Prof. Huang's Teaching Plan for BEC Higher Module 4 --- The Art of Selling

华南农业大学新视野大学英语第三版第二册复习资料一、视听说教程Unit 1 Life is a learning curve1、Long conversationM: Miranda, let's speak about your performance in class. You're not participating; you're careless with your assignments and often hand them in late. You don't want to be here, do you?W: I'm sorry Dr. Smith. It's just ... I've got lots of things to do. I'm studying Web design and I'm a first-class player on our golf team.It's hard to see why I need to take a Spanish language class!M: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but learning another language can improve your performance in all of your efforts. And it can be very useful sometimes, for instance, when you visit your father in Mexico.W: Gosh! What do you mean, professor? Just because my father does business in Mexico I'm supposed to learn Spanish —on top of everything elseI have to learn? It's just too much! And if I don't spend enough timeon the golf course, I won't remain a first-class player on the golf team. I still don't see why I should learn a language that's so hard for me. There are no verb tenses on the golf course or in Web design! M: Listen Miranda, I've known your father since we were students at university 20 years ago —and have known you since you were a little girl. Of course, there are no verb tenses in golf or Web design. ButI am giving you good advice. Please listen.W: Yes, of course, you're like my favorite uncle.M: Your brain isn't like a cup that has water flowing over its edge when it is full. Instead, it's like a muscle. Learning Spanish exercises your brain in new ways, making it stronger. It will strengthen your critical thinking skills and creativity.W: Really?! Then I guess I can give it a try.Question:1、How is the woman doing in the man's class?2、What does the woman think of learning Spanish?3、What do we know from this conversation about the man?4、What is the woman most likely to do after talking with the man?2、passage 2Have you ever heard of homeschooling? It is a legal choice for parents in most countries to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the home. Parents cite numerous reasons for homeschooling their children. The three reasons that are selected by the majority of parents in the United States are the concern about the traditional school environment, the lack of religious or moral instruction, and the dissatisfaction with the academic instruction at public and private schools. Homeschooling may also be a factor in the choice of parenting style. Homeschooling can be a choice for families living in isolated countryside or living briefly abroad. Also many young athletes and actors are taught at home.Homeschoolers often take advantage of educational opportunities at museums, libraries, community centers, athletic clubs, after-school programs, churches, parks, and other community resources. Secondary school level students may take classes at community colleges, which typically have openadmission policies.Groups of homeschooling families often join up together to create homeschool co-ops. These groups typically meet once a week and provide a classroom environment. These are family-centered support groups whose members seek to pool their talents and resources in a collective effort to broaden the scope of their children's education. They provide a classroom environment where students can do hands-on and group learning such as performing, science experiments, art projects, foreign language study, spelling contests, discussions, etc. Parents whose children take the classes serve as volunteers to keep costs low and make the program a success.Unit 3 Time Out1、Long conversationW: Hello?M: Hi Amy, it's Ryan. I'm calling because I want to invite you and your sister Ashley to a dinner party this Saturday. My roommate Erick andI are hosting a 1960s theme party with a few other friends.W: A theme party? Is that like a dress-up party?M: Sort of ... You're certainly encouraged to dress in 1960s fashions!Short skirts, bright colors, and bell-bottom jeans! Or go to the beginning of the 1960s and come as one of your favorite actresses ...But it's not just cool clothes; we'll have food, games, and entertainment inspired by the 1960s. In fact, we'll start our meal with alien noodles in honor of all those space and alien TV shows. W: Wait! Wait! What are "alien noodles"? Why not have regular noodles in honor of the movie The Godfather?M: No way! The Godfather is from the 1970s. Anyway, alien noodles are bright green noodles with purple sauce!W: What?! That's crazy!M: Yeah! Anyway, there'll be lots of other things. I don't want to spoil the surprises. But just for you, we'll end with light desserts and coffee from one of your favorite 1960s movies.W: I can't wait! Ooooooh, I have an idea. We can have a special bar and make fancy mixed drinks. They're always drinking in old TV shows!M: Perfect! And start reviewing 1960s music! We're having a dance contest and a singing contest.W: This sounds like a lot of fun. Can I invite my roommate? She loves all of the classic movies from that time!M: Of course — the more, the merrier! Anyway, it starts at 7:00 p.m. —my apartment.Questions:1、What do we know about those people who are invited to the party?2、What is particular about alien noodles?3、Why won't they have regular noodles at the party?4、What other arrangements do they have for the party?2、passage 2Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal of rock climbing is to reach the top of a formation or the endpoint of a predefined route without falling. Rock climbing competitions have objectives of completing the route in the quickest possible time or reaching the farthest point along an ever increasingly harder route. While not an Olympic event, rock climbing is recognized by the International Olympic Committeeas a sport.Rock climbing has been separated into several different styles and subdisciplines. At its most basic, rock climbing involves climbing a route with one's own hands and feet and little more than a cushioned bouldering pad for protection. This style of climbing is referred to as bouldering, since the relevant routes are usually found on boulders no more than 10 to 15 feet tall. As routes get higher off the ground, the increased risk of life-threatening injuries makes additional safety measures necessary. Climbers will usually work in pairs and use a system of ropes and anchors designed to catch fallers.Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport that tests a climber's strength, endurance, and balance along with their mental control. It can be a dangerous sport and climbers are putting themselves at risk when they go climbing. However, the risk can be reduced by having the knowledge of proper climbing techniques and using specialized climbing equipment.Unit 5 Urban pulse1、Long conversation。
Teaching Plan for Writing

Teaching Plan for Writing Teaching ContentsThe harm of excessive drinkingDescription of Students senior 1(45 students)Time & Date8:00~8:40 am,Tuesday,13rd May.2014Teaching Objectives 1. Students know the harm of excessive drinking.2. Students know the skills of writingMain Skills 1. Making a key point in paragraph one.2. Each paragraph has topic sentence and transitional sentences3. Making a conclusion in last paragraph.Teaching aidsPPT, BlackboardTeaching Procedure:Steps Time Teacher Activity Student Activity Resources PurposeWarm-up 2 1.Presents the specificdata of seriousconsequencescaused by alcoholsuch as disease,traffic accident,death so onStudents just seethe data.pptStudents realize the seriousness of excessive drinkingBrainstorming 3 1.Ask the students theharm of excessivedrinking,2.Teacher writes theanswer on theblackboard according tostudents’ answer.1.Students giveseveral answerssuch as “bad forheath”“expensive”“cause livercancer”“cause caraccident” and soon.Blackboard Students know more serious consequences of excessive drinking.Mapping 3 Ask students select theuseful ideas and putthem in logical way.Students do asteacher’s told.\ Students know how to organize content.Drafting 12 1.Teacher tells studentsthe skills of writinga. Making a key point inparagraph one.b. Each paragraph hastopic sentence andtransitional sentencesc. Making a conclusionin last paragraph.2. Ask them write thedraft.Students do asteacher’s told.\ Students know the writing skills and develop their own ideas.Editing 5 Teacher asks students dopeer editing:1.Check the clarity ofideas or the logicaldevelopment of theirargument.2.Check the grammar,spelling, punctuationof their writings.Students do asteacher’s told. \Students can make the arguments more logical and they can write clearlywith grammar, spelling, and punctuation right.Revising 8 Teacher asks students tomake improvements inorganization andcontents base on peerediting.Students do as theteacher told. \Students can further improve their arguments.example analyze 5 1.Teacher randomlyselect severalstudents’ writing2.Teacher read thewriting to studentsand point out thestrength andweakness.Listen carefully \ Students can learn from others' strong points and close the gap.Homework2 Ask students write an article whatever they like according to what they learned in this class.。

VII.Teaching Aids:an egg, a cup, a mp3
VIII.Teaching Method: task based teaching approach
After learning this lesson, students willknowwhat’s the differencebetween British and Chinese in egg-eating and they will be moreinterestedin western culture as well.
1.Hold an egg and a cup ask students“What’s this”
2.Teach word egg-cup.
3.Teach sentence through mp3.
Play a game(5min)
Give prize to students who imitate the mp3.
2.Let students demonstrate how British eat soft boiled eggsaccordingto these sentences.
Homework (1 minute)
1.Copy the words in the textbook..
2.Follow the recordings of lesson 13.
高中英语 Teaching Plan Unit 3 Module 1复习 牛津版必修1

高中英语 Teaching Plan Unit 3 Module 1复习牛津版必修1单元:Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good板块:Welcome to the unitTeaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to describe people’s current situations and express their own opinions by comparing the importance of beauty and health. Their oral English will be improved by talking about the pictures.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in1.Let the students enjoy some pictures about some beauties and some handsome young men. Thenactivate students' imagination by asking the following questions:● Are these movie stars good-looking? Are they very famous?● Are the young men very handsome? Where can you find them?● Do you want to be as beautiful and attractive as them?2. Ask the students to say something about an unpleasant picture and answer this question:● Do they look good and feel good? Why?3.Ask the students to answer the following two questions concerning themselves:● Do you think appearance plays an important part in your life?● Which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good?Step 2 Picture talk and further discussionLet the students look at the following pictures in Warming Up and do as they are advised to.●Imagine a situation that fits the first one and try to make up a story with the following phrases:1. a high school student named Jane2. be admitted to the university3. hold a party to celebrate her success and achievements4. invite sb. to share sth.5. be at a loss about6. be worried about being too fat7. spend sometime selecting clothesA suggested version:Jane is a high school student and she is extremely happy, because she has been admitted to the university she wanted to go to. Tonight her parents will hold a party to celebrate her success and achievements. All her friends and relatives are invited to share her happiness. But now she is at a loss about the clothes she is going to wear tonight. She is confident about everything except her weight. She is constantly worried about being too fat. Now she has spent at least half an hour selecting clothes without success.●Look at the second and third picture and discuss the following questions:● Do you think we can make ourselves more attractive by wearing different clothes? Why or why not?● Do you usually go to a gym to do sport or exercise?● Do you think doing sport regularly has a good effect on your health and your understanding of life?● Why does the boy eat so much fruit?● Do you think that will work?● Which do you think is more important, eating well or doing exercise? Why?● What others can we do to keep ourselves looking good and feeling good?●Complete the following dialogue according to the fourth picture:D—Doctor G—GirlD: What’s the matter?G: _____1______D: What did you do last night?G: ______2_____D: Why do you want to be so slim?G: _____3______D: Then, have you ever taken any medicine?G: _____4______D: I know the problem. You should stop taking the medicine and get enough sleep to stay healthy.Suggested answers:1.I’m not feeling well, doctor.2. I stayed up late to do exercise to keep slim.3. It’s a fashion. All girls want to be slim.4. Yes, I took the weight-loss pills.Step 3 ConclusionSum up the balance of how to look good and feel good after the discussion is finished and let the students have a further discussion about this topic: How can we both look good and feel good? Some suggested key words are as follows:Confident /Healthy Physically /Healthy mentally /Exercise regularly /Healthy dietStep 4 AdviceAsk the students to work in groups to discuss the advice about how to keep fit.Some suggested measures for the students to stay healthy are as follows:●Don’t eat junk food. Try and eat a healthy diet.●Don’t go to bed t oo late. Make sure you get sufficient sleep.●Get regular exercise.●Go to see the doctor if you’re not feeling well.●Don’t spend too much time using computers or watching TV, as it is bad for your eyes. Step5 Homework1. Find more information about how to keep fit.2. Write a passage about “health and beauty” or “healthy eating and exercise”.Period Two单元:Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good板块:Reading(I)Teaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to grasp the main topics of the three e-mails—Amy’s problems, how she dealt with them and Zhou Li ng’s concerns and advice to Amy and the students’ interest will be stimulated in learning English by expressing their own opinions on the topic “To be beautiful or to be healthy”.Through some practice, the students will improve their reading abilities of skimming and scanning to a certain level.Teaching procedures:Step1 Lead-in1.Show the students some pictures and ask them to answer the following questions:● Do they look good and feel good?● Whom do you like better, the thin or the fat? Why?2. Then show them a picture about a fat man exercising to lose weight which may make the students laugh and ask them this question:●What’s the man trying to do?Step 2 Pre-reading1. Do some pair work to discuss this question?●If you are the person who is a little over-weight, how would you lose weight?Suggested answers:Going on a diet / Exercising in a gym / Receiving surgical treatment / Taking weight-loss pills 2.Talk about the ways to lose weight and discuss which methods they prefer, including theadvantages and disadvantages. Finally fill in the form.Two questions for further discussion:● Which method would you prefer?● What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them?3.Ask the students to look at the title and predict what will be talked about in the text.(Who,what, how, why, the results…)Step 3 Reading1. Fast readingAsk the students to read the text fast and answer the three questions on page 42. and try to guess the meaning of the title “Dying to be thin…”Suggested answers:1) The first is that Amy wanted to be thin very much.2) The second is that Amy was going to die because she had taken some weight-loss pills.2. Careful readingLet the students read the first two emails paying attention to some detailed information and then finish some exercises.1)True or false exercises:(1) In Amy’s first e-mail to Zhou Ling, she says she is going on a diet.(2) In the last two months Amy has lost 10kg.(3) In Amy’s second e-mail, she regrets taking those weight-loss pills.(4) Li Dong, who comes from Canada, has donated his liver to save Amy’s life.(5) Zhou Ling didn’t answer Amy’s e-mail in time because he has no computer.(6) In China, people seldom take weight-loss pills to lose weight.Suggested answers:1. F2.F3. T4. F5. F6. F2)Multiple choice questions:1. According to Paragraph 2 in the first email, Amy is an actress, _______.A. who often exercisesB. who wanted to lose some weightC. who become illD. who ate little2. Why did Amy decide to take weight-loss pills?A. She was overweightB. She was having problems.C. Her clothes did not fit.D. She wanted to become slimmer.3. At the hospital, the doctor told Amy she would_______.A. live for seven daysB. has to donate her liverC. die without a new liverD. need her mother’s liver4. Li Dong, a young Chinese, _______.A. saved Amy’s life by donating money to herB. saved Amy’s life by giving her part of his liverC. told Amy never to take weight-loss pills againD. once worked with Amy5. Zhou Ling, Amy’s friend, _______.A. did not want to read Amy’s emailsB. was sorry to hear about Amy’s problemsC. thinks Amy should lose weightD. thinks weight-loss pills are necessary6. Amy’s experience is _______.A. an interesting oneB. forgotten by her familyC. like that of some people in ChinaD. a problem only actresses have Suggested answers:1-6 BDCBBC3. Detailed reading1) Fill in the charts about the three periods of Amy’s mood.2) Have a discussion about this question:Suppose you are Amy’s best friend. If you are going to write a letter to her, what will you say to her? And what advice would you give to Amy?3)Read the last email and pay attention to some detailed information and then finish someexercises.Questions and answers:(1) Why didn’t Zhou Ling write to Amy until today?(2) Why does Zhou Ling feel touching when she knows Amy’s story?(3) Zhou Ling thin ks who should learn from Amy’s story?Suggested answers:(1) Her computer was broken.(2)Because a stranger donated part of his liver to Amy whom he doesn't even know.(3) Many people in China, some of whom are not over-weight at all.4.Do the pair work to finish Part C2 on page 44. and give the main idea of the text.Suggested answer of the main idea:We learn from Amy’s experience of losing weight that we should not be ashamed of our weight prob lems. It’s important for us to learn to be confident and realize the value of good health. We should also follow the good example of Li Dong and be always ready to help others whenever possible.Step 4 Further DiscussionAsk the Ss to work in groups to discuss the following questions.1.What lessons has Amy learnt from her experience?2.What kinds of advice would you give to Amy?Step 5 Reading strategy1. Explain the differences in meaning between the sentences with “however” and “but”.2. Find out in the text the sentences contain ing “however” and “but”.3. Practice (Fill in the blanks with “however” and “but”)1) Learning the guitar isn’t difficult, ______ you have to practise.2) Rick was very successful. ________ , the last few years of his life were not happy ones.3) My neighbors like loud pop music, ______ I don’t like.4) So far I haven’t had any success, _______, I’ll keep trying.Suggested answers: 1. but 2. However 3. but 4. howeverStep 6 Homework1.Read the text again to get a better understanding.2.Finish Part A1, A2 on page 94.Periods 3-4单元:Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good板块:Reading(II)Teaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to raise their reading abilities by focusing on language points and grasp the new usage of some important words and phrases in the text through language practice.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inReview the previous period by letting the students discuss the following question in groups: What do you think is the best way for teenagers to keep healthy?Suggested key phrases for their reference:● going on a diet● taking exercise regularly● enough sleep● healthy diet● receiving surgical treatment● taking weight-loss pills● be confident…Step 2 Language dying to do sth. (=be very eager to do sth.)她渴望见到你。

明天又得做presentation了,把以前总结的pre用语发上来,学弟学妹学姐学长们看看吧~(非常的长,可能有重复)(转自各种地方)来源:哈商大 EG的日志成功英语演讲的秘诀:开场白、结束语应对问题-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation.-Please can you save your questions till the end.-If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation.-there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then.-Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question.-Please feel free to interrupt me at any time.-Please stop me if you have any questions.-If you need clarification on any point, you're welcome to ask questions at any time.-Can I come back to that point later?-I will be coming to that point in a minute.-That's a tricky question.-We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of...-I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one...-Yes, that's a very good point.-Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation-I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of thepresentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then.-I think we have time for just one more question欢迎听众(正式)- Welcome to our company- I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company...- I'd like to thank you for coming.- May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming欢迎听众(非正式 )- I'm glad you could all get here...- I'm glad to see so many people here.- It's GREat to be back here.- Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to come today. - Welcome to X Part II.受邀请在会议上致词- I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation...- I am grateful for the opportunity to present...- I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to...- Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman- It's my pleasant duty today to...- I've been asked to...告知演讲的话题- the subject of my presentation is...- I shall be speaking today about...- My presentation concerns...- Today's topic is...- Today we are here to give a presentation on...- Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members...- A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)- Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda...- I shall be offering a brief analysis of...- the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...- Take a moment and think of...- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度- During the next ten minutes, I shall...- I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...- My presentation will last for about ten minutes...- I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time...- I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...- I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief- I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start... 引起听众的兴趣- I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us.- My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years...- At the end of this presentation you will understand why this company has been so successful for so long...- I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins... - the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing...- Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your companies operate...- By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about...告诉听众内容要点- there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final)- I am going to examine these topics in the following order(...first,, ...after that, ...finally)- I've divided my talk into five parts...- I will deal with these topics in chronological order...- I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem ( general, ...more particularly).- I want to start with this particular topic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context).- there are (a number of) factors that may affect...- We have to take into account in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations.- We all ought to be aware of the following points.结束语-In conclusion, I'd like to...-I'd like to finish by...-Finally...-By way of conclusion...-I hope I have made myself understood-I hope you have found this useful-I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of...-Let me end by saying...-That, then was all I had to say on...-That concludes our presentation...-I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of...-If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to...-Thank you for your attention...-Let's break for a coffee at this point-I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better stop here -You have been a very attentive audience---thank you转自/abc/html/kouyujicui/20070821/4.html转帖二做presentation,我们要注意对话题的准备以及态度和身体语言等等,除此之外,我们还应该掌握一些常用句型。
英语人教版八年级下册Teaching Plan for Section B Un

泗门镇中初中英语Teaching Plan for Section B Unit 7 (Reading)Objectives:At the end of this period,The students will be able to use these words, expressions and sentence structures to describe pandas: bamboo, keeper, illness, endangered, forest, artwork, save; a lot more, cut down, fewer than, more …than…, the importance of…, one way to do…; there will be…The students will analyze the structure of the passage and summarize the present situation of pandas using the target language.The students will be able to share their knowledge about panda saving.The students will be able to have a better understanding of the expressions run over with excitement by reading between the lines.The students will be able to use two basic reading strategies. (skimming, scanning)The students will be able to practice seven critical reading skills. (predicting, analyzing, reading between the lines, inferring, summarizing, comparing, evaluating.)Teaching focus: Learn to use specific reading skills and various activities to get enough information about pandas, thus form a good consciousness about wild animal protection. Teaching procedures:procedures Learning activities Teaching purposesPre- reading 1.Guessing: what we are going totalk about. Come straight to the topic.(learn to use pictures in the text)2.Task allocation: tell them weare going to hold a knowledgecontest about pandas. To keep up their learning spirit by competing.3.Pick up the first letter: twoquestions on the letter. To lead in two facts about pandas and deal with wild, forest. etc4.Pick up the second letter: twoquestions on the letter. To introduce two facts about pandas and lead into Chengdu research base.5.Make predictions for thepassage. To arouse student’s curiosity and improve the reading efficiency.While – reading 1.Skim for main ideas.2.Scan for key words.(PS: Detailed reading about para23)To get a general ideaby using skimmingand scanning.3.Introduce my recent situationthrough numbers.To lay the groundwork for the inferring 4. Scanning the numbers andinferring from those numbers.To practice scanningskills and know theusage of numbers5. Pick up the third and fourth letter: two questions on each letter. To practice analyzing ability(bamboo) and output the key word “endangered”6.Detailed reading aboutparagraph4 and paragraph5 anddeal with words andexpressions like artwork. To practice the student’s scanning and analyzing abilities7.The fifth letter: more ways ofpanda saving as teenagers. To share knowledge about panda saving.8. Role-play as pandas and humans.(group123 VS group456) To help students form a good consciousness about saving pandas.9. Pick up the last letter: two questions on the letter. To practice the student s’analyzing ability and critical thinking.10. Detailed reading about paragraph1. To practice their scanning abilities and read between the line.11. Comparing and debating: living in the zoo is a good thing vs. living in the wild is a good thing To provide students with opportunities to practice their critical thinking.Post - reading 1.Paper designing: (PS: I willdeal with this partquick-wittedly. If time permits,the students can finish it inclass. If not, leave it ashomework.) To output what’s learnt by writingTo practice their evaluating and cooperating abilities.2.Retell the passage by using theflow chart. To practice their summarizing ability.3.Analyze the writer’s attitudeand add a proper title for thepassage To deepen the understanding of the passage by digging into the writer’s inner heart.Assignment 1.Talk about whales (As a symbolof the marine animals).2.Search more information aboutthe importance of animal saving.3.Finish and beautify the Englishhand-copied paper for pandas. To extend from the land to the marine.To broaden their eyes. To learn by doing.To learn for fun and consolidation.。
Teaching plan

高考英语专题复习之七选五Teaching Aims:1.To analyse and summarize the basic skills of choosing sentences to complete a passage.2. To encourage students to practice and co-operate in the classroom activities to develop their abilities of solving this kind of problem.Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Warming-up & lead-in1.Greetings.2.Reading a poem aloud.3.Analyzing the key features of a complete passage:unity,logic and coherenceStep 2 IntroducingIntroduce the general features and requirements of this kind of test to the students.Step 3 ObservingLet the students observe the positions of the blanks.Step 4 Experiencing1.Let the students work together to choose the best answers to complete the following short passages.2.Discuss the methods of filling the blanks with them and analyse the logic.Step 5 Applying1. Fast reading of the passage.2. Read the choices, and circle some key words.3. Read the sentences before and after the blanks.4. Choose the best answers.5.Discussion.Step 6 Summarizing1.The general features of this kind of test.2.Some methods of solving the problem.Step 7 Consolidation1.Work alone to finish Passage 1 and then discuss the answers first in groups and then in class.2.Work alone to finish Passage 2 and then discuss the answers first in groups and then in class. Step 8 HomeworkFinish the rest of the exercises.附:Exercises for consolidation2018年高考1卷七选五第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

5. [ju:] Qq Uu Ww
6. [e] Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx
7. [a:] Rr
Step 2:认识28个辅音音素。
Step 3:认识26个字母的发音。
书本129页词汇表,练习看音标拼 读单词。
Ⅱ. Periods: Five to six
Ⅲ. Teaching Aims:
● Language goals: 1. Get the students to learn the vowels and consonants. 2. Enable students to try to pronounce words.
[ei] Five, six, seven, eight,
Hurry up, don’t be late.
[e ] Nine ten, nine ten,
Get a ruler and a pen!
Today is cold. Rose is in the boat. She wants to have a coat. Put on your coat. You know you have a cold.
上面单词中o的发 音相同吗?
Oo [əu] [əu]
1. cute tube music student 2. bus cup under put
上面单词中u的发 音相同吗?
Uu [ju:]

2020年第3期•名医经验•黄素英运用蔡氏育肾助孕三步法治疗多次体外人工受精失败经验**基金项目:“海派中医”蔡氏妇科流派专科建设[ZY (2018-2020)-CCCX-1015];中医药骨干人才培养一一第六批全国老中医药专家学术经验传承[国中医药人教发(2017)29号]上海市杨浦区中医医院(上海,200090) 周 琦摘要:学习、探讨蔡氏妇科传人黄素英主任继承运用蔡氏妇科育肾助孕三步法,通过结合女性生殖周期调治特 色,对各种原因造成多次体外人工受精(IVF)失败的患者(卵巢储备功能低下、多囊卵巢综合征、排卵障碍、着床障碍、习惯性流产等)进行治疗,达到提高IVF 妊娠率及活产率的目的。
关键词:蔡氏妇科育肾助孕三步法生殖周期名医经验中图分类号:R271.14 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-4737 (2020) 03-0046-04HUANG SuyingS Experience on Treatment Application of CAIS Three-step Methodof Nourishing Kidney to Pregnancy from Repeated Failure of In Vitro FertilizationZHOU Qi(Shanghai Yangpu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Shanghai 200090, China)Abstract : This paper is to study , to explore inheritance application of Prof. HUANG Suyin , as CAI s descendants in gynaecology , bynourishing kidney to help pregnancy with three-step method by combining female reproductive cycle as modulation characteristics for patientswith repeated failure from in vitro fertilization ( IVF) for various reasons ( poor ovarian reserve function , polycystic ovary syndrome , ovulation disorders , implantation dysfunction , habitual abortion , etc. ) , to achieve the purpose of increase the rate of IVF pregnancy and live birthrates.Keywords : CAI s gynecology ; nourishing kidney to pregnancy ; three steps of reproductive cycle ; famous doctors' experience不孕症的发病率在发展中国家占育龄夫妇的 6.9% ~ 16. 3%⑷。

世界最新医学信息文摘 2018年第18卷第43期 215·中医中药·0 引言黄海波,主任医师,第四批全国名老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师,内蒙古首批名中医。
1 原蚕蛾原蚕蛾性温味咸,主归肝肾经。
1.1 验案郑某,男,33岁,农民,结婚6年不育。
A Teaching Plan for Lesson 3

A Teaching Plan for Lesson 3 The Sea World Teaching Aims:1. To get familiar with descriptive texts.2. To practice using sea animal vocabulary.3. To improve reading skills and how to voice opinions.T eaching difficulties: Some comparative and superlative structures.Teaching Aids: Multi-mediaTeaching procedures:I. Greetings and duty reportII. Warming up:1. Hold a contest for words of sea animals.2. Ask the students to enjoy some sea creatures to arouse their interest.III. Reading1. Fast-readingTask One: Ask the students to find the animals in the textbook.Task Two: Find out all the five attractions in Underwater World.Task Three: Find out what they can see in Underwater World.2. While-readingTask One: Fill out the table to get the detailed information according to the text.Task Two: Match the comments from visitors to the different areas of the Underwater World. Task Three: Decide true or false.1. We can see an iceberg fully above the water.2. We can see the common fish in Ocean Floor.3. Some fish can produce sounds almost twice as loud as your speaking voice.4. Some fish with a light on can eat fish as big as themselves.5. The shark is the most dangerous.Task Four: Choose the best answer1. The tiniest fish is ______ a fly in your house.A. not as big asB. as big asC. twice the size ofD. three times as big as2. There are fantastic shows ______A. each two hoursB. every two hoursC. every second hoursD. every three hours3. Discovery Pool is especially for ____.A. adults onlyB. bigger childrenC. younger childrenD. old people4. The most up-to-date attraction is _______.A. Polar worldB. Ocean FloorC. Discovery PoolD. Virtual Reality Voyage4. Post-reading: Conclusion.Use the following to fill in the blanks:flying, best, up-to-date, tiniest, bear, iceberg, children, dangerousThe text tells us that the Underwater World is the _____ place to see sea creatures. In polar world, they have polar _____ and even a real _________. Discovery Pool is especially for________ to touch. If you prefer to see dolphins, you can go to Sea Theatre. In Ocean Floor,we can see some beautiful fish _______ through the water. The most ________ is Virtual Reality V oyage, where we can see the noisiest fish, the prettiest fish, the _______fish and the most_________ sea creature----- shark.IV. DiscussionWhich part of undersea world would you like to visit? Why?Sentences structures available such as:1. I would rather … than …2. I prefer … to …3. I’d like to visit…4. The most interesting in my opinion is …5. I feel like visiting …6. I think … is the most amazing7. Personally, … is more exciting than…V. Homework1. Read the text aloud and f ind all comparative sentences from the text and try to learnthem by heart.2. Finish off all the exercises on Page 58- 59.Handwriting design on the blackboard1.Beyond the Sea 跨越海洋Finding Nemo 海底总动员2.mean 卑鄙的,下贱的3.more unrealisticless expensive=cheaper4.every second hourevery other hourSelf-reflect after the class:。

T eaching PlanTeaching Background: Freshman of Huang gang Polytechnic Coll egeTeaching Contents: Unit3 Names (An Integrated Skills Course: Book3) Teaching Aims:1.To get to know how to address people in English2.To talk about whether you think there is a connection between aperson’s name and his or her life3.To enlarge the vocabulary related to the use of titlesTeaching Aids:Multi-media classroom, PPT, textbook, chalks, bl ackboard, etc.Teaching Procedures:Step1. Background InformationT introduces some background information about the History and Origin of Surnames to Ss(The History and Origin of SurnamesEuropean surnames first occurred between the 11th and 15th centuries, with some patronymic(源于父亲或祖先名字的) surnames in Scandinavia being acquired as late as the 19th century. Prior to this time period, particularly during the “Dark Age” between the 5th and 11thcenturies, people received little education, lived in rural areas or small villages, and had little need of distinction beyond their given names. During Biblical times people were often referred to by their given names and the place in which they lived such as “Jesus of Nazareth.” However, as population grew, the need to identify individuals by surnames became a necessity.)Step2.Warm-up DiscussionQ1. Do you have an English name? What does it mean to you?Q2.Would you like to call a person by his first name or by his surname? Why?(For this part, Choose several Ss the answer the questions and have a brief comments about their answers.)Step3. Deal with Text A What’s in a Name?1. IntroductionT introduces something about the characters of American parents choose the names of babies to Ss.(Evidence shows that Americans are quite conservative in choosing baby boy names -- much more so than with girls. The UK is a little less conservative -- over the last five years, the most popular baby boy name has been Jack. Interestingly, this name has no special meaning and is just a derivative of the biblical name John (“God is merciful”), which now seems to have fallen out of favor. This trend towards less conservativenames in the UK is increasing. At the beginning of the century, seven out of the top ten baby boy names were biblical names.)2.New Words and Phrasesdeal:V. a) deal (out) 分配;分发b) deal sb. a blow; deal a blow at / to sb.给予某人打击;(喻)伤害,使不安consider: take sth. into consideration/ in consideration of/leave sth. out of considerationConsideration n./considerate adj./considerable adj./consideringrespect:with respect to关于;就……而言without respect to 不管;不考虑in all respects 无论从哪方面看impression: make a good impression on sb.给某人留下好印象be under the impression that …以为;认为reflect: reflect on / upon不信任;玷污名誉eg. Y our rude behavior can only reflect upon yourself.3. ReadingA.Pre-readingT and Ss conclude the construction of an American’s name together, and then give Ss several minutes to talk about why the Americans namethemselves following this way.(A typical American has a given name, a middle name, and a family name. Usually a given name is called a “first name” and a family name is called a “last name”. American names are commonly associated with a salutation or title which is gender specific. Examples of these are Dr., Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss, Prof., and so forth. Middle names are often presented simply as an initial on written correspondence or official documents.)B. While-readingFirstly, give Ss several minutes to go through the text and ask them to divide the Text into three parts and generalize the central meaning of every part.Part 1 (Paragraph 1):In most cultures, names and titles matter a lot.Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-5):People choose and use names carefully.Part 3 (Paragraph 6):A good name can have a posi tive and lasting impressi on.(While T analyze the structure of the text, Explain the language points to Ss when necessary. Here the language poi nts are omitted)Secondly, give Ss some questions for further understandi ng.Q1. What does Shakespeare mean by “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”? Does the author agree? Why?Shakespeare means that a name doesn’t matter. But the author doesn’t agree, believing a good name has a positive and lasting impression.Q2. How do people usually address others in formal situations?In most formal situations, people call others by their last names, usually with an appropriate title.C. Post-readingExercise1: Pair work on page 46Homework:Do you believe that “Y our name is your destiny”? Please discuss it with your partner, and then draw a summary about the points you have talked about.Layout of blackboard:(omitted)Reflection:(finish after having classes)。

阅读试讲教案Grade level: First grade of High schoolLesson type: ReadingDuration: 45minTeaching objectives1)To help students develop their reading skills, such as scanning and skimming forinformation, guessing the meaning of strange words2)Enable students to understand the difficult sentences and new phrases in the passage3)Affective objectives:〔根据文章容而定〕Teaching aidsMultimedia devices; blackboardTeaching important and difficult points:1)Understand the following sentences:2)Grasp the usage of the following words and phrases:3)Enable students to use certain reading skills to help themselves understand thepassageTeaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in(5min)Show students several pictures of … and ask the students to describe the pictures./ Ask students to think about and answer the questions on the blackboard.(Good morning, boys and girls. How is your day? Fine? Good for you. Ok. Today we will learn a new lesson. Before looking at the textbooks, I’d like to show you somepictures (a video)/ask you some questions/tell you a story.Describe what you see in the pictureDo you know anything about……?What’s your opinion about……?Any volunteers? Ok, please, share your idea with us. Very good/brilliant/excellent!We already know your ideas about the topic. Now let’s try to find out what’s the author’s idea about the topic. )Step 2 Pre-reading Listening. (5min)Ask Ss to listen to the tape and answer two questions:(Listen to the tape carefully and try to answer the following questions.1)what does the passage talk about?2)…….Ok. You have listened to the whole passage. Do you have your answers to the question? Good, John, please. (复述学生答案) This is John’s idea, how about other students? Ok, Lynn. Good. You think ………. Thank you. I believe you all have got your own answers. You must be curious about whether it’s correct or not. )Step 3 While-reading(25min)Activity 1 Skimming & ScanningAsk the students to read the passage quickly and answer the following questions: (Now read the passage quickly within 2 minutes and find out whether you are right or not. Meanwhile, try to answer the questions on the blackboard.(板书问题):1〕2〕Have you finished your reading. Yes? Good. First, have you found out the main idea of the passage? How about Lisa? Very good. It is about ………. How about the questions? Have you found the answers? Volunteers? Good, please. You think …….. excellent, thank you. )Activity 2 Intensive readingAsk the students to read the passage carefully, and get detail information from the passage.(As you have got the main idea of the passage, let’s move on to learn some details of the passage. Now you have 5 minutes to read the passage carefully and discuss with you partners about the following questions.1)2)Ok,I’d like to invite group 3 to answer the questions. That’s really impressive. You already have a very thorough understanding of the passage.From your answers, I can see you already understand the passage quite well. So I’d like to move on to the analysis of some difficult sentences and the usage of some phrases. Take a look at the second sentence in Paragraph 1. Pay attention to……. Is it clear? Good.Activity 3 Read togetherAsk the students to read the passage together.(Do you have any questions about the passage? No? If no, let’s read the passage aloudtogether. )Step 4 Post reading(5min)(Debate, interview, role-play, retell the story)Ask the students to have a discussion on ….(Very good. You read really well. Now I have another task for you. We have learnt ……today, …………… have a discussion with your partner. After the discussion, I’ll invite some of you to share your ideas with us.I can see that you have finished your discussion. Anyone wants to share with us? ok, Jack. Good. you think from the perspective of ….. Do you have other ideas? Yes, please. Excellent. This is an very interesting answer.)Step 5 Summary (4min)Invite students to summarize what they have learnt in the class. Teacher makes supplementary ments, and stress the importance of …(Guys, you’ve done a great job. At last, let’s sum up what we have learned today. Who would like to have a try? Jenny, please.)Step 6 Homework(1min)1)Ask the students to consider the question: 1) 2) /ask the students to search moreinformation about …Write an email to your friend.2)Write a short passage and use the new words and expressions as many as possible.3)Read the passage again and try to retell the passage.4)Search the Internet and find more information about…(Thank you, you really did a good job.Is that clear to all of you? Okay, at last, here esyour assignment. First, please retell this passage to your desk mate. Secondly, please search on the Internet to find more information about the amber room and we will share your findings next class.Here es the bell. Class is over.See you next class.)语法试讲教案Grade level: First grade of High schoolLesson type: ReadingDuration: 45minTeaching objectives1)Help students to learn the usage of ….2)Help students to grasp the sentence pattern of…..Teaching aidsMultimedia devices, blackboardTeaching important and difficult points1)the sentence pattern of…2)some special cases3)enable students to use … in real lifeTeaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in (5min)Show some pictures to the students and ask them to describe the picture. 引导学生运用语法工程Step 2 Explanation (18min)Explain the usage of …. Present several examples of the grammar item.Step 4 Practice (15min)Ask the students to do the exercises.Step 3 Summary(4min)Invite students to summarize the usage of …Make some supplements and stress the important points.Step 5 Homework (3min)Ask students to finish related exercise on the textbook. Ask the students to write a passage about ….(You have all done a really good job today. I believe you already have a good knowledge of /master the knowledge of….. For homework, you are required to plete exercises on page 201 and to write a passage about ….[I’d rather you search more information about…and some of you will be invited to share your findings with us in the next class.]Clear? Ok. See you next class.)写作试讲教案Grade level: First grade of High schoolLesson type: ReadingDuration: 45minTeaching objectives1)enable students master the procedure of writing this kind of position2)improve students’ writing skills3)help students to get more knowledge of …Teaching aidsMultimedia devices, blackboardTeaching important &difficult points1)Help students to express their ideas in proper English2)Help students to learn the structure in English writingTeaching proceduresStep 1 Warming-up (5min)Show some pictures of … to the students and ask what do they know about …Then lead the students to the topic of writing.(Good morning, boys & girls. How are you doing? Fine? Good. Now let’s start our new lesson. Here I have some pictures for you. Do you know what’s in the picture?) Step 2 Pre-writing(10min)Activity 1: brainstorming. Provide Ss some questions about the topic and ask them to discuss the questions in group and write down every idea that es to their mind. After discussion, invite representatives of each group to present their ideas to the whole class. Activity 2: planning. Encourage Ss to work on their own to repot ideas that they think are valuable and think about how to organize their ideas.Step 3 While-writing (20min)Ask the students to write down their own articles.Step 4 Post-writing (7min)Ss will work in group and read each other’s position. They should choose the bestposition of the group and read it in front of the class.Step 5 Writing assessment (2min)Ask Ss: What’s you most difficult thing during the whole process?(difficult to organize the ideas in a logical way; you feel brainstorm is difficult, difficult to provide persuasive reasons to support the idea)Step 6 Homework (1min)1)Here are some handouts I prepared for you. Read it after class, I believe you can findanswers towards your questions.2)Improve your position according to the handout.听力课试讲教案Grade level: First grade of high schoolLesson type: ListeningDuration: 45 minTeaching objectives1)Enable students to master different listening skills2)Help students to learn more about …..Teaching aids:Multimedia devices;blackboardTeaching important and difficult points1)Help students to understand the listening material2)Encourage students to apply listening skills when listening to the material Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warming-up (2min)Show some pictures to the students and have a free talk with the students.Step 2 Pre-listening (5min)Organize the students to have a brief discussion about the topic. Invite some students to share their ideas with the class. Predict the main idea of the passage. After that, present new words and expressions to the students.Step 3 While-listening (25min)1)Listen for main ideaAsk Ss to listen to the passage but do not look at the questions, ask them to get the main idea of the passage. Invite students to share their ideas.2)Listen for answers to the exercises/detailed informationAsk Ss to listen to the passage again. This time ask them to try their best to get answers to the questions. After listening, check whether Ss get the correct answer, and ask why.3)Play the tape again, focus on the part where they did not get the right information. Do you have any questions?Step 4 Post-listening (10min)Show them the listening text and ask them to read it aloud together.Step 5 Summary (2min)In this period, we mainly focus on the listening ability. It’s very important.If your listening is poor, you’d better practice more. The more you listen to English, the better your listening is. Remember: Practice makes perfect.Step 6 Homework (1min)1)Read the listening texts again and try to retell the passage in your own words2)Search more information about ….口语课试讲教案Grade level: First grade of high schoolLesson type: SpeakingDuration: 45 minTeaching objectives1)Students will be able to use some important words and expressions2)Students will be able to express their ideas or thoughts clearly.Teaching aidsMultimedia devices; blackboardTeaching important and difficult points1) Help Ss to master the expressions of giving advice:2) Talk about … by using …Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warming-upShow Ss some pictures of … and ask students to describe what they are doing.Step 2 Lead-inPlay the tape and ask Ss to listen to the dialogue. Ask Ss to predict what we will learn today.Step 3 Provide key sentence patterns & expressionsProvide Ss useful sentence patterns and expressions to express …..Step 4 Role-play/ DiscussionGive the Ss a situation, and ask the Ss to work in pairs and make up a conversation. Ask the Ss to discuss the topic with their partners.After that, invite Ss to present their ideas in front of the class.Step 5 SummaryIn this period, we mainly focus on how to…. It’s very important. Y ou should know how to … in real life after this period. You should memorize the useful expressions we learned today. I hope you can practice more after class. Remember: practice makes perfect.Step 6 Homework1) Collect more expressions and sentence patterns that can be used to express …..2) Find a partner to practice how to … in different situations.词汇课试讲教案Grade level: First grade of high schoolLesson type: VocabularyDuration: 45 minTeaching objectives1)Enable students to know the meaning of new words and grasp the usages of such important new words2) Enable Ss to use such new words in their own writing or speakingTeaching aidsMultimedia devices; blackboardTeaching important and difficult points1)Explain the meaning and usage of the words to the students2)Enable Ss to use the new words when they express themselvesTeaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inRevision. Last period, we have finished the reading of the passage. Now we will learn the new words in the passage. Let’s look at the underlined/italic/bold words.Step 2 GuessAsk Ss to guess the meaning of the words in the context. Or give students some examples and ask Ss to guess the meaning of the words.Step 3ExplanationExplain the meaning of the words to the Ss. After explanation, present the usage of the words to the students and provide examples to help them understand how to use them. Step 4 PracticeAsk the students to make sentences with new words by themselves. Invite Ss to share their sentences with the whole class.Step 5 SummaryThis, period, we have learnt several new words:... we have learnt the usage of these new words. I hope you will memorize these words, as well as the usage of these words. I suggest you use the new words as often as possible. In this way, you will know how to use the words, instead of only knowing the meaning of the words.Step 6 Homework1)Look up these new words in the dictionary, and get more meanings and usage ofthem in the dictionary.2)Finish Exercise 2 on page 11.。
烘烦学校高中英语Teaching planModule TwoNo Drugs二

料益州兼烤市烘烦学校高中英语Teaching planModule TwoNo Drugs外研版必修二Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge and Skilla.Enable the Ss to master the important words, understand the passage andget to know the dangers of smoking and taking drugs.b.To get Ss to master the reading skills of scanning and skimming.c.To get Ss to know the grammatical rule——the infinitive of purpose andthe adverbial of result.2.Emotion and Valuesa.To make Ss realize the importance of keeping away from cigarettes or drugs.b.To help the students gain more information of smoking and drugs and knowthe danger of smoking or taking drugs.3. Cross-cultural awareness:To get Ss know the different methods of giving up smoking in some foreign countries.4. Character-building:a.To help them make posters to warn others not to smoke or take drugs.b.To let them know the importance of cooperating with others in a group. Difficulties and Importance:a. The infinitive of purpose and the adverbial of resultb. Fast-reading abilitiesc. Learn some new ways of giving up smokingTeaching Method:Communicative Approach; Situational Approach; Task-based methodology Teaching Time:Five periods:Period 1 vocabulary and speaking+Speaking+WritingPeriod 2 Vocabulary and readingPeriod 3 Grammar 1 The infinitive of purpose+Function+Grammar 2 Adverbial clause of resultPeriod 4 Listening and Vocabulary+Everyday EnglishPeriod 5 Cultural cornerTeaching Procedures:Period 1Step 1. Warming upLook at the following pictures and answer questions:1.Are you familiar with the things in picture 1?2.What does the sign in picture 2 mean?3.Who smokes in your family?4.Do you think smoking is bad for your health?5.Why should people stop smoking?6.Is there any anti-smoking advertising in China? Picture 1Picture 2Step 2 Read Facts About Smoking. Choose the answers you think are correct.1.During the 1990s, (21thousand/21million) people died as a result of smokingcigarettes.2. A quarter of young people who smoke more than (10/ 20) cigarettes a daywill die prematurely as a result of smoking.3.In the united Kingdom, smoking causes(12,000/121,000) deaths a year.4.Thirteen people die (every hour/every day)from illnesses related to smokingtobacco, such as caner, bronchitis and heart disease.5.Every year, about (20/ 200) people are killed and (200/ 2,000)are seriouslyinjured in fires cause by smoking.Suggested answers: 1. 21 million2. 103. 121,0004. every hour5. 200; 2,000Step 3 Discussions.Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions with your partner.1.Has anyone been to your school to talk about the dangers of smoking?2.Are your friends and family mainly smokers or non-smokers?3.What is the public attitude to smoking in the place where you live?4.Do you think you will be a smoker when you leave school and start work? Step 5 WritingWork in groups and make a poster of advising people not to smoke. The following models may help you and your partner.Homework:1.Write a reply to Paul according to the email on Page17.2.Preview Reading and vocabulary of this module.Period 2Step 1 Warming-upa.Look at the poster on the right and answer thefollowing questions:1.What does it mean?2.Can you predict the content of reading passagein our textbook?b.Guess the meaning of following words according tothe definitions.①Addictive: Once you’re started something you can not stop it.②Blood pressure: the pressure that your heart applies to the blood tosend it round the body.③Break into: to enter a house illegally probably to steal sth.④Cannabis: a drugs made from the dried leaves and flowers⑤Danger: sth which may hurt or kill you .⑥Drug addict: a person who takes drugs and is unable to stop.⑦Drug dealer: a person who sells drugs illegally.⑧Heart attack: a sudden abnormal working of the heart⑨Heart rate: the speed at which the heart beats.⑩Immediately: at once to do sth very quickly.⑪Increase: make larger in size, degree, frequency. etc.⑫Inject: to use a needle to put a liquid into a person’s body.⑬Needle: a long thin pointed piece of metal for sewing,⑭Powerful: able to influence or control/what people do or think.⑮Reduce: to make smaller in size, degree, frequency.Step 2 Pre-readinga. Read the Article 1&2 quickly and find the topics for them.Suggested answers:Article 1: A drug addict and his storyArticle 2: The dangers of using cocaineb. Scan the opening paragraph to see which of the drugs you can find in the paragraph.Suggested answers:cannabis cocaineStep 3 While readinga. Read Article 1 and 2 again and answer the following questions.1.Who is Adam Rouse?2. How old was he when he used drugs?3. Who did he buy cannabis from? What do we call such a person?4. What’s cocaine?5. How did they use it?6. What are the two ways of taking drugsb. Read Parts 1-6 and decide which article they belong to.Suggested answers:Article 1: 2,3,5,6Article 2: 1,4c.Read the whole passage carefully, and then answer the following questions.1. Why did the drug dealer refuse to give him drugs?2. What did he do then?3. Was he addicted to drugs by that time? How did he feel if he didn’t haveany drugs?How did he pay for the drugs?4. What happened to him one day?5. Who came to see him the next day? What did he tell him?6. Did he follow the doctor’s advice and stop taking drugs?7. Where does he work now? What’s his job?Step4 Post readinga. Read the articles again and decide if these sentences are true or false.1.Cocaine can be smoked and also injected.2.People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles.3.Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly.4.smoking crack cocaine can change people’s behaviour.Suggested answers:1. T2. T3. F4. Tb. Match the following events and the results:events resultsA) be offered crack cocaine a) break into a house and steal thingsB) have no money to pay b) be caught and takenfor the drugs to the police station C) break into a house and c) start a new lifesteal thingsD) meet the doctor d) become addicted to crack cocaineE) stop taking drugs e) stop taking drugsSuggested answers: A-d; B-a; C-b; D-e; E-cStep 5 language explanations:1.used to do sth“过去经常做某事”,其否定式为didn’t use to do sth,或者usedn’t to do sthE.g. She didn’t use/usedn’t to make that mistake.use的习惯用法(1)be/get used to sth/doing sth习惯做某事(2)be used to do sth被用来做某事(3)It’s no use doing sth做某事没用2.share sth with sb和某人分享某物E.g.(1)I’ll share joys and sorrows with you.(2)It’s raining.Shall I share the umbrella with you.3.offer sb sth=offer sth to sb“给某人提供某物”,其意义相当于“supply/provide sb with sth”E.g.(1)He offered his life to the country.(2)He offered me a job in his company,but I didn’t accept it.offer的相关词组①offer to do sth主动提出做某事E.g. He offered to lend his bike to me.②offer sb money for sth向……索价;还价E.g. He offered 30,000 dollars for the house.4.take one’s advice=follow one’s advice接受某人意见E.g. Take my advice——finish the work like this..advise vt.建议,通常有如下固定搭配:(1)advise doing sth.E.g. He advises me to go to the dentist without delay.(2)advise sb to do sthE.g. He advises going to the dentist.Homework:1.Retell the story of Adam Rouse.2.Finish the Vocabulary exercises on P74.Period 3Step 1 Presentation.Match the uses of the word to with the sentences.A. To indicates arrangement.B. To indicates purpose.C. To follows certain verbs.1.I stole something every day to pay for the drugs.2.Teacher Wang is to meet us this afternoon.3.He told me to take them to a shop in a nearby street.4.I continued to buy cannabis from the same man for about six months. Suggested answers: B A C CStep 2 Explanations:How many of them break the law in order to pay for their drugs?We can also say:a.How many of them break the law to pay for their drugs?b.How many of them break the law so as to pay for their drugs? Adam went to the man so as to buy cannabis.We can also say:a.Adam went to the man to buy cannabis.b.Adam went to the man in order to buy cannabis.Summary : (1)in order to/in order not to可放于句首或句中。

论文致谢一:Completing this thesis, I would like to express my great gratitude to those whohave helped me a lot in the research.My great thanks are to my supervisor, associate Prof. Fang Qinghua, who hasgiven me constant help in both academics and daily life in the past three years. Herserious research attitude and spirit of continuous learning leave me strong impressionand will guide my future endeavors. I am very grateful for her tireless efforts anddevotion of her precious time in revising my manuscripts. It is because of such aresponsible and nice professor that I could finish this thesis. Thus I give my fullygratitude to my dear professor. Besides, I also appreciate all the professors andteachers who have taught me in the past three years and have had great impacts on mewith their profound knowledge and conscientious instructions.Finally, I would give my thanks to my parents, classmates and friends whosupport and encourage me to fulfill this paper.论文致谢二:I would like to take the opportunity to express my hearted gratitude to all thosewho make a contribution to the completion of my thesis.Above all, I am deeply indebted to my respectable supervisor, Professor ShuangWenting, who has offered me valuable advice and incisive comments on my thesis.Without his illuminating guidance and great patience, it would be impossible for me tofinish the thesis so smoothly. During my postgraduate life, I am filled with admirationby his profound academic knowledge and influenced by his comprehensive knowledgeand research spirit. My supervisor makes me know what is needed for a qualifiedpostgraduate majoring in linguistics.Secondly, my gratitude also goes to all the teachers who taught me during mypostgraduate study at Foreign Language School of Wuhan University of Science andTechnology. I feel grateful to them for their excellent and insightful lectures in differentfields of linguistics.I would also like to express my thankfulness to my parents and friends for theircare and help, without which I wouldn’t have finished my thesis so successfully.Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to my friends. It is their sincerefriendship which makes me forget all disappointments and becomes self-confident inmy study.论文致谢三:At the completion of the thesis, I would like to express my great gratitude to thosewho have helped me during the writing process of this thesis and also those who havekindly helped and encouraged me in the past three years.To begin with, my greatest gratitude goes to my respected supervisor, Prof. ShuangWenting, both for his stimulating advice, intellectual guidance and for his warm andconstant encouragement during the process of writing the thesis. His painstakinginstructions, inspiring guidance and heartfelt encouragement have led me through thewhole process of the thesis writing. Without his endless patience and valuable suggestions,the completion of the present thesis could not have been possible.Secondly, my special thanks also go to the professors and teachers in the EnglishDepartment of WUST who have taught me and influenced me during my postgraduatestudies. From their informative profitable lectures, I have learned of their serious attitudestowards academic study, which inspired me with not only sparkles in thinking but alsoenthusiasms for scholarly pursuits.Last but not least, I also owe my sincere gratitude to my beloved family for theirloving considerations, great encouragement and unfailing support is indispensable to thecompletion of my thesis. And I would alsolike to express my thanks to fellow classmatesand friends for their comments, friendship, and trust during the difficulties course of thisthesis.In short, I feel deeply indebted to all those who have given me their advices,encouragements and supports, which have been the driving force to finish this thesis.论文致谢四:My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Ren Baogui, mysupervisor, for his valuable instructions and guidance. He has walked me through all thestages of the writing of this thesis. It is from his illuminating instruction that my ideas ofthis thesis stemmed, refined and took shape. Without his patient instruction, insightfulcriticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have beenpossible.My sincere thanks also go to my tutor Bao Yiqian for her selfless help andsuggestions for the study.In addition, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the professors in theForeign Language College. I have learned and benefited a lot from theirthought-provoking lectures during the past two years.Finally, I want to express my thanks to my parents for their tender love and greatconfidence in me through all these years. I also own my sincere gratitude to my friendsand fellow classmate who give me their suggestions and help during the painstakingprocess of the thesis writing.论文致谢五:This thesis can’t be finished without the help from many people. It is attribute d toseveral persons I’d like to give my sincere appreciation.First of all, I’d like to acknowledge my supervisor professor Yuan Xuemei who hasbeen giving me advice on the proposal and the structure of this thesis and providing mewith many useful references that are of great help during the writing of the paper. Thisthesis can’t be completed without her patient instruction, constant encouragement andinsightful advice. I am so grateful to be her student.Then, I’d like to give my thanks to all the other English teachers who have given meclasses of literature, linguistics, culture and thesis writing, etc. in the two years. Theseclasses greatly enlarge my knowledge and help me finish my thesis writing. I want toexpress my gratitude to Mr. Ren Baogui, Ms. Yuan Caihong, Mr. Li Yinfang, and Mr.Zhao Dongsheng, Mr. Liang Chenggong and Mr. Liu Qicheng who taught me during thepostgraduate study.Besides, I’d like to thank my tutor Wang Jinxuan in No.l senior school of Luoyang,Henan Province who gives me inspiration on the investigation needed in the thesis andoffers many suggestions on my these writing.At last, my parents, friends and roommates all are worth my grateful appreciation.They keep giving me support, encouragement and help in my two-year study so that I canfocus my attention on my learning and research.。
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• Hard sell (强行推销;硬性推销): Aggressive sales practices aimed at pressuring a customer into completing a transaction quickly. Example: The agent was a proponent支持者 of the hard sell. Accordingly, he tried to give buyers the impression that the home would be available for only a short period, that the deal offered might be withdrawn any time, and that they would not be afforded the opportunity to think over the decision.
• Unique Selling points / proposition (独特销售点, 销售的核心竞争力):what sets you and your business — or you as an individual — apart from your competition. It can be an actual fact or a perceived difference or specialty. • Added value:Price that the product/service is sold at —— cost of producing the product • The value that is added to any product or service as the result of a particular process to increase the performance and features of the product. For example, technical content, cultural value
Sales techniques
• Viral marketing: viral advertising, refer to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social network to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous 与…相似 to the spread of virus or computer virus. It can be word-ofmouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. • Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive flash games, advergames, e-books, brandable software, images, or even text messages. 病毒性营销(viral marketing)是一种常用的网络营销方法,常用于进 行网站推广、品牌推广等,病毒性营销利用的是用户口碑传播的原理, 在互联网上,这种“口碑传播”更为方便,可以像病毒一样迅速蔓延, 因此病毒性营销(病毒式营销)成为一种高效的信息传播方式,而且, 由于这种传播是用户之间自发进行的,因此几乎是不需要费用的网络 营销手段。
Useful Terms
• Credit (赊欠): An agreement between a buyer and a seller in which the buyer receives the good or service in advance and makes payment later, often over time and usually with interest. For example, a buyer may purchase a computer on credit for $600 and pay $100 per month over several months with interest. One of the most common ways of buying on credit is to use a credit card, but many companies have their own credit schemes. A steady flow of credit in an economy is considered important for financial health.
What arguments did they use to convince the buyer?
Price, product features, emotional benefits Emotional benefits: the positive feelings that buyers make about themselves due to their use, display and attachment to a certain product or service and its features. Eg: feeling loved, attractive, secure, sexy, caring and nurturing, athletic, healthy, insightful, creative….
Module 4
The art of selling
1. Selling (vocabulary) 2. Sales techniques
3. Advertising trends 4. A sales report
5. Presenting figures 6. Analyzing a graph
Useful Terms
• Soft Sell (软推销; 劝买、说服式推销): A subtly persuasive, low-pressure method of selling or advertising. • Relationship Selling (关系销售): Establishing a long-term customer relationship in an effort to generate repeat business. Relationship selling may be directed at especially important customers and may include a liberal return policy and access to high-level executives. 关系销售是指建立维系和发展顾客关系的销售过程, 目标是致力建立顾客的忠诚度。它有别于传统交易销 售的地方,就在于为顾客增加经济的、社会的、技术 支持等附加值。从销售的实践角度看,关系销售更能 把握住销售概念的精神实质,因为企业不仅是达成购 买而是要建立稳固各种关系,而这些关系是促成客户 持续购买的重要因素。
Selling: qualities
Optimistic motivated
Never put off by failures
Manipulate the buyer’s feelings
• Personality • Cheerful disposition性格 • Mental ingredient: imagination, creation, initiatives, presence of mind… • Patience and perseverance • Courtesy • Complete knowledge about the products, company and the customers
Possible answers
1. That’s OK. We can arrange credit finance 2. We can order a black one, but there is a lot of demand so you will need to pay a 10% deposit 3. After a couple of months you will wonder how you ever lived without them. 4. I think I should at least reserve it in your name in case anyone else tries to buy it. 5. I think you are the sort of person who impose their image on the car, not the other way round.
berbal clues showing that the buyers are ready to buy
• When they are ready to buy • When they are not ready to buy
• Spending time looking at one product type • Looking around for somebody to help them • Asking questions about the detail • Asking about price • Using possession language • Asking another person’s opinion • Body state changes • Touching the money • • • • • Avoiding eye contact with you Making 'not now' excuses Casual handling of the product Looking at many different products Moving around quickly