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1.It ______sunny today,but it ______ cloudy yesterday. A.is;is B.was;was

C.is;was D.was;is

2.I ______ at school now,but I ______ at home an hour ago. A.am;am B.was;was

C.am;were D.am;was

3.—______ there any students in the classroom?

—No,there aren't.But there ______ some half an hour ago. A.Are;were B.Were;are

C.Are;are D.Were;were

4.—Where ______ you last night?

—I ______ at home.

A.are;am B.am;am

C.were;was D.were;were

5.—______ Nancy at home last weekend?

—No,she ______.She was in the library with her friends. A.Is;isn't B.Was;wasn't

C.Did;didn't D.Was;isn't

6.—______ did you ______ for dinner?

—Sichuan food.

A.What;have B.When;had

C.Why;have D.How;have

7.This movie is kind of boring.I don't really ______ it.

A.see B.look

C.enjoy D.want

8.I didn't go to the beach ______ vacation.I stayed ______ home. A.for;in B.on;at

C.on;in D.in;at

9.—Could you give me ______ money?

—Sorry.I don't have ______ with me.

A.some;any B.little;some

C.any;some D.little;any

10.I'll buy ______ for my son,but ______ for myself.





11.Did you do ______ in the park last Sunday?

A.something interesting

B.interesting something

C.anything interesting

D.interesting anything

12.It ______ that he went there last weekend.

A.seems B.seemed

C.looks D.looked

13.The boy is ______ to carry the box.

A.enough strong B.enough strongly

C.strong enough D.strongly enough

14.I felt like ______ in the sky like a bird.

A.fly B.flew

C.am flying D.flying

15.—How did you feel about the trip?


A.By train B.I'm very tired

C.It was great D.The weather was fine


It was Children's Day yesterday.We __16__ the park.Our teacher was __17__ us.__18__ many people in the park.Some Young Pioneers(少先队员)__19__ near the river.__20__ sang and danced.There were some __21__ on the river.There was a hill __22__.Some boys __23__ in the river.We sat under __24__ apple tree with our teacher.We __25__ on Children's Day yesterday.

16.A.went B.went to C.went for D.went in

17.A.to B.from C.with D.of

18.A.Those were B.How C.Had D.There were

19.A.are B.was C.were D.did

20.A.They B.Them C.Their D.Theirs

21.A.hills B.boats C.flowers D.trees

22.A.here B.over C.over there D.near

23.A.swim B.swimming C.swimmed D.swam

24.A.a B.an C./ D.the

25.A.liked B.enjoyed C.had great fun D.did



Some years ago there was an old woman.She had no children because she did not like children at all.But she loved cats.She had mother cats and baby cats.She had black cats and white cats.The children in the neighborhood came to her house to play with the cats.More and more cats came to the old woman's house.There were too many cats.The old woman couldn't (不能)feed them all.Then she had an idea(主意).“The children love my cats,” she thought(想).So she gave each child a cat.Then she was very happy.And the children were very happy,too.And the cats were pleased,too,because they each had a room.

26.The old woman didn't like______.

A.old cats B.baby cats

C.old people D.children

27.Why did the children come to the woman's house?

A.To look at her house.

B.To help the old woman.

C.To play with the cats.

D.To buy young cats.

28.The word “feed” in the passage means______.

A.give food to

B.look after

C.live with

D.play games

29.The woman gave each child a cat because______.

A.the children liked the cats

B.she couldn't feed so many cats

C.more cats came to her house

D.children came to her house every day

30.Finally(最后)the woman______.

A.began to love children

B.sold(卖掉)all her cats to children
