高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (综合教案)


高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (reading)

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (reading)

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care(reading)www.5yTeachingaims:.Goals:Learnabouthealthcare⑴Practiseexpressingopinionsandmakingdecisions⑵ReviewtheSubjunctivemood⑶writealetter2.Specialfocus:A.ImprovereadingskillsandEnlargevocabulary.a.DirectSstoreadthe3passagesonthetextbook;b.GuideSstolearntousethefollowingwordsandexpression s:medicalinsurance,poverty,unemployment,AIDS,housing, income,economicdevelopment,essential,desperate,fund amental,statistics,pressure,constant,allowance,re-e mployment,sacrifice,aggressive,intelligence,senseof responsibility,sympathy,willingness,observation,resident,laid-off,vow,mould,etc.B.ReadingAHelpingHandTeachingprocedures:Step1Leadin.canyouthinkofthesituationswherepeopleneedhelp?Seriousillness,jobless,accidents,wars,disasters…2.whileoneisinsuchsituations,whichorganizationcanhe lpbesidesthepeoplearoundhimorher?ThewHotogetherwiththegovernment.Step2Listenandanswer:.waswanglincuredornot?2.HowmuchwasspentonthepoorpeoplebyXX?3.whatisanotherbigchallengeforthegovernment?Step3ScanningReadthepassageandtrytocomeupwiththegeneralideaofeac hparagraph.Thenaskstudentstofillinthecharttoseeifth eyhavegotageneralunderstandingofthewholepassage.mainIdeasofeachparagraphs:ParagraphAAmansufferingfromaseriousdiseasewasunable topayfortreatment.ParagraphBwithahealthcareproject’shelp,wangLin’sdiseasewascured.ParagraphcAnewhealthprojectisaimedatexploringanddev elopinganewhealthcaremodelforchina.ParagraphDmanyurbanchinesearelivingonmoneygivenbyth egovernment.ParagraphEmillionsofchinesepeopleinurbanareascannot affordproperhealthcare.ParagraphFHealthcareprojectisveryimportantinourcoun try’seffortstofightpoverty.ParagraphGThechinesegovernmentistakingmeasurestopre ventthespreadofAIDS.ParagraphHPeoplemusthelpeachotherifsocietyistodevel opandprosper.ParagraphIourcountryisworkinghardtofightpovertyandi mprovehealthcare.Themainideaofthepassage:ThePassagegivesabriefintroductiontothehealthcarecon ditioninourcountry,anditemphasizesontheeffortsthato urgovernmentismakingtofightpovertyandimprovehealthc arebygivingexamplesofwangLin.Step4careful-reading.InwhatwayiswangLin’ssituationsimilartothatofotherlow-incomefamilies?Theyallcanonlymakeendsmeetontheirlowincome,andifsom eoneintheirfamiliesbecomesseriouslyill,thefamilyisf orcedintopoverty,andhastoaskforhelpfromthegovernmen t.2.whyismedicalinsurancesoimportanttolow-incomefamil ies?Becausemedicalinsurancecanprovideeasyaccesstohospitalsandclinicsforlow-incomefamilies.3.whatisthegovernmentdoingaboutAIDSinchina?chinesegovernmenthasvowedtoprovidefreeAIDStestsfort hegeneralpublicaswellasfreetreatmentforthosewhocann otaffordthetreatmentfees.Andwelearnfromnewsthatourg overnmenthasdecidedtocontrolthenumberwithin1.5milli onbeforeXX.4.whatcanwedotocarefortheweakestmembersofoursociety?ourcountrydecidedtomoveforwardwithoutleavinganyoneb ehind.Nowwearetakingmeasures,suchasreducingpoverty, helpingsickpeoplegettreatedproperlyandprovidingmedi calinsuranceforthepoor.Andweallknowthatthefamouspro gramme“Developingthewest”,itisanimportantmeasuretoputan endtopoverty.onlybyhelpingeachother,canourcountryde velopandprosper.Step5comprehensionUnemployment—poverty--badhousingcondition/nohealthydiet/cannotaffordtopurchasemedicalinsurance/nogoodeducation—AIDS/accidents--governmentprogrammesStep6.Post-readingA.choosethebestanswers:.Thanksto______,wangLinwasabletoreceiveatreatme ntintimetopreventthediseasefromruininghishealth.答案:cA.hissonincollegeB.theinsuranceforhisfamilyc.thehealthcareprojectD.thekindnessofhisfamilyandne ighbors2.Accordingtothetext,ifwangLinhadhad______,thesickn esswouldn’thavecausedsuchabigproblem.答案:cA.agoodjobB.ahighincomec.insuranceD.agooddoctortoco nsult3.what’stheaimofnewhealthcareproject?答案:DA.Helpingpeoplegetridofpoverty.B.Exploringanddevelopinganewhealthcaremodelforchina.c.Lettingsickpeopletreatedproperly.D.Providingmedicalinsuranceforthepoor.4.AccordingtotheUnitedNationsAIDSagency’sreport,howmanypeoplewillbeinfectedbyAIDSinchinabyX Xunlessmoreisdonetopreventthespreadofthedisease?答案:BA.9million.B.10million.c.11million.D.12million.5.Thetext“AHelpingHand”ismainlyabout______.答案:clionsofchinesepeopleinurbanareascan’taffordproperhealthcareB.thechinesegovernmentistakingmeasurestopreventthes preadofAIDSc.anewhealthcareprojectisbeingexploredanddevelopedi nchinaD.peoplemusthelpeachotherifsocietyistodevelopandpro sperB.Readthepassageandfillintheblankswithonetothreewor ds.Thepovertyandthepoorhealthcareoflow-incomefamiliesT hegovernment’seffortstofightpovertyandpoorhealthcareLow-incomefamiliescannotaffordtopayfor1________,tha tistosay,theycannotaffordto2_____adoctoror3______me dicine.①Thegovernmentencourageshealthcareformandreducespove rtybydesigningahealthcareprojectwhichprovidespoorpa tientswithtreatmentat7____orlesstohelpthemgettreate dproperly.②Thechinesegovernmentisworkingwithothercountriesandi nternationalorganizationstoexploreanddevelopanew8_______forchina.③Thegovernmentencouragespeopleto9_________inordertha tothermeasurestofightpovertywillwork.④ThegovernmenthasvowedtostopthespreadofAIDSbyprovidi ngfree10_______Low-incomefamiliescannotprovide4___fortheirchildren.manylow-incomefamiliescannotaffordto5_______.Low-incomefamiliesliveonallowance6____________.keys:.medicaltreatment2.consult3.purchase/buy4.aheal thydiet5.purchasemedicalinsurance.6.givenbythegover nment7.halfthecost8.healthcaremodel9.purchasemedica linsurance10.testsandtreatmentc.AnsweringthequestionsonP77.Step7HomeworkFinishalltheexercisesonwordStudyandGrammaronp77-79.IntegratingReadingSkillsTheLittlemouldThatcouldStep1.ScanthepassageA.Themainideasofeachparagraph:Paragraph1Healthcareinthepastwasoftendangerousandri sky.Paragraph2AlexanderFleminginventedmanywaystotreatthewoundedduringtheFirstworldwar.Paragraph3Flemingdiscoveredamouldthatcankillbacteri abyaccident.Paragraph4Flemingwasexcitedabouthisdiscovery,whichh ecalledPenicillin,butotherscientistsshowednointeres t.Paragraph5Penicillinplayedaveryimportantroleduringt heworldwarIIandatpresentaswell.B.answerafterscanningthepassageasquicklyaspossible..whatcouldthelittlemoulddo?Thelittlemouldthatcouldtreat/cure/fightinfection.2.whodiscoveredit?whenwasitdiscovered?In1928,SirAlexanderFlemingdiscoveredit3.whatisitsname?ItiscalledpenicillinStep2carefulreadingchoosethebestanswers:.whodiscoveredpenicillin?答案:BA.HowardwalterFlorey.B.AlexanderFleming.c.PaulEhrlich.D.EarnstBorischain.2.Itwasnotuntil_____thattheimportanceofFleming’sdiscoverywasfullyrecognized?答案:BA.worldwarⅠB.worldwarⅡc.1928D.19293.whendidFlemingreceivetheNobelPrizewiththetwoother scientists?答案:DA.In1914.B.In1928.c.In1929.D.In1945.4.FromParagraph4ofthetext “TheLittlemouldThatcould”wecanseethatFlemingwasallthefollowingexcept______.答案:DA.confidentB.strong-willedc.hard-workingD.kindandwa rm-heartedStep3.Readthepassageagainandfinishtheexercisesonthe page78.AndretellthelifeexperienceofFlemingandhowhed iscoveredpenicillin.AlexanderFlemingwasayoungdoctorintheearly1900swhena Germanchemistdevelopedachemicaltreatmenttocureaninc urabledisease.Flemingbeganusingitinhisclinic.Thenin 1914,hehadtogotothebattlefieldtotreatwoundedsoldier sduringworldwarⅠ,whenheinventedmanywaystotreatthewounded.Afterret urningfromthewar,hewentonwiththesearchforthechemica lbecausehebelieveditcouldtreatinfections.oneday,hef oundamouldwasgrowinginsomeoldglasscontainers.Tohiss urprise,thebacteriahehadbeengrowinghaddied.Hebeliev edthatitwasthemould,whichlaterhecalledpenicillintha tkilledthebacteria.Penicillinwasagreatdiscovery.Itp layedaveryimportantroleduringworldwarⅡandaswellasatpresenttime.FlemingwasawardedNobelPriz eforhisgreatdiscoveryin1945.AlexanderFlemingdiscoveredPenicillinPhrases:.takemeasurestodosth.2.alaid-offworker3.haveani ncomeof4.tomakemattersworse5.takeabankloan6.putextr apressureonthefamily7.keepahealthydiet8.liveinpover ty9.makeendsmeet10.lookforwardto11.ready-madeclothe s12.curemanydiseases13.astoryofhardwork14.searchfor15.cleanup16.inagoodmood17.setagoal18.beeffectiveinReadingonP213FlorenceNightingaleSheisrememberedasapioneerofnursingandareformerofhos pitalsanitationmethods.Formostofherninetyyears,Nigh tingalepushedforthereformoftheBritishmilitaryhealth -caresystem.mainideasofeachparagraph:Para.1:FearhadgrippedthenationwhenSARSbrokeout.Parts2:Thankstothequickandforcefulactionthecountryt ookandthesacrificesthehealthcarestaffmade,SARSended inhesummerofXX.Part3:wewillneverforgetthe“Angelsinwhite”.Step5Languagepoints.sufferdeadlyinfectionsasaresultofoperations2.cure,curable,incurable,treat3.Itwasnotuntilafterthewarthathemadehismostimportan tdiscovery.ItwasnotuntilworldwarTwothattheimportanceofFleming’sdiscoverywasfullyrecognized.4.cleanup,clearupTheworkwomencleanedupbeforetheyleft.(除去垃圾等)cleanuparoomforaparty.Hecleanupasmallfortune.IhopeitclearsupthisafternoonHasyourrashclearedup?(你的皮疹痊愈了吗?)Pleaseclearupthemessinherebeforeyougo.5.beexcitedabout6.belongto7.Despitetheirlackofinterest,Flemingkepttryingtodev elopthechemicalsothatitwouldbesafeandeffective.8.Explainthelastsentenceofthewholepassage.Step6Homework.writeacompositionaboutpenicillinintheexerciseb ook2.DotheexercisesaboutvocabularyonPages211~212.TheThirdPeriodcontents:practiceTeachingSteps:Step1Explaintheusagesofthefollowingkeywords:.abusevt..)滥用,妄用Heabusedhispowerwhileinoffice.他在职时滥用权力。

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care 简案

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care 简案

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (简案)Teaching aims:Goals:Learn about health caPractise expressingand making dReview the Subjunctive Mood (2)Write a l2. Special focus:Improve reading skills and Enlarge vocabulaa. Dadassagxt book;b. Guidlearn to ullowing words and ex:dical insurance, poverty, unemplAIDS, housingdevelal, desperate, fundamental, stauant, allowance,re-emplaaggressive, intelligbilathy, willingness, observadent, laid-off, vow, mouldPeriod 1 Reading A Helping Hand (p75)Warming upTask 1. guidudave a discullowing points:Difficullearning EnglDlearning English andarauccessful leave learning skillsWays to develd2. ScanningTask 2. Read the passage andup wgeneral idea of each paragraph:Ask studllaave got a general understandingwhole passage.Main IdeaParagraph A A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to paaParagraph B With a health caˇs help, Wang Linˇs d isease was cured.Paragraph C A new healaimed at exploring and developing a new health care modela.Paragraph D Many urbaare livinggiven by the govParagraph E Millle in urban areas cannot affordalth caParagraph F Health cavant in our countryˇgh t povParagraph G Tgovaking measuvad of AIDParagraph H People must help eadevelop andParagraph I Our couworking hard to fight poverty and improve health caThe main ideaassage: The Passage gives a bdualth care condur country, andaat our govaking to fight poverty and improve health care by giving examples of Wang LPost-readingTask 3: Answering the quPHomewFinish all the exWord Study and Gramma-79.Period 2. Integrating Reading SkillsThe Little Mould That Could (P79)Revw fuunderstand the health caa.2work. Iary, givxamplview the SubjunctiveMoodx2 on p2ally designedare familiar wGrammaIary givuctures and ludaUsinguctu2. Scan the passage and find the main idea, then analassagblTask: Read the passagutes, and match each paragraph wgeneral idea. Paragraph 1 A. Fleming was excited about his discovery, walled Penicillin, buwedParagraph 2 B. Penicillin played a vant role during the World WarII and aas well.ParagraFleming discovered a mould that can kill bacteria by accidParagraph 4 D. Health caast wadangerous andParagraAlexander Fleming invented many waat the wounded during the World War IRead the passage again andxattachedassagxtensive reading: THE DISEAWhat is SARS?vere acuadrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness that was recognized as a global threat in March 2003, aappearing in Soua in November 2002.What aand signs of SARS?The illness usually begins with a high fever (measured temperature greater than 100.4?F[38.0?C]). The fevassociated with chillluding headache, general feeling of dand body ale also exldrespiraat the outset. Diarrheaapproximately1020aAfter 2 to 7 days, SARS paay develop a dductive cough that might be accompanied bga condwxygen levelblood are low (hypoxia). In 1020ases, paquanical ventilaatients develop pneumonia.Whaause of SARS?SARS is caused by a previously unrecognized coronavirus, called SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Ible thaus agents might have a rolaARHow is SARS spread?The primary way that SARS appeaad is by cl-to-act. SARS-CoV is thought to be transmittedadily batory droplets (droplet spread) produced when adugDroplet spread can happen when droplugadalled a short distance (generally u) through the air and depositeducous membrauwho are nearby. The virus also can spread when auches a surface or obaminated wus droplets anduu(s). In addble that SARS-CoV might be spread more broadly through the air (airbad) or bways that aw knowWhat does "clact" mean?Clact is defined as having caredlived with awn to have SARS or having a high likelihood of dactwaand/or body fluids of a pawn to have SARS. Examples includg or embracing, sharing eating or drinking utensils, close conversation (w)al examination, and adal contact betwle. Clact dlude activities such as walking by abrieflg across a waitingIf I were exposed to SARS-CoV, how long would it tab?Tbetween exposure to SARS-CoV andalledubad." The incubad for SARally 2 to 7 days, althougaay be as long as 10 days. In a very smallaubads of udays have bd.How long is awith SARu?Availablation suggests thawith SARS alikely to be contagious only wavuch as fevugh. Patients aagious duringd wllness. However, as a precaution agaading the disease, CDds thawith SARS lautsid(for example, by not going to wl) until 10 days aver has gone away andatory (breathing)ave gotten bIs awith SARS contagious bappear?To daaARS have bd amongwho were exposed to a SARS patient batient'What medical treaded for patients with SARS?CDds that patients with SARS receive the sametreaat would be used for a patient with aus community-acquired atypical pneumonia. SARS-CoV is being tested against various antiviral drugave treatment can be found.Iautbreak of SARS, how can Ilf?If traARS-CoV recua-auat you can take that apply to maus diseases. Taquent hand washing with soap and water or use of an alcohol-based hand rub. You should also avoid touching youand mouth with unclean hands and encourage people around you to covand mouth with a tissue when coughingg.GLOBAL SARS OUTBREAK, 2003How many people contracted SARS worldwide during the 2003 outbreak? How many people died of SARS worldwide?During November 2002 through July 2003, a total of 8,098 people worldwide becawith severe acuadrome that was accompanied bumoniaatory ddrome (probable cases), accordingWorld Health Organization (WHO)died. By late July 200w cases were beingd, and WHO declared the global outbreak to be over. Faglobal SARS outbreak of 2003, visit WHO's SARS webHow manypeople contracted SARUnited States during the 2003 outbreak? How many people died of SARUnited States? In the United States, only eigwere laboratory-d as SARS cases. There wARS-related deaUnited States. Allgwith laboratory-d SARS had traveled to areas where SARS-CoV trawas occurring.Period 3. Integrating Reading and Writing Skills Angels in White (p213-215)Warmming-upTask 1 :Dal praand enabludxand make d2. ReadingTask 2: Read the passage andxIf possible, guidudanallong and complexTask 3: Guided Writing Give Ss 20 minuwriting assig2Then awork accordingllowing chaluses 1 wishName _______ Title _____________________ Date_______________+_________________________________________________________+_________________________________________________________+_________________________________________________ ________?_________________________________________________ ________Note: How to uavely?Audad his/her deskmateˇs writing carefully, andd 3 valuable things (structure, passage arrangd) and give 1 suggAnddage back. Next, awork accordingart.Period 4:Deal wlanguagand difficulary. If possible, guidudanallong and complexThe followingunit are vant:To make matters walso had allege who had taken a bank loan to paudies. P2. Tlater, however, Wang Lin was told about a health caat provides treatment at halless, dependingdatient. PThaanddamily and neighbours, he was ablve treavdiseauining his health. PIf I had had insurawouldnˇt have caused such a big problem. Idonˇt waaanyone elami ly. PA totalbillionyuan waupporting those who were unable to make a living. P。



Unit 9 Health CareTeaching aims:1.Goals:Learn about health care⑴Practise expressing opinions and making decisions⑵ Review the Subjunctive Mood (2)⑶ Write a letter2.Special focus:A. Improve reading skills and Enlarge vocabulary.a. Direct Ss to read the 3 passages on the text book;b. Guide Ss to learn to use the following words and expressions:medical insurance, poverty, unemployment, AIDS, housing, income, economic development, essential, desperate, fundamental, statistics, pressure, constant, allowance, re-employment, sacrifice, aggressive, intelligence, sense of responsibility, sympathy, willingness, observation, resident, laid-off, vow, mould, etc.B.Reading A Helping Hand (p75)Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Can you think of the situations where people need help?Serious illness, jobless, accidents, wars, disasters…2.While one is in such situations, which organization can help besides the people around him or her? The WHO together with the government.Step 2 Listen and answer:1.Was Wanglin cured or not?2. How much was spent on the poor people by 2003?3.What is another big challenge for the government?Step 3 ScanningRead the passage and try to come up with the general idea of each paragraph. Then ask students to fill in the chart to see if they have got a general understanding of the whole passage.Main Ideas of each paragraphs:Paragraph A A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to pay for treatment. Paragraph B With a health care project’s help, Wang Lin’s disease was cured.Paragraph C A new health project is aimed at exploring and developing a new health care model for China.Paragraph D Many urban Chinese are living on money given by the government.Paragraph E Millions of Chinese people in urban areas cannot afford proper health care. Paragraph F Health care project is very important in our country’s efforts to fight poverty. Paragraph G The Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS. Paragraph H People must help each other if society is to develop and prosper.Paragraph I Our country is working hard to fight poverty and improve health care.The main idea of the passage:The Passage gives a brief introduction to the health care condition in our country, and it emphasizes on the efforts that our government is making to fight poverty and improve health care by giving examples of Wang Lin.Step 4 Careful-reading1.I n what way is Wang Lin’s situation similar to that of other low-income families?They all can only make ends meet on their low income, and if someone in their families becomes seriously ill, the family is forced into poverty, and has to ask for help from the government.2. Why is medical insurance so important to low-income families?Because medical insurance can provide easy access to hospitals and clinics for low-income families.3. What is the government doing about AIDS in China?Chinese government has vowed to provide free AIDS tests for the general public as well as free treatment for those who cannot afford the treatment fees. And we learn from news that our government has decided to control the number within 1.5 million before 2010.4. What can we do to care for the weakest members of our society?Our country decided to move forward without leaving anyone behind. Now we are taking measures, such as reducing poverty, helping sick people get treated properly and providing medical insurance for the poor. And we all know that the famous programme “Developing the West”, it is animportant measure to put an end to poverty. Only by helping each other, can our country develop and prosper.Step 5 ComprehensionUnemployment—poverty-- bad housing condition/ no healthy diet/ cannot afford to purchase medical insurance/ no good education—AIDS/ accidents-- government programmesStep 6. Post-readingA. Choose the best answers:1.Thanks to______,Wang Lin was able to receive a treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health. 答案:CA. his son in collegeB. the insurance for his familyC. the health care projectD. the kindness of his family and neighbors2.According to the text, if Wang Lin had had______, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem. 答案:CA. a good jobB. a high incomeC. insuranceD. a good doctor to consult3.What’s the aim of new health care project? 答案:DA. Helping people get rid of poverty.B. Exploring and developing a new health care model for China.C. Letting sick people treated properly.D. Providing medical insurance for the poor.4.According to the United Nations AIDS agency’s report,how many people will be infected by AIDS in China by 2002 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease? 答案:BA.9 million.B.10 million.C.11 million.D.12 million.5.The text“A Helping Hand”is mainly about______. 答案:CA. millions of Chinese people in urban areas can’t afford proper health careB. the Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDSC. a new health care project is being explored and developed in ChinaD. people must help each other if society is to develop and prosperB. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with one to three words.The poverty and the poor health care of low-income families The government’s efforts to fightpoverty and poor health careLow-income families cannot afford to pay for 1________, that is to say, they cannot afford to 2 _____a doctor or 3______medicine. ① The government encourages health care form and reduces poverty by designing a health care project which provides poor patients with treatment at 7____or less to help them get treated properly.②The Chinese government is working with other countries and international organizations to explore and develop a new 8_______ for China.③ The government encourages people to 9_________ in order that other measures to fight poverty will work.④ The government has vowed to stop the spread of AIDS by providing free 10_______Low-income families cannot provide 4___ for their children.Many low-income families cannot afford to 5_______.Low-income families live on allowance 6____________.Keys:1. medical treatment2. consult3.purchase/buy4. a healthy diet5. purchase medical insurance.6. given by the government7. half the cost8. health care model9. purchase medical insurance 10. tests and treatmentC. Answering the questions on P77.Step 7 HomeworkFinish all the exercises on Word Study and Grammar on p77-79.Integrating Reading SkillsThe Little Mould That Could (P79)Step 1. Scan the passageA. The main ideas of each paragraph:Paragraph 1 Health care in the past was often dangerous and risky.Paragraph 2 Alexander Fleming invented many ways to treat the wounded during the First World War .Paragraph 3 Fleming discovered a mould that can kill bacteria by accident.Paragraph 4Fleming was excited about his discovery, which he called Penicillin, but other scientists showed no interest.Paragraph 5 Penicillin played a very important role during the World War II and at present as well.B. answer after scanning the passage as quickly as possible.1. What could the little mould do?The little mould that could treat/cure/fight infection.2. who discovered it? When was it discovered?In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered it3.What is its name?It is called penicillin (In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin that could treat/cure/fight infection.)Step 2 Careful readingChoose the best answers:1.Who discovered penicillin? 答案:BA. Howard Walter Florey.B. Alexander Fleming.C. Paul Ehrlich.D. Earnst Boris Chain.2.It was not until_____that the importance of Flemin g’s discovery was fully recognized? 答案:BA. World WarⅠB. World WarⅡC.1928D.19293.When did Fleming receive the Nobel Prize with the two other scientists? 答案:DA. In 1914.B. In 1928.C. In 1929.D. In 1945.4.F rom Paragraph 4 of the text“The Little Mould That Could”we can see that Fleming was all the following except______. 答案:DA. confidentB. strong-willedC. hard-workingD. kind and warm-heartedStep 3. Read the passage again and finish the exercises on the page 78 .And retell the life experience of Fleming and how he discovered penicillin.Alexander Fleming was a young doctor in the early 1900s when a German chemist developed a chemical treatment to cure an incurable disease. Fleming began using it in his clinic. Then in 1914, he had to go to the battlefield to treat wounded soldiers during World WarⅠ, when he invented many ways to treat the wounded. After returning from the war, he went on with the search for the chemical because he believed it could treat infections. One day, he found a mould was growing in some old glass containers. To his surprise, the bacteria he had been growing had died. He believed that it was the mould, which later he called penicillin that killed the bacteria. Penicillin was a greatdiscovery. It played a very important role during World War Ⅱand as well as at present time. Fleming was awarded Nobel Prize for his great discovery in 1945.Alexander Fleming discovered PenicillinPhrases:1.take measures to do sth.2.a laid-off worker3.have an income of4.to make matters worse5.take a bank loan6.put extra pressure on the family7.keep a healthy diet8.live in poverty9.make ends meet 10.look forward to 11.ready-made clothes 12.cure many diseases 13.a story of hard work 14.search for 15.clean up 16.in a good mood 17.set a goal 18.be effective inReading on P213Florence NightingaleShe is remembered as a pioneer of nursing and a reformer of hospital sanitation methods. For most of her ninety years, Nightingale pushed for the reform of the British military health-care system. Main ideas of each paragraph:Para.1 (Para1): Fear had gripped the nation when SARS broke out.Parts2(Para2-7): Thanks to the quick and forceful action the country took and the sacrifices the health care staff made, SARS ended in he summer of 2003.Part 3 (Para 8): We will never forget the “Angels in White”.Step 5 Language points1. suffer deadly infections as a result of operations (Para.1)2. cure, curable, incurable, treat3. It was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.(Para2)It was not until World War Two that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized.(the last para.)4. clean up (Para. 3), clear upThe workwomen cleaned up (the mess) before they left. (除去垃圾等)Clean up a room for a party. (打扫干净)He clean up a small fortune. (挣得,赢得)I hope it clears up this afternoon (天气转晴)Has your rash cleared up?(你的皮疹痊愈了吗?)Please clear up the mess in here before you go. (使整洁,清理)5. be excited about (Para. 4)6. belong to (Para. 4)7. Despite their lack of interest, Fleming kept trying to develop the chemical so that it would be safe and effective. (Para. 4)8. Explain the last sentence of the whole passage.Step 6 Homework1. Write a composition about penicillin in the exercise book (Page 81)2. Do the exercises about vocabulary on Pages 211~212.The Third PeriodContents: practiceTeaching Steps:Step 1 Explain the usages of the following key words:1. abuse vt.1.) 滥用,妄用He abused his power while in office. 他在职时滥用权力。

高中英语教案Unit 9Health care

高中英语教案Unit 9Health care

Unit 9 Health care本单元的话题是医疗,第一篇文章是一篇关于建立社会保障制度的议论文。




Extensive ReadingStep 1: Pre-reading----make predictions(根据图片信息猜测文章大意) What is the article mainly about according to the two pictures? (disease and health)(根据文体预测篇章结构) The whole text is probably organized in the order of提出问题、分析问题、解决问题. (logic)(根据文体预测词汇特点) What words will we probably meet when we read the text? (medicine, disease, etc.) Step 2: While-reading----scanning and skimmingExercise for skimming----利用主题句判断段落大意Para 1: a low-income family became hopeless because of serious illness.Para 2: a health project helped Wang Lin.Para 3: The project is designed to encourage health care reform and reduce poverty.Para 4: a lot of people like Wang Lin receive the health care by the government.Para 5: Disease cause extra pressure on families.Para 6: Health care is an important aspect of the government’s efforts.Para 7: The government makes great efforts to stop AIDS.Para 8: We must work together to over come social problems.Para 9: Our government’s efforts to fight poverty and improve health care cover several aspects.Exercises for scanning----建议做Post-reading 里的练习1,2,它们分别是对细节题和判断推理技能的训练。

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (Language points)

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (Language points)

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care(Language points)Unit9HealthcareTeachingaims:VocabularyrevisionGrammarrevisionTeachingmain-points:Vocabularyandgrammarrevisionint heprocessoftheintegrationbetweentheteacherandthessTeachingcrux:1)SS’explanationaboutthevocabularyandgrammar2)Teacher’sfurtherexplanationandsupplementTeachingmaterials&focuses:.bediagnosedwithvt.诊断疾病Theplasticsurgeondiagnosedmyillnessasararebonedisea se.整形外科医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的骨病。

Thegeneralpractitionerdiagnosedtheillnessofthebabya spneumonia.全科医生把小儿的病诊断为肺炎。



遭受(磨难)tosufferdeath丧生Theenemyforcessufferedheavycasualtiesbytheirownadmi ssion.敌军自己承认伤亡惨重。



高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care 综合教案

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care 综合教案

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (综合教案)Period 1 New WordsTeaching aims:Guw wordly and fluently2. Learn the usagw wordTry to graw words and their usagPreviewing work:angwords below(v)sink devotion(v)devote unfortunate(adv)unfortunatel(n)(pl)ure (v)gnificance(adj)significa(v)(adj)us2. Transla借款__________解雇__________诊所____________ 保险费_________查阅___________ 根本的__________ 数据________ 事件_________侵略_____________量入为出____________________ Teaching procedures :abuabuse one’s power/滥用abuse people 责骂Don’t abuse you滥用He could not abuust.辜负abusingld. 虐待(c /u ) Tdom thaabuse任何自由都可能被滥用。

al abuse 弊端 personal abuse人身攻击ld abuse虐待2 laid-off (adj) a laid-off wlay off (vt)20%wactory have been laidust lawill you?请不要老缠着我,好吗?Labooks.别动我书。

The doctor advisedlag and alcohol.lay down on e’s arms 放下/life 牺牲 /new railways 铺设/a plan 制定lay out a map摊开 / the house 设计lay u存He was laid up with a bad cold.他因重伤风而躺在床上lalephone 装 /water and gas提供ulult doctors 看 / a lawyer about her divorce 请教/a dictionaword 查找/ the wishes(benefits)考虑,顾及ult with sb about/on 商议,磋商4.insurance (U)ll insurance保险 wurance保险业urance against 预防措施 insurause 保险费allowance (C)a weekly allowance补贴 baggage allowance限额 make an allowance of 20折扣(U) the allowance of a claim 承认allowagregation容忍(Vt) 定量供应 /发津贴给 /把物品定量发给(vi)The sun wagwTank.下沉,落,没Haud .陷/into /ainted and saground .昏倒在地 He sank baair. 筋皮力尽地倒在椅子上。

高三英语Unit 9 Health Care人教版

高三英语Unit 9  Health Care人教版

高三英语Unit 9 Health Care人教版【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容Unit 9 Health Care二. 重点、难点了解社会保障制度,学习个人观点的表达方法。


三. 具体内容1. To make matters worse, he also had a son in college who had taken a bank loan to pay for his studies.Make matter worse: to make affairs more serious, more difficult to deal witheg.This summer was hot and especially the lack of electricity made matters worse.Make no matter: of unimportanceeg.It made no matter to him that his brother lost all his money.2. Thanks to the project and the kindness of his family and neighbors, he was able to receive treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his family.Thanks to:on account of; owing to; because ofeg.It was thanks to your stupidity that we lost the game.3. If I had had insurance, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.4. The Chinese government is also working together with other countries and international organizations to provide easy access to hospitals and clinics for low-income families.Access:means of entering; or means or right of using, reachingeg.Students need the easy access to books.The only access to the building has been improved.Easy/difficult of access: easy or difficult to reacheg.Our teacher is easy to reach.5. In order to meet this challenge, the Chinese government has vowed to provide free AIDS tests for the general public as well as free treatment for those who cannot afford it.Vow:declare or sweareg.He vowed to kill his wife’s lover.The members of this religious group are under a vow of silence.6. The government’s efforts to fight poverty and improve health care cover several aspects, …cover:to place or spread something upon, over, or in front of in order to hide or protectto have as a sizeto travel a distanceto watch for possible troubleto report the details of an event as for a newspaperto be enough money forto include; consist ofeg.The noise was so loud that she covered her ears with her hands.The town covers 5 square miles.I want our best reporters sent to cover the political trials.Will $ 10 cover the cost of a new skirt?The doctor’s talk covered the history of medicine.The police have got all the roads out of town covered.【典型例题】[例1] After the way she treated you, if I _____ in your place.A. beB. amC. wasD. were答案:D解析:此题是虚拟语气中的练习题,if 引导的从句中使用虚拟语气,主句是祈使句,其中after是动词以其人之道还其人之身。

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (Reading comprehension)

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (Reading comprehension)

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (Reading comprehension) 9HealthcareStep1Listenandanswer:.waswangLincuredornot?2.HowmuchwasspentonthepoorpeoplebyXX?3.whatisanotherbigchallengeforthegovernment?Step2ScanningReadthepassageandtrytocomeupwiththegeneralideaofeac hparagraph.Thenaskstudentstofillinthecharttoseeifth eyhavegotageneralunderstandingofthewholepassage.mainIdeaParagraphAAmansufferingfromaseriousdiseasewasunable to_____________________.ParagraphBwith_______________________help,wangLin’sdiseasewas__________.ParagraphcAnewhealthproject_____________exploringan ddevelopinganewhealthcaremodelforchina.ParagraphDmanyurbanchineseare______________money___ _____bythegovernment.ParagraphEpoorfamilies_______________properhealthca re..ParagraphFHealthcareprojectisvery_________inourcoun try’seffortsto____________.ParagraphGThechinesegovernmentistakingmeasuresto___ ______________________.ParagraphHPeoplemust____________________ifsocietyis todevelopandprosper.ParagraphIourcountryisworkinghardtofight_________an dimprove_______________Themainideaofthepassage:ThePassagegivesabriefintrod uctionto________________________inourcountry,andite mphasizesonthe________thatourgovernmentismakingtofightpovertyandimprovehealthcareby___________________ _wangLin.Step3.Post-readingA.choosethebestanswers:.Thanksto______,wangLinwasabletoreceiveatreatme ntintimetopreventthediseasefromruininghishealth.A.hissonincollegeB.theinsuranceforhisfamilyc.thehealthcareprojectD.thekindnessofhisfamilyandne ighbors2.Accordingtothetext,ifwangLinhadhad______,thesickn esswouldn’thavecausedsuchabigproblem.A.agoodjobB.ahighincomec.insuranceD.agooddoctortoco nsult3.what’stheaimofnewhealthcareproject?A.Helpingpeoplegetridofpoverty.B.Exploringanddevelopinganewhealthcaremodelforchina.c.Lettingsickpeopletreatedproperly.D.Providingmedicalinsuranceforthepoor.4.AccordingtotheUnitedNationsAIDSagency’sreport,howmanypeoplewillbeinfectedbyAIDSinchinaby2 020unlessmoreisdonetopreventthespreadofthedisease?A.9million.B.10million.c.11million.D.12million.5.Inhowmanycitiesisthehealthprojectbeingtreated?A.4.B.5.c.10.D.14.6.Thetext“AHelpingHand”ismainlyabout______.lionsofchinesepeopleinurbanareascan’taffordproperhealthcareB.thechinesegovernmentistakingmeasurestopreventthes preadofAIDSc.anewhealthcareprojectisbeingexploredanddevelopedi nchinaD.peoplemusthelpeachotherifsocietyistodevelopandpro sperB.Readthepassageandfillintheblankswithonetothreewor ds.Thepovertyandthepoorhealthcareoflow-incomefamiliesT hegovernment’seffortstofightpovertyandpoorhealthcareLow-incomefamiliescannotaffordtopayfor1________,tha tistosay,theycannotaffordto2_____adoctoror3______me dicine.①Thegovernmentencourageshealthcareformandreducespove rtybydesigningahealthcareprojectwhichprovidespoorpa tientswithtreatmentat7____orlesstohelpthemgettreate dproperly.②Thechinesegovernmentisworkingwithothercountriesandi nternationalorganizationstoexploreanddevelopanew8__ _____forchina.③Thegovernmentencouragespeopleto9_________inordertha tothermeasurestofightpovertywillwork.④ThegovernmenthasvowedtostopthespreadofAIDSbyprovidi ngfree10_______Low-incomefamiliescannotprovide4___fortheirchildren.manylow-incomefamiliescannotaffordto5_______.Low-incomefamiliesliveonallowance6____________.Step3LanguagepointsParagraphA.thankstoowingtobecauseofThankstoyouradvice,Iamkeepingahealthydietnow.owingtotherain,thematchwascancelled.2.alaid-offworkerLayoffhim!can’tyouseehe’sbadlyhurt?youmustlayoffalcoholforawhile.yoff.3.tomakemattersworse:=____________________________ ________________________更虚糟糕的是,使事情更糟Tomakethingsworse,hehadnomoneywithhim.4.takeabankloanParagraphB:5.Analyzethesentence “IfIhadhadinsurance,…………..elseinmyfamily.”6.ata/thecostof以……代价Ihadasmallroomatacostoffifteencentspernight.Thewarwaswonatagreatcost.wearedeterminedtogetourrightsatallcosts.Paragraphc:7.aimat以…为目的/目标,beaimedat目标/目的是Heaimedatthetarget,firedandmissedit.Sheisaimingatascholarship.(向某方向努力、力争)myremarkswerenotaimedatyou.(评论、批评等针对某人)wemustaimatincreasing/toincreaseexports.(意欲、企图、力求做某事)8.access通路,进入的道路Haveaccessto接近,利用E.g.Theonlyaccesstothefarmwasadirtroad.9.provide).Providesth.提供,给,准备E.g.Ifyoupayusavisit,wecanprovideamealatanytime.2.Provide…with给……提供E.g.washeabletoprovideyouwithinformation.0.Sofar到目前为止e.gSofar,sogoodSofarhehasdoneverywellatschool.ParagraphD:1.Liveon以……为生(食物、金钱等物质)Livebydoing以干……为生(谋生手段)Livea…life过……样的生活E.g.1).weliveonwheatandrice.2).Theoldcoupleliveasimplelife.3)Theylivebyfishing.4)Theylived_______twowar.5)Idon'tenjoythepain,butIcanlive______itParagraphE:2.beforcedintopoverty=?3.hospitalfeesfeen..)酬金,服务费[c].恐怕我付不起给医生的酬金。

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (综合教案)

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (综合教案)

高三英语教案Unit 9 Health care (综合教案)Perid 1 Ne rdsTeahing ais:1 Get ss t prnune the ne rds rretl and fluentl2 Learn the usages f se ne rds3 Tr t grasp the ne rds and their usagesPrevieing r:1 hange the frs f rds belsin(v)sin devtin(v)devte unfrtunate(adv) unfrtunatelris(n)ris fee(pl) fees pressure (v) presssignifiane (ad)signifiant prsperit (v)prsper (ad)prsperus2 Translatin借款__________解雇__________诊所____________ 保险费_________查阅___________ 根本的__________ 数据________ 事_________ 侵略_____________量入为出____________________Teahing predures :1 abuseabuse ne’s per/psitin 滥用abuse peple 责骂Dn’t abuse ur ees 滥用He uld nt abuse their trust辜负Stp abusing the hild 虐待( /u ) There is n freed that is nt pen t abuse任何自由都可能被滥用。

sial abuse 弊端persnal abuse人身攻击hild abuse虐待2 laid-ff (ad) a laid-ff rerla ff (vt)20% f the rers in this fatr have been laid ffust la ff e ,ill u?请不要老缠着我,好吗?La ff bs别动我书。

Unit 9 Health Care 教案

Unit 9 Health Care 教案

Unit 9 Health Care 教案课件www.5y Unit9HealthcareTeachingaims:.Goals:Learnabouthealthcare⑴Practiseexpressingopinionsandmakingdecisions⑵ReviewtheSubjunctivemood⑶writealetter2.Specialfocus:A.ImprovereadingskillsandEnlargevocabulary.a.DirectSstoreadthe3passagesonthetextbook;b.GuideSstolearntousethefollowingwordsandexpression s:medicalinsurance,poverty,unemployment,AIDS,housing, income,economicdevelopment,essential,desperate,fundamental,statistics,pressure,constant,allowance,re-employment,sacrifice,aggress ive,intelligence,senseofresponsibility,sympathy,wil lingness,observation,resident,laid-off,vow,mould,et c.B.ReadingAHelpingHandTeachingprocedures:Step1Leadin.canyouthinkofthesituationswherepeopleneedhelp?Seriousillness,jobless,accidents,wars,disasters…2.whileoneisinsuchsituations,whichorganizationcanhe lpbesidesthepeoplearoundhimorher?ThewHotogetherwiththegovernment.Step2Listenandanswer:.waswanglincuredornot?2.HowmuchwasspentonthepoorpeoplebyXX?3.whatisanotherbigchallengeforthegovernment?Step3ScanningReadthepassageandtrytocomeupwiththegeneralideaofeac hparagraph.Thenaskstudentstofillinthecharttoseeiftheyhavegotageneralunderstandingofthewholepassage.mainIdeasofeachparagraphs:ParagraphAAmansufferingfromaseriousdiseasewasunabletopayfortr eatment.ParagraphBwithahealthcareproject’shelp,wangLin’sdiseasewascured.ParagraphcAnewhealthprojectisaimedatexploringanddevelopingane whealthcaremodelforchina.ParagraphDmanyurbanchinesearelivingonmoneygivenbyth egovernment.ParagraphEmillionsofchinesepeopleinurbanareascannot affordproperhealthcare.ParagraphFHealthcareprojectisveryimportantinourcoun try’seffortstofightpoverty.ParagraphGThechinesegovernmentistakingmeasurestopre ventthespreadofAIDS.ParagraphHPeoplemusthelpeachotherifsocietyistodevel opandprosper.ParagraphIourcountryisworkinghardtofightpovertyandi mprovehealthcare.Themainideaofthepassage:ThePassagegivesabriefintroductiontothehealthcarecon ditioninourcountry,anditemphasizesontheeffortsthato urgovernmentismakingtofightpovertyandimprovehealthc arebygivingexamplesofwangLin.Step4careful-reading.InwhatwayiswangLin’ssituationsimilartothatofotherlow-incomefamilies?Theyallcanonlymakeendsmeetontheirlowincome,andifsom eoneintheirfamiliesbecomesseriouslyill,thefamilyisf orcedintopoverty,andhastoaskforhelpfromthegovernmen2.whyismedicalinsurancesoimportanttolow-incomefamil ies?Becausemedicalinsurancecanprovideeasyaccesstohospit alsandclinicsforlow-incomefamilies.3.whatisthegovernmentdoingaboutAIDSinchina?chinesegovernmenthasvowedtoprovidefreeAIDStestsfort hegeneralpublicaswellasfreetreatmentforthosewhocann otaffordthetreatmentfees.Andwelearnfromnewsthatourg overnmenthasdecidedtocontrolthenumberwithin1.5milli onbeforeXX.4.whatcanwedotocarefortheweakestmembersofoursociety?ourcountrydecidedtomoveforwardwithoutleavinganyoneb ehind.Nowwearetakingmeasures,suchasreducingpoverty, helpingsickpeoplegettreatedproperlyandprovidingmedi calinsuranceforthepoor.Andweallknowthatthefamouspro gramme“Developingthewest”,itisanimportantmeasuretoputan endtopoverty.onlybyhelpingeachother,canourcountryde velopandprosper.Step5comprehensionUnemployment—poverty--badhousingcondition/nohealthydiet/cannotaf fordtopurchasemedicalinsurance/nogoodeducation—AIDS/accidents--governmentprogrammesStep6.Post-readingA.choosethebestanswers:.Thanksto______,wangLinwasabletoreceiveatreatme ntintimetopreventthediseasefromruininghishealth.答案:cA.hissonincollegeB.theinsuranceforhisfamilyc.thehealthcareprojectD.thekindnessofhisfamilyandne ighbors2.Accordingtothetext,ifwangLinhadhad______,thesickn esswouldn’thavecausedsuchabigproblem.答案:cA.agoodjobB.ahighincomec.insuranceD.agooddoctortoconsult3.what’stheaimofnewhealthcareproject?答案:DA.Helpingpeoplegetridofpoverty.B.Exploringanddevelopinganewhealthcaremodelforchina.c.Lettingsickpeopletreatedproperly.D.Providingmedicalinsuranceforthepoor.4.AccordingtotheUnitedNationsAIDSagency’sreport,howmanypeoplewillbeinfectedbyAIDSinchinabyX Xunlessmoreisdonetopreventthespreadofthedisease?答案:BA.9million.B.10million.c.11million.D.12million.5.Thetext“AHelpingHand”ismainlyabout______.答案:clionsofchinesepeopleinurbanareascan’taffordproperhealthcareB.thechinesegovernmentistakingmeasurestopreventthes preadofAIDSc.anewhealthcareprojectisbeingexploredanddevelopedi nchinaD.peoplemusthelpeachotherifsocietyistodevelopandpro sperB.Readthepassageandfillintheblankswithonetothreewor ds.Thepovertyandthepoorhealthcareoflow-incomefamiliesT hegovernment’seffortstofightpovertyandpoorhealthcareLow-incomefamiliescannotaffordtopayfor1________,tha tistosay,theycannotaffordto2_____adoctoror3______me dicine.①Thegovernmentencourageshealthcareformandreducespove rtybydesigningahealthcareprojectwhichprovidespoorpa tientswithtreatmentat7____orlesstohelpthemgettreate dproperly.②Thechinesegovernmentisworkingwithothercountriesandi nternationalorganizationstoexploreanddevelopanew8__ _____forchina.③Thegovernmentencouragespeopleto9_________inordertha tothermeasurestofightpovertywillwork.④ThegovernmenthasvowedtostopthespreadofAIDSbyprovidi ngfree10_______Low-incomefamiliescannotprovide4___fortheirchildren.manylow-incomefamiliescannotaffordto5_______.Low-incomefamiliesliveonallowance6____________.keys:.medicaltreatment2.consult3.purchase/buy4.aheal thydiet5.purchasemedicalinsurance.6.givenbythegover nment7.halfthecost8.healthcaremodel9.purchasemedica linsurance10.testsandtreatmentc.AnsweringthequestionsonP77.Step7HomeworkFinishalltheexercisesonwordStudyandGrammaronp77-79.IntegratingReadingSkillsTheLittlemouldThatcouldStep1.ScanthepassageA.Themainideasofeachparagraph:Paragraph1Healthcareinthepastwasoftendangerousandri sky.Paragraph2AlexanderFleminginventedmanywaystotreatth ewoundedduringtheFirstworldwar.Paragraph3Flemingdiscoveredamouldthatcankillbacteri abyaccident.Paragraph4Flemingwasexcitedabouthisdiscovery,whichh ecalledPenicillin,butotherscientistsshowednointeres t.Paragraph5Penicillinplayedaveryimportantroleduringt heworldwarIIandatpresentaswell.B.answerafterscanningthepassageasquicklyaspossible..whatcouldthelittlemoulddo?Thelittlemouldthatcouldtreat/cure/fightinfection.2.whodiscoveredit?whenwasitdiscovered?In1928,SirAlexanderFlemingdiscoveredit3.whatisitsname?ItiscalledpenicillinStep2carefulreadingchoosethebestanswers:.whodiscoveredpenicillin?答案:BA.HowardwalterFlorey.B.AlexanderFleming.c.PaulEhrlich.D.EarnstBorischain.2.Itwasnotuntil_____thattheimportanceofFleming’sdiscoverywasfullyrecognized?答案:BA.worldwarⅠB.worldwarⅡc.1928D.19293.whendidFlemingreceivetheNobelPrizewiththetwoother scientists?答案:DA.In1914.B.In1928.c.In1929.D.In1945.4.FromParagraph4ofthetext “TheLittlemouldThatcould”wecanseethatFlemingwasallthefollowingexcept______.答案:DA.confidentB.strong-willedc.hard-workingD.kindandwarm-heartedStep3.Readthepassageagainandfinishtheexercisesonthe page78.AndretellthelifeexperienceofFlemingandhowhed iscoveredpenicillin.AlexanderFlemingwasayoungdoctorintheearly1900swhena Germanchemistdevelopedachemicaltreatmenttocureaninc urabledisease.Flemingbeganusingitinhisclinic.Thenin 1914,hehadtogotothebattlefieldtotreatwoundedsoldier sduringworldwarⅠ,whenheinventedmanywaystotreatthewounded.Afterret urningfromthewar,hewentonwiththesearchforthechemicalbecausehebelieveditcouldtreatinfections.oneday,hef oundamouldwasgrowinginsomeoldglasscontainers.Tohiss urprise,thebacteriahehadbeengrowinghaddied.Hebeliev edthatitwasthemould,whichlaterhecalledpenicillintha tkilledthebacteria.Penicillinwasagreatdiscovery.Itp layedaveryimportantroleduringworldwarⅡandaswellasatpresenttime.FlemingwasawardedNobelPriz eforhisgreatdiscoveryin1945.AlexanderFlemingdiscoveredPenicillinPhrases:.takemeasurestodosth.2.alaid-offworker3.haveanincomeof4.tomakemattersworse5.takeabankloan6.putextrapressureonthefamily7.keepahealthydiet8.liveinpoverty9.makeendsmeet0.lookforwardto1.ready-madeclothes2.curemanydiseases3.astoryofhardwork4.searchfor5.cleanup16.inagoodmood7.setagoal8.beeffectiveinReadingonP213FlorenceNightingaleSheisrememberedasapioneerofnursingandareformerofhos pitalsanitationmethods.Formostofherninetyyears,Nigh tingalepushedforthereformoftheBritishmilitaryhealth -caresystem.mainideasofeachparagraph:Para.1:FearhadgrippedthenationwhenSARSbrokeout.Parts2:Thankstothequickandforcefulactionthecountryt ookandthesacrificesthehealthcarestaffmade,SARSended inhesummerofXX.Part3:wewillneverforgetthe“Angelsinwhite”.Step5Languagepoints.sufferdeadlyinfectionsasaresultofoperations2.cure,curable,incurable,treat3.Itwasnotuntilafterthewarthathemadehismostimportan tdiscovery.ItwasnotuntilworldwarTwothattheimportanceofFleming’sdiscoverywasfullyrecognized.4.cleanup,clearupTheworkwomencleanedupbeforetheyleft.(除去垃圾等)cleanuparoomforaparty.Hecleanupasmallfortune.IhopeitclearsupthisafternoonHasyourrashclearedup?(你的皮疹痊愈了吗?)Pleaseclearupthemessinherebeforeyougo.5.beexcitedabout6.belongto7.Despitetheirlackofinterest,Flemingkepttryingtodev elopthechemicalsothatitwouldbesafeandeffective.8.Explainthelastsentenceofthewholepassage.Step6Homework.writeacompositionaboutpenicillinintheexerciseb ook2.DotheexercisesaboutvocabularyonPages211~212.TheThirdPeriodcontents:practiceTeachingSteps:Step1Explaintheusagesofthefollowingkeywords:.abusevt..)滥用,妄用Heabusedhispowerwhileinoffice.他在职时滥用权力。



高三英语人教版(必修)Unit 9 Health Care 教案Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Can you think of the situations where people need help?Serious illness, jobless, accidents, wars, disasters…2.While one is in such situations, which organization can help besides the people around him or her?The WHO together with the government.Step 2 Listen and answer:1.Was wanglin cured or not?2. How much was spent on the poor people by 2003?3.What is another big challenge for the government?Step 3 ScanningRead the passage and try to come up with the general idea of each paragraph. Then ask students to fill in the chart to see if they have got a general understanding of the whole passage.Main Ideas of each paragraphs:Paragraph A A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to pay for treatment.Paragraph B With a health care project’s help, Wang Lin’s disease was cured.Paragraph C A new health project is aimed at exploring and developing a new health care model for China.Paragraph D Many urban Chinese are living on money given by the government.Paragraph E Millions of Chinese people in urban areas cannot afford proper health care.Paragraph F Health care project is very important in our country’s efforts to fight poverty.Paragraph G The Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS.Paragraph H People must help each other if society is to develop and prosper.Paragraph I Our country is working hard to fight poverty and improve health care.The main idea of the passage:The Passage gives a brief introduction to the health care condition in our country, and it emphasizes on the efforts that our government is making to fight poverty and improve health care by giving examples of Wang Lin.Step 4 Careful-reading1.In what way is Wang Lin’s situation similar to that of other low-income families?They all can only make ends meet on their low income, and if someone in their families becomes seriouslyill, the family is forced into poverty, and has to ask for help from the government.2. Why is medical insurance so important to low-income families?Because medical insurance can provide easy access to hospitals and clinics for low-income families.3. What is the government doing about AIDS in China?Chinese government has vowed to provide free AIDS tests for the general public as well as free treatment for those who cannot afford the treatment fees. And we learn from news that our government has decided tocontrol the number within 1.5 million before 2010.4. What can we do to care for the weakest members of our society?Our country decided to move forward without leaving anyone behind. Now we are taking measures, such asreducing poverty, helping sick people get treated properly and providing medical insurance for the poor. Andwe all know that the famous programme “Developing the West”, it is an important measure to put an end topoverty. Only by helping each other, can our country develop and prosper.Step 5 ComprehensionUnemployment—poverty-- bad housing condition/ no healthy diet/ cannot afford to purchase medical insurance/ no good education—AIDS/ accidents-- government programmesStep 6. Post-readingA. Choose the best answers:1.Thanks to____,Wang Lin was able to receive a treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health.A. his son in collegeB. the insurance for his familyC. the health care projectD. the kindness of his family and neighbors2.According to the text, if Wang Li n had had______, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.A. a good jobB. a high incomeC. insuranceD. a good doctor to consult3.What’s the aim of new health care project? 答案:DA. Helping people get rid of poverty.B. Exploring and developing a new health care model for China.C. Letting sick people treated properly.D. Providing medical insurance for the poor.4. 4.In how many cities is the health project being treated?A.4.B.5.C.10.D.14.5.According to the United Nations AIDS agency’s report,how many people will be infected by AIDS in Chinaby 2002 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease? 答案:BA.9 million.B.10 million.C.11 million.D.12 million.6.Who discovered penicillin?A.Howard Walter Florey.B.Alexander Fleming.C.Paul Ehrlich.D.Earnst Boris Chain.7.It was not until______ that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized?A.World WarⅠB.World WarⅡC.1928D.19298.When did Fleming receive the Nobel Prize with the two other scientists?A.In 1914.B.In 1928.C.In 1929.D.In 1945.9.The text“A Helping Hand”is mainly about______.lions of Chinese people in urban areas can’t afford proper health careB.the Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDSC.a new health care project is being explored and developed in ChinaD.people must help each other if society is to develop and prosper10.From Paragraph 4 of the text“The Little Mould That Could”we can see that Fleming was all the followingexcept______.A.confidentB.strong-willedC.hard-workingD.kind and warm-heartedB. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with one to three words.The poverty and the poor health care of low-incom e families The government’s efforts to fight poverty and poor health careLow-income families cannot afford to pay for 1________, that is to say, they cannot afford to 2 _____adoctor or 3______medicine. ①The government encourages health care form and reduces poverty by designing a health care project which provides poor patients with treatment at 7____or less to help them get treated properly.② The Chinese government is working with other countries and international organizations to explore and develop a new 8_______ for China.③ The government encourages people to 9_________ in order that other measures to fight poverty will work.④ The government has vowed to stop the spread of AIDS by providing free 10_______Low-income families cannot provide 4___ for their children.Many low-income families cannot afford to 5_______.Low-income families live on allowance 6____________.K eys:1. medical treatment2. consult3.purchase/buy4. a healthy diet5. purchase medical insurance.6. given by the government7. half the cost8. health care model9. purchase medical insurance 10. tests and treatmentStep 5 Language points1. suffer deadly infections as a result of operations (Para.1)2. cure, curable, incurable, treat3. It was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.(Para2)It was not until World War Two that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized.(the last para.)4. clean up (Para. 3), clear upThe workwomen cleaned up (the mess) before they left. (除去垃圾等)Clean up a room for a party. (打扫干净)He clean up a small fortune. (挣得,赢得)I hope it clears up this afternoon (天气转晴)Has your rash cleared up?(你的皮疹痊愈了吗?)Please clear up the mess in here before you go. (使整洁,清理)5. be excited about (Para. 4)6. belong to (Para. 4)7. Despite their lack of interest, Fleming kept trying to develop the chemical so that it would be safe and effective. (Para. 4)Words and expressions1.abuse n.& vt.滥用,虐待,辱骂(1)[U]对某物(某人)的滥用、妄用或虐待drug abuse滥用麻醉药品child abuse虐待儿童abuse of trust/privilege 辜负别人得到的信任/滥用职权(2)[C]不正当的习俗,恶习,弊端put an end to abuses 废止不正当的习俗(3)vt.滥用,妄用,误用Don’t abuse your authority.不要滥用你的权威。

Unit 9 Health care教案学案一体化讲义(教师版)(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

Unit 9 Health care教案学案一体化讲义(教师版)(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

Unit 9 Health care高三英语备课组主备:刘平一. Teaching aims:1. Grasp the following words and phrases:abuse, insurance, carpenter, income, hopeless, clinic, allowance, fundamental, pressure, consult, chemist, statistics, fee, nationwide, unfortunate, tailor, incident, significance, bench, sink, jar, lid, devotion / lay off, make matters worse, get rid of, make ends meet2. Grasp the following sentences:1). To make matters worse, he also had a son in college who had taken a bank loan to pay for his studies. P752). Three months later, however, Wang Lin was told about a health care project that provides treatment at half the cost or less, depending on the needs of the patient. P753). Thanks to the project and the kindness of his family and neighbours, he was able to receive treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health. P754). If I had had insurance, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else in my family. P755). A total of 15.1 billion yuan was spent on supporting those who were unable to make a living. P756)…but it was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.7). When Fleming returned from the war, he began searching for the chemical which he believed could treat infections.3. Grammar: 虚拟条件句1) 当表示与现在事实相反时从句:If + subject + did / were, 主句:Subject + could / would / might / should do2) 当表示与过去事实相反时从句:If + subject +had done, 主句:Subject + could/would/might/should have done3) 当表示与将来事实相反时从句:If + subject +did / should / were to, 主句:Subject + could / would / might / should do二.Teaching procedure: 4 periodsPeriod I Word Study1. abuse n.& vt. 滥用,虐待,辱骂(1)[U]对某物(某人)的滥用、妄用或虐待drug abuse滥用麻醉药品 child abuse虐待儿童abuse of trust/privilege 辜负别人得到的信任/滥用职权(2)[C]不正当的习俗,恶习,弊端put an end to abuses 废止不正当的习俗(3)vt. 滥用,妄用,误用Don’t abuse your authority.不要滥用你的权威。

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care Reading comprehension

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care Reading comprehension

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (Reading comprehension)Health CaListen and answer:Was Wang Lin cured or not?2. How much wale by 2003?What is another big challenggovernment?2 ScanningRead the passage andup wgeneral idea of each paragraph. Then ask studllaave got a general understandingwhole passagain IdeaParagraph A A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to _____ _____ ___________. Paragraph B With ___ _____ ______ _________ help, Wang Lin’s disease was __________.Paragraph C A new heal____ _____ ____ exploring and developing a new health care modela.Paragraph D Many urbaare ______ ________money ________ by the govParagraamilies _______________alth caParagraph F Health cavery _________ in our country’______ ______.Paragraph G Tgovaking measures to _______ _____ _______ ___ ___.Paragraph H People must ______ ______________develop andParagraph I Our couworking hardto fight _________ and improve __________ _____ The main ideaassage: The Passage gives a bdu____ ______ ______ ________ in our country, anda________ that our govaking to fight poverty and improve health care by _______ ________ _____ Wang LPost-reading Abest answers:Thanks to______, Wang Lin was ablve a treavdiseauining his healAllege Buraamilalth caDdamily and neighb2.Accordingxt, if Wang Lin had had______wouldn’t have caused such a big problA. a good job B. a higurance D. a good dulWhat’s the aw health ca?A. Helping people get rid of povB. Exploring and developing a new health care modelaLettingle treated properlD. Providing medical insuraAccordingUnited Nations AIDS agency’w many people will bd by AIDa by 2020 unldvaddisease?A.9 million.B.10 millllion. D.12 millIn how maalbeing treated?A.4.B.5.C.10. DThe text “A Helping Hand” is mainly about______.A. millle in urban areas can’t affordalth caBgovaking measuvad of AIDa new health cabeingexplored and developedaD. people must help eadevelop andB. Read the passage and fillblanks wwords.The poverty andalth care of low-amilies The government’ght poverty andalth caLow-amilies cannot afford to pay for 1________, thaaannot afford to 2 _____a d______medicine. ① The govurages healt h caand reduces poverty by designing a health cawvidatients with treatment at 7____or llp them get treated properl② Tgovworking wuntries and international organizaxplore and develop a new8_______a.③ The govurages people to 9_________ in order thaasug ht poverty will w④ The govas vowedad of AIDS by providing free 10_______Low-amilies cavide 4___ldany low-amilies cannot afford to 5_______.Low-amilies live on allowance6____________LanguagParagraphA1.awingbecauThaur advice, I ag a healthy diet nowwingaatch was cancelled.2.a laid-off wLa! Can’t you see he’s badlyhurt? ( 不再做打扰人、讨人厌等的事, 不理会)u must lay off alcohol for a while.(不再做或有害的事物) They were laid off becaulaw orders. lay off (解雇;下岗). to make mattersworse:=__________________________________________ __________更虚糟糕的是(可作插入语),使事情更糟To make things wadwake a bank loanParagraphB:Anal“If I had hadinsurance, …………..elamily.”at a/以……代价I had a small room at agThe war was won at a greaWe are dd to get our rights at allParagraphC:aim at 以…为目的/目标,be aimed at目标/目的是He aimed (his gun)at the targd and missed it.(瞄准、对准)aiming at a scholarship. (向某方向努力、力争)arks waimed at you.(评论、批评等针对某人) We must aim at increasing/ase exports.(意欲、企图、力求做某事)access 通路,进入的道路Have a接近,利用g. The only aarm was a dirt roadvid). Provid(for sb)提供,给,准备g. If you pay us a visit , we can provide a meal at a2. Provide…with 给……提供g. Was he ablvide youwa0.So far 到目前为止g So far ,so goodar he hasdone very well at schoolParagraphD:Live on 以……为生(食物、金钱等物质)Live by doing 以干……为生(谋生手段)Live a …life 过……样的生活g.1). We live on wheat and2) . The old couple live a simple l) They live bg)They lived _______ two wa) I don'ain, but I can live______ParagraphE:12 . be forcedverty = ?al) (付给律师、医生等的)酬金,服务费[C] 恐怕我付不起给医生的酬金。

高三英语Unit 9 Health Care教案人教版

高三英语Unit 9  Health Care教案人教版

Unit 9 Health Careabuse n. & vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂n. What she did was an abuse of her position as manager. 她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。

sexual abuse 性虐待 physical abuse 肉体摧残a stream of abuse 不断辱骂v. She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends .她滥用自己作为校长的职权,把工作安排给朋友们.He had abused the woman.. 他曾经奸污了那个妇女.Journalists covering the case have been threatened and abused.报道此案的新闻记者遭到了恐吓和辱骂.2. lay off (暂时) 解雇; 停止; 放弃; 停止打扰; 别碰Bill hasn’t lost his job. His company laid him off for two weeks.比尔并没有失业只是公司停雇他两周.You’d better lay off smoking for a while. 你最好停止抽烟一段时间.Lay off, will you? 别打扰, 好吗?Lay him off, he has done nothing wrong. 放了他, 他又没做坏事.loan n. & v. 贷款; 借出n. a long loan 长期贷款; a low-interest loan 低息贷款We took out a loan to expand business. 我们贷款扩展业务.v. The bank is happy to loan money to small businesses. 银行乐于贷款给小型企业.hopeless a. 没有希望的; 绝望的; 无能的; 不能胜任的a hopeless situation 无可挽救的局势It’s hopeless trying to convince her. 想说服她简直是徒劳.Most of the students are making good progress, but Mike is a hopeless case.大多数学生都很有进步,惟有迈克无可救药.a hopeless driver 无用的司机I am hopeless at science. 我对理科一窍不通. adv. hopelessly hopelessness 绝望感They were hopelessly lost. 他们彻底失败了.to be hopelessly in love 爱得不能自拔. allowance 津贴; 补助an allowance of $20 a day 每天20元补贴费 a clothing/living/travel allowance 服装/生活/交通补贴make allowance(s) for sth. 考虑到; 估计到The budget made allowance for inflation. 预算考虑到了通货膨胀.make allowance(s) for sb. 体谅; 谅解fundamental adj. & n. (usually pl.) 根本的; 基本原理There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. 这两个观点有根本区别.a question of fundamental importance 首要问题the fundamentals of modern physics 现代物理学的基本原理pressure 压力 ; 大气压; 呼吁; 要求; 紧张; 心理压力The barriers gave way under the pressure of the crowd. 拥挤的人群把路障推倒了.Check the tyre pressure regularly. 要定期检查轮胎的气压.A band of high pressure is moving across the country. 一股高压正横越这个国家.The pressure for change continued for mount. 改革的呼声持续高涨.She was unable to attend because of the pressure of work.. 由于工作紧张她不能出席.put pressure on sb. (to do sth.) 强迫某人做某事under pressure 受压力8. consult 咨询; 请教 consult sb. about sth.商议; 商量 consult (with) sb (about/ on sth. )If the pain continues, consult your doctor. 如果疼痛持续不消退, 要请医生诊治.I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals. 我需要和我的同事商讨这些建议9. chemist 药剂师, 药商,化学家 a research chemist 从事研究工作的化学家at the chemist’s 在药房chemical 化学的 a chemical element 化学元素chemistry 化学 a degree in chemistry 化学学位10. statistics 统计数字/ 资料(复数) crime/ unemployment statistics 犯罪/ 失言统计资料Statistics show that there are more boys than girls at school.统计数字表明学校的男生比女生多。

高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit9 Health care第五课时 教案

高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit9 Health care第五课时 教案

The Fifth Period The Subjunctive MoodTeaching Aim:Review the Subjunctive Mood to improve the students’ ability to use the English language. Teaching Important Point:Help the students to make a summary of all kinds of the sentence structures in which the Subjunctive Mood can be used.Teaching Difficult Point:Help the students to use the correct verb-form to show the Subjunctive Mood in different sentence structures.Teaching Methods:Revision,summary,explanation,inductive and practising methods.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ Revision and Lead-inT:In Unit 8 and Unit 9,we’ve revised the use of the Subjunctive Mood.Now,I’ll read three sentences to you.Listen carefully and tell in which sentence the Subjunctive Mood is used.Can you follow me?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Listen carefully.No.1,You are careful.No.2,Please be careful.No.3,If you had been more careful,you would not have made the same mistake again.Ss:In the third sentence,the Subjunctive Mood is used.T:Quite right.In the third sentence,a special group of verb-forms is used to talk about events orsituations which were not certain to happen in the past.We know,in different cases,we use different verb-forms.Up to now,we’ve learnt many kinds of cases in which the Subjunctive Mood should be used.Right?Ss:Right.T:Today,let’s make a summary of all the cases.Step Ⅲ Summary of the Subjunctive MoodT:First,let’s revise the verb-forms in sentences of unreal condition.Please look at the sentences on the screen.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)1.If he were not ill in bed,he might e to class.I would certainly go if I had time.2.If I hadn’t forgotten your telephone number,I should have called you last Sunday.3.If I were to doit again tomorrow,I might do it in different ways.If there should be no water,there would be no life on earth.T:In the first pair of sentences,the past tense is used in the if-clause;“might/could+an infinitive” in the main clause.What kind of situation is talked about?(Bb:did/were,might/could/should/would do)Ss:“Unreal” or improbable present.T:Then what about the second sentence?Zhao Liang,you try,please.S1:The second sentence talks about things that did not happen in the past.The past perfect is used in the if-clause;“should have done” in the main clause.(Bb:had done;should/would/might/could have done)T:Quite right.Wang Ning,please try the third pair of sentences.S2:They are both about improbable futur e.“were to or should+an infinitive” is used in the if-clause;“would/might+an infinitive” in the main clause.T:Can the past tense be used in the if-clause?Ss:Yes.(Bb:did/were to/should do;would/might/could/should do)T:In addition,“were I/you/he etc.” “should I/you/he etc.”“had I/you/he etc.” can be used instead of “if I/you/he etc.were”,“if I/you/he etc.should” and “if I/you/he etc. had”.Do you still remember? Ss:Yes.T:OK.Now,please rewrite the sentences on the screen if possible.Any volunteers?S3:Were he not ill in bed,he might e to class.S4:Hadn’t I forgotten your telephone number,I should have called you last Sunday.S5:Were I to do it again tomorrow,I might do it in different ways.S6:Should there be no water,there would be no life on earth.T:Nice work.But there’s another case you should pay attention to,that is,the if-clause and the main clause don’t talk about events or situations happening at the same time.In this case,the verb-form depends on its own meaning.Can you give some examples?Have a try,please.S7:If you hadn’t seen that late film last night,you wouldn’t be sleepy now.S8:If he had received six more votes,he would be our chairman now.S9:If I were you,I would have attended the lecture....T:I’m glad that you can use it correctly.Next,let’s revise the verb-forms after “wish” and “as if”.Look at the sentences on the screen.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)1.I wish I knew her address.He works very hard as if he never in-tended to sleep.2.How I wish I had been able to say the rules without a mistake.He speaks English well as if he had studied in England.3.I wish he would try again.It seems as if it would rain.T:Who’d like to make a summary according to the examples?S10:To express a present meaning,the past tense is used both after “wish” and “as if”;to express apast meaning,the past perfect tense is used after “wish” as well as “as if”;to express a future meaning,“ would+an infinitive”is used not only after “wish” but also after “as if”,and “could/should/might+an infinitive”is also possible.(Bb:wish/as if+did/were;had done;would/could/should/might+an infinitive)T:Well done.Thank you.Sit down,please.Next,let’s revise the sentences in which “(should) do” is used to express the Subjunctive Mood.Look at the screen again.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)Ⅰ.in the Objective Clause after the verbs order,mand,insist,demand,desire.request,remend,propose,suggest and other verbs with similar meaninge.g.I suggest (that) we (should) hold a meeting tonight.They insisted(that) he(shuld) begin the work at once.He ordered (that) all (should) take part in the work.Ⅱ.in the Predicative Clause or the Appositive clause after the nouns suggestion,order,proposal,advice,demand,request,requirement,etc.e.g.My suggestion is that we (should) get down to our work immediately.We all agree to your proposal that we (should) put on a short play next week.Ⅲ.in the Subjective ClauseA.Itis/was+p.p.(suggested,ordered,desired,insisted,required,demanded,requested,decided,proposed,urg ed,etc.)+that-clausee.g.It is desired that everyone(should) get everything ready by tonight.It is requested that Miss Zhang(should) give a performance at the party.B.It is/was+adj.(important,necessary,strange,natural,etc.)+that-clausee.g.It is necessary that you (should) attend the meeting.It is strange that he should say that.(Teacher and the students go through the examples together to make sure the students understandthem.At the same time,teacher writes some words and structures on the Bb.After that,they go on to revise some other cases.)T:Well,let’s revise some other cases in which the Subjunctive Mood is used.Look at the screen again.(Teacher shows the following on the screen and explains the different cases to the students.)Ⅰ.in the Objective Clause after “would rather”’d rather you went home now.(present)Don’’d rather you came next weekend.(future)I’d rather you hadn’t done that.(past)Ⅱ.It is (high) time+that-clause’s(high) time(that) we went home.Ⅲ.in the clause after “lest” and “in case”(should+do)e.g.He ran away lest he (should) be seen.She explained again and again in case he (should) misunderstand her.Ⅳ.in the clause after “so that” and “in order that”(can/could/may/might/would+do)e.g.She stayed at home for a few days so that she might/could take care of her sick mother.He came ten minutes earlier in order that he might get a good seat.Ⅴ.in the clause after “for fear that...”(should/may/might+do)e.g.He worked hard for fear that he should fail.Ⅵ.after some prepositions “with,without,in,under,but for,etc.(like if-clause)”e.g.Without air,there would be no living things.With her help,I would do the experiment well.Under the leadership of a less experienced person,the experiment would have failed.I would have lost my head in that position.But for their help,we could not get over the difficulties.Ⅶ.in some expressions or sentences for blessinge.g.Long live world peace!Heaven help us!May the friendship between our two peoples last forever.Oh,if he only knew how we miss him!He is,as it were,a walking dic-tionary.(Teacher writes some key words or sentence structures on the Bb while explaining.)Step Ⅳ PracticeT:Well,now let’s do some exercises.Look at the screen.(Teacher shows the following on the screen and finishes it with the whole class.)Ⅰ.Choose the best answers.1.If it________for the snow,we________the mountain yesterday.A.were not;could have climbedB.were not;could climbC.had not been;could have climbedD.had not been;could climb2.Without electricity human life________quite different today.A.isB.will beC.would have beenD.would be3.The old professor gave orders that the experiment________before 6.A.was finishedB.will finishC.be finishedD.shall be finished4.________your letter,I would have started off two days ago.A.If I receivedB.Should I receiveC.If I could have receivedD.Had I received5.If only I________to my parents’ advice!A.listeningB.listenC.am listeningD.had listened6.It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios________after 11 o’clock at night.A.were not playedB.not to playC.not be playedD.did not play7.—I feel I am so tired tonight.—Well,it is time that you________.A.go to bedB.would go to bedC.went to bedD.are going to bed8.I would rather Mary________home next Sunday.A.goesB.wentC.will goD.is going9.Your advice that________till next week is reasonable.A.she waitsB.she waitC.wait sheD.she waited10.It is necessary that the lazy boy________the class meeting.A.will attendB.attendsSuggested answers:1.C2.D3.C4.D5.D6.C7.C8.B9.B10.C(If time permits,teacher asks the students to do the following exercise on the screen in class.If not,assign it as the students’ homework.)Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.1.If he________ (listen) to me,he would not be in such trouble now.2.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it________ (break).3.But for the storm,we________ (arrive) earlier.4.Mark tried to tie the boat to the buoy so that it________ (hit) by other ships.5.The guard at the gate insisted that everybody________ (obey) the rules.’s time we________ (go) to school.7.We wish we________ (pay) more attention to our pronunciation.8.He made the suggestion that they________ (carry) on their conversation in French.9.________he________ (make) adequate preparations,we might have succeeded.10.—Shall I open a window?—I’d rather you________(do)not.Suggested answers:’t be hit5.obey6.went7.had paid8.(should) carry9.Had,made 10.didStep Ⅴ Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,we have revised and summarized almost all the cases in which the Subjunctive Mood is used.In different cases,the verb-forms are different,which you should pay more attention.After class,please go over what we ’ve learnt about the Subjunctive Mood in this period and do more exErcises to make sure you can use it correctly and freely.So much for today.See you tomorrow. Ss:See you tomorrow.Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on theBlackboardUnit 9 Health careThe Fifth PeriodⅠ.Sentences of Unreal Conditiontimeif-clause main clause presentdid/were would/should/could/might do past had done would/should/could/mighthave donefuture do did to were should ⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫would/should/could/might doⅡ.wish/as if+did/had done/would(could,might,should) doⅢ.verbs:order,suggest,demand,insist,request,etc.nouns:suggestion,order,proposal,advice,demand,etc.Ⅳ.It is/was+p.p/adj.+that(should)doⅤ....would rather...did/had done...It ’s (high) time (that)...did.......so that/in order that...can/could/may/might...etc.do....lest/in case/for fear that...(should) do...with/without/in/under/but for,etc.Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________。

优品课件之高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (Reading comprehension)

优品课件之高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (Reading comprehension)

高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (Reading comprehension)9 Health Care Step 1 Listen and answer: 1.Was Wang Lin cured or not? 2. How much was spent on the poor people by 2003? 3.What is another big challenge for the government? Step 2 Scanning Read the passage and try to come up with the general idea of each paragraph. Then ask students to fill in the chart to see if they have got a general understanding of the whole passage. Main Idea Paragraph A A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to _____ _____ ___________. Paragraph B With ___ _____ ______ _________ help, Wang Lin’s disease was __________. Paragraph C A new health project ____ _____ ____ exploring and developing a new health care model for China. Paragraph D Many urban Chinese are ______ ________money ________ by the government. Paragraph E poor families _______ ________ proper health care.. Paragraph F Health care project is very _________ in our country’s efforts to ______ ______. Paragraph G The Chinese government is taking measures to _______ _____ _______ ___ ___. Paragraph H People must ______ ______ ________ if society is to develop and prosper. Paragraph I Our country is working hard to fight _________ and improve __________ _____ The main idea of the passage: The Passage gives a brief introduction to ____ ______ ______ ________ in our country, and it emphasizes on the________ that our government is making to fight poverty and improve health care by _______ ________ _____ Wang Lin. Step 3. Post-reading A. Choose the best answers: 1.Thanks to______, Wang Lin was able to receive a treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health. A. his son in college B. the insurance for his family C. the health care project D. the kindness of his family and neighbors 2.According to the text, if Wang Lin had had______, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem. A. a good job B. a high incomeC. insuranceD. a good doctor to consult 3.What’s the aim of new health care project? A. Helping people get rid of poverty.B. Exploring and developing a new health care model for China.C. Letting sick people treated properly.D. Providing medical insurance for the poor. 4.According to the United Nations AIDS agency’s report, how many people will be infected by AIDS in China by 2020 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease? A.9 million. B.10 million. C.11 million. D.12 million.5.In how many cities is the health project being treated? A.4.B.5.C.10.D.14. 6.The text “A Helping Hand” is mainly about______. A. millions of Chinese people in urban areas can’t afford proper health care B. the Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS C. a new health care project is being explored and developed in China D. people must help each other if society is to develop and prosper B. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with one to three words. The poverty and the poor health care of low-income families The government’s efforts to fight poverty and poor health care Low-income families cannot afford to pay for 1________, that is to say, they cannot afford to 2 _____a doctor or3______medicine. ① The government encourages health care form and reduces poverty by designing a health care project which provides poor patients with treatment at 7____or less to help them get treated properly. ② The Chinese government is working with other countries and international organizations to explore and develop a new 8_______ for China. ③ The government encourages people to 9_________ in order that other measures to fight poverty will work. ④ The government has vowed to stop the spread of AIDS by providing free 10_______ Low-income families cannot provide 4___ for their children. Manylow-income families cannot afford to 5_______. Low-incomefamilies live on allowance 6____________. Step 3 Language points ParagraphA 1. thanks to owing to because of Thanks to your advice, I am keeping a healthy diet now. Owing to the rain ,the match was cancelled. 2.a laid-off worker Lay off him! Can’t you see he’s badly hurt? ( 不再做打扰人、讨人厌等的事, 不理会) You must lay off alcohol for a while.(不再做或有害的事物) They were laid off because of the lack of new orders. lay off (解雇;下岗). 3. to make mattersworse:=____________________________________________________更虚糟糕的是(可作插入语),使事情更糟 To make things worse, he had no money with him. 4.take a bank loan ParagraphB: 5.Analyze the sentence “If I had had insurance, …………..else in my family.” 6.at a/the cost of 以……代价 I had a small room at a cost of fifteen cents per night. The war was won at a great cost. We are determined to get our rights at all costs. ParagraphC: 7.aim at 以…为目的/目标,be aimed at目标/目的是 He aimed (his gun)at the target, fired and missed it.(瞄准、对准) She is aiming at a scholarship. (向某方向努力、力争) My remarks were not aimed at you.(评论、批评等针对某人)We must aim at increasing/to increase exports.(意欲、企图、力求做某事) 8.access 通路,进入的道路 Have access to 接近,利用 E.g. The only access to the farm was a dirt road . 9.provide 1). Provide sth . (for sb)提供,给,准备 E.g. If you pay us a visit , we can provide a meal at any time . 2. Provide…with 给……提供 E.g. Was he able to provide you with information.10.So far 到目前为止 e.g So far ,so good So far he has done very well at school . ParagraphD: 11.Live on 以……为生(食物、金钱等物质) Live by doing 以干……为生(谋生手段) Live a …life 过……样的生活 E.g.1). We live on wheat and rice. 2) . The old couple live a simple life. 3) They live by fishing.4)They lived _______ two war. 5) I don't enjoy the pain, butI can live______ it ParagraphE: 12 . be forced into poverty = ?13.hospital fees fee n. 1.) (付给律师、医生等的)酬金,服务费[C] . 恐怕我付不起给医生的酬金。

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高三英语教案 Unit 9 Health care (综合教案)Period1NewwordsTeachingaims:.Getsstopronouncethenewwordscorrectlyandfluentl y2.Learntheusagesofsomenewwords.3.Trytograspthenewwordsandtheirusages.Previewingwork:changetheformsofwordsbelowsinksinkdevotiondevoteunfortunateunfortunately riskyriskfeefeespressurepresssignificancesignificantprosperityprosperprosperous2.Translation借款__________解雇__________诊所____________保险费_________查阅___________根本的__________数据________事件_________侵略_____________量入为出____________________Teachingprocedures:.abuseabuseone’spower/position滥用abusepeople责骂Don’tabuseyoureyes.滥用Hecouldnotabusetheirtrust.辜负Stopabusingthechild.虐待Thereisnofreedomthatisnotopentoabuse.任何自由都可能被滥用。



Thewind/firehassunkdown(声音,风,价格等)降低;减弱Heissinkingfast.衰弱;消沉sinkawellsinkalargesumofmoneyintobuyingahouse投资于.Theysanktheirdifferencesandjoinedhandsin.抑制,摒除(分歧)7.pressureunderthepressureofthesnowLowairpressureoftenbringsrain.high/lowbloodpressureIshesufferingfrompressureofwork?escapethepressuresofcitylifepressureformoney/financialpressureputpressureonsbto dosth劝说/强迫---做---Theyputpressureonmetosellmypreciousland.bringpressuretobearon/uponsb对---施加压力Thegovernmentbroughtpressuretobearonthefarmers.underpressurepressuresbintodoingsth迫使,对---施加压力Hepressuredhissonintotellingthefact.8prosperityThecountry’sprosperitywasduetothediscoveryofoil.ourcountryistryingtomakepeopleliveinprosperity.prosperprosperthefamilyprosperous9significancesignificantThemeetingwasofnosignificance.Allthishadgreatpoliticalsignificance.Shedidnotunderstandthesignificanceofmynod.completingthesentences:.Hearingthatherhusband’sdiseasewasahopelesscase,thewomancouldn’thelpcryingindespair.2.Parentsinlow-incomefamiliessufferfromtoomuchlivin gpressure.3.Ifyougetseriouslyillanddon’tknowwhatthediseaseis,youshouldconsultadoctor.4.Unfortunately,wangLingotaseriousdisease.5.AlexanderFleming’sdiscoveryofpenicillinisofgreatsignificanceinourfig htagainstdiseases.writethewordaccordingtotheexplanation6.themoneyoneearnsincome7.alargebasininakitchenusedforwashingsink8.acontainerusedforstoringfoodjar9.apersonwhosejobismakingandrepairingwoodenthingsca rpenter0.alongseatmadeofwood,stoneormetalbench1.tousesthinthewrongwayabuse2.apersonwhopreparesorsellsmedicineschemist3.apersonwhomakesclothestailorPeriod2AhelpinghandTeachingaims:1.TrytounderstandthetextAhelpinghand2.masterthelanguagepointsinthetext3.ImprovetheabilityofreadingcomprehensionTeachingprocedures:Task1FastreadinginfiveminutesTrueorfalse:.ThesituationforwangLinwhowasdiagnosedwithtuber culosisseemedhopeless.T2.Ahealthcareprojectpreventedwang’sdiseasefromruininghishealth.T3.wangLinhadhadinsurancebeforehisdiseasehappened.F4.onlyonenewhealthcaremodelforchinaisbeingdeveloped alloverthecountry.F5.22millionchinesewerelivinginwantbutgovernmentallo wanceonlycovershealthcare.F6.mostfamilywithlowincomeliveinpovertyduetodisease. F7.Healthcareratherthanothermeasureshelptofightpover ty.8.AnothergreatchallengeforthegovernmentistostopAIDS .F9.Aresponsiblesocietyshouldmakesurethatnoweakestmem berisleftbehind.Ternmentcanmeetalltheneedstoimprovethewholesoci ety.F1.Thewriterisactiveandoptimisticaboutthehealthcarep rogramme.TTask2carefulreading1.TopicsentenceThesituationseemedhopless.Situation:wangLinHiswifeHissonThetreatmentcostthousandsofyuan2.keywordsahealthcareprojectResults:receivetreatmentintime----returnandlookfora job-----getinsurance3.keywordstheprojectaimedat---encourage----reduce----thelargestprogramm e----beingtested---helped----workingwith----toexplo reanddevelop4-5.Relationbetweendiseaseandpovertysmallallowance----poorhealthcare---serioussickness---liveinpoverty---receiveallowancefromgovernment-----6.Twoaspectstofightpoverty:healthcareandmedicalinsurance7.keywordsstop/prevent8.keywordresponsibilitiesforweakestmembers/prosperity/development9.keywordeffortsreduce/help/provideTask3Trytounderstandthewholetextandrecitethepassage accordingtotheanalysisabove.Period3LanguagepointsAims:.Readthetextagainandunderlinetheusefulphrasesan dsentences2.UnderstandandgrasptheexpressionsPrecedures:Task1RevisionGetsstotellsomethingabouthealthcareinchinaTask2Readthetexttounderlinesomeusefulexpressions Importantwordsandphrases.bediagnosedwith2.sufferfromconstantpaininhischest3.athalfthecostorless4.dependon/thanksto5.aimat/belongto6.bedesignedto7.sofar/occupyanimportantposition8.provideeasyaccesstosth9.liveonmoney/liveinpoverty0.beforcedintopoverty1.aswasthecasewithsb2.aswellas/carefor3.leavebehind/meetalltheneeds4.Tomakemattersworse,healsohadasonincollegewhohadta kenabankloantopayforhisstudies.5.Hewasabletoreceivetreatmentintimetopreventthedise asefromruininghisfamily.6.Atotalof15billionyuanwasspentonsupportingthosewho wereunabletomakealiving.7.Forlaid-offworkersinpoorareas,diseaseputsextrapre ssureonthefamily.8.Thegovernment’seffortstofightpovertyandimprovehealthcarecoverseve ralaspects,reducingpoverty,helpingsickpeoplegettrea tedproperlyandprovidingmedicalinsuranceforthepoor.Task3Readtheusefulexpressionsaboveandtrytoputthemin touse.Period4GrammarReviewtheSubjunctivemoodAim:EnablesstoreviewtheSubjunctivemoodfurther虚拟语气用在其他句型中.用在表命令,建议,要求等动词后的宾语从句中。
