Ben Jonson

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The writing styles
(1)The use of satirize in his plays (2)He took a firm stand for “three unities” (3)A high craftsmanship in play-writing (4)Logical and strict development of plot (5)Truthful and realistic description of life and people
• 一群人被带上法庭。在第一次审讯中,作为律师 的沃尔特明知布纳瑞尔和赛利亚是无罪的,却为 了博得福尔蓬奈的欢心,给他和莫斯卡出坏主意, 和他们一同诬告布纳瑞尔和赛利亚,致使法庭认 定善良的布纳瑞尔和赛利亚是有罪的。 • 后来福尔蓬奈乔装打扮成政府官员,说自己已经 死了,所有的财产都留给仆人莫斯卡。柯尔特、 科尔巴林和科维诺被彻底激怒。全部人再次返回 法庭。无视福尔蓬奈的恳求,莫斯卡拒绝放弃自 己新的有钱人的身份。于是福尔蓬奈决定把所有 的事情和骗局都翻出来,踢莫斯卡下台。 • 至此,所有贪婪的人们都受到应有的惩罚。
• 商人科维诺带着东方珍珠来探望装病的福尔蓬奈, 希望能博得他的欢心。莫斯卡告诉他,他必须把 漂亮的妻子,赛利亚(Celia)献给福尔蓬奈,才 能得到他的遗产。在巨大的利益驱使下,科维诺 将妻子送给福尔蓬奈。 • 在科维诺把妻子带到前,科尔巴林的儿子布纳瑞 尔得知父亲要解除自己的财产继承权,去到福尔 蓬奈家理论。莫斯卡带他的旁边的房间先等着。 科维诺将妻子赛利亚骗到福尔蓬奈的家里,在家 装病的福尔蓬奈意欲强暴赛利亚……赛利亚没有 顺从他。她苦苦哀求,请他讲讲天地良心,坚决 表示宁死不从。但福尔蓬奈岂会放手。这时,善 良的小伙子布纳瑞尔冲出来英雄救美,阻止了福 尔蓬奈,并痛斥他的无耻下流。
• Volpone contains Jonson’s harshest and most unremitting criticism of human vice. All the principal figure are named (in Italian) after animals suggestive of their characters: eg, Volpone, the cunning fox, and Voltore, the ravenous(贪婪的) vulture.
• Volpone : Volpone is a miser greedy for money for its own sake. Volpone’s method of increasing his wealth is to play upon the avarice of men. • Voltore , Corbaccio, Corvino, Mosca • In the end, both knaves are exposed and receive due punishment
Every Man in His Humour
• 人各有癖 • The first comedy of Jonson • “Humor” in 16th century refers to someone’s temperament or disposition (性情或气质)。 • In the play, every character represent a kind of specific temperament. • Their action, feeling and false faith all tell the shortcomings of human nature. • Shakespeare were one of the actor of this play.
Major works
Tragedie Sejanus 《西亚努斯的覆灭》 s Catiline 《卡特琳娜的阴谋》 Every Man in His Humour 《人人高兴》 Dramas Comedie Volpone 《狐狸》 s The Alchemist《炼金术士》 Bartholomew Fair 《巴托 罗缪市集》 Masques Interspersed with To Celia 《致西丽娅》
Ben Jonson
Contentsຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
• Life
• Major works • The writing styles • Comments on Ben Jonson
• Ben Jonson(1572 – 1637) • A contemporary of William Shakespeare • English Renaissance dramatist, poet and actor • known for his satirical plays and lyric poems • the first English Poet Laureate(桂冠诗人)
Comments on Ben Jonson
• (1) Received a good education , a remarkable Greek and Latin scholar, one of the leading dramatists of the day. • (2)Jonson’s comedies are “comedies of humours”.
Comments on Ben Jonson
• (3) Jonson was also known as a poet and critic. His chief prose work is Timber. • (4) In his later years Jonson became the “literary king” of his time. A group of young poets and writers call themselves “Sons of Ben” (Robert Herrick). • (5) He was a forerunner of classicism in English literature,which was to reach its hightide in the 18th century.
• 福尔蓬奈(Volpone)是一个威尼斯的绅士。他假装 重病卧床去欺骗贪求他财产的沃尔特(Voltore), 科尔巴林(Corbaccio)和科维诺(Corvino)。 他们轮流去到福尔蓬奈的家里,给他带来昂贵的 礼物,希望能成为这无儿无女的绅士的财产继承 人。 • 律师沃尔特献给福尔蓬奈送了一个古老的餐具。 • 老绅士科尔巴林带着鸦片剂来探望福尔蓬奈,他 怕福尔蓬奈立沃尔特我继承人,于是 又交出一袋 印度金币。福尔蓬奈的仆人莫斯卡(Mosca)哄 骗科尔巴林,说他应该立福尔蓬奈为自己的遗产 继承人,这样就可确保他相应地成为福尔蓬奈的 遗产继承人;况且福尔蓬奈都快死了。他一死遗 产就会全部落入科尔巴林的口袋里。科尔巴林闻 言,解除了自己儿子布纳瑞尔(Bonario)的继承 人身份而改立福尔蓬奈。 • 。
• His masterpiece • The Fox • A brilliant satiric comedy which Jonson claimed was “fully penned” in 5 weeks. It was favorably received not only by London theatergoers but by more sophisticate audiences at Oxford and Cambridge.