牛津译林版九年级上册 Unit1(共28张PPT)

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对 照 党 章 存 在问题 剖析 一
大 队 组 织 开 展的“ 党章学 习月” 教育活 动,是加 强党组 织建设 和提高 党员思 想觉悟 的 一 项 重 大 举措。 我按照 规定认 真学习 了相关 理论、 有关方 针政策 及重要 指示精 神 ,思 想 认 识 有了很 大的提 高,深刻 认识到 开展此 项教育 活动的 必要性 和重要 性,增 强 了 努 力 搞 好工作 的责任 感和使 命感。 现就结 合个人 实际情 况,将对 照检查 自身存
2、 服 务 意 识 树立的 不牢。 在服务 人民、 服务战 士
What do you think of them?
He’s _c_l_e_ve_r__, _fr_ie_n_d_l_y and _h_u_m__o_r_o_u_s_. He spends a lot of time _e_x_e_r_c_is_in_g__. He’s full of ___e_n_e_rg_y_.
2. What makes generous people feel good? To share things with others.
3. What happens to Eddie’s breakfast? Hobo has eaten it up.
1. It says some people are generous. say vt. 说,写着,显示
• 在连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和与它临 近的主语一致,即应遵循就近原则。
• Neither I nor he _k_n_o_w__s__ (know) it. • Neither the students nor the
teacher___is______ nervous
2. It’s terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.
• Simon is very _e_n_e_r_g_e_t_ic_. He always plays football for hours.
Millie and her classmates are talking about their own personalities and the kind of job they like or dislike.
working out the Maths problem.
he could not __c_o_m__e__u_p__w_i_t_h______a proper
• Billy is __cu__ri_o_u_s_ about everything. He likes asking questions. be curious about ...
David Active
Love talking with people
Work without speaking all day long
Language points
1. Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant.
① neither... nor.... 既不......也不......
Welcome to the unit
Lead in:
1. Do you know yourself well? 2. What kind of personalities(个性)
do you have? (kind, friendly, helpful, careful, interesting, clever, hard-working, funny…)
Name personalities
(suitable) (unsuitable)
patient doesn’t
teacher doctor
Aຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu accountant
Sandy Have exciting ideas Creative jobs
在 的 问 题 和 制定的 整改措 施总结 如下: 一 、 存 在 问 题:
1、 自 身 学 习 不够主 动、深 入。在 工作,对 《党 章》的 学习没 能提到 应有的 高度。 理 论 的 学 习 还不够 系统,浮 于表面 ,没能达 到应有 的深度 。有时 只顾忙一些具体的工 作 ,空 闲 时 间 看电视 等,主动 挤时间 学习的 自觉性 不够。 闲时学 一阵子 ,忙时 学的少 , 有 时 看 报 纸 也只是 看看大 标题,结 果对理 论上的 一些问 题,尤其 是一些新问题理解不 深 ,致 使 理 论 水平不 能尽快 得到提 高。对 很多新 知识学 习掌握 的不够 好,常常会放松 自 我 学 习 ,忽 视知识 能力的 培养再 造。不 善于研 究思考 问题,不 善于总 结方法 ,在运 用 理 论 指 导 实践、 促进工 作上还 有差距 。比如 在外业 过程,总 是认为 自己的 主要工 作 就 是 业 务 工作,对 《党章 》学习 看的不 够重视 ,忽略了 《党章 》学习 的重要 性。
B. not only; but also
C. both; and
D. neither; nor
3. Peter likes pop music, but
______his father ______ his mother
likes it.
A. both; and B. not only; but also
C. talk about
D. give up
II. 根据提示,完成句子。
1. Be a good boy and _e_a_t _u_p_ (吃完) your vegetables.
2. She only bought that sports car to _s_h_o_w_o_f_f _ (炫耀) and prove she could
① without + doing
• 他没吃早饭就去上学了。 He went to school _w_i_th_o_u_t_h_a_v_in_g_b_r_e_a_k_fa_s_t. 他离开教室,没有受到老师的惩罚。 He left the classroom without being punished by the teacher.
Who is she?
Is she a good housewife? Yes. And she always keeps everything in good order.
She is organized. /ˈɔː(r)ɡənaɪzd/
Some words are often used to describe people’s personalities. Help Millie complete the following sentences with the words in the box.
Who is he?
He is _c_le_v_e_r _ and_c_r_ea_t_iv_e__, but he_n_e_v_e_r_te_l_ls__o_th_e_r_s_a_b_o_u_t _h_is_a_b_i_li_tie_s_____.
He is modest. /'mɒdɪst谦/ 虚的
2) 吃光他们。
Eat them up.
• 整理好 tidy up • 用完use up
扫干净 Clean up
I. 单项选择。
1. — It’s everyone’s duty to join
the Clean Your Plate Campaign.
— Sure. We should try to ______
C. neither; nor D. either; or
4. Scientists are trying their best to
______ ways to treat the terrible
disease called H7N9.
A. come up with B. look forward to
creative curious energetic modest organized patient
• Suzy is well _o_r_g_a_n_i_z_ed__.
She keeps all her things in good order.
keep in good order 使……保持井然有序
What do you think of our friend, Eddie?
lazy love eating love sleeping
What does Eddie think of himself? Is Eddie generous ?
Watch and answer
1. What is the article about? Personality.
• The notice _s_a_y_s___ "Keep Quiet ". • The book _d_o__e_s_n_'t_s_a_y___ (not say)
where he was born.
2. eat up 吃光,吃完
1) 吃光你所有的食物!
Eat up all your food!
Who is he?
He’s the _c_le_v_e_r_e_s_t
wolf in the world. He
wants to know
_e_v_e_r_yt_h_in_g__ so that
curious he can __th_i_n_k_o_f__ new /'kjʊəriəs/ ci_ad_tec_ah_s_tht_oe__sch_oe_me_ep_u_p. Hweith’ll creative __e_a_t _u_p_ all the sheep.
n. 顺序
order sb. to do sht. 命令某人做某事
• Daniel is very clever, but he is _m_o_d__es_t__ and never shows off.
• Mr Wu is _p_a_t_ie_n_t_ enough to repeat grammar rules for us.
all the food that we’ve ordered.
A. give up
B. eat up
C. turn up
D. show up
2. He speaks ______ English ______
French. Instead, he speaks German.
A. either; or
be + adj. + enough to do sth.
• Samuel is _c_r_e_a_t_iv_e_. He often comes up with new ideas.
come up with 想出(主意)=think of
• 她想出了一个好主意来解决这个数学题。
She _c_a_m__e__u_p__w_i_th__a__g_o_o__d__id_e__a_ for
afford one. 3. She’s __co_m__e_u_p__w_i_th_ (想出) some amazing ideas. 4. It was her job to_k_e_e_p__th_e__ro_o_m__i_n_o_r_d_e_r
(保持房间井然有序). 5. I __n_e_it_h_e_r_k_n_o_w__n_o_r _c_a_re__ (既不知道也 不关心) what's happened to him.