
第4部分:阅读理解(第31——45题,每题3分,共45分) 下⾯有3篇短⽂,每篇短⽂后有5道题。
第⼀篇 Walking Robot Carries a Person The first walking robot capable of carrying a person unveiled on Friday in Tokyo, Japan. Its creators at Waseda University in Tokyo and the Japanese robotics company Tmsuk hope their two-legged creation will one day enable wheel-chair users to climb up and down stairs and assist the movement of heavy goods over uneven terrain. The battery-powered robot, code-named WL-16, is essentially an aluminum chair mounted on two sets of telescopic poles. The poles are bolted to flat plates which act as feet. WL-6 uses 12 actuators to move forwards, backwards and sideways while carrying an adult weighing up to 60 kilograms(130 pounds). The robot can adjust its posture and walk smoothly even if the person it is carrying shifts in the chair. At present it can only step up or down a few mil1imeters, but the team plans to make it capable of dea1ing with a normal flight of stairs. "I believe this bipedal robot, which I prefer to call a two-legged walking chair rather than a wheel-chair, will eventually enable people to go up and down the stairs," said Atsuo Takanishi, from Waseda University "We have had strong robots for some time but usually they have been manipulators, they have not been geared to carrying people around," says Ron Arkin, at the Georgia Institute of Technology and robotics consultant for Sony. "But I don't know how safe and how user-friendly WL- 16 is." Tmsuk chief executive Yoichi Takamoto argues that bipedal or multi-legged robots will be more useful than so-called "caterpillar models" for moving over uneven ground. WL- 16's normal walking stride measures 30 centimeters, but it can stretch its legs to 136 cm apart. The prototype is currently radio-controlled, but the research team plans to equip it with a stick-like controller for the user in future", Takanishi said, it wi1l take "at least two years" to develop the WL- 16 prototype into a working model. Smaller, ground-hugging robots have been developed to pass across tricky terrain. One maggot-like device uses a magnetic fluid to pulse its way along", while another snake-like robot uses smart software to devise new movement strategies if the landscape takes its toll on any one part. One ball-shaped robot even uses a leap-and-bounce approach to travel over bumpy territory. But none of these are big or strong enough to carry a person too. 31.The robot that unveiled on Friday in Tokyo, Japan A.has two legs and is able to carry a person. B.surprised visitors from Waseda University. C.enables wheel-chair users to climb up and down stairs. D.can transport heavy goods over uneven terrain. 32.Which of the following about how the robot works is NOT correct? A.The robot is battery-powered. B.The robot has two sets of poles mounted on flat plates. C.The robot uses actuators to move about. D.The robot can cap an adult of up to 60 kilograms. 33.What does Ron Arkin think of WL-l6? A.He thinks the robot is user-friendly. B.He thinks it i8 another kind of manipulator. C.He is not sure if the robot can cap people safely D.He doubts if the robot is strong enough to climb stairs. 34.Which of the following description about WL-l6 is true? A.It is a ground-hugging robot. B.It is a caterpillar model. C.It needs time to be developed into a working model. D.It is going to be radio-controlled. 35.What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A.Different shapes of robots perform different functions. B.Many kinds of robots have been developed to walk over tricky terrain. C.Robots, big or small, perform almost the same function. D.None of the four kinds of robots are strong enough to carry people around. 第⼆篇 Night of the Living Ants When an ant dies, other ants move the dead insect out of the nest. This behavior is interesting to scientists, who wonder how ants know for sure - and so soon-that another ant is dead. Dong-Hwan Choe, a scientist at the University of California found that Argentine ants have a chemical on the outside of their bodies that signals to other ants, "I'm dead - take me away." But there's a twist to Choe's discovery. These ants are a little bit like zombies. Choe says that the living ants - not just the dead ones - have this death chemical. In other words, while an ant crawls around, perhaps in a picnic or home, it's telling other ants that it's dead. What keeps ants from hauling away the living dead? Choe found that Argentine ants have two additional chemicals on their bodies, and these tell nearby ants something like, "wait -I'm not dead yet. "So Choe's research turned up two sets of chemical signals in ants: one says, "I'm dead," the other set says, "I'm not dead yet." Other scientists have tried to figure out how ants know when another ant is dead. If an ant is knocked unconscious, other ants leave it alone until it wakes up. That means ants know that unmoving ants can still be alive. Choe suspects that when an Argentine ant dies, the chemical that says "Wait - I'm not dead yet" quickly goes away. Once that chemical is gone, only the one that says "I'm dead" is left." It's because the dead ant no longer smells like a living ant that it gets carded to the graveyard, not because its body releases new unique chemicals after death," said Choe. When other ants detect the "dead" chemical without the "not dead yet" chemical, they haul away the body. This was Choe's hypothesis. To test his hypothesis, Choe and his team put different chemicals on Argentine ant pupae. When the scientists used the "I'm dead" chemical, other ants quickly hauled the treated pupae7 away. When the scientists used the "Wait - I'm not dead yet" chemicals, other ants left the treated pupae alone. Choe believes this behavior shows that the "not dead yet" chemicals override the "dead" chemical when picked up by adult ants. And that when an ant dies, the "not dead yet" chemicals fade away. Other nearby ants then detect the remaining "dead" chemical and remove the body from the nest. 36.What is meant by "death chemical" mentioned in paragraph 3? A.A chemical that contains poison. B.A chemical that causes death. C.A chemical that announces death. D.A chemical that prevents death. 37.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the question "What keeps ants from hauling away the living dead? (paragraph 4)"? A.How do ants know what is to be hauled away from the dead ants? B.What prevents ants from removing the ants that are not yet dead? C.What do ants do to keep themselves away from the dying ants? D.What prevents ants from being carried away after they die. 38.What is NOT true about Choe's finding? A.When an ant dies, it produces a "I am dead" signal. B.Living ants have the death chemical on their bodies. C.Ants have two sets of chemicals on theft bodies. D.Ants have the "I am not dead" chemical on their bodies. 39.According to Choe's hypothesis, A.an ant still smells like a living when it dies. B.the "I am dead" chemical leaves the ant's body when it dies. C.the "I am not dead yet" chemical is left when an ant dies. D.the "I am not dead yet" chemical leaves the ant's body when it dies. 40.What is the result of the test on Choe's hypothesis? A.It proves that his hypothesis is time. B.Not enough evidence has been found to support his hypothesis. C.It shows that his hypothesis is wrong. D.It indicates that his hypothesis needs revising. 第三篇 How to Interview People Interviewing(采访)is one of those skills that you can only get better at. You will never again feel so ill at ease as when you try it for the first time, and you’ll probably never feel entirely comfortable trying to get from another person answers that he or she may be too shy to reveal. But at least half of the skill is mechanical. The rest is instinct, which can all be learned with experience. The basic tool for an interview are paper and two or three well-sharpened pencils. But keep your notebook or paper out of sight until you need it. There’s nothing less likely to relax a person than the arrival of someone with a note-taking pad. Both sort of person you’re dealing with, getting him or her to trust you. Never go into an interview without doing whatever homework you can. If you are interviewing a town official, know his voting record. If it’s an actor, know what plays he has been in. You will not be liked if you inquire about facts that you could have learned in advance. Many beginning interviewers are afraid that they are forcing the other person to answer questions and have no right to inquire about his personal secrets. This fear is almost 100 percent unnecessary. Unless the person really hates being interviewed, he is delighted that somebody wants to interview him. Most men and women lead lives that are uninteresting, and they grasp any chance to talk to an outsider who seems eager to listen. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it will go well. In general you will be talking to people who have never been interviewed before, and they will get used to the process awkwardly, perhaps not giving you anything that you can use. Come back another day; it will go better. You will both even begin to enjoy it–proof that you aren’t forcing your victim to do something he doesn’t really want to. 41.The word"reveal"(in line 4 of paragraph 1)could best be replaced by A."ask" B."question" C."give" D."seek" 42.According to the passage, during an interview notebooks or paper should A.never be used B.be used only when necessary C.be kept at home D.be given to the interviewee 43.The writer of the passage suggests that before interviewing a person, you should A.have a good rest B.visit a town official C.meet an actor D.make preparations 44.It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that most men and women A.are afraid to meet interviewers B.hate being interviewed C.like being interviewed D.fear to speak to outsiders 45.According to the passage, if a person being interviewed is too uneasy to give you anything useful, what should you do? A.Arrange another interview B.Give him or her a bad score C.Wait until he or she calms down D.Try to make him or her trust you。
理工B级 阅读理解 押题整理

理工B级幺建华老师押题整理阅读理解第三十二篇Mind-reading 1Machine(B级)A team of researchers in California has developed a way to predict what kinds of objects people are looking at by scanning what’s happening in their brains.When you look at something, your eyes send a signal about that object to your brain. Different regions of the brain process the information your eyes send. Cells in your brain called neurons are responsible for this processing.The fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)2 brain scans could generally match electrical activity in the brain to the basic shape of a picture that someone was looking at.Like cells anywhere else in your body, active neurons use oxygen. Blood brings oxygen to the neurons, and the more active a neuron is, the more oxygen it will consume. The more active a region of the brain, the more active its neurons, and in turn, the more blood will travel to that region. And by using fMRI, scientists can visualize3which parts of the brain receive more oxygen-rich blood —and therefore, which parts are working to process information.An fMRI machine is a device that scans the brain and measures changes in blood flow to the brain. The technology shows researchers how brain activity changes when a person thinks, looks at something, or carries out an activity like speaking or reading. By highlighting the areas of the brain at work when a person looks at different images, fMRI may help scientists determine specific patterns of brain activity associated with different kinds of images.The California researchers tested brain activity by having two volunteers view hundreds of pictures of everyday objects, like people, animals, and fruits. The scientists used an fMRI machine to record the volunteers’ brain activity with each photograph th ey looked at. Different objects caused different regions of the volunteers’ brains to light up on the scan, indicating activity. The scientists used this information to build a model to predict how the brain might respond to any image the eyes see.In a second test, the scientists asked the volunteers to look at 120 new pictures. Like before, their brains were scanned every time they looked at a new image. This time, the scientists used their model to match the fMRI scans to the image. For example, if a scan in the second test showed the same pattern of brain activity that was strongly related to pictures of apples in the first test, their model would have predicted the volunteers were looking at apples.词汇:scan /skAn/ v. &n. 扫描neuron /5njuErCn/ n. 神经元visualize /5vIzjJElaIz/ v.使可见;设想注释:1. Mind-reading: 能读出(猜出)人的想法的。

第一篇Will Quality Eat up the U.S. leadin Software?If U. S. software companies don't paymore attention to quality, they could kiss their business good-bye. Both India and Brazil are developing a world-classsoftware industry.Their weapon is quality and one of their jobs is toattractthe top U. S.quality specialists whose voices are not listened to in their country.Already, of the world's 12 software housesthat have earned the highest rating in the world, seven are in India. That's largelybecause they have used new methodologiesrejected by American software specialists.For example, for decades, quality specialists, W. Edwards Deming and J.M.Juran had urged U. S.software companies to change their attitudes to quality. But their quality callmainly fell ondeaf ears in the U. S—but notin Japan.By the 1970s and 1980s, Japanwas grabbing market share with better, cheaper products. They used Deming's andJuran's ideas to bring down the cost of good quality to as little as 5% of totalproduction costs. In U. S.factories, the cost of quality then was 10 times as high:50%. In software, itstill is.Watts S. Humphrey spent 27 years at IBMheading up software production and then quality assurance. But his advice wasseldom paid attention to. He retired from IBM in 1986. In 1987, he worked out asystem for assessing and improving software quality. It has proved its valuetime and again. For example, in 1990 the cost of quality at Raytheon ElectronicsSysterns was almost 60% of total software production costs. It fell to 15% in l996and has since further dropped to below 10%.Like Deming and Juran, Humphrey seems to bewinning more praises overseas than at home. The Indian government and severalcompanies have just founded the Watts Humphrey Software Quality Institute atthe Software TechnologyPark in Chennai, India.Let's hope that U. S.lead in software will not be eaten up by its quality problems.31 What country has more highest-rating companies in the world than anyother country has?A Germany.B The US.C Brazil.D India.32 Which of the following statements about Humphrey is true?A He is now still an IBM employer.B He has worked for IBM for 37 years.C The US pays much attention to his quality advice.D India honors him highly.33 By what means did Japan grab its large market share by the 1970s andthe 1980s?A Its products were cheaper in price and better in quality.B Its advertising was most successful.C The US hardware industry was lagging behind.D Japan hired a lot of Indian software specialists.34 What does the founding of the Watts Humphrey Software QualityInstitute symbolize?A It symbolizes the US determination to move ahead with its software.B It symbolizes the Indian ambition to take the lead in software.C It symbolizes the Japanese efforts to solve the software qualityproblem.D It symbolizes theC hinese policy on importing software.35 What is the writer worrying about?A Many US software specialists are working for Japan.B The quality problem has become a worldwide problem.C The US will no longer be the first software player in the world.D India and Japan are joining hands to compete with the US.第二篇Controlling Robots with theMindBelle, our tiny monkey, was seated in herspecial chair inside a chamber at our Duke Universitylab. Her right hand grasped a joystick as the watched a horizontal series of lightson a display ptanel. She knew that if a light suddenly shone and she moved thejoystick left or right to correspond to its position, she would be sent a dropof fruit juice into her mouth.Belle wore a cap glued to her head. Under itwere four plastic connectors, which fed arrays of microwires—each wire finer than the finest sewing thread—into different regions of Belle's motor cortex, the brain tissuethat plans movements and sends instructions. Each of the 100 microwires laybeside a single motor neuron. When a neuron produced an electrica discharge,the adjacent microwire would capture the current and send it up through a smallwiring bundle that ran from Belle's cap to a box of electronics on a table nextto the booth. The box, in turn, was linked to two computers, one next door andthe other half a country away.After months of hard work, we were about totest the idea that we could reliably translate the raw electrical activity in livingbeing's brain—Belle's mere thoughts—into signals that could direct the actions of a robot. We had assembleda multi jointed robot arm in this room, away from belle's view, that she wouldcontrol for the first time. as soon as Belle'sbrain sensed a lit spot on thepanel, electronics in the box running two real—timemathematical models would rapidly analyze the tiny action potentials producedby her brain cells. Our lab computer would convert the electrical patterns thatwould direct the robot arm. Six hundred miles north, in Cambridge, Mass, a different computer wouldproduce the same actions in another robot arm built by Mandayam A.Srinvasan.If we had done everything correctly, the two robot arms would behave as Belle'sarm did, at exactly the same time.Finally the moment came. We randomly switchedon lightsin front of Belle, and she immediately moved her joystickback andforth to correspond to them. Our robot arm moved similarly to Belle's real arm.So did Srinivasan's Belle andthe robots moved in synchrony, like dancerschoreographed bythe electrical impulses sparking inn Belle's mind.In the two years since that day, our labs andseveral others have advanced neuroscience, computer science and microelectronicsto.create ways for rats, monkeys andeventually humans to control mechanicaland electronic machines purely by “thinking through,” or imagining, themotions. Our immediate goal is to help a person who has been unable to move bya neurological disorder or spinal cord injury, but whose motor cortex isspared, to operate a wheelchair or a robotic limb.36 Belle would be fed some fruit juice if she__________.A moved the joystick according to what she heardB watched lights on a display panelC sat quietly in a special chairD moved the joystick to the side of the light37 According to the second paragraph, the wires fixed under the cap Bellewore were connected to __________.A a box of electronics and two computersB a booth and two computersC a box which, in turn, was linked to two computersD a computer half a country away38 Which of the following statements is NOT true of the robot arm builtby Srinivasan? __________A It was six hundred miles away from where belle was.B It was directed by electric signals converted from the electricalactivity in Belle's brain.C It could produce the same actions as another robot arm.D It could convert the electrical patterns into instructions for anotherrobot arm.39 Which of the following statements indicates the success of theexperiment? (the 4th paragraph) __________.A Belle responded to the robot arms successfully.B The two robot arms moved the joysticks in time.C The two robot arms and Belle corresponded to the lights at the samerate.D Belle and the two robot arms were like impulsive dancers.40 The final aim of the research was to help a person __________.A who is unable to move but whose motor cortex is not damagedB who can operate a wheelchair or a robotic limbC whose motor cortex is damagedD who has spinal cord injury but is able to move a wheelchair第三篇Electronic Mail (E-mail)During the past few years, scientists the worldover have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in task they oncespent their lives avoiding-writing, anykind of writing, but particularly letter writing. Encouraged by electronic mail'ssurprisingly high speed, convenience and economy, people who never beforetouched the stuff are regularly, skillfully, even cheerfully tapping out agreat deal of correspondence.Electronic networks, woven into the fabric ofscientific communication these days, are the route to colleagues in distantcountries, shared data, bulletin boards and electronic journals. Anyone with apersonal computer, a modem and the software to link computers over telephone linescan sign on. An estimated five million scientists have done so withmorejoining every day, most of them communicating through a bundle of interconnecteddomestic and foreign routes known collectively as the Internet, or net.E-mail is starting to edge out the fax, thetelephone,overnight mail, and of course, land mail. It shrinks time and distance betweenscientific collaborators, in part because it is conveniently asynchronous(writers can type while their colleagues across time zones sleep; their messagewill be waiting). If it is not yet speeding discoveries, it is certainly acceleratingcommunication.Jeremy Bernstei, the physicist and sciencewriter, once called E-mail the physicist's umbilical cord. Lately other people,too, have been discovering its connective virtues. Physicists are using it; collegestudents are using it, everybody is using it, and as a sign that it has come ofage, the New Yorker has celebrated its liberating presence with a cartoon-an appreciative dog seated at a keyboard, saying happily, “On theInternet, nobody knows you're a dog.”41 The reasons given below about the popularity of E-mail can be foundin the passage EXCEPT __________.A direct and reliableB time-saving in deliveryC money-savingD available at any time42 How is the Internet or net explained in the passage? __________A Electronic routes used to read home and international journals.B Electronic routes used to fax or correspond overnight.C Electronic routes waiting for correspondence while one is sleeping.D Electronic routes connected among millions of users, home andabroad.43 What does the sentence “If it is not yet speeding discov eries, it iscertainly accelerating communication” most probably mean? __________A The quick speed of correspondence may have ill-effects ondiscoveries.B Although it does not speed up correspondence, ithelps makediscoveries.C It quickens mutual communication even if it does not acceleratediscoveries.D It shrinks time for communication and accelerates discoveries.44 What does the sentence “On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.”implyin the last paragraph? __________A Even dogs are interested in the computer.B E-mail has become very popular.C Dogs are liberated from their usual duties.D E-mail deprives dogs of their owners' love.45 What will happen to fax, land mail, overnight mail, etc. accordingto the writer? __________A Their functions cannot be replaced by E-mail.B They will co-exist with E-mail for a long time.C Less and less people will use them.D They will play a supplementary function to E-mail.。

Teaching Math, Teaching AnxietyI n a new study about the way kids learn math in elementary sc hool, the ps ychologists at the U nivers ity of Chicagol1 Sian Beil ock and Sus an Levine found a s urprising relations hip between what female teachers think and what female s tudents learn:I f a female teac her is unc omfortable with her own math s kills, then her female s tudents are more likely to believe that boys are better than girls at math.练习:1. What is the result of the research at the University of Chicago,according to the f irst paragraph?D Female teac hers' c onfidence in their math skills is related to girl's math skills.2. What is implied in the third paragraph?B A diffic ult s ubject like math may affect teac hers' c onfidence in teac hing the s ubj ec t.3. According to the experiment,those teachers were probably anxious about math w hen they f eltC uneasy reading the numbers of a sales rec eipt.4. The sixth paragraph tells us that the research f indingsA prove a s trong link between female teac hers' math anxiety and their female s tudents' math ac hievements.5. David Geary thinks thatB the research res ults need to be retested bas ed on a larger s ample.Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart RiskFast food outlets could provide statin drugs free o f charge so that customers can reduce the heart disease dangers of fatty food, researchers at Imperial College London suggest in a newstudy.Statins reduce the amount o f unhealthy ”LDL” cholesterol in the blood. A wealth of trial data has proven them to be highly effective at lowering a perso n’s heart attack risk .In a paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology,Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues calculate that the reduction in heart attack risk offered by a statin is enough to o ffset the increase in heart attack risk fro m eating a cheeseburger and drinking a milkshake.Dr Francis,fro m the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College Lon don,who is the senior author of the study, said:”Statins don’t cut out a11 of the unhealthy effects of cheeseburgers and French fries.It’s better to avoid fatty food altogether.But we’ve worked out that in terms of your possibility of having a heart attack. T aking a statin can reduce your risk to more or less the same degree as a fast food meal increases it.” “It’s ironic that people are free to take as many unhealthv condiments in fast food outlets as they like, but statins, which are beneficial to heart health, have to be prescribed. It makes sense to make risk-reducing statins available just as easily as the unhealthy condiments that are provided free o f charge.It would cost less than 5 pence per customer一not much different to a sachet of sugar.” Dr Francis said.When people engage in risky behaviours like driving or smoking, they’re encouraged to take measures that lower their risk, 1ike wearing a seatbelt or choosing cigarettes with filters. T aking a statin is a rational way of lowering so me o f the risks of eating a fatty meal.快餐销售点为了减少油脂食物对心脏疾病的危险,可以免费提供降胆固醇类药物.伦敦大学帝国理工学院的研究者在一个新的研究中建议到。

绝密 ★ 启用前2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 理科数学(押题卷)试题参考答案和评分参考评分说明:1. 本解答给出了一种或几种解法供参考,如果考生的解法与本解答不同,可根据试题的主要考查内容比照评分参考制订相应的评分细则.2. 对计算题,当考生的解答在某一步出现错误时,如果后继部分的解答未改变该题的内容和难度,可视影响的程度决定后继部分的给分,但不得超过该部分正确解答应得分数的一半;如果后继部分的解答有较严重的错误,就不再给分.3. 解答右端所注分数,表示考生正确做到这一步应得的累加分数.4. 只给整数分数. 选择题不给中间分. 一.选择题(1)B (2)B (3)C (4)C (5)A (6)C (7)B (8)D(9)C(10)D(11)A(12)A二.填空题(13)132n -⋅;3(21)n ⋅- (14)10 (15)45,81(16)三.解答题 (17)解:(Ⅰ)由∆ABC 面积公式及题设得1sin 2S ac B ==122a a ⨯=解得1,2,a c == 由余弦定理及题设可得2222cos b a c ac B =+-114212()72=+-⨯⨯⨯-=,又0,b b >∴=. (不写b>0不扣分) (Ⅱ)在∆ABC 中,由正弦定理sin sin a bA B=得:sin sinaA Bb===又120B =,所以A是锐角(或:因为12,a c=<=)所以cos A===所以sintancosAAA===(18)解:如图,以D为原点,DA为单位长建立空间直角坐标系D xyz-.则(1, 0, 0),(0, 0, 1).DA CC'==连结,BD B D''.在平面BB D D''中,延长DP交B D''于H.设(,,1) (0),DH m m m=>由已知,60DH DA=︒〈〉,由||||cos,DA DH DA DH DH DA⋅=〈〉可得2m=解得m=2(DH=.(Ⅰ)因为cos,DH CC'〈〉==,所以,45DH CC'=︒〈〉,即DP与CC'所成的角为45°. ……8分(Ⅱ)平面AA D D''的一个法向量是(0,1,0)DC=.因为cos,DH DC〈〉12==,所以,60DH DC=︒〈〉,可得DP与平面AA D D''所成的角为30°. ……12分(19)解:(Ⅰ)由题设可知Y 1和Y 2的分布列分别为15100.80.2Y P228120.20.50.3Y P150.8100.26EY =⨯+⨯=,221(56)0.8(106)0.24DY =-⨯+-⨯=.……4分220.280.5120.38EY =⨯+⨯+⨯=,2222(28)0.2(88)0.5(128)0.312DY =-⨯+-⨯+-⨯=.……8分(Ⅱ)12100()100100x x f x D Y D Y -⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭2212100100100x x DY DY -⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭22243(100)100x x ⎡⎤=+-⎣⎦ 2224(46003100)100x x =-+⨯, ……10分 当6007524x ==⨯时,()3f x =为最小值.……12分(20)解:(Ⅰ)将1x =代入22142x y +=,解得 y =, 所以 ||AB = [ 2分] 当M 为椭圆C 的顶点()2,0-时,M 到直线1x =的距离取得最大值3,所以 △MAB . [ 3分] (Ⅱ)设,A B 两点坐标分别为(),A t n ,(),B t n -,从而 2224t n +=.设()00,M x y ,则有220024x y +=,0x t ≠,0y n ≠±. [ 5分]直线MA 的方程为 00()y ny n x t x t--=--, 令0y =,得000ty nx x y n -=-,从而 000ty nx OE y n-=-. [ 8分]直线MB 的方程为00()y ny n x t x t++=--, 令0y =,得000ty nx x y n +=+,从而 000ty nx OF y n+=+. [10分]所以000000=ty nx ty nx OE OF y n y n -+⋅⋅-+222200220=t y n x y n--()()222202204242=n y n y y n ---- [11分]22022044=y n y n-- =4.所以OE OF ⋅为定值. [12分](21)解: (Ⅰ)21(),()f x a x b '=-+于是2123, 210,(2)a b a b ⎧+=⎪+⎪⎨⎪-=⎪+⎩解得1,1,a b =⎧⎨=-⎩ 或9,48.3a b ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=-⎪⎩因, a b ∈Z ,故1()1f x x x =+-.……4分(Ⅱ)证明:已知函数121,y x y x==都是奇函数. 所以函数1()g x x x=+也是奇函数,其图像是以原点为中心的中心对称图形.而1()111f x x x =-++-. 可知,函数()g x 的图像按向量(1,1)=a 平移,即得到函数()f x 的图像,故函数()f x 的图像是以点(1,1)为中心的中心对称图形.……8分(Ⅲ)证明:在曲线上任取一点0001(,)1x x x +-. 由0201()1(1)f x x '=--知,过此点的切线方程为 200020011[1]()1(1)x x y x x x x -+-=----. 令1x =得0011x y x +=-,切线与直线1x =交点为001(1,)1x x +-. 令y x =得021y x =-,切线与直线y x =交点为00(21, 21)x x --. 直线1x =与直线y x =的交点为(1,1). 从而所围三角形的面积为00000111212112222121x x x x x +---=-=--.所以,所围三角形的面积为定值2. ……12分(22)解:(Ⅰ)消去参数t 得到1C 的普通方程 222(1)x y a +-=. 1C 是以(0,1)为圆心,a 为半径的圆.将cos ,sin x y ρθρθ==代入1C 的普通方程中,得到1C 的极坐标方程为222sin 10a ρρθ-+-=. ……5分(Ⅱ)曲线1C ,2C 的公共点的极坐标满足方程组222sin 10,4cos .a ρρθρθ⎧-+-=⎨=⎩若0ρ≠,由方程组得2216cos 8sin cos 10a θθθ-+-=,由已知tan 2θ=,可得216cos 8sin cos 0θθθ-=,从而210a -=,解得1a =-(舍去),1a =. 1a =时,极点也为1C ,2C 的公共点,在3C 上.所以1a =. ……10分(23)解:(Ⅰ)当2a =时,()|22|2f x x =-+. 解不等式 |22|26x -+≤得 13x -≤≤. 因此()6f x ≤的解集为{|13}x x -≤≤. ……5分(Ⅱ)当x ∈R 时,()()f x g x +|2||12|x a a x =-++-|212|x a x a -+-+≥ |1|a a =-+,当12x =时等号成立,所以当x ∈R 时,()()3f x g x +≥等价于 |1|3a a -+≥.① ……7分当1a ≤时,①等价于 13a a -+≥,无解. 当1a >时,①等价于 13a a -+≥,解得 2a ≥. 所以a 的取值范围是[2,)+∞.……10分。

2017年新课标全国Ⅱ卷(理科)优胜数学押题卷B 答案1.B 【解析】因为集合{0}M y y =>,{0}P y y =≥,所以M P ⊆,故选B . 2.C 【解析】1i (1i)(1i)1(1)i 11i 1i 2222a a a a a a z -----+-+====-+, 132a+∴-=-,5a ∴=,故选C . 3.C 【解析】定义域为R 的偶函数的定义:,()()x f x f x ∀∈-=R ,这是一个全称命题,所以它的否定为特称命题:000,()()x f x f x ∃∈-≠R ,故选C . 4.A 【解析】π1sin()22θ+=-,1cos 2θ=-,212sin 1cos 22θθ∴-=-=,故选A . 5.C 【解析】将样本点的中心(3.5,43)代入回归直线方程得ˆ 5.9a=,所以广告费用为10万元时销售额为10.610 5.9111.9⨯+=(万元),故选C .6.B 【解析】因为双曲线221416x y -=的渐近线为2y x =±,而221 3y x m m -=+的渐近线为y =,2=,所以1m =,所以双曲线1C 的焦点坐标为(0,,2C的焦点坐标为(±,所以四边形的面积为1202⨯.7.D 【解析】由三视图可知,该几何体是一个半圆柱与一个四棱锥的组合体,如图所示,其中四棱锥的底面ABCD 为圆柱的轴截面,顶点P 在半圆柱所在圆柱1OO 的底面圆上,且点P 在AB 上的射影为底面圆的圆心O .由三视图中的数据可得,半圆柱所在圆柱的底面半径1r =,母线长2l =,故半圆柱的体积22111ππ12π22V r l ==⨯⨯=;四棱锥的底面ABCD 是边长为2的正方形,PO ⊥底面ABCD ,且PO =r=l ,故其体2211421333ABCD V S PO =⨯=⨯⨯=正方形.故该几何体的体积124π3V V V =+=+.8.C 【解析】通解 要使输出的结果中有且只有三个自然数,只能是5,4,2,所以应使205101n<+≤,解得13n<≤,即2,3n=,所以输入的自然数n的所有可能值为2,3,故选C.优解代入验证法,当1n=时;输出的结果是10,5,4,2,排除选项A,D,当4n=时,输出的结果是4,2,排除选项B,故选C.9.C【解析】由条件π()(0)2f f=,a b∴=-,π()sin cos sin()4f x a x a x x∴=+=+,又()f x在π4x=处取得最小值,0,0a b∴<>,3π3ππ|(sin()|=sin sin444y f x x x x∴=--+=,故选C.10.D【解析】由题意知,圆22240x y x y+-+=的圆心为(1,2)-,半径r=,过3(,2)2--的直线方程设为3()22y k x=+-3|22|k k++-= 2k=±,所以两条切线的方程为1l:210x y-+=,2l:250x y++=,直线1l、2l和直线10x y-+=围成的区域如图中阴影部分表示.其中3(,2)2A--,(0,1)B,(2,1)C--.当1x=-时,0z=,当1x≠-时,112(2)2311xzyx yx+==-+-++,令2(2)11ytx-=++,因为t的几何意义为可行域内的点与(1,2)D-的连线的斜率的2倍加1,由图知3DCK=,1DBk=-,所以(,1][7,)t∈-∞-+∞,所以1[1,,]7z∈-,故选D.11.C【解析】对于等比数列1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,…,20kS=,42k kS S-=,84k kS S-=,令2n k=,此时有0M N==;对于nS,2n nS S-,32n nS S-,,各项均不为零时,等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,设{}n a 的公比为q ,232,,n n n n n S S S S S ∴--是一个公比为n q 的等比数列,22232,n n n n n n n n S S S q S S S q ∴-=⨯-=⨯,222222223[1(1)](22)()n n n n n n n n n n M S S S q S q q S S S N ∴=+=⨯++=⨯++=⨯+=.由上可知,M N =,选C .12.B 【解析】通解 由题意可得,存在0x <,使得221()ln()2x x e x x a +-=-+-+成立, 即1ln()2x e x a -=-+,1ln()02x e x a ---+=,令1()ln()2x h x e x a =---+, 若0a >,则问题等价于1()ln()2x h x e x a =---+在(,0)-∞上存在零点,易证()h x 在(,0)-∞上单调递增,当x 趋近于-∞时,x e 趋近于0,ln()x a -+趋近于+∞,∴()h x 趋近于-∞,∴只需(0)0h >,即11ln 02a -->⇒0a <<若0a ≤,则问题等价于1()ln()2x h x e x a =---+在(,)a -∞上存在零点,易证()h x 在(,)a -∞上单调递增,当x 趋近于-∞时,x e 趋近于0,ln()x a -+趋近于+∞,∴()h x 趋近于-∞,∴只需当x 趋近于a 时,()0h x >,易得当x 趋近于a 时,()h x 趋近于+∞,∴0a ≤符合题意.综上所述,实数a 的取值范围是(-∞,故选B . 优解 特殊值法和排除法,由题意可得,存在0x <,使得221()ln()2x x e x x a +-=-+-+成立,即1ln()2x e x a -=-+,1ln()02x e x a ---+=,令1()ln()2x h x e x a =---+,取1a =,1(0)02h =>,11(1)ln 202h e -=--<,∴由零点存在性定理可得1a =满足题意,排除选项A ,C ,D ,故选B . 13.127【解析】由()()0AP BC AB AC AC AB λ⋅=+⋅-=, 得22()()0AB AC AB AC AC AB λλ⋅-+-⋅=⇒34930λλ--++=⇒127λ=.14.243【解析】6(2展开式的通项为6621662((1)2r r rr rrr r T C C x --+=⋅⋅=-⋅⋅⋅,分别取6,2r r ==,得63()(2x x +的展开式中含2x 的项为3422632243x x C x x x⋅+⋅⋅⋅=,故系数为243.15.π3【解析】由已知得,圆心2(3,0)C ,200(,)4y P y ,两切点分别为A ,B ,要使两切线的夹角最大,只需2PC最小,2PC ==当204y =时,2minPC =,22π6APC BPC ∴∠=∠=,π3APB ∴∠=. 16在△ABD 中,∵2A是2B 与2C 的等差中项,∴2()A B C =+,而180A B C ++=,∴120A =.在ABD ∆中,由正弦定理得sin sin AB BDADB A=∠,sin sin 2AB A ADB BD ⋅∴∠==,45ADB ∴∠=︒,15ABD ∴∠=︒,30ABC ∴∠=︒,30ACB ∴∠=︒,AC AB ∴==,∴在△ABC 中由正弦定理得BC =17.【解析】(1)22n n T a +=,∴当1n =时,1122T a +=,123T ∴=,即1132T =. 又当2n ≥时,122nn n T T T -=-⨯,得1122n n n n T T T T --⋅=-, 11112n n T T -∴-=, ∴数列1{}nT 是以32为首项,12为公差是等差数列.(2)由(1)知,数列1{}n T 为等差数列,1312(1)222n n n T +∴=+-=,2122n n T n a n -+∴==+, 1111(1)(1)(2)(3)23n n n b a a n n n n +∴=--==-++++, 11111111()()()3445233339n nS n n n n =-+-++-=-=++++. 18.【解析】(1)由茎叶图可知,甲的平均成绩为585576889273.85++++=(分), 乙的平均成绩为658287859582.85++++=(分), 乙的平均成绩大于甲的平均成绩, (2分) 又甲的成绩的方差为()()()()()222221[58 73. 8 5573. 8 7673. 8 8873. 89273. 8]228.165⨯-+-+-+-+-=, 乙的成绩的方差为()()()()()222221[6582.88282. 88782. 88582.89582.8]97.765⨯-+-+-+-+-=, 乙的成绩的方差小于甲的成绩的方差, (4分) 因此选派乙参赛更好. (5分)(2) 随机变量X 的所有可能取值为0,1,2.P (X =0)=114411551625C C C C =,P (X =1)=1411552825C C C =,P (X =2)=11551125C C =,(9分)所以随机变量X 的分布列是(10分)EX =0×1625+1×825+2×125=25. (12分) 19.【解析】(1)在⇒PCD 中,因为E 、F 分别是PC 、PD 的中点,所以EF ∥CD ,因为四边形ABCD 为正方形,所以AB ∥CD ,所以EF ∥AB . 因为AB ⇒平面P AB ,EF ⇒平面P AB , 所以EF ∥平面P AB . (5分)(2)解法一 因为四边形ABCD 为正方形,P A ⊥平面ABCD , 作EG ⊥平面ABCD 于G ,EH ⊥AD 于H ,连接GH , 所以∠EHG 为二面角E -AD -B 的平面角.因为⇒ADP 是边长为4的等腰直角三角形,E 、F 分别是PC 、PD 的中点, 所以GH =GE =2,所以⇒GEH 是等腰直角三角形,∠EHG =45°. 故二面角E -AD -B 的大小为45°. 解法二因为四边形ABCD 为正方形,P A ⊥平面ABCD ,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,因为⇒ADP 是边长为4的等腰直角三角形,所以AP =AB =AD =4, 所以A (0,0,0),P (0,0,4),D (‒4,0,0),E (‒2,2,2), 所以AD =(‒4,0,0),AE =(‒2,2,2),AP =(0,0,4). (8分)设平面EAD 的法向量为n =(x ,y ,z ),则00AD AE ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩n n ,所以(,,)(4,0,0)0(,,)(2,2,2)0x y z x y z ⋅-=⎧⎨⋅-=⎩,即02220x x y z =⎧⎨-++=⎩,不妨令z = ‒1,则y =1,所以n =(0,1,‒1)为平面EAD 的一个法向量, (10分) 易知向量AP =(0,0,4)为平面ABD 的一个法向量, 设二面角E -AD -B 的大小为θ,所以cos θ=||||||AP AP ⋅⋅n n ===, 所以二面角E -AD -B 的大小为45°. (12分) 20.【解析】(1)设点P 的坐标为(,)x y (2)x ≠±,则02PA y k x -=+,02PB y k x -=-.(2分) 依题意14PA PB k k ⋅=-,所以001224y y x x --⋅=-+-,化简得2214x y +=,(3分) 所以动点P 的轨迹E 的方程为2214x y +=(2)x ≠±.(4分)(注:未说明2x ≠±(或0y ≠),扣1分.)(2)假设能构成等腰直角三角形HMN ,其中直角顶点H 为(0,1). 由题意可知,直角边HM 、HN 不可能垂直或平行于x 轴, 故可设HM 所在的直线的方程为1(0)y kx k =+>, 则HN 所在直线的方程为11y x k=-+.(6分)联立22144y kx x y =+⎧⎨+=⎩,消去y 整理得22(14)80k x kx ++=,得2814M k x k =-+, 将2814M k x k =-+代入1y kx =+可得228114M k y k =-++,故点M 的坐标为(2814kk -+,228114k k -++).所以||HM ==(8分)同理可得||HN =,由||||HM HN =,得22(4)14k k k +=+,所以324410k k k -+-=,整理得2(1)(31)0k k k --+=, 解得1k =或k =. (10分) 当直线HM 的斜率1k =时,直线HN 的斜率为1-; 当直线HM 的斜率k =时,直线HN 当直线HM 的斜率k HN .综上所述,符合条件的M 、N 有3对. (12分)21.【解析】(1)由题意可知,曲线()y f x =在点(1,(1))f 处的切线斜率为2,所以(1)2f '=,又()ln 1af x x x'=++,所以1a = (2分)设2()()()(+1)ln x x h x f x g x x x e=-=-,当(0,1]x ∈时,()0h x <,又2244(2)3ln 2ln8110h e e=-=->-= 所以存在0(1,2)x ∈,使0()0h x =. (4分) 因为1(2)()ln 1xx x h x x x e-'=+++, 当(1,2)x ∈时,20(2)(1)11x x x <-=--+<, x e e >,所以110x e e <<,所以(2)1x x x e e-<,所以1()10h x e '>->, 所以当(1,2)x ∈时,()h x 单调递增,所以方程()()f x g x =在(1,2)内存在唯一的实根.(6分)(2)由(1)知,方程()()f x g x =在(1,2)内存在唯一的实根0x ,且0(0,)x x ∈时,()()f x g x <, 又当0(,2)x x ∈时,()0h x '>,当(2,)x ∈+∞时,()0h x '>, 所以当0(,)x x ∈+∞时,()0h x '>所以当0(,)x x ∈+∞时,()()f x g x >, (8分) 所以020(1)ln ,(0,](),(,)x x x x x m x x x x e+∈⎧⎪=⎨∈+∞⎪⎩.当0(0,)x x ∈时,若(0,1]x ∈,则()0m x ≤;若0(1,]x x ∈时,由1()ln 10m x x x'=++>,可知00()()m x m x <≤,故当0(0,]x x ∈时,0()()m x m x ≤ (10分)当0(,)x x ∈+∞时,由(2)()xx x m x e-'=可得当0(,2)x x ∈时,()0m x '>,()m x 单调递增; 当(2,)x ∈+∞时,()0m x '<,()m x 单调递减. (11分) 可知24()(2)m x m e =≤,且0()(2)m x m <. 综上可得,函数()m x 的最大值为24e . (12分)22.【解析】 (1)由(1)x t y k t =⎧⎨=-⎩可得其普通方程为(1)y k x =-,它表示过定点(1,0),斜率为k的直线.(3分) 由210cos 6sin 330ρρθρθ+-+=可得其直角坐标方程为22106330x y x y ++-+=,整理得22(5)(3)1x y ++-=,它表示圆心为(5,3)-,半径为1的圆. (5分)(2)因为圆心(5,3)-到直线(1)y k x =-的距离d ==,故PQ 1,12=,得2340k k +=,解得0k =或43k =-. (10分)23.【解析】(1)通解 因为22,(3)()4,(3) 22, 1 x x f x x x x --<-⎧⎪-⎨⎪+>⎩≤≤1,根据函数()f x 的图象分析可得()f x 的最小值为4..(5分) 优解一 因为3131314x x x x x x ++-=++-++-=≥可得min ()4f x =.(5分) 优解二 31x x ++-表示数轴上的动点x 到-3和1的距离之和,故314x x ++-≥,当且仅当3x -≤≤1时,取得最小值4. (5分) (2)由4a b +=,故144ab +=,14141()()14444a b b a a b a b a b+=++=+++ 5591444=+=≥ 当且仅当2b a =,即43a =,83b =时取等号,故1494a b +≥. (10分)。

下列说法正确的是( )A.光电管阴极K金属材料的逸出功为5.75eVB.光电管阴极K金属材料的逸出功为7.0eVC.增大照射光电管的单色光的强度,饱和电流不变D.增大照射光电管的单色光的频率,光电管阴极K金属材料的逸出功增大第(2)题有甲、乙两辆汽车,在平直并列的两条公路上行驶。
时刻甲的速度是,乙的速度为零,它们的速度—时间图像如图所示,在内下列说法正确的是( )A.若它们从同一地点出发,则它们在末只能相遇一次B.若它们从同一地点出发,则它们不可能相遇C.若乙车在后,甲车在前,则它们有可能相遇一次D.若甲车在后,乙车在前,则它们不可能相遇两次第(3)题如图所示,水平细杆上套一细环A,环A和球B间用一轻质绳相连,质量分别为m A、m B (m A>m B),由于B球受到水平风力作用,A环与B球一起向右匀速运动,已知细绳与竖直方向的夹角为θ,则下列说法正确的是A.风力增大时,轻质绳对B球的拉力保持不变B.风力增大时,杆对A环的支持力保持不变C.B球受到的风力F为m A g tan θD.A环与水平细杆间的滑动摩擦因数为第(4)题某飞机由静止开始做匀加速直线运动,从运动开始到起飞共前进1 600 m,所用时间为40 s.则它的加速度a和离地时的速度v分别为( )A.2 m/s2,80 m/sB.1 m/s2,40 m/sC.1 m/s2,80 m/sD.2 m/s2,40 m/s第(5)题如图甲所示利用遥控飞机向某地运送物资,物资用细绳悬挂在飞机上。

2024年高考预测押题密卷(全国I卷)理科综合高效提分物理试题(基础必刷)学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:75分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、单项选择题(本题包含8小题,每小题4分,共32分。
下列说法正确的是( )A.若增大两手间的距离,最终悬垂时手掌受到单杠的弹力变大B.若增大两手间的距离,最终悬垂时手掌受到单杠的弹力不变C.在上升过程中单杠对人的作用力始终大于人的重力D.在下降过程中单杠对人的作用力始终小于人的重力第(2)题“北斗”卫星导航定位系统由地球静止轨道卫星(同步卫星)、中轨道卫星和倾斜同步卫星组成。
下列说法正确的是( )A.静止轨道卫星的周期约为中轨道卫星的2倍B.静止轨道卫星的线速度大小约为中轨道卫星的2倍C.静止轨道卫星的角速度大小约为中轨道卫星的D.静止轨道卫星的向心加速度大小约为中轨道卫星的第(3)题已知高铁的列车组由动力车和拖车组成,每节动力车的额定功率相同,每节动力车与拖车的质量相等,设列车组运行时每节车厢所受阻力与其速率成正比(f=kv,k为比例系数)。
某列车组由m节动力车和n节拖车组成,其运行的最大速率为v1,另一列由相同的n节动力车和m节拖车组成的列车组,其运行的最大速率为v2,则v1∶v2=( )A.B.C.D.第(4)题关于生活中遇到的各种波,下列说法正确的是( )A.电磁波可以传递信息,声波不能传递信息B.手机在通话时涉及的波既有电磁波又有声波C.太阳光中的可见光和医院“B超”中的超声波传播速度相同D.遥控器发出的红外线波长和医院“CT”中的X射线波长相同第(5)题如图所示为某人造地球卫星的变轨发射过程,先将卫星发射到近地圆轨道1,轨道半径为,在A点进行变轨,使卫星在椭圆轨道2上运行,在B点再次进行变轨,使卫星在圆轨道3上运行,轨道半径为,卫星在轨道1、轨道3上运行的环绕速度、加速度大小分别为v1、v3,a1、a3,在轨道2上运行到两点的速度、加速度大小分别为v A、v B,a A、a B。

职称英语(理工类)B级模拟试卷20(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 词汇选项 2. 阅读判断 3. 概括大意与完成句子 4. 阅读理解 5. 补全短文6. 完形填空词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。
1.They agreed to modify their policy.A.clarifyB.changeC.defineD.develop正确答案:B解析:本句意思:他们同意调整政策。
2.It’ s prudent to start any exercise program gradually at first.A.workableB.sensibleC.possibleD.feasible正确答案:B解析:本句意思:初期逐渐开始锻炼计划比较慎重。
3.He is renowned for his skill.A.rememberedB.recommendedC.praisedD.well-known正确答案:D解析:本句意思:他以技术精湛著称。
well—known 著名的;remembered被记得的;recommended被推荐的;praised被夸奖的。
4.You have to be patient if you want to sustain your position.A.maintainB.establishC.acquireD.support正确答案:A解析:本句意思:要保住自己的职位,你必须有耐心。
maintain维持;establish 建立:acquire习得;support支持。

职称英语试题理工类(B级)真题及答案第1 部分:词汇选项(第1-15 题,每题1 分,共15 分)下面每个句子中均有1 个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1 个意义最为接近的选项。
1. The high-speed trains can have a major impact on our lives.A. effortB. problemC. influenceD.concern2. She always finds fault with everything,A criticizesB simplifiesC evaluatesD examines3.We need to extract the relevant financial data.A storeB saveC reviewD obtain4.We have to act within the existing legal framework.A limitB systemC procedureD status5.They converted the spare bedroom into an office.A reducedB turnedC movedD reformed6. Anderson left the table,remarking that he had some work to do .A doubtingB thinkingC sayingD knowing7. Mr.Henley has accelerated his sale of shares over the past year.A.heldB.expectC offered.D increased8.His shoes were shined to perfection.A .clearedB polishedC washedD mended9. We explored the possibility of expansion at the conference.A.offered B includedC acceptedD investigated10.At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.A giveB understandC attachD lose11.The view from my bedroom window was absolutely spectacular.A generalB traditionalCmagnificent Dstrong12.Marsha confessed that she knew nothing of computer.A reportedB admittedC hoped Danswered13.The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.A relativeB generalC continuousD sharp14. Jane said that she couldn’t tolerate the long hours.A spendB takeC lastD stand15.The police believe the motive for the murder was money. (红色部分单词待定,不影响答案)A reason BchoiceC ideaD decision第2 部分:阅读判断(第16-22 题,每题1 分,共7 分)下面的短文后列出了7 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

职称英语(理工类)B级模拟试卷19(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 词汇选项 2. 阅读判断 3. 概括大意与完成句子 4. 阅读理解 5. 补全短文6. 完形填空词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。
1.It is obvious that he will win the game.A.likelyB.possibleC.clearD.strange正确答案:C解析:句意为:很明显,他会赢得比赛。
2.There is no risk to public health.A.pointB.dangerC.chanceD.hope正确答案:B解析:句意为:公共健康没有危险。
3.Did anyone call me when I was out?A.inviteB.nameC.answerD.phone正确答案:D解析:句意为:我出去时,有人给我打电话吗?call:“打电话”,四个选项:phone也是这个意思,invite:“邀请”;answer:“回答,回电”;name“命名”。
4.It took us a long time to mend the house.A.buildB.destroyC.designD.repair正确答案:D解析:句意为:我们花了很长时间修理这个房子。
5.I don’t quite follow what she is saying.A.believeB.understandC.explainD.accept正确答案:B解析:句意为:我不能理解她说的内容。

故选 A.
2.已知集合 M x, y x y 2 , N x, y x y 2 ,则集合 M N ( )
A.0, 2
B. 2, 0
C.0, 2
D.2, 0
x x
8.若函数 f x 2x 4 a 存在两个零点,且一个为正数,另一个为负数,则 a 的
A. 0, 4
B. 0, & +
【解析】如图,若 f x 2x 4 a 存在两个零点,且一个为正数,另一个为负数,
A. 3 4
【解析】 i 1,
B. 7 8
C. 15 16
D. 31 32
(1) x 2 x 1, i 2 ,
(2) x 22x 1 1 4x 3,i 3,
(3) x 24x 318x 7,i 4,
(4) x 28x 7116x 15,i 5 ,
则 a 3,4 ,故选 C.
9.阿波罗尼斯(约公元前 262-190 年)证明过这样一个命题:平面内到两定点距 离之比为常数 k ( k 0 且 k 1 )的点的轨迹是圆.后人将这个圆称为阿氏圆.若
y y
2 2
x y
2 0

第 4 部分:阅读理解 (第 3 1-4 5 题,每题3 分,共 4 5 分)下面有3 篇短文,每篇短文后有5 道题。
请根据短文内容,为每题确定1 个最佳选项。
第 1 篇 W alking to E某ercie the B rainN e w reearch with older people ugget that taking regular walk help them pay attention better than if they didn’t e某ercie.Previou reearch had hown that mice learn, remember, and pay attention better after a few week of working out on a running wheel. Mice that e某ercie have greater blood flow to the brain than thoe who d o n ’t. Their brain cell alo m a k e more connection.Adult w h o were phyically fit were fater at the arrow tak, and their anwer were jut a accurate a their le fit peer, the reearcher found. The fitter participant alo had more blood flow to a part of their brain reponible for paying attention and making deciion.So, even going for a walk every 2 or 3 day for jut 10 to 45 minute can help. That hould be good new for your grandparent.The effect of e某erciing on the brain of younger people haven’t been tudied yet. Still, it can’t hurt to take occaional tudy break and go for a walk or run around with your friend. Y o u might even do better in chool.31. Walking regularly help elderly people_____ .A. loe weightC. concentrate better .D. look younger32. After taking e某ercie for a few week, the mice were found to h a v e_____ .A. higher blood preureB. fater heartbeatC. more blood flow to the brainD. better appearance33. T he firt tudy on 41 elderly people found_____ .A. the le-fit participant did arrow tak faterB. the fitter participant did arrow tak faterC. the le-fit participant gave more accurate anwerD. the fitter participant gave more accurate anwer34. It can be good for health w h e n one take a walk every 2 or 3 day for at leat _____ .A. 3 minuteB. 45 minuteC. 30 minuteD. 10 minute35. It i uggeted in the lat paragraph that people houldA.run around once a wee kC.go for a walk every dayD.not hurt their friend while e某erciing。

1.2021年12月4日,中国规模最大、参数最高的“人造太阳〞,即中国新一代可控核聚变研究装置“中国环流器二号M〞〔HL-2M〕在成都实现首次放电.“人造太阳〞的核反响方程式是,其中氚〔〕在自然界中含量极微,但可以用某种粒子X轰击锂核〔〕得到,核反响方程为,那么〔〕A. 粒子X为质子B. 核反响方程为衰变C. 氦核〔〕的结合能大于氘核〔〕和氚核〔〕的结合能之和D. 在核反响方程式中,反响前的总质量小于反响后的总质量2.利用的照相功能可以研究自由落体运动。
由于石子的运动,它在照片上留下了一条径迹,照相的曝光时间为0.02s,每块砖的平均厚度为6cm,估算石子释放点距地面的高度最接近〔〕A. 2.3mB. 2.5mC. 1.8m3.如下列图为一网球发球机,可以将网球以不同的水平速度射出,打到竖直墙上。
以下说法正确的选项是〔〕A. 出射速度足够大,网球可以击中O点B. 发球间隔时间足够短,两个网球在下落过程中可相遇C. 击中A点的网球的初速度大小为D. 网球击中B点时速度大小为4.2021年6月23日,我国在西昌卫星发射中心成功发射北斗系统第55颗导航卫星,至此北斗全球卫星导航系统星座部署全面完成。

2024年高考预测押题密卷(全国I卷)理科综合高效提分物理试题一、单选题 (共7题)第(1)题属于狭义相对论基本假设的是:在不同的惯性系中,A.真空中光速不变B.时间间隔具有相对性C.物体的质量不变D.物体的能量与质量成正比第(2)题某司计划在地球上空550千米处布署1584颗卫星,其中任意两颗运行时都有相同的( )A.向心力B.加速度C.周期D.速度第(3)题两异种点电荷电场中的部分等势面如图所示,已知A点电势高于B点电势.若位于a、b处点电荷的电荷量大小分别为q a和q b,则( )A.a处为正电荷,q a<q b B.a处为正电荷,q a>q bC.a处为负电荷,q a<q b D.a处为负电荷,q a>q b第(4)题一个物体从离地某一高度处开始做自由落体运动,该物体第1s内的位移恰为最后1s内位移的二分之一,已知重力加速度大小取,则它开始下落时距落地点的高度为( )A.15m B.12.5m C.11.25m D.10m第(5)题如图所示,理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数比为n 1︰n2=2︰1,输入端接在(V)的交流电源上,R1为电阻箱,副线圈连在电路中的电阻R=10Ω,电表均为理想电表。
下列说法正确的是( )A.当R1=0时,电压表的读数为B.当R1=0时,若将电流表换成规格为“5V 5W”的灯泡,灯泡能正常发光C.当R1=10Ω时,电流表的读数为1AD.当R1=10Ω时,电压表的读数为6V第(6)题信用卡的磁条中有一个个连续的相反极性的磁化区,每个磁化区代表了二进制数1或0,用以储存信息.刷卡时,当磁条以某一速度拉过信用卡阅读器的检测头时,在检测头的线圈中会产生变化的电压(如图1所示).当信用卡磁条按图2所示方向以该速度拉过阅读检测头时,在线圈中产生的电压随时间的变化关系正确的是A.B.C.D.第(7)题中国科学院紫金山天文台近地天体望远镜发现了一颗近地小行星,这颗近地小行星直径约为40m。

1.集合,那么〔〕A. B. C. D.2.假设复数满足,那么〔〕A. B. C. 1 D. 53.样本数据为,该样本平均数为,方差为,现参加一个数,得到新样本的平均数为,方差为,那么〔〕A. B. C. D.4.某大型建筑工地因施工噪音过大,被周围居民投诉.现环保局要求其整改,降低声强.声强〔单位:〕)表示声音在传播途径中每平方米面积上的声能流密度,声强级〔单位:〕与声强的函数关系式为,其中为正实数. 时,.假设整改后的施工噪音的声强为原声强的,那么整改后的施工噪音的声强级降低了〔〕A. B. C. D.5.设、分别为双曲线的左、右焦点,假设在双曲线右支上存在点,满足,且到直线的距离等于双曲线的实轴长,那么该双曲线的离心率为〔〕A. B. C. D.6.假设非零向量满足,,那么与的夹角为〔〕A. B. C. D.7.在中,内角、B、所对的边分别为、b、,假设角、C、成等差数列,角的角平分线交于点,且,,那么的值为〔〕A. 3B.C.D.8.如图,小方格是边长为1的小正方形,粗线画出的是某四棱锥的三视图,那么该四棱锥的外接球外表积为〔〕A. 32πB.C. 41πD.9.函数满足,且的最小值为,那么的值为〔〕A. B. 1 C. D. 210.曲线在,,两点处的切线分别与曲线相切于,,那么的值为〔〕A. 1B. 2C.D.11.抛物线的焦点为F,点为该抛物线上的动点,点A是抛物线的准线与坐标轴的交点,那么的最大值是〔〕A. 2B.C.D.12.函数有两个零点,且存在唯一的整数,那么实数的取值范围是〔〕A. B. C. D.二、填空题:此题共4小题,每题5分,共20分。
13.实数,满足,那么的最小值为________.14.的展开式中的常数项为________.15.设圆锥的顶点为,为圆锥底面圆的直径,点为圆上的一点〔异于、〕,假设,三棱锥的外接球外表积为,那么圆锥的体积为________.16. ,在上恒成立,那么实数的取值范围为________.三、解答题:共70分。
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阅读理解:第二十九篇I’ll Be Bach(2014年新文章)Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of classical music. It took Cope 30 years to develop the software. Now most people can’t tell the difference between music by the famous German composer J. S. Bach1 (1685-1750) and the Bach-like compositions from Cope’s computer.It all started in 1980 in the United States, when Cope was trying to write an opera. He was having trouble thinking of new melodies, so be wrote a computer program to create the melodies. At first this music was not easy to listen to. What did Cope do? He began to rethink how human beings compose music. He realized that composers1 brains work like big databases. First,they take in all the music that they have ever heard. Then they take out the music that they dislike. Finally, they make new music from what is left. According to Cope,only the great composers axe able to create the database accurately,remember it,and form new musical patterns firom it. Cope built a huge database of existing music. He began with hundreds of works by Bach. 1 he software analyzed the data:it broke it down into smaller pieces and looked for patterns. It then combined the pieces into new patterns. Before long, the program could compose short Bach-like works. They weren’t good,but it was a start.Cope knew he had more work to do-he had a whole opera to write. He continued to improve the software. Soon it could analyze more complex music. He also added many other composers,including his own work,to the database.A few years later,Cope’s computer program,called “Emmy”,was ready to help him with his opera. The process required a lot of collaboration between the composer and Emmy. Cope listened to the computer’s musical id eas and used the ones that he liked. With Emmy, the opera took only two weeks to finish. It was called Cradle Fallingttind it was a great success! Cope received some of the best reviews of his career,but no one knew exactly how he had composedthe work.Since that first opera, Emmy has written thousands of compositions. Cope still gives Emmy feedback on what he likes and doesn’t like of her music,but she is doing most of the hard work of composing these days!词汇:original /9 Vicinal/ adj.有独创性 coHaboration /ka丨laebdreijan / n.合作review/ ri'vju:/ n.评论feedback /'fi:db®k / n.反馈注释:1. J. S. Bach:约翰•塞巴斯蒂安•巴赫(德语:Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685 年3 月31 日一1750 年7月28 H),巴洛克时期的德国作曲家,杰出的管风琴、小提琴、大键琴演奏家,同作曲家亨德尔和泰勒曼齐名。
练习:1. The music composed by David cope is aboutA classical music.B pop music.C drama.D country music.2. By developing a computer software,David Cope aimedA to be like Bach.B to study Bach.C to write an opera.D to create a musical database3. What did Cope realize about a great composer's brain?A It forms new musical patterns all by itself.B It writes a computer program.C It can recognize any music patterns.D It creates an accurate database.4. Who is Emmy?A a databaseB a computer softwareC a composer who helped DavidD an opera5. We can infer from the passage thatA David Cope is a computer programmer.B David Cope loves music.C Bach’s music helped him a lot.D Emmy did much more work than a composer.答案与题解:1. A第一段的第一句:David Cope发明了一个可以编写出古典音乐的电脑软件。
2. C从第二段的第一句可以看出,David编写电脑软件的目的是写歌剧。
3. D第二段的后半部分讲的是伟大的歌剧作者与一般的歌剧作者的不同之处是通过对数据进行淮确的构建、记忆而后创作出新的音乐形式。
4. B从第五段第一句可知Emmy是一计笄机软件。
5. D从本文第一句可知David是一个作曲家,不是计算机程序员,所以排除A;B、C内容没有提及;从本文的第五段和第六段可知,Emmy大大提高了David的创作速度。
科普现在依然会给艾米反馈,吿诉她自己哪些音乐是他喜欢的,哪些是不喜欢的,但是现在大部分艰巨的工作是由艾米来完成的!第十九篇Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener ExperienceShimi, a musical companion deve loped by Georgia Tech’s Center for Music Technology, recommends songs, dances to the beat and keeps the music pumping based on listener feedback. The smartphone-enabled, one-foot-tall robot is billed as an interactive “musical friend”.“Shimi is desi gned to change the way that people enjoy and think about their music,” said Professor Gil Weinberg, the robot’s creator. He will unveil the robot at the June 27th Google I/O conference in San Francisco. A band of three Shimi robots will perform for guests, dancing in sync with music created in the lab and composed according to its movements.Shimi is essentially a docking station with a “brain” powered by an Android phone. Once docked, the robot gains the sensing and musical generation capabilities of the user’s mobile device. In other words, if there’s an “app” for that, Shimi is ready. For instance, by using the phone’s camera and face-detecting software,Shimi can follow a listener around the room and position its “ears”,or speakers, for optimal sound. Another recognition feature is based on rhythm and tempo. If the user taps a beat, Shimi analyzes it, scans the phone’s musical libraryand immediately plays the song that best matches the suggestion. Once the music starts,Shimi dances to the rhythm.“Many people think that robots are limited by their programming instructions, said Music Technology Ph. D. candidate Mason Bretan. “Shimi shows us tha t robots can be creative and interactive. ’’Future apps in the works will allow the user to shake their head in disagreement or wave a hand in the air to alert Shimi to skip to the next song or increase/decrease the volume. The robot will also have the cap ability to recommend new music based on the user’s song choices and provide feedback on the music play list.Weinberg hopes other developers will be inspired to create more apps to expand Shimi’s creative and interactive capabilities. “I believe that our center is ahead of a revolution that will see more robots in homes.” Weinberg said.Weinberg is in the process of commercializing Shimi through an exclusive licensing agreement with Georgia Tech. Weinberg hopes to make the robot available to consumers by the 2013 holiday season. “If robots are going to arrive in homes, we think that they will b e this kind of machines一small, entertaining and fun,,,Weinberg said. “They will enhance your life and pave the way for more intelligent service robots in our lives.”词汇:pump v.用抽水机抽;不断播放(音乐)scan v.扫描;浏览skip v.轻跳,跳跃sync n.同步,同时;v.使同步tempo n.速度;节奏注释:1. Georgia Tech:全称是Georgia Institute of Technology,佐治亚理工学院,建于1885 年,位于亚特兰大市中心。