Lecture 4 基本构词方法

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The Basic Methods of WordFormation
The Basic Three Methods of Word-Formation

Derivation 派生法 (加缀法)

Compounding or Composition 复合法 Conversion or Function Shift or Transmutation 转化法

one-eyed delightful coldish merciless wolflike manly milky philosophical desirous

-able (-ible,-ble)

ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
-ly -ward(s) -fold -wise

a- + v. or n. = adj. astray, afoot, astir, afire, asleep
The Feature of Suffix
Suffix assumes great grammatical functions and changes the part-ofspeech of the root Suffix has less strong influence than prefix on semantic meaning of the root Suffix usually changes the pronunciation of the root and have the position of the stress moved

The Three Part-of-Speech Decisive Prefixes

en- (em- before p,b,m) en- + adj. = v. en- + n.= v. enable, enrich, enslave, empower, embody
be- be- + n. or adj.= v. be- + n.+ed = adj. befriend, belittle, benumb, becalm, benighted

Extensional Summary: Compounding
Compounding: 由一个以上词干或减缩词干合 成新词 合干法:多个词干合成复合词 night-school

复合缩写法:缩减词干和其他词干合成 BBC, g-man, A-bomb, CIA
合词法:用连字符连接几个词 come-and-go, bread-and-butter, son-in-law

Root is the basis of Derivation Add different affixes to the same root to create different words with different parts of speech (see Pp25)
smoothly forward tenfold clockwise



-fy (-ify) -ize
simplify computerize

Pp33-8 Exercise Ⅱ——Ⅵ
Compounding / Composition
Prefix and Suffix to Remember
The Prefixes Indicating Numbers
half one two three four five six seven
Greek hemimonoditritetrapentahexaheptaLatin semi-; demiunibitriquadriquintsexsept-

e.g. Latin Root conduct reduce
ducconductive conductible
Extensional Summary:Derivation
Derivation: 添加或减少构词词缀构成新词 前缀法 后缀法 前后缀法 in-cur-able 去缀法(反序构词法) sea-bathing sun-bath 中缀法 黑不溜秋 胡里胡涂 gigi(印牙) gerigi(锯齿状的)

The Same Affix but with Different Chinese Translation (see Pp26) e.g. Suffix: -ism relativism sophism 诡辩学 rheumatism 风湿病 activism 行动主义 euphemism wittism 俏皮话 methodism 墨守成规 fanaticism 狂热 tourism

The Structure of Derivation
Type Ⅰ (see Pp31-2) Prefix + Free Root + Suffix Combining Form + Free Root Type Ⅱ (see Pp32) Prefix + Bound Root + Suffix Combining Form + Combining Form Prefix + C. F. + C. F. + Suffix

The meaning of a compound doesn’t come from the superposition of the free words, but a totally new one e.g. greenhouse mother wit dog days greenhorn Indian paper greenback

The Semantic Analysis of Compound Word
Compounding is most ancient method of word-formation, most distinctive feature of O.E. The first part modifies the second part The compound word is usually very vivid by containing rhetorical devices, as metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche (see Pp40-2)

Categories of Compounding
1. Compound Noun
2. Compound Adjective 3. Compound Verb
Classification of 1.Compound Noun
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
adj. + n. n. + n. adv. + n. Pr.P. + n. v. + n. n. + v. v. + adv. adv. + v.
The Prefixes with Strong Productivity

(see Pp27 & Dictionary Appendix) reprenonundeanti-
The Suffixes with Strong Productivity

(see Pp27 & Dictionary Appendix)
e.g. Prefix: de- (see Pp26) ♪ 离开,除掉 dehydrate deorbit ♪ 向下,降级 devaluate ♪ 使情况逆转 decentralize ♪ 完全的 defunct Suffix: -er(-or) ♪ 做……的人 worker ♪ 卖……的人 hatter ♪ 做……的工具 heater ♪ 住在……的人 Londoner (see Pp26) tailor glover generator diner New Yorker

payee pioneer cooker hostess revival education earning typist movement equality frankness
-ed -ful -ish -less -like -ly -y -al(-ial,-ical) -ous

percentage officialdom nursery spoonful adulthood schooling impressionism fellowship
-ee -eer -er(-or,-ar) -ess -al -ation -ing -ist -ment -ity -ness

The synonymity of affix 同义性
e.g. un- in- im- ir- il- disUsed with adj. to indicate the negative meaning
untidy incorrect impossible illogical irregular dishonest
eight nine ten many hundred

n. adj.


-age -dom -ery (-ry) -ful -hood -ing -ism -ship
Relation between Roots & Affixes

Most suffixes change the part of speech of the root Most prefixes don’t affect the part of speech and its grammatical category of the root, rather they modify or limit the semantic meaning of the root as adj. & adv. (see Pp28-9)

Compound is treated as an independent word and grammatical part in a sentence Inflectional change can only occur at the end of the compound
The stress usually falls on the first part of the compound The compound is usually written continuously or linked with hyphen

Some Dormant Affixes Retrieve Its Vigor Now (see Pp27)
e.g. -wise 就……而言;在……方面;相似于…… education-wise time-wise weather-wise status-wise money-wise vote-wise comfort-wise caloriewise menu-wise drinkwise percentage-wise newswise picture-wise crab-wise hammer-wise machine-wise monkey-wise sack-wise sailor-wise sleepwalker-wise star-wise step-wise
Adjectiv Suffixes -able -ish -less -ic Verb Suffixes -ise(ize) -ify
Noun Suffixes -er -ness -ese -ism -ist -ics
Features of Affix (Prefix & Suffix)

The polysemy of affix 多义性