Narration 记叙文的写作要点
narrative essay写作要素
narrative essay写作要素
1. 故事主题:一个好的记叙文应该有一个明确的主题或中心思想。
2. 人物与环境:记叙文通常需要有一个主角或多个角色,以及他们所处的环境。
3. 情节:情节是记叙文的核心,它是一系列事件的有序组合,构成了故事的发展。
4. 细节描写:细节是让读者身临其境的关键。
5. 情感表达:记叙文不仅仅是讲述一个故事,更重要的是传达作者的情感和思想。
6. 结尾:一个好的结尾可以给读者留下深刻的印象。
O’level英语作文记叙文(narratives)经验总结博主按:儿子回国一周了,在忙忙碌碌中,见缝插针的写下了这篇o’level 英语作文记叙文(narratives)经验总结.儿子是善于总结、乐于分享的孩子.用他的话说:“自己总结的一些经验,要造福学弟学妹们,让他们节省时间,少走点弯路”.我很鼓励孩子这样做,独乐乐不如众乐乐,总结就是让自己再提高的过程,也是对别人有意义的一件事.更重要的是,我欣喜地看到,孩子走出国门,海外求学这两年,有别于国内填鸭式的教育体制已经在孩子身上有了折射.那就是:学习是自己的事,孩子学会了独立自主的总结与思考.o’level英语作文记叙文(narratives)经验总结学长我老了,考完o’level之后就很少再有机会narratives了.在海星的两年里虽然不敢自称narrative的大神,不过有很多这方面的经验了.在渐渐忘掉它之前,还是把经验传给众学弟学妹们,希望对大家有用.以下所说代表个人经验,仅供参考.绪论按照2021年及以前英语作文题目来看,5道题里有1道 one word和1道personal recount.我认识的大多数人写的是one word.但是我一直写personal recount,因为one word容易跑题,并太 recount把场景,大体故事什么的都设定好了,所以容易将类似的经验套入.无论是pure narrative还是personal recount大体遵循如下结构:strategies usedgradeother strategies(show not tell details etc.)vocabularysentence structureb3-c5plot and grammarc6 and below任何时候grammar是最重要的,如果连句子都写不对,卷子被画成“满江红”那就绝对fail.在词汇量还相对贫乏的时侯可以用sentence structure来帮自己拿到18分左右,有一定好词佳句时可以到20+,但要拿distinction就要在句式变化的基础上引入“大词”和别的策略了.按种类,narratives可分为pure narrative和personal narrative以第三人称叙述,不一定是生活中发生过的事,不一定真实,只要贴近题目即可.personal recount用第一人称,最好是自己的经历,也可以根据已有经历改编,但要贴近生活,要有可信度,在结构上必须按时间顺序来写.(. no flashback)推荐写personal recount,因为可以加入个人独特的经历.两个题目都可以用.更多选择,更多欢乐.一.故事1.选材: cambridge examiner 喜欢贴近生活的小故事(据说他们想了解新加坡人一天到晚都在干什么),不喜欢超越现实,脱离生活的故事.所以不要写什么凶杀、科幻、魔幻、悬疑、血腥、暴力的内容.情节不需要一波三折,陡出波澜, 但必须紧扣题目.(如果跑题,无论语言多好,也就是15,16的分)我personal recount的选材都是自己作为一个scholar或是中国人独特的经历,因为这样写就能set you aside from other candidates.像宿舍集体生活,学长和学弟,在华文学会的生活都是常用的题材.自己的独特经历是一般人没有的,也就使文章与众不同.比如,有题目出:write about a time when you had a heated argument with your friend. 我就写宿舍里有人打游戏打到很晚,吵得我睡不着觉,在各种方法试过后行不通就吵了,反映的是集体宿舍的生活.再如,有题目出:write about a time when you had a sleepless night.就可以写精彩的中华文学之夜.总之,素材要从生活积累,多回想一下发生过的事.此外,narratives的故事最好是短时间内发生的事,不要有很长的time gap.比如在文中经常出现几个月后,几年后这样的话,既不容易加入descriptive details又给人感到记流水账.因为每段时间先要创设一个setting,老是换setting总让人不断适应新的setting,还占字数.写narratives要找机会加入descriptive details来拿分,所以写的事最好是短时间内,能详细描写的事,比如一场比赛,一个晚上的宴会,一次面试等.2.时间:在考试时,最多用五分钟来选材、构思.第六分钟必须开始写了.每面花15分钟左右.总共用时控制在一小时之内.有时间检查更好,没时间也没关系,写的多了出错的几率也就少了.3.长度:有的老师特别讨厌长文章.建议长度控制在450到600之间,换算成foolscap的长度是3版到4版.4.结构:narratives的结构跟人体的比例结构差不多.开头不能太长,第一段最多三分之二版.先构思一下结构再写.注意详略得当,详写主要情节,人物心理、神态、动作等,略写无关紧要的次情节.如果有time gap就缩短描绘setting的文字.比如:half a year elapsed quickly and the winter holiday would e ina few weeks.一句话就概括了.5.关于“套”故事:一般写narrative的人爱把自己写过的作文往里面套.可以这么做,但必须进行适当的修改来扣住题目.(. gear to answer the question)这个过程中要做到自然,不要套不进还硬往里挤.如果让marker感觉到这是一篇reproduced essay (. 跑题),你的麻烦就大了.考试之前,读读自己写过的作文,脑子里多回想一下发生过的事,准备几个plot就行了.个人认为与其练如何套故事,不如多训练如何在5分钟之内构思故事.因为题目有可能是关于自己从没准备过的故事,能套中则好,套不中难道就 die, die吗?所以“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”,多练在5分钟内回想,采用个人经验,即使是自己以前没写过的也没关系.因为在文章中具体套用的是好词佳句,不一定是故事.现场发挥写的速度也是很快的.二.语法1.时态:narratives是在记叙过去发生过的事,所以通篇应该用过去式.但是在对话(dialogue)里的时态应是现在时,除非对话里的内容也是过去发生的事.在这里,尤其应该注意完成时的使用,表现事件发生的顺序性.比如,当运用before, after一类表示先后发生的词语时,应注意先发生的事件要用完成时.看以下两个例句就明白了:a. after had slapped him, he burst into tears.b. had already slapped him before he could explain himself.2.主谓一致:几个最致命的错误之一.但在narrative里用过去时,所以不容易出错 sentences:也称ma splice,最常见的错误之一,中文称“连写句”.一个句子如果有不止一个主句,可以用and一类的连接词连起来,但如果用逗号连接主句就叫run-on sentences.比如:the door creaked open noisily, a small room came into view.这里,两个句子有不同的意思,没有关联,都是主句,所以就有ma splice.要么把逗号换成句号,要么用and一类的关联词来代替.在检查句子是否有语法错误的时候,最常见的方法就是看一句话中到底有几个主句,是否用了连接词.in a nutshell: grammar很重要,但是几个语法错误并不影响拿高分.因为时间很紧,不可能一点错都没有.但只要通篇给人的印象是你懂英语语法,偶尔几个错误也没关系,他们会认为是你写快了不小心写错的.三.句法1.句子类型:英语句子分三类,“simple sentence”,“pound sentence”,“plex sentence”.simple sentence就是最简单的主谓宾结构pound sentence就是把两个simple sentence用“and”,“but”,“so”一类的conjunctions连起来plex sentence就加入各种从句了.上面表中的“sentence structure”意思是要有variety.三种类型中cambridge讨厌pound sentence.所以一篇文章里出现几个就够了.刚来的时候老师嫌我们水平太差,写长句子会出错,所以就让我们写short simple sentences.但是一篇好文章里必须要有sentence variety.如果只有短句子,虽然没有语法错误,但表现不出你对语言的掌握.所以好的文章应该还是以长句,中句为主,加入从句,状语跟别的信息.在这样的基础上加入一些简短有力的短句(5个词以内)来表现出effect.比如“my heart sank”,“my jaws dropped”一类的短句,扔在一堆长句子中就很有效果.2.倒装句(inverted structures):为了进一步增添sentence variety,强烈建议大家用上一两次倒装.一般是把句子中介词以后的部分挪到句首.比如:three gigantic balloons lay there before us. 倒过来就是:there before us lay three gigantic balloons. 此外还有将句子的否定成分放到句首的.比如:i had never realised that he was such an altruistic person. 倒过来就是:never had i realised that he was such an altruistic person. 另外so…that…句型也经常用于倒装,比如:the substance was so powerful that it could cure all the diseases. 倒过来就是:so powerful was the substance that it could cure all the diseases,形式完美. 倒装句着重强调了放到句首的部分,使整齐的句式富有变化,为文章增色添彩.3.sentence fragment:一个句子里至少必须有一个主语和一个谓语,少了其中之一就叫sentence fragment.有些人故意放sentence fragment以达到一些效果.有的老师喜欢,有的就会圈出来.见过最牛逼的sentence fragment就是在文章最末一段只有一个词:“silence——”具有非常好的效果.但严格来说,sentence fragment属于语法错误,所以总体上为保险起见不建议写.4.用连词开头:有人爱用“and”,“but”,“so”一类的连词来开头,还是为了达到一些效果.如果一定要用的话,用一两次“but”就行了,而且不要多用.至于“and”和“so”一类的连词很说不过去,建议不要用.5.伴随状语(acpanying adverbial):在记叙文中,为了在一句话中加入更多的信息经常使用伴随状语.伴随状语的内容与主句的内容往往是同时发生的,这与在句中放置一系列并列的动词很不一样.比如:screaming hysterically, the man ran out of the haunted house.这句话就是说那个男人在跑出鬼屋的同时惊声尖叫.但如果换成如下的句子,意思就不一样了:the man screamed hysterically and ran out of the haunted house.这个句子中两个动词出现的顺序不同,表达的意思就是那个男人先尖叫,然后再跑出了鬼屋.另外,伴随状语的使用原则往往是直接以adjectives, present或past participle开头,省略了句子成分中的be动词,不然就会出现两个主句(run-on sentence的问题).比如,原本应该是“is screaming hysterically”变成状语加在句中就是“screaming hysterically”.伴随状语中的主语可以和主句中的主语相同,也可以不同.当相同时,伴随状语中的主语就会省略,以非谓语动词开头.如果不同,则需要保留(独立主格结构).比如:her head spinning and her body reeling, madam lim felt her world begin to swim in front of her.这里,“her head”、“her body”和“madam lim”是三个不同的主语,所以各自在句中保留,而伴随状语中的be动词都被省略了.当使用不同主语的伴随状语的时候往往省略了介词with,这些with都是可以还原的.使用伴随状语是最容易达到sentence variety的.因为状语可以用逗号放到句子的很多部分中.比如下面这组句子:screaming hysterically, the man ran out of the haunted house.the man, screaming hysterically, ran out of the haunted house.the man ran out of the haunted house, screaming hysterically.伴随状语可以放到句首,句中和句末.反复使用,表现得十分传神,使句子参差错落极富变化,超凡脱俗,令人拍案叫绝.四.标点1.对话中的标点:英语中标点的运用主要是逗号和句号,用的时候注意上面所说的ma splice的问题.此外还常用问号和叹号(但是叹号用的太多,以至于cambridge经常抱怨新加坡人太爱发感慨).标点常见错误出现在对话中.英语的对话永远不会出现冒号,所有在中文中用冒号的地方用逗号代替.对话中一句话的开始第一个字母要大写.具体可看下面三组不同形式的对话:a. he sat down and consoled her, “don’t worry. you can try harder next time.”b. “where is your homework? e to my office!” madam lim cried.c. “you will never succeed in life,” madam lim asserted. “your arrogance is simply too annoying!”不多讲,注意以上标点的用法,特别是标红的部分就可以了.2.分号(semicolon):在这里向大家隆重推荐使用分号.分号就是“;”,深深地为examiner所喜爱,因为会准确使用它的人太少.分号的作用是连接两个紧密关联的句子.它左右两边的必须是有紧密关联的,完整的句子.也就是说,分号可用来替换像“because”“as”一类的关联词.通常分号右边的句子用来解释左边的句子,如:i noticed a genuine smile on madam lee’s face; she seemed to be elated by the performance that was beyond her expectation.在这里,分号右面的部分用于解释为什么她会微笑,两个句子有紧密的关联.另外要注意,第二个句子的首字母一定要小写.3.波折号(dash):与分号相比,波折号的运用更加广泛.波折号的用处是在句子中展现一些别的内容.可以是解释原因(这时它的用法与分号相同,可以替换分号),如上边的例句中,分号就可以换为波折号.再如:he will not tell you anything about how to study well——that is his own secret.也可以表示列举,如:the reward was handsome——a plaque of gold award and a pile of brightly-coloured, crispy notes.还可以用于未说完的,被打断的对话中,如:“what if we——”“no, i have a better idea.”波折号可以用于句中,也可以用于句末.波折号后面的内容不一定是完整的句子.cambridge很喜欢分号和波折号,保证在文中用上两三次就行了.4.连字符(hyphen):这里再向大家介绍一下连字符,在summary里很管用.连字符用来连接两个词语,使结合的新词同时有两个词语的意思.联结起来的词只算作一个词.比如: noun+ adjectivenoun + participleadjective + participleaccident-proneputer-aidedgood-lookingsugar-freequality-drivenquick-thinkingcarbon-neutralstraw-filledill-temperedpower-madawe-inspiringfair-hairedjelly-likemind-bogglingcrimson-varnished此外还有adverb+participle一类的连接词.这类词应该用在所修饰的名词前.如: a well-known person.但是如果用在名词之后,就不能用连字符.如:the actor is well known for his great dramatic prowess.连字符不如分号和波折号吃香,但为了显示你懂多种标点符号,也建议使用.五.词汇和其他策略1.词汇的准确性:如果说议论文是content-based,记叙文就是language-based,在文中仅有sentence variety是不够的.所以词汇的使用很重要.在这里不一定非要用生僻的,别人没见过的大词,而要把词用准(appropriateness),用得恰到好处,产生点铁成金的效果.比如下面几个句子中画bold+ underline 的词语.a. heplunged (rather than stabbed) the knifeunerringly into the master’s throat, again and again. (“plunged”一词描绘了刀的速度之快和力量之大,而“unerringly”描绘了用刀的准确性) b. wehumbly stood up and greeted madam limwith our heads bowed, whereupon madam limswaggered (rather than walked) her way across the stage and took her seat in the first row. (“humbly”和“with our heads bowed”体现出我们的恭顺,反衬出madam. lim的骄傲,而“swaggered”一词意思是“walked in an arrogant way”用来描绘一个人骄傲的步伐就很合适)c. he sat down andhowled (rather than cried) when he was informed that his father had already passed away. (“howled”指痛苦、大声的哭,这里就比“cried”更有力量)d. decisively, hewhipped out (rather than took out) his knife andslashed at (rather than cut) the rope connecting him and the chaotic camels. (“whipped out” 反映出了拔刀之突然,速度之快而“slashed at”表现出砍绳子的动作之猛,这些都反映出他很decisive)由以上可以看出,选择合适的词语能够传递一些别的信息,使表达显得更准确,更生动,会使文章加不少的分数,令examiner爱不释手.但这些都需要有深厚的词汇积累和写作经验做基础,不然就会出现用错词的现象.当大家在把学到的“大词”运用到作文里时,一定要事先知道词的connotation,和词跟词之间的不同.如果你用“大词”用得文不从字不顺,那还不如不用.因为这给examiner 表现出你不知道这个词还乱用,扣的分比用一个普通的词还要多.下面有几个用错词的例子 (画bold+ underline的词语):a. thank you for yoursuperfluous english lessons. i have learned a lot of knowledge through them. (这里明显是想传达对英语老师给他上extra lessons的谢意,但“superfluous”一词在表示额外的同时还有一层unnecessary的意思,所以是错误的使用,可以换为“supplementary”)b. after hours of waiting, madam lim finallymaterialized at the front door of the classroom. (materialized 一词是个好词,形容突然出现.但一般是形容虚无的事物,如鬼魂,突然显现,用在这里也是不合适的)c. his trophyshimmered brightly under the stage light. (shimmered 也是个好词,用来形容反光,但一般指柔和的光,比如大海在月光的照耀下滢滢泛光.应该改为“glittered”)所以,大家在学到一个新词时,一定要查它的英文意思和例句,知道词与词之间微妙的不同,这样才能准确地用词.2.词汇的积累:词汇量的扩充是一个不断积累的过程,有的来自于读书,有的来自于日常生活.但无论怎样都必须经过一道程序——查词典.在这里向大家推荐使用电子辞典.有些老师特别讨厌电子辞典,说它们在误导中国学生.但我觉得电子辞典只要使用恰当,就对学英语有很大的帮助.首先在选字典时要选既有汉语又有英语解释的辞典,而且英文解释要是信得过的.我两年用的是名人i530号词典(据说现在已绝版了),里面的英文解释和例句与苹果电脑里配置的词典完全相同,所以是绝对信得过的.在查词的时侯,中文意思可不看,但英文意思一定要看(中文有时没法准确概括出词的意思,所以只看中文会产生误导).再看完英语解释仍不理解时可用中文解释加强理解.此外,还要看例句以知道这个词语(词组)应该怎么用.电子词典中还带有一个叫thesaurus的同义词词典,也非常好用.它能通过查近义词的方式,从一个词介绍出很多新词.比如由grumpy,就能查到一些其它的近义词,如sulky, morose, sullen等.再如由determined,就能查到关于它的近义词,如resolute, insistent, staunch, adamant, persistent等.之后,在英英词典中查每个词的具体意思,了解他们的不同之处.由这种方法学习的新词,可以按组来分,称之为lexical sets.每一个set里面都是意思相近的词语.通过一组一组来学习,效果是很快的.在每一组中,具体去查每一个词的意思以了解词跟词的不同,在不同的context中用不同的词,这样就能确保不用错词,文从字顺.比如下面三组lexical sets:a. 表示“觊觎,渴求”一类的词语,由desire延伸到:yearn for, crave for, covet, long for, thirst for等不同词语.b. 表示“怪”一类的词语,由strange延伸到:weird, odd, awkward, peculiar, bizarre, eccentric, queer等一组词语.c. 表示“骄傲”一类的词语,由proud延伸到:arrogant, conceited, supercilious, pompous, haughty, snobbish一类词语.这样的方法就是通过一个词来学习多个词语,以扩大词汇量.由于这些词都是近义词,所以在写文章意思重复出现时可以互相替换(只要context正确),在词汇方面拿分.除了介绍同义词外,thesaurus还能将一个很general的词延伸扩展,介绍出很多新词.比如输入walk时,跳出来的就有各种各样的walk,如:strut, march, stride, stagger, scamper, scramble, tiptoe, swagger, sneak, storm等不同情况下的走.再如输入say时,跳出来各种各样的say,如:cry, roar, scream, moan, stutter, groan, stammer, mutter, snap, bellow, murmur, whisper, console等不同的说.这时就需要在具体的context中用具体的、恰当的词语,就增强了用词的准确性.比如形容结巴时用stammer, stutter.形容呻吟时用moan, groan.形容恶狠狠地说时可以用bellow.形容小声说可以用murmur, whisper, mutter.形容安慰地说则可以用console等.thesaurus还经常介绍有关某一学科的术语,比如当输入astronomy时出现各种天文学术语.(cosmos, nova, meteor, et, nebula, galaxy, asteroid什么的)再如像输入colour, 就跳出来具体的颜色.(crimson, maroon, lavender, khaki, azure, mauve, turquoise等)将这些颜色准确地运用到所描摹的事物中,显示出词汇量的高深.除了thesaurus之外,还有phrasal verb dictionary (短语动词词典), idiom dictionary(成语/习语词典)和 collocation dictionary(搭配辞典)都是学写作文常用必备词典,尤其是搭配词典,就是讲正确的词语搭配,如何正确使用学到的词,都应经常使用.总而言之,词典是每个学英语者必备的宝物也是最好的朋友.无论电子词典还是书本词典都应善加利用,没事就翻着看.语言的匠心独运才能达到表情达意的目的.3.成语(idioms):写作文使用的词不一定是越生僻越好.有些很熟悉的词,使用时往往能使人眼前一亮,最好的例子就是成语的使用.成语中的词都是非常常见的,就像是中国成语一样.新加坡的华文老师都喜欢看见本地学生使用成语,同样的道理,如果能在英语作文中也使用两个成语,就能产生妙不可言的效果.比如用“shaking like a leaf”来描述恐惧,用“like a drowning man clutching like straws”来描述绝望,用“in one’s element”来表现一个人如鱼得水等.成语的积累来自于多读、多查.查一个单词时,跟它有关的成语都可以查出来.但值得注意的是,大多数的成语是informal的.所以使用时不要滥用,一般两三个就够了.除了对话外,只能用formal的和proverb.积累成语对oral特别有好处,因为不管formal 还是informal都可以说.所以建议大家多多积累成语 not tell:我们老师介绍的一种很有力的策略.与其直接说出来,不如通过人物的语言、动作、神态等间接地表现出来.比如,当你要表现一个人拿着很重的东西时,与其说“the man carried a heavy item.”你可以说“the man staggered dangerously lopsidedly towards us.”通过人物走路的姿态,读者可以猜出他拿着一个很沉的物品,这样就比直接写要含蓄的多.再如,与其说“i was very nervous.”倒不如说“my heart palpitated wildly as if it was about toexplode.”通过描写心脏的跳跃来表现紧张.寥寥几笔,意在言外,show not tell 就是如此精彩!5.simile:总而言之就是比喻,拟人一类手法.这类手法有时打破了词语本身的意思,所以要慎用.一篇好文章里应该出现几处比喻拟人什么的.曾有一位narrative大师同学写过“her face was colonized by the moles.”大为老师激赏,把moles 拟人化了,笔墨精练,洋溢着诗的意境.再比如有一次我写一篇关于人生第一次演讲的作文,文中写道类似“i made my way to the microphone stand——my guillotine, and bowed before the judges.”将麦克风比作断头台来暗示心中的恐惧,同样为老师所称赞.再常见些的比拟有什么“the glory of the championship was beckoning to us.”“the dining table was waiting there for the hungry guests.”等等.6.descriptive details:这是拿分的秘宝.想要挣分的话就找进任何机会加入descriptive details(as long as they are relevant).这种details可以是环境描写(渲染气氛),可以是人物内心描写,也可以是动作、神态等描写.descriptive details最能显示出考生的语言功底,也能最方便地表情达意.比如在描绘一个盛气凌人的形象时可以加入如下文字,“there was something about her big bulging eyes i found dreadfully disturbing——a glint of malevolence and a heightened sense of superiority.”通过对人物眼神的细节描写,表现出她的恶意和蛮横,细致入微.再如,描写离别什么的时候,可以先用一段细致地描写环境,烘托离别感伤的气氛等.想拿高分就要综合使用上面介绍的几种strategies,此外还有一些别的有效的策略,地方有限就不一一介绍了.7.关于练习:写好作文还是需要多练,多apply各种strategies.这也是一个多学习使用新词,准备故事的过程.在不确定一种表达是否正确时,可以先在练习文章中试着使用,如果被圈出来了就不要再用了.写好一篇作文后可给老师看,也可给信得过的学长看(建议多给改得快的老师看).老师改作文速度不等,有的上午给,下午还;有的学期开始给,学期结束还;有的送上去就再也还不下来了(因为被他弄丢了).如果遇到那种改作文特慢的老师,建议把一篇作文复印后给多个老师送去.老师们改的perspective都不同,一篇作文多听听不同老师的意见也是有好处的.这也同时可以避免弄丢或者不还的问题.六.常见表达在读书时,凡是看到的好词,成语,比喻等各种好的表达都要随时记在脑中,并试着在自己的文章中运用,做到学以致用.刚开始写narrative的同学们对描绘常见的feelings和scenario都要寻找alternatives.不要翻来覆去一直用afraid, nervous, excited什么的.要多加入一些积累的好表达.下列是这两年来本人积累的各种描绘常见feelings和场景的表达(能想起来的).大家使用之前一定要先查一下意思,把词用到合适的context中去.1. describe happiness: elated, ecstatic, contented, delighted, jubilant, euphoric/ in euphoria, ebullient, delirious, enraptured, pleased, exhilarated, exuberant,a whoop of joy escaped from his lips2. describe excitement: thrilled, fervent, frenzied, delirious, euphoric/ in euphoria, ebullient, exuberant, animated3. describe eagerness: keen, enthusiastic, avid, ardent, fervent, passionate, zealous, earnest, devoted, zest, energized4. describe fear: shaking like a leaf, scared stiff, send shivers up and down one’s spine, scared out of one’s wits, afraid, frightened, petrified, horrified, terrified, paralyzed, his face, ashen-white, was frozen into a visage of terror5. describe nervousness: anxious, worried, consternation, apprehensive, agitated, overwrought, jittery (informal), trepidation,dismayed, disturbed, disconcerted, perturbed, all my nerves were jangling like overstretched violin strings, my heart palpitated wildly as if it was about to explode, with a thumping heart, my heart pounded furiously 6. describe anger: furious, enraged, infuriated, incensed, fuming, seething in anger, wrath, annoyed, irked, vexed, exasperated, irritated, piqued, resentful, outraged, rage, tantrum, grumpy, she unleashed yet another volley of angry questions like an erupting volcano7. describe sadness: upset, dejected, downcast, gloomy, despondent, crestfallen, disheartened, melancholy, despair, depressed, desperate, dispirited, demoralized, disappointed, disillusioned, my heart sank, her words were like thousands of knives plunging into my heart,inside, i was thrown into the deepest abyss of sorrow8. describe attractiveness: indulged, engaged, fascinated, mesmerized, intrigued, interested, transfixed, riveted one’s eyes upon something, hypnotized, spellbound, beguiled, charmed, enchanted, captivated, enthralled, engrossed, bewitched9. describe surprise (“n” means negative and “p” means positive. otherwise, it means neutral): astonished, shocked (n), amazed (p), jaws dropped (n), stunned (n), dumbfounded, taken aback, flabbergasted (informal), dumbstruck (n), startled (n), rendered speechless, the realization of the true fact struck him like a thunderbolt (n), dazzled (p), staggered10. describe embarrassment: abashed, sheepish, ashamed, blushing, humiliated, disfort, a sense of uneasiness ran down my spine, i shuffled unfortably, inside, i hoped the ground would immediately swallow me up to bail me out of such an embarrassing situation11. describe tiredness: exhausted, haggard, listless, weary, fatigued, drained of every ounce of energy, devitalized, lethargic, my legs were encased in iron, limp, lifeless, jaded。
narrative essay名词解释
narrative essay名词解释
Narrative Essay,中文称为“记叙文”,是一种常见的写作形式,主要通过叙述一件事情或一系列事件来表达作者的观点或情感。
1. 明确主题:在开始写作之前,要明确文章的主题和目的,确保文章内容紧扣主题。
2. 叙述生动:记叙文需要将事件和角色生动地呈现出来,让读者感受到故事的情感和意义。
3. 结构清晰:文章的结构要清晰,包括开头、主体和结尾,使读者能够轻松地理解故事的发展。
4. 语言简洁:记叙文的语言要简洁明了,避免过多的修饰和冗长的句子,使文章更加易于阅读和理解。
5. 符合逻辑:在叙述事件和角色时,要注意符合逻辑,避免出现矛盾和不合理的地方。
第二讲 记叙文Narration
第二讲记叙文(narration)让我们先看一例:Sailing Round the WorldBefore he sailed round the world single-handed, Francis Chichester had already surprised his friends several times. He had tried to fly round the world but failed. That was in 1931.The years passed. He gave up flying and began sailing. He enjoyed it greatly. Chichester was already 58 years old when he won the first solo transatlantic sailing race. His old dream of going round the world came back, but this time he would sail. His friends and doctors did not think he could do it, as he had lung cancer. But Chichester was determined to carry out his plan. In August, 1963, at the age of nearly sixty-five, an age when many men retire, he began the greatest voyage of his life. Soon, he was away in this new 16-metre boat, Gipsy Moth.Chichester followed the route of the great nineteenth century clipper ships. But the clippers had had plenty of crew. Chicheater did it all by himself, even after the main steering device had been damaged by gales. Chichester covered 14, 100 miles before stopping in Sydney, Australia. This was more than twice the distance anyone had previously sailed alone.He arrived in Australia on 12 December, just 107 days out from England. He received a warm welcome from the Australians and from his family who had flown there to meet him. On shore, Chichester could not walk without help. Everybody said the same thing: he had done enough; he must not go any further. But he did not listen.After resting in Sydney for a few weeks, Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends‘attempts to dissuade him. The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.On 29 January he left Australia. The next night, the blackest he had ever known, the sea became so rough that the boat almost turned over. Food, clothes, and broken glass were all mixed together. Fortunately, bed and went to sleep. When he woke up, the sea had become calm the nearest person he could contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, Wild be on an island 885 miles away.After succeeding in sailing round Cape Horn, Chichester sent the following radio message to London:‖ I feel as if I had wakened from a nightmare. Wild horses could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that sinister Southern Ocean again.‖Just before 9 o‘clock on Sunday evening 28 May, 1967, he arrived back in England, where a quarter of a million people were waiting to welcome him. Queen Elizabeth II knighted him with the very sword that Queen Elizabeth I had sailed round the world for the first time. The whole voyage from England and back had covered 28, 500 miles. It had taken him nine months, of which the sailing time was 226 days. He had done what he wanted to accomplish.Like many other adventurers, Chichester had experienced fear and conquered it. In doing so, he had undoubtedly learnt something about himself. Moreover, in the modern age when human beings depend so much on machines, he had given men throughout the world new pride. Narration is nothing but telling a story, or recording a process of an event, enhanced by vivid description of characters involved and places the event takes place in. The purpose of a narrative writing is usually to infect and educate the reader. Narration is often used to write a story, a novel, biography, journey and the like.First, narration is talking about something that occurs in time. The simplest form of narration is telling something in the order in which the events occurred, or chronological order. Of course, the most important thing about telling a story, is when to get to ‗the good part,‖ or the climax, the highest point of the story.W RITING A N ARRATIVE COMPOSITION appeals to one of humankind‘s basic instincts, the impulse to share stories. Sometimes the aim of the story-teller is simply to entertain, to provide a moment of escape from the business of the day or the horrors of the night, but sometimes the aim of the story-teller is to instruct, to help others in their understanding of something. The best part of teaching in this way is that our listeners‘ natural resistance to heeding the words of others is low and they are not always aware that they are being taught anything until it‘s too late – we‘ve got them.The skills needed to narrate a story well are not entirely the same as the skills needed to write a good essay. Some wonderful short fiction writers are not particularly good essayists and vice versa. Still, it is useful to look at those elements that make up a good narrative and know how to apply what we learn toward making our essays as dramatic as possible whenever that is appropriate.记叙文(narration)的定义是―an orderly description of events‖,也就是说,它是一种以叙述手法描写事件的文体,其描写的事情可真实,可虚构,或二者合一,通常按发生的先后次序进行。
Narrative Writing 记叙文
[英文写作教程]第一课:记叙文(Narrative Essay)记叙是指叙述事件的经过表现,情景,人物的经历的一种文章体裁。
记叙文的注意事项:(一)叙述的人称:(I)First-person narrator第一人称叙述:你可以当事人,即第一人称来叙述,把文章中的事情以“我”所见所闻来告诉读者,用主观的表现手法,给读者一种亲切自然的感觉,如同亲身经历一样,加强事件的可信性,直接抒发作者的思想情感,从而引起读者的共鸣。
(II)Third-person narrator第三人称叙述:你亦可以用旁观者的观点与角度来叙述事件,以客观的写作方法,能够充分反映事件中各人的感受及见解,以全知的视角来叙述。
(二)叙述的内容:一篇记叙文应注意交代清楚事情的始末,细节,以及线索,即是何时,何地,何事,何人和为何(when, where, what, who and why / how),全文有条有理,使读者易于明白。
3.时式:一般多采用simple past tense 及active verbs.(三)叙述的方法:一般叙述的线索可分为以下方向:(I)以时间为线索,按时间的推移来发展;(II)以地点为线索,按地点的转移来发展;(III)以事件发展的过程为线索,或以人物出现的先后次序来展开;(IV)以事物的象徵意义为线索;(V)以人物的思想行为及认知来展开。
【特点】具体性、生动性和创造性描写的细节要能表达主题【描写顺序】空间位置顺序、时间顺序,一般到特殊或特殊到一般顺序,递升到递降或递降到递升顺序【写作应用】①人物描写(description of a person)对人物形象外部特征进行描绘,刻画人物性格特征,表现人物精神面貌,披露人物内心活动,揭示人物身份境遇,显示人物性格变化,突出作品主题思想。
Narration 记叙文的写作要点
2. Plot 情节
the sequence of events that take place in a story
3 Characterization 人物的刻画
• The methods used to present the personality of a character in a narrative .
Thank You!
Step3.Seletion of details
• A narrative is made up of details
• Providing enough and only relevant details or things that contribute the bringing out the main of the narrative
English Writing Styles
What is narration ?
To narrate is to give an account of what happened or is happening.
6 Point of View 视角
• Who is narrating the story
• Two main types
• First person---the narrator use “I” to tell the action ,and is involved in the story
叙事英文作文写作技巧Narrative Writing Techniques。
Narrative writing is a type of writing that tells a story. It can be fiction or non-fiction, and it can be written in a variety of styles. Narrative writing is a powerful tool for writers because it allows them to create a world that the reader can enter and experience. Here are some techniques that writers use to create compelling narratives.1. Characterization。
The characters in a narrative are the driving force behind the story. They are the ones who make the choices and take the actions that move the plot forward. Good characterization is essential for a compelling narrative. The writer must create characters that are believable, relatable, and interesting. The reader must care about what happens to the characters and be invested in their journey.2. Setting。
The setting of a narrative is the world in which the story takes place. It can be a real place or a fictional one. The setting can be used to create mood, atmosphere,and tension. The writer must describe the setting in a way that allows the reader to visualize it and feel like they are there.3. Plot。
5、记叙文常包含三部分:开头段:多是背景介绍,交待时间、地点、人物等(when,where, who);主体段:讲述故事的情节(what),可由一段或几段构成;结尾段:是对全文进行归纳、总结,得出结论或是故事的结局(result)。
(以下是一些交代时间,地点,人物,人与人之间的关系开头的句型:1、记事:1)One night about nine o’clock , Dr George received a call from Dr. Jim…2)It was after two o’clock in the morning when he….3)This morning I went to a shop to…..4)On March 23rd, at 10:15, a terrible accident happened on….5)Last Spring Festival, my parents and I went….6)School was over. Wang Min asked Feng Gang to go home together.7)[8)On my way to the park, I saw a group of young men….2、记人:1)Mrs Smith, aged 55, has worked for our school for 2year…2)Wu Ping, who is a famous young writer, was born in …..3) I have a little niece, who is called Xiao Ping. She has gone to…4)James Quin is an English teacher, who teaches in China.5)Liu Haiyang, a student from Chinese top university, badly hunt for….6)Once there was a man who wanted to buy himself a pair of shoes.7)|8)Sun Shuwei is a boy of 14 from Guangdong…..9)Our English teacher, Ms Yang , came to our school in 1980.附: 看图作文写作要点:1、认真观察,仔细体会,看懂图片所表达的意思,理解其内涵和寓意。
narrative essay的要素
narrative essay的要素
narrative essay的要素包括:
1. 主題:選擇一個故事的主題或事件,這個主題應能夠引起讀者的興趣和共鳴。
2. 敘述者:確定誰是敘述者,一般是由第一人稱的角度撰寫,讓讀者更容易與主角產生共鳴。
3. 情節發展:故事的情節應該具有一定的起伏,有引人入勝的開頭,發展中的衝突和高潮以及結果。
4. 角色描述:描述主角和其他相關角色的外貌、性格、動作等特點,使讀者能夠更容易地理解和感同身受。
5. 描述場景:通過豐富的描寫與比喻,來描繪故事發生的場景,藉此激發讀者的想像力和情感。
6. 對話:故事中的對話可以使角色之間的關係更加真實和生動,並能夠呈現角色的個性和情感。
7. 時間設定:確定故事發生的時間和時間順序,讓讀者能夠更容易地理解和跟隨故事的發展。
8. 教訓或主題:通過故事中的經歷和發生的事件,傳達出一個深刻的教訓或主題,讓讀者能夠從中獲得啟發和反思。
以上這些要素對於撰寫一篇引人入勝的narrative essay至關重要。
Narration 记叙文的写作要点(课堂PPT)
6 Point of View 视角
• Who is narrating the story • Two main types • First person---the narrator use “I” to tell
the action ,and is involved in the story • Third person---the story is told from a
with flashbacks插叙 ➢ narration interspersed
with comment)夹叙夹议
The elements of a narrative
Setting Plot
Characterization Atmosphere
Conflict Point of View 9
• Indirect---the reader judges what the character is like based on what they say or do , or what other characters say about them.
4 Atmosphere 气氛 The general mood or feeling
1.1 Setting 背景 • The time and place in which the
events of a story take place . Cultural ,social , physical context of a story.
2. Plot 情节
the sequence of events that take place in a story
• Two main types • Internal ---the conflict happens in a
How to write a narration
• 晚上乘车返回银川。很遗憾没有去长城, 希望下次还能去玩。这次旅行虽然很急也 很累但是我很开心.
I returned in the evening by train. It’s a pity that I didn’t climb the Great Wall, I am looking forward to the next chance. All in all, it’s a hurry and short journey. I’m tired but enjoy myself.
• 4. 内容要点: • ① 故事发生的时间、地点; • ② 涉及的主要人物; • ③ 事件发展的过程; • ④ 故事的结局。 5. 注意故事情节的合理性、完整性以及讲 述的连贯性。
• 句与句之间的过渡连接主要通过时 间和地点。
• • • • •
时间:4月4日 地点:北京 人物:我和我的朋友 原因:清明节放假,准备出游 过程:1. 4日乘火车,第二天早上到达北京, 和朋友见面。 • 2. 逛了西单和王府井,人很多,小 吃也很多 • 3.第三天参观了天安门广场,毛主席 纪念馆,故宫,清华和北大。 • 结果:4月6日晚上返回。
• 2. 逛了西单和王府井,人很多,小吃也很 多 • 3.第二天参观了天安门广场,毛主席纪念馆, 故宫,清华和北大。 • 结果:4月6日返回。
• 清明节放假三天,我去了北京去见一个朋 友。 During QingMing festival, I traveled to Beijing to meet/ have fun with my friends.
• 第二天早晨到达北京,下种各样的小吃和商品。
I arrived in BeiJing next morning. As soon as I got there, I went to the famous streets XiDan and Wangfujing, where there were many people and all sorts of goods and snack.
word choice and pacing .
5 Conflict
? the central problem that drives the action of a story .
narration叙述文 description 描写文 exposition 说明文 argumentation 议论文
What is narration ?
To narrate is to give an account of what happened or is happening. At its simplest, narration is the telling of a story, which involves characters and ongoing actions.
Symbol 象征
Point of view 视角
Setting 背景
Plot 情节
Order 顺序
? At the beginning of a narrative ,make clear:
? When ? Where ? Who ? Provide the reader with context
1.1 Setting 背景 ? The time and place in which the
events of a story take place . Cultural ,social , physical context of a story.
Narration 记叙文的写作要点PPT课件
the character is like based on what
they say or do , or what other
characters say about them.
4 Atmosphere 气氛
The general mood or feeling established in a piece of literature.
Atmosphere is created through word choice and pacing .
5 Conflict
• the central problem that drives the action of a story .
• Two main types • Internal ---the conflict happens in a
Narratio n
narration叙述文 description描写文 exposition说明文 argumentation议论文
What is narration ?
To narrate is to give an account of what happened or is Ahtaiptspesniminpgl.est, narration is the telling of a story, which involves characters and ongoing actions.
• When • Where • Who • Provide the reader with context
to help him the whole narrative
20-21版:Writing—Narration:writing about a person (步
Writing—Narration:writing about a person写作指导本单元的写作任务是写一篇人物介绍。
常用表达1.He was born in China on Nov.13,1968.2.He was a great man with the name of...3.He was born into a poor family.4.When at college,he majored in history.5.He is interested in music.6.His favourite sport is playing football.7.He devotes himself to achieving his life goal.8.He has made great contributions to our country.假设你叫李华,你的朋友Joan新到你班来学习。
英语作文记叙文的写法英文回答:Narration in English Composition.Narration is a central element of English composition, employed to recount events and experiences in a compelling manner. It engages readers through vivid descriptions, chronological progression, and the revelation of meaningful themes.To craft effective narration, consider the following key elements:Plot: A well-structured plot consists of an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. It provides a clear narrative arc, driving the story forward while maintaining reader interest.Characters: Develop compelling characters withdistinct personalities and motivations. These characters should drive the plot and evoke empathy or emotion in readers.Setting: Create a rich and immersive setting that serves as the backdrop for the events. Sensory details, such as sights, sounds, smells, and tastes, can transport readers into the world of the story.Dialogue: Use dialogue to reveal characters' thoughts, emotions, and relationships. Ensure dialogues are natural, believable, and advance the plot or character development.Theme: Identify the underlying message or life lesson you wish to convey through the narration. The theme should emerge organically from the events and characters, providing depth and resonance to the story.中文回答:记叙文写作技巧。
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Expository narrative
is the factual account of events, including history, biography, travels, news reports and journals.
The ways to narrate
in sequence of time顺叙 flashback倒叙 narration interspersed with flashbacks插叙 narration interspersed with comment)夹叙夹议
4 Atmosphere 气氛
The general mood or feeling established in a piece of literature. Atmosphere is created through word choice and pacing .
5 Conflict
• the central problem that drives the action of a story . • Two main types • Internal ---the conflict happens in a character`s mind • External---the conflict happens between characters ,or between a character and some outside force.
6 Point of View 视角
• Who is narrating the story • Two main types • First person---the narrator use “I” to tell the action ,and is involved in the story • Third person---the story is told from a perspective outside the story .The characters are referred to by name ,or as he ,she or they
• • • • Chronological order In the order in which things occur Flashback To arouse reader`s interest
• • • • • A beginning The setting A middle The body tells the story itself An end
It attempts to recreate events so that the reader may vicariously(替代地) share the experience
Literary narrative
is usually fictitious, found abundantly in literary creations such as anecdotes, tales and fables, romances, short stories, novels, and stories in verse.
• There must be a purpose in telling a story • ---to prove a theory • ---to illustrate the concept • ---to praise a virtue • ---to condemn a vice ,etc
Thank You!
The elements of a narrative
Conflict Point of View
1.1 Setting 背景
• The time and place in which the events of a story take place . Cultural ,social , physical context of a story.
Step3.Seletion of details
• A narrative is made up of details • Providing enough and only relevant details or things that contribute the bringing out the main of the narrative
narration叙述文 description描写文 exposition说明文
What is narration ?
To narrate is to give an account of what happened or is happening. At its simplest, narration is the telling of a story, which involves characters and ongoing actions.
What should you er when planning a narrative?
Theme 主题 Symbol 象征
Point of view 视角
Setting 背景 Order 顺序
Plot 情节
• At the beginning of a narrative ,make clear: • When • Where • Who • Provide the reader with context to help him the whole narrative
2. Plot 情节
the sequence of events that take place in a story
3 Characterization 人物的刻画
• The methods used to present the personality of a character in a narrative . • Direct---the author describes the character . • Indirect---the reader judges what the character is like based on what they say or do , or what other characters say about them.