人教版七年级英语上册u7第三课时 Section B(1a~1e)-课件
任务型阅读 根据对话内容,完成表格。
are those CDs? dollars. Do you
WM::5H.Itwo’swh5itaedboTol-lusahtritsrh.tis wh.ite T-shi1rt1?dollars
W:It’ s 11 dollars.
这一 样个 的人 人所 才受 有的 学教 问育 。超
过 了 自 己 的 智 力 ,
You made my dase socks?
Section B (1a-1e)
1. 十 ten
2. 十一 eleven 3. 十二 twelve 4. 十三 thirteen 5. 十五 fifteen 6. 十八 eighteen 7. 二十 twenty 8. 三十 thirty
1. 2 like
dollars the blue
. jacket?
M:JYacesk,eItdo. How much is it? 2. 26 dollars
W:It’s 26 dollars. M:3W. shhoarttasbout the sh.orts? 15 dollars
W:They are 15 dollars. M:WHhoiwtembaugch is the white
How much is the blue sweater?
七年级英语上册9―12单元单词分类涓冨勾绾ц?鈥?2鍗曞厓鍗曡瘝鍒嗙被Unit 7 n. pants n.锛坧l.)锛堢編鍥斤級瑁ゅ瓙sock n.shirt n.T-shirt n. T鎭よ~shorts n.(pl.)sweater n.姣涜。
shoe n.闉?skirt n.瑁欏瓙sale n.鍑哄敭锛涘粔鍞?on sale 寤変环鍑哄敭;鍑哄敭dollar n.鍏冿紙缇庡浗鍔犳嬁澶х瓑鍥界殑璐уcolor n.鑹诧紱棰滆壊clerk n.锛堥摱琛屻€example n.渚嬪瓙锛涘疄渚?clothesn.(pl.)琛f湇锛涙湇瑁?store n.鍟嗗簵price n.浠锋牸zig Zag n.鏂囦腑鎸囨湇瑁呭簵鍚?adj black adj.& n.榛戣壊锛堢殑锛?white adj.& n.鐧借壊锛堢殑锛?red adj.& n.绾㈣壊锛堢殑锛?green adj.& n.缁胯壊锛堢殑锛?blue adj.& n.钃濊壊锛堢殑锛?yellow adj.& n.榛勮壊锛堢殑锛?big adj.澶х殑锛涘箍澶х殑锛涢噸澶х殑small adj.灏忕殑锛涘皬鍙风殑short adj.?long adj.闀跨殑welcome adj.涓嶅繀琛ㄧず鎰熻阿鐨?sorry adj.鎶辨瓑鐨勶紱閬楁喚鐨勶紱闅捐繃鐨?v. help v.& n.?want e v.鏉ワ紱鏉ュ埌buy v.afford v.璐熸媴寰楄捣锛涗拱寰楄捣see v.sell v.鍗栵have a look 鐪嬩竴鐪嬶紱鐪嬩竴鐪?prep. from prep.浠庯紱浠庘€︹€﹁捣浜哄悕Lisa 鑾夎惃锛堝コ鍚嶏級Unit 8 n. birthday n.鐢熸棩month n.鏈堬紱鏈堜唤January n.涓€鏈堬紱姝f湀February n.浜屾湀March n.涓夋湀April n.鍥涙湀May n.浜旀湀June n.July n.涓冩湀August n.September n.涔濇湀October n.鍗佹湀November n.鍗佷竴鏈?December n..鍗佷簩鏈?date n.鏃ユ湡birth n.鍑虹敓锛涘嚭涓栵紱璇炵敓age n.骞撮緞锛涘勾绾?speech n.璁?contest n.绔炰簤锛涚珵璧涳紱姣旇禌party n.鏅氫細trip n.鏃呴€旓紱瑙傚?basketball game ?volleyball game 鎺掔悆璧?school day ?art n.紱鑹烘湳鍝?festival n.锛堥煶鏃?Chinese n.music n.闊充箰year n.骞?years old 鈥︹€﹀瞾锛堝勾榫勶級adj. happy adj.鎰夊揩鐨勶紱楂樺叴鐨勶紱婊℃剰鐨?old adj.骞村瞾鐨勶紱骞磋€佺殑锛涘勾闀跨殑Chinese adj.adv when adv. () 浠€涔堟椂鍊欙紱浣曟椂浜哄悕Vera 钖囨媺锛堝コ鍚嶏級Leila 鑾夋媺锛堝コ鍚嶏級Tinaコ鍚嶏級Jeff 鏉板か锛堢敺鍚嶏級Robert 缃椾集鐗癸紙鐢峰悕锛?John 绾︾堪锛堢敺鍚嶏級William 濞佸粔锛堢敺鍚嶏級Johnson 绾︾堪閫婏紙鐢峰悕锛?Unit 9 n. movie n.鐢靛奖go to a movie 鍘荤湅鐢靛奖action n.鍔ㄤ綔鐗?comedy n.鍠滃墽documentary n.璁板綍鐗?thriller n.kind n.绉嶇被singular n.鍗曟暟锛涘崟鏁板舰寮?adj.鍗曟暟鐨?plural n.舰寮?adj.澶嶆暟鐨?opera n.姝屽墽Beijing Opera student n.瀛︾敓history n.鍘嗗彶actor n.婕斿憳weekend n.鍛ㄦ湯锛涙槦鏈熷叚鍜屾槦鏈熸棩adj. scary adj.funny adj.鏈夎叮鐨勶紝濂界帺鐨?sad adj.鎮插搥鐨勶紱鎮蹭激鐨?exciting adj.浠や汉婵€鍔ㄧ殑锛涙尟濂嬩汉蹇冪殑favorite adj.&n.鏈€鍠滅埍鐨勶紙涓滆タ锛?new adj.鏂扮殑successful adj.鎴愬姛鐨?adv. really adv.?often adv.鏃跺父锛涘父甯?too adv.涔燂紱鍙堬紱澶?pron. someone pron.鏌愪汉who pron.璋?v. go v.鍘?find v.瀵绘壘锛涙煡鎵?think v.鎯筹紱鎬濊€?learn v.?prep. about prep.澶хwith prep.涓庘€﹀湪涓€璧凤紱鍜岋紱浣跨敤鈥︼紱鏈?浜哄悕Maria 鐜涗附浜氾紙濂冲悕锛?Michelle绫虫瓏灏旓紙濂冲悕锛?June 鐞硷紙濂冲悕锛?Ben ?Edward 鐖卞痉鍗庯紙鐢峰悕锛?Rick 鐟炲厠锛堢敺鍚嶏級Jackie 鏉板厠锛堢敺鍚嶏級Jet 鏉扮壒锛堢敺鍚嶏級Jackson 鏉板厠閫婏紙濮擄級Rowan Atkinson 缃楁俯鈥㈣壘閲戞.锛堟紨鍛樺悕锛?Rush Hour 銆婂皷宄版椂鍒汇€嬶紙鐢靛奖鍚嶏級Mr Bean 銆婃啫璞嗗厛鐢熴€嬶紙鐢靛奖鍚嶏級Shaolin TempleUnit10 n. guitar n.鍚変粬chess n.kid n.drum n.鍠囧彮piano n.閽㈢惔trumpet n.鍠囧彮violin n.灏忔彁鐞?musician n.闊充箰瀹?rock n.鎽囨粴涔?band n.涔愰槦show n.婕斿嚭锛涜〃婕?Sunday n.鏄熸湡鏃ワ紱鏄熸湡澶?pm abbr.(鎴杙.m.)涓嬪崍kung fu e-mail n.锛堟垨email)address n.adj. little adj.灏?a little 灏戦噺锛涚◢璁?adv. then adv.閭f椂锛涚劧鍚?why adv.?pron. our pron.鎴戜滑鐨?v. join v.鍙傚姞锛涘姞鍏?dance v.璺宠垶锛涜垶韫?swim v.娓告吵sing v.鍞憋紱鍞辨瓕paint v.鐢荤敾speak v.璇达紱璇磋瘽be v.锛?may v.?draw v.鐢?conj. or conj.鎴栬€?aux. can't aux. 涓嶈兘浜哄悕Jennifer 瑭瑰Ξ寮楋紙濂冲悕锛?Cindy 杈涜拏锛堝コ鍚嶏級Victor 缁村厠澶氾紙鐢峰悕锛?Jones ?Unit 11 n. time n.鏃堕棿shower n.娣嬫荡work n.&v.宸ヤ綔hour n.灏忔椂teeth n.(tooth? bus n.hotel n.night n.澶滐紱澶滈棿morning n.鏃╂櫒锛涗笂鍗?job n.宸ヤ綔锛涢浂宸ワ紱浠诲姟锛涜亴浣?afternoon n.涓嬪崍锛涘崍鍚?evening n.鍌嶆櫄锛涢粍鏄忥紱鏅氫笂homework n.?letter n.淇?wish n.鎰?Saturday n.鏄熸湡鍏?Survey n.璋冩煡锛涜€冨療adj. best a.&ad.(good, well鐨勬瘮杈冪骇锛夋渶濂界殑锛堝湴锛?adv. usually adv.閫氬父o'clock adv.(=of the clock)級home adv.瀹?around adv.澶х害soon adv.涓嶄箙pron. all pron.鍏ㄩ儴锛涘叏浣?me pron.鎴戯紙Iv. work v.宸ヤ綔brush v.鍒?love v.listen v.鍚?start v.寮€濮嬶紱鍑哄彂write v.涔﹀啓tell v.?prep. after 鍦ㄢ€︹€︿箣鍚?abbr. am(a.m.) 涓婂崍浜哄悕Jerry 鏉伴噷锛堢敺鍚? Scott ?Alicia 闃胯帀瑗夸簹锛堝コ鍚嶏級Unit 12 n. subject n.?science n.description n.鎻忚堪锛涜?word n.瀛楋紱璇嶏紱璇?teacher n.鏁欏笀partner n.浼欎即锛涘悎浣滆€?city n.鍩庡競dad n.?Monday n.鏄熸湡涓€锛堟槦鏈熷嚑鐨勮〃杩帮級Tuesday n.鏄熸湡浜?Wednesday n.鏄熸湡涓?Thursday n.鏄熸湡鍥?Friday n.鏄熸湡浜?biology n.鐢熺墿瀛?dog n.鐙?adj. busy adj.蹇欑殑锛涚箒蹇欑殑锛涘繖纰岀殑strict adj.涓ユ牸鐨勶紱涓ュ帀鐨?tired adj.鐤插€︾殑锛涚疮鐨?adv. next adv.鐒跺悗锛涙帴涓嬪幓around adv.pron. who pron.(鐤戦棶浠h瘝)璋?any pron.墿v. ask v.璇㈤棶锛涢棶conj. because conj.鍥犱负abbr. P.E. abbr.(缂╁啓锛変綋鑲诧紙=physical education锛?绉板懠Mrs锛?Miss浜哄悕Ken ?Selina 璧涚惓濞滐紙濂冲悕锛?Cooper 搴撶弨锛?。
人教版新目标英语重点词汇和语法(七年级上册7-12单元)51. how much(价格、量)多少(不可数)How much meat do you want?How much water is there in the bottle?How much is the fish?how many(数量)多少(可数)How many people are there in your family?*52. pants(pl.)裤子=trousersshorts (pl.) (外穿的)短裤*53. sock短袜n.*54. sweater毛衣n.55. sale出售;廉价销售n.(be) on sale 销售,打折出售*56. clerk(银行、办公室、商店等)职员;办事员n.57. help帮助,援助;忍耐v.help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事give sb. a help 帮某人一下(=do sb. a favor/ give sb. a hand)be of no/ little/ great help 无/有点/有很大帮助的can/ can’t help (to) do……能/不能帮助做……can/can’t help doing…….忍得住/忍不住,禁不住……58. want需要;想要v. + sb.(to do)/sth./ to dowant to do sth.(not) want sb. to do sth.59. Here you are. 给你*60. example例子;实例n.for example例如set a good/ bad example for sb. 为某人树立好/坏的榜样61. store商店n. 储存vt.62. buy购买;买v.buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.*63. price价格n.at a low/ high price 以低/高的价格What’s the price of ……?64. afford负担得起;买得起v.can/ can’t afford (to do) sth.支付得起(做)某事/物的费用65. see看见v.see sb./ sth. do sth. (有意识地)观看/ 看某人/物做某事see sb./ sth. doing sth.(无意地)看到……66. yourself你自己(反身代词)pron.67. sell销售;卖v.sell sth. (to sb.)68. from从;从……起prep.69. have/ take a look (at)看一看;看一眼70. sorry抱歉的;遗憾的;难过的adj.feel sorry for sb. 替某人感到惋惜/难过feel sorry about (doing) sth. 因做某事而感到歉疚say sorry to sb.对某人表示歉意be sorry to do sth. 对做某事而感到遗憾/难过/歉疚be sorry + that从句:抱歉……Unit 871. when(疑问副词)什么时候;何时adv.*72. January一月;正月n.*73. February 二月n.*74. March三月n.*75. April四月n.*76. August八月n.*77. September九月n.*78. October 十月n.*79. November 十一月n.*80. December 十二月n.81. second 第二num.82. third 第三num.83. fifth 第五num.84. ninth num.第九*85. twelfth num.第十二86. twentieth num.第二十87. thirtieth num.第三十*88. date n.日期What’s the date today? 今天几号?date back to… 追溯到……These old building dates back to Qin dynasty.这座古建筑可以追溯到秦朝。
七年级英语上册 Unit 12 My favourite subject is science单元测试 人教新目标版
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------七年级英语上册Unit 12 My favourite subject is science单元测试人教新目标版Unit 12 My favourite subject is science.馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓Ⅰ . 词语释义馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 1. have breakfast 2. Thanks very much 3. Wednesday 4. early 5. uncle 6. favouritef. a brother of one’ s father or mother7. difficultg. like bestⅡ . 词形转换馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 1. Work makes me ____________(tire) .2. Music is very ____________(interest) .3. My father is ____________(real) busy today.4. ____________(Steven) favourite day is Friday.5. I’ m sure you like some ____________(subject) . I like math and English.6. Every day I watch TV for two ____________(hour) .Ⅲ. 选择填空馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 1. Ken and Linda’ s favourite subject ____________ P. E.A. are B. is 2. They sometimes ____________ work very late.A. go B. goes to 3. What ____________ you do after supper? 馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓A. does B. do 4. I like my music teacher. He’ s ____________.A. funny B. relaxing 5. He usually has a shower ____________ he goes to bed.A. before B. after 6.1 / 18We have math ____________ Monday.A. in B. on 7. He likes science ____________it’ s very interesting.A. and B. so 8. Every day I can play computer games ____________ one hour.A. on B. for 9. All my classes finish ____________ 4: 00 p. m.A. in B. on 10. What’s ____________ favourite subject? 馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 A. Ken B. Ken is Ⅳ. 句型转换馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 1. My favourite subject is English. (对划线部分提问)2. Her mother’ s favourite color is blue. (对划线部分提问)3. He likes art because it’ s fun. (对划线部分提问)4. Our teacher is very strict. (改否定句) b. the day after Tuesdayc. eat breakfastd. not easye. Thanks a lota. not late 馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 C. am馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 C. go to馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 C. is馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 C. boring馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓C. when馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 C. at馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 C. because馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 C. at馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓C. at馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 C. Ken’ s馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 5. Mike has P. E. on Thursday. (对划线部分提问)6. He likes some subjects. (改一般疑问句)Ⅴ. 汉译英馈幽怨悱彼演慊馓 1. 我喜欢科学,它有点难,但是很有趣。
七年级上册英语作文1到12单元人教版1以Introduction About Myself为题,写一篇简短的自我介绍。
【参考范文】Introduction About MyselfHello,everyone,now I want to give you an introduction about myself.My name is Gina Green.Gina ismy first name and Green is my family name.I am a girl at the age of12.I like chatting on the Internet(上网)and my QQ number is 7845362.What's yours?【汉语翻译】自我介绍嗨,大家好,现在我想给你们做一个自我介绍.我叫吉娜·格林。
我喜欢在网上聊天,我的QQ 号是7845362。
你的呢?2以My English Teacher 为题,写一篇短文。
【参考范文】My English TeacherMiss Wang is my English teacher.She looks very young.She's about thirty years old,and she wears glasses.She's funny.But she is strict with us.She wants us to study hard.Her lessons are interesting.We are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons.She is a good teacher,and we all like her.【汉语翻译】我的英语老师王老师是我的英语老师。
人教版英语七年级下册Unit12全单元 ppt课件
• 1. Don’t arrive late for class.
• 2. Don’t run in the hallways.
• 3. Don’t eat in the classrooms.
• 4. Don’t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.
• 5. Don’t fight.
What rules are Peter, Selina and Nick breaking?
Name Peter
Selina Nick
A: What are the rules? B: We can’t ___. A: Can we ______? B: No,we can’t.
Don’t run in the hallways.
in the classroom
Don’t eat in the classroom.
Don’t take photos here. No photos!
Sit down, please. 请坐。
否定 Don’t eat in class.
Don’t play sports in the classroom. Don’t fight .
out,outside out一般只用作副词,意为“出去,在外面”,其
Tom, swim
1). Tom can swim. 2). Tom can’t swim. 3). Can Tom swim? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.
The boy, piano
1). The boy can play the piano. 2). The boy can’t play the piano. 3). Can the boy play the piano? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.
1). Tony can dance. 2). Tony can’t dance. 3). Can Tony dance? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.
Daming, basketball
1). Daming can play basketball . 2). Daming can’t play basketball. 3). Can Daming play basketball? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.
He ___ play table tennis.
He __ swim.
He ___ swim.
Can Betty
Can Tony
play football
play basketball
speak English
I , English
eg. 1). I can speak English. 2). I can’t speak English. 3). Can you speak English? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
七年级下册英语第十二单元 ppt课件
each other 9、太-----以至于----
让某人一直保持做某事 具体用法是
keep sb doing 3在火上做饭
so +形容词+that 从句 太------而不能------
cook food on the fire too--------to
Work hard
work as a teacher
work late
Work as 作为---(职业名词 从事、继续工作
work on
work at
Work out
work in
see a snake sleeping near 与up 之间
the fire
1、告诉我已经晚了 tell me later 2、It’s important to do 变否定
It’s important not to do 3、靠近 go near 4、这对于我来说是一节有
go to the beach
study for the math test
11绵羊(sheep)的复数是它本身 类似的有 deer(鹿)、chinese、
living habits
2、在博物馆用介词 at
一个有超过200种蝴蝶的蝴蝶 房子
Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.笔试部分(满分100分)Ⅰ. 根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词(每小题1分,共10分) 1. —Do you like ________(科学)?—No, it’s too difficult for me.2. We are usually very ________(累的) after P.E.3. I like ________(生物) because it’s very interesting.4. My favorite ________(科目) is history.5. —Is ________(星期二) his favorite day?—Yes, it is.6. W________ comes before Thursday.7. The second day of a week is M________.8. I am very b________ today. I can’t help you.9. Shanghai is a big c________ in China.10. Mr Cooper a________ me, “Why do you like English ?”Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. Jim’s favorite ________ is Friday, because he has P.E. on Friday.A. timeB. monthC. dateD. day2. Science is my favorite subject. It’s very ________.A. wellB. interestingC. difficultD. boring3. —What’s your favorite ________?—Blue.A. TV showB. foodC. colorD. sport4. Saturday is the ________ day of a week.A. sixB. sevenC. sixthD. seventh5. —________? —It’s Thursday.A. What d ay is it todayB. What’s the timeC. Is it ThursdayD. What’s the date6. —What classes do you have this morning?—We have Chinese, art and ________.A. friendB. pictureC. historyD. blue7. He has math ________ Monday and Thursday.A. inB. onC. atD. for8. —What’s Lucy’s favorite subject?—________ favorite subject is art.A. SheB. HisC. Lucy’sD. Her9. Our teacher is strict ________ me.A. withB. atC. inD. for10. I like to play ________ my classmates .A. onB. atC. forD. with11. Linda has ________ friends in the school, but she doesn’t have ________ at home.A. any; someB. any; anyC. some; anyD. some; some12. —_____ does she like English ?—Because it’s fun .A. WhyB. HowC. WhoD. What13. ________ is the fourth day of a week .A. ThursdayB. WednesdayC. FridayD. Sunday14. Mr Green is very strict and I’m usually very ________ after class.A. happyB. funC. tiredD. interesting15. We have Chinese ________ 8:00 ________ 9:00 in the morning .A. on; atB. from; toC. at; atD. from; forⅢ. 选词并用适当形式填空(每空1分,共10分)Tom 1 up at 6:30 every morning and he 2 to school at 7:40. He 3 math at 8:30 and science at 9:30. English is his 4 subject. He 5 it becaus e it’s really 6 . Mr Green is his math teacher. He has 7 at 12:00 at school. His music and P.E. classes are often in the afternoon. They are 8 . But he 9 not like history, because it’s 10 . He has seven classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. He has six classes on Wednesday and Friday.Ⅳ. 句型转换(每小题2分,共10分)1. My favorite subject is science.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ ________ favorite subject?2. I like science because it’s interesting.(对划线部分提问)________ ________ you like science ?3. We have science on Thursday. (对划线部分提问)________ do ________ ________ science?4. Mr Li is my favorite teacher. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ your favorite teacher ?5. I like biology best.(改为同义句)________ ________ ________ is biology.Ⅴ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子(每小题2分,共10分)1. His ________ ________(他最喜爱的运动) is running.2. Our teacher ________ ________ ________(对……要求严格) us.3. After class we play soccer ________ ________ ________ (一小时).4. We ________ ________(上数学课) every day.5. —________(为什么) do you like P.E.?—________(因为) it is relaxing.Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Dear Jane,Thank you 1 your letter. It’s good that you 2 your school . I go to school 3 Monday to Friday. I have four classes in the morning 4 two classes in the afternoon. I am5 after class. On Monday and Wednesday afternoon I play volleyball for6 hours. On Tuesday afternoon7 of us have a singing class. And on Thursday afternoon some8 computer class. On Friday afternoon I learn to speak English9 my English teacher. On Saturdays and Sundays I don’t go to school. I am often with 10 father and mother.Love,Lin Mei1. A. of B. to C. on D. for2. A. like B. see C. look D. watch3. A. for B. to C. from D. on4. A. or B. and C. but D. also5. A. busy B. tired C. fun D. difficult6. A. two B. one C. a D. an7. A. much B. some C. one D. only8. A. has B. plays C. play D. have9. A. and B. with C. that D. or10. A. I B. me C. my D. usⅦ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)ADick and Ellen come from America. Now they are in Tianjin. Every morning they get up very early(早). Then they go to work by car. They start their work at 8:30. They are very busy. They have lunch at 12:30. After lunch they work again. They finish their work at 5:30 p.m. In the evening they take Chinese lessons. They want to learn Chinese. They want to talk with Chinese people. They often say “Chine se people arevery friendly”. They like to stay in China and they like to work with Chinese people.6. Where are Dick and Ellen now?A. In America.B. In Beijing.C. In Tianjin.D. In England(英国).7. Do they get up very late(晚) every morning?A. Yes, they do.B. No, they don’t.C. No, they do.D. Yes, they don’t.8. When do they begin to work?A. At 8:00.B. At 8:30.C. At 9:00.D. At 12: 309. What do they do in the evening?A. Stay at home.B. Watch TV.C. Take Chinese lessons.D. Go to work10. Why do they want to learn Chinese?A. Because they like Chinese.B. Because they like China.C. Because they want to talk with Chinese people.D. Because they want to stay in China.B阅读对话,根据对话内容填表。
重点词汇35个;形容词副词的最高级;形容词最高级的特殊疑 问句(最高级的构成,最常用的句型);如何用最高级描述周 边的人或事物的文章
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?
重点词汇29个;动词不定式作宾语(接动词不定式的常用动词; 特殊疑问词+不定式做宾语;it作形式宾语);如何写评论电 视节目或电影的文章
重点词汇27个;情态动词can的用法;定冠词the的用 法;固定搭配(like, want, need);如何写招聘海报;选 择疑问句;
重点词汇32个;what time与when引导的特殊疑问句; 频度副词;时间介词;时刻的表达;如何写介绍日常 活动的文章
重点词汇34个;How询问交通方式, how long, how far(询问时间和距离)疑问句;how构成其他短语及 其用法;读懂并会写关于交通方式的文章
Unit 9 I like music that I can 重点词汇25个;理解that which who 引导的定语从句;只用
dance to
Unit 10 You’re supposed to 重点词汇24个;be supposed to do sth .;It is +adj +to
Unit 10 If you go to the party, 重点词汇26个;if引导的条件状语从句;情态动词should的用
you’ll have a great time!
Unit 1 What’s the matter?
人教版七年级英语上册Unit 1 My name’s Gina全单元课件 (共113张PPT)
9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。2021/8/122021/8/12Thursday, August 12, 2021 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/8/122021/8/122021/8/128/12/2021 6:07:00 AM 11、只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习……(这)是教育过程的逻辑。2021/8/122021/8/122021/8/12Aug-2112-Aug-21 12、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。2021/8/122021/8/122021/8/12Thursday, August 12, 2021
Jack Chen
Liu Xiang
What’s his name? His name’s …/ He’s…
What’s her name? Her name isLi Wen. She’s Li Wen.
What’s her name? Her name is...
What’s your name? his her
My name’s… Nice to meet you!
What’s his name?
What’s her name?
His name is … Her name is …
2d Role-play the conversation. 分角色表演对话。
Practice this dialogue with your partner.
A: Good morning! I’m Cindy. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to meet you.
I’m= I am
Thanks.= Thank you.
---What’s this/that in English?
---It’s a/an +物品名称.
★what 是疑问代词,放在句首,用来引导特 殊疑问句,用来询问姓名、事物、颜色、 日期、时间、数量、发生了什么事等。
1. √ 2. × 3.√ 4. × 5.√ 6. × 7. × 8.×
9. × 10. × 11. × 12. √ 13. √ 14.×
3.写出下列英文缩写的中文意思或名 词的英文缩写形式。
1.ABC 2. CD 3. a.m. 4. AD 5.UN
6. 不明飞行物 7. 中国中央电视台
4.--What’s this? --It’s a quilt.
5 --What color is the quilt?
--It’s white.
Be 动词:am /is are 口诀:
我(I)用 am, 你(you)用 are, is跟着他(he)/ 她(she) /它(it)。 ★ I am=I’m You are =You’re He/She/It is=He’s/She’s/It’s
It is a map.
3. yellow, it’s
It’s yellow.
4.is, in, what ,English, this What is this in English?
5.color, what, it, is
What color is it?
七年级英语上册单元单词表整理(Unit 7―Unit 12)
七年级英语上册单元单词表整理(Unit 7―Unit 12)涓冨勾绾ц嫳璇笂鍐屽崟鍏冨崟璇嶈〃鏁寸悊锛圲nit 7鈥昒nit 12锛?Unit 7 245 how much 澶氬皯246 pants n. 瑁ゅ瓙247 sock n. 鐭; v. 閲嶅嚮,鐥涙墦248 skirt n. 瑁欏瓙; v. 浣嶄簬...杈圭紭,瑁呰竟浜?鍥為伩; vt. 缁曞紑,浣嶄簬...鐨勮竟缂?249 t-shirt n. T鎭よ~250 shorts n.鐭¥;杩愬姩鐭¥251 sweater n. 姣涜。
252 shoe n. 闉?253 shirt n. 琛~254 sale n. 閿€鍞?鍓婁环鍑哄敭255 dollar n. 缇庡厓256 color n. 棰滆壊,姘旇壊,椋庢牸; v. 鎶?..娑傞鑹?绮夐グ,鑴哥孩257 black a. 榛戣壊鐨? n. 榛戜汉,榛戣壊; v. (浣?鍙橀粦258 white a. 鐧借壊鐨? n. 鐧借壊,鐧界浜?259 red a. 绾㈣壊鐨? n. 绾㈣壊260 green a. 缁胯壊鐨? n. 缁胯壊261 blue a. 钃濊壊鐨?娌抚鐨?蹇ч儊鐨? n. 钃濊壊262 yellow a. 榛勮壊鐨? n. 榛勮壊263 big a. 澶х殑264 small a. 灏忕殑265 short a. 鐭殑,鐭殑; n. 鐭¥; adv. 鐭殏鍦帮紱绐佺劧鍦?鎬ュ湴266 long a.闀跨殑,寰堜箙鐨?鍐楅暱鐨? v. 娓存湜,鐑湜,鏋佹兂; ad. 闀挎湡鍦?267 clerk n. 鑱屽憳,鍔炰簨鍛?268 help n. 甯姪,鎻村姪; v. 甯姪269 want n. 缂轰箯,娆叉湜,闇€瑕? v. 瑕?甯屾湜,蹇呴』270 Here you are. 缁欎綘銆?271 welcome v.n.娆㈣繋272 example n. 姒滄牱,渚嬪瓙273 ten num. 鍗?鍗佷釜274 eleven num. 鍗佷竴; pron.&a. 鍗佷竴(涓?鍙?..) 275 twelve a.num. 鍗佷簩,12 276 thirteen 鍗佷笁277 fourteen num. 鍗佸洓278 fifteen num. 鍗佷簲; pron.&a. 鍗佷簲(涓?鍙?..) 279 sixteen num. 鍗佸叚; pron.&a. 鍗佸叚(涓?鍙?..) 280 seventeen 鍗佷竷281 eighteen num. 鍗佸叓282 nineteen 鍗佷節283 twenty a.num. 浜屽崄,20 284 thirty 涓夊崄285 clothes n. 琛f湇286 store n. 鍟嗗簵,璐棌,浠撳簱; v. 鍌ㄥ瓨,璐棌,渚涚粰287 come v. 鏉?288 buy n. 璐拱,涔板崠; v. 涔?289 very a. 鐪熸鐨?灏辨槸閭d釜; ad. 闈炲父290 price n. 浠锋牸,浠d环,浠峰€? v. 瀹?..鐨勪环鏍?鏍囦环291 each a. 姣忎釜,姣?姣忎竴; ad. 姣忎釜; int. 姣忎釜,涓汉,涓嚜292 anybody n. 閲嶈浜虹墿; pron. 浠讳綍浜?293 afford v. 鎻愪緵,渚涘簲寰楄捣,缁欎簣294 our pron. 鎴戜滑鐨?295 see v. 鐪嬭,鐪嬪嚭,鏄庣櫧,鐭ラ亾296 yourself pron. 浣犺嚜宸?297 mr n. 鍏堢敓(Mister鐨勭缉鍐? 298 sell vi. 鍗?閿€鍞? vt. 鍑哄崠,鑳屽彌,鍗?鍑哄敭299 from prep. 浠?浠?..璧?300 Zig Zag 涓枃鎸囨湇瑁呭簵鍚?301 have a look (at) 鐪嬩竴鐪?302 on sale 閿€鍞?閿€鍞腑,鍑哄崠涓?303 sorry a. 瀵逛笉璧风殑, 鎶辨瓑鐨? int. 瀵逛笉璧?Unit 8 304 when conj. 褰?..鏃? pron.&ad. 浠€涔堟椂鍊?305 birthday n. 鐢熸棩306 month n. 鏈?307 January n. 涓€鏈?308 February n. 浜屾湀309 March n. 涓夋湀; vi. 琛屽啗,杩涘啗310 April n. 鍥涙湀311 May n. 浜旀湀; aux.鍙兘,鍙互,绁濇効312 June n. 鍏湀; 鐞硷紙濂冲悕锛?313 July n. 涓冩湀314 August n. 鍏湀; a. 濞佷弗鐨?灏婁弗鐨?315 September n. 涔濇湀316 October n. 鍗佹湀317 November n. 鍗佷竴鏈?318 December n. 鍗佷簩鏈?319 tenth a. 绗崄320 fourth n. 鍥涘垎涔嬩竴; num. 绗洓321 fifteenth num. 绗崄浜?322 second n. 绉? a. 绗簩鐨?鍏舵鐨?澶氫綑鐨? a. 绗簩323 third a. 绗笁(鐨?; n. 涓夊垎涔嬩竴; num. 绗笁324 fifth a. 绗簲鐨?325 sixth n.鍏垎涔嬩竴; num.&a. 绗叚326 seventh n. 涓冨垎涔嬩竴; num.&a. 绗竷327 eighth n. 鍏垎涔嬩竴; num. 绗叓328 ninth a. 绗節,涔濆垎涔嬩竴329 eleventh num.&n. 绗崄涓€330 twelfth a. 绗崄浜岀殑,鍗佷簩鍒嗕箣涓€鐨? n. 绗崄浜?鍗佷簩鏃?绗崄浜岄煶331 thirteenth a. 绗崄涓?332 fourteenth a. 绗崄鍥涚殑333 sixteenth num.&a. 绗崄鍏?334 seventeenth a. 绗崄涓冪殑335 eighteenth a. 绗崄鍏殑锟斤拷; num. 绗崄鍏?336 nineteenth num. 绗崄涔?337 twentieth n. 浜屽崄鍒嗕箣涓€; num.&a. 绗簩鍗?338 thirtieth num. 绗笁鍗?339 date n. 鏃ユ湡,绾︿細,鏋fぐ瀛? v. 绾︿細,瀹氭棩鏈? n.[璁$畻鏈篯DOS鍛戒护: 鏄剧ず鎴栬缃郴缁熸棩鏈?340 happy a. 蹇箰鐨?骞哥鐨?341 happy birthday! 鐢熸棩蹇箰锛?342 birth n. 鍑鸿韩,琛€缁?鍑虹敓,璇炵敓,鍑虹幇,璧锋簮343 age n. 骞撮緞; v. (浣?鍙樿€? vi. 鍙樿€?344 old a. 鏃х殑,鑰佺殑; n. 鍙ゆ椂345 how old 澶氬ぇ,澶氬ぇ骞撮緞346 speech n. 婕旇347 contest n. 绔炶禌,浜夎; v. 绔炶禌,浜夊彇,浜夎京348 party n. 鏀垮厷,鑱氫細,寮€娲惧349 trip n. 鏃呰,鎽斿€?宸敊; v. 璺屽€?浣?..鐘敊,鍊炬枩350 basketball game 绡悆杩愬姩,绡悆璧?351 volleyball game 鎺掔悆杩愬姩,鎺掔悆璧?352 school day 瀛︽牎鐨勪笂璇炬棩353 art a. 缇庢湳(鍝?鐨?鑹烘湳(鍝?鐨? n. 鑹烘湳354 festival a. 鑺傛棩鐨?鍠滃簡鐨?蹇箰鐨? n. 鑺傛棩,搴嗙鍙婄キ绁€,娆㈠355 Chinese a. 涓浗鐨? n. 姹夎,涓浗浜?356 music n. 闊充箰357 year a. 姣忓勾鐨? ad. 姣忓勾; n. 骞?358 years old ...骞寸殑,...宀佺殑Uniy 9 359 go v. 鍘?璧? [璁$畻鏈篯鎵ц360 movie n. 鐢靛奖361 go to a movie 鍘荤湅鐢靛奖362 action n. 琛屽姩,鎯呰妭,琛ㄧ幇,鎴樻枟363 comedy n. 鍠滃墽364 documentary a. 鏂囩尞鐨? n. 绾綍鐗?365 thriller n. 鎯婇櫓灏忚366 kind a. 浠佹厛鐨?鍙嬪ソ鐨? n. 绉嶇被367 singular a. 鍗曟暟鐨?鐙竴鐨?鍞竴鐨?闈炲嚒鐨? n. 鍗曟暟368 plural a. 澶嶆暟鐨? n. 澶嶆暟369 opera n. 姝屽墽370 Beijing Opera 浜墽371 find v. 鍙戠幇,鎰熻鍒?璁や负372 someone pron. 鏌愪汉,鏈変汉373 who prep.鈥︾殑,璋?浠?濂?浠栦滑; pron. 璋?374 student n. 瀛︾敓375 scary a. 瀹规槗鍙楁儕鐨?鑳嗗皬鐨?鎻愬績鍚婅儐376 funny a. 婊戠ń鐨?鏈夎叮鐨?377 sad a. 鎮插搥鐨?浼ゅ績鐨?涓嶈兘浠や汉婊℃剰鐨?378 exciting a. 浠や汉鍏村鐨?379 really ad. 鐪熸鍦?瀹炲湪380 often ad. 缁忓父381 think v. 鎯?鑰冭檻,鎯冲儚382 learn v. 瀛︿範,鑾锋倝,璁颁綇; 浜嗚В383 about a. 鍑嗗; ad. 澶х害; prep. 鍏充簬384 history n. 鍘嗗彶385 with prep. 鍜?..涓€璧?鐢?386 favorite a. 鏈€鍠滅埍鐨? n. 鏈€鍠滅埍鐨勪汉鎴栫墿387 actor n. 鐢锋紨鍛?388 new a. 鏂扮殑; n. 鏂扮殑涓滆タ389 successful a. 鎴愬姛鐨?390 weekend n. 鍛ㄦ湯391 too a. 澶?杩囦簬,涔?杩? ad. 涔?Unit 10 392 guitar n. 鍚変粬; vi. 寮瑰悏浠?393 join v. 鍙傚姞,缁撳悎,鍔犲叆394 dance n. 鑸炶箞,鑸炰細; v. 璺宠垶395 swim 娓告吵396 sing v. 鍞?鍞辨瓕,楦e敱397 chess n. 鍥介檯璞℃398 paint n. 娌规紗,棰滄枡,缁樼敾浣滃搧; v. 娌规紗,缁樼敾399 speak v. 璇?璇磋瘽,婕旇400 can't (=can not)涓嶈兘, 涓嶄細401 kid n. 灏忓; v. 寮€鐜╃瑧,鍝勯獥,鍢插紕402 our pron. 鎴戜滑鐨?403 drum n. 榧?榧撳0; v. 鍑婚紦,浣滈紦澹?404 piano n. 閽㈢惔405 trumpet n. 鍠囧彮,鍠囧彮澹? v. 鍚瑰枃鍙?鍚瑰槝406 violin n. 灏忔彁鐞?407 or conj. 鎴栬€?杩樻槸; prep.&ad. 鎴栬€?408 musician n. 闊充箰瀹?409 then ad. 閭d箞; 褰撴椂锛岀劧鍚庯紝浜庢槸410 be prep. 鏄?鏈?鍦?411 rock n. 宀╃煶,宀╃,宸ㄧ煶; v. 鎽囨憜,鎽囧姩412 band n. 甯﹀瓙,闃?涔愰槦; v. 鑱斿悎,缁撳悎413 show n. 鏄剧ず,琛ㄧ幇,琛ㄦ紨; v. 琛ㄧず,鏄剧幇,灞曠幇414 Sunday n. 鏄熸湡鏃?415 pm /pm,P.M./PMn.涓嬪崍,鍗堝悗416 kung fu 涓浗鍔熷か417 May n. 浜旀湀; aux.鍙兘,鍙互,绁濇効418 draw v. (drew,drawn) 鎷?鎷?鎸ㄨ繎,鎻愬彇,鐢?缁樺埗419 little a. 灏忕殑; ad.姣笉; n. 鍑犱箮娌℃湁420 a little 涓€鐐?421 e-mail n. 鐢靛瓙閭欢422 address n. 浣忓潃; n. 鑷磋瘝,璁茶瘽; vt. 鍙戣〃婕旇锛屽啓鍦板潃锛岋紙鍥句功銆佹枃绔犵瓑锛夎璁猴紙鏌愪富棰橈級423 why ad. 涓轰粈涔? conj.鈥︾殑鐞嗙敱,涓轰粈涔? int. 鍜?鍝庡憖; pron. 涓轰綍,涓轰粈涔?Unit 11 424 time n. 鏃堕棿,鏈熼檺,娆℃暟,涔? v. 璁℃椂,瀹氭椂,涔? n.[璁$畻鏈篯DOS鍛戒护: 鏄剧ず骞跺厑璁告敼鍙樼郴缁熸椂闂?425 what time 浠€涔堟椂闂?426 go to school 涓婂427 get up 璧峰簥428 shower n. 闃甸洦,娣嬫荡; v. 娣嬫荡,娣嬫箍,涓嬮闆?429 take a shower 娲楁荡,娣嬫荡430 usually ad. 閫氬父431o'clock =of the clock 鈥︾偣閽?432 work 宸ヤ綔,鏈夋晥锛屽鏁?433 hour n. 灏忔椂434 brush n. 鍒峰瓙,鐢荤瑪; v. 鍒?鐢?435 teeth n. 鐗欓娇(tooth鐨勫鏁? 436 after a. 浠ュ悗鐨? ad. 浠ュ悗,鍚庢潵; conj. 鍦?..浠ュ悗; prep. 鍦?..涔嬪悗437 go to work 涓婄彮438 get to 鍘?..,鍒拌揪439 bus n. 鍏叡姹借溅440 hotel n. 鏃呴锛屽棣嗭紝閰掑簵锛岄キ搴?441 all a. 鎵€鏈夌殑,鍏ㄩ儴鐨? ad. 鍏ㄩ儴,鍏ㄧ劧; int. 鍏ㄩ儴,鍏ㄤ綋,涓€鍒?442 night n. 澶滄櫄443 love n. 鐖?鎭嬬埍,鐖辨儏; vt. 鐖?鐑埍,鍠滄444 listen v. 鍚?445 home a. 瀹?涔?鐨? ad. 鍥炲,鍦ㄥ; n. 瀹?446 morning n. 鏃╂櫒,涓婂崍447 go to bed 鐫¤448 job n. 宸ヤ綔449 am a. 鏄殑; v. 鏄?450 afternoon n. 涓嬪崍451 evening n. 鍌嶆櫄,鏅氫笂452 homework n. 瀹跺涵浣滀笟453 do homework 鍋氫綔涓?454 go home 鍥炲455 letter n. 淇?瀛楁瘝456 around ad. 澶х害,鍒板,鍦ㄥ懆鍥? prep. 鍦?..鍛ㄥ洿457 start n. 璧风偣; v. 寮€濮?璧疯韩,鍑哄彂458 write v. 鍐?459 tell v. 鍛婅瘔,鍒嗚鲸锛岃鲸鍒?460 me pron. 鎴?瀹炬牸) 461 soon ad. 涓嶄箙,寰堝揩462 best a. 鏈€濂界殑; ad. 鏈€濂藉湴463 wish n. 甯屾湜,鎰挎湜,绁濋; v. 鎰?鎯宠,甯屾湜464 Saturday n. 鏄熸湡鍏?465 survey n. 绾佃,瑙嗗療,娴嬮噺; v. 瀹¤,瑙嗗療,閫氱洏鑰冭檻,璋冩煡Unit 12 466 subject n. 绉戠洰,涓婚; a. 鏈嶄粠鐨?鏄撴偅鐨?467 science n. 绉戝468 P.E. (缂?=physical education n.浣撹偛469 because conj. 鍥犱负470 description n. 鎻忓啓,鎻忚堪,璇存槑涔?浣滃浘471 word n. 璇?鍗曡瘝,娑堟伅,璇鸿█; vt. 鐢ㄨ瘝璇〃杈?472 teacher n. 鏁欏笀473 mrs 濂冲+474 partner n. 鍚堜綔鑰?鎼。
11. [u:]
o who whose ou group soup u ruler June ui fruit juice ue blue glue oo zoo food room rooster noodles
too kangaroo school
12. [ʊ]
oo book look foot good cook u July put oul should could would
1. [i:]
e me he she these ee meet green knee three beef sheep ea meat tea leaf cream
2. [ɪ]
i big pig it is zip milk six this rabbit English sister
egg desk bed leg
1. 发音准确,说地道的英语。 2. 拼读法记忆单词。 3. 提高学生的自主学习性,增加词汇量。 4. 整体语感提高。
音标 P课本75页
元音(20个) 辅音 ( 8个
声带不振动 声带振动
长元音 微笑音
同字母E 的发音
短元音 喊口号
9. [ ɔ:]
or story form short al tall ball small walk always aw draw saw oor door floor our four your
10. [ ɒ ]
a what watch water wash
o bottle hot dog coffee box not orange stop
长元音:声音延长,发言响亮。 短元音:短促,干脆
1、想到,认为2、比赛节目3、太阳眼镜4、文化5、和某人打架6、脱口秀7、肥皂剧 8、体育节目 9、事实上10、喜欢干某事 11、在课堂上 12、上课迟到13、在走廊里 14、在餐厅 15、放学后16、出去 17在有课的晚上 18、太多规定19、睡觉 20、不得不 21、交朋友22、——你认为肥皂剧怎么样?——我不能忍受它们。
27、请写出下列动词的现在分词study take have run swimlie come tell close go28、请写出下列动词的第三称单数形式like go do teach swimhave get take study29、请写出下列名词的复数形式boy pen class bus glasswatch baby child man wifethief knife tomato potato pianophoto video tooth foot mousefish sheep30、请按顺序写出一月至十二月31、请按顺序写出周日至周六32、请按照顺序把1至十五写下来33、请分别写下:第一、第二、第三、第五、第八、第九、第十二和第二十一34、880 35、102036、记得去做某事 37、记得做过某事38、停止做某事 39、停下来去做某事40、发现某人做某事(全过程) 41、发现某人正在做某事42、决定做某事 43、练习做某事44、要求某人做某事 45、花时间做某事46、There is _______ “u” and _________“n” in the word.47、He is __________ the red shirt. 48、The window is____________ the wall.49、What’s this __________ English? 50、Li Ping is __________my left.51、I like some bread and milk _____________ breakfast.52、You can take it _________ 5 yuan each. 53、You can borrow books _______ one week.54、二年级三班 55、度假 56、在某人去…的路上57、在某人回家的路上58、动物园里有两只可爱的大熊猫。
译林版牛津初中英语七年级上册全册各单元短语、句型归纳整理1.look after sb。
- take care of someone2.some of the new students - a few of the new studentsone of + plural countable noun - one of the plural countable nounsmany of + plural countable noun - many of the plural countable nounsmuch of + uncountable noun - a lot of the uncountable noun3.love doing… - enjoy doing…like doing… - enjoy doing…enjoy doing… - like doing…4.let sb。
do sth。
- allow someone to do something5.make sb。
do sth。
- force someone to do somethingThe verb "let" and "make" are followed by the base form of the verb with "to" as the object complement.6.like sports - enjoy sports7.after class - after the classin class - during the class8.be good at (doing)… - excel at (doing)… = do well in (doing)…9.meet my new friends - ___10.over there - at that place11.tell sb。
人教版七年级英语上册Section A 2[12]-课件
Grammar Focus
1. 你有一个棒球吗?_D__o_ you _h_a_v_e_ a baseball? 2. 是的。_Y_e_s_, I d__o_. 不,没有。_N_o__, I _d_o_n_’_t _. 3. 你有一个乒乓拍吗?
6. 是,她有。 _Y__e_s_, she _d_o_e_s_. 7. 没有。她有一个棒球。
_N__o_, she _d_o_es_n_’_t_. She _h_a_s_ a _b_a_s_e_b_a_ll_. 8. 他有一个足球吗?_D_o_e_s_ he _h_a_v_e_ a
_s_o_c_c_e_r ball? 9. 没有。他有两个乒乓球拍。
_N__o_, he _d_o_e_s_n_’t_. He _h_a_s_ two ping-pong _b_a_t_s_. 10. 他们有一个篮球吗?_D_o_ they _h_a_v_e_ a basketball?
11. 是的,有。 Yes, __t_h_e_y ___d_o_. 12. 没有。他们有一个排球。
_D_o__ you _h_a_v_e_ a ping-pong _b_a_t_? 4. 没有。我有一个乒乓球。
_N_o_, I _d_o_n_’_t_. I _h_a_v_e_ a ping-pong _b_a_l_l . 5. 她有一个网球吗? _D_o_e_s_ she _h_a_v_e_ a tennis?
Cindy: Hey, Helen, let’s go! We’re late. Helen: OK. Cindy: Do you have the baseball? Helen: Yes, I do. It’s in my bag. Cindy: And where’s our baseball bat? Helen: Bill has it. Cindy: Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket? Helen: Oh, no, I don’t. It’s on the chair. Let me
优品课件七年级英语上册第十二单元单词短语汇总七年级英语上册第十二单元单词短语汇总第十二单元单词及短语 1. subject n.学科;科目 2. science n.科学 3. P.E. abbr.(缩写)体育 4. because conj.因为 5. description n.描述;记述 6. word n.字;词;话 7. teacher n.教师8. who pron.(疑问代词)谁 9. Mrs 夫人;太太 10. example n.例子;实例 11. partner n.伙伴;合作者 12. city n.城市 13. mom n.(非正式用语)妈妈 14. dad n.(非正式用语)爸爸 15. Tuesday n.星期二 16. Thursday n.星期四 17. Wednesday n.星期三 18. Friday n.星期五 19. Monday n.星期一 20. biology n.生物学 21. busy adj.忙的;繁忙的;忙碌的 22. next adv.然后;接下去 23. strict adj.严格的;严厉的 24. tired adj.疲倦的;累的 25. Miss 小姐(冠于未婚妇女之姓或姓名之前的称呼) 26. ask v.询问;问 27. any pron.任何一个(或一些) 28. dog n.狗 29. around adv.在附近;到处 30. Salina 塞琳娜(女名) 31. Ken 肯(男名) 32. Cooper 库珀(姓)Review of units 7---12 1. America 美国;美洲 2. so conj.因而;所以;那么 3. China 中国 4. before prep.在…以前 5. hobby n.业余爱好 6. today n.& adv.今天;今日 7. a lot of 许多;大量 8. life n.生活 9. Martin 马丁(姓或男名)优品课件,意犹未尽,知识共享,共创未来!!!。
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subject 1.He is good at painting and his favorite_________ (j u e t b s c) is art. teacher 2.Mrs.Jones is my English _________ (c a e e t r h). She teaches very well. difficult 3.I don’t like math at all. It’s too ________ (f l t d i f i u e) for me. tired 4.After ten hours’ work, I feel very ______ (i t d r e). because 5.I’ll go to New York city __________(b a c e e u s) my father works there.
Unit 12
Unscramble the sentence.(连词成句。)
1.to,time,be, go, bed, it, to It’s time to go to bed. ___________________ 2.food, is, what, your,favorite What is your favorite food? _________________________ ually,has, ually has, P.E., he, afternoon the ,in afternoon,the He usually has P.E. in the afternoon. ___________________________ 4.think, music, is, I, because, exciting __________________________ Because I think music is exciting. 5.lunch,what,eat, You, time,do, day, every What time do you eat lunch every day? _______________________________
Unit 12
Unit 12 Chinese 语文______ math 数学______ history 历史______ biology 生物______ P.E. 体育______ ______ art 美术______ computer 信息技术______
英语______ 英语 politics 政治______ geography 地理______ philosophy 心理______ music 音乐______ ______ science 科学______语法源自Unit 12or
Unit 12
Unit 12 be strict
with sb
Be busy
in sth
with sth
doing sth
On +星期.
我星期…上课。 我每天…上课。
I have+ 科目 +
every day.
Unit 12
Subjects and teachers
Unit 12 Translate the phrase into English.(把下列短语译成英语。)
1.最喜欢的科目 favorite subject 2.在星期五 on Friday on/at weekend 3.在周末 at school/in school 4.在学校 5.音乐教师 music teacher Chinese history 6.中国历史 his partner 7.他的同伴
Unit 12
Phrases 12
have math Chinese teacher in the morning/ afternoon/evening on Monday on May 2nd on Sunday morning at home play with sb 和某人玩
Unit 12
Unit 12 下面各句画线部分均有一处错误,请找出并改正。
(1) Who is your favorite subject? (A ) What A B C (2) Her favorite food is Beijing. ( C )city A B C (3)My mother favorite color is green.( B )mother΄s A B C (4)I like math why it΄s interesting. (B )because A B C (5)Why does she likes P.E.? ( C )like A B C
Unit 12
( B)6…___is your favorite singer?...Jolion. What B.Who C.How ( C )7.Her favorite___is brown. sport B.food C.color ( A )8…Do you often go to shop___Sunday morning?...No,we ___. A.on;don΄t B.on;do C.at; don΄t D.at;do ( D)9….___is it today? …It΄s Monday. When B.What time C.What D.What day ( D)10.My mother΄s favorite___red. A.friend B.teacher C.subject D.color
Unit 12
Monday 星期一______ Tuesday 星期二______
Thursday Saturday 星期六______
Friday Sunday 星期日______
Unit 12
Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示写出单词。)
Unit 12
词汇 & 句型
Unit 12
Chinese politics geography biology music computer
English math history philosophy science art P.E.
Unit 12
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
--Does he/ she like..? --Yes, he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.
Unit 12
• A: Who is your math teacher? B: My math teacher is Mr. Smith. • A: When do you have music? B: We have music on Tuesday. • I don’t like history because it’s boring.
Unit 12 .Rewrite the sentence according to the requirment.(根据要求
1.Our science teacher is Mr. Martin.(对画线部分提问) Who is your science teacher? 2.Jim likes biology best.(改为同义句)
5.Mary does her homework in the evening.(改为一般疑问句) Mary do her homework in the evening? Does
Unit 12 单项选择
( B ) 1.Ken and Linda΄s favorite subject___P.E.. are B.is C.am D.do ( C ) 2-What΄s your favorite___? –Blue. pen B.book C.color D.food ( B )3. What΄s your favorite subject? ___. Yes,it is. B.Science. C.Football. D.Subject. ( C )4.-Why don΄t you like math? –Because it΄s___. interesting. B.fun. C.difficult. D.exciting. ( C )5.I think math is___,but___. hard;difficult. B.easy;difficult. C.difficult;interesting. D.easy;interesting.
I like Tuesday best. On that day, I have English, math, P.E. and music. English and music are my favorite subjects. In the English class, we can play games and we can also learn many things about foreign countries. We love our English teacher very much. P.E. is also my favorite subject. We can exercise and play basketball. We really like basketball and we can play together.
Unit 12
subject because description word teacher partner busy next strict tired around