第二期ERouting Chapter 7


Keithley 36,00 Series SCPI 可编程直流电源说明书

Keithley 36,00 Series SCPI 可编程直流电源说明书

36, 00 series SCPIProgrammable DC Power Supply© Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved Ver2.0 /Sep 2005/DirectoryAbout your safety (3)Certification and Warranty (3)Chapter 1 Remote Operation Mode (5)Chapter 2 SCPI Order List (5)2.1 IEEE488.2 Common Order (5)2.2 SCPI Essential Order (5)2.3 Calibration Order (6)2.4 Output Order (6)2.5 Output Measure Order (6)Chapter 3 SCPI Condition Register (6)Chapter 4 SCPI Order Description (9)4.1 IEEE488.2 Common Order (9)4.2 SCPI Essential Order (10)4.3 Output Order (12)4.4 Input measurement order (13)About your safetyPease review the following safety precautions before operating our equipment.General informationThe following safety precautions should be observed before using this product and any associated instrumentations. Although some instruments and accessories would be used with non-hazardous voltages, there are situations where hazardous conditions may be present.This product is intended for use by qualified personnel who recognize shock hazards and are familiar with the safety precautions required to avoid possible injury. Read and follow all installation, operation, and maintenance information carefully before using the product. Refer to this manual for complete product specifications.If the product is used in a manner not specified, the protection provided by the product may be impaired.Before performing any maintenance, disconnect the line cord and all test cables.Protection from electric shockOperators of this instrument must be protected from electric shock at all times. The responsible body must ensure that operators are prevented access and/or insulated from every connection point. In some cases, connections must be exposed to potential human contact. Product operators in these circumstances must be trained to protect themselves from the risk of electric shock. If the circuit is capable of operating at or above 1000 volts, no conductive part of the circuit may be exposed.Definition of usersResponsible body is the individual or group responsible for the use and maintenance of equipment is operated within its specifications and operating limits, and for ensuring that operators are adequately trained.Operators use the product for its intended function. They must be trained in electrical safety procedures and proper use of the instrument. They must be protected from electric shock and contact with hazardous live circuits.Service is only to be performed by qualified service personnel.Safety symbols and termsConnect it to safety earth ground using the wire recommended in the usermanual.The symbol on an instrument indicates that the user should refer to the operatinginstructions located in the manual.High voltage dangerCertification and WarrantyCertificationWe certify that this product met its published specifications at time of shipment from the factory.WarrantyThis instrument product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of delivery. During the warranty period we will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective. For warranty service, with the exception of warranty options, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by us. Customer shall prepay shipping charges by (and shall pay all duty and taxes) for products returned to the supplier for warranty service. Except for products returned to customer from another country, supplier shall pay for return of products to customer.Limitation of WarrantyThe foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by the Customer, Customer-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation and maintenance.Chapter 1 Remote Operation ModeE133 GPIB Communication CableThe DB9 interface connector on the rear panel of power supply is TTL voltage level; you can use the GPIB communication cable (E133) to connect the DB9 interface connector of the power supply, and then connect the GPIB interface of the E133 and computer with GPIB/IEEE 488 lineChapter 2 SCPI &RPPDQG List2.1 IEEE488.2 Common &RPPDQGV"*CLS""*ESE""*ESE?""*ESR?","*IDN?","*SRE","*SRE?","*STB?",2.2 SCPI Essential &RPPDQGVSYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?:VERSion?STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?:CONDition?:ENABle <VALUE>:ENABle?2.3 Calibration &RPPDQGV CALibration :SECure [:STATe] {<ON|OFF>,<quoted code>} ]:STATe]? :VOLTage :LEVel {<level> } [:DATA] {<numeric value>} :CURRent :LEVel {<level> } [:DATA] {<numeric value>} :SAVe :INITital 2.4 Output &RPPDQGV OUTPut [:STATe] <b> [:STATe]? [SOURce:] VOLTage [:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] [:A MPLitude]? :PROTection[:LEVel] [:LEVel]? CURRent [:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] [:A MPLitude]?2.5 Output Measure &RPPDQGV MEASure [:SCALar] :VOLTage[:DC]? :CURRent[:DC]? :POWer[:DC]? Chapter 3 SCPI Condition RegisterYou can get the condition of power supply and read parameter from the operation register. The power supply can get the different state by 4 condition registers. These registers are status byte register, standard event register, quest condition register and operation status register. The status byte register stores the information of 3 other register. You can get each register’s meaning from the following table:B IT Signal Meaning 0 CV 23(5ation status register. The power supply is in constant voltage condition.1 CC The power supply is in constant current condition.0 1 OTUNRQuest condition registerOvertemperatureThe output of power supply is unregulated.0 2 34 57 OPCQYEDDEEXECMEPONStandard event status registerOperation of power supply is completed.Query error. Data of output array is missing.Device-dependent error. Data stored in register is missing or error occursin preliminary checkout.Execution error. Order parameter overflows or the condition is not right.Command error. Syntax or semantic error occurs when receivinginformation.Power on. It is 1when power supply is reset.3 4 5 6 7 QUESMAVESBMSSRQSOPERStatus byte registerIf a quest enable condition changes, QUES is 1.If the output array buffer storage is not empty, MAV is 1.If a standard event status enable register changes, ESB is 1.If a operation event enable register changes, OPER is 1.Structure of condition register V LV as following:Chapter 4 SCPI Order Description4.1 IEEE488.2 Common Commands*CLSThis order can clean the register as follows::Standard event status registerQuest condition registerOperation event registerStatus byte registerError codeOrder syntax:*CLSParameter:None*ESEThis order can set the parameter of standard event enable register. Setting parameter can determine which bit value of standard event register is 1 and the byte will enable ESB of status byte register is 1.Order syntax:*ESE <NRf>Parameter:0~255Reset value:Consult *PSC orderExample:*ESE 128Quest syntax:*ESE?Return parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*ESR? *PSC *STB?Bit determination of standard event enable registerBit position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Bit Name PON Not used CME EXE DDE QYE Not used OPC Bit Weight 128 32 16 8 4PON Power-onCME Command error EXE Execution error DDE Device-dependent error QYE Query errorOPC Operation complete*ESR?This order can read the value of standard event status register. After executing this order, standard event status register is reset. Bit definition of standard event status register is as the same as the standard event status enable registerQuest syntax:*ESR?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*CLS *E SE *ESE?*OPC*IDN?This order can read information about power supply. The parameter it returns contains 4 segments divided by comma.Quest syntax:*IDN?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<AARD> segment descriptionITECH manufacturerXXXX product modeXXXXXX product serial numberVX.XX software version numberFor example:ITECH, IT6822, 6970001004, V1.54*SREThis order can set the parameter of status byte enable register. Setting parameter can determine which byte value of status byte register is 1 and the byte will enable RQS of status byte register is 1. Bit definition of status byte enable register is as the same as the status byte register.Order syntax:*SRE <NRf>Parameter:0~255Reset value:Consult *PSC orderExample:*SRE 128Quest syntax: *SRE?Return parameter:<NR1>Reference Order:*ESE *ESR? *PS C *STB?*STB?This order can read the data from status byte register. After executing this order, status byte register is reset.Quest syntax:*STB?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*CLS *ESE *ESRBit determination of standard event status enable register7 6 54 3 2 1 0PositionBitBit Name OPER RQS ESB no use QUES no use no use no use32864128BitValue4.2 SCPI Essential CommandsSYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?This order can get the error code and error information of the power supply.(0) No error(1) Too many numeric suffices in Command Spec(10) No Input Command to parse(14) Numeric suffix is invalid value(16) Invalid value in numeric or channel list, e.g. out of range(17) Invalid number of dimensions in a channel list(20) Parameter of type Numeric Value overflowed its storage(30) Wrong units for parameter(40) Wrong type of parameter(s)(50) Wrong number of parameters(60) Unmatched quotation mark (single/double) in parameters(65) Unmatched bracket(70) Command keywords were not recognized(80) No entry in list to retrieve (number list or channel list)(90) Too many dimensions in entry to be returned in parameters(101) Command Execution error(100) Too many command(110) Rxd error Parity(200) Error EEPROM data,Out Initial.(201) Error Calibration dataOrder syntax:SYST:ERR?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:〈NR1〉,〈SRD〉SYSTem:VERSion?This order can query the software version.Order syntax:SYST:VERS?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR2>STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?This order can read the parameter from quest event register. After executing , quest event register is reset.Quest syntax:STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>Reference order:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABleBit determination of quest event registerBit Position 15 1413 12 11109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit name n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u n.u Un OT Bit Value 2 1STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition?This order can read the parameter from quest condition register. When a bit of quest condition changes, the bit value corresponding in quest event register is 1.Quest syntax:STATus:QUEStionable: CONDition?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>STATus:QUEStionable:ENABleThis order can set the parameter of quest event enable register. Setting parameter can determine which bit value of quest event register is 1 and the bit will enable QUES of status byte register is 1.Order syntax:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle <NRf>Parameter:0~255Reset value:Consult *PSC orderExample:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle 128Quest syntax:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle?Return parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*PSCSTATus:OPERation:EVENt]?This order can read the parameter from operation event register. After executing this order, operation event register is reset.Quest syntax:STATus: OPERation [:EVENt]?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>Reference order:STATus: OPERation:ENABleBit determination of operation event enable registerBit Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Bit Name no use no use no use no use no use no use CC CVBit value 2 1 STATus:OPERation:CONDition?This order can read the parameter from the operation condition. When the parameter of operation condition register changes, the bit corresponding in operation event register is 1. Quest syntax:STATus: OPERation: CONDition?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:<NR1>STATus:OPERation:ENABleThis order can set the parameter of operation even enable register. Setting parameter can determine which bit value of operation event register is 1 and the bit will enable OPER of status byte register is 1.Order syntax:STATus: OPERation:ENABle <NRf>Parameter:0~255Reset value:Consult *PSC orderExample:STATus: OPERation:ENABle 128Quest syntax:STATus: OPERation:ENABle?Return parameter:<NR1>Reference order:*PSC4.3 Output CommandsONPut[:STATe]This order can set power supply output on or off..Order syntax:ONPut[:STATe] <bool>Parameter:0|1|ON|OFF*RST value:OFFQuest syntax:ONPut:STATe?Return parameter:0|1[SOURce:]CURRent [:LEVel]This order can set current value of power supply.Order syntax:[SOURce:]CURRent [:LEVel] <NRf>Parameter:MIN TO MAX|MIN|MAXUnit:A mA*RST value: MINExample:CURR 3A,CURR 30mA,CURR MAX,CURR MIN Quest syntax:[SOURce:]CURRent [:LEVel]?Parameter:[MIN|MAX]Example:CURR?, CURR? MAX, CURR?MINReturn parameter:<NR2>[SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]This order can set voltage value of power supply.Order syntax:[SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel] <NRf>Parameter:MIN TO MAX|MIN|MAXUnit:V mV kV*RST value:MAXQuest syntax:[SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]?Parameter:[MIN|MAX]Return parameter:<NR2>[SOURce:]VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel]This order can set voltage protection maximum level.Order syntax:[SOURce:] VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel] <NR f> Parameter:MIN TO MAX|MIN|MAXUnit:V mV*RST value:MAXExample:VOLT:PROT 30V, VO LT PROT MAXQuest syntax:[SOURce:] VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel]?Parameter:[MIN|MAX]Example:VOLT:PROT?, VO LT PROT? MAXReturn parameter:<NR2>4.4 Input measurement commands MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?This order can get the input voltage of power supply.Order syntax:MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:〈NR2〉Return parameter unit:VExample:MEAS:VOLT?MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]?This order can get the input current of power supply.Order syntax:MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:〈NR2〉Return parameter unit:AExample:MEAS:CURR?MEASure[:SCALar]:POWer[:DC]?This order can get the input power of the power supply.Order syntax:MEASure[:SCALar]:POWer?Parameter:NoneReturn parameter:〈NR2〉Return parameter unit:WExample:MEAS:POW?Calibration orderCALibration:SECure:[STATe]Set protection mode enable or disable when calibrating the power supply.Order syntax:CALibration:SECure:[STATe ]{ON|OFF>,[<password>]}Parameter:0|1|ON|OFF, ‘5811Example:CAL:SEC 1, ‘5811; CAL:SEC OFFQuest syntax:CALibration:SECure:STATe?Parameter:NoneCALibration:VOLTage:LEVelThis order can set voltage calibration point. P1、P2、P3、P4 must be calibrated orderly. Order syntax:CALibration:VOLTage:LEVel <point>Parameter:P1|P2CALibration:VOLTage [:DATA] {<numeric value>}Return actual output voltage value of calibration point.Order syntax:CALibration:VOLTage [:DATA] <NRf>Parameter:<NRf>Example:CAL:VOLT 30.0002VCALibration:CURRent:LEVelThis order can set current calibration point. P1、P2、P3、P4 must be calibrated orderly. Order syntax:CALibration:CURRent:LEVel <point>Parameter:P1|P2CALibration:CURRent [:DATA] {<numeric value>}Return actual output current value to calibration point.Order syntax:CALibration:CURRent [:DATA] <NRf>Parameter:<NRf>Example:CAL:VOLT 3.0002A。

CCNA2 思科第二学期 v2.0 ERouting Chapter 7答案

CCNA2  思科第二学期   v2.0  ERouting Chapter 7答案


如果所有路由器都运行RIP 第2 版,为什么没有192.168.1.32/27 网络的路由?Rip 第2 版不会在更新中发送子网掩码。

路由器A 并未将RIP 设置为路由协议。

Rip 第2 版默认将自动总结路由。

路由器B 未设置为通告192.168.1.64/30 网络。

2 points for Option 3请参见图示。

下列哪个路由器上的哪条命令可让Router1 获知192.168.0.0/20 网络?Router1(config)# ip classlessRouter1(config-router)# no passive-interface serial 0/1/1Router2(config-router)# version 2Router2(config-router)# neighbor points for Option 3哪两项是选择实施RIP 第 2 版而不是RIP 第 1 版的原因?(选择两项。

)RIP 第2 版支持VLSM。

RIP 第2 版支持16 台以上的路由器。

RIP 第2 版支持有类(而不是无类)路由RIP 第2 版支持路由更新验证。

RIP 第2 版支持多区域。

RIP 第2 版使用Dijkstra 算法而不是贝尔曼-福特算法。

Option 1 and Option 4 are correct.RIP v1 和RIP v2 的相似点有哪些?(选择三项。







Option 1, Option 2, and Option 6 are correct.请参见图示。

路由器East 和West 被配置为使用RIPv1。


East 路由器可以ping 通West 路由器的串行接口,West 可以ping 通East 的串行接口。

Transition Networks NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01 M.2 Gigabit

Transition Networks NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01 M.2 Gigabit

NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01M.2 Gigabit Ethernet FiberNetwork Interface CardInstall Guide∙ 1 Gigabit Ethernet Fiber NIC∙Supports PCI Express M.2 specification∙Installs in Dell OptiPlex™ 7040 and 7050 Micro PCs and the Wyse 7000 Series thin clientsContentsIntroduction (1)Ordering Information (2)Package Contents (2)Specifications (3)System Board Layout (4)NIC Hardware Installation Overview (5)NIC Hardware Location (5)Components Overview (6)Reference Views (6)Pre-Installation Checklist (8)Hardware Installation Procedure (9)PXE Boot Loader from (11)Intel i210 PROSet Drivers from (11)For More Information (12)Troubleshooting (12)Recording Device and System Information (13)Contact Us (13)Compliance Information (13)Declaration of Conformity (14)Record of Revisions (14)IntroductionThe Transition Networks NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01 and 01-D are 1 Gigabit Ethernet Fiber NICs supporting the PCI Express M.2 specification. They are designed to install in the Dell OptiPlex 7040 and 7050 Micro PCs and the Wyse 7000 Series thin clients.M.2 is known as the “next generation form factor” and is a specification for internally mounted computer expansion cards and associated connectors. Desktop PCs are being replaced by smaller computing devices (such as Thin Clients, Micro PCs, Ultrabooks, and Tablets) which typically have internal M.2 interfaces but do not have PCI or PCIe slots. Many users still need fiber Ethernet access, and without the external PCIe slot, there is no standard fiber interface on these devices.See the Dell OptiPlex 7040M Owner's Manual for important notes, cautions, and warnings. Read the section “Before working inside your computer” before proceeding.Transition Networks M.2 Gigabit Ethernet Fiber Network Interface Card (NIC) provides a fiber optic interface for the Dell OptiPlex™ 7040 and 7050 Micro PCs and the Wyse 7000 Series thin clients. The NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01 or NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01-D consist of a M.2 NIC that installs into the OptiPlex Micro PC’s M.2 “E key” interface, a fiber optic adapter that installs into the OptiPlex Micro PC’s Option port, and a 20-pin Flat Flex Cable (FFC) with right-angle bend that connects the NIC to the fiber adapter. The fiber optic adapter is available with either a 1000Base-SX LC optic or open SFP (SFP module sold separately).Package ContentsVerify that you have received the following items. Contact your sales representative if any item is missing. Please save the packaging for possible future use.One Fiber Optic Adapter (LC or open SFP slot) in anti-static pouch.One M.2 NIC PCB attached to FFC Cable in anti-static pouch.Parts in a 4x6 baggie (1 each): #4 Flat Head Screw, #4 Nylon Washer, #6 Black SEMS Screw.One Documentation Postcard.SpecificationsM.2 module naming per specification: 2230-D4-A-E. Key IDs: A and E.Jumbo frame support: 9014 bytes. PXE boot loader image pre-loaded. Uses standard i210 PROSet drivers from Intel. Operating system support: Windows 10 32/64-bit; Windows 8 and 8.1 32/64-bit; Windows 7 32/64-bit; Linux. Standards IEEE 802.3-2012Bus Slot M.2 - 2230-D4-A-E, Key IDs: A and EData Rate 1000 Mbps (FDX only)Max Frame Size 9014 bytesStatus LEDs One Link/Activity LED. LINK/ACT (ON = Link; Flashing = Activity)Dimensions:M.2 NIC: Width: 0.87” [22 mm] x Depth: 1.19" [30 mm]] x Height: 0.12” [3.08 mm]Fiber Optic Adapter: Width: 1.65” [42 mm] x Depth: 2.05” [52 mm] x Height: 0.51” [13 mm]FFC Cable: Length: 6” (15.3cm) without right-angle bend; 5.5” (14 CM) with right-angle bend Power Consumption (-LC) **********(0.8Wattstypical)Power Consumption (-SFP) **********(0.4WattstypicalwithoutSFPmodule)Power Source M.2 interface connector; 3.3V (refer to Table 41 of M.2 specification)Operating Temp.0°C to +45°C (+32°F to +113°F)Storage Temp. -40°C to +85°CHumidity 5% to 95% (non-condensing)Altitude 0 – 10,000 ft.Weight 0.1 lbs. [0.05 kg]Compliance CE Mark; Emissions: EN55032, FCC Part 15; Class A; Immunity: EN55024Data Speed:Fixed or SFP optic at 1000Mbs, full duplex onlyFiber Port (-SFP):1000Base-X open SFP slotFiber Port (-LC):1000Base-SX 850nm multimode (LC); [62.5/125 μm fiber: 220 m/722 ft.]; [50/125 μmfiber: 550 m/1804 ft.]; Link Budget: 8.0 dBDIP Switches / Jumpers:NoneWarranty LifetimeSystem Board LayoutThe OptiPlex 7040 Micro has two M.2 expansion slots: one 22x30 slot (#10 in below diagram) and one 22x80 slot (#13 in below diagram). The NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01 or NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01-D installs in the 22x30 slot (#10 in below diagram). See the Dell OptiPlex 7040M Owner's Manual for details.NIC Hardware Installation Overview NIC Hardware LocationComponents OverviewReference ViewsCAUTION: Only qualified persons should install the NIC. Failure to observe this caution could result in poor performance or damage to the equipment. Before installing the NIC, review the Pre-Installation Checklist and Safety Precautions below.CAUTION: Wear a grounding device and observe electrostatic discharge precautions when installing the NIC in a system. Failure to observe this caution could result in damage to the NIC. Before installing the NIC, review the Pre-Installation Checklist and Safety Precautions below. Before installing the NIC, ensure that system power is OFF, the power cord is unplugged from the power outlet, and that proper electrical grounding procedure has been followed.WARNING: High voltage inside the system may present a safety hazard. Make sure that the system power is off before removing the cover. Unplug and disconnect the PC and then wait for 15-20 seconds before plugging the PoE NIC into the PC. When removing the NIC, unplug the Ethernet cable before removing the PC cover.Pre-Installation ChecklistBefore installing your NIC, review the preceding sections, and then verify the following:1. Verify that your system is using the latest BIOS.2. If you download the driver software, record the path where you saved the downloads.3. If your system is active, shut it down. Do not install the NIC until system power is completely removed. When system shutdown is complete, power OFF and unplug your system.4. Holding the NIC by the edges, remove it from its shipping package and place it on an antistatic surface.5. Check the NIC for signs of damage, particularly on the PCB edge connector. CAUTION: Never attempt to install a damaged NIC card. If the NIC is damaged, report it to Transition Networks.6.CAUTION: Wear a grounding device and observe electrostatic discharge precautions when installing the NIC in a system. Failure to observe this caution could result in damage to the NIC. Before installing the NIC, ensure that system power is OFF, the power cord is unplugged from the power outlet, and that proper electrical grounding procedures have been followed.7.CAUTION: Install the NIC in an operating environment where the temperature range is from 0°C to +45°C (+32°F to+113 °F), with relative humidity of 5% to 90% non-condensing. Failure to observe this caution could result in poor equipment performance.8.CAUTION: DO NOT install the NIC in areas where strong electromagnetic fields (EMF) exist. Failure to observe this caution could result in poor equipment performance and data corruption.NM2-GXE-2230-LC-01 and NM2-GXE-2230-LC-01-DNM2-GXE-2230-LC-01 and NM2-GXE-2230-LC-01-DHardware Installation Procedure1. Remove PC cover.2. Install the M.2 NIC Assembly into Motherboard M.2 Edge Connector.3. Secure the M.2 NIC Assembly into place using the Securing Screw4. Install the Fiber Optic Adapter into the VGA opening in PC Case, as shown below.5. Attach to PC Case using Black SEMS Screw #6-32x1/4”, and partially tighten to hold in place as shown below.6. Align #4 Standoff with Top Hole in PC Case.7. Slip #4 Nylon Washer on top of #4 Standoff and insert #4 Screw to secure.8. Tighten using Black SEMS Screw #6-32x1/4”.9. Lift Locking Lever of FFC Connector to Open on M.2 NIC Assy.10. Insert 20-Position FFC Cable into M.2 NIC FFC Connector, with Pins facing down.11. Push Locking Lever down to Lock. Check that Cable is secure.12. Lift Locking Lever of FFC Connector on fiber optic adapter.13. Insert other end of 20-Position FFC Cable into fiber optic adapter, with Pins facing down.14. Push Locking Lever Down to Lock. Check that Cable is secure. See figure below for final placement.15. Replace PC cover.PXE Boot Loader from PXE boot loader image pre-loaded: https:///download/19186/Intel-Ethernet-Connections-Boot-Utility-Preboot-Images-and-EFI-Drivers.Intel i210 PROSet Drivers from If your PC does not automatically detect the NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01 or NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01-D NIC, download and install the standard i210 PROSet drivers from Intel at /content/www/us/en/support/network-and-i-o/ethernet-products/000005686.html.The Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager is an extension for Windows Device Manager. When you installthe Intel PROSet software, tabs are automatically added to the supported Intel adapters in Windows Device Manager. These features allow you to test and configure wired Intel® Ethernet Adapters.The links below apply to the NM2-GXE-2230-xx-01, the NM2-FXS-2230-SFP-01, and –D versions. At each link, there is a 32-bit and a 64-bit download for each OS.Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows* 7.Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows* 8.1.Intel® Network Adapter Driver for Windows® 10.The full set of Intel Network Adapter Drivers for download (e.g., for Linux, Windows Server, etc.) is available .Transition Networks Resources page has Drivers (ZIP format) for Windows 10 32bit Driver, Windows 10 64bit Driver, Windows 7 32bit Driver, Windows 7 64bit Driver, Windows 8 32bit Driver, and Windows 8 64bit Driver.For More InformationTo v iew the Dell™ OptiPlex™ User’s Guide at Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center:1.Click Start → Help and Support→ Dell User and System Guides → System Guides.2.Click the User’s Guide for your computer.The User’s Guide is also available on the optional Drivers and Utilities media.Support for Wyse 7020 Thin Client is on the Dell Wyse support page.TroubleshootingThis section lists some common problems, their causes, and potential recovery steps.1. Confirm the Pre-Installation Checklist items on page 8.2. Verify the Hardware Installation Procedure on page 9.3. Check the LEDs; see Specifications on page 3.4. Check that the cabling is securely attached. See the FOA troubleshooting guide or the SFP manual. Check for a mismatch of speed, duplex, protocol, or cable type.5. Use the troubleshooting procedures in the Dell™ OptiPlex™ User’s Guide.6. Use the troubleshooting procedures on the PXE Boot Loader webpag e as required.7. Use the troubleshooting procedures on the Intel i210 PROSet Drivers webpage as required.8. Verify that the link partner is active and can send/receive traffic; make sure partner settings match; verify that the port is enabled; try connecting to another port or link partner. Check for incompatible or conflicting devices / settings.9. Run Windows Device Manager and scan for changes.10. Check if the PC’s BIOS version is appropriat e and update to the latest. See the PC documentation.11. Run the PC diagnostics(e.g., Dell Quick Test or Dell pre-boot diagnostics).12. Automatically detect and update drivers and software if you are connected to the Internet from the computer that needs updated drivers from /support/network/sb/CS-031482.htm.13.Record information and contact TN Technical Support. See Recording Model and System Information below.Recording Device and System InformationAfter performing the troubleshooting steps, and before calling or emailing Technical Support, please record as much information as possible in order to help the TN Tech Support Specialist. Record the following information:1. Product ID: ___________________________ MAC Address: ____________________________________________ Serial #: _______________________________ Board Rev: _______________________________________________ LED status: ______________________________________________________________________________________2. Record the System information: Check your computer documentation for support information.PC make and model: ______________________________________________________________________________ Operating System: ________________________________________________________________________________ BIOS version: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Intel i210 Driver version: ___________________________________________________________________________ PC’s Icon Tray indication: __________________________________________________________________________ Connected Device(s): _____________________________________________________________________________3. Provide your TN service contract number: ____________________________________________________________4. Describe the failure: _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________5. Describe any action(s) already taken to resolve the problem: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________6. Connected device(s) make and model? _____________________________________________________________Contact UsTechnical Support: Technical support is available 24-hours a dayUS and Canada: 1-800-260-1312International: 00-1-952-941-7600Main Officetel: +1.952.941.7600 | toll free: 1.800.526.9267 | fax: 952.941.2322********************| **************************| ******************************AddressTransition Networks10900 Red Circle DriveMinnetonka, MN 55343, U.S.A.Web: https://Compliance InformationEN 55024: 2010EN 55032: 2012/AC: 2013AS/NZS CISPR 32: 2013VCCI V-3/2015.04ICES-003, Issue 6: 2016FCC Part 15 Subpart BDeclaration of ConformityModification of NIC voids regulatory agency compliance. 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流量模板与安全模板 [AC6005-wlan-view]traffic-profile name roam [AC6005-wlan-view]security-profile name roam [AC6005-wlan-sec-prof-roam]security-policy wpa2 [AC6005-wlan-sec-prof-roam]wpa2 authentication-method psk pass-phrase cipher 12345678 encryption-method ccmp 流量模板里面可以定义流量限速等,而安全模板则是定义安全策略,默认为 Open,需求是WPA2 PSK+CCMP,所以这里修改了。 服务集模板 [AC6005-wlan-view]service-set name roam [AC6005-wlan-service-set-roam]wlan-ess 101 [AC6005-wlan-service-set-roam]ssid vlan101 [AC6005-wlan-service-set-roam]traffic-profile name roam [AC6005-wlan-service-set-roam]security-profile name roam [AC6005-wlan-service-set-roam]forward-mode direct-forward [AC6005-wlan-service-set-roam]service-vlan 101 定义SSID,然后业务VLAN,以及WLAN-ESS 接口,默认转发模式是直接转 发,其他的就是关联流量模板与安全模 板


– can sign keys for users they know directly
• forms a “web of trust”
– trust keys have signed – can trust keys others have signed if have a chain of
signatures to them
– & because compression is non deterministic
• uses ZIP compression algorithm
PGP Operation – Email Compatibility
• when using PGP will have binary data to send (encrypted message etc)
Email Security Enhancements
• confidentiality
– protection from disclosure
• authentication
– of sender of message
• message integrity
– protection from modification
• also use key ID in signatures
PGP Message Format
PGP Key Rings
• each PGP user has a pair of keyrings:
– public-key ring contains all the public-keys of other PGP users known to this user, indexed by key ID

GL3520- Datasheet

GL3520- Datasheet

08/07/2014 Updated QFN64 Package Information.
09/24/2014 Updated CH3.2 Pin Descriptions, p.14
© 2014 Genesys Logic, Inc. - All rights reserved. GLI Confidential
3.2 Pin Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 4 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ................................................................... 16
01/15/2014 Updated CH2 Features, p.8
02/19/2014 Updated CH8 Ordering Information, p.32
Updated CH2 Features, p.8, 9 Added CH5.8 ACA-Dock, p.25
Genesys Logic, Inc.
12F., No. 205, Sec. 3, Beixin Rd., Xindian Dist. 231, New Taipei City, Taiwan Tel : (886-2) 8913-1888 Fax : (886-2) 6629-6168
4.1 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................. 16



1When multiple routing protocols have a route to the same destination network, what determines route is installed in the routing table?best metriclowest hop countgreatest available bandwidthlowest administrative distancelowest cost2A growing medium-sized manufacturing company recently began to have routing instability issue company uses static routes and has a mixture of over 30 Cisco and non-Cisco routers. The netw administrator has decided to convert the network to dynamic routing. What characteristics of pro should be considered in this selection process?Distance vector routing protocols, such as RIP, converge more quickly than do link-state rou protocols.EIGRP can be used on all of the routers in the company.OSPF can be used between the routers.An exterior routing protocol, such as BGP, is recommended for growing companies.3An engineer creates a static route by entering the Router(config)# ip route 255.255.25 command. What can be concluded about this route?The administrative distance of this route is is the address of an interface on this router.This route will display as a directly connected network in the routing table.Packets with a destination IP address of will be forwarded to the ne 4W hat is the purpose of a routing protocol?It is used to build and maintain ARP tables.It provides a method for segmenting and reassembling data packets.It allows an administrator to devise an addressing scheme for the network.It allows a router to share information about known networks with other routers.It provides a procedure for encoding and decoding data into bits for packet forwarding.5Which two conditions would create a setting where the use of a distance-vector routing protocol efficient? (Choose two.)the network requires a special hierarchical designfast convergence of the network is crucialthe network is using a hub and spoke topologythe network is using a flat designthere are more than 15 hops between the most distant routers6Which command would the network administrator issue to determine if load balancing is in effect on a router?show ip protocolsshow ip routeshow ip interface briefshow ip interface7W hich of the following best describes the operation of distance vector routing protocols?They use hop count as their only metric.They only send out updates when a new network is added.They send their routing tables to directly connected neighbors.They flood the entire network with routing updates.8Which two statements correctly describe the concepts of administrative distance and metric? (Choose two.)Administrative distance refers to the trustworthiness of a particular route.A router first installs routes with higher administrative distances.The value of the administrative distance can not be altered by the network administrator.Routes with the smallest metric to a destination indicate the best path.The metric is always determined based on hop count.The metric varies depending which Layer 3 protocol is being routed, such as IP or IPX.9T he following line of code is present in the routing table:O [110/129] via, 00:00:05, Serial0/0/1What does the number 129 indicate in this output?The cost for this link has a value of 129.The clock rate on this serial interface is set to 129,000.The next-hop router is 129 hops away from this router.This route has been updated 129 times in this routing table.10Which of the following conditions must be met in order for a network to have converged?The routers in the network are operating with dynamic routing protocols.The routers in the network are operating with compatible versions of IOS.The routers in the network are operating with the same routing tables.The routers in the network are operating with consistent routing knowledge.11Refer to the exhibit. Router1 and Router2 are running EIGRP. All interfaces are operational and packets can be forwarde networks. What information will be found in the routing table for Router1?Router1 will have 6 directly connected networks.The administrative distance of the route to network will be 90.The metric for routes to will be 1.The interface that is used to forward packets to will always be the S0/1 interface.12W hich two statements are true regarding the advantages of the use of static routes? (Choose two).increased securityreduced effort in configuring routesthe administrator maintains control over routingeasier to implement in a growing networkreduces the chance of routing errorsincreased router resource usage13The following line of code is displayed in a routing table:R [120/2] via, 00:00:16, S0/0/0What can be concluded from this output?A packet destined for host will be forwarded out the interface connected to network value, 120, is used to determine the best path when a router has more than one routing protocol configured for t destination network.This route was manually configured using the ip route command. is an interface on the router that produced this output.14W hat will be the result of the following commands?ORL(config)# interface fastethernet 0/0ORL(config-if)# ip address no shutdownThe network will be routed by any dynamic routing protocol automatically.A routing table entry is made to the network with a code of "C".A static route is required to route traffic to the network.The commands will be saved to the startup-configuration automatically.15Which two statements are true regarding classless routing protocols? (Choose two.)sends subnet mask information in routing updatessends complete routing table update to all neighborsis supported by RIP version 1allows for use of both and subnets in the same topologyreduces the amount of address space available in an organization16Which two statements are true regarding metrics? (Choose two.)RIP uses bandwidth as a metric.OSPF uses delay as a metric.EIGRP uses bandwidth as a metric.OSPF uses cost based on bandwidth as a metric.RIP uses delay as a metric.EIGRP uses hop count only as a metric.17W hy is fast convergence desirable in networks that use dynamic routing protocols?Routers will not allow packets to be forwarded until the network has converged.Hosts are unable to access their gateway until the network has converged.Routers may make incorrect forwarding decisions until the network has converged.Routers will not allow configuration changes to be made until the network has converged.18Refer to the exhibit. Which statement correctly describes how R1 will determine the best path to R2?R1 will install a RIP route using network A in its routing table because the administrative distance of RIP is higher thaR1 will install a RIP route using network A in its routing table because the path cost from RIP is lower than EIGRP.R1 will install an EIGRP route using network B in its routing table because the administrative distance of EIGRP is loR1 will install an EIGRP route using network B in its routing table because the path cost from EIGRP is lower than RR1 will install an EIGRP route and a RIP route in its routing table and load balance between them.19Refer to the exhibit. If RIP is the routing protocol, what is the value of the metric from router A to network A router learns two paths with equal metrics to a destination network via the RIP routing protocol. How will the router handlthe destination network?The router will install the first route it learned into the routing table.The router will install both routes in the routing table and load balance between the two.The router will put the first route in the routing table, and denote the second route as a backup route.The router will pick the path with the higher bandwidth and will place it in the routing table.。

Yes, PM S02E07

Yes, PM S02E07

THE NATIONAL EDUCATION SERVICEB:The Chief Whip and Party Chairman to see you.PM:Take a seat, I’ll be right with you.Bernard, take a seat. I want you here for this meeting.B: But, isn’t this a party matter?PM: It’s also a government matter. It’s about our education policy.B: The government’s or the party’s?PM: It’s the same thing.A1: With respect, PM, they’re not the same thing.A2: That’s why we want the meeting.B: Well, it seems to be a party…PM: Bernard, sit! Stay!Now, what’s the problem?A1: Education.PM: Now, what do you think I can do about it?A2: You’re the PM.PM: Yes, I know, and I have no direct control over education, as such, I mean I don’t control the curriculum, I don’t control the exams, Idon’t control the choice of head teacher, nothing.A1: But the voters are holding you responsible for everything was going wrong, you do have influence.PM: And I’m absolutely fled up with it. When I became PM, I thought Iwas had get power. What have I got? I’ve got influence, that’s all. I’ve got no power over the police, the rates, EEC directives, European courts, our courts, the judges, NATO.What have I got the power to do?A1: Have the power to lose us the next election.A2:Which you will if you don’t do something about education.A1:The voters want something done about low academic attainment, none competitivelythought, sex education.PM:I’m not against sex education.A1: Oh I’m not against children being taught the facts of life in the classroom, but not homosexual technique. Or heterosexual technique comes to that.PM: Well where should they learn it then?A1: Behind the bike sheds like we did!PM: Did you?A2: Never mind sexual technique. Some of our schools are teaching more Hindi than English.PM: I know the English is more important than Hindi, but Idaren’t say so in public, I’d be accused of racism.A2: Yeah, but I…PM: Last week when I met the Ethnic Awareness Council, I happened to glance at my watch when a black woman delegate was speaking, I was immediately accused of racist body language.B: And sexist body language.PM: Anyway I get the message. What do you want me to do?A1: We want to you get a grip on education.A2: Get Henry to do something about the Department of Education and Science. PM: He won’t. They’ve got him completely house-trained.A2: Then sack him.PM: I can’t have another Cabinet convulsion, not yet.A1: Then invite the leader of the opposition’s wife here.PM: What can she do?A1: Start measuring up for carpets and curtains.B: Yes, right, fine. This afternoon?H: Bernard, I believe the Prime Minister wants to see me.B: Yes, Sir Humphrey.H: What’s his problem?B: Education.H: Well, i t’s a bit late to do anything about that now.B: No, no, the education system.H: I see. Well it’s be late to do anything about that either.B: Well he thinks he’s going to lose the next election.H: Well worse things could befall the nation.B: He can’t ignore facts.H: If he can’t ignore facts, he’s got no business being a politician. Anyway, Bernard, he’s got nothing to worry about. The education system does all the most parents require of it, keeps children out of mischief while they’re at work.B:Yes, but that paper the Party Chairman showed the PM suggests the whole the comprehensive system is break down, isn’t it?H: Bernard, I never thought to hear such language from a loyal member of the Civil Service! Have you got at by the enemy?B: You mean the Russians?H: No, Bernard, Idon’t. I mean the Prime Minister’s political advisor, that Wainwright female.B: But comprehensive education was an experiment, sure it ought to be validated. H: Yes, of course, but not invalidated.B: But if it was introduced to improve educational standards.H: Whatever gave you that idea?B: You mean it was to get rid of class distinction?H: Precisely!B: So that all children…H: Children? Who mentioned children?B: But I just thought...H: The Department of Education never mentions children! No, no, no, no, Bernard. It was to get rid of class distinction in the teaching profession. Improve the living standard of teachers, not the educational standards of children. Bring the NUT teachers in the primary and secondary mountains up to the salary level of theirrivals in the National Association of Schoolmasters in the grammar schools.B: But the Department…H: Bernard, when there is a Labour government, the Education Department says the comprehensives abolish the class system, and when there’s the Tory government, they say that it’s the cheapest way providing message education. To Labour, we explain that selective education is divisive, and to the Tories we explain that it is expensive. That way, we have a happy relationship with the NUT, and we educate our own children privately.B: But if the government wants change…H: The teaching unions don’t.B: But isn’t it our job to persuade unions to accept government policy?H: No, Bernard, it is our job to get the government to accept union policy, and since government change policy all the time, and unions never change their policy at all, in practice common century require that it is the government who must be brought in line with the unions.B: Yes, PM? Oh, fine. He can see you now.Sir Humphrey, he’s very worried that he seems responsible for something he can’t change.H:Yes, I’m sure. Responsibility without power-the prerogative of the eunuch throughout the ages.Good morning, PM.PM: Good morning, Humphrey. What there were you say?H:Oh, nothing, PM. I understand that you’re worried about the local education authority.PM: No, Humphrey, I’m worried about the Department of Education and Science. H: Indeed? In my opinion, the DES does a splendid job.PM:Look, what happened to education in this country. This is a question from a Religious Studies paper, “Which do you prefer-atom bombs or charity? ”Evenmath become politicized. “If it costs 5 billion pounds a year to maintain Britain’s nuclear defences and 75 pound a year to feed a starving African child, how many African children could be saved from starvation if the Minister of Defence abandoned nuclear weapons?”H: That’s easy, none. They’d spend it all on conventional weapons. In any case, it’s just a sum. Five billion divided by 75.PM: But the children aren’t learning how to do the sums.H: No, indeed. But the local education authorities might argue that they don’t need to know how it’s done.PM:Look, we were all thought basic arithmetic, weren’t we?H: Were we? What’s 3,947 divided by 73?PM: Err… Oh, I’d need a pencil and paper to do that.No, never mind. I could do it when I left school.H: But now you’d use a calculator.PM: That’s not the point. I mean, look at Latin. Hardly anybody knows that now.H: “Tempora mutantur, nor et mutanur in illis.”PM: What?H: Time change and we change with the times.PM: Oh, precisely.H: Si tacuisses, philosophus manisses.PM: What does that mean?H:“If you kept your mouth shout, we might thought you were clever.”PM: I beg your pardon?H: Oh, not you, PM. No, that’s the translation.B: No one would ever have thought Sir Humphrey was saying that about you.H: Go away, Bernard, please.PM: I don’t believe it, Humphrey. You had a conventional strict academic upbringing.Are you denying the value of it?H: But what’s the use of it? I can’t even call upon it in conversation with the PM of Great Britain.PM: Education in this country is a disaster. We supposed to be preparing children for working life, three quarters of the time they’re bored stiff.H: Well, I should thought being bored stiff for the three quarters of the time was an excellent preparation for working life.PM: The school leaving age was raised to 16, so they could learn more, now they’re learning less.H: We didn’t raise it to they’d able to learn more. We raised it to keep teenagers off the job market, and hold down the unemployment figures.PM: Are you saying there’s nothing wrong with education in this country?H: No, of course not, PM. It’s a joke. It’s always been a joke, and as long as you leave it in the hands of local councillors, it will remain a joke. I mean half of them are your enemies anyway and the other half of sort of friends make you prefer your enemies.PM: What are you saying?H:I’m saying that education will never get any better as long as it’s subject to all that tomfoolery in the town halls. I mean just imagine what will happen Iyou put defence in their hands of local authorities.PM: Defence?H: Yes, give the local councils 100 million each and ask them to defence themselves, we would never to worried about the Russians, we’d have a civil war in three weeks!PM:You just being silly.H:Am I? PM, well, that’s what happen to education, and why? Because nobody thinks education is serious the way defence is serious.PM: You mean that’s why civil defence left the hand of local authorities?H:Of course. Because everybody knows it’s a joke. You just don't have important matters in the hand of those clowns. And as you’ve left education to them, you have attached little importance to it.PM: I think it’s extremely important. It could lose me the next election.H: In my naivety, I thought you were concerned about the future of our children.PM: Yes, that too. After all, they get the vote at 18.H: Well, then, PM, then centralise. Take it away from the local councils. Put it under the Department of Education and Science, you could actually do something about it.PM: Do you think I could? Grasp the nettle, take the bull by the horns?B: PM, you can’t take the bull by the horns if you’re grasping the nettle.PM: Oh, really, Bernard?B: Oh, I mean was if you grasp the nettle with one hand, you could take the bull by one horn with the other hand, but not both horns because your hand isn’t big enough, and if you did take the bully by one horn, it would be rather dangerous because… well, it was just mixed metaphors, since we were discussing education, I…I do…Thank god! Yes, oh, it’s your, your political advisor outside.PM: Send her in, would you, Bernard? Humphrey, thank you.H: Thank you, PM.PM: You’ve given one much food for thought.H: in that case, PM, bon appetit.Dear lady.PM: Yes, Dorothy?D: My notes from the program to your tour of the north-west.B: PM, only this is to hospital and factories, PM.PM: Hmm, yeah, drumming up notes in marginal constituencies.B: No, PM.PM: Why not?B: Well, I’m coming with you if it’s a government tour. But if it’s canvassing marginal, it’s a party event. I can’t come and the Treasury can’t pay.D:It’s a government visit, Bernard. It’s pure coincidence that all the stop-offs are in marginal.B: Oh, well, that’s all right, then.PM: That’s OK. Dorothy, what can I do about education? Quickly.D: You mean do or appear to do?PM: Oh, appear to do, I can’t do, obviously.D:Well, oh, in the short term, we could get you on TV associated with something good and successful in education.PM: Good, is there something?D: Well, I had thought of this for your schedule. You could fit it in.PM: St Margaret’s School Young Enterprise Scheme.D: Yes, the school is set up its own manufacturing and trading company. They make cheeseboards, paperweights, toast racks, and so on. Mark and sell them and track the operation in their math and business-study classes. They involved local businessmen. Parents help too.PM: Sounds great, does it cost a lot?D: No, they give the money to local charity.PM: Fine, I’ll do it. Make sure the TV crews have plenty of time to cover me… oh, cover the event, probably. Write me a speech with a snappy, 20 second piece for the news polities. That should win back a few seats.B: PM.PM:Give a lead to those responsible for the nation’s education, Bernard.B:Of course, PM.NEWSREADER: And finally this morning, the PM visited St Margaret’s School on his north-western tour. The school has set up it only a little manufacturing business where the children make a variety of goods in the school carpentry shop for sellingthe local community. The children do their own sales and marketing, and use the experiences they gain from the enterprise as a basis for their math and business studies. The PM was presented with an example of the school’s output. PM: And in conclusion, I must congratulate you on all the hard work, the discipline and the success of your enterprise. You’ve set an example in British education which other schools would do well to follow. We need more schools like StMargaret’s, and I shall always treasure your present. No PM ever lost a sear if he could help it!NEWSREADER: And that was the six o’clock news from the BBC.PM: I thought that was OK, didn’t you?D: Fine.PM:My joke went down well.D: My joke!PM: Better than Channel 4 coverage anyway. They didn’t describe it as the PM’s tour of the north-west. They said,”Jim Hacker touring the marginal constituencies.”A: That’s true, isn’t it?PM: Yeah, but they shouldn't say it like that. That’s biased reporting!A: Reporting the facts?PM: Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with visiting the marginal.A: But what they said was still true.PM: But it was still biased to say it!A: Oh, darling, I’m not interested your paranoia, I was interested in that school.D: Yes, parents queue up to get their children into it.A: What a pity they can’t all get in.More coffee?PM: Hmm.D: Lovely.A: Why can’t more parents send their children there?PM: No room.D: There is room. Actually, school numbers are falling.PM: Yeah, but that mean poaching the other schools.A: So what’s wrong with that?PM: Well, the other schools wouldn’t have enough people so they have to close.A: Great! St Margaret’s could take over their buildings.PM: Oh, darling, couldn't do that, wouldn't be fair.A: Who to?PM: The teachers in the schools that had to close.A: But the good teachers will be taken on by the popular school. They’ll be needed. PM: What about the bad teachers? It wouldn't be fair on them.A:What about being fair on the children or rather bad teacher’s jobs more important?PM: Darling, it’s… it’s no good, no way. Who’s to say who are the bad teachers? It just wouldn't work.A: Why not?PM: Well… it wouldn't work.D: Why not?PM: What do you mean?D: Well, suppose schools were like doctors. I mean after all, under the National Health Service you can choose whichever doctor you like to go to, can't you?PM: Yes.D: And he gets paid per patient. Well, why don’t we do the same with schools? Havea National Education Service. The parents could choose the schools they want,and the school get paid per people.A: Exactly!PM: There’d be an outcry.D: From the parents?PM: Well, not from the parents, from the Department of Education.D: Well, I see. And who has the most votes?PM: No, the DES would block it.D: Fine, get rid of them.PM: What?D: Get rid of the Department of Education.PM: I don’t understand you.D: Get rid of it abolish it, remove it, expunge it, eliminate it, eradicate it, exterminate it!Get rid of it!PM: Get rid of it?D: Yes.PM: I couldn't do that.D: Why not? What does it do?PM: I could do that. Local government could administer the lot. We could have a National Board of School Inspectors. I could send that house-trained idiot Henry to the House of Lords. Golly, I wonder what Humphrey will say.D: Whatever he says, I want to be there when you tell him.PM: To witness the clash between the political will and the administrative will?D:I think it will be the clash between the political will and the administrative won’t.H: You sent for me, PM?PM: Oh, Humphrey, come in. sit down. I just want to bounce an idea off. I’ve realised how to reform the educational system.H: Excellent, PM.PM: I’m going to let parents move their children to school they want.H:Well, you mean, after application, scrutiny, tribunal hearing and appeals procedures?PM: No, just move them whenever they want to.H: I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow.D: This government will let parents decide which school to send their children to. H: PM, you can’t be serious!PM: I am.H: But it’s preposterous!D: Why?H: You can’t expect parents to make these choices. I mean how on earth would parents know which schools are best?PM: Which school did you go to, Humphrey?H: Winchester.PM: Was it good?H: Oh, excellent, of course.PM: Who chose it?H:My parents, naturally. Now, that’s different, PM. My parents were discerning people. You can’t expect ordinary people to know where to send their children. D: Why not?H: Well, how could they tell?D:They tell if their kids could read, write and do sums, they could tell their neighbours what happen about school, and they could tell if the exam results were good.H: Exam results aren’t everything, PM.D:That’s true, and those parents who don’t want to academic education for their children can choose progressive schools.H:But parents have no qualifications to make these choices. I mean teachers are professionals. Parents are the worst people to bring up children. They’ve no qualifications, no training. You don’t expect untrained teachers to teach. The same should apply to parents.PM: You mean, before being have children, they should be trained?H: No, that’s no problem. They've all been trained to have kids. Sex-education classes have been standard for some years.PM: See, well, perhaps we could do better. Before people relived have children, we should make them sit exams, written and practical, perhaps both. And then they could be issued with breeding licences.H: Oh, very droll, PM. No but I’m being serious. It’s looking after children that parents are not qualified for. That’s why they have no idea which schools to choose. It couldn't work.D:Then how does the Health Service work? People choose their family doctor without having medical qualifications.H: Ah, yes, well, that's different.D: How?H: Well, doctors are… The patients aren’t parents, dear lady.D: Oh, really? What makes you think that, Humpy?H: Not as such. In any case, as a matter of fact, I think letting people choose doctors isa very bad idea, very messily. Much tidier to allocate people to GPs, much fairer.Then everyone has an equal chance of getting the bad doctors.PM: I see.H: In any case, we’re not talking about hospital, we’re talking education. And with respect, PM, I think that the DES will react with some caution to your rather novel proposals.PM: You mean they'll block it.H:I mean they will give it more serious urgent consideration, and insist on a thorough and rigorous examination of all the proposals, allied to a detailed feasibility study and budget analysis, perform producing a consultative document for consideration, and seeking comments and recommendations to be included ina brief for a series of working parties, who will produce individual studies whichwill provide the background for a more wide-ranging document, considering whether or not the proposal should be taken forward the next stage.PM: You mean they'll block it.H: Yeah.PM: No problem.D: We thought you’d say that.PM: We have a solution.H: Oh, yes?PM: We’ll abolish the DES.H:I’m sorry?PM: We’ll abolish it.H: Abolish it?D: Why not?H: Abolish Education and Science?! That’d be the end of civilisation as we know it!PM: We only abolish the department. Education and Science will flourish.H: Without government department? Impossible!D: Humphrey, government departments are tombstones. The Department of Industry marks the grave of industry, the Department of Employment marks the grave of employment, the Department of Environment marks the grave of environment.And the Department of Education marks where the corpse of British education is buried.PM: What does the DES do? What’s it for? What’s its role?H:I hardly know where to begin! PM. It lays down guidelines, it centralises and channels money into local education authorities and University Grants Committee.It sets standards!PM: Does it lay down the curriculum?H: No, but it would like to!D: Does it select and change head teachers?H: No…PM: Does it maintain school building?H: No…D: Does it set exam?H: No…PM: Does it choose the children?H: No, but…PM: Well how does it affect what my child does at school?H: He supplies 60% of the cash.D: Why can’t the cash go straight from the Treasury to the schools or the University Grants Committee? I mean do we really need 2,000 civil servants to funnel money from A to B?H: The DES also creates a legislative framework for education.PM: There’s not much legislation, surely. Environment could do that. They deal with other local authority matters.H:PM, you can’t be serious! Who would assess forward planning and staffingvariations, variations in people population, density of schooling required in urban and rural areas? Who would make sure everything ran properly?D: 2,500 private schools seem to solve these planning problems everyday for week, Humphrey, without any help from the DES. They simply respond to changing circumstances, supply and demand. It’s easy.H: Who would plan for the future?PM: Are you saying the education in British today is what the department planned? H: Well, of… No, of course not!PM: Is there anything else that the DES does?H: Well, it… it…PM: Well, we don’t need it, then, do we? QED.H: But…PM: Quod erat demonstrandum.A:I really… quite unthinkable. Once they start abolishing departments, the civilisation crumble.H: Barbarians at the gates.A: The return of the Dark Ages.H: Ah… Did anything like this crop up when you were Cabinet Secretary out?A: No, we let them amalgamate departments, but that worked very well.H:Yes, quite. You keep the existing staff, put an extra layer of coordinating management at the top.A:Exactly. But you have to stop the liquidation of the Department of Education, Humphrey. Have you tried discrediting the person who proposed it?H: Well, no point. It was the Wainwright female, so he’s passing it off as his own idea. A: Discrediting the facts behind it?H: Well, it’s a political idea, so obviously facts don’t come into it.A: Massaging the figures?H: No figures are involved. But it’s hard to get the PM to see that it’s a bad idea.A: Of course. It’s actually a very good idea. It just mustn’t happen.H: I wonder whether we oughtn’t to play along with it-in the interests of the nation’s children.A: Never mind the nation’s children. What about our colleagues at the Department of Education?H: Yes, of course. Sorry.A: Humphrey, let’s be clear about this. The only people who’ll like this idea are the parents and the children. Everyone who counts will be against it.H: Teachers’ unions.A: Local authorities.H: Educational press.A:And, of course, the DES. So, what’s the strategy?H: Well, unions can be counted on to disrupt the schools.A: And go on TV saying it’s the government who are causing the disruption.H: Good, yes, and local councils will threaten to turn the constituency parties against the government.A: Fine, the Department of Education will delay every stage of the process, and leak anything that embarrasses the government. We can help you with that at the Campaign for Freedom of Information.H: Oh, thank you, Arnold.A: Ah, thanks.H: But what are we actually going to do… Thank you, Billy. What’s our argument? A: Well, obviously, this new proposal will destroy our educational system.H: Well everybody knows it’s destroyed already.A: Well, we will say… Sorry, the press will say, that it’s government interference in the Department of Education that destroyed it, and this new plan will make things even worse.H: Will that do the trick?A: It always has in the past.H: Yes, but this time the political pressure is stronger.A: Then you must find a political weapon to fight it with.H: What political weapon did you have in mind, Arnold?A: I? That is your concern, Humphrey. Your chance to prove yourself worthy of the high office to which you’ve been called.B: Well, Sir Humphrey. The PM’s ready to see you.H: What’s it about.B: The abolition of the DES, I’m afraid so.H: This is going to be bloody.B:Oh, yes. Just before you going, there’s a one another minor matter I need your advice…H: Is it important, Bernard?B: Well, it’s not important but it’s urgent.H: What is it?B: Well, you know that enterprise school the PM visited…H: Yes, yes.B: When they gave him that stool?H: The stool, yes.B: Well, it’s just come to light that the wood they were using was stolen.H: Bernard, this is hardly… Stolen?B: Yes, it was government property stolen from one of the YTS workshop from pupils who was working at last year.H: How shocking.B: Well, it was inferred to the DES employment, because the theft came to light at a school. They don’t know whether to prosecute. I’m, I’m sorry to bother you with this…H: Don’t mention it, Bernard. Show me in.PM:Oh, come in, Humphrey. Come in, come in! Sit down. Only one item on the agenda today, the abolition of the DES.H: Actually, if there’s only one item, it’s an agendum.B: I don’t think the PM’s got as far as the second declension.PM:I don’t mind your scoring cheap debating points, since you’ve already lost the battle of the DES.H: The DES will be very upset, PM.PM: Does it matter, since they’ll cease to exist?H: Well, the process will take a year or two. They’ll fight tooth and nail.PM: What can they do to me?H: They’re a formidable department.PM: I am a formidable PM.H: Indeed you are, PM. But you might still need their cooperation.PM: Cooperation? From the Department of Education? Don’t make me laugh!H: Fine, fine. I’ll tell them to go ahead with the prosecution, then.PM: Prosecution? What prosecution?H:Oh, it’s hardly worth bothering you with, PM. But that enterprise school where you were televised last week.PM: Yes?H: Yes, well, the profits you see… A model for other schools…PM: Yes, yes, go on.H: Yes, yes, yes. The profits were apparently the proceeds of theft.PM: Theft? What do you mean theft?H: I mean removing goods without the knowledgeor concerned of the owner…PM: Yes, I know the theft means, Humphrey. What do you mean?H: Well, the stool that they gave to you was made from wood appropriated from the local YTS workshops.PM: What do you mean?H: It was nicked. By two of last year’s pupils.B: A pair of nickers.H:Thank you, Bernard. Well, the YTS want to prosecute. Now, the Department of Education could stop them. You know, return the wood and hush it up.PM: Humphrey, millions of people saw me on TV saying that school was an example to Britain!H: Well, it is a sort of example.PM: Humphrey, they mustn’t prosecute!H:Well, I do hope the Department of Education won’t leak the fact that you’re covering up for crooks.PM: You must tell them not to prosecute.H:Well, that would need their cooperation. I can just see the newspaper “Jim’s enterprising crooks”, “The PM has sat on the fence for so long that now he’s become one.”PM: You must persuade them not to prosecute.H: Well, it’s very difficult to persuade people to cooperate if they are actually under a death sentence.PM: Death sentence?H: If you’re thinking of abolishing the department.PM:Oh, oh, that! No, that was just…a vague idea…of Dorothy’s. An idle thought.Nothing serious.H: You’re sure?PM: Positive.H: That’s splendid, PM. Shall we now continue with agendum?PM: Agendum? Oh, yes! We have no agendum.B: We have no agendum today!PM: Business concluded. Alright, Humphrey?H:Yes, PM.。



FormB ERouting v4.0 Chapter 101请参见图示。

当使用链路状态路由协议的路由器D 添加到网络中后,在它了解网络拓扑结构的过程中,其所做的第一件事是什么?A.它向路由器B 和C 发送LSP 数据包。

B.它向网络中的所有路由器发送LSP 数据包。

C.它向网络中的所有路由器发送Hello 数据包。

D.它向路由器A 和E 发送有关其直连邻居的信息。


F.当其接口处于up 状态时,它便能获知自己的直连网络。

2 哪两种事件将会导致链路状态路由器向所有邻居发送LSP?(选择两项。

)A.30 秒计时器超时B.网络拓扑结构发生变化时C.运行贝尔曼-福特算法之后立即发送D.DUAL FSM 建立拓扑数据库之后立即发送E.路由器或路由协议初次启动时3 链路状态路由过程的最后一步是什么?A.将后继路由加入路由表中B.SPF 计算到达每个目的网络的最佳路径C.向所有邻居发送LSP 以收敛网络D.运行DUAL 算法以找出到达目的网络的最佳路径4 哪两项陈述正确描述了链路状态路由过程?(选择两项。

)A.区域中的所有路由器都有链路状态数据库B.区域中的每个路由器都将向所有邻居发送LSPC.LSP 使用保留的组播地址224.0.0.10 来访问邻居D.通过运行扩散更新算法(DUAL) 来防止路由环路E.可靠传输协议(RTP) 是用于发送和接收LSP 的协议5请参见图示。

在从路由器JAX 发送到路由器ATL 的LSP 中,可以看到哪种类型的信息?A.跳数B.路由的正常运行时间C.链路的开销D.正在使用的所有路由协议的列表6 现代链路状态协议通过哪些功能来尽可能降低处理器和内存要求?A.将路由拓扑结构分割成更小的区域B.为路由计算分配较低的处理优先级C.使用更新计时器限制路由更新D.严格执行水平分割规则以减少路由表条目7 为使网络达到收敛,每台链路状态路由器会执行哪三个步骤?(选择三项。



PTN专业考试(试卷编号251)1.[单选题]在以太网中ARP报文分为ARP Request和ARP Response,其中ARP Request是( )报文。


以下正确的选项是A)不识别、删除 不识别、删除B)识别、增加 不识别 删除C)不识别、删除 识别、增加D)不识别、NOP 不识别、NOP答案:C解析:5.[单选题]BACKUP_FAULT告警出现在什么地方?A)业务源节点B)业务宿节点C)故障点相邻网元D)业务原宿节点都有6.[单选题]在通过VPLS业务配置业务时,该VPLS组最多能配置()节点A)61B)62C)63D)64答案:D解析:7.[单选题]MPLS-TP中OAM的CC检查流程中,检测到帧中MEG ID与目的MEP配置的MEG ID不同时,出现()告警A)MismergeB)FLRC)SSFD)RDI答案:A解析:8.[单选题]网管上查看R860一UNI端口接收好报数为1205,接受广播包数为33,接受组播包数为1126,请问该端口发送的单播包数为多少?该业务正不正常?A)46,正常B)33,不正常C)1205,正常D)1159,不正常答案:A解析:9.[单选题]citrans 680设备端口XGE0/11/1与另外一台680进行UNI对接,关于XGE0/11/1在协议栈中的配置,错误的是A)duplex fullB)ip address shutdownD)label-switching答案:D解析:10.[单选题]中国移动SPN技术体系的层次划分在中,SE交叉(Slicing Ethernet)属于哪一个层次( )A)SPL(切片分组层)B)SCL(切片通道层)解析:11.[单选题]P路由器的主要作用A)主要完成路由和快速转发功能B)主要负责VPN业务的接入C)直接与服务提供商相连的用户设备D)以上都不是答案:A解析:12.[单选题]骨干汇聚一条聚合路由要覆盖256个基站,IPV6聚合路由使用()位掩码A)57B)56C)60D)58答案:B解析:13.[单选题]19. PDP单元的作用不包括哪一项() (1.5分)A)A . 接入外部电源B)B . 电源分配C)C . 告警处理D)D . 接入时钟答案:C解析:14.[单选题]若640设备下挂OLT设备,这时需要考虑对该业务接口的保护,应采取()A)MSP1+1保护B)MSP1:1保护C)双向1+1保护环D)LAG保护答案:D解析:15.[单选题]在配置SNMPv1中,以下哪个命令用来使能设备的snmp代理服务?A)snmp enableB)snmp-agent trap enableC)snmp-agent enableD)snmp trap enable16.[单选题]关于LSP1:1、PW冗余保护及WRAPPING V3环网保护的拖延时间设置为:A)PW冗余大于WRAPPING,WRAPPING大于LSP1:1B)PW冗余大WRAPPING,LSP1:1大于PW冗余C)PW冗余大于LSP1:1,LSP1:1大于WRAPPINGD)LSP1:1大PW冗余,PW冗余大于WRAPPING答案:C解析:17.[单选题]5G新建方案中,南北向业务通过()承载,东西向业务通过()承载A)1) SR-TE,SR-BEB)2) SR-TP,SR-BEC)3) SR-BE,SR-TED)4) SR-BE,SR-TP答案:B解析:18.[单选题]IPRAN设备需要配置系统类型的有()A)R820B)R835C)R860D)R845答案:C解析:19.[单选题]关于命令touch和mkdir的区别,说法正确的是:A)A)A.touch是创建文件,mkdir也可以创建文件B)B)B.touch是创建目录,mkdir是创建文件C)C)C.touch是创建文件,mkdir是创建目录D)D)D.touch与mkdir均可以创建文件答案:C解析:20.[单选题]如果网元的IP地址为W.X.Y.Z,不同的网元之间通过改变IP地址W.X.Y.Z中的X位来区别不同的子网,而其IP地址中的Y位一般取最大有效值254A)Y、254B)Y、255C)X、254D)X、255答案:C21.[单选题]定义MPLS-TP OAM的建议/标准是()A)ITU-T G.8261B)ITU-T G.8131C)ITU-T Y.1731D)IEEE 802.1ad答案:C解析:22.[单选题]16. 正确描述了数据封装的过程的是? (1.5分)A)A . 数据段_x001f_>数据包_x001f_>数据帧_x001f_>数据流_x001f_>数据B)B . 数据流_x001f_>数据段_x001f_>数据包_x001f_>数据帧_x001f_>数据C)C . 数据_x001f_>数据包_x001f_>数据段_x001f_>数据帧_x001f_>数据流D)D . 数据_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x0 05f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x005f_x001f_>数据段_x005f_x001f_>数据包_x001f_>数据帧_x001f_>数据流答案:D解析:23.[单选题]多业务网管如何备份历史告警、历史性能等数据A)将整个OTNM文件夹进行备份B)打开devcfg读数据库进行备份C)使用dtbackup.exe程序进行备份D)将整个MYSQL文件夹进行备份答案:C解析:24.[单选题]SW_FAIL告警出现在什么单盘上?A)交叉盘B)主控盘C)业务盘D)线路盘答案:A解析:25.[单选题]一业务UNI端口收好包数等于收广播包数,该端口下业务是否正常A)正常B)正常,但用户未使用C)不正常D)无法判断26.[单选题]对于主备L2桥L3节点L3VE接口配置,说法正确的是()A)IP相同,MAC地址自动分配B)IP相同,MAC地址也相同C)IP相同,MAC相同,且主槽位号相同D)IP可以不同,MAC也可以不同答案:B解析:27.[单选题]6700-32设备有几个电源分区?A)1) 4B)2) 5C)3) 3D)4) 2答案:B解析:28.[单选题]ZXCTN 6200/6300设备的程序文件一般存放在A)/flash/imgB)/flash/C)/flash/dataD)/flash/cfg答案:A解析:29.[单选题]路由器性能的主要决定因素()A)路由算法的效率B)路由协议的效率C)路由地址复用的程度D)网络安全技术的提高答案:B解析:30.[单选题]出现重大故障后,现场需()及时上报经理人A)5分钟B)10分钟C)30分钟D)一个小时答案:B解析:A)在流量达到高峰的时候B)在被破坏的链路重新恢复正常的时候C)在使用环形拓扑的时候D)存在不正确的冗余链路答案:D解析:32.[单选题]R865/680登录NP盘的用户名是()A)rootB)adminC)bmu852D)fiberhome答案:C解析:33.[单选题]ZXCTN6100设备为根节点配置EPTREE业务时,最多支持配置__个叶子节点A)8B)16C)32D)64答案:C解析:34.[单选题]目前,对于LTE业务,一个L3VE接口的IP为26位掩码,那么对于这个接口,最多可接入()个基站。

UCINET 6快速指南说明书

UCINET 6快速指南说明书

UCINET Quick Start GuideThis guide provides a quick introduction to UCINET. It assumes that the software has been installed with the data in the folder C:\Program Files\Analytic Technologies\Ucinet 6\DataFiles and this has been left as the default directory.When UCINET is started the following window appears.Change default directory button Current default directoryThe submenu buttons give access to all of the routines in UCINET and these are grouped into File, Data, Transform, Tools, Network, Visualize, Options and Help. Note that the buttons located below these are simply fast ways of calling routines in the submenus. The default directory given at the bottom is where UCINET picks up any data and stores any files (unless otherwise specified) this directory can be changed by clicking on the button to the right.Running a routineTo run a UCINET routine we usually need to specify a UCINET dataset and give some parameters. Where possible UCINET selects some default parameters which the user can change if required. Note that UCINET comes with a number of standard datasets and these will be located in the default directory. When a routine has been run there is some textual output which appears on the screen and usually a UCINET datafile contain the results that again will be stored in the default directory.We shall run the degree centrality routine to calculate the centralities of all the actors in a standard UCINET dataset called TARO. First we highlight Network>Centrality>Degree and then clickThis will bring up a box as followsIf you click on the help button then a help screen will open which looks like this. The help file gives a detailed description of the routine, explains the parameters and describes the output that will appear in the log file and on the screen.Close the help file and either by clicking on the pickfile button or by typing the name select the TARO data for analysis as follows.Now click OK to run the routine to obtain the following.This is a text file giving the results of the routine. Note you can scroll down to see more of the file. This file can be saved or copied and pasted into a word processing package. When UCINET is closed this file will be deleted. Close this file.Note when the program was run we also created a new UCINET file called FreemanDegree. We can look at the new UCINET file using the Display dataset button. This is the D button that appears just below the Tools submenu (see the first diagram). Clicking on the D goes straight to the open file menu and bypasses some of the display options that are available if you used Data>Display. Click on display and select FreemanDegree. You should get the followingNote that this file has all the measures of centrality (but not sorted as in the text output) but does not have the descriptive statistics produced in the log file.Using the spreadsheet editorThe spreadsheet editor can be used to amend any data or enter new data. It is also very useful for transferring UCINET data (such as centrality scores) to Microsoft Excel or SPSS. Note that the dl format provides a more sophisticated and flexible way of entering data and this is not covered in this introductory guide. If you click the spreadsheet button or under data run the data editors and click on matrix editor you will open up the spreadsheet editor and obtain the following. Note we have annotated the important buttons and areas of the editor below.To see what a dataset looks like in the editor click file then open and select PADGETT. This is a non-symmetric binary data set with two relations and labels. Once open it will look like this. Symmetric mode copies cell values into other half Set the network or matrix size hereWe see the two relations PADGM and PADGB in the bottom left, clicking on the tabs changes sheet and we are viewing different relations. The labels are repeated along the rows and columns and are in the shaded area. We see the data has 16 actors as shown by the dimensions box on the right. This data can be edited and saved from the spreadsheet.Running NetdrawClick on the Netdraw button to launch Netdraw. This results in a new window which looks likeTo use Netdraw it is important to load in a network first. We shall load in a standard UCINET dataset collected by Dave Krackhardt. Click on the load a file button and type or select the file Krack-High-TecThen click OK and you should see something like this. Click on the Rels tab indicated here.You will now see this data has three relations Advice, Friendship and Reports to. If a relation is ticked then the edges relating to it are displayed. We shall now bring in an attribute file associated with this data called High-Tec-Attributes. Click on the load a file button again load the file but also click the radio button for node attributes under Type of Data so you haveNote you can also click the button just to the right of the load button (with an A) and this will open up the same box but with the attribute button selected. Click on Transform> Node attribute editor and you will see the node attribute editor open up as follows.You can use this editor to change or add in new attributes.We are going to size the nodes by age, colour them by department and shape them according to level. Close the attribute editor and click on the colour node button. This will open the color box click the select attribute button and select department as followsThis will give 5 colours for the five departments. Now click on the change shape of nodes button and go through the same process but selecting level and clicking on the tick at the bottom of the box. This will produce three shapes. To size the nodes according to age you need to selectProperties>Nodes>Symbols>Size>Attribute-Based and then select Age leaving the other values as defaults. This should result in the following.To export the diagram for use in a publication or to read into a word processing package useFile>Save Diagram As>Metafile. To save the diagram as a file you can see again in Netdraw you need to use File>Save Data As>Vna.Using the dl editor in UCINETThe UCINET spreadsheet editor is useful for making changes or for constructing small networks but is not well suited for importing larger datasets in which the data is not typically arranged in an adjacency matrix format. UCINET supports a variety of data formats that are accessed through an editor called the dl editor which is launched by pressing the button to the right of the spreadsheet editor in UCINET which looks like thisLaunch dl editorby clicking thisbutton10When the editor is launched it will contain a small help screen this relates to the info tab. You should click the data tab to obtain the following.Click the data tab to revealthe spreadsheetData format selectionThere are a number of data formats supported but we will just look at two. The data formats can be selected from a pull down list by clicking the arrow to the right of the data format selection box. The full matrix is the same as using the normal spreadsheet editor. Our first format is called nodelist (1mode), this format lists each node followed by the nodes it is adjacent to. The following is an example note we have clicked the force symmetry box in the output options.The first number in each row gives the starting node of an edge the numbers that follow in the same row are a list of end nodes. Hence the first row 1 3 4 5 states that actor 1 is connected to actors 3, 4 and 5. The second row states that actor 5 is connected to actor 6 and so on. Note that there is no order amongst the rows nor within the rows. Actor 2 has no end nodes listed and hence is an isolate. The network corresponding to this linked list is given below.Note that the entries in the spreadsheet are labels and so we can use names rather than numbers. If the data is directed then the arc goes from the start node to the end node. The following is an example showing a directed network with labels.If the data is valued then we cannot use the nodelist (1 mode) format; an alternative is the edgelist (1-mode) format. This format has three entries per line and is of the form start node, end node , value. The following is an example.In this example we see that Martin has a connection to Steve with a value of 5. It should be noted that the data in the spreadsheet cannot be saved except as a UCINET file and hence it is a good ideato construct these in an excel spreadsheet and copy and paste or import them. Once the entry is complete the file can be saved in UCINET by clicking the File button and selecting Save UCINETdataset. To clear the spreadsheet click the on the top left hand side.There are many features of UCINET and Netdraw that we have not mentioned but hopefully this guide will get you started.。



BELLHOP 使用指南 V2.2
1. 修改 V2.1 版本中第六章波形文件的波形文件的验证图。 2. 修改 V2.1 版本中第三章的“其他参数”。 3. 增加第六章中 BELLHOP 与射线模型的对比。 4. 增加第七章中 BELLHOP 的时变特性的改进。
BELLHOP 使用指南 V2.2
五、OPTIONS4 ................................................................................................................ - 12 1. 2. OPTIONS4(1)......................................................................................................... - 12 OPTIONS4(2)......................................................................................................... - 12 -
六、其他参数 ................................................................................................................. - 13 第四章 BELLHOP(Matlab_GUI)实例一 ......................................................................... - 15 一、准备工作 ................................................................................................................. - 15 -



1窗体顶端Which address can be used to summarize networks thru窗体底端2窗体顶端What happens to a static route entry in a routing table when the outgoing interface is not available?The route is removed from the table.The router polls neighbors for a replacement route.The route remains in the table because it was defined as static.The router redirects the static route to compensate for the loss of the next hop device.窗体底端3窗体顶端Refer to the exhibit. Which static route should be configured on Router1 so that host A will be able to reach h network?ip route route route S0/0/1ip route S0/0/0窗体底端4窗体顶端Refer to the exhibit. Which set of commands will configure static routes that will allow the WinterPark and th routers to deliver packets from each LAN and direct all other traffic to the Internet?WinterPark(config)# ip route ip route ip route s0/1WinterPark(config)# ip route ip route ip route s0/1WinterPark(config)# ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route s0/0窗体底端5窗体顶端Refer to the exhibit. What is the significance of the /8 in the route to the network?It indicates that there are 8 hops between this router and the network.It represents the time, in milliseconds, it takes for a ping to reply when sent to the network.It indicates that there are 8 subnets in the destination network to which the router can forward packets.It indicates the number of consecutive bits, from the left, in the destination IP address of a packet that must m to use that route.6Refer to the exhibit. A company network engineer is assigned to establish connectivity between thenetworks so that hosts on the subnet can contact hosts on the subnet. The engineer to use only static routing for these company routers. Which set of commands will establish connectivity bet Ethernet networks?R1(config)# ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route ip route is it advisable to enter a next-hop IP address when creating a static route whose exit interface is network?Adding the next-hop address eliminates the need for the router to do any lookups in the routingforwarding a packet.In a multi-access network, the router cannot determine the next-hop MAC address for the Ethernet franext-hop address.Using a next-hop address in a static route provides a route with a lower metric.In multi-access networks, using a next-hop address in a static route makes that route a candidate default8窗体顶端What two devices are responsible for converting the data from the WAN service provider into a form acceptable b (Choose two).the serial port of the routera modema switchthe ethernet port of the routera CSU/DSU devicea DTE device9窗体顶端Which of the following is true regarding CDP and the graphic shown?CDP running on Router D will gather information about routers A, B, C, and E.By default, Router A will receive CDP advertisements from routers B and C.If routers D and E are running different routing protocols, they will not exchange CDP information.Router E can use CDP to identify the IOS running on Router B.窗体底端10窗体顶端Hosts on two separate subnets cannot communicate. The network administrator suspects a missing route in one o tables. Which three commands can be used to help troubleshoot Layer 3 connectivity issues? (Choose three.)pingshow arptracerouteshow ip routeshow controllersshow cdp neighbor11Refer to the exhibit. Given the output in the exhibit, how would a clock rate be determined for this link?The rate would be negotiated by both routers.A rate would not be selected due to the DCE/DTE connection mismatch.The rate configured on the DTE determines the clock rate.The rate configured on the DCE determines the clock rate.窗体底端12窗体顶端Which two statements describe functions or characteristics of CDP? (Choose two.)It starts up automatically and allows the device to detect directly connected neighbor devices that use CDP.It operates at the network layer and allows two systems to learn about each other.It creates a topology map of the entire network.It allows systems to learn about each other even if different network layer protocols are configured.It forwards advertisements about routes for faster convergence.13窗体顶端A router has one static route configured to each destination network. Which two scenarios would require an admalter the static routes that are configured on that router? (Choose two.)The destination network no longer exists.The destination network is moved to a different interface on the same router.The path between the source and destination is upgraded with a higher bandwidth link.The remote destination network interface has to be down for 15 minutes of maintenance.A topology change occurs where the existing next-hop address or exit interface is not accessible.14窗体顶端A static route that points to the next hop IP will have what administrative distance and metric in the routing table?administrative distance of 0 and metric of 0administrative distance of 0 and metric of 1administrative distance of 1 and metric of 0administrative distance of 1 and metric of 1窗体底端15窗体顶端Which of the following are displayed by the Router# show cdp neighbors command? (Choose three.)loadplatformreliabilityholdtimelocal interface16The output of the Router# show interfaces serial 0/1 command displays the following:Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is down.What is the most likely cause for the line protocol being down?Serial0/1 is shutdown.There is no cable connecting the routers.The remote router is using serial 0/0.No clock rate has been set.窗体底端17窗体顶端Refer to the exhibit. How will packets destined to the network be forwarded?Router1 will perform recursive lookup and packet will exit S0/0.Router1 will perform recursive lookup and packet will exit S0/1.There is no matching interface associated with network so packets will be dropped.There is no matching interface associated with network so packets will take gateway of last resor S0/2.窗体底端18窗体顶端Refer to the exhibit. What two commands are required to provide connectivity between the and 10.0.without requiring recursive lookup? (Choose two.)A(config)# ip route s 0/1/0A(config)# ip route (config)# ip route s 0/0/0B(config)# ip route s 0/0/0B (config)# ip route ip route s 0/1/019窗体顶端Refer to the exhibit. What two commands will change the next-hop address for the network from 1 (Choose two.)A(config)# no network no ip address no ip route ip route s0/0/0A(config)# ip route窗体底端20窗体顶端A network administrator enters the following command into Router1: ip route S0/1/0.receives a packet that is destined for After finding the recently configured static route in the routin does Router1 do next to process the packet?drops the packet because the destination host is not listed in the routing tablelooks up the MAC address of the S0/1/0 interface to determine the destination MAC address of the new frameperforms a recursive lookup for the IP address of the S0/1/0 interface before forwarding the packetencapsulates the packet into a frame for the WAN link and forwards the packet out the S0/1/0 interface21Which piece of information is available from examining the output of the command show ip interface brief?Interface speed and duplexInterface MTUErrorsInterface MAC addressInterface IP address。



ERouting Chapter 1 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念(版本 4.0)1 口令可用于限制对Cisco IOS 所有或部分内容的访问。



)VTY 接口控制台接口特权执行模式2 路由器从相连的以太网接口收到消息后,会更改哪项报头地址,再将消息从另一个接口发送出去?第 2 层源地址和目的地址3请参见图示。

网络管理员已经为路由器连接到直连网络的接口配置了如图所示的IP 地址。

从路由器ping 相连网络上的主机口之间相互ping 都会遭到失败。

此问题最可能的原因是什么?必须使用no shutdown命令启用接口。


主机 A ping 主机B。

当R4 收到对以太网接口的ping 时,哪两块报头信息包括在内?(选择两项。

)5 网络管理员刚把新配置输入Router1。

要将配置更改保存到NVRAM,应该执行哪一条命令?Router1# copy running-config startup-config6您需要配置图中所示的串行连接,必须在Sydney 路由器上发出以下哪条配置命令才能与Melbourne 站点建立连接?(选Sydney(config-if)#Sydney(config-if)# no shutdownSydney(config-if)# clock rate 560007请参见图示。



在主机 2 连接到LAN 上的交换机后,主机2 无法与主机 1 通信。

导致此问题的原因是什么?主机 1 和主机2 位于不同的网络中。

9 输入以下命令的作用是什么?R1(config)# line vty 0 4R1(config-line)# password check123R1(config-line)# login设置通过Telnet 连接该路由器时使用的口令10 以下哪一项正确描述了路由器启动时的顺序?加载bootstrap、加载IOS、应用配置11 加载配置文件时的默认顺序是怎样的?NVRAM、TFTP、CONSOLE12请参见图示。

Native Instruments MASCHINE MIKRO MK3用户手册说明书

Native Instruments MASCHINE MIKRO MK3用户手册说明书

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this docu-ment is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Native Instruments GmbH, hereinafter referred to as Native Instruments.“Native Instruments”, “NI” and associated logos are (registered) trademarks of Native Instru-ments GmbH.ASIO, VST, HALion and Cubase are registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.All other product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their re-spective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.Document authored by: David Gover and Nico Sidi.Software version: 2.8 (02/2019)Hardware version: MASCHINE MIKRO MK3Special thanks to the Beta Test Team, who were invaluable not just in tracking down bugs, but in making this a better product.NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH Schlesische Str. 29-30D-10997 Berlin Germanywww.native-instruments.de NATIVE INSTRUMENTS North America, Inc. 6725 Sunset Boulevard5th FloorLos Angeles, CA 90028USANATIVE INSTRUMENTS K.K.YO Building 3FJingumae 6-7-15, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001Japanwww.native-instruments.co.jp NATIVE INSTRUMENTS UK Limited 18 Phipp StreetLondon EC2A 4NUUKNATIVE INSTRUMENTS FRANCE SARL 113 Rue Saint-Maur75011 ParisFrance SHENZHEN NATIVE INSTRUMENTS COMPANY Limited 5F, Shenzhen Zimao Center111 Taizi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, GuangdongChina© NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH, 2019. All rights reserved.Table of Contents1Welcome to MASCHINE (23)1.1MASCHINE Documentation (24)1.2Document Conventions (25)1.3New Features in MASCHINE 2.8 (26)1.4New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.10 (28)1.5New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.8 (29)1.6New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.7 (29)1.7New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.4 (31)1.8New Features in MASCHINE 2.7.3 (33)2Quick Reference (35)2.1MASCHINE Project Overview (35)2.1.1Sound Content (35)2.1.2Arrangement (37)2.2MASCHINE Hardware Overview (40)2.2.1MASCHINE MIKRO Hardware Overview (40) Section (41) Section (42) Section (43) Section (45) Section (46) Panel (50)2.3MASCHINE Software Overview (51)2.3.1Header (52)2.3.2Browser (54)2.3.3Arranger (56)2.3.4Control Area (59)2.3.5Pattern Editor (60)3Basic Concepts (62)3.1Important Names and Concepts (62)3.2Adjusting the MASCHINE User Interface (65)3.2.1Adjusting the Size of the Interface (65)3.2.2Switching between Ideas View and Song View (66)3.2.3Showing/Hiding the Browser (67)3.2.4Showing/Hiding the Control Lane (67)3.3Common Operations (68)3.3.1Adjusting Volume, Swing, and Tempo (68)3.3.2Undo/Redo (71)3.3.3Focusing on a Group or a Sound (73)3.3.4Switching Between the Master, Group, and Sound Level (77)3.3.5Navigating Channel Properties, Plug-ins, and Parameter Pages in the Control Area.773.3.6Navigating the Software Using the Controller (82)3.3.7Using Two or More Hardware Controllers (82)3.3.8Loading a Recent Project from the Controller (84)3.4Native Kontrol Standard (85)3.5Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (86)3.5.1Differences between Stand-Alone and Plug-in Mode (86)3.5.2Switching Instances (88)3.6Preferences (88)3.6.1Preferences – General Page (89)3.6.2Preferences – Audio Page (93)3.6.3Preferences – MIDI Page (95)3.6.4Preferences – Default Page (97)3.6.5Preferences – Library Page (101)3.6.6Preferences – Plug-ins Page (109)3.6.7Preferences – Hardware Page (114)3.6.8Preferences – Colors Page (114)3.7Integrating MASCHINE into a MIDI Setup (117)3.7.1Connecting External MIDI Equipment (117)3.7.2Sync to External MIDI Clock (117)3.7.3Send MIDI Clock (118)3.7.4Using MIDI Mode (119)3.8Syncing MASCHINE using Ableton Link (120)3.8.1Connecting to a Network (121)3.8.2Joining and Leaving a Link Session (121)4Browser (123)4.1Browser Basics (123)4.1.1The MASCHINE Library (123)4.1.2Browsing the Library vs. Browsing Your Hard Disks (124)4.2Searching and Loading Files from the Library (125)4.2.1Overview of the Library Pane (125)4.2.2Selecting or Loading a Product and Selecting a Bank from the Browser (128)4.2.3Selecting a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank (133) a Product Category, a Product, a Bank, and a Sub-Bank on theController (137)4.2.4Selecting a File Type (137)4.2.5Choosing Between Factory and User Content (138)4.2.6Selecting Type and Character Tags (138)4.2.7Performing a Text Search (142)4.2.8Loading a File from the Result List (143)4.3Additional Browsing Tools (148)4.3.1Loading the Selected Files Automatically (148)4.3.2Auditioning Instrument Presets (149)4.3.3Auditioning Samples (150)4.3.4Loading Groups with Patterns (150)4.3.5Loading Groups with Routing (151)4.3.6Displaying File Information (151)4.4Using Favorites in the Browser (152)4.5Editing the Files’ Tags and Properties (155)4.5.1Attribute Editor Basics (155)4.5.2The Bank Page (157)4.5.3The Types and Characters Pages (157)4.5.4The Properties Page (160)4.6Loading and Importing Files from Your File System (161)4.6.1Overview of the FILES Pane (161)4.6.2Using Favorites (163)4.6.3Using the Location Bar (164)4.6.4Navigating to Recent Locations (165)4.6.5Using the Result List (166)4.6.6Importing Files to the MASCHINE Library (169)4.7Locating Missing Samples (171)4.8Using Quick Browse (173)5Managing Sounds, Groups, and Your Project (175)5.1Overview of the Sounds, Groups, and Master (175)5.1.1The Sound, Group, and Master Channels (176)5.1.2Similarities and Differences in Handling Sounds and Groups (177)5.1.3Selecting Multiple Sounds or Groups (178)5.2Managing Sounds (181)5.2.1Loading Sounds (183)5.2.2Pre-listening to Sounds (184)5.2.3Renaming Sound Slots (185)5.2.4Changing the Sound’s Color (186)5.2.5Saving Sounds (187)5.2.6Copying and Pasting Sounds (189)5.2.7Moving Sounds (192)5.2.8Resetting Sound Slots (193)5.3Managing Groups (194)5.3.1Creating Groups (196)5.3.2Loading Groups (197)5.3.3Renaming Groups (198)5.3.4Changing the Group’s Color (199)5.3.5Saving Groups (200)5.3.6Copying and Pasting Groups (202)5.3.7Reordering Groups (206)5.3.8Deleting Groups (207)5.4Exporting MASCHINE Objects and Audio (208)5.4.1Saving a Group with its Samples (208)5.4.2Saving a Project with its Samples (210)5.4.3Exporting Audio (212)5.5Importing Third-Party File Formats (218)5.5.1Loading REX Files into Sound Slots (218)5.5.2Importing MPC Programs to Groups (219)6Playing on the Controller (223)6.1Adjusting the Pads (223)6.1.1The Pad View in the Software (223)6.1.2Choosing a Pad Input Mode (225)6.1.3Adjusting the Base Key (226)6.2Adjusting the Key, Choke, and Link Parameters for Multiple Sounds (227)6.3Playing Tools (229)6.3.1Mute and Solo (229)6.3.2Choke All Notes (233)6.3.3Groove (233)6.3.4Level, Tempo, Tune, and Groove Shortcuts on Your Controller (235)6.3.5Tap Tempo (235)6.4Performance Features (236)6.4.1Overview of the Perform Features (236)6.4.2Selecting a Scale and Creating Chords (239)6.4.3Scale and Chord Parameters (240)6.4.4Creating Arpeggios and Repeated Notes (253)6.4.5Swing on Note Repeat / Arp Output (257)6.5Using Lock Snapshots (257)6.5.1Creating a Lock Snapshot (257)7Working with Plug-ins (259)7.1Plug-in Overview (259)7.1.1Plug-in Basics (259)7.1.2First Plug-in Slot of Sounds: Choosing the Sound’s Role (263)7.1.3Loading, Removing, and Replacing a Plug-in (264)7.1.4Adjusting the Plug-in Parameters (270)7.1.5Bypassing Plug-in Slots (270)7.1.6Using Side-Chain (272)7.1.7Moving Plug-ins (272)7.1.8Alternative: the Plug-in Strip (273)7.1.9Saving and Recalling Plug-in Presets (273) Plug-in Presets (274) Plug-in Presets (275) a Default Plug-in Preset (276)7.2The Sampler Plug-in (277)7.2.1Page 1: Voice Settings / Engine (279)7.2.2Page 2: Pitch / Envelope (281)7.2.3Page 3: FX / Filter (283)7.2.4Page 4: Modulation (285)7.2.5Page 5: LFO (286)7.2.6Page 6: Velocity / Modwheel (288)7.3Using Native Instruments and External Plug-ins (289)7.3.1Opening/Closing Plug-in Windows (289)7.3.2Using the VST/AU Plug-in Parameters (292)7.3.3Setting Up Your Own Parameter Pages (293)7.3.4Using VST/AU Plug-in Presets (298)7.3.5Multiple-Output Plug-ins and Multitimbral Plug-ins (300)8Using the Audio Plug-in (302)8.1Loading a Loop into the Audio Plug-in (306)8.2Editing Audio in the Audio Plug-in (307)8.3Using Loop Mode (308)8.4Using Gate Mode (310)9Using the Drumsynths (312)9.1Drumsynths – General Handling (313)9.1.1Engines: Many Different Drums per Drumsynth (313)9.1.2Common Parameter Organization (313)9.1.3Shared Parameters (316)9.1.4Various Velocity Responses (316)9.1.5Pitch Range, Tuning, and MIDI Notes (316)9.2The Kicks (317)9.2.1Kick – Sub (319)9.2.2Kick – Tronic (321)9.2.3Kick – Dusty (324)9.2.4Kick – Grit (325)9.2.5Kick – Rasper (328)9.2.6Kick – Snappy (329)9.2.7Kick – Bold (331)9.2.8Kick – Maple (333)9.2.9Kick – Push (334)9.3The Snares (336)9.3.1Snare – Volt (338)9.3.2Snare – Bit (340)9.3.3Snare – Pow (342)9.3.4Snare – Sharp (343)9.3.5Snare – Airy (345)9.3.6Snare – Vintage (347)9.3.7Snare – Chrome (349)9.3.8Snare – Iron (351)9.3.9Snare – Clap (353)9.3.10Snare – Breaker (355)9.4The Hi-hats (357)9.4.1Hi-hat – Silver (358)9.4.2Hi-hat – Circuit (360)9.4.3Hi-hat – Memory (362)9.4.4Hi-hat – Hybrid (364)9.4.5Creating a Pattern with Closed and Open Hi-hats (366)9.5The Toms (367)9.5.1Tom – Tronic (369)9.5.2Tom – Fractal (371)9.5.3Tom – Floor (375)9.5.4Tom – High (377)9.6The Percussions (378)9.6.1Percussion – Fractal (380)9.6.2Percussion – Kettle (383)9.6.3Percussion – Shaker (385)9.7The Cymbals (389)9.7.1Cymbal – Crash (391)9.7.2Cymbal – Ride (393)10Using the Bass Synth (396)10.1Bass Synth – General Handling (397)10.1.1Parameter Organization (397)10.1.2Bass Synth Parameters (399)11Working with Patterns (401)11.1Pattern Basics (401)11.1.1Pattern Editor Overview (402)11.1.2Navigating the Event Area (404)11.1.3Following the Playback Position in the Pattern (406)11.1.4Jumping to Another Playback Position in the Pattern (407)11.1.5Group View and Keyboard View (408)11.1.6Adjusting the Arrange Grid and the Pattern Length (410)11.1.7Adjusting the Step Grid and the Nudge Grid (413)11.2Recording Patterns in Real Time (416)11.2.1Recording Your Patterns Live (417)11.2.2Using the Metronome (419)11.2.3Recording with Count-in (420)11.3Recording Patterns with the Step Sequencer (422)11.3.1Step Mode Basics (422)11.3.2Editing Events in Step Mode (424)11.4Editing Events (425)11.4.1Editing Events with the Mouse: an Overview (425)11.4.2Creating Events/Notes (428)11.4.3Selecting Events/Notes (429)11.4.4Editing Selected Events/Notes (431)11.4.5Deleting Events/Notes (434)11.4.6Cut, Copy, and Paste Events/Notes (436)11.4.7Quantizing Events/Notes (439)11.4.8Quantization While Playing (441)11.4.9Doubling a Pattern (442)11.4.10Adding Variation to Patterns (442)11.5Recording and Editing Modulation (443)11.5.1Which Parameters Are Modulatable? (444)11.5.2Recording Modulation (446)11.5.3Creating and Editing Modulation in the Control Lane (447)11.6Creating MIDI Tracks from Scratch in MASCHINE (452)11.7Managing Patterns (454)11.7.1The Pattern Manager and Pattern Mode (455)11.7.2Selecting Patterns and Pattern Banks (456)11.7.3Creating Patterns (459)11.7.4Deleting Patterns (460)11.7.5Creating and Deleting Pattern Banks (461)11.7.6Naming Patterns (463)11.7.7Changing the Pattern’s Color (465)11.7.8Duplicating, Copying, and Pasting Patterns (466)11.7.9Moving Patterns (469)11.8Importing/Exporting Audio and MIDI to/from Patterns (470)11.8.1Exporting Audio from Patterns (470)11.8.2Exporting MIDI from Patterns (472)11.8.3Importing MIDI to Patterns (474)12Audio Routing, Remote Control, and Macro Controls (483)12.1Audio Routing in MASCHINE (484)12.1.1Sending External Audio to Sounds (485)12.1.2Configuring the Main Output of Sounds and Groups (489)12.1.3Setting Up Auxiliary Outputs for Sounds and Groups (494)12.1.4Configuring the Master and Cue Outputs of MASCHINE (497)12.1.5Mono Audio Inputs (502) External Inputs for Sounds in Mix View (503)12.2Using MIDI Control and Host Automation (506)12.2.1Triggering Sounds via MIDI Notes (507)12.2.2Triggering Scenes via MIDI (513)12.2.3Controlling Parameters via MIDI and Host Automation (514)12.2.4Selecting VST/AU Plug-in Presets via MIDI Program Change (522)12.2.5Sending MIDI from Sounds (523)12.3Creating Custom Sets of Parameters with the Macro Controls (527)12.3.1Macro Control Overview (527)12.3.2Assigning Macro Controls Using the Software (528)13Controlling Your Mix (535)13.1Mix View Basics (535)13.1.1Switching between Arrange View and Mix View (535)13.1.2Mix View Elements (536)13.2The Mixer (537)13.2.1Displaying Groups vs. Displaying Sounds (539)13.2.2Adjusting the Mixer Layout (541)13.2.3Selecting Channel Strips (542)13.2.4Managing Your Channels in the Mixer (543)13.2.5Adjusting Settings in the Channel Strips (545)13.2.6Using the Cue Bus (549)13.3The Plug-in Chain (551)13.4The Plug-in Strip (552)13.4.1The Plug-in Header (554)13.4.2Panels for Drumsynths and Internal Effects (556)13.4.3Panel for the Sampler (557)13.4.4Custom Panels for Native Instruments Plug-ins (560)13.4.5Undocking a Plug-in Panel (Native Instruments and External Plug-ins Only) (564)14Using Effects (567)14.1Applying Effects to a Sound, a Group or the Master (567)14.1.1Adding an Effect (567)14.1.2Other Operations on Effects (574)14.1.3Using the Side-Chain Input (575)14.2Applying Effects to External Audio (578)14.2.1Step 1: Configure MASCHINE Audio Inputs (578)14.2.2Step 2: Set up a Sound to Receive the External Input (579)14.2.3Step 3: Load an Effect to Process an Input (579)14.3Creating a Send Effect (580)14.3.1Step 1: Set Up a Sound or Group as Send Effect (581)14.3.2Step 2: Route Audio to the Send Effect (583)14.3.3 A Few Notes on Send Effects (583)14.4Creating Multi-Effects (584)15Effect Reference (587)15.1Dynamics (588)15.1.1Compressor (588)15.1.2Gate (591)15.1.3Transient Master (594)15.1.4Limiter (596)15.1.5Maximizer (600)15.2Filtering Effects (603)15.2.1EQ (603)15.2.2Filter (605)15.2.3Cabinet (609)15.3Modulation Effects (611)15.3.1Chorus (611)15.3.2Flanger (612)15.3.3FM (613)15.3.4Freq Shifter (615)15.3.5Phaser (616)15.4Spatial and Reverb Effects (617)15.4.1Ice (617)15.4.2Metaverb (619)15.4.3Reflex (620)15.4.4Reverb (Legacy) (621)15.4.5Reverb (623) Room (623) Hall (626) Reverb (629)15.5Delays (630)15.5.1Beat Delay (630)15.5.2Grain Delay (632)15.5.3Grain Stretch (634)15.5.4Resochord (636)15.6Distortion Effects (638)15.6.1Distortion (638)15.6.2Lofi (640)15.6.3Saturator (641)15.7Perform FX (645)15.7.1Filter (646)15.7.2Flanger (648)15.7.3Burst Echo (650)15.7.4Reso Echo (653)15.7.5Ring (656)15.7.6Stutter (658)15.7.7Tremolo (661)15.7.8Scratcher (664)16Working with the Arranger (667)16.1Arranger Basics (667)16.1.1Navigating Song View (670)16.1.2Following the Playback Position in Your Project (672)16.1.3Performing with Scenes and Sections using the Pads (673)16.2Using Ideas View (677)16.2.1Scene Overview (677)16.2.2Creating Scenes (679)16.2.3Assigning and Removing Patterns (679)16.2.4Selecting Scenes (682)16.2.5Deleting Scenes (684)16.2.6Creating and Deleting Scene Banks (685)16.2.7Clearing Scenes (685)16.2.8Duplicating Scenes (685)16.2.9Reordering Scenes (687)16.2.10Making Scenes Unique (688)16.2.11Appending Scenes to Arrangement (689)16.2.12Naming Scenes (689)16.2.13Changing the Color of a Scene (690)16.3Using Song View (692)16.3.1Section Management Overview (692)16.3.2Creating Sections (694)16.3.3Assigning a Scene to a Section (695)16.3.4Selecting Sections and Section Banks (696)16.3.5Reorganizing Sections (700)16.3.6Adjusting the Length of a Section (702) the Length of a Section Using the Software (703) the Length of a Section Using the Controller (705)16.3.7Clearing a Pattern in Song View (705)16.3.8Duplicating Sections (705) Sections Unique (707)16.3.9Removing Sections (707)16.3.10Renaming Scenes (708)16.3.11Clearing Sections (710)16.3.12Creating and Deleting Section Banks (710)16.3.13Working with Patterns in Song view (710) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (711) a Pattern in Song View (712) a Pattern in Song View (712) a Pattern in Song View (712)16.3.14Enabling Auto Length (713)16.3.15Looping (714) the Loop Range in the Software (714) or Deactivating a Loop Using the Controller (715)16.4Playing with Sections (715)16.4.1Jumping to another Playback Position in Your Project (716)16.5Triggering Sections or Scenes via MIDI (717)16.6The Arrange Grid (719)16.7Quick Grid (720)17Sampling and Sample Mapping (722)17.1Opening the Sample Editor (722)17.2Recording Audio (724)17.2.1Opening the Record Page (724)17.2.2Selecting the Source and the Recording Mode (725)17.2.3Arming, Starting, and Stopping the Recording (729)17.2.5Checking Your Recordings (731)17.2.6Location and Name of Your Recorded Samples (734)17.3Editing a Sample (735)17.3.1Using the Edit Page (735)17.3.2Audio Editing Functions (739)17.4Slicing a Sample (743)17.4.1Opening the Slice Page (743)17.4.2Adjusting the Slicing Settings (744)17.4.3Manually Adjusting Your Slices (746)17.4.4Applying the Slicing (750)17.5Mapping Samples to Zones (754)17.5.1Opening the Zone Page (754)17.5.2Zone Page Overview (755)17.5.3Selecting and Managing Zones in the Zone List (756)17.5.4Selecting and Editing Zones in the Map View (761)17.5.5Editing Zones in the Sample View (765)17.5.6Adjusting the Zone Settings (767)17.5.7Adding Samples to the Sample Map (770)18Appendix: Tips for Playing Live (772)18.1Preparations (772)18.1.1Focus on the Hardware (772)18.1.2Customize the Pads of the Hardware (772)18.1.3Check Your CPU Power Before Playing (772)18.1.4Name and Color Your Groups, Patterns, Sounds and Scenes (773)18.1.5Consider Using a Limiter on Your Master (773)18.1.6Hook Up Your Other Gear and Sync It with MIDI Clock (773)18.1.7Improvise (773)18.2Basic Techniques (773)18.2.1Use Mute and Solo (773)18.2.2Create Variations of Your Drum Patterns in the Step Sequencer (774)18.2.3Use Note Repeat (774)18.2.4Set Up Your Own Multi-effect Groups and Automate Them (774)18.3Special Tricks (774)18.3.1Changing Pattern Length for Variation (774)18.3.2Using Loops to Cycle Through Samples (775)18.3.3Load Long Audio Files and Play with the Start Point (775)19Troubleshooting (776)19.1Knowledge Base (776)19.2Technical Support (776)19.3Registration Support (777)19.4User Forum (777)20Glossary (778)Index (786)1Welcome to MASCHINEThank you for buying MASCHINE!MASCHINE is a groove production studio that implements the familiar working style of classi-cal groove boxes along with the advantages of a computer based system. MASCHINE is ideal for making music live, as well as in the studio. It’s the hands-on aspect of a dedicated instru-ment, the MASCHINE hardware controller, united with the advanced editing features of the MASCHINE software.Creating beats is often not very intuitive with a computer, but using the MASCHINE hardware controller to do it makes it easy and fun. You can tap in freely with the pads or use Note Re-peat to jam along. Alternatively, build your beats using the step sequencer just as in classic drum machines.Patterns can be intuitively combined and rearranged on the fly to form larger ideas. You can try out several different versions of a song without ever having to stop the music.Since you can integrate it into any sequencer that supports VST, AU, or AAX plug-ins, you can reap the benefits in almost any software setup, or use it as a stand-alone application. You can sample your own material, slice loops and rearrange them easily.However, MASCHINE is a lot more than an ordinary groovebox or sampler: it comes with an inspiring 7-gigabyte library, and a sophisticated, yet easy to use tag-based Browser to give you instant access to the sounds you are looking for.What’s more, MASCHINE provides lots of options for manipulating your sounds via internal ef-fects and other sound-shaping possibilities. You can also control external MIDI hardware and 3rd-party software with the MASCHINE hardware controller, while customizing the functions of the pads, knobs and buttons according to your needs utilizing the included Controller Editor application. We hope you enjoy this fantastic instrument as much as we do. Now let’s get go-ing!—The MASCHINE team at Native Instruments.MASCHINE Documentation1.1MASCHINE DocumentationNative Instruments provide many information sources regarding MASCHINE. The main docu-ments should be read in the following sequence:1.MASCHINE MIKRO Quick Start Guide: This animated online guide provides a practical ap-proach to help you learn the basic of MASCHINE MIKRO. The guide is available from theNative Instruments website: https:///maschine-mikro-quick-start/2.MASCHINE Manual (this document): The MASCHINE Manual provides you with a compre-hensive description of all MASCHINE software and hardware features.Additional documentation sources provide you with details on more specific topics:►Online Support Videos: You can find a number of support videos on The Official Native In-struments Support Channel under the following URL: https:///NIsupport-EN. We recommend that you follow along with these instructions while the respective ap-plication is running on your computer.Other Online Resources:If you are experiencing problems related to your Native Instruments product that the supplied documentation does not cover, there are several ways of getting help:▪Knowledge Base▪User Forum▪Technical Support▪Registration SupportYou will find more information on these subjects in the chapter Troubleshooting.Document Conventions1.2Document ConventionsThis section introduces you to the signage and text highlighting used in this manual. This man-ual uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of potential issues.The icons introducing these notes let you see what kind of information is to be expected:This document uses particular formatting to point out special facts and to warn you of poten-tial issues. The icons introducing the following notes let you see what kind of information canbe expected:Furthermore, the following formatting is used:▪Text appearing in (drop-down) menus (such as Open…, Save as… etc.) in the software andpaths to locations on your hard disk or other storage devices is printed in italics.▪Text appearing elsewhere (labels of buttons, controls, text next to checkboxes etc.) in thesoftware is printed in blue. Whenever you see this formatting applied, you will find thesame text appearing somewhere on the screen.▪Text appearing on the displays of the controller is printed in light grey. Whenever you seethis formatting applied, you will find the same text on a controller display.▪Text appearing on labels of the hardware controller is printed in orange. Whenever you seethis formatting applied, you will find the same text on the controller.▪Important names and concepts are printed in bold.▪References to keys on your computer’s keyboard you’ll find put in square brackets (e.g.,“Press [Shift] + [Enter]”).►Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow.→Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.Naming ConventionThroughout the documentation we will refer to MASCHINE controller (or just controller) as the hardware controller and MASCHINE software as the software installed on your computer.The term “effect” will sometimes be abbreviated as “FX” when referring to elements in the MA-SCHINE software and hardware. These terms have the same meaning.Button Combinations and Shortcuts on Your ControllerMost instructions will use the “+” sign to indicate buttons (or buttons and pads) that must be pressed simultaneously, starting with the button indicated first. E.g., an instruction such as:“Press SHIFT + PLAY”means:1.Press and hold SHIFT.2.While holding SHIFT, press PLAY and release it.3.Release SHIFT.1.3New Features in MASCHINE2.8The following new features have been added to MASCHINE: Integration▪Browse on , create your own collections of loops and one-shots and send them directly to the MASCHINE browser.Improvements to the Browser▪Samples are now cataloged in separate Loops and One-shots tabs in the Browser.▪Previews of loops selected in the Browser will be played in sync with the current project.When a loop is selected with Prehear turned on, it will begin playing immediately in-sync with the project if transport is running. If a loop preview starts part-way through the loop, the loop will play once more for its full length to ensure you get to hear the entire loop once in context with your project.▪Filters and product selections will be remembered when switching between content types and Factory/User Libraries in the Browser.▪Browser content synchronization between multiple running instances. When running multi-ple instances of MASCHINE, either as Standalone and/or as a plug-in, updates to the Li-brary will be synced across the instances. For example, if you delete a sample from your User Library in one instance, the sample will no longer be present in the other instances.Similarly, if you save a preset in one instance, that preset will then be available in the oth-er instances, too.▪Edits made to samples in the Factory Libraries will be saved to the Standard User Directo-ry.For more information on these new features, refer to the following chapter ↑4, Browser. Improvements to the MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 Controller▪You can now set sample Start and End points using the controller. For more information refer to ↑17.3.1, Using the Edit Page.Improved Support for A-Series Keyboards▪When Browsing with A-Series keyboards, you can now jump quickly to the results list by holding SHIFT and pushing right on the 4D Encoder.▪When Browsing with A-Series keyboards, you can fast scroll through the Browser results list by holding SHIFT and twisting the 4D Encoder.▪Mute and Solo Sounds and Groups from A-Series keyboards. Sounds are muted in TRACK mode while Groups are muted in IDEAS.。



1Which of the following is considered a limitation of RIP v1?RIP v1 does not send subnet mask information in its updates.RIP v1 is not widely supported by networking hardware vendors.RIP v1 consumes excessive bandwidth by multicasting routing updates using a Class D address.RIP v1 requires enhanced router processors and extra RAM to function effectively.RIP v1 does not support load balancing across equal-cost paths.RIP v1 authentication is complicated and time-consuming to configure.2Refer to the exhibit. A network consists of multiple routers. What can be verified when the show ip protocols command is of the routers in the network?whether all routes in the network have been properly added to the routing tablerouting protocol configuration in use for IP on this routeroperational status of routing protocols in use on all routers in the networkrouting metric of each network that is listed in the routing table3Refer to the exhibit. All routers in the exhibit are running RIP v1. The network administrator issues the show ip route commA. What routes would appear in the routing table output if the network is converged? (Choose two).R [120/1]C [120/1]R [120/0]C [120/1]R [120/2]R [120/3]4Which of the following would be the correct command sequence to enable RIP on Router B for all connected networks?RouterB# router ripRouterB(router)# network RouterB(router)# network RouterB(router)# network router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network network configure router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network network router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network network router ripRouterB(config-router)# network network network command will display RIP activity as it occurs on a router?debug ip ripshow ip routeshow ip interfaceshow ip protocolsdebug ip rip configshow ip rip database6W hich command or set of commands will stop the RIP routing process?RouterB(config)# router ripRouterB(config-router)# shutdownRouterB(config)# router ripRouterB(config-router)# network no no router ripRouterB(config)# router no rip7Refer to the exhibit. RIPv1 is running on all three routers. All interfaces have been correctly configured with addresses in th ranges that are shown. Which route would you see in the routing table on router CHI if the routers are configured with the co are displayed in the exhibit? he following line was displayed in the output of the show ip route command.R [120/3] via, 00:00:30, Serial0/0What is the value of the routing metric?31220301209Refer to the exhibit. All routers are configured with valid interface addresses in the indicated networks and are running RIP network is converged. Which routes are present in the routing tables?All routers have all routes in their routing table.All routers have all /30 routes, but do not have /24 routes in their routing table.All routers have all /30 routes. Routers A and E also have some of the /24 routes in their routing table.All routers have all /30 routes. Routers B and D also have some of the /24 routes in their routing table.Routers A and E have all routes. Routers B and D have only /30 routes in their routing table.Routers A and E have only /24 routes. Routers B and D have only /30 routes in their routing table.10W hat are three characteristics of the RIPv1 routing protocol? (Choose three.)supports the use of VLSMuses hop count as a metricconsiders a metric of 16 as infinityhas an administrative distance of 110 by defaultincludes the destination IP address and subnet mask in routing updatescalculates metrics using the Bellman Ford algorithm11What will happen if an interface IP address is entered for the address portion of the network command in a RIPv1 configu of a network address?The router will reject the command.A route to the host address will be added to outgoing RIP updates.A route to the host address will be added to the routing table.All interfaces in the same classful network as the configured address will be included in the RIPv1 routing process.12Refer to the exhibit. The Ethernet interface on Router2 goes down and the administrator notices that the route is still valid table of Router1. How much longer will it take for Router1 to mark the route invalid by setting the metric to 16?30 seconds90 seconds155 seconds180 seconds255 seconds13Refer to the exhibit. The network that is shown is running RIPv1. The network was recently added and w end users. What command or set of commands should be entered on Router1 to prevent RIPv1 updates from being sent to devices on the new network while still allowing this new network to be advertised to other routers?Router1(config-router)# no router ripRouter1(config-router)# network no network passive-interface fastethernet 0/0Router1(config-router)# passive-interface serial 0/0/014Refer to the exhibit. All routers that are shown are running the RIP routing protocol. All unknown IP traffic must be forward What router or set of routers are recommended to have both a default route and the default-information originate comm implement this forwarding policy?only Router1only the gateway routerall routers in the networkonly the routers with LANs needing Internet access15Refer to the exhibit. Router1 and Router2 are running the RIPv1 protocol. The network administrator configures the comm10.1.0.0 on Router1. What network will Router1 advertise to Router2? hat is the default update period in seconds for the RIP routing protocol?10121520306017Refer to the exhibit. What can be concluded from the routing table output of router B?A static default route has been configured on B.The default-information originate command has been entered on A.All traffic that is destined for will be sent to address hich two statements are true regarding the characteristics of RIPv1? (Choose two).It is a distance vector routing protocol.It advertises the address and subnet mask for routes in routing updates.The data portion of a RIP message is encapsulated into a TCP segment.The data portion of a RIP message is encapsulated into a UDP segment.It broadcasts updates every 15 seconds.It allows a maximum of 15 routers in the routing domain.19Refer to the exhibit. Router1 is running RIPv1. What command was entered into Router1 to configure the gateway of last re no auto-summaryip default-network default-gateway route S0/0/1。

Google Cloud VPN 配置指南说明书

Google Cloud VPN 配置指南说明书
under Networking, select the VPC Network page.
2. On the VPC network page, click on Create VPC Network. 3. Fill in a Name and, optionally, a Description.
ISAKMP peer. 14. Copy this and save it somewhere secure 15. Under Routing options, choose Policy-based. 16. Under Remote network IP ranges, enter the internal IP address range of your router. 17. Under Local IP ranges, enter the local-address-selector that you created earlier.
5. Click on Create to create the VPC network.
6. Once the VPC network has been created, you will be returned to the Home Page. On the Home Page, from the menu on the left under Networking, select Hybrid Connectivity, then VPN.
C613-02084-00 REV A
Introduction | Page 3
Google Cloud VPN
Static routing
To configure static routing to a Google Cloud VPN, use the following steps: 1. Log in to your Google Cloud Account. Navigate to the Home Page. From the menu on the left,

HOBBYWING 高性能无刷系统用户手册说明书

HOBBYWING 高性能无刷系统用户手册说明书

Progammable Items3Cont./Peak CurrentMotor Type200A / 1080ASensored / Sensorless Brushless MotorsMode XERUN XR8 PRO G304Specifications06ESC Setup01DisclaimerNote: If the forward and backward is reverse after installing the motor, please modify “no. 1J” parameters “Motor Rotation” to change the direction.If the 1K parameter item "Phase-AC Swap" is set to "Enabled", then the # A of the esc needs to be connected to the # C of the motor.B. Sensorless Motor Wiring:Users do not need to be worried in r egards to the connectivity with the A/B/C(ESC and motor) as ther e is no polarity. You may find it necessary to swap two wir es if the motor runs in reverse.2. Receiver Wiring:Insert the throttle control flat cable of ESC into the throttle channel (i.e. THROTTLE channel) of the receiver. Since the red line in the flat cable outputs BEC voltage to the receiver andsteering servo. Please do not supply additional power to the receiver, otherwise the electric adjustment may be damaged. If additional power is required, disconnect the redwire on the throttle plug from the ESC.3. Battery Wiring:Please make sure that the (+) pole of the ESC is connected to the (+) of the battery, and the (-) pole is connected to the (-). If connect reversely, the ESC cannot start up. (Add the picture ofconnecting battery here.)4. External Capacitor Module (also called Cappack )Wiring (Optional):Generally, for 1/8 Buggy and 1/10 vehicles, there is no need for external capacitor pack; But for 1/8 on-road racing, due to the high load current, it is necessary to solder the standardcapacitor pack to the input end of the esc (which can be soldered together with the input wires to the gold plug of the esc), as shown in the figure above.Warning! Make sure that the red/positive (+) of the capacitor pack is connected to the red/positive (+) of the esc, and the black/negative (-) is connected to the black /negative (-). Do not connect them incorrectly, otherwise the capacitor pack will be damaged.Warning! This is an extremely powerful system. For your safety and the safety of those around you, we strongly recommend removing the pinion gear attached to the motorbefore calibrating and setting this system. It is also advisable to keep the wheels in the air when you turn on the ESC.1) Illustration of power on/off: Short press the ON/OFF key to turn on the ESC in the off state, and long press the ON/OFF key to turn off the ESC.2) Beep illustration when turn on the ESC: When turn on ESC under normal conditions (i.e. it is started without pressing the SET key), the motor will emit several Beeps to indicate the LiPocells. For example, “Beep, Beep, Beep” means 3S, “Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep” means 4S.Power on/off and Beep illustration208Trouble ShootingIn order to make one firmware applicable to all different racing conditions, there are 3 groups of preset modes in the ESC. Users are able to change the settings of the modes provided andmatch suitable gear ratio. Plug-and -screw. Users can change the settings as per the control feel, track, and rename the setting mode. For example, the name can be changed from “1/8Off-Road” to “NC2020-1900” to indicate the NC2020 uses 1900KV. This can be saved for future reference as well.07Explanation for LED status1. During the Start-up Process• The red light flashes quickly while the motor beeps: the esc has not detect the neutral of the throttle. (the neutral of the throttle does not match the transmitter)• The GREEN LED flashes “N” times indicating the number of LiPo cells you have connected to the ESC.2. In Operation• The throttle triggle is at the neutral:1) In the normal mode(Non blinky mode),the RED LED turns on soild.2) In the blinky mode(Non RPM limit mode), the boost timing and turbo timing are 0, the RED LED will blink.• Forward: The RED LED dies out and the GREEN LED blinks when your vehicle runs forward. The GREEN LED turns solid when pulling the throttle trigger to the full (100%) throttle endpoint.• Brake: The RED LED dies out and the GREEN LED blinks when you brake your vehicle. The GREEN LED turns solid when pushing the throttle trigger to the full brake endpoint and settingthe ”Max. Brake Force” to 100%.• Backward: The RED LED dies out, the GREEN LED blinks when you reverse your vehicle. The GREEN LED turns solid when pushing the throttle trigger to the full brake endpoint and settingthe ”reverse force” to 100%.3. When Some Protection is Activated• The RED LED flashes a short, single flash and repeats “☆, ☆, ☆” indicating the low voltage cutoff protection is activated.• The GREEN LED flashes a short, single flash and repeats “☆, ☆, ☆” indicating the ESC thermal protection is activated.• The GREEN LED flashes a short, double flash and repeats “☆☆, ☆☆, ☆☆” indicating the motor thermal protection is activated.• The GREEN LEDS flash a short, single flash and repeats “☆☆☆, ☆☆☆, ☆☆☆” indicating that the load of ESC is heavy, the Over-Current protection is activated.• The GREEN LEDS flash a short, single flash and repeats “☆☆☆☆☆,☆☆☆☆☆,☆☆☆☆☆” indicating that the temperature of ESC and capacitor is too high, the thermal protectionof capacitor is activated.Preset Modes for Different Racing:Here is the method of setting parameters of ESC:1) LCD G2 programming box set the parameters: (Please refer to the instructions of LCD G2 programming box for detailes)parameters. You can adjust the setting via “ITEM” & “VALUE” buttons, and press the “OK (R/P)” button to save new settings to your ESC.2) Use OTA Programmer to set parameters (Please refer to instructions of OTA Programmer for details)This ESC allows OTA Programmer connecting to the computer, that is, plug the programming wire of OTA Programmer to theprogramming port. Then use mobile phone to install HOBBYWING HW LINK App to set parameters.3) The OTA Bluetooth module:1) The ESC is able to record the Maximum Temperature of ESC and Motor, Minimum Battery Voltage and Maximum Motor RPM in running.It automatically saves the recorded data to the designated area when you turn off the ESC after a run. You can check those data via a multifunction LCD G2 program box. Users need to switchon the ESC after the esc is connected with the program box. Long Press the “OK(R/P)” button on any “item” page, then press the “ITEM” button, the following 5 item pages will be displayed:Mode → ESC Temperature→ Motor Temperature → Min Voltage→ Max RPM2) The ESC running data is read through the OTA Bluetooth module.After connecting the OTA Bluetooth module to the esc and establishing communication, you can view not only the four extreme value data recorded above, but also the real-time runningdata and historical record data (graph) in the [Data Log] menu in HW link app.Programming:5Here is the method of restore factory reset:1) Restore the default values with a multifunction LCD G2 program boxAfter connecting the program box to the ESC, continue to press the “ITEM” button on the program box until you see the “RESTORE DEFAULT” item, and press “OK(R/P)” to factory reset your ESC.2) Restore the default values with a OTA Programmer (Use HW Link mobile phone App)Connect OTA Programmer to the ESC, enter into 【Parameters】, click “reset” to factory reset your ESC.Factory reset6Preset modes41A: Running ModOption 1: Forward with BrakeRacing mode. It has only forward and brake functions.Option 2: Forward/ Reverse with BrakeThis option is known to be the “training”mode with “Forward/Reverse with Brake” function. The vehicle only brakes on the first time you push the throttle trigger to the reverse/brake zone.Ifthe motor stops when the throttle trigger return to the neutral zone and then re-push the trigger to reverse zone, the vehicle will reverse, if the motor does not completely stop, then yourvehicle won’t reverse but still brake, you need to return the throttle trigger to the neutral zone and push it to reverse zone again. This method is for preventing vehicle from being accidentallyreversed.Option 3: Forward and ReverseThis mode is often used by special vehicles. The vehicle will reverse immediately when you push the throttle triggle to the reverse zone.1B: Max. Reverse Force:The reverse force of the value will determine its speed. For the safety of your vehicle, we recommend using a low amount.1C: Lipo Cells:Auto Calculation is the default setting. If Lipo batteries are often used with the same cell count,we would recommend setting the Lipo cells manually to avoid the incorrect “Calculation”(Forexample,the esc may take a not fully charged 3S Lipo as a fully 2S Lipo) ,which may cause the low-voltage cutoff protection to not function ideally.1D: Cutoff Voltage:The ESC will monitor the battery voltage all the time, once the voltage is lower than the threshold value, the ESC will reduce the power to 50% instantly and cutoff the power output in 40seconds. When enters into voltage protection, the RED LED will single flash that repeats (☆, ☆, ☆, ☆…….). Please set the “Cutoff Voltage” to “Disabled” or customized protection thresholdvalue if you are using NiMH batteries.Option 1: DisabledThe ESC does not cut the power off due to low voltage. We do not recommend using this option when you use any LiPo battery as you will irreversibly damage the product. It is suggested toset to “Disabled”(But the battery would be damaged due to overcharged)Option 2: AutoThe ESC calculates the corresponding cutoff voltage as per the number of LiPo cells it detects and the “3.5V/cell” rule. For example, if the ESC detects a 4S, the cutoff voltage protectionthreshold value is 3.5x4=14.0V.Option 3: CustomizedThe customized cutoff threshold is a voltage for the whole battery pack (adjustable from 5.0V to 13.6V). Please calculate the value as per the number of LiPo cells you are using. For example,when you use a 4S and you want the cutoff voltage for each cell is 3.0V, you will need to set this item to 12V(3.0*4)1E: ESC Thermal Protection:The output from the ESC will be cut off with the value you have preset. The GREEN LED flashes (☆, ☆, ☆) when the ESC temperature reaches to the preset value. The output will not resumeuntil the ESC temperature gets down.Warning! Please do not disable this function unless you’re in a competition. Otherwise the high temperature may damage your ESC and even your motor.1F: Motor Thermal Protection:The GREEN LED flashes (☆☆, ☆☆, ☆☆) when the motor temperature reaches to the preset value. The output will not resume until the motor temperature gets down.Warning! Please do not disable this function unless you’re in a competition. Otherwise the high temperature may damage your motor and even your ESC. For non-Hobbywingmotor, the ESC may get this protection activated too early/late because of the different temperature sensor inside the motor. In this case, please disable this function andmonitor the motor temperature manually.1G: BEC Voltage:It supports 6.0V/7.4V adjustable. 6.0V is applicable to common servo. If use high-voltage servo, set to higher voltage according to voltage marking of servo.Note: 1. Do not set the BEC voltage above the maximum operating voltage of the servo, as this may damage the servo or even the ESC.2. Due to the characteristics of the BEC circuit, there is a voltage difference between the BEC output voltage and the input voltage,when the BEC voltage is set to 7.4Vand 2S Lipo is used,the BEC cannot stably output 7.4V (will decrease as the battery voltage decreases) .Therefore,it is recommended to use 7.4V BEC when matchingwith 3S Lipo and above.1H: Sensor Mode:Option 1: Full SensoredIf use XERUN 4268/74-G2/G3 motor, it can set to full sensor mode. The power system will work in the “sensored” mode at all times. The efficiency and drivability of this mode is at the highest.And Boost、Turbo timing can be used and get erupting power.Option 2: Sensored/Sensorless HybridThis is universal driving mode of current 1:8 power system. The ESC operates the motor in sensored mode during the low-speed start-up process, followed by switching to operating the motorin the “sensorless” mode when the RPM is increased.1I: Motor Rotation:With the motor shaft faces you (the rear end of the motor is away from you), increase the throttle input, the motor (shaft) will rotate in the CCW/CW direction if the “Motor Rotation/Direction”set to “CCW/CW”. Generally, the vehicle runs forward when the motor (shaft) rotates in the CCW direction. However, some vehicles only run forward when the motor rotates in the CW directiondue to the different chassis design. In that case, you only need to set the “Motor Rotation/Direction” to “CW”.1J: Phase-AC Swap:If the A/C wire of ESC connect to A/C wire of motor with crossed way (A wire of ESC connects to C wire of motor, C wire of ESC connects to A wire), set this item as Enable.Warning! When #A/#B/#C wire of ESC connect to #A/#B/#C wire of motor correspondingly, do not Set to Enable. Otherwise it will damage the ESC and motor.2A: Throttle Rate Control:This item is used to control the throttle response. It can be adjustable from 1 to 30 (step: 1), the lower the throttle rate, the more the limit will be on the throttle response. A suitable rate canhelp driver to control his vehicle properly during the starting-up process. Generally, you can set it to a high value to have a quick throttle response if you are proficient at throttle control.2B: Throttle Curve:, the throttle output at the early stage will be higher (than the output when the curve is linear); if it is adjusted to –EXP, the throttleNote: The rpm limit value here is the rpm corresponding to the 2 pole motor,when using a 4 pole motor (such as 4268 motor), the corresponding rpm shall be divided by 2.3C: Brake Rate ControlIt’s adjustable from 1 to 20 (step: 1), the lower the brake rate, the more limit on the brake response. A suitable rate can aid the driver to brake his vehicle correctly. Generally, you can setit to a high value to have a quick brake response.3D: Brake ControlOption 1: TraditionalThis mode is the braking method under conventional square wave drive, which is the same as the previous version of esc. The traditional braking method, due to its brakingforce being affected by the motor speed, can cause the braking not being linear/smooth.Option 2: Disc BrakeThis mode is the braking method under FOC drive, the braking force is not affected by the motor speed, with better braking linearity and stronger braking force.3E: ABS ForceThis parameter is used to adjust the braking force maintained after the motor stops rotating. The larger the value, the greater the braking force. Setting this value appropriately accordingto the traction can help improve the situation of wheel lockup and sliding, as well as help control the off-road vehicle's attitude on the hill.Note: This parameter only takes effect when the "Brake Control" is set to "Disc Brake".3F: Disc Brake CurvatureThis parameter is used to set the braking curve in disc brake mode. The higher the curvature, the greater the braking force in the front section;The smaller the curvature, the smaller the braking force in the front section. It can be set according to personal control habits.Note: This parameter only takes effect when the "Brake Control" is set to "Disc Brake".3G: Brake FrequencyThe brake force will be larger if the frequency is low; you will get a smoother brake force when the value is higher, please choose the frequenciesas per the actual test results of your vehicles.Note: This parameter only takes effect when the "Brake Control" is set to "Traditional".4A: Boost Timing:It is effective within the whole throttle range; it directly affects the car speed on straightaway and winding course. The ESC adjusts the timingdynamically as per the throttle amount in the operation. The Boost Timing is not constant but variable.5A: Turbo Timing:This item is adjustable from 0 degree to 48 degrees, the corresponding turbo timing (you set) will initiate at full throttle. It’s usually activated on long straightaway and makes the motorunleash its maximum potential.5B: Turbo Delay:When “TURBO DELAY” is set to “INSTANT”, the Turbo Timing will be activated right after the throttle trigger is moved to the full throttle position. When other value(s) is applied, you willneed to hold the throttle trigger at the full throttle position (as you set) till the Turbo Timing initiates.5C: Turbo Increase Rate (deg / 0.1sec):This item is used to define the “speed” at which Turbo Timing is released when the trigger condition is met. For example, “6 degs / 0.1sec” refers to the Turbo Timing of 6 degrees thatwill be released in 0.1 second. Both the acceleration and heat is higher when the “Turbo increase rate” is of a larger value.5D: Turbo Decrease Rate (deg/0.1sec):After the Turbo Timing is activated and the trigger condition turns to not be met (i.e. vehicle slows down at the end of the straightaway and gets into a corner, full throttle turns to partialthrottle, the trigger condition for Turbo Timing turns to be not met), if you disable all the Turbo Timing in a moment, an obvious slow-down like braking will be felt and cause the controlof vehicle to become bad. If the ESC can disable the Turbo Timing at some “speed”, the slow-down will be linear and the control will be improved.Warning! Boost Timing & Turbo Timing can effectively improve the motor efficiency; they are usually used in competitions. Please take some time to read this manual andthen set these two items carefully, monitor the ESC & motor temperatures when you have a trial run and then adjust the Timing and FDR accordingly as aggressive Timingsand FDR may cause your ESC or motor to be burnt.Note: Only when paired with the Hobbywing matching motor (such as XERUN 4268 G3), Boost and Turbo can achieve a maximum 48 degree effect.Parameters 5A-5D only has function when you set the “Drive Mode” to “Full Sensored”.Diagram of Disc Brake Curvature XERUN XR8 PRO G3USER MANUALBrushless Electronic Speed Controller• Built-in 3 common profiles, suitable for all 1/8 Racing, select and use instantly. (e.g. Zero timing-Blinky mode, 1/8 Off-Road Racing, 1/8 On-Road Racing mode).• There are 32 built-in adjustable parameters to set various power requirements. The parameters can be imported and exported, which is convenient for drivers to communicate with and learnfrom each other.• Support the firmware upgrade of the ESC (The multi-function LCD G2 programming box or OTA Programmer is needed to purchase). You can enjoy the latest functions.• Built-in switch mode BEC with a maximum output of 12A and 6V/7.4V adjustable for usage with servos & other devices require different voltages.• The built-in reverse connection protection circuit of the ESC avoid the damage to the ESC due to reverse connection.• Data logging function to view various running data on the HW LINK app using the OTA Bluetooth module.。

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参加考试- ERouting Chapter 7 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念(版本 4.0) 01:55:05剩余时间:1请参见图示。

如图所示的命令对Router1 的RIP 更新会产生什么影响?只有第 2 版更新会发送到255.255.255.255。

只有第 2 版更新会发送到224.0.0.9。

第 1 版和第 2 版更新都会发送到224.0.0.9。

第 1 版和第 2 版更新都会发送到255.255.255.255。


从如图所示的输出中能得到什么结论?路由表被限制为只能有 2 条路由。

LAN 接口参与了路由过程。

已经从每个串行接口各发出一个更新并已收到 2 个更新。

此路由器上未配置no auto-summary。

3网络管理员被告知公司的IP 地址基础架构必须符合RFC 1918。

管理员可以在该网络中使用RFC 1918 规定的哪三个IP (选择三项。


下列哪个路由器上的哪条命令可让Router1 获知192.168.0.0/20 网络?Router1(config)# ip classlessRouter1(config-router)# no passive-interface serial 0/1/1Router2(config-router)# version 2Router2(config-router)# neighbor请参见图示。

路由器East 和West 被配置为使用RIPv1。


East 路由器可以路由器的串行接口,West 可以ping 通East 的串行接口。



子网划分不受RIPv1 支持。

VLSM 不受RIPv1 支持。


6网络管理员安装了四台运行RIPv2 的新路由器。

Router1 是RIPv2 网络中的边界路由器,其上配置了默认路由。

当网络收理员在Router1 上输入Router1(config-router)# default-information originate。

该命令将对网络产生什么影响?阻止Router1 转发有关非直连网络的更新使网络中的所有路由器都与Router1 步路由更新强制Router1 成为更新的主要路由器或指定路由器(DR)向网络中的所有路由器传播默认路由7请参见图示。

RIPv1 是如图所示网络的路由协议。

在每台路由器上使用以下命令:router ripnetwork完成上述配置后,每台路由器的LAN 上的用户都无法访问远程LAN。

为什么?network 语句配置错误。


RIPv1 无法路由至主网的不连续子网。

RIPv1 无法路由使用/24 子网掩码的网络。

8RIPv2 的默认度量允许的最大网络直径为多少?15 跳16 跳100 跳120 跳255 跳9请参见图示。

如果所有路由器都运行RIP 第 2 版,为什么没有192.168.1.32/27 网络的路由?Rip 第2 版不会在更新中发送子网掩码。

路由器 A 并未将RIP 设置为路由协议。

Rip 第2 版默认将自动总结路由。

路由器 B 未设置为通告192.168.1.64/30 网络。

10RIP v1 和RIP v2 的相似点有哪些?(选择三项。







参加考试- ERouting Chapter 7 - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念(版本 4.0)01:50:11剩余时间:11请参见图示。


该技术人员在路由器上输入下列一组Sanford(config)# interface loopback1Sanford(config-if)# ip address为什么该路由器返回错误?该路由器不允许环回接口配置。



Loopback1 的网络地址与之前配置的接口地址重叠。



所有路由器都运行RIP 第 2 版。

JAX 被配置为仅通告10.0.0.0/24 网络。

CHI 被配置为通告172.16.0.0/1管理员输入如图所示的命令。

该网络中将会发生什么变化?由于水平分割的原因,JAX 路由器将忽略172.16.0.0/16 网络的更新。

CHI 将在其路由表中安装到192.168.0.0/16 网络的路由。

CHI 的路由表中将包含192.168.0.0/16 路由,但该路由旁边将标记S。

ORL 路由器将对其路由更新中转发的所有网络应用255.255.0.0 子网掩码。


)标识将包含在路由更新中的网络标识网络中可以进行总结的主机地址用于列出远程和本地网络的所有地址确定要对路由更新应用的子网掩码确定哪些接口可以发送和接收路由更新14哪两项是选择实施RIP 第 2 版而不是RIP 第 1 版的原因?(选择两项。

)RIP 第2 版支持VLSM。

RIP 第2 版支持16 台以上的路由器。

RIP 第2 版支持有类(而不是无类)路由RIP 第2 版支持路由更新验证。

RIP 第2 版支持多区域。

RIP 第2 版使用Dijkstra 算法而不是贝尔曼-福特算法。


如图所示的网络中同时包含Cisco 路由器和非Cisco 路由器。

JAX 路由器上输入了命令debug ip rip。


路由器CHI 和路由器ORL 无法到达192.168.1.16/28 网络。



在JAX 路由器的RIP 配置中添加网络192.168.1.0。

将JAX Fa0/0 配置为被动接口。

启用JAX 路由器上的Serial0/0/0 接口。

将JAX 路由器Fa0/0 接口的IP 地址更改为192.168.1.1/24。

16网络中的路由器使用RIPv2 作为路由协议。

已经在路由器上输入了命令Router(config-router)# no version 2。


路由更新将通过组播地址224.0.0.9 发送出去。

将接收第 1 版和第 2 版更新,但不会发送第 2 版更新。

RIP 路由过程将从路由器上删除,不会再转发路由更新。


下列哪条命令可让Router2 获知192.168.16.0/28 网络?Router1(config)# ip classlessRouter1(config-router)# network no passive-interface serial 0/1/1Router2(config-router)# version 2Router2(config-router)# neighbor为了支持VLSM 和CIDR,RFC 1723 在RIP 消息报头中添加了什么字段?子网掩码目的端口号地址族标识符源和目的IP 地址19请参见图示。


如果在路由器 B 上配置了地址为10.16.1.129/27 的环回接口,那么路由器 B 的什么变化?将添加到10.16.1.0/27、 和10.16.1.128/27 网络的路由。

将添加到10.16.1.128/27 网络的相连路由。

将添加来源为RIPv1 的第三条到10.0.0.0/8 网络的路由。

配置路由器 B 之后,路由表将立即删除10.0.0.0/8 路由。
