Windows Server 2012 操作系统部署和服务器虚拟化Hype-V部署配置
*注:计算机型号不同,可能开机选择启动设备的快捷键不同,通常情况下均是 F12
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Microsoft OEM ROK Windows Server 2012 操作系统部署和服务器虚拟化专题实验手册 10) 系统将自动进入到区域选择界面,在这个界面将确定计算机的安装界面语言和区域 设置,保持默认即可。
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Microsoft OEM ROK Windows Server 2012 操作系统部署和服务器虚拟化专题实验手册 10) 弹出‘添加角色和功能向导’的‘指定备用源路径’对话框。在‘路径’右侧的文 本框中输入‘步骤一中的 DVD 驱动器盘符:\Sources\SxS\’,单击‘确定’。
11) 在‘确认安装所选内容’页面,单击‘安装’。 12) 安装成功后,单击‘关闭’。 2. Windows7-USB-DVDTools 此工具用来制作 USB 安装 盘 2) 安装步骤都选择默认设置,安装完成后,会在桌面出现如下图标: 1) 找到位于 E:\LabData\Windows7-USB-DVD-Tool.exe 文件,双击运行安装。
7) 8) 9)
在‘选择功能’页面,单击‘下一步’。 在‘Hyper-V’页面,单击‘下一步’。 在‘创建虚拟交换机’页面,单击‘下一步’。
10) 在‘虚拟机迁移’页面,单击‘下一步’。 11) 在‘默认存储’页面,将‘虚拟机硬盘文件’和‘虚拟机配置文件’的路径改成 ‘D:\Hyper-V\’,单击‘下一步’。
LMK00301 评估板用户指南说明书
This user guide describes how to set up and operate the LMK00301 evaluation board kit (EVK). The LMK00301 isclock/data[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE] Evaluation Board Quick StartTo quickly set up and operate the board with basicequipment, refer to the quick start procedure belowand test setup shown in Figure 2.1.Verify the output mode control switches,S1[1:5], match the states shown in Table 1 toreflect the default output clock interfacesconfigured on the EVK.Table 1. Default Clock Output Modes / InterfacesSW Position/Name SW State Default Clock Output ModesS1[1] / CLKoutB_Type1 0 (OFF) Bank B outputsare LVDSS1[2] / CLKoutB_Type0 1 (ON)S1[3] / CLKoutA_Type1 0 (OFF) Bank A outputsare LVPECL S1[4] / CLKoutA_Type0 0 (OFF)S1[5] / REFout_EN 1 (ON) REFout enabled 2.Connect the VCC_EXT and GND leads from theboard to a 4 V - 16 V source. This powers anonboard LDO regulator that provides 3.3 V toVCC and VCCO supplies of the IC. Both VCC &VCCO status LED should be lit green when ON.3.Set the desired clock input using the inputselection control switches, S1[6:7], per Table 2.The onboard 25 MHz crystal (Y1) is selected by default, so an external clock source is notrequired. A differential clock source can beconnected to SMAs CLKin0/0* or CLKin1/1*. Table 2. Input Selection (0=SW OFF, 1=SW ON)Selected Input Default InputModeS1[6]CLKin_Sel1StateS1[7]CLKin_Sel0StateCLKin0/0* Differentialclock0 0CLKin1/1* Differentialclock0 1OSCin 25 MHz XTALonboard1 Don’t careCLKin0/0* and CLKin1/1* paths are configured by default to receive a differential clock as the input. The SMA inputs are DC coupled to the device inputs and terminated with 100 ohms differential. Refer to the Clock Inputs section to configure the EVK for a single-ended input.4.Connect and measure any clock output SMAlabeled CLKoutX#/X#* or REFout to anoscilloscope or other test instrument using SMA cable(s). The output clock will be level-translated/buffered copy of the selected clockinput or crystal oscillator. Note: All outputclocks are AC-coupled to the SMA connectors to ensure safe use with RF instruments.Note: Leaving a driven output(s) without proper load termination can cause signal reflections on the board, which can couple onto nearby outputs and result in degraded signal quality and erroneous measurements. To minimize these effects, be sure to properly terminate any unused output path using an SMA load or solder termination resistors on the loading options near the edges of the board. Another option is to disconnect the unused output pin from the trace by removing the series 0-ohm resistor. An unused output bank may also be disabled using the output mode control switch.Signal Path and Control SwitchesThe LMK00301 supports single-ended or differential clocks on CLKin0 and CLKin1. A third input, OSCin, has an integrated crystal oscillator interface that supports a fundamental mode, AT-cut crystal or an external single-ended clock. The three-input multiplexer is pin-controlled. To achieve the maximum operating frequency and lowest additive jitter, it is recommended to use a differential clock with high input slew rate (>3 V/ns) and DC-coupling to either CLKin0 or CLKin1 port.The device provides up to 10 differential outputs split between Bank A and Bank B, where each bank has a pin-controlled output mode (LVPECL, LVDS,[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE]HCSL, or Hi-Z). An additional output, REFout, has afixed LVCMOS buffer with output enable input.All control pins are configured with the controlswitch, S1. The input selection logic is shown inTable 2. The Bank A and Bank B output modeselection logic are shown in Table 3 and Table 4.The REFout enable logic is shown in Table 5.Table 3. Bank A Output Mode Selection (0=OFF, 1=ON)Bank A Output ModeS1[3]CLKoutA_Type1StateS1[4]CLKoutA_Type0StateLVPECL 0 0LVDS 0 1HCSL 1 0 Disabled/Hi-Z 1 1 Table 4. Bank B Output Mode Selection (0=OFF, 1=ON)Bank B Output ModeS1[2]CLKoutA_Type1StateS1[1]CLKoutA_Type0StateLVPECL 0 0LVDS 0 1HCSL 1 0 Disabled/Hi-Z 1 1 Table 5. REFout Enable Selection (0=OFF, 1=ON)REFout Enable Mode S1[5]REFout_EN State Disabled/Hi-Z 0Enabled 1 Power SuppliesThe power supply section on the EVK provides flexibility to power the device using the onboard LDO regulator(s) or direct supply input(s). A combination of 0-ohm resistor options allows the user to modify the EVK power supply configuration, if desired.By default, 3.3 V (VCC and VCCO) is supplied by one of the onboard LDO regulators, U1. To power the regulator, connect a 4 V – 16 V input voltage and ground from an external power source to the terminal block, J2, or SMA input labeled VCC_EXT.To modify the EVK with a different power supply configuration, populate the resistor options as shown in Table 6. Then, apply the appropriate voltage(s) to the EVK power input(s).If the EVK is configured for dual external input supplies, connect the 2.5 V input voltage and ground from another external power source to the SMA input labeled VCCO_EXT.Decoupling capacitors and 0-ohm resistor footprints, which can accommodate ferrite beads, can be used to isolate the EVK power input(s) from the device power pins.Table 6. EVK Power Supply Configuration OptionsSingle LDO 3.3 V (Default) Single Ext. Input3.3 VDual LDO3.3 V / 2.5 VDual Ext. Inputs3.3 V / 2.5 VVCC_EXT input Apply 4 V – 16 V Apply 3.3 V ± 5% Apply 4 V – 16 V Apply 3.3 V ± 5% VCCO_EXT input Not used Not used Not used Apply 2.5 V ± 5% U2 output (VCCO) Not used Not used 2.5 V Not usedU3 output (VCC) 3.3 V (VCC & VCCO) Not used 3.3 V Not used R131 DNP DNP DNP 0R132 0 0 DNP 0R134 DNP DNP 0 DNPR145 DNP DNP 0 DNPR153 DNP 0 DNP 0R155 0 DNP 0 DNPTo limit crystal power dissipation, a 1 k resistor is placed between the OSCout pin and the crystal.Configuring OSCin for a Single-Ended Input To configure a single-ended clock input on OSCin, remove R34 and R37 to disconnect the crystal. OSCin path is includes a 51- termination on R40.By default, Bank A outputs are configured for LVPECL mode and source-terminated with 240 ohmsuch as 91 , to maintain proper DC bias current on each output.SchematicsSee the following pages.[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE] Figure 4. Schematic Sheet #1[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE]Figure 5. Schematic Sheet #2[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE] Figure 6. Schematic Sheet #3[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE] PCB LayoutFigure 7. Top Side, Layer #1 (Not to scale)[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE] Figure 8. Internal Ground Plane, Layer #2 (Layer Inverted, Not to scale)[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE] Figure 9. Internal Power Plane, Layer #3 (Not to scale)[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE] Figure 10. Bottom Side, Layer #4 (Top view, Not to scale)[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE]Figure 11. Top Silkscreen (Not to scale)[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE] Figure 12. Bottom Silkscreen (Top view, Not to scale)[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE]Bill of MaterialsItem Designator Description Manufacturer Part Number Qty 1 AA1 Printed Circuit Board LMK00301EVAL 12 C1, C4, C60,C64, C65, C67,C71, C72 CAP, CERM, 10uF, 10V, +/-10%, X5R, 0805MuRata GRM21BR61A106KE19L 83 C2, C5, C61,C68 CAP, CERM, 1uF, 16V, +/-10%, X7R, 0603TDK C1608X7R1C105K 44 C3, C6, C23,C28, C29, C32,C33, C34, C35,C38, C39, C40,C41, C44, C45,C46, C47, C50,C51, C52, C53,C56, C57, C58,C59 CAP, CERM, 0.1uF, 16V, +/-10%, X7R, 0603TDK C1608X7R1C104K 255 C7, C12, C14,C17, R5, R6,R7, R8, R10,R11, R13, R14,R15, R16, R22,R27, R28, R33,R36, R37, R38,R45, R46, R47,R48, R50, R51,R53, R54, R55,R56, R132,R155, R156RES, 0 ohm, 5%, 0.1W, 0603 Vishay-Dale CRCW06030000Z0EA 346 C8, C9, C16,C20, C21, C26,C27, C62, C69 CAP, CERM, 0.01uF, 16V, +/-10%, X7R, 0402TDK C1005X7R1C103K 97 C18, C22 CAP, CERM, 33pF, 50V, +/-5%, C0G/NP0, 0603MuRata GRM1885C1H330JA01D 28 C63, C70 CAP, CERM, 2200pF, 100V,+/-5%, X7R, 0603AVX 06031C222JAT2A 2 9 C66, C73 CAP, CERM, 0.01uF, 25V, +/-5%, C0G/NP0, 0603TDK C1608C0G1E103J 2[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE]10 CLKin0,CLKin0*,CLKin1,CLKin1*,CLKoutA0,CLKoutA0*,CLKoutA1,CLKoutA1*,CLKoutA2,CLKoutA2*,CLKoutA3,CLKoutA3*,CLKoutA4,CLKoutA4*,CLKoutB0,CLKoutB0*,CLKoutB1,CLKoutB1*,CLKoutB2,CLKoutB2*,CLKoutB3,CLKoutB3*,CLKoutB4,CLKoutB4*,OSCin, REFout,VCC_EXT,VCCO_EXT Connector, SMT, End launchSMA 50 ohmEmerson NetworkPower142-0701-806 2811 D1, D2 LED 2.8X3.2MM 565NM GRNCLR SMD LumexOpto/ComponentsInc.SML-LX2832GC 212 FID1, FID2,FID3, FID4 Fiducial mark. There is nothingto buy or mount.N/A N/A 413 J1 Low Profile Vertical Header 2x50.100"FCI 52601-G10-8LF 114 J2 CONN TERM BLK PCB5.08MM 2POS ORWeidmuller 1594540000 115 R24, R31 RES, 100 ohm, 5%, 0.1W,0603Vishay-Dale CRCW0603100RJNEA 2 16 R34 RES, 1.0k ohm, 5%, 0.1W,0603Vishay-Dale CRCW06031K00JNEA 1 17 R40 RES, 51 ohm, 5%, 0.1W, 0603 Vishay-Dale CRCW060351R0JNEA 118 R41, R42, R43,R44, R49, R52,R57, R58, R59,R60 RES, 160 ohm, 5%, 0.1W,0603Vishay-Dale CRCW0603160RJNEA 1019 R133, R154 RES, 270 ohm, 5%, 0.1W,0603Vishay-Dale CRCW0603270RJNEA 220 R135, R136,R137, R140,R141, R142,R143 RES, 2.0k ohm, 5%, 0.1W,0603Vishay-Dale CRCW06032K00JNEA 721 R138, R157 RES, 51k ohm, 5%, 0.1W, 0603 Vishay-Dale CRCW060351K0JNEA 222 R139 RES, 1.30k ohm, 1%, 0.1W,0603Vishay-Dale CRCW06031K30FKEA 1[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE]23 R144, R159 RES, 866 ohm, 1%, 0.1W,0603Vishay-Dale CRCW0603866RFKEA 224 R158 RES, 2.00k ohm, 1%, 0.1W,0603Vishay-Dale CRCW06032K00FKEA 1 25 S1 SWITCH DIP ROCKER 8POSSMDTyco GDR08S04 1 26 SO1, SO2, SO3,SO40.875" Standoff VOLTREX SPCS-14 427 U1 High-Performance DifferentialFanout Buffer NationalSemiconductorLMK00301 128 U2, U3 Micropower 800mA Low Noise'Ceramic Stable' AdjustableVoltage Regulator for 1V to 5VApplications, 8-pin LLP NationalSemiconductorLP3878SD-ADJ 229 Y1 CRYSTAL 25.000 MHZ 18PFSMD AbraconCorporationABLS-25.000MHZ-B4-F-T130 C10, C11, C13,C15, C19, C24,C30, C31, C36,C37, C42, C43,C48, C49, C54,C55DNP 031 C25 DNP 032 R1, R2, R3, R4,R9, R12, R17,R18, R19, R20DNP 033 R21, R23, R25,R26, R30, R32,R35, R39, R65,R66, R67, R68,R69, R70, R79,R80, R81, R82,R83, R84, R93,R94, R95, R96,R97, R98, R107,R108, R109,R110, R111,R112, R121,R122, R123,R124, R125,R126DNP 034 R29, R131,R134, R145,R153DNP 0[LMK00301 EVALUATION BOARD USER GUIDE]35 R61, R62, R63,DNP 0 R64, R71, R72,R73, R74, R75,R76, R77, R78,R85, R86, R87,R88, R89, R90,R91, R92, R99,R100, R101,R102, R103,R104, R105,R106, R113,R114, R115,R116, R117,R118, R119,R120, R127,R128, R129,R130DNP 0 36 R146, R147,R148, R149,R150, R151,R15237 Y2 DNP 038 VCC_EXT Banana plug, Red Emerson 108-0302-001 139 GND Banana plug, Black Emerson 108-0303-001 1IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each 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CTP综合交易平台教程基本介绍一、系统简介交易托管系统 API 是一个基于 C++的类库, 通过使用和扩展类库提供的接口来实现相关交易功能,包括报单与报价的录入、报单与报价的撤销、报单与报价的挂起、报单与报价的激活、报单与报价的修改、报单与报价的查询、成交单查询、投资者查询、投资者持仓查询、合约查询、交易日获取等。
支持 MS VC 6.0,MS 2003 编译器。
二、体系结构交易员 API 使用建立在 TCP 协议之上 FTD 协议与交易托管系统进行通讯,交易托管系统负责投资者的交易业务处理。
2.1.通讯模式FTD 协议中的所有通讯都基于某个通讯模式。
FTD 涉及的通讯模式共有三种:l 对话通讯模式l 私有通讯模式l 广播通讯模式对话通讯模式是指由会员端主动发起的通讯请求。
无论哪种通讯模式,其通讯过程都如图 1 所示本接口暂时没有使用广播通信方式。
广东省医药采购平台2011年基本药物集中采购综合评价议价系统用户手册V2011广东省医药采购采购中心2012年2月7日目录版本历史 (ii)第1章说明 (3)第2章系统需求 (4)第3章登录与退出系统 (6)3.1登录前的准备(适于新用户) (6)3.1.1安装驱动程序 (6)3.1.2数字证书查验 (8)3.1.3修改数字证书的密码 (9)3.1.4备Key与主Key等同使用 (11)3.2使用数字证书登录 (11)3.3设置用户名和密码 (13)3.4使用用户名密码登录 (13)3.5退出系统 (13)3.6登录异常的处理 (14)第4章签名控件的安装和检查 (15)第5章用户管理 (16)5.1采购中心管理被授权人 (16)5.2被授权人管理普通用户 (16)5.2.1添加用户 (16)5.2.2给新增用户授权 (17)5.2.3删除用户 (18)第6章产品管理 (20)6.1查看已报名产品 (21)6.2查看被取消报名的产品 (21)6.3查看产品库及初审情况 (22)6.4查看综合评价 (22)6.5查看代表品及限价 (23)6.6查看产品分组 (23)第7章进口产品报名操作的特殊性 (25)7.1进口产品网上报名 (25)7.2查看已报名的进口产品 (26)7.3取消已报名的进口产品 (26)第8章报价 (29)8.1报价前的准备工作 (29)8.2报价操作 (29)第9章议价价格确认 (31)附录A 报价期间计算机相关疑难问题解答 (33)版本历史1. 最后更新:2011年12月28日第一版2. 最后更新:2011年12月29日简化签名控件的安装。
3. 最后更新:2012-02-07增加查看产品分组功能。
VSC8514User Guide VSC8514 Evaluation BoardMarch 2014Contents1Revision History (1)1.1Revision 1.0 (1)2Introduction (2)3General Description (3)3.1Key Features (3)3.1.1Copper Port RJ45 Connections (3)3.1.2Zarlink ZL30343 SyncE G.8262/SETS (3)3.1.3External RefClk Option (4)3.1.4Recovered Clocks (4)4Quick Start (5)4.1Connecting the Power Supply (5)4.2PC Software Installation (5)4.3Connecting to the Board to the PC (5)4.3.1Changing the IP Address of the Board (5)4.4Using the Control Software (6)4.4.1Board Initialization (7)4.4.2Copper Media Operation (Auto-negotiation Enabled) (7)4.4.3Sync-E Operation (8)4.5Useful Registers (8)4.5.1Ethernet Packet Generator (8)4.5.2Copper PHY Error Counters (8)4.5.3Near-End Loopback (8)4.5.4Far-End Loopback (8)4.5.5QSGMII SerDes Loopback (8)5Additional Information (9)1Revision HistoryThe revision history describes the changes that were implemented in this document. The changes arelisted by revision, starting with the most current publication.1.1Revision 1.0Revision 1.0 of this datasheet was published in March 2014. This was the first publication of thedocument.2IntroductionThe VSC8514 device is a low-power, quad-port Gigabit Ethernet transceiver with copper mediainterfaces. The device includes an integrated quad two-wire serial multiplexer (MUX) to control powerover Ethernet (PoE) modules. It features low electromagnetic interference (EMI) line drivers andintegrated line side termination resistors that conserve both power and board space. Dual recoveredclock outputs are available to support Synchronous Ethernet (Sync-E) applications, each withprogrammable squelch options.This document describes the architecture and usage of the VSC8514 Evaluation Board (VSC8514EV). TheQuick Start section describes how to install and run the graphical user interface (GUI) to fully control theevaluation board.Figure 1 • VSC8514 Evaluation BoardAdditional VSC8514 collateral for both the VSC8514 device and VSC8514EV, including schematics,layout, GUI, and application notes can be found on the VSC8514 product web page at: https://www./products/product.php?number=VSC8514.3General DescriptionThe evaluation board, shown in Figure 1, provides the user a way to evaluate the VSC8514 device inmultiple configurations. Four RJ-45 connectors are provided for copper media interfaces. The MACinterface is exposed via SMA connectors.For access to all of the features of the device, an external microcontroller is used to configure the on-board clock chip via a two wire serial bus and the VSC8514 via the MDIO bus. The GUI enables the userto read and write device registers.3.1Key Features3.1.1Copper Port RJ45 ConnectionsPHY ports 2 and 3 use the UDE RTA 1648BAK1A with integrated magnetic while PHY ports 0 and 1 usegeneric RJ45 connectors with discrete Pulse H5008NL magnetics.SGMII/QSGMII MAC SMAThe QSGMII differential input port is available through SMA connectors J1 and J2, while the output portis available through SMA connectors J4 and J5. Both of them are AC coupled.Switch Block ControlSW1 controls COMA_MODE, CLK_SQUELCH_IN and REFCLKSEL_[1:0]. The default configuration is withall switches set to low as shown in the figure below.Figure 2 • SW1 Switch Control3.1.2Zarlink ZL30343 SyncE G.8262/SETSThe Silabs F311 micro-controller is pre-programmed to configure the Zarlink ZL30343 to provide a 125MHz differential LVPECL clock to the VSC8514 REFCLK input, either based on the 20 MHz on-boardcrystal, or RCVRDCLK1 from the VSC8514 (Sync-E mode). When RCVRDCLK1 is enabled to output aproper 125 MHz clock, the ZL30343 will generate a 125 MHz output clock synchronized to theRCVRDCLK1 and will switch from HOLDOVER mode to LOCK mode as indicated by LEDs D33 and D34 asshown in the figure below.The left side of the illustration shows the HoldOver mode and the right side shows the Lock mode.Figure 3 • ZL30343 LED Indication3.1.3External RefClk OptionThe user may choose to provide an external PHY REFCLK via SMA connections to J21 and J23 (as shownin Figure 3 above). To route the SMA signals to the device the user must reorient the zero ohm resistors,R151, and R152.3.1.4Recovered ClocksThere are two recovered clocks available from the VSC8514, through J22 and J24. In the defaultconfiguration, CLK_SQUELCH_IN is pulled down, which disables the clock squelching and RCVRDCLK1 isconnected to the Zarlink device while RCVRDCLK2 is connected to SMA connector J24. RCVRDCLK1 andRCVRDCLK2 connections can be reconfigured by replacing the zero ohm resistors, R19, and R22,respectively.Network Interface Microcontroller CardA “Rabbit” microcontroller card is included to facilitate a software interface to the registers on theVSC8514. The controller card has a hard coded static IP address. Refer to the label on the card for thevalue. This address is required by the user to initiate communications via the board and the GUI. factory programmed Rabbit board IP address is: .1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 4Quick Start This section shows the quick start for VSC8514.4.1Connecting the Power SupplyThe evaluation board uses 5 VDC to power the on-board regulators creating the 3.3 V, 2.5 V, and 1.0 V rails which drive the devices as well as modules. The evaluation board can be powered using the power pack which provides the 5 VDC. Simply plug the AC adaptor into a wall socket and the barrel end into J67 (see the upper right corner of Figure 1). Immediately the user should see several LEDs turn on.The user may alternately connect the board to a bench style power supply by connecting the red banana plug to 5 VDC and the black banana plug to ground. If the supply provides 3 A the board should come alive as described above.4.2PC Software InstallationDownload the ZIP file to the PC’s root directory, normally C:\.Extract to C:\Double click the icon to launch the GUI (It is acceptable to drag the icon to the desktop)4.3Connecting to the Board to the PCThe Rabbit board can interface with a PC either through a direct connection to the PC or if configured properly through a local area network. The latter option requires the user to configure the Rabbit’s IP address so as to properly reside on the user’s network.The IP address of the board should be written on the Rabbit network interface daughter board card. The default value should be You will need to use this IP address to initially access the board for operation or to change its IP address.4.3.1Changing the IP Address of the BoardDetermine and write down the new unique IP address you wish to change the board to.Directly connect an Ethernet cable from a PC to the Rabbit board.: Some older PCs do not support auto-crossover on the Ethernet connection so a cross-over NOTE cable may be unch a DOS command window by clicking on the Start->Run button and typing “cmd”.Within the DOS command window type “Telnet”.In the Telnet window, connect to the Rabbit board’s address using the open command by typing open, as this is the factory default address.You should have a prompt and be able to type help to get a list of commands available on the Rabbit.a.) If you are unable to connect, then most likely you will need to change the IP address of the connected PC to have the first 3 octets similar to the board by following the subsequent steps.b.) On the PC under Windows -> Control Panel ->Network Connections -> Local Area Connection, right mouse click for Properties. Under the General tab highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on Properties. From there enter the new PC IP address such as 10.9.70.yyy where yyy is a unique value and NOT the same as the Rabbit board. Once complete, return to step 4.From the Telnet window, update the IP address by typing set ip <new IP address> <Enter>, where <new IP address> is in the form of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.After hitting <Enter> the IP address will change and the Rabbit will save the value and reboot which may take approximately 1 minute.The Telnet session will disconnect from the board.Change your PC IP address to the same IP network as the Rabbit board.Telnet to the Rabbit e the following commands to complete configuration of the Rabbit board configuration:a) set netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx b) set gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx c) save envPlease record and inform Microsemi of the new IP address of the board when you return so that11. 12. Please record and inform Microsemi of the new IP address of the board when you return so that Microsemi can connect to and reconfigure the board.Re-label the Rabbit board with the new IP.4.4Using the Control SoftwareConnect the VSC8514EV Rabbit microcontroller’s RJ-45 directly to the PC or through a network switch if properly configured. Apply 5 VDC to the EVB.Launch the GUI by double clicking the GUI shortcut located in C:\EliseGUI_4_67 or on the desktop if it has been moved there. The GUI connection window shown in the figure below should appear.Figure 4 • GUI Connection WindowTo make a connection to the EVB, click “Rabbit” and enter the IP address of the EVB, then click on “Connect”. The display next to the IP address window should change to “Connected”. If it does not, check the IP address, or your network configuration until the connection with the EVB can be successfully established.Double click on “MII Registers” and the window shown in the following figure should appear:1. Double click on “MII Registers” and the window shown in the following figure should appear:Figure 5 • MII Registers GUI WindowBe sure the device is up and running by reading MII Register 0. It should read back 0 × 1040. Reading back all 0’s or all 1’s indicates a problem. A checked box means the bit is set to “1,” if unchecked it is “0.”4.4.1Board InitializationOnce the evaluation board connectivity has been established and confirmed, the PHY should be initialized. Initialization can be accomplished by running an init-script sequence, such as performed by the pre- and post-reset functions of the PHY API standalone app.While the init-script sequence may not be required for specific operational modes, an init-script sequence is highly recommended to ensure correct performance over the greatest set of user scenarios for the PHY. After initialization is performed, refer to the PHY datasheet section on configuring the PHY and PHY Interfaces for the desired application.4.4.2Copper Media Operation (Auto-negotiation Enabled)A single register write and some external coax cables enables 1 G Ethernet traffic to be received by the VSC8514 RJ-45 port(s), routed through the VSC8514 and externally looped back via coax cables through the QSGMII interface and transmitted back to the traffic source on the same copper port(s).The following steps are used to setup an external QSGMII loopback:Set up the copper traffic source (i.e., IXIA or Smartbits)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Set up the copper traffic source (i.e., IXIA or Smartbits)Connect Ethernet cable(s) to a single or multiple RJ-45 ports.Connect two matched coax cables, J1 - J4 and J2 - J5.Write using the "Micro Page Registers" window: 19'd 0 × 400F.Write using the "Micro Page Registers" window: 18'd 0 × 80E0.When "Micro Page" 18'd is read back, bit 15 will clear.Linkup bit is in MII Reg 1, bit 2 (MII 1.2), read twice to update.Traffic should be the following:4.4.3Sync-E OperationTo enable 12 MHz Sync-E operation on this evaluation board a few register writes are required. Write 0 × 8101 on register 23’d of the “Micro Page Registers” to enable RCVRDCLK1 with PHY0 as the clock source when PHY0’s link is up in a non-EEE mode and not 1000BT master or 10BT. To select a different port as the clock source or enable a recovered clock for EEE mode, refer to register 23 G in the datasheet for the programming detail. Set MII Reg.9 bit 12 to enable manual slave configuration then issue an auto negotiation restart through reg.0 bit 9.4.5Useful Registers 4.5.1Ethernet Packet GeneratorExtMII 29E is the Ethernet Packet Generator register. Refer to the datasheet for configuration options.A good CRC packet counter is in ExtMII 18.13:0. A read of the register reads back the good CRC packets and then clears the register so the subsequent reads will be 0 if no traffic has been received. If traffic has been received since the last read, bit 15 will be set.4.5.2Copper PHY Error CountersIdle errors = MII 10.7:0RX errors = MII 19.7:0False carrier = MII 20.7:0Disconnects = MII 21.7:0CRC errors = ExtMII 23.7:04.5.3Near-End LoopbackWhen the near-end loopback test feature is enabled, the transmitted data is looped back in the PCS block on the receive data signals. To enable the loopback, set register bit.0.14 to LoopbackWhen the far-end loopback test feature is enabled, incoming data from a link partner on the Copper interface to be transmitted back to the link partner on the Copper interface. To enable the loopback, set register bit.23.3 to SerDes LoopbackThere are 3 different types of loopback that occurs in the SerDes block:Input loopback: loops serial data from TDP/N onto RDP/N by writing 0 × 9022 to reg.18G Facility loopback: loops de-serialized data from TDP/N back to the serialized data onto RDP/N by writing 0 × 9022 to reg.18G Equipment loopback: similar to far-end loop but occurs in the SerDes block, by writing 0 × 9042 to reg.18G5Additional InformationFor any additional information or questions regarding the devices mentioned in this document, contactyour local sales representative.Microsemi HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo,CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996Email:***************************© Microsemi. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. 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It is the Buyer's responsibility to independently determine suitability of any products and to test and verify the same. The information provided by Microsemi hereunder is provided "as is, where is" and with all faults, and the entire risk associated with such information is entirely with the Buyer. Microsemi does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other IP rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice.Microsemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP), offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace & defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprise storage and communication solutions; security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California, and has approximately 4,800 employees globally. Learn more at www. .VPPD-03695。
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NB2XXXA EMI TSOP6 EVB 通用评估板用户手册说明书
EMITSOP6EVBEMI TSOP6 EVB Universal Evaluation Board User's ManualBoard DescriptionThe EMI TSOP6 EVB universal Evaluation Board was designed to provide a flexible and convenient platform to quickly evaluate, characterize and verify the performance and operation of all twelve NB2XXXA EMI devices, and all of their possible configurations. This user’s manual provides detailed information on board contents, layout and its use. It should be used in conjunction with the appropriate NB2XXXA datasheet: (). See Table 1.Board Features•Accommodates the Electrical Characterization of the NB2XXXA, Reduced EMI Series in the TSOP −6 Package•Multiple Configurations − Refer to NB2XXXA Configurations Tables 1 and 2•26 W Series Termination Resistor Installed on MODOUT•15 pF Output Load Capacitor Installed on MODOUT •Selectable Jumpers for SELECT Pin Logic LevelsFigure 1. NB2XXXA TSOP −6 PinoutTwelve EMI products share the same TSOP −6 (TSOT −23−6)package, but have minor pin configuration differences. See Table 2.123654V SS (GND)MODOUT V DDIn or OutXOXI / CLKINFigure 2. Evaluation BoardEVAL BOARD USER’S MANUALTable 1. NB2XXX PIN FUNCTION (see datasheet)EMI Devicefin (MHz)XTAL CLKIN (External)PD SSON Mod Eqn Freq.REFOUT NB2579A13 − 30Y Y N Y f in÷ 640$1%N NB2669A 6 − 13N Y Y N f in÷ 256$1%N NB2760A 6 − 13Y Y Y N f in÷ 256$0.75%N NB2762A 6 − 13Y Y Y N f in÷ 256−1.25%N NB2769A 6 − 13Y Y Y N f in÷ 256$1%N NB2779A13 − 30Y Y Y N f in÷ 640$1%N NB2780A30 − 50Y Y Y N f in÷ 1280$0.75%N NB2869A 6 − 13Y Y N N f in÷ 256$1%Y NB2870A13 − 30Y Y N N f in÷640$0.75%Y NB2872A15 − 30Y Y N N f in÷ 640−1.25%Y NB2879A15 − 30Y Y N N f in÷ 640$1%Y NB2969A 6 − 13Y Y N N f in÷ 256$1%Y, REFOUT ÷2 Table 2. NB2XXX PIN ASSIGNMENT (see datasheet)EMI DevicePin 1Pin 2Pin 3Pin 4Pin 5Pin 6See Table 4 NB2579A I XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)R1 = 0 WNB2669A I NC CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)R1 = 0 WNB2760A I XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)R1 = 0 WNB2762A I XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)R1 = 0 WNB2769A I XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)R1 = 0 WNB2779A I XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)R1 = 0 WNB2780A I XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)R1 = 0 WNB2869A O XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)R1 = 26 WNB2870A O XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)C1NB2872A O XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)C1NB2879A O XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)C1NB2969A O XO XI / CLKIN V DD MODOUT V SS (GND)C1LAB SETUP PROCEDURELab Setup and Measurement Procedure Equipment Used•Agilent Signal Generator #81110A (or Crystal)•Real −Time Oscilloscope, Frequency Counter or Spectrum Analyzer•Agilent #6624A DC Power Supply •Digital V oltmeterPower Supply ConnectionsThe NB2XXXA has a positive supply pin, V DD , and a negative supply pin, GND.Power supply “anvil” terminals are provided for V DD and GND. Use of “minigrabber” banana plug cables work well for connections to the power supply.Table 3. POWER SUPPLY CONFIGURATIONSDevice PinSingle Power SupplyV DD V DD = +3.3 V GNDGND = 0 V+3.3 VV DDFigure 3. Power Supply ConfigurationFigure 4. Input / Output ConfigurationIn or OutNB2XXXALab Test Set−up ProcedureTo monitor the MODOUT output on an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer or frequency counter:1.Connect a power supply to the evaluation board.(see Figure 3)Connect V DD to +3.3 VConnect GND to 0 V2.Connect an external clock reference to the CLKINPin 3 or install a crystal and appropriate (seeCLKIN) crystal load capacitors to Pins 2 and 3.3.Connect the MODOUT output to the measurementinstrument.4.For the MODOUT output, the NB2XXXA boardprovides a series 26 W source termination resistorand a load capacitor pad for each output; 15 pF isinstalled.Board LayoutThe evaluation board is constructed with FR4 material and 50 W trace impedance, designed to minimize noise and crosstalk.Layer StackL1Signal (top)L2GroundL3V DD (positive power supply)L4Blank (bottom)Pin 1 − IN / OUT ConfigurationPin 1 of the EMI TSOP6 EVB universal evaluation board can be configured to serve as an input or output, depending on device.See Tables 1 and 2.An SMA connector is provided to access Pin 1.If Pin 1 is an input, a 0 W resistor may be used at R1.Table 4. PIN 1 INPUT/OUTPUTDevice Pin #1R1C1 (or C3)See Table 2Input0 W OpenSee Table 2Output26 W15 pF If Pin 1 is an output, C1 can be used to install an output load capacitor, ie. a 15 pF capacitor. C1 and C3 can be used to parallel two output load capacitors. Also, a 26 W series termination resistor should be installed at R1.When Pin 1 is an input, the select header pins, HI and LO, can manually control the Pin 1 logic level via the appropriate jumper/shunt. A connection from each header must then be made to the Pin 1 metal trace. When either HI or LO are jumpered, Pin 1 is forced to V DD (logic High) or GND (logic Low).MODOUT Output Series ResistorAn R2 resistor pad is provided to series terminate the MODOUT output and is installed with a 26 W resistor. This series resistor complements an internal 24 W resistor to match the 50 W trace impedance.MODOUT Output Load CapacitorAn output load capacitor pad is provided to load the MODOUT output and is installed with a 15 pF capacitor. C4 and C5 can be used to parallel two output load capacitors for various combinations of capacitive loads, if needed. CLKINAn SMA connector is provided for CLKIN if an external clock source is used on Pin 3. The metal trace at the crystal pad is intentionally open for crystal use, and must be shorted for a connection to Pin 3 for external clock use. The unused component pad labeled C6 (used for the crystal load capacitor) may be used for a 50 W resistor to ground to terminate a signal generator.NB2XXXA Output LoadingV DDFigure 5. Output Loading for Test / EvaluationSeries Termination ResistorClock output traces over one inch should use series termination. To series terminate a 50 W trace (a commonly used trace impedance), place a 26 W resistor in series with the clock line, as close to the clock output pin as possible.The nominal impedance of the clock output is 24 W .Figure 1. NB2XXXA Evaluation Board SchematicExternal Clock SourceTable 5. NB2XXXA EVALUATION BOARD BILL OF MATERIALSComponentDescriptionQty SMA 1 − 3Connector SMA Connector1−3C2Capacitor0.1 m F, 10%, KEMET, C0603C104K5RAC, Installed 1C6 − C7Capacitor (Crystal Load)27 pF, Not Installed 2C1, C3, C4,C5Capacitor 15 m F, C5 Installed 1−4Jumper Header 100 mil, Berg4Jumper2R1 − R2Resistor26 W or 0 W , R2 Installed with 26 W 2C6Resistor (optional)50 W , 0.1%, 0.25 W 1Power Supply ConnectorAnvil − Keystone #50162U1NB2XXXATSOP −6 device (Installed by User)1X1Crystal (See Crystal Chart)Fundamental Mode, Parallel Resonant, Ecliptek 1Pin Recepticle Through −Hole Crystal Connector 2CapacitorV DD to GND Bypass Capacitors10 m F − 22 m F 0.01 m F − 0.1 m F11Table 6.Crystal Frequency(MHz)Ecliptek Part #ESR (W MAX)6.000ECX−6074−6.000M125 8.000ECX−6075−8.000M70 10.000ECX−6078−10.000M5012.000ECX−6081−12.000M5013.500ECX−6082−13.500M5014.31818ECX−6083−14.31818M5015.000ECX−6084−15.000M5016.000ECX−6087−16.000M50 16.660ECX−6090−16.660M5018.750ECX−6125−18.750M5019.440ECX−6091−19.440M5019.531ECX−6126−19.531M5020.000ECX−6094−20.000M50 20.1416ECX−6127−20.1416M50 20.480ECX−6099−20.480M5024.000ECX−6102−24.000M4025.000ECX−6105−25.000M4026.5625ECX−6110−26.5625M4026.6000ECX−6128−26.6000M5027.000ECX−6115−27.000M4028.000ECX−6118−28.000M40 30.000ECX−6119−30.000M40 32.000ECX−6120−32.000M40Table 7.Crystal Parameter Specification Nominal Frequency See Chart Frequency Tolerance at 25°C/Stability over OTR±15 ppm / ±20 ppm Operating Temperature Range0°C to +70°CLoad Capacitance (C L)18 pFEquivalent Series Resistance(W) (Maximum)See ChartMode of Operation and CrystalCutAT−Cut Fundamental Storage Temperature−40°C to +85°CDrive Level100 m Watts Correlation1 mW Maximum Aging (at 25°C)±3 ppm / 1st year,±15 ppm / 10 yearMaximumInsulation Resistance500 M W Minimum,100 V Shunt Capacitance (pF(Maximum)5 pF Maximum Package E2S (HC−49/UP SMD)ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONTECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS :Technical Library: /design/resources/technical−documentation onsemi Website: ONLINE SUPPORT : /supportFor additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative at /support/sales。
Aeneas R2023T Evaluation Platform 说明书
Aeneas R2023T Evaluation Platform使用手册产品型号:R2023T手册版本:V1.00目录目录 (2)1 Aeneas R2023T Evaluation Platform概述 (3)1.1 平台简介 (3)1.2 平台清单 (3)1.3 平台技术指标 (4)1.3.1 GY7051A USB-I2C Adapter (4)1.3.2 R2023T Demo Board (4)1.4 Demo Board线路 (5)2 接口描述 (5)2.1 PIN 脚描述 (5)2.2 I/O的直流电气特性 (6)3 USB-I2C适配器硬件驱动安装 (6)4 I2C Tool 软件安装 (9)5 平台硬件操作说明 (10)5.1 平台器件连接 (10)5.2 Demo Board供电 (10)6 平台软件操作说明 (11)6.1 软件运行说明 (11)6.2 软件功能介绍 (11)6.2.1 软件参数描述 (11)6.2.2 软件按钮操作 (13)7 接口函数与用户二次开发 (13)8 USB-I2CAdapter工作原理 (14)8.1 I2C 操作过程简述 (14)8.2 接收数据(读操作) (14)8.3 发送数据(写操作) (15)9 R2023T 寄存器设置 (15)9.1时间计数器(0~2h) (16)9.2 周计数器(3h) (19)9.3 日期计数器(4-6h) (19)9.4 振荡调整寄存器(7h) (20)9.5 Alarm_W 寄存器(8-Ah) (20)9.6 Alarm_W 寄存器(B-Ch) (21)9.7 控制寄存器1(Eh) (22)9.8控制寄存器2(Fh) (23)10 附录 (23)1 Aeneas R2023T Evaluation Platform 概述1.1 平台简介该平台用于RICOH R2023T 实时时钟芯片的测试,R2023T 包括一个外围晶体振荡器、时钟日期计数器和2个中断预警电路,该平台可以测试RTC 所有功能及性能指标,比如时钟精度。
User's GuideSNVA153B–May2006–Revised April2013AN-1454LM26001Evaluation Board1IntroductionThe LM26001evaluation board is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the LM26001switchingregulator.The LM26001board,schematic shown in Figure1,is configured to provide an output of3.3V at up to1.5A from an input range of3.5V to38V(a minimum of4.5V is required for startup).The nominal operatingfrequency is305kHz and can be synchronized from+30%to-20%of nominal using the SYNC connection post.The evaluation board is designed to operate at ambient temperatures up to75°C.Typical evaluation board waveforms and performance curves are shown in Figure2through Figure7.Figure8and Figure9show the pcb trace layout.To aid in the design and evaluation of dc/dc buckconverters based on the LM26001regulator,the evaluation board can be re-configured for different output voltages and operating frequencies.Test points are also provided to enable easy connection andmonitoring of critical signals.Table2shows the Bill of Materials(BOM)for a second example circuit for1.5V output and480kHzswitching frequency.This design operates from an input voltage of3.5V to38V and enters pulse skipping mode at approximately24Vin,depending on loading.For more information about device function and circuit design,see the LM26001/LM26001Q1.5ASwitching Regulator with High Efficiency Sleep Mode Data Sheet(SNVS430).2Jumper SettingsThe FPWM jumper is used to disable the sleep mode function.For normal operation,select‘off’,which connects FPWM to GND.For FPWM operation(sleep mode disabled),select‘on’.The Vbias jumperconnects the VBIAS pin to Vout.When Vout is greater than3V,the VBIAS function will be activated for improved efficiency.To disable VBIAS,or if Vout is set to less than3V,set the jumper to‘GND’.3Optional ComponentsBefore changing the default components,see the device-specific data sheet for information regarding the component selection.Output voltage and frequency are easily adjustable with single resistors,R1and R3,respectively.However,large changes to the default settings may require other changes to the inductor,outputcapacitor,and compensation network.Several optional component pads have been provided for application flexibility.The C7pad is provided for an additional ceramic output capacitor.This capacitor can be used to lower the total ESR at the output.D2blocks reverse current to the input supply during low input voltage and light load conditions.This diode may not be necessary in all applications and can be replaced with a jumper.C10is a phase lead capacitor that can be installed to increase phase and gain margin.For more detailed information,see the compensation section of the device-specific data sheet.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.1 SNVA153B–May2006–Revised April2013AN-1454LM26001Evaluation Board Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2006–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated** Component not installedPowering Up 4Powering UpBefore powering up the LM26001evaluation board,all external connections should be verified.The power supply input must be turned off and connected with proper polarity to the VIN and GND posts.The load should be connected between the VOUT post and GND post.Both the VIN and VOUT connections should use the GND post closest to the VIN post.Output voltage can be monitored with a DVM or oscilloscope at the VOUT post.The second GND post,close to the IC,is provided primarily for small signal measurements,such as soft-start voltage,or PGOOD.This GND post should also be used when applying optional external signals such as EN and SYNC.Once all connections have been verified,input power can be applied.The input voltage must be setbetween 4.5V and 38V.The load can be on or off at startup.If the EN post is left open,the output voltage will ramp up when VIN is appliedFigure 1.Evaluation Board Schematic2AN-1454LM26001Evaluation BoardSNVA153B–May 2006–Revised April 2013Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2006–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Powering Up Table1.LM26001Bill of Materials(BOM)for V=3.3V,1.5A,305kHzORef No Value Footprint SupplierC1 3.3µF50V X7R ceramic1210TDKC247µF50V low ESR electrolytic PanasonicC310µF10V B ceramic1206MurataC40.1µF50V COG ceramic1206MurataC510nF50V X7R ceramic0603MurataC6100µF8V12mohm SP PanasonicC7not installed1206-C8 4.7nF50V COG ceramic0603MurataC947pF50V COG ceramic0603MurataC10not installed0603-D160V3A NSQ03A06SMC NIECD260V2A EC21QS06SMA NIECL122µH3.5A SLF12565T-220M3R5TDKR156kΩ1%0603-R233kΩ1%0603-R3120kΩ1%0603-R4200kΩ5%0603-R515kΩ1%0603-R610kΩ5%0603-3 SNVA153B–May2006–Revised April2013AN-1454LM26001Evaluation Board Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2006–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated2 ms/DIVPerformance Characteristics 5Performance CharacteristicsUnless otherwise specified,VIN=12V,TA=25°C.Figure2.Start-Up Waveforms(IOUT=1A)Figure3.PWM Waveforms(IOUT=1A)OUTFigure5.Load Transient Response(IOUT=0.25A to1.5A step)4AN-1454LM26001Evaluation Board SNVA153B–May2006–Revised April2013Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2006–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated1101001k10kI OUT (mA)505560657075808590E F F I C I E N C Y (%)510152025303540V IN (V)020406080100120140160I O U T (m A)PCB Layout Diagram(s)Figure 6.Efficiency vs I OUTFigure 7.Sleep Mode Threshold Load Current vs Input(V BIAS =V OUT )Voltage6PCB Layout Diagram(s)Figure 8.Top Side Layout5SNVA153B–May 2006–Revised April 2013AN-1454LM26001Evaluation BoardSubmit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2006–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedPCB Layout Diagram(s)Figure9.Bottom Side Layout6AN-1454LM26001Evaluation Board SNVA153B–May2006–Revised April2013Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2006–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated PCB Layout Diagram(s) Table2.LM26001Bill of Materials(BOM)for V=1.5V,1.5A,480kHzORef No Value Footprint SupplierC1 3.3µF50V X7R ceramic1210TDKC247µF50V electrolytic PanasonicC310µF10V B ceramic1206MurataC40.1µF50V COG ceramic1206MurataC510nF50V X7R ceramic0603MurataC6100µF8V12mohm SP PanasonicC710µF6.3V X7R ceramic1206MurataC8 6.8nF16V COG ceramic0603MurataC968pF25V COG ceramic0603MurataC10not installed0603-D160V3A NSQ03A06SMC NIECD260V2A EC21QS06SMA NIECL1 3.3µH4.1A RLF7030T-3R3M4R1TDKR18.2kΩ1%0603-R239kΩ1%0603-R375kΩ1%0603-R4200kΩ5%0603-R520kΩ1%0603-R610kΩ5%0603-7 SNVA153B–May2006–Revised April2013AN-1454LM26001Evaluation Board Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright©2006–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedIMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,enhancements,improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46,latest issue,and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48,latest issue.Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All semiconductor products(also referred to herein as“components”)are sold subject to TI’s terms and 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TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products,and any use of TI components in its applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures,monitor failures and their consequences,lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions.Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications.In some cases,TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications.With such components,TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements.Nonetheless,such components are subject to these terms.No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III(or similar life-critical medical equipment)unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use.Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or“enhanced plastic”are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949requirements,mainly for automotive use.In any case of use of non-designated products,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949.Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Automotive and Transportation /automotiveAmplifiers Communications and Telecom /communicationsData Converters Computers and Peripherals /computersDLP®Products Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDSP Energy and Lighting /energyClocks and Timers /clocks Industrial /industrialInterface Medical /medicalLogic Security /securityPower Mgmt Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Applications Processors /omap TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
• 在配置行为审计的前提下,添加关键字过滤参数
• 中高端的GA、GE、TS设备,前三对儿接口默认自带断电保护,如镜像连接设备0、 1接口,设备正常运行下,0、1口为旁路且独立,当设备异常断电后,会启动断 掉保护机制,即0、1直通。建议使用不同接口对实现旁路,或SW上VLAN隔离
UAG 旁路部署模式
旁路部署方式 非在线部署
Internet 路由器
镜像 内部网络 交换机
组网模式:在线模式、旁路模式、网关模式 PFP断电保护主机:是否使用,使用接口插卡类型(电、光) 开启安全策略:根据用户需求,如行为审计、流量分析、带宽限速等 UMC统一管理中心:是否安装
创建其他安全策略 修改管理员密码 修改管理地址,需同步修改日志输出“源IP” 添加管理默认路由
修改SNMP参数 修改日志保存时间(系统日志、业务日志、操作日志) 以上策略是否开启根据需求而定,配置方法参考用户手册
上下行链路接口类型(光、电)及速率、双工状态 部署链路数量 中、高端UAG,自带前三对儿电口断电保护功能
AA系统指导手册系统版本:R1.0文档编号:CHI -NJBL-A3南京北路自动化系统有限责任公司文档修订记录内部使用文档内容简介《AA系统指导手册》填写主要内容简介。
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第一章系统登录1.1 运行客户端程序运行“客户评价综合管理系统”光盘,双击运行EVMS.Client.exe客户端程序,显示如图所示登录界面:1.2 服务器连接设置单击按钮,显示如下设置窗口。
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资产评估项目管理系统使用说明书 .doc
谢谢你的观赏资产评估项目管理系统使用说明书国家知识产权局State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of China中国资产评估协会CHINA Appraisal Society中电亿商网络技术有限责任公司&Gnet实验室CEBP Network Technology Co.,Ltd & Gnet Research laboratory Copyright:2009─2012目录一、系统简介4二、系统模块图5三、安装应用软件53.1.运行网络桌面53.2.安装应用软件6四、系统界面架构74.1功能菜单74.2快速启动栏 74.3任务列表74.4新闻列表84.5项目信息8五、快速入门85.1.系统设置85.1.1基本信息设置85.1.2评估程序设置95.1.3复核设置105.1.4项目状态设置105.1.5计划设置115.1.6模版设置125.1.7公告设置145.1.8客户信息设置145.1.9组织结构165.1.9.1组织结构更新部门165.更新人员165.新建部门175.删除部门175.新建人员175.清除用户195.部门信息修改195.人员信息修改195.部门转换195.1.9.2用户权限用户审批 215.2项目管理225.2.1我的项目225.2.1.1新建项目245.2.1.2修改项目245.2.1.3删除项目255.2.1.4项目权限分配265.2.1.5项目状态275.2.2归档项目295.2.3.项目查询统计295.2.4任务分配295.2.5人员动态305.3常用工具315.3.1无形资产评估查询315.3.2日程管理325.3.3日程统计335.3.4个人日程查询335.3.5快速查询345.3.6常用网址34六、软硬件环境需求34一、系统简介《资产评估项目管理系统》是在Gnet技术框架体系下采用Gnet的核心技术――Gnet网络套件技术,以C/S网络结构,在保持原有系统功能的基础上,可承受随时的需求变化,并集成多种应用和定制高度灵活的功能,完全可与同体系下的不同专业应用系统无缝连接,可以自上而下的统一、标准、安全、快速的布置并自动完成更新和升级。
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〔二〕运行环境1、硬件环境Cpu:P4 1.5G内存:256M硬盘空间:10G2、软件环境操作系统:WindowsXP、Windows2003扫瞄器版本:IEV6.0SP2以上扫瞄器版本OFFICE编辑系统:MicroSoftOffice2003以上版本屏幕分辨率:1024*768〔三〕打印功能的要求为用户能够使用业务治理系统中的打印功能,需要将业务治理系统的效劳器对应的网站地址添加到IE的受信任站点中。
料费分离核价系统系统使用说明书内部用户二00九年九月三十日目录1系统配置..........................................................系统登录前的配置要求...........................................硬件配置...................................................系统软件...................................................网络配置...................................................登录....................................................... 2料费分离..........................................................查看项目列表...................................................查看流程 ......................................................填写明细 ......................................................提交流程 ......................................................查看发布邮件................................................... 3非料费分离........................................................查看项目列表...................................................查看流程 ......................................................填写报价 ......................................................提交流程 ......................................................查看发布邮件................................................... 4料费分离查询...................................................... 3核价查询.......................................................... 1系统配置1.1系统登录前的配置要求1.1.1硬件配置CPU:Pentium(奔腾)300MHz以上内存:512M以上显示器:14寸以上彩显,屏幕分辨率 1024*768以上1.1.2系统软件操作系统:Windows xpIE(Internet Explorer)版本:或、建议不要使用版本(IE版本查询:打开IE->帮助->关于Internet Explorer->版本)1.1.3网络配置建议使用ADSL(俗称宽带网)或VPN连接互联网1.1.4登录2料费分离2.1查看项目列表目的:查询料费分离项目。
1.2.9 外部时钟输入 外部时钟可以通过移除已焊接的 XTAL 而连接在 CN002(未焊接)上。允许用户通过其他时钟源确认 DIR9001 的操作。
4 DIR9001评估板
SLAU225-2007年7月 提交文档反馈
2 电路图、印刷电路板和材料清单
本节介绍 DEM-DIR9001 印刷电路板、DEM-DIR9001 电路图和材料清单
SLAU225-2007年7月 提交文档反馈
1.1 电路方框图
光纤输入 同轴输入
功能控制 时钟控制
1.2 操作和设置
图 1 – DEM-DIR9001 电路方框图
1.2.1 电源输入 +5V 电源输入 在 CN051 处连接+5V 电源,在 HDR051 连接器处连接 5V 跳线。对于所有的内部操作,+3.3V 电源通过 板上的 REG-IC 产生。不需要外部+3.3V。 +3.3 V 电源输入 在 CN052 处连接+3.3V 电源,在 HDR051 连接器处连接 3.3V 跳线。所有的+3.3V 通过 CN052 提供。
表 2.SW002:PSCK0、PSCK1 系统时钟频率选择
PLL 源输出时钟 BCKO 64fs 64fs 64fs 64fs
LRCKO fs fs fs fs
1.2.5 操作模式控制 SW004 是 DIR9001 的基本操作模式控制。
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目前我平台使用两种型号的电子密钥,分别是ePass3000和eKey EKⅡ-PKXC,如需重装请根据型号下载相应的驱动程序和安装使用手册。
现以eKey EKⅡ-PKXC为例说明安装过程:双击网站下载回来的驱动程序包,运行驱动程序安装过程,出现如图1的界面。
图 1 eKey驱动程序安装过程点击下一步,在后续见到的界面上点击:是、下一步继续安装过程,直到见到安装成功的提示(如图2),表示安装成功。
图 2 eKey驱动安装完成图3.1.2 数字证书查验安装驱动程序后可以使用数字证书查验或管理工具检查数字证书的有效性、有效期:ePass3000eKey或图 3 查验ePass3000的有效期图 4 查验eKey的有效期3.1.3修改数字证书的密码两种型号数字证书的初始保护密码(PIN码)都是:12345678。
图 5 修改ePass3000密码图 6 修改eKey密码3.1.4备Key与主Key等同使用一个人只能申领一个正式证书和一个个备用证书,两个证书具有相同的系统权限。
图7 基本药物投标项目入口图8 Key保护密码输入框图9 综合评价议价系统登录页点击“展开登录面板”后可以看到登录面板如下,点击“证书Key登录”后系统列出授权代办项目的企业名称,选择其中一个企业进入。
图10 展开后的登录面板3.3设置用户名和密码第一次设置用户名和密码必须使用数字证书登录,登录后点击“个人设置>>设置用户名密码”,填写用户名和密码,然后提交。
第5章用户管理5.1采购中心管理被授权人一个投标企业可以拥有多个用户:1. 由《法定代表人授权书》确定的一位被授权人;2.由被授权人管理的多位(最多4位)普通用户。
图11 添加用户的操作步骤图12 添加用户后的界面5.2.2给新增用户授权新增的用户没有权限,需要管理员登录来给新用户授权。
图13 给普通用户授权的步骤5.2.3删除用户管理员(被授权人)有权删除企业内的普通用户。
7.1进口产品网上报名点击主菜单“产品管理>>进口产品报名”,输入查询条件,点击“查询”,找到相应的进口产品,点击后面的“报名”,图14 进口产品报名的操作7.2查看已报名的进口产品报名后应查看已报名产品,确认报名成功。
图15 查看已报名产品7.3取消已报名的进口产品报名截止前,可通过取消报名功能取消报错的产品。
图16 取消其中一个报名产品第8章报价8.1报价前的准备工作1.检查签名控件SecuForm是否安装好并通过检测,参见【第4章签名控件的安装和检查】。