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Unit 5 Topic


I .单项选择。(10分)


)1. The Browns usually drive to the park on Sun days. But today they go to the park IXPUWQQclMX7AL tcmCKeN


A. in

)2. Bob often

A. do

B. on

C. by

his homework after dinner.

C. doing

B. does

D. of

D. to do

)3. The boy likes play ing ____ b asketball very much.

A. a

B. an

C. the T5zYOL6 umsGKvn

D. /


)4. —_____ d oes Kan gka ng meet his frien ds?

—Four times a mon th. A. How ofte n B. How long

d4Za9rB o lBYifOG。C. When D. What time 9fvVdFd

)5. —What do you usually do —I usually read books.

A. in

B. at weekdays after school? VPBJozQ gEYPNje QBRwbaP

C. on

D. for

)6. Mr. King sometimes

A. take the subway home.

B. tak ing

C. takes


)7. to take

—What does Fang Yan do in her free time?

—She ofte n a movie.



B. watch

C. looks



)9. —The same to you.

A. Good mornin g!

B. Happy New Year!

C. See you later.

you do? zmY6elW 2otoIPs。MZyo7H6

Zhao Lin _____ to Beijing by train often. He usually

D. How do



A. isn ' t going

B. doesn ' t go

don' t go COEH29K SKHx3OD aM54yYE

()10. —Your new dress looks very nice!

goes by pla ne. 1PXIfup

C. not go


D. That'

A. Yes, it is so nice.

B. Where? Where?

C. Tha nk you.

right. vc2i1ap o FW8NYDqN29wizB

n .情景交际。(5分)


Hi, Wang Li! What time do you usually get up?

I always get up at about six o ' clock.

11 How do you usually go to school?

12 But sometimes I go to school by bus. s all

A: B: A: B:

A: By the way, where does your mother work?

B: She works in a factory. She makes shoes.

A: 13

B: She usually goes to work by subway.

A: Where does she have lun ch?

B: 14 It takes her too much time to come back home for lunch. 7fJmBfu。uoWXohv


A: Oh, it ' s time for class. 15 _____

B: Let' s go.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. lqjpuyf。SsBliie



On Sun days, Li Lei gets up at six thirty. He has 16 at eight. Then he helps

his mother S9Vxef4。c53vwRK KUvre5L。

17 the housework (家务劳动).At ten o' clock he leaves 18 and goes shopping 19_ UBcpPlr。JBRf2qv。6dZTxwk

bike. At about eleven o ' clock he comes 20 home. x58Zcqd。iJwVdoz。aRbN7Lj He likes 21 very much. He helps his mother with the cook ing. They 22 __ lunch at twelve. amyNXdr PDT4nC4SZoV0wi

In the after noon he ofte n 23 games with his frien ds. They have 24 at six _________

thirty. I n the evening he does his homework. Sometimes, he 25 TV. He goes to bed at nine. Yg9hVEX 85IVtQI。tFsXxoh。

()16. A. food B. breakfast C. lu nch D. supper qU4mZ5I tcJfSX4。5QtKgUP

()17. A. in B. on C. with D. from

()18. A. home B. house C. room D. classroom FeR5Wdu ehrqfJ4。aKOeX5E

()19. A. by B. on C. i n D. a t ()20. A. for B. to C. back D. f rom ()21. A. cook B. cook ing C. t he cook D. the

cooking 5DCaOIs gqbeb5T。gZEHoDY

()22. A. to have B. hav ing C. have D.

has PvRbyO5 mXhMcs1 pHHWYdV

()23. A. plays B. is playi ng C. takes D. is taking liB1rgH。W9XjNgf E5peSPD

()24. A. work B. homework C. h ousework D. dinner AKw7kC6 tlw91tv。jQ1L2Gw
