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I have a message sent to you.please note the e-mail,我发了邮件给你,注意查收

i have received that 我收到了

Kindly acknowledge the receipt. 请查收。

Please take the matter up at once将事情提出来(要求处理,要求解决)

take the place of 替代

We’ll take the matter up rightaway and give you a formal answer as soon as possible.


just now 刚才

right away 马上,立刻

little by little 一点一点地 .

in any case 不管怎样

Capital idea! 好主意

Please get the goods dispatched with the least possible delay. 请发货,尽量避免延误

the order I placed with you 发给你的订单

we’ll do our utmost to hasten(加速,催促) shipment.尽最大努力发货

We are much in need of the goods. Please expedite(加快;促进;发出

adj. 迅速的;畅通的;方便的) shipment as soon as possible.


We wish to call your attention that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment. Our users are in urgent need of the machines and are pressing us for an early delivery.


We hope that there will be no delay in shipment any longer(再,只用于不再,再也无法忍受). 我们希望发货不再延误

make the earliest possible shipment.尽早发货

thus(因此) enabling(使能够) the goods to arrive here in time to catch the brisk (活跃的)demand(需求)

i get your point我懂你的意思。

you are welcome 不用客户

We should be obliged if you could arrange for the immediate shipment of this order.


Transshipment en route is not allowed without our consent. 不经允许,不得改变路线

ETA (estimated time of arrival)预计到达时间

10-15 days prior to the date of shipment, you should inform us by fax of name of vessel, ETA of vessel and the name of shipping agent.


The packing list should be indicated with shipping weight, number and date of corresponding invoice. 箱单上应该标明重量、号码和相应的发票日期

You should send one copy of the shipping documents to the port of destination together

with the shipment. 你方应随船发一份装运单副本到目的地港

The delivery will be arranged and the shipping charges will be prepaid by you, we will repay the shipping charges against original receipt.


You should guarantee(保证)that the commodity(商品) is in conformity to all respects(尊敬)with the quality, specifications and performance as stipulated in this contract.


release the cargo 发货


We will supply the materials within 15 days when you place the order and finish it in March.

我们完成备货 15天内


