苏联变迁与意识形态 英文简述




1. 共产主义理念的破产:苏联的社会主义模式被认为无法实现共产主义社会,人们对共产主义的信仰逐渐瓦解。

2. 经济问题:苏联的经济体制出现了严重的问题,计划经济的效率低下、生产力发展不足,导致经济衰退和物质供应不足,人们对社会主义经济体制丧失了信心。

3. 政治腐败和权力集中:苏联的政治体制出现了严重的腐败问题,官僚主义和权力集中导致了社会不公和不满情绪的增长。

4. 民族问题:苏联的多民族国家面临了民族关系紧张和冲突,特别是在中亚地区,民族主义情绪上升导致了国家分裂的风险。

5. 文化问题:苏联的文化政策长期以来对多样性和创新的抑制,许多人对苏联文化的单一性和威权主义的压制感到不满。




officially Russian Federation , Russian Rossiya or Rossiyskaya Federatsiya country that stretches over a vast expanse of eastern Europe and northern Asia. Once the preeminent republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.), Russia has been an independent country since the dissolution of the union in December 1991. Under the Soviet system it was called the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (R.S.F.S.R.). With an area of 6,592,800 square miles (17,075,400 square kilometres), Russia is the world's largest country, covering almost twice the territory of either the United States or China. It ranks sixth in the world in population, following China, India, the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil. The great majority of the people are Russians, but there also are some 70 smaller national groups living within its borders. Most of the population is concentrated in a great triangle in the western, or European, part of the country, although over the past three centuries-and particularly during the early and mid-20th century-there was a steady flow of people eastward to the Asiatic section commonly referred to as Siberia. On its northern and eastern sides Russia is bounded by the Arctic and Pacific oceans, and it has small frontages in the northwest on the Baltic Sea at St. Petersburg and at the detached Russian oblast (province) of Kaliningrad. On the south it borders North Korea, China, Mongolia, and the former Soviet republics of Kazakstan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. On the southwest and west it borders the former Soviet republics of Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, and Estonia, as well as Finland and Norway; in addition, Kaliningrad (formerly a part of what was once East Prussia annexed in 1945) abuts Poland and Lithuania. Extending nearly halfway around the Northern Hemisphere and covering much of eastern and northeastern Europe as well as the whole of northern Asia, Russia has a maximum east-west extent, along the Arctic Circle, of some 4,800 miles (7,700 kilometres) and a north-south width of 1,250 to 1,850 miles. There is an enormous variety of landforms and landscapes, which occur mainly in a series of broad latitudinal belts. Arctic deserts lie in the extreme north, giving way southward to the tundra and then to the forest zones, which cover about half of the country and give it much of its character. South of the forest zone lie the wooded steppe and steppe, beyond which are small sections of semidesert along the northern shore of the Caspian Sea. Much of the federation lies in latitudes where the winter cold is intense and where evaporation can barely keep pace with the accumulation of moisture, engendering abundant rivers, lakes, and swamps. The capital of Russia is Moscow, which was also the capital of the R.S.F.S.R. and of the Soviet Union. The republic itself had been established immediately after the Russian Revolution of October (November, New Style) 1917 and became a union republic on December 30 (December 17, Old Style), 1922. Following the termination of the U.S.S.R. in 1991, Russia joined with other former Soviet republics in forming the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Historically, the territory of European Russia was the core of the expanding Russian state and suffered onslaughts ranging from that of the Mongol hordes in the 13th century to the Nazi invasion of World War II. This historical heritage, together with the country's vast area and natural wealth, which permitted the development of a large-scale industrial economy, gave Russia a unique place of leadership among the former Soviet republics. Its brooding landscapes and the complexities of the prerevolutionary society inspired the prose and music of such giants of world culture as Anton Chekhov, Aleksandr Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, and Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky, while the October Revolution (of 1917) and the changes it brought were reflected in the works of such noted figures as the novelists Maksim Gorky, Mikhail Sholokhov, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, and the composers Dimitry Shostakovich and Sergey Prokofiev. For the geography and history of Russia's two largestcities, see the articles Moscow and Saint Petersburg. For the history of the Soviet Union as a whole, from the Revolution to 1991, see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. For the geography and history of the other former Soviet republics, see Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine. From the beginnings to c. 1700 Prehistory and the rise of the Rus Indo-European, Ural-Altaic, and diverse other peoples have occupied what is now the territory of Russia since the 2nd millennium BC, but little is known about their ethnic identity, institutions, and activities. In ancient times, Greek and Iranian settlements appeared in the southernmost portions of what is now Ukraine. Trading empires of that era seem to have known and exploited the northern forests-particularly the vast, triangular-shaped region west of the Urals between the Kama and Volga rivers-but these contacts seem to have had little lasting impact. Between the 4th and 9th centuries AD, the Huns, Avars, Goths, and Magyars passed briefly over the same terrain, but these transitory occupations also had little influence upon the East Slavs, who during this time were spreading south and east from an area between the Elbe River and the Pripet Marshes. In the 9th century, as a result of penetration into the area from the north and south by northern European and Middle Eastern merchant adventurers, their society was exposed to new economic, cultural, and political forces. The scanty written records tell little of the processes that ensued, but archaeological evidence-notably, the Middle Eastern coins found in eastern Europe-indicates that the development of the East Slavs passed through several stages. From about 770 to about 830, commercial explorers began an intensive penetration of the Volga region. From early bases in the estuaries of the rivers of the eastern Baltic region, Germanic commercial-military bands, probably in search of new routes to the east, began to penetrate territory populated by Finnic and Slavic tribes, where they found amber, furs, honey, wax, and timber products. The indigenous population offered little resistance to their incursions, and there was no significant local authority to negotiate the balance among trade, tribute, and plunder. From the south, trading organizations based in northern Iran and North Africa, seeking the same products, and particularly slaves, became active in the lower Volga, the Don, and, to a lesser extent, the Dnieper region. The history of the Khazar state is intimately connected with these activities. About 830 commerce appears to have declined in the Don and Dnieper regions. There was increased activity in the north Volga, where Scandinavian traders who had previously operated from bases on Lakes Ladoga and Onega established a new centre, near present-day Ryazan. Here, in this period, the first nominal ruler of Rus (called, like the Khazar emperor, kha gan) is mentioned by Islāmic and Western sources. This Volga Rus khagan state may be considered the first direct political antecedent of the Kievan state. Within a few decades these Rus, together with other Scandinavian groups operating farther west, extended their raiding activities down the main river routes toward Baghdad and Constantinople, reaching the latter in 860. The Scandinavians involved in these exploits are known as Varangians; they were adventurers of diverse origins, often led by princes of warring dynastic clans. One of these princes, Rurik of Jutland, is considered the progenitor of the dynasty that ruled in various portions of East Slavic territory until 1598. Evidences of the Varangian expansion are particularly clear in the coin hoards of 900–930. The number of Middle Eastern coins reaching northern regions, especially Scandinavia, indicates a flourishing trade. Written records tell of Rus raids upon Constantinople and the northern Caucasus in the early 10th century. In the period from about 930 to 1000, the region came under complete control by Varangians from Novgorod. This period saw the development ofthe trade route from the Baltic to the Black Sea, which established the basis of the economic life of the Kievan principality and determined its political and cultural development. The degree to which the Varangians may be considered the founders of the Kievan state has been hotly debated since the 18th century. The debate has from the beginning borne nationalistic overtones. Recent works by Russians have generally minimized or ignored the role of the Varangians, while non-Russians have occasionally exaggerated it. Whatever the case, the lifeblood of the sprawling Kievan organism was the commerce organized by the princes. To be sure, these early princes were not “Swedes” or “Norwegians” or “Danes”; they thought in categories not of nation but of clan. But they certainly were not East Slavs. There is little reason to doubt the predominant role of the Varangian Rus in the creation of the state to which they gave their name.。









二、意识形态的定义意识形态(Ideology)这个词最早由法国的限时存在者(Destutt de Tracy)于1801年提出,其最初含义为“对思想和判断的科学研究”。
















Let’s Get To Know the Crucial Leaders Involved…
DESCRIPTIຫໍສະໝຸດ Na communist reformer was appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985. His major reforms were glasnost, perestroika and democratization. These reforms allowed the problems of the USSR to be uncovered and become public knowledge. Emerged as the dominant leader in the 1970’s. { right before Gorbachev}. He was determined to keep Eastern Europe in Communist hands and was uninterested in reform. Under his rule, the party officials were living large, while average Russians fought just to make ends meet. When elected in 1980, the relations with the Soviets got even worse as he referred to them as an “evil empire”. He began a military buildup, which stimulated a new arms race. {weaponry} By providing military aid to proSoviet regimes in Afghanistan, he thought he would force them to waste their resources on a foreign war. President of the Russian republic, and new commander in chief of Russia after collapse of the Soviet Union. He vowed to transform Russia’s socialist economy into a free market. Elected President in 2000. He was a former officer of the secret police and was widely seen as someone who wanted to keep a tight reign on government power.



教育的本质和职能的表现。在《 青年团的任务》 一文中 , 列宁揭露了资产 阶级所谓“ 教育不问
政治 ”“ 育不讲 政治 ” 、教 的实质 。资产 阶级 的学 校总是 说 , 它要 造就 知识 全 面的人 , 它教 的是 般科 学 。 宁认 为这完 全是撒 谎 。 列 因为资产 阶级 学校 里 的每 一句话 都是 根据资 产 阶级 的利 益捏 造 出来 的 , 这样 的学 校 里 , 在 教育 青年 的 目的 就是要 训 练对 资产 阶级有 用 的奴仆 , 之 使
教育 不 问政 治 的 旧观点 , 不能让 教育 工作 不联系政 治 ” 。①
十月革命 胜利 后 , 宁和 布尔什 维克 党领 导俄 国走上 社会 主义 道路 , 意识 形态 中确立 列 在

42 ・
了 马克 思 主义 思 想 的指 导 地位 。 1 1 9 9年 3月 俄 共 ( ) 国 民教 育 方 面 的任 务 就是 把 1 1 布 在 97 年 十月 革命 开始 了 的事业 进 行 到 底 。学 校 的 目的在 于培 养 能 够 彻 底 建成 共 产 主义 的一 代 人 。 全 体苏 联人 民尤 其是 年轻 一 代进 行共 产 主义 思想 政治 教育 是苏 联 意识形 态工 作 的 中 对 心 环节 。 宁在 苏维 埃 政权 确立 初期 就提 出学校 必须 进行 思想 政治 教育 。 联党 和政 府一 贯 列 苏 重 视青 少年 思想 政治 教 育 ,多次 在党 的代表 大会 上 和有 关 的教 育 法令 中突 出强调 其核 心地 位。
打破之 后 , 用什 么去填补 业 已形成 的思想真 空 。 俄 罗斯政 治 经济发展 过 程 中不 可忽 是
视 的问题 。历经一段 盲 目追求 西方 民主 的狂 热 时期之 后 , 罗斯 社会本 身 已开始对 其 俄



俄罗斯政治英语Russia's political landscape is complex and often subject to debate and controversy. The country's political system is characterized by a strong executive branch, dominated by the President, and a legislature with limited power. The ruling party, United Russia, has a strong grip on power and often faces accusations of electoral fraud and suppression of political opposition. The state-run media also plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and supporting the government's agenda. Overall, Russia's political environment is characterized by a lack of genuine political competition and limited freedom of expression.俄罗斯的政治格局复杂,经常受到辩论和争议。





The President of Russia holds significant power in the country's political system. The President is the head of state and government and is responsible for shaping thecountry's domestic and foreign policies. The current President, Vladimir Putin, has been in power for over two decades and has maintained a strong grip on the political landscape. However, his rule has been marked by allegations of corruption, human rights abuses, and suppression of political opposition.俄罗斯总统在该国的政治体系中拥有重大权力。








中图分类号:D59 文献标识码:A DOI:10.19387/ki.1009-0592.2018.08.228一、苏联改革前意识形态领域的基本状况目前学界普遍认为,苏联解体的主要原因之一在于意识形态领域的混乱,戈尔巴乔夫主观上抛弃了马克思主义在意识形态的领导权是导致苏联亡党亡国的直接原因之一。









苏联修正主义英语The concept of "Soviet Revisionism" emerged as a critical term within the international communist movement, referring to the perceived deviation from the original principles of Marxism-Leninism by the Soviet Union under the leadership of Nikita Khrushchev.This deviation was often characterized by a shift towards a more pragmatic approach to governance, which some saw as a move away from the revolutionary ideals that had once defined the Soviet state. The debate over revisionism sparked intense discussions and disagreements among communist parties worldwide.In the 1960s, the term became a focal point ofideological conflict, particularly between the Soviet Union and China. The Chinese Communist Party accused the Soviet leadership of betraying the revolutionary cause, leading to a split within the global communist movement.The implications of Soviet Revisionism extended beyond ideological disputes, influencing foreign policy and military strategy. It raised questions about the nature of socialism and the role of the state in guiding economic and social development.Understanding the nuances of Soviet Revisionism requires a deep dive into the historical context of the Cold War era,where ideological purity was fiercely defended, and any perceived deviation could lead to significant political and social consequences.The legacy of this period continues to shape our understanding of political ideologies and the complexities of power dynamics within and between nations. It serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a critical perspective on the evolution of political thought and practice.。



苏联解体主题演讲稿英文The Disintegration of the Soviet Union。

Ladies and gentlemen, today I am honored to stand before you to discuss the topic of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This historic event, which took place in 1991, had a profound impact not only on the former Soviet republics, but also on the global political landscape. The collapse of the Soviet Union marked the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new era in international relations.The disintegration of the Soviet Union can be attributed to a combination of internal and external factors. Internally, the Soviet Union was plagued by economic stagnation, political repression, and ethnic tensions. The policies of glasnost and perestroika, introduced by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, aimed to reform the Soviet system, but ultimately led to the unraveling of the union. Externally, the United States and its allies played a significant role in hastening the demise of the Soviet Union through their support for anti-communist movements and their military buildup.The disintegration of the Soviet Union had far-reaching consequences for the former Soviet republics. The newly independent states faced numerous challenges, including economic restructuring, political instability, and ethnic conflicts. Some republics, such as Ukraine and Belarus, chose to maintain close ties with Russia, while others, such as the Baltic states, sought to distance themselves from their former overlord. The dissolution of the Soviet Union also had a profound impact on the global balance of power, as the United States emerged as the world's sole superpower.In conclusion, the disintegration of the Soviet Union was a watershed moment in20th-century history. It marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter in international relations. The legacy of the Soviet Union continues to shape the political, economic, and social landscape of the former Soviet republics to this day. Thank you.。



英语作文苏联解体的原因Title: The Causes of the Dissolution of the Soviet Union。

The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of an era in global politics and the conclusion of the Cold War. This monumental event had far-reaching consequences, reshaping the geopolitical landscape and impacting millions of lives. The collapse of such a superpower was a complex phenomenon driven by various interconnected factors. In this essay, we will explore the key reasons behind the demise of the Soviet Union, drawing insights from historical analyses and scholarly research.One of the primary factors contributing to the dissolution of the Soviet Union was its economic inefficiency and structural weaknesses. The Soviet economy, characterized by central planning and state ownership of the means of production, struggled to adapt to the demands of the modern world. Centrally planned economies areinherently inefficient due to their inability to allocate resources effectively and respond to market signals. The Soviet Union's reliance on heavy industry and military expenditure drained resources from more productive sectors, leading to stagnation and declining living standards forits citizens.Moreover, the inefficiencies of the Soviet economy were exacerbated by systemic corruption and bureaucratic mismanagement. The centralization of power in the hands of the Communist Party elite fostered a culture of nepotism and cronyism, where party officials prioritized personal gain over the common good. This pervasive corruption undermined public trust in the government and hindered efforts to implement meaningful reforms.Another critical factor in the dissolution of the Soviet Union was the erosion of ideological legitimacy and the loss of public support. The Communist Party's monopoly on power was challenged by growing dissent and disillusionment among the populace. Years of propaganda and censorship could not conceal the failures of the Sovietsystem, as people became increasingly aware of its shortcomings and injustices. The ideals of Marxism-Leninism lost their appeal in the face of economic hardship,political repression, and social inequality.Furthermore, the Soviet Union's demise was hastened by the rise of nationalist movements within its constituent republics. Ethnic tensions simmered beneath the surface for decades, suppressed by the authoritarian regime. However, the policies of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s inadvertently unleashed long-suppressed nationalist sentiments. Republics such as Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia sought greater autonomy and eventually declared independence, sparking a chain reaction that culminated in the dissolution of the union.The geopolitical dynamics of the Cold War also played a significant role in the Soviet Union's collapse. The arms race and proxy conflicts with the United States strained the Soviet economy and drained its resources. The reforms initiated by Gorbachev, intended to revitalize the Sovietsystem, inadvertently weakened its grip on Eastern Europe. The unraveling of communist regimes in Poland, Hungary, East Germany, and other Eastern Bloc countries signaled the waning influence of the Soviet Union in the region.Additionally, external factors such as the decliningoil prices and the loss of strategic allies further undermined the Soviet Union's stability. The collapse of the oil market in the 1980s dealt a severe blow to the Soviet economy, which heavily relied on oil exports to finance its activities. Meanwhile, the loss of client states in Eastern Europe and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact deprived the Soviet Union of its buffer zone and geopolitical leverage.In conclusion, the dissolution of the Soviet Union was a multifaceted process driven by economic, political, social, and geopolitical factors. The combination of economic inefficiency, ideological decay, nationalist aspirations, and external pressures ultimately proved insurmountable for the Soviet regime. The collapse of such a formidable superpower reshaped the global order andmarked the end of the Cold War era, leaving a profound impact on world history.。



苏联介绍作文英语The Soviet Union, officially known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was a socialist state thatexisted on the northern part of the Eurasian continent from 1922 to 1991. It was the world's first constitutionally socialist state and was governed by the Communist Party, specifically under the leadership of the General Secretary. The USSR was a union of multiple nationalities, with Russians being the most prominent.Geographically, the Soviet Union was the largest country by land area, spanning over 8.9 million square miles. Itstretched from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean, covering 11 time zones. The vastness of the Soviet Union included a wide range of climates and landscapes, from the frozen tundra of Siberia to the temperate climates of the western regions.Economically, the USSR was a planned economy, with the state having control over production and distribution of goods and services. The focus was on heavy industry, particularly steel, oil, and machinery. However, the agricultural sector faced challenges and was often inefficient, leading to food shortages.Culturally, the Soviet Union was known for its contributionsto science, literature, and the arts. The state promoted education and literacy, and many Soviet scientists andwriters gained international recognition. The era alsoproduced iconic symbols of Soviet culture, such as the Sputnik satellite and the works of authors like Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolai Gogol.Politically, the Soviet Union played a significant role in global affairs, particularly during the Cold War, where it was a key player in the ideological struggle against the capitalist West, led by the United States. The USSR was a founding member of the United Nations and had a seat on the UN Security Council.The Soviet Union's history was marked by periods of rapid industrialization, collectivization, and significant military expansion. However, it also faced internal challenges, including economic stagnation, political repression, and a lack of political freedoms. These issues, along with a series of reforms under Mikhail Gorbachev, ultimately led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.In conclusion, the Soviet Union was a complex and influential state that played a crucial role in the 20th century. Its legacy can be seen in the political, economic, and cultural spheres, and its impact is still felt in the modern world. Despite its collapse, the Soviet Union remains a subject of historical interest and debate.。



英语作文苏联解体的原因英文:The dissolution of the Soviet Union was a complex and multifaceted process, with various factors contributing to its eventual collapse. One of the main reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union was its economic inefficiency and stagnation. The centrally planned economy of the Soviet Union was unable to keep up with the rapid advancements in technology and global market trends. As a result, the country faced severe shortages of consumer goods and widespread poverty. The lack of economic growth and development led to widespread dissatisfaction among the Soviet people, who began to demand greater economic freedom and prosperity.Another significant factor that led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union was the nationalistic movements within its constituent republics. The Soviet Union was a multi-ethnic state, comprised of various ethnic groups withdistinct cultures, languages, and histories. As the Soviet government began to lose its grip on power, many of these ethnic groups sought greater autonomy and independence.This led to the rise of nationalist movements in republics such as Ukraine, Lithuania, and Estonia, which eventually declared their independence from the Soviet Union.Furthermore, the policies of Soviet leaders, such as Mikhail Gorbachev, also played a crucial role in the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev's attempts to reform the Soviet system through policies such as glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) inadvertently weakened the authority of the central government and emboldened nationalist movements. The loosening ofpolitical restrictions and censorship allowed for the emergence of alternative political ideologies and movements, further destabilizing the Soviet regime.In addition to these internal factors, external pressures also contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The arms race with the United States and its NATO allies placed a significant strain on the Soviet economy,diverting resources away from essential social and economic needs. The Soviet Union's involvement in costly military interventions, such as the war in Afghanistan, further exacerbated its economic woes and weakened itsinternational standing.Ultimately, the combination of economic inefficiency, nationalist movements, and misguided policies led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The collapse of the Soviet Union had far-reaching consequences, not onlyfor the former Soviet republics but also for the global geopolitical landscape.中文:苏联解体是一个复杂而多方面的过程,有各种因素导致了它最终的崩溃。






















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勃列日涅夫时期苏联的意识形态机构及管理模式李全[内容提要] 勃列日涅夫时期,苏共对意识形态工作尤为重视,其中一个重要表现就是意识形态机构和人员大量增加。


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俄罗斯历史英文作文英文:Russian history is a fascinating subject that spans centuries of political, social, and cultural evolution. From the earliest days of the Kievan Rus to the modern eraof Putin's Russia, the country has seen its share of triumphs and tragedies.One of the most significant events in Russian history was the reign of Peter the Great in the 18th century. He transformed Russia from a backward, isolated nation into a powerful European power, modernizing its military, industry, and culture. His legacy can still be seen in the grandeurof St. Petersburg, which he founded as his new capital.Another pivotal moment in Russian history was the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, which led to theestablishment of the Soviet Union. The Soviet era saw dramatic changes in the country's economy, society, andpolitical system, as well as the rise of communism as a global ideology. However, it was also marked by repression, censorship, and human rights abuses, which continue to shape Russia's political landscape today.Despite these challenges, Russia has produced some of the world's greatest writers, artists, and thinkers, including Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky, and Chekhov.Its rich cultural heritage is a testament to the resilience and creativity of the Russian people, who have endured centuries of hardship and adversity.中文:俄罗斯历史是一个令人着迷的主题,跨越了政治、社会和文化演变的数个世纪。



苏联英文介绍The Soviet Union was a federation of multiple republics located in Eurasia, and it emerged as a result of the Russian Revolution in 1917. The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized power and established a socialist government, aiming to create a classless society based on Marxist principles. In 1922, the Soviet Union was formally established, comprising several republics, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and others.Key features of the Soviet Union included a planned economy, where the government controlled major industries, agriculture, and resources. The Communist Party held significant power, and the government operated under a one-party system. Joseph Stalin succeeded Lenin as the leader of the Soviet Union and implemented policies that industrialized the country rapidly but were also marked by political repression and human rights abuses.The Soviet Union played a crucial role in World War II as a member of the Allies, contributing significantly to the defeat of Nazi Germany. The post-war period saw the emergence of the Cold War, a geopolitical rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States. The two superpowers engaged in an armsrace, space race, and ideological competition that shaped global politics for several decades.In the late 20th century, the Soviet Union faced economic stagnation, political unrest, and demands for political reforms. In 1991, following a period of political and social upheaval, the Soviet Union dissolved, leading to the independence of its constituent republics. The dissolution marked the end of the Cold War and the emergence of the Russian Federation as the successor state to the Soviet Union.。

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The Path of Soviet Union and Its Ideological Changes1. Good morning, boys and girls. Mr. Schlesinger has in the text constantly mentioned one word—ideology, and in great pride sees America as a country free from the hindrance of ideology. But what is ideology for? Think about it.2. Soviet Union of 15 socialist republics was the first socialist country in the world. As a great socialist experiment, it was founded in 1922, and was disintegrated in 1991 due to, I’d say, ideological disasters.3. Ever since the success of October Revolution and founding of Soviet Russia in 1917, Lenin, the leader, held fast to the theory of WAR OF CLASSES and instilling Marxism, the most powerful ideological weapon, to the proletariat.4. In 1924, Stalin, as an another promoter of Marxism, began his nearly 30 years’ political career. By establishing a centralized planned economy and state ownership of means of production, Soviet Union was turned into a country of heavy industry and military power.5. In his reign, several five-year plans were successfully carried out. Soviet survived the aggression of German Nazis. But cultural autocracy was typical because of Stalin’s policies of isolation from external thoughts, and self-proclaimed arrogance.6. Stalin’s ideology was one that pursued the birth of new people, who would show absolute obedience and loyalty to his own rules. That was why Stalin used Soviet NKVD, a security police and violent agency to purge out the dissenters and the impure races.7. Here is an example of Stalin’s national oppression. In the winter of 1932 and 1933, on the pretext of preventing polarization of rich and poor, million tons of grains and crops were confiscated from the Ukrainians, causing a famine that claimed 7 millions of people’s deaths.8. In 1953, Khrushchev assumed power, advocating “a nation of entire people and a party of entire people”. He proposed the realization of communism by 1980, by way of material incentives and reform of agriculture.9. Concerning the foreign policy, Khrushchev put forward the principles of peaceful coexistence and competition. In his period, Soviet achieved a lot in the aerospace field, with the first man-made satellite or sputnik launched into sky in 1957.10. Khrushchev also began to denounce the deceased Stalin of his political and cultural oppression and cult of personality. More people began to negate Stalin’s role in the construction and defense of Soviet, and he paid no heed.11. Yet he deviated from Lenin’s collective leadership principle and grabbed power in his own hands. In his clumsy economic reforms, for example, he personally proposed the construction of big collective farms that were hard to administer.12. Brezhnev in 1964 replaced Khrushchev and continued to reform. Unlike Khrushchev, he drove Soviet in a harder line and claimed that Soviet had the right to resort to military intervention once the Warsaw Pact member’s regime be threatened.13. As a result, he dispatched troops to invade Czechoslovakia in 1968. In 1979, he launched war against Afghanistan simply because the newly-elected Afghan government dismissed the pro-Soviet policy.14. It is noteworthy that in Brezhnev’s time, especially by 1975, the national comprehensive power reached its peak. GNP increased from America’s 23% to its 53%, and power of nuclear weapons equaled to that of America. But, corruption was prevailing.15. Ever since Gorbachev’s assuming power in 1985, reforms of deviation from the ideals of communism were carried out. Gorbachev insisted on the ideals of pluralism of thoughts, on multi-party system, economic privatization and non-party affiliation.16. Generally speaking, with the western political system in hand, he devolved central government power, and lessened the intervention in political affairs of eastern European countries, an over-open policy that accelerated the disintegration.17. Here talking about the Soviet Union’s ideological changes, Cold War, as a typical outcome of the ideological propaganda, cannot be left out. Cold War began right after the end of World War II.18. Experts argued that Cold War broke out as a result of two camps of ideology that sought world power. The Soviet side stood for totalitarianism that ate away freedom and democracy and communism that allowed no private belongings.19. While the America side stood for self-proclaimed democracy, utilitarianism and selfishness. Each side demanded its citizens to guard against one another. Competitions of Nuclear weapon development, and exploration of outer space, cost tremendous money and labour.20. In 1991, with twisted ideological changes and conflicts, Soviet Union ended up with disintegration. China, however, develops a different path from Soviet. So whether ideology helps or not, it entails your further thought.。
