Clinic Nutrition (vitamin 2009)




* RE
800 700
视黄醇当量(Retinol equivalent) *α-TE=α-生育酚当量(α-Tocopherol equivalent)
中国营养学会. 2013
维生素治疗 获益1,2,3
3 4
提高机体抗氧化能力 减轻全身炎症反应
促进伤口愈合. Berger, Vitamins and trace elements: Practical aspects of supplementation. Nutrition 22(2006) 952-955 2.索伯斯卡.临床营养学基础[M].蔡威译.上海:上海交通大学出版社,2013:137-145. 3.武超,王新颖,刘思彤,等.多种维生素对腹部手术后患者氧化应激及过度炎性反应的影响[J/OL].中华损伤与 修复杂志:电子版,2013,8(2):30-33.
2015. 4.10
于健春 于 波 马良坤 韦军民 王新颖
王化虹 朱明炜
吴国豪 钱素云
王凤安 李元新
郎 韧 康维明
田伟军 陈莲珍
所 剑
刘燕萍 迟 强
赵 彬 彭 斌



附录1肠外肠内营养学临床指南中华医学会肠外肠内营养学分会(2006 版)第一章制定指南的“指南”引言制定指南的初级阶段中华医学会肠外肠内营养学分会(Chinese Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, CSPEN)于2004年12月在京成立。





2005年1月- 9月,是我们分会制定指南的初级阶段。













Phyllis Balch.持有执照的营养顾问、美国顶级营养顾问之一。



第二本书的合作作者是James Balch博士。

James Balch博士毕业于美国印第安那州医学院,是美国医学会会员,美国外科医生学会会员和执照泌尿科医师。


)Michael Colgan.医学博士、哲学博士、一位闻名全球的运动学营养学权威。





Earl Mindell.医学博士、哲学博士、美国顶级营养学家之一、国际著名的营养、药物、维生素和草药治疗领域的权威。



Michael Murray.医学博士、自然医术博士、自然医学领域内世界公认的顶级权威之一。



NUTRICIA(纽迪西亚)始创于1901年,专业从事人类营养研究至今已有100年历史,是荷兰皇家Numico (纽蜜可)集团中历史最悠久的一面旗帜。

NUTRICIA是欧洲最大的临床营养(CLINICAL NUTRITION )产品生产商,被认为是高品质临床营养产品的世界领导者。

















hot money (国际游资)tax holiday (免税期)行话、俚语:auction house “拍卖行”,非“拍卖屋”commission“佣金”,非“委员会”buy a stock “吃进股票”业内行话baby-kisser “善于笼络人心的政客”,非“亲吻孩子的父母”buck 美元lowdown 内幕真相jack up 抬高物价upscale 高档消费层次1. 出租车起步价flag-down fare2. 法定准备金率required reserve ratio3. 实体经济real economy 虚拟经济fictitious economy4. 反盗版anti-piracy 知识产权intellectual property rights5. 出口退税tax rebates 人民币升值the yuan’s appreciation6. 信贷紧缩credit crunch 次贷危机subprime crisis最优惠贷款利率prime rate7. 翻盖手机flip/clamshell 滑盖手机slide phone 直板手机bar phone8. 经济适用房economically affordable house9. 安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents10 .住房保障制度housing security system11. 大宗交易系统block trading system 竞价交易系统bid trading system12. 暴利税windfall tax13. 整容手术cosmetic surgery (face –lifting)14. 双眼皮手术double eyelid operation 鼻子手术nose job15. 从紧的货币政策tight monetary policy16. 宽松的货币政策easy monetary policy17. 审慎的财政政策prudent fiscal policy18. 油价飙升oil prices surge19. 原油价飙升crude oil prices surge20. 石油输出国组织organization of the petroleum exporting countries(OPEC)21. 原油储备crude oil stockpiles22. 轻质原油light sweet crude23. 使人均GDP翻两番to quadruple per capita GDP24. 股权收购、股权投资stake purchase ; take stakes25. 世界巡演worldwide tour 复出巡演comeback tour26. 个体工商户self—employed people27. 房屋中介letting agent 保险经纪人insurance agent 地产经纪人estate agent28. 直销direct selling 传销pyramid selling29. 漫游费roaming fee 单向收费one -way charge 来电免费业务free incoming calls30. 吃回扣to take/receive/get kickback31. 洗钱money laundering32. 透支overdraft33. 股市牛年bullish year34. 上市子公司listed subsidiary35. 海关税收customs revenue36. 税收减免tax break37. 二流货的cut—rate38. 高端产品high end product39. 货币升值revaluation /currency appreciation40. 跳槽job—popping41. 大片blockbuster42. 货币经纪人money broker43. 起征点cutoff point44. 暴发户;新贵upstart45. 养老保险endowment insurance46. 解雇金severance pay47. 勾销债款write off48. 高峰期peak season49. 职员总数headcount50. 买入股票buy into51. 出境游outbound travel52. 逃税tax evasion53. 公开募款initial public offering54. 新闻专线newswire55. 衰退downturn56. 由…推出bow out57. 便携式游戏机PSP58. 负有责任的accountable59. 精炼厂,炼油厂refinery60. 杀手hit man61. 官方证明书clearance62. 家禽流行病epizonntic63. 辞职;下台step down64. 门户网站portal65. 小轿车sedan66. 战略石油储备strategic petroleum reserve67. 半导体semiconductor68. 基准点,衡量标准benchmark69. 出口补贴export subsidy70. 对…不太重视play down71. 记账卡,签帐卡charge card72. 反托拉斯anti—trust73. 资产负债表balance sheet74. 最佳位置最佳时期sweet spot75. 货存,库存量inventory76. 集体诉讼class action77. 反倾销antidumping78. 不足,赤字,差额shortfall79. 美国联邦储备系统Federal Reserve80. 资本净值net worth81. 汇丰银行HSBC82. 国际货币基金组织IMF83. 财务欺诈accounting fraud84. 国际套利资本/国际游资hot money41. 日益昌盛become increasingly prosperous2. 快速发展develop rapidly3. 隆重集会gather ceremoniously4. 热爱和平love peace5. 追求进步pursue progress6. 履行权利和义务perform the responsibilities and obligations7. 回顾奋斗历程review the course of struggle8. 展望伟大征程look into the great journey9. 充满信心和力量be filled with confidence and strength10. 必胜be bound to win11. 主张各国政府采取行动urge governments of all countries to take action12. 和平共处coexist peacefully13. 对内开放和对外开放open up both externally and internally14. 经历两个不同时期experience two different periods15. 战胜无数的困难overcome numerous difficulties16. 赢得一个又一个胜利win one victory after another17. 完全意识到be fully aware that18. 迈出重要的一步make an important step19. 采取各种措施adopt various measures20. 得出结论,告一段落draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion21. 实现民族独立realize national independence22. 追求真理seek the truth23. 建立社会主义制度establish a socialist system24. 根除(防止,消除)腐败root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption25. 响应号召respond to the call26. 进入新时期enter a new period27. 实行新政策practice new policies28. 展现生机和活力display one’s vigor and vitality29. 增强综合国力enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and和国际竟争力international competitiveness30. 进入世界先进行列edge into the advanced ranks in the world31. 解决温饱问题solve the problem of food and clothing32. 吸收各国文明的先进成果absorb what is advanced in other civilizations33. 与日俱增increase every day34. 实现夙愿fulfill the long-cherished wishes35. 必将实现be bound to come true36. 锻造一支人民军队forge a people’s army37. 建立巩固的国防build a strong national defense38. 进行和谈hold peace talks39. 修改法律amend the laws40. 在...中起(至关)重要的作用play a major(crucial, an important ) role in41. 对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great, major )contributions to42. 遵循规则follow the principles43. 把理论和实际结合起来integrate theory with practice …44. 把...作为指导take… as the guide45. 缓和紧张状况ease the tension46. 高举伟大旗帜hold high the great banner47. 解决新问题resolve new problems48. 观察当今世界observe the present-day world49. 开拓前进open up new ways forward50. 增强凝聚力enhance the rally power51. 结束暴力,开始和平谈判end the violence and resume peace talks52. 进行战略性调整make strategic readjustment53. 开始生效go into effect / enter into force54. 就...接受妥协accept a compromise on55. 接受...的采访be interviewed by56. 把……看成社会公敌look upon … as a threat to s ociety57. 把……捐给慈善机构donate …to charities58. 维护世界和平maintain world peace59. 摆脱贫穷落后get rid of poverty and backwardness60. 实现发展繁荣bring about development and prosperity61. 反对各种形式的恐怖主义be opposed to all forms of terrorism62. 宣布。

american journal of clinical nutrition投稿须知

american journal of clinical nutrition投稿须知

american journal of clinical nutrition投稿须知American Journal of Clinical Nutrition是营养和营养学领域最受好评的同行评议的主要研究期刊,由牛津大学出版社出版。


- 投稿范围:该期刊发表有关营养主题的最新研究,如肥胖、维生素和矿物质、营养与疾病以及能量代谢。


- 投稿周期:一般为3个月左右。

- 同行评审:所有提交的具有科学内容的材料将在接受出版前由编辑或其设计进行同行评审。

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1. 血清白蛋白
❖判断营养不良可靠指标 ❖反映慢性蛋白缺乏(半衰期20d)
正常:35-45g/L, A/G>1.0
2. 血清转铁蛋白
❖判断疗效良好指标 ❖反映近期肝脏合成功能、能力(半衰期9d) 正常:2.5-3.0g/L
Introduction to Clinic Nutrition
临床营养 Clinical nutrition
一、 概 述
临床营养(Clinical nutrition) 研究人体处于各种病理状态下的营养需
Introduction to Clinic Nutrition
即在正常生理需要量的基础上,根据 疾病的种类、病情及病人的营养状况,采 取合理安排饮食、营养支持等营养措施来 改善机体生理功能,提高免疫,达到辅助 治疗、促进康复、预防疾病等目的的治疗 方法,它是疾病综合治疗的一部分。
➢ 膳食特点
低盐,每天钠<2g,禁腌制食品(咸食); 无盐,钠<1g,禁食盐和含盐食品可用 糖醋替代调味; 低钠,钠<0.5g,额外还需禁含钠高的油 菜、芹菜、松花蛋、豆腐干、猪肾等。
Introduction to Clinic Nutrition
3. 低嘌呤饮食 ➢适用对象 急性痛风、慢性痛风、高尿酸血症、尿酸
Introduction to Clinic Nut特点
切碎煮烂,易消化、咀嚼,粗纤维少。 能量2200-2400kcal,蛋白质70-80g。 额外补充矿物质、维生素。 适用对象 轻度发热、口腔疾患、咀嚼功能受一 定影响、消化功能减退。胃肠疾病恢复期 病人、 老人、幼儿等。
常规膳食 治疗膳食 实验膳食


双膦酸盐可与骨表面的羟磷灰石强有力地结 合,双膦酸盐不易被水解,可沉积在骨组织内被OC 摄取,抑制OC的活性并诱导其凋亡,进而抑制骨吸 收[23]。双膦酸盐下调RANKL的表达,抑制OC增 殖分化[24]O此外,双膦酸盐还可下调骨形态发生蛋 白(BMP)拮抗剂和Wnt拮抗剂表达,调节BMP/ Smad和Wnt/0-catenin信号通路,抑制骨吸收,促进 骨形成,治疗GIOP[23]o 2.3甲状旁腺素
Abstract : Glucocorticoid is a common anti-inflammatory drug. Long-term use of glucocorticoid leads to osteoporosis, increases the incidence of fracture, and seriously affects the quality of life of patients. By regulating the expression of genes and proteins in Wnt/ 0-catenin, OPG/RANK/RANKL, BMP/Smad, AKT, ERK and other signaling pathways, the drugs can affect the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, regulate the process of bone formation and bone absorption, and play a role in the treatment of GIOP. In this paper, the pathogenesis and drug action mechanism of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis are summarized. Western drugs include vitamin D and calcium, bisphosphonates, parathyroid hormone and Denosumab which are commonly used in the clinic. Chinese herbs include Icariin, Rehmanniae Radix Preparata, Geniposide, Morinda officinalis and Plastrum testudinis. Key words: glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis ; pathogenesis ; pharmacological mechanism


常规口服制剂药动学研究是通过测定服药后体液中药 物浓度数据计算其药动学参数。DPK 相当于将血、血浆、尿
药学与临床研究 综
的药动学方法运用于角质层,是在局部用药及去除药物后的 特定时间内,采用胶带连续剥离角质层,从而获得药物在角 质层中的浓度数据,通过构建两种制剂处方角质层药—时曲 线,以计算 Cmax、Tmax 和 AUC,判断药物是否等效。
在中国外用制剂仿制药评价要求中,当外用溶液剂的药 品配方发生变化,影响渗透性时,需要根据情况开展相应的 体外和体内对比研究;对于半固体制剂,在主要质量特性一 致的基础上,可通过体外释放对比和透皮吸收对比试验,来 评价仿制药与参比制剂的质量和疗效的一致性;皮肤外用制 剂仅作用于皮肤角质层外、难以透过皮肤屏障时,可在药学 定性(Q1)、定量(Q2)和微观结构(Q3)一致的基础上,开展体 外释放对比研究,证明仿制药与参比制剂的生物等效性;对 作用部位在角质层内的外用制剂,可在 Q1、Q2、Q3 一致的基 础上,开展体外释放和体外透皮吸收对比试验,评价仿制药 与参比制剂的生物等效性。在欧盟,如果使用的所有研究均 经过充分验证,允许使用适当情况下的动物或体外研究证明 仿制药与参比制剂的生物等效性。日本《外用制剂仿制药生 物等效性研究指导原则》 中无 IVPT/IVRS 的生物等效性研 究,体外释放试验通常作为皮肤局部外用制剂 BE 评估的支 持性研究[13]。该指导原则中允许仅在皮肤表面发挥药效的外 用制剂通过体外效力试验或动物试验证明其等效性。
(500~600 例),此类研究成本昂贵、耗时较长,且该方法证明 生物等效性的准确、灵敏度和重现性均较差[14]。
中国 《新注册分类的皮肤外用仿制药的技术评价要求》[4] 指出,体外释放对比和透皮吸收对比试验、非临床对比研究不 能确定仿制药与参比制剂的生物等效性时,建议开展对比研 究;处方中有新增的渗透促进成分,建议进行临床终点的生物 等效性研究。欧盟《Clinical Requirements for Locally Applied, Locally Acting Products,Containing Known Constituents》[15] 称: 为了证明治疗等效性,原则上有必要进行临床试验,但可以 使用和开发其他模型;对于仿制药,当药效学研究或局部有 效性研究、体外研究等方法不适用时,需要开展临床研究。美 国通用药品开发指南中,有大量皮肤外用制剂建议开展临床 终点的 BE 研究,作为等效性评价方式,如双氯芬酸凝胶、复 合氟轻松/氢醌/维甲酸乳霜、盐酸萘替芬乳膏等,阿昔洛韦乳 膏、甲硝唑乳膏等,可选择开展临床终点的 BE 研究或其他 类型研究,以证明其生物等效性。日本《外用仿制药生物等效 性研究指导原则》[5]中规定,当其他研究不可行或不适用时, 应使用统计学上足够数量的患者开展临床终点的 BE 研究。 应考虑每种药物的临床特征,制定可接受的等效性标准。



WHO Model Formulary for ChildrenBased on the Second Model List of Essential Medicines for Children 2009世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准目录WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:WHO model formulary for children 2010.Based on the second model list of essential medicines for children 2009.1.Essential drugs.2.Formularies.3.Pharmaceutical preparations.4.Child.5.Drug utilization. I.World Health Organization.ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (NLM classification: QV 55)世界卫生组织实验室出版数据目录:世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准处方集1.基本药物 2.处方一览表 3.药品制备 4儿童 5.药物ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (美国国立医学图书馆分类:QV55)World Health Organization 2010All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained fromWHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: ******************). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press, at the aboveaddress(fax:+41227914806;e-mail:*******************).世界卫生组织2010版权所有。



人血白蛋白规格解释说明以及概述1. 引言1.1 概述人血白蛋白是一种重要的血浆蛋白,具有多种生理功能和广泛的应用领域。




1.2 文章结构本文首先会介绍人血白蛋白的定义和简介,包括其基本特征以及生理功能等方面。




1.3 目的本文的目的是全面介绍和解释人血白蛋白及其相关知识,让读者对人血白蛋白有更深入的了解。


2. 人血白蛋白2.1 定义和简介人血白蛋白是一种重要的生物分子,在人体中存在于血液中。



2.2 生理功能人血白蛋白具有多种生理功能。





2.3 规格和分类根据不同的规格和分类方法,人血白蛋白可以被细分为不同类型。






最受消费者欢迎的美国十大膳食补充剂根据美国国家健康协会National Institutes of Health (NIH)评选结果,最受消费者欢迎的美国十大膳食补充剂:NO.1 Puritans Pride 普瑞丁全球第一门类齐全保健品公司:美国Puritans Pride 普瑞丁,是全球知名垂直营销保健品牌:NBTY Inc.旗下的公司,也是美国最大的保健品公司之一。



NO.2 GNC健安喜全球第一维生素品牌:美国GNC健安喜曾连续十四年被著名杂志《Entrepreneur Magazine》评为美国维生素及营养食品特许经营商第一位。



NO.3 Martek 纽曼斯全球第一DHA保健品牌:Neuromins DHA系列产品是采用美国MARTEK公司的专利技术,未经任何基因工程处理,按照美国现行GMP规范生产的专为孕妇和婴幼儿设计的,目前唯一通过美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)的食品最高级别安全认证(GRAS)的植物型纯天然绿色DHA营养食品。

MARTEK DHA系列产品为纯植物性DHA,按照美国现行GMP规范生产,在充满维生素E的环境下生产,完全杜绝了其他同类产品的氧化问题。

NO.4 Natures bounty 自然之宝全球第一的膳食补充剂品牌:Natures bounty自然之宝是美国NBTY Inc.旗下的子公司。




α-乳白蛋白可提高血浆Trp-LNAA比率、提高压力承受力差个体大脑5-羟色胺的活性,降低面对压力时皮质醇水平并改善情绪C Rob Markus, Berend Olivier, Geert EM Panhuysen, Jan Van der Gugten, Martine S Alles, Adriaan Tuiten,Herman GM Westenberg, Durk Fekkes, Hans F Koppeschaar, and Edward EHF de HaanAm J Clin Nutr 2000;71:1536–44. Printed in USA. © 2000 American Society for Clinical Nutrition摘要:研究背景:脑中5-羟色胺的升高可以提高应对压力的能力,反之负面情绪与5-羟色胺的降低有关。



目的:测定α-乳白蛋白——一种色氨酸含量高的乳清蛋白,是否能够提高血浆中Trp-LNAA 比率、减少负面情绪以及降低压力承受力差的个体面对急性压力时皮质醇水平。





实验结果:α-乳白蛋白饮食组比酪蛋白饮食组的血浆Trp-LNAA比率高48%(P = 0.0001)。

压力承受力差的个体伴随有催乳素的升高(P = 0.001)、皮质醇的降低(P = 0.036)以及在压力环境中抑郁感的减少(P = 0.007)。



维生素B12主要存在于动物性食品中,如牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉、鱼 类、乳制品等。
缺乏维生素B12可能导致贫血、神经系统问题、消化系统问题等。对于孕妇和哺 乳期妇女、老年人等人群,缺乏维生素B12的风险更高。
红枣、山楂、桂圆等干果类食物 也含有一定量的维生素C。
维生素C缺乏会导致坏血病,症状包括疲劳、 牙龈出血、皮肤损伤等。
虽然维生素C是水溶性维生素,过量摄入的 维生素C会随尿液排出体外,但过量摄入也 可能导致腹泻、恶心等消化系统不适症状, 以及肾结石等健康问题。
维生素D在人体内经过一系列生化反应后,可调节钙、磷的 吸收和代谢,维持骨骼健康。
维生素D缺乏可能导致佝偻病、骨软 化症、骨质疏松等疾病,影响骨骼健 康。
维生素D过量摄入可能导致高钙血症、 肾脏损伤等健康问题,甚至危及生命。
维生素E是一种脂溶性抗氧化剂,具有抗氧化的特性,有助于保护细胞免受自由基的损 害。
维生素E具有多种形式,其中α-生育酚是最常见和活性最高的形式,具有较高的生物活 性。



absorbance 吸收(度)ammeter 电流表arbitrary 随意的absorption 吸收amphibian 两栖类的,两arctic 北极圈acceleration 加速度栖动物asphalt 沥青acid solution 酸性溶液androgen 雄性激素asteroid 小行星acidic 酸性anesthetic 麻醉剂asteroid belt 小行星带adrenal 肾上腺animation 活泼 ,有生气asthma 哮喘aerosol 喷雾器Antarctic 南极astronomer 天文学家agent代理人;介质;药anti 反(对)atom 原子剂antibody 抗体axis 轴alcohol 酒精antidepressant 抗抑郁剂barley 大麦algae 水藻depression抑郁症basic 碱性allergy 过敏antigen 抗原battery 电池allergen 过敏原antibody 抗体beneath 在下方allergic 过敏的antiseptic 杀菌剂bilateral 双向地 (双向作alloy 合金apparatus 装置用的 , 两面的 , 交会的 ),aluminum 铝aquatic 水生的 , 水中的 ,双边的amino 氨基水上的blanch 漂白amino acid 氨基酸aqueous 水的,以水为溶bleach 漂白剂剂的blender 搅拌器cavity 空腔clinic 诊所 ,门诊部 ,科室blinking 闪烁的cell 细胞coastline 海岸线botanist 植物学家cellular 细胞的coaxial 同轴的bubble 气泡chamber 房间co-axis 同轴buoyant 浮力cheesecloth 粗布collapse 倒塌burrow 挖洞chloride 氯化物colony 殖民地 ,聚居 (地) calcium 钙sadium chloride 氯化钠colorimeter 色度计calving 裂冰NaClcombination 联合,组合capacitance 电容cholesterol 胆固醇compact 紧凑的,实的capacitor 电容器chromosome 染色体component 组成cap 帽子 ,盖子 ,顶;形成cilia 纤毛compress 压缩化学键ciliate [动植 ] 纤毛虫,有comprise 包含 ,构成carbon dioxide 二氧化睫毛的 , 有纤毛的concentration 浓度碳clay 粘土concentric 同中心的 , 同carbon 碳climate 气候轴的carbonate 碳酸盐climatic 气候上的concrete 水泥catalyst 催化剂cling to 依附于conductivity 导电性catastrophe 灾难clinical 临床的conductor 导体contaminate 污染cycle 周期digestion 消化 digest contaminant 杂质=period dilute 稀释contraction 收缩cyclic 循环的diminish 减少 ,变小 , 削contradict 反驳=periodic 周期循环的弱controversial 引起争议cyclin 细胞周期蛋白disinfectant 消毒的;消的毒剂damp 潮湿的convective 对流dissolve 溶解dampen 浸湿copper 铜dominate 支配(控制,deformation 变形,畸形统治)correlation 相互关系dehydrate 使脱水corrode 腐蚀 , 侵蚀hydrate 补水corrosive 腐蚀的density 密度counterweight 平衡物depict 描绘counterpart 对等的人 /物depression 萧条,低沉;cricket 蟋蟀低气压criticism 批评 ,评论diagnose 诊断cross-sectional area 横dielectric 电介质截面积dietary 饭食的;节食的crust 外壳diffusion 分散,散步doped 掺杂质的dormant 静止dormant volcano drastically 激烈地,彻底地ductile 有伸展性dye 染料earthworm 蚯蚓ectotherm 变温动物effluent 工业废水effusion 溢出estrogen 雌性激素extract 榨取,提取electrodynamics 电动力ethanol 乙醇floral 花的学的eutectic 共熔的extrafloral [植]在花外的electrode电极evolve 进化 v. fatal 致命的electrolytes 电解液evolution 进化 n. faucet 水龙头electromagnetic电磁的exert 施加fertilize 使受精elevate 变高exert a force/pressure fertilizer 肥料elevation 海拔exhale 呼气 , 发出fertilizationelicit 引出inhale 吸气filter 过滤eliminate 消除,排除exhibit 展示 v. flask 烧瓶elongate 伸长exhibition 展示 n. flavor 滋味emphysema 肺气肿expand增加 ,展开 ,使...膨flora 植物群enzyme 酶胀 v.foil 箔equilibrium 平衡binomial expansion二项foreshock 前震erode 腐蚀 ,侵蚀式展开 n.fore-前⋯erosion 腐蚀expel 排出,驱赶出post-后⋯eruption (火山 )爆发expiratory 吐气的 , 呼气fraction 小部分,碎片的eruption of a volcanofracture 破碎,骨折external 外部的fragment 碎片;片段geographic 地理学的herb 草本植物,草药fragmentation 分裂geography地理herbicide 除草剂friction 摩擦力germinate 使发芽suicide 自杀static friction 静摩擦giraffe 长颈鹿homicide 谋杀kinetic friction 动摩擦glacier 冰川pesticide 杀虫剂frigid 寒冷的glacial period 冰川期pest 害虫fructose 果糖gland 腺hierarchy 等级制度fungi 菌类,蘑菇(复数)glucose 葡萄糖homogeneous同类的fungus(单数)gorge 峡谷homogeneous chromosome 同源染色体fuse 熔化;保险丝grain 谷物homogenize使均匀,同nuclear fusion 核聚变gravel 碎石化galaxy 银河系grind 碾(ground 过去式)hook 钩子 n.;钩住 v. gas 气体growth factor 生长因子horizontal 水平的gaseous 气体的gully 峡谷,排水沟hormone 激素gauge 口径gut 肠胃,内脏;直觉hull 外壳,果皮telescope望远镜habitat 栖息地humidity 湿度gene 基因hazard危险、冒险humid 潮湿的genotype 基因型hazardous 有危险的hurricane 飓风immune 免疫inheritance 遗传,继承 n. typhoon 台风immune system免疫系inherit v.hybrid 杂交统inhibit 禁止,抑制hydrogen 氢 H deficiency 缺陷,不足initiate 开始 ,创始 =startoxygen 氧 O immunodeficiency 免疫inject 注射 v. 缺陷carbon 碳 C injection n.impair 损害,削弱hydroxide 氢氧化物,羟inoculate 给⋯做预防性基inanimate 无生命的( in注射为否定前缀)hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物organic 有机的animate 有活力的hydro static静水力学的inorganic 无机的animation 动画hypothesis 假设 n. inspect 检查、检验incorporate 包含,吸收hypothesize 假设 v. inspectionindicator 指示器iceberg 冰山intensity 强度indicate 表明identical 一模一样的intensity of light 光强infrared 红外线identical twins 同卵双胞interaction 相互作用;互胎ultraviolet 紫外线动illustrate 阐释、说明 v. ingestion 吸收,咽下internal 内部的illustration n. inhale 吸入 v.external 外部的inhalation n.intestine 肠loop 回路,一圈maximal 最大的small intestine 小肠lubricate 润滑minimal 最小的large intestine 大肠luminesce 发光 v. maximum 最大inverse 相反的,逆向的luminescence n. minimum value 最小值inversely proportional 成lung 肺mechanism 机理,机制反比的lymph 淋巴medium 媒体,介质(单ion 离子magma 岩浆media (复数 )ionicmagnetic 磁的medium 培养基ionization 电离magnetite 磁铁矿membrane 生物膜isotope 同位素magnitude 大小,震级menopause 更年期radioactive isotope 放射mammal 哺乳动物mesh 网孔性同位素mammalian 哺乳动物metabolism 新陈代谢jellyfish 水母manganese 锰metallic 金属的kit 装备,工具箱manufacture 制造metal 金属lactose 乳糖Mars 火星meteorite 陨石laser 激光Martian 火星的meteor (shower)流星雨lid 盖子marsh 湿地meteorologist 气象学家liver 肝脏massive 巨大的methane 甲烷 CH4methanol 甲醇mucus 黏液nucleic acid 核酸mica 云母multicellular 多细胞的nucleus 细胞核,原子核porcelain 瓷器cell 细胞(单数)quartz 石英muscle 肌肉nutrient 营养granite 花岗岩mutation 突变nutrition 营养marble 大理石genetic mutation 基因突oat 燕麦glass玻璃变obstructive 阻碍的, 妨nasal 鼻的碍的wood 木头nectar 花蜜obstruction n.microbial 细菌引起的negligible 可忽略的odor 气味microorganism 微生物neutral 中性的oppose 反对organism 生物neutron 中子optical 光学的 optics n.microscopic 显微镜的,极小的,微观的nitrate 硝酸盐optimal 最佳的minimizing 极小化nitric 氮的,含氮的optimize 优化 v. mitosis 有丝分裂nitrogen dioxide 二氧化oscillate 振动 v. amitosis 无丝分裂氮oscillation 振动 n. moisture 潮湿 ,湿气notation 记号法,表示法oscilloscope 示波器molecule 分子nuclei 核(复数形式)osmosis 渗透性ovary 卵巢pitch 音高(与频率有关)pollen 花粉oven-dried 烘干pivot 转轴pore 孔隙,毛孔overflow 溢出planet 行星pot 罐oxygen 氧,氧气planetary 行星的potential 潜力的parameter 参数plasma 细胞质;血浆precaution 预防particle 粒子plastic 塑料的precipitate 沉淀物pendulum 单摆plate 板块precipitate 降水penetrate 渗透crustal plate precipitation 降落peptone 蛋白胨tectonic plates地壳板块predict 预知,预言periodic 周期的crust 地壳prolong 持久的permeable 可透性的plausible 似有道理的prone 倾向 be prone to petri dish 有盖培养皿plywood 夹板=tend to=incline to photosynthesis光合作用pneumonia 肺炎propagate 繁殖respiration 呼吸作用polarization 极化propagation 繁殖 , 宣传photosynthesize v. polar 两级proponent 提倡者respire v. polar bear 北极熊proportion 成比例piston 活塞polarized极化的偏振的)proportional(pitch 投掷polar 极性的protein 蛋白质proton 质子residual 剩余的salt 盐pseudo 假的residue 残渣、残留物sandstone砂岩pulmonary 肺部的resistance 电阻值;阻力saturation 饱和层pulverize 粉碎respiration 呼吸scale pan 天平盘pump 抽水机,打气筒respiratory 呼吸作用的scale尺寸;称purify (使)净化,提纯restrictive 限制的 ,约束的scrape 刮,挠ramp 斜坡resume v.继续,恢复sealed封口的 , 密封的rangeland 牧场resume n.简历sediment 沉淀物recombination 重新组合retreat 撤退seedling 幼苗chromosome recombinati rhinitis 鼻炎seep 渗入on 染色体重组ridge 脊,山脊seepage 漏refractive 折射的ripple 波纹、涟漪seismic 地震的refraction n.rod 杆seismic wave 地震波refute 驳斥rotation 旋转seismogram 地震图repetitive 重复的rubber 橡胶seismograph 地震仪repeat v.runoff 径流semipermeable 半透性的residential 住宅的rupture 破裂、断裂septum 隔膜resident 居民salinity 盐度sewer 污水sewer plant污水厂species 物种sucrose 蔗糖silicon 硅 Si spectrum 光谱sulfate 硫酸盐silt 淤泥sperm 精子sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫harmonic oscillation 简谐sphere 球sunspot 太阳黑子振动spherical 球面的suppress 镇压 ,使...止住simple harmonic motionspore 孢子suppressor 抑制物简谐运动sprinkler 洒水装置surge 汹涌slab 厚片squeeze 挤压surgical 外科的,手术的slides 幻灯片steel 钢 ion 铁susceptible易受影响的slice 薄片stiffen 使...坚硬 , 变为浓suspect猜测,猜想slaughter 屠杀粘suspend推迟 ,取消 (职位)slippage 滑动,下跌stir 搅动suspension 悬浮液slip v.strain 拉紧sustain 维持solar 太阳的 ,太阳能的subkingdom 门(生物)sustainability 可持续性solar power 太阳能submerge 浸水swollen 肿起的solder 焊料,焊接用的submissive 服从的swell v.solute溶质substance 物质symmetrical 对称的solvent 溶剂substrate 基底,培养基symptom 症状synthesis合成,综合 n. tissue 组织tropical 热带photosynthesis光合titration 滴定trough 水槽,马槽synthesize 合成 v. trace n.追踪,追溯trunk 树干syringe 注射器v.痕迹branch(es) 树枝tabulate 制成表 , 使成平trace element 微量元素insulin 胰岛素面trait 特点tube 管tectonic 构造的trample 踩踏,践踏ultraviolet 紫外线tectonic movement 地壳transmittance 传送,透过unconventional 非传统运动率 n. 的tension 张力,拉力transmit v.传播uniform 均匀的terminus 末端transmission n.传播unpolarized 未极化的(非偏振的 )terminal 终端,终点transparent 透明的,清晰testis 精巢的uproot 连根拔起thorn 棘trapped捕获的vacuum 真空thunderstorm 暴风雨trap 困住valve 阀门tide 潮汐tremendous 巨大的vapor 蒸汽tidal 潮水的trench 地沟vaporize 蒸发tidal wave 潮汐波,浪潮trigger 触发;枪扳机variable 变量vegetation 植被vital 至关重要的vehicle 车辆vitamin 维生素exhaust n.尾气、废气volcano 火山v. 耗尽,排气volcanic 火山的versus 对抗,与 ...相对volt 伏特(电压单位)x vs. y x-y 图象wavelength 波长vertical 竖直的waxpaper 蜡纸horizontal 水平的wheat 小麦vibrate (使)振动wilderness 荒地vibration 震动yield strength 屈变力vine 藤本植物yield 屈服violent 剧烈的,暴力的viral 病毒的sth. goes viral( 网上 )疯传virus 病毒bacteria=germ 细菌viscosity 黏性。



PostoperativePain Management –Good Clinical PracticeGeneral recommendationsand principles forsuccessful pain managementProduced in consultation with theEuropean Society of Regional Anaesthesiaand Pain TherapyPostoperativePain Management –Good Clinical PracticeGeneral recommendationsand principles forsuccessful pain managementProduced in consultation with theEuropean Society of Regional Anaesthesiaand Pain TherapyContents ContentsContents11. Introduction and objectives1 Although the choice of drugs shown here is indicative, adjustments will be required to take account ofindividual patient variation and are the responsibility of the prescribing physician.Effective postoperative pain management has a humanitarian role, but there are additional medical and economic benefits for rapid recovery and discharge from hospital. A number of factors contribute to effective postoperative pain management including a structured acute pain management team, patient education, regular staff training, use of balanced analgesia, regular pain assessment using specificassessment tools and adjustment of strategies to meet the needs of special patient groups, such as children and the elderly.Recent advances in pain control provide greater potential for effective postoperative management. This document reflects the opinions of a panel of European anaesthesiologists. Its aims are to raise awareness of recent advances in pain control and to provide advice on how toachieve effective postoperative analgesia. The recommendations and advice are general principles of pain management and do not provide detailed advice for specific surgical procedures.1Effective pain management is now an integral part of modern surgical practice. Postoperative pain management not only minimises patient suffering but also can reduce morbidity and facilitate rapid recovery and early discharge from hospital (see section 8, page 33), which can reduce hospital costs.23Pain is a personal, subjective experience that involves sensory,emotional and behavioural factors associated with actual or potentialtissue injury. What patients tell us about their pain can be very revealing,and an understanding of how the nervous system responds and adaptsto pain in the short and long term is essential if we are to make sense ofpatients’ experiences. The wide area of discomfort surrounding awound, or even a wound that has healed long ago, such as anamputation stump, is a natural consequence of the plasticity of thenervous system. An understanding of the physiological basis of pain ishelpful to the sufferer, and the professionals who have to provideappropriate treatment.According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP),pain is defined as"An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated withactual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of suchdamage."(IASP 1979)There is individual variation in response to pain, which is influenced bygenetic makeup, cultural background, age and gender. Certain patientpopulations are at risk of inadequate pain control and require specialattention. These include:G Paediatric patientsG Geriatric patientsG Patients with difficulty in communicating (due to critical illness,cognitive impairment or language barriers)Postoperative pain can be divided into acute pain and chronic pain:G Acute pain is experienced immediately after surgery (up to 7 days)G Pain which lasts more than 3 months after the injury is considered tobe chronic pain3. Physiology of pain 2. Goals of pain treatmentAcute and chronic pain can arise from cutaneous, deep somatic orvisceral structures. Surgery is typically followed by acute pain and correct identification of the type of pain enables selection of appropriate effective treatment. The type of pain may be somatic (arising from skin, muscle, bone), visceral (arising from organs within the chest and abdomen), or neuropathic (caused by damage or dysfunction in the nervous system). Patients often experience more than one type of pain.3.a. Positive role of painAcute pain plays a useful "positive" physiological role by:G Providing a warning of tissue damageG Inducing immobilisation to allow appropriate healing3.b. Negative effects of painShort term negative effects of acute pain include:G Emotional and physical suffering for the patientG Sleep disturbance(with negative impact on mood and mobilisation)G Cardiovascular side effects(such as hypertension and tachycardia)G Increased oxygen consumption(with negative impact in the case of coronary artery disease)G Impaired bowel movement(while opioids induce constipation or nausea, untreated pain mayalso be an important cause of impaired bowel movement or PONV*)G Negative effects on respiratory function(leading to atelectasis, retention of secretions and pneumonia)G Delays mobilisation and promotes thromboembolism(postoperative pain on mobilisation is one of the major causes fordelayed mobilisation)Long term negative effects of acute pain:G Severe acute pain is a risk factor for the development of chronicpain1G There is a risk of behavioural changes in children for a prolongedperiod (up to 1 year) after surgical painThere are two major mechanisms in the physiology of pain:G Nociceptive (sensory):Inflammatory pain due to chemical,mechanical and thermal stimuli at the nociceptors (nerves thatrespond to painful stimuli).G Neuropathic:Pain due to neural damage in peripheral nervesor within the central nervous system.During normal physiology, pain sensations are elicited by activity in unmyelinated (C-) and thinly myelinated (Ad-) primary afferent neurons that synapse with neurons is the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Sensory information is then relayed to the thalamus and brainstem.Repetitive activation of C- nociceptive receptors produces alterations in central as well as peripheral nervous systems.3.c. The mechanism of peripheral pain sensitisationNormally, C- fibres (slow-conducting fibres that transmit dull aching pain) are silent in the absence of stimulation, but following acute tissue injury in the presence of ongoing pathophysiology, these nociceptors become sensitised and release a complex mix of pain and inflammatory mediators leading to pain sensations (Figure 1, page 6).1Several investigations into chronic pain have concluded that 20% to 50% of all patients with chronic pain syndromes started with acute pain following trauma or surgery, but the role of effective pain treatment in preventing this risk is not clear.* PONV = Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting.Figure 1.Mechanism of peripheral sensitisation3.d. The mechanism of central sensitisationThe responses in the CNS are primarily physiological. Centralsensitisation is a physiological process and, only if there is continual firing of C-nociceptors over time, will these processes leads to more chronic pain syndromes.Sustained or repetitive C-nociceptor activity produces alterations in the response of the central nervous system to inputs from the periphery.When identical noxious stimuli are repeatedly applied to the skin at a certain rate, there is a progressive build-up in the response of spinalcord dorsal horn neurons (known as ‘wind up’). This allows the size of the dorsal horn neuron’s receptive field to grow (Figure 2). This process,called central sensitisation, occurs with any tissue damage. As with sensitisation of primary afferent nociceptors, this sensitisation of central pain transmission is a normal physiological response of the undamaged nervous system.Figure 2.Pain mediatorsGUnexpected intense pain, particularly if associated with altered vital signs, (hypotension, tachycardia, or fever), is immediately evaluated. New diagnoses, such as wound dehiscence, infection, or deep venous thrombosis, should be considered.GImmediate pain relief without asking for a pain rating is given to patients in obvious pain who are not sufficiently focused to use a pain rating scale.GFamily members are involved when appropriate.4.a. Specific tools for pain assessmentSpecific pain assessment scales are used to quantify pain. The use of one scale within a hospital ensures that everyone in the team "speaks the same language"regarding the intensity of pain. The patient's own report is the most useful tool. The intensity of pain should therefore be assessed as far as possible by the patient as long as he/she is able tocommunicate and express what pain feels like. Always listen to and believe what the patient says.A number of different patient self-assessment scales are available (Figure 3, page 12):A. Facial expressions: a pictogram of six faces with differentexpressions from smiling or happy through to tearful. This scale is suitable for patients where communication is a problem, such as children, elderly patients, confused patients or patients who do not speak the local language.B. Verbal rating scale (VRS): the patient is asked to rate their pain on a five-point scale as "none, mild, moderate, severe or very severe".Assessment of pain is a vital element in effective postoperative pain management. The principles of successful pain assessment are shown in Table 1.44. Assessment of pain4G The treatment strategy to be continued is discussed by the physician responsible for the patient in conjunction with the ward nurses.GThe physician and nurses pay attention to the effects and side effects of the pain treatment.C. Numerical rating scale (NRS): This consists of a simple 0 to 5 or 0 to 10 scale which correlates to no pain at zero and worst possible pain at 5 (or 10). The patient is asked to rate his/her pain intensity as a number.D. Visual analogue scale (VAS): This consists of an ungraduated,straight 100 mm line marked at one end with the term " no pain" and at the other end "the worst possible pain". The patient makes a cross on the line at the point that best approximates to their pain intensity.The VRS and NRS are the most frequently used assessment tools in the clinical setting while the VAS scale is primarily used as a research tool.4.b. Selection of suitable assessment tool (Figure 3, page 12):When selecting a pain assessment tool ensure that:GIt is appropriate for the patient's developmental, physical, emotional, and cognitive statusGIt meets the needs of both the patient and the pain management team4.c. DocumentationDocument pain regularly, take appropriate action and monitor efficacy and side effects of treatment. Record the information in a well-defined place in the patient record, such as the vital sign sheet or a purpose-designed acute pain chart.GThe nurse responsible for the patient reports the intensity of pain and treats the pain within the defined rules of the local guidelines. GThe physician responsible for the patient may need to modify theintervention if evaluation shows that the patient still has significant pain.44Faces painassessmentscale(Fig A) Patientable to communicatewell ?VRS painassessmentscale(Fig B)NRSassessmentscale(Fig C)VASassessmentscale(Fig D) NoYesChoice of assessment tool12Fig A. Alternatecoding Fig B.Fig C. Fig D.G Select a pain assessment tool, and teach the patient to use it.Determine the level of pain above which adjustment of analgesia or other interventions will be considered.G Provide the patient with education and information about pain control.GEmphasise the importance of a factual report of pain, avoiding stoicism or exaggeration.The "Patient Information Project" is a useful source of information for patients who require information about anaesthesia and postoperative pain management. This is a joint project between the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, together with patient representative groups. The website is:Patients are unlikely to be aware of postoperative pain treatment techniques and as the success of pain relief is influenced by theirknowledge and beliefs, it is helpful to give patients (and parents in case of children) detailed information about postoperative pain and pain treatment. Adequate information gives the patient realistic expectations of the care that can be provided (pain relief, not a "pain free status"). This information can include:G The importance of treating postoperative pain G Available methods of pain treatment G Pain assessment routinesG Goals (optimum pain scoring) (see section 2, page 2)GThe patient's participation in the treatment of painInformation for the patient can be given in different ways (in combination):G Verbal informationGWritten and/or audiovisual information -Brochures -Wall posters -Video films -Web pagesA preoperative discussion with the patient and relatives can include the following:GDiscuss the patient's previous experiences with pain and preferences for pain assessment and management.GGive the patient information about pain management therapies that are available and the rationale underlying their use.GDevelop with the patient a plan for pain assessment and management.141555. Patient education51716Effective treatment of postoperative pain includes a number of factors,including good nursing, non-pharmacological techniques, such as distraction, and balanced (multimodal) analgesia to provide adequate pain relief with optimal drug combinations used at the lowest effective doses.6.a. Pharmacological methods of pain treatment 1Postoperative pain management should be step-wise and balanced (Figure 4, page 18). The four main groups of analgesic drugs used for postoperative pain management are shown in Table 2 opposite, with examples of drugs listed in each group.6.a.i. Balanced (multimodal) analgesiaBalanced (multimodal) analgesia uses two or more analgesic agents that act by different mechanisms to achieve a superior analgesic effect without increasing adverse events compared with increased doses of single agents. For example, epidural opioids can be administered in combination with epidural local anaesthetics; intravenous opioids can be administered in combination with NSAIDs, which have a dose sparing effect for systemically administered opioids.Balanced analgesia is therefore the method of choice wherever possible,based on paracetamol and NSAIDs for low intensity pain with opioid analgesics and/or local analgesia techniques being used for moderate and high intensity pain as indicated (Figure 4, page 18).66. Treatment optionsTable 2Pharmacological options of pain managementNon-opioid analgesicsParacetamolNSAIDs, including COX-2 inhibitors*Gabapentin, pregabalin 2Weak opioidsCodeine TramadolParacetamol combined with codeine or tramadol Strong opioidsMorphine Diamorphine Pethidine Piritramide Oxycodone Adjuvants**Ketamine Clonidine* At the time of writing, COX-2 inhibitor drugs are subject to scrutiny by international regulatory bodies with regard to adverse outcomes when used for long-term oralprescription or for pain relief in patients with cardiovascular problems such as myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, hypertension. Rofecoxib has been withdrawn fromsales and prescription of valdecoxib has been suspended pending further research into its adverse events profile for cardiovascular morbidity and the occurrence of severemuco-cutaneous side effects. The injectable COX-2 inhibitor, parecoxib remains available for short-term use in treating postoperative pain. All NSAIDs should be used with care in patients with cardiovascular disease.** These adjuvants are not recommended for routine use in acute pain management because of their adverse side effects. Their use should be restricted to specialists in managing pain problems.62Gabapentin and pregabalin are approved for pain management but at the time of writing there is little published data to recommend the use of these drugs for acute pain management.1The example doses given are indicative and do not take account of individual patient variation.196.a.ii. Opioids 1Severeintensity painFor example:ThoracotomyUpper abdominal surgery Aortic surgery Knee replacementModerateintensity painFor example:Hip replacement Hysterectomy Jaw surgeryMildintensity painFor example:Inguinal hernia VaricesLaparoscopy(i) Paracetamol and wound infiltration with local anaesthetic (ii) NSAIDs (unless contraindicated) and(iii) Regional block analgesiaAdd weak opioid or rescue analgesia with small increments of intravenous strong opioid if necessary(i) Paracetamol and wound infiltration withlocal anaesthetic (ii) NSAIDs (unless contraindicated) and (iii) Peripheral nerve block(single shot or continuous infusion) or opioid injection (IV PCA)(i) Paracetamol and woundinfiltration with local anaesthetic (ii) NSAIDs (unlesscontraindicated) and (iii) Epidural local analgesia ormajor peripheral nerve or plexus block or opioid injection (IV PCA)1 The examples given here represent levels of pain commonly experienced and are subject to individual variation and contra-indications may apply.Figure 4Treatment options in relation to magnitude of postoperative pain expected following different types of surgery 1Table 3Morphine and weak opioidsMorphine Administration(i) Intravenous.(ii) Subcutaneous by continuous infusion or intermittent boluses via indwelling cannula.(iii) Intramuscular (not recommended due to incidence of pain. 5-10 mg 3-4 hourly).Dosage:IV PCABolus: 1-2 mg, lockout: 5-15 min (usually 7-8 min),no background infusion.Subcutaneous0.1-0.15 mg/kg 4-6 hourly, adapted in relation to pain score, sedation and respiratory rate.Monitoring Pain score, sedation, respiratory rate, side mentsSide effects such as nausea, vomiting, sedation and apnoea.No other opioid or sedative drug should be administered.18continued overleaf1 The doses and routes of administration of drugs described above are general examples and each patient should beassessed individually before prescribing.2120 6.a.iii. Non-opioids 1Table 5Combination of codeine + paracetamolAdministration Oral.DosageParacetamol 500 mg + codeine 30 mg. 4 x 1 g paracetamol/day.Monitoring Pain score, sedation, side effects.CommentsAnalgesic action is likely to be due to conversion to morphine. A small number of patients derive no benefit due to absence of the converting enzyme.NV = nausea and vomitingTramadol Administration(i) Intravenous: inject slowly (risk of high incidence of NV).(ii) Intramuscular.(iii) Oral administration as soon as possible.Dosage 50-100 mg 6 hourly.Monitoring Pain score, sedation, respiratory rate, side mentsTramadol reduces serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake and is a weak opioid agonist.In analgesic efficiency, 100 mg tramadol is equivalent to 5-15 mg morphine.Sedative drugs can have an additive effect.Table 4ParacetamolAdministration(i) Intravenous: Start 30 min before the end of surgery.(ii) Oral administration as soon as possible.Duration: as long as required.Dosage4 x 1 g paracetamol/day (2 g propacetamol/day).Dose to be reduced (e.g. 3 x 1 g/day) in case of hepatic insufficiency.Monitoring Pain scores.CommentsShould be combined with NSAID and/or opioids or loco-regional analgesia for moderate to severe pain.1 The doses and routes of administration of drugs described above are general examples and each patient should beassessed individually before prescribing.1 The doses and routes of administration of drugs described above are generally examples and each patient should be assessed individually before prescribing.Table 3 (continued)Codeine Administration OralDosage3 mg/kg/day combined with paracetamol.A minimum of 30 mg codeine/tablet is required.Monitoring Pain score, sedation, side effects.CommentsAnalgesic action is likely to be due to conversion to morphine. A small number of patients derive no benefit due to absence of the converting enzyme.6.a.iv. AdjuvantsIn addition to systemic administration of NSAIDs or paracetamol, weak opioids and non-opioid analgesic drugs may be administered "on request" for moderate or severe pain. These include ketamine and clonidine. Clonidine can be administered orally, intravenously orperineurally in combination with local anaesthetics. However, the side effects could be significant. The most important ones are hypotension and sedation. Ketamine can be administered via oral, intramuscular or intravenous routes. It has also significant side effects.6.a.v. Regional analgesiaContinuous Central Neuraxis Blockade (CCNB)CCNB is one of the most effective forms of postoperative analgesia, but it is also one of the most invasive. However, CCNB remains the first choice for a number of indications, such as abdominal, thoracic, and major orthopaedic surgery, where adequate pain relief cannot be achieved with other analgesia techniques NB can be achieved via two routes:G Continuous epidural analgesia - the recommended first choice GContinuous spinal analgesia - should be limited to selected cases only, as there is less experience with this techniquePostoperative epidural analgesia is usually accomplished with acombination of a long-acting local anaesthetic and an opioid, in dilute concentrations. Long-acting local anaesthetics are preferred because they are associated with less tachyphylaxis. Maintenance techniques in epidural analgesia include:GContinuous Infusion (CI): An easy technique that requires littleintervention. The cumulative dose of local anaesthetic is likely to be higher and side effects are more likely than with the other two techniques.2322Table 6NSAIDs 1Administration(i) Intravenous: administration should start at least 30-60 min before end of surgery.(ii) Oral administration should start as soon as possible.Duration: 3-5 days.Dosage examples(i) Conventional NSAIDs include:ketorolac: 3 x 30-40 mg/day (only IV form)diclofenac: 2 x 75 mg/day ketoprofen: 4 x 50 mg/day (ii) Selective NSAIDs include:meloxicam 15 mg once dailyCOX-2 inhibitors are now licensed for postoperative pain management. They are as efficient as ketorolac but reduce GI side effects. Examples include: parecoxib: 40 mg followed by 1-2 x 40 mg/day (IV form) or celecoxib: 200 mg/day. However, there is some debate due to cardiovascular risks in patients witharteriosclerosis. *See note below Table 2, page 17MonitoringPain scores.Renal function in patients with renal or cardiac disease, elderly patients, or patients with episodes of severe hypotension. Gastrointestinal side effects. Non-selective NSAIDs would be combined with proton inhibitors (i.e. omeprasol) in patients at risk of gastrointestinal side effects.CommentsCan be added to the pre-medication.Can be used in association with paracetamol and/or opioids or local regional analgesia for moderate to severe pain.1 The doses and routes of administration of drugs described above are general examples and each patient should beassessed individually before prescribing.2524Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blockade (CPNB)Continuous peripheral nerve blocks are being increasingly used since they may provide more selective but still excellent postoperative analgesia with reduced need for opioids over an extended period.Peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs) avoid the side effects associated with central neuraxial blockade, such as hypotension and wide motorblockade with reduced mobility and proprioception, and complications such as epidural haematoma, epidural abscess and paraparesis.After major orthopaedic lower limb surgery, clinical studies showperipheral nerve blocks are as effective as epidural and that both are better than IV opioids. Examples of drugs and dosages for use in continuous peripheral analgesia are shown in Table 8.Table 8Examples of local anaesthetics and doses in continuous peripheral nerve analgesiaG Intermittent Top-up: Results in benefits due to frequent patient/staff contact but can produce a high staff workload and patients may have to wait for treatment.GPatient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia (PCEA): This technique produces high patient satisfaction and reduced dose requirements compared with CI. However, sophisticated pumps are required and accurate catheter position is important for optimal efficacy.Examples of drugs and dosages for use in continuous epidural analgesia are shown in Table 7.Table 7Examples of local anaesthetics and opioids and doses in epidural analgesia 1LocalRopivacaineSufentanil 0.5-1 µg/ml anaesthetics/opioids0.2% (2 mg/ml) or orFentanyl 2-4 µg/mlLevobupivacaine or Bupivacaine0.1-0.2% (1-2 mg/ml)Dosage for continuous 6-12 ml/hinfusion (thoracic or lumbar level)Dosage for patient Background: 4-6 ml/h controlled infusion Bolus dose: 2 ml (2-4 ml)(lumbar or thoracic)2Minimum lockout interval 10 min (10-30 min)Recommended maximum hourly dose (bolus + background): 12 ml1 The tip of the catheter should be placed as close as possible to the surgical dermatomes: T6-T10 for majorintra-abdominal surgery, and L2-L4 for lower limb surgery.2 There are many possible variations in local anaesthetic/opioid concentration yielding good results, the examples givenhere should be taken as a guideline; higher concentrations than the ones mentioned here are sometimes required but cannot be recommended as a routine for postoperative pain relief.Site of catheterLocal anaesthetics and dosage*Ropivacaine 0.2%Bupivacaine 0.1-0.125%Levobupivacaine 0.1-0.2%Interscalene5-9 ml/h Infraclavicular 5-9 ml/h Axillary 5-10 ml/h Femoral 7-10 ml/h Popliteal3-7 ml/h*Sometimes, higher concentrations are required in individual patients. As a standard, starting with a low concentration/dose is recommended to avoid sensory loss or motor block.2726Patient Controlled Regional Analgesia (PCRA) can be used to maintain peripheral nerve block. A low basal infusion rate (e.g. 3-5 ml/h)associated with small PCA boluses (e.g. 2.5-5 ml - lockout: 30-60 min) is the preferred technique.Infiltration blocksPain relief may be achieved by infiltration of the wound with localanaesthetic. The technique is easy to perform by the surgeon at the time of surgery. The efficacy and duration of analgesia depend on the length of the wound and the type of local anaesthetic used (Table 9).The advantages and disadvantages of various techniques of regional analgesia are shown in Table 10.Table 9Local anaesthetic infiltrationLocal anaestheticVolumeAdditivesIntraarticular instillation Knee arthroscopy0.75% Ropivacaine 20 ml Morphine 1-2 mg 0.5% Bupivacaine20 ml Morphine 1-2 mgShoulder arthroscopy 0.75% Ropivacaine10-20 mlIntraperitoneal instillation Gynaecological 0.75% Ropivacaine 20 ml Cholecystectomy 0.25% Ropivacaine40-60 mlWound infiltration Inguinal hernia0.25-0.5% Ropivacaine 30-40 ml 0.25-0.5% Levobupi*30-40 ml0.25-0.5% Bupivacaine Up to 30 mlTable 10Advantages of different techniques of regional analgesiaAdvantagesDisadvantagesContinuous Very effective.Motor block and urinary Epiduralretention may develop Analgesia (CEA)Much experience.or persist depending on the concentrations used.Differential block withDrugs used must have motor sparing is possible.low risk of systemic toxicity and produce as little motor Excellent postoperative block as possible.pain control over an extended period.Requires regular clinical monitoring on surgical Useful for rehabilitation wards or ICU.and physiotherapy.There are no universal Reduces the quantity of guidelines for monitoring.opioid analgesics needed.May mask a haematoma or abscess resulting in damage to spinal nerves.continued overleafThyroid surgery0.25-0.5% Ropivacaine 10-20 ml 0.25-0.5% Levobupi*10-20 ml0.25-0.5% Bupivacaine Up to 20 mlPerianal surgery0.25-0.5% Ropivacaine 30-40 ml 0.25-0.5% Levobupi*30-40 ml0.25-0.5% Bupivacaine Up to 30 mlcontinued opposite* Levobupi = Levobupivacaine.* Levobupi = Levobupivacaine.Please consult the manufacturer’s full prescribing information before use.。



药师为TPN处方把关,促进临床合理用药孙浩 , 菅凌燕*(中国医科大学附属盛京医院,沈阳 110004)[摘要]:目的:分析临床TPN使用的合理性,评估药师在PIVAS审核处方的作用。

方法:抽取中国医科大学附属盛京医院外科住院 PIVAS 2008年01月~06月TPN处方,共3840例进行统计分析。



[关键词]:处方审核;合理用药;药师Pharmacists audit prescriptions of TPN to promote the rational drug use inclinicSUN Hao,JIAN Ling-yan (Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University,Shenyang 110004,China)[ABSTRACT] OBJECTIVE : to analyze the Clinical reasonableness of the use ofTPN and value the role of Pharmacists in auditing the prescriptions in PIVAS.METHODS : the prescriptions between January and June in 2008 were selected fromPIVAS in the surgical hospital of Shengjing affiliated hospital of China MedicalUniversity and these 3840 prescriptions were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: 22Proportion problems and 75 compatibility problems were spotted and 69compatibility problems were found out in advance . CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacistscan play expertise to rationalize TPN prescriptions and help physicians ensure therational use of the drug for patients in PIVAS[KEY WORDS] Prescription audit;Rational drug use;Pharmacist全静脉营养(total parenteral nutrition,TPN)的适应症为手术后或其它疾病导致不能进食的,营养不良或有营养不良可能的患者。




3肠内营养支持(EN)3.1肠内营养应用指征3.2肠内营养途径选择与营养管放置3.3肠内营养的管理与肠道喂养安全性评估3.4常用肠内营养制剂选择4不同危重病人的代谢特点与营养支持原则4.1sepsis/MODS病人的营养支持4.2创伤病人的营养支持4.3急性肾功能衰竭(ARF)病人的营养支持4.4肝功能不全及肝移植围术期的营养支持4.5急性重症胰腺炎(SAP)病人的营养支持4.6急慢性呼吸衰竭病人的营养支持4.7心功能不全病人的营养支持5营养支持的相关问题5.1特殊营养素的药理作用5.1.1 谷氨酰胺在重症病人的应用5.1.2精氨酸在重症病人的应用5.1.3鱼油在重症病人的应用5.2重症病人的血糖控制与强化胰岛素治疗5.3生长激素在重症病人的应用6附表—主要营养制剂成分与含量表1 肠内营养制剂主要成分表2 氨基酸注射液表3 脂肪乳剂注射液1.危重症与营养支持1.1 营养支持概念的发展现代重症医学与临床营养支持理论和技术的发展几乎是同步的,都已经历了约半个世纪的历史。






左旋肉碱与代谢综合征关系的研究进展范晶晶;吕超;滕文娇【摘要】L-carnitine is an important component of the β oxidation process of mitochondrial fatty acid.It is mainly used for cardiovascular disease, liver disease and male reproductive system diseases in clinic. Recent studies have shown that L-carnitine through promoting the decomposition of fatty acids into the mitochondria,increase in blood levels of high density lipoprotein ways to improve some major symptoms of metabolic syndrome including ohesity , dyslipidemia,cardiovascular disease and hyperglycemia. Here the relationship between L-carnitine and some major symptoms of metabolic syndrome were reviewed.%左旋肉碱是线粒体脂肪酸β氧化过程中的重要成分,临床上主要用于心血管疾病、肝病与男性生殖系统疾病的治疗.近来有研究表明,左旋肉碱通过促进脂肪酸进入线粒体氧化分解,提高血液中高密度脂蛋白水平等方式改善代谢综合征中肥胖、血脂紊乱、心血管疾病和高血糖的临床症状.现就其与代谢综合征的主要临床症状的关系的研究进展做简要综述.【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】2011(017)015【总页数】3页(P2356-2357,2370)【关键词】左旋肉碱;代谢综合征;脂肪酸【作者】范晶晶;吕超;滕文娇【作者单位】中国医科大学七年制,沈阳,110001;中国医科大学七年制,沈阳,110001;中国医科大学七年制,沈阳,110001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R151.3;R589.2代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS)是伴随心血管疾病和代谢危险因素聚集的一种复杂的临床病理状态,包括中心性肥胖、高血压、血脂异常及糖耐量异常。

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Regulation of gene expression and cellular differentiation
• RA are transported into nucleus by binding with cytoplasmic retinoic acidbinding proteins (CRABP) then nuclear retinoic acid receptor proteins. • Specifically, all-trans-RA binds to retinoic acid receptors (RAR) and 9-cisRA binds to retinoid X receptors (RXR). • RAR and RXR form RAR/RXR heterodimers • The heterodimers bind to retinoic acid response elements (RARE) of the chromosome to allow the complex to regulate the rate of gene transcription, thereby influence the synthesis of certain proteins. • RXR may also form heterodimers with thyroid hormone receptors (THR) or vitamin D receptors (VDR). In this way, vitamin A, thyroid hormone, and vitamin D may interact to influence gene transcription.
Vitamin A: physiological function
Immunity: anti-infective vitamin
• The skin and mucosal cells (cells that line the airways, digestive tract, and urinary tract) function as a barrier and form the body's first line of defense against infection • Retinol and its metabolites maintain the integrity and function of these cells. • Vitamin A and retinoic acid (RA) play a central role in the development and differentiation of WBC, such as lymphocytes, which play critical roles in the immune response • Activation of T-lymphocytes, the major regulatory cells of the immune system, appears to require all-trans-RA binding of RAR • Prevent cancer: beta-carotene against ROS
retinal and its esters have a yellowish-green fluorescence
Vitamin A metabolism
Vitamin A is obtained from the diet and transported in the blood as a complex with retinol-binding protein (RBP) and transthyretin (TTR). In the liver, retinol is esterified to retinyl esters and stored in stellate cells. In other tissues, including gutassociated immune cells, retinol is oxidized to retinal by alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs) or short chain dehydrogenase/reductases (SDRs). Retinal is then oxidized to all-transretinoic acid in an irreversible reaction that is catalysed by retinal dehydrogenases (RALDHs). Retinoic acid acts on immune cells by binding to the retinoic acid receptor (RAR). Retinoic acid is catabolized in the liver and in other tissues by the enzyme CYP26 and its metabolites are eliminated in the bile and urine.
Deficiency of Vitamins
Deficient intakes
(1) Cause:
Problem of absorption
Increas: Critical deficiency: Disease
Marginal deficiency:
• Solubility:
• Water-soluble (Vit. Bs,C): Easy excretion from urine: sensitive to insufficient intake but rare intoxication • Fat-soluble (Vit. A, D, E, K): High retention in body: toxic after excessive intake
Effects of vitamin A metabolites on gut mucosal immunity
Vitamin effects on the immune system: vitamins A and D take centre stage. Nature Reviews Immunology 2008 (8): 685 - 698
• Classification:
5 1
• Preformed vitamin A: animal food
• Retinol, retinal, retinoic acid (usually present as ester, primarily retinyl palmitate)
Influence health without symptoms
Vitamin A
Fat-soluble vitamin important for vision and immune
Vitamin A: Preface
• Vtiamin A: a family of bi-polar molecules with retinyl group (a beta-ionone ring attached isoprenoid chain) CH3 CH3 CH3 and retinol-like bioactivity CH OH
• George Wald was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1967 for his discovery of the role of VitA in the visual system.
Vitamin A: physiological function
• Provitamin A: carotenoids in plant food
• Alpha-, beta, gamma-carotene • Beta-cryptoxanthin(隐黄素)
CH3 CH3 CH 3 CH3 CH3 15 15' CH3 CH3
• Most of carotenoids (90%) cannot convert into vitamin A
Vitamin A: Lung Cancer
• About 9,000 people (smokers and people with asbestos exposure) were
assigned a daily regimen of 30 mg beta-carotene, while a similar number
deficiency disease.
Vitamins: Preface
• Discovery history: A, Bs, C, D, E, K……
• Function: ascorbic acid
• Chemical construction (popular name): retinol, riboflavin, thiamine,……
of people were assigned a placebo. • After four years of follow-up, the incidence of lung cancer was 28% higher in the supplemented group compared to the placebo group. • Possible explanation: oxidative environment of the lung, created by smoke or asbestos exposure, gives rise to unusual carotenoid cleavage products, which are involved in carcinogenesis.