福柯 什么是启蒙?

福柯: 什么是启蒙?福柯: 什么是启蒙?(1984年)译者:李康校者:王倪[MS按:福柯的这篇名文有多个中文译本,在我看来,李康先生的这个译本是最好的,但在网上并不多见。
]题注:本文根据Catherine Porter的英译本“What is Enlightenment?”(收于Paul Rabinow编的M. Foucault, Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth, The New Press, 1997, pp. 303-319.)译出,根据法文本校订(Dits et ecrits,vol. IV., pp. 562-578, …Qu‟est-ce que les Lumieres?‟, Paris, Gallimard, 1994)。
康德 何谓启蒙(中文版,何兆武译本)

Sapere aude! 要有勇气运用你自己的理智!这就是启蒙运动的口号。
懒惰和怯懦乃是何以有如此大量的人,当大自然早己把他们从外界的引导之下释放出来以后(naturaliter maiorennes)时,却仍然愿意终身处于不成熟状态之中,以及别人何以那么轻而易举地就俨然以他们的保护人自居的原因所在。


Sapere Aude![要勇于认知] “要有勇气运用你自己的理智!” ——这就是启蒙运动的格言。

康德启蒙教育康德(Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804)是18世纪德国启蒙哲学的代表人物,他对启蒙教育的理论贡献深远。


因此启蒙的箴言便是:勇敢地运用你自己的理智(Sapere aude!)大自然早已把人类从外界的引导下释放出来,然而仍有大量的人愿意终身处于不成熟的状态,以至于别人如此轻而易举就以他们的保护人自居。

什么是启蒙:康德与福柯王 立内容提要 本文通过分析康德和福柯对 什么是启蒙 的回答和认识,试图揭示启蒙在现代性、后现代性语境下的遭遇、意义以及三者的内在逻辑关联。
关键词 启蒙 现代性 后现代性 批判现代性的哲学话语和后现代性的哲学话语都是从启蒙开始的。
如果说,现代哲学是试图对两个世纪前 什么是启蒙 这个被提出来的问题做出回答的哲学,那么我们今天也可以说,以福柯为代表的后现代主义哲学思潮甚至整个当代哲学也是试图再次对 什么是启蒙 做出回答的哲学。
福柯认为,自康德开始,从黑格尔到霍克海默或哈贝马斯,中间经过尼采或马克斯 韦伯,很少有哲学不曾直接或间接地碰到这同一个问题:所谓 启蒙 的事件究竟是什么? 哲学史上康德和福柯对 什么是启蒙 给予了正面回答,而这种回答揭示了两种不同的哲学立场:现代性和后现代性。
康德站在现代性的立场,对于 什么是启蒙 给予了他那个时代的最好回答。
康德认为, 启蒙运动就是人类脱离自己所加之于自己的不成熟状态。

康德:何谓启蒙(德中对照)Immanuel KantBeantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?康德:何谓启蒙(何兆武译)Aufklärung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbst verschuldeten Unmündigkeit. Unmündigkeit ist das Unvermögen, sich seines Verstandes ohne Leitung eines anderen zu bedienen. Selbstverschuldet ist diese Unmündigkeit, wenn die Ursache derselben nicht am Mangel des Verstandes, sondern der Entschließung und des Mutes liegt, sich seiner ohne Leitung eines andern zu bedienen. Sapere aude! Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen! ist also der Wahlspruch der Aufklärung.启蒙运动就是人类脱离自己所加之于自己的不成熟状态,不成熟状态就是不经别人的引导,就对运用自己的理智无能为力。
Sapere aude! 要有勇气运用你自己的理智!这就是启蒙运动的口号。
Faulheit und Feigheit sind die Ursachen, warum ein so großer Teil der Menschen, nachdem sie die Natur längst von fremder Leitung frei gesprochen (naturaliter maiorennes), dennoch gerne zeitlebens unmündig bleiben; und warum es anderen so leicht wird, sich zu deren Vormündern aufzuwerfen. Es ist so bequem, unmündig zu sein. Habe ich ein Buch, das für mich Verstand hat, einen Seelsorger, der für mich Gewissen hat, einen Arzt, der für mich die Diät beurteilt, u.s.w.: so brauche ich mich ja nicht selbst zu bemühen. Ich habe nicht nötig zu denken, wenn ich nur bezahlen kann; andere werden das verdrießliche Geschäft schon für mich übernehmen. Daß der bei weitem größte Teil der Menschen (darunter das ganze schöne Geschlecht) den Schritt zur Mündigkeit, außer dem daß er beschwerlich ist, auch für sehr gefährlich halte: dafür sorgen schon jene Vormünder, die die Oberaufsicht über sie gütigst auf sich genommen haben. Nachdem sie ihr Hausvieh zuerst dumm gemacht haben, und sorgfältig verhüteten, daß diese ruhigen Geschöpfe ja keinen Schritt außer dem Gängelwagen, darin sie sie einsperreten, wagen durften: so zeigen sie ihnen nachher。

Sapere aude~[2]要有勇气运用你自己的理智~这就是启蒙运动[3]的口号。
懒惰和怯懦乃是何以有如此大量的人,当大自然早己把他们从外界的引导之下释放出来以后(naturaliter maiorennes[4])时,却仍然愿意终身处于不成熟状态之中,以及别人何以那么轻而易举地就俨然以他们的保护人自居的原因所在。

IMMANUEL KANTAn Answer to the Question:What is Enlightenment?(1784)Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity.Immaturity is the inability to use one's understanding without guidance from another.This immaturity is self-imposed when its cause lies not in lack of understanding,but in lack of resolve and courage to use it without guidance from another.Sapere Aude![dare to know]"Have courage to use your own understanding!"--that is the motto of enlightenment.Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a proportion of men,long after nature has released them from alien guidance(natura-liter maiorennes),nonetheless glad ly remain in lifelong immaturity,and why it is so easy for others to establish themselves as their guardians.It is so easy to be immature.If I have a book to serve as my understanding,a pastor to serve as my conscience,a physician to determine my diet for me,and so on,I need not exert myself at all.I need not think,if only I can pay:others will readily undertake the irksome work for me.The guardians who have so benevolently taken over the supervision of men have carefully seen to it that the far greatest part of them(including the entire fair sex)regard taking the step to maturity as very dangerous,not to mention difficult. Having first made their domestic livestock dumb,and having carefully made sure that these docile creatures will not take a single step without the go-cart to which they are harnessed,these guardians then show them the danger that threatens them,should they attempt to walk alone.Now this danger is not actually so great,for after falling a few times they would in the end certainly learn to walk;but an example of this kind makes men timid and usually frightens them out of all further attempts.Thus,it is difficult for any individ ual man to work himself out of the immaturity that has all but become his nature.He has even become fond of this state and for the time being is actually incapable of using his own understanding,for no one has ever allowed him to attempt it.Rules and formulas,those mechanical aids to the rational use,or rather misuse,of his natural gifts,are the shackles of a permanent immaturity.Whoever threw them off would still make only an uncertain leap over the smallest ditch,since he is unaccustomed to this kind of free movement.Consequently,only a few have succeeded,by cultivating their own minds,in freeing themselves from immaturity and pursuing a secure course.But that the public should enlighten itself is more likely;indeed,if it is only allowed freedom,enlightenment is almost inevitable.For even among the entrenched guardians of the great masses a few will always think for themselves,a few who,after having themselves thrown off the yoke of immaturity,will spread the spirit of a rational appreciation for both their own worth and for each person's calling to think for himself.But it should be particularly noted that if a public that was first placed in this yoke by the guardians is suitably aroused by some of those who are altogether incapable of enlightenment,it may force the guardians themselves to remain under the yoke--so pernicious is it to instill prejud ices,for they finally take revenge upon their originators,or on their descendants.Thus a public can only attain enlightenment slowly.Perhaps a revolution can overthrow autocratic despotism and profiteering or power-grabbing oppression,but it can never truly reform a manner of thinking;instead,new prejud ices,just like the old ones they replace,will serve as a leash for the great unthinking mass.Nothing is required for this enlightenment,however,except freedom;and the freedom in question is the least harmful of all,namely,the freedom to use reason publicly in all matters. But on all sides I hear:"Do not argue!"The officer says,"Do not argue,drill!"The tax man says,"Do not argue,pay!"The pastor says,"Do not argue,believe!"(Only one ruler in the World says,"Argue as much as you want and about what you want,but obey!")In this we have examples of pervasive restrictions on freedom.But which restriction hinders enlightenment and which does not,but instead actually advances it?I reply:The public use of one's reason must always be free,and it alone can bring about enlightenment among mankind;the private use of reason may,however,often be very narrowly restricted,without otherwise hindering the progress of enlightenment.By the public use of one's own reason I understand the use that anyone as a scholar makes of reason before the entire literate world.I call the private use of reason that which a person may make in a civic post or office that has been entrusted to him.Now in many affairs conducted in the interests of a community,a certain mechanism is required by means of which some of its members must conduct themselves in an entirely passive manner so that through an artificial unanimity the government may guide them toward public ends,or at least prevent them from destroying such ends.Here one certainly must not argue,instead one must obey.However,insofar as this part of the machine also regards himself as a member of the community as a whole,or even of the world community,and as a consequence addresses the public in the role of a scholar,in the proper sense of that term,he can most certainly argue,without thereby harming the affairs for which as a passive member he is partly responsible.Thus it would be disastrous if an officer on duty who was given a command by his superior were to question the appropriateness or utility of the order.He must obey.But as a scholar he cannot be justly constrained from making comments about errors in military service,or from placing them before the public for its judgment.The citizen cannot refuse to pay the taxes imposed on him;indeed,impertinent criticism of such levies,when they should be paid by him,can be punished as a scandal(since it can lead to widespread insubordination).But the same person does not act contrary to civic duty when,as a scholar,he publicly expresses his thoughts regarding the impropriety or even injustice of such taxes.Likewise a pastor is bound to instruct his catecumens and congregation in accordance with the symbol of the church he serves,for he was appointed on that condition.But as a scholar he has complete freedom,indeed even the calling,to impart to the public all of his carefully considered and well-intentioned thoughts concerning mistaken aspects of that symbol,as well as his suggestions for the better arrangement of religious and church matters.Nothing in this can weigh on his conscience.What he teaches in consequence of his office as a servant of the church he sets out as something with regard to which he has no discretion to teach in accord with his own lights;rather,he offers it under the direction and in the name of another.He will say,"Our church teaches this or that and these are the demonstrations it uses."He thereby extracts for his congregation all practical uses from precepts to which he would not himself subscribe with complete conviction,but whose presentation he can nonetheless undertake,since it is not entirely impossible that truth lies hidden in them,and,in any case,nothing contrary to the very nature of religion is to be found in them.If he believed he could find anything of the latter sort in them,he could not in good conscience serve in his position;he would have to resign.Thus an appointed teacher's use of his reason for the sake of his congregation is merely private,because,however large the congregation is,this use is always only domestic;in this regard,as a priest,he is not free and cannot be such because he is acting under instructions from someone else.By contrast,the cleric--as a scholar who speaks through his writings to the public as such,i.e.,the world--enjoys in this public use of reason an unrestricted freedom to use his own rational capacities and to speak his own mind. For that the(spiritual)guardians of a people should themselves be immature is an absurdity that would insure the perpetuation of absurdities.But would a society of pastors,perhaps a church assembly or venerable presbytery(as those among the Dutch call themselves),not be justified in binding itself by oath to a certain unalterable symbol in order to secure a constant guardianship over each of its members and through them over the people,and this for all time:I say that this is wholly impossible.Such a contract,whose intention is to preclude forever all further enlightenment of the human race,is absolutely null and void,even if it should be ratified by the supreme power,by parliaments,and by the most solemn peace treaties.One age cannot bind itself, and thus conspire,to place a succeed ing one in a condition whereby it would be impossible for the later age to expand its knowledge(particularly where it is so very important),to rid itself of errors,and generally to increase its enlightenment.That would be a crime against human nature,whose essential destiny lies precisely in such progress;subseq uent generations are thus completely justified in dismissing such agreements as unauthoriz ed and criminal.The criterion of everything that can be agreed upon as a law by a people lies in this question:Can a people impose such a law on itself?Now it might be possible,in anticipation of a better state of affairs,to introduce a provisional order for a specific,short time,all the while giving all citizens,especially clergy,in their role as scholars,the freedom to comment publicly,i.e.,in writing,on the present institution's shortcomings.The provisional order might last until insight into the nature of these matters had become so widespread and obvious that the combined(if not unanimous)voices of the populace couldpropose to the crown that it take under its protection those congregations that,in accord with their newly gained insight,had organized themselves under altered religious institutions,but without interfering with those wishing to allow matters to remain as before. However,it is absolutely forbidden that they unite into a religious organization that nobody may for the duration of a man's lifetime publicly question,for so do-ing would deny,render fruitless,and make detrimental to succeed ing generatio ns an era in man's progress toward improvement.A man may put off enlightenment with regard to what he ought to know, though only for a short time and for his own person;but to renounce it for himself,or,even more,for subseq uent generations,is to vio late and trample man's divine rights underfoot. And what a people may not decree for itself may still less be imposed on it by a monarch, for his lawgiving authority rests on his unification of the people's collective will in his own. If he only sees to it that all genuine or purported improvement is consonant with civil order, he can allow his subjects to do what they find necessary to their spiritual well-being,which is not his affair.However,he must prevent anyone from forcibly interfering with another's working as best he can to determine and promote his well-being.It detracts from his own majesty when he interferes in these matters,since the writings in which his subjects attempt to clarify their insights lend value to his conception of governance.This holds whether he acts from his own highest insight--whereby he calls upon himself the reproach,"Caesar non eat supra grammaticos."'--as well as,indeed even more,when he despoils his highest authority by supporting the spiritual despotism of some tyrants in his state over his other subjects.If it is now asked,"Do we presently live in an enlightened age?"the answer is,"No,but we do live in an age of enlightenment."As matters now stand,a great deal is still lack ing in order for men as a whole to be,or even to put themselves into a position to be able without external guidance to apply understanding confidently to religious issues.But we do have clear indications that the way is now being opened for men to proceed freely in this direction and that the obstacles to general enlightenment--to their release from their self-imposed immaturity--are gradually diminishing.In this regard,this age is the age of enlightenment,the century of Frederick.A prince who does not find it beneath him to say that he takes it to be his duty to prescribe nothing,but rather to allow men complete freedom in religious matters--who thereby renounces the arrogant title of tolerance--is himself enlightened and deserves to be praised by a grateful present and by posterity as the first,at least where the government is concerned,to release the human race from immaturity and to leave everyone free to use his own reason in all matters of conscience.Under his rule,venerable pastors,in their role as scholars and without prejud ice to their official duties,may freely and openly set out for the world's scrutiny their judgments and views,even where these occasionally differ from the accepted symbol.Still greater freedom is afforded to those who are not restricted by an official post.This spirit of freedom is expanding even where it must struggle against the external obstacles of governments that misunderstand their own function.Such governments are illuminated by the example that the existence of freedom need not give cause for the least concern regarding public order and harmony in the commonwealth.If only they refrain from inventing artifices to keep themselves in it,men will gradually raise themselves from barbarism.I have focused on religious matters in setting out my main point concerning enlightenment, i.e.,man's emergence from self-imposed immaturity,first because our rulers have no interest in assuming the role of their subjects'guardians with respect to the arts and sciences, and secondly because that form of immaturity is both the most pernicious and disgraceful of all.But the manner of thinking of a head of state who favors religious enlightenment goes even further,for he realizes that there is no danger to his legislation in allowing his subjects to use reason publicly and to set before the world their thoughts concerning better formulations of his laws,even if this involves frank criticism of legislation currently in effect.We have before us a shinin g example,with respect to which no monarch surpasses the one whom we honor.But only a ruler who is himself enlightened and has no dread of shadows,yet who likewise has a well-disciplined,numerous army to guarantee public peace,can say what no republicmay dare,namely:"Argue as much as you want and about what you want,but obey!"Here as elsewhere,when things are considered in broad perspective,a strange,unexpected pattern in human affairs reveals itself,one in which almost everything is paradoxical.A greater degree of civil freedom seems advantageous to a people's spiritual freedom;yet the former established impassable boundaries for the latter;conversely,a lesser degree of civil freedom provides enough room for all fully to expand their abilities.Thus,once nature has removed the hard shell from this kernel for which she has most fondly cared,namely,the inclination to and vocation for free thinking,the kernel gradually reacts on a people's mentality(whereby they become increasingly able to act freely),and it finally even influences the principles of government,which finds that it can profit by treating men,who are now more than machines,in accord with their dignity.I.KantKonigsberg in Prussia,30September1784康德:何谓启蒙(何兆武译)“在一切事情上都有公开运用自己理性的自由”启蒙运动就是人类脱离自己所加之于自己的不成熟状态,不成熟状态就是不经别人的引导,就对运用自己的理智无能为力。


康德:什么是启蒙运动? 提交 2019/04/14 阅读: 445关键词: 康德启蒙本文选自康德《历史理性批判文集》,何兆武译,北京商务印书馆1991。
Sapere aude!①要有勇气运用你自己的理智!这就是启蒙运动②的口号。
懒惰和怯懦乃是何以有如此大量的人,当大自然早己把他们从外界的引导之下释放出来以后(naturaliter maiorennes)③时,却仍然愿意终身处于不成熟状态之中,以及别人何以那么轻而易举地就俨然以他们的保护人自居的原因所在。

[收稿日期]2010-07-09[作者简介]常娟(1975-),女,安徽滁州人,南京大学文学院文艺学博士,研究方向为文艺理论与批评启蒙的妥协与不妥协读康德 对这个问题的一个回答:什么是启蒙?常!娟(南京大学文学院江苏南京210093)摘要:康德的 什么是启蒙? 是欧洲启蒙运动中的一篇重要文献。
关键词:康德;启蒙;理性的;公共使用;理性的私人使用中图分类号:I206.6!!!!文献标识码:A !!!!文章编号:1001-0238(2010)04-0103-04!!在国人的眼中,20世纪的中国经历了两次启蒙,一次是发生在世纪初的五四运动,一次是20世纪80年代的∀新启蒙#运动。
康德:什么是启蒙运动[英文版]What Is Enlightenment?By Immanuel KantThe 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant published his influential work The Critique of Pure Reason in 1781. Three years later, he expanded on his study of the modes of thinking with an essay entitled "What is Enlightenment?" In this 1784 essay, Kant challenged readers to "dare to know," arguing that it was not only a civic but also a moral duty to exercise the fundamental freedoms of thought and expression.Enlightenment is man’s leaving his self-caused immaturity. Immaturity is the incapacity to use one's intelligence without the guidance of another. Such immaturity is self-caused if it is not caused by lack of intelligence, but by lack of determination and courage to use one's intelligence without being guided by another. Sapere Aude! [Dare to know!] Have the courage to use your own intelligence! is therefore the motto of the enlightenment.Through laziness and cowardice a large part of mankind, even after nature has freed them from alien guidance, gladly remain immature. It is because of laziness and cowardice that it is so easy for others to usurp the role of guardians. It is so comfortable to be a minor! If I have a book which provides meaning for me, a pastor who has conscience for me, a doctorwho will judge my diet for me and so on, then I do not need to exert myself. I do not have any need to think; if I can pay, others will take over the tedious job for me. The guardians who have kindly undertaken the supervision will see to it that by far the largest part of mankind, including the entire "beautiful sex," should consider the step into maturity, not only as difficult but as very dangerous.After having made their domestic animals dumb and having carefully prevented these quiet creatures from daring to take any step beyond the lead-strings to which they have fastened them, these guardians then show them the danger which threatens them, should they attempt to walk alone. Now this danger is not really so very great; for they would presumably learn to walk after some stumbling. However, an example of this kind intimidates and frightens people out of all further attempts.It is difficult for the isolated individual to work himself out of the immaturity which has become almost natural for him. He has even become fond of it and for the time being is incapable of employing his own intelligence, because he has never been allowed to make the attempt. Statutes and formulas, these mechanical tools of a serviceable use, or rather misuse, of his natural faculties, are the ankle-chains of a continuous immaturity. Whoever threw it off would make an uncertain jump over the smallest trench because he is not accustomed to such free movement. Therefore there are only a few who have pursued a firm path and have succeeded in escaping from immaturity by their own cultivation of themind.But it is more nearly possible for a public to enlighten itself: this is even inescapable if only the public is given its freedom. For there will always be some people who think for themselves, even among the self-appointed guardians of the great mass who, after having thrown off the yoke of immaturity themselves, will spread about them the spirit of a reasonable estimate of their own value and of the need for every man to think for himself. It is strange that the very public, which had previously been put under this yoke by the guardians, forces the guardians thereafter to keep it there if it is stirred up by a few of its guardians who are themselves incapable of all enlightenment. It is thus very harmful to plant prejudices, because they come back to plague those very people who themselves (or whose predecessors) have been the originators of these prejudices. Therefore a public can only arrive at enlightenment slowly. Through revolution, the abandonment of personal despotism may be engendered and the end of profit-seeking and domineering oppression may occur, but never a true reform of the state of mind. Instead, new prejudices, just like the old ones, will serve as the guiding reins of the great, unthinking mass.All that is required for this enlightenment is freedom; and particularly the least harmful of all that may be called freedom, namely, the freedom for man to make public use of his reason in all matters. But I hear people clamor on all sides: Don't argue! The officer says: Don't argue, drill! The tax collector: Don't argue, pay! The pastor: Don't argue, believe!(Only a single lord in the world says: Argue, as much as you want to and about what you please, but obey!) Here we have restrictions on freedom everywhere. Which restriction is hampering enlightenment, and which does not, or even promotes it? I answer: The public use of a man's reason must be free at all times, and this alone can bring enlightenment among men: while the private use of a man's reason may often be restricted rather narrowly without thereby unduly hampering the progress of enlightenment.I mean by the public use of one's reason, the use which a scholar makes of it before the entire reading public. Private use I call the use which he may make of this reason in a civic post or office. For some affairs which are in the interest of the commonwealth a certain mechanism is necessary through which some members of the commonwealth must remain purely passive in order that an artificial agreement with the government for the public good be maintained or so that at least the destruction of the good be prevented. In such a situation it is not permitted to argue; one must obey. But in so far as this unit of the machine considers himself as a member of the entire commonwealth, in fact even of world society; in other words, he considers himself in the quality of a scholar who is addressing the true public through his writing, he may indeed argue without the affairs suffering for which he is employed partly as a passive member. Thus it would be very harmful if an officer who, given an order by his superior, should start, while in the service, to argue concerning the utility or appropriateness of that command. He must obey, but he cannot equitably be prevented frommaking observations as a scholar concerning the mistakes in the military service nor from submitting these to the public for its judgment. The citizen cannot refuse to pay the taxes imposed upon him. Indeed, a rash criticism of such taxes, if they are the ones to be paid by him, may be punished as a scandal which might cause general resistance. But the same man does not act contrary to the duty of a citizen if, as a scholar, he utters publicly his thoughts against the undesirability or even the injustice of such taxes. Likewise a clergyman is obliged to teach his pupils and his congregation according to the doctrine of the church which he serves, for he has been accepted on that condition. But as a scholar, he has full freedom, in fact, even the obligation, to communicate to the public all his diligently examined and well-intentioned thoughts concerning erroneous points in that doctrine and concerning proposals regarding the better institution of religious and ecclesiastical matters. There is nothing in this for which the conscience could be blamed. For what he teaches according to his office as one authorized by the church, he presents as something in regard to which he has no latitude to teach according to his own preference.… He will say: Our church teaches this or that, these are the proofs which are employed for it. In this way he derives all possible practical benefit for his congregation from rules which he would not himself subscribe to with full conviction. But he may nevertheless undertake the presentation of these rules because it is not entirely inconceivable that truth may be contained in them. In any case, there is nothing directly contrary to inner religion to be found in such doctrines. For, should he believe that the latter was not the case he could notadminister his office in good conscience; he would have to resign it. Therefore the use which an employed teacher makes of his reason before his congregation is merely a private use since such a gathering is always only domestic, no matter how large. As a priest (a member of an organization) he is not free and ought not to be, since he is executing someone else's mandate. On the other hand, the scholar speaking through his writings to the true public which is the world, like the clergyman making public use of his reason, enjoys an unlimited freedom to employ his own reason and to speak in his own person. For to suggest that the guardians of the people in spiritual matters should always be immature minors is a nonsense which would mean perpetuating forever existing nonsense.But should a society of clergymen, for instance an ecclesiastical assembly, be entitled to commit itself by oath to a certain unalterable doctrine in order to perpetuate an endless guardianship over each of its members and through them over the people? I answer that this is quite inconceivable. Such a contract which would be concluded in order to keep humanity forever from all further enlightenment is absolutely impossible, even should it be confirmed by the highest authority through parliaments and the most solemn peace treaties. An age cannot conclude a pact and take an oath upon it to commit the succeeding age to a situation in which it would be impossible for the latter to enlarge even its most important knowledge, to eliminate error and altogether to progress in enlightenment. Such a thing would be a crime against human nature, the original destiny of which consistsin such progress. Succeeding generations are entirely justified in discarding such decisions as unauthorized and criminal. The touchstone of all this to be agreed upon as a law for people is to be found in the question whether a people could impose such a law upon itself. Now it might be possible to introduce a certain order for a definite short period as if in anticipation of a better order. This would be true if one permitted at the same time each citizen and especially the clergyman to make his criticisms in his quality as a scholar.… In the meantime, the provisional order might continue until the insight into the particular matter in hand has publicly progressed to the point where through a combination of voices (although not, perhaps, of all) a proposal may be brought to the crown. Thus those congregations would be protected which had agreed to (a changed religious institution) according to their own ideas and better understanding, without hindering those who desired to allow the old institutions to continue.…A man may postpone for himself, but only for a short time, enlightening himself regarding what he ought to know. But to resign from such enlightenment altogether either for his own person or even more for his descendants means to violate and to trample underfoot the sacred rights of mankind. Whatever a people may not decide for themselves, a monarch may even less decide for the people, for his legislative reputation rests upon his uniting the entire people's will in his own. If the monarch will only see to it that every true or imagined reform (of religion) fits in with the civil order, he had best let his subjects do what they consider necessary forthe sake of their salvation; that is not his affair. His only concern is to prevent one subject from hindering another by force, to work according to each subject's best ability to determine and to promote his salvation. In fact, it detracts from his majesty if he interferes in such matters and subjects to governmental supervision the writings by which his subjects seek to clarify their ideas (concerning religion). This is true whether he does it from his own highest insight, for in this case he exposes himself to the reproach: Caesar non est supra grammaticos [Caesar is not above the laws of grammar]; it is even more true when he debases his highest power to support the spiritual despotism of some tyrants in his state against the rest of his subjects.The question may now be put: Do we live at present in an enlightened age? The answer is: No, but in an age of enlightenment. Much still prevents men from being placed in a position or even being placed into position to use their own minds securely and well in matters of religion. But we do have very definite indications that this field of endeavor is being opened up for men to work freely and reduce gradually the hindrances preventing a general enlightenment and an escape from self-caused immaturity. In this sense, this age is the age of enlightenment and the age of(the Great)[Frederick II of].A prince should not consider it beneath him to declare that he believes it to be his duty not to prescribe anything to his subjects in matters of religion but to leave to them complete freedom in such things. In other words, a princewho refuses the conceited title of being "tolerant," is himself enlightened. He deserves to be praised by his grateful contemporaries and descendants as the man who first freed humankind of immaturity, at least as far as the government is concerned and who permitted everyone to use his own reason in all matters of conscience. Under his rule, venerable clergymen could, regardless of their official duty, set forth their opinions and views even though they differ from the accepted doctrine here and there; they could do so in the quality of scholars, freely and publicly. The same holds even more true of every other person who is not thus restricted by official duty. This spirit of freedom is spreading even outside (the country ofthe Great) to places where it has to struggle with the external hindrances imposed by a government which misunderstands its own position. For an example is illuminating them which shows that such freedom (public discussion) need not cause the slightest worry regarding public security and the unity of the commonwealth. Men raise themselves by and by out of backwardness if one does not purposely invent artifices to keep them down.I have emphasized the main point of enlightenment, that is of man's release from his self-caused immaturity, primarily in matters of religion. I have done this because our rulers have no interest in playing the guardian of their subjects in matters of arts and sciences. Furthermore immaturity in matters of religion is not only most noxious but also most dishonorable. But the point of view of a head of state who favors freedom in the arts and sciences goes even farther; for he understands that there is no danger in legislation permitting his subjectsto make public use of their own reason and to submit publicly their thoughts regarding a better framing of such laws together with a frank criticism of existing legislation. We have a shining example of this; no prince excels him whom we admire. Only he who is himself enlightened does not fear spectres when he at the same time has a well-disciplined army at his disposal as a guarantee of public peace. Only he can say what (the ruler of a)dare not say: Argue as much as you want and about whatever you want but obey! Thus we see here as elsewhere an unexpected turn in human affairs just as we observe that almost everything therein is paradoxical. A great degree of civic freedom seems to be advantageous for the freedom of the spirit of the people and yet it establishes impassable limits. A lesser degree of such civic freedom provides additional space in which the spirit of a people can develop to its full capacity. Therefore nature has cherished, within its hard shell, the germ of the inclination and need for free thought. This free thought gradually acts upon the mind of the people and they gradually become more capable of acting in freedom. Eventually, the government is also influenced by this free thought and thereby it treats man, who is now more than a machine, according to his dignity.。

康德的启蒙思想曾晓平(武汉大学哲学系武汉 430072)(本文原载《哲学研究》2001年第5期)内容提要本文基于康德哲学体系的总体结构,疏理他的启蒙思想的基本思路和观点,阐明他所意欲开启的“蒙”是表现在认识能力中的某些道德德性之蒙,或体现在人与人之间权利关系中的主体资格之蒙,这种“蒙”之“启”依赖于人的实践理性和自由本性在其认识能力上和权利关系中的展现,是人不断通过自己的努力而确立自己作为具有独立思想能力的权利主体的资格和条件,并揭示他的启蒙思想对当时英法启蒙思想家们的启蒙思想的重要跃进。

• 那些能够被缔结为一个民族的法律的任 何东西,其检验标准是:这个民族能否 把这样一种法律施加于自身。 • 一个民族对于自己都不能颁布给自己的 东西,一个君主就更不可能颁布给他们 了,因为他的立法权威是以他把全体公 众的意志联合到他自己的意志之中为基 础的。
• 干预人民公开使用自己的理性会有损君 主的尊严,因为通过他的臣民表达自己 观点的著作,君主可以评估自己的统治。 • 结论:君主不能实行教会的专制。
• 举世只有一位君主说:“可以随你所愿 去争辩,可以争辩你所愿意争辩的东西, 只要听话!”
• 4、哪些限制是对启蒙的阻碍,哪些限制 不是对启蒙的阻碍而是对启蒙的推动?
• 公开使用自己的理性必须总是自由的, 只有自由才能把启蒙带给人类。另一方 面,理性的私人使用,虽然没有特别地 阻碍启蒙的进步,却常常可能受到很严 格地限制。
• 一个支持宗教启蒙的国家的首脑,他的 思维方式要继续启蒙,他明白,允许他 的臣民公开使用他们的理性,允许他们 发表他们对他的立法进行更好的规划的 思想,甚至是发表他们对已经制定的法 律的毫无偏见的批评,这些都不会对他 的立法权威构成危险。在这方面,我们 有一个杰出的典范,没有任何一个君主 能超出我们尊敬的这位君主。
• 1740年,康德进了科尼斯堡大学。 • 1746年,父亲去世。 • 1748年,24岁的康德大学毕业,因为他的父 亲已经去世两年,他衣食无托,前途渺茫。由 于大学没有他的位置,他决定到科尼斯堡附近 的小城镇去做家庭教师。 • 五年的家庭教师生涯后康德重返科尼斯堡,从 此他再也没有离开过家乡。返回家乡后,康德 再次进入大学学习。
• 公众逐渐地获得了启蒙。也许,通过革 命,可以推翻个人专制以及贪欲心或权 势欲的压迫,但是,却不能实现思维方 式上的真正变革。相反,新的偏见也会 和旧的偏见一起成为广大缺乏思想的大 众的枷锁。

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IMMANUEL KANTAn Answer to the Question:What is Enlightenment?(1784)Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity.Immaturity is the inability to use one's understanding without guidance from another.This immaturity is self-imposed when its cause lies not in lack of understanding,but in lack of resolve and courage to use it without guidance from another.Sapere Aude![dare to know]"Have courage to use your own understanding!"--that is the motto of enlightenment.Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a proportion of men,long after nature has released them from alien guidance(natura-liter maiorennes),nonetheless glad ly remain in lifelong immaturity,and why it is so easy for others to establish themselves as their guardians.It is so easy to be immature.If I have a book to serve as my understanding,a pastor to serve as my conscience,a physician to determine my diet for me,and so on,I need not exert myself at all.I need not think,if only I can pay:others will readily undertake the irksome work for me.The guardians who have so benevolently taken over the supervision of men have carefully seen to it that the far greatest part of them(including the entire fair sex)regard taking the step to maturity as very dangerous,not to mention difficult. Having first made their domestic livestock dumb,and having carefully made sure that these docile creatures will not take a single step without the go-cart to which they are harnessed,these guardians then show them the danger that threatens them,should they attempt to walk alone.Now this danger is not actually so great,for after falling a few times they would in the end certainly learn to walk;but an example of this kind makes men timid and usually frightens them out of all further attempts.Thus,it is difficult for any individ ual man to work himself out of the immaturity that has all but become his nature.He has even become fond of this state and for the time being is actually incapable of using his own understanding,for no one has ever allowed him to attempt it.Rules and formulas,those mechanical aids to the rational use,or rather misuse,of his natural gifts,are the shackles of a permanent immaturity.Whoever threw them off would still make only an uncertain leap over the smallest ditch,since he is unaccustomed to this kind of free movement.Consequently,only a few have succeeded,by cultivating their own minds,in freeing themselves from immaturity and pursuing a secure course.But that the public should enlighten itself is more likely;indeed,if it is only allowed freedom,enlightenment is almost inevitable.For even among the entrenched guardians of the great masses a few will always think for themselves,a few who,after having themselves thrown off the yoke of immaturity,will spread the spirit of a rational appreciation for both their own worth and for each person's calling to think for himself.But it should be particularly noted that if a public that was first placed in this yoke by the guardians is suitably aroused by some of those who are altogether incapable of enlightenment,it may force the guardians themselves to remain under the yoke--so pernicious is it to instill prejud ices,for they finally take revenge upon their originators,or on their descendants.Thus a public can only attain enlightenment slowly.Perhaps a revolution can overthrow autocratic despotism and profiteering or power-grabbing oppression,but it can never truly reform a manner of thinking;instead,new prejud ices,just like the old ones they replace,will serve as a leash for the great unthinking mass.Nothing is required for this enlightenment,however,except freedom;and the freedom in question is the least harmful of all,namely,the freedom to use reason publicly in all matters. But on all sides I hear:"Do not argue!"The officer says,"Do not argue,drill!"The tax man says,"Do not argue,pay!"The pastor says,"Do not argue,believe!"(Only one ruler in the World says,"Argue as much as you want and about what you want,but obey!")In this we have examples of pervasive restrictions on freedom.But which restriction hinders enlightenment and which does not,but instead actually advances it?I reply:The public use of one's reason must always be free,and it alone can bring about enlightenment among mankind;the private use of reason may,however,often be very narrowly restricted,without otherwise hindering the progress of enlightenment.By the public use of one's own reason I understand the use that anyone as a scholar makes of reason before the entire literate world.I call the private use of reason that which a person may make in a civic post or office that has been entrusted to him.Now in many affairs conducted in the interests of a community,a certain mechanism is required by means of which some of its members must conduct themselves in an entirely passive manner so that through an artificial unanimity the government may guide them toward public ends,or at least prevent them from destroying such ends.Here one certainly must not argue,instead one must obey.However,insofar as this part of the machine also regards himself as a member of the community as a whole,or even of the world community,and as a consequence addresses the public in the role of a scholar,in the proper sense of that term,he can most certainly argue,without thereby harming the affairs for which as a passive member he is partly responsible.Thus it would be disastrous if an officer on duty who was given a command by his superior were to question the appropriateness or utility of the order.He must obey.But as a scholar he cannot be justly constrained from making comments about errors in military service,or from placing them before the public for its judgment.The citizen cannot refuse to pay the taxes imposed on him;indeed,impertinent criticism of such levies,when they should be paid by him,can be punished as a scandal(since it can lead to widespread insubordination).But the same person does not act contrary to civic duty when,as a scholar,he publicly expresses his thoughts regarding the impropriety or even injustice of such taxes.Likewise a pastor is bound to instruct his catecumens and congregation in accordance with the symbol of the church he serves,for he was appointed on that condition.But as a scholar he has complete freedom,indeed even the calling,to impart to the public all of his carefully considered and well-intentioned thoughts concerning mistaken aspects of that symbol,as well as his suggestions for the better arrangement of religious and church matters.Nothing in this can weigh on his conscience.What he teaches in consequence of his office as a servant of the church he sets out as something with regard to which he has no discretion to teach in accord with his own lights;rather,he offers it under the direction and in the name of another.He will say,"Our church teaches this or that and these are the demonstrations it uses."He thereby extracts for his congregation all practical uses from precepts to which he would not himself subscribe with complete conviction,but whose presentation he can nonetheless undertake,since it is not entirely impossible that truth lies hidden in them,and,in any case,nothing contrary to the very nature of religion is to be found in them.If he believed he could find anything of the latter sort in them,he could not in good conscience serve in his position;he would have to resign.Thus an appointed teacher's use of his reason for the sake of his congregation is merely private,because,however large the congregation is,this use is always only domestic;in this regard,as a priest,he is not free and cannot be such because he is acting under instructions from someone else.By contrast,the cleric--as a scholar who speaks through his writings to the public as such,i.e.,the world--enjoys in this public use of reason an unrestricted freedom to use his own rational capacities and to speak his own mind. For that the(spiritual)guardians of a people should themselves be immature is an absurdity that would insure the perpetuation of absurdities.But would a society of pastors,perhaps a church assembly or venerable presbytery(as those among the Dutch call themselves),not be justified in binding itself by oath to a certain unalterable symbol in order to secure a constant guardianship over each of its members and through them over the people,and this for all time:I say that this is wholly impossible.Such a contract,whose intention is to preclude forever all further enlightenment of the human race,is absolutely null and void,even if it should be ratified by the supreme power,by parliaments,and by the most solemn peace treaties.One age cannot bind itself, and thus conspire,to place a succeed ing one in a condition whereby it would be impossible for the later age to expand its knowledge(particularly where it is so very important),to rid itself of errors,and generally to increase its enlightenment.That would be a crime against human nature,whose essential destiny lies precisely in such progress;subseq uent generations are thus completely justified in dismissing such agreements as unauthoriz ed and criminal.The criterion of everything that can be agreed upon as a law by a people lies in this question:Can a people impose such a law on itself?Now it might be possible,in anticipation of a better state of affairs,to introduce a provisional order for a specific,short time,all the while giving all citizens,especially clergy,in their role as scholars,the freedom to comment publicly,i.e.,in writing,on the present institution's shortcomings.The provisional order might last until insight into the nature of these matters had become so widespread and obvious that the combined(if not unanimous)voices of the populace couldpropose to the crown that it take under its protection those congregations that,in accord with their newly gained insight,had organized themselves under altered religious institutions,but without interfering with those wishing to allow matters to remain as before. However,it is absolutely forbidden that they unite into a religious organization that nobody may for the duration of a man's lifetime publicly question,for so do-ing would deny,render fruitless,and make detrimental to succeed ing generatio ns an era in man's progress toward improvement.A man may put off enlightenment with regard to what he ought to know, though only for a short time and for his own person;but to renounce it for himself,or,even more,for subseq uent generations,is to vio late and trample man's divine rights underfoot. And what a people may not decree for itself may still less be imposed on it by a monarch, for his lawgiving authority rests on his unification of the people's collective will in his own. If he only sees to it that all genuine or purported improvement is consonant with civil order, he can allow his subjects to do what they find necessary to their spiritual well-being,which is not his affair.However,he must prevent anyone from forcibly interfering with another's working as best he can to determine and promote his well-being.It detracts from his own majesty when he interferes in these matters,since the writings in which his subjects attempt to clarify their insights lend value to his conception of governance.This holds whether he acts from his own highest insight--whereby he calls upon himself the reproach,"Caesar non eat supra grammaticos."'--as well as,indeed even more,when he despoils his highest authority by supporting the spiritual despotism of some tyrants in his state over his other subjects.If it is now asked,"Do we presently live in an enlightened age?"the answer is,"No,but we do live in an age of enlightenment."As matters now stand,a great deal is still lack ing in order for men as a whole to be,or even to put themselves into a position to be able without external guidance to apply understanding confidently to religious issues.But we do have clear indications that the way is now being opened for men to proceed freely in this direction and that the obstacles to general enlightenment--to their release from their self-imposed immaturity--are gradually diminishing.In this regard,this age is the age of enlightenment,the century of Frederick.A prince who does not find it beneath him to say that he takes it to be his duty to prescribe nothing,but rather to allow men complete freedom in religious matters--who thereby renounces the arrogant title of tolerance--is himself enlightened and deserves to be praised by a grateful present and by posterity as the first,at least where the government is concerned,to release the human race from immaturity and to leave everyone free to use his own reason in all matters of conscience.Under his rule,venerable pastors,in their role as scholars and without prejud ice to their official duties,may freely and openly set out for the world's scrutiny their judgments and views,even where these occasionally differ from the accepted symbol.Still greater freedom is afforded to those who are not restricted by an official post.This spirit of freedom is expanding even where it must struggle against the external obstacles of governments that misunderstand their own function.Such governments are illuminated by the example that the existence of freedom need not give cause for the least concern regarding public order and harmony in the commonwealth.If only they refrain from inventing artifices to keep themselves in it,men will gradually raise themselves from barbarism.I have focused on religious matters in setting out my main point concerning enlightenment, i.e.,man's emergence from self-imposed immaturity,first because our rulers have no interest in assuming the role of their subjects'guardians with respect to the arts and sciences, and secondly because that form of immaturity is both the most pernicious and disgraceful of all.But the manner of thinking of a head of state who favors religious enlightenment goes even further,for he realizes that there is no danger to his legislation in allowing his subjects to use reason publicly and to set before the world their thoughts concerning better formulations of his laws,even if this involves frank criticism of legislation currently in effect.We have before us a shinin g example,with respect to which no monarch surpasses the one whom we honor.But only a ruler who is himself enlightened and has no dread of shadows,yet who likewise has a well-disciplined,numerous army to guarantee public peace,can say what no republicmay dare,namely:"Argue as much as you want and about what you want,but obey!"Here as elsewhere,when things are considered in broad perspective,a strange,unexpected pattern in human affairs reveals itself,one in which almost everything is paradoxical.A greater degree of civil freedom seems advantageous to a people's spiritual freedom;yet the former established impassable boundaries for the latter;conversely,a lesser degree of civil freedom provides enough room for all fully to expand their abilities.Thus,once nature has removed the hard shell from this kernel for which she has most fondly cared,namely,the inclination to and vocation for free thinking,the kernel gradually reacts on a people's mentality(whereby they become increasingly able to act freely),and it finally even influences the principles of government,which finds that it can profit by treating men,who are now more than machines,in accord with their dignity.I.KantKonigsberg in Prussia,30September1784康德:何谓启蒙(何兆武译)“在一切事情上都有公开运用自己理性的自由”启蒙运动就是人类脱离自己所加之于自己的不成熟状态,不成熟状态就是不经别人的引导,就对运用自己的理智无能为力。