Unit 15 Cultural Diversity经贸英语文章选读ppt(董晓波主编)




2. The king of Prussia gave the Amber Room to Russia because__D___. A. he wanted to marry Catherine II. B. he was kind. C. he needed better soldiers D. he wanted to make friends
Cultural relics don’t belong to a single man; they belong to the whole world and the human beings.
雄锦胶囊 雄锦胶囊
好啊!”耿老爹父子千恩万谢,用木板和草帘子在东屋里打了地铺。耿英和耿直睡床上,耿老爹和耿正睡地铺。稍做收拾之后,父子 们倒头就沉沉地睡着了。一觉醒来,太阳已经老高了。发现睡过了头,耿老爹感觉很不好意思。他一边招呼两个儿子快快起床,一边 吩咐耿英:“你快穿戴整齐了洗把脸去西边屋子看看,把剩下的大饼也全送过去吧,可别让娘娘又忙活着做什么复杂的饭了。我们简 单吃点儿,看下一步往哪里去。”一转眼的功夫,耿英就返回来了,说:“爹,娘娘和小青姐姐已经做好饭了,做了好多打卤面。说 是让咱们收拾好了,洗把脸就过去吃饭呢!”一进西屋,耿老爹忙不迭地道“抱歉!”,但乔氏和小青娘儿俩却是非常高兴。乔氏说: “看你们父子睡得好,我们就放心了。今儿个早饭吃一顿打卤面吧,常听小青她爹说,北方人爱吃面食呢!”捞上六碗面条后,乔氏 将一把长把儿的铜汤勺搁在圆桌中间的卤汤盆儿里,说:“小青擀的面还说得过去,只是我这卤汤做得不一定对你们口味儿!来来来, 都坐下,需要放多少卤汤自己盛吧。”小青不好意思地说:“姆妈看你,客人还没有吃哩,你怎么就夸开我了?我还想跟耿英妹妹好 好地学一学怎么做面食呢!”乔氏笑着说:“姆妈夸女儿没有错啊,我家小青是很能干呢!大家快坐下来乘热吃啊!”大家依次盛上 卤汤,小青给每人递上来一双崭新的竹筷子,说:“大家都用新筷子吧,还是我爹从上海买的呢!”耿老爹感激地接过新竹筷,说: “小青姑娘,快拉你姆妈也坐下来吃啊!”乔氏和小青也坐下来。乔氏高兴地说:“大家吃啊,面条坨了就不好吃了。”说着话,还 特地给耿正的碗里加点儿卤汤,说:“大小伙子了,多吃点儿!面条可还精道?”耿正吃一口,连忙回答:“面条很精道,卤汤也很 好吃!”小青小声对耿英说:“耿英妹妹,这面我倒是用心擀了,只是切得很不均匀;宽的宽,窄的窄,就好像爷爷领孙子一样!” 一句话又把大伙儿给逗乐了。耿直一边狼吞虎咽地吃着,一边问耿老爹:“爹,那句话怎么说的来?宾,什么如归?”耿老爹说: “宾至如归!”说完,耿老爹抬头感激地对乔氏母女二人说:“我这小儿子说得太对了,我们父子们真得是有宾至如归的感觉呢!真 不知道该怎么感谢您二位才好!这是我们出门一年来吃得最香的一顿饭!”乔氏忙说:“不言谢啊,这是举手之劳。你们都多吃点 儿!”又说:“听你总这么客气,倒让我们娘儿俩感觉不自在了。我们家小青她爹今年四十三岁,不知你俩谁大?”耿老爹说:“我 今天四十四岁了。”乔氏笑答:“那我就该叫你一声耿大哥喽!你也不要总是‘夫人’啊,还有‘您’什么的,就叫我兄弟媳妇好 了。”耿老爹说:“这哪里好意思呢!”小青噘着小儿嘴



Susan Bassnett
❖Susan Bassnett is one of the leading international figures and founding scholar in Translation Studies.
❖Research interests: comparative and world literature, theatre history, English poetry.
❖ To laugh one’s head off ❖ To spend money like water ❖ Every potter praises his
own pot .
❖ 笑掉大牙
❖ 挥金如土 ❖ 王婆卖瓜,自Hale Waihona Puke 卖自夸6.
❖ Can you translate: 1. 算盘 2. 二胡 3. 麻将 4. 丁字路口 5. 在床上睡成一个“大”字
❖ To learn a language is also to learn its culture. If you want to be bilingual, you should also be bicultural.
❖ Have a quiz
1. John Bull & Uncle Sam
Some English and Chinese Idioms
❖ Walls have ears. ❖ As fat as a pig ❖ The frog in the well ❖ Blood is thicker than water.
❖ 隔墙有耳 ❖ 肥得像猪 ❖ 井底之蛙 ❖ 血浓于水

经贸英语文章选读Unit 15 Cultural Diversity

经贸英语文章选读Unit 15 Cultural Diversity
Definition of Cultural Diversity
• Cultural diversity is the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole.
• The defense of cultural diversity can take several meanings:
• A balance to be achieved: thus, the idea of defense of cultural diversity through the promotion of actions in favor of "cultural minorities" said to be disadvantaged;
• The term is also sometimes used to refer to multiculturalism within an organization.
Aspects of Cultural Diversity
• Cultural diversity includes (but is not limited to):
经贸英语文章选读Unit 15 Cultural Diversity
Studying Objectives
After studying this unit, you are required to 1. Have a general idea of Cultural Diversity in



BEC高级精讲班第12讲讲义VocabularyStudyI. Vocabulary Study-forceforce noun▶MILITARY◀军队air force空军armed forces 武装部队▶MILITARY ACTION◀[uncountable] military action used as a way of achieving your aims 武力Peace cannot be imposed by force. 和平是不可能靠武力来强制实现的。

▶PHYSICAL POWER◀[uncountable]the amount of physical power with which something moves or hits another thing 力量force ofThe force of the explosion blew out all the windows. 爆炸的力量将所有玻璃都冲击碎了。

▶NATURAL POWER◀[uncountable and countable] a natural power or eventthe force of gravity 地心引力▶ORGANIZED GROUP◀[countable usually singular] a group of people who have been trained and organized to do a particular job 一群人the company's sales force 公司的销售人员the quality of the teaching force 高水平的教师队伍task force noun [countable]1 a group formed for a short time to deal with a particular problem 短期工作专门小组task force ona task force on health care reform 医疗改革专门小组2 a military force sent to a place for a special purpose 先遣部队▶STRONG INFLUENCE◀[countable] something or someone who is powerful and has a lot of influence on the way things happen 强势人物或事情the driving force (behind something/somebody) (=the person or thing that makes something happen) 驱动力Betty Coward was the driving force behind the project. 贝迪是这个项目的发起人。



In west, Although they are different in age and status, they can call the other directly, namely, their names, even first names .They demonstrate the sense of intimacy and the conception of” Everyone is created equal”

In China, the surname comes first and then the given name. While westerners names are written and spoken with the given name first and the family name last.

In a formal setting, westerners address men as "Mister" (Mr), married women as "Misses" ("Mrs."), and unmarried women as "Miss" ( "Ms."). These days many women prefer to be addressed using the abbreviations "Ms." , pronounced "miz". In an informal situation, westerners will introduce each other by first name, without titles, and occasional ly by just the last name.

大学思辨英语教程 精读1课件Unit 15 Intercultural Communication

大学思辨英语教程 精读1课件Unit 15 Intercultural Communication
Critical Thinking
Intercultural Competence
• Communicative Competence
Learning Objectives
• Communicative Competence
• Comprehend and use language with accuracy, clarity and discernment
• Autonomous Learning
• Be able to quiz yourself in various ways to check your achievement or progress
• Critically evaluate and validate information from the Internet • Summarize what you have learned in the whole semester
• Develop a coherent and cohesive oral/written discourse • Illustrate your points with appropriate examples
• Critical Thinking
• Assess the overall structure of the author’s argumentation • Identify and assess the materials the author uses to support
Background Knowledge
She affirmed the possibility of learning from other groups, above all by applying the knowledge she brought back from the field to issues of modern life. Thus, she insisted that human diversity is a resource, not a handicap, that all human beings have the capacity to learn from and teach each other.



Different lands , different friendships.
▪ 1. What kind of friends do you expect to have in your life?
▪ 2. Do you think friendship means the same all over the world?
extended family, while to Americans it is limited to the immediate family. ▪ How do the parents of both side react to the romance between Toula and Ian? ▪ What does it take to bring the story to a happy ending?
1 Warm up
▪ Why does Jackson say that Mr. Zhao has asked too much?
▪ What do you think of the relationship between Mr. Qian and Mr. Zhao? Are they really good friends?
---- R. Benedict
上帝给了每个人一个杯子、一杯粘土, 并且人们从这个杯子里面啜饮人生...他 们都是浸在水里面的,只是他们的杯子 不一样而已 ----本尼迪克特
Joke appreciation for cultural diversity
▪ Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.
▪ 友谊像醇酒,越久越浓。


A. What is Cultural Diversity?
Cultural diversity is the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole.
Joke appreciation for cultural diversity A young lady’s miniskirt was accidentally torn open by a young man.
Please decide where they come from according to their responses to this incident. 1. Before the man saying sorry, the woman bowed down and said in a tender voice: sorry, it is all my fault. It is all the bad quality of my skirt. I am sorry for the trouble I have brought to you. Japan: Over-courtesy and male-dominated 2. Before the man saying sorry, the woman gave him a name-card and said: “This is my lawyer’s phone number. He will talk with you about your sex harassment. See you in the court.” America: A place where law talks! 3. Before the man saying sorry, the woman covered the torn part of the skirt with a newspaper in hand and shyly said: “Sir, can you send me home? It is not very far from here.” Then the young man put his coat on the girl and called a taxi to send her home. England: Gentle and conservative 4. Before the man saying sorry, the woman gurgled and put her hand on the man’s shoulder: “Sir, if you do not mind, you can buy me a red rose to show your apology.” Then the man bought her a rose and they went to a hotel together to study more about the skirt. France: Friendly and romantic


▪ Although culture is subject to change, the deep structure of a culture is resistant to change.
▪ The comparison and contrast of different cultures help understand one’s own culture and other cultures, which will ultimately enhance the effect of intercultural communication.
1) Human Nature
Basically Evil
Mixture of Good and Evil
Basically Good
2) Relationship of Man to Nature
Nature controls humans
Man in Harmony With Nature
Man the Master of Nature
(10 mins)
2. Model by G. Hofstede (1984)
▪ Hofstede’s work was one of the earliest attempts to use extensive statistical data to examine cultural values.
We are alike, We are different
Appreciate similarities, Accept differences
Warm-up: Read the following sayings aloud,

UnitCulturalEncounters ppt课件

UnitCulturalEncounters ppt课件
文化冲突指某人突然身处异族文化或环境中 而经受的一种不安、恐惧、焦虑的状况。
five phases of culture shock
1 honeymoon
2 depression
3 regression
4 recovery
5 reverse
பைடு நூலகம்
Honeymoon Everything usually goes Phase
Background information (2)
• The acquisition of a second language, except for specialized, instrumental acquisition, is also the acquisition of a second culture.
• She is author of over 20 books, and her Translation Studies, (3rd ed. 2002) which first appeared in 1980, has remained consistently in print and has become the most important textbook around the world in the expanding field of Translation Studies.
• Literal translation • explanation
Pre-reading questions
• 21st century is an Information age.

经贸英语文章选读Unit 15 Cultural Diversity

经贸英语文章选读Unit 15 Cultural Diversity
• The European Commission-funded Network of Excellence on "Sustainable Development in a Diverse World" (known as "SUS.DIV") builds upon the UNESCO Declaration to investigate the relationship between cultural diversity and sustainable development
• Language • Race • Ethnicity • Dress • values
Aspects of Cultural Diversity
• Religion and religious practices • Social and family responsibilities • Family and family responsibilities • Political views
Cultural uniformity
• The disappearance of many languages and dialects, regarding for example the languages of France, without legal status or protection (Basque, Breton, Corsican, Occitan, Catalan, Alsatian, Flemish, Poitou, Saintonge, etc.).
• The term is also sometimes used to refer to multiculturalism within an organization.



The new digital era.
We lead. Others copy.
Group Activity
Name the differences between Individualism and Collectivism and support your ideas with examples.
A collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals.
America: A place where law talks!
3. Before the man saying sorry, the woman covered the torn part of the skirt with a newspaper in hand and shyly said: “Sir, can you send me home? It is not very far from here.” Then the young man put his coat on the girl and called a taxi to send her home.
France: Friendly and romantic
Case Study 1
During the American Civil War, a very hungry young man fell down in front of a farm gate. The farmer gave him food but in return he asked the young man to move a pile of wood in his yard—in fact it was not at all necessary to move the wood. When the young man left, the farmer moved the wood back to its original place. Seeing all this, the farmer’s son was confused.

必修二 .《 cultural relics》 公开课一等奖课件PPT

必修二 .《   cultural relics》 公开课一等奖课件PPT
What are you going to introduce? built gave to sb as a gift added to more details
• 1.Read the passage again, and find some difficult sentences and useful expressions.
• It was once used as the castle,the prison, the museum.
• Now, it becomes the scenery for the people all over the world.
The Statue of Liberty (The symbol(象征) of the USA) What did the Goddess hold in her hands.
What happened
1770__C_a_t_h_e_r_in_e__Ⅱ__h_a_d__c_o_m__p_le_t_e_d__th_e__a_d_d_i_n_g_.to the Amber room
to the
Amber Room.
true man
in the past: To protect our countries now : to be a place for people to visit
Triumphal Arch(凯旋门)
• It is located in pairs , France
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• The term is also sometimes used to refer to multiculturalism within an organization.
Aspects of Cultural Diversity
• Cultural diversity includes (but is not limited to): • Language • Race • Ethnicity • Dress • values
• This defense may also refer to incorporating "cultural rights" provisions, conducted unsuccessfully in the early 1990s in Europe, into a layer of human rights.C来自ltural Heritage
• The adopted by UNESCO in 2001 is regarded as a legal instrument recognizing for the first time, cultural diversity as "common heritage of humanity" and considers its safeguarding to be a concrete and ethical imperative inseparable from respect for human dignity.
Unit 15
Cultural Diversity
Content Page
Text A
Text B Objectives
Studying Objectives
After studying this unit, you are required to 1. Have a general idea of Cultural Diversity in the business world. 2. Understand the ingredients of cultural diversity. 3. Understand the power of cultural diversity in the business circle? 4. Master the difficult words and expressions.
• In other cases, one speaks of "cultural protection", which refers to the concept of "cultural exception", which is mainly used in France under the title "French exception". This makes the link between the social vision of culture and the vision inherent in its commercialization. The cultural exception highlights the specificity of cultural products and services, including special recognition by the European Union in its Declaration on Cultural Diversity. In this context, the objective is to defend against what is seen as a "commodification" - considered harmful to a "disadvantaged" culture — supporting its development through grants, promotion operations, etc., also known as "cultural protectionism".
Cultural uniformity
• There are several international organizations that work towards protecting threatened societies and cultures, including Survival International and UNESCO. The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, adopted by 185 Member States in 2001, represents the first international standard-setting instrument aimed at preserving and promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. • The European Commission-funded Network of Excellence on "Sustainable Development in a Diverse World" (known as "SUS.DIV") builds upon the UNESCO Declaration to investigate the relationship between cultural diversity and sustainable development
Cultural uniformity
• Cultural diversity is presented as the antithesis of cultural uniformity. • Some (including UNESCO) fear this hypothesis of a trend towards cultural uniformity. To support this argument they emphasize different aspects:
Aspects of Cultural Diversity
• • • • Religion and religious practices Social and family responsibilities Family and family responsibilities Political views
Questions about Text A
• Are today’s companies good at dealing with cultural diversity in daily business? • Is IBM an good sample for dealing with cultural diversity well?
• What parties take charge of the Cultural Diversity in IBM?
Groups in the Implementation of Cultural Diversity
1. Diversity team within human resources 2. The Diversity Council 3. Diversity Contact Officers 4. Diversity Champions
Experience in Developing Cross-Cultural Competence
• Understanding the cultural bias of each team member and their impact on mutual perceptions. • Why certain behaviors and communication styles fail in some cultures. • Identifying approaches to address cultural gaps that could lead to misunderstandings. • Handling issues about team decision-making, giving or receiving feedback and conflict resolution.
• The defense of cultural diversity can take several meanings: • A balance to be achieved: thus, the idea of defense of cultural diversity through the promotion of actions in favor of "cultural minorities" said to be disadvantaged; • Preservation of "cultural minorities" thought to be endangered;
Cultural uniformity
• The disappearance of many languages and dialects, regarding for example the languages of France, without legal status or protection (Basque, Breton, Corsican, Occitan, Catalan, Alsatian, Flemish, Poitou, Saintonge, etc.). • Anxiety of people on the preservation of their traditions as in New Zealand, coastal regions in Australia, North America, Central America; • Increasing cultural preeminence of the United States through the distribution of its products in film, television, music, clothing and nutritional products promoted in audio-visual media, consumer products virtually standardized on the planet (pizza, restaurants, fast food, etc..).