2020年牛津8年级下册 Unit 5 单元测评(包含答案)




牛津译林版英语八年级下册第五单元综合提优测评卷含答案第五单元综合提优测评卷(时间 :90 分钟总分:100分)I. 听力部分 (15 分)第一部分听对话,回答问题。

本部分共有5 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。

在听每段对话前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读题目 ;听完后,你还有 5 秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。


1.What does the girl want to be in the future?2.What does the girl like doing best in the free time?3.Which did Jim's father take away from him4. Which film star does Katty like best?A. Liu Yifei.B. AudreyHepburn. C. Tom Hanks5. How long did Mike stay in Canada?A. A week.B. Three days.C. A month.第二部分听对话和短文,回答问题。

听下面一段材料,回答第6-7 题。


6. What does Lin Lin order?A. Cabbage and fried rice.B. Fried rice and fish.C. Fish and cabbage.7. When does Lin Lin make the telephone call?A. In the morning.B. At noon.C. At midnight.听第一篇短文,回答第 8—10 题。



To improve 8.My To call on people to plan the poor.To work harder at910 .something to8. A. EnglishC. Physics9. A. say B. Chinese B. donateC. send10. A hobbies B. sportsC. lessons听第二篇短文,回答第11-15 题。



牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit5单元检测卷(含答案)8B Unit 5 单元测试卷第一卷(选择题60分)一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A) 听下面10段对话。




1. What is not allowed?A B C2. What’s the girl’s favourite sport?A B C3. What could th e boy’s sister do when she was little?A B C4. Where did Tom go finally?A B C5. What does the man use the computer to do?A. Play chess.B. Draw and designC. Chat with her friends.6. Where does the boy come from?A. China.B. Australia.C. America.7. What information is the man searching for?A. About films.B. About computer games.C. About travelling.8. When is the man asking the woman to come?A. On Friday morning.B. On Saturday afternoon.C. On Friday night.9. Where are they most probably talking?A. At a bus stop.B. At a theatre.C. At a railway station.10. Whose computer did the girl use?A. Her brother's.B. Her father's.C. John's.第二部分:你将听到一段对话和两篇短文。

牛津译林版八年级英语下学期 Unit5单元检测试题含答案

牛津译林版八年级英语下学期  Unit5单元检测试题含答案

8B Uni t 5 单元测试(满分:120 分)一、词形变换或根据汉语提示填入合适的单词:(10 分) 1. People in our count ry o f ten queue 2. Mrs L in i s too busy _ (pa t i en t ) whi le wa i t ing in pub l ic p laces .(exp la in ) any o f the long sen tences r i ght now.3. To p lay wonder fu l ly tomorrow, s he i s t ry ing he r best to p rac t i ce ________ (p lay) the v io l i n .4. It’s a long way ,so it’s necessa r y fo r us to t ake tu r ns_________(dr ive)5. We shou ld s top the po l lu t ion ______________(l ive ) a happ ie r l i f e now.6. If you don’t warm up before taking exercise, you will risk _________ (hur t ) yourse l f .7. The museum i s open to the_________ (民众)a t the weekend8. He didn’t know the ___________ (话题,主题)about the repor t9. We shou ld wai t fo r our tu rns to ge t on the bus (礼貌地).10. The boy had a________(疼痛) in h i s head and had t o see a doc tor .二、单项选择:(15 分) ( )1. ____ i s re a l ly ha rd fo r them t o c l imb so h igh .A ThisB I tC .ThatD .W hat( )2. The ______ o f new inven t ions shou ld be to make l i f e eas ie r , no t to make i t ha rder .A. ru les B . sub j ec t s C . sec re t s D. purposes( )3. I have spent ______ on th i s j ob . I th ink I can f ini sh i t ______ th i s a f t e rnoon .A. somet ime; somet ime C. some t ime; some t imeB. somet imes ; some t imeD. some t imes ; some t ime( )4. — Si r , p lease pu t ou t your c i gare t t e (香烟). — Sor ry . I _____ t he s ign . A. don’t n ot ice B. didn’t notice C. haven’t noticed D. won’t notice ( )5. Check ing your answers be fore hand ing in your paper can he lp you _____ mis takes .A. make B . p rovide C . avoid D . advise( )6. Jack i s a l ways ______ to wai t fo r a long t ime wi thou t ge t t ing angry .A. too pa t i en tB. pa t i en t enough C . enough pa t i e nt D. ve ry pa t ien t( )7. — Mu m, can you g ive me some advice on how to behave myse l f a t the t ab le? — Wel l , I do have some adv ice . ______, p lease keep qu i e t whi le ea t ing . A. Af te r a l l B. Of a l l C. At a l l D. Above a l l( )8. — Do you th ink the ques t ion too hard ___?— I don’t think so. He can answer it easilyA. o f J im to answer B . o f J im to answer i tC. fo r J im to answerD. fo r J im to answer i t( )9. There used to be a smal l p re t ty r ive r _______. No w i t has tu rned i nto t a l l bu i ld ings .A. a t a t ime B . a l l the t ime C . a t one t ime D. f rom t ime to t ime( )10. Reme mber , boys and g i r l s , _________ you work , ________ resu l t you wi l l ge t .A. the be t t e r ; the harder C. the hard ; the be t t e rB. the harder ; the goodD. the ha rder ; the be t te r( )11. The f i lm i s ____in te res t ing ____everyone in our schoo l wants to see i t .A. too ; tha t B . s o; tha t C . such; tha t D . enough; to( )12. The room i s ______ smal l for us ______.A. so ; to l ive inB. too ; to l iveC. too ; to l ive inD. so ; to l ive( )13.— You’ve spelt the word wrong again, Judy. — Sor ry . Maybe I am _____ used to t he mis take to th ink o f the r igh t one . A. so B. very C. qu i te D. too( )14. I found her g rea t ly _____ a f t e r wa tch ing the _____ TV program m e .A. exc i ted ; exc i ted B . exc i t ing ; exc i t ed C . exc i t ing ; e xc i t ing D. exc i te d; exc i t ing( )15. —Y ou didn’t catch the train, did you?—______, though I t r i ed my bes t to ge t the re on t ime . A. No, I didn’t B. Yes, I did C. No, I did D. Yes, I didn’t三、完形填空:(15 分) So met imes you may envy(嫉妒) o the r s when they do a ___1__ job than you. I t i s no t s t range . I f you t rea t envy in a r igh t way , i t can ___2__ you t o move ahead . But i f you a re a lways __3__others , then i t i s ___4___ , because much envy may make you ___5__ your own l i fe in t he end and you have __6___t ime to do s o meth ing you a re good a t .___7___do you was te t ime to envy o thers? Envy ___8___ canno t change any th ing . Why no t spend more t i me and t ry your bes tto ___9__others?I t i s up to you.Of course i t i s eas i er sa id than__10__. Maybe you hope not to envy o thers,but you ___11__how to do it, Maybe you tried many times but___12__failed. Please don’t lose heart. Set a goal (制定目标)fo r ___13___, and work hard t o rea l i ze i t. Then you have no t ime to envy o thers, When you ___14___, you don’t need to envy others any more, Isn’t it true? Believe yourself, it is also very___15____to you.( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( () 1. A bad B. goodB. he lpC. worseC. makeC. envyingC.dangerousC.loseC. a l i t t l eC.WhyC.themse lvesD. be t te rD.le tD. S topp ingD. bad lyD.to los tD. no) 2.A.s top) 3. A. moving) 4. A. Lucky) 5. A. have) 6. A. much) 7. A.What) 8. A. Them) 9. A.ca tchB. he lp ingB. goodB.to haveB. moreB.WhenB.i tD. HowD.i t se l fB. ca tch up wi th(赶上)C.fa l l beh indD. he lpD. doneB. don’t knowC. wan ted to knowD.rea l ly knew ) 10. A.thought B. made C.s topped) 11. A. know) 12. A. No)13. A. o thersB.lessB.the o thersC. hard lyC. YouD. AlwaysD. yourse l fD.fa i l aga inD. dangerous ) 14. A. a re happy B. work hard C.succeed) 15. A. poss ib le B.impor tan t C. use less四、阅读理解:(20分)(A)On a ho t Af r i can(非洲)morn ing, Le i la was ly ing on her s tomach and an e lephan t was walk ing towards her. Le i la wa i ted. Then she pushed the bu t ton(按钮)on her camera. “And I got my best photo of an elephant ever, by lying under my car,” Leila explained. “I wanted to getc lose to the e lephan t s, bu t o f course th i s was dangerous; they had the i r babies wi th them. So every morn ing I used to pa rk my car i n the open a i r nea r the pa th. They used to t ake the samepa th every morn ing when they l e f t the wa te r ho le. Af te r a week,they were used to see ing my car. So the next morning, I lay under it and got my photo!”M any of the bes t wi ld l i fe pho tos come f rom good p lann ing.In Af r ica, pho tographers(摄影师)se t up the i r hides near wa te r holes. They a l so se t up h ides near fo rest pa ths,a s an imals use the same pa ths e very n igh t.For bi rd-watch ing,many lakes have h ides. Ins ide the h ides, bi rd-watchers can watch a l l day ou t of the wind and ra in.Good wi ld l i f e pho t os a re needed fo r books, pos tca rds, magaz ines and newspapers. Bu t a success ra te o f 1in 20i s good.()1.Le i la go t her bes t pho to o f an el ephan t ___________.A. near a l akeB. under he r ca rC.in a ho leD.ins ide the h ides()2.Photographers in Af r ica se t up h ides near fo res t pa ths, because ___________.A. an imals t ake the s ame pa thsC.they mus t pa rk t he i r ca r s the re ()3. Which o f t he fo l lowing i s t rue? B.the h ides a re out o f the wind and r a inD.the pa ths a re sa f e fo r themA. The success ra t e o f t ak ing wi ld l i fe pho tos i s 50% a t m ost.B. The e lephan t was f r igh tened when she saw Le i la.C. Bi rd-watchers usua l ly wa tch b i rds near fo res t pa ths in Af r ica.D. About 5% of good wi ld l i fe pho tos wil l be accep ted by a magaz ine. ()4.How can photographers t ake good photos f rom the passage?A. By making good prepara t ion.B. By us ing a good camera.D. By ly ing under t he ca rs.C. By se t t ing the i r hides .()5.What does the under l ined word h ides mean?A.隐匿处B.住所C.帐篷(B)D.洞穴In mos t cu l tu res,when you mee t peopl e you know for the f i r s t t ime dur ing a day,i t i s usua l to g ree t them.Once a young wo man f rom England went to Hong Kong to work.When she f i r s t ar r ived,she knew l i t t l e abou t the Chinese cu l tu re o f l anguage.On her way to school one day,she went to a bank to ge t some money.To her su rpr i se,the bank c le rk asked her i f she had had her lunch.She was su rpr i sed a t such a ques t ion because in the Br i t i sh cu l ture i t would mean an inv i t a t ion to lunch.Between unmarr i ed young people i t can a l so mean the young man's in te res t in da t ing(和...约会)the g i r l.Since th i s bank c le rk was a s t ranger to the Br i t i sh wo man,she wasvery puzz led ,and quick ly answered t ha t she had ea ten al r eady .Af te r th i s she went on to school and was even more su rpr i sed when one o f the t eachers as ked her the same ques t ion .By now she understood tha t i t cou ld not be an inv i ta t ion but was puzz led ( 困惑的) abou t why they asked i t .In the fo l lowing days , she was asked the same ques t ion aga in and aga in and she spen t many hours t ry ing to work out why so many people kep t ask ing her th i s .At l a s t she thought tha t these people mus t be concerned abou t ( 关心) he r hea l th .She was ra ther th in a t the t ime ,and she thought they mus t be worry ing tha t she was no t ea t ing wel l !In fac t , the ques t ion l ike tha t has no r ea l mean ing a t a l l — i t i s on ly a g ree t ing .( ) 6.Accord ing t o the wr i t e r , when we mee t a s t ranger, i t i s ______ to g r ee t h im or he r .A. in te res t ingB. com monC. impor tan t D . generous( ) 7.From the passage , we can know tha t the wr i t e r know _______ about Ch inese cu l tu re .A. a lo tB. a l i t t l eC. l i t t l eD. much( ) 8.In China, a stranger will say “__________” when he mee t s you fo r the f i r s t t ime .A. How are you? D. Nice to mee t you?B. How do you do?D. Have you had l unch?( ) 9.In the writer’s opinion, the Chinese greeting for the first time means “________”.A. popula r B . mean ingfu l C . manners D. inv i ta t ion( ) 10.The writer’s main purpose in writing this passage is most probably to _________.A. show h imse l f to be in te res ted in Chinese g ree t ingB. adv ise peop le to fo l low the Chinese g ree t ingC. compla in abou t (抱怨) the Chinese g ree t ingsD. po in t ou t the d i f fe rences o f the g ree t ings be tween the di f fe ren t cu l tu res五、任务型阅读(共 l 0 空;每空 l 分,计 l0 分) W ri t ing a thank-you le t t e r can be a g r ea t way to express thanks fo r a favor (帮助;恩惠) someone d id fo r you . Cons ider ( 考虑) the fo l lowing s teps when wr i t ing your l e t t e r , which wi l l he lp make your thank-you le t t e r more meaningfu l and s incere (真诚的).Before you s ta r t , buy some spec ia l s t a t ionery , such as n ice paper o r blank ca rds . The stationery doesn’t have to be expensive, since even one -do l la r ca rd can be very n ice . And you m ust dec ide whe t her you pre fe r to type your l e t t e r or (是..还是...) wr i t e i t by yourse l f . Handwr i t ing has a m ore persona l fee l i ng , whi le a p r in ted (打印的) thank-you le t t e r looks more profess iona l (专业的).No w, you can s ta r t wr i t ing . You should express your purpose f rom the beg i nning . S ta r t your l e t t e r by thank ing t he person fo r the gi f t o r se rv ice he o r she p rov ided . Then you shou ld exp la i n how you p lan to use the g i f t o r se rv ice, o r exp la in how the g i f t o r se rv ice has a l ready been used . What’s more, you can also express your feelings on the gift or service by saying that “It was a wonderful birthday present…” It also helps to mention a personal feeling such as “I was just so happy with the party.” In the end, you should mention that you want to see or ta lk to the person aga in soon . For c lose re la t ives and f r i ends , you can a l so t e l l them how much you miss them and express regre t (遗憾) tha t the i r v i s i t was shor t .Sign your thank-you letter personally and with a heart. Try “Love”, “Yours truly”, or “Take care ” instead (代替) of “Sincerely” as it is more for business.In th i s way , you wil l a lways main ta in (维持) a p leasan t r e l a t ionsh ip (关系) wi th your f r i ends and re la t ives .Ti t le : How to Wri t e a To wr i te a 2 and s incere l e t t e r t o show your thanks .Before Buy some s ta t ionery tha t i s n ice and 4 1 Let te r3 :.Decide whe ther to type the l e t t e r o r to wr i t e i t by 5 .The tex t o f the l e t t er :At the beg inn ing of the l e t t e r , 6 your thanks to the pers on prov id ing the g i f t o r se rv ice .(建议) .Signa tu re : “Sincerely” is not proper because it is usually used in 9 le t t ers .Resul tYour re la t ionsh ip with o thers wi l l s t a y 10 . 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10六、短文填空:阅读下面的短文,根据所给首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。

2020-2021学年牛津版英语八年级下册unit 5单元测试卷

2020-2021学年牛津版英语八年级下册unit 5单元测试卷

牛津版英语八年级(下)第五单元测试卷(内容: Unit 5 总分:100 分)I.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

( )1.—Would you please not speak so loudly in public?—Sorry. I will remember to speak in lower voice.A. the; aB. /; aC. the; theD. /; /( )2. Sailing on a snowy day means in the seaA. to risk losing lifeB. to risk to lose lifeC. risking losing lifeD. risking to lose life( )3. Linda was unhappy because Liz ________her conversation with Dad.A. push upB. cut inC. bump intoD. drop in( ) 4. —Excuse me, sir. But you’re my way.—Sorry. I didn’t know you were passing by.A. onB. byC. withD. in( )5. Be careful to avoid _____ the same mistake, Tom.A. makingB. to makeC. makesD. make( ) 6. The _____of new inventions should be to make life easier, not to make it harder.A. rulesB. subjectsC. secretsD. purposes( )7. —Boy, didn’t you see people were waiting in line? Don’t in!—I am sorry, sir.A. pushB. pullC. sitD. carry( )8. Jim always keeps the tap running he finishes washing his face.A. sinceB. whileC. asD. till( ) 9. I have spent on this job. I think I can finish it this afternoon.A. sometime; sometimeB. sometimes; some timeC. some time; sometimeD. some times; some time( )10. You’d better fix the machine I have told you. Otherwise, you may make more problems.A. likeB. withC. asD. follow( )11. —Mum, can you give me some advice on how to behave myself at the table?—Well, I do have some advice. , please keep quiet while eating.A. In allB. Of allC. At allD. Above all( )12. —Do you think the question too hard?—I don’t think so. He can answer it easily.A. of Jim to answerB. of Jim to answer itC. for Jim to answerD. for Jim to answer it( )13. Jack is always to wait for a long time without getting angry.A. too patientB. patient enoughC. enough patientD. very patient( )14. Anna dances , if not better than, Lily.A. so wellB. as well asC. so well asD. as well( )15. —You’ve spelt the word wrong again, Judy.—Sorry. Maybe I am used to the mistake to think of the right one.A. soB. veryC. quiteD. tooII.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。



牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit5单元测试卷(包含答案)8B U5单元测试卷一、听力部分(共计20分)本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍,在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选择最合适的备选、( ) 1. Where does Mr. Robin live now?( ) 2. What does the girl need to change?( ) 3. What did Simon do in the winter holiday?( ) 4. Which book is Peter reading these days?( ) 5.When will the plane take off?A. 7:15.B. 7:00.C. 7:30.( ) 6. What kind of weather doesn’t the man like?A. Cloudy days.B. Hot days.C. Rainy days.( ) 7. Why is the boy still in the library?A. Because the book is interesting.B. Because he forgets the time.C. Because the bad weather prevents him from leaving. ( ) 8. How long has the woman been here?A. For 5 minutes.B. For 20 minutes.C. For 15 minutes.( ) 9. Why are they having a party?A. Because one of them was just married.B. Because they don’t want to go to sleep early.C. Because it was New Year’s Eve.( ) 10. What does the man think of the film?A. Wonderful.B. Boring.C. Interesting.B.听对话和短文回答问题听第1段材料,回答第11--12题。

牛津版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 单元检测试卷 含答案

牛津版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 单元检测试卷 含答案

牛津版八年级英语下册Unit 5 单元检测试卷(A)卷一、短语翻译(每题1分,共10分)1. 有礼貌___________2. 打断别人_____________3. 摘花________________4. 遵守交通规则__________5. 按次序排队等候_________6. 到处乱扔垃圾____________7. 撞上;偶然碰到______8. 合适的方式____________9. 避免做某事______________ 10. 第一次______________二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)( ) 1. (2015 安徽中考)—Would you like to play football after school ?— ________ . I have a lot of homework to do.A. I’m afraid notB. Enjoy yourselfC. Take your timeD. It takes no time( ) 2. (2015 陕西中考)Before you go to Canada, you need to learn more _______ it.A. fromB. inC. byD. about( ) 3. (2015 山东东营中考)It is a world of flowers in spring in Dongying. You can see flowers_______.A. hereB. thereC. somewhereD. everywhere( ) 4. (2015辽宁丹东中考)—Oh, it’s too difficult for me_______ the work in such a short time.—Anything is possible if you put your heart into it.A. finishB. finishingC. finishedD. to finish( ) 5. (2015 四川眉山中考)—What _______ do you have to do besides _______ the room at home?— I have to take out the trash.A. else;cleaningB. else;cleanC. other;cleaningD. other;clean( ) 6. (2015四川德阳中考)The old man was _______ tired _______ walk any farther.A. so;asB. too;toC. so;toD. very;to( ) 7. (2015江苏无锡中考)— Is your sleeping problem getting better?—No. And _______. They gave me the wrong medicine this time. Can you believe that?A. a good miss is as good as a mileB. it never rains but it poursC. the early bird catches the wormD. every dog has its day( ) 8. (2015江苏淮安中考)— All the people of Huai’an need to work together to make our city more beautiful.— _____________________.A. Practice makes perfectB. Many hands make light workC. When in Rome, do as the Romans doD. A friend in need is a friend indeed( ) 9. (2015江苏盐城)Audrey Hepburn, one of the greatest actresses, was _______to take on challenges in her.A. enough braveB. brave enoughC. stupid enoughD. enough stupid( ) 10. (2015湖北黄冈)— China is getting better and better at making high technology products.—That’s right. People around the world can hardly avoid_______ products made in China.A. not buyingB. not to buyC. to buyD. buying( ) 11. (2015江苏扬州)—I can’t believe you have finished the work.—My friends helped me out. Just as the saying goes, “_______”.A. Practice makes perfectB. Put all your eggs in one basketC. Burn the candle at both endsD. Many hands make light work( ) 12. (2015江苏泰州)— Is it possible for David to win first prize in the running race?— _______. He needs to practice more.A. Bad luckB. I hope notC. I’m afraid notD. I don’t agree with you( ) 13. (2014南京)— Simon, what do I need to take for the hiking?—You’d better _______more water than usual. It’s hot today.A. to takeB. takeC. takingD. took( ) 14. (2014江苏连云港)—I didn’t expect to see you studying at the library so early in the morning.— _______, huh?A. Every dog has its dayB. Many hands make light workC. The early bird catches the wormD. Too many cooks spoil the broth( ) 15. (2014江苏扬州)— My friend has achieved his goal after years of hard work.— Great! _______.A. One tree can’t make a forestB. Where there is a will, there is a wayC. Many hands make light workD. A friend in need is a friend indeed.三、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)(2015湖南益阳)One afternoon, an old dog ran into Ben’s yard. The dog didn’t look hungry or sick, just very 1 . Ben gave the dog a few pats (轻拍) on the 2 . The dog followed Ben into the house, slowly walked down the hall and fell asleepin the corner.An hour later the dog woke up, walked to the 3 and went out. The next afternoon the dog was back. Once again the dog followed Ben into the house and 4 in the corner for an hour. It was the 5 story the next afternoon. Ben was very curious (好奇). “What’s up with this dog?” he wondered. Then he had an 6 . Ben put a 7 on the neck: To the owner of this dog,Do you know that your dog comes to my house every 8 and sleeps for a while? Why?The next day the dog came to Ben’s 9 with a new note hung on its neck: The dog lives in a home with six children. Three of them are under the age of two. It’s trying finding a room to sleep in. It can’t 10 a quiet place here. Neither can I! Can I come with it tomorrow?( ) 1. A. excited B. tired C. young( ) 2. A. foot B. hand C. head( ) 3. A. door B. bathroom C. kitchen( ) 4. A. walked B. danced C. slept( ) 5. A. unusual B. same C. different( ) 6. A. order B. answer C. idea( ) 7. A. note B. telephone C. picture( ) 8. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening( ) 9. A. house B. office C. school( ) 10. A. see B. stand C. find四、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)A(2015徐州)The day before yesterday, when Peter’s family were having dinner, Father raised an interesting question, “Was there anything in our past that we feel ashamed of, guilty about, or regretted? Maybe we can find ways to say sorry, or take some action to right any wrongdoing.”This seemed like a very private matter, but Peter thought about it carefully the whole night.Peter remembered an incident from middle school. In his school, there was a worker, Neil Stone, who none of the kids liked. One night, Peter and two of his classmates decided to play a trick on him. They found a can of red paint, and wrote on the school main road in bright red: Neil Stone is a fool!The next day, the whole school saw these words. Within two hours, Neil had Peter and his two classmates in his office. His classmates said that they had done it but Peter lied, denying the truth. No one ever talked about it.This morning, Peter went back to his middle school. Neil Stone is still working there. “Sorry, Neil. Do you still remember what happened ten years ago? I want you to know that I did it.”“I knew it!’ Neil laughed. They had a good laugh and a lively discussion. Neil’s closing words were: “Peter, I always felt bad for youbecause your classmates got it off their mind, and I knew you were carrying it around all these years. I want to thank you for visiting me… for your sake.”Peter knows that no matter how difficult the situation is, it is never too late to clear up the past and make a fresh start.( ) 1. What did Peter remember doing in middle school?A. Something fantastic.B. Something unpleasant.C. Something valuable.D. Something useful.( ) 2. What colour were the words “Neil Stone is a fool!”?A. Dark blue.B. Light green.C. Pure white.D. Bright red.( ) 3. What does the underlined word “denying” mean?A. 夸大B. 赞同C. 否认D. 承认( ) 4. When did Neil know who wrote the words on the school main road?A. Ten years ago.B. The day before yesterday.C. This morning.D. Not until Peter told him.( ) 5. What is the best title for this passage?A. Peter’s story.B. An unforgettablelesson.C. It’s never too late.D. Every dog has its day.B(2015贵州安顺)Many years ago, there lived a very rich man who wanted to do something good for the people of his town. But first he wanted to find out if they deserved (值得) his help. So he put a very large stone in the middle of the main road into the town. Then he stood behind a tree, waiting and watching.Soon an old man came along with his cow. “Who put this stone in the center of the road?” said the old man, but he didn’t try to move the stone away. He passed around the stone with some difficulties and continued on his way. Another man came along and did the same thing; then another came, and another. All of them complained about the stone in the center of the road, but nobody tried to move it.Late in the afternoon, a young man came along. He saw the stone and said, “It will be dark at night. Some people will come along later in the dark and will fall over the stone and get hurt.” The young man then began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled and tried everything he could to move it out of the road. But to his surprise, under the stone he found a bag full of money and this message, “This money is for the person who moves this stone from the road. The person deserves help.”( ) 6. Who put the stone in the center of the road?A. An old man.B. A rich man.C. A young man.D. Another man. ( ) 7. Why did the young man move the stone out of the road?A. Because he was strong enough to move it.B. Because he knew there was a bag of money under it.C. Because he didn’t want other people to fall and get hurt.D. Because the rich man wanted him to do so.( ) 8. When the young man moved the stone, he found ________________.A. a bagB. a messageC. a bag full of money and a messageD. a bag full of message( ) 9. All of the people coming along the road did nothing about the stone except___________.A. people of the townB. the young manC. the rich manD. the old man with his cow( ) 10. What can we learn from the passage?A. If we do well, we will have well.B. If we move stones, we will have a lot of money.C. The young man was lucky.D. Other people were unlucky.Sally: an animal doctorWhat’s the worst thing that’s ever happened i n your job?Probably the dog that bit me. It wasn’t a big one - I don’t mind the big ones.The small ones are the worst. It gave me a very nasty bite.Have you ever done any other jobs?Yes, I did different kinds of jobs when I was a student. One summer I did fruit-picking in Spain.What’s the worst job you’ve ever done?In order to improve my English, I worked for a rich family in New York. I never had a day off and I had to do everything –cooking, cleaning, shopping- and look after their horrible children. I left after two weeks and managed to get a job as a waitress in an Italian restaurant.Leo: an actorWhat’s the worst thing that’s ever happened in your job?So many bad things have happened-but I think my worst moment waswhen I read my first bad review in the newspaper. They wroteterrible things about me, and I was so upset. After that I didn’tread my reviews any more.Have you ever done any other jobs?Oh yes, it’s hard to make a living as an actor. So I’ve done lots of part-time jobs over t he years. For example, I’ve worked in a shop, sold ice cream at the beach and handed out publicity flyers in the street.What’s the worst job you’ve ever done?The worst job I’ve ever done was at an egg-packing factory. Working conditions are terrible-you stand for hours at the end of a belt, putting eggs into boxes. You can’t have a break, and if you want to go to the toilet, you have to ask for permission. And worst of all, the smell was terrible- I’ve never eaten an egg since then.( ) 11. The underlin ed word “one” refers to “__________”.A. dogB. biteC. eventD. job( ) 12. Sally has done the following jobs EXCEPT __________.A. picking fruit in SpainB. working for a rich familyC. looking after sick animalsD. cooking in an Italian restaurant ( ) 13. After reading his first bad review in the newspaper, Leo __________.A. wrote more reviewsB. replied to every reviewC. gave up his job as an actorD. stopped reading any of his reviews ( ) 14. What does Leo think of being an actor?A. It’s hard to make a living.B. It’s helpful to read his reviews.C. It’s easy to make lots of money.D. It’s fun to have different experiences.( ) 15. What did Leo hate most when working at an egg-packing factory?A. No breaks.B. Standing for too long.C. The bad smell.D. Putting eggs into boxes.五、任务型阅读(每题1分,共10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后的表格(每空一词)What do you think of the most important inventions in the world? The TV? The printing? The telephone? Or the computer? A report shows that they are not the only important inventions. Here are three other important inventions. One of the simplest inventions is the toilet. Before toilets, waste ran into rivers from people’s houses. Illnesses were common in big cities, and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.Animal food is another important invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed every autumn because there was not enough food for them in winter. After hay became a kind of common animal food, animals could live through the long winter.The third great invention is glasses. Glasses help people read, write and do “close work” after the age of forty-five. Without glasses, the world would be difficult for the people above forty-five.Important _______1________Some most important inventionsThe TV, the _____2______, the _____3______, the computerThree other importantinventionsBefore the inventionsthe _____5__________4___ ran into rivers from people’s houses_____6____ were common in big citiesIt was often difficult to find _______7_______ drinking waterhay, animal food Most animals were killed in ______8______because there wasn’t enough food in winter ______9______ Reading, writing and “close work” would bedifficult for the people over ______10_______1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.六、用所给词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共15分)1. You can never imagine(想象) the great difficulty I had________(get)her QQnumber2. --Have you known Mo Yan for a long time?--Yes, since he________ (write)the novel Red Sorghum.3. I don’t know much about the palace. It’s the first time I________ (be) here,you know.4. Tom has just told me a new way he thought of________ (remember) new words.5. There________ (be) few students playing in the playground because of the comingexam, will there?6. --It must be on Channel 2 try that.--I_______ (try) that. But I still can’t get anything.7. --You may find the key to the math problem on Page 8.--Oh, it’s so easy. I wonder why I_______ (not think) of that.8. Let’s play basketball instead of________ (ski).9. I get a letter from my father. I_______ (not hear) from him for 2 months.10. After________ (learn) from them, the local doctors can help people in theirareas.11. People in the house made a fire________ (get) warm.12. --Don’t park here--Sorry, I _______ (not see) the sign13. The charity show was so wonderful that people couldn’t stop________ (do nate)money14. --________you ever________ (ride) a horse before?--No, never.15. He is always the first________ (come) to school and the last________(leave).七、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成单词(每题1分,共10分)On the evening of October 7, Li Feng was watching TV while his mother was b cooking supper in the kitchen. S the telephone rang. Li Feng q picked it up to a the call. It was from a good friend of his m . Shewanted to say “Happy Birthday” to his mother. “Today is Mother’s birth day, butI have already f all about it. Mother gives me a lot of l andcare while I didn’t care for her e . From now on, I must always r this,s my love to her and care for her enough,” Li Feng thought to himself,feelinga little ashamed(惭愧的).1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.8B Unit 5单元测试(B)卷一、短语翻译(每题1分,共10分)1. 表达自己_______________2. 写下_______________3. 忙于……_________________4. 参加讨论_______________5. 公共指示牌_______________6. 警告某人做某事_____________7. 保护,使免受_______________8. 不久以后_______________9. 最重要的是_______________ 10. 将…记在心中______________二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)( ) 1.(2013山东青岛)There aren’t many tickets left for the concert, you’d better _______ that you get one today.A. make sure ofB. make a decisionC. make sureD. make plans( ) 2.(2015四川宜宾)Nancy, sweep the classroom, _______?A. don’t youB. do youC. will youD. doesn’t she( ) 3.(2015山东泰安)My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful with trees and flowers on _______ sides of the road.A. allB. bothC. neitherD. either( ) 4.(2015广东广州)The weather forecast says that _______ another storm tomorrow.A. there will haveB. there will beC. there hasD. there has been( ) 5.(2015福建三明)— I have_______ completed all the work. —Congratulation!A. succeedB. successC. successfulD. successfully ( ) 6.(2014山东凉山)—I haven’t seen my grandparents for long. I’m too busy_______ them these days. — Why not call them instead?A. visitB. to visitC. visitingD. visit ( ) 7.(2015江苏镇江)— Never give up. If you keep practicing speaking English every day, you’ll make great progress.— Thanks for encouraging me. I know_______.A. practice makes perfectB. it never rains but it poursC. many hands make light workD. the grass it always greener on the other side( ) 8.(2015江苏苏州)— You _______ park here! Look at the sign, it says “No parking”.—Sorry, I didn’t notice that sign just now.A. won’tB. needn’tC. mustn’tD. couldn’t.( ) 9.(2015江苏无锡)The government should _______ the use of new types of energy to make a greener world.A. push inB. push forC. put outD. put up( ) 10.(2015江苏南京)—I saw David in the teacher’s office this morning. Doyou know _______ he was there? — He went there to hand in his homework.A. howB. whenC. whereD. why( ) 11.(2014聊城)Jackie asked me _______ anything.A. not touchB. not touchedC. not touchingD. not to touch ( ) 12.(2013枣庄)— _______, please. Could you tell me which BRT I can take to get to Zaozhuang Railway Station? — Take No.15 bus and transfer to No.B1BRT.A. Excuse meB. YesC. SureD. Hello( ) 13.(2014咸宁)—What’s the most important morning news on CCTV todays?—The Chinese government warned Japan _______ do harm to China’sterritorial sovereignty again and again.A. to notB. didn’tC. not toD. do not( ) 14.(2014鄂州)— Do you come to South Korea for the _______ of seeing your family or doing business? — I come here on business.A. interestB. benefitC. purposeD. thought( ) 15.(2014铜仁)We’ll play basketball _______ Cla ss 3 tomorrow.A. overB. againstC. toD. for三、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)(2015重庆)The Sweetest SightI was in the most beautiful city in the world, yet I only wanted home.It was an amazing week for my husband and me –the trip of a lifetime. Months ago, when my husband told me that he would have a meeting in London. I expressed my 1 to go to Europe together with him. Then we asked his mother to 2 our two children and started off.During the week’s time, 3 visited London and Paris –as much as we could, Big Ben, the Louvre and so on. All these were beautiful places we expected to see before. We really enjoyed ourselves.On our last night in Paris, 4 we enjoyed the night view(夜景) of the Eiffel Tower, my husband called home. His mother 5 the phone. I n a second, my husband’s face fell and he looked so worried. I could feel something 6 happened.“What’s wrong?” I asked.He didn’t answer and continued to listen. A few minutes later, he said 7 to me that Tony, our seven-year-old son, had fallen off his bike and 8 his leg. He must be sent to hospital at once.At that moment, Paris suddenly lost its charm(魅力).“I don’t want to be here! I shouldn’t be here! I should be home 9 my kids!”We hurried back to our hotel and then to the airport …Finally, we got home. We rushed into our children’s bedroom. Seeing our two children, I suddenly realized the truth: there is no 10 sight(风景)in the world than your children’s faces that greet you at home.( ) 1. A. question B. wish C. step D. place( ) 2. A. look after B. talk with C. find out D. wake up( ) 3. A. he B. she C. we D. they( ) 4. A. after B. since C. though D. because( ) 5. A. shouted B. finished C. wrote D. answered( ) 6. A. ugly B. useful C. right D. bad( ) 7. A. hardly B. clearly C. sadly D. truly( ) 8. A. danced B. broken C. thrown D. opened( ) 9. A. toward B. with C. under D. from( ) 10. A. quieter B. richer C. sweeter D. wider四、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)A(2015贵州安顺)Tom and his cousin took a boat trip. When they got on the boat, every passenger (乘客) should answer the keeper a question. If the passenger answered “yes”, he or she got one gift; if the passenger answered “no”, he or she got two gifts. Tom and his cousin saw all about this. Now it was their turn. The keeper came up to them and asked, “Are you a good sailor?” Tom wanted to get two gifts, so he answered “no” loudly, at the same time he said, “I have never been a sailor, how could I be a good sailor?” The keeper gave him two gift s. His cousin gave the same answer, so he got two gifts, too.The boat started off. The passengers began to open their gifts. Tom and his cousin did the same. They found that one of the two gifts was a small bottle of drinking water, the other was a seasick tablet (晕船药) . Tom had a look at a “yes”-passenger’s gift. His was a nice chocolate. Tom shouted at the keeper, “We are never seasick. Why do you give us seasick tablets?”( ) 1. Tom and his cousin ________.A. went to eat chocolatesB. went on a trip by boatC. worked for the keeperD. needed a bottle of drinking water ( ) 2. When did the keeper ask the passengers questions?A. Before the trip.B. After the trip.C. During the trip.D. Never.( ) 3. Why did Tom and his cou sin answer “no”?A. Because they felt sick on the boat.B. Because they were good sailors.C. Because they both wanted to get two gifts.D. Because they wanted to have chocolates.( ) 4. The underlined (下划线) part “a good sailor” means ________.A. 晕船B. 不晕船C. 好销售员D. 好水手( ) 5. Which of the following statements is true?A. The keeper cheated (欺骗) Tom and his cousin.B. Tom and his cousin didn’t want the seasick tablets.C. All the other passengers answered “yes”.D. The ke eper didn’t want to give Tom and his cousin chocolates.B(2015贵州安顺)Have you ever wondered what goes through your mind when you choose where to sit in a new classroom? Or in a waiting room full of strangers? Or on a bus? Researchers have found out some interesting facts.Girls sit by girls and boys sit by boys. Adults sit together and young people choose another young person to sit near. But it goes further than this. We even choose to sit near someone who looks like us. People with glasses are more likely to sit near other people with glasses. People with long hair sit closer to other people with long hair.We seem to believe that people with similar habits or hobbies will share similar experiences and we are more likely to be accepted by people like ourselves, or even, we think we may be safer with people who look like us. Sometimes that’s true but it’s a pity if we always stay with the same people, the same group. The danger in always staying in our comfort zone (舒适区)is that we just recycle the same opinions, the same tastes and the same ideas. We lose the chance to learn something new, find out interesting things, hear funny stories and discover differences.When we always stay with the same people, how can we break down the barriers which prevent us from getting to know people with different ideas? And how can we avoid the ignorance(无知)? If you want to live in a society that opens to changes, new things and different opinions, be the cat among the pigeons(鸽子).Move out of your comfort zone. Go an d sit next to someone different. And don’t just sit there in silence. Say hello. Ask a question. Start a conversation. That’s how we make friends. That’s how we learn about people. That’s how we open our minds to new ideas. That’s how we live an exciting l ife.( ) 6. From the passage, we know that people prefer sitting by someonewho .A. is like themselvesB. has a sense of humorC. is open-mindedD. lives an exciting life( ) 7. People like staying in their comfort zone because they may .A. remain comfortable and specialB. find out more interesting thingsC. be accepted easily and feel safeD. discover differences among themselves( ) 8. The sentence “Unsurprisingly, we prefer to sit closer to people like ourselves.” should be put at the beginning of __________.A. Paragraph 1B. Paragraph 2C. Paragraph 3D. Paragraph 4 ( ) 9. What does the underlined word “barriers” mean in Paragraph 4?A. 联系B. 隔阂C. 纽带D. 熟悉( ) 10. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To tell us not to talk with strangers.B. To introduce ways to learn about the world.C. To explain how people communicate with foreigners.D. To encourage us to get along with different people.C(2015湖南益阳)Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned (禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for schools. Several children have got mobile phones from parents and friends as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.Lucy Bluett, an expert, said mobile phone use was a distraction (分心的事) to students during school hours. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t call up their children.Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office.Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.( ) 11. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones ______.A. when they are at homeB. when they are freeC. when they are at school( ) 12. We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones fromA. the makers and sellersB. the passers-by and strangersC. their parents and friends( ) 13. What does the underlined word “cheat” mean in the passage?A. Behave dishonestly.B. Behave honestly.C. Behave correctly.( ) 14. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t ______ during school hours.A. use their mobile phonesB. call up their childrenC. help the teachers with their work( ) 15. The passage tells us that ______.A. students shouldn’t have mobile phones at school except for some specialreasonsB. many people can’t understand why parents would want their children to havephonesC. all parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t use their phones at school五、任务型阅读(每题1分,共10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后的表格(每空一词)China's newly-weds spend too muchWeddings are so important in China that couples are willing to fork out about 20 times their monthly income on getting hitched and everything that comes with it.China's newly-weds in cities spend 126,600 yuan (16,600 U.S. dollars) on average in 2006 when getting hitched, Thursday's Chongqing Youth Daily reported, citing a recent survey by the Ministry of Commerce.An analysis of 60,000 couples living in cities showed that about 64 percent of the spending went on house decoration, furniture and household appliances and the rest was spent on the wedding, such as the ceremony, photography, wedding dresses and feast.The survey said the wedding expenditure was only a small share of the overall marriage cost as most Chinese young couples in the cities tended to buy an apartment and a car before tying the knot.The survey said that about 81.6 percent of the newly-weds admitted that they had got economic support from parents as their monthly income on average was only about 6,240 yuan.The survey also showed that about 88.4 percent of the newly-weds chose having wedding photography as a priority and 78.74 chose hosting a wedding banquet.In contrast, young couples in the countryside spent about 40,000 yuan on average on marriage-related issues, less than one third of their city peers, according to the report.About 8.49 million couples got married in China in 2006.Wedding ___2___ 1. China’s newly-weds in ___3___ areas spend 126,600yuanon average in 2006.2. In the ___4___ areas, young couples spent less than onethird of their city peers.The 5___ of money 1. About 64 percent of the spending went on___6___decoration, furniture and household appliances.2. The rest was spent on the wedding, for 7 the ceremony,photography, wedding dresses and feast.The 8__ of money They got the ___9___ support from their parents because theirincome was not high enough.The 10___ for the high expense The newly-weds usually spend a lot because they have many things to buy, such as houses and cars.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.六、用所给词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共15分)1. Reading newspaper_______ (help) us learn about the news both at home andabroad.2. Tom said he_______ (drive) home when suddenly the man rushed out.。



8B Unit5单元综合检测一、单项选择1. --Would you please not speak so loudly in public?--Sorry. I will remember to speak in lower voice.A.the; aB./; aC.the; theD./; /2.He left __the hospital twenty minutes ago.He will get here ___another ten minutes.A.to;afterB.for;in.C.at;for.D.on;since3.Your mother looks ____ and doesn’t look ________ to have a 20-year-old daughter.A. enough young ; too oldB. too young; enough oldC. young enough; old enoughD. too young; old enough4. He taught me to learn from _____ and not to try to be better than someone ______.A. else; otherB. others; otherC. else; othersD. others; else5. Mike always keeps the window _______ because his house is _______ to the railway station and he doesn’t want to hear the noise.A. closed; closedB. close; closingC. closed; closeD. close; closed6. The government has warned the public __ close to this military factory(军事工厂).A. to avoid gettingB. against avoiding to getC. to avoid to getD. against avoiding getting7. We will ______ and that ______ will belong to every one of us.A. succeed; successfulB. successful; successfullyC. succeed; successD. success; success8. Dear 53-year-old, it’s never ______ late ______ try something new.A. so; thatB. too; toC. enough; toD. such; that9. Firefighters warned people _______ their lives ______ the elevator to go down when the fire broke out.A. not risking; takingB. not to risk; not to takeC. not to risk; to takeD. not risking; not taking10. I have spent ______ on this job. I think I can finish it ______ this afternoon.A. sometime ; sometimeB. sometimes ; some timeC. some time ; sometimeD. some times ; sometime11. —______ great fun it is to go hiking in this season!—Yeah, you cannot imagine ______ interesting it is if you don’t experience it yourself.A. What a; howB. What; howC. How a; whatD. How; what a12. I will volunteer for a two-day home stay for an exchange student from the UK. I consider it a good chance to show Chinese food ______ our kindness.A. as well asB. so well asC. as good asD. so good as13. If someone is ______ , you should be ______ to wait without getting angry.A. on your way; too politeB. in your way; too politeC. on your way; polite enoughD. in your way; polite enough14. Frederick _____ entered the final competition last month. His hobby has brought him ______ .A. successful; successB. successful; successfullyC. successfully; successD. successfully; successful15. ________ which is why I am asking you to read English every day in the morning.A. Practice makes perfectB. Many hands make light workC. Just one laugh makes the person ten years youngerD. Manners make the man二、完形填空Everyone back home told me that one of the nicest things about college is the people you meet. They all promised me that I would ___1___ friendship that could last a lifetime. I would always smile and agree. Actually, before I ___2___ college, I really didn’t care.I lived in the dorm (宿舍) where six guys lived in two small connecting rooms. All my roommates seemed to be good guys, but I didn’t really try to get to know them.I have always been rather quiet and never been able to make friends ___3___ . I would always forget names after I met people. When we ___4___ again and they called out my name, I would ___5___ with an uncomfortable wave and a weak hello.This was ___6___ things went for the first month or so. After a while, things started to ___7___ . A couple of my roommates would try and keep me talking. Soon, these two roommates and I started becoming quite ___8___ . We began going to the self—service restaurant together, exercising together , and ___9___ in the library to study.One night my roommates invited me to listen to a fellow roommate’s practice with one of our college choir. They drove me ___10___ school where my roommate was to perform.It so happened that this was my birthday, but I had kept quiet about it. So you can imagine my ___11___ when we entered the hall and the 120—member choir began to sing “Happy Birthday” tome. ___12___ at the dorm, my friends held a small party for me, complete with a card and cake.I was completely moved, and I felt ___13___ to be able to call them friends. It was then that I realized that college means ___14___ the piece of paper you receive at the end—It’s an ___15___ in both life and people.1. A. form B. follow C. obey D. introduce2. A. left out B. left behind C. left for D. left off3. A. surprisingly B. easily C. wrongly D. carefully4. A. attended B. lived C. passed D. planned5. A. shout B. impress C. reply D. share6. A. why B. how C. where D. when7. A. turn B. worsen C. review D. change8. A. famous B. stressed C. bored D. close9. A. met B. to meet C. meeting D. meet10. A. across B. over C. away D. beyond11. A. surprise B. dislike C. admire D. sadness12. A. Away B. Down C. Back D. Out13. A. aware B. afraid C. sure D. proud14. A. more than B. rather than C. less than D. other than15. A. culture B. tradition C. custom D. education三.阅读理解(A)Three travelers, Allan, Carl and Paul were sitting on the chairs in a train station. They were waiting for a train. To pass the time, they began talking to each other.At first, they talked about the weather and their work. Then Paul said, "Tell me—what would you most like to do if your doctor tell you that you have only three months to live?"The other two men thought about this for a while, then Carl spoke.“Well,” he said, “if I have only three months to live, I’ll take all my money out of the bank and go to foreign countries for holidays with my best friend, Erik. I’d like to travel to the places in the world as many as possible. And I’ll stay at the best hotels and then eat the best food. I think I’ll have a wonderful time.”“That’s very interesting,” Paul said.With these words, he turned to the other man, saying, “And what about you?”“I’ll tell you a secret,” Allan said. “I always want to be a racing(赛事) driver. So if I have only three months to live, the first thing I’d like to do is to sell my house. With the money I’ll buy the fastest car in the world. Maybe I can enter all the big motor races.”Then he laughed, “I might even end up (以……而告终) world champion.”“Now it’s your turn,” Allan went on, “If your doctor tell you the bad news, what would you most like to do?”“Oh,” said Paul with a smile. “I’ll go and see another doctor.”1. The three men were talking ________.A. in the post officeB. in the waiting roomC. on the trainD. in the bus stop2. The man called ________ answered the question first.A. CarlB. AllanC. ErikD. Paul3. The men began to talk about the weather and the work because they ________.A. didn’t know anything newB. wanted to pass the time quicklyC. had nothing to doD. were very interested in each other’s work4. “I might even end up world champion.” Here the word “champion” means_______in Chinese.A. 名人B. 巨人C. 大款D. 冠军5. Which sentence is right according to the passage?A. The train didn’t arrive on time.B. Paul wanted to buy a racing car very much.C. Allan was the second man to answer the question.D. Carl didn’t like traveling at all.(B)Saturday , March 3rdWe have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok. This is our first trip to Thailand.All the different smells make us want to try the food. We aregoing to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we arestaying in is cheap, and very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days,visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai(清迈) in thenorth.Tuesday, March 6thBangkok is wonderful and surprising! The places are interesting.We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruit and vegetables. Everything is so colourful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai(清莱).Friday, March 9thOur trip to Chiang Rai was long boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The village people here love the quiet life—no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met. They always smile and say “hello”. Kathy and I can only speak a few words of Thai, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness.I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year.1.The diaries show the writer’s ___________ days in Thailand.A.3B. 7C. 15D. 102. It seems that visitors ____________ in Bangkok.A.often feel angryB. can always find cheap thingsC. can’t take any photosD. can enjoy themselves3. Which of the following is TRUE?A.Chiang Mai is a beautiful city in the south of ThailandB.The writer left Chiang Mai for Chiang Rai by bus.C. Chiang Rai is a boring city in the mountains.D. The writer is traveling alone in Thailand.4. The people in the village ____________.A. are friendly to othersB. like to speak EnglishC. are very weakD. hope to live in the cities5. What is the best title for the whole diary?A.My First TravelB. The Outside WorldC. Travelling in ThailandD. A County on the Train(C)Hello, everyone. A problem with students’ safety becomes serious(严重的) because the school violence (暴力) happens more often in some areas. We are planning to build an organization named School Watch to make sure that students have a safe environment. Please be part of our plan!1. School Watch can help its members _________.A. save the environmentB. organize sports activitiesC. improve the quality of school lifeD. go on school trips2. Anyone can become a member of School Watch because _________.A. everyone may have problemsB. everyone can give help to othersC. everyone needs to make some friendsD. everyone needs help with his homework3. The best school watcher can get _________.A.much moneyB.many books for freeC.lots of friendsD.a lot of prizes4. If you want to be a member of School Watch, you should _________.A. check the websiteB. be good at your schoolworkC. talk to the headmasterD. talk to the director of the plan in your grade5.We can see the passage in___________.A. newspapersB.storybooksC. fashion magazinesD.Sports news四、词汇A.请根据括号中的中文提示,英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。

八年级英语下册 Unit5 单元测试卷-牛津上海版(含答案)

八年级英语下册 Unit5 单元测试卷-牛津上海版(含答案)

八年级英语下册 Unit5 单元测试卷-牛津上海版(含答案)Part 1 听力略Part 2 V ocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)Ⅴ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(15分)( )26. He likes listening to the singing of birds. It is music ____ his ears.A. forB. atC. onD. to( )27. Han Han is very popular among the teenagers. We all like ____.A. himB. heC. hisD. himself( )28. He has poor ____, so he can’t see the words on the blackboard clearly.A. smellB. tasteC. sightD. touch( )29. Mr. Brown knew nothing about the good news _____ his wife told it to him.A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. while( )30. Don’t waste water. Water is very important and no one can live ____ it.A. withB. withoutC. exceptD. besides( )31. Simon likes robots best. He often says to me that _____ is more interesting than robots.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing( )32. —How well she sings!—Yes, she has a sweet ____.A. voiceB. soundC. noiseD. mouth( )33. Oh, dear! Did you walk so long a way on such a hot day? You ____ be tired!A. canB. mustC. needD. shall( )34. My car alarm is always _____ whenever my neighbor's cat goes under my car.A. going offB. going outC. breaking downD. setting off( )35. ______ the girl is only nine, she takes care of her brothers and cooks meals every day.A. IfB. BecauseC. AlthoughD. As( )36. -What time will David get to Shanghai?-I’m not sure. When he ______, I’ll call you.A. will arriveB. arrivedC. is arrivingD. arrives( )37. Parents enjoy any progress their children have made and will feel ____ them.A. angry withB. interested inC. proud ofD. worried about( )38. —Would you please_____ your storybook to me?—Sure, But you must return it to me before Wednesday.A. borrowB. keepC. lendD. buy( )39. His parents don’t allow him out alone at night. He is young and will be frightened.A. goB. goesC. goingD. to go( )40. —I like this vase. I’ll just pick it up and … oops!—_____! You almost dropped it.A. Go aheadB. Look outC. Keep quietD. Look upⅥ. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或短语前的字母填入空格。

2020-2021学年江苏省永丰初级中学牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 5 单元检测题(含答案)

2020-2021学年江苏省永丰初级中学牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 5 单元检测题(含答案)

2019-2020学年度8下Unit5单元检测题班级学号姓名得分笔试部分(100分)Ⅰ. 选择题。

(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)( ) 1. ---Will you be back before 10 o’clock?---___________. The exam won’t be over until eleven.A. I hope notB. Here you areC. I’m afraid notD. Best wishes ( ) 2. He ran and ran, but he couldn’t run __________ to catch the bus.A. so fastB. enough fastC. too fastD. fast enough ( ) 3. ---Do you know if he will come tomorrow?---No. But if he ___________, I’ll call you to have a meal together.A. will comeB. won’t comeC. comesD. doesn’t come ( ) 4. To keep away from germs(细菌), we must not spit(吐痰) ___________.A. in publicB. in needC. in dangerD. inside( ) 5. ---Did it take you a lot of time ___________ English last weekend?---No. I went to the countryside to see my grandfather.A. practicing speakingB. practicing spokenC. to practice speakingD. practice to speak( ) 6. ---What are you busy these days?---I am busy for the coming party. My birthday is around the corner.A. for; preparingB. with; to prepareC. for; to prepareD. with; preparing ( ) 7. ---We are going to ____ a party tomorrow. ---But where will the party ____?A. hold; holdB. take place; holdC. hold; take placeD. take place; take place( ) 8. The book sells well, so you’d better ___________ that you can get one today.A. make sure ofB. make a decisionC. make sureD. make plans ( ) 9. Why not keep your mouth __________ and your eyes ___________?A. closing; openingB. close; openC. closed; openingD. closed; open( ) 10. Which of the following is a traffic sign?A B C D( ) 11. The Chinese girl can speak good English _________.A. as wellB. as well asC. alsoD. either( ) 12. Ten years later, the lost girl saw her mother __________.A. at firstB. for the first timeC. by firstD. the first time( ) 13. Public signs give us __________.A. a useful informationB. useful informationC. useful informationsD. an useful information( ) 14. Kitty is very busy __________ her painting lessons.A. onB. forC. withD. at( ) 15. ---A homeless man won a lottery ticket(奖券). He became rich at once.--- __________.A. No pain, no gainB. Many hands make light wokC. It never rains but it poursD. Every dog has its day( ) 16. You’d better not shout here. Look at the sign. It ______ “Keep quiet”.A. writesB. drawsC. saysD. watches( ) 17. ---Hey, man. You can’t cross the street now. You have to wait _________ the traffic lights turn green.---Oh, sorry and thank you.A. whenB. untilC. afterD. while( ) 18. ---I couldn’t believe it. I saw you studying at the library so early this morning. ---_________, huh?A. East or west, home is bestB. The early bird catches the wormC. Too many cooks spoil the brothD. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket( ) 19. Nancy, sweep the floor, _________ ?A. don’t youB. will youC. do youD. doesn’t she( ) 20. Hard work can bring you _______, but if you are lazy, you won’t became ________.A. success; successfulB. successful; successfulC. successful; successD. success; successII. 完形填空。

牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners 单元综合试题 (新版)有答案和听力材料

牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners 单元综合试题 (新版)有答案和听力材料

牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners 单元综合试题Class: Name: Marks:(满分100分)一、听力(15分)A、根据所听内容选择合适的图片1. A. B. C. D.2.A B C D3.A B C D4.A B C D5.A B C DB、根据问句选择正确的答语。

6 ( ). A. I hope so B. I’m a fraid not C. Sorry, I won’t D. It’s nothing7 ( ) A Don’t say that. B You are too careless.C I’m sorry to hear that.D Don’t lose confidence.8 ( ) A It’s useless for you to study. B You’re never too old to learn.C It must be fun.D Just do as I tell you.9 ( ) A Sorry, I’m afraid not. B Yes, I am busy.C It doesn’t matter.D Certainly not.10 ( ) A It’s interesting. B They are polite and kind.C I like their good manners.D Glad to hear that.C、根据所听短文判断正误。

(正确的写T, 错误的写F)11 ( ) People communicate only by body language when talking.12 ( ) Body language is more important than words in our daily life.13 ( ) Sometimes we can know what other people are saying through body language.14 ( ) If he or she is interested in your subjects, he may look at eyes when talking.15 ( ) Someone who points at you while talking means he or she is happy with you. Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( ) 16.— Would you please not speak so loudly in public?— Sorry. I will remember to speak in lower voice.A. the; aB. /; aC. the; theD. /; /( ) 17. Which of the following signs can you often see beside a lake?A. B. C. D.( ) 18. —Excuse me, sir. But you’re my way.—Sorry. I didn’t know you were passing by.A. onB. byC. withD. in( ) 19. The of new inventions should be to make life easier, not to make it harder.A. rulesB. subjectsC. secretsD. purposes( ) 20. I have spent on this job. I think I can finish it this afternoon.A. sometime; sometimeB. sometimes; some timeC. some time; sometimeD. some times; some time( ) 21. —Boy, didn’t you see people were waiting in line? Don’t in!— I am sorry, sir.A. pushB. pullC. putD. carry( ) 22. Jim always keeps the tap running he finishes washing his face.A. sinceB. whileC. asD. till( ) 23. — Sir, please put out your cigarette (香烟).— Sorry. I the sign.A. don’t noticeB. didn’t noticeC. haven’t noticedD. won’t notice( ) 24. Checking answe rs before handing in your paper can help you mistakes.A. makeB. provideC. avoidD. advise( )25. You’d better repair the machine I have told you. Otherwise, you may make more problems.A. likeB. withC. asD. follow( )26. Jack is always to wait for a long time without getting angry.A. too patientB. patient enoughC. enough patientD. very patient ( )27. I this free life on the land now although(尽管) I hate it .A. used to; used toB. used to; be used toC. am used, be used toD. am used to, used to( )28. There are many flowers and trees on ______ sides of the Century Road.A. eachB. everyC. bothD. all( )29. — Do you think the question too hard ?—I don’t think so. He can answer it easily.A. of Jim to answerB. of Jim to answer itC. for Jim to answerD. for Jim to answer it( )30. —Mrs Green. Do you think I can get an “A” in the final exam if I start working hard now?— Of course. .A. Better late than neverB. Many hands make light workC. You cannot burn the candle at both sidesD. Actions speak louder than words Ⅱ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Today we are going to hold a talk ____31___ table manners. The purpose of the talk is ____32___ rules for eating. It will ____33____ at 10:00 on May 12th, at the scho ol hall. There ____34____ a lot of ____35____ on table manners. We hope you will find them useful. Above all, when you are sitting at the table , you should not start eating ____36___ everyone is ready. It’s ____37____ to make much noise while ____38___ or drinking. You should not eat with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth. You should wait for everyone to finish _____39___. These ____40___ are important because we should make sure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the table.( )31. A. about B. on C. of D. with( )32. A. to teach B. teaching C. teach D. teaches( )33. A. happen B. happened C. take place D. took place( )34. A. would be B. will have C. will be D. is going to have( )35. A. tip B. idea C. worries D. advice( )36. A. after B. when C. as D. until( )37. A. impolite B. impatient C. impossible D. unnecessary( )38. A. reading B. eating C. waiting D. talking( )39. A. either B. recently C. instead D. finally( )40. A. places B. informatio n C. rules D. discussionsⅢ. 阅读理解(每小题1分,共10分)APerhaps you’ve seen the English letters “WC” in your city.They show public toilets. But do you know it is far from elegant(优雅的) English? In fact, foreigners from English-speaking countries rarely use the letters.Workers in our city are changing “WC” signs all over the city. The government is spending much money changing all the bad English on signs and restaurant menus. Many other places i n China are following our steps.“WC, or water closet, is old-fashioned English. It sounds dirty to me,” says Charlie Shifflet, a young man from the US. The old sign will become “Gents/Men” and “Ladies/Women”.“I see lots of poor English in everyday life, and not only on signs,” he says. “I know what they mean. But they are Chinglish, not real English. For example, when someonesays to me ‘My hometown is Henan Province’, I know he should say: ‘My hometown is in Henan Province’. ‘Hometown’ is a smaller place in a province.” The comm on(通常的) mistakes include “Not Entry”, which should be “No Entry”, “Direction(方向) of Airport” should be changed to “To the Airport”. And it is “room rate(房价)”, not “room price”. And remember to “Keep off the grass”, rather than “Care of t he green”. ( )41. W hat does the writer think of the use of “WC”?A. He doesn’t think it means water closet.B. He doesn’t think it old-fashioned English.C. He doesn’t think it proper for a sign.D. He thinks it elegant English. ( )42. The underlined word “rarely” means .A. sometimesB. seldomC. often D . always( )43. Charlie Shifflet .A. is a Chinese living in AmericaB. thinks Chinese people are sometimes using incorrect EnglishC. likes to hear or see ChinglishD. sometimes uses Chinglish( )44. Which of the following signs does NOT use Chinglish(中国式英语)?A. B.C. D.( )45. The last paragraph is about .A. why there are so many Chinglish signsB. examples of ChinglishC. where Chinglish signs areD. who uses Chinglish signsBPeople use their mouths for many things. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word “mouth”. But some of them are not so nice.Sometimes, people say something to a friend or a family member. Later they regret because it hurts that person’s feelings. Or they tell the person something they didn’t mean(打算) to tell. The speaker might say: “I really put my foot in my mouth this time.”Sometimes when one person is speaking, he says the same thing that his friend is going to say. When this happens, the friend might say: “You took the words right out of my mouth!”Sometimes a person has a bad or sad experience with another person. He might say that experience “left a bad taste in my mouth.” Or the person possibly has a very frightening (可怕的) experience, like having an angry dog running after him. He might say: “I had my heart in my mouth.”Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. You might say the person “was born with a silver spoon (银勺) in his mouth”. He is the opposite of a person living from “hand to mouth”. This person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life, like food.( )46. The underlined word “regret” may mean .A. feel sorryB. feel excitedC. feel proudD. feel surprised( )47. When a man says “I had my heart in my mouth”, usually he means he was .A. excitedB. afraidC. surprisedD. happy( )48. Your best friend Tony has said what you are going to say, you might say: “!”A. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouthB. You really put my foot in my mouthC. You really left a bad taste in my mouthD. You took the words right out of my mouth( )49. Tom says that he is living from hand to mouth. He means he is living a life.A. busyB. hardC. easyD. rich( )50. Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?A. Different Uses of MouthB. People and Their MouthsC. Expressions about MouthD. The Importance of MouthⅣ. 填空(每小题1分,共15分)A. 根据所给汉语意思或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。

2019-2020学年牛津译林英语八年级下册Unit 5 单元测试(含答案)

2019-2020学年牛津译林英语八年级下册Unit 5 单元测试(含答案)

8B Unit 5单元测试一、单项选择1.— Do you think the question too hard ___? —I don’t think so. He can answer it easilyA. of Jim to answerB. of Jim to answer itC. for Jim to answerD. for Jim to answer it2.I have spent ______ on this job. I think I can finish it ______ this afternoon.A. sometime; sometimeB. sometimes; some timeC. some time; sometimeD. some times; some time3.The film is ____interesting ____everyone in our school wants to see it.A. too; thatB. so; thatC. such; thatD. enough; to4.The room is ______ small for us ______.A. so; to live inB. too; to liveC. too; to live inD. so; to live5.We should behave _______at home _______.A. polite; tooB. polite; alsoC. politely; as wellD. politely; either6. I couldn’t get through the door because there was a big box ______.A. by the wayB. on my wayC. in some waysD. in my way7.—When is the sports meeting ____ every year?—It _____at the beginning of the new term.A.taken place; is heldB. held; takes placeC. taken place; holdsD. held; is taken place8.The purpose of the course is ________ students how to use computers in a right way.A. teachingB. to teachC. teachesD. to teaching9.---You have never been to Japan,_________ ?---_______. I’ve only been to the UK.A.have you;Yes, I haveB. haven’t you; Yes, I haven’tC.have you; No, I haven’tD. haven’t you; No, I have10.—Would you mind _________ the music? I’m working on a Maths problem.— Not at all. Sorry to trouble you.A. turn upB. turning upC. turn downD. turning down11.— Who can help me carry the heavy box?— I think Ted is __________ to do it. But the door is __________for him to go through. A. too strong; too narrow B. so strong; narrow enoughC. enough strong; narrow enoughD. strong enough; too narrow12.It’s better to ask for advice than something.A.risk doingB. risk to doC. to risk doingD. to risk to do13. He had to speak in aloud because of the of the party in the next room.A. noise; noiseB. voice; soundC. voice; noiseD. sound; voice14. Hard work can bring you , but if you are lazy, you won't become .A. success; successfulB. successful; successfulC. successful; successD. success; success15. 一Where is your mother?一She Shanghai. She won't come back next week.A. has gone to; untilB. has been to; untilC. has been to; afterD. has gone to; after三、完形填空:(15分)Sometimes you may envy(嫉妒) others when they do a ___1__ job than you. It is not strange. If you treat envy in a right way, it can ___2__ you to move ahead. But if you are always __3__others, then it is ___4___ , because much envy may make you ___5__ your own life in the end and you have __6___time to do something you are good at.___7___do you waste time to envy others? Envy ___8___ cannot change anything. Why not spend more time and try your best to ___9__others? It is up to you.Of course it is easier said than__10__. Maybe you hope not to envy others, but you ___11__how to do it, Maybe you tried many times but___12__failed. Please don’t lose heart. Set a goal (制定目标) for ___13___, and work hard to realize it. Then you have no time to envy others, When you ___14___, you don’t need to envy others any more, Isn’t it true? Believe yourself, it is also very___15____to you.( ) 1. A bad B. good C. worse D. better( ) 2.A. stop B. help C. make D. let( ) 3. A. moving B. helping C. envying D. Stopping( ) 4. A. Lucky B. good C.dangerous D. badly( ) 5. A. have B. to have C. lose D. to lost( ) 6. A. much B. more C. a little D. no( ) 7. A. What B. When C. Why D. How( ) 8. A. Them B. it C. themselves D. itself( ) 9. A. catch B. catch up with(赶上) C. fall behind D. help( ) 10. A. thought B. made C. stopped D. done( ) 11. A. know B. don’t know C. wanted to know D. really knew( ) 12. A. No B. less C. hardly D. Always( )13. A. others B. the others C. You D. yourself( ) 14. A. are happy B. work hard C. succeed D. fail again( ) 15. A. possible B. important C. useless D. dangerous三、阅读理解APatty hated vegetables. When she saw the salad on the table, she pushed her plate away.“Patty!” Her father called her name. He liked his dinner, and he hated bad table manners.“Where are my hamburgers? Why can’t I have potato chips for once?” asked Patty.“We had hamburgers and chips last weekend. During this week we need to eat healthy food,” Mother explained.“How about some soda (汽水), then?” asked Patty. “I hate milk.”“Patty!” Father called her name again and looked at her seriously.Patty knew her father was angry. She tried to eat some but spat (吐) it back on the plate.“Patty! Room! Now!” Father shouted at her.Patty ran to her bedroom, and threw herself on the bed. She cried for a few minutes, but then she had a plan. Her parents would feel sad and give her some food she actually liked if she didn’t eat anything for days.She smiled to herself, imagining her parents feeding her ice-cream.Mum tried to get her to eat later that evening, but she refused. Patty didn’t eat breakfast the next day either. When lunch came around, she was hungry, but she didn’t eat anything. They didn’t offer her anything special when she didn’t eat. That surprised her.By the time dinner came around, she could hardly move. She felt very weak. Suddenly, vegetables didn’t look so bad. They didn’t ta ste so bad either. Patty had many vegetables that night. She went to bed with a full stomach. She still wanted junk food, but she could wait until the weekend.( )1. Patty didn’t want to eat ________.A. saladB. hamburgersC. potato chipsD. ice-cream( )2. Why did Patty’s father ask her to leave the table?A. Patty refused to eat.B. Patty shouted loudly.C. Patty pushed her plate away.D. Patty spat her food on the plate.( )3. After Patty cried in her bedroom, she planned to ________.A. run awayB. learn to cook her own foodC. take some money and buy the food she wantedD. refuse to eat until her parents gave her what she wanted( )4. The underlined word “That” in the passage refers to “________”.A. They didn’t give her anything specialB. They didn’t call her to eat mealsC. They didn’t say ‘sorry’ to herD. They didn’t cook dinner( )5. How many meals didn’t Patty eat?A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.BLiving in a foreign country can be exciting, but it can also be confusing(令人迷惑的).A group of Americans who taught English in other countries recently discussed their experiences. They decided that miscommunications were always possible, even over something as simple as "yes" and "no".On her first day in Micronesia, an island in the Pacific, Lisa thought people weren't paying any attention to her. The day was hot. She went into a store and asked, "Do you have cold drinks?" The woman there didn't say anything. Lisa repeated the question. Still the woman said nothing. She later learned that the woman had answered her: She had raised her eyebrows (眉毛),which in Micronesia means "yes".Jan remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria, a country in Europe. She went to a restaurant that was known for its cabbage. She asked the waiter, "Do you have cabbage today?" He nodded his head. Jan waited, but the cabbage never came. In that country, a nod means "no".Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India. After explaining something in class, he asked his students if they understood. They answered with many different nods and shakes of the head. He thought some students had not understood, so he explained again. When he asked again, they did the same thing. He soon found out that his students d记understand. In India, people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from. You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean "yes" or "no".6. These Americans teaching English in other countries found that they .A. should go abroad for vacationsB. needed to learn foreign languagesC. should often discuss their experiencesD. had problems with communications7. People in Micronesia show "yes" by .A. nodding headsB. raising eyebrowsC. shaking headsD. saying "no"8. Tom misunderstood his class at first because .A. he did not know much about Indian cultureB. he didn't explain everything clearly enoughC. some students didn't understand his questionsD. he didn't know where the students came from9. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?A. In Bulgaria, nodding heads means "no".B. Jan taught English on a Pacific island.C. Lisa was trying to buy some cabbage.D. In India, only shaking heads means "yes".10. The passage is mainly about .A. body language in foreign restaurantsB. class discussion in Indian schoolsC. miscommunication in different culturesD. English teaching in other countriesCPerhaps you’ve seen the English letters “WC” in your city. They show public toilets. But do you know it is far from elegant (优雅的) English? In fact, foreigners from English-speaking countries rarely use the letters.Workers in our city are changing “WC” signs all over the city. The government is spending much money changing all the bad English on signs and restaurant menus. Many other places in China are following our steps.“WC, or water closet, is old-fashioned English. It sounds dirty to me,” says Charlie Shifflet, a young man from the US. The old sign will become “Gents/Men” and “Ladies/Women”.“I see lots of poor English in everyday life, and not only on signs,” he says. “I know what they mean. But they are Chinglish, not real English. For example, when someone says to me ‘My hometown is Henan Province’, I know he should say: ‘My hometown is in Henan Province’. ‘Hometown’ is a smaller place in a province.” The common mistakes he picked up include “Not Entry”, which should be “No Entry”, “Direction of Airport” should be changed to “To the Airport”. And it is “room rate”, not “room price”. And remember to “Keep off the grass”, rather than “Care of the green”.( )11. What does the writer think of the use of “WC”?A. He doesn’t think it means water closet.B. He doesn’t think it old-fashioned English.C. He doesn’t think it proper for a sign.D. He thinks it elegant English.( )12. The underlined word “rarely” means _______________.A. sometimesB. seldomC. oftenD. always( )13. Charlie Shifflet _____________.A. is a Chinese living in AmericaB. thinks Chinese people are sometimes using incorrect EnglishC. likes to hear or see ChinglishD. sometimes uses Chinglish( )14. Which of the following signs does NOT use Chinglish?A. B.C. D.( )5. The last paragraph is about __________.A. why there are so many Chinglish signsB. examples of ChinglishC. where Chinglish signs areD. who uses Chinglish signs四、词形变换或根据汉语提示填入合适的单词:1.People in our country often queue (patient) while waiting in public places.2.Mrs Lin is too busy _(explain) any of the long sentences right now.3.To play wonderfully tomorrow, she is trying her best to practice ________ (play) the violin.4.It’s a long way,so it’s necessary for us to take turns_________(drive)5.We should stop the pollution ______________(live) a happier life now.6.If you don’t warm up before taking exercise, you will risk _________ (hurt) yourself.7.The museum is open to the_________ (民众)at the weekend8.He didn’t know the ___________ (话题,主题)about the report9.We should wait for our turns to get on the bus (礼貌地).10.The boy had a________(疼痛) in his head and had to see a doctor.11.You should behave in a ____________ (right or correct) way.12.If you ______ (hit someone or something by accident) into someone in the street, you mustsay ‘sorry’.13.Kate always____________ (say hello to someone or welcome them) others with a smile.五、任务型阅读(共l0空;每空l分,计l0分)Writing a thank-you letter can be a great way to express thanks for a favor (帮助;恩惠) someone did for you. Consider (考虑) the following steps when writing your letter, which will help make your thank-you letter more meaningful and sincere(真诚的).Before you start, buy some special stationery, such as nice paper or blank cards. The stationery doesn’t have to be expensive, since even one-dollar card can be very nice. And you must decide whether you prefer to type your letter or (是..还是...) write it by yourself. Handwriting has a more personal feeling, while a printed(打印的)thank-you letter looks more professional (专业的).Now, you can start writing. You should express your purpose from the beginning. Start your letter by thanking the person for the gift or service he or she provided. Then you should explain how you plan to use the gift or service, or explain how the gift or service has already been used. What’s more, you can also express your feelings on the gift or service by saying that “It was a wonderful birthday present…” It also helps to mention a personal feeling such as “I was just so happy with the party.” In the end, you should mention th at you want to see or talk to the person again soon. For close relatives and friends, you can also tell them how much you miss them and express regret(遗憾) that their visit was short.Sign your thank-you letter personally and with a heart. Try “Love”, “Yours truly”, or “Take care” instead (代替) of “Sincerely” as it is more for business.In this way, you will always maintain (维持) a pleasant relationship(关系) with your friends and relatives.Title: How to Write a 1 Letter短文填空Are you going to have dinner at your Western friend’s home? Then be (1) c____________ with your table manners. Good manners will make you a nice (2) g___________.You may find Western table manners are (3) d____________ from Chinese manners. Here is some good (4) a___________ to keep you cool.When you are (5) r__________ to eat, sit up st raight on the chair. Usually, don’t put your elbows (胳膊肘) on the table. First (6) p___________ your napkin (餐巾) up and put it on your lap. You can use it to clean your hands or mouth, but not your face. When you finish eating, put it (7) b________ on the table.Don’t make any noise when you eat or drink the soup. It’s not good to speak when your mouth is (8) f______________. If you do that, people will see the food in your mouth.If you want to get some food but you can’t (9) r_____________ it, ask others t o pass the dish to you. Put bones on the edge of the plate. And remember, take bread with your (10) h________, not with a fork.Ⅶ.书面表达(20分)根据以下信息,完成一篇文章。



Test for Grade TwoUnit 5二、语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择(10%)1.Parents are always concerned _______ their children’s future.A. aboutB. withC. ofD. within2.His parents told him _______ computer games on weekdays.A. to playB. not to playC. to not playD. not play3.Parents and children should ______ to each other more often.A. speakB. sayC. talkD. tell4.Some people think that students don’t have ______ they did.A. as many fun asB. as much funny asC. as many funny asD. as much fun as5.______ money will be used in this project.A. A fewB. Amount ofC. A number ofD. A large number of6.I _____ watch TV on weekdays. So I usually watch TV for two hours at the weekends.A. don’t allow toB. am not allowedC. am not allowed toD. isn’t allowed to7.The old couple insists on _______ in the village but not in a big city.A. to liveB. livedC. livingD. live8.Though he sometimes disagrees _____ my idea, he is happy _______ my job.A. with, withB. about, aboutC. with, toD. with, about9.The shop is famous for the shoes made _______ hand.A. fromB. byC. withD. of10._______, they haven’t know all about the truth.A. Of allB. In allC. After allD. With all第二节:语法填空(10%)11 a Friday night in New York, a poor young man called Jay stood near the subway station, playing his violin. The music was so great 12 many people slowed down and put some money into his hat.The nee again. He took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground. Then he began playing. It seemed more pleasant to 13 . Before long, many people came, looking at the paper. It said, “Last night, agentleman named George Sang 14 an important thing into my hat. Please come to claim(认领)it soon.”Seeing this, people wanted to know what it could be. After about half an hour, a middle-aged man rushed 15 the crowd to the young man and said, “I’m the George. I knew you’d surely come here!”Then George explained the whole story. He bought a lottery(彩票)ticket a few days 16 . Yesterday hefound that he won a prize of $ 500,000. He was very 17 . On his way home, he felt the music was so wonderful that he took out $ 100 and put it in the hat. 18 , the lottery ticket with his name on was also thrown in.Later someone asked Jay, “Why 19 you take the lottery ticket for yourself?” He said, “20I don’t have much money, I live happily; but if I lose honesty, I won’t be happy forever.”A. AtB. InC. /D. On11.A. toB. andC. butD. that12.A. listenB. listen toC. hearD. sound13.A. putB. putsC. was putD. putting14.A. throughB. acrossC. toD. out15.A. beforeB. agoC. laterD. after16.A. exciteB. excitesC. excitingD. excited17.A. InsteadB. HoweverC. ButD. immediately18.A. didn’tB. couldn’tC. notD. hadn’t19.A. SinceB. BecauseC. SoD. Although20.三、完型填空(10%)A teenage girl couldn't stand her parents' family rules, so she left home.She wanted to be 21 but she had poor education and several years later she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still looking 22 her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she 23 a big photo of herself on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, "I still love you... , 24 home !"One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. The face was familiar (熟悉). "Is that mymother?” She moved closer and read the25 : I still love you... She cried. When she got home, it was early morning. She 26 at the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to her mother's 27 . Her mother was sleeping. She woke her mother up, "It's me! Your 28 is back home!" The mother and daughter held each other, full of 29 tears. The daughter asked, " Why is the door not locked? A thief could get in. "The mother answered 30 , "The door has never been locked since you left. "The door of parents' love for their children will never be closed.A. famousB. poorC. prettyD. smart21.A. throughB. afterC. forD. at22.A. looks atB. finds outC. puts onD. puts up23.A. come backB. go backC. run backD. take back24.A. wordsB. photoC. posterD. picture25.A. pushedB. beatC. pulledD. knocked26.A. living-roomB. bedroomC. gardenD. kitchen27.A. sonB. daughterC. grandchildD. girl28.A. happyB. angryC. sadD. tired29.A. politelyB. softlyC. exactlyD. truly30.四、阅读理解(10%)“I don’t like my parents. They always tell me I should do this, and should not do that. It sometimes makes me angry,” said Zhang Hua, a middle school student in Guangzhou. Do you have the same problem? Perhaps your parents had the same problem when they were your age. Why does it seem that some parents are not so friendly in their children’s eyes?One of the biggest things is when someone becomes a parent. He/she likes worrying things. They worry about everything about you, from the time you were born. They do a lot for you, though something would make you angry, because they care about you and worry about you. They worry about your choice of friends, the food you eat, your work at school, how much sleep you get, etc. All these things are part of your life. They want you to grow up healthily and happily.So how can you make things easier on yourself? It’s easier than you think. Just make sure your parents know what you’re doing. Get them to know your friends. Phone if you stay somewhere else so that your parents don’t need to look for you everywhere. Say sorry to them when you make mistakes. Take responsibility for what you have done. Talk about your ideas with them. They may talk about theirs with you.Most of all, try to think about why your parents do this or do that. They are still practicing being parents and need help you can give them. Some day, when you become a parent, they may be able to help you how to get on with your children.31.Who is Zhang Hua?A. The writer of the passage.B. A teacher.C. A student.D. A reporter.32.In this passage, how many things do parents worry about most?A. ThreeB. TwoC. FiveD. Four33.The writer thinks we should ____ if we go back home later than usual.A. tell our friendsB. tell the teacherC. say sorry to our parentsD. make a telephone call to our parents34.The writer thinks ______.A. it’s wrong of parents to worry about their children too muchB. some parents are unfriendly, which makes their children angryC. parents love their children very much and the children should understand themD. children should do everything as their parents say35.Which is the best title for the passage?A. Parent’s ResponsibilityB. How to get on with parents?C. Zhang Hua’s ProblemD. What are parents worrying about?五、写作(35%)第一节:用所给单词的适当形式填空(5%)36. My grandfather worked as a p______ in a famous university.37.You look u______ today. Who made you so angry?38.There was an a_______ between the boys. They didn’t talk each other.39.The money for the work is not enough. We had better work within a b________.40.Can you give me any s_______ on this matter? I can’t manage it.第二节:改写句子,每格0.5分。

2020年牛津译林版八年级英语下册 U5单元测试(含答案)

2020年牛津译林版八年级英语下册 U5单元测试(含答案)

Unit5 单元测试一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分20分)1.---Would you please not speak so loudly in _______ public?---Sorry. I will remember to speak in ________ lower voice.A.the; aB. /; aC. the; theD. /; /2.My grandpa is studying computers. He says he’s ______learn new things.A.so late toB. old enough toC. too old toD. never too old to3.---Tom, as well as his parents, _______ to the USA, right?---Yes, they won’t be back until next week.A.has beenB. have beenC. have goneD. has gone4.Please check your paper to ______ there are no mistakes before handing it in.A.think ofB. try outC. find outD. make sure5.---Did you come back early from school yesterday?---______. It was not seven o’clock _______ I got home.A.Yes; beforeB. Yes; whenC. No; untilD. No; after6.He has been to Beijing ______ before. He wants to go there _______ next year.A.some time; sometimesB. sometimes; sometimeC. some times; sometimeD. sometime; some time7. There is _______ on the river and it is _______ for us to go skating.A. enough ice; enough coldB. ice enough; cold enoughC. enough ice; cold enoughD. ice enough; enough cold8. Mr. Brown was too busy _______ our papers ________ this question.A. to mark; to answerB. to mark; answeringC. marking; answeringD. marking; to answer9. ---Excuse me, sir. But you’re ______ my way.---Sorry. I _______ you were passing by.A.on; didn’t knowB. on; don’t knowC. in; don’t knowD. in; didn’t know10. ---Can you give me some advice on how to behave myself at the table?---Well, I do have some. ______, please keep quiet while eating.A.In allB. Of allC. At allD. Above all11. You two live in the same community now. It’s too hard ______ you to avoid ______ her.A. of; meetingB. for; to meetC. for; meetingD. of; to meet12. The room is _______ small for us _______.A. so; to live inB. too; to liveC. too; to live inD. so; to live13. ---I didn’t he ar you come in just now.---That’s good. We tried ______ any noise, for you were sleeping.A.not makeB. not to makeC. to makeD. making14. Lisa is a little poor at Chinese. I think she needs ______ it every day.A. practice to speakB. to practice speakingC. practice speakingD. practicing to speak15. As a volunteer, he tried to find ways ______ people in his neighborhood ______ life.A. help; enjoyB. help; enjoyingC. to help; enjoyD. to help; enjoying16. The host politely asked me to keep the window ______ to you _______.A. close; closedB. closed; closedC. closing; closingD. closed; closely17. This exercise is _______ difficult ________.A. so; that few of us can doB. so; that many of us can doC. too; for any one of us to doD. too; for any one of us to do it18. You’d better fix the machine ______ I have told you. Otherwise, you may make more problems.A. likeB. withC. asD. follow19. ---How’s the weather tomorrow? ---I don’t know if it ________ tomorrow.---Well, if it _______, I won’t go out with you.A.will rain; will rainB. rains; rainsC. rains; will rainD. will rain; rains20. ---I can’t believe you have finished the work.---My friends helped me out. Just as the saying goes, “_______.”A.Practice makes perfectB. Put all your eggs in one basketC. Burn the candle at both endsD. Many hands make light work二、完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)Early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening in big cities and in the countryside, all over the United States, you can see Americans running —men and women, young and old. People run ___21__—along the beaches of California, ___22__Central Park in New York, down quiet streets in small towns or at the gym. Some people even run in ___23__living rooms.Running wasn’t so popular in the past. In the 1960s, runners were mostly athletes and healthy strong people. When people saw a runner, they used __24__ ,“Hey, what’s the hurry for?”or they might say to ___25__ ,“Is he crazy?”At that time, women almost never ran. If they did, they might be laughed at. But today all these have ___26__. Men and women of all ___27__ enjoy running.Doctors say many of the health problems in the United State __28___ these bad habits: eating too much, smoking cigarettes, and taking __29__exercise. Doctors tell us,“Eat less, don’t smoke, and exercise more. ”Running is a good exercise ___30___it helps build strong hearts and lungs. It also helps most people lose weight.21. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. nowhere22. A. among B. through C. with D. on23. A. our B. your C. his D. their24. A. to asking B. to speak C. to speaking D. to ask25. A. them B. themselves C. their D. they26. A. changed B. stopped C. worked D. done27. A. people B. cities C. villages D. ages28. A. come from B. look for C. care for D. think of29. A. few B. many C. much D. little30. A. how B. where C. because D. until三、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分24分)ASAN FRANCISCO CITY HALL TOURMONDAY----- FRIDAY10:00a.m, 12:00 noon, 2:00p.mAll tours are 45 minutes to one hourAll tours sign in atCity Hall Decent Tour KioskLocated on the Main FloorPEASE CALL AHEAD(预先)Dr Carton B Goodlett PlaceTo schedule(安排)tours for schools San Francisco. CA 94102and groups of 8 or more City Hall TTY (415) 554-7491(415) 554-6139 /cityhall31. When will you leave if you enter San Francisco City Hall at 10:00 a.m. on weekdays?A.Around 2:00 p.m. B.Around 11:45 a.m.C.Not later than 11:00 a.m. D.Not earlier than 12:00.32. What must you do before you visit San Francisco City Hall in a group of 10?A.Call (415) 554-6139 ahead B.Visit /cityhallC.Come at any time at the weekend. D.Enter the City Hall only at 12:00 noonBHere are some good table rules about eating Western food.As soon as you sit down, you should sit up straight, keep your elbows (肘) off the table. Open your napkin (餐巾) and place it on your lap (大腿) . The napkin stays on your lap (except for use) until the end of the meal. If you need to leave the table for a moment, you may leave the napkin on your chair. When the meal is finished, place your napkin well on the left of your plate.Remember the rule: liquids (液体) on the right, solids (固体) on the left. Your water glass is on the right of the plate and your bread plate is on the left. You should pass the dishes from left to right. Do try a little of everything on your plate. Bread should be broken off into small pieces and butter is about a small mouth as you eat it. You may leave some food to one side of your plate if you feel you have had enough. Don’t leave your plate so clean that it looks as if you haven’t eaten for days! If others ask you for the salt, pass it with both hands together. If the soup is hot, don’t blow on it; just wait for it to cool off. When a lady arrives at or leaves the table, it's polite for all gentlemen at the table to stand up.33. When you eat Western food at the table, you should _________.A. put your elbows on the tableB. keep your elbows off the tableC. keep your elbows straightD. keep your napkin clean34. According to (根据) the passage, if a person leaves for a while, he has to ________.A. take the napkin with himB. take the napkin in his handC. put the napkin on his chairD. put the napkin on the table35. When you finish eating a Western meal, you should _________ .A. put your napkin well on the left of you plateB. put your napkin well on the right of your plateC. place your napkin into the dustbinD. take your napkin with you36. If you pass the dishes, you should __________ .A. pass them from right to leftB. stand up and pass them to the person next to youC. pass liquids first, then the solids.D. pass them from left to right37. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. If the soup is hot, you can blow on it.B. You should eat all the things up on your plate though (即使) you are full.C. When a lady arrives at the table, it's polite to stand up for a gentleman.D. It's good to leave your plate so clean.CI entered a university after years of hard study. I thought my life would be full of happiness and knowledge. But my life in the university is not as what I had expected. Then I became lazy and silent, even puzzled (困惑). I don’t know what my future would be like.Four years in the university is only a short period. And a half of it has passed already. This year, many people, such as my parents and my friends, asked me what I wanted to do and they all told me to make a plan for my life with their thought. I don’t want to take their advice. I wa nt my own style. So I think carefully.I have been a young volunteer for five years. It has been a happy time and it is a big thing for me. Then I have a dream to join the University Student Volunteer Go West Program. I think I can be a teacher in the west. I would like to devote my life to helping the children there. I want to make the world a better place for them. To make it come true, I will work harder in the next two years. There is an old saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”. I think my dre am will come true in the near future.At last, I want to say to everybody, “Try your best to realize your dreams, no matter how big or small they are. The path to dream may not be smooth and wide. Even there are some difficulties you will face. But hold on to the end, you can find there is no greater happiness than making our dream come true.”38. What is the writer?A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A college student.D. A reporter.39. Why is the writer puzzled?A. Because he is too youngB. Because he is lazyC. Because he doesn’t know how his future will beD. Because he is silent40. The writer ______ what his friends advised.A. wants to do asB. doesn’t want to do asC. agrees toD. is happy with41. The writer wants to be ______ after leaving university.A. a managerB. a hostC. a famous personD. a teacher42. What does this passage mainly tell us?A. Never give up your dreams.B. To listen to others often.C. To be happy when facing difficulties.D. To work harder when needed四、阅读表达(满分6分)I love to write! Ever since I was a five-year-old girl, I wrote stories in my notebooks and on small pieces of paper. I told stories to my friends. As a grown-up, I have written over 100 books! That's a lot! As a teacher, it's my goal to encourage all of my students to love to write.Writing is easy if you're careful enough, I told them. Everyone I meet is a possible character.Everything I see or do is a possible scene in a book. Start looking around you. You'll be amazed at what you discover.Anyone can be a writer. You just put your pencil on your paper and write what you like to read, step by step:●Create great characters. If you know your characters well, they'll write the story for you.●Interest the reader right at the beginning. You can start your stories with dialogue or action. If you canmake the reader ask questions, then he has to keep reading to find out the answers.●Follow the steps. The steps for every story are almost the same: Introduce the characters and theconflict (争端); things get worse; all seems lost; the hero saves the day!●Balance is the key.Remember, when writing, it doesn't hurt to add some humor (幽默).43. What’s the writer’s goal as a teacher? (1分)44. What does the passage mainly talk about? (2分)45. Do you think humor is a necessary part of a good book? Why? (3分)五、词汇检测(每小题1分,满分10分)46. Do not leave the tap ___________(流动) after you washed your hands.47. If everyone ___________(遵守) the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.48. After a long _____________(讨论), we decided to have a school trip next week.49. The boy wants to choose one of his favorite ___________(话题) to talk about.50. Mrs Li spent 10 minutes ____________(解释) the long sentence.51. The books on the shelf are those _____________(客人).52. Were you ______________(成功的) in finding a new house in Australia?53. ---_________me, could you tell me the way to the library?--Walk straight on until the end of the road.54. ---What’s wrong with your leg?---Oh, I hit a rock by ___________. It really hurt a lot.55. ___________ in before others is really rude. We should always queue.六、翻译句子(每小题3分,满15分)56. 正如谚语所说,“患难朋友才是真朋友。

牛津译林版英语八年级下册(初二下学期) Unit5单元测试题含答案

牛津译林版英语八年级下册(初二下学期) Unit5单元测试题含答案

牛津译林版英语八年级下册(初二下学期)U n i t5单元测试题含答案work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR八下Unit 5 单元测试题第Ⅰ卷选择题(共65分)Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从各题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

( )1. —________ do people start a conversation in China—They often say “Nihao” first.A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Which( )2. Please run ________, Linda, or you will miss the new film.A. quickB. slowC. quicklyD. slowly( )3. Peter is ________ careless to ________ the word correctly.A. too; spellingB. so; spellingC. too; spellD. so; spell( )4. Some Westerners like to greet people ________ a kiss.A. byB. withC. ofD. without( )5. Everyone in my class went to the mountains ________ Maria. She was ill in hospital.A. besidesB. withC. exceptD. including( )6. Please keep ________ and don’t eat anything in the library.A. noisilyB. quietC. quietlyD. noisy( )7. It’s not the ________ time to ask her to the party, because her mother is badly ill.A. usefulB. interestingC. properD. special( )8. The English guest could speak ________ Chinese, so she managed to talk with us.A. a fewB. a littleC. fewD. little( )9. I found it very useful ________ a good book.A. readB. readingC. of readingD. to read( )10. Peter is ________ to get the award of “Best Student”.A. enough excellentB. excellent enoughC. too excellentD. excellent too( )11. —Would you like to collect ________ with us in the park this Saturday —Yes, I’d love to. Let’s make it clean.A. waterB. treesC. booksD. rubbish( )12. —Can I ________ my car in the park—I’m afraid not. There are so many people in the park.A. stopB. parkC. buyD. move( )13. Miss Wang is going to visit the Great Wall ________ next week.A. some timeB. sometimesC. some timesD. sometime( )14. —Please help yourself to some meat.—________, but I’m full now.A. You’re kiddingB. I’m sorry to hear thatC. Sorry, I can’tD. Thanks a lot( )15. —Mum, Tony broke my pen again.—Forget it. ________, he’s only two years old.A. After allB. All the timeC. Not at allD. First of allⅡ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)根据材料内容,从各题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。

2020-2021学年 牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 单元检测(含答案)

2020-2021学年 牛津译林版八年级英语下册 Unit 5 单元检测(含答案)

牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 5 单元检测姓名:_________ 班级:___________学号:__________一、单选题1.You should not put too much food ________ your mouth. It's bad for you.A. onB. inC. withD. for2.British people are very polite at home _________.A. as well asB. as wellC. alsoD. either3.The traffic is terribly busy in the morning. You'd better avoid________ in the center of the city.A. driveB. drivingC. to driveD. driven4.The picture is ____________ beautiful that we all like it.A. tooB. soC. enoughD. very5.Please _______ the lights when you leave the classroom.A. turn onB. turn offC. turn upD. turn down6.—Steve, I hear that Peter has won another championship.—It's not surprising._______. He practises hardest in the team.A. Every dog has its dayB. No pain, no gainC. Many hands make light workD. Actions speak louder than words7.—Please help yourself to some meat.—_______, but I'm full now.A. You're kiddingB. I'm sorry to hear thatC. Sorry, I can'tD. Thanks a lot8.—Why doesn't the surgeon stop lunch?—Because he is busy a dying patient in the operation room.A. to have; to saveB. having; to saveC. to have; savingD. having; saving9.—Sir, please put out your cigarette(香烟).—Sorry. I_____ the sign.A. don't noticeB. didn't noticeC. haven't noticedD. won't notice10.School students _____ smoke because it is bad for their health and it is against the law.A. needn'tB. couldn'tC. shouldn'tD. may not11.Kitty found _____ interesting_________ the difference between the twins.A. /; to learnB. it; learningC. it; to learnD. /; learning12.It is _________ to push _________ people in British.A. polite; pastB. impolite; passC. polite; passD. impolite; past13.He had to speak in a loud_______ because of the ________ of the party in the next room.A. noise; noiseB. voice; soundC. voice; noiseD. sound; voice14.—I hear ________ your grandpa _________ your grandma enjoy watching Beijing opera. —Right, just as many old people do.A. both; andB. neither; norC. either; orD. not only; but also15.—I have spent several nights preparing for the coming exam.—It's bad for you to stay up too late. As the saying goes, " ".A. You are never too old to learn.B. Actions speak louder than words.C. You can't burn the candle at both ends.D. You can't put all your eggs in one basket.二、翻译词组①打断/插嘴________________ ②在公共场所________________③保持安静________________ ④和别人分享________________ ⑤到处扔垃圾_________________ ⑥任水龙头流着________________⑦遵守交通规则________________ ⑧排队等候轮到你________________三、单词拼写(1)Never leave the tap ________________ (流动) after you wash your hands.(2)He stood up ________________ (礼貌地) when the lady came into the room.(3)She turned off the ________________ (水龙头) and dried her hands.(4)— Hurry up! We need to get there before 5 p.m.— ________________ (什么, 啊)? Didn't father say we could stay at home today?(5)We have to ________________ (排队等候) up for an hour for the film tickets.四、语法填空1.He is patient enough to spend lots of time________________ (explain) things to us again and again.2.When you talk with an Englishman, you should avoid ________________(ask) about his family.3.Thepurpose of the talk is________________ (teach) students how to behave politely.4.We aren't sure whom ________________ (ask) for help.5.You should always try to avoid________________ (cross) this street in rush hours.五、翻译1.关于在公共场合该如何表现,你能给我一些建议吗?Can you give me ________________in public?2.你习惯用亲吻的方式和亲戚朋友们打招呼吗?Are you used to________________?3.我认为在别人面前插队是很粗鲁无礼的。

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Unit 5 单元测评一、单项选择(15分)1. Here is ____ international call for you.A. aB. anC. theD. /2.—Mum, I want to have some milk.—There is none ____. What about orange juice?A. haveB. leavingC. leftD. leaves3. The houses in this village are ____ built of stones and bricks.A. mostB. almostC. mostlyD. nearly4. Your advice will help me ____ my English.A. affordB. cureC. improveD. affect5. She was very ____ us for informing her of her son’s safe return.A. grateful toB. grateful forC. gratefulD. grateful with6. Tom's mother is too busy housework him with his homework.A. doing; to helpB. to do; to helpC, doing; helping D. to do; helping7. The book isn't mine. can it be?A. What elseB. Who elseC. Which else'sD. Who else's8. The tent is for a family of three .A. big enough; to liveB. enough big; to live in itC. big enough; to live inD. enough big; live in9. 一Ann plays the piano so well.一Yes, but I she could play it.A. didn't knowB. don't knowC haven't know D. won't know10. 一How did you find your visit to Qingdao, Joanna?一.A. Oh, wonderful indeedB. I went there aloneC First by train and then by shipD. A guide showed me the way11. This exercise is difficult .A. so; that few of us can doB. so; that many of us can doC. too; for any one of us to do12. 一Where is your mother?一She Shanghai. She won't come back next week.A. has gone to; untilB. has been to; untilC. has been to; afterD. has gone to; after13. The woman all of her money to charities the poor.A. gave; helpB. gave; to helpingC. donated; to helpD. donated; help14. Mike is learning a computer.A. what to useB. how to useC. how he useD. how to using15. Anna dances , if not better than, Lily.A. so wellB. as well asC, so well as D. as well二、完形填空(10分)I was always busy and had too many things to do. Whenever my daughter caused me to change my plans, I thought to myself, "We don't have time for this." So the two words I always said to her were: 1 .The other day, the two of us rode to a 2 near our home. After shopping I bought her an ice cream, and she sat down at a table happily admiring the ice cream in her hand. Suddenly a 3 look appeared on her face. "Do I have to eat it up in a hurry,Mum?"I nearly cried when hearing this─the pains of a hurried life influenced(影响)my poor girl so deeply! As she looked at me waiting to know if she could 4 her time, I knew I had to make a 5 . I thought of the times when I rushed(催促)my child through life. I began 6 what really matters in life...."You don't have to hurry. Just enjoy it, " I said gently. Her whole face brightened and her shoulders 7 . We sat side by side talking about things that interested us.When she got to the last bite(一口), she held it out to me. "I 8 the last bite for you, Mum, " she said 9 . As the icy taste put out my thirst, I realized I just got the present of a lifetime. I gave child a little time... and in turn, she gave me the last bite and 10 me that things taste sweeter and love is easier to get when you stop rushing through life.1. A. Keep quiet B. Take care C. Hurry up D. Work hard2. A. station B. school C. office D. supermarket3. A. worried B. tired C. satisfied D. surprised4. A. waste B. take C. spend D. spare5. A. mark B. plan C. wish D. choice6. A. explaining B. forgetting C. discussing D. wondering7. A. lifted B. relaxed C. turned D. raised8. A. bought B. carried C. saved D. tasted9. A. cheerfully B. calmly C. sadly D. wisely10. A. supported B. promised C. reminded D. thanked三、阅读理解(30分)AFew words are spoken more often every day on the streets of Britain than “I’m sorry”. This phrase has become such a common response (反应) that it has taken on a lot of meanings.Saying “Sorry” means to apologize(道歉). This is simple and easy to understand. We learn it both as a native speaker and as a student of foreign languages.But in Britain, it takes on another meaning. It is a cultural expression. Imagine this: a man walks down the street, looking down at his phone. A woman is walking in the opposite direction, towards the man. She sees him, but she can’t get out of the way in time. The man bumps(碰撞) into the woman. Who should say sorry? Naturally, the man should say sorry, because it was he who wasn’t looking where he was going. Yet in Britain, it is common for both to apologize.It is known that British people, like most people, do not enjoy conflict(冲突). So to quickly calm the situation, British people will apologize to each other.Other times it may sound funny to hear “sorry”. Some of my friends say it at restaurants, as they ask the waiter, “Sorry, but can I order another drink?” It is not to apologize, but just to express that we need the waiter. In Britain, sorry doesn’t always mean exactly what you think.1.According to the passage, “saying sorry” is a cultural expression in .A.the USAB.the UKC.the WWFD.the UN2.What does the underlined phrase “take on” mean in Paragraph 1?A.从事B.雇佣C.呈现D.拿起3.The example in the third paragraph is used to .A.describe a situation that people should avoidB.describe how “sorry” has another meaning in BritainC.explain why people should say sorry to each otherD.show how polite British people are4.The restaurant example shows that “sorry” can be used to .A.apologizeB.calm a situation downC.explain what you’re thinking aboutD.ask a waiter to bring something5.What might be a good title for the passage?A.“I’m Sorry” Is More Than just an ApologyB.Traditional British MannersC.How to Best Catch Others’ AttentionD.Finding a Way out of a Difficult SituationBOn a hot African(非洲) morning, Leila was lying on her stomach and an elephant was walking towards her. Leila waited. Then she pushed the button (按钮) on her camera. “And I got my best photo of an elephant ever, by lying under my car,” Leila explained. “I wanted to get close to the elephants, but of course this was dangerous; they had their babies with them. So every morning I used to park my car in the open air near the path. They used to take the same path every morning when they left the water hole. After a week, they were used to seeing my car. So the next morning, I lay under it and got my photo!”Many of the best wildlife photos come from good planning. In Africa, photographers (摄影师) set up their hides near water holes. They also set up hides near forest paths, as animals use the same paths every night. For bird-watching, many lakes have hides. Inside the hides, bird-watchers can watch all day out of the wind and rain.Good wildlife photos are needed for books, postcards, magazines and newspapers. But a success rate of 1 in 20 is good.( )1.Leila got her best photo of an elephant ___________.A. near a lakeB. under her carC. in a holeD. inside the hides ( )2.Photographers in Africa set up hides near forest paths, because ___________.A. animals take the same pathsB. the hides are out of the wind and rainC. they must park their cars thereD. the paths are safe for them( )3. Which of the following is true?A. The success rate of taking wildlife photos is 50% at most.B. The elephant was frightened when she saw Leila.C. Bird-watchers usually watch birds near forest paths in Africa.D. About 5% of good wildlife photos will be accepted by a magazine.( )4. How can photographers take good photos from the passage?A. By making good preparation.B. By using a good camera.C. By setting their hides .D. By lying under the cars.( )5. What does the underlined word hides mean?A. 隐匿处B.住所C.帐篷D.洞穴CI entered a university after years of hard study. I thought my life would be full of happiness and knowledge. But my life in the university is not as what I had expected. Then I became lazy and silent, even puzzled (困惑). I don’t know what my future would be like.Four years in the university is only a short period. And a half of it has passed already. This year, many people, such as my parents and my friends, asked me what I wanted to do and they all told me to make a plan for my life with their thought. I don’t want to take their advice. I want my own style. So I think carefully.I have been a young volunteer for five years. It has been a happy time and it is a big thing for me. Then I have a dream to join the University Student V olunteer Go West Program. I think I can be a teacher in the west. I would like to try my best to help them. I want to see the world clearly. To make it come true, I will work harder in the next two years. There is an old saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”. I think my dream will come true in the near future.At last, I want to say to everybody, “Never give up your dreams, no matter how big or small they are. The path to dream may not be smooth and wide. Even there are some difficulties you will face. But hold on to the end, you can find there is no greater happiness than making our dream come true.”( ) 1. What is the writer?A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A college student.D. A reporter.( ) 2. Why is the writer puzzled?A. Because he is too young.B. Because he is lazy.C. Because he doesn’t know how his future will be.D. Because he is silent.( ) 3. The writer _______ what his friends advised.A. wants to do asB. doesn’t want to do asC. agrees toD. is happy with( ) 4. The writer wants to be _______ after leaving university.A. a mangerB. a hostC. a famous personD. a teacher( ) 5. What does this passage mainly tell us?A. Never give up your dreams.B. To listen to others often.C. To be happy when facing difficulties.D. To work harder when needed.四、词汇运用(10分)A. 根据句意、首字母或汉语意思完成单词。
