3014PW21F-N10-A-8AA-I07XX bin 1



1.1 xStart系列电动机保护断路器
电动机保护断路器PKZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
PKE电子式电动机保护断路器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
标准辅助触点 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
辅助触点、分励脱扣器、欠压脱扣器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
kW kW
440 V
P kW
500 V 660 V 690 V
kW kW
额定 持续 电流
Iu A

0.06 0.16

0.06 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.25
0.06 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.18 0.4
0.09 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.25 0.63
6.3…10 140



产品型号描述Pro-Watch CE公司版管理软件 (CE) 3.8PWCESW8Pro-Watch 3.80 公司版服务器软件- (1个) 服务器软件许可证, (1个)PWCESW8CPro-Watch 3.80 公司版服务器软件- (1个) 服务器软件许可证, (1个)PW8SWCLPW3.80 PE/CE 单用户软件许可证PW8RDR32PWPE 和PWCE 32 读卡器软件许可证PW8RDR64PWPE 和PWCE 64 读卡器软件许可证PW8RDR128PWPE 和PWCE 128 读卡器软件许可证PW8RDR256PWPE 和PWCE 256 读卡器软件许可证PW8RDR512PWPE 和PWCE 512 读卡器软件许可证PW8MEDIA英文版PW3.80CD PW8BADGELPW3.80 PE/CE 传统并发卡证打印软件许可证PW8ABADGELPW3.80 PE/CE 高级并发卡证打印软件许可证冗余软件和冗余软件狗PWCESW8-RPro-Watch 3.80 公司版服务器软件- (1个) 服务器软件许可证, (1个)PWCESW8C-RPro-Watch 3.80 公司版服务器软件- (1个) 服务器软件许可证, (1个)PW8SWCL-R单用户企业工作站许可证-冗余PWCE8RDR32-RPWPE 和PWCE 32 读卡器软件许可证-冗余PWCE8RDR64-RPWPE 和PWCE 64 读卡器软件许可证-冗余PWCE8RDR128-RPWPE 和PWCE 128 读卡器软件许可证-冗余PWCE8RDR256-RPWPE 和PWCE 256 读卡器软件许可证-冗余PWCE8RDR512-RPWPE 和PWCE 512 读卡器软件许可证-冗余PW8BADGEL-R传统发卡证打印软件许可证PW8ABADGEL-R高级发卡证打印软件许可证Pro-Watch EE 公司版管理软件 (EE) 3.8PWEESW8Pro-Watch 3.80 企业版服务器软件- (1个) 企业版服务器许可, (1个)PWEE8SWCL单用户企业工作站许可PWEE8SWRS单区域服务器许可软件升级PWCR8UPGPro-Watch 公司版服务器软件3.7x 版升级3.80版, 60天质保期PWER8UPGPro-Watch 企业版服务器软件3.7x 版升级3.80版, 60天质保期UPG8ABADGEL PW3.80 PE/CE 传统并发卡证打印升级到高级并发卡证打印软件许Pro-Watch CE 公司版管理软件 (CE) 3.7PWCESW7Pro-Watch 公司版服务器软件- (1个) 服务器软件狗, (1个) 并发用户PWCE7SWCL单用户软件狗PWCE7SWCL55用户软件狗PWCE7SWCL1010用户软件狗PWCE7SWCL1515用户软件狗PWCE7SWCL2020用户软件狗PWCE7RDR3232 读卡器软件许可证PWCE7RDR6464 读卡器软件许可证PWCE7RDR128128 读卡器软件许可证PWCE7RDR256256 读卡器软件许可证PWCE7RDR512512读卡器软件许可证PWCE7BADGEL发卡证打印软件狗冗余软件和冗余软件狗PWCESW7-RPro-Watch 公司版服务器软件- (1个) 服务器软件狗, (1个) 并发用户PWCE7SWCL-R单用户软件狗 -冗余PWCE7SWCL5-R5用户软件狗-冗余PWCE7SWCL10-R 10用户软件狗-冗余< 2010霍尼韦尔企业级安防产品经销商价格表 - 门禁管理系Honeywell Security -China 生效日期:2011年4月1日¥58,928.99¥56,033.34¥12,192.20¥12,446.21¥24,384.41¥45,720.77¥90,425.51¥171,706.87¥406.41¥20,117.14¥30,277.31¥29,464.49¥26,360.56¥6,096.10¥6,223.10¥12,192.20¥22,860.38¥45,212.76¥85,853.44¥10,058.57¥15,138.65¥396,185.67¥18,288.31¥104,852.95¥36,820.46¥118,264.38¥10,160.17¥63,265.35¥19,507.53¥79,249.33¥158,498.65¥205,865.36¥262,193.35¥12,446.21¥24,384.41¥45,720.77¥90,425.51¥171,706.87¥24,140.56¥31,632.67¥9,753.76¥39,624.66¥79,249.33¥131,096.67¥6,223.10¥12,192.20¥22,860.38¥45,212.76¥85,853.44¥12,070.28¥396,187.43¥19,202.72¥91,187.53¥172,824.49¥244,809.30¥307,243.54¥104,852.95¥239,475.21¥480,017.23¥722,946.90¥971,413.86¥55,880.94¥19,583.65¥164,228.33¥30,480.51¥20,269.54¥0.00¥8,493.90¥8,397.38¥8,204.34¥0.00¥4,572.08¥4,368.87¥5,080.09¥1,097.30¥5,740.50¥279.24¥5,689.70¥1,428.59¥1,538.48¥3,186.86¥61.28¥61.12¥61.28¥112.42¥809.73¥809.73¥1,110.49¥17.35¥23.14¥1,388.11¥2,602.70¥2,487.02¥4,800.54¥3,123.24¥6,535.67¥74.50¥74.50¥125.20¥124.93¥92.54¥108.27¥179.98¥179.59¥201.89¥199.85¥174.47¥80.97¥169.04¥126.66¥1,214.59¥1,214.59¥1,850.81¥2,834.05¥2,834.05¥3,817.29¥7,923.78¥32.39¥2,240.00¥8,800.00¥12,724.31¥13,881.07¥14,459.45¥4,627.02¥5,783.78¥13,881.07¥462.70¥853.15¥853.15¥924.32¥1,086.73¥1,782.48¥1,144.88¥1,306.29¥200.50¥335.84¥174.44¥155.39¥453.14¥420.06¥374.94¥150.38¥114.29¥114.29¥194.49¥219.55¥501.26¥250.63¥310.78¥310.78¥323.81¥323.81¥1,306.29¥1,306.29¥36,240.47¥59,940.78¥3,840.05¥3,600.05¥3,600.05¥124,561.63¥56,640.74。



FSGM0765RWDTUFSL106HR 、FSL106MR 、FSL116LR 、开关电源常用芯片FSCQ1265RTYDTU 、 FSCQ1565RTYDTUFSDL321FSDH321 、FSDL0165RN 、FSDM0265RNB 、FSDH0265RN 、 FSDM0365RNB 、 FSDL0365RN 、 FSDM0465REWDTUFSDM0565REWDTU 、FSDM07652REWDTU FSDM311A 、FSEZ1016AMY 、 FSEZ1317NY 、Fairchild 仙童(飞兆)系列开关电源驱动芯片FAN100MY 、 FAN102MY 、FAN103MY 、 FAN6208 、 FAN6300AMY 、 FAN6754AMRMY 、FAN6862TY 、FAN6921MRMY 、FAN6961SZ 、FAN7346MX 、FAN7384MX 、 FAN7319MX 、FAN7527BMX 、FAN7527BN 、FAN7554N 、 FAN7554DFAN7621 、FAN7621SSJ 、FAN7621B 、FAN7631 、 FAN7930CMX ;FAN6204MYFL103 、FL6300A 即 FAN6300 、 FL6961 、FL7701 、FL7730 、FL7732 、FL7930B 、FLS0116 、FLS3217 、FLS3247 、FLS1600XS 、FLS1800XS 、 FLS2100XSFSFR1600 、 FSFR1600XSL 、 FSFR1700 、FSFR1700XS 、FSFR1700XSL 、FSFR1800 、 FSFR1800XS 、 FSFR1800XSL 、FSFR2100XSL 、FSFR2100FSCQ0565RTYDTU 、FSCQ0765RTYDTU、FSDM311 、FSEZ1317MYFSGM0465RWDTU 、FSGM0565RWDTUSD4569 )、ME8204 (兼容 SG6848 、OB2263 、OB2273 、 FSQ0565RSWDTUSG6105ADZ 、 SG6859ATZ 、SG5842KA5L0380RYDTU 、 KA5M0365RYDTUKA5M0365RTU 、KA5M0380RYDTU 、 KA3525A 、KA3842AC 、KA3842AE 、KA3842B 、KA3843B 、KA3844B 、 KA7500Con-bright 昂宝系列电源驱动芯片超低待机功耗产 品系列:OB5269、OB5269B 、OB2273、OB2273A 、OB2273B 、 OB2273F 、OB2273N 、OB2276 、OB2276A 原边控制系列产品: OB2520 、OB2520D 、OB2520M 、OB2532 、OB2531 ; OB2535/OB2535E 、OB2536/OB2536E 、OB2538/OB2538E OB2539 、OB2211 、OB2211H 、OB2212 、OB2216 准谐振 模式控制芯片系列: OB2201/T 、 OB2202 、 OB2203PWM 控制芯片系列产品: OB5269 、 OB5269B 、OB2273 、 OB2273A 、OB2273B 、OB2273F 、 OB2273N 、OB2361 、 OB2361P 、OB2262 、OB2263 、OB2268 、OB2269 、OB2279 、OB2287 、OB2288 、OB2298 、OB5222 、OB5225 、 OB2353/L 、OB2354/L 、OB2356/L 、OB2357/L 、OB2358/L 功率因子校正控制芯片: OB6573 、OB6572 、 OB6561P 、 OB6563 、OB6663LED 照明驱动系列: OB3330 、OB3340 、 OB3390/T 、 OB3391 、 OB3394 、OB3396 、OB3380 、 FSL206MRN 、FSL126MR 、FSL136MR 、FSQ100 、FSQ110 、 FSQ321 、FSQ510 、 FSQ0165RN 、 FSQ0170RNA 、 FSQ0265RN 、FSQ0270RNA 、FSQ0365RN 、FSQ0370RNA 、SN03ABCD 系列电源驱动芯片 PSR Controller :AP3703 、 AP3706 、AP3708N 、AP3760 、AP3765 、AP3766 、AP3768 、AP3769S 、AP3770 、AP3771 、AP3772Voltage Mode PWM Controller : AZ494A 、 AZ494C 、 AZ7500B 、 AZ7500C 、AZ7500E 、AZ7500FGreen Mode PWM Controller :AP3101 、AP3105/AP3105V/AP3105L/AP3105R AP3105/AP3105H ; AP3700 、 AP3700A 、AP3700E 、 AP3710Secondary Side Controller : AP4305 、 AP4306A 、AP4306B 、AP4313 、AP4310A 、 AP4340LED 照明 PFCME8101 (内置 13003 兼容THX203/RM6203/GW6203/CR6203 )、ME8105 (内置13003 兼容 THX203/RM6203/GW6203/CR6203机功能)、 ME8109A (内置 2N65 兼容 OB2358/AP8022 )、 ME8109B (内置 2N60 兼容 OB2358/AP8022 )、 ME8119 AP3102/AP3102V/AP3102L 、 AP3103 、、 AP3106 、 controller : AP1661/AP1661E AP1661A 、 AP1662 ; PSRcontroller : AP1681 (可调光)、 AP1682 、 AP1686microne 南京微盟系列开关电源驱动芯片 ME8100( 兼容 ATC30B ) 、,具有防炸(内置4N60 )、ME8110 (内置2N65 兼容OB2358 )、ME8200兼容SG6848 、OB2263 、LD7535 、GR8835 、SD456 )、ME8202 (兼容SG5841 、OB2269 、LD7552 、GR8841 、SD4569 )、ME8204 (兼容SG6848 、OB2263 、OB2273 、RM3261S 、 RM3261D 、RM3262D ; PFM 控制芯片系列: RM3252T 、 RM3260T 、RM3260DQR 控制芯片系列: RM6401S 、 RM6401D ;PFC+QR+PWM 控制芯片系列: RM6901S 、 RM6901Dchiplink-semi 南京芯联系列开关电源 驱动芯片 AC/DC PSR : CL1132 、CL1128 、 CL1101 、 LD7535 、 GR8835 、SD456 )、ME8300 (兼容 AP3708 )、 ME8302 (兼容 AP3768 )、ME8304 (兼容 AP3765 , AP3706 SOP8) )、ME8305 (内置 13003 兼容 AP3765 ,AP3706 SOP8) )、ME8315chiprail 成都启达系列开关电源驱动芯 片绿色节能 PWM/PFC 控制器: CR6848 、CR6850D 、 CR6853 、CR6842 、CR6845 、CR6855 、CR6232C 、CR6233 、CR5201 、CR6562 绿色节能 PWM 功率开关: CR5336 、CR5337 、CR5202 、CR5223 、CR5224 、CR5228 、 CR5229reactor-micro 陕西亚成微系列开关电源驱动芯片 RM3253S 、RM3253D 、RM3263S 、 RM3263D 、RM3261S 、RM3261D 、RM3262D 、RM3260T 、 RM3260D 、RM6203 、RM6204 、RM6221S 、 RM6221D 、 RM6222D 、RM6220T 、RM6401S 、RM6401S 、RM337X (1/2/3) 、RM3370T 、RM6901SPWM 功率开关芯片 RM6203D 、RM6204D 、RM6221S 、RM6221D 、 RM6222D ;PWM 控制芯片系列: RM6220TPFM 功率开关 RM3253S 、RM3253D 、RM3263S 、RM3263D 、 CR5335、 LED 照明驱动系列: 系列: 芯片系列:CL1100 ;PSR+MOS:CL1129 、CL1112 、CL1107 、CL1103PFC :CL6562 ;Flyback with MOSFET :CL1152 ;Flyback :CL1156 、CL1160 、CL1158Lighting LED Driver :CL0122 、CL0119A 、CL0118 、CL0116A 、CL0117 、CL6563A 、CL1158 、CL1112 、CL1129 、CL1128 、CL1101 、CL1100 、CL6809 、CL6808 、CL6807 、CL6804 ;Back Light Driver :CL6201sifirsttech 南海赛威系列开关电源驱动芯片AC/DC PWM Controller :SF1530 、SF1530U 、SF1531 、SF1531S 、SF1560 、SF1563 、SF1565 、SF1580 、SF1585 、SF1590 、SF1595 、SF5580 ;超低待机功耗AC/DC PWM 控制器IC :SF5533 、SF5534 、SF5545B 、SF5545 、SF5547AC/DC PWM Power Switch :SF1532 、SF1533 、SF1536 、SF1537 、SF1538 、SF1539 、SF1539HT 、SF1548 、SF1549 、SF5582H 、SF5582 、SF5590 ;原边反馈控制器/功率开关IC :SFL628 、SFL629 、SFL900 、SF5920S 、SF5920 、SF5922 、SF5922T 、西安民展微系列开关电源驱动芯片绿色节能PWM 功率转化、SF5922SV 、SF5926SV 、SF5926 、SF5928SV 、SF5922SSF5928S 、SF5928 、SF6010L 、SF6010F 、SF6018、SF6040 、SF6070 、SF6072 、SF6771 、SF6772 、SF6778 、SF6781 、SF6782 、SF6788 功率因子校正器IC :SFL320 、SF6562 、SFL500 、SF6563 、SF6566 ;LED 照明驱动IC :SFL330 、SFL520 、S FL668 、SFL669 、SFL678 、SF6010power-railSDC4569si-power 无锡硅动力系列开关电源驱动芯片SDC4569si-power 无锡硅动力系列开关电源驱动芯片PR6239 、CR6235S 、CR6236T 、 CR6238T 绿色节能 PWM 功率转化器系列 (PWM 控制芯片 + 600V MOSFET) 反激式 PR8224 、 PR8224H 、 CR6221T 、 CR6224S 、CR6224T 、CR6228T 、CR6229T 、 PR8612 绿 色节能 PWM 控制器系列 Primary Side Regulation 初级端 调节 PR6234 、CR6232PR6863 、PR9853 、 CR6850C 、 PR8278 、PR8278B 、PR8275 、PR6599 、PR6562 、CR6561 、CR6563 、PR8910 、PR3845Bbpsemi 上海晶丰明源系列开 关电源驱动芯片高功率因数高效率隔离恒流驱动芯片:BP2802 、 BP2808B 、BP2818 、 BP2812 、BP2822 高精度 BP3105 、BP3102 、 BP3122 、 BP3123 、BP3115 、BP3125 、 BP3108BP2309 、BP5118 、 BP1360 、BP1361 、BP1601maxictech 驱动芯片 MT7933 、MT7930 、MT7952 、MT7953 、MT7955 、 MT7950 、MT7801 、MT7838 、MT7200 、MT7201 、MT7261 、 MT7281 、MT7004Bsdc-semi 绍兴光大系列开关电源驱动芯 片 SDC602 、 SDC603 、SDC606 、SDC608 、SDC3842 、 SDC3843 、SDC3844 、SDC3845 、SDC4108 、SDC4108L 、 SDC4109 、 SDC4109L 、 SDC4563 、 SDC4565 、器系列 (PWM 控制芯片 + 600V MOSFET) 初级端调 节 :PR6237 、BP3309 、B P3308 高效率非隔离恒流驱动芯片: BP2808 、 高效率隔离恒流驱动芯片: 美芯晟系列开关电源SP5629P 、SP5619P 、SP5876P 、SP5876F 、SP5875P 、SP5875F 、SP5518F 、SP5808F 、5508F 、SP5506 、SP5505SP5615/6/8 可以代替OB2535/6/8 用于低功耗AC/DC 适配器的详细描述:SP5615 是一颗高精度离线式开关电源电路,应用于低功耗AC/DC 充电器与适配器。

Modicon ABLM1A24012电源供应设备说明书

Modicon ABLM1A24012电源供应设备说明书

Product data sheetCharacteristicsABLM1A24012Regulated Power Supply, 100-240V AC, 24V 1.2A, single phase, ModularProduct availability : Non-Stock - Not normally stocked in distribution facilityMainRange of productModicon Power Supply Product or component type Power supplyPower supply type Regulated switch mode Variant option Modular Enclosure material PlasticNominal input voltage 100...240 V AC single phase 100...240 V AC 2 phases Input voltage limits 90...264 V AC Kw Rating 30 W Output voltage24 V DC Power supply output current1.25 AComplementaryNominal network frequency 50…60 Hz Network system compatibilityTN TT ITMaximum leakage current 0.25 mA 240 V ACInput protection typeIntegrated fuse (not interchangeable) 3.15 A External protection (recommended) 20 A B External protection (recommended) 20 A C External protection (recommended) 4 A B External protection (recommended) 4 A C Inrush current 25 A 115 V 50 A 230 V Power factor 0.48 at 115 V AC 0.38 at 230 V AC Efficiency87 % 115 V ACi s c l a i m e r : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s87 % 230 V ACOutput voltage adjustment24...28 VPower dissipation in W5 WCurrent consumption< 0.8 A 115 V AC< 0.6 A 230 V ACTurn-on time< 2 sHolding time> 20 ms 115 V AC> 60 ms 230 V ACStartup with capacitive loads3000 µFResidual ripple< 100 mVExpected capacitor life time10 year(s)Meantime between failure [MTBF]2500000 h at 77 °F (25 °C), full load1000000 h at 131 °F (55 °C), 80 % loadOutput protection type Against overload and short-circuits automatic resetAgainst over temperature manual resetAgainst overvoltage manual resetConnections - terminals Screw connection 0.5...1.5 mm², AWG 20...AWG 16) without wire end ferrule input/outputScrew connection 0.5...1 mm², AWG 20...AWG 18) with wire end ferrule input/output Line and load regulation< 0.5 %line< 1 %loadStatus LED Output voltage 1 LED Green)Maximum Depth 2.19 in (55.6 mm)Maximum Height 3.58 in (91 mm)Maximum Width 1.42 in (36 mm)Net Weight0.37 lb(US) (0.170 kg)Output coupling SerialParallelMounting support Top hat type TH35-15 rail IEC 60715Top hat type TH35-7.5 rail IEC 60715Double-profile DIN railpanel mountingEnvironmentStandards EN 62368-1EN/IEC 61010-1EN 61010-2-201EN/IEC 61204-3EN 61000-6-1EN 61000-6-2EN 61000-6-3EN 61000-6-4EN 61000-3-2EN 61000-3-3UL 62368-1UL 61010-1UL 61010-2-201CSA C22.2 No 62368-1CSA C22.2 No 61010-1CSA C22.2 No 61010-2-201Product certifications CECUL ListedCUL RecognizedRCMCB SchemeEACKCNEC class 2Operating altitude< 6561.68 ft (2000 m) overvoltage category III2000 m...5000 m overvoltage category IIShock resistance100 m/s² 11 msIP degree of protection IP20Ambient air temperature for operation-13…131 °F (-25…55 °C) without current derating)131…158 °F (55…70 °C) with current derating of 2.67 % per °C)Ambient air temperature for storage-40…185 °F (-40…85 °C)Relative humidity0…95 % without condensationOvervoltage category IIElectrical shock protection class Class II without PE connectionPollution degree2Vibration resistance 3 mm 2…9 Hz)IEC 60721-3-310 m/s² 9…200 Hz)IEC 60721-3-3Electromagnetic immunity Immunity to electrostatic discharge 6 kV contact discharge) EN/IEC 61000-4-2Immunity to electrostatic discharge 9 kV air discharge) EN/IEC 61000-4-2Electromagnetic field immunity test 10 V/m 80 MHz...2 GHz) EN/IEC 61000-4-3Electromagnetic field immunity test 5 V/m 2...2.7 GHz) EN/IEC 61000-4-3Electromagnetic field immunity test 3 V/m 2.7...6 GHz) EN/IEC 61000-4-3Immunity to fast transients 4 kV on input-output) EN/IEC 61000-4-4Surge immunity test 3 kV between power supply and earth) EN/IEC 61000-4-5Surge immunity test 1.5 kV between phases) EN/IEC 61000-4-5Immunity to conducted disturbances 10 Vrms 0.15...80 MHz) EN/IEC 61000-4-6Immunity to magnetic fields 30 A/m 50...60 Hz) EN/IEC 61000-4-8Immunity to voltage dips 100 % 1 cycle) EN/IEC 61000-4-11Immunity to voltage dips 60 % 10 cycles) EN/IEC 61000-4-11Immunity to voltage dips 30 % 25 cycles) EN/IEC 61000-4-11Disturbing field emission EN 55016-2-3Limits for harmonic current emissions EN 61000-3-2Conducted disturbance emission EN 55016-1-2Conducted disturbance emission EN 55016-2-1Electromagnetic emission Conducted emissions EN 61000-6-3Radiated emissions EN 61000-6-4Dielectric strength3000 V AC input/outputOrdering and shipping detailsCategory22525 - ABL8 AND ABL7 POWER SUPPLIEDiscount Schedule CP12GTIN00785901704706Package weight(Lbs)1 lb(US) (0.45 kg)Returnability YesCountry of origin CNOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productREACh Regulation REACh DeclarationEU RoHS Directive Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)EU RoHS DeclarationMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesChina RoHS Regulation China RoHS declarationEnvironmental Disclosure Product Environmental ProfileCircularity Profile End of Life InformationWEEE The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specific waste collection andnever end up in rubbish bins.Electrical Safety●If the unit is use in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.●For means of disconnection a switch or circuit breaker, located near the product, must be included in the installation. A marking as disconnecting device for th ●The device has an internal fuse. The unit is tested and approved with branch circuit protective device up to 20A. This circuit breaker can be used as disconne ●The power supply is only suitable for audio, video, information, communication, industrial and control equipment.DimensionsSide and Rear ViewConnections and SchemaConnections and Schema Correct Parallel Connection(1) :LoadIncorrect Parallel Connection(1) :LoadABLx1Axxxxx-1 = ABLx1Axxxxx-2 max 2 x ABLx1AxxxxxL1 = L2∆V max 25 mVL Load < 90% 2 x L nomOutput Voltage Balancing(1) :R Load1(2) :R Load2R Load1= R Load2I1= I 2= ~ I nomSeries Connection(1) :V out1(2) :V out2(3) : 2 x Diode, V RRM> 2 x V out1/2, I F > 2 x I nom1/2(4) :V Load = 2 x V out(5) :LoadConnections and Schema Connections and Schema(1) :AmbientPerformance Curves Performance CurveX :Ambient Temperature (ºC)Y :Percentage of Max Load (%)1 :Mounting A & B, altitude 2000M2 :Mounting A & B, altitude 5000MMounting and ClearanceMountingMounting Position AMounting Position BIncorrect Mounting。


p 对话工具与通讯 ...................................................................................... 41-44
C 应用:
C 应用:
C 应用:
压缩机、泵、风机等 压缩机、泵、风机、 泵、风机等 大惯性机械、传送 装置。
透明、节能、高效的 运营成本。
电机功率 变频器
4...400 kW –
控制类型 异步电机 可配置的电压斜坡 控制
同步电机 –

I/O 的数目 模拟输入
36 – 1 PTC 探头 3 – – 2 Modbus –
卡 (可选配件)
C 应用:
泵、多泵、风机、压缩机 风机、泵、压缩机,各种标准 转矩应用
C 应用:
传送带、搅拌机、挤出机、 起重等
C 应用:
电力、采矿和选矿、石油和天 然气、水处理等中压系统中的 风机、泵、压缩机等
C 应用:
起重应用、下坡输送带、绞盘、自动扶 梯、高动态驱动器、泵/涡轮组合等



L1 480 580 680 780 980 1180 1380 1580 1780 2380
FSW 型 外经25道程5 行程 150 200 300 400
HIWIN 型号 R25-5B2-FSW-220-349-0.018 R25-5B2-FSW-270-399-0.018 R25-5B2-FSW-370-499-0.018 R25-5B2-FSW-470-599-0.018
R25-5B2-FSW-570-733-0.018 R25-5B2-FSW-670-833-0.018 R25-5B2-FSW-770-933-0.018 R25-5B2-FSW-970-1133-0.018 R25-5B2-FSW-1170-1333-0.018
570 670 770 970 1170
L1 184 234 284 334 384 434 484 534 584 634 684 784 884 1084
FSW 型 外经20道程5 行程 150 200 300 400 500 700 FDW 型 外经40道程10 行程 250 350 450 550 750 950 1150 1350 1550 2150
L1 220 270 370 470
500 600 700 900 1000 FSV型 外经25道程20 行程 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 2000 外经25道程25 行程 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 2000 外经16道程32 行程 300 500 800 1200 外经20道程40 行程 400 600 800 1000 1200 1600 行程 40 70 100
L1 750 950 1150 1350 1550 1750 2150



英飞拓产品型号英飞拓产品型号渠道产品,价格优惠,不满意可退货 150********2.1 固定摄像机-PALV5101-A50142 ⼀体化摄像机2.3 因定半球摄像机2.4 V1700A系列快球2.5 V1750A系列充氮快球2.6 V1700S系列内置单模光端机的快球2.7 V1900A系列快球2.8⼀体化云台摄像机2.9恒速球形护罩/云台2.10快球零部件1.模拟监控前端产品2.1 固定摄像机V5101-A2014 V5101-A3014 V5101-A5014 V5101-A2019 V5101-A3019 V5102-A2014 V5102⽇夜型因定摄像机V5102-A3014 V5102-A5014V5102-A3019 V5102-A2019V5103宽动态彩⾊固定摄像机V5103-A3014V1025-1H⾼解析度彩⾊摄像机V1025-1HV1026-1⾼解析度⽇夜转换型摄像机V1026-1V1027-1 1/2英⼨宽动态⾼灵敏度低照度彩⾊摄像机V1027-1V1033-1宽动态⽇夜转换型摄像机V1033-12.2⼀体化摄像机PALV1224⼀体化彩⾊摄像机V1224-22A14V1244⼀体化⽇夜转换摄像机V1244-23A14 V1244-26A14 V5411-A2014ST V5411-A2014SU V5411-A2014SV 2.3固定半球摄像机PALV5411-A2014SW V5411-A2014SX V5411-A2014SYV5411-A2014SZ480线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A2014 SBV5411-A2014 SDV5411-A2014SE V5411-A2014SC V5411-A2014SF520线固定焦距镜头V5411-A3014ST V5411-A3014SU V5411-A3014SV V5411-A3014SW V5411-A3014SX V5411-A3014SY V5411-A3014SZ520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A3014SB V5411-A3014SD V5411-A3014SE V5411-A3014SCV5512室内⽇夜型因定半球摄像机V5411-A3014SF V5512-A2014SB V5512-A2014SE520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5512-A3014SB V5512-A3014SEV5413室内宽动态彩⾊固定半球摄像机V5512-A3014SB V5413-A3024SB V5413-A3024SE2.3固定半球摄像机PALV5411-A2014ST V5411-A2014SU V5411-A2014SV V5411-A2014SW V5411-A2014SXV5411-A2014SY480线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A2014SZ V5411-A2014SB V5411-A2014SD V5411-A2014SE V5411-A2014SC V5411-A2014SF520线固定焦距镜头V5411-A3014ST V5411-A3014SU V5411-A3014SV V5411-A3014SW V5411-A3014SZ V5411-A3014SY V5411-A3014SX520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5411-A3014SB V5411-A3014SD V5411-A3014SE V5411-A3014SCV5512室内⽇夜型因定半球摄像机V5411-A3014SF V5512-A2014SB520线⼿动变焦⾃动光圈镜头V5512-A2014SE V5512-A3014SB V5512-A3014SB V5512-A3014SEV5413室内宽动态彩⾊固定半球摄像机V5413-A3024SBV1700A系列快球PAL室内吸顶装快球V1725A-C1C2C6 V1726A-C1C2C6 V1727A-C1C2C6 V1728A-C1C2C6 V1724A-C1C2C6 V1729A-C1C2C6 V1723A-C1C2C6室内⽀架装快球V1725A-C1C2B6 V1726A-C1C2B6 V1727A-C1C2B6 V1728A-C1C2B6 V1724A-C1C2B6 V1729A-C1C2B6 V1723A-C1C2B6室外吸顶装快球V1745A-C1C2C6 V1746A-C1C2C6 V1747A-C1C2C6 V1748A-C1C2C6 V1744A-C1C2C6 V1749A-C1C2C6 V1743A-C1C2C6室外⽀架装快球V1745A-C1C2B6 V1746A-C1C2B6 V1747A-C1C2B6 V1748A-C1C2B6 V1744A-C1C2B6 V1749A-C1C2B6 V1743A-C1C2B62.5 V1750A 系列充氮快球-PAL室内充氮吊装快球V1757A-C1C3B6 V1758A-C1C3B6 V1759A-C1C3B6 V1753A-C1C3B6 V1791室内内置单模光端机吸顶装快球V1725S-C1C2C6 V1726S-C1C2C6 V1727S-C1C2C6 V1728S-C1C2C6 V1729S-C1C2C6 V1723S-C1C2C6室内内置单模光端机⽀架装快球V1725S-C1C2B6V1726S-C1C2B6V1727S-C1C2B6 V1728S-C1C2B6 V1729S-C1C2B6 V1723S-C1C2B6室外内置单模光端机吸顶装快球V1745S-C1C2C6 V1746S-C1C2C6 V1747S-C1C2C6 V1748S-C1C2C6 V1743S-C1C2C6 V17243S-C1C2C6室外内置单模光端机⽀架装快球V1745S-C1C2B6 V1746S-C1C2B6 V1747S-C1C2B6 V1748S-C1C2B6 V1749S-C1C2B6 V1724S-C1C2B62.7V1900A系列快球PAL室内吸顶装快球V1901A-C1C2C6 V1902A-C1C2C6 V1903A-C1C2C6 V1904A-C1C2C6 V1906A-C1C2C6室内⽀架装快球V1901A-C1C2B6 V1902A-C1C2B6 V1903A-C1C2B6 V1904A-C1C2B6 V1906A-C1C2B6室外吸顶装快球V1911A-C1C2C6 V1912A-C1C2C6 V1913A-C1C2C6 V1914A-C1C2C6 V1916A-C1C2B6 V1917A-C1C2B6室外⽀架装快球V1911A-C1C2B6 V1912A-C1C2B6 V1913A-C1C2B6 V1914A-C1C2B6 V1916A-C1C2B6 V1917A-C1C2B62.8 ⼀体化云台摄像机V1492-18A15 V1492-23A15 V1492-26A15 V1492-35A15 V1492-36A15 V1492-18A16 V1492-23A16 V1492-26A16 V1492-35A16 V1492-36A16 V1492-18A17 V1492-23A17 V1492-26A17 V1492-35A17 V1492-36A17 V1492-18A18 V1492-23A18 V1492-26A18 V1492-35A18V1492-36A18⼀体化云台⽀架(适⽤于V1492、V1493)V1662-W1 V1662-S1 V1662-C1 V1662-DV1493中型⾼速云台V1493-D16V7A15 V1493-DP16V7A15 V1493-A15 V1493-D16V7A16 V1493-DP16V7A16 V1493-A16 V1493-D16V7A17 V1493-DP16V7A17 V1493-A17 V1493-D16V7A18 V1493-DP16V7A18 V1493-A18V1631隔爆云台摄像机V1631-23A19 V1631-25A19防爆护罩V1421-15SHB6-2V1421-15SHB8-2V1421-15A6-2V1421-15A8-2隔爆云台⽀架V1664-W V1664-C V1664-S V1665-W12.9恒速球形护罩/云台V1682 系列室内/室外恒速球形云台V1682-C2B-9HBPV1682-C2B-9HBP2.10 快球零部件V1761 V1761L V1762 V1763 V1764 V1764A V1764B V1765 V1765A V1766适⽤V1750A系列充氮快球V1761S V1762S V1763S球芯V1700N系列⽹络快球球芯(PAL)(坜另配视频缟码卡)V1825N-C16 V1826N-C16 V1827N-C16 V1828N-C16 V1829N-C16 V1825N-C15 V1826N-C15 V1827N-C15V1828N-C16 V1829N-C16V1700A系列快球球芯(PAL)V1825A-C16 V1826A-C16 V1827A-C16 V1828A-C16 V1829A-C16 V1825N-C15 V1826N-C15 V1827N-C15V1828N-C16 V1829N-C16V1750A系列充氮快球球芯(PAL)V1825AP-C16 V1826AP-C16 V1827AP-C16 V1828AP-C16 V1829AP-C16 V1825AP-C15 V1826AP-C15 V1827AP-C15 V1828AP-C15 V1829AP-C15V1700S系列光端机快球球芯(PAL)V1825AF-C16 V1826 AF-C16 V1827 AF-C16 V1828 AF-C16 V1829 AF-C16 V1825AF-C15 V1826 AF-C15 V1827 AF-C15 V1828 AF-C15 V1829 AF-C15V1900A系列快球球芯(PAL)V1901A-C16 V1902A-C16 V1903A-C16 V1904A-C16 V1905A-C16 球罩快球下罩(不带法兰)V1840-C2 V1840-S2 V1840-C3 V1840-S3室内吸顶装配罩下罩(带法兰)V1840-C2C V1840-S2C V1840-C3C V1840-S3C室内⽀架装配罩下罩(带法兰)V1840-C2B V1840-S2B V1840-C3B V1840-S3B室外⽀架装和吸顶装配罩下罩(带法兰和加热器)V1840-C2O V1840-S2O V1840-C3O V1840-S3O V1840P-C3OV1840P-S3O快球上罩(带法兰)V1850-IC V1850-IB V1850-OC V1850-OB V1850P-OB V1852-IC V1852-IB V1852-OC V1852-OB快球电源板V1860A-C6 V1860N-L6 V1860A-C5 V1860N-L5快球电源V3922-24A-26.键盘及辅助设备6.1 键盘V2100 V2109X V2111X V2110 V2115 V2116X7.3 V2020系列中型矩阵切换/控制器V2020AX-16X4 V2020AX-16X8 V2020AX-16X12 -16X16 V2020AX-16X20 V2020AX-16X24 V2020AX-16X28V2020AX-16X32 V2020AX-32X4 V2020AX-32X8 V2020AX-32X12 V2020AX-32X16 V2020AX-32X20 V2020AX-32X24 V2020AX-32X28 V2020AX-32X32 V2020AX-48X4 V2020AX-48X8V2020AX-48X12 V2020AX-48X16 V2020AX-48X20 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应用 范围
适用于220kV 及以上电压 等级输电线 路过压保护 及远方跳闸 的就地判别 装置。

WYH-881A/B2 WYH-881A/B3
应用 范围
用于一个半 断路器接线 方式下 ,分 CT引入装置 用于一个半 断路器接线 方式下,和 CT引入方式 用于一个半 断路器接线 方式下,用 于线路侧装 设TA
各种电压等级的单断 路器接线方式(如双 母线、单母线接线方 式) 同上。
用于330kV及以上3/2 接线形式

远跳保护就地判据:电流突变量启动元件 零序电流启动元件负序电流启动元件零序 电压变化量启动元件低电流启动元件补偿 过电压启动元件补偿欠电压启动元件低功 率因数启动元件低有功功率启动元件。 过电压保护及过压发信功能。

功能改进----- WDLK-862A
增加检线路三相有压逻辑,可有效防止重 合于永久性故障,减小对电厂的冲击。

功能改进----- WGQ-871A
修改原来远跳保护硬压板为通道一、通道 二压板,软压板和硬压板对应,方便用户对于 通道方式的投切控制。 增加二取一无判据方式。



Qualified Vendors List (QVL) Standard table for user manual & MKTA*B*C*256MB Kingston KVR533D2N4/256N/A Elpida SS E5116AB-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 256MB Kingston KVR533D2N4/256N/A Elpida SS E5116AF-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingston KVR533D2N4/512N/A Hynix DS HY5PS56821Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingston KVR533D2N4/512N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512800AF3733336550Pass Pass N/A 1G Kingston KVR533D2N4/1G N/A Kingston DS D6408TE7BL-37Pass Pass N/A 1G Kingston KVR533D2N4/1G N/A Micron DS 5YD11D9GCT Pass Pass N/A 256MB Kingston KVR667D2N5/256N/A Elpida SS E2508AB-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingston KVR667D2N5/512N/A Kingston SS D6408TE8WL-27Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingston KVR667D2E5/512N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 1G Kingston KVR667D2N5/1G N/A Kingston DS D6408TE8WL-3Pass Pass N/A 256MB Samsung M378T3253FG0-CD5N/A Samsung SS K4T56083QF-GCD5Pass Pass N/A 512MB SamsungM378T6553BG0-CD54Samsung SS K4T51083QB-GCD5Pass Pass N/A 512MB Samsung KR M378T6553CZ0-CE6N/A Samsung SS K4T51083QC Pass Pass N/A 512MB Samsung KR M378T6453FZ0-CE6N/A Samsung DS K4T56083QF-ZCE6Pass Pass N/A 1G Samsung KR M378T2953CZ0-CE6N/A Samsung SS K4T51083QC-ZCE6Pass Pass N/A 256MB Infineon HYS64T32000HU-3.7-A 4Infineon SS HYB18T512160AF-3.7AFSS31270Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T64000GU-3.7-A 4Infineon SS HYB18T512800AC37SSS11511Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T64000HU-3.7-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512800AF37SSS12079Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T64000HU-3.7-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512800AF37FSS29334Pass Pass N/A 256MB Infineon HYS64T32000HU-3S-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512160AF-3SSSS17310Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T32000HU-3S-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T5128000AF-3SSSS27416Pass Pass N/A 512MB Infineon HYS64T64000HU-3S-A N/A Infineon SS HYB18T512800AF3SFSS05346Pass Pass N/A 1G Infineon HYS64T128020HU-3S-AN/A Infineon DS HYB18T512800AF3SSSS28104Pass Pass N/A 512MB Micron MT 16HTF6464AG-53EB2 4Micron DS D9BOM Pass Pass N/A 512MB Micron MT 16HTF6464AG-53EB24Micron DS Z9BQT Pass Pass N/A 1G Micron MT 16HTF12864AY-53EA14Micron DS D9CRZ Pass Pass N/A 512MB Corsair VS512MB533D2N/A Corsair DS MIII0052532M8CEC Pass Pass N/A 512MB Corsair VS512MB667D2N/A Corsair DS MIII0052532M8CEC Pass Pass N/A 512MB HY HYMP564U64AP8-Y4 AA N/A Hynix SS HY5PS12821AFP-Y4Pass Pass N/A 512MB HY HYMP564U64AP8-Y5 AA N/A Hynix SS HY5PS12821AFP-Y5Pass Pass N/A 1G HY HYMP512U64AP8-Y5 AB N/A Hynix DS HY5PS12821AFP-Y5Pass Pass N/A 512MB Elpida EBE51UD8ABFA-5C-E N/A Elpida SS E5108AB-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingmax KLBC28F-A8KB4N/A Kingmax SS KKEA88B4IAK-37Pass Pass N/A 256MB Kingmax KLBB68F-36EP4N/A Elpida SS E5116AB-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingmax KLBC28F-A8EB4N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-5C-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingmax KLCC28F-A8EB5N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Kingmax KLCC28F-A8KB5N/A Kingmax SS KKEA88B4LAUG-29DX Pass Pass N/A 1G Kingmax KLCD48F-A8KB5N/A Kingmax DS KKEA88B4LAUG-29DXPass Pass N/A 512MB Apacer 78.91092.420N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB Apacer AU512E667C5KBGC5Apacer SS AM4B5708MIJS7E0627BPass Pass N/A 1G Apacer 78.01092.4205Elpida DS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 1G Apacer AU01GE667C5KBGC 5Apacer DS AM4B5708MIJS7E0627BPass Pass N/A 512MB ADATA M20EL5G3H3160B1C0Z N/A Elpida SS E5108AE-6E-E Pass Pass N/A 512MB VDATA M2GVD5G3H31A4I1C52N/A VDATA SS VD29608A8A-3EC20615Pass Pass N/A 512MB VDATA M2YVD5G3H31P4I1C52N/A VDATA SS VD29608A8A-3EG20627Pass Pass N/A 1G VDATA M2GVD5G3I41P6I1C52N/A VDATA DS VD29608A8A-3EG20627Pass Pass N/A 1G VDATA M2GVD5G3I41C4I1C52N/A VDATA DS VD29608A8A-3EC20620Pass Pass N/A 256MB Nanya NT256T64UH4A1FY-3C N/A Nanya SS NT5TU32M16AG-3C Pass Pass N/A 512MB Nanya NT512T64U88A1BY-3CN/A Nanya SS NT5TU64M8AE-3C Pass Pass N/A 512MB PQI MEAB-323LA N/A PQI SS D2-E04180W025Pass Pass N/A 1G PQI MEAB-423LA N/A PQI DS D2-E04230W107Pass Pass N/A 512MB AENEON AET660UD00-370A98Z 4AENEON SS AET93F370A G 0513Pass Pass N/A 256MB AENEON AET560UD00-370A98Z 4AENEON SS AET94F370AWVV34635G0520Pass Pass N/A 512MBAENEONAET660UD00-370A98Z4AENEONSSAET93F370A 3VV36328G 0522PassPassN/ASize Vendor Model CL Brand SS/DS Component DIMM socket support (Optional)512MB AENEON AET660UD00-370A98X N/A AENEON SS AET93F370A 0518Pass Pass N/A 512MB AENEON AET660UD00-370A88S N/A AENEON DS AET82F370A 0550Pass Pass N/A 1G AENEON AET760UD00-370A98Z N/A AENEON DS AET93F370A 0551Pass Pass N/A 1G AENEON AET760UD00-370A98S N/A AENEON DS AET92F370A 0606Pass Pass N/A 2G AENEON AET860UD00-370A08X N/A AENEON DS AET03F370AFVV26176G 0542Pass Pass N/A 512MB AENEON AET660UD00-30DA98Z N/A AENEON SS AET93F30DA 0552Pass Pass N/A 1G AENEON AET760UD00-30DA98Z N/A AENEON DS AET93F30DA8EE47414G 0540Pass Pass N/A 512MB AENEON AET660UD00-30DA98Z N/A AENEON SS AET93F300A 0606Pass Pass N/A 1G AENEON AET760UD00-30DA98Z N/A AENEON DS AET93F30DA 0604Pass Pass N/A512MB VERITECHGTP512HLTM46DG N/AVERITECHSS VTD264M8PC6G01A164129621Pass Pass N/A1G VERITECHGTP01GHLTM56DG N/AVERITECHDS VTD264M8PC6G01A164129621Pass Pass N/A512MB VERITECHGTP512HLTM45EG N/AVERITECHSS VTD264M8PC6G01A164129621Pass Pass N/A1G VERITECHGTP01GHLTM55EG N/AVERITECHDS VTD264M8PC6G01A164129621Pass Pass N/A512MB GEIL GX21GB5300DC4GEIT SS Heat-Sink Package Pass Pass N/A 512MB Century CENTURY 512MB N/A Nanya SS NT5TU64M8AE-3C Pass Pass N/A 512MB Century CENTURY 512MB N/A Hynix SS HY5PS12821AFP-Y5Pass Pass N/A 1G Century CENTURY 1G N/A Hynix DS HY5PS12821AFP-Y5Pass Pass N/A 1G Century CENTURY 1G N/A Nanya DS NT5TU64M8AE-3C Pass Pass N/A 512MB KINGBOX512MB 667MHz N/A KINGBOX SS EPD264082200-4Pass Pass N/ANote:A* : Supports one module inserted in any slot as Single-channel memory configurationB* : Supports one pair of modules inserted into eithor the blue slots or the black slots as one pair of Dual-channel memory configurationC* : Supports 4 modules inserted into both the blue and black slots as two pairs of Dual-channel memory configuration。


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摩萨 EDS-4012 系列 8+4G 端口(带 8 802.3bt PoE 端口选项)管理网关交换

摩萨 EDS-4012 系列 8+4G 端口(带 8 802.3bt PoE 端口选项)管理网关交换

EDS-4012Series8+4G-port (with 8802.3bt PoE port option)managed Ethernet switchesFeatures and Benefits•Developed according to the IEC 62443-4-1and compliant with the IEC62443-4-2industrial cybersecurity standards•Support for IEEE 802.3bt PoE for up to 90W output per port•Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain (recovery time <20ms @250switches)1,andRSTP/STP for network redundancy•Wide range of power input options for flexible deployment •Compact and flexible housing design to fit into confined spaces •Supports MXstudio for easy,visualized industrial network managementCertificationsIntroductionThe EDS-4012Series is a range of 12-port managed Fast Ethernet switches with the option for four 1Gbps fiber-optic uplink ports.This Series also offers models with four 10/100BaseT(X)802.3af (PoE),802.3at (PoE+),and 802.3bt-compliant Ethernet PoE port options to connect high-bandwidth PoE devices.Redundant Ethernet technologies such as Turbo Ring,Turbo Chain,and RSTP/STP increase the reliability of your system and improve the availability of your network backbone.The EDS-4012Series is designed specifically for demanding applications such as video and process monitoring,ITS,and DCS systems,all of which can benefit from a scalable backbone.The EDS-4012Series is compliant with the IEC 62443-4-2and IEC 62443-4-1Industrial Cybersecurity certifications,which cover both product security and secure development life-cycle requirements,helping our customers meet the compliance requirements of secure industrial network design.SpecificationsEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports (RJ45connector)EDS-4012-4GS-LV/-HV/-T models:8EDS-4012-4GC-LV/-HV/-T models:8Auto negotiation speed Full/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connectionPoE Ports (10/100BaseT(X),RJ45connector)EDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVA/-LVB/-T models:8100/1000BaseSFP PortsEDS-4012-4GS-LV/-HV/-T models:4EDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVA/-VB/-T models:41.If the port link speed is 1Gigabit or higher,the recovery time is <50ms.Combo Ports(10/100/1000BaseT(X)or100/EDS-4012-4GC-LV/-HV/-T models:41000BaseSFP)Standards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)and100BaseFXIEEE802.3ab for1000BaseT(X)IEEE802.3z for1000BaseXIEEE802.3x for flow controlIEEE802.3ad for Port Trunk with LACPIEEE802.1Q for VLAN TaggingIEEE802.1D-2004for Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.1w for Rapid Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.1p for Class of ServiceIEEE802.1X for authenticationEthernet Software FeaturesFilter GMRP,GVRP,GARP,802.1Q VLAN,IGMP Snooping v1/v2/v3,IGMP QuerierManagement IPv4/IPv6,Flow control,Back Pressure Flow Control,DHCP Server/Client,ARP,RARP,LLDP,Port Mirror,Linkup Delay,SMTP,SNMP Trap,SNMP Inform,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,RMON,TFTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,Telnet,Syslog,Private MIBMIB P-BRIDGE MIB,Q-BRIDGE MIB,IEEE8021-SPANNING-TREE-MIB,IEEE8021-PAE-MIB,IEEE8023-LAG-MIB,LLDP-EXT-DOT1-MIB,LLDP-EXT-DOT3-MIB,SNMPv2-MIB,RMON MIB Groups1,2,3,9Redundancy Protocols STP,RSTP,Turbo Ring v2,Turbo Chain,Ring Coupling,Dual-Homing,Link AggregationSecurity Broadcast storm protection,Rate Limit,Trust access control,Static Port Lock,MACSticky,HTTPS/SSL,SSH,RADIUS,TACACS+,Login and Password PolicyTime Management SNTP,NTP Server/Client,NTP AuthenticationProtocols IPv4/IPv6,TCP/IP,UDP,ICMP,ARP,RARP,TFTP,DNS,NTP Client,DHCP Server,DHCP Client,802.1X,QoS,HTTPS,HTTP,Telnet,SMTP,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,RMON,SyslogSwitch PropertiesMAC Table Size16KJumbo Frame Size9.216KBMax.No.of VLANs256VLAN ID Range VID1to4094IGMP Groups512Priority Queues4Packet Buffer Size1MBLED InterfaceLED Indicators PWR1,PWR2,STATE,FAULT,MSTR/HEAD,CPLR/TAIL,SYNCSerial InterfaceConsole Port RS-232(TxD,RxD,GND),8-pin RJ45(115200,n,8,1)USB InterfaceUSB Connector USB Type A(Reserved)Input/Output InterfaceAlarm Contact Channels1,Relay output with current carrying capacity of1A@24VDCDigital Input Channels1Digital Inputs+13to+30V for state1-30to+3V for state0Max.input current:8mAButtons Reset buttonDIP Switch ConfigurationDIP Switches Turbo Ring,Master,Coupler,ReservePower ParametersConnection2removable4-contact terminal block(s)Pre-installed Power Module-LV/-LV-T models:PWR-100–LV-HV/-HV-T models:PWR-105-HV-I-LVA/-LVA-T models:PWR-101-LV-BP-I-LVB/-LVB-T models:PWR-103-LV-VB-INote The EDS-4012Series supports modular power supplies.The model names and powerparameters are determined by the installed power module.For example:EDS-4012-4GS-T+PWR-100–LV=EDS-4012-4GS-LV-TEDS-4012-4GS-T+PWR-105-HV-I=EDS-4012-4GS-HV-TIf you install a different power module,refer to the specifications of the correspondingmodel.For example,if you replace the power module of the EDS-4012-4GS–LV-Twith the PWR-105–HV-I,refer to the specifications of the EDS-4012–4GS-HV-T.Input Voltage-LV/-LV-T models:12/24/48VDC,Redundant dual inputs-HV/-HV-T models:110/220VDC/VAC,Single input-LVA/-LVA-T models:48VDC,Redundant dual inputs-LVB/-LVB-T models:12/24/48VDC,Redundant dual inputsOperating Voltage-LV/-LV-T models:9.6to60VDC-HV/-HV-T models:88to300VDC,85to264VAC-LVA/-LVA-T models:44to57VDC(>52VDC for PoE+output recommended)-LVB/-LVB-T models:12to57VDC(>52VDC for PoE+output recommended)Input Current-LV/-LV-T models:12-48VDC,1.50-0.40A or24VDC,0.70A-HV/-HV-T models:110-220VAC,50-60Hz,0.30-0.20A or110-220VDC,0.30-0.20A-LVA/-LVA-T models:48VDC,5.42A-LVB/-LVB-T models:12/48VDC,7.46/4.27A or24VDC,7.26APower Consumption(Max.)EDS-4012-4GS-LV/-T models:10.52WEDS-4012-4GS-HV-/T models:12.22WEDS-4012-4GC-LV/-T models:10.7WEDS-4012-4GC-HV/-T models:13.35WEDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVA/-T models:Without PoE:13.34WWith PoE:Max.240W for total PD power consumption@48VDC inputEDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVB/-T models:Without PoE:15.32WWith PoE:Max.180W for total PD power consumption@48VDC inputMax.150W for total PD power consumption@24VDC input(Max.120W for-T model)Max.62W for total PD consumption@12VDC inputMax.PoE Power Output per Port90WOverload Current Protection SupportedReverse Polarity Protection SupportedPhysical CharacteristicsIP Rating IP40Dimensions55x140x120mm(2.17x5.51x4.72in)Weight827g(1.82lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit) Housing MetalEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:-10to60°C(14to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsIndustrial Cybersecurity IEC62443-4-1IEC62443-4-2Safety UL61010-2-201,EN62368-1(LVD)EMC EN55032/35,EN61000-6-2/-6-4EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:8kV;Air:15kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:20V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:4kV;Signal:4kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:4kV;Signal:4kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFMaritime-LV/-LV-T,PoE/PoE-T models:DNV,ABS,NK,LR Vibration IEC60068-2-6Shock IEC60068-2-27Freefall IEC60068-2-32Railway EN50121-4Traffic Control NEMA TS2Power Substation IEC61850-3,IEEE1613Class1MTBFTime EDS-4012-4GC-LV/-T models:1,036,336hrsEDS-4012-4GC-HV/-T models:497,392hrsEDS-4012-4GS-LV/-T models:874,838hrsEDS-4012-4GS-HV/-T models:456,870hrsEDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVA/-T models:799,780hrsEDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVB/-T models:759,924hrs Standards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-4012Series switchDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x product notice,Simplified Chinese1x product certificates of quality inspection,Simplified Chinese1x warranty cardDimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name 10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45Connector)PoE10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45Connector)100/1000BaseSFPSlotsCombo Ports(10/100/1000BaseT(X)or100/1000BaseSFP)OperatingVoltagePre-installedPower ModuleOperatingTemp.EDS-4012-4GS-LV8–4–9.6to60VDC PWR-100-LV-10to60°C EDS-4012-4GS-LV-T8–4–9.6to60VDC PWR-100-LV-40to75°CEDS-4012-4GS-HV8–4–88to300VDC,85to264VACPWR-105-HV-I-10to60°CEDS-4012-4GS-HV-T8–4–88to300VDC,85to264VACPWR-105-HV-I-40to75°CEDS-4012-4GC-LV8––49.6to60VDC PWR-100-LV-10to60°C EDS-4012-4GC-LV-T8––49.6to60VDC PWR-100-LV-40to75°CEDS-4012-4GC-HV8––488to300VDC,85to264VACPWR-105-HV-I-10to60°CEDS-4012-4GC-HV-T8––488to300VDC,85to264VACPWR-105-HV-I-40to75°CEDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVA–84–44to57VDC(>52VDC for PoE+outputrecommended)PWR-101-LV-BP-I-10to60°CEDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVA-T –84–44to57VDC(>52VDC for PoE+outputrecommended)PWR-101-LV-BP-I-40to75°CEDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVB–84–12to57VDC(>52VDC for PoE+outputrecommended)PWR-103-LV-VB-I-10to60°CEDS-4012-8P-4GS-LVB-T –84–12to57VDC(>52VDC for PoE+outputrecommended)PWR-103-LV-VB-I-40to75°CAccessories(sold separately)SFP ModulesSFP-1GEZXLC SFP module with11000BaseEZX port with LC connector for110km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GEZXLC-120SFP module with11000BaseEZX port with LC connector for120km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHLC SFP module with11000BaseLH port with LC connector for30km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHXLC SFP module with11000BaseLHX port with LC connector for40km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLSXLC SFP module with11000BaseLSX port with LC connector for1km/2km transmission,0to60°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GLXLC SFP module with11000BaseLX port with LC connector for10km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GSXLC SFP module with11000BaseSX port with LC connector for300m/550m transmission,0to60°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GZXLC SFP module with11000BaseZX port with LC connector for80km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLH port with LC connector for30km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLHX port with LC connector for40km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GLSXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLSX port with LC connector for1km/2km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GLXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLX port with LC connector for10km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GSXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseSX port with LC connector for300m/550m transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GZXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseZX port with LC connector for80km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1G10ALC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G10BLC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20ALC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20BLC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40ALC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40BLC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G10ALC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G10BLC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20ALC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20BLC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40ALC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40BLC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1FELLC-T SFP module with1100Base single-mode with LC connector for80km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1FEMLC-T SFP module with1100Base multi-mode,LC connector for2/4km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1FESLC-T SFP module with1100Base single-mode with LC connector for40km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperaturePower SuppliesHDR-60-2460W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply,universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input voltage,-30to70°C operating temperatureNDR-120-24120W/5.0A DIN-rail24VDC power supply,universal90to264VAC or127to370VDC input voltage,-20to70°C operating temperatureNDR-120-48120W/2.5A DIN-rail48VDC power supply,universal90to264VAC or127to370VDC input voltage,-20to70°C operating temperatureNDR-240-48240W/5.0A DIN-rail48VDC power supply,universal90to264VAC or127to370VDC input voltage,-20to70°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperature©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Jun17,2022.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。



液晶品牌与型号电源管理芯片型号与封装可代换型号xaslipyelBENQ 71G+1200AP40 直插1200AP10 1200AP60AOC 712SI EA1532A贴片xaslipyel三星940BW DM0565Rxaslipyel优派型号忘记 TOP245YNxaslipyelLG W1934S TOP246YNxaslipyel飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz 贴片xaslipyelLG型号忘记 LAF0001 可以用FAN7601代xaslipyel飞利浦170s6 dap02alsz=sg6841xaslipyelHP17驱动高压电源全一体 SG5841SZ贴片,可用SG6841DZ 代用。

xaslipyel联想后来出的像IBM的 17的,SG6841DZ 可用SG6841D代用xaslipyel三星型号忘记 DM0465R(我记得还有这么一款的)xaslipyel飞利浦170c7 EA1532A贴片xaslipyel200D6、203D6、DAP8A 三种可以代用xaslipyel优派VA1703WB ld7552bps 贴片xaslipyel其他我知道的常用型号有xaslipyelSG6841DZ 贴片很多机器上用到xaslipyelSG5841SZ 贴片用SG6841DZ可以代用,xaslipyel美格WB9 LD7575PS清华同方 XP911W LD7575PS联想LXM -WL19AH LXM-WL19BH LD7575PS(早期有的用:NCP1203D6)联想LXM-17CH: 1203D6方正17寸:1203D6与LD7575PS方正19寸:LD7575PSBenQ: FP94VW FP73G FP71G+S FP71G+G FP71GX等都是用:1200AP40 LG 22(南京同创):LAF001与STR W6252 。

LG 19寸:LAF001 联想L193(福建-捷联代工):NCP1203D6PHILIPS 170S5 (FAN7601)还有LD7575可用203D6代用,只是1脚的对地电阻不同,LD7575是100K,203D6是24.1K,LP7552可用SG6841代用希望大家都列下来,这样子备PWM IC的时候就有个数了,知道买什么样子的电源管理芯片备用着,有时候手上没有,知道是电源管理坏了在那里干着急,反正PWM IC便宜的,可以每样备个2个,以备不时之需介绍几个LCD液晶显示器电源IC的代换希望能帮上大家.DAP8A\DAP7A\LD7575\203D6可以直接代换DAP02\SG5841\SG6841可以直接代换1200AP40\1200AP60\1203P60可以直接代换DM0465R\CM0565R\DM0565R可以直接代换TOP246Y\TOP247Y可以直接代换常见显示器IC代换OCP5001-----------TL5001AMC3100----------LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104 OCP2150----------- LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104 ACT6906----------- LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104 OCP2160-----------LTC3407AMC34063A-----------AMC34063AMC7660------------AJC1564ACT4060--------------ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065------------ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070----------ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430 AMC2576-------LM2576AMC2596-------LM2596OCP2576--------LM2576OMC2596-------LM2596/AP1501VA7910---------MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610SM9621---------RJ9621/AJC1642PT1301----------RJ9266PT4101----------AJC1648/MP3202PT4102----------LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540 ACT6311-------LT1937SP1937-----------LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540 OCP3601---------MB3800OCP1451---------TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200电源IC STR-G5643D G5653D G8653D 直接代换203D6和DAP8A 直接代换1200AP40和1200AP60直接代换5S0765和DP104、DP704直接代换DP804和DP904直接代换2S0680和2S0880直接代换TEA1507和TEA1533直接代换三星的DP104,704,804可以用5S0765代换,DP904不能用任何块代换行场振荡、场输出、视频ICTDA9109和SID2511、KB2511、STV7779直接代换TDA9103和STV7778直接代换TDA9112和TDA9113直接代换TDA9115和TDA9116、STV6888直接代换TDA9118和STV9118直接代换TDA8172和TDA9302、TDA8177直接代换TDA1675 和DBL2056直接代换TDA9210和STV9210直接代换LM1203和LM2203、DBL2054直接代换TDA9116用STV6888代换,TDA4856可以用TDA4841PS代换,TDA9112可以用TDA9113代换,S1D2511可以用TDA9109代换203D6200D6LD7575DAP8A203X6直接代换SG6841SG5841DAPO2直接代换DM0456 DM0565直接代换1200AP401200AP601203AP10直接代。



1200AP40 1200AP60、1203P60200D6、203D6 DAP8A 可互代203D6/1203P6 DAP8A2S0680 2S08803S0680 3S08805S0765 DP104、DP7048S0765C DP704加24V的稳压二极管ACT4060 ZA3020LV/MP1410/MP9141ACT4065 ZA3020/MP1580ACT4070 ZA3030/MP1583/MP1591MP1593/MP1430 ACT6311 LT1937ACT6906 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC2576 LM2576AMC2596 LM2596AMC3100 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104AMC34063A AMC34063AMC7660 AJC1564AP8012 VIPer12AAP8022 VIPer22ADAP02 可用SG5841 /SG6841代换DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP02ALSZ SG6841DAP7A、DP8A 203D6、1203P6DH321、DL321 Q100、DM0265RDM0465R DM/CM0565RDM0465R/DM0565R 用cm0565r代换(取掉4脚的稳压二极管)DP104 5S0765DP704 5S0765DP706 5S0765DP804 DP904FAN7601 LAF0001LD7552 可用SG6841代(改4脚电阻)LD7575PS 203D6改1脚100K电阻为24KOB2268CP OB2269CPOB2268CP SG6841改4脚100K电阻为20-47KOCP1451 TL1451/BA9741/SP9741/AP200OCP2150 LTC3406/AT1366/MP2104OCP2160 LTC3407OCP2576 LM2576OCP3601 MB3800OCP5001 TL5001OMC2596 LM2596/AP1501PT1301 RJ9266PT4101 AJC1648/MP3202PT4102 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540SG5841SZ SG6841DZ/SG6841DSM9621 RJ9621/AJC1642SP1937 LT1937/AJC1896/AP1522/RJ9271/MP1540STR-G5643D STR-G5653D、STR-G8653DTEA1507 TEA1533TEA1530 TEA1532对应引脚功能接入THX202H TFC719THX203H TFC718STOP246Y TOP247YVA7910 MAX1674/75 L6920 AJC1610VIPer12A VIPer22A[audio01]ICE2A165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2A265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2B0565(0.5A/650V.23W):ICE2B165(1A/650V.31W);ICE2B265(2A/650V.52W);ICE2A180(1A/800V.29W);ICE2A280(2A/800.50W).KA5H0365R, KA5M0365R, KA5L0365R, KA5M0365RN# u) t! u1 W1 B) R, PKA5L0365RN, KA5H0380R, KA5M0380R, KA5L0380R1、KA5Q1265RF/RT(大小两种体积)、KA5Q0765、FSCQ1265RT、KACQ1265RF、FSCQ0765RT、FSCQ1565Q这是一类的,这些型号的引脚功能全都一样,只是输出功率不一样。



April 2015
DocID027797 Rev 1

For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office
1 Overview .......................................................................................... 3
Pin 1
GLeabharlann G1FM7139011_F_48
Table 2: Flexiwatt 27 (vertical) package mechanical data Dimensions Ref Min. A B C D E F
(2) (1)
Millimeters Typ. 4.50 1.90 1.40 0.90 0.39 1.00 26.00 Max. 4.65 2.00 1.05 0.42 0.57 1.20 26.25 Min. 0.1752 0.0709 0.0295 0.0146 0.0315 1.0138
Table 1: Device summary Order code STPA008-4WX STPA008-QIX STPA008-48X STPA008-J7X STPA008-HLX Package Flexiwatt25 (vertical) Flexiwatt25 (horizontal) Flexiwatt27 Flexiwatt25 (exp. pad) Flexiwatt27 (exp. pad) Packing Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube

Magnet Contact Switch Featuring LoRaWAN WS301 User

Magnet Contact Switch Featuring LoRaWAN WS301 User

Magnet Contact Switch Featuring LoRaWAN®WS301User GuideSafety PrecautionsMilesight will not shoulder responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from not following the instructions of this operating guide.The device must not be remodeled in any way.In order to protect the security of the device,please change device the password when first configuration.The default password is123456.Do not place the device close to objects with naked flames.Do not place the device where the temperature is below/above the operating range.Make sure electronic components do not drop out of the enclosure while opening.When installing the battery,please install it accurately,and do not install the reverse or wrong model.The device must never be subjected to shocks or impacts.Declaration of ConformityWS301is in conformity with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the CE, FCC,and RoHS.Copyright©2011-2023Milesight.All rights reserved.All information in this guide is protected by copyright law.Whereby,no organization or individual shall copy or reproduce the whole or part of this user guide by any means without written authorization from Xiamen Milesight IoT Co.,Ltd.For assistance,please contactMilesight technical support:Email:*************************Support Portal:Tel:86-592-5085280Fax:86-592-5023065Address:Building C09,Software Park III,Xiamen361024,ChinaRevision HistoryDate Doc Version DescriptionApr.13,2021V1.0Initial versionJune30,2021V1.1Delete power button featuresDec.9,2021V1.21.Add Milesight D2D controller feature;2.Delete low power alarm interval,device only uplinks once when battery level is lower than10%.Jan.13,2023V1.31.Add Single-Channel mode;2.Add Milesight D2D LoRa Uplink feature.Contents1.Product Introduction (5)1.1Overview (5)1.2Features (5)2.Hardware Introduction (5)2.1Packing List (5)2.2Hardware Overview (6)2.3LED Patterns (6)2.4Dimensions(mm) (6)3.Operation Guide (7)3.1NFC Configuration (7)3.2LoRaWAN Settings (8)3.3General Settings (10)3.4Milesight D2D Settings (11)3.5Maintenance (12)3.5.1Upgrade (12)3.5.2Backup (12)3.5.3Reset to Factory Default (13)4.Installation (14)5.Device Payload (15)5.1Basic Information (15)5.2Sensor Data (15)5.3Downlink Commands (16)1.Product Introduction1.1OverviewWS301simply enables you to know when someone enters the office/building through a door /window or something has been moved.The minimal magnet is placed inside the portable part,while the sensor is inside the fixed part that can be attached to door/window or other objects.W S301can be easily mounted on the doors,panes,or cabinets,greatly providing real applications for smart homes,smart offices or smart factories.Sensor data are transmitted in real-time using the standard LoRaWAN ®protocol.LoRaWAN ®enables encrypted radio transmissions over long distances while consuming very little power.The user can obtain sensor data and view the trend of data change through Milesight IoT Cloud or through the user's own Application Server.1.2Features●Up to 15km communication range ●Easy configuration via NFC ●Standard LoRaWAN ®support ●Milesight IoT Cloud compliant ●Low power consumption with 1200mAh replaceable battery2.Hardware Introduction2.1Packing List1×WS301Sensor 2×Mounting Screws 1×Quick GuideIf any of the above items is missing or damaged,please contact your sales representative.2.2Hardware Overview Sensor:Magnet:2.3LED Patterns FunctionAction LED Indicator Door/Window StatusSwitch On/Off (network unregistered)Red ,blink once Switch On/Off (network registered)Green ,blink once Network StatusSend join network requests Red ,blink once Joined the network successfully Green ,blink twice Tamper DetectionThe device is un-installed (tamper is detected)Red ,blink once The device is installed Green ,blink once RebootPress and hold the reset button (internal)for more than 3seconds Slowly Blinks Reset to FactoryDefault Press and hold the reset button (internal)for more than 10seconds Quickly Blinks2.4Dimensions (mm)3.Operation Guide3.1NFC ConfigurationWS301can be configured via a NFC supported mobile phone.1.Pull out the battery insulating sheet to power on the device.The indicator will light up in green for3 seconds when device turns on.2.Download and install“Milesight ToolBox”App from Google Play or Apple Store.3.Enable NFC on the smartphone and open Milesight ToolBox.4.Attach the smartphone with NFC area to the device to read device information.5.Basic information and settings of devices will be shown on ToolBox if it’s recognized successfully.You can read and configure the device by tapping the Read/Write button on the App.In order to protect the security of devices,password validation is required when first configuration.The default password is123456.Note:1)Ensure the location of smartphone NFC area and it’s recommended to take off phone case.2)If the smartphone fails to read/write configurations via NFC,keep the phone away and backto try again.3)WS301can also be configured by ToolBox software via a dedicated NFC reader provided by Milesight IoT,you can also configure it via TTL interface inside the device.3.2LoRaWAN SettingsGo to Device>Setting>LoRaWAN Settings of ToolBox App to configure join type,App EUI,App Key and other information.You can also keep all settings by default.Parameters DescriptionDevice EUI Unique ID of the device which can also be found on the label.App EUI Default App EUI is24E124C0002A0001.Application Port The port used for sending and receiving data,default port is85.Join Type OTAA and ABP modes are available.LoRaWAN Version V1.0.2,V1.0.3are available.Work Mode It’s fixed as Class A.Application Key Appkey for OTAA mode,default is5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823. Device Address DevAddr for ABP mode,default is the5th to12th digits of SN.Network SessionNwkskey for ABP mode,default is5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823.KeyApplicationSession KeyAppskey for ABP mode,default is 5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823.RX2Data RateRX2data rate to receive downlinks or send D2D commands.RX2Frequency RX2frequency to receive downlinks or send D2D commands.Unit:HzChannel Mode Select Standard-Channel mode or Single-Channel mode.When Single-Channelmode is enabled,only one channel can be selected to send uplinks.Pleaseenable Single-Channel mode if you connect device to DS7610.Channel Enable or disable the frequency to send uplinks.If frequency is one of CN470/AU915/US915,enter the index of the channel that you want to enable and make them separated by commas.Examples:1,40:Enabling Channel 1and Channel 401-40:Enabling Channel 1to Channel 401-40,60:Enabling Channel 1to Channel 40and Channel 60All:Enabling all channelsNull:Indicates that all channels are disabledSpread Factor If ADR is disabled,the device will send data via this spread factor.Confirmed Mode If the device does not receive ACK packet from network server,it will resend data3times at most.Rejoin Mode Reporting interval≤30mins:the device will send a specific number of LinkCheckReq MAC packets to the network server every30mins to validate connectivity;If there is no response,the device will re-join the network. Reporting interval>30mins:the device will senda specific number of LinkCheckReq MAC packets to the network server every reporting interval to validate connectivity;If there is no response,the device will re-join the network.Set the number ofpackets sentWhen rejoin mode is enabled,set the number of LinkCheckReq packets sent.ADR Mode Allow network server to adjust datarate of the device.This only works with Standard Channel Mode.Tx Power Transmit power of device.Note:1)Please contact sales for device EUI list if there are many units.2)Please contact sales if you need random App keys before purchase.3)Select OTAA mode if you use Milesight IoT cloud to manage devices.4)Only OTAA mode supports rejoin mode.5)For-868M model,the default frequency is EU868;for-915M model,the default frequency is AU915.3.3General SettingsGo to Device>Setting>General Settings of ToolBox App to change the reporting interval,etc.Parameters DescriptionReporting Interval Reporting interval of magnet,tamper and battery level to network server. Default:1080mins,Range:1-1080minsNote:WS301will also transmit alarm when magnet status is changed ortamper button is activated.LED Indicator Enable or disable the light indicating in chapter2.3. Note:The indicator of reset button is not allowed to disable.Change Password Change the password for ToolBox App to write this device.3.4Milesight D2D SettingsMilesight D2D protocol is developed by Milesight and used for setting up transmission among Milesight devices without gateway.When the Milesight D2D setting is enabled,WS301can work as a Milesight D2D controller to send control commands to trigger Milesight D2D agent devices.1.Configure RX2datarate and RX2frequency in LoRaWAN®settings,it is suggested to change the default value if there are many LoRaWAN®devices around.2.Go to Device>Settings>D2D Settings to enable D2D function,and define an unique Milesight D2D key which is the same as Milesight D2D agent devices,then select the fr equency and spreading factor.(Default Milesight D2D Key:5572404C696E6B4C6F5261323 0313823)3.Enable one of WS301status and configure a2-byte hexadecimal command(This command is pre-defined in Milesight D2D agent device).When WS301detects this status,it will send the control command to corresponding Milesight D2D agent devices.Note:If you enable LoRa Uplink feature,LoRaWAN®uplink packet that contains the sensor’s magnet status will be sent to gateway after the Milesight D2D control command is sent.3.5Maintenance3.5.1Upgrade1.Download firmware from Milesight website to your smartphone.2.Open Toolbox App and click Browse to import firmware and upgrade the device.Note:1)Operation on ToolBox is not supported during an upgrade.2)Only Android version ToolBox supports the upgrade feature.3.5.2BackupWS301supports configuration backup for easy and quick device configuration in bulk.Backup is allowed only for devices with the same model and LoRa frequency band.1.Go to Template page on the App and save current settings as a template.You can also edit the template file.2.Select one template file that saved in the smartphone and click Write,then attach it to another device to write configuration.configurations.3.5.3Reset to Factory DefaultPlease select one of the following methods to reset device:Via Hardware:Hold on the reset button inside the device for more than10s.After reset complete, the indicator will blink in green twice and device will reboot.Via ToolBox App:Go to Device>Maintenance to click Reset,then attach smartphone with NFCarea to device to complete reset.4.Installation3M Tapes Fix:Tear the3M tapes of both parts,then make sure the magnet part is placed inside the door (portable part)and sensor is inside the door frame(fixed part).For double doors,put every parton each door.Screw Fix:Remove the cover of both parts,screw the covers on the mounting positions,then install backthe devices.Note:1.The notch side of magnet should face the notch side of sensor,otherwise it may affect the sensitivity of on/off detection.2.The plane distance between sensor and magnet should not be more than15mm,and the height difference should be less than7.5mm.5.Device PayloadAll data are based on the following format(HEX),the Data field should follow little-endian: Channel1Type1Data1Channel2Type2Data2Channel3...1Byte1Byte N Bytes1Byte1Byte M Bytes1Byte...For decoder examples please find files on https:///Milesight-IoT/SensorDecoders. 5.1Basic InformationWS301reports basic information of sensor whenever joining the network.Channel Type Descriptionff01(Protocol Version)01=>V108(Device SN)12digits09(Hardware Version)0140=>V1.40a(Software Version)0114=>V1.140b(Power On)Device is on0f(Device Type)00:Class A,01:Class B,02:Class C ff0bff ff0101ff086538b2232131ff090100ff0a0102ff0f00Channel Type Value Channel Type Valueff0b(Power On)ff(Reserved)ff01(Protocol Version)01(V1)Channel Type Value Channel Type Valueff 08(DeviceSN)6538b2232131ff09(Hardware version)0100(V1.0)Channel Type Value Channel Type Valueff0a(Softwareversion)0102(V1.2)ff0f(Device Type)00(Class A)5.2Sensor DataWS301reports open/close status and tamper status as follows: According to reporting interval;WhenChannel Type Description0175(Battery Level)UINT8,Unit:%0300(Magnet Status)00=>Switch close 01=>Switch open0400(Tamper Status)00=>Device is installed 01=>Device is un-installed017564030000040001Channel Type Value Channel Type Value0175(Battery)64=>100%0300(Magnet Status)00(Close)Channel Type Value0400(Tamper Status)01(Un-installed)5.3Downlink CommandsWS301supports downlink commands to configure the device.The application port is85by default.Channel Type Descriptionff03(Set Reporting Interval)2Bytes,unit:sExample:Setff03b004Channel Type Valueff 03(Set ReportingInterval)b004=>04b0=1200s=20minutes-END-。

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APPROVAL SHEETAOT MODEL NAME ATW3014-01AOT PART NUMBER 3014PW21F-N10-A-8AA-I07XXCUSTOMER NAME General CustomerDATE 2010/AugustVERSION 1MAKER CUSTOMERPrepared Checked ApprovedAOT HeadquartersNo. 13, Gongye 5th. Road, Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hukou Shiang,Hsinchu Hsien 303, Taiwan, R.O.C.TEL: +886-3-597-6988 / FAX: +886-3-598-7392Revision NoteDate Revision Page Version2010-08-25 Initiate Document 1~15 1Package OutlineType Number: 3014PW21F-N10-A-8AA-I07XX Unit: mm, Tolerance: ± 0.2 mmLED chipCathodeItem MaterialsPackage Heat-Resistant PolymerEncapsulating Material Silicone (with phosphor)Electrode Ag Plating Copper Alloy•Single blue chip.•High brightness SMD.•Compact package outline (LxWxH) of 3.0 mm x 1.4 mm x 0.8 mm. •Compatible with reflow soldering.•Complies with RoHS Directive.Optical/Electronic Characteristics (Ta=25°C)Item Symbol Condition Value Unit Forward Voltage V F I F = 20 mA 2.6 ~ 3.6 V Luminous Flux ΦI F = 20mA 4.25 ~ 6.5 lm Reverse Current I R V R=5V ≤5µA* V F measurement allowance is ±0.05V* Dominant wavelength measurement allowance is ±1nm* Luminous intensity is NIST reading. Luminous intensity tolerance: ±7%Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C)Item Symbol Maximum Value Unit Forward Current I30 mAFPeak Pulse Forward Current; (1kHz,1/10 duty cycle) I100 mAFPReverse Voltage. V5 VRLED Junction Temperature. T125 °CjOperating Temperature. T-30 ~ +85 °CoprStorage Temperature. T-40 ~ +100 °CstgPower Dissipation P105 mWDSoldering Temperature TReflow Soldering 260℃,10secsldGroup Definition of Forward VoltageRank ConditionV F (V) 1T a =25oC I F =20mA2.6 ~3.6Group Definition of Brightness*A shipment shall consist of the LEDs of a combination of different ranks of luminance intensity,wavelength and forward voltage. The percentage of each rank in the shipment shall be determined by AOT *The ranking information of LEDs can be found on the reel label.Rank Condition Luminuous Flux(lm)W425 4.25 ~ 4.50 W450 4.50 ~ 4.75 W475 4.75 ~ 5.00 W500 5.00 ~ 5.25 W525 5.25 ~ 5.50 W550 5.50 ~ 5.75 W575 5.75 ~ 6.00 W600 6.00 ~ 6.25 W625T a =25oC I F =20mA6.25 ~ 6.50Chromaticity coordinate groups are measured with an accuracy of ±0.01.Optical/Electronic CharacteristicsForward Current vs. Relative Luminosity Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageSpectrum Radiation Patterno10o30o20oRecommended Reflow Soldering ConditionsSurface Mounting ConditionIn automatic mounting of the SMD LEDs on printed circuit boards, any bending, expanding and pulling forces or shock against the SMD LEDs should be kept min. to prevent them from electrical failures and mechanical damages of the devices.Soldering Reflow-Soldering of the SMD LEDs should conform to the soldering condition in the individual specifications. -SMD LEDs are designed for Reflow Soldering.-In the reflow soldering, too high temperature and too large temperature gradient such as rapid heating/cooling may cause electrical & optical failures and damages of the devices.-AOT cannot guarantee the LEDs after they have been assembled using the solder dipping method. 1) Lead Solder2) Lead-free Solder3) Manual Soldering Conditions- Lead SolderMax. 300 o C for Max. 3sec, and only one time.- Lead-free SolderMax. 350 o C for Max. 3sec, and only one time.- There is possibility that the brightness of LEDs is decreased, which is influenced by heat or ambient atmosphere during reflow. It is recommended to use the nitrogen reflow method.- After LEDs have been soldered, repair should not be done. As repair is unavoidable, a double-head soldering iron should be used. It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the LEDs will be damaged by repairing or not.- Reflow soldering should not be done more than two times.Taping and OrientationQuantity: 2,500 pcs/reelUnit:mmItem Standard Tolerance Item StandardTolerance W 8.00 +0.3 -0.1 P 2 2.00 ±0.05 E 1.75 ±0.10 t 0.25 ±0.02 F 3.50 ±0.05 A 0 1.53 ±0.10 D 0 1.50 ±0.10 B 0 3.20 ±0.10 D 1 1.00 ±0.25 K 0 1.00 ±0.10 P 04.00±0.10α α -+Reel Label DefinitionLBin(Vf/Iv/CIE) :Vendor PN :CD4WW3001-AA00 SN :a : customer part numberb : forward voltage rangec : brightness ranged : CIE range e : min Vf f : max Vfg : min Ivh : max Ivnn : quantity of LEDAYMDxxxx –xxxx : A: AOT, Y: year, M: month, D: day, xxxx-xxx : serial No. SYMDxxxx: S: AOT factory , Y: year, M: month, D: day, xxxx : serial NoPN : aLot No :AYMDxxxx -xxx:Qty :nn EABin(Vf/Iv/CIE) :b-c-dVendor PN :3014PW21F-N10-A-8AASN :SYMDxxxxNo. Test ItemStandard TestTest Note Number ofMethod Conditions Damaged1 Steady State Operating Life Internal Ref. I F =20 mATa=25 oC 1000 hr 0/20 2 Thermal ShockJESD22-A106-A -40 oC ~ 85 oC Hold 30 min 84 cycles 0/20 3 High TemperatureStorage JESD22-A103-A Ta=125 oC 500 hr 0/20 4 Low TemperatureStorage Internal Ref. Ta=-40 o C 500 hr 0/20 5 High Temperature High Humidity JESD22-A101-B Ta=85 o C RH=85% 500 hr 0/20 6On-Off TestInternal Ref.2 sec ON - 2sec OFF100,000 cycles0/20Criteria for Judging Damage* U.S.L: Upper Standard Level * L.S.L: Lower Standard LevelCautions1. Storage ConditionsBefore opening the package:The LEDs should be kept at 30 or less and 90%RH or less. The LEDs should be used ℃within a year. When storing the LEDs, moisture proof packaging with absorbent material is recommended. After opening the package:The LEDs should be kept at 30 or less and 70%RH or less. The LEDs should ℃ be soldered within 168 hours (7days) after opening the package. If unused LEDs remain, they should be stored in moisture proof packages, such as sealed containers with packages of moisture absorbent material.Criteria for Judgement ItemSymbol Test ConditionsMin. Max. Forward Voltage V F I F =20mA - *U.S.L×1.1 Reverse Current I R V R =5V - *U.S.L×2.0 Luminous IntensityI VI F =20mA*L.S.L×0.7 -It is also recommended to return the LEDs to the original moisture proof bag and to reseal the moisture proof bag again.If the moisture absorbent material (silica gel) has faded away or the LEDs have exceeded the storage time, baking treatment should be performed using the following conditions.℃Baking treatment : more than 24 hours at 65 ± 5 .AOT LED electrodes are gold plated. The gold surface may be affected by environments which contain corrosive substances. Please avoid conditions which may cause the LED to corrode, tarnish or discolor. This corrosion or discoloration may cause difficulty during soldering operations; it is recommended that the User use the LEDs as soon as possible.2. Please avoid rapid transitions in ambient temperature especially in high humidity environmentwhere condensation can occur.3. Heat generation must be taken into design consideration when using the LED.4. It is recommended to have protection circuit. Over current might damage the devices or causewavelenth shift.5. Manual tip solder might cause damage to chips. It is recommended that the power of the ironshould be lower than 15W, with temperature control. The iron should be applied less than 5 seconds at 230~260 deg C (The device would be damaged in the reworking process if overheat overtime.)6. All equipment and machinery must be properly grounded. It is recommended to use a wristband oranti-electrostatic glove when handling the LED.7. Use IPA as a solvent for cleaning the LED. The other solvent may dissolve the LED package andthe silicon. Ultrasonic cleaning is not recommended.8. Damaged LED will show unusual characteristics such as remarkably high leaking current, turn-onvoltage becomes lower and the LED gets unlighted at low current.9. The encapsulated material of the LEDs is silicone. Therefore the LEDs have a soft surface on thetop of package. The pressure to the top surface will be influence to the reliability of the LEDs Precautions should be taken to avoid the strong pressure on the encapsulated part. So when using the chip mounter, the picking up nozzle that does not affect the silicone resin should be used.NOTE.All the information published is considered to be reliable. However, AOT does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein.AOT reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice to any products in order to improve reliability, function or design.AOT products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval from the managing director of AOT.。
