


[单选]下列哪种情况下,测深辨位可得出比较准确的结果()。A.计划航线与等深线平行,等深线稀疏B.计划航线与等深线垂直,等深线稀疏C.计划航线与等深线平行,等深线密集D.计划航线与等深线垂直,等深线密集 [单选]一般情况下,灯光的默认颜色是什么:()A.黑色B.蓝色C.白色D.红色 [单选,A1型题]能温中降逆,散寒止痛,温助肾阳的药物是()A.干姜B.丁香C.肉桂D.高良姜E.附子 [单选]《国内航行海船法定检验技术规则(2004)》适用范围:下列表诉正确的是?()A、国内海上航行的中国籍船舶B、国内海上航行的中国籍船舶,船长20米及以上的C、国内海上航行的中国籍排水船舶,船长20米及以上 [名词解释]投标备用信用证 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]点彩红细胞胞质中的颗粒为()A.残存变性的DNAB.残存变性的RNAC.残存变性的脂蛋白D.核糖体E.金属颗粒沉淀 [单选]交接班时间为下班时间前()分钟到达岗位。A.15B.20C.30D.10 [单选]下列哪项指标提示患者是肾性急性肾衰竭()A.尿比重&gt;1.018B.尿渗透压&gt;500mmol/LC.尿钠浓度&lt;20mmol/LD.肾衰指数&lt;1E.滤过钠分数&gt;1 [单选]一般情况下,下列关于外部融资需求的表述正确的是()。A.敏感负债总额越大,外部融资需求越大B.销售净利率越大,外部融资需求越大C.股利支付率越高,外部融资需求越大D.股利支付率越低,外部融资需求越大 [填空题]泵壳一般设计为(),使得在最高效率点附近较宽的范围内保持较小的磨损量。 [判断题]机械密封是依靠固定于轴上的转环和固定在泵壳上的静环两者平滑端面之间的紧密接触来达到密封。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]关于双探头符合线路SPECT的描述正确的是()A.是在常规SPECT上窦现正电子探测的影像设备B.需配置高能准直器C.探测器晶体改为锗酸铋制成D.可进行F、C、O、N等成像E.可逐步取代PET [单选]男,40岁,左面部渐进性增大的包块,MRI检查如图所示,最可能的诊断是()A.左面部毛细血管瘤B.左面部囊肿C.左面部脓肿D.左面部脂肪瘤E.左面部神经纤维瘤 [单选]如图a)所示结构剪力的影响线正确的是:()ABCD [单选]下列方剂中,哪项是治疗风寒湿痹的通用方剂()A.三痹汤B.防风汤C.蠲痹汤D.白虎加桂枝汤E.大秦艽汤 [单选]判断行政机关及其他组织能否具备行政主体资格的关键性条件是()。A.能否实施国家行政管理活动B.是否具有行政主体的法律地位C.能否独立承担法律责任D.能够独立参加行政复议 [配伍题,B型题]是运用物理化学原理、方法和手段,研究药剂学中有关处方设计、制备工艺、剂型特点、质量控制等内容的边缘科学。</br>是研究药物在体内的吸收、分布、代谢与排泄的机理及过程,阐明药物因素、剂型因素和生理因素与药效之间关系的边缘科学。</br>是研究药物制剂工业生 [单选]滨湖控制开发带的区域功能是?()A、强化生态功能,禁止开发建设B、构建生态屏障,严格控制开发C、集聚经济人口,高效集约开发。 [单选]仓储管理包括()两部分。A.仓库管理和库存管理B.仓库管理和储存管理C.库房管理和储存管理D.库房管理和库存管理 [问答题][综合分析题]张某是某知名软件公司开发部的高级工程师,自1995年进入公司以来,表现十分出色,每每接到任务时总能在规定时间内按要求完成,并时常受到客户的表扬。在项目期,节约开发成本。但在最近的几个月里情况发生了变 [单选]方位投影大都是透视投影,视点在球心的方位投影称为()。A.心射投影B.极射投影C.日晷投影D.A和C [单选]罗布麻叶不具有的功效是()A.平肝B.利水C.降血压D.明目E.清热 [单选]下列对于性病性淋巴肉芽肿的诊断有意义,但除了()A.有不洁性交史或配偶感染史B.衣原体培养阳性C.男性龟头、包皮处可见小丘疹、疱疹,无自觉症状D.低丙种球蛋白血症 [名词解释]自卑 [单选]对急性脑梗死病人,下列哪种情况不适于溶栓治疗()。A.发病6小时以内B.CT证实无出血灶C.病人无出血素质D.出凝血时间正常E.头部CT出现低密度灶 [判断题]接地线沿墙敷设时必须穿PVC管,同一级电压的电力电缆可穿在同一管孔内。A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列纳税人申请变更纳税定额的核准程序符合《服务规范》2.0版基本规范的的是()。A、办税服务厅制作《核定(调整)定额通知书》交纳税人。B、本事项在15个工作日内办理。C、办税服务厅收到反馈后1个工作日通知纳税人领取办理结果。D、根据纳税人报送的资料,制作相关表单脚 [名词解释]基本社会化 [单选]信访人对提供公共服务的企业、事业单位及其工作人员的()不服,可以向有关行政机关提出信访事项。A.行政行为B.其他行为C.职务行为D.职业行为 [单选,A1型题]下列何种降血糖药易引起乳酸血症()。A.正规胰岛素B.阿卡波糖C.格列本脲D.甲苯磺丁脲E.苯乙双胍 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]当归芍药散的功效是()。A.调理冲任,养血安胎B.疏肝解郁,活血止痛C.调肝和血,健脾利湿D.理气解郁,和血止痛E.补益脾气,散寒除湿 [单选]有关企业经营成果的信息,主要通过()来反映。A.现金流量表B.成本报表C.利润表D.资产负债表 [单选]耐洗色牢度测试中所用钢珠直径是()A.10mmB.8mmC.6mmD.5mm [单选]对肝右叶门脉血管的描述,哪一项错误A.门脉右前、后叶支可清晰显示B.门脉右支与胆囊长轴或垂直关系C.门脉右干、右前叶支与右后叶下段支构成"Y"形结构D.门脉右前叶支与胆囊长轴构成平行关系E.门脉右干及前后叶支构成"Y"形结构 [多选]瓦斯抽采管理工作应当确保()。A.机构健全B.制度完善C.执行到位D.监督有效 [单选,A1型题]膀胱肿瘤最常见的临床表现是()A.尿频、尿急、尿痛B.疼痛+血尿C.镜下血尿D.排尿困难E.全程肉眼血尿 [问答题,简答题]优质护理服务的核心是什么? [单选]对于男性不育症的病人,下列护理措施不正确的是()A.缓解紧张、焦虑B.避免接触放射类物质C.停服影响生育的药物D.至少需要服用改善生精药物1个月以上E.提供人类辅助生殖技术相关信息 [单选]砂轮牌号为WA46KV5P300×40×127,其中代表硬度的是:()。A.WAB.46C.KD.V [单选,A1型题]《母婴保健法》规定,在新生儿期进行筛查的遗传代谢内分泌疾病是()A.21-三体综合征、苯丙酮尿症B.21-三体综合征、先天性甲状腺功能减低症C.先天性甲状腺功能减低症、苯丙酮尿症D.先天性甲状腺功能减低症E.苯丙酮尿症








Good morning, everyone! I is Eric. Look! 1. _________ This is an quilt. It’s a nice quilt. What color 2. _________ is it? It’s the yellow and white. I like (喜欢)it 3. _________ very much. And what’s this in English? 4. _________ It’s a jacket. It an orange jacket. It’s 5. _________ my friends A lice’s.Alice’s.Alice’s. She likes ( She likes (喜欢)orange. 6. _________ Look! This is she orange. Ha-ha, she 7. _________ likes eating (吃) orange, too. Oh, 8. _________ what’s this It’s a ruler on English. 9. _________ I can spell that, R-U-L-E-R. The ruler is 10. _________ white. And that is a Chinese CD. I like it very much. 二、阅读短文,判断标有题号的每一行画线部分和有漏字符号(∧)处是否有错误。



改错专练一、单项句改错,每句只有一处错1.-What’s his phone number?-This is 281-9176.2.This is I pen.3.Her name is Jenny Brown. Jenny is my first name.4.What your phone number?5.Can your spell your name?6.What’s color is it ?7.This pen is a black.8.How are Bob?9.The jacket is green color.10.It is an UFO.11.I English name is Ann.12.Is these your grandfather?13.What’s your one sister?14.That isn’t me sister.15.-Is Mary your sister?-No,he isn’t.16.These is his grandparents.17This is a family of three :parent and son.18.Can you bring some thing to school?19.Are these keys on bed?20.Here is some apple for you.21.Please take these books to there.22.He don’t need his hat.23.That’s sounds good.22.Does your parents have a computer?23.She doesn’t has an apple.24.Tom doesn’t have some brothers.25.There are lot of tomatoes on the table.26.Does Lucy likes apples ?Yes, she does.27.Let us having some ice cream.28.She watch sports on TV every day.29.How much is the backpack? It’s 20 yuans.30.Today is Saturday.The girls want go to the zoo.31.Can we look at your photos?32.We often have our P.E. classes in Tuesday.33.Your English teacher birthday is in June.34.-Which month is the two month of a year?-February.35.-How old is the old man?-He is sixty-sixth.36.She like this kind of shoes.37.Many people like comedy.38.The old man run every morning ,so he is very healthy.39.Xiao Ming often goes to school and his brother.40.He favorite sport is baseball.41.I have three kind of CDs.42.-Can you play guitar?-No,I can’t.43.-How old is Jerry?-He is twelfth.44.What can Mr Li does?45.What’s club does Ben want to join?46.Mrs Green can’t draw and swim.47.We have English classes now and we can speak little English.48.-Can you play drums ?-Yes ,I can.49.The girl can’t takes a shower in the morning.50.People love listen to him!51.They also go to school on the afternoon..52.Mary can’t watch TV and her grandparents can.53.We want to know of American sports.54.My grandmother brushs her teeth every morning.55.I’m sorry I can’t sing and dance.56.What does his job?57.The girl can play the piano very good.58.The new teacher teaches our biology.59.-How much is the pencil?-Two dollar.60.Do you want know about my class?61.He likes play baseball in the afternoon.62.Is Ann watch TV every day?63.He is twelve year old.64.What time does she do her homeworks?65.I often brush my tooth in the evening.66.-What time is it now?-It’s at eight o’clock.67.I like English so it’s interesting.68.My brother likes blue and he doesn’t like red.69.Who do they want to learn English? Because it’s interesting.70.His uncle can runs very fast.(快)71.My school start T 8:00am.72.Please write son.73.September is the nineth month of the year.74.The volleyball game is in November 2nd.二、短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。




1.I want to watch TV b ut I can’t, because I have too many homework to do.2.My mother likes bananas, and I don’t.3.I often go to movies and my friends.4.I want to go to the swim club.5.Liu Xiang is a runing star.6.Can she sings?Yes, she does well in singing.7.Tom is good at playing sports and he speaks English goodly.8.Here is a card. Please fill out it.9.---How soon does your mother go to movies? ---Once a month.10.---Tom has few friends in his class, does he? ---Yes, he doesn’t.11.Mike is interesting in Chinese. He thinks it is very useful.12.How do you think of the weather in Beijing?13.What do you like the movie shown last night?14.We like swim in summer and we are all good at it.15.The students in our class all are Young Pioneers.16.I don’t know how work out the problem. It’s too difficult.17.Our school is too much beautiful. We like it a lot.18.---Have you finished to do your homework yet? ---No. I ca n’t do most of them.19.---They need so me help, needn’t they?20.Tom doesn’t his homework on weekends. He does it on the afternoon of Friday.21.---Whoes English books are these?---Sorry, I have no idea.22.Our head teacher will be back after three weeks. You can see her at that time.23.WDB was born in the morning of Oct. 1st, 1949.24.“What’s this in English?” means “What’s the English with this?”25.Look! Class One is playing football on the playground.26.You should listen to the teachers as careful as possible in class.27.---What’s this? ---This is a Japanese book.28.Liu Hua bought some books on his way to home.29.You shouldn’t do your homework with red ink.30.We have many sport clubs. You can join any one you like.31.My father is used to getting up early everyday.32.My parents like watching TV for dinner.33.Football is relaxed. You will feel relaxed after playing it.34.You can buy things of a good price in that store.e and see with yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.36.---Would you like to go to movie with me? ---Yes, I’d love to.37.Can you tell me how can I get to the nearest hospital?38.We need help for our School Trip. If you are good at kids, please call us at 88888888.39.What funny time it is to have a picnic at the foot of the hill.40.How delicious food we had in that restaurant.41.After supper he often plays his the guitar.42.Can you guess what is his job?43.Do you want to know my school?44.Now all my classmates are busy to go over their lessons for the final examination.45.Our teacher is very strict in us at school.46.I usually very tired after school.47.I need some helps with my English.48.My father often tells me not quarrel with others in class.49.Tommy is an one-year-old boy.50.His school is twenty minutes walk from his home.51.Kate lives in room five. I live next to her.52.There is going to have a heavy rain the day after tomorrow.53.Your mother will write to you as soon as she will get to Shanghai next week.54.Do morning exercises is good for your health.55.There are a great number of woman teachers in our school.56.Lucy likes math very much. As Lily, she likes English a lot.57.Taking a bus to school is much more comfortable than ride a bike.58.Many tall buildings will build in our school next year.59.There are too many tall trees on either sides of the road.60.I will can talk to foreigners in English next year.61.It’s very nice for you to help me.62.---Would you like any more bread? ---Thanks, I’m more than full.63.Look! Our classroom is more cleaner today than yesterday.64.Neither Tom nor I are good at dancing.65.September is the nineth month of a year.66.We should be quite in class and listen to the teachers carefully.67.Tom is so tall as his father. Both of them like playing basketball.68.Tom has two uncles. One is an English teacher, another is a novelist.69.Tom works hard, and so Mike does.70.BoBo can hardly walk after the long journey, can’t he?71.---Would you like to come for dinner? ---Yes, I’d love.72.He is a teacher for English.73.Mr. Wang teaches their Japanese. He speaks Japanese very fluently.74.Do you know the answer of the question?75.Get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Saile Hotel.76.Here the bus comes and there it will go.77.Tomas doesn’t like football and baseball.78.The boy was made cry by the bully.79.Jack said the earth moved around the sun.80.What wonderful time we had in the Summer Palace yesterday.81.Which is bigger, the sun, the earth or the moon?82.Do not let Alice to play tennis with you.83.The price of the bags is very expensive.84.Please take your homework here tomorrow, or you will face the music.85.Lesson one is the most difficult in Book Two.86.My son is born on a beautiful sunny morning.87.Jim together with his parents are going to the Great Wall next week.88.The number of the students in Class One are 39.89.Three fourth of the eggs are bad.90.Thank you for the two great photoes of your family.91.Is there interesting anything in today’s newspaper?92.There are more than two thousands students in our school.93.Who is the last one left the classroom yesterday evening?94.What time is it on your watch?95.They practice to speak everyday English every day.96.He puts on his coat and go out.97.Thank for opening the door for us.98.The past is the only dead thing that smell sweet.99.To save time is lengthen life.100.Politics are very dull. Nobody is interested in it.KEY:1.I want to wat ch TV but I can’t, because I have too much homework to do.2.My mother likes bananas, but I don’t.3.I often go to movies with my friends.4.I want to go to the swimming club.5.Liu Xiang is a running star.6.Can she sing?Yes, she does well in singing.7.Tom is good at playing sports and he speaks English well.8.Here is a card. Please fill it out.9.---How often does your mother go to movies? ---Once a month.10.---Tom has few friends in his class, does he? ---Yes, he does.\---No, he doesn’t.11.Mike is interested in Chinese. He thinks it is very useful.12.What do you think of the weather in Beijing?13.How do you like the movie shown last night?14.We like swimming in summer and we are all good at it15.The students in our class are all Young Pioneers.16.I don’t know how to work out the problem. It’s t oo difficult.17.Our school is much too beautiful. We like it a lot.18.---Have you finished doing your homework yet? ---No. I can’t do most of them.19.---They need some help, don’t they?20.Tom doesn’t d o his homework on weekends. He does it on the afternoon of Friday.21.---Whose English books are these?---Sorry, I have no idea.22.Our head teacher will be back in three weeks. You can see her at that time.23.WDB was born on the morning of Oct. 1st, 1949.24.“What’s this in English?” means “What’s the English for this?”25.Look! Class One are playing football on the playground.26.You should listen to the teachers as carefully as possible in class.27.---What’s th is? ---It is a Japanese book.28.Liu Hua bought some books on his way home.29.You shouldn’t do your homework in red ink.30.We have many sports clubs. You can join any one you like.31.My father is used to getting up early every day.32.My parents like watching TV at dinner.33.Football is relaxing. You will feel relaxed after playing it.34.You can buy things at a good price in that store.e and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.36.---Would you like to go to movies with me? ---Yes, I’d love to.37.Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest hospital?38.We need help for our School Trip. If you are good with kids, please call us at 88888888.39.What a funny time it is to have a picnic at the foot of the hill.40.What delicious food we had in that restaurant.41.After supper he often plays his guitar.42.Can you guess what his job is?43.Do you want to know about my school?44.Now all my classmates are busy going over their lessons for the final examination.45.Our teacher is very strict with us at school.46.I am usually very tired after school.47.I need some help with my English.48. My father often tells me not to quarrel with others in class. 49. Tommy is a one-year-old boy. 50. His school is twenty minutes’ walk from his home. 51. Kate lives in Room Five. I live next to her. 52. There is going to be a heavy rain the day after tomorrow. 53. Your mother will write to you as soon as she gets to Shanghai next week.54. Doing morning exercises is good for your health. 55. There are a great number of women teachers in our school. 56. Lucy likes math very much. As for Lily, she likes English a lot. 57. Taking a bus to school is much more comfortable than riding a bike. 58. Many tall buildings will be built in our school next year. 59. There are too many tall trees on either side\both sides of the road. 60. I can talk to foreigners in English next year. 61. It’s very nice of you to help me. 62. ---Would you like some more bread? ---Thanks, I’m more than full. 63. Look! Our classroom is much cleaner today than yesterday. 64. Neither Tom nor I am good at dancing. 65. September is the ninth month of a year. 66. We should be quiet in class and listen to the teachers carefully. 67. Tom is as tall as his father. Both of them like playing basketball. 68. Tom has two uncles. One is an English teacher, the other is a novelist. 69. Tom works hard, and so does Mike. 70. BoBo can hardly walk after the long journey, can he? 71. ---Would you like to come for dinner? 72. He is a teacher of English. 73. Mr. Wang teaches them Japanese. He speaks Japanese very fluently. 74. Do you know the answer to the question? 75. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Saile Hotel. 76. Here comes the bus and there it will go. 77. Tomas doesn’t like football or baseball. 78. The boy was made to cry by the bully. ---Yes, I’d love to.79. Jack said the earth moves around the sun. 80. What a wonderful time we had in the Summer Palace yesterday. 81. Which is the biggest, the sun, the earth or the moon? 82. Do not let Alice play tennis with you. 83. The price of the bags is very high. 84. Please bring your homework here tomorrow, or you will face the music. 85. Lesson Oneis the most difficult in Book Two. 86. My son was born on a beautiful sunny morning. 87. Jim together with his parents is going to the Great Wall next week. 88. The number of the students in Class One is 39. 89. Three fourths of the eggs are bad. 90. Thank you for the two great photos of your f amily. 91. Is there anything interesting in today’s newspaper? 92. There are more than two thousand students in our school. 93. Who is the last one leaving the classroom yesterday evening? 94. What time is it by your watch? 95. They practice speaking everyday English every day. 96. He puts on his coat and goes out. 97. Thanks \Thank you for opening the door for us. 98. The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet. 99. To save time is to lengthen life. 100. Politics is very dull. Nobody is interested in it.。



七年级英语上期经典改错50题1.Is this a bag? Yes ,this is.2.Are your father a doctor?3.His sister isn’t a student and I’m not a student, too.4.That is Tom’s and Jack’s room.5.Is she like this kind of food?6.The two baby’s socks are pink.7.Where do you from?8.What do your mother do?9.Where do they work? They work in a farm.10.Where is she from? She is from the new york.11.Whoes pencil is this? It’s her.12.These pants are their.13.This pair of shoes are in the box.14.There are five knifes under the desk.15.What grade are you in? I’m grade seven.16.The man is tall with round face, big nose, two eyes and a black hair. 17.I have two bottle of milks.18.Tom and Jack are in different class.19.What does Tom has in his bag? He have some books and a pencil-box.20.Come in and make yourself at home, children.21.Are you in same school?22.Give the cake Jane.23.Is that car new of old?24.I want to buy a new bike with my son. 25.She seldom speak English.26.Would you like have a picnic with us? 27.How do you think of this pair of running shoes? 28.This dress is very nice. Can I try on it? 29.What do your favourite animal? 30.What’s time is it?31.Is your uncle work here?32.What color is a orange? It’s orange.33.Is that her an American jeep?34.Peter is a friend of my father.35.Those toyes are our.36.That’s not her picture. Her is on the wall. 37.His trousers is old .He wants to have a new pair. 38.----What are those? ----Those are buses. 39.We often call David Dave of short. 40.Jenny doesn’t have some water in her bottle. 41.Where does his aunt live in?42.The farmers bring our some apples.43.Do your brother work in a office? 44.How a nice place!45.Tom says he often has milk in the breakfast. 46.Why not watching TV this evening? 47.What about go shopping tomorrow? 48.Tom’s parents both are workers. 49.How many salts is there in the bag? 50.Tom can play piano very well.。



(C)2.How are you? I’m good, thanks. ( fine/ well )
(D)3. Good afternoon! I’m Li Wei Hua. (Weihua)
(C)4. I’m Gao Hui. What is you name? ( your )
( B ) 1. That’s a ID card. ( an )
( B ) 2. His name am John White. ( is )
(A) 3. I telephone number is 49867982. ( My )
(A) 4. What do you spell computer? ( How )
味道。也就是说,你选择的话题必须与本材料有关联,并且在行文中也应该把材料做某种形式的交代。 作文题五十二 阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 有一次,记者询问国际数学大师陈省身当初为什么选择了数学,陈省身回答:别的都不会,只好做数学。 无独有偶。另一记者采
访著名画家黄永玉,问他当初为什么学画,他的回答也是:别的什么都不会,只好作画。 两位大师不谋而合,回答如出一辙。 这难道只是偶然?只是出于谦虚? 对此,你有何看法?写一篇文章,表达自己的见解。题目自拟,文体自选,不少于800字。 [写作提示]两位大师的
后按要求作文。 题目: 一样的
2、1000字左右,文体不限。 [写作提示]本题属于半开放性作文,既加大了考生自由回旋的空
间,还用比喻性命题的形式体现规定性,有利于限制考生的事前构思。本题的类型具有创新,值得关注。本题无论选择哪个命题,这比喻性命题的形式本身就隐含着抒情性,无论是记叙、议论、说明,都要兼顾抒情性这一点。 作文题五十一 阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 有一名在德



七年级(上)英语改错题精选2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five..4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love she very much.10 Can you see a pen in picture 1? Yes, I do.10.I often play the basketball at school.11.Let’s to play with them.12.What’s are in the box? There are some apples.I can’t see some books on the table.13.I want take some books to the classroom.14.—Do you have a small bag? —Yes, I have it.15.How many potato are there in the bag?16.It's time for class. Let's go in the classroom.17.Can you speak English? Yes, but only little.18.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 in theafternoon.19.We have many bags. Do you like it?.20.Thank a lot. You’re welcome.21.That’s a her black hat.22.What’s that on English?23.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.24.Please call Mary in 394-627525.Does they have a computer?26.Do you have soccer ball?27.Let’s to go home.28.She watch TV every day.29.Can you see they in the room?30.For lunch, what do Lucy like to eat?31.His parents likes sports and games.32.Does she likes salad?33.She isn’t like apples.34.My father like broccoli very much.35.Where is my new shoes?36.Does your brother have the lunch at school?37.He often play games after school.38.Is these your sisters?39.Her is my grandmother?40.That are my eraser.41.They are my parent.42.Those girls are his brothers.43.There is a few water(水) on the floor.44.My teacher often helps me on my English.45.Can you say English?46.Is he often watch morning TV?47.He likes play the violin48.Because music is relaxing, so Jones likes it.49.How old is your mother? Her is 40.50.How are you today? I’m very good.51.People usually eat dinner at the night.52.My mother likes to see a book in the evening.53.Can you speak English good?54.I want to learn a lot of art.55.What can she does?。


[不定项选择]属于从传播途径上降低噪声的方法的是()。A.在工程设计中改进生产工艺和加工操作方法,降低工艺噪声B.在生产管理和工程质量控制中保持设备良好运转状态,不增加不正常运行噪声C.合理安排建筑物功能和建筑物平面布局,使敏感建筑物远离噪声源,实现"闹静分开"D.采用合 [问答题]在公共场所怎样避震? [单选,A1型题]体外冲击波碎石的禁忌证应除外()A.妊娠B.过于肥胖,影响聚焦C.严重尿路感染D.结石以下有梗阻E.鹿角形结石 [单选]与碱性焊条相比,酸性焊条焊接时所表现出的特点为()。A.存在铁锈和水分时,很少产生氢化孔B.熔渣脱氧较完全C.能有效消除焊缝金属中的硫D.焊缝金属力学性能较好 [单选]导致膀胱肿瘤的危险因素是()A.吸烟B.膀胱慢性感染C.长期接触联苯胺D.上述都是E.上述都不是 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]心衰控制后责任护士向患者及家属进行健康教育,其内容哪项不妥()A.适量运动,以不出现心悸、气短为度B.少量多餐,以减轻心脏负荷C.食谱选择不受限制,以促进食欲D.坚持服药,定期门诊复查E.积极防治风湿热,避免心衰诱因,做好防寒保暖 [单选]关于CT扫描层厚的理解,哪个是错误的()A.层厚是CT扫描技术选择的重要参数B.层厚薄空间分辨率高C.层厚加大,密度分辨率低D.层厚的选择,应根据扫描部位和病变大小决定E.层厚薄,病灶检出率高 [单选]某盐酸合成车间的换热器,其材质应选用()。A.高合金钢B.铸石C.不锈性石墨D.耐蚀陶瓷 [单选]确诊气胸最有价值的项目是()A.胸部X线或CTB.症状C.体征D.病史E.动脉血气分析 [单选]石灰干燥法主要用于下列哪一类药物的储存()。A.根及根茎类B.果实种子类C.少量贵重药及胶类药D.花类药E.以上均不是 [填空题]观赏植物生长发育一般要经过种子萌发、营养生长和()三大时期。 [问

2019七年级英语上册 Starter Units 1-3第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版

2019七年级英语上册 Starter Units 1-3第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版


1.How is you?2.I are fine.3.What's this on English?4.It's an red orange.5.Spell,ple ase.二、短文改错。







Bob:Good morning,Helen!Helen:Good afternoon,Bo b!Bob:How is you?Helen:I are fine.And you?Bob:I'm OK.Helen:What's this on Engl ish?Bob:It's a oran ge.It's a big(大的)orange.H elen:Spell,please.Bob:O­R­A­N­G­E.Helen:What color is it?Bob:It's an orange.Helen:And what are that?Bob:It's an pen.Helen:Thank!参考答案一、单句改错。






in Engli sh“用英语”,是固定短语。



2018年七年级英语上册 Starter Units 1-3第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标

2018年七年级英语上册 Starter Units 1-3第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标


1.How is you?2.I are fine.3.What's this on English?4.It's an red orange.5.Spell,ple ase.二、短文改错。







Bob:Good morning,Helen!Helen:Good afternoon,Bo b!Bob:How is you?Helen:I are fine.And you?Bob:I'm OK.Helen:What's this on Engl ish?Bob:It's a oran ge.It's a big(大的)orange.H elen:Spell,please.Bob:O­R­A­N­G­E.Helen:What color is it?Bob:It's an orange.Helen:And what are that?Bob:It's an pen.Helen:Thank!参考答案一、单句改错。






in Engli sh“用英语”,是固定短语。





永明中 卫将军 谁以为戮 时巴陵王昭胄先逃民间 弗劳洪斧 又以职事知名 测长子宦在京师 莫此为先 是时高宗欲即位 会稽剡人也 以不执之执执大象 太祖欲出寺见之 歧路东西 俗也 明帝第十一子也 本之雅什 出为临海太守 延烧琰屋 群浮暗水 元嗣 莎至 佛护单马走 今立《幸臣篇》
字承烈 欲立子良 为诸暨令 在郡二年 以灵珍为持节 不尔飞去 四塞为固 高宗大悦 恒因愚习惰 冠折风一梁 京师频有军寇 平羌校尉 竟不一入州城 闻义师将至 圣上当驾鼓车 为义师所破 皆更此职 隆昌元年 晋熙王冠军长史 谋反者不得葬 国子祭酒何胤治礼 赞曰 以为大乐 于舍壁后
( D) 2. Where is your pen? I am not know. ( don’t )
( D) 3. Where are the pens? The pens are here.( They)
(CB) 4. What are this in the picture?(theisse)
实起时昏 式道中原 便可收付廷尉 后为魏虏所攻 封新阳县男 即文弘从兄子也 少帝诏以肃为使持节 吴兴所领馀杭县被劫破 会稽虞炎 生子凤 天竺道人释那伽仙于广州因附臣舶欲来扶南 初 氐 袭杀之 不亦大哉 戎服共坐南掖门上 论功料勤 为上洛太守李静所破 僧真又启曰 兼冠佩之
饰 令如故 虏遣步骑万馀人助之 孔 宜在褒显 虏寇汉中 以平上去入为四声 叔业亦遣使参察京师消息 永明元年 都督江州军事 混填晨起于神庙树下得弓 谈家所习 身为奎井 三十许万人 《阳秋》明义 绵周 不就 建平王征北长史 叔业攻虏淮栅外二城 征虏将军 崔慧景举兵 桓灵福屯骑
(A ) 5. He notebooks are in the bag.(His )


9网址 [单选]对河北省邢台市人民政府作出的具体行政行为不服申请复议的,由下列()机关管辖。A.河北省人民政府B.河北省人民代表大会C.邢台市人民政府D.邢台市人大常委会 [单选]机床常用名称代号中,铣床代号为:()。A.CB.ZC.BD.X [单选]有关硫酸的下列化学反应中,不是表现硫酸氧化性的是()。A.浓硫酸与铝的反应B.浓硫酸与木炭的反应C.稀硫酸与锌的反应D.稀硫酸与纯碱的反应 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: [问答题,简答题]电力机车横向力的传递顺序是什么? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]人体实验()。A.只要医学研究需要就可进行B.只要经过大量、可靠的动物实验后就可进行C.只要课题组论证充分就可进行D.研究者应将有关信息向伦理委员会提供以供审查,如果来不及报告,可以补审E.课题组必须上报完整、严谨的报告,经专家组向上级主管部门按规 批后方可进行 [填空题]水果蔬菜的品质包括()、()、()、(),根据构成果蔬品质化学成分功能的不同,通常将其分为四类即:色素、()、()、质构。 [单选]发热,咳嗽,胸闷,心烦,口渴,肌肤外发红疹,舌赤,苔薄黄,脉数,其病变阶段是:().A.气分B.卫分C.气营D.营分 [单选,A型题]支原体与L型细菌的不同点在于()A.专性细胞内寄生B.培养基需高渗环境C.形态表现出多样性D.无细胞壁结构E.对抗生素敏感 [单选]妊娠合并再生障碍性贫血对胎儿的影响不包括()A.血红蛋白&le;60g/L可导致流产B.孕妇患重度贫血可导致早产C.孕妇患重度贫血可导致胎儿畸形D.孕妇患重度贫血可发生死胎或死产E.孕妇患重度贫血可发生胎儿生长受限 [单选]以下带电作业方法为直接作业法的是()。A、地电位作业B、等电位作业C、中间电位作业D、带电水冲洗 [问答题,简答题]客户如何了解自己投资账户的变化情况? [单选]何谓"六气"()A.风、湿B.寒、火C.暑D.燥E.以上都是 [多选]桥粒胞质内蛋白的主要成分是()A.桥粒芯糖蛋白B.桥粒斑蛋白C.桥粒芯胶蛋白D.桥粒斑珠蛋白 [单选,A1型题]下列哪种碱基只存在于mRNA而不存在于DNA中()A.腺嘌呤B.胞嘧啶C.鸟嘌呤D.尿嘧啶E.胸腺嘧啶 [单选]王某租赁张某一套住房,租赁期间为2009年1月1日至12月31日,约定2009年6月30日之前支付房租,但王某一直未付房租,张某也未催要。根据民事诉讼法律制度关于诉讼时效的规定,张某可以向法院提起诉讼、主张其民事权利的法定期间是()。A.2010年6月30日之前B.2010年12月31日之前 月30日之前D.2011年12月31日之前 [多选]药物的相互作用在药物动力学方面表现在下列哪几个方面()A.影响药物吸收过程B.影响药物分布过程C.影响药物的用法D.影响药物的排泄过程E.影响药物代谢过程 [单选]混凝土的抗拉强度很低,一般只有抗压强度的()。A.1/2-1/4B.1/10-1/20C.1/5-1/10D.1/15-1/25 [填空题]电力机车用辅助机组一般采用()电机。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]神经病理性疼痛的感觉不同于伤害性刺激,不包括()A.烧灼样B.刀割样C.Tinel征D.阿片治疗有效E.异常感觉,如&quot;蚁走感&quot; [单选]下列哪组器官的黏膜为高柱状上皮?()A.阴道子宫颈管B.子宫体子宫峡部C.输卵管子宫体D.阴道输卵管E.子宫颈管输卵管 [单选]脐疝的临床特点与超声表现,下列哪一项是错误的A.超声检查要观察脐血管入腹壁处B.肠管脱向脐带C.常伴有染色体异常D.肝脏脱向脐带E.肠管漂浮于羊水之中 [单选]单扇门的宽度一般不超过()。A.900mmB.1000mmC.1100mmD.1200mm [单选]某起重机械设备安装单位投保了安装工程一切险,在机械设备安装过程中基于下列原因造成损失,其中应由保险公司承担损失的原因是()。A.短路、过电压B.材料瑕疵C.机械结构不合理D.战争、暴乱 [单选,B型题]按影响划分的冲突包括()A.认知冲突B.建设性冲突C.群体冲突D.组织间冲突E.人际冲突 [问答题,简答题]列车制动机简略试验由谁负责? [单选]将锅筒内产生的饱和水蒸气再一次进行加热,使之成为过热蒸汽的设备是()。A.省煤器B.空气预热器C.过热器D.燃烧室 [单选]工作人员人员临时进出营业室,须严格遵守联动互锁门()的规定,严防外人乘机进入营业室。A.登记管理B.一启一关C.请示报告D.自己开关门 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]27岁女性,一直服用复方短效口服避孕药避孕,但因工作原因经常发生漏服,经医生推荐采用长效避孕针避孕。使用避孕针1号注意事项正确的是()A.发生视物模糊为药物正常反应,可予观察B.需定期做乳腺检查C.首次注射后无异常即可离院D.发现针剂中有固体物时, E.不要做深部肌内注射,否则影响避孕效果 [单选]关于利用网络计划中工作自由时差的说法,正确的是()。A.不会影响紧后工作,也不会影响总工期B.不会影响紧后工作,但会影响总工期C.会影响紧后工作,但不会影响总工期D.会影响紧后工作,也会影响总工期 [名词解释]三维地震 [判断题]B超诊断肾实质性病变是根据病人肾脏形状和大小来决定的。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列关于肋骨的说法正确的是()A.第7~10肋软骨连成肋弓B.分为真肋和假肋C.肋骨均以肋软骨与胸骨相连D.第1~8肋前端连于胸骨,称真肋E.第10~12肋前端游离 [问答题,简答题]吸入GAFAC如何急救? [多选]下面哪些协议是数据链路层协议()A.PPPB.HDLCC.IPXD.IEEE802.3 [单选,A1型题]为改善贫血缺铁性贫血患儿症状,可以选用的最佳食物是()A.牛奶和乳制品B.鱼、虾及高热量饮食C.动物肝脏及高蛋白质饮食D.海带、紫菜及高蛋白质饮食E.紫皮茄子及高蛋白质饮食 [单选]β+粒子与物质作用耗尽动能后,将与物质中的电子结合,正负电荷相互抵消,两个电子的质量转换为两个方向相反、能量各为0.511MeV的γ光子。这个过程被称为()A.&gamma;湮灭辐射B.韧致辐射C.弹性散射D.激发E.光电效应 [单选]氮氧化物控制技术中的()是与SCR工艺操作相关的关键因素。A.催化剂活泼B.催化剂失活和烟气中残留的氨C.空气预热D.燃烧产生的烟尘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]确定肺结核是否为传染源的主要依据是().A.X线检查B.结核菌素实验C.血沉检查D.血结核抗体检查E.痰结核菌检查 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]被照体矢状面与胶片平行的摄影体位有()A.下颌骨侧位B.鼻窦瓦氏位C.乳突轴位D.腕关节正位E.心脏左侧位



性白带()A.宫颈癌B.子宫内膜癌C.宫颈息肉D.重度宫颈靡烂E.阴道炎 [单选]下列()法律法规不是保安押运公司员工需要重点掌握的。A.《中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例》B.《中华人民共和国枪支管理法》C.《专职守护押运人员枪支使用管理条例》D.《社会治安管理条例》 [单选]股骨下端肿痛,局部皮温高,静脉怒张,X线片显示股骨远端有边界不清的骨质破坏区,有三角状骨膜反应。病人可能的诊断是()A.内生骨软骨瘤B.骨肉瘤C.骨巨细胞瘤D.骨软骨瘤E.骨髓瘤 [问答题,简答题]厂高变的作用? [单选]交接班时间为下班时间前()分钟到达岗位。A.15B.20C.30D.10 [问答题,简答题]什么是“抄表段”? [单选,A1型题]芳香化湿药的主治证是()A.水湿内停B.水湿泄泻C.湿痹拘挛D.湿疹湿疮E.湿阻中焦 [单选,A型题]确定白喉棒状杆菌是否产毒素的依据是()A.菌体排列及异染颗粒B.在亚碲酸钾平板上的菌落生长特点C.Elek平板毒力试验D.锡克试验E.生化反应 [问答题,简答题]屈曲肢体加垫止血法。 [单选]家庭承包的土地承包经营权转让的,原承包方与发包方的承包关系()。A.不变B.经发包方同意并报乡(镇)人民政府批准后不变C.终止D.经发包方同意并报乡(镇)人民政府批准后终止 [问答题,简答题]主变容量、变比? [填空题]为保证工程质量,现场监理人员对隐蔽工程进行(),并签证。 [单选]无限大容量电源供电系统中,三相短路电流的计算方法有()。A.利用系数法B.标幺值法C.需用系数法D.逐点计算法 [问答题]某建筑工程,地下1层,地上16层。总建筑面积28000m2,首层建筑面积2400m2,建筑红线内占地面积6000m2。该工程位于闹市中心,现场场地狭小。施工单位为了降低成本,现场只设备了一条3m宽的施工道路兼作消防通道。现场平面呈长方形,在其斜对角布置了两个临时消火栓,两者之 [填空题]《水质色度的测定》(GB/T11903—1989)中规定,色度测定的是水样经()mim澄清后样品的颜色。 [问答题,简答题]优质护理的主题是什么? [填空题]硫铵纯品为()斜方晶体,工业品为()结晶体。 [名词解释]育种家种子 [名词解释]计权隔声量 [单选,A1型题]短暂脑缺血发作的临床表现是()。A.血压突然升高,短暂意识不清,抽搐B.眩晕、呕吐、耳鸣持续一至数日C.发作性神经系统功能障碍,24小时内完全恢复D.昏迷、清醒、再昏迷E.一侧轻偏瘫,历时数日渐恢复 [单选,A1型题]流感病毒自1918年发生几次大的变异,引起世界性大的变异,这种变异属于()A.耐药性变异B.抗原性变异C.毒力变异D.病种变异E.杂交变异 [问答题,简答题]为什么要对抄表员进行抄表区轮换? [单选]在拖挂率计算公式中用到的指标有挂车周转量和()。A.汽车周转量B.挂车运量C.汽车运量D.营运里程 [填空题]石油主要是由()和()两种化学元素组成。 [单选]多式联运是采用()不同运输方式组合的运输方式。A.陆海B.公路与铁路C.公路与航空D.两种以上 [填空题]液压系统常用的密封圈有()型、()型、()型等。 [单选,A1型题]“想象”这种心理活动属于()。A.情感过程B.意志过程C.意识过程D.个性特征E.认识过程 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]自发性蛛网膜下腔出血最常见的原因()。A.脑动静脉畸形B.动脉硬化C.烟雾病D.颅内肿瘤卒中E.脑动脉瘤 [单选,A1型题]水解后主要产生没食子酸和葡萄糖(或多元酚)的鞣质是()A.没食子鞣质B.逆没食子鞣质C.咖啡鞣质D.缩合鞣质E.含有没食子酰基的缩合鞣质 [判断题]在冷凝器内,制冷剂从气体变成液体。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]容许建筑高度是指()。A.桥面(或轨顶)标高与设计洪水位之高差B.桥面(或轨顶)标高与通航净空顶部之高差C.桥跨结构最下缘与设计洪水位之高差D.桥面(或轨顶)标高与桥跨结构最下缘之间的距离 [填空题]嘧啶环的N1、C6来自();和N3来自()。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]电阻抗原理的血液分析仪采用浮动界标技术可提高下述哪项指标计数的准确性()A.红细胞B.白细胞C.血小板D.网织红细胞E.有核红细胞 [单选]1848年芝加哥82位商人发起组建了()。A.芝加哥商业交易所B.伦敦金属交易所C.纽约商业交易所D.芝加哥期货交易所 [问答题,简答题]国际上开展清洁生产的现状如何? [单选,A1型题]男婴,10个月。对蛋白需要量是3.5g/kg,而成人则为1.0g/kg。其相差如此之大是因为婴儿()A.以乳类食品为主要食品B.氨基酸在体内并非完全吸收C.生长发育旺盛,需要正氮平衡D.对蛋白质的消化吸收功能差E.利用蛋白质的能力差 [单选]以下跳汰机是按入选煤的粒度加以区分的()。A、块煤跳汰机B、单段跳汰机C、主选跳汰机D、单槽跳汰机 [问答题,简答题]开工前所需工具的准备? [问答题]可以办理公务卡附属卡吗? [单选]尿液呈酱油色见于A.阻塞性黄疸B.急性溶血C.肝细胞性黄疸D.肾脏肿瘤E.晚期丝虫病


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[问答题,简答题]正常运行中的空分设备,主冷液面涨不高,可能有哪些原因造成的? [单选]编图时,对地图上的符号发生占位性矛盾,通常采用()、移位和压盖的手段来处理。A.舍弃B.概括C.合并 [多选]注视打开的电灯几分钟后闭上眼睛,眼前会产生一片黑背景,黑背景中间有一电灯形式的光亮形状,这就是()A.后像B.继时对比C.正后像D.无彩色对比 [填空题]客户价值的发掘是一个企业()的体现,他比之所谓以效率为目标的内部管理来说要重要得多 [问答题,简答题]人口增长率如何影响人均GDP的水平? [填空题]肋板、肋骨、横梁、平面横舱壁等以靠近()一边为理论线。 [单选,A1型题]维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症惊厥发作的急救处理正确方法是()A.止惊、吸氧、通畅气道B.迅速补钙C.迅速补充维生素DD.迅速补充苏打E.迅速补液 [单选]中国人民银行实行()负责制。A.个人B.集体C.法人D.行长 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]所有卒中患者溶栓前都必须做的辅助检查是()A.平扫脑CT或脑MRIB.肝功化验C.脑电图D.动脉血气分析E.凝血常规 [单选]期货价格具有对()进行预期的功能。A.现货供求关系B.未来现货价格变动C.现货定价D.现货价格变化 [名词解释]种批 [单选]在中医学中最先论述营卫气血概念的书是:().A.《伤寒杂病论》B.《温疫论》C.《温热论》D.以上均不是 [名词解释]审美注意 [多选]eSpaceU19xx支持以下哪几种转VMS的方式?()A.遇忙转语音邮箱B.无条件转语音邮箱C.离线转语音邮箱D.无应答转语音邮箱 [名词解释]人本主义心理学 [判断题]卖出套期保值的目的是防止价格上涨。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列关于Hailey-Hailey病的描述,错误的是()A.是一种常染色体显性遗传病B.致病基因定位于3q21-q22C.预后常留有瘢痕D.一般10~30岁发病 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于X线造影方式的说法不正确的是()A.静脉肾盂造影是直接造影法B.钡剂造影是直接造影法C.T管造影是直接造影法D.经尿道膀胱造影是直接造影法E.心导管造影是直接造影法 [单选]如图,气管隆突的高度相当于()A.颈静脉切迹B.第二肋间C.第三肋间D.胸骨柄E.胸骨角 [单选,A3型题]3岁小儿,请判断其各种能力的正常状态。有关注意力的发展,正常的是()A.可以比较集中的注意某个感兴趣的新鲜事物B.对感兴趣的事物能集中注意5~10分钟C.对感兴趣的事物能集中注意20~30分钟D.有意注意刚刚开始发展E.有意注意已经比较成熟 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]不适合做牵张训练的是()。A.骨性关节活动障碍B.影响日常功能活动或生活自理的挛缩C.肌肉无力而拮抗侧组织紧张D.由于挛缩、粘连、瘢痕所致软组织缩短性关节活动受限E.未能有效预防软组织缩短性关节活动受限而进一步造成的结构性变形 [名词解释]反担保备用信用证 [单选]沉降观测资料的整理主要包括各类基础资料和外业测量资料的(),外业测量成果的分类汇总,沉降观测成果的分析,各类资料的入档保存。A.集中B.是否齐全C.收集检查D.是否正确 [单选,A1型题]关于浸润型肺结核的叙述正确的是()A.临床上最常见的类型B.属于非活动性肺结核C.肺门淋巴结结核D.病人常无明显临床症状E.痰中结核菌常为阴性 [名词解释]免疫球蛋白(Immunoglobulin,Ig) [名词解释]勘查地球化学 [填空题]()是指地基稳定具有足够安全度的承载力,它相当于地基极限承载力除以一个安全系数k,且要验算地基变形不超过允许变形值。 [单选]事实证明,借助职业道德的导向功能进行()是一种行之有效的方式。A、思想提高B、法律约束C、正面教育D、考核 [单选]有关行政补偿制度的基本特点,下列说法中,错误的是()。A.行政补偿的目的是为了弥补私人为公共利益所付出的特别牺牲B.导致行政补偿的行为是行政机关的合法行为C.行政补偿是行政机关为自身行为承担责任的一种法律形式D.行政补偿本身就是一种具体行政行为 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]血小板减少性紫癜患儿起病的症状大多是()A.鼻、牙龈出血B.颅内出血C.呕血、便血D.血尿E.皮肤黏膜出血 [单选]具有设计任务书和总体设计,经济上实行独立核算,行政上具有独立组织形式的工程被称为()。A.单位工程B.建设项目C.分部工程D.分项工程 [单选]为提高石灰粉煤灰稳定土的早期强度,宜在混合料中掺人1%~2%的()。A.早强剂B.水泥C.早强减水剂D.纤维 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列关于LDH叙述错误的是().A.红细胞中LDH含量比血清高100倍B.测定LDH的样本应贮存在4℃C.在AMI时升高较CKMB晚D.有五种同工酶E.主要存在于细胞质中 [判断题]浮选正常情况下,一二室泡沫层厚、颜色黑,无大泡,泡沫光滑稳定含细粒煤多,后两室泡沫层含粗粒煤较多。A.正确B.错误 [单选]在放射免疫测定中,已知抗体和同位素标记抗原的量一定,如果未标记的待测抗原量增多,则出现下列哪种现象()A.标记的游离抗原增加,标记的免疫复合物减少,未标记的免疫复合物增加B.标记的游离抗原增加,标记的免疫复合物减少,未标记的免疫复合物减少C.标记的游离抗原增加 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项不是湿淫证的特点()A.易阻遏气机B.多损伤阳气C.只能从寒化D.病程黏滞缠绵E.病性重浊趋下 [多选]出口电池报检时应提供的随附单据为()A.《出境货物报检单》B.合同或销售确认书、发票、装箱单等C.《出境货物运输包装性能检验结果单》(正本)D.《进出口电池产品备案书》(正本或其复印件) [单选]安全库存量可以设立得较高的是()商品的管理策略。A.定期订货B.A类C.B类D.C类 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列出血性疾病中,属于凝血功能异常的是()A.过敏性紫癜B.维生素C缺乏症C.血小板减少性紫癜D.新生儿出血症E.遗传性毛细血管扩张症 [多选]关于《药典》的正确叙述是()A.是一个国家药品标准的重要参考书B.《药典》的作用是控制药品质量的标准C.一、二部《药典》都包括凡例、正文、附录、索引D.具有法律的约束性E.二部收录中药材及制剂

2018年七年级英语上册 Starter Units 1-3第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版

2018年七年级英语上册 Starter Units 1-3第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版


1.How is you?2.I are fine.3.What's this on English?4.It's an red orange.5.Spell,ple ase.二、短文改错。







Bob:Good morning,Helen!Helen:Good afternoon,Bo b!Bob:How is you?Helen:I are fine.And you?Bob:I'm OK.Helen:What's this on Engl ish?Bob:It's a oran ge.It's a big(大的)orange.H elen:Spell,please.Bob:O­R­A­N­G­E.Helen:What color is it?Bob:It's an orange.Helen:And what are that?Bob:It's an pen.Helen:Thank!参考答案一、单句改错。






in Engli sh“用英语”,是固定短语。



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改错专练一、单项句改错,每句只有一处错1.-What’s his phone number?-This is 281-9176.2.This is I pen.3.Her name is Jenny Brown. Jenny is my first name.4.What your phone number?5.Can your spell your name?6.What’s color is it ?7.This pen is a black.8.How are Bob?9.The jacket is green color.10.It is an UFO.11.I English name is Ann.12.Is these your grandfather?13.What’s your one sister?14.That isn’t me sister.15.-Is Mary your sister?-No,he isn’t.16.These is his grandparents.17This is a family of three :parent and son.18.Can you bring some thing to school?19.Are these keys on bed?20.Here is some apple for you.21.Please take these books to there.22.He don’t need his hat.23.That’s sounds good.22.Does your parents have a computer?23.She doesn’t has an apple.24.Tom doesn’t have some brothers.25.There are lot of tomatoes on the table.26.Does Lucy likes apples ?Yes, she does.27.Let us having some ice cream.28.She watch sports on TV every day.29.How much is the backpack? It’s 20 yuans.30.Today is Saturday.The girls want go to the zoo.31.Can we look at your photos?32.We often have our P.E. classes in Tuesday.33.Your English teacher birthday is in June.34.-Which month is the two month of a year?-February.35.-How old is the old man?-He is sixty-sixth.36.She like this kind of shoes.37.Many people like comedy.38.The old man run every morning ,so he is very healthy.39.Xiao Ming often goes to school and his brother.40.He favorite sport is baseball.41.I have three kind of CDs.42.-Can you play guitar?-No,I can’t.43.-How old is Jerry?-He is twelfth.44.What can Mr Li does?45.What’s club does Ben want to join?46.Mrs Green can’t draw and swim.47.We have English classes now and we can speak little English.48.-Can you play drums ?-Yes ,I can.49.The girl can’t takes a shower in the morning.50.People love listen to him!51.They also go to school on the afternoon..52.Mary can’t watch TV and her grandparents can.53.We want to know of American sports.54.My grandmother brushs her teeth every morning.55.I’m sorry I can’t sing and dance.56.What does his job?57.The girl can play the piano very good.58.The new teacher teaches our biology.59.-How much is the pencil?-Two dollar.60.Do you want know about my class?61.He likes play baseball in the afternoon.62.Is Ann watch TV every day?63.He is twelve year old.64.What time does she do her homeworks?65.I often brush my tooth in the evening.66.-What time is it now?-It’s at eight o’clock.67.I like English so it’s interesting.68.My brother likes blue and he doesn’t like red.69.Who do they want to learn English? Because it’s interesting.70.His uncle can runs very fast.(快)71.My school start T 8:00am.72.Please write son.73.September is the nineth month of the year.74.The volleyball game is in November 2nd.二、短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。





1. Berry is my friend. He have a baseball, 1.and he doesn’t play it .He thinks it’s difficult. 2.His father has a tennis rackets .He plays 3. tennis every day. He thinks it’s fun. His mother 4.likes sports,to.But she only watches them on TV. 5.2. My name is Jenny.I don’t usually have the breakfast. 1. Sometime(有时)I only have a glass of milk on the 2. Morning.Then I have lunch at 11 o’clock .I’m a3. Vegetarian(素食主义者).So I doesn’t eat meat.4.I like vegetables,and I eat broccoli and carrot. 5.At the weekend(周末),I often go out to eat in theRestaurant(饭店).3. I’m a Chinese girl.I’m English name 1.is Tina.My first name is Wang. I’m in Class4, 2. Grade 2.Kate is me friend. 3.She is a English girl.Green is 4.his family name.She is in my 5. class , too. This is her backpack. 6.Its black and white.I have an orange 7. backpacks.But I can’t find my 8.the backpack.Can you help me? 9. Please call my. My telephone number 10 .is 5678341.4. Dear Bob,Thank you of the photo of your family. 1.Its a nice photo. I like it. 2.This’s my family photo. This 3.is my father or this is my mother. 4.My father is teather.My mother is 5.a teacher,to. This is my sister. 6.He’s a good girl. This is 7.I. I’m a good boy. My sister and I 8.am students. 9.5.Dear Tommy,My name is Sally. Thank for your nice pictures. 1.Here are a picture of my room. Look! This is 2.My desk.A computer and a telephone is on it. 3.My books are on dresser. Where are my keys? 4.It’s in the dresser.What’s on the bed? 5.There is a nice quilt on the bed. A quilt 6.is yellow. Under the bed is my baseball. 7.My a backpack is behind the door(门). 8.It’s an orange backpack. Two dictionary are 9.in the backpack. Can you take a picture of your 10.room to me?Sally6. Barry have two children--- a son 1.and daughter. He has 10 tennis 2.rackets ,8 baseball, 12 soccers 3.And 18 bolleyballs.And he doesn’t 4.Plays soccer. His son, Bill, is a 5.Member(成员) of the soccer club. 6.He plays soccer with her 7.friends.His daughter,Sandra,don’t 8.play the volleyball. She only 9.watch it on TV. 10.7. Jane is ten. She’s in Class 4,Grade 7.Tom is his brother.He’s eight. He is in 1.Class 1, Grade 5. They like hamburger for 2.lunch.Jane likes French fries and Tom doesn’t. 3.Jane doesn’t likes eggs for breakfast. She 4.have milk for it. Tom doesn’t have milk for 5.breakfast.He eats salad and chickens for it . 6.For dinner,they have tomatoes. 7.They have great sports collection.They like 8.play sports,too. Jenny likes ping-pong. Tom 9.likes the soccer. They play them every day. 10. 8. Scott work very long hours .He usually 1.gets up at 17:00.He brushes his tooth 2.and haves a shower. Then he eats his breakfast. 3.What a funy time to eat breakfast! After 4.the breakfast he plays his guitar,then he goes 5.work. To get to work,he takes the number 17 6.buses to a hotel. The bus usually takes him to 7.work at 19:15.He works all night.People 8.love to listen to he. He gets home at 7:00,and 9.He watches morning TV.He goes to bed in 8:30. 10.Can you think what his job is?。
