—My mainly duties are doing preparation work before dinner(做餐前的准备工作), like setting table(摆台), cleaning the dinning environment(清洁就餐环境). Receiving guests(迎宾), guiding them to their seats(引座), ordering food(点餐) and introducing specilities(介绍特色菜品), serving(上菜) and closing accounts(结账). Moverover, I will providing good service during dinner time, including pouring teas and wines(斟茶倒酒), changing dishes(更换骨碟) so as to satisfie
—Do you have any working experience? / What have you work as before?
你有工作经验吗?/ 你之前是做什么工作的?
—I work in Qingdao hotel as a waitress now. Qingdao hotel is a three-star hotel(三星级酒店) with beverage, guest rooms and entertainment(集餐饮、娱乐、客房为一体).
1. 你为什么想成为一名服务员?
2. 你认为作为一名服务员最重要的品质是什么?
3. 你如何处理客人的投诉?
4. 你遇到的最具挑战性的客人是什么情况?你如何处理的?最具挑战性的客人通常是那些情绪不稳定或者要求特别苛刻的客人。
5. 你在工作中遇到过的最令你感到满意的一件事是什么?
新加坡销售服务业面试注意事项1、进入面试主要打招呼,注意听雇主的提问,然后自我介绍(英语)Would you please introduce yourself? 自我介绍(范例)本人叫***, ***年**月出生, **学校毕业, 来自**省**市,现在XX公司工作,主要从事XX等工作,担任XX(如销售员/收银员等等)职位, 本人非常荣幸(高兴)地参加此次面试 ,谢谢贵公司给我提供此次机会,谢谢…..Hi/Hello, Sir/Madam, My name is ***, born in **, ** year. I graduated from** school, I come from **city, ** province. After my graduation/ I left my school, I work in ** company as ** position(eg. I work in Liqun Plaza as a customer service staff .). My resposibility is ……. I am honoured to attend the interview today, thank you for providing me this chance. Thank you!2、可能问及的问题(英语):How old are you ? 年龄Why do you want to apply for the position? 为什么想应聘这个职位Why do you want to go to Singapore? 为什么想到新加坡工作How much do you know Singapore? 对新加坡有多少了解Whether your family support you or not? How many people in your family?你的家人支持你吗?家里有几个人?What is your major? 你的专业Do you have sales experience before? 有没有销售经验?What was your responsibility for the work? 你目前工作中的职责是什么?What is your advantage and disadvantage? 你的优点与缺点Can you describe your character? 可以描述你的性格吗?How to you handle customer complain? 如何处理顾客的投诉?问候语:Welcome , may I help you? \what I can do for you? \which color is your favorite? \ how can I help you? \What size do you want? \商品名: Cloth \ shoes \bags \cosmetics\house articles\electronic things\ bed linen etc(衣服、鞋子、包包、化装品、家居用品、电器、床上用品等)颜色Color: 浅或深 light or dark -----black \ red \ yellow \ brown \ grey \ pink \ blue \ orange etc.尺寸 Size : may I have size 34\36\39\43 可以给我34码吗?找零: The change\balance is 302.70 ( three hundred two dollar and seventy cent) 剩下的钱是多少[1] 你在单位里主要做什么----What do you do?/ What’s your job?----I work in **Plaza/Shopping Center as a salesperson/ cashier.主要职责是什么?----What’s your resposibility?1. Do paper work for the company daily operation.(做日常文书工作)Conduct promotion to maintain outstanding achievement.(组织促销活动,提高营业额。
大学生赴新加坡工作问题解答1、 问:大学生为什么会选择去新加坡工作,工作安全吗?答:新加坡是一个美丽的岛国,一个繁荣的大都会,市容美丽清洁,被人们誉为“花园城市”;新加坡政府廉洁、法制健全、政治稳定、种族和谐、人民安居乐业。
2、 问:新加坡有哪些工作岗位适合大学生做?答:英语四级水平,可胜任行政、助理、销售等工作。
3、 问:怎样才能申请去新加坡工作?答:首先需提供申请人中英文简历及相关资质证书,由有境外资质的中介公司推荐给新方公司,并由雇主安排面试,通过者,就可以申请新加坡签证。
4、 问:在新加坡工作大致薪金是什么标准?是否有相关保险?答:刚毕业的大学生去新工作,一般薪水在1000-1800新币左右,并享有新加坡劳动法规定的假日及医疗、劳工险。
5、 问:在新加坡工作,每月伙食、住宿、电话费大致标准多少?答:住宿一般150-200新币/月/人,(2-4)人/间,基本设施齐全;伙食费大概200新币/月/人,如自己做饭,大概100多新币即可; 从新加坡打回中国长话费0.1元或0.2元新币/分钟,视自己买卡的种类有所不同。
6、 问:新加坡WP、SP、EP签证有何种区别?正常申请时间多长?答:1、WP为月薪1800新币以下,属劳务准证,申请时间2-3天;2、SP 为月薪1800新币以上的,有本科或者专科学历者申请的工作证;申请时间3-7天3、EP 分3种情况,视具体岗位,要求不同,申请时间10天左右。
(1) 月薪7000新币以上,拥有被认可的大学或以上学历,(工作职位一般是高级管理人员和专业的技术人员)。
(2) 月薪3500-7000新币以内,学历要求大致与(1)差不多(3) 月薪2500 新币以上,学历要求与(1)一样,有相关工作经验和技术者比较适合持有SP和EP签证人员,在新工作满2年后,可申请新加坡绿卡7、 问: 在新加坡工作是和中介公司签合约还是和雇用单位签合同?工作是否有保障?答 :赴新工作,出国人员必须与雇主签定雇佣合同,并同时与中介公司签定《出国境外就业协议书》,协议和雇佣合同双方签字、盖章生效具有同等的法律效力。
1、自我简述(两分钟内完成); 然后是、(家庭成员)父母对你出国是一个什么看法-
3、你对参加这次面试的同伴如何评价- 你在国内有交过男或女朋友吗-你到新加坡会交吗-
赴新服务员工作英文面试问题参考Interview Questions for a Waitstaff Job in Singapore1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your background in the service industry?2. What draws you to the position of a waitstaff in Singapore?3. What do you believe are the most important qualities for a waiter/waitress to possess?4. How do you handle difficult or demanding customers?5. Can you provide an example of a time when you received a complaint from a customer and how you handled it?6. How do you prioritize and manage your tasks during busy periods?7. How would you handle a situation where you made a mistake with a customer's order?8. Can you describe your approach to providing excellent customer service?9. How do you communicate effectively with both customers and colleagues?10. Are you familiar with Singaporean cuisine? Can you provide recommendations to customers?11. What steps do you take to ensure food safety and hygiene standards are maintained?12. Are you comfortable handling cash transactions and making change accurately?13. How do you handle situations where multiple customers are vying for your attention?14. Can you work effectively as part of a team? Can you provide an example of a time when you collaborated well with your colleagues?15. How do you manage your time during quiet periods to ensure you are still productive?16. Are you comfortable working in a fast-paced and high-pressure environment?17. How do you handle an incorrect or incomplete order from the kitchen?18. Can you handle physically demanding tasks, such as carrying heavy trays or standing for long periods?19. Are you comfortable working irregular hours, including evenings, weekends, and public holidays?20. What do you believe sets you apart from other candidates for this position?These interview questions are designed to assess the candidates' experience, skills, and attitude towards customer service in the context of a waitstaff job in Singapore. It is important to remember that the goal of the interview is not to find the "perfect" candidate, but rather to find the best fit for the position and the company's culture. Therefore, it is crucial to listen to the candidates' responses and evaluate them based on their suitability for the role. Good luck with your interviews!继续写相关内容,1500字在新加坡的餐饮行业中,服务员是一个非常重要的职位。
1. 请介绍一下你之前的服务员工作经验。
2. 你认为作为服务员最重要的技能是什么?
3. 你如何处理繁忙时段和压力的情况?
4. 你如何处理客人的投诉?
5. 你是否具备团队合作精神?能举个例子吗?
2、领取《中国公民因私出国(境)申请审批表》(以下简称“申请表”) 并填写。
提交申请时必须携带下列材料:* 本人身份证和户口簿原件(包括身份证和户口簿首页、本人资料页的复印件)* 填写完整的申请表格。
* 符合要求的彩色照片一张(办证时公安局会指定照相馆,即照即取)办理护照,只要你拿着2张身份证复印件,2张户口簿复印件,2张护照专用2寸免冠照,去户口所在地公安局出入境办理,一般为12-15个工作日。
新加坡面试基本题目To further prepare candidates for the interview, we have prepared some English sentences and sample questions for your reference.Please practice diligently so as to be fully ready for the interview.以下列的是一些面试的题目供您参考。
English Sentences (英语句子):Below are some sentences which you might be using during work:以下是一些工作常用句子:1.Good morning / afternoon / evening, welcome to__________________ (Name of Shop).早上好/下午好/傍晚好,欢迎来到(店名)。
2.How are you doing today?你今日好吗?3.How may I help you?我能如何协助你吗?4.May I know what are you looking for?请问你要找些什么?5.Would you like to take a look at this?你是否要看一看这个?6.This item is currently under promotion (促销).这个物品现在举行促销。
7.The cashier is over there.收银台在那边。
8.Have a nice day.祝你有个开心的一天。
9.Good bye and see you again soon.再见,欢迎你再来观顾。
Interview Questions (面试题目)You also have to be able to use English to do a self-introduction. The content can include your family, education, work experience and your hobbies.此外,您也必需能够使用英语来作自我介绍。
One reason for suffering, is the pursuit of the wrong things.同学互助一起进步(WORD文档/A4打印/可编辑/页眉可删)新加坡面试问题1、请你自我介绍一下你自己?回答提示:一般人回答这个问题过于平常,只说姓名、年龄、爱好、工作经验,这些在简历上都有。
1.What’s your purpose to go to Singapore?2.How do you know this school?3.If you can choose Peking University or Tsinghua University in China, Singapore national university as well, which one would you like and why?4.What other educational institutions have you applied to, or are you interested in, and why?5.What are your reasons for applying to this school in particular? 6.Which major will you choose?7.What are the specific reasons that you have chosen to puese advanced study in this field?8.What are the most substantial accomplishments from your background? Why do you consider these to be the most significant? 9.What’s your plan for the future?10.Will you come back to China?11.What do you like best? What are your hobbies?12.What qualities in your character do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Can you give examples of how you have benefited from these strengths in your study/work?13.What are your weaknesses? How have you addressed these weaknesses?114.What sort of teamwork experiences have you had in the past?What sort if role do you most often assume in a team work situations?15.Can you tell us a failure experience, and how and what you learned from this experience?16.Could you interpret your value in your mind?17.What‘s your goal? How will you achieve it ?18.Do you have an idol in your mind? Who and why?19.How do you like our middle school entrance examination? 20.What question do you have for us?2。
快来看看新加坡航空的面试官都问过些什么问题1.You are very young, Don't you think you are too young to handle your future job?你很年轻,你不觉得你太年轻,处理您的未来的工作吗?年龄固然能说明一定的问题,但个人素质和能力更为重要。
2.Could you talk about your work? What are your job responsibilities?你能谈谈你的工作吗?你的工作职责是什么?3.Are there connections between your previous jobs and airlines industry?你以前的工作有联系和航空业之间的关系吗?4.Can you swim?你会游泳吗?5.Do you exercise regularly?你经常锻炼吗?6.Do your parents/boyfriend support you to be our air stewardess?你的父母/男朋友支持你是空姐吗?7.Do you think you will be used to living in Singapore without any family /relatives?你认为你会习惯在新加坡的生活没有任何家庭/亲属?How do you maintain your skin and figure?你如何保持你的皮肤和身材?9.If we hire you , you must sign 5-year contract .Can you accept that? Why?如果我们雇佣你,你必须签署为期5年的合同。
你能接受吗?为什么呢?10.Have you ever taken our flight? Talk about what you know about Singapore Airlines?你有没有乘坐过我们的航班,谈谈你所知道的关于新加坡航空公司吗?11.Please give us your attributes of being a flight attendant请给我们你是空姐属性12.Have you ever had service industry work experience? Could you try to describe your guests? 你有过服务行业的工作经验吗?你可以试着描述你的客人?13.Could you try to say something about your boyfriend?你可以试着说你的男朋友吗?14.Could you tell us what image of SIN in your mind? Tell us one thing about SIN makes you impressive.你能告诉我们新加坡航空在你的印象中是什么样子的?告诉我们一件新加坡航空给你最深印象的事情。
To further prepare candidates for the interview, we have prepared some English sentences and sample questions for your reference.Please practice diligently so as to be fully ready for the interview.以下列的是一些面试的题目供您参考。
English Sentences (英语句子):Below are some sentences which you might be using during work:以下是一些工作常用句子:1.Good morning / afternoon / evening, welcome to __________________ (Name of Shop).早上好/下午好/傍晚好,欢迎来到(店名)。
2.How are you doing today?你今天好吗?3.How may I help you?我能如何帮助你吗?4.May I know what are you looking for?请问你要找些什么?5.Would you like to take a look at this?你是否要看一看这个?6.This item is currently under promotion (促销).这个物品现在进行促销。
7.The cashier is over there.收银台在那边。
8.Have a nice day.祝你有个愉快的一天。
9.Good bye and see you again soon.再见,欢迎你再来观顾。
Interview Questions (面试题目)You also have to be able to use English to do a self-introduction. The content can include your family, education, work experience and your hobbies.此外,您也必须能够使用英语来作自我介绍。
2023服务员面试问题大全服务员面试的常见问题—have you ever been to singapore or any other countries?你曾经去过新加坡或其他的国家吗?—no, i havent./ yes, i have been to japan for 3 years.没有。
/ 是的,我曾经去过日本三年。
—•why do you want to go to singapore?你为什么去新加坡?—first, singapore is a beautiful(漂亮的), clean(干净的), and developed(发达的) garden city(花园城市), i like it very much. second, i can accumulate(积累) some abroad working experience(国外工作经验), so it is very useful for my future(未来). third, the most important reason is that i can earn more money(挣钱) there.—do you have any working experience? / what have you work as before?你有工作经验吗?/ 你之前是做什么工作的?—i work luoyang hotel as a waitress now. luoyang hotel is a three-star hotel(三星级酒店) with beverage, guest rooms and entertainment(集餐饮、娱乐、客房为一体).—•whats your mainly duties?/ whats your job scope in your past job?/ what do you do there?你的工作职责是什么?—•my mainly duties are doing preparation work before dinner(做餐前的准备工作), like setting table(摆台), cleaning the dinning environment(清洁就餐环境). receiving guests(迎宾), guiding them to their seats(引座), ordering food(点餐) and introducing specialties(介绍特色菜品), serving(上菜) and closing accounts(结账). moverover, i will providing good service during dinner time, including pouring teas and wines(斟茶倒酒), changing dishes(更换骨碟) so as to satisfied with the cusomers(让顾客满意).—•how do you serve the customer normally?/ treat me like a customer, how would you serve me?通常你会怎样的方式去服务你的客人?/ 假如我是客人,你会以怎样的方式招待我?—•first, welcome(欢迎) the guests to our hotel warmly(热情的) and guide them to their seats(引座). then take orders(点餐), including ordering food and introducing specialties(介绍特色菜品). and i will providing good service(提供优质的服务) for them during dinner time. next, help guests to pay for the bill(结账). finally, i will say thank you for your coming, see you next time/again(欢迎下次光临).—•what are your favorite food/ drink?你最喜欢的食物/ 饮料是什么?—•i like eating vegetables(蔬菜), meat(beef, pork, mutton), rice, bread, milk, coffee, coco-cola(可口可乐), seven-up(七喜), ice-cream(冰激淋), hamburger(汉堡), fried-chicken(炸鸡), egg, and fruits, etc.—•whats the specialties in your hotel?你们酒店的特色菜是什么?—•braised prawns, fruit salads, and sea food and so on.油焖大虾、水果沙拉、海鲜等等。
6. Have you learned any other foreign languages other than English?
7. How fast can you type?
1. Can you tell me something about your achievements?
2. Have you traveled a lot in your work?
3. How long have you been working with computers?
11.What are your plans for the future?
12.How long do you think that We can depend on your working here?
13.What kind of personalities do you think you have?
新加坡面试专业知识题库一、计算机科学与技术1.1 数据结构与算法•什么是数据结构?请举例说明常见的数据结构有哪些。
1.2 编程语言与编程基础•请说明面向对象编程(OOP)的基本概念和特征。
1.3 操作系统与网络•请简要解释操作系统的作用和功能。
二、软件工程与开发2.1 软件开发流程与方法•请介绍软件开发的常见流程模型,例如瀑布模型、迭代开发模型和敏捷开发模型。
2.2 软件设计与架构•请介绍常见的软件设计原则,例如单一职责原则、开闭原则和依赖倒置原则等。
2.3 软件项目管理与团队协作•请解释什么是项目管理,以及项目管理的目标和关键要素。
新加坡實習面試問題參考常問問題及注意事項:1.接受視頻呼叫後,看到雇主請先打招呼,例如:Good morning / afternoon / Sir, Madam.2.面試結束後一定請說Thank you. 或者Thank you for your time.3.Please introduce yourself/ self introduction. 請自我介紹簡單的介紹自己(如你的名字,年齡,愛好,畢業學校以及家庭成員即可)。
不要像照稿子唸,要有自信、輕鬆的態度4.What have you learned in your course (eg. hospitality or housekeeping, what have you learned from yourdegree/major) 從課程/主修中你學到了甚麼?5.Did you work as part-time (as housekeeping/ Food and Beverage/ counter sales), telling your workingexperience. 你有客房/餐飲類/百貨零售的打工經驗嗎?說明你的工作經驗.6.How long can you work in Singapore?你可以在新加坡工作多久?依照同學們的實習時間回答,如一年,6個月7.Why do you want to come to Singapore?你為什麼想來新加坡?可以回答: 新加坡的飯店是國際知名的/ 新加坡可以開闊視野,拓展在客房/餐飲/百貨零售的經驗/ 新加坡很國際化,大部分都講英文,這樣可以讓我有提升英文能力的機會….8.Why you want to do their attachment is Singapore and not Taiwan. What do you want to gain by having theattachment in Singapore?為什麼想來新加坡進實習,想學到甚麼?Attachment是實習的意思,請儘量以自己學習的角度來回答,以及新加坡的國際化。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(Greetings)问候,打招呼Hello/ Hi 你好1. — How do you do? 你好(用于初次见面)— How do you do? 你好2. — How are you? 你好吗?— Fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢。
你呢?—I’m fine, too.我也很好。
3. — Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
— Nice to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。
4. — Good morning, sir/madam. 早上好,先生/女士。
— Good afternoon 下午好— Good evening 晚上好(Self- Introduction) 自我介绍Can you introduce yourself?/ Can you say something about yourself?你能做一下自我介绍吗?What’s your name? / May I have your name please?你叫什么名字?How old are you?/ What’s your age?你多大了?Where is your hometown?/ Where are you from?/ Where do you come from?你的家乡是哪里?你来自哪里?— When and where did you graduated?你是什么时间从哪里毕业的?— I graduated from Qingdao No.2 Vocational secondary school/senior high school in 2007.我是2007年毕业于青岛第二中等专业学校/ 高中。
— What are your hobbies?/ In your spare time, what do you like to do?你的爱好是什么?在空闲的时间,你喜欢做什么?—My hobbies are listening to music, reading books, surfing the internet, shopping, running, climbing mountains, watching TV, playing football, playing basketball, playing tennis, singing and dancing, etc.—What’s your character?你的性格是什么?—I’m an optimistic/ lovely/gentle/ upright/ honest/ patient/ easy-going/ shy person.我是一个开朗的/ 可爱的/ 温柔的/ 正直的/ 诚实的/ 耐心的/ 随和的/ 害羞的人。
—What’s your strength?你的优点是什么?—I am a honest and positive person, work hard, willing to learn.我是个诚实积极的人,工作努力,好学。
—What’s your weakness?你的缺点是什么?—I’m a stubborn girl. / I’m a timid girl, because I am scared of snake( mouse)./ I’m easy to forget things./ I’m a shy boy.我是个倔强的女孩儿。
/ 我是个害羞的男孩儿。
— What kind of books do you like to read?你喜欢读什么书?— I like reading magzines, novels, newspapers and love stories.我喜欢读杂志、小说、报纸和爱情小说。
Personnel Questions (个人问题)— Are you married?你结婚了吗?—No, I’m a single.不,我是单身。
—Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend?你有男朋友/ 女朋友吗?—No, I haven’t.Apologize (道歉用语)Sorry, I can’t understand./ I can’t catch you./ I can’t hear you very clearly.-对不起,我不懂。
/ 我听得不是很清楚。
Could you repeat it again?你可以重复一遍吗?Could you speak slowly please?你可以讲得慢一下吗?Pardon? / I beg your pardon?请再说一次吧?Family situation (家庭问题)— How many people in your family?你家里有几口人?—There are five people in my family. They are my parents, elder brother, younger sister and I. I love my family very much. They agree with me to go to Singapore, and also will be happy for me.我家里有五口人。
—What does your parents do?你父母是做什么的?—They are workers.他们是工人。
— When you come over to Singapore, who will take care of your family members?当你来新加坡,谁来照顾你的家人?—My parents have jobs, and they are very healthy, my brothers and sisters also can tak e care of themselves. So I don’t worried about that.我的父母有工作,而且他们身体很健康。
—Do you have any relatives or friends in Singapore?你在新加坡有亲戚或朋友吗?—No, I haven’t.没有。
Inerview Diction(面试问题)—Have you ever been to Singapore or any other countries?你曾经去过新加坡或其他的国家吗?—No, I haven’t./ Yes, I have been to Japan for 3 years.没有。
/ 是的,我曾经去过日本三年。
—Why do you want to go to Singapore?你为什么去新加坡?—Firstly, Singapore is a beautiful(漂亮的), clean(干净的), and developed(发达的) garden city(花园城市), I like it very much. Secondly, the most important reason is that I can eran more money(挣钱) there. Thirdly, I can accumulate(积累) some abroad working experience(国外工作经验), so it is very useful for my future(未来). The above(以上的) three points are the reasons that I go to Singapore. —Do you have any working experience? / What have you work as before?你有工作经验吗?/ 你之前是做什么工作的?—I work in Qingdao hotel as a waitress now. Qingdao hotel is a three-star hotel (三星级酒店) with beverage, guest rooms and entertainment(集餐饮、娱乐、客房为一体).—What’s your mainly duties?/ What’s your job scope in your past job?/ What do you do there?你的工作职责是什么?—My mainly duties are doing preparation work before dinner(做餐前的准备工作), like setting table(摆台), cleaning the dinning environment(清洁就餐环境). Receiving guests(迎宾), guiding them to their seats(引座), ordering food(点餐) and introducing specilities(介绍特色菜品), serving(上菜) and closing accounts (结账). Moverover, I will providing good service during dinner time, including pouring teas and wines(斟茶倒酒), changing dishes(更换骨碟) so as to satisfied with the cusomers(让顾客满意).—How do you serve the customer normally?/ Treat me like a customer, how would you serve me?通常你会怎样的方式去服务你的客人?/ 假如我是客人,你会以怎样的方式招待我?—First, welcome(欢迎) the guests to our hotel warmly(热情的) and guide them to their seats(引座). Then take orders(点餐), including ordering food and introducing specilities(介绍特色菜品). And I will providing good service(提供优质的服务) for them during dinner time. Next, help guests to pay for the bill (结账). Finally, I will say thank you for your coming, see you next time/again (欢迎下次光临).—What’s your favorite food/ drink?你最喜欢的食物/ 饮料是什么?—I like eating vegetables(蔬菜), meat(beef, pork, mutton), rice, bread, milk, coffee, coco-cola(可口可乐), seven-up(七喜), ice-cream(冰激淋), hamburger (汉堡), fried-chicken(炸鸡), egg, and fruits, etc.—What’s the specilities in your hotel?你们酒店的特色菜是什么?—Brised prowns, fruit salads, and sea food and so on. 油焖大虾、水果沙拉、海鲜等等。