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杨浦区2018学年第一学期初三期中质量调研英语学科试卷2018.11 Part 2 Phonetics,Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分语音、词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)22. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?A)joke B)pole C)control D)common答案:D23. Caring forelderly is one of the responsibilities of the medical workers.A) a B)an C)the D)/答案:C24.After I read the book. I became interestedGreek and Roman mythology.A)inB)withC)atD)on答案:A25. Remember, big dogs need walks than small ones.A)longB)longer C)longestD)the longest答案:B26. Some people think pizza was first made in Greece, whilebelieve that it is an Italianinvention.A)otherB)othersC)the other D)theothers答案:B27. Organic tea tastesbut sometimes it costs more than non-organic tea.A)goodB) wellC)badlyD)terribly答案:A28. I didn’t have muchof Greek cultures and societies.A)articleB)exampleC)reviewD)knowledge答案:D29. The rain keptuntil the sea was filled and the land was covered.A)fallB)fallingC)to fallD)to fallin答案:B30. -Would you like to see the play And Then There Were None with me?-Yes. I'd love to. Iit yet.A)didn’t see B)Don't see C)won’t seeD)haven't seen答案:D31.the key card in your hotel room. Leave it at the reception desk.A)No leaveB)Not leaveC)Don't leaveD)No leaving答案:B32. I reached the counter and took my purse outthere was no money in it.A)soB)orC)butD)for答案:C33. -What should a goldfish be fed? Is candy OK?-No! Itbe fed candy. Give it shrimp or cooked rice.A)d oesn't have to B)may notC)needn’tD)can't答案:D34.In most high schools in US,students are not requiredschool uniforms.A)wear B)wore C)to wear D)wearing答案:C35.we had a map, we couldn’t find the museum easily.A)Although B)Since C)Unless D)When答案:C36.--Personally I definitely think that it's an essential part of our lives now.A)Shall I help you with the computer?B)How do you feel about computer?B)What's wrong with the computer?D)Why don’t y ou use the computer?答案:BIll. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only beused once.(将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格。

杨浦区2018学年度第一学期高三年级模拟质量调研 数学学科试卷及答案

杨浦区2018学年度第一学期高三年级模拟质量调研                  数学学科试卷及答案

杨浦区2018学年度第一学期高三年级模拟质量调研数学学科试卷及答案 2018.12.考生注意: 1.答卷前,考生务必在答题纸写上姓名、考号,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上.2. 本试卷共有21道题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟.一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分,第1~6题每题4分,第7~12题每题5分)考生应在答题纸的相应位置填写结果.1.设全集{}=1,2,3,4,5U ,若集合{}3,4,5A =,则U A =ð ▲ .2.已知扇形的半径为6,圆心角为3π,则扇形的面积为 ▲ . 3.已知双曲线221x y -=,则其两条渐近线的夹角为 ▲________.4. 若nb a )(+展开式的二项式系数之和为8,则n = ▲________.5. 若实数,x y 满足 221x y +=,则xy 的取值范围是▲________.6. 若圆锥的母线长=l )(5cm ,高)(4cm h =,则这个圆锥的体积等于▲________()3cm . 7. 在无穷等比数列{}n a 中,121lim()2n n a a a →∞+++=,则1a 的取值范围是▲________. 8. 若函数1()ln1xf x x+=-的定义域为集合A ,集合(,1)B a a =+. 且B A ⊆, 则实数a 的取值范围为▲________.9. 在行列式中,第3行第2列的元素的代数余子式记作,则的零点是▲________10. 已知复数1cos 2()i z x f x =+,2cos )i z x x =++ (,R x λ∈,i 为虚数单位).在复平面上,设复数12,z z 对应的点分别为12,Z Z ,若︒=∠9021OZ Z ,其中O 是坐标原点,则函数()f x 的最小正周期 ▲________. 11. 当a x <<0时,不等式2)(1122≥-+x a x 恒成立,则实数a 的最大值为 ▲________. 274434651xx--()f x 1()y f x =+12. 设d 为等差数列}{n a 的公差,数列}{n b 的前n 项和n T ,满足)N ()1(21*∈-=+n b T n n n n ,且25b a d ==. 若实数)3,N }(|{*32≥∈<<=∈+-k k a x a x P m k k k ,则称m 具有性质k P .若n H 是数列}{n T 的前n 项和,对任意的*N ∈n ,12-n H 都具有性质k P ,则所有满足条件的k 的值为▲________.二、选择题(本题共有4题,满分20分,每题5分)每题有且只有一个正确选项,考生应在答题纸的相应位置,将代表正确选项的小方格涂黑.13. 下列函数中既是奇函数,又在区间[-1,1]上单调递减的是 ………( ). x x f arcsin )(=. lg y x =.()f x x =-.()cos f x x =14. 某象棋俱乐部有队员5人,其中女队员2人. 现随机选派2人参加一个象棋比赛,则选出的2人中恰有1人是女队员的概率为 ………( )()A .310()B .35()C .25()D .2315. 已知x x f θsin log )(=,,设sin cos ,2a f θθ+⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭b f =,sin 2sin cos c f θθθ⎛⎫=⎪+⎝⎭,则c b a ,,的大小关系是 ………( )()A .b c a ≤≤.()B .a c b ≤≤. ()C .a b c ≤≤.()D .c b a ≤≤.16. 已知函数nx x m x f x ++⋅=22)(,记集合},0)(|{R x x f x A ∈==,集合},0)]([|{R x x f f x B ∈==,若B A =,且都不是空集,则n m +的取值范围是………( )()A . [0,4) ()B . [1,4)- ()C . [3,5]- ()D . [0,7)()A ()B ()C ()D )2,0(πθ∈三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分76分)解答下列各题必须在答题纸的相应位置写出必要的步骤.17.(本题满分14分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分)如图,PA ⊥平面ABCD ,四边形ABCD 为矩形,1PA AB ==,2AD =,点F 是PB 的中点,点E 在边BC 上移动.(1)求三棱锥E PAD -的体积;(2)证明:无论点E 在边BC 的何处,都有AF PE ⊥.18. (本题满分14分,第1小题满分7分,第2小题满分7分)在ABC ∆中,角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,且5cos 13B =. (1)若4sin 5A =,求cos C ; (2)若4b =,求证:5-≥⋅BC AB .19. (本题满分14分,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分)上海某工厂以x 千克/小时的速度匀速生产一种产品,每一小时可获得的利润是)315(xx -+元,其中101≤≤x .(1)要使生产该产品2小时获得的利润不低于30元,求x 的取值范围;(2)要使生产900千克该产品获得的利润最大,问:该厂应选取何种生产速度?并求最大利润.20. (本题满分16分,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分5分,第3小题满分7分)如图,已知点P 是y 轴左侧(不含y 轴)一点,抛物线x y C 4:2=上存在不同的两点B A ,,满足PB PA ,的中点均在抛物线C 上.(1)求抛物线C 的焦点到准线的距离;(2)设AB 中点为M ,且),(),,(M M P P y x M y x P ,证明:M P y y =;(3)若P 是曲线221(0)4y x x +=<上的动点,求PAB ∆面积的最小值.21. (本题满分18分,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分5分,第3小题满分9分) 记无穷数列{}n a 的前n 项中最大值为n M ,最小值为n m ,令2n nn M m b +=,其中*N ∈n . (1) 若2cos2n n n a π=+,请写出3b 的值; (2) 求证:“数列{}n a 是等差数列”是“数列{}n b 是等差数列”的充要条件;(3) 若对任意n ,有||2018n a <, 且||1n b =,请问:是否存在*K ∈N ,使得对于任意不小于K 的正整数n ,有1n n b b += 成立?请说明理由.青浦区2018学年第一学期高三年级期终学业质量调研测试数学参考答案及评分标准 2018.12说明1.本解答列出试题一种或几种解法,如果考生的解法与所列解法不同,可参照解答中评分标准的精神进行评分.2.评阅试卷,应坚持每题评阅到底,不要因为考生的解答中出现错误而中断对该题的评阅.当考生的解答在某一步出现错误,影响了后续部分,但该步以后的解答未改变这一题的内容和难度时,可视影响程度决定后面部分的给分,但是原则上不应超出后面部分应给分数之半,如果有较严重的概念性错误,就不给分.3.第17题至第21题中右端所注的分数,表示考生正确做到这一步应得的该题分数. 4.给分或扣分均以1分为单位.一.填空题(本大题满分54分)本大题共有12题,1-6每题4分,7-12每题5分考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果. 1.{}1-; 2.“若a b <,则22am bm <”; 3.()2,3-;4.43; 5.12π;67.(0,4)(4,8); 8.32;9. 80; 10. 14;11.10,2⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦;12.1,3⎤⎦.二.选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分. 13. A ;14. D ; 15.C ;16. C .三.解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.17.(本题满分14分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题8分. 解:(1)在正四棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -中, ∵1AA ⊥平面ABCD ,AD ⊂≠平面ABCD , ∴1AA AD ⊥,故14AA =, ∴正四棱柱的侧面积为(43)448⨯⨯=, 体积为2(3)436⨯=.(2)建立如图的空间直角坐标系O xyz -,由题意 可得(0,0,0)D ,(3,3,0)B ,1(3,0,4)A ,(0,0,0)D ,3(,0,2)2E ,1(0,0,4)AA =,3(,3,2)2BE =--,设1AA 与BE 所成角为α,直线BE 与平面ABCD 所成角为θ,则11cos ||||AA BEAA BE α⋅===⋅ 又1AA是平面ABCD 的一个法向量, 故sin cos θα==,θ=.所以直线BE 与平面ABCD所成的角为arcsin61. 【另法提示:设AD 中点为G ,证EBG ∠即为BE 与平面ABCD 所成的角,然后解直角三角形EBG ,求出EBG ∠】arctan 1518.(本题满分14分)第(1)小题满分8分,第(2)小题满分6分.解:(1),1,01BP t CP t t ==-≤≤45DAQ θ∠=︒-,1tan(45)1tDQ tθ-=︒-=+, 12111t tCQ t t-=-=++所以211t PQ t +===+ 故221111211t t l CP CQ PQ t t t t t+=++=-++=-++=++ 所以△CPQ 的周长l 是定值2(2)111221ABP ADQ ABCD t t S S S S t ∆∆-=--=--⨯+正方形122(1)221t t=-++≤+当且仅当1t =时,等号成立所以摄像头能捕捉到正方形ABCD 内部区域的面积S至多为22hm19.(本题满分14分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题8分. 解:(1)因为函数()3g x x =是函数()3mf x x x=+在区间[)+∞4,上的弱渐近函数, 所以()()1mf xg x x-=≤ ,即m x ≤在区间[)+∞4,上恒成立, 即444m m ≤⇒-≤≤(2)()()2f x g x x x -==[)2,+x ∈∞,()()22(f x g x x x ∴-==-A DCBθP Q45令2()()()2(x xh x f x g x x=-===任取122x x≤<,则2212311x x≤-<-≤<120xx<<12()()h x h x⇒>⇒<即函数()()()2(h x f x g x x=-=在区间[)2,+∞上单调递减,所以(()()0,4f x gx-∈-,又([]0,41,1-⊆-,即满足()2g x x=使得对于任意的[)2,x∈+∞有()()1f xg x-≤恒成立,所以函数()2g x x=是函数()f x=在区间[)2,+∞上的弱渐近函数.20.(本题满分16分)本题共3小题,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题6分,第(3)小题6分.解:(1)242a a=⇒=,又双曲线的渐近线方程为y=,所以bba==双曲线的标准方程是221412x y-=.(2)法一:由题不妨设11()A x,22(,)B x,则1212(,)22x xP+,由P在双曲线上,代入双曲线方程得124x x⋅=;法二:当直线AB的斜率不存在时,显然2x=±,此时124xx⋅=;当直线AB的斜率存在时,设直线AB的方程为(0,y kxt k k=+≠≠则由y kx tAy=+⎛⎧⎪⇒⎨=⎪⎩同理y kx tBy=+⎛⎧⎪⇒⎨=⎪⎩此时223,33kt t P k k ⎛⎫ ⎪--⎝⎭代入双曲线方程得224(3)t k =-,所以212243t x x k ⋅==-(3)①对称中心:原点;对称轴方程:,y y x ==②顶点坐标:3,22⎛⎫⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,322⎛⎫-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭;焦点坐标:(,(1,-实轴长:2a =、虚轴长:22b =、焦距:24c =③范围:()0,,2,x y ⎡≠∈-∞+∞⎣④渐近线:0,3x y x ==21.(本题满分18分)本题共3小题,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题6分,第(3)小题8分.解:(1)因为数列{}n b 是“Γ数列”,且11b =,3k =、4d =、0c =,所以当1n ≥,n *∈N 时,310n b +=,又*2016672N 3=∈,即20170b =, 20182017044b b d =+=+=,20192018448b b d =+=+= (2)因为数列{}n b 是“Γ数列”,且12b =,4k =、2d =、1c =()()()414344341434243434312336n n n n n n n n n n b b cb b b d b b d b b d b d +---------=-=⨯+-=+-=+-==则数列前4n 项中的项43n b -是以2为首项,6为公差的得差数列,易知{}4n b 中删掉含有43n b -的项后按原来的顺序构成一个首项为2公差为2的等差数列,41543()n n S b b b -∴=+++()()()()23467846454442414+n n n n n n b b b b b b b b b b b b -----++++++++++++⎡⎤⎣⎦2(1)3(31)26(3)2212822n n n n n n n n --=+⨯+⨯+⨯=+ 43nn S λ≤⋅,43nn S λ∴≤,设2412833n n n n S n n c +==,则()max n c λ≥,22211112(1)8(1)12824820333n n n n n n n n n n n c c +++++++-++-=-=当1n =时,2248200n n -++>,12c c <;当2n ≥,n *∈N 时,2248200n n -++<,1n n c c +<,∴123c c c <>>,∴()2max 649n c c ==, 即()2max 649n c c λ≥==(3)因为{}n b 既是“Γ数列”又是等比数列,设{}n b 的公比为1n nb q b +=,由等比数列的通项公式有1n n b bq -=,当m *∈N 时,21k m k m b b d ++-=,即()11km km km bq bq bq q d +-=-=① 1q =,则0d =,n b b =; ② 1q ≠,则()1kmd qq b=-,则kmq 为常数,则1q =-,k 为偶数,2d b =-,()11n n b b -=-; 经检验,满足条件的{}n b 的通项公式为n b b =或()11n n b b -=-.。

最新-杨浦区2018学年度第一学期高三年级学科测试[上学期] 精品

最新-杨浦区2018学年度第一学期高三年级学科测试[上学期] 精品




2.本试卷一、四大题中,小题序号后标有字母A 的试题,适合于使用一期课改教材的考生;标有字母B 的试题,适合于使用二期课改教材的考生;其它未标字母A 或B 的试题为全体考生必做的试题。

不同大题可以选择不同的A 类或B 类试题,但同一大题的选择必须相同,若在同一大题内同时选做A 类、B 类两类试题,阅卷时只以A 类试题计分。






A 类题(适合于使用一期课改教材的考生)1A .在一个平面内有六根彼此绝缘的通电直导线,电流方向如右图所示,各导线的电流大小相等,I 、II 、III 、IV 为四个面积相等的区域,则垂直纸面指向纸内的磁通量最大的区域是_____________,垂直纸面指向纸外的磁通量最大的区域是_____________。

2A .将力F 分解为两个分力,若已知F 的大小及F 和F 2之间的夹角θ,且θ为锐角,则当F 1和F 2大小相等时,F 1的大小为_____________,而当F 1有最小值时,F 2的大小为_____________。

3A .带如下图所示,取计数点A 、B 、C 、D 、E 每相邻两个计数点间还有四个实验点画出),已用刻度尺测量以A 为起点,到B D 、E 各点的距离标在图上,则纸带运动加速度的大小为a =_____________m/s 2,打纸带上C 点时的瞬时速度大小为v C=_____________ m/s 。



杨浦区2018学年度第一学期高三期中考试英语学科试卷2018.11Ⅱ. Grammar and VocabularyDirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Time to fight gaming problemIf you’re a gamer constantly ___21___(glue)to your phone, it could be time to ask for medical help. On June 18, the WHO officially listed“gaming disorder”___22___ a mental illness, like drug or gambling addiction.Video gaming is like a non-financial kind of gambling from a psychological point of view. Gamblers use money as a way of keeping score, ___23___ gamers use points.However, playing your favorite game every now and then is no reason to be worried. People need to understand this doesn’t mean every child who spends hours playing games ___24___(be)an addict, otherwise doctors ___25___(flood)with requests for help.But according to the WHO, ___26___ you lose control over your gaming habits and put gaming above everything else in life, you should be prepared to face serious problems. According to a study published by China Youth Day in July, about one in five young Chinese play online video games for at least four to five hours per day.Thankfully, measures have been taken ___27___(address)the problem. In April, the Ministry of Education issued a notice asking Chinese schools and parents to prevent students from becoming addicted to the Internet and games.Other countries have also taken action. In 2011, South Korea passed a“shutdown law”to stop children under the age of 16 from playing video games between the hours of midnight and 6 am. Meanwhile, in Japan, some mobile phones have a special mode for children ___28___ lets their parents control what games they can download and ___29___ ______ they can play them for. In the United States, the Entertainment Software Rating Board, a nonprofit organization, puts age restrictions on most games, ___30___(mean)the children under a certain age are unable to buy them.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.College degrees still necessary?We’re often told that if we can’t graduate from university, we’re unlikely to land a good job. However, some big-name companies say that you don’t need a college degree to do well in life.According to a list released by job review platform Glassdoor in August, a total of 15 famous companies have ___31___ college degrees as a requirement for some of their jobs, including Apple, Google, IBM, and Starbucks.The phenomenon of requiring a college degree for a position that actually doesn’t need it is called degree inflation (膨胀),according to Forbes. About 6 million jobs in the US are potentially ___32___ to degree inflation, according to a report released by Harvard Business School in 2017.This is because many employers regard having a college degree as equal to ___33___ a variety of soft skills.“Especially at a time when recruiters(招聘人员)complain that workers lack ___34___ soft skills—the ability to solve problems, work in teams and communicate—college is seen as the place that develops such abilities,”Jeffrey J. Selingo, a professor of practice at Arizona State University, US, wrote on The Washington Post.However, for some companies, a college degree doesn’t ___35___ that an applicant is a good performer.“They did some research and they saw that the individual strengths and future ___36___ rather than the academic performance of those they hired were a greater ___37___ of success in working at the firm,”Larry Nash, EY’s US director of recruiting, told Fast Company. EY, a UK-based finance company, dropped the requirement for a college degree when seeking hires in the UK in 2015.Meanwhile, in many tech sector positions, ___38___courses and on-the-job experience are more meaningful than a college degree, Ginni Rometty, CEO of IBM, told Quartz.However, this doesn’t mean a college degree is completely useless. Indeed, a college degree is still considered when ___39___ a job candidate, but it“no longer acts as a ___40___ to getting a foot in the door,”Maggie Stilwell, a recruitment expert at EY, told HuffPost.For some companies recent college graduates are no better than people who learned the same skills by themselves. As Quartz put it,“What a person knows is more important than how they learned it.”Ⅱ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.This summer we said goodbye to unnecessary plastic waste. Starbucks committed to ___41___ plastic straws in all locations by 2020, IKEA banned all single-use plastics from its stores, and entire cities banned the use of plastic bags and straws. And now we have one more thing to add to our consciousness-raising list: People are starting to understand the ___42___ of contact lenses(隐形眼镜).According to a new research out of the American Chemical Society, 20 percent of people who wear contact lenses throw them away in the toilet or sink. But as medical ___43___, contact lenses are specifically designed to be resistant in touch environments, and ___44___ they don’t biodegrade easily. Throwing contact lenses into toilet is particularly concerning because their size and ___45___ allow them to slip through filters(过滤器)meant to keep non-biological waste out of wastewater treatment plants.The study found that the chemical and mechanical processing at these treatment facilities were unable to ___46___ break down contact lenses, leaving them as part of the treated water. Post-treatment wastewater is typically spread on fields, where contact lenses can make their way into surface water and cause environmental damage.It may seem like a small thing, but with over 45 million contact ___47___ in the United States, all that plastic adds up. We are talking about 22 tons of contact lenses being improperly thrown away every year here, unnecessarily adding to the hundreds of thousands of tons of microplastics ___48___ in our oceans.So what is the right way to throw away contact lenses?It turns out that properly dealing with contact lenses is pretty ___49___. One option is to throw them in the garbage. While this will keep them out of our water ___50___, it sends them to landfill—which is not really any better. Unfortunately, you can’t just throw your contacts in the recycling bin and call it a day, either. Due to their size and packaging materials, recycling facilities typically cannot ___51___ contact lens processing, so they go to landfills. In order to actually be recycled, contact lenses need to be ___52___ at a specialty recycling facility.This doesn’t mean that all eco-conscious contact-wearers must stick to glasses, though. Fortunately, in an effort to ___53___ the waste produced by contact lenses and facilitate the recycling process, some eye care companies have started their own recycling ___54___. Through these programs, individuals can ship their used contacts to TerraCycle(a company that ___55___ in recycling the hard-to-recycle)for free.41. A. eliminating B. deleting C. producing D. saving42. A. role B. function C. impact D. efficiency43. A. terms B. devices C. tools D. equipment44. A. moreover B. nevertheless C. however D. therefore45. A. flexibility B. possibility C. capability D. similarity46. A. restrictedly B. respectively C. comparatively D. fully。



上海市上海中学2018-2019学年高三上学期期中数学试卷注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题设是互不相等的整数,则下列不等式中不恒成立的是( ) A.||||||a b a c b c -≤-+- B.2211a a a a+≥+C.1||2a b a b-+≥- 2.设A 、B 、C 是三个集合,则“A B A C ⋂=⋂”是“B C =”的( )条件. A.充分非必要B.必要非充分C.充要D.既非充分又非必要3.函数()f x 的反函数图像向左平移1个单位,得到曲线C ,函数()g x 的图像与曲线C 关于y x =成轴对称,那么()g x =( ) A.()1f x +B.()1f x -C.()1f x +D.()1f x -4.已知函数()y f x =为定义域R 上的奇函数,且在R 上是单调递增函数,函数()(3)g x f x x =-+,数列{}n a 为等差数列,且公差不为0,若()()()12927g a g a g a +++=,则129a a a +++=( )A.18B.9C.27D.81第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题(题型注释)5.设全集I R =,}2|3100A x x x =--≥,{}2|40B x x =-≤,则()()I I C A C B ⋃=_________; 6.不等式2113x x ->+的解是_________; 7.若指数函数x y a =的定义域和值域都是[]2,4,则a =_________; 8.函数2()4(0)f x x x x =-≤的反函数为_________;9.已知数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,且数列{S n n}是首项为3,公差为2的等差数列,若b n=a 2n ,数列{b n }的前n 项和为T n ,则使得S n +T n ≥268成立的n 的最小值为__________.10.如果函数2()21x xaf x a -=⋅+是奇函数,则实数a =_________; 11.设函数())f x x =,若,a b 满足不等式()()22220f a a f b b -+-≤,则当14a ≤≤时,2a b -的最大值为_________; 12.若{}|224xA x ≤≤,1|1xB x a x -⎧⎫=<⎨⎬+⎩⎭,若A B =∅,则实数a 的取值范围为_________;13.()2k x ≤+的解集为区间[],a b ,且2b a -=,则k = .14.对函数设0()||20f x x =-,()*1()()1n n f x f x n N -=-∈,则函数()n y f x =的零点个数n a 的通项公式为_________; 15.{}n a 为等差数列,则使等式1212111n n a a a a a a +++=++++++12122223332018n n a a a a a a =++++++=++++++=能成立的数列{}n a 的项数n 的最大值为_________;16.已知20b >>,则232241222c c c a c ++++++的最小值是_________. 三、解答题(题型注释)17.若数列n a 是递增的等差数列,其中35a =,且1a ,2a ,5a 成等比数列. (1)求{}n a 的通项公式;(2)求{}50n a -的前n 项和n S 的通项公式.18.对于两个实数a ,b ,{}min ,a b 表示a ,b 中的较小数,已知函数124()min 3log ,log f x x x ⎧⎫=+⎨⎬⎩⎭.(1)请画出函数()f x 的图像; (2)请写出函数()f x 的基本性质.19.某油库的设计容量为30万吨,年初储量为10万吨,从年初起计划每月购进石油m 万吨,以满足区域内和区域外的需求,若区域内每月用石油1万吨,区域外前x 个月的需求量y(万吨)与x的函数关系为)*1,116,y p x x N =>≤≤∈,并且前4个月区域外的需求量为20万吨.(1)试写出第x 个月石油调出后,油库内储油量M (万吨)与x 的函数关系式; (2)要使16个月内每月按计划购进石油之后,油库总能满足区域内和区域外的需求,且每月石油调出后,油库的石油剩余量不超出油库的容量,试确定m 的取值范围. 20.已知函数21()(,)4f x ax bx a b R =++∈,且()10f -=,对任意实数x ,()0f x ≥成立.(1)求函数()f x 的解析式;(2)若0c ≥,解关于x 的不等式2131()424f x c x x c ⎛⎫⎛⎫>+-++ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭; (3)求最大的()1mm >使得存在t R ∈,只需[]1,x m ∈,就有()f x t x +≤.21.已知数列{}n a 的各项均为正数,且都小于1,112a =,()22*112n n n n a a a a n N ++-=-∈,设数列的前n 项和为n S . (1)用1n a +表示n S ; (2)求证:1n n a a +<,并且313424n n S -<<; (3)记112n n nb a a +=-,求证:n b ≤参考答案1.C【解析】1.根据绝对值三角不等式得到A 正确;将不等式变换为2112a a a a ⎛⎫+-≥+ ⎪⎝⎭换元判断正确;取2,3a b ==≤,判断正确,得到答案.A. ||||||a b a c b c -≤-+-,根据绝对值三角不等式知不等式恒成立;B. 2211a a a a +≥+等价于2112a a a a ⎛⎫+-≥+ ⎪⎝⎭,设(][)1,,22,a t t a +=∈-∞-⋃+∞即220t t --≥即()()210t t -+≥,在(][),22,t ∈-∞-+∞恒成立;C. 1||2a b a b-+≥-,取2,3a b ==计算知不满足;≤≤即≤≥.故选:B 2.B【解析】2.先判断必要性,再取A =∅,排出充分性,判断得到答案. 当B C =时,A B A C ⋂=⋂成立,必要性;当A B A C ⋂=⋂时,取A =∅,BC 为任意集合均满足,不充分. 故选:B 3.D【解析】3.根据平移得到曲线C :()11f x -+,再根据()g x 是()11f x -+的反函数,计算得到答案.函数()f x 的反函数为()1fx - ,向左平移一个单位得到曲线C :()11f x -+函数()g x 的图像与曲线C 关于y x =成轴对称,则()g x 是()11f x -+的反函数即1()()1()()1y f x y f x g x f x +=∴=-∴=- 故选:D 4.C【解析】4.根据题意,由奇函数的性质可得f (﹣x )+f (x )=0,又由g (x )=f (x ﹣3)+x 且g (a 1)+g (a 2)+…+g (a 9)=27,可得f (a 1﹣3)+f (a 2﹣3)+…+f (a 9﹣3)+(a 1+a 2+…+a 9)=27,结合等差数列的性质可得f (a 1﹣5)=﹣f (a 9﹣5)=f (5﹣a 9),进而可得a 1﹣5=5﹣a 9,即a 1+a 9=10,进而计算可得答案. 根据题意,函数y =f (x )为定义域R 上的奇函数, 则有f (﹣x )+f (x )=0, ∵g (x )=f (x ﹣3)+x ,∴若g (a 1)+g (a 2)+…+g (a 9)=27,即f (a 1﹣3)+a 1+f (a 2﹣3)+a 2+…+f (a 9﹣3)+a 9=27, 即f (a 1﹣3)+f (a 2﹣3)+…+f (a 9﹣3)+(a 1+a 2+…+a 9)=27, f (a 1﹣3)+f (a 2﹣3)+…+f (a 9﹣3))+(a 1﹣3+a 2﹣3+…+a 9﹣3)=0, 又由y =f (x )+x 为定义域R 上的奇函数,且在R 上是单调函数, 且(a 1﹣3)+(a 9﹣3)=(a 2﹣3)+(a 8﹣3)=…=2(a 5﹣3), ∴a 5﹣3=0,即a 1+a 9=a 2+a 8=…=2a 5=6, 则a 1+a 2+…+a 9=9a 5=27; 故选:C .5.(,2)(2,)-∞-⋃-+∞【解析】5.先计算集合A 得到{}25I C A x x =-<<,再计算集合B 得到{}22I C B x x x =><-或,再计算()()I I C A C B ⋃得到答案.{}{}2|3100=|52A x x x x x x =--≥≥≤-或,{}25I C A x x =-<<{}{}2|4022B x x x x =-≤=-≤≤,{}22I C B x x x =><-或 ()()(,2)(2,)I I C A C B ⋃=-∞-⋃-+∞故答案为:(,2)(2,)-∞-⋃-+∞ 6.(,3)(4,)-∞-⋃+∞【解析】6. 不等式化简得到403x x ->+,计算得到答案. 2121411004333x x x x x x x --->∴->∴>∴>+++或3x <- 故答案为:(,3)(4,)-∞-⋃+∞【解析】7.讨论1a >和01a <<两种情况,根据函数的单调性计算值域得到答案.当1a >时:函数()xy f x a ==单调递增,()2422,(4)4f a f a a ====∴=当01a <<时:函数()xy f x a ==单调递减,()2424,(4)2f a f a ====,无解.综上所述:a =8.20)x ≥【解析】8.利用函数表达式解得)20x y =≥,得到反函数.())22()424(0)20y f x x x x x x y ==-=--≤∴=≥故函数的反函数为1()20)f x x -=≥故答案为:20)x ≥9.5【解析】9.根据等差数列定义求得数列{a n }的前n 项和S n ;由a n =S n −S n−1求得数列{a n }的通项公式,利用b n=a 2n 求得数列{b n }的通项公式,进而求得数列{b n }的前n 项和T n ;依次代入求解即可得到n 的最小值。



x n杨浦区 2018 学年度第一学期高三期中质量调研数学学科试卷一、填空题(本大题共 12 题,满分 54 分,第 1~6 题每题 4 分,第 7~12 题每题 5 分) 1. 已知集合 A = {1, 2, m }, B = {3, 4} ,若 A B = {4} ,则实数 m = . 2. 若 P 2= 6 ,则 n = .3. 函数 f ( x ) = arcsin x + 1的定义域为 .4. 若球的大圆的面积为9π,则该球的体积为 .5. 函数 f ( x ) = sin 2 x - cos 2 x 的最小正周期为.6. 若掷一颗质地均匀的骰子,则出现向上的点数大于 4 的概率是.7. 若 f ( x ) = sin x cos θ+ cos x sin θ 是 定 义 在 R 上 的 偶 函 数 , 其 中 0 ≤θ≤ π, 则2θ= .8. 设 常 数 a ∈ R , 函 数 a = .f ( x ) = ln ( x + a ) , 若f ( x ) 的 反 函 数 图 像 经 过 点 (3,1) , 则9. 函数 y = -的值域为.10. 若非零实数a ,b 满足 a 2 + 4b 2 = 1,则2ab a + 2 b的最大值为 .11. 已 知 f ( x ) 是 定 义 域 为 R 的 奇 函 数 , 满 足 f (1 + x ) = f (1 - x ) , 若 f (1) = 2 , 则f (1) + f (2) + f (3) + + f (2018) = .12. 已知定义域为(0, +∞) 的函数 f ( x ) 满足:对任何 x ∈ (0, +∞) ,都有 f (3x ) = 3 f ( x ) ,且当x ∈ (1, 3] 时, f ( x ) = 3 - x .在下列结论中,正确命题的序号是.①对任何 m ∈ Z ,都有 f (3m) = 0 ;②函数 f ( x ) 的值域是[0, +∞) ; ③存在 n ∈ Z ,使得 f (3n+1)= 17 ;④“函数 f ( x ) 在区间(a , b ) 上单调递减”的充要条件是“存在 k ∈ Z ,使得(a , b ) ⊆ (3k, 3k +1) ”.1- x二、选择题(本大题共 4 题,满分 20 分,每题 5 分) 13. 为了得到函数 y = sin ⎛x +5π⎫的图像,可将函数 y = sin x 的图像( )6 ⎪A. 左移C. 左移⎝⎭5π 个长度B. 右移65π 个长度 D. 右移125π 个长度65π 个长度1214. 已知 a ,b ∈ R ,则“ ab > 0 ”是“ a + b> 2 ”的()b aA. 充分非必要条件B. 必要非充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既非充分又非必要条件15. 符号[ x ] 表示不超过 x 的最大整数,如[π] = 3,[-1.08] = -2 ,定义函数{x } = x - [x ] ,那么下列命题中正确的序号是( )①函数{x }的定义域为 R ,值域为[0,1] ;②方程{x } = 1,有无数解;2③函数{x }为周期函数;④函数{x }是增函数A. ①②B. ②③C. ③④D. ④①16. 如 图 所 示 , 已 知 PA ⊥ 面 ABC , AD ⊥ BC 于 D , BC = CD = AD = 1,令 PD = x , ∠BPC =θ,则( )A. tan θ=C. tan θ=xx 2+ 21 x2 + 2B. tan θ=D. tan θ=x x 2 +1 1 x 2 +1三、解答题(本大题共有 5 题,满分 76 分)17. (本题满分 14 分,第 1 小题满分 6 分,第 2 小题满分 8 分)在 ABC 中,角 A , B ,C 所对的边分别为 a , b , c , b = (1) 若 a = 3,求sin A 的值;(2) 若 ABC 的面积等于 1,求 a 的值.5, B = π.4218. (本题满分 14 分,第 1 小题满分 7 分,第 2 小题满分 7 分)如图,圆锥的顶点是 P ,底面中心是O ,已知OP = ,圆O 的直径是 AB = 2 ,点C 在弧 AB上,且∠CAB = 30.(1) 求圆锥的侧面积; (2) 求O 到平面 APC 的距离.19. (本题满分 14 分,第 1 小题满分 6 分,第 2 小题满分 8 分)科学家发现某种特别物质的温度 y (单位:摄氏度)随时间 x (单位:分钟)变化规律满足关系式: y = m 2x+ 21- x(0 ≤ x ≤ 4, m > 0) .(1) 若 m = 2 ,求经过多少分钟,该物质的温度为 5 摄氏度; (2) 如果该物质温度总不低于 2 摄氏度,求 m 的取值范围.20. (本题满分 16 分,第 1 小题满分 4 分,第 2 小题满分 5 分,第 3 小题满分 7 分)已知函数 f ( x ) = log 2 (ax 2+ 2x - a ).(1) 当 a = -1时,求该函数的定义域; (2) 当 a ≤ 0 时,如果 f ( x ) ≥ 1 对任何 x ∈[2, 3] 都成立,求实数 a 的取值范围;(3) 若a < 0 ,将函数 f ( x ) 的图像沿 x 轴方向平移,得到一个偶函数 g ( x ) 的图像,设函数 g ( x ) 的最大值为h (a ) ,求h (a ) 的最小值.τ-1 k21. (本题满分 18 分,第 1 小题满分 4 分,第 2 小题满分 5 分,第 3 小题满分 9 分)记 f ( x ) = x k ( x > 0, k ∈ Z ) . (1)求函数 F ( x ) = f 2 ( x -1) -1 的零点;(2) 设ζ,η,μ均为正整数,且 μ为最简根式.若存在 n ∈ N *,使得 f 0 (ζ+η μ) 可唯一表示为 τ+τ∈ N * ).求证: ζ2 -η2μ = 1;* f n (t + s ) - f n (t ) - f n (s )+ f n (2) (3) 已知 f (t )+ f ( s ) = 1 ,是否存在n ∈ N ,使得 1 1 1 1 ≥ 1成 -1 -1 1f n 1 (4) - f n (2)立.若存在,试求出 n 1 的值;若不存在,请说明理由.n1。








































































上海杨浦高级中学2018-2018学年第一学期高三物理期中试卷(g 取10m/s 2,答案请做在答题纸上)一、选择题(至少有一个正确答案)1、以下说法中正确的是( )A 、平抛运动是加速度不变的运动B 、匀速圆周运动是速度不变的运动C 、做曲线运动的物体动能一定改变D 、做直线运动的物体速度逐渐减小而加速度逐渐增大是可能的2、若地球表面的重力加速度为g 0,以第一宇宙速度在圆轨道上运动的人造地球卫星的周期为T 0,则在离地球表面不同高度运动的人造地球卫星的周期、加速度为( )A 、周期不能大于T 0B 、周期不能小于T 0C 、加速度不会大于g 0D 、加速度不会小于g 03、以速度v 0运动的物体受到一恒定阻力作用作直线运动而停下来,下面图中的图象能正确描述这个过程的是:(图中S 表示位移、a 表示加速度、v 表示速度、mv 2/2表示示动能、t 表示时间)( )4、一简谐横波在X 轴上传播,在某时刻的波形如图所示,已知此时刻质点f的运动方向向上,则下列叙述中正确的是( )A 、此波一定沿X 轴的负方向传播B 、质点d 在此时刻运动方向向上C 、质点f 将比质点h 先回到平衡位置D 、质点e 的振幅为零5、由于万有引力定律和库仑定律都满足平方反比律,因此引力场和电场之间有许多相似的性质,在处理有关问题时可以将它们进行类比。

例如电场中反映各点电场蘸弱的物运量是电场强度,其定义式为qF E 。


设地球质量为M ,半径为R ,引力常量为G ,如果一个质量为m 的物体位于距地心2R 处的某点,则下列表达式中能反映该点引力场强弱的物理量是( )A 、2)2(R MG B 、2)2(R mG C 、2)2(R MmG D 、2)3(R MG6、飞往月球的航天器到了月球上空先以速度v 绕月球作圆周运动,为了使航天器较安全地落在月球上的B 点,在轨道A 点点燃火箭发动器作出短时间的发动,向外喷射高温燃气,探测器通过喷气来改变运行轨道。







相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 S—32 I—127一、选择题(本题共40分,每小题2分,每小题只有一个正确答案)1. 对铁及铁的化合物颜色描述错误的是()A. 还原铁粉——银白色B. Fe(OH)3——红褐色C. Fe(SCN)3溶液——血红色D. FeSO4溶液——浅绿色2. 常温下,Fe、Al在浓硫酸中钝化,浓硫酸表现了()A. 难挥发性B. 吸水性C. 脱水性D. 强氧化性3. 与“用自来水制取蒸馏水”的原理相似的是()A. 石油裂化B. 石油分馏C. 煤干馏D. 纸层析4. 右图喷泉实验的现象与下列性质无关的是()A. 氨易溶于水B. 氨能与水反应C. 氨水显碱性D. 氨易液化5. 常温下,表面能自然形成氧化层且使金属不被继续氧化的是()A. AuB. NaC. AlD. Fe6. 下列有关乙炔的说法,错误的是()A. 工业上制备炭黑的原料B. 含极性键的非极性分子C. 能发生氧化反应D. 分子中所有原子共直线7. 对碳原子核外两个未成对电子的描述,正确的是()A. 电子云形状不同B. 自旋方向相同C. 能量不同D. 在同一轨道8. 共价化合物不可能()A. 硬度很大B. 常温下为气态C. 由一种原子直接构成D. 溶于水产生阴阳离子9. 属于人工固氮的是( ) A. 3224NH 5O 4NO 6H O 催化剂B. 222NO O 2NOC. 2232N 3H 2NH 催化剂加热加压D. 22N O 2NO 打雷闪电10. 下列反应中的能量变化与图示一致的是( ) A. 盐酸和NaOH 溶液混合 B. CH 4在空气中燃烧 C. Al 与Fe 2O 3反应D. 电解水得到H 2和O 211. 涉及到Al(OH)3弱酸性的是( ) A. Al 溶于强碱溶液B. Al 溶于强酸溶液C. AlCl 3溶液和氨水混合D. Al(OH)3受热分解12. 对C 2H 6和C 5H 12的分析错误的是( )A. 互为同系物B. C 2H 6失去1个H 得到的乙基只有一种结构C. C 5H 12的一氯代物可能只有一种D. 2,2-二甲基丙烷的沸点高于其同分异构体的沸点13. 实验室制备乙酸丁酯的装置如图所示,下列分析错误的是( ) A. 导气管a 起到冷凝回流的作用 B. 反应后生成的乙酸丁酯仍在试管中 C. 充分反应后在试管中得到纯净的乙酸丁酯D. 制乙酸丁酯的反应温度超过100℃不能用水浴加热14. 侯氏制碱法,向母液中通入NH 3,其目的不是为了( ) A. 增大4NH 浓度 B. 生成NaHCO 3C. 析出NH 4Cl 晶体D. 降低3HCO 浓度15. 有机物M :CH 2CHCOORn 可用作涂料。



高三(上)期中英语试卷得分1.Phone-surfing Results in More PurchasesLeaving your mobile phone at home when you go shopping could prevent mindlessoverspending,a new study suggests.Research from the University of Bathdiscovered that when people are distracted by their mobiles during a trip to thesupermarket their shopping bills (1) rise by an average of 41percent.Attention-weakening devices also encourage shoppers to wander along more shelves,(2) they come across more products.In one study,294 people aged between 18 and 73 at four Swedish supermarkets wore eye-tracking glasses throughout a shopping trip to measure where they went and (3) they looked at.Their receipts were then used (4) (assess)their spending.Those using a mobile phone spent on average £33.73 compared to an average of £23.91 for those who did not.A second study of 117 shoppers found those with mobile phones spent longer in the store,(5) (give)more attention to shelves.They also spent an average of £36.This studyfound shoppers using a mobile phone spent on average £36.16 on 20.85 items,compared to £25.59 on 13.22 products.Dr Carl-Philip Ahlbom,of the University of Bath's School of Management said:"Business owners have tended to worry that mobiles distract shoppers from spending money,(6) we were amazed to find completely the reverse effect." The findings were very clear - the more time you spend on your phone,the more money you'll part (7) ."So if you're trying to budget,(8) (leave)your phone in your pocket.It's not the phone (9) that causes more purchases,but its impact on our focus." Researchersbelieve people spend more because using a phone distracts people from their (10) (plan)lists.2.A.complications B.immediate C.undergoneD.seriously E.assumingF.addressG.trade H.covered I.switchJ.apparently K.offerHave you ever looked at someone else's life with envy,just enough envy that you wishfor a moment or two (or longer)that you could be them?Are there moments when,if the opportunity to be them were on (1) ,you might be tempted by it?Would we really want this?And what might we learn about ourselves or how we see our lives if we (2) considered it?To be sure,there are (3) here.If you had someoneelse's life,who would raise your children or love your spouse or take care of yourparents in their old age?In fact,if you were someone else your own children would not have come into existence in the first place.That's not a happy thought.To (4) this,perhaps the best way to cast this is in terms of a trade:If you had their life then they would have yours,and live it exactly as you would have.Your responsibilities would be (5) ,so there would be nothing to feel guilty about.If we think of it this way,then the question of wanting to be someone else is a question of what we might call experience:Is there anybody else whose experience of life you would prefer,(6) everything else would be equal?One (7) concern about wantingsomeone else's experience is that my desire to be someone else is grounded in values and desires that I have,and so I have to be me in order to want to be him.However,it's not clear that that presents any real obstacle to such a desire.The fact is that therewould be at least enough overlap (重叠)with them that they are exemplifying myvalues and desires but have a better experience than I do.So I can still prefer to be them.I think that,on reflection,most of us would not want to (8) with another person,nomatter how successful or tempting their lives seem.To see why,though,we'll need to (9) our angle of vision.We will have to look at our own experiences rather than at theirs,or perhaps look at our experiences first.What would I be willing to give up to be another?My relationships with everyone - children,spouse,friends -and mywhole history.I wouldn't have (10) it.My loss would be that of the whole of my own experience.It has been one of the deadliest climbing seasons on Everest,with at least 10 deaths.And at least some seem to have been (3).The problem hasn't beenavalanches(雪崩),blizzards or high winds.Experienced climbers and industry leaders (4) too many people on the mountain,in general,and too many inexperienced climbers,in particular.Fly-by-night adventure companies are taking up untrained climbers who pose a risk toeveryone on the mountain.And the Nepalese government,(5) for every climbing dollar it can get,has issued more permits than Everest can safely (6),some experienced mountaineers say.Add to that Everest's unmatched (7) to a growing body of thrill-seekers the world over.And the fact that Nepal,one of Asians poorest nations and the site of most Everest climbs,has a long record of bad regulations and mismanagement.To reach the peak,climbers (8) every pound of equipment they can and take with them just enough cans of compressed oxygen to make it to the top and back down.It is hard to think straight at that altitude(海拔).According to the climbers,some of the deaths this year were caused by people getting held up in the long lines on the last 1,000 feet or so of the climb,unable to get up and down fast enough to (9) their oxygen supply.Others were simply not fit enough to be on the mountain(10).Nepal has no (11) rules about who can climb Everest,and experienced climbers say that is a direct reason for (12)."You have to reach certain standards to do the Ironman," said Alan Arnett,a remarkable Everest climber."But you don't have to (13) to climb the highest mountain in the world?What's wrong with this picture?"The last time 10 or more people died on Everest was in 2015,during an avalanche.By some measures,the Everest machine has only gotten more out of (14).Last year,experienced climbers,insurance companies and news organizations (15) a far-reaching scheme by guides,helicopter companies and hospitals to trick millions of dollars from insurance companies byevacuating(疏散)climbers with (16) signs of altitude sickness.Despite all the problems,this year the Nepali government issued a record number of permits,381,as part of a bigger (17) to commercialize the mountain.Climbers say the permit numbers have been going up steadily each year and that this year the traffic jams were heavier than ever.3. A. recognizable B. sustainable C. avoidable D. feasible4. A. burden B. blame C. border D. balance5. A. hungry B. critical C. jealousy D. hesitant6. A. favor B. extend C. grant D. handle7. A. appeal B. adjustment C. adaption D. agreement8. A. catch sight of B. make use ofC. get rid ofD. take hold of9. A. remove B. refill C. recycle D. release10. A. for the first time B. at long lastC. from time to timeD. in the first place11. A. strict B. social C. scientific D. creative12. A. discomfort B. decay C. disadvantage D. disaster13. A. manage B. qualify C. promise D. schedule14. A. contact B. touch C. control D. power15. A. activated B. exposed C. introduced D. dismissed16. A. inferior B. minor C. superior D. major17. A. push B. prospect C. pattern D. patentDA family in Edinburgh has discovered that an old chess piece they kept in a drawer for 55 years is a long-lost part of a medieval(中世纪的)chess set.The piece was bought by their grandfather for £5 from an antique dealer in Edinburgh in 1964.It is estimated that it could now sell for £1 million at auction(拍卖).It is one of five missing pieces from the Lewis Chessmen,a set of medieval chess pieces that were found in a sand hill on the Isle of Lewis,off Scotland's west coast,in 1831.The piece is 8.8 centimeters tall and made from walrus ivory,a rare material in those days.It is warder,which is a prison guard,with a helmet,shield and sword.This piece would be the same as a rook(车),or castle in a modern chess set.The family,who don't want to make their name public,explained how their grandfather was unaware of the piece's importance when he bought it in 1964.After he died,it was looked after by his daughter,who believed that it had magical qualities.They finally realized how important the piece was when it was examined by Alexander Kader,an expert at Sotheby's auction house in London.The Lewis Chessmen are famous all over the world.The set is split between the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh,and the British Museum in London,attracting lots of visitors.They are thought to have been made in Trondheim,Norway,between AD 1150 and 1200,and were probably buried on Lewis for safekeeping on their way to being sold in Ireland.Nobody really knows for sure why they were buried there or how they werediscovered.The piece will go on display in Edinburgh and then London before its auction on 2 July.It is expected to either be bought by,or loaned to,a museum.Kader says there are still four missing pieces out there,"However,it might take another 150 years for one to show up."18.Which of the following is TRUEabout the Lewis Chessmen?______A. It has a history of 55 years.B. It consists of 5 missing chesses.C. It is made from walrus ivory.D. It is the equivalent of a rook.19.People are most likely to see the Lewis Chessmen ______ .A. in a sand hillB. in the museumsC. in a family drawerD. at an auction house20.Why did the daughter keep the chess piece for so many years?______A. She was honoring her late grandfather's wish.B. She knew it had certain historical value.C. She didn't want to make its existence public.D. She thought it had some mysterious power-21.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?______A. Where the chess piece will end up remains to be seen.B. The other four missing pieces will eventually surface.C. The family expects the piece to be sold to the museum.D. The auction will attract many private collectors in Scotland.EHow to enterThe entries will be judged by a panel that includes artist Levi Pinfold - who illustrates the house editions of the Harry Potter books;Emily Drabble from the charity BookTrust;and Anna Bassi,editor-in-chief of The Week Junior.Winners will be announced in The Week Junior issue.One lucky overall winner will receive a huge bundle of Harry Potter prizesy including:You'll be able to step onto authentic sets,discover the magic behind spellbinding special effects and explore the behind-the-scenes secrets of the Harry Potter film series,located at the studios where it all began.*A perosnalised Hogwarts house trunk full of goodies from your chosen house.*A set of the first three Harry Potter novels in hardback in your house livery,illustrated by Levi Pinfold.*A limited-edition print of artwork from the house editions,signed by artist Levi Pinfold.*Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban hardback illustrated edition signed by Kim Kay.The winner's school will get:*Hardback editions of all seven Harry Potter novels,with cover illustrations by Jonny Duddle.*Hardback illustrated editions of the first three Harry Potter books,illustrated by Jim Kay.*The Tales of Beedle the Bardillustrated edition by Chris Riddell.*A year's subscription to The Week Junior.Runners-up*Nine runners-up will each receive a set of the first three hardback house editions in your Hogwarts house livery.Their school will get a complete set of Harry Potter hardbacks with cover illustrations by Jonny Duddle,and a year's subscription to The Week Junior.22.To enter for the competition,participants must ______ .A. send the completed form to charity BookTrustB. draw and describe their chosen PatronusC. purchase a complete set of Harry Potter seriesD. agree to subscribe to The Week Junior for a year23.What will the winner's school and the runners-up' schools get?______A. The renewal of magazine subscription.B. A set of Harry Potter novels.C. A perosnalised Hogwarts house trunk.D. Books illustrated by Jim Kay.24.Which of the following is TRUE about the competition?______A. The judges of the competition are illustrators and editors by profession.B. The winner list will be announced no later than June 2020.C. One lucky winner can visit the Harry Potter movie sets with his/her family.D. First prize winner may win an award of up to £350 for accommodation.FGardeners may be able to cut down on the amount ofweeds(杂草)killer they use by dealing with invaders at specific times of the day,such as dawn,a new study suggests.Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered that the 24-hour rhythms of plants leave them more defenseless to herbicides(除草剂)at different points in their daily 24 hour cycle.They believe the findings could help farmers by reducing crop loss and improving harvests.And gardeners could benefit from knowing which weeds respond better at certain times of the day.In recent years,pesticides and herbicides have been implicated in the decline of important pollinating insects,such as bees.Dr Antony Dodd,senior author of the new study,said:"The research suggests that,in future,we might be able to improve the use of some chemicals that are used in agriculture by taking advantage of the biological clock in plants.Just like humans,plants have evolved to take advantage of cycles of night and day,with certain biological processes turning on at different times of the day.Scientists have discovered that many drugs work much better in humans if they are given at specific hours.Aspirin,for example,has doubled the impact on thinning the blood if taken at night as opposed to in the morning.The process is known as ‘chronotherapy' and researchers wanted to find out if the same concept could be applied to plants.Many gardeners already know that plants drink in more water in the morning because their pores(气孔)are open to take advantage of early morning dew and water vapour.At the break of the day,plants are also not busy producing food throughphotosynthesis(光合作用).The open pores could also be the reasons that chemicals are more effective at dawn and also at dusk.The air is also likely to be stiller at dawn and dusk,meaning that pesticides or herbicides are less likely to be blown away to places where they are not wanted.Pesticide labels often warn against spraying on windy days in case they endanger people or animals.Many insects are active early in the morning and around dusk,also making very early morning and early evening effective times for insecticide.Commenting on the study,Dr.Trevor Dines,Botanical Specialist at the conservation charity Plantlife,said:"This is fascinating research which will be of great interest to many gardeners like me.If anything T used to think the opposite was true - that applying herbicides and pesticides late in the day would be better as they'd remain in Vet contact' withthe plant for longer in the cool of the night and therefore be taken up or absorbed more effectively.This research knocks that assumption on its head"25.Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase "implicated in" in the thirdparagraph?______A. restored toB. blamed forC. limited toD. composed of26.According to the research,what are the reasons for using herbicides in the morning?______A. The process of photosynthesis is most active in the morning.B. Insects are more defenseless in the morning than any other time of the day.C. Bigger pores on the plants make herbicides work more effectively.D. The stronger morning wind blows pesticides away to more places.27.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?______A. Gardeners were interested in combining science with gardening.B. A long time had passed before herbicide was applied in farming.C. The old assumption about the use of chemicals proved right.D. Many gardeners used to spray herbicides at the wrong time.28.What is the main idea of this article?______A. New chemicals have been found to help kill harmful insects.B. Biological clock of plants could help gardeners use less weed killer.C. Plants' cycles can be taken advantage of to improve the environment.D. The research on the effects of pesticides has enabled good harvests.Every Little Bit Counts?One of the weapons in the fight against poverty is microcredit also called microlending.Microcredit is the practice of giving very small,short-term loans to poor people.(1) The loans help the borrowers start or upgrade small businesses.Microcredit organizations assume that poor people can lift themselves out of poverty if they only have access to standard financial services.Grameen Bank,started as a project in 1976,is a pioneer of microcredit.(2) Borrowers often have no steady job no other property,and no one to co-sign on the loan - common requirements for getting a loan elsewhere.Grameen Bank promotes credit as a human right,and with a 98% repayment rate,it seems to have helped its borrowers improve their lives and made a profit through interest in the meantime.Successes like Grameen Bank and others caused governments and NGOs to rush to fund microcredit operations.How wonderful to imagine that the cure for poverty could be profitable! However,recent studies question how effective microcredit really is.Critics say that poor people with enoughentrepreneurial(创业的)drive to get a loan would have succeeded anyway.Those without the drive don't end up in better circumstances after paying back loans,which aren't always used for businesses.(3) And though microcredit is described as a way to empower women,some say the loans aren't causing any measurable improvement in women's lives.The ideas behind microcredit are uplifting:that all humans are filled with potentials and that one small bit of assistance can help a whole family live better.(4) Time and close study will tell if microcredit is really the miracle it appears to be.A.They also say that without a basic education,poor borrowers aren't equipped to manage the businesses they create.B.In general,the loans are 100 USD or less,usually paid back within six months.C.Borrowers need to provide the credit history,which the lenders will use as the criteria when evaluating a loan.D.They may,however,ignore systematic causes of large-scale poverty.E.Most microcredit agencies are struggling as the vast majority of loans are not paid back.F.It has given out more than eight billion dollars in loans to people who could never borrow money otherwise.29. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F. F30. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F. F31. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F. F32. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F. F33.Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.Even without ‘assigned' seating,it is a little surprising how many people always choosethe same seat in a classroom or auditorium.Or the same table in a restaurant.Afterclose observation,psychologists believe they have figured out the reason for thisbehavior.In one such study,Marco Costa,a psychologist at the University of Bologna in Italy selected two lecture halls for a sample of 47 and 31 students.Costa purposefully chose rooms where there were more seats than students so that they had more freedom to choose where to sit.He set up hidden cameras to record how the students chose their seats overa period of four weeks.As suspected,most students picked the same scat over andover.But why?Costa calls this habit ''territoriality(领域感).M The word often makes us think ofgangs protecting their territory or wolf packs(群)fighting off other packs to control a certain area.In other words,territoriality usually suggests aggression anddefense.However,Costa as well as another psychologist,Professor Robert Gifford of the University of Victoria,believes that this seat-choosing behavior is designed tokeep the peace."Most of the time,most people claim a space and others quietly agree to it," Gifford explained.The phenomenon of classroom seating selection perhaps shows an even deepertruth.Life can be messy and unpredictable.The reason students go to school is tostudy.Going to class and knowing where you will sit is just one less thing to distract a student from this greater purpose.In short,sitting in the same place sets students up for a psychologically more comfortable learning environment and makes it easier for them to concentrate on the lecture at hand.34.新的路标似乎杜绝了可能发生的交通事故.(seem)______35.七十周年阅兵式壮观的景象将永远铭刻在我的脑海里.(impress)______36.由某些如软塑料或金属等材料制成的容器,不适合用微波炉加热食物,这是常识.(It)______37.不管我们多么强烈地不认同他人观点,尊重其表达的权利和宽容他们的想法是学校应该鼓励和提倡的价值观.(no matter)______38.Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructionsgiven below in Chinese.最近,在一本英文旅游杂志上刊登了国际空间站(TSS-- International Space Station)将在2020年对游客开放的信息(见下表).如果有可能(具备足够的时间和金钱),你是否会去争取成为第一批游客.请谈谈你的理由.Information About the Trip to ISSNumber of visitors 2 every yearLength of stay 30 days (at most)Cost ﹩27000 per night (stay)﹩40 million (transport)答案和解析1.【答案】【小题1】can/may/might【小题2】where【小题3】what【小题4】to assess【小题5】giving【小题6】but【小题7】with【小题8】leave【小题9】itself【小题10】planned【解析】(1)can/may/might.考查情态动词.本句表示"当人们在超市购物时被手机分心时,他们的购物账单可能会平均上涨41%."所以,修饰动词原形rise ,用情态动词can/may/might.(2)where.考查定语从句.修饰先行词more shelves,做定语从句they come across more products的地点状语,用关系词where.(3)what.考查宾语从句.引导宾语从句 they looked at,做从句的宾语,用what.(4)to assess.考查动词不定式.做Their receipts were then used 的目的状语,用动词不定式to assess.(5)giving.考查非谓语动词.做伴随状语,和主语those是主动关系,用现在分词giving.(6)but.考查连词.本句表示"我们惊奇地发现了完全相反的效果",和上句是转折关系,所以连词用but.(7)with.考查固定短语.表示"花费",用固定短语part with,所以答案是with.(8)leave.考查祈使句.没有主语,是祈使句,用动词原形leave.(9)itself.考查代词.做the phone 的同位语,起强调作用,用反身代词itself.(10)planned.考查非谓语动词.修饰名词lists,表示"被计划好的",用过去分词planned.一项新的研究表明,购物时把手机放在家里可以防止无意识的超支.巴斯大学的研究发现,当人们在超市购物时被手机分心时,他们的购物账单可能会平均上涨41%.语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析,逐题解答.扎实的语法功底加上准确的理解是解答语法填空题的关键.2.【答案】【小题1】K【小题2】D【小题3】A【小题4】F【小题5】H【小题6】E【小题7】B【小题8】G【小题9】I【小题10】C【解析】1.K 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:如果有机会成为他们,你是否会被诱惑;on offer提供的.故选K.2.D 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:如果我们认真考虑,我们可以了解我们自己; seriously严肃的,认真的;故选D.3.A 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:当然,这里有很多复杂的事情;complications复杂的事情;故选A.4.F 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:为了解决这个问题,也许最好的方法是以一种交易的方式;to address this为了解决这个问题;故选F.5.H 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:你的责任会被包括在内,所以不会有任何负罪感;covered覆盖,掩盖;故选H.6.E 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:假设其他一切都是平等的,还有谁的生活经验是你更喜欢的吗;assuming假设;故选E.7.B 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:想要别人的经验的一个直接问题是;immediate 直接的;故选B.8.G 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:我想,经过深思熟虑,我们中的大多数人都不想和别人做交易,不管他们的生活看起来多么成功或多么诱人.; trade交易;故选G.9.I 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:不过,要想知道为什么,我们需要改变我们的视角; switch转换,改变;故选I.10.C 考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.句意:我不会经历的;undergone经历;故选C.本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了我们会不会想要成为别人,如果我们成为别人,那我们就一定是高兴的吗?阅读填空题主要考查学生语言运用能力,可以理解为阅读理解题的另一种形式.阅读填空题要求学生阅读后按照自己的理解进行填空,即用自己的语言来转述原文内容,侧重于考查学生的阅读理解和写作能力.阅读填空题的能力要求在阅读理解题之上、书面表达题之下.其选材主要是注意使用性的说明文和应用文.从形式上看,阅读填空题是阅读理解题的一种形式,但实质上却属于信息收集整理和再创作的语言应用题.3.【答案】【小题1】C【小题2】B【小题3】A【小题4】D【小题5】A【小题6】C【小题7】B【小题8】D【小题9】A【小题10】D【小题11】B【小题12】C【小题13】B【小题14】B【小题15】A【解析】1-5 CBADA 6-10 CBDAD 11-15 BCBBA(1)C 考查形容词.A.recognizable可是别的;B.sustainable可持续的;C.avoidable 可避免的;D.feasible可行的;而且至少有一些似乎是可以避免的.故选C.(2)B 考查名词.A.burden负担;B.blame责备;C.border边界;D.balance 平衡;经验丰富的登山者和行业领袖通常会责怪山上的人太多,尤其是太多缺乏经验的登山者.故选B.(3)A 考查形容词.A.hungry饥饿的;B.critical批评;C.jealousy 嫉妒;D.hesitant 犹豫;尼泊尔政府渴望得到每一美元的登山资金,已经发放了超过珠穆朗玛峰安全承受能力的许可证.故选A.(4)D考查名词.A.favor 支持;B.extend延伸;C.grant授予;D.handle处理;尼泊尔政府渴望得到每一美元的登山资金,已经发放了超过珠穆朗玛峰安全承受能力的许可证.故选D.(5)A 考查名词.A.appeal 吸引;B.adjustment调整;C.adaption适应;D.agreement 同意;再加上珠穆朗玛峰对全世界越来越多的寻求刺激者的无与伦比的吸引力.故选A.(6)C 考查动词.A.catch sight of看见;B.make use of 利用;C.get rid of 摆脱;D.take hold of抓住;为了到达顶峰,登山者把他们能携带的每一磅设备都扔掉,随身携带的压缩氧气罐只够让他们到达山顶并返回地面.故选C.(7)B 考查动词.A.remove移动;B.refill重新加注;C.recycle循环;D.release 释放;据登山者称,今年的一些死亡是由于人们在最后1000英尺左右的攀登过程中被排成长队,无法快速上下爬来补充氧气供应.故选B.(8)D 考查介词短语.A.for the first time 从第一次;B.at long last最后;C.from time to time不时;D.in the first place首先;其他人根本不适合一开始就在山上.故选D.(9)A 考查形容词.A.strict严格的;B.social社会的;C.scientific科学的;D.creative有创造力的;尼泊尔对谁能攀登珠穆朗玛峰没有严格的规定,有经验的登山者说这是灾难的直接原因.故选A.(10)D 考查名词.A.discomfort不舒服;B.decay衰退;C.disadvantage缺点;D.disaster灾难;尼泊尔对谁能攀登珠穆朗玛峰没有严格的规定,有经验的登山者说这是灾难的直接原因.故选D.(11)B 考查名词.A.manage设法;B.qualify合格;C.promise许诺;D.schedule 时间表;但你不必有资格攀登世界上最高的山峰?故选B.(12)C 考查名词.A.contact联系;B.touch触摸;C.control 控制;D.power 力量;从某种程度上讲,珠穆朗玛峰的机器已经失去了控制.故选C.(13)B 考查动词.A.activated激活;B.exposed暴露;C.introduced介绍;D.dismissed接触;去年,经验丰富的登山者、保险公司和新闻机构揭露了一个由导游、直升机公司和医院策划的影响深远的计划.故选B.(14)B 考查形容词.A.inferior较差的;B.minor较少的;C.superior更好的;D.major主要的;欺骗了数百万人通过疏散有轻微高原病症状的登山者从保险公司获得的美元.故选B.(15)A 考查名词.A.push推;B.prospect展望;C.pattern模式;D.patent 专利;尽管存在种种问题,尼泊尔政府今年还是发放了创纪录的381张许可证,作为推动该山商业化的更大努力的一部分.故选A.本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了许多登山爱好者都热衷于登上珠峰,可是没有雪崩,也没有狂风,为什么他们殒命珠峰?形填空题中对词汇知识的考查主要体现在习惯用法和同义词、近义词的辨析两方面.习惯用法是英语中某种固定的结构形态,不能随意改动.所以,考生平时应掌握好习惯用法.对词义辨析题的考查有加大力度的趋势.要做好这类题,需要有较大的词汇量、掌握词语搭配知识并具有词语辨析的能力,特别:是在特定的语境中能灵活运用的能力.18.【答案】【小题1】C【小题2】B【小题3】D【小题4】A【解析】1.C.细节理解题.根据第二段The piece is 8.8 centimeters tall and made from walrus ivory,a rare material in those days.这件作品高8.8厘米,由海象牙制成,这在当时是一种稀有材料.可知,刘易斯棋子是用海象牙制成的.故选C.2.B.细节理解题.根据第四段The Lewis Chessmen are famous all over the world.The set is split between the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh,and the British Museum in London,attracting lots of visitors.刘易斯西洋棋棋子举世闻名.场景分为爱丁堡的苏格兰国家博物馆和伦敦的大英博物馆,吸引了很多游客.可知,人们最有可能在博物馆里看到刘易斯棋子.故选B.3.D.细节理解题.根据第三段After he died,it was looked after by his daughter,who believed that it had magical qualities.他去世后,由女儿照顾,女儿认为它具有神奇的品质.可知,女儿把象棋保存这么多年,是因为她认为它具有某种神秘的力量.故选D.4.A.细节理解题.根据最后一段It is expected to either be bought by,or loaned to,a museum.Kader says there are still four missing pieces out there,"However,it might take another 150 years for one to show up."它有望被博物馆购买或借给博物馆.卡德说,仍有四处遗失,"但是,可能还需要150年才能出现."可知,棋子的最终结局还有待观察.故选A.爱丁堡的一个家庭发现,他们在抽屉中保存了55年的旧象棋是中世纪象棋中遗失的一部分.1964年,他们的祖父以5英镑的价格从爱丁堡的古董商那里买了这件作品.据估计,现在它可以在拍卖会上卖出100万英镑.它是路易斯•西斯曼(Lewis Chessmen)遗失的五个棋子之一.阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.22.【答案】【小题1】B【小题2】B【小题3】C【解析】(1)B.细节理解题.根据第一段The entries will be judged by a panel that includes artist Levi Pinfold - who illustrates the hou se editions of the Harry Potter books; Emily Drabble from the charity BookTrust;and Anna Bassi,editor-in-chief of The Week Junior. Winners will be announced in The Week Junior issue.这些作品将由一个小组来评判,其中包括艺术家LeviPinfold-他展示了《哈利•波特》一书的家庭版;来自慈善图书的EmilyDrabble;和AnnaBassi,主编的《少年周刊》.可知参赛者必须画出并描述所选的人物,方可参加比赛;故选B.(2)B.细节理解题.在第三段The winner's school will get中提到Hardback editions of all seven Harry Potter novels,with cover illustrations by Jonny Duddle(所有七部封面插图由乔尼•达德尔制作的哈利波特小说的精装本),而在第四段Runners-up也提到了Their school will get a complete set of Harry Potter hardbacks with cover illustrations by Jonny Duddle(他们的学校将得到一套完整的封面插图由乔尼•达德尔制作的哈利波特精装本).由此可以推知,B项符合题意.故选B.(3)C.细节理解题.根据第一段可知,比赛的评委是由artist Levi Pinfold (艺术家列维•平福尔)和Anna Bassi,editor-in-chief(主编安娜•巴西)组成,而不是illustrators and editors(插画师和编辑),故排除选项A.第一段最后一句Winners will be announced in The Week Junior issue(获奖者将在《青少年时事新闻》杂志上公布),未提到时间,故排除B项.本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了参加这一次画出哈利波特系列人物比赛的参赛要求.考察学生的推理判断能力和联系上下文的的能力,在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.此类的填空题一定要联系上下文,根据上下文的内容加上自己的理解,再作出正确的判断25.【答案】【小题1】B【小题2】C【小题3】D【小题4】B【解析】1.B.词义猜测题.根据划线词所在句子In recent years,pesticides and herbicides have been implicated in the decline of important pollinating insects,。



上海市杨浦高级中学2018-2019学年上学期高三期中数学模拟题 班级__________ 座号_____ 姓名__________ 分数__________一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1. 复数满足2+2z1-i =i z ,则z 等于( )A .1+iB .-1+iC .1-iD .-1-i2. 若当R x ∈时,函数||)(x a x f =(0>a 且1≠a )始终满足1)(≥x f ,则函数3||log x x y a =的图象大致是 ( )【命题意图】本题考查了利用函数的基本性质来判断图象,对识图能力及逻辑推理能力有较高要求,难度中等. 3. 如图所示,网格纸表示边长为1的正方形,粗实线画出的是某几何体的三视图,则该几何体的表面积为( )A .15B .C .15D .15【命题意图】本题考查三视图和几何体体积等基础知识,意在考查空间想象能力和基本运算能力.4. 复数i i -+3)1(2的值是( )A .i 4341+-B .i 4341-C .i 5351+-D .i 5351-【命题意图】本题考查复数乘法与除法的运算法则,突出复数知识中的基本运算,属于容易题.5. 已知函数()x e f x x=,关于x 的方程2()2()10f x af x a -+-=(a R Î)有3个相异的实数根,则a 的取值范围是( )A .21(,)21e e -+?-B .21(,)21e e --?-C .21(0,)21e e --D .2121e e 禳-镲睚-镲铪【命题意图】本题考查函数和方程、导数的应用等基础知识,意在考查数形结合思想、综合分析问题解决问题的能力.6. 已知集合{}{2|5,x |y ,A y y x B A B ==-+===( )A .[)1,+∞B .[]1,3C .(]3,5D .[]3,5【命题意图】本题考查二次函数的图象和函数定义域等基础知识,意在考查基本运算能力. 7. 已知α,[,]βππ∈-,则“||||βα>”是“βαβαcos cos ||||->-”的( ) A. 充分必要条件 B. 充分不必要条件 C. 必要不充分条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件【命题意图】本题考查三角函数的性质与充分必要条件等基础知识,意在考查构造函数的思想与运算求解能力. 8. 底面为矩形的四棱锥P -ABCD 的顶点都在球O 的表面上,且O 在底面ABCD 内,PO ⊥平面ABCD ,当四棱锥P -ABCD 的体积的最大值为18时,球O 的表面积为( ) A .36π B .48π C .60πD .72π9. 已知2,0()2, 0ax x x f x x x ⎧+>=⎨-≤⎩,若不等式(2)()f x f x -≥对一切x R ∈恒成立,则a 的最大值为( )A .716-B .916-C .12-D .14-10.已知集合,则( )ABC D11.已知函数(5)2()e22()2xf x x f x a x f x x +>⎧⎪=-≤≤⎨⎪-<-⎩,若(2016)e f -=,则a =( ) A .2 B .1 C .-1 D .-2 【命题意图】本题考查分段函数的求值,意在考查分类讨论思想与计算能力. 12.满足下列条件的函数)(x f 中,)(x f 为偶函数的是( )A.()||x f e x =B.2()x x f e e =C.2(ln )ln f x x = D.1(ln )f x x x=+【命题意图】本题考查函数的解析式与奇偶性等基础知识,意在考查分析求解能力.二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填写在横线上)13.如图所示,圆C 中,弦AB 的长度为4,则AB AC ×的值为_______.【命题意图】本题考查平面向量数量积、垂径定理等基础知识,意在考查对概念理解和转化化归的数学思想. 14.函数)(x f (R x ∈)满足2)1(=f 且)(x f 在R 上的导数)('x f 满足03)('>-x f ,则不等式1log 3)(log 33-<x x f 的解集为 .【命题意图】本题考查利用函数的单调性解抽象不等式问题,本题对运算能力、化归能力及构造能力都有较高要求,难度大.15.如图,已知m ,n 是异面直线,点A ,B m ∈,且6AB =;点C ,D n ∈,且4CD =.若M ,N 分 别是AC ,BD的中点,MN =m与n 所成角的余弦值是______________.【命题意图】本题考查用空间向量知识求异面直线所成的角,考查空间想象能力,推理论证能力,运算求解能力.16.已知函数21,0()1,0x x f x x x ⎧-≤=⎨->⎩,()21xg x =-,则((2))f g = , [()]f g x 的值域为 .【命题意图】本题考查分段函数的函数值与值域等基础知识,意在考查分类讨论的数学思想与运算求解能力.三、解答题(本大共6小题,共70分。




电流大小均为I,其中A、B电流在C处产生的磁感应强度的大小分别为B0,导线C位于水平面处于静止状态,则导线C受到的静摩擦力是()A. √3 B0IL,水平向左B. √3 B0IL,水平向右B0IL,水平向左C. √32D. √3B0IL,水平向右27.(单选题,3分)如图所示,直线a和曲线b分别是在平直公路上行驶的汽车a和b的位置-时间(x-t)图线。

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一. 填空题
1. 已知集合{1,2,}A m =,{3,4}B =,若{4}A
B =,则实数m =
2. 若2
6n P =,则n =
3. 函数()arcsin 1f x x =+的定义域
4. 若球的大圆的面积为9π,则该球的体积为
5. 函数22()sin cos f x x x =-的最小正周期为
6. 若掷一颗质地均匀的骰子,则出现向上的点数大于4的概率是
7. 若()sin cos cos sin f x x x θθ=+是定义在R 上的偶函数,其中02
8. 设常数a ∈R ,函数()ln()f x x a =+,若()f x 的反函数图像经过点(3,1),则a =
9. 函数y 的值域为 10. 若非零实数a 、b 满足2241a b +=,则
a b +的最大值为
11. 已知()f x 是定义域为R 的奇函数,满足(1)(1)f x f x +=-,若(1)2f =, 则(1)(2)(3)(2018)f f f f +++⋅⋅⋅+=
12. 已知定义域为(0,)+∞的函数()f x 满足:对任何(0,)+∞,都有(3)3()f x f x =,且当
(1,3]x ∈时,()3f x x =-,在下列结论中,正确命题的序号是
① 对任何m ∈Z ,都有(3)0m f =;② 函数()f x 的值域是[0,)+∞;
③ 存在n ∈Z ,使得(31)17n f +=;④ “函数()f x 在区间(,)a b 上单调递减”的充要条 件是“存在k ∈Z ,使得1(,)(3,3)k k a b +⊆”;
二. 选择题
13. 为了得到函数5sin()6
y x π
的图像,可将函数sin y x =的图像( ) A. 左移56π个长度 B. 右移56
个长度 C. 左移512π个长度 D. 右移512π个长度
14. 已知,a b ∈R ,则“0ab >”是“
2a b
b a
+>”的( )条件 A. 充分非必要 B. 必要非充分 C. 充要 D. 既非充分也非必要 15. 符号[]x 表示不超过x 的最大整数,如[]3π=,[ 1.08]2-=-,定义函数{}[]x x x =-,那么下列命题中正确的序号是( )
① 函数{}x 的定义域为R ,值域为[0,1]; ② 方程1
x =
,有无数解; ③ 函数{}x 是周期函数; ④ 函数{}x 是增函数; A. ①② B. ②③ C. ③④ D. ①④ 16. 如图所示,已知PA ⊥面ABC ,AD BC ⊥于D ,
1BC CD AD ===,令PD x =,BPC θ∠=,则( )
A. 2tan 2x x θ=+
B. 2tan 1x
x θ=+
C. 21tan 2x θ=+
D. 21
tan 1
x θ=+
三. 解答题
17. 在△ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 所对的边分别为a 、b 、c ,b =4
B π
(1)若3a =,求sin A 的值;(2)若△ABC 的面积等于1,求a 的值.
18. 如图,圆锥的顶点是P ,底面中心是O ,已知OP =O 的直径是2AB =,点C 在弧AB 上,且30CAB ∠=︒.
(1)求圆锥的侧面积;(2)求O 到平面APC 的距离.
19. 科学家发现某种特别物质的温度y (单位:摄氏度)随时间x (时间:分钟)的变化规 律满足关系式:122x x y m -=⋅+(04x ≤≤,0m >). (1)若2m =,求经过多少分钟,该物质的温度为5摄氏度; (2)如果该物质温度总不低于2摄氏度,求m 的取值范围.
20. 已知函数22()log (2)f x ax x a =+-. (1)当1a =-时,求该函数的定义域;
(2)当0a ≤时,如果()1f x ≥对任何[2,3]x ∈都成立,求实数a 的取值范围;
(3)若0a <,将函数()f x 的图像沿x 轴方向平移,得到一个偶函数()g x 的图像,设函数
()g x 的最大值为()h a ,求()h a 的最小值.
21. 记()k k f x x =(0x >,k ∈Z ). (1)求函数2()(1)1F x f x =--的零点;
*0n ∈N
,使得0(n f ξ+可
的形式(*τ∈N ),求证:22||1ξημ-=; (3)已知11()()1f t f s --+=,是否存在*1n ∈N ,使得
n n n n n n f t s f t f s f f f +--+≥-
成立,若存在,试求出1n 的值,若不存在,请说明理由.
一. 填空题
1. 4
2. 3
3. [1,1]-
4. 36π
5. π
6. 1
7. 2π 8. 31e -
9. [1,1]- 10. 4
11. 2 12. ①②③④
二. 选择题
13. A 14. B 15. B 16. A
三. 解答题
17.(1)sin A =
(2)1a =或a =
18.(1;(2)h =
. 19.(1)经过1分钟,该物质的温度为5摄氏度;(2)12
m ≥.
20.(1)(1x ∈;(2)1
a -
≤≤;(3)最小值为1. 21.(1)2x =;(2)证明略;(3)存在.。
