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T:Having a good weekend is important.How to spend a good weekend ? Here are suggestions.
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H omework
1.Retell the story to your parents. 2、Ask your friends what they did on the weekend
T:Show word cards.
Ss:Read after T.
4 、 Read the story carefully and answer the
question. What did Zoom do last weekend?
Ss:Read the story carefully.(
用--- 划出答案)
1.Lead in.
T:Just now,we talked about our weekends.How
about our friend Zoom ’s weekend?This class,we
will enjoy a story about Zoom
’s weekend.
2.Watch the video and choose the right
Ss:Read after T.
5.Look and match.
Ss remeber the time and the activities for one
minute.Then close books.Take out the paper and
match the time and the activities.
answer.( 带着问题看视频,学生初步感知对话 )
T:First,guess Zoom ’s weekend was___.A.good
S1:Zoom ’s weekend was good.
பைடு நூலகம்
S2:Zoom ’s weekend was busy.
T:Maybe.Who is right? Let ’s watch a viedo
park with my daughter and had a good time.What
did you do last weekend? S1/S2/S3:I......
T:That was a ...weeekend.( 做评论交流)
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to think:The
song is about
_____.A.animals B.weekend
After listening to the song. T:It ’s a nice song.And the song is about...
S1:The song is about weekend.
After watching the viedo.
T:Who is right? Ss:...is right. 3.Read the story fast and underline the words
about time. T:Zoom ’s weekend was busy.He did many different things at different time.Open your
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books.Turn to p21.Read the story fast and
underline the words about time.
Ss:Read the story fast and underline the words
about time.
After that.
T:Have you finished ?
Step1 Warm up.
/ 1
T:Now,class begins.Good afternoon,boys and
Ss:Good afternoon,Miss liu.
T:Sit down,please. 2.Enjoy a song together.
T:First,let ’s enjoy a song together.Before
Unit2 Last weeekend.
C.Story time
C Story time. 教学目标 认知目标
1、能理解 Story time 中的故事 2、能复述 Story time 中的故事 . 能力目标 培养学生综合语言运用知识的能力和表演能力。 情感目标 培养学生团结互助的合作精神 重点难点 重点:能理解 Story time 中的故事 突破方法:采用分层教学法,一步步设置问题,引导 学生理解故事内容,突破重点。 难点:能表演复述故事 突破方法 : 教师引导学生借助一定的情景进行复述, 降 低难度。
After finishing the exercise.
T asks “What did Zoom do on Saturday?

S1 answers the question ”Zoom washed his
schoolbag and went to the park on Saturday.
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Open books.Liten ,point and repeat. 8.Retell the story.
Step3 Extension.
Make a new dialogue. T:In this story,Zoom and Zip talked about Zoom ’s weekend.How about Zip ’s weekend ?Make a new dialogue about Zip ’s weekend with your partner.
T:Finish filling in the blanks.
T:What did Zoom do on Saturday/Sunday
morning /afternoon?
S2/S3/S4 : He....Then he...
4.Read the phrases of activities.
T shows the phrases cards and reads them.

The other answers.
One student ask.The other student answer.
6.Read the sentences and judge
“T”or ”F”
7.Listen and imitate.
Watch the viedo and read after it.
U2 Last weekend What did you do on......? He...... Then he......
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After reading.
T:What did Zoom do on Saturday morning 书 What did Zoom do on...?
S1:He washed his schoolbag.
T :Then...
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S1:He went to the park.
T :(板书 He...Then he...)
T :Let ’s check the answers.
S1/S2 :Read the words they underline.
Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday
morning Sunday afternoon
T :Show the answers by PPT.
T:Yes.Do you like weekends?( 问全班学生 )
3.Free talk. T:Because we don’t go to school and can do many
things we like on the weekends.I like
weekends,too.Last weekend,I went to Tieshan