbers putty on the screw ring.Ultracirc ModelsThe UC and UCT-303 models incorporate a shut off valve and check valve into the brass pump housing eliminating the need to install these components.These models are supplied with 1/2” union fittings. These fittings should be removed from the pump housing before soldering to avoid damaging the internal valves.U.L. CautionThis pump has been tested using water only. Its suitability for use with liquids other thanwater is the end user’s responsibility.Incorrect InstallationDo not mount in these orientationsPump Mounting Positions fig. 3Correct Installation8. Close the shut-off valve on the inlet side of the pump and turn the water supply to the house back on.9. Flush system of debris. Before reattaching the pump motor, open the shut-off valve on the inlet side of the pump housing and let water flow through the housing. Use a bucket to catch the water. Let the water run long enough to clear all sand, solder pellets, plumb-ers tape flakes, etc. from the lines. Close the inlet shut-off valve when finished.10. Connect the pump motor to the housing. Make sure the rubber o-ring is in place in the housing and the screw ring is securely hand tightened (for 303 models) or that the top housing screws are firmly in place and tightened (909 models). Reopen the shut-off valve or valves and let the water flood the pump housing.11. Purge air from the supply line. Turn on the faucet or shower farthest from the water heater. Open the line until you get a good, steady stream of water without sputter or evidence of air.12. Purge air from the return line. Connect the pump to the electrical supply. With the pump running, open the hose bib and let water run until the pump is running quietly and there is no sputtering or other evidence of air coming from the hose bib. Close the hose bib. Your system is now in operation. Allow a few minutes for instant hot water to recircu-late to all of your faucets.SAFETY PRECAUTION: Remove the handle from the hose bib(s) to prevent a small child from mistaking it for a cold water faucet.Insulating both the hot water supply and recirculation lines is strongly recommended.13. If you have an SMT or UCT timer pump, set your timer in accordance with the instructions on the following page.Do• install an air vent mounted in a vertical position (if provided).• use 1/2” recirculation line tubing.• check to be sure there are no crimps or sharp bends in the recirculation line that would restrict the flow.• be sure the check valve is installed in the proper direction of the flow.• be sure all air is purged from the system prior to starting the pump.• use a water conditioner if you have hard water.• be sure the gate valves are open before turning on the pump.• install the pump pumping in upward direction only.Do Not• use grease or oil to lubricate the pump - it is self-lubricating.• over tighten the screw ring (SM-303 models).• install the pump with the motor above the pump housing.• install the pump pumping away from the water heater nor pumping downward.• start the pump before the system is full of water and purged of air.• allow the water heater temperature above 140ºF.• install the pump in the supply line to faucets.• use any pipe size other than 1/2” for SM-303 or UC-303 models.• position the pump at the top of the water heater.Notes:Keep The Hot Water Temperature Below 140ºF: Higher temperatures can cause calcium and magne-sium elements to come out of solution and create solids which could not only cause damage to the pump but also reduce water heater efficiency and premature failure of the water heater.Hard Water Conditions: Use a water conditioner. Hard water can cause scale build-up and eventuallyreduce the life of the pump and other system components.If timer controlled operation is desired, the timer may be programmed to allow the system to operate during the hours desired (i.e. “ON” from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and “OFF” from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.)as follows:•Open the timer cover and rotate the dial clockwise until the correct time is aligned with the pointer (Ǡ) on the dial face. If the indicator cannot be located on the face of the timer, there is an additional arrow indicator (Ǡ) on the side of the timer. Be certain to choose the correct “AM” or “PM” time.•Pull all the tabs upward or outward during the timeyou want the system to operate automatically. (Pullthe tabs “upward” on Timer Version A or push thetabs outward on Timer Version B).•On Timer Version A, each tab is a 30-minuteincrement. On Timer Version B, each tab is a 15-minute increment. As an example, if the desiredtime of operation is between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00p.m., all of the tabs between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.should be pulled upward or pushed outward.•Slide the switch bar to “timer”.The timer mode will provide the most cost effective method of operation and can be programmed to run only during the time periods when hot water is most frequently required.Version A Version BProtected by one or more of the following Patents:4580335, 4615662, 4822256, 4834628,5094593, 5143049, 5749715, 6149407, 6227235Do’s and Do Not’sTimer Controlled OperationSystem MaintenanceStandard Dry Run Thermostat OperationEach SM(T)-303 and UC(T)-303 model pump has a built-in 200ºF thermal cut-off in order to protect against overheating, which could cause damage to the pump motor. In the event that disruption of your immediate hot water supply is noticed it is possible that the pump has or is running dry and the internal dry run thermal protector has shut down the pump motor. In this event, it is important that the dry run condition be corrected (otherwise the pump will fail prematurely) by following the procedure below:1. Disconnect power to the pump motor.2. Close the shut-off valves on each side of the pump.3. Remove the pump motor/rotor assembly from the pump housing.4. Dry off the pump motor/rotor assembly. Remove the rotor and check for any calcium build-up,foreign matter or any signs of wear. If these signs are not present, put the rotor back in place on the ceramic ball.5. Hold the pump motor/rotor assembly upright and plug in the unit for about 10 seconds to see if the rotor spins evenly and quietly. If the motor does not go on, allow a few more minutes for the thermo-stat to reset as the unit cools down.6. If the rotor spins properly, unplug the motor and reinstall the assembly into the pump housing.7. Turn both shut-off valves to the on position, reconnect the electrical supply to the pump motor, and be sure that air is properly purged from your system.130ºF On-Off Thermostat Option “C”Pumps with the letter “C” in the model are provided with a factory option “C” internal thermal cut-off which automatically shuts the pump down when the temperature of the water passing through the pump housing reaches 130ºF +/- 10ºF and turns the pump on at 110ºF +/- 10ºF (SM/SMT 909-14 only).Variable Setting On-Off Thermostat Option “R”Pumps with the letter “R” in the model designation are provided with a factory installed internal thermal cut-off with an adjustable On-Off temperature dial located on the outside of the motor. This dial can be rotated by placing a thin screw driver in the dial slot which allows the pump to turn off automatically when the water temperature passing through the pump housing reaches the dial setting selected-between 95ºF and 140ºF. The pump will turn back on automatically when the water temperature cools down to 10ºF below the set temperature (SM/SMT-303 only).•Do not attempt to lubricatethe pump. The pump is self-lubricating.•Prevent the pump fromrunning dry.•Flush the system of anydebris and re-purge all airfrom the system in the eventof any water supply interrup-tions in plumbing line.•Prevent heavy scale build-upby keeping the hot watertemperature 140ºF or less.•Don’t over salt your waterconditioner.Replacement PartsPlease provide the followinginformationwhen ordering:• Model number• Serial number SM-303-B SM-909-B-14Housing “O” Ring Rotor Assembly MotorAssembly Screw Ring UC-303-B Housing “O” Ring Rotor Assembly Motor AssemblyScrew RingTrouble ShootingNoise in the System: The pump should be virtually noiseless during operation. The rotor may make a brief but hardly perceptible fluttering noise immediately after the pump is turned off. During normal operation, an occasional air bubble may pass through the pump housing causing a momentary gurgling noise. However, if noise at the pump persists for any prolonged period, correct the problem (see below).• The check valve is mistakenly installed on the inlet side of pump or in the wrong direction.• The inlet side shut-off valve is closed or clogged.• There is air is trapped in the pump housing (turn the pump on and off several times to see if the air pocket can be “bumped” out of the pump and if not, then open the hose bib for manual venting).• There is debris blocking the rotor.• The rotor bearing has worn due to dry running causing the rotor to wobble during operation.• If the return line connects to the cold water supply at the top of water heater, the warm water may be creating back pressure in the cold supply line. If so, add a check valve on the cold supply line above the return line tee connector.Pump Operating Intermittently or Not at All:• No power to the pump.• There is debris or foreign matter in the pump.• The thermostat is not functioning properly (see page 6 on thermostat operation). If wanted, the thermostat may be easily disconnected. Contact the Laing factory for details.Water Taking Too Long to Get to Faucet:• The hot water supply from the water heater is exhausted.• The faucet involved may be on a branch line off the main hot water supply line in which case there may be a slightly longer wait for hot water to arrive than atfaucets directly off the main supply line.• The check valve is installed backwards.• The pump is not operating.• The timer is not operating properly.Signs of Dry Run:Dry run results from inadequate water supply to the pump, which prevents lubrication of the bearing ball. It may be caused by operating the pump without water in the plumbing lines, which may occur with frozen pipes, or by failing to turn the pump off when thesystem is drained for servicing. It can also occur as the result of large air bubbles collect-ing in the pump housing and preventing the flow of water over the bearing ball. If the problem is air in the system, check that the air vent is functioning, that the system isproperly purged of air and that the pump and various system components are installed in accordance with the diagrams shown on page 3.Laing Thermotech, Inc.2295 Main Street, San Diego, CA 92154-4702Phone: (619) 575-7466 Fax: (619) 575-2739U L C US®。
Steritest 泵控制器说明书
Avec la fonction Temporisateur l'écran principal.Appuyer surpour ouvrir la têtede pompe.pour sélectionnerle Mode Standard.le Mode Standard.Installer l'unité Steritest™ sur la pompe.Appuyer sur pour fermer la tête de pompe.de la pompe.fixer la valeur du temporisateur .Remarque : Non accessible lorsque la pompe est en fonctionnement.Configurer la pompeMode Régulation de la pressionSans la fonction Temporisateurpour arrêter la pompe avant la fin du temps prédéfini.Utilisation en Mode Stan dardGuide rapide de l'interface utilisateurde la pompe Steritest™ SymbioUtilisation en Mode Méthodes de testà l'écran principal.Remarque : Ce mode n'est accessible que si des méthodes de test ont été préalablement chargées dans la pompeà l'aide du logiciel Steritest™ Symbio.à l'écran précédent..Appuyer surpourouvrir la tête de pompe.à l'étape précédente.à l'écran précédent.Remarque : Pour télécharger le Guide l'utilisateur de la pompe Steritest™ Symbio complet, rendez-vous sur /steritest-symbio.© 2019 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Allemagne et/ou ses sociétés affiliées. Tous droits réservés.Merck , Steritest, Sigma-Aldrich et Millipore sont des marques de Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Allemagne, ou d'une société affiliée. Toutes les autres marques citées appartiennent à leurs propriétaires respectifs. Des informations détaillées sur les marques sont disponibles via des ressources accessibles au public. PF16602FR Version 3.0 01/2019L'activité Life Science de Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Allemagne opère sous le nom de MilliporeSigma aux États-Unis et au Canada.Appuyer sur pour fermer la tête de pompe.Une fois la dernière étape de la méthode de test terminée, appuyer sur pour ouvrir la tête de pompe.Suivre les instructions de l'étape. Puis appuyer surpour passer à l'étape suivante.。
Peerless ELS垂直湍流水泵说明书
Enclosed Line Shaft Threaded ColumnSpecificationsCapacities: ..............Up to 100,000 gpm (2,273 m 3/hr)Head: ........................Up to 2,300 feet (760 meters)Pressure: .................Fit to the applicationHorsepower: .........Up to 5,000 hp (3,730 kW)Temperature: .........Up to 180 °F (82 °C)Drives: .......................Vertical electric motors, engines with right angle gears,combination gear drives, or vertical motors with variable speed drives Liquids: .....................Water or abrasive liquidsMaterials: .................Cast iron/bronze-fitted standard; alternate materials available to suit the application.Peerless PumpThe Peerless Pump ELS vertical turbinepump provides a wide range of hydraulic and mechanical coverage. Peerless Pump offers many different material and design configurations; these numerous configuration options allow for custom-engineered construction tailored to suit your requirements. Maximum value, high efficiency and economical long-term pump performance are assured in each application.ApplicationsELS pumps can be lubricated either with oil or a clean water flush. Corrosion-resistant materials are available for many industrial uses. Applications vary from small, single pump commercial applications to large, multi-pump municipal water supply systems . ELS pumps are appropriate for both raw water transfer and finished water projects. They are also widely used in mining and agriculture . In addition, Peerless ELS vertical lineshaft pumps are the best choice for deep-set wells (up to 1500 feet).FeaturesPeerless Pump’s standard cast iron discharge head can handle pressures up to 400 psi . Discharge heads are standardized to accommodate the maximum number of NEMA motor sizes, and a variety of options such as fabricated steel construction or underground discharge are available.Enclosed-type bronze impellers are standard. Peerless impellers cover a wide range of flow and head conditions. Each impeller is balanced for smooth operation .Peerless standard ELS bowls are cast with integral vanes to guide the flow to the next stage with minimum losses and maximum efficiency . Bypass ports cast in the top bowl equalize the internal tube pressure and prevent the pumped liquid from entering the lubrication line and bearings. In addition, all bowls are porcelain-lined for protection and efficiency.Peerless Pump pioneered and patented the “double seal” feature in bowls. The two sealing surfaces prevent efficiency-robbing recirculation within the bowl. Minimal radial clearances between the impeller skirt and the bowl create a dynamic sealing surface. The static sealing surface is the lateral ring, installed into the bowl below the impeller skirt. This lateral ring is constructed of a rigid metallic core surrounded by heavy-duty resilient rubber. Lateral rings protect bowl surfaces, provide protection for the impellers in case of catastrophic failures, and enable prolonged pumping efficiency.Threaded column is available for pumps up to 16 inches in diameter. Straight-threaded column is an economical yet durable choice, particularly in the municipal market.Quality EngineeringPeerless Pump designs tough, versatile products to meet your pumping needs. Peerless vertical turbine pumps deliver variety, durability, standardized options and configurations unequalled in the industry. Please contact your local Peerless Pump sales office to find outmore about vertical turbine pump options and prices.Vertical Lineshaft Turbine PumpsThe content of this brochure is subject to change without notice. Copyright 2003 by Peerless Pump Company. Printed in U.S.A. 4/03. Brochure B-103Peerless Pump Company P .O. Box 7026Indianapolis, IN 46207-7026(317)925-9661, Fax: (317)924-7388ELS Vertical Turbine Range Chart - 1180 RPMH E A D (F e e t )FLOW (M 3/HR)FLOW (GPM)H E A D (M e t e r s )H E A D (F e e t )FLOW (GPM)H E A D (M e t e r s )FLOW (M 3/HR)ELS Vertical Turbine Range Chart - 1750 RPMAdjusting NutShaft Supportsupport.ush connectionLineshaftprotectionavailablenishedTop Bowloptimal support。
E+L DC5502莱默尔控制器中文说明书1
E RHARDT + LKRS52-FR5502中文操作說明书目录一、KRS 定型机布边追踪器1.功能……………………………………………………………………2.装设……………………………………………………………………3.安装……………………………………………………………………4.设定编辑………………………………………………………………5.设定DC55.. ……………………………………………………………6.操作和控制盒NT5..……………………………………………………7.最佳的设定……………………………………………………………8.错误讯息………………………………………………………………9.保养维修………………………………………………………………10.技术数据………………………………………………………………3 8 9 11 17 23 24 27 32 32二、红外线布边追踪电眼FR 5502 (数字型)1.总论……………………………………………………………………2.功能……………………………………………………………………3.装设……………………………………………………………………4.安装……………………………………………………………………5.装置设定………………………………………………………………6.操作……………………………………………………………………7.内部设定以及错误讯息………………………………………………8.保养以及维修…………………………………………………………9.配件以及备用零件……………………………………………………10.配线图…………………………………………………………………11.技术数据………………………………………………………………36 36 37 38 39 41 43 46 46 46 46三、KR 52 布边追踪器驱动马达1.安全……………………………………………………………………2.性能设计………………………………………………………………3.功能……………………………………………………………………4.组装……………………………………………………………………5.安装……………………………………………………………………..6.保养维修………………………………………………………………7.损耗品…………………………………………………………………8.配件……………………………………………………………………9.替换注意事项……………………………………………………………10.技术数据…………………………………………………………………48 48 48 50 53 54 54 54 54 60标记说明→:作业要点‖:注意事项! :定型机布边追踪器安全操作事项构造操作说明E + L 定型机布边追踪器操作说明,由总体系统(A)、个别系统(B、C、…W﹚、其他备件表(X)、参数表(Y)、图表(Z)。
Watson-Marlow Bredel 科学用泵产品说明书
and operate. Each pump is flexible and can be quickly adjusted to perform your exact instruction.Quality has always been a feature of Watson-Marlow pumps and the Sci-Q range enhances this with features like brushless DC drives and precision gearboxes. Reliability, accuracy and long life ensure best value for your 60070ml /mi n –10.4l i t r e /m i n 5000.02ml /mi n –3.5l i t r e /m i n 401µl /m in–730ml /m i n3002µl /m in–2.2l i t 2000.6µl /m i n–22m l /m i n1001µl /m i n–53m l /m i nD i s p e n s i n g0.54m l /m i n –8.5l i tr e/m i nBrushless DC motor means zero Choice of control options – manual,8MC X•••18MC •••4MC X•••14MC•••314D2•••••314X•••••314D•••••13D2•••••313X•••••313D•••••323323S 32323323S 32323323S 32323323S 32323323S 32323323S 32323323U32323323U32323323U32323323U32624Di/Lhas the same long life as Marprene but complies with USP Class VI,resistance, long life and very high burst pressures. Chem-Sure is USP Class VI performance and low gas permeability. FDA approved for use with food and isPhysical compatibilityTemperatureThe chart shows the temperature range of each tubing type when suction and delivery pressures are negligible. Operating temperatures ofBioprene, Marprene, Chem-Sure, Sta-Pure and silicone tubing are limited to 80C, but all may be autoclaved up to 135C.-4F32F70F105F140F175FMarprene/BiopreneSiliconeNeopreneChem-SurePVCSta-Pure-20C0C20C40C60C80CPressureChoose the smallest bore size of tubing which will give the required flow rate.Marprene/BiopreneSiliconeNeopreneChem-SurePVCSta-PureLow Pressure capability HighSuctionAs with pressure, choose the smallest bore of tube which will produce the required flow rate. Equally important, however, is therestitutional power of the tubing material:Marprene/BiopreneSiliconeNeopreneChem-SurePVCSta-PureLow Restitutional Power HighPermeabilityMarprene/BiopreneSiliconeNeopreneChem-SurePVCSta-PureHigh Permeability Low 26Tube life102R tube life range (hours)No pressure. 32rpm. Clockwise rotation. 4.8mm (3/16") bore silicone tubing.Platinum silicone900313 and 314 pumphead tube life range (hours)No pressure. 110rpm. 6.4mm bore tubing.Marprene/Bioprene 10000Platinum silicone 230Sta-Pure10000520R pumphead tube life range (hours): clockwise rotationNo pressure. 220rpm. Clockwise rotation. 6.4mm bore tubing, except Marprene which was 4.8mm bore.Marprene/Bioprene 10000Neoprene 40Platinum silicone 200Chem-Sure 6000Sta-Pure 10000PVC90620R tube life range (hours)Conditions: Zero pressure. 100rpm. Clockwise rotation. 12.7mm bore tubing.Marprene/Bioprene 6000Neoprene 60Platinum silicone 230Chem-Sure 5000Sta-Pure 6000PVC9005001000500010000ViscosityThe flow rates given in this catalogue are valid for fluids with viscosities in the range 1 to 100 centipoise.Increased fluid viscosity will result in decreased flow rate. Choose a tubing with as large a wall thickness as possible, which could, for instance, mean using a 600 series pump which user greater wall thickness tubing, rather than a 500 series pump. Following this guidance will allow fluids with viscosities up to 2500centipoise to be satisfactorily handled.Contact Watson-Marlow or its local distributor for advice on specific applications.27T u b e l i f e•Flow rates from 1µl to 610 ml/min•Precision multi-roller pumpheads for accurate flows •Single channel 102R pumphead for use with Silicone or Marprene tubing•Digital and analogue process signal control •Flow rates from 10 µl/min to 4.4 litre/min•Manual, analogue and digital RS232/RS485 control•ATEX rated, three phase and pneumatic drives •Seven pumpheads options including low-pulse high accuracy 505L• Dosing and dispensing pump for +/- 0.5% accuracy•Flow rates from 50ml/min to 18.3 litre/min •Manual, auto and digital control•Close coupled pumps for the three phaseoperation including pneumatic and ATEX options •One minute maintenance LoadSure elements •Flow rates from 1.6 litre/min to 2,000 litre/ hour •Single or twin channel operation•Driven roller pumphead extends tube life•LoadSure elements ensure correct tube loading every time •Fixed or variable speed drives•Flow rates 2 litre/min to 8,000 litre/hour•Full Clean-In-Place and Steam-In-Place capability •Extensive motor/gearbox control options•Flow rates to 0.3 litre/min 80 cubic metres/hour •Reinforced hoses enable pressures up to 16 bar •Fixed and mechanically or electronically variable speed drives including ATEX versions•Flow rates from 1µl/min to 53ml/min •Rapid and simple tube loading•Manual, auto and digital TTL control100200300600700800500SPX520S /R623S /R 825323E /D205S /C A101F /RS P 10 a n d 15400401U /D 1S P 25704U /R E a n d 704S /R E 624S /R E 520U /R 401U /D M 3323S /D 205U /C A101U /R •Flow rates from 0.6µl/min to 22ml/min per channel •Precise flow control for each individual channel •Manual, auto and digital TTL controlWatson-Marlow Bredel pumps bring you…NEWSingle or multi-channel benchtop pumps with manual, remote,analogue, RS232 control and accurate dispensing.NEWSuperb range of IP31 and IP66 rated pumps for science and industry as well as fixed and variablespeed close-coupled pumps.IP55 mid-flow process pumps with full clean-in-place and steam-in-place capability.Industrial cased and baseplate mounted pumps for use withcontinuous tubing or new LoadSure elements. Three phase motors, ATEX rated drives or pneumatic.High-flow hygienic pumping using USP Class VI Bioprene tubing or STA-PURE tubing.High flow high-pressure industrial pumps with unique patented direct coupled design. Duplex and CIP models available.Low flow single channel pumps.Fixed and manual/auto control variable speed.Near pulseless, multi-channel cassette pumps with up to 32 channels.NEWUltra-compact scientific pumps for low flow single or multi-channel applications.2bar2bar 2bar 2bar 2bar 4bar 2bar 7bar 16bar840•Accurate and repeatable flow rates•Contamination free pumping - ideal for shear-sensitive fluids, viscous sludges or slurries, and aggressive acids and caustics•Flow rates from 0.01µl/min to 33 litre/min •Single and multi-channel pumpheads•Synchronous, DC, induction, shaded-pole or stepper motors•Optional Eurocard pcb enables full controllabilityOEM100300A wide range of instrument quality and industrial OEM pumpheads for fitting to users own drives, or with faceplate-mounted motor options.12bar•Twelve tubing materials in bore sizes 0.13mm to 25.4mm•Autoclavable Marprene, Bioprene, STA-PURE, Chem-Sure and Pumpsil Silicone (platinum-cured) with LaserTraceability •Four hose materials including Natural Rubber, Nitrile NBR,Hypalon and EPDM from 10mm to 100mmTubing HosesM a r p r e n e B i o p r e n e Extensive range of tubing ensures chemical compatibility. USP Class VI and FDA approvals. Precision machined, re-inforced hosesprovide flow stability and excellent suction performance.•Easy to install, operate and maintain •Virtually maintenance free - no expensive seals, valves, diaphragms or rotors to leak,clog or corrode•Flow rates from 2µl/min to 3 litre/min•High visibility digital display with membrane keypad •Single channel or up to ten separate channels •Zero maintenance brushless DC motors•New 323Dz general purpose dispensing pump704U /R a n d 704S /RS P X 32701F /R701P B /R624U /R E624D i /L621F /R621V I /R E621F X /R E520D u /R520S N /R 2520U N /R 2520D u N /R 2521F /R 2403U /R 1403U /U L 2405U /R 1405U /L403U /V M 2621D V /R E521V I /R 2621P /R E 520D i /L 403U /V M 4S P X 40•Designed for continuous duty - 24 hours/7 days •Pumps act as their own check-valves400500S i l i c o n eS t a -P u r e600P V C700N e o p r e n eF l u o r e lC h e m -S u r eH o s e s•Self-priming up to 9 metres (30 feet) and dry running •Reversible flow directionS P X 50S P X 65S P X 80S P X 100S P X D U P L E X 323U /D323D u /D323D z /D314M CDrive F Fixed speed S Manual control variable speed U Manual/auto control variable speed Du Digital/analogue control variable speed Dz Dispenser Di Precision dispenser, RS232 control VI Varmeca controlled FX Fixed speed duplex drive DF ATEX EExd T4 fixed speed P PneumaticDVB ATEX Exd T4, mechanical variable speed PB Pneumatic, baseplate mounted SN/UN/DuN (N) denotes IP66 protectionPumphead R Single channel pumphead R2Single channel pumphead for 2.4mm wall tubing RE Single channel pumphead for LoadSure elements CA High precision multi-channel cassette pumphead D1Single channel, four roller pumphead D Single channel, three or four roller, 'flip-top' pumphead DM2-3Three channel pumphead for three bridge manifold tubing R1Single channel, four roller pumphead L2Two channel, four roller pumphead L Precision 'low pulse' pumpheadVM2-4Precision low flow multi-channel pumphead for two bridge manifold tubingCode descriptionseg: 101U /R = Manual/auto control variable speed with single channel pumphead403U /R701F /R E701P B /R E700 E l e m e n t K i tWolf Laboratories LimitedTel:01759301142Fax:****************************.ukUse the above details to contact us if this literature doesn't answer all yourquestions.Pricing on any accessories shown can be found by keying the part numberinto the search box on our website.The specifications listed in this brochure are subject to change by the manufacturer and therefore cannot be guaranteed to be correct. If there are aspects of the specification that must be guaranteed, please provide these to our sales team so that details can be confirmed.。
COMPARE THESE FEATURES• Non-clogging engineered plastic vortex impeller design.• Corrosion resistant powder coated epoxy fi n i sh.• Durable cast construction. Cast switch case, motor, pump housing and base. No sheet metal parts to rust or corrode.• Castings - All cast iron class 25-30 25000# tensile strength.• Stainless steel screws, guard, handle, arm and seal assembly.• Float operated submersible (NEMA 6) 2-pole mechanical switch.• Motor - Permanent split capacitor, 60 Hz, 1725 RPM, oil-fi lled, her m et i c al l y sealed, au t o m at i• Bearings - Upper & lower oil fed cast iron. • Carbon and ceramic shaft seal.• Entire unit pressure tested after assembly. • Watertight neoprene “ ” ring between motor and pump housing. • Maximum temperature for ef fl uent or dewatering 130°F - 54°C. • Passes ½ inch spherical solids. • No screens to clog.• Standard cord length 15 ft. (UL Listed). • included with BN & BE Models). • On point - 9½" • Off point - 3"• Major width - 10 1/8"• Height - 12"SIMPLEX AND DUPLEX SYSTEMS AVAILABLE PACKAGED SYSTEMS AVAILABLENote: The sizing of ef fl variable level fl basins to achieve required pumping cycles or dosing timers with nonautomatic pumps.SECTION: 2.20.035FM09731108Supersedes0304Product information presented here re fl ects con d i t ions at time of publication. Consult factory re g ard i ng dis c rep a n c ies or in c on s is t en c ies.MAIL TO: P .O. BOX 16347 • Louisville, KY 40256-0347SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road • Louisville, KY 40211-1961(502) 778-2731 • 1 (800) 928-PUMP • FAX (502) 774-3624visit our web site:RESERVE POWERED DESIGNFor unusual conditions a reserve safety factor is en g i n eered into the design of every Zoeller pump.SK1102MAIL TO: P .O. BOX 16347Louisville, KY 40256-0347SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road Louisville, KY 40211-1961(502) 778-2731 • 1 (800) 928-PUMPFAX (502) 774-3624Manufacturers of . .246FLOW PER MINUTET O T A L D Y N A M I C H E A DTOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD/FLOWPE R MINUTEEFFLUENT AND DEWATE R ING All installation of controls, protection devices and wiring should be done by aquali f ied licensed electrician. All electrical and safety codes should be fol l owed in c lud i ng the most recent National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Oc c u p a t ional Safety and Health Act (OSHA).For information on additional Zoeller products refer to catalog on Piggyback Variable Level Switches, FM0477; Electrical Alternator, FM0486; Mechanical Al t er n a t or, FM0495; Sump/Sewage Basins, FM0487; Single Phase Simplex Pump Control, FM1596; Alarm Systems, FM0732.SELECTION GUIDE1. I ntegral fl oat operated mechanical switch, no external control re q uired.2. F or automatic use single piggyback variable level fl oat switch or dou b le pig g y b ack vari a ble level fl oat switch. Refer to FM0477.3. S ee FM1228 for correct model of simplex control panel.4. S ee FM0712 for correct model of duplex control panel or FM1663 for a res i d en t ial alternator system. 98 Series Control Selection Model Volts-Ph Mode Amps Simplex DuplexM98 115 1 Auto 9.4 1 4 N98 115 1 Non 9.4 2 or 3 4 D98 230 1 Auto 4.7 1 4E98230 1Non 4.72 or3 4CONSULT FACTORY FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS• Electrical alternators, for duplex systems, are available and supplied with an alarm.• Mechanical alternators, for duplex systems, are available with or without alarm switches.• Variable level fl oat switches are available for controlling single and three phase systems.• Double piggyback variable level fl oat switches are available for variable level long cycle controls.• Refer to FM1922 and FM0806 for temperatures above 130°F.OPTIONAL PUMP STAND P/N 10-2213• Reduces potential clogging by debris.• Replaces rocks or bricks under the pump.• Made of durable, noncorrosive ABS.• Raises pump 2" off bottom of basin.• Provides the ability to raise intake by adding sections of 1½" or 2" PVC piping.• Attaches securely to pump.• Accommodates sump, dewatering and ef fl uent applications.NOTE: Make sure fl oat is free from obstruction."Easy assembly"(pump & discharge pipenot included.)。
中润制药设备维修离心式清水泵维修手册河北中润制药有限公司 一○八车间之目录一概述 (3)二型号意义 (4)三工作原理 (5)四立式管道泵检修 (6)五常见故障、原因及处理 (15)一、概述1、结构2用途 出水口垫片叶轮 双吸密封环填料挡环机封组件压盖 联轴器键轴承压盖轴承座锁母 散水环轴承泵轴厂、矿山、城市、电站、的给排水,农田排涝灌溉和各种水利工程。
钢铁有限公司离心式柴油供油泵技术规范书目录1. 总则 (3)2. 气象条件与使用条件 (4)3. 油泵设计条件 (6)4. 油泵技术要求 (8)5. 标准及质量保证 (17)6. 性能保证、监造、检验和性能验收试验 (19)7. 供货范围 (22)8. 技术资料和交付进度 (24)9. 技术服务和设计联络 (26)10. 清洁、油漆、包装、装卸、运输与储存 (29)11. 交货进度 (29)总则1.1 本技术规范书仅适用于市钢铁有限公司离心式柴油供油泵的技术及有关要求。
Smartgen HAT600系列自动泵控制器操作手册说明书
HAT600 SeriesHAT600/HAT600I/HAT600B/HAT600BI ATS CONTROLLER OPERATING MANUALSmartgen ElectronicCONTENT1SUMMARY (4)2PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS (4)3SPECIFICATION (5)4OPERATING (6)4.1O PERATION PANEL (6)4.2K EY FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (7)5LCD DISPLAY (7)5.1M AIN SCREEN (7)5.2M AINS MENU INTERFACE (9)6TEST GENERATOR OPERATION (9)7CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS (10)7.1P ARAMETERS T ABLE (11)7.2I NPUT/O UTPUT FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (15)8TIMING START GENERATOR (16)9DATE AND TIME SETTING (17)10CONTROLLER INFORMATION (17)11ATS OPERATION (17)11.1M ANUAL OPERATION (17)11.2A UTOMATIC OPERATION (18)11.3ATS POWER SUPPLY (18)12COMMUNICATION CONFIGURATION (19)13DESCRIPTION OF CONNECTING TERMINAL (19)14TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM (21)15INSTALLATION (24)16FAULT FINDING (24)1 SUMMARYHAT600series ATS controller with a programmable function, automatic measurement, LCD display, digital communications, as one of the intelligent dual-supply switching module. It combines digital, intelligent, networking, measurement and control process automation, disoperation, in order to reduce the faults during operation. It is the best ideal option in ATS.HAT600series ATS controller be made of microprocessor as its core, can accurately detect extended-spectrum 2-way-3-phase voltage and also make accurate judgment and output passive control switch under the abnormal voltage (over or under, miss phase and over or miss frequency). This controller has full consideration in various application of ATS (automatic transfer system) can be directly used for Intelligent ATS, Contactor ATS, Circuit Break ATS etc. It have compact structure, advanced circuits, simple wiring and high reliability, be widely used in Electric power, Telecommunications, Petroleum, Coal, Metallurgy, Railways, Municipal, Intelligent building, Electrical devices, Automatic control and Testing system etc.2 PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS◙System type can set for: Mains (1#) & Mains (2#), Mains (1#) & Gens (2#), Gens (1#) & Mains (2#), Gens (1#) & Gens (2#).◙The LCD 128x64,take backlit, two languages (simplified Chinese and English) display, and gentle press key for operation.◙Measure and shows 2-way 3 phase voltage and frequency parameters:Way#1 Way#2Line-Line voltage (Uab, Ubc, Uca) Line-Line voltage (Uab, Ubc, Uca)Phase-Nature voltage (Ua, Ub, Uc) Phase-Nature voltage (Ua, Ub, Uc) Frequency (F1) Frequency (F2)◙With over voltage, under voltage, loss of phase, reverse phase sequence, over frequency, under frequency functions.◙With the auto/manual operation mode. In manual mode, may enforce switch to close or open.◙All parameters can be set in the field. Apply for two-stage password to ensure authorized staff operation only.◙Can be set as on-load/off-load mode in the field for start genset.◙Can make switch to re-close when switch is opened accidentally or make switch to power off then re-close.◙Closing output can be set as pulse or continuous output.◙Applicable for ATS of one OFF segment, two OFF segments and none OFFsegment.◙With design of two way separate of N circuitries.◙Real-time clock (RTC).◙Can start or stop genset automatic on scheduler. Also be set as single time operation, monthly or weekly, and whether with load or not.◙Can control two gensets to work in cycle, even the genset running time and interval rest time can be set.◙Widely range of DC power supply. Max.80V DC input can be endured in an instant, or be supplied via HWS560 module (input AC 85V~560V, output DC 12V).◙Bigger space between connecting terminals of AC input. Max.625V input voltage.◙With standard insulated RS485 communication interface port. With "remote controlling, remote measuring, remote communication" function by the ModBus communication protocol.◙Can check the status of controller (including of switch auxiliary output, over-voltage, and under-voltage etc.).◙Suitable for various AC systems (3-phase 4-wires, 3-phase 3-wires, single-phase 2-wires, and 2-phase 3-wire).◙Modular configuration design, flame-resisting ABS plastic shell, inserted type connection terminals and built-in installation. Compact structure with easy installation.3 SPECIFICATIONOperating voltage 1. DC 8.0V~35.0V, power supply constantly.2. HWS560 power module (without DC input).3. AC160V~280V (HAT600B/HAT600BI) during AC power L1N1/L2N2 supply.Powerconsumption<3W (Standby mode: ≤2W)AC voltage Input AC system HAT600/HAT600I HAT600B/HAT600BI 3-phase 4-wire(L-L) (80~625)V (80~480)V3-phase 3-wire(L-L) (80~625)V Not used1-phase 2-wire(L-N) (50~360)V (50~280)V4.2 KEY FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONDisplay priority of the #2 status (upper to lower)Num Item Type Description1 2# Fail toClosedFaultWhen 2# breaker occur closing failure,this will display.2 2# Fail toBreakFaultWhen 2# breaker occur openingfailure, this will display.3 2# Over Volt Indication When 2# sources occur over voltage, this will display.parameters (the current line anti-black)corresponding6 TEST GENERATOR OPERATIONOn the main screen press key and directly into the test generator operationinterface, the screen will show as following:2 Stop to Test3 Test Off-Load4 Test On-Loads5 Cycle startPress key to select corresponding function, and presskey to confirm.STOP TO TEST: This will stop a start generator signal immediately.TEST OFF-LOAD: This will send out a startgenerator signal immediately. After 2# source is normal, if 1# source is normal, the ATS will not act. The ATS will transfer the load to 2# only when 1# source is abnormal. After 1# source return normal, the ATS will transfer the load to 1#. Here the start generator signal output will keep.TEST ON-LOAD: This will send out a start generator signal immediately. After 2# source is normal, the ATS will transfer the load to 2# source immediately regardless of 1# source normal whether or not.CYCLE START: When choosing this mode, generator start-signal will cyclic output according to mains status, user can set the cyclic time. If generator fault of input-signal, no longer send start-signal. If in manual mode, will keep the current status and cancel cycle start. Conditions under this mode: a) In automatic mode.b) Output port setting: 1# engine start output (Normal Output) and 2 # engine start output (Normal Output).c) Input port setting: 1# generator fault input and 2# generator fault input. d) Must set the <Cycle run times> and the <Cycle shutdown times>. e) The system type set must as 1# Gens & 2# Gens. f) Set the right <generator start delay>.Note: In manual mode, after choose commissioning, generator will output start-signal immediately, but the ATS will not transfer to load automatically except for operation manually by pressing key mounted on the front panel.7 CONFIGURATION PARAMETERSIn the main interface,press key, choose 1.Parameters setting and thenpresskey, to enter interface of confirming password.Input password value 0-9 bykey, and to shift Right bykey. Press thekey in the fourth of password to confirm. If password correct and enter into the parameter mains interface. While error, directly exit to return to main interface. Factory Default Password is: 1234.Presskey to turn over and setparameters. While setting the current configuration parameters according to press key. Then enter current parameter model, and the current value of the firstline screen display against the first black. Presskey to change number, presskey to shit position, andpress key again to confirm in the last numberposition. If the setting value within limits, the value is stored into the internal controller FLASH. Beyond the limits, parameters will can’t be saved. In theparameters setting interface, long time press key will back to the main display screen.The output function describes:Item Description1 Not used2 Critical failure Critical fault alarm including switch transform1 Exit2 Time start cyc3 Load set4 Start time5 Continue timekey, the screen will show the time start interface as follow: Time start cycle: Include inhibit start; single time, weekly or monthly.Load set: Starting generator with load or without load. Start time: Generator start date and time.Continue time: Generator continuously run time canbe set on the duration of maximum time for 99 hours 59 minutes.The Date Time Set10-06-25 (2) 10:009 DATE AND TIME SETTINGOn the main screen press key and select 3 Date& Time set, and then pressing key, the screenwill show the Date & Time Set interface as follow:Press key according to the corresponding bitinput values 0-9, pressing key to carry through the right of bit shift, right shiftmode.●Press key, 1# close relay outputs immediately, begin to monitor 1#closing input, if active, the 1# source LED light, the 1# source connect to load.●Press key, 2# close relay outputs immediately, begin to monitor 2#closing input, if active, the 2# source LED light, the 2# source connect to load.●Press key and 1# or 2# open relay outputs immediately, begin to monitor1# or 2# closing input, if inactive, the 1# and 2# source LED extinguish, and 1# and 2# source disconnect with load.*1: For the ATS of no OFF position, press key is invalid.11.2 AUTOMATIC OPERATIONPress the key and the automatic LED light, enter AUTO mode and controller can automatically switch load to 1# or 2#.11.3 ATS POWER SUPPLYThe power of ATS is supplied by controller, so long as one power is normal, this can guarantee ATS voltage power supply normally and can be transferred normally.Users should select power supply voltage (phase voltage or line voltage) based on ATS type. If power supplied by phase voltage, connect the phase A1 to Pin5 in AUX. output1 and A2 to Pin7, and connect the phase N1 to Pin8 in AUX. output2 and N2 to Pin10, then connect the common output of AUX. output1&2 to ATS power supplies. Then controller power on, enter parameters setting menu, and set the AUX output1 as "ATS power L1". If the ATS power supplied by Line voltage, set as same as above, and only need to change phase N to phase B. Wiring diagrams are shown as following:ATS L-N voltage power supply ATS L-L voltage power supplyNote: Normal Closed input voltage must come from the same one circuit voltage.12 COMMUNICATION CONFIGURATIONHAT600 series has RS485 serial port, be allowed to connect the local area network with open structure. Its apply protocols of ModBus communication with PC or data acquisition system running on software. Also can provide a simple and practical to factories, telecom, industrial and civil buildings dual power switching management plan, achieve dual power monitor and “remote controlling, remote measuring, remote communication” functions.More information of Communication Protocol, see the “HAT600 communicationprotocol”.Communication parameters,Module address 1 (range: 1-254, User can set it)Baud rate 9600 bpsData bit 8bitParity bit NoneStop bit 1 bit or 2-bits(set via PC)13 D ESCRIPTION OF CONNECTING TERMINALPort functional descriptionSGQ-M DiagramContactor Diagram15 I NSTALLATION16 F AULT FINDINGFault Symptom Possible RemedyController no operation Check the Phase A1, N1 or Phase A1, N1 voltage. Check connection wirings from the controller to ATS. Check DC fuse.。
操作手册FOR THE120 GPM, 27.3 m3/hE-CELL SYSTEM TM注意:本手册含有对 E-Cell 公司所提供的水处理系统的操作和维护指导。
1. 人身安全注意事项E-CELL MK-2 STACK™1.1 电气1. 定期检查接线端子是否接触良好。
2. 如发现有损坏的电气元件,在修复或更换前要先隔离该元件。
3. 检查电器箱密封良好以防进水。
4. 只允许有资格的电气技术人员进行检修工作。
5. 整流器处于工作状态时不可切断E-Cell MK-2模块上的电源线。
1.2 机械E-Cell MK-2 模块含有电器元件,可能造成触电危险,故请勿将工具、螺丝等放置在E-Cell 模块上。
除专业人员外,不要调整E-Cell MK-2 模块上的螺丝。
1.2.1 泄漏MK-2 模块的最大操作压力是 100 psi (6.8 bar) ,在正常压力下模块不应泄漏。
若漏水无法解决,请立即联系E-Cell 公司。
1.2.2 离心泵1. 严禁在运转的离心泵上工作。
2. 确保水泵电机风扇的通风畅通。
1.2.3 水力E-Cell™ 系统通过不同管径的管道输送大量的水,如非正常的操作可能引起设备损坏、高压水泄漏以致人身伤害。
1. 确认所有的管道都有足够的固定和支撑。
2. 在开启系统进水阀门前,保证出口阀门已经开启。
1.3 停机必须遵守停机程序来保证工作人员的安全。
1.4 通道在 E-Cell™ 设备周围应有足够的通道和照明以便操作和维护的安全。
1.5 安全用具当可能暴露在酸碱环境中时,须穿戴橡胶手套、橡胶服、面罩和防护眼镜。