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Module 1 People and places


1.玩的愉快have a good / great time 9. 与某人交谈talk to / with sb.

2.参加学校旅行on a school trip 10. 照相,拍照take photos

3.在阳光下in the sun 11. 购买……shop for …..

4.此刻at this / the moment 12. 等待,等待某人wait for sb.

5.喝下午茶have afternoon tea 13. 去听歌剧go to the opera

6.看芭蕾舞表演watch a ballet 14. 穿衣服get dressed

7.开始上课start a lesson 15. 打电话回家call home


9.为某事感谢某人Thank sb. for sth.


1.We’re having a good time. 我们正玩得高兴。

2.I’m standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you.


3.They’re going to the opera. 我们正要去听歌剧。

4.At this moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things.


5.He isn’t writing a postcard. 他没在写明信片。

6.Is she enjouing her visit 她喜欢她的旅程吗


8.Are they buying postcards 他们正在卖明信片吗

Module 2 Spring Festival


1. 打扫房子clean the house 7. 煮饭cook the meal / dinner

2. 学习舞龙learn a dragon dance 8. 制作灯笼make a lantern / lanterns

3. 扫地sweep the floor 9. 在工作at work

4. 扫走,扫除sweep away 10. 理发have a haircut

5. 春节Spring Festival 11. 元宵节Lantern Festival

6. 全年all the year round 12. 对``````感兴趣be interested in …..



1.We’re getting ready for Spring Festival. 我们正在为春节做准备。

2.The boys ar learning a dragon dance. 男孩子在学习舞龙。

3.I’m making lanterns. 我在做灯笼。

4.We have lots of traditions. 我们有很多传统。

5.Are you learning a dragon dance 你在学习舞龙吗

6.Is your mother cooking 你的妈妈在煮饭吗

Module 3 Plans



1. 在周末at / on the weekend 9. 上一堂钢琴课have a piano lesson

2. 做作业do one’s homework 10. 查收电子邮件check an email / emails

3. 野餐,野炊have a picnic 11. 复习考试revise for a test / tests

4. 参加聚会go to a party 12. 期望,期盼look forward to

5. 乘飞机take the plane 13. 观光,游览do some sightseeing

6. 去观光go sightseeing 14. 交朋友make friends

7. 登上,沿`````走walk up 15. 骑自行车go cycling

8. 早起get up early 16. 环游世界travel around the world


1.What are you going to do at the weekend 周末你打算干些什么


3.What are your plans 你有什么计划

4.I’m going to revise for my test. 我打算复习功课,准备考试。

5.I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter. 我期待着见我的女儿。

6.I want to make some American friends. 我想叫一些美国朋友。

7.Is he going to get up early 他打算早起吗

Module 4 Life in the future


1. 在将来in the future 8. 通过电子邮件by email

2. 与某人交谈talk to / with sb. 9. 全年,整年all year

3. 变暖get warm 10. 在北极点at the North Pole

4. 在春天in spring 11. 大风和强雨heavy rain and strong winds

5. 用````来做````` use…. to do …. 12. 做枯燥的工作do the dull jobs

6. 一周三天three days a week 13. 大量休闲时间lots of free time

7. 照看,照顾care for 14. 帮助某人做某事help sb. (to) do sth.


1.Everyone will study at home. 每个人将在家学习。

2.Will there be schools in the future 将来又学校吗

3.Planes will be very large so flying will be very cheap.



5.Teachers won’t write on a blackboard with chalk.


6.There will be heavy rain and strong winds. 将有大雨和强风。

Module 5 My hometown and country
