IXYS 电流接线器数据手册说明书
Symbol Test Conditions Maximum RatingsV DSS T J = 25︒C to 150︒C500V V DGR T J = 25︒C to 150︒C, R GS = 1M Ω 500V V GSS Continuous ±30V V GSM Transient ±40V I D25T C = 25︒C112A I DM T C = 25︒C, Pulse Width Limited by T JM330A I A T C = 25︒C 66A E AS T C = 25︒C 2J dv/dt I S ≤ I DM , V DD ≤ V DSS , T J ≤ 150︒C 35V/ns P D T C = 25︒C1500W T J -55 ... +150︒C T JM 150︒C T stg -55 ... +150︒CV ISOL 50/60 Hz, RMS, t = 1minute 2500 V~I ISOL ≤ 1mA, t = 1s3000 V~M d Mounting Torque for Base Plate 1.5/13 Nm/lb.in Terminal Connection Torque1.3/11.5 Nm/lb.inWeight30gSymbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (T J = 25︒C Unless Otherwise Specified) Min. Typ. Max.BV DSS V GS = 0V, I D = 3mA 500VV GS(th)V DS = V GS , I D = 8mA 3.0 5.0 V I GSS V GS = ±30V, V DS = 0V±200 nA I DSS V DS = V DSS , V GS = 0V50μA T J = 125︒C 3 mAR DS(on)V GS = 10V, I D = 66A, Note 139 m ΩIXFN132N50P3V DSS = 500V I D25= 112A R DS(on)≤ 39m Ωt rr≤ 250nsN-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche RatedFast Intrinsic RectifierPolar3TM HiPerFET TM Power MOSFETminiBLOCE153432GDSSG = Gate D = DrainS = SourceEither Source Terminal S can be used as the Source Terminal or the Kelvin Source (Gate Return) Terminal.Features●International Standard Package ●miniBLOC with Aluminum Nitride Isolation●Avalanche Rated●Low Package Inductance ●Fast Intrinsic Rectifier ●Low R DS(on) and Q GAdvantages●Easy to Mount ●Space SavingsApplications●DC-DC Converters ●Battery Chargers ●Switch-Mode and Resonant-Mode Power Supplies ●Uninterrupted Power Supplies ●AC Motor Drives ●High Speed Power Switching ApplicationsSSDGIXYS Reserves the Right to Change Limits, Test Conditions, and Dimensions.Note 1. Pulse test, t ≤ 300μs, duty cycle, d ≤ 2%.(M4 screws (4x) supplied)SOT-227B (IXFN) OutlineSource-Drain DiodeSymbol Test Conditions Characteristic ValuesIXYS Reserves the Right to Change Limits, Test Conditions, and Dimensions.。
0i mate-TDMD硬件连接图
说明:代表可由FANUC 提供完整线缆或仅提供插头由MTB 自行制作线缆代表必须由FANUC 提供完整线缆代表需由MTB 自己制作的线缆注: 1.根据线标K*可由后面章节查看该端口的管脚连接图2.电池是在使用绝对式编码器时使用(非标准配置),如使用增量式编码器时可不接电池3.电机与放大器的最大电流必须匹配综合接线图(i说明:代表可由FANUC 提供完整线缆或仅提供插头由MTB 自行制作线缆代表必须由FANUC 提供完整线缆代表需由MTB 自己制作的线缆注: 1.根据线标K*可由后面章节查看该端口的管脚连接图2.电池是在使用绝对式编码器时使用(非标准配置),如使用增量式编码器时可不接电池3.电机与放大器的最大电流必须匹配说明:代表可由FANUC 提供完整线缆或仅提供插头由MTB 自行制作线缆代表必须由FANUC 提供完整线缆代表需由MTB 自己制作的线缆注: 1.根据线标K*可由后面章节查看该端口的管脚连接图2.电池是在使用绝对式编码器时使用(非标准配置),如使用增量式编码器时可不接电池3.电机与放大器的最大电流必须匹配说明:代表可由FANUC 提供完整线缆或仅提供插头由MTB 自行制作线缆代表必须由FANUC 提供完整线缆代表需由MTB 自己制作的线缆注:1.根据线标K*可由后面章节查看该端口的管脚连接图2.电池是在使用绝对式编码器时使用(非标准配置),如使用增量式编码器时可不接电池3.电机与放大器的最大电流必须匹配DC24V20针插头管脚布局说明810961523420191817161514131211ii ipositioncoder24V24V接近开关制动插脚,制动插脚i 电源i 电源。
S #1 MAIN #1 MCB sPro Main
#3 MCB
#2 MCB
sPro Main
#3 GCB #2 GCB
sPro Main
#1 GCB
B CGC 3 1, 2, MAN
Inteli Com MINT pact
租赁站应急 发电机组作为一常见 的备用机组, 当电网下降时为基 本负载提供电。 当主电故障时控制器将自动起动 发电机并切换到发电机的负载, 当主电恢复时发电机将同主电同 步,软卸载后停机。 在测试模式下发电机将自动同 步到电网。测试模式可用于检查 发电机组状态,在可预期的电源 故障的情况下为负载提供不间 断电源。 在各个分散点的发电机组, 可以 通过智能手机进行监控。 WebSupervisor用于远程监视 和控制;通过与 IL-NT GPRS连 接。也可以对出租发电机组进行 定位和移动位置控制。 通过存储在InteliCompactNT SPTM历史性能日志文件可以轻 松地追溯到问题。 与发动机的电子喷射控制单元 实现无缝通信,所有重要的测量 值和报警 可在InteliCompactNT的屏幕上 显示和用通俗易懂的语言保存的 历史文件, 。 偷油功能是检测燃油液位 ,并在 警燃料盗窃或燃料泄漏的情况下 发出报警。
x seBo NTC Ba Sys ion 8 R Inteli InteliVis NTE + L CE TRO CON R E POW
科迈控制器产品概述 中文
MSS不会从分支断开,当以下情况 存在时: • 并联运行激活时 • GCB打开/闭合或MCB闭合信号 激活时 • MF信号产生和GCB断开 在所的 MF解决后,GCB断开,发电机组 停止。
InteliCompactNT SPtM
当主电源不可用或已手动切断 时,集装箱租赁发电机组和移动 发电机组为能源建设项目或土木 工程的子系统和建筑机械提临时 供必要的电源。
实际应用租赁发电机组配 备了最新的远程通信模块 InternetBridge –NT,它能控制 设备并为服务工程师提供效地监 视,控制和定位。通过使用支持 基于Web的应用软件,如
InteliCompactNT SPtM
3台发电机组并机模式为全 部负载供电,通过IB-Lite或 IL-NT-GPRS模块,使用AirGate 技术和InteliMonitor或 WebSupervisor软件进行长时 间可靠监控。
带撤载功能备用系统 – 先进显示
InteliMIanitneslNiVT iBsiaosneB5ox +
诊断仪I操作说明- 功能 -MA136510046I 型诊断仪7 段数字显示屏起动/停止按键(闪烁1)旋转脉冲LK 传感器运行:IS/RS2IS 上行SR 模块反馈IS 下行程序选择旋钮安全回路EK LN 传感器HKTK W/W1 接触器KT WO/WU 接触器当I 型诊断仪没有进入 15AF 功能时,LK 和 LN 感应器被井道码板遮挡时,诊断仪上的 LK 和LN 相应的发光二极管闪烁。
当 I 型诊断仪进入 15AF 功能时,LK 和 LN 感应器被井道码板遮挡时,诊断仪上的LK和LN相应的发光二极管不闪烁,并且在功能15AF里这两个LED的配位也互相对换(见MA13,类型6510,顺序号046)。
TCI/TCM 电梯控制系统的现行工作程序将在紧急信息栏中公布。
2)IS ...检修运行RS ...应急电动运行。
功能界面功能名称描述页数01 00故障堆栈读出故障堆栈及事件堆栈F01 1-3402 00显示订单号06.88/6 版起的工作程序可实现此功能F02 103 00显示轿厢位置轿厢位置显示在7段显示器上;LED无意义F03 104 00运行阶段显示屏和LED显示当前的运行阶段F04 1-205 00存储器地址 A 列及 B 列 LED 显示重要的存储器地址(轿厢)F05 1-2006 00门锁装置(TCI)主门:A列及B列LED显示F06 LMS2(TCM)LMS2 教入107 00门锁装置(TCI)后门:A列及B列LED显示F07 CPI 参数(TCM)显示CPI控制器参数(仅限TCM)1-308 00轿厢召唤对主门一侧楼层发轿厢召唤F08109 00厅门召唤发下行召唤(TU) -主门侧F09 110 00厅门召唤发上行召唤(TU) -主门侧F10 111 00轿厢召唤对后门一侧楼层发轿厢召唤F11112 00厅门召唤发下行召唤(TU) -后门侧F12 113 00厅门召唤发上行召唤(TU) -后门侧F13 114 00显示版本及标志位显示CPU工作程序版本及发行日期。
IL101 AI二路采集控制网关 使用说明书
2、技术支持方式3.1目录注意事项与维护 (2)1、注意事项 (2)2、售后维修 (2)技术支持与定制 (3)1、技术支持范围 (3)2、技术支持方式 (3)第一章整机简介 (1)第二章技术参数 (2)第三章接口说明 (3)第四章硬件参数 (5)第五章软件功能 (6)第六章外形尺寸 (7)第一章整机简介IL101控制单元基于ARM Cortex-A7架构,以NXP(原Freescale)i.MX6UltraLite处理器为核心,采用全工业级元器件,完全按照工业标准设计制造,具备完善的接口防护功能和电气隔离措施,可以在恶劣环境中长期稳定运行。
MRL10(MRL11)激光扫平仪使用说明书武汉天宇光电仪器有限公司一、技术参数1.扫平精度:40″2.上投点精度:40″3.下对点精度:40″(仅适用于MRL10型)4.转速:0~600r/min5.小扫描角度:10°6.大扫描角度:20°7.电源:DC6V,4节2号干电池8.连续工作时间: 8小时9.外型尺寸:118X118X210 mm10.基座连接螺纹:5/8″X1111.工作距离:直接使用: 30m,使用接收器:150m12.工作温度:-20℃~+50℃13.水泡精度:水平水泡:1.5'竖直水泡:2'14.毛重:12竖直水泡调节螺钉竖直水泡水平水泡控制面板二、水平使用方法1.功能:提供一个水平面、一条竖直线和下对点功能(只对NMRL99)2.控制键说明:在控制面板上有四个键,说明如下:(1) power: 启动键,控制开机和关机(2)speed up:加速键,可以控制仪器旋转速度在0∽600r/min逐渐加速。
(3)speed down:减速键,可以控制仪器旋转速度在600∽0r/min逐渐减速。
CKB CKBS 电机接线器联系器接线图说明书
Reference DataDRILLING PLANBOTTOM VIEW0. Power (W)108642Operate TimeOperate TimeRelease TimeContact Current (A)500020001000500100Electrical Service Life1020304050100200380Contact Voltage (V) Allowable CurrentACResistiveDC Resistive)cesm(emiT)1x(noitarepO)A(tnerruCtcatnoC)seergeD(esiR.pmeTCoil Power (W)5040302010Coil Temperature Rise0. RatingPerformance (At Initial Value)Coil Specification (At 20°C)UL #E96834(M) (U.S. & Canada)CKB SS – Sensitive Coil Nil – Standard Coil1CContact Configuration 1A – SPST; 1C – SPDT 12VDCCoil VoltageSee coil specifications for available voltages.Other voltages available as special orders.SKEB-1CSKEB-2CReference Data0. 1.0 1.2 1.4Coil Power (W)80706050403020Coil Temperature RiseT e m p . R i s e (D e g r e e s ) 1.0 1.2Coil Power (W)2015105Operate TimeT i m e (m s e c )Operate TimeContact Current (A)5000100050010050001000500100Life ExpectancyO p e r a t i o n (x 1000)Contact Current (A)Life ExpectancyO p e r a t i o n (1x 1000)Release Time10203050120240Contact Voltage (V)20105321Maximum Switching Capacity(1-Pole Type)C o n t a c t C u r r e n t (A ) Voltage (V)5321Maximum Switching Capacity(2-Pole Type)C o n t a c t C u r r e n t (A ) #E96834(M) (U.S. & Canada)Performance (At Initial Value)SKEB H 1C Contact Configuration 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C 12VDCBlank – No option H – 1A or 1C 16 AmpCoil VoltageSee coil specifications for available voltages.Other voltages available as special orders.Contact RatingCoil Specification (At 20°C)Reference DataRated Operating Current (A)SKHP-1C, SKHP-2C10510. Service LifeSKHP-1C, SKHP-2CMaximum Switching CapacityRated Operating Voltage (V)2512. x ( e f i L e c i v r e S 6)s n o i t a r e p o )A ( t n e r r u C g n i t a r e p O d e t a R 0510501005001000AC resistive loadACinductive loadDC resistive loadDC inductive loadp.f. = 0.4L/R = 7 m sRated Operating Current (A)SKHP-3C2010210.20.10.02Electrical Service LifeSKHP-3CMaximum Switching CapacityRated Operating Voltage (V)2512. x ( e f i L e c i v r e S 6)s n o i t a r e p o )A (t n e r r u C g n i t a r e p O d e t a R0510501005001000AC resistive loadACinductive loadDC resistive loadDC inductive loadp.f. = 0.4L/R = 7 m s1C 2C 3CSKHT TAB MOUNTPerformance (AtInitial Value)Contact RatingUL #E 96834(M)(U.S.&C anada)C.S.A.#LR 83798-1SKH1C C ontact C onfiguration 1C ,2C ,3C 12VACL –LampM –P ush B utton C oil VoltageSee coil specifications for available voltages.Other voltages available as special orders.Coil Specification(At 20°C)P –P lug InB –P rintedC ircuit T –S ide Tab Mount TT –Top Tab MountLTReference DataLoad Current (A)500010005001005010AC LOADElectrical LifeL i f e (x 10,000 O p e r a t i o n s )Load Current (A)500010005001005010DC LOADL i f e (x 10,000 O p e r a t i o n s )3CPerformance (At Initial Value)Contact RatingUL #E96834(M) (U.S. & Canada)C.S.A. #LR83798-1SKK PL1CContact Configuration 1C, 2C, 3C 12VACL – LampM – Push ButtonCoil VoltageSee coil specifications for available voltages.Other voltages available as special orders.Coil Specification (At 20°C)P – Plug InReference Data0. 1.0 1.2Coil Power (W)605040302010Coil Temperature RiseTemp.Rise(Degrees)ACDC0. 1.0 1.2Coil Power (W)2420161284Operate TimeTime(msec)DCOperate Time2.557.51012.515Current of Load (A)100101Life ExpectancyOperation(x14)A C120V15A c osø=11P2.557.51012.515Current of Load (A)10010Life ExpectancyOperation(x14)ACRelease TimeA C120V1A co sø=12PA C120V10Ac o sø=0.41PA C120V7.5Ac o sø=0.42PD C24V15Ac o sø=11PD C24V10A co sø=12PPLUG-IN TERMINALP.C. LAYOUT.1975.240.285PLUG-IN TERMINALP.C. LAYOUT.1975.240.285Contact RatingCoil VoltageSee coil specificationsfor available voltages.Other voltages availableas special orders.Contact Configuration1C– SPDT2C – DPDTBlank– No OptionsL– Neon LampM– Manual ActuatorLM– Lamp and ActuatorP– Plug In S– Stud Mount SideT– Tab Mount S1– Stud Mount TopB– P.C. Board TerminalUL #E96834(M) (U.S. & Canada)Reference Data012345678910Load Current (A)500010005001005010AC LoadL i f e (x 10,000 O p e r a t i o n s )012345678910Load Current (A)500010005001005010DC LoadL i f e(x 10,000 O p e r a t i o n s)WIRING DIAGRAM13 (–)(+) 14BOTTOM VIEWWIRING DIAGRAMBOTTOM VIEWSKNP-3C,4CContact RatingTYPEITEM3 Pole4 PoleContact CapacityResistive Load (Cos.ø = 1)AC 240 V 10 A AC 240 V 10 A DC 24 V 10 A DC 24 V 10 A Inductive LoadDC 24 V 5 A DC 24 V 5 A (Cos.ø = 0.4 L/R = 7 msec.)DC 24 V 5 ADC 24 V 5 ARated Carrying Current 10 A10 AMax. Allowable Voltage DC 110 V / AC 240 VDC 110 V / AC 240 VMax. Allowable Current 10A10 AMax. Allowable Power Force 1700 VA / 360 W 1100 VA / 240 W Referencial Min. Applicable Load DC 10 V 10 mADC 10 V 10 mAContact MaterialAgCdOAgCdOCoil Specification(At 20°C)Performance (At Initial Value)TYPE ITEM3 Pole /4 Pole Contact Resistance 100 mΩ Max.Operate Time 25 msec Max.Release Time25 msec Max.Dielectric Strength:Between Coil and ContactAC 1500 V , 50/60 Hz (1 minute)Between Contacts AC 1000 V , 50/60 Hz (1 minute)Surge Resistance 3000 V (between coil and contact 1x40µ sec.)Insulation Resistance100 MΩ Min. (500 VDC)Max. ON/OFF Switching:Mechanically240 operations/min.Electrically 30 operations/min.Operating Ambient Temperature –25°C to +55°C (no water condensation and no water drop)Operating Humidity 45% to 85% R.H.Coil Temperature Rise 60° Max. (at rated coil voltage)Vibration:Endurance10 to 55 Hz Double Amplitude 1.0 mm Error Operation 10 to 55 Hz Double Amplitude 1.0 mmShock:Endurance100 G Min.Error Operation10 G Min.Life Expectancy:Mechanically10,000,000 operations/min.(no load)Electrically 100,000 operations/min.(at rated load)WeightAbout 35 gramsOrdering InformationSKN P LM 3C 120 VACCoil VoltageSee coil specifications for available voltages.Other voltages available as special orders.Contact Configuration 3C – 3PDT 4C – 4PDT Blank – No Options L – Neon LampM – Manual Actuator LM – Lamp and Actuator P – Plug In S – Stud Mount Side T – Tab Mount S1– Stud Mount Top B – P .C. Board TerminalUL #E96834(M) (U.S. & Canada)C.S.A. #LR83798-1ACCoilDC CoilSKNP-3C SKNP-4CMax.Nominal Nominal Coil Nominal Coil Pull-In Drop-Out AllowableTYPEVoltageCurrent (mA)ResistancePowerCurrent (mA)ResistancePower Voltage Voltage Voltage (VDC)60 Hz(Ω)±10%Consumption50 Hz60 Hz(Ω)±10%Consumption (VDC)(VDC)(VDC)61831153863305129146199170202446180About 93.68078About110%4834735 1.6 to 2.0 VA46.840350 1.95 to 2.5 VA 85% Max.30% Min.of rated1209.84,430(60 Hz)24.5211,600(60 Hz)Voltage240 4.212,95013.111.26,700615025.7240251275107About 120100About 110%2436.9410 1.4 W 69350 1.5 W80% Max.10% Min.of Rated 4818.51,700301,600Voltage110108,50015.96,900Socket:3 Pole - DSM-11F4 Pole - DSM-14Reference Data0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Coil Power (W) 18016014012010080604020Coil Temperature Rise Temp.Rise(Degrees)0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Coil Power (W)108642Operate TimeTemp.Rise(Degrees)Operation(x1)Contact Voltage (V) 5040302010ContactCurrent(a)Electrical Service LifeOperate TimeRelease TimeUL #E96834(M) (U.S. & Canada)SKQ S 1C Contact Configuration 1A, 1B, 1C 12VDCS – SealedCoil VoltageSee coil specifications for available voltages.Other voltages available as special orders.Contact RatingPerformance (At Initial Value)Coil Specification (At 20°C)SPDTDPDTReference Data0. 1.0Coil Power (W)605040302010Coil Temperature RiseT e m p . R i s e (D e g r e e s ) 1.0Coil Power (W)12108642Operate/Release TimeT i m e (m s e c )Operate Time5101520Current of Load (A)10040201042Life ExpectancyO p e r a t i o n (x 104)Release TimeDC 15 V ResistiveDC 24 V ResistiveContact RatingCoil Specification (At 20°C)Performance (At Initial Value)SKV 1C 12 VDCCoil VoltageSee coil specifications for available voltages.Other voltages available as special orders.ContactConfiguration 1C – SPDT 2C – DPDTUL #E96834(M) (U.S. & Canada)C.S.A. #LR83798-1。
10 2
A1 A2 B2
2 或一般油脂用ZMZ
A1 A2 B
式中:A—当 PD 大于 3923N(400kg)时,A 为 3089N(315kg)及小于 3089N(315kg)的 9 级校正负荷的总和。当 PD 小于或等于 3923N(400kg) 时,A 为 10 级校正负荷的总和。 B—当 PD 大于 3923N(400kg)时,B 为 3923N(400kg)开始直至烧
地址:济南市新沙北路 24 号
电话:0531-85556501 85556502
MRS-10P 杠杆四球摩擦磨损试验机
选用不同的评定指标。 A)最大无卡咬负荷 PB(N) :俗称 PK 点(代表油膜强度) ,它是在试 验条件下,上下球之间不发生卡咬的最高负荷,在该负荷下测得的平均磨 痕直径一般不大于相应的补偿线(赫芝线)上数值的 5%,PB 值(N)是在 存在润滑剂而又不发生卡咬的条件下,不同负荷 P 下测出不同的下球平均 磨痕直径 D,在双对数坐标上绘出的 log(d)—log(p) ,其斜率突然开始 增大时的负荷。 B)烧结负荷 PD(N) :在试验条件下,使钢球发生烧结的最低负荷级 别,它表示润滑剂的极限工作能力。一般在 PB 值之后负荷增加到接近卡死 区域,如继续增加负荷,将因摩擦产生大量热,使上下四个球烧焊在一起 的负荷称烧结负荷,此时摩擦力数显表将会剧烈变化,油盒冒烟,电动机 噪音程度增加,杠杆臂突然降低,主轴转速急降,钢球试样迅速磨损。 C)综合磨损值 ZMZ:又称综合磨损指标,平均赫芝负荷,负荷—磨 损指数。是润滑剂抗极压能力的一个指数。它等于若干次校正负荷的数学 平均值,ZMZ 值越大,表示润滑剂抗磨损性能越高,它对极压添加剂有很 强的区分能力。
关于 RS 232 通讯模块的跳线。
提示: 编程故障跳线-在编程过程中突然中断程序或其他软件故障的情况下可以使
用此编程故障跳线恢复正常工作状态。控制器连接到电脑,运行 InteEdit 并等 待底部连接状态栏变成红色。进入菜单进行控制器编程过程-->编程和克隆--编 程,选择正确的硬件并确认对话框,以及按照 InteEdit 操作指南进行操作。
1.2.5 控制器电源(POWER) 保证合适的电源: 使用不小于 1.5mm2 电源电缆线。 控制器最大的连续工作电压为 36VDC,最大允许电源电压为 39VDC。 要确保发电机电流端的 COM 口端子和电池负极“ - ”终端之间的最大限度误差 在± 2V,因此,强烈建议这两个终端连接在一起。
1.2.6 通讯模块(COMMUNICAYTION MODULE) IL-NT 控制器是不带通讯模块卡的,如需使用另外购买。控制器预留了通讯
模块插槽,用户可以根据实际条件选择不同的通讯模块卡连接电脑。控制器可用 的通讯模块有:RS232 通讯卡、RS232 和 485 一体通讯卡、USB 服务通讯卡、以 太网通讯卡等。现场使用的是 IL-NT RS232 通讯插卡。IL-NT RS232 是可选择性 的卡,能够使 InteliLiteNT 用 RS322 通讯卡与计算机或 Modbus 协议实现通讯。 卡插入控制器背面的扩展插槽里面。在插卡之前你必须把插槽盖板打开(用螺丝 刀打开),盖板打开之后把通讯卡插入到插槽内。你一次把 RS232 模块插入到扩 展槽里里,扩展槽会卡紧模块。假如插入不正确你必须把它拿出来,重新插入。
科迈ComAp?MRS?16发电机组控制器说明书1、概述:科迈公司生产的InteliLite NT MRS 16自启动控制器集测量、控制保护(例如:低油压、高水温、低燃油位、欠速、超速、欠频、过频、欠压、过压、过流、过载等)、显示(例如:油压、水温、油位、发电电压、电流、转速、发电频率、功率、功率因素、电能、运行时间、启动次数、故障清单、辅助输入与输出功能等等,均能从前面板的液晶屏直观看出)等众多功能为一体,超宽(8V-35V)的直流工作电压,能满足发电机使用者对不同类型发电机组的自动控制需求。
模块中内含功能强大的微处理器,可实现一系列复杂功能:●用户可对液晶屏进行中文或英文显示界面切换;●控制器能实现对机组的运行状态和故障情况进行监控、预警和停机等;●用户完全可根据机组需要在面板上对控制器进行各种参数设置(例如:电流互感器、飞轮齿数、怠速时间等等);●用户可通过RS232或USB专用通讯接口和PC机连接进行各种控制工作模式配置、参数设置及监控;●可完全设置的6个辅助输入(用户可自编程定义)和6个辅助输出端,可用于启动、警报或停机等其它功能;●用户可根据需要使用扩展模块提供多种扩展输入输出功能;●自启动和停止发电机组( 控制器为“自动”模式),当市电电压断电时(安装市电断电继电器,任选一个辅助输入作市电的有无状态监测),机组将进行自启动,然后向负载供电,如果市电回来时,机组将停机,市电向负载供电。
注意:本说明书仅适应InteliLite NT MRS 16,凡使用前必须先参阅本说明书;若有更改,恕不另行通知。
科迈IC-NT 并机模块介绍 IC-NT product presentation cn
连线 调解器 因特网
低油压 高水温 起动 停机 故障覆位
有多种通信方案. 提供简易的遥控 及管理
远程报警信息 短信息发送 E-mail
ComAp is one of the world‘s top electronic companies in the Power Generation Market
报警alarms 工作状态转换
日期, 时间 原因 记录时的各项叁数
ComAp is one of the world‘s top electronic companies in the Power Generation Market
InteliCompactNT SPtM
© ComAp
ComAp is one of the world‘s top electronic companies in the Power Generation Market
ComAp is one of the world‘s top electronic companies in the Power Generation Market
InteliCompactNT 附件
I-LB+ - 本地桥** IB-Lite – 英特网/以太网插件模块含网咯服务器 IC-NT CT-BIO7 - 1 相电流输入和二进制输入输出模块*** IC-NT RD (SW) – InteliCompactNT控制器的远程显示软件 IG-IB – 网桥** IG-IOM – 模拟量/二进制 输入/输出 模块 IGL-RA15 –远程指示面板
ComAp is one of the world‘s top electronic companies in the Power Generation Market
Kinetix Motion Control产品线的连接引导线和安装指南说明书
Packing Data Continuous Flex Brake, or Power with Brake CablesCatalog Numbers 2090-CPBM4DF-xx AF xx, 2090-UXTBMP-18S xxTopic PageAbout Continuous Flex Cables 3Installing Cables 4 Specifications, Schematics, and Connector Pinouts for Cables 62090-CPBM4DF-xxAFxx Flying Lead 72090-UXTBMP-18Sxx Flying Lead 8OverviewThis document provides general cable handling and installation information, and cable schematics with wire color and connector pinouts. This information is useful when connecting brake cables to Kinetix Motion Control products.2 Continuous Flex Brake, or Power with Brake Cables Packing DataImportant User InformationSolid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (Publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at) describes some important differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.Publication 2090-PC005A-EN-P - August 2008Continuous Flex Brake, or Power with Brake Cables Packing Data 3Publication 2090-PC005A-EN-P - August 2008About Continuous Flex CablesFlex cables have an identifiable region, the flex zone, in which the cable can flex many times without breakage. This contrasts with non-flex cables that are limited to a one-time bend.The Kinetix Motion Control Selection Guide , publication GMC-SG001, also contains specifications, as well as information on cable compatibility with specific drives and motors.Refer to these drive manuals for specific examples on how to use the cables in this document to interface between your drive and motor.These publications are available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at . ResourceDescription Kinetix 2000 Multi-axis Servo Drive User Manual, publication2093-UM001 Provides mounting, wiring, andapplication-based information for a Kinetix multi-axis or an Ultra single-axis servo drive systemand its components. Kinetix 6000 Multi-axis Servo Drive User Manual, publication 2094-UM001 Kinetix 7000 High Power Servo Drive User Manual, publication 2099-UM001 Ultra1500 Digital Servo Amplifiers User Manual, publication2092-UM001Ultra3000 Digital Servo Drive Installation Manual, publication2098-IN003 or Integration Manual, publication 2098-IN005Ultra5000 Intelligent Positioning Drives Installation Manual,publication 2098-IN0014 Continuous Flex Brake, or Power with Brake Cables Packing DataInstalling CablesCables are stored and shipped in a coil, and will retain this shape unless you allow the cable to straighten itself. To straighten a cable, hang a short cable from its mid-point or lay a long cable on the floor in a straight line. Any coiling that persists in the cable should relax within the next twenty-four hours. Doing this results in a cable that is easier to install.Arcing or unexpected motion can occur if the power, brake, or feedbackcables are connected or disconnected while power is applied to the drive.Always remove power to the servo drive before connecting or disconnectingcables at the drive or at the motor.Failure to observe these safety procedures could result in personal injury ordamage to the motor and equipment.To avoid the hazard of electrical shock, ensure shielded power cables aregrounded at a minimum of one point. To prevent the build-up of electricalenergy, factory supplied power cables use one of these groundingtechniques:· The overall shield is bonded to the connector housing.· A section of the overall shield is exposed for connection to ground.· The overall shield is connected to a ground wire.If the exposed cable braid or a ground wire is present, connect it to the powercable clamp, housing, or another suitable chassis ground on the drive.Failure to observe these safety procedures could result in personal injury orequipment damage.Publication 2090-PC005A-EN-P - August 2008Continuous Flex Brake, or Power with Brake Cables Packing Data 5Publication 2090-PC005A-EN-P - August 2008You must provide the recommended installation areas, and the correct offset from features, before beginning any cable bend. Features include connectors, transitions from exposed wires to insulated areas (for example, flying leads), or exposed cable ground shields. The offset from these areas should be greater than or equal to (>1x) the cable diameter. Cable Flex Zone and Installation Areas with Bend RestrictionsDo not tightly gather or coil the excess length of a power cable. Heat isgenerated within a cable whenever power is applied. Always position apower cable so it may freely dissipate any heat.A power cable should not be coiled, except for temporary use whenbuilding or testing a machine. If you temporarily coil a power cable, youmust also derate the cable to meet local code or follow a authoritativedirective, such as Engineering Section 310.15(C) of the NEC Handbook.Failure to observe these safety procedures could result in personal injury or equipment damage.The examples in this publication show all the available connections, some ofwhich may not be appropriate for your specific installation. Refer to yourdrive installation or user manual for recommended wire trim lengths, andwiring examples appropriate to your drive and motor application.Do not connect unused wires. Unused wires may be trimmed and finished asnecessary to prevent accidental contact with other wires or wire shields, orwith a ground connection.Failure to observe these safety procedures could result in personal injury ordamage to the motor and equipment.Flex Area CPBM4DF-xxAFxx shown Installation AreaInstallation Area6 Continuous Flex Brake, or Power with Brake Cables Packing DataPublication 2090-PC005A-EN-P - August 2008Cables have a specified bend radius, and should not be bent with a radius that is tighter than the specified bend radius. General guidelines for the bend radius of a cable are listed below, however individual cables may have other restrictions:·Non-flex cables have a static or one-time bend radius of ten times (10x) the cable diameter.·Flex cables have an operational bend radius of twelve times (12x) the cable diameter.You may identify each connection on a cable by attaching a label around the outer insulation of each wire adjacent to the drive connection.Specifications, Schematics, and Connector Pinouts for Cables These specifications provide information that is useful when installing a cable. Additional specifications for each cable are available in the Kinetix Motion Control Selection Guide , publication GMC-SG001.Specifications for Continuous Flex Brake, or Power with Brake Cables Attribute ValueCatalog Numbers (1)(1)Bend radius formulas for static (10x) and operational (12x) bend radius should be applied to cables using other wire gauges.2090-CPBM4DF-xxAFxx Flying Lead, 2090-UXTBMP-18Sxx Flying Lead Wire Size16 AWG 14 AWG 10 AWG Diameter12.5 mm 13.7 mm 17.8 mm Bend Radius (2)(2)Apply the multiplier for operational (12 x dia.) and static (10 x dia.) bend radius to cables with a different diameter. Refer to the diagram to locate the areas for flex (operational), and static (installation) bend areas.•Flex Area150 mm (6.0 in.) 165 mm (6.5 in.) 214 mm (8.5 in.) •Installation Areas (3)(3)The installation areas are approximately 300 mm (12 in.) in length at both ends of the cable. Secure this area with a rigid mount that prevents the cable from flexing where it connects to other components. 125 mm (5.0 in.) 137 mm (5.5 in.) 178 mm (7.0 in.)Continuous Flex Brake, or Power with Brake Cables Packing Data 7Publication 2090-PC005A-EN-P - August 2008The schematics include wire colors, connector pinouts, and otherinformation that is useful when connecting the cable to a servo system. 2090-CPBM4DF-xx AF xx Flying LeadThis cable is available in several wire gauges and lengths. Refer to the Kinetix Motion Control Selection Guide, publication GMC-SG001, for this information and additional specifications.1Wire gauge (10, 14 or 16 AWG) and connector keying varies based on motor and power requirements. Refer to Kinetix Motion Control Selection Guide, publication GMC-SG001, for additional information.required.ToDrive (Heatshrink insulateswire-to-wire connections.)Publication 2090-PC005A-EN-P - August 2008PN-26580Copyright © 2008 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Allen-Bradley, Kinetix, Rockwell Automation, Ultra1500, and Ultra 5000 are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.2090-UXTBMP-18S xx Flying LeadThis cable is available in several wire gauges and lengths. Refer to the Kinetix Motion Control Selection Guide, publication GMC-SG001, for thisinformation and additional specifications.360°ToDrive。
科迈IC-NT 并机模块介绍 IC-NT product presentation cn
连线 调解器 因特网
低油压 高水温 起动 停机 故障覆位
有多种通信方案. 提供简易的遥控 及管理
远程报警信息 短信息发送 E-mail
ComAp is one of the world‘s top electr Generation Market
InteliCompactNT MINT
应用例子 – 多台机组与市电并联
ComAp is one of the world‘s top electronic companies in the Power Generation Market
InteliCompactNT 特征
真 RMS 测量 总及每相 kW, kVA, kVAr 发电机组三相电压, 电流 母排三相电压, 电流 发电机组频率 母排频率 转速传感器 充电机D+ 千瓦小时 运行小时 起动次数 ... 及其他
ComAp is one of the world‘s top electronic companies in the Power Generation Market
InteliCompactNT 特征
InteliCompact SPtM
二进制输入 二进制输出 9 8
InteliCompact MINT
ComAp is one of the world‘s top electronic companies in the Power Generation Market
InteliCompactNT 应用支持文件
说明书 InteliCompact-NT-1.2-Reference Guide 一个比较系统的说明书, 包括接线、设定参数、操作说明、扩展模块、通讯、安装等等方面的 介绍。适合于设计人员阅读。 InteliCompact-NT-Operator Guide 一种简单的操作说明,主要适 用于操作人员阅读,目前,已有中文版本。 IL-NT, IA-NT, IC-NT Communication Guide 介绍各种通讯模块的接 线、设定。适合于设计人员阅读 Comap Electronic Engined Support 介绍各种电喷机的接线和设定。 适合设计人员阅读。 LiteEdit Reference Guide 软件操作说明
科迈ComAp MRS 16发电机组控制器说明书1、概述:科迈公司生产的InteliLite NT MRS 16自启动控制器集测量、控制保护(例如:低油压、高水温、低燃油位、欠速、超速、欠频、过频、欠压、过压、过流、过载等)、显示(例如:油压、水温、油位、发电电压、电流、转速、发电频率、功率、功率因素、电能、运行时间、启动次数、故障清单、辅助输入与输出功能等等,均能从前面板的液晶屏直观看出)等众多功能为一体,超宽(8V-35V)的直流工作电压,能满足发电机使用者对不同类型发电机组的自动控制需求。
模块中内含功能强大的微处理器,可实现一系列复杂功能:●用户可对液晶屏进行中文或英文显示界面切换;●控制器能实现对机组的运行状态和故障情况进行监控、预警和停机等;●用户完全可根据机组需要在面板上对控制器进行各种参数设置(例如:电流互感器、飞轮齿数、怠速时间等等);●用户可通过RS232或USB专用通讯接口和PC机连接进行各种控制工作模式配置、参数设置及监控;●可完全设置的6个辅助输入(用户可自编程定义)和6个辅助输出端,可用于启动、警报或停机等其它功能;●用户可根据需要使用扩展模块提供多种扩展输入输出功能;●自启动和停止发电机组( 控制器为“自动”模式),当市电电压断电时(安装市电断电继电器,任选一个辅助输入作市电的有无状态监测),机组将进行自启动,然后向负载供电,如果市电回来时,机组将停机,市电向负载供电。
注意:本说明书仅适应InteliLite NT MRS 16,凡使用前必须先参阅本说明书;若有更改,恕不另行通知。
轮IN 环台磁头 轮光电流检测器胜腊嘉皓型号1威尔恩工程有限公司编号:lite-loc 说明书
Page 1©2009 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.14277 (061614)For warranty information regarding this product, visit /warranty•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommendedprocedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•If this product uses a remote device for activation or control, make sure that this device is located in an area that allows both the vehicle and the device to be operated safely in any driving condition.•Do not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.•This product contains either strobe light(s), halogen light(s), high-intensity LEDs or a combination of these lights. Do not stare directly into these lights. Momentary blindness and/or eye damage could result.•Use only soap and water to clean the outer lens. Use of other chemicals could result in premature lens cracking (crazing) and discoloration. Lenses in this condition have significantly reduced effectiveness and should be replaced immediately. Inspect and operate this product regularly to confirm its proper operation and mounting condition. Do not use a pressure washer to clean this product.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!A u t o m o t i v e : Warnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Methylene Chloride which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol A, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .Installation Guide:VI Pod LED Mini-Lightbar Models: 6PODMA, 6PODPA51 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Salese-mail:*******************CustomerServicee-mail:*******************®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.Page 2IMPORTANT! The lightbar should be a minimum of 16" from any radio antennas!Mirror Mounting:This light is available with a 1”bolt for mounting to a DOT mirror. The mirror bracket and mounting hardware are not supplied. A West Coast bracket is shown here for example.Temporary Mount:Magnetic, Suction CupWARNING: The use of any magnetically mountedwarning device on the outside of a vehicle in motion is not recommended and is at the sole risk and responsibility of the user.Magnetic/suction: Thoroughly clean the proposed mounting surface prior to mounting. For suction cup mounting, wipe the suction cup clean, place the lightbar onto itsmounting surface and apply gentle pressure to ensure a good seal hasbeen achieved. The Magnetic/Suction Cups mount the same wayas standard suction cups but arebest suited to a flat, steel surface. Magnetic: Place the lightbar onto the mounting surface and plug it into the vehicle cigar lighter. NOTE: For an uneven mounting surface, loosen the screws that secure the magnets 1/2 turn. The magnets will now tilt slightly and conform to the mounting surface.Connection and Operation:WARNING! All customer supplied wires that connect to the positive terminal of the battery must be sized to supply at least 125% of the maximum operating current and FUSED at the battery to carry that load. DO NOT USE CIRCUIT BREAKERS WITH THIS PRODUCT!This lightbar is powered and controlled by a 5 conductor cable. If you have a cigar plug model, the low power and sync features are not available.WIRE COLOR-FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONNECTION WHITE: Positive +12V DC . . . . . . . Connect to the positive terminal of battery BROWN: Negative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Connect to ground BLUE: Low Power .Connect to customer supplied switch (See Hi/Low Power)WHT/BLK: SYNC . . . . . .Connect to SYNC wire of other SYNC capable lights YEL/GRN: Scan-Lock™ Flash patterns . . . . . .Connect to momentary switchBLUE (Low Power): Reduces output to low power for night tching Mode: By applying +VBAT to the BLUE wire for less than 1 second, the light is “latched” into low power. The unit must be turned off and then back on to restore normal high power operation (Momentary switch).Level Mode: Applying +VBAT to the BLUE wire for more than 1 second holds the lightbar in low power mode until voltage is removed (Toggle switch).YELLOW/GREEN / Scan-Lock™ / Flash Pattern Selection:To change the flash pattern, the light must be powered up.TO CHANGE PATTERNS: To advance to the next pattern apply +12VDC to the YEL/GRN wire for less than 1 second and release. To cycle back to the previous pattern apply +12VDC to the WHITE wire for more than 1second and release.TO CHANGE THE DEFAULT PATTERN: When the desired pattern is displayed, allow it to run for more than 5 seconds. The light will now display this pattern when initially activated.TO RESTORE THE FACTORY DEFAULT PATTERN: With the light turned off, apply power to the YEL/GRN wire. With power applied to the YEL/GRN wire, turn the light on. Allow the unit to run for 3 seconds before removing power from the YEL/GRN wire.A Normally Open momentary switch should be used to control Scan-Lock™ operation.WHITE/BLACK / SYNC / Light Synchronization:To SYNC two or morePODS, configure both PODSto display the same Phase 1pattern. Turn power off and connect the WHT/BLK wires from each POD together.When activated, the patternsfrom each POD will be synchronized. To configurespecific PODS to alternate their patterns with other PODS, advance the pattern of either POD to Phase 2 of the current pattern.IMPORTANT! It is the responsibility of the installation technician to make sure that the installation and operation of this product will not interfere with or compromise the operation or efficiency of any vehicle equipment!1.Signal Alert™ 75 Phase-1 / SYNC2.Signal Alert™ 75 Phase-2 / SYNC3.Signal Alert™ 75 ALT / SYNCetFlash® 75 Phase-1 / SYNCetFlash® 75 Phase-2 / SYNCetFlash® 75 ALT / SYNC7.DoubleFlash 75 Ph.-1 / CAL / SYNC 8.DoubleFlash 75 Ph-2 / CAL / SYNC 9.DoubleFlash 75 ALT / CAL / SYNC 10.SingleFlash 75 Ph.-1 / CAL / SYNC 11.SingleFlash 75 Ph.-2 / CAL / SYNC 12.SingleFlash 75 ALT / CAL / SYNC -Alert™ 75 Phase 1 / SYNC -Alert™ 75 Phase 1 / SYNC -Alert™ 75 ALT / SYNC 16.LongBurst™ 75 Phase 1 / SYNC 17. LongBurst™ 75 Phase 2 / SYNC 18. LongBurst™ 75 ALT / SYNC19. PingPong™ 75 Ph.-1 / CAL / SYNC 20. PingPong™ 75 Ph.-2 / CAL / SYNC 21. PingPong™ 75 ALT / CAL / SYNC 22. SingleFlash 60 Phase 1 / CAL 23. SingleFlash 60 ALT / CAL 24.SingleFlash 90 Phase 1 / CAL 25.SingleFlash 90 ALT / CAL26.SingleFlash 120 Phase 1 / CAL 27.SingleFlash 120 ALT / CAL 28.SingleFlash 300 Phase 129.SingleFlash 300 ALT30.DoubleFlash 150 Phase 131.DoubleFlash 150 ALT-Alert™ 150 Phase -Alert™ 150 ALT34.ActionFlash™ 50 Phase 135.ActionFlash™ 50 ALT36.ActionFlash™ 150 Phase 137.ActionFlash™ 150 ALT 38.ModuFlash™ Phase 139.ModuFlash™ ALT 40.FlimFlam™ ALT41.DoubleFlash 120 Phase 1 / CAL 42.DoubleFlash 120 ALT / CAL 43.PingPong™ 120 Phase 1 / CAL 44.PingPong™ 120 ALT / CAL 45.TripleFlash™ 75 Phase 1 / CAL 46.TripleFlash™ 75 ALT / CAL47.TripleFlash™ 120 Phase 1 / CAL 48.TripleFlash™ 120 ALT / CAL 49.SignalAlert™ Ph1 / CAL 50.SignalAlert™ ALT / CAL51.ActionFlash™ SF60/120 Ph.1 / CAL 52.ActionFlash™ SF60/120 / CAL53.ActionFlash™ SF120/TF75 Ph1 / CAL 54.ActionFlash™ SF120/TF75 / CAL 55.CalScan™ Phase 1 / CAL 56.CalScan™ ALT / CAL 57.ActionScan™ Phase 158.ActionScan™ ALT 59.40% Steady / CAL 60.18 Steady 61.5 Steady 62.0.8 SteadyAvailable Flash Patterns:Page 3。