特斯拉 Powerwall 2 安装指南说明书

Power + Tesla Powerwall 2 Installation GuideImages courtesy of Tesla inc.PRE-INSTALLATIONPrepare your homeTo ensure quick and efficient installation, clear the ground, wall space and any key access points for installers to work.Some installers may use a small dolly to move Tesla Powerwall 2 around. Minimum clearances required for installation of Tesla Powerwall 2 and the Backup Gateway are shown below.Internet accessTesla Powerwall 2 requires an active home Internet connection (wired or wireless), which allows you to monitor your Tesla Powerwall 2 system with the Tesla app. Identify where your home router is located and have login information available.While a wired or wireless home network is preferred for best performance and redundancy, if one is not available, Tesla Powerwall 2 can use an internal cellular connection to the internet.BackupGateway >>>>Images courtesy of Tesla inc.Images courtesy of Tesla inc.More installation iformation can be found at/support/energy/powerwall/install/pre-installationINSTALLATION DAY Plan aheadYou will need to be at home and available throughout the dayof your installation. You will be without power for approximately four hours.> A Powerwall 2 installation team, made up of two to three installers, will arrive in the morning. If you are installing solar, the solar installation team will be scheduled on a different day and will include a team of up to four people. HCE expects the teams to be friendly, professional, and dressed in clothing representing the installation company and/or Tesla. > Installation time will depend on the size of your system and the complexity of the electrical work required. A typical Powerwall installation will take a full day to complete.> Plan for the power to be out for roughly four to six hours. If additional electrical work is required, the power could be out for up to eight hours or more. This includes refrigerators, heating and cooling systems and your home Internet connection. The team will take care to provide the least amount of interruption to the homeowners as possible. > The team will walk through the site, including exterior and interior of the home to assess possible locations for the battery installation.> The location will be discussed and agreed upon by the homeowner and the installation team.Images courtesy of Tesla inc.TESLA POWERWALL 2 OPERATING MODESSELF-POWEREDIn this mode, the Tesla Powerwall 2 will maximize the self-consumption of an onsite solar system by the home. It does this by storing up power generated by the rooftop solar system during the day and using the stored power as needed to power the home. Tesla estimates that the ability to store daytime solar generation and use it back from the battery at night roughly doubles the amount of solar energy that directly powers your home. In this mode, the homeowner is also able to select the minimum amount of power saved as a reserve in the event of a power outage as a percentage from 0–100%. /support/energy/powerwall/mobile-app/ self-powered-modeBACKUP-ONLYAs a residential battery, one of the primary functions of the Tesla Powerwall 2 is to provide backup power in the event of an HCE power outage. In the event the outage lasts for an extended period, the Tesla Powerwall 2 can actually recharge itself from a roof-top solar power system. This capability means that while your neighbors might be without grid power for hours, days, or even weeks, a solar-connected Tesla Powerwall 2 system can effectively keep your home powered indefinitely, within the constraints of the size of the solar system and the number of Tesla Powerwall 2s installed, of course. In this mode, the amount of stored energy reserved for backup power can be set as a percentage from 0-100%./support/energy/powerwall/mobile-app/ backup-only-mode ADVANCED TIME-BASED CONTROLThe Tesla Powerwall 2 is connected to the internet and has brains to match, which works to optimize the cost of energy for customers with electricity rates that vary depending on the time of day or the season. With Advanced Time-Based Control, the Tesla Powerwall 2 actively works to maximize the valueof the solar generation and the energy usage of the home from the grid to intelligently charge and discharge based on the time and price of energy. /support/energy/powerwall/mobile-app/ time-based-controlGRID SERVICESTesla Powerwall 2 customers participating in Distribution Flexibility programs now know when their systems are benefiting the grid and can track Grid Services energy and power usage. Grid Services are only available in areas, like HCE, where the utility offers a program so it will not show up as an option in the app for all Powerwall 2 owners. As an HCE Power+ participant, Grid Services will be enabled and optimized by HCE.STORM WATCHStorm Watch automatically detects incoming storms and prepares for them by keeping energy stored in the Tesla Powerwall 2. For Tesla Powerwall 2 customers with backup and in selected regions such as ours, HCE will automatically detect incoming storms and charge the Powerwall 2 completely to ensure power is available in the event of a weath-er-related grid outage. Owners can manually turn this off from the app./support/energy/powerwall/mobile-app/ additional-modes> Tesla’s Powerwall 2 can be installed as a ground-mount installation or mounted to a wall, depending on what is best for the location where it is being installed. It is touch safe, meaning it does not need any special clearances nor does it come with any specific safety setbacks. > Tesla Powerwall 2 and Backup Gateway units are rated for installation indoors or outdoors, and can operate within a wide range of tempera-tures, from -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C), though the optimum temperatures for Tesla Powerwall 2 op-eration are between 32°F to 86°F (0°C and 30°C). Because our daily average temperature is outside of the optimum zone, HCE cannot allow outdoor installation until our winter 2020/2021 testing period has ended. At this time HCE will determine the path forward on outdoor installations.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT TESLAFOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Holy Cross Energy970-947-5473Your Community.Your Co-op.Your Choice. Images courtesy of Tesla inc.。
特斯拉Gen3 壁挂式连接器手册 国标手柄,三相说明书

第三代壁挂式连接器手册国标手柄,三相重要安全信息 (2)产品规格 (4)壁挂式连接器标签 (5)电源选项 (6)断路器额定参数/最大输出 (7)使用壁挂式连接器 (9)功能 (10)网络连接 (10)托管式接入点 (10)本地网络 (10)剩余电流检测 (RCD) (11)保护 (11)电力中断 (11)固件更新 (11)温度监测 (11)壁挂式连接器外部组件 (13)壁挂式连接器内部组件 (14)包装清单 (15)工具 (16)安装注意事项 (17)安装步骤 (19)第 1、2、3 步:准备和安装接线背板 (19)第 4 步:调整导线尺寸并进行布线 (21)第 5 步:对电线执行剥线操作并将其固定在接线背板端子上 (22)第 6 步:将主单元固定到接线背板上 (23)初始设置程序 (24)壁挂式连接器 LED (25)指示灯代码 (25)故障代码 (26)质保信息 (27)责任限制 (28)争议解决 (29)重要安全信息使用本产品前,请通读说明。
壁挂式连接器内置有 B 型 RCD。
本手册包含 Tesla 第三代壁挂式连接器的重要说明,安装、操作和维护期间应遵循这些说明。
特斯拉Transit Connect车载拖车配件说明说明书

Trailer Lamps
1. Electronically Controlled Brakes usually provide automatic and manual control of trailer brakes. They require that the tow vehicle be equipped with a controlling device and additional wiring for electrical power. These brakes typically have a control box installed within reach of the driver and can be applied manually or automatically.
Vehicle Line Transit Connect
Frontal Area Limitations/
20 sq. ft.
All Applications
Frontal Area is the total area in square feet that a moving vehicle and trailer exposes to air resistance. The chart shows the limitations that must be considered in selecting a vehicle/ trailer combination. Exceeding these limitations may significantly reduce the performance of your towing vehicle.
2015年特斯拉Model S用户指南说明书

2015 T au r u sQuick Reference GuideThis Quick Re fe re nce Guide is not inte nde d to re place your ve hicle Owne r’s Manual which contains more de taile d information conce rning the fe ature s of your vehicle, as well as important safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk of injury to you and your passengers. Ple ase re ad your e ntire Owne r’s Manual care fully as you be gin le arning about your ne w ve hicle and re fe r to the appropriate chapte rs whe n que stions arise. All information containe d in this Quick Re fe re nce Guide was accurate at the time of duplication. We reserve the right to change features, operation and/or functionality of any vehicle specification at any time. Your Ford dealer is the be st source for the most curre nt information. For de taile d ope rating and safe ty information, ple ase consult your Owner’s Manual.November 2014 Second PrintingQuick Reference GuideTaurusLitho in U.S.A.Ford Customer Relationship Center 1-800-392-3673 (FORD)(TDD for the hearing impaired: 1-800-232-5952)@FordServiceFord Customer Relationship Centre 1-800-565-3673 (FORD)ford.ca@FordServiceCATABLE OF CONTENTSINSTRUMENT PANEL 4–5GETTING STARTEDWITH YOUR SYNC SYSTEM 6–7SYNC WITH MYFORD TOUCH 8–10COMFORT11–13CONVENIENCE 14–15FUNCTION16–17ESSENTIAL INFORMATION18–19ENTERTAINMENT NAVIGATION **BASIC COMMANDSPHONECLIMATE **W A R N I N Gford.caSOON LIGHT Lights briefly when you switch on the ignition. If it remains on or is blinking after you start INSTRUMENT2374658GETTING STARTED WITH YOUR SYNC® SYSTEMSYNC is a hands-free, voice recognition system used for entertainment, information and communication. SYNC. SAY THE WORD.BEFORE YOU GET STARTED1)S et up your owner account at (U.S.)or SyncMyRide.ca (Canada). Register by following the on-screen instructions. After registering, you can see what services you are eligible for.2)S YNC uses a wireless connection called Bluetooth®to communicate with your phone. Switch on Bluetooth mode in your phone’s menu options. This lets your phone find SYNC. If you need more details on setting up your phone to work with SYNC, visit (U.S.) or SyncMyRide.ca (Canada) or your phone manufacturer’s website.Why Do You Need a SYNC Owner Account?A SYNC owner account gives you the latest software updates that add new places, directions and information; and if you have questions, you’ll get free customer support. For additional support, refer to your Owner’s Manual, visit the website or call the toll-free number. See the inside front cover of this guide for details.PAIRING YOUR PHONE WITH SYNCIn order to use the many features of SYNC, such as making aphone call or receiving a text, you must first connect or pairyour phone with SYNC.To Pair Your Phone for the First Time1)M ake sure that your vehicle is in park (P), then switch onyour ignition and radio.2)P ress the phone button . When the display indicatesno phone is paired, press OK.3)W hen Find SYNC appears in the display, press OK.4)P ut your phone into Bluetooth discovery mode. See yourdevice’s manual, if necessary.5)W hen prompted on your phone’s display, enter the PINprovided by SYNC into your phone.6)The display indicates when the pairing is successful.The System May Prompt You to•S et your phone as primary or favorite (the primary phonereceives messages and voicemail).•D ownload your phone book (a requirement to use the fullset of voice commands).•S witch on 911 Assist®./76/GETTING STARTED WITH YOUR SYNC® SYSTEMTips•M ake sure you accept the request from SYNC to accessyour phone.•T o pair subsequent phones, please refer to Pairing Subsequent Phones in the SYNC chapter of your Owner’s Manual.•I f you are experiencing pairing problems, try performing aclean pairing by deleting your services from SYNC, deletingthe SYNC connection from your phone, and then repeatingthe Pairing Your Phone with SYNC process.USING YOUR PHONE WITH SYNCNote:Enter your phone book contacts with both first and last names to increase the ability of SYNC to select the correct contact. Remember to say the contact name exactly as it appears in your phone book.Making a Phone CallUse SYNC to make a phone call to anyone in your phone book by pressing the voice button and when prompted, give a voice command. For a list of voice commands, say “What can I say?”.For example, you could say “Call Jake Smith at home”. SYNC repeats the command back to you and dials the number. Note:You can also make phone calls by giving say voice command “Dial”, then verbally say the phone number. Answering Incoming CallsWhenever you have an incoming call, the name and number of the person calling appears in your display. Press the phone button to answer an incoming call. You can hang up at any time by pressing and holding the phone button .Do Not Disturb ModeThis feature blocks incoming calls and text messages and saves them for later. You still have access to outgoing calls when this feature is active. Say the voice command “Do not disturb on” to enable and “Do not disturb off” to disable. USING SYNC TO ACCESS DIGITAL MEDIASYNC has a media hub with multiple inputs allowing you to access personal media from your digital devices.Using Voice Commands to Play Music1)P lug your media player into your USB port.2)P ress the voice button . When prompted, say “USB”,then follow-up by saying a voice command. For a list of voice commands, say “What can I say?”.3)T he command repeats back to you and the selecteditem plays.Do MoreCreate your account at (U.S.) or SyncMyRide.ca (Canada) to get the most out of your SYNC experience. Visit the website or call the toll-free number. See the inside front cover of this guide for more details.A REVOLUTIONARY WAY TO CONNECT WITH YOUR VEHICLEon the touchscreen. For heated front seats, press repeatedly to cycle through the various heat modes and off. For cooled front seats, press repeatedly to cycle through the various cooling modes and off. If your vehicle is not equipped with a touchscreen, use The controls are on the back of the center console. Press repeatedly to cycle through the various heat settings and off. Warmer settings are indicated by more indicator lights.You can use the automatic setting toINTELLIGENT ACCESS*Note:Your intelligent access transmitter must be within 3 feet (1 meter) of the vehicle for intelligent access to function properly.To unlock a front door, pull a front exterior door handle. Once your vehicle is unlocked, you can press the exterior trunk release button near the license plate.To lock the doors, press and hold the door handle lock sensor. Allows you to lock or unlock theengine from outside your vehicle. Tostart, press and then presswithin three seconds. Your vehicleruns for 5, 10, or 15 minutes, dependingon the setting. See theFOOT PEDALS*Move the brake and acceleratorSENSING SYSTEM*This system sounds a warning AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* The feature gives you the abilityEASY FUEL SYSTEMpressure warning lightin your information displaywhen one or more of your With this system, push。

When purchasing a tow bar,make sure you select a reputable manufacturer and installer.Follow the manufacturer’s attachment instructions carefully.Your Element can be towed behind a motorhome at legal highway speeds up to 65mph(100km/h).Do not exceed 65mph (100km/h).Otherwise,severe transmission damage will occur.To avoid damage to the 4WD system,it must be towed with all four wheels on the ground (flat towing).After attaching the tow bar to your motorhome,do the following to prepare your Element for ‘‘flat towing’’:When preparing to tow your Element,make sure the transmission is full of fluid (see page ).Maintaining the correct level is very important.Do not overfill.Do the following Follow the procedure exactly.Otherwise,severe automatic transmission damage will occur.231every day immediately before you begin towing.Automatic Transmission Towing Your Vehicle Behind a Motorhome198Start the engine.Press on the brake pedal.Shift the lever through all the positions (P,R,N,D,2,1)Shift to D,then to N.Let the engine run for three minutes,then turn off the engine.Release the parking brake.Leave the ignition switch in ACCESSORY (I)so the steering wheel does not lock.Make sure the radio and any items plugged into the accessory power sockets are turned off so you do not run down the battery.If you tow a Element with an automatic transmission,the transmission fluid must be changed every two years or 30,000miles (48,000km),whichever comes first.Towing Your Vehicle Behind a Motorhome199Severe automatic transmission damage will occur if the vehicle is shif ted f rom reverse to neutral and then towed with the drive wheels on theground.。

在美国和其他国家:产品目录智能召唤 (117)产品概述 (3)外观概述 (3)内部工程概况 (4)触摸屏概述 (6)开闭时间 (9)按键 (9)门扇 (14)窗口 (17)后部主干线 (18)前部主干线 (20)内部存储器和电子设备 (23)座椅和安全约束装置 (28)前后座椅 (28)座椅安全带 (31)儿童安全座椅 (34)安全气囊 (40)驾驶方式 (46)驱动程序配置文件 (46)转向轭 (49)镜子 (52)启动和断电 (53)“齿轮” (55)灯光 (58)仪表仪表板 (62)雨刷和垫圈 (67)制动和停止运行 (68)牵引力控制装置 (71)泊车辅助系统 (72)加速模式 (74)行程信息 (75)正在获取最大范围 (76)后视图摄像头 (78)仪表盘控制摄像头 (79)行人警告系统 (82)寒冷天气的最佳实践 (83)自动驾驶仪 (86)关于自动驾驶仪 (86)具有交通意识的巡航控制 (89)自动转向器 (95)在自动驾驶仪上进行导航 (100)交通灯和停车标志控制 (103)美洲鹦鹉 (111)召唤 (113)产品目录报告安全缺陷 (230)车道辅助系统 (121)碰撞避免的辅助系统 (124)速度辅助系统 (128)使用触摸屏 (130)控件 (130)气候控制系统 (137)地图和导航系统 (144)媒体 (151)娱乐活动 (154)电话和日历 (156)空气悬架系统 (160)正在使用语音命令 (162)安全设置 (163)家庭链接通用收发器 (168)正在连接到Wi-Fi (171)软件更新 (172)移动式应用程序 (174)充电方式 (177)电动汽车零部件 (177)蓄电池信息 (179)充电说明 (181)维护保养 (188)维护进度计划 (188)轮胎的保养保养和维护 (190)清洁 (196)刮刀和垫片 (200)储液池 (201)斤和起吊 (203)零件和配件 (204)技术规格 (205)身份识别标签 (205)车辆装载量 (206)尺寸和重量 (208)子系统 (210)车轮和轮胎 (212)路边援助 (219)联系特斯拉路边援助机构 (219)关于运输人员的使用说明 (220)消费者信息 (226)关于此所有者信息 (226)免责声明 (228)产品目录合格性声明 (231)故障排除警报 (234)编制指标 (274)外观概述1.外部照明灯(第58页上的照明灯)2.车门把手(使用第14页中的外部车门把手)3.充电口(充电说明,详见第181页)4.自动驾驶仪摄像头(第86页中的关于自动驾驶仪)5.车外后视镜(第52页上的后视镜)6.雷达传感器(在上图中隐藏着)(第86页中的关于自动驾驶仪)7.发动机罩/前行李箱(第20页上的前行李箱)8.前后牵引眼罩(第220页)9.车轮和轮胎(车轮和轮胎,详见第212页)10.后视摄像头(78页后视摄像头,86页关于自动驾驶仪)11.后行李箱/升降门(第18页上的后行李箱)12.超声波传感器(72页泊车辅助,86页关于自动驾驶仪)产品概述3内部工程概况4型号S的车主手册1.内部车门把手(第14页上的门)2.左转向轭按钮◦左滚动按钮(第50页上的左滚动按钮)◦远光灯前照灯(远光灯前照灯,见第59页)◦转动信号(第60页上的转动信号)3.仪表板(第62页上的仪表板)4.右转向轭按钮◦右滚动按钮以控制自动驾驶仪功能(第50页上的右滚动按钮)◦喇叭(喇叭,见第51页)◦雨刷(第67页上的雨刷和垫圈)◦语音命令(使用语音命令上的语音命令)5.触摸屏(第6页上的触摸屏概述)6.摄像头(第26页)7.客舱气候控制系统(气候控制系统,详见第137页)8.电动车窗开关(第17页上的打开和关闭)9.手动车门门(第14页门)10.座椅(前后排座椅和第28页上的后排座椅)11.制动踏板(第68页中的制动和停止)12.加速器踏板(第74页中的加速器模式)13.无线电话充电器(第24页上的无线电话充电器)内部工程概况14.危险警告灯(危险警告闪光灯,见第60页)15.辅助选档器(齿轮,见第55页)16.手套框(第23页)1.后触摸屏(第7页上的后触摸屏)B端口(参见USB端口)3.可调节的气候控制通风口(气候控制装置)4.控制台释放按钮(第23页上的第二行控制台)5.杯架(第23页上的第二排控制台)6.无线电话充电器(第24页上的无线电话充电器)7.后排扶手(第23页上的第二排控制台)产品概述5触摸屏概述6型号S的车主手册除了仪表板外,S型还配备有前后触摸屏。
特斯拉Tesla Model 3 用户手册

前后开启和关排闭 座椅......................................................................................
座椅开启和关安闭 全带......................................................................................
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免责明....................................................................................... ........
IsoVerterII Model 4380 安装指南说明书

IsoVerter®II Model 4380INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSMount the socket and wire per instructions on below (Figure 2).Refer to the exploded diagram in Figure 1. Carefully remove the four screws from the bottom of the plug end. Slide the cover off.Program for desired input following instructions on Page 2.Program for desired output following instructions on Page 3.Refer to the exploded diagram in Figure 1. Carefully replace the cover and re-install the four screws to secure the cover to the base. Screws should be tight-ened to a snug fit.Calibrate the unit using the procedure on page 4.WARNING: Do not attempt tooperate or calibrate this device with the cover removed. Poten-tially lethal voltage is present on some of the internal components.Make sure that the cover is firmly in place before plugging into the socket.GETTING STARTEDWIRINGWire the mounting socket as shown in the drawing shown in Figure 2.For DIRECT ACTING inputs wire the positive lead to terminal five and the negative lead to terminal six (as shown).For REVERSE ACTING inputs wire the positive input lead to terminal six and the negative lead to terminal five.INPUT PROGRAMMINGThe input selection and ranging is performed through two switch banks. Refer to the instructions below and the illustration in Figure 3 for details. MODE SELECT SWITCH BANK1.For CURRENT INPUT turn switch one ON.For VOL T AGE INPUT turn switch one OFF.2.For UNI-POLAR INPUT (low end of scale ≥ zero) turn switch twoON and turn switch three OFF.3.For BI-POLAR INPUT (low end of scale < zero) turn switch twoOFF and turn switch three ON .4.For ZERO BASED INPUT (eg. 0 to 20 mA) turn switch four ONand switch five OFF.5.For ZERO SUPPRESSION (eg. 4 to 20 mA) turn switch four OFFand switch five ON.6.For DIRECT ACTING INPUT turn switch six OFF.7.For REVERSE ACTING INPUT turn switch six ON and reverseinput wiring.RANGE SELECT SWITCH BANKT urn ON the switch for the scale desired. All other switches should be OFF. If BI-POLAR INPUT is selected, the scale will be MINUS-SELEC-TION to PLUS-SELECTION (eg. -10 TO +10VDC).© COPYRIGHT 1994 DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC., ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDPRINTED IN U.S.A. 3/94WARNING: Do not attempt to operate or calibratethis device with the cover removed. Potentially lethal voltage is present on some of the internal components.Make sure that the cover is firmly in place before plug-ging into the socket.OUTPUT PROGRAMMINGThe output selection and ranging is performed through two switch banks.Refer to the instructions below and the illustration in Figure 4 for details.MODE SELECTION SWITCH BANK1.For VOL T AGE OUTPUT turn switches one and two ON and switchthree OFF .2.For CURRENT OUTPUT turn switches one and two OFF andswitch three ON.3.For UNIPOLAR OUTPUT turn switch four ON and switch five OFF .4.For BIPOLAR OUTPUT turn switch four OFF and switch five ON.5.For ZERO BASED OUTPUT (eg. 0 TO 20 mA) turn switch six ONand switch seven OFF .6.For ZERO SUPPRESSION (eg. 4 TO 20 mA) turn switch six OFFand switch seven ON. If BIPOLAR or REVERSE ACTION is se-lected, do not use the ZERO SUPPRESSION switch. Use the ZERO adjustment to suppress the output.7.Switch eight is always OFF . (It is not connected to any circuitry. Ifswitch eight is turned ON there is no effect on the operation of the device.)RANGE SELECTION SWITCH BANKT urn ON the switch for the scale desired. All other switches should be OFF . If BIPOLAR OUTPUT is selected, the scale will be from MINUS-SELECTION to PLUS-SELECTION (eg. -10 TO +10 VDC)Figure 4. Output Selection and Range Switches1mA 5mA 20mA1V 5V 10V BI-POLAR OUTPUTZERO + 20%OUTPUT12345678123456SELECTRANGE SELECT MODE (SWITCH 1 & 2)VOLTAGE CURRENTON ⇒ON ⇒UNI-POLARZERO BASED*** SELECT ONLY ONESPECIFICATIONSPower Supply:85 to 265 VDC / VAC 50 to 400 Hz.Isolation:1500 VACAmbient Temperature Range (operating): 0° to 50° C (32° to 131° F)Linearity:0.1%Drift:±0.02% per °C typical, ±0.05% maximum.Maximum current output load:600 ohms.Maximum voltage output load:20mA (500 ohms).Input impedence - current:10 ohms.Input impedence - voltage: 1 Megohm.CALIBRATION1.Apply the appropriate input for the lowend of the scale.2.Adjust the ZERO screw for the de-sired low end output (4mA for ex-ample).3.Apply the appropriate input for thehigh end of the scale.4.Adjust the SP AN screw for the desiredhigh end output (20mA for example).5.Repeat as necessary.Dwyer Instruments, IncorporatedPO Box 338 Michigan City, IN 46361-0338(800) 828-4588 (219) 879-8000 FAX (219) 872-9057❍❍❍WARNING: Do not attempt to operate or calibratethis device with the cover removed. Potentially lethal voltage is present on some of the internal components.Make sure that the cover is firmly in place before plug-ging into the socket.。
ProSAFE 无线控制器 Model WC7500 和 Model WC7600 安装指南说明书

Installation ProSAFE Wireless ControllerModel WC7500 and Model WC7600Hardware OverviewBefore you install your wireless controller, familiarize yourself with its LEDs, buttons, and ports.ResetportEthernet ports Power, Status, Fan, Stack Master SD slot Digital access portsPackage Contents• Wireless controller• Ethernet cable• One or more power cords (varies by region)• Rack-mounting hardware• Installation guide (this document)Connect PowerWARNING: DO NOT place equipment in tight spaces or in drawers. Be sure that your equipment is surrounded by at least 5 cm (2 inches) of air space. Before deploying the wireless controller, we recommend that you set up and test the device.1. Plug the wireless controller into a power outlet.2. Check the LEDs on the wireless controller.The following table describes the behavior of the wireless controller LEDs.Wireless Controller LEDsConfigure the Wireless Controller1. Record your computer’s TCP/IP configuration settings, and thenconfigure the computer with a static IP address of with as the subnet mask.Note: If you are unsure how to do this, visit and search for Static IP address on computer.2. Connect one end of the supplied Ethernet cable to the Ethernet porton your computer and the other end to the Ethernet port on the front panel of the wireless controller.Note: All four Ethernet ports provide equal performance and arebonded together to form Linux active-backup mode.3. Open a web browser and enter Enter the password.The default password is password.Note: The first time you log in, you must change the password.You cannot change the admin user name, but you can create a newadministrative account with a customized user name.5. Click the Login button.6. To set up the wireless controller name and select the country in whichthe wireless controller is used, select Configuration > System >General.7. To choose the time zone and optionally configure NTP settings, selectConfiguration > System > Time.8. To configure the wireless controller IP settings, select Configuration> System > IP/VLAN.When you click the Apply button to save your settings, yourconnection to the wireless controller is terminated because youchanged its IP address.9. Reconfigure your computer with an IP address and subnet mask thatare in the same IP subnet as the wireless controller. Use the new IPaddress of the wireless controller to log in again.10. Select Configuration > System > DHCP Server and specify theDHCP server settings.The Discovery Wizard (see Discover Access Points on page 8)requires a DHCP server to discover the access points.If your network already includes a DHCP server, disable the DHCP server on the wireless controller. Otherwise, configure the DHCP settings for the DHCP server on the wireless controller.11. To configure the WLAN settings, select Configuration > Profile.Basic settings are suitable for a small WLAN. Advanced settings are suitable for a large WLAN with profile groups.For information about wireless controller configuration, including profile groups, see the reference manual.Deploy the Wireless Controller1. Disconnect the power cord from the wireless controller.2. Disconnect the wireless controller from the computer and place itwhere you intend to deploy it.3. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to a LAN port on a router orswitch in your network and the other end to the Ethernet port on the front panel of the wireless controller.4. Reconnect the power cord from the wireless controller to an ACpower outlet.The LEDs light as described in Wireless Controller LEDs on page 4. Discover Access PointsThe Discovery Wizard can discover access points over a Layer 2 or Layer 3 network. The following general guidelines apply to the discovery process (for specific Layer 3 guidelines, see the reference manual):• The wireless controller can discover access points that are still in their factory default state and access points that are already deployed in a standalone configuration.Both access points in the factory default state and deployedstandalone access points run standalone firmware.• Access points in the factory default state that are in the same Layer 2 network and are assigned the same IP address can be discovered.In the factory default state, AP dynamic IP configuration is disabled by default. After discovering an access point, you can either enable it from the wireless controller or leave it in its default state. If youenable dynamic IP configuration on the access points, firmwareupgrades on access points occur in parallel. Otherwise, firmwareupgrades on access points happens sequentially, which takes longer.• Specifying an internal DHCP server on the wireless controller automatically enables DHCP option 43 (vendor-specific information) with the IP address of the wireless controller.When an external DHCP server is used, Option 43 is not required if the access points are in the same Layer 2 network as the wirelesscontroller. If the access points are not in the same L2 network, then Option 43 with the wireless controller IP must be configured on the external server.¾To discover access points and add them to the Managed AP List:1. Access the wireless controller at the network IP address that youconfigured (see Configure the Wireless Controller on page 5).2. Select Access Point > Discovery > Discovery Wizard.3. Follow the steps onscreen to discover the access points and reviewthe discovery results.4. Select Access Point > Discovery > Managed AP List. Add theaccess points that you want to be managed by the wireless controller to the Managed AP List.While the access points are being converted from standalone mode to managed mode, the following occurs:• The wireless controller pushes management firmware onto the access points.• The access points become DHCP clients and receive an IP address from either the DHCP server in your network or the DHCP serveron the wireless controller.• The profiles that you have configured on the wireless controller are pushed onto the access points.Note: For extensive information about the Discovery Wizard and the discovery process, see the reference manual.Troubleshooting TipsYou cannot access the wireless controller at its default IP address ( Do the following:• Confirm that the computer is connected to the wireless controller.• You might not have restarted the computer with the wireless controller to have TCP/IP changes take effect. Restart the computer.• The computer might be set to enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.• Check to see that TCP/IP is set to use the same subnet as the wireless controller. By default, the wireless controller uses a subnet mask of255.255.255.0. (The default TCP/IP setting for Windows is to obtain an IP address automatically.) Restart the computer.After initial configuration, you cannot access the wireless controller at its network address. Do the following:• Use the ping command to verify the connection.• Verify that the computer and wireless controller are on the same VLAN.• After initial configuration, make sure that the wireless controller settings are correct and compatible with your network.11January 2016NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria DriveSan Jose, CA 95134, USASupportThank you for purchasing this NETGEAR product. You can visit /support to register your product, get help, access the latest downloads and user manuals, and join our community. We recommend that you use only official NETGEAR support resources.Trademarks© NETGEAR, Inc., NETGEAR and the NETGEAR Logo are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Any non-NETGEAR trademarks are used for reference purposes only.ComplianceFor the current EU Declaration of Conformity, visit /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.For regulatory compliance information, visit /about/regulatory/.See the regulatory compliance document before connecting the power supply.。
NVIDIA Tesla C2050 计算处理器安装指南说明书

TESLA™ C2050 COMPUTING PROCESSORINSTALLATION GUIDETESLA C2050 INSTALLATION GUIDE NVIDIA Tesla C2050TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction 1 About This Guide 1 Minimum System Requirements 2Unpacking 3 Equipment 3Hardware Installation 5 Before You Begin 5 Tesla C2050 Installation 5 Driver Installation 9 Windows Installation 9 Control Panel Set Up 14 Linux Installation 16 Verifying Linux Installation 19References and Resources 21 Getting Driver Updates 21 Registration, Support and Warranty 23 Registering Your Tesla C2050 Computing Board 23 Warranty and Support 23Compliance and Certifi cations 251 INTRODUCTION01The NVIDIA® Tesla™ C2050 Computing Processor transforms your workstation to a personal supercomputer by off ering unprecedented computing capabilities at 1/10th the cost of a conventional CPU-only workstation. The NVIDIA Tesla C2050 Computing Processor supports“must have” features for technical and enterprise computing, including C++ support, ECC memory for uncompromised accuracy and scalability, and7X the double precision performance comparedto Tesla 10-series GPU computing products.About This GuideThis installation guide discusses the installation and confi guration ofthe Tesla C2050 Computing Processor.2INTRODUCTION01Minimum System RequirementsPrior to unpacking your new Tesla C2050, confi rm that your systemmeets all the system requirements for a smooth installation.>Operating System●Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)●Linux 32-bit and 64-bit on:●Redhat Enterprise Linux 3.x, 4.x, 5.x●SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 and 10●OpenSUSE 11.1, 11.0, 10.3, 10.2, 10.1●Fedora 10, 9, 8, 7●Ubuntu 9.04, 8.10, 8.04, 7.10, 7.04>Processor●Intel Pentium 4 or Xeon processor or higher●AMD Athlon processor or higher>RAM● 1 GB minimum, 4 GB recommended per Tesla C2050>Graphics●Single DVI-I Dual Link>PCI Express Slot●PCI Express x16 slot, Gen2 recommended but not required>Power Consumption●247 W maximum power consumption●Power supply in the workstation typically need to have one 8-pinpower connector and one 6-pin power connector. Certain powersupplies may only need to have one 8-pin power connector. (Pleasecheck with your system vendor for the power supply specifi cations)3UNPACKING Be sure to inspect each piece of equipment. If anything is missing or damaged, contact your supplier.EquipmentThe following equipment is included in the Tesla C2050 box.Installation CDContains this fi le (installation guide) and all thenecessary drivers to enable the Tesla C2050. To keepyour drivers current, visit to downloadthe latest drivers.Quick Start GuideContains basic hardware and software installationinstructions. Read carefully, and refer to theInstallation Guide on the CD for full installation instructions and troubleshooting.WELCOME Registration CardRegister to gain priority access to online and phone support. Take time to follow the instructions onthis card to register your product to take advantage ofcustomer support and warranty.024UNPACKING Tesla C2050 GPU Computing Processor Installs into the PCI Express x16 slot in your computer.connectorSLIPower connectorsTesla C2050 Computing Processor025 HARDWARE INSTALLATIONS03Installing the Tesla C2050 hardware involves opening up your computer.Note: All hardware must be installed prior to installation ofthe drivers.Before You BeginIf you have an NVIDIA graphics solution, either as a discrete card oras on-board graphics on your motherboard, you will need to uninstallthe NVIDIA graphics software driver before installing your Tesla card.Note: This does not apply to Linux based systems. It onlyapplies to Windows based systems.Tesla C2050 InstallationA computer system with an available PCI Express ×16 slot is requiredfor the Tesla C2050. For the best system bandwidth between the host processor and the Tesla C2050, it is recommended (but not required)that the Tesla C2050 be installed in a PCI Express ×16 Gen2 slot.Because there are so many diff erent computer systems on themarket, the installation procedure for the Tesla C2050 can vary from system to system. Use the following instructions as a guideline and consult the documentation for clarifi cation of computer specifi c procedures.6HARDWARE INSTALLATIONS03Note: It is important that all power to the computer beremoved (unplugged) before you install the computing board.You must also discharge your body’s static electricity beforehandling sensitive components. Simply touch a groundedsurface before beginning.Note: To simplify reconnections, label cables as they aredisconnected.1 Turn off your computer and monitor and disconnect the power cord atthe outlet or at the back of your system (depending on the system).2 Open your computer chassis (refer to your system documentationfor details).3 Remove the slot bracket for the two adjacent slots, if they are stillcovered. The Tesla C2050 computing board is a dual-slot board andwill take up two (2) slots. Save any hardware (such as screws) to useto anchor the Tesla C2050 computing board after it is seated properly.rail installation.HARDWARE INSTALLATIONS 74 Connect the 8-pin power connector and the 6-pin power connector fromthe power supply to the 8-pin and 6-pin power connectors on the board. If the power supply is capable, one 8-pin power connector may be suffi cient. (Please check with your power supply vendor).5 Reinstall the computer cover and any cables that were removed earlier.Note: If you are using one 8-pin power connector, you must ensure that the power supply can drive enough power through the 8-pinsto the power connector.6-pin power connectorsConnect one (1) 6-pin PCI Expresspower connector on the edge of theboardConnect one (1) 8-pinPCI Express power connectoron the edge of the board8HARDWARE INSTALLATIONS 039 DRIVER INSTALLATION04This section contains the instructions toinstall the software drivers within a Windows environment or within a Linux environment.Windows InstallationThe required software for the Tesla C2050 includes the CUDA drivers, which should also serve as the driver for the NVIDIA discrete or on-board graphics processor. While driver installation may be carried out using the enclosed installation CD, it is recommended that the customer download the most recent drivers available at .Note: Use only drivers that are designated to supportTesla C2050. Not all NVIDIA graphics drivers support theTesla C2050.10DRIVER INSTALLATION04 1 Power up your computer2 Click Cancel each time the Windows Found New Hardware Wizard windowdisplays. It will display one or more times.3 Insert the installation CD for the drivers included in the Tesla C2050package. Follow instructions in the installer package.4 Right-click on the CD driver and select AutoPlay or explore thefi les on the CD and double click Launch.exe if it does not begin toauto play.DRIVER INSTALLATION11 5 Click Install Latest Driver from the Tesla C2050 Software screen.6 On the NVIDIA driver download site, select Tesla C2050 product and theappropriate OS for your system.7 Click Run and follow directions.8 Select I accept the terms of the license agreement.9 Click Next.12DRIVER INSTALLATION0410 Click Next when the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizardwindow displays.11 Click Continue Anyway when the Hardware Installation warning windowdisplays.This warning tells you that the drivers you are about to install havenot passed the windows logo testing (WHQL). WHQL is a Microsofttesting procedure that is required before Microsoft approves thesoftware. Clicking Continue Anyway will not harm your system.DRIVER INSTALLATION1312 Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now.13 Click Finish to complete the installation and restart your system.14DRIVER INSTALLATION Control Panel Setup1 Select Standard or Advanced views depending on your preference for the Control Panel view selection. The Advanced view allows the user to select and modify application profi les through the control panel.2 Select Do not enable SLI technology Confi guration settings are application-dependent so you will need to confi gure SLI afterthe Tesla C2050 software has been installed and you hve verifi ed proper operation. Visit for applicationconfi guration information.Once you have the computing board installed and verify it isfunctioning, you can customize setting for your particularapplication. Visit for information particular toyour application.04DRIVER INSTALLATION15Verifying Windows InstallationIt is recommended that you verify your installation by going to theNVIDIA Control Panel and verifying that the boards have beeninstalled correctly and are recognized by the drivers.Use the following procedure to verify the installation of the boards:1 Go to Start > Control Panel.2 Select NVIDIA Control Panel.3 Go to Help > System Info in the menu bar4 Select Display tab.5 Highlight the Tesla C2050 in the list of componenets.16DRIVER INSTALLATION04Linux InstallationWhile driver installation may be carried out using the enclosed installationCD, it is recommended that the customer download the most recent driversavailable at Before you begin the installation, you should exit the X server andclose all OpenGL applications (it is possible that some OpenGLapplications persist even after the X server has stopped). You shouldalso set the default run level on your system such that it will boot to aVGA console and not directly to X. Doing so will make it easier torecover if there is a problem during the installation process.1 Download the 32-bit or 64-bit Linux driver (the driver will have asimilar naming convention as.NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.runor NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-100.14.11-pkg2.run).2 Change to the directory containing the downloaded fi le.3 Run as root the NVIDIA-Linux*.run fi le downloaded in Step 1.As the root user you can run the following executables:cd download_directoryNVIDIA-Linux-x86-xxx-xx-xx.run or NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-xxx-xx-xx.runThe NVIDIA-Linux*.run fi le is a self-extracting archive. Whenexecuted, it extracts the content of the archive and runs the containednvidia-installer utility, which provides an interactive interface to walkyou through the installation.nvidia-installer will also install itself to /usr/bin/nvidia-installerwhich may be used at some later time to uninstall drivers, autodownload updated drivers, etc.DRIVER INSTALLATION17 4 Select Accept to accept the License Agreement.5 Select Yes if a warning window displays indicating that there aredrivers already installed. Selecting Yes tells the installation processto overwrite the previously installed drivers.18DRIVER INSTALLATION 6 Select Yes when the Kernel Interface window displays.When the installer is run, it will determine if it has a precompiledkernel interface for the kernel you are running. If it does not have one, it will check if there is one on the NVIDIA FTP site and download it.7 Select OK to compile a kernel interface.If a kernel interface cannot be downloaded, either because the FTP site cannot be reached or because one is not provided, the installer will check your system for the required kernel sources and compile the interface for you. You must have the source code for your kernel installed for compilation to work. On most systems this means that you will need to locate and install the correct kernel source, kernelheaders or kernel development package.04DRIVER INSTALLATION19 Linking of the kernel interface (in the case that the interfacedownloaded or compiled at installation) required you to have a linkerinstalled on your system. The linker, usually /usr/bin/ld, is part of thebinutils package. If a precompiled kernel interface is not found, youmust install a linker prior to installing the NVIDIA driver.8 Run nvidia-xconfi g utility.nvidia-xconfi g will fi nd the X confi guration fi le and modify it to use the NVIDIA X driver. In most cases, you can answer Yes when the installerasks if it should run it. If you need to reconfi gure your X server later,you can run nvidia-xconfi g again from a terminal. nvidia-xconfi g willmake a backup copy of your confi guration fi le before modifying it.9 Installation is complete.Note: The X server must be restarted for any changes to itsconfi guration fi le to take eff ect.More information about nvidia-xconfi g can be found in thenvidia-xconfi g manual page by running:% man nvidia-xconfi gVerifying Linux Installation1 Run nvidia-settings to displays the Server Settings window.2 Verify here that the installation is correct and working.20DRIVER INSTALLATION 0421 REFERENCES AND RESOURCESGetting Driver UpdatesDuring NVIDIA software installation, the installation wizard providesan option to check for updated software online. You can alsodownload software updates by visiting: .22REFERENCES AND RESOURCES 0523 REGISTRATION, WARRANTY, AND SUPPORTRegistering Your Tesla C2050 Computing Board Registering your Tesla C2050 computing board, gives you priorityaccess to the NVIDIA Customer Care support center. Once you have completed registration, you will be given a user ID and passwordfor online customer care. You can also elect to receive automaticnotifi cation of special promotions and software updates throughemail to ensure that your Tesla C2050 computing board continues to operate optimally.Warranty and SupportThe Tesla C2050 is covered by a 36 month warranty.For support, visit the Customer Care Center at / support. The Web site off ers access to a broad range of product information.2425>Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection (BSMI)>C-Tick>China Compulsory Certifi cation (CCC)>Conformité Européenne (CE)>Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Class B>Interference-Causing Equipment Standard (ICES)>Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC)>Underwriters Laboratories (UL, CUL)>Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI)26NoticeALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES,DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER ANDSEPARATELY, “MATERIALS”) ARE BEING PROVIDED “AS IS.” NVIDIA MAKES NOWARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECTTO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE.Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVIDIACorporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of suchinformation or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties thatmay result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise underany patent or patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Specifi cations mentioned in thispublication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes andreplaces all information previously supplied. NVIDIA Corporation products are notauthorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems withoutexpress written approval of NVIDIA Corporation.TrademarksNVIDIA and the NVIDIA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIACorporation in the United States and other countries. Other company and productnames may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they areassociated.Copyright© 2010 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.。

第三代 Wall Connector 安裝手冊Type 2 連接器重要安全警告 (2)產品規格 (5)Wall Connector 標籤 (6)電源選項 (7)斷路器額定電流 / 最大輸出 (10)使用 Wall Connector (12)主要特色 (13)網路連線能力 (13)裝載主控程式的存取點 (13)區域網路 (13)殘餘電流裝置 (RCD) (14)接地監控中斷器 (14)電力中斷 (14)韌體更新 (14)溫度監控 (15)壁掛式充電座外部元件 (16)壁掛式充電座內部元件 (17)包裝內容 (18)工具 (19)安裝的考量事項 (20)安裝步驟 (23)步驟 1,2,3:準備和安裝底座 (23)步驟 4:導體導線大小與安排佈線 (25)步驟 5:剝除外皮並固定導線在底座端子中 (26)步驟 6:將主裝置固定到底座上 (28)調測設定程序 (29)Wall Connector LED 燈 (30)燈號 (30)錯誤代碼 (31)保固資訊 (32)責任限制 (33)爭議處理 (34)重要安全警告使用本產品前,請先閱讀所有指示。
Wall Connector 配備有內建 RCD Type A + 直流 6mA。
本手冊內含 Tesla 第三代壁掛式充電座重要指示說明,您應在安裝、操作與維護期間遵循這些指示說明。
警告:Wall Connector 必須使用永久佈線系統或設備接地導體來進行接地。

CHAdeMO ADAPTER OWNER’S MANUALCOMMUNICATIONS REGULATIONSRADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCEThe equipment described in this manual can generate and radiate radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly, and in accordance with Tesla’s instructions, it can interfere with radio and television reception.COMPLIANCEThe CHAdeMO Adapter complies with the following European Union directives: Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2006/95/EC and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC.ERRORS OR OMISSIONSTo communicate any inaccuracies or omissions in this manual, please send an email to:************************************.WARNINGS•Read this document before using the CHAdeMO Adapter. Failure to follow any of the instructions orwarnings in this document can result in fire, electrical shock, serious injury or death .•The CHAdeMO Adapter is designed only for charging a Tesla vehicle (excluding Tesla Roadster). Do notuse it for any other purpose or with any other vehicle or object. The CHAdeMO Adapter is intended onlyfor vehicles that do not require ventilation during charging.•Do not use the CHAdeMO Adapter if it is defective, appears cracked, frayed, broken or otherwisedamaged, or fails to operate.•Do not attempt to open, disassemble, repair, tamper with, or modify the CHAdeMO Adapter. Theadapter is not user serviceable. Contact Tesla for any repairs.•Do not disconnect the CHAdeMO Adapter while charging the vehicle.•Do not use the CHAdeMO Adapter when either you, the vehicle, the charging station, or the CHAdeMOAdapter is exposed to severe rain, snow, electrical storm or other inclement weather.•When using or transporting the CHAdeMO Adapter, handle with care and do not subject it to strongforce or impact or pull, twist, tangle, drag or step on the CHAdeMO Adapter to protect from damage toit or any components.•Protect the CHAdeMO Adapter from moisture, water and foreign objects at all times. If any exist orappear to have damaged or corroded the CHAdeMO Adapter, do not use the CHAdeMO Adapter.•Do not touch the CHAdeMO Adapter’s end terminals with sharp metallic objects, such as wire, tools orneedles.SAVE THESE IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. This document contains important instructions andwarnings that must be followed when using the CHAdeMO Adapter.WARNINGS Cont’d•If rain falls during charging, do not allow rainwater to run along the length of cable and wet the CHAdeMO Adapter or the vehicle’s charging port.•If the CHAdeMO charging station’s charge cable is submerged in water or covered in snow, do not insert the CHAdeMO Adapter’s plug. If, in this situation, the CHAdeMO Adapter’s plug is already plugged in and needs to be unplugged, stop charging first, then unplug the CHAdeMO Adapter’s plug.•Do not damage the CHAdeMO Adapter with sharp objects.•Do not insert foreign objects into any part of the CHAdeMO Adapter.•Ensure that the CHAdeMO charging station’s charge cable and the CHAdeMO Adapter do not obstruct pedestrians or other vehicles or objects.•Use of the CHAdeMO Adapter may affect or impair the operation of any medical or implantable electronic devices, such as an implantable cardiac pacemaker or an implantable cardioverterdefibrillator. Check with the electronic device manufacturer concerning the effects that charging may have on such electronic device before using the CHAdeMO Adapter.•Do not use cleaning solvents to clean the CHAdeMO Adapter.•If you have any questions or concerns about your CHAdeMO Adapter, contact Tesla.CHADEMO ADAPTER OWNER ’S MANUAL 1SPECIFICATIONSUse only to connect the charging cable on aCHAdeMO charging station to a Tesla vehicle that hasbeen enabled for DC charging. The location of thecharge port will vary depending on your vehiclemodel. Refer to your Tesla vehicle’s ownerdocumentation for the location of the charge port andmore detailed charging instructions.CAUTION: Do not operate or store theCHAdeMO adapter in temperatures outside theranges listed above.CHARGING TIME Charging times vary based on the power and current available from the charging station, subject to various conditions. Charge time also depends on ambient temperature and the vehicle’s Battery temperature. If the Battery is not within the optimal temperature range for charging, the vehicle will heat or cool the Battery before charging begins.For the most up-to-date information on how long it takes to charge your Tesla vehicle, go to .Current*125ADC MAX CONT Voltage100-450VDC Enclosure RatingIP55OperatingTemperature-22°F to 122°F -30°C to +50°C StorageTemperature -40°F to +185°F -40°C to +85°C *Full current may not be available when operating atextreme temperatures.21With your key nearby, use the touchscreen to open the charge port on your Tesla vehicle. 2Attach the CHAdeMO adapter to the end of thecharging station’s charge cable by lining up theadapter with the charge cable and pushing until itsnaps into place.NOTE: The adapter has “keyed” slots that line upwith corresponding tabs on the charge cable.3Plug the CHAdeMO adapter into your Tesla vehicle and wait for the vehicle to engage a latch that holds the adapter in place.4Follow the instructions on the CHAdeMO chargingstation to start the charging session.NOTES:•Steps 2 and 3 can be done in reverse order.•The operation of the CHAdeMO charging stationwill vary depending on the station’s manufacturer.For details, refer to the CHAdeMO chargingstation’s instructions.CHADEMO ADAPTER OWNER ’S MANUAL 3UNPLUGGINGWhen charging is complete:1Press and hold the button on the CHAdeMOadapter, wait for the vehicle’s latch to retract, thenpull the adapter out of the charge port.CAUTION: If you unplug the chargingstation’s cable from the CHAdeMO adapterwhen the adapter is still plugged into the vehicle,make sure the adapter does not fall onto thevehicle and cause damage.2Push the charge port door closed.3Unplug the CHAdeMO adapter from the chargingstation and store it in an appropriate location.STATUS LIGHT Under normal conditions when the CHAdeMO adapteris receiving power from the charging station, its greenLED lights up. During charging, the LED flashes green.RESOLVING FAULTS If your Tesla vehicle fails to charge when using the CHAdeMO adapter, check the display on your Tesla vehicle for information about any error that may have occurred. Always check the status of the charging station.Although the CHAdeMO adapter is designed to work with all CHAdeMO charging stations, it may be incompatible with some models.Because continuous improvement is an ongoing goal at Tesla, and is necessary to ensure compatibility with as many models of CHAdeMO stations as possible, both present and future, Tesla reserves the right to make product modifications at any time. As a result,your CHAdeMO adapter may require an occasionalfirmware update. Firmware updates are performed byTesla Service.QUESTIONS?For Tesla contact information for your region, log intoyour MY TESLA account at .NOTE: When reporting a charging problem, pleaseprovide the brand, model, and location of theCHAdeMO charging station.©2014-2016 TESLA MOTORS, INC. All rights reserved.All information in this document and all MODEL S® software is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights of Tesla Motors, Inc. and its licensors. This material may not be modified, reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Tesla Motors, Inc. and its licensors. Additional information is available upon request. The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tesla Motors, Inc. in the United States and other countries:All other trademarks contained in this document are the property of their respective owners and their use herein does not imply sponsorship or endorsement of their products or services. The unauthorized use of any trademark displayed in this document or on the vehicle is strictly prohibited.TESLA TESLA MOTORS TESLAROADSTERMODEL S MODEL X3500 Deer Creek RoadPalo Alto, CA 94304P/N: 1036393-00-D。

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特斯拉Model S电动汽车用户指南说明书

Product Data SheetTrigonox 21-CH50tert-Butyl peroxy-2-ethylhexanoate, 50% solution in odorless mineralspiritsTrigonox® 21-CH50 is an efficient initiator for the production of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE). It is used both for tubular and autoclave processes. In most cases a combination with other peroxides is used to ensure a broad reactivity range. Polymerization of styrene: In suspension polymerization processes, Trigonox® 21-CH50 can be used for the polymerization of styrene at approximately 90°C. Trigonox® 21-CH50 has an activity comparable with dibenzoyl peroxide (Perkadox® L-W75). Typically, Trigonox® 21-CH50 is used in combination with initiators such as tert-Butyl peroxybenzoate (Trigonox® C).CAS number3006-82-4EINECS/ELINCS No.221-110-7TSCA statuslisted on inventoryMolecular weight216.3Active oxygen contentperoxide7.40%SpecificationsAcid as 2-ethylhexanoic acid0.3 %Active oxygen 3.70-3.85 %Appearance, 5-10°C Clear liquidAssay50.0-52.0 %tert-Butyl hydroperoxide≤ 0.099 %CharacteristicsDensity, 20 °C0.825 g/cm³ApplicationsTrigonox® 21-CH50 can be used for the market segments: polymer production, thermoset composites and acrylics production with their different applications/functions. For more information please check our website and/or contact us.Half-life dataThe reactivity of an organic peroxide is usually given by its half-life (t1/2) at various temperatures. For Trigonox® 21-CH50 in chlorobenzene half-life at other temperatures can be calculated by using the equations and constants mentioned below:0.1 hr at 113°C1 hr at 91°C10 hr at 72°CFormula 1kd = A·e-Ea/RTFormula 2t½ = (ln2)/kdEa124.90 kJ/moleA 1.54E+14 s-1R8.3142 J/mole·KT(273.15+°C) KThermal stabilityOrganic peroxides are thermally unstable substances, which may undergo self-accelerating decomposition. The lowest temperature at which self-accelerating decomposition of a substance in the original packaging may occur is the Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT). The SADT is determined on the basis of the Heat Accumulation Storage Test.SADT40°CEmergency temperature (Tₑ)35°CControl temperature (Tc)30°CMethod The Heat Accumulation Storage Test is a recognized test method for thedetermination of the SADT of organic peroxides (see Recommendations on theTransport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria - United Nations, NewYork and Geneva).StorageDue to the relatively unstable nature of organic peroxides a loss of quality can be detected over a period of time. To minimize the loss of quality, Nouryon recommends a maximum storage temperature (Ts max. ) for each organic peroxide product.Ts Max.10°CTs Min.-30°C (-25°C IBC)Note When stored under these recommended storage conditions, Trigonox® 21-CH50will remain within the Nouryon specifications for a period of at least 3 months afterdelivery.Packaging and transportThe standard packaging is a 1000 l composite Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC). Both packaging and transport meet the international regulations. For the availability of other packed quantities consult your Nouryon representative. Trigonox®21-CH50 is classified as Organic peroxide type F; liquid, temperature controlled, Division 5. 2; UN 3119.Safety and handlingKeep containers tightly closed. Store and handle Trigonox® 21-CH50 in a dry well-ventilated place away from sources of heat or ignition and direct sunlight. Never weigh out in the storage room. Avoid contact with reducing agents (e. g. amines), acids, alkalis and heavy metal compounds (e. g. accelerators, driers and metal soaps). Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for further information on the safe storage, use and handling of Trigonox® 21-CH50. This information should be thoroughly reviewed prior to acceptance of this product. The SDS is available at /sds-search.Major decomposition productsCarbon dioxide, tert-Butanol, Heptane, 3-tert-ButoxyheptaneAll information concerning this product and/or suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be reliable.Nouryon, however, makes no warranty as to accuracy and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions, as to the product's merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use will not infringe any patent. Nouryon does not accept any liability whatsoever arising out of the use of or reliance on this information, or out of the use or the performance of the product. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Customer must determine for himself, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes.The information contained herein supersedes all previously issued information on the subject matter covered. The customer may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy this document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers and footers, and should refrain from any unauthorized use. Don’t copythis document to a website.Trigonox® and Perkadox are registered trademarks of Nouryon Functional Chemicals B.V. or affiliates in one or more territories.Contact UsPolymer Specialties Americas************************Polymer Specialties Europe, Middle East, India and Africa*************************Polymer Specialties Asia Pacific************************2022-11-2© 2022Polymer production Trigonox 21-CH50。
特斯拉 Model 3 用户手册说明书

©1999 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.13465C (050208)A u t o m o t i v e : S i r e n s /S w i t c h e sFor warranty information regarding this product, visit /warrantyDANGER! Sirens produce extremely loud emergency warning tones! Exposure to these tones without proper and adequate hearing protection, could cause ear damage and/or hearing loss! The Occupational Safety & Health Administration () provides information necessary to determine safe exposure times in Occupational Noise Exposure Section 1910.95. Until you have determined the safe exposure times for your specific application,operators and anyone else in the immediate vicinity should be required to wear an approved hearing protection device. Failure to follow this recommendation could cause hearing loss!•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommended procedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•If this product uses a remote device for activation or control, make sure that this device is located in an area that allows both the vehicle and the device to be operated safely in any driving condition.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!CAUTIONLoud siren noise can cause hearing damage and/or loss.Refer to OSHA Section 1910.95prior to putting ANY siren into service!Wear Protection!ACTIVATION OF THIS SIREN MAY DAMAGE UNPROTECTED EARS!Warnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.Installation Guide:Project-A-Flex® Speaker System51 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Sales e-mail: autosale@Customer Service e-mail: custserv@®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.The Project-A-Flex® siren speaker allows the horn and driver to be installed separately under the hood of even the most compact vehicles. The speaker driver can be mounted on the firewall or the fenderwall virtually any distance from the horn. Through the use of acoustical flexible tubing, the horn can be mounted behind the vehicles grille, under the bumper or any other concealed location that will allow the forward projection of sound. The acoustical flexible tubing not only allows easier installation, but also substantially increases the sound level gain.Installation Instructions:1.Check the contents of the kit to insure that all parts and components are in the package. See exploded parts drawing on front page.2.Determine the ideal mounting location for the driver and speaker horn assembly.Follow diagrams on left.3.After the location for the speaker driver has been chosen, use the driver mounting bracket as a template for making and drilling the bracket mounting holes.4.After the driver mounting bracket is securely mounted to the vehicle, install the speaker driver to the bracket using ¼” X 20 X ½” hex head cap screws.5.Install the driver adapter (item 11) to the speaker driver, making sure to insert the rubber seal (item 2) and fiber spacer seal (item 3) between the adapter and driver.Continue the assembly process in the sequence shown in the drawing on pg. 1.6.Install the speaker horn assembly at the chosen location on the front grill of the vehicle (fig. 4). Speaker horn assembly may be secured with the enclosed ty-wraps (item 10).7.Route the acoustical flexible tubing from the driver to the speaker horn assembly following the warnings to the left. To fit the acoustical tubing, cut it at the nearest 4”length (see text at the top of the page).8.Clamp the flexible acoustical tubing securely over the speaker horn and driver adapters with the two hose clamps (item 8). Use ty-wraps (item 10) to secure acoustical tubing in place (figs. 2 & 3).IMPORTANT: Due to the lightweight nature of some plastic front grilles, when mounting the speaker horn upon it, harmonic vibration (distortion) of the siren sound is possible. In this case use a mounting location for the speaker horn other than the speaker grille itself. Example: Grille Mounting Posts, Metal Bumper Flanges, etc.the speaker driver and the speaker horn to cut the flexible tubing at the 4”。

restrictions are lifted.Trane® restaurant specialists have collaborated with leaders in restaurant facility management and members of RFMA® to develop recommendations for dark and kitchen-only HVAC system operation. The following temporary setting changes are intended to reduce energy use and cost, while running units enough to maintain proper humidity management and help prevent issues with the restaurant’s building integrity.that contract an outside company forbuilding monitoring and managementshould share this document (or otherpreferred temporary settings) for remoteimplementation.3Record all current settings! Document set points, schedules and otherimportant information. Writing downeverything will expedite start up whennormal settings can be restored.4Monitor conditions. If necessary, adjust settings to improve comfort, humidity orair quality.HVAC System Operation GuidesThe following information provides operational guidelines that will be effective in most situations. Theserecommendations can be applied to systems controlled by a programmable or smart thermostat, a local interface on a system controller or a building automation system with web or mobile phone access.If you need additional assistance, including a customized strategy for a unique situation, contact your local Trane office for additional support.Dark RestaurantsAdditional actions:Identify and shut down all gas-consumingappliances: cooking equipment, water heaters, etc. Turn equipment off and shut off gas supply valves to the appliances.Shut down all make-up air units, including condensing units and exhaust fans, at the unit disconnect on the roof.HVAC space heating and cooling equipment should remain energized, and gas supply valves should remain open.All interior and exterior lighting: adjust time-of-day schedules to unoccupied or restaurant closed levels.Turn off dish washing machines, booster heaters and other non-critical appliances in the dish area/scullery.Turn off all heat generating non-critical equipment throughout the restaurant.Walk-in coolers, freezers and ice machines:determine which can be shut down. Remove all food products, drain water and leave the doors open for ventilation.Leave the manager’s door open for ventilationif possible.* Relative Humidity Set Point if HVAC Equipment is equipped with active dehumidification—hot gas reheat.** Operate a single HVAC unit equipped with active dehumidification in a large dining area to help maintain minimum RH levels.Kitchen-Only RestaurantsAdditional actions:Identify and shut down all non-operational electric and gas consuming appliances : cooking equipment, bar equipment, displays, etc.If the hood it serves is shut down or non-operational, shut down a make-up air unit’s included condensing units and exhaust fans.In non-operational areas, adjust lighting time-of-day schedules to unoccupied levels.* Relative Humidity Set Point if HVAC Equipment is equipped with active dehumidification—hot gas reheat.** Operate a single HVAC unit equipped with active dehumidification in a large dining area to help maintain minimum RH levels.SPACETEMPERATURE SET POINTSSYSTEM CHANGE OVERAUTOFAN MODE AUTOTrane® Pivot® Smart ThermostatAdditional ConsiderationsChanging Multi-Site Enterprise Management SystemsIf equipped with an enterprise management system, change settings remotely to save time and ensure consistent, effective dark and kitchen-only conditions at multiple restaurant sites. Use the system’s functionality to implement uniform changes across multiple buildings.Adapting Settings in Single-Building Simple Thermostat SystemsIf your restaurant runs on a simple non-programmable thermostat, your ability to adjust settings may be more limited. Use this table to help guide temporary setting and operational changes.And When You Are Ready to Reopen…Trane’s restaurant HVAC professionals are ready to help. We are here to answer your questions during the shutdown and standing by to offer support when you are ready to get back up and running again. Contact us if you need new, replacement or temporary rental HVAC equipment. Your local Trane office is prepared to respond quickly when you need emergency replacements, parts or supplies.Contact your local office by visiting April 24, 2020Trane – by Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator – creates comfortable, energy efficient indoor environments through a broad portfolio of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and controls, services, parts and supply. For more information, please visit or .© 2020 Trane. All Rights Reserved.All trademarks referenced in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners.This is for informational purposes only. Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.。
特斯拉模特拉X 用户指南说明书

AccessoriesInstallation.................................. 105ACCESSORY (Ignition KeyPosition)........................................ 49Accessory Power Socket................ 66Active Torque Transfer System (ATTS)Indicator................................ 32, 125Operation.................................... 125AddingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 156Brake Fluid................................. 158Clutch Fluid................................ 159Engine Coolant........................... 150Engine Oil................................... 146Manual Transmission Fluid..... 157Power Steering Fluid................. 159Windshield Washer Fluid......... 155Additional Safety Information........ 16Door Locks................................... 17Driving with Pets......................... 17Head Restraint Position.............. 16Seat-back Position (16)Storing Cargo Safely................... 17Additives, Engine Oil..................... 147AdjustmentsHeadlights.................................. 176Head Restraints........................... 55Mirrors.......................................... 61Seats.............................................. 53Steering Wheel............................ 42Airbag (SRS).................................... 10Air Cleaner Element...................... 160Air Conditioning............................... 70Maintenance............................... 168Usage............................................. 70Air Outlets (Vents).......................... 72Air Pressure, Tires........................ 170High Speed Driving................... 229Normal Driving.......................... 171Alcohol and Drugs........................... 24Alcohol in Gasoline.......................... 98Antifreeze....................................... 150Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)Indicator Light.................... 32, 124Operation.................................... 122Anti-theft Steering ColumnLock............................................... 49Appearance Care (191)Ashtrays (Optional)......................... 67Audio System................................... 78Automatic Speed Control................ 43Automatic Transmission............... 112Capacity, Fluid........................... 226Checking Fluid Level................ 156Sequential SportShift Mode..... 115Shifting........................................ 113Shift Lever Position Indicator.. 112Shift Lever Positions................. 113Shift Lock Release (119)BatteryCharging SystemIndicator............................ 31, 213Jump Starting............................. 208Maintenance............................... 163Specifications............................. 227Before Driving................................. 97Belts, Seat........................................... 5Beverage Holder.............................. 64Body Repair (197)CONTINUEDIndexBrakesAnti-lock System (ABS)............ 122Break-in, New Linings................. 98Fluid............................................ 158Light, Burned-out...................... 183Parking.......................................... 62System Indicator.......................... 31Wear Indicators......................... 121Brakes, ABSOperation.................................... 122System Indicator................. 32, 124Braking System.............................. 121Break-in, New Car........................... 98Brightness Control, Instruments... 39Brights, Headlights......................... 38Bulb ReplacementBack-up Lights........................... 183Brake Lights............................... 183Ceiling Lights............................. 187Courtesy Lights......................... 187Front Parking Lights................. 180Front Side Marker Lights......... 181Headlights.................................. 178High-mount Brake Light.......... 185License Plate Light.................... 186Rear Side Marker Lights. (183)Specifications............................. 227Trunk Light................................ 188Turn Signal Lights..................... 182Bulbs, Halogen. (178)Cables, Jump Starting With.......... 208Capacities Chart............................. 226Carbon Monoxide Hazard.............. 25Cargo, Loading............................... 106Cassette PlayerCare............................................... 94Operation...................................... 91CAUTION, Explanation of............... ii CD Changer...................................... 87CD Player.......................................... 85Certification Label......................... 224Chains............................................. 175Change OilHow to......................................... 148When to....................................... 140Changing a Flat Tire..................... 201Changing Engine Coolant.............. 152Charging System Indicator.... 31, 213CheckingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 156Battery Condition...................... 163Brake Fluid................................. 158Clutch Fluid................................ 159Drive Belts.................................. 169Engine Coolant........................... 103Engine Oil................................... 102Fuses........................................... 217Manual Transmission Fluid..... 157Power Steering Fluid................. 159Checklist, Before Driving............. 108Child Safety...................................... 18Cleaner, Air.................................... 160CleaningAluminum Wheels..................... 193Carpeting.................................... 194Exterior....................................... 192Fabric.......................................... 194Interior........................................ 194Seat Belts.................................... 195Vinyl............................................ 194Windows..................................... 195Clock, Setting the............................ 63Clutch Fluid....................................159Coin Box........................................... 66CO in the Exhaust......................... 231Cold Weather, Starting in............. 109Compact Spare............................... 200Consumer Information*................ 236Controls, Instruments and.............. 27CoolantAdding......................................... 150Checking..................................... 103Proper Solution.......................... 150Replacing.................................... 152Temperature Gauge.................... 35Corrosion Protection..................... 196Courtesy Lights............................... 68Crankcase Emission ControlSystem......................................... 231Cruise Control Operation............... 43Customer Relations Office.. (236)DANGER, Explanation of................. ii Dashboard........................................ 28Daytime Running Lights................. 38Dead Battery, What to Do............ 208Defects, Reporting Safety. (240)Defog and Defrost........................... 76Defogger, Rear Window................. 41DEXRON ® III AutomaticTransmission Fluid.................... 156Dimensions..................................... 226Dimming the Headlights................ 38DipstickAutomatic Transmission........... 156Engine Oil................................... 102Directional Signals........................... 39Disabled, Towing Your Car If...... 221Disc Brake Wear Indicators......... 121Disposal of Used Oil...................... 149DoorsLocking and Unlocking............... 50Power Door Locks....................... 50DOT Tire Quality Grading........... 229Downshifting, 5-speed ManualTransmission.............................. 110Drive Belts...................................... 169Driving............................................ 107Economy..................................... 104In Bad Weather.......................... 126In Foreign Countries. (99)Economy, Fuel............................... 104Emergencies on the Road............. 199Battery, Jump Starting............. 208Changing a Flat Tire................. 201Charging System Indicator...... 213Checking the Fuses................... 216Low Oil Pressure Indicator...... 212Malfunction Indicator Lamp.... 214Manually Closing Moonroof.... 215Overheated Engine................... 210Emergency Brake............................ 62Emergency Flashers....................... 41Emission Controls......................... 231EngineCoolant Temperature Gauge..... 35Malfunction IndicatorLamp................................ 31, 214Oil Pressure Indicator......... 31, 212Oil, What Kind to Use............... 146Overheating................................ 210Specifications............................. 226Ethanol in Gasoline . (99)CONTINUEDEvaporative Emission Controls (231)Exhaust Fumes (25)Expectant Mothers, Use of SeatBelts by (9)Exterior, Cleaning the...................192Fabric, Cleaning (194)Fan, Interior (70)Features, Comfort and Convenience (69)Filling the Fuel Tank (100)Filters Air (160)Oil (148)First Gear, Shifting (118)5-speed Manual TransmissionChecking Fluid Level (157)Shifting the (110)Flashers, Hazard Warning (41)Flat Tire, Changing a (201)FluidsAutomatic Transmission (156)Brake (158)Clutch (159)Manual Transmission (157)Power Steering (159)Windshield Washer (155)FM Stereo RadioReception (83)Folding Rear Seat (56)Foreign Countries, Driving in (99)Four-way Flashers (41)Front End, Towing byEmergency Wrecker (221)Fuel (98)Fill Door and Cap (100)Gauge (35)Octane Requirement (98)Oxygenated (98)Reserve Indicator (33)Tank, Filling the (100)Fuses, Checking the (216)Gas Mileage, Improving (104)Gasohol (99)Gasoline (98)Fuel Reserve Indicator (33)Gauge (35)Octane Requirement (98)Tank, Filling the (100)Gas Station Procedures (100)GaugesEngine Coolant Temperature (35)Fuel (35)Gearshift Lever PositionsAutomatic Transmission (113)5-speed ManualTransmission (110)Glass Cleaning (195)Glove Box (52)Halogen Headlight Bulbs (178)Hazard Warning Flashers (41)HeadlightsAiming (176)Daytime Running Lights (38)High Beam Indicator (33)High Beams, Turning on (38)Low Beams, Turning on (38)Reminder Chime (38)Replacing Halogen Bulbs (178)Turning on (38)Head Restraints............................... 55Heating and Cooling........................ 70High Altitude, Starting at.............. 109High-Low Beam Switch.................. 38High-mount Brake Light............... 185Hood, Opening the........................ 101Horn................................................... 37Hot Coolant, Warning About........ 150Hydraulic Clutch............................ 159Hydroplaning. (127)Identification Number, Vehicle.... 224If Your Car Has to be Towed....... 221IgnitionKeys............................................... 46Switch............................................ 48Timing Control System............. 232Immobilizer System......................... 47Indicator Lights, InstrumentPanel.............................................. 29Infant Restraint................................ 18Inflation, Proper Tire .................... 170High Speed Driving................... 229Normal Driving . (171)Inside Mirror.................................... 61Inspection, Tire .............................. 171Instrument Panel............................. 28Instrument Panel Brightness......... 39Interior Cleaning............................ 194Interior Lights.................................. 67Introduction. (i)LightsBulb Replacement..................... 178Indicator........................................ 29Parking.......................................... 38Turn Signal................................... 39Loading Cargo................................ 106LOCK (Ignition Key Position)....... 49LocksAnti-theft Steering Column........ 49Fuel Fill Door............................. 100Glove Box..................................... 52Power Door.................................. 50Trunk............................................ 51Low Coolant Level......................... 103Lower Gear, Downshifting to a .... 110Low Fuel Indicator.......................... 33Low Oil Pressure Indicator... 31, 212Lubricant SpecificationsChart........................................... 226Luggage (106)CONTINUEDJacking up the Car......................... 203Jack, Tire........................................ 202Jump Starting (208)Keys (46)Label, Certification........................ 224Lane Change, Signaling.................. 39Lap/Shoulder Belts........................... 6Leaking of Exhaust into Car.......... 25Learning Key (47)。

Safety Warning:Suspension systems or components that enhance the off-road performance of your vehicle may cause it to handle differently, on and off-road, than it did from the factory. Care must be taken to prevent loss of control or vehicle rollover during sudden maneuvers. Failure to drive the vehiclesafely may result in serious injury or death to driver and passengers. We recommend you always wear your seatbelt, drive safely and avoid quick turns and other sudden maneuvers. Constantmaintenance is required to keep your vehicle safe. Thoroughly inspect your vehicle before and af-ter every off-road use.Installation Warning:We recommend that certified technicians perform the installations of our products. Attempts to in-stall these products without knowledge or experience may jeopardize the safety of the vehicle.These instructions only cover the installation of our products and may not include factory proce-dures for disassembly and reassembly of factory components. Read instructions from start to finish and be sure all parts are present before disassembling the vehicle. Included instructions are guide-lines only for recommended procedures and in no way are meant to be definitive. Installer is re-sponsible to insure a safe and controllable vehicle after performing modifications. Do not perform test drives on public roads with partially completed installations. Always double and triple check your work before use.NOTE: Extended front brake hoses or other modifications to compensate for additional suspension travel may be necessary.IMPORTANT!: Only disconnect the sway bar for use in approved off-roading areas.IMPORTANT!: WHEN DISCONNECTED, the disconnects must be completely removedfrom the vehicle and the sway bar must be properly secured to prevent interference all suspension components. REQUIRED TOOLS:Metric/Standard Socket Wrench Set15/16” Open-End Wrench #1 Philips Screwdriver or Small PunchWheel Bearing Grease Torque WrenchMedium Strength Threadlocker WelderBlack Spray PaintGrease Gun with Zerk Fitting Coupler•Asterisk denotes tools that are not required certain applications. Read instructions thoroughly before deter-mining which tools will be required for your installation.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR:RE1134 EXTREME-DUTY SWAY BAR DISCONNECT KITJEEP WRANGLER 1987-1995 YJ , 1976 CJ5, CJ7, CJ8 ScramblerRUBICON EXPRESS 1900 El CAMINO AVE., SACRAMENTO, CA. 95815 866-533-7706, RE1134 Extreme-Duty Sway Bar Disconnects Kit:288-RM31124 Extreme –Duty Sway Bar Disconnect 290-RM14032 Mounting Post: Male 290-RM14033 Mounting Post: Female 296-RM24175 Weld-On Tab 270-0501252800 1/2”-20 X 1 1/4” Hex Bolt Gr. 8 273-05000036 1/2”-20 Split-Lock Washer 272-050200812 1/2” -20 SAE Nylock Nut 4HWC12005 Click PinHWC12005Click Pin90-RM14032MountingPost: MaleHWC12005Click Pin88-RM31124Extreme –DutySway BarDisconnect1/2” Split-lockWasher1/2” X 1 1/4” Bolt96-RM24175Weld-on Tab1/2” NylockNut90-RM14033MountingPost: FemaleSWAY BAR DISCONNECTS INSTALLATION:1. Remove front sway bar end links and OE mounting hardware per the vehicle’s factory servicemanual.2. Install the female mounting post 90-RM14033,on the outside of the sway bar using the1/2” X 1 1/4” bolt and 1/2” lock-washer. Apply medium strength thread locker to the 1/2” bolt threads. Be sure the click pin holes are horizontal or parallel with the ground.Torque 1/2” nut to 65 ft./lbs. (photo 1 & 2)NOTE: Inserting a small Philips head screwdriver or punch through the click pin hole will prevent the mounting post from rotating when tightening the bolt. (photo 2) 3. The weld-on tab, 96-RM24175, will be welded directly onto the front axle. The base of thetab can be positioned at the 8-, 9-, or 10-o’clock configuration on the driver side and 2-, 3– or 4-o’clock configuration on the passenger side.NOTE: The position of the weld-on tab will depend on the vehicle and amount/type of lift installed.A. To determine the proper location for the weld-on tab, 96-RM24175, temporarily slidethe upper end of the sway bar disconnect, 88-RM31124, onto the upper female mount-ing post 90-RM14032,and adjust the angle of the sway bar to an acceptable range (0–10 degrees).B. Temporarily install the lower male mounting post, 90-RM14033, into the weld-on tab,96-RM24175, and secure the 1/2” nylock nut. Slide the lower end of the sway bar dis-connect, 88-RM31124 onto the lower male mounting post. (photo 4)(Photo #1) (Photo #2)(Photo #4)(Photo #3)4. Determine the proper sway bar angle for your vehicle. Sway bar disconnect shall be configuredin such a way that is as close to vertical as possible.NOTE: Vehicle must be at normal ride height and located on level ground.5. Adjust the length of the sway bar disconnects, 88-RM31124, until sway bar is at the properangle. (photo 3)IMPORTANT: DO NOT exceed maximum length of 9 3/8” (measured from center-to-center of bushings) for your part. Be sure there is a proper amount of thread en-gagement.6. Once adjusted, tighten 5/8” jam nuts firmly against the lower ends.7. Remove the lower male mounting post, 90-RM14033, from the lower end of the sway bardisconnect, 88-RM31124.8. Remove any paint from the axle tube location where weld-on tab, 96-RM24175, will bewelded.9. Weld, weld-on tab, 96-RM24175, to the axle tube.NOTE: Be sure weld-on tab is attached correctly. When male mounting post is installed into the weld-on tab it shall be parallel with the ground.10. Prime and paint any exposed bare metal areas to prevent corrosion.11. Install the male mounting post, 90-RM14032,into the previously installed front axle weld-ontab, 96-RM24175, using the 1/2” nylock nut. Apply medium strength thread locker to the male mounting post threads. Be sure the click pin holes are horizontal or parallel with the ground. Torque 1/2” nut to 65 ft./lbs. (photo 2 & 4)NOTE: Inserting a small Philips head screwdriver or punch through the click pin hole will prevent the mounting post from rotating when tightening the bolt. (photo 2)12. Install the upper and lower end of the sway bar disconnect, 88-RM31124, onto the mountingposts, 90-RM14032 and 90-RM14033. (photo 5)13. Insert click pins to secure the sway bar disconnects, 88-RM31124. (photo 5) IMPORTANT: When properly installed, the ring on the click pin will sit firmly against the shaft of pin. When installed improperly, the ring will not fit snugly against shaft.(photo 5)14. Lubricate all grease Zerk fittings on the sway bar disconnects, 88-RM31124, immediately af-ter installation using common wheel bearing grease or equivalent.(Photo #5) (Photo #5)CORRECT OPERATION OF EXTREME-DUTY SWAY BAR DISCONNECTS:1. Remove the click pins, HWC12005, from the upper and lower mounting posts, 90-RM14032 and 90-RM14033.2. Remove the sway bar disconnects, 88-RM31124, from the mounting posts, 90-RM14032 and 90-RM14033, and store them safely inside the vehicle.NOTE: To avoid losing the click pins, reinstall them into the mounting posts.3. Secure the sway bar to the chassis, in the horizontal position, with plastic wire ties orbungee cords (not supplied).IMPORTANT!: The sway bar must be secured in the horizontal position to pre-vent serious tire damage.4. To reconnect the sway bar disconnects, 88-RM31124, remove the click pins,HWC12005, from the mounting posts, 90-RM14032 and 90-RM14033, and rotate the sway bar down into place.5. Install the upper and lower end of the sway bar disconnect, 88-RM31124, onto themounting posts, 90-RM14032 and 90-RM14033. (photo 5)6. Insert click pins, HWC12005, from to secure the sway bar disconnect, 88-RM31124. (photo 5)NOTE: To make the installation easier, install the passenger side sway bar dis-connect first.TROUBLESHOOTING:1. If the OE sway bar does not rotate freely, remove it from the vehicle. Clean and applylubricant to chassis-mounted bushings. Reinstall OE sway bar.MAINTENANCE:1. Lubricate all grease Zerk fittings on the disconnects frequently after installation usingcommon wheel bearing grease or equivalent.2. It is important to lubricate the disconnects frequently after installation.3. After break-in period, the disconnects should be lubricated as part of the vehicle’sregular maintenance schedule.4. Regular cleaning is recommended to maximize ease of operation and reliability. Alwayslubricate after any off road adventures.INSTALLATION REVIEW:1. Torque all the bolts to factory specifications. Be sure to double check your work.2. Recheck all bolts after 50 miles and again after every off road excursion.RUBICON EXPRESS ADVANTAGE LIFETIME WARRANTYNotice to Owner, Operator, Dealer and Installer:Vehicles that have been enhanced for off-road performance often have unique handling characteristics due to the higher center of gravity and larger tires. This vehicle may handle, react and stop differently than many passenger cars or unmodified vehicles, both on and off–road. You must drive your vehicle safely! Extreme care should always be taken to prevent vehicle rollover or loss of control, which can result in serious injury or even death. Always avoid sudden sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers and allow more time and distance for braking! Rubicon Express reminds you to fasten your seat belts at all times and reduce speed! We will gladly answer any questions concerning the design, function, maintenance and correct use of our products.Please make sure that the Dealer / Installer explains and delivers all warning notices, warranty forms and instruction sheets included with Rubicon Express product.Application listings in this catalog have been carefully fit checked for each model and year denoted. However, Rubicon Express reserves the right to update as necessary, without notice, and will not be held responsible for misprints, changes or variations made by vehicle manufacturers. Please call when in question regarding new model year, vehicles not listed by specific body or chassis styles or vehicles not originally distributed in the USA.Please note that certain mechanical aspects of any suspension lift product may accelerate ordinary wear of original equipment components. Further, installation of certain Rubicon Express products may void the vehicle’s factory warranty as it pertains to certain covered parts; it is the consumer’s responsibility to check with their local dealer for warranty coverage before installation of the lift.Warranty and Return Policy:Rubicon Express warranties its full line of products to be free from defects in workmanship and materi-als for the life of the product. Rubicon Express’s obligation under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement, at Rubicon Express’s option, of the defective product. Any and all costs of removal, instal-lation, freight or incidental or consequential damages are expressly excluded from this warranty. Rubi-con Express is not responsible for damages and / or warranty of other vehicle parts related or non-related to the installation of Rubicon Express product. A consumer who makes the decision to modify his vehicle with aftermarket components of any kind will assume all risk and responsibility for potential damages incurred as a result of their chosen modifications.Warranty coverage does not include consumer opinions regarding ride comfort, fitment and design. Warranty claims can be made directly with Rubicon Express or at any factory authorized Rubicon Ex-press dealer.Claims not covered under warranty:• Parts subject to normal wear; this includes bushings*, shock absorbers, driveshafts, ball joints, tie rod ends and heim joints.• Discontinued products at Rubicon Express’s discretion.• Finish after 90 days.Rubicon Express accepts no responsibility for any altered product, improper installation, lack of or im-proper maintenanceor improper use of our products.*Rubicon Express PT-MEG Super-Ride bushings are covered by the Rubicon Express Advan-tage Lifetime Warranty,and will be replaced in the event of failure for the life of the product.。
旺光自动车漫步:2007-2018年特斯拉 Roadster OEM 车顶舒适度增强器安装指南说明书

2-Door JK Bowless TopPart # 13750.39460HORIZONDR.SUITE400|SUWANEE,GA30024|PHONE:770-614-6101|FAX:770-614-6069|*****************2-Door JK Bowless TopOMIX-ADA ® TECHNICAL SUPPORTPHONE: M-F 8am - 5pm EST 1-800-449-6649 | EMAIL:************************FOR WARRANTY INFORMATION VISIT: 1. Soft Top (1)2. Side Window, RH (1)3. Side Window, LH (1)4. Support Bow(4)These parts will needed for Bowless Top Installation:Summer Top Header: #13308.06OE Tailgate Bar: 55395757ACTailgate Retainer, RH: 55395760AB Tailgate Retainer, LH: 55395761ABFactory Surrounds, RH: 5182822AE Factory Surrounds, LH: 5182823AE Mounting Knob, Long: 55397132AB460HORIZONDR.SUITE400|SUWANEE,GA30024|PHONE:770-614-6101|FAX:770-614-6069|*****************2-Door JK Bowless Topthis time.If using ‘10-current surrounds, remove staples holding in outer extrusion andremove extrusion from surrounds460HORIZONDR.SUITE400|SUWANEE,GA30024|PHONE:770-614-6101|FAX:770-614-6069|*****************2-Door JK Bowless Top7. Ensuring assembly sits flush with top of windshield of vehicle, tighten plastic knob into header. Repeat for both sides.460HORIZONDR.SUITE400|SUWANEE,GA30024|PHONE:770-614-6101|FAX:770-614-6069|*****************2-Door JK Bowless Top9. Pull two center straps on inside of vehicle around sport bar.10. Hook clip at end of strap to lip of circular cutout in sport bar. Tighten straps.toward outside of vehicle.8. Pull side plastic retainer over door surround and hook into groove over front door. Repeat for both sides.If using 2010 Newer Door Surrounds, ensure modifications from Step 3 have beenfollowed before continuing with installation.16. Hook second end of support bow into rear pocket of soft top. Repeat for both sides.460HORIZONDR.SUITE400|SUWANEE,GA30024|PHONE:770-614-6101|FAX:770-614-6069|*****************2-Door JK Bowless Top19. Pull bottom plastic retainer of side window into side groove of body tub.460HORIZONDR.SUITE400|SUWANEE,GA30024|PHONE:770-614-6101|FAX:770-614-6069|*****************2-Door JK Bowless Top20. Zip rear window to side windows in rear of vehicle. Repeat for both sides.460HORIZONDR.SUITE400|SUWANEE,GA30024|PHONE:770-614-6101|FAX:770-614-6069|*****************2-Door JK Bowless Top25. Install metal hook on end of top rear strap into body tub through cutout in rear panel. 26. Tighten strap and repeat for both sides.460HORIZONDR.SUITE400|SUWANEE,GA30024|PHONE:770-614-6101|FAX:770-614-6069|*****************2-Door JK Bowless Top27. If desired, rear window can be rolled upwards,secured with two rear straps, and fastened to topwith snaps located under top flap.。
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壁挂式连接器,40A 单相电流安装手册©2014 特斯拉电机公司保留所有权利。
本文档中的所有信息以及所有 MODEL S® 软件的版权和其他知识产权归特斯拉电机公司及其授权人所有。
TESLA特斯拉电机特斯拉跑车MODEL SMODEL X产品规格此文件中的所有规格和说明均已在打印时得到验证,以确保准确无误。
但是,因为持续改善是 Tesla 的目标,我们保留随时进行修改的权利。
错误或疏漏若要传达此手册中的不准确或疏漏之处,请发送电子邮件至:ownersmanualfeedback@ 。
安全信息........................................................................................................................................................................1规格...............................................................................................................................................................................2特性...............................................................................................................................................................................3供电电线 - 单相..........................................................................................................................................................4安装简介.......................................................................................................................................................................5步骤 1 - 检查箱内物品...............................................................................................................................................6步骤 2 - 安装壁挂支架..............................................................................................................................................7步骤 3 - 准备安装.......................................................................................................................................................8步骤 4 - 安装到墙上..................................................................................................................................................9步骤 5 - 连接电线.....................................................................................................................................................10步骤 6 - 设置工作电流.............................................................................................................................................11步骤 7 - 确认是否正确安装....................................................................................................................................12步骤 8 - 固定罩子并通电........................................................................................................................................13故障诊断.....................................................................................................................................................................14维护和维修.. (15)1《壁挂式连接器安装指南》保存此类重要的安全说明该文件包含安装和维护壁挂式连接器时需要遵守的重要说明和警告。
若要进行任何维修或改装,请联络 Tesla 。
请勿在超出壁挂式连接器操作范围 (-30°C - +45°C) 的温度下操作壁挂式连接器。
壁挂式连接器的最大额定功率为 10 kW 或在 220 V 电压下的电流为 40 amps。
您的车辆可在 180 - 265 V 电压下充电。
电压和电线220V 单相交流电:火线、中性线和接地电流最大为 50A 断路器频率50 Hz电缆长度约 7.6m壁挂式连接器尺寸高度:385 mm宽度:157 mm深度:100 mm支架尺寸高度:382 mm宽度:158.2 mm深度:96 mm重量(包括支架)9 kg工作温度-30°C - 45°C存放温度-50°C - 85°C外壳防护等级IP 44机构认证CE23《壁挂式连接器安装指南》特性可选电路等级为快速充电,建议使用额定电流为 50 amps 的断路器。
若再次立即感应到该问题,则壁挂式连接器在尝试充电前会等待 15 分钟。
在此情况下,前面板上的红色错误指示灯将会亮起(参阅第 14 页中的故障诊断表)。
若在电力恢复后将充电电缆插入车辆,则灯会闪烁且装置在约 15 秒至 3 分钟内不会激活充电电缆。