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A Speech at

Investment Environment Seminar

By Mr. Sun Zhongsheng

April 16, 2010


Honorable leaders, guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning!


Now, let me give the leaders and guests a brief introduction about the construction and development of Heze Economic Development Zone.



Lying in the cross interchange of Beijing-Kowloon Railway and Xinxiang-Rizhao Port Rail, Heze Economic Development Zone (abbr. as HEDZ) is a provincial economic zone, approved by Shandong People’s Government. Under the jurisdiction of HEDZ, there are 3 administrative offices with the area of 148.6 km2 and the population of 230,000. The area of HEDZ covers 56% of the total programmed city area. Lying in the east part of Heze City, HEDZ is the place that Heze Committee of CPC and Heze People’s Government take. Meanwhile, it is the main industry and commercial circulation area of Heze City. In recent years, adhere to the investment and large project construction, we strongly organize double-wheel drive strategy of industrialization and urbanization to develop the leading industry and foster industry clusters. Therefore, the social economy in HEDZ has got sustained, healthy and rapid

development. From 2006 to 2009, the GDP in HEDZ increased from 1.26 billion Yuan to 5.4 billion Yuan with the average annual growth rate of 82.34%; the local fiscal revenue increased from 165 million Yuan to 344 million Yuan with the average annual growth rate of 27.12%; In the past four years, we got the whole social fixed assets investment of 16.17 billion Yuan; the disposable income of urban residents reached 11,581 Yuan/person and the rural residents reached 5,470 Yuan/person with the increased amount of 3,225 Yuan and 497 Yuan respectively.

市委、市政府高度重视开发区建设,举全市之力建设开发区。在62.8平方公里的新规划区内,主次干道建设和强电、弱电、供水、排水、通讯等管网铺设已经完成;近期新建的4座总容量550 KV的变电站已投入运行;蓄水量1500万立方米的工业水源地已开始供水;日处理能力12万吨的污水处理厂即将建成投运;每小时供热1500吨的化工园区热力中心一期建成投入使用;年运力1500万吨的三条铁路专用线,已建成两条。这些重要的基础设施,为工业大项目入区提供了强力支撑。

Heze Com mittee of CPC and Heze People’s Government pays high attention to develop and build HEDZ. In the new 62.8 km2 programmed area, the infrastructure as the main & branch roads, the strong & weak electricity, water supply, drainage, communication and so on has been well equipped. The newly
