



这是有史以来This is one of the most人类建造的最复杂的太空探测器sophisticated space vehicles ever built.好奇号♥火星车价值数十亿美元Curiosity is a billion-dollar rover.在六天后In six days' time,它将尝试登陆火星it will attempt to touch down on Mars.大型火星车着陆是一项艰巨的任务Landing a big rover is a tough business.这意味着系统的一切都变大了It means that everything about the system gets bigger 因此也变难了and therefore harder.这将会是一次不寻常的着陆This will be no ordinary landing.在火星空中的"天空起重机"It will be winched down by a crane将吊着它缓缓下降hovering in the Martian sky.这是如此雄心勃勃It's so ambitious,这是如此大胆创新it's so audacious,这是如此打破常规it's so unconventional.地平线团队与美国宇航局成员一起Horizon has been behind the scenes with NASA's team 在幕后关注着火星车as they follow their rover跨越了5.6亿公里的宇宙之旅across 350 million miles of space.当好奇号♥出现在天际When Curiosity comes over the horizon,天线已经对准那个方向this guy is already pointed that direction它一出现我们就可以联♥系♥了and as she comes up, then we're talking.好奇号♥的任务Curiosity's mission is是探索火星上是否曾适宜生命生存to discover if Mars could ever have supported life.但众所周知这个红色星球But the Red Planet has become known就像宇宙中的百慕大三角as the Bermuda Triangle of space.三分之二的任务以失败告终Two-thirds of missions there have ended in failure.在不到一周之内In just under a week,全世界将知道the world will learn好奇号♥能否克服困难if Curiosity can overcome the odds成功在火星上着陆and touch down on Mars.地平线奔赴火星地平线特辑加利福尼亚喷气推进实验室晚上十点It's 10pm at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. 收到地面小组开始工作后OK, copy and we'll make that report to the surface team 我们会向他们报告when they come on board.好奇号♥任务的幕后团队The team behind the Curiosity mission在太空飞行控制中心are locked in a crucial test专注于一项重要测试at the space flight control centre.离进入还有五分半钟We're now about five and a half minutes to entry.一切正常Continuing to receive heartbeat tones.他们正在演习They're practising for a landing they know在其他行星上is the most audacious最大胆的着陆ever attempted on another planet.离进入还有三分钟Three minutes to entry.他们日夜无休地演习和测试了好几个月They've been rehearsing and testing day and night for months, 等待降落伞打开Stand by parachute to deploy.并且不厌其烦地检验这项任务的Running through each individual step of the mission每一个步骤in painstaking detail.确认降落伞已打开Confirming that we have parachute deploy.飞往火星的5.6亿公里旅程Brian Portock is the flight director布赖恩·波尔托克是这项任务的飞行指挥官for the 350 million-mile journey to Mars.总工程师安·德弗罗负责Ann Devereaux helped设计与火星车保持联♥系♥的方法devise a way to stay in touch with the rover.亚当·施特尔茨纳策划这次大胆的着陆Adam Stelzner will mastermind the daredevil landing.总工程师乔尔·克拉耶夫斯基主持整个测试And leading this test is Chief Engineer, Joel Krajewski.这次任务的结果The fate of this mission对每个人来说都至关重要is central to everybody's soul, really.乔尔·克拉耶夫斯基系统总工程师大多数同事在这上面已经花了Most folks have worked on this for three years,三年五年甚至八年的时间five years, eight years.人们的职业生涯中不可能取得太多成就You don't get to do many in a given career.能有一些成就已经是很幸运的You only get to do a few if you're lucky.所以每个人下的赌注都很高So the stakes for everybody are as high as they can be. 这只是一场演习This is just a rehearsal,但在八月六号♥but on the 6th of August,这就是真的了they'll be doing it for real,他们希望好奇号♥火星车hoping the Curiosity rover能够在目的地will arrive safely安全着陆at its destination.火星Mars,红色的行星the Red Planet.它被称为宇宙中的百慕大三角It's become known as the Bermuda Triangle of space. 自六十年代向火星发射第一枚火箭以来Since the launch of the first rocket there in the 1960s, 三分之二的任务two-thirds of all missions都以失败告终have ended in disaster.任务日志中有许多可怕的记录The mission logs make scary reading.发射失败"Failed to launch."未抵达行星"Missed the planet."失去无线电联♥系♥"Lost radio contact."着陆后丢失"Lost on arrival."这个团队知道The team knows好奇号♥也许根本无法到达火星表面Curiosity might never reach the surface of Mars.乔尔·克拉耶夫斯基负责It's Joel Krajewski's job to make sure this mission确保任务成功is a success.他一天的开始与许多加利福尼亚人一样His day may begin like many Californians...但随后他前往美国宇航局喷气推进实验室but then he heads to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 每天早上我和别人一样开车去上班Like anyone else, I drive into work every morning但每天早上我这么做时but every morning as I do so,我会捏自己一把I pinch myself因为我为太空任务工作because I get to work on a space mission这实在太酷了and that is, that is pretty cool.十多年来For more than a decade,乔尔一直在设计建造Joel has been engineering rovers前往红色行星的火星车to send to the Red Planet.在参与到火星车工作之前Before I got into working on rovers,我当然也会和别人一样of course like anybody else以为它是一项困难的工作I thought it was going to be a kind of a tricky business. 光听到要把东西送进宇宙It sounds hard throwing things up into space探索其他行星就觉得很难and exploring other planets.当我开始做这个工作后Once I got into it,我发现它比我想象的更困难I learned that it's even harder than I thought.这是乔尔设计建造的第三个火星车了This is the third rover that Joel has worked on.但即便他对火星任务已经相当了解But even for a Mars veteran like him,好奇号♥仍然是一个巨大的挑战Curiosity has been a huge challenge.喷气推进实验室加州理工学院好奇号♥是我们送往火星的最复杂的探测器Curiosity is the most complex vehicle we have sent to Mars.八年多来数百人都在为它工作Hundreds of people have worked on it for more than eight years 但我们的工作仍在继续and we're still working on it.不同领域的人负责它的不同部分Different people understand different aspects of it,太空飞行操作中心没有人能精通全部but nobody knows it all.火星车在此当真正的好奇号♥穿过宇宙时As the real Curiosity hurtles through space,喷气推进实验室仓库里藏有它的复♥制♥品its clone is hidden in a garage at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.它的动力来自于自身的同位素电池It runs on its very own nuclear generator.其组件能够承受的力量Its components can withstand forces比作用在超音速飞机上的力更强greater than those exerted on a supersonic jet.即使在比地球极寒处温度更低的环境中And its electronics are designed to work at temperatures far lower 它的电子设备仍可正常工作than the coldest places on Earth.这是被送往宇宙的It's the most advanced moving vehicle最先进的可移♥动♥探测器ever sent into space.今天乔尔的团队Today, Joel's team要测试好奇号♥复♥制♥品的车轮are testing the wheels of Curiosity's twin.它们是低级的They're low class.我们就这样叫它们吗Is that what we call them?没错就这样叫That's what we call them.过去九个月中It's just one of hundreds of tests火星车经历了上百种测试the rover has been through这只是其中一项in the past nine months.不错That's great.科学家想要在火星着陆并进行探索The scientists want to land on Mars and explore.他们想要探索降落点They want to explore where we land然后再探索数公里外的区域and then also explore kilometres away from where we land, 这意味着火星车必须能移♥动♥and that means we have to drive.我们希望它能够跨过大石头We'd like to be able to drive over big rocks那样就能直线行驶so that we can drive close to a straight line,不需要绕远not too much meandering around,因此我们设计了一个大型火星车and therefore we designed a big rover.这也令它变得棘手That makes it tricky.好奇号♥体型巨大且价格昂贵的原因在于The reason Curiosity is so big and expensive它将在火星上进行的科学研究is because of the science it will be conducting on Mars.它必须搭载满是仪器的小型实验室It will have to drive across difficult terrain穿过崎岖的地形while carrying a lab full of equipment.科学家希望拥有一辆全能的交通工具The scientists would like an infinitely capable vehicle.但在现实中But in the real world,这个机器必须小于一定的体积the machine has to fit within a certain volume.以及小于一定的质量It has to fit within a certain mass.我们只能从地球发射一定质量的物体We can only lift so much mass off the Earth并使其在火星安全降落and have it land safely on Mars.火星车的质量是过去发射过的The rover is five times as heavy as any vehicle任何探测器的五倍they've ever launched,这令它在另一行星的着陆which makes landing it on another planet比以前的任何计划都更加困难more difficult than anything they've attempted before. 大型火星车降落是一项艰巨的任务Landing a big rover is a tough business.需要更复杂的降落系统The landing system is more complex,更大的降落伞parachutes are bigger,一切都变大了所以也变困难了everything gets much bigger and therefore harder.大卫·鲍伊《Starman》*There's a starman waiting in the sky... *美国宇航局的工程师决不会屈服于NASA's engineers have never shied away任何艰难的着陆from tricky landings.*There's a starman... *在七十年代的阿波罗登月计划期间During the Apollo missions of the 1970s,他们已不满足于仅仅把人类送上月球they weren't satisfied just to put a man on the moon. 但让火星车在火星着陆But landing a car on Mars完全是另一♥码♥事is an entirely different proposition.亚当·施特尔茨纳花费数年Adam Stelzner has spent years研究如何实现计划working out how to do it.当火星车进入火星大气层后He will take control of the rover将由他控制火星车as it begins to enter the Martian atmosphere.但让月球车And he won't be able to rely安全降落在月球表面的系统upon the systems that got the lunar rover down safely无法满足他的要求onto the surface of the moon.火星条件很恶劣Mars is tough.而月球The moon,登月舱曾经在此成功降落where we've landed lunar modules on the moon before,亚当·施特尔茨纳着陆总工程师没有大气层does not have any atmosphere这使降落到月面的过程相对容易and it makes the process of getting down to the surface kind of simple. 只要有个火箭发动机You take a rocket engine,让它自己减速you turn it on and you slow yourself down直到你抵达月面until you touch down on the surface.与月球车不同Unlike the lunar rovers,好奇号♥将与无法预测的大气战斗Curiosity will have to battle an unpredictable atmosphere.一直以来Historically,火星都很难对付Mars has been evil.我们无法预知登陆时的天气You don't know what the weather's going to be like,我们没法知道you don't know whether the那时的大气是密是疏atmosphere's going to be dense or diffuse.是空气较稀薄的大热天呢Will it be a hot day and not so dense,还是空气稠密的大冷天or a cold and dense day?若空气寒冷稠密If it's cold and dense,减速会更快you slow down faster,降落轨道就较短you end up shorter.若空气炎热稀薄If it's hot and low density,那就会飞得更远you end up flying farther.大气不可预知The dangers of this unpredictable atmosphere而航♥天♥器驶向火星的速度极高are heightened by the speed the spacecraft这使着陆更加危险has to travel at to get to Mars.抵达火星时It will arrive航♥天♥器的速度高达每秒5.8公里at 13,000 miles per hour.航♥天♥器高速飞行We have enough energy具有极高的动能of motion in the spacecraft使得只要它进入火星与大气摩擦that we could vaporise the spacecraft in the atmosphere of Mars 产生的巨大热量just by slamming into that atmosphere就足以将航♥天♥器汽化并烧毁火星车and developing so much friction that the vehicle would burn up. 所以这是一个挑战So it's a challenge.当进入危险的火星大气层时The rover will be tucked inside a spacecraft火星车将藏在航♥天♥器内部when it reaches the dangerous Martian atmosphere.它的第一道防线Its first line of defence是世界上最大的防热罩will be the world's biggest heat shield.接下来还要让它减速Next, the team have to stop it以防火星车一头撞上地面from crashing head-on into the Red Planet.所以他们设计了So they have designed一张有史以来最大的超音速降落伞the biggest supersonic parachute ever made.在美国宇航局位于旧金山附近的大型风洞In NASA's giant wind tunnel near San Francisco,他们对其进行测试they put it to the test.五四三二一Five, four, three, two, one...降落伞必须能够在两倍音速下张开The parachute must be deployed at twice the speed of sound.成功张开成功张开Good chute, good chute!测试证实The tests confirmed面对火星大气中的巨大阻力the huge canopy should survive the enormous forces巨大的伞面能够经受住考验it will encounter as it's dragged through the Martian atmosphere. 最后好奇号♥的工程师们Finally, Curiosity's engineers测试了登陆过程中风险最大的一个环节tested the most risky part of the landing procedure...应该是准备好了I think we are ready to go.一个奇特的天空起重机...a bizarre hovering crane它将在离地面20米时that will have to lower the rover down把火星车降到火星表面the final 20 metres to the surface.工程师们花了数年心血才将其完善The sky crane took the engineers years to perfect.在此之前它还从未用在登陆过程中It has never been used to land anything before.尽管好奇号♥登陆过程中的每一个环节But although all of Curiosity's individual landing stages 都已在发射前通过了单独的测试passed their tests on Earth before launch,但它们还从未一起测试过they have never been tested all together.它们将在火星The Red Planet's evil environment恶劣的环境中will be the first place首次通力合作the whole procedure is ever attempted.拥抱人群乐队《Pumped Up Kicks》计划整个旅程Planning the journey是乔尔·克拉耶夫斯基的工程小组was the first challenge for Joel Krajewski's面对的首个挑战engineering team.冲冲冲Go, go, go, go, go!干得好Nice job!而飞行指挥官As Flight Director,乔尔的同事布赖恩·波尔托克Joel's colleague Brian Portock则相当于此次任务的四分卫is, in effect, the mission's quarterback.*Robert's got a quick hand*布赖恩的工作It's Brian's job就是让航♥天♥器穿过太阳系to aim and throw the spacecraft across the solar system 准确抵达移♥动♥的外接球手to a moving receiver...火星..Mars.太空中的天体都在运动Everything's in motion in space.前插前插Run in, run in!火星绕着太阳转Mars is moving round the Sun地球同样绕着太阳转and the Earth is also moving round the Sun,它们之间的相对位置随时在变and their motion relative to each other is changing.布赖恩·波尔托克飞行指挥官冲冲冲Go, go, go, go!就像外接球手穿插时会不停改变位置Similar to a receiver running out for a pass is in motion...接球Ball!而四分卫站在后面扔球...and the quarterback needs to stand back and throw a ball, 球和人都必须so that the receiver and the ball在恰当的时间抵达恰当的位置meet at a point in space and a time这样才能接住球that's the correct one so that they can catch it.好球Oh, nice!他们要根据They need to figure out how far外接球手的位置判断球应当扔多远the ball needs to travel depending on where the receiver is. 还要考虑外接球手的移♥动♥速度How fast the receiver's running in that direction.四分卫可没时间坐下来拿纸算Most quarterbacks don't sit down and calculate that on paper. 准备开始Set, go!他们不用多想It's all done in their head而是下意识地做出动作instinctively without thinking about it.对航♥天♥器而言For spacecraft,我们就得用纸算了现在是计算机算we do it on paper, or these days, on computers.四分卫还要干的一件事The other thing a quarterback does就是让球旋转is put spin on the ball.旋转使球保持正确的飞行轨道Spiral so that the ball flies in the correct trajectory.我们同样也会让航♥天♥器旋转So we also are spinning our spacecraft,这样它才能保持姿态so it maintains its attitude...使太阳能板朝向太阳and so that we can point the solar rays back at the Sun并与地球保持通讯and communicate back to the Earth.所以其实橄榄球的旋转And so, the actual rotation of the ball和航♥天♥器的旋转很相似is similar to the rotation of the spacecraft.听起来很简单They make it sound simple,但是让一个航♥天♥器在太阳系中穿梭but firing a spacecraft across the solar system涉及到极其复杂的弹道学计算involves some really complex ballistic calculations.航♥天♥器必须要挣脱地球的引力The craft must escape the pull of the Earth's gravity.它还必须克服太阳风以保持飞行航向It must contend with solar winds that could blow it off course 而宇宙射线可能会干扰无线电通讯cosmic radiation which can disrupt radio contact,而且航♥天♥器还持续受到and the craft is constantly being dragged from its course其他行星引力的影响by the gravitational pull of other planets.一个微小地差错Just a tiny error就有可能让好奇号♥无法到达火星could result in Curiosity missing Mars altogether.我可以举例说明距离的尺度To get the distance scales approximately similar,这些四分卫要扔的the quarterback here is throwing是30或40米的长传a pass 30 metres, 40 metres away.而布赖恩的目标火星Brian's target of Mars却在数亿公里之外is hundreds of millions of kilometres away.就好像一名四分卫要从这里It's similar to if this quarterback here将橄榄球扔向一名身在伦敦的外接球手were throwing a football to a receiver in, say, London, 而且还要恰好扔到他手中and needing to hit his mark.football在英式英语中指足球在美式英语中指橄榄球那里就不是橄榄球是足球了It'd be the wrong kind of football.2011年11月在肯尼迪发射中心In November 2011, at Kennedy Space Centre,火星车被送上了发射台the rover made its way to the launch pad装在擎天神运载火箭顶端on top an Atlas rocket.对整个团队而言For the mission team,开弓已经没有回头箭the launch is the moment of no return.当航♥天♥器还在地面上时While the craft is on the ground,还能做最后的校正工作final fixes can always be made.但一旦它升空But once it's in the air,任何错误都可能意味着任务的失败a fault could mean the end of the mission.发射时会产生巨大的能量There's so much energy involved with launching.所有航♥天♥器上的部件All the little piece parts on the spacecraft设计时必须考虑到要能承受此时的振动和力are designed to survive that vibration and those forces. 它能成功进入太空Just the fact that it gets into space并与我们首次取得联络and we start talking to it for the first time就是一次了不起的成就is an incredible achievement.现在是航♥天♥器分离的画面It's spacecraft separation.这是迈向火星第一个重要步骤It's the first big step on the way to Mars.但是发射对好奇号♥内部组件But any damage caused by the launch造成的损害to Curiosity's components也许无法被立刻观察到might not be immediately obvious.在过去的八个月中So, for the past eight months,工程师们一直与其保持密切联络the engineers have needed to stay in careful contact, 以检查其运行状态和重要数据to check its course and its vital signs.他们得确保接收到了They need to be sure that they receive火星车发回来的所有数据every message sent back by the rover...同时他们发出的指令and that every instruction they give也能被准确地接收到will be heard loud and clear.枪炮与玫瑰乐队《Sweet Child O' Mine》要与好奇号♥进行联络To communicate with Curiosity,小组必须借助于the team have to rely on equipment藏身莫哈韦沙漠深处的一样设备hidden deep in the Mojave desert.安·德弗罗协助调整系统Ann Devereaux helped engineer the systems以确保小组能够与火星车保持通讯that allow the team to stay in touch.现在航♥天♥器的旅途已经接近尾声Now that the spacecraft is nearing the end of its voyage,她觉得她与火星车的距离she feels the distance between her and her rover从未如此遥远more than ever.这和有孩子在外上大学的感觉差不多It's very much akin to having a kid in college.安·德弗罗飞行系统工程师我们将她养大We raised her,教会她应该了解的知识we taught her everything she knows,我们给了她探索新世界所需的一切装备we gave her all the gear that she needs to investigate her new world, 但现在她已经走了but now she's gone.而且And,我们给了她一张电♥话♥卡you know, we gave her a calling card.告诉她要经常打电♥话♥回家We told her to call often,但我们不能随时与她通话but we don't get to talk to her all the time,我们不知道她每天都在干什么and, you know, we don't know what she does every day除非她与我们联♥系♥until she's in contact with us.*Whoa, whoa, whoa Sweet child o' mine*好奇号♥可借助Curiosity can call home两个超高频天线与我们联♥系♥using two ultra-high-frequency radios.但是火星与地球间遥远的距离But the distance between Mars and Earth,再加上火星车有限的功率together with the rover's limited power,使接收信♥号♥♥变得十分困难makes it difficult to pick up the signal.有车载收音机的人都明白这个问题It's a problem anyone with a car radio knows well.我们离洛杉矶已经有几百公里远We're about a hundred miles outside of Los Angeles.在车里我依然能收到广播In the car, I've got the radio going,但我最喜欢的电台已经几乎没信♥号♥♥了but my favourite radio station is almost gone.与火星地球之间距离相比这并不很远I'm not that far, certainly compared to Mars,并且我收听的这个电台and the radio station that I listen to拥有一台九万瓦的发射机has a 90,000-watt transmitter,你可能会问为什么在这里收不到信♥号♥♥ and so you'd wonder why I can't pick up the station here.问题是我的车载小天线The problem is my little antenna就是不能接收到那么遥远的信♥号♥♥is just not capable of picking up the signal at this distance,这与电台发射器功率的大小无关no matter how powerful it seems the transmitter back at home is. 黑色叛逆摩托车俱乐部《Spread Your Love》太空中电力十分珍贵In space, power is in short supply,好奇号♥会用几乎所有的能源and Curiosity will need to use almost all of its energy来在火星表面上移♥动♥它近吨♥重的身躯to drag its near-ton weight across the surface of Mars.这意味着火星车发射器的功率That means the rover's transmitters与地球上电台发射器的九万瓦功率相比have to get by with just a fraction of the 90,000 watts可谓九牛一毛used by a radio station on Earth.她发射器的功率仅有十瓦She only has a ten-watt transmitter,但是距离却远得多and she's much further away.我们与洛杉矶的距离约为140公里We're about 140 kilometres from Los Angeles -而好奇号♥却远在两亿五千万公里外的火星Curiosity is going to be 250 million kilometres at Mars.所以我们需要大型的接收天线We need something bigger for an antenna.*Spread your love like a fever**Spread your love like a fever**Spread your love like a fever**Spread your love like a fever*DSS14是美国宇航局深空通信网中The DSS14 antenna is the biggest dish最大的碟形天线in NASA's Deep Space Communications Network.它是太阳系里It's their switchboard所有飞船的电♥话♥交换台for every spacecraft in the solar system.但这些大量的行星际信息交流But all this interplanetary chatter意味着安不能随心所欲地和好奇号♥means that Ann can't just pick up the phone to Curiosity进行联♥系♥any time she likes.太空中飞船众多There's a lot of spacecraft out there,它们都希望能与总部取得联♥系♥ 对吧and they all want to talk back home, too, right?都希望能向总部传达信息They all want to call home.所以需要在像DSS14这样的天线And so, we have to schedule time at one of these antennas,预订时间like here at DSS14,告诉工作人员我们需要和好奇号♥联♥系♥ and tell the people that we need to talk to Curiosity以及通信持续多长时间and this is how long we want to talk to her for,之后他们调整天线位置and they point the antenna当好奇号♥出现在天际so when Curiosity comes over the horizon,天线已经对准那个方向this guy is already pointed in that direction它一出现我们就可以联♥系♥了and as she comes up, then we're talking.其他飞船的通信请求But a queue for the phone并不是使火星车与地球大本营is not the only thing that could kill the conversation通信中断的唯一因素between the rover and the team back home.当火星车到达火星时Once it arrives at Mars,火星本身就会阻碍通信the whole mass of the planet will stand in the way.火星也会和地球一样自转Mars itself rotates as the Earth rotates,某些时刻尽管我们想与好奇号♥联♥系♥and so sometimes, even if we wanted to talk to Curiosity,我们也不能we couldn't.因为整个行星挡我们和好奇号♥之间Because we just have the whole planet between us and Curiosity.火星一日有24小时40分钟A Martian day lasts 24 hours and 40 minutes.其中一半时间For half of that time,火星车将处在火星地平线之下the rover will drop behind the red planet's horizon,远离地球天线的接收范围out of view of Earth's antennas.当好奇号♥抵达时When Curiosity arrives,降落点正好迎来夜晚night will be falling on Mars.在十分危险的着陆过程中Midway through its perilous landing procedure,控制团队将失去与航♥天♥器的直接联♥系♥the team will lose direct contact with the spacecraft.但是美国宇航局可以依靠But NASA can rely on help以往的火星任务来提供帮助from some previous Mars missions.我们手中有王牌事实上是两张We have an ace in the hole. In fact, we have two.它们是火星侦察轨道器和"奥德赛"卫星It's called Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Odyssey.这两颗都是我们已有的火星人造卫星So, these are two orbiters that we have around Mars already.它们在轨道上运行等待新的伙伴加入They're sitting there, they're waiting for their sister to come.火星夜晚阻碍了地球对火星车的监测As the Martian night obscures the rover from Earth's view, "奥德赛"号♥将尝试把重要信息Odyssey will attempt to relay its vital messages转发回控制中心back to the control room.这只是为确保好奇号♥安全着陆This is just one of hundreds of risky procedures众多挑战之一that must go right for Curiosity to land safely.为了设计目前最复杂的太空降落程序In designing the most complex landing ever attempted in space, 研究团队不得不冒险the team have had to go out on a limb,将他们的名誉寄托于staking their reputations on a system一个从未使用过的系统that has never been used before.这是如此雄心勃勃It's so ambitious.这是如此大胆创新It's so audacious.这是如此打破常规It's so unconventional.我们并没有很多保证It doesn't feel like there's a lot of shelter.你不能说我是在做别人做过的事You can't say, "Oh, I'm doing what they did before没有成功只是我不够幸运"and it just didn't work out, I didn't get lucky."不是的我们不是在重复No, we're not doing what we did before.我们进行的是全新的尝试We're doing something completely novel,开辟新的道路hanging it way out there.我们只能靠自己You feel exposed.作为好奇号♥着陆过程的总设计师As chief architect of Curiosity's landing sequence,亚当·施特尔茨纳已经在脑海中Adam Steltzner has gone through each part of it无数次地检查了每一步over and over in his head.但是直到今日But for now,这些还只存在于他的想象中it only exists in his imagination.以及美国宇航局的演示动画里And in this NASA animation.火星车抵达火星时速度接近每秒六公里We show up at this near six-kilometre-a-second speed. 在火星的天空中烧出了We burn a hole in the sky of Mars长约一百公里的洞for about 100 kilometres long.开始减速时是每秒六公里We start out at six kilometres a second,直到将速度降至每秒一公里and we're still going about a kilometre a second.速度没能降到很低We're not slowing down very much,因为火星大气过于稀薄because there's not enough atmosphere to help us out. 所以最后需要弹出一个降落伞So eventually we have to pop a parachute.速度进一步降低That slows us down more.但是这依然不够。



关于航天的英语作文80词英文回答:As a space enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the wonders of space exploration. The advancements in aerospace technology have allowed us to discover new planets, study distant galaxies, and even send humans to the moon. One of the most exciting aspects of space exploration is the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life. Scientists are constantly searching for signs of life on other planets, hoping to answer the age-old question: are we alone in the universe?One of the most groundbreaking achievements in aerospace history was the landing of the Mars rover Curiosity on the surface of Mars in 2012. This mission provided valuable data about the Martian environment and paved the way for future manned missions to the red planet. The images and data sent back by Curiosity have captivated people around the world and sparked renewed interest inspace exploration.中文回答:作为一个太空爱好者,我一直对太空探索的奇迹充满着兴趣。



(含答案)中学英语阅读短文之《火星探测》阅读短文并回答问题NASA’s Curiosity vehicle recently recorded the largest level of methane (甲烷)ever measured during its seven-year Mars mission.The discovery is exciting because the existence of methane gas could support the case for life on Mars.Methane has no color or smell.A special instrument on Curiosity’s Mars Science Laboratory recorded the increased gas level.The device,called a laser spectrometer,measures levels of chemical elements and gases in the Martian atmosphere.In addition to methane,the instrument can record levels of water and CO2.Nearly all the methane gas found in Earth’s atmosphere is produced by biological activity.It usually comes from animal and plant life.But it can also be formed by geological(地质的)processes,such as interactions between rocks and water.NASA said the increased methane was measured to be about21parts per billion by volume(ppbv).One ppbv means that if you take a volume of air on Mars, one billionth of the volume of air is methane.It was not the first time Curiosity has found methane gas in the Martian atmosphere.About a year ago,NASA announced that Curiosity had discovered sharp seasonal increases in the gas.This time,NASA said the measured methane gas level was clearly larger than any others observedin the past.NASA officials even temporarily stopped Curiosity’s other activities to investigate further.“It’s exciting because microbial(微生物的)life is an important source of methane on Earth,”NASA said in a statement announcing the discovery. However,Curiosity’s team carried out a follow-up methane experiment that showed a sharp drop in levels of the gas.The second examination found the level was less than one part per billion by volume.That number was close to the background levels Curiosity sees all the time. The rise and fall of the methane gas levels left NASA scientists with more questions than answers.The scientists are continuing to study possible causes for the sudden increase.The methane mystery continues.Curiosity does not have instruments that can exactly identify whether the source of the methane is biological or geological.One leading theory is that methane is being released from underground areas created by possible life forms that disappeared long ago.Even though Mars has no active volcanoes,scientists believe it is also possible that methane is being produced by reactions involving carbon materials and water.A clearer understanding of methane levels over time could help scientists determine where they’re located on Mars.Scientists hope this understanding will come as Curiosity continues to collect methane data in its search for possible life.1.Curiosity discovered.A.the largest methane gas level ever on MarsB.the existence of life on MarsC.the reason for the increased methaneD.interactions between rocks and water2.Why did NASA officials once stop Curiosity’s other activities?A.To seek possible life existing on Mars.B.To check the quality of Curiosity’s mission.C.To find seasonal increases in the methane gas.D.To further examine the methane gas level on Mars.3.What can we learn from the last three paragraphs?A.Causes for the change of methane have been proved by Curiosity.B.Curiosity has proved the location of methane by instruments.C.Scientists think underground materials’reactions may produce methane.D.Identifying the source of methane helps scientists search for possible life on Mars.4.The passage is probably taken from.A.a geography textbookB.a science newspaperC.a health magazineD.a travel brochure参考答案1–4ADCB生词及长难句1.NASA美国国家航空航天局2.Mars n.火星3.Curiosity’s Mars Science Laboratory“好奇号”火星科学实验室4.The device,called a laser spectrometer,measures levels of chemical elements and gases in the Martian atmosphere.句子主干:The device measures levels.参考译文:该装置叫做激光光谱仪,可以测量火星大气中化学元素和气体的含量。



人类在太空方面的一些成就英语作文英文回答:Human achievements in space exploration have been truly remarkable. From the first manned spaceflight to the establishment of space stations, humans have made significant strides in understanding and exploring the vastness of the universe.One of the most notable achievements in space exploration is the first manned spaceflight. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet cosmonaut, became the first human to orbit the Earth. This historic event marked the beginning of human space exploration and opened up new possibilities for scientific research and discovery.Another major milestone in space exploration is the Apollo 11 mission, which saw Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first humans to set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969. This achievement not only demonstrated thetechnological capabilities of the United States, but also inspired a generation of scientists and engineers to push the boundaries of space exploration even further.In recent years, the International Space Station (ISS) has been a testament to international cooperation in space exploration. The ISS is a habitable space station that serves as a laboratory for scientific research and a platform for international collaboration. It has been continuously occupied since November 2000 and has provided valuable insights into the effects of long-duration space travel on the human body.Furthermore, the Mars rovers, such as Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity, have revolutionized our understanding of the red planet. These robotic explorers have provided valuable data about the geology, climate, and potential for life on Mars. The successful landing and operation of these rovers have paved the way for future manned missions to Mars.In conclusion, human achievements in space explorationhave been awe-inspiring. From the first manned spaceflight to the establishment of space stations and the exploration of other celestial bodies, humans have made significant progress in unraveling the mysteries of the universe. These achievements not only showcase our technological prowess, but also our innate curiosity and desire to explore the unknown.中文回答:人类在太空探索方面取得了非凡的成就。



2012年10月7日,在首次收集火星土壤样本时,好奇号火星车发现地面上存在一个尺寸很小的不明物体,好 似银片或者其他某种物品的碎片。10月8日,由于发现地面上的一个明亮物体——可能是从“好奇”号上脱落的 碎片——项目组决定不使用机械臂。“好奇”号拍摄了这个物体的照片,以帮助项目组进行鉴别并评估可能对样 本收集带来的影响。
火星探测器是一种用来探测火星的人造卫星。1962年,前苏联发射的‘火星1号’探测器是人类向火星发射 的第一个火星探测器,美国发射了水手4号探测器,并成功飞到距离火星1万公里处拍摄了21幅照片。自20世纪60 年代以来,美国发射十余次火星探测器,仅6次实现火星着陆 。
“天空起重机”和“好奇”号组合降落体 1996年,美国宇航局发射了火星全球勘探者号探测器。这开启了 新的探索火星的时期,一系列的轨道器和着陆器被送往火星。探测的结果让科学家了解到,火星其实蕴藏着活力。
由 儿 童 和 青 少 年 命 名 火 星 车 是 N A S A 的 惯 例 。 2 0 0 8 年 11 月 1 8 日 , 一 项 面 向 全 美 五 岁 至 十 八 岁 学 生 的 为 火 星 车命名的比赛开始。2009年3月23日至29日,普通公众有机会为九个进入决定的名字进行投票,为火星车的最终 命名作为参考。2009年5月27日,NASA宣布六年级的华裔女生马天琪(Clara Ma)的“好奇”最终赢得了胜 利。
火星车全局图 采用2台(其中一台为备用)IBM特制型号的电脑,可以承受-55和70度气温变化以及1000戈 瑞的辐射水平。



Watching this amazing high-definition video of Curiosity’s hair-raising landing on Mars will make you clutch at your armrest. Compiled from the probe’s MARDI descent camera, it is the best landing video yet and gives you a chance to experience what it’s li ke to ride along with the rover down to the Martian surface.来看看火星探测器好奇号惊心动魄的着陆过程吧,这段新鲜出炉的高清视频一定会狠狠抓住你的眼球。


The video starts with Curiosity’s heat shield being jettisoned from its landing stage body —comprised of the rover tucked up beneath a UFO-like platform. The rover hovers for a while under its parachute, wobbling back and forth as it takes in the spectacular view of craters and the lower reaches of Mount Sharp, its eventual target. Vertig o kicks in as the rover dives lower and the engines kick in for Curiosity’s powered descent sequence.视频从好奇号隔热罩与着陆主体(由好奇号和UFO造型的登录平台组成)脱离开始。



火星探测器英文作文The Mars rover is a fascinating piece of technologythat allows us to explore the red planet like never before. It's amazing to think about all the data and images it has sent back to Earth.The rover's ability to navigate the rough terrain of Mars is truly impressive. It's like a high-tech remote-controlled car, but on a whole other level. I can't imagine the skill and precision it takes to operate such a complex machine from millions of miles away.One of the most exciting things about the Mars rover is the potential for discovering signs of past life on the planet. Just the thought of finding evidence of ancient microbial life is mind-blowing. It could completely change our understanding of the universe.The challenges that the Mars rover faces are immense. From dust storms to extreme temperatures, it's a hostileenvironment out there. But the fact that the rover has been able to withstand these conditions and continue to operate is a testament to human ingenuity and determination.I can't wait to see what new discoveries the Mars rover will make in the future. Who knows what secrets lie hidden beneath the surface of the red planet? The possibilities are endless, and the excitement of exploration is truly inspiring.。


Benefits of a Successful Mission to Mars
In conclusion, the exploration of Mars presents both challenges and opportunities, and the successful execution of a manned mission to the Red Planet could have profound implications for our understanding of the universe and our future as a species. The journey to Mars is a bold and ambitious endeavor, but one that could ultimately shape the course of human history.



判断推理模拟题一、图形推理1、从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性:A B C D【正确答案】B2、从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性:A B C D【正确答案】C3、从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性:A B C D【正确答案】B4、左边给定的是纸盒的外表面,下面哪一项能由它所折叠而成?A B C D【正确答案】D5、把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是:①②③④⑤⑥A. ①⑤⑥,②③④B. ①③⑥,②④⑤C. ①④⑥,②③⑤D. ①②④,③⑤⑥【正确答案】C二、定义判断6、代位继承是指被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡时,由被继承人子女的晚辈直系血亲代替先死亡的长辈直系血亲继承被继承人遗产的一项法定继承制度。




根据以上定义,郑某死后,其家庭关系中享有代位继承权的是()A. 比郑某早亡的其弟弟的儿子B. 郑某的孙子C. 郑某在遗嘱中将遗产留给好友王某,但王某早亡,其儿子D. 比郑某早亡的儿子的儿子【正确答案】D7、道德暴力一般指的是其倡导者以“真理在手”的圣人形象出现,以道德来要求其他人做某事,或不得做某事。


根据上述定义,下列不属于道德暴力的是()A. 某地发生地震,媒体曝光了知名企业的捐款金额,捐款较少的企业受到民众指责B. 历史系张教授一直教导学生勿忘国耻,几十年来,他从来不买日本产品C.某店主因怀疑王某偷窃服装,将监控视频截图在微博求助网友进行人肉搜索,很快王某的个人隐私信息曝光,最后不堪侮辱自杀D. 杭州某公交车上一年轻小伙,因未给怀抱孩子的妇女让座,被其妻子连扇五个耳光【正确答案】B8、出丑效应又叫仰巴脚效应,犯错误效应(PRATFALLEFFECT):是指才能平庸者固然不会受人倾慕,而全然无缺点的人,也未必讨人喜欢。



写火星探测器的作文英语As the fourth rock from the sun, Mars has long captivated the imagination of scientists and space enthusiasts alike. The allure of the Red Planet is not just its striking color, but also the tantalizing possibility that it may hold the secrets to life beyond Earth. The Mars rover mission, an ambitious endeavor by space agencies, has been at the forefront of this quest for knowledge.The Mars rover is a sophisticated robotic vehicle designed to traverse the Martian terrain, equipped with an array of scientific instruments to study the planet's geology, climate, and potential for past life. The rover's journey begins witha perilous interplanetary voyage, a testament to human ingenuity and engineering prowess.Upon landing, the rover's primary mission is to explore the Martian surface in search of signs that water once flowed freely, and to analyze the soil and rock samples for chemical signatures that could indicate the presence of organic molecules. The rover's camera system captures stunning images of the Martian landscape, providing us with a window into a world that is both alien and eerily familiar.One of the most significant achievements of the Mars rover mission was the discovery of evidence that Mars once had the conditions to support microbial life. This discovery hasfueled further exploration and research, pushing theboundaries of our understanding of the universe and our place within it.The rover's journey is not without its challenges. The harsh Martian environment, with its extreme temperatures, dust storms, and thin atmosphere, presents numerous obstacles. Yet, the rover perseveres, its solar panels and nuclear power systems providing the energy needed to continue its mission.As the rover rolls across the rust-colored plains of Mars, it carries with it the hopes and dreams of humanity. It is a symbol of our unyielding curiosity and our relentless pursuit of the unknown. The Mars rover mission is not just about exploring another planet; it is about expanding the horizonsof our knowledge and our potential as a species.In conclusion, the Mars rover mission represents a monumental step in our exploration of the cosmos. It has provided uswith invaluable insights into the history of Mars and has inspired a new generation of scientists and explorers todream big and reach for the stars. As we continue to push the limits of what is possible, the Red Planet remains a beaconof hope and a reminder of the incredible journey we are on.。

Curiosity Mars Rover好奇者号火星探测

Curiosity Mars Rover好奇者号火星探测

In the middle of the crater lies Mount Sharp, which Curiosity is currently ascending.

The latest close-up images show Mars has liquid water just below its surface, according to new measurements by Nasa’s Curiosity rover.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
It is the United States government agency responsible for the civilian space program as well as aeronautics and aerospace r82017 to 5/11/2017) Second testing of aircraft by sending unmanned spacecraft into Mars. Third step (6/72018 to 6/8/2018) Sending astronauts into space.
Q2. What are the expected benefits?
provide more resources for our offsprings
establish a new homeland in Mars know more about the origins of human beiongs
Doctor. Frank The main engineer and scientist in the mission



关于火星探测车的英语作文Mars Rovers: Exploring the Red Planet.Since the dawn of space exploration, humanity has been fascinated by the possibility of life beyond Earth. One of the most promising targets for such exploration is Mars, our neighboring planet in the solar system. With its rocky terrain, ancient riverbeds, and potential for liquid water, Mars holds tantalizing clues to the origins and evolution of life in our cosmic neighborhood.Enter the Mars rovers, robotic emissaries sent to explore the Martian landscape and unravel its secrets. These highly sophisticated vehicles are equipped with a suite of advanced instruments designed to analyze rocks, soil, and atmosphere, as well as search for signs of past or present life.One of the most iconic Mars rovers is Curiosity, a nuclear-powered behemoth that landed on the surface of Marsin 2012. Armed with a laser-firing spectrometer, Curiosity has spent years exploring the Gale crater, a vastdepression that was once filled with water. The rover has discovered evidence of ancient lakes, streambeds, and possibly even organic molecules, hinting at the possibility of a habitable environment in Mars' distant past.Another notable Mars rover is Perseverance, whichlanded in 2021. Perseverance's mission is to search for signs of ancient life in Jezero crater, a former lakebedthat scientists believe could have harbored microbial life billions of years ago. The rover is equipped with a drill that can collect rock samples, which will be returned to Earth for further analysis.Beyond their scientific contributions, Mars rovers have also captured the imagination of the public. Their dramatic landings, panoramic images, and real-time data have allowed us to experience the exploration of another world firsthand. Through the eyes of these robotic explorers, we have witnessed the beauty and diversity of the Martian landscape, from towering mountains to sprawling plains.The exploration of Mars is not without its challenges. The planet's thin atmosphere, extreme temperatures, and radiation exposure impose significant constraints on rover operations. However, the rewards of this exploration are immense. By unlocking the secrets of Mars, we not only deepen our understanding of the solar system's history but also expand our perspective on the potential for life in the universe.Mars rovers are just one part of a larger tapestry of scientific endeavors aimed at unraveling the mysteries of Mars. Orbiters, landers, and balloons have all contributed to our understanding of the Red Planet. Yet, it is the rovers, with their unparalleled mobility and scientific capabilities, that have provided us with the most intimate and detailed view of Mars' surface.As we continue to explore Mars, we are bound to encounter even more surprises and discoveries. Through the unwavering dedication of scientists and engineers, and the boundless curiosity of humanity, we will push theboundaries of human knowledge and seek answers to one of the most fundamental questions of all: Are we alone in the universe?。



Planet Profile星球简介Mars火星The Red Planet has a host of new robots investigating it这颗红色星球有很多新的机器人正在研究它Across the gulf of space, no other planet has fired humanity’s imagination so much as the Red Planet, and it has frequently been associated with violence, war and death. To the ancient Sumerians it was Nergal, a god of war and plague who presided over the netherworld. In Mesopotamia it was the ‘star of judgement of the fate of the d ead’. The Chinese associated it with the element fire, while for the people of the Tiwi Islands off the coast of Australia the planet was one of the four wives of the Moon Man, who followed the path of the Sun Woman through the sky –the other wives were Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. The planet was a familiar sight to the astronomers of ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Rome –where Mars was the god of war –and Greece, where Aristotle noticed that the planet vanished behind the Moon during an occultation, proving it was farther away.穿过太空湾,没有任何一颗星球能像红色星球那样激发人类的想象力,而且它经常与暴力、战争和死亡联系在一起。



介绍火星的英语作文英文回答:Mars, also known as the Red Planet, has always fascinated me. It is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System. Mars is named after the Roman god of war, and its reddish appearance is due to iron oxide on its surface.One of the most interesting features of Mars is its similarity to Earth. It has a similar day length, with a day on Mars lasting just a little over 24 hours. It also has seasons like Earth, although they are about twice as long due to its longer orbit around the Sun. This makes Mars a potential candidate for human colonization in the future.Another fascinating aspect of Mars is its geological features. The planet has the largest volcano in the Solar System, Olympus Mons, as well as a massive canyon systemcalled Valles Marineris. These features give us clues about the planet's past and its potential for supporting life.In addition to its geological features, Mars has been the subject of much exploration by robotic spacecraft. NASA's Mars rovers, such as Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity, have provided us with valuable information about the planet's surface and atmosphere. These missions have also sparked public interest in Mars and the possibility of sending humans there.In the future, I hope to see humans set foot on Mars. The idea of exploring and possibly colonizing another planet is incredibly exciting. It would be a giant leap for humanity and a testament to our curiosity and ingenuity.中文回答:火星,也被称为红色星球,一直以来都让我着迷。

curiosity explorers Mars 有测试

curiosity explorers Mars 有测试


词数390 建议阅读时间8分钟HA VE you ever wondered whether there is life on Mars (火星)? The big Red Planet (行星) is a mystery to us but hopefully not for much longer.Last year, on November 11, the Mars rover (探测器) named Curiosity (“好奇号”) started it s journey into space. After eight months flying in a rocket, Curiosity covered more than 566 million kilometers and finally landed on Mars last month – according to BBC reports.The rover is there to find out if there is, or ever was, life on the cold, desert-like (荒漠般的) planet.The place where Curiosity landed is called Gale Crater, a huge hole on Mars. Scientists believe that there was once water and even life there.In order to do its job, Curiosity is packed with many useful tools (工具), although the rover is only three meters long, about the size of a small car.It has a robot arm that can collect soil (土壤) and drill (钻孔) into rocks. It also carries its own laser gun (激光枪). The gun can turn a small amount of rock into gas (气体), so that Curiosity can study what the rock is made up of.With the help of these tools, Curiosity will act as a robot geologist (地理学家). For the next two years, it will stay and travel inside Gale Crater, collecting and studying rocks and soil.Different from other Mars rovers, Curiosity gets its power (能量) from a nuclear generator (核能发电机) instead of the sun’s light. This means it can move its wheels during both the day and night, and scientists back on Earth don’t have to worry when the sky is covered by sand.However, scientists say that Curiosity can travel only 19 kilometers during its two-year stay on Mars because it has to stop every now and then to do research. Also, according to The Guardian, it moves very slowly – about 90 meters every hour. That is only twice as fast as a giant tortoise (乌龟).Several days after its landing, Curiosity sent back the first color pictures of Mars. They were taken by tiny cameras that were designed to spot dangers, so the pictures were unclear, but scientists were still very excited.The photos show “a new Mars we have never seen before,” Michael Watkins, Curiosity’s mission manager, told The Guardian. “So every one of those pictures is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen.”Choose the best answer:1. What can we conclude from Paragraph 1?A. We are sure there is life on Mars.B. We have learned a lot about Mars.C. We’ll learn more about Mars soon.D. We hope to find life on Mars.2. What is the main task of Curiosity?A. To find out if there was once water on Mars.B. To find the differences between Mars and Earth.C. To collect information of energy on Mars.D. To collect and study rocks and soil on Mars.3. Compared to other rovers, Curiosity _____.A. moves much fasterB. works during day and nightC. gets power from the sunD. is easily covered by sand4. Which of the following statements about Curiosity is TRUE?A. It has useful tools to help it.B. It travels 19 kilometers an hour on Mars.C. It traveled two years before it landed on Mars.D. It will cover many different places on Mars during its stay.。






中文名好奇号外文名Curiosity 发射时间2011年11月26日23:02(GMT+8) 着陆时间2012年8月6日13:30(GMT+8) 发射地点美国佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角着陆地点火星盖尔陨石坑隶属机构NASA 使命探寻火星上的生命元素运载器Atlas-V541火箭(AV-028)动力放射性同位素热电池(钚-238) 臂长 2.1m 车轮直径0.5米高度 2.1m 宽度 2.8m 长度 3.0m(不包括机械臂)充电多任务热电发生器(MMRTG)发射质量3893kg目录1 研发背景2 项目进展3 组成结构▪主控电脑▪附属设备4 探索成果▪日偏食▪古河床▪不明碎片▪证明有水▪神秘亮光▪曾有湖泊▪发现有机物5 机器故障6 探索意义7 着陆纪念8 大事记研发背景自20世纪初期开始,人们凭着望远镜中看到的火星影像和头脑中的想象,认为火星上可能存在生命,乃至火星人。








red planet (1) 双语讲解

red planet (1) 双语讲解

red planet (1) 双语讲解摘要:1.火星的简介2.火星的双语讲解3.火星的探测历史4.火星的探测计划与挑战5.火星的潜在生命存在可能性正文:【火星的简介】火星,被称为红色星球,是太阳系中离地球最近的行星之一。




火星的一天(或称“火星日”)约为24 小时37 分钟,这与地球上的一天相差不大。




【火星的探测历史】人类对火星的探测始于20 世纪60 年代。

1965 年,美国发射了“水手4 号”(Mariner 4)探测器,这是第一颗成功穿越火星大气层的探测器。












2016年5月英语二级笔译真题Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points)Passage 1Jane Goodall was already on a London dock in March 1957 when she realized that her passport was missing. In just a few hours, she was due to depart on her first 精品文档,超值下载trip to Africa. A school friend had moved to a farm outside Nairobi and, knowing Goodall’s childhood dream was to live among the African wildlife, invited her to stay with the family for a while. Goodall, then 22, saved for two years to pay for her passage to Kenya: waitressing, doing secretarial work, temping at the post office in her hometown, Bournemouth, on England’s southern coast. Now all this was for naught, it seemed.It’s hard not to wonder how subsequent events in her life — rather consequential as they have turned out to be to conservation, to science, to our sense of ourselves as a species — might have unfolded differently had someone not found her passport, along with an itinerary from Cook’s, the travel agency, folded inside, and delivered it to the Cook’s office. An agency representative, documents in hand, found her on the dock. “Incredible,” Goodall told me last month, recalling that day. “Amazing.”Within two months of her arrival, Goodall met the paleontologist Louis Leakey —Nairobi was a small town for its white population in those days —and he immediately offered her a job at the natural-history museum where he was curator. He spent much of the next three years testing her capacity for repetitive work.He believed in a hypothesis first put forth by Charles Darwin that humans and chimpanzees share an evolutionary ancestor. Close study of chimpanzees in the wild, he thought, might tell us something about that common progenitor. He was, in other words, looking for someone to live am ong Africa’s wild animals. One night, he told Goodall that he knew just the place where she could do it: Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve, in the British colony of Tanganyika (now Tanzania).In July 1960, Goodall boarded a boat and after a few hours motoring over thewarm, deep waters of Lake Tanganyika, she stepped onto the pebbly beach at Gombe.Her finding, published in Nature in 1964, that chimpanzees use tools —extracting insects from a termite mound with leaves of grass —drastically and forev er altered humanity’s understanding of itself; man was no longer the natural world’s only user of tools.After two and a half decades of living out her childhood dream, Goodall made an abrupt career shift, from scientist to conservationist.Passage 2Scientists have found the first evidence that briny water flowed on the surface of Mars as recently as last summer, a paper published on Monday showed, raising the possibility that the planet could support life.Although the source and the chemistry of the water is unknown, the discovery will change scientists’ thinking about whether the planet that is most like Earth in the solar system could support present day microbial life.The discovery was made when scientists developed a new technique to analyze chemical maps of the surface of Mars obtained by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.They found telltale fingerprints of salts that form only in the presence of water in narrow channels cut into cliff walls throughout the planet’s equatorial region.The slopes appear during the warm summer months on Mars, then vanish when the temperatures drop. Scientists suspected the streaks were cut by flowing water, but previously had been unable to make the measurements.Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter makes its measurements during the hottest part of the Martian day, so scientists believed any traces of water, or fingerprints from hydrated minerals, would have evaporated.Also, the chemical-sensing instrument on the orbiting spacecraft cannot home in on details as small as the narrow streaks, which typically are less than 16 feet wide.But Ojha and colleagues created a computer program that could scrutinize individual pixels. That data was then correlated with high-resolution images of the streaks. Scientists concentrated on the widest streaks and came up with a 100 percent match between their locations and detections of hydrated salts.Section 2: Chinese-English Translation (50 points)Passage 1人口问题归根结底是发展问题。

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Mars rover nears make-or-break landing attempt
By the time the robotic Mars laboratory dubbed Curiosity streaks into the thin Martian atmosphere at hypersonic speed on Sunday night, the spacecraft will be in charge of its own seven-minute final approach to the surface of the Red Planet.
The Mars rover Curiosity, on a quest for signs the Red Planet once hosted the building blocks of life, streaked into the home stretch of its eight-month voyage on Sunday nearing a make-or-break landing attempt NASA calls its most challenging ever.
Curiosity, the first full-fledged mobile science laboratory ever sent to a distant world, was scheduled to touch down inside a vast, ancient impact crater on Sunday at 10:31 pm Pacific time (1:31 am EDT on Monday/0531 GMT on Monday).
Mission control engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory near Los Angeles acknowledge that delivering the one-ton, six-wheeled, nuclear-powered vehicle in one piece is a highly risky proposition, with zero margin for error.
But on the eve of Curiosity's rendezvous with Mars, JPL's team said the spacecraft and its systems were functioning flawlessly, and forecasts called for favorable Martian weather over the landing zone.
After a journey from Earth of more than 350 million miles (567 million km), engineers said they were hopeful the rover, the size of a small sports car, will land precisely as planned near the foot of a tall mountain rising from the floor of Gale Crater in Mars' southern hemisphere.
Flight controllers anticipate clear and calm conditions for touchdown,slated to occur in the Martian late afternoon. There may be some haze in the planet's pink skies from ice clouds, typical for this time of year, with temperatures at about 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
"We're on target to fly through the eye of the needle," Arthur Amador, the Mars Science Laboratory mission manager, told reporters at a briefing on Saturday, as Curiosity hurtled to within 2.8 million miles (4.5 million km) of its destination.
Facing deep cuts in its science budget and struggling to regain its footing after cancellation of the space shuttle program - NASA's centerpiece for 30 years - the agency has much at stake in the outcome of the $2.5 billion mission.
Mars is the chief component of NASA's long-term deep space exploration plans. Curiosity, the space agency's first astrobiology mission since the 1970s-era Viking probes, is designed primarily to search for evidence that the planet most similar to Earth may have once have harbored
ingredients necessary for microbial life to evolve.











