

清华紫光 文诚系列电脑 说明书

清华紫光 文诚系列电脑 说明书

文诚系列技术培训手册清华紫光台式电脑事业部技术支持部2004-06-01目录一、产品特点1.1优良的品质保证1.2出色的结构设计1.3可靠的安全维护二、文诚系列主机配置2.1文诚系列主机配置表三、主板技术规格3.1 精英P6VEMD2主板说明3.2 精英L4S5MG/GX+主板说明3.3 技嘉GA-8I845GV-CH2说明四、驱动程序安装4.1驱动光盘说明4.2驱动程序安装目录一、产品特点文诚系列电脑强调性能价格比,适用于教育、网吧等中低端用户,便于集中管理,统一维护。




二、文诚系列主机配置(一)文诚500 文诚800 文诚1000E 文诚1100文诚1200 CPU C3800Celeron 1.8GCeleron 1.8G Celeron 1.8G Celeron 1.8G主板 P6VEMD2L4S5MG/GX+ L4S5MG/GX+ L4S5MG/GX+GA-8I845GV-CH2内存Twinmos 128MDDR333Twinmos 128MDDR333Twinmos 128MDDR333Twinmos 128MDDR333Twinmos 128MDDR333硬盘SeagateST340015ASamsungSV0411N(40GB/5400PRM)SeagateST340015ASamsungSV0411N(40GB/5400PRM)SeagateST340015ASamsungSV0411N(40GB/5400PRM)光驱LG CR-8523B LG GCR-8523B软驱SamsungSFD-321BSamsungSFD-321BSamsungSFD-321B显示卡主板集成主板集成主板集成主板集成主板集成声卡主板集成主板集成主板集成主板集成主板集成网卡主板集成主板集成主板集成主板集成主板集成电源长城 1801-HP 长城 1801-HP 长城 1801-HP 长城 1801-HP 长城 1801-HPCPU风扇主板集成Cool MasterDI4-7H53B/DI4-7H54A-R2Cool MasterDI4-7H53B/DI4-7H54A-R2Cool MasterDI4-7H53B/DI4-7H54A-R2/EC203MBCool MasterDI4-7H53B/DI4-7H54A-R2/EC203MB机箱保利得 EN7472 保利得 EN7472 保利得 EN7472 保利得 EN7472 保利得 EN7472键盘精模 JME7010 精模 JME7010 精模 JME7010 精模 JME7010 精模 JME7010鼠标致伸 M042K0 致伸 M042K0 致伸 M042K0 致伸 M042K0 致伸 M042K0驱动光盘智能驱动光盘V2.0智能驱动光盘V2.0智能驱动光盘V2.0/2.1智能驱动光盘V2.0文诚系列主机配置(二)三、主板技术规格3.1文诚500采用的主板是:精英P6VEMD2,采用VIA CLE266 CE / VT8235 CD 芯片组。

郎汉德 PLC 触摸屏一体机(4.3 寸) 产品说明书

郎汉德 PLC 触摸屏一体机(4.3 寸) 产品说明书

郎汉德PLC触摸屏一体机(4.3寸)产品说明书文件版本:V1.0.0目录1.产品简介 (3)2.参数详情 (3)2.1.电气参数 (3)2.2.PLC编程电缆参数 (4)2.3.选型表 (6)2.4.拨码状态 (7)2.5.接线图 (8)2.5.1.晶体管输出型号引脚定义 (8)2.5.2.继电器输出型号引脚定义 (10)2.6.PLC地址 (11)2.6.1.PLC地址使用情况 (11)2.6.2.特殊寄存器和位 (12)2.7.模拟量转换 (16)2.8.兼容三菱指令 (17)3.通信使用 (21)3.1.串口通信配置 (21)3.2.一体机内部PLC与HMI通讯(COM2) (22)3.2.1.使用FX3U协议内部通讯 (22)3.2.2.使用Modbus RTU内部通讯 (25)3.3.串口通信发送与接收数据的应用(COM4) (27)3.3.1.PLC做为Modbus从站通信 (27)3.3.2.串口自由通信协议ADPRW指令使用 (28)3.3.3.Modbus主站通信协议ADPRW指令使用 (31)4.售后 (33)4.1.联系方式 (33)4.2.免责声明 (33)1.产品简介本产品为PLC触摸屏一体机。


2.参数详情2.1.电气参数类别项目参数电气环境供电电源额定24V,12-32V宽压输入范围;内部与外供电电气隔离工作温度0~55°C湿度5%-95%RH(非结露)抗干扰性峰值:1500vp-p;幅度1uS;上升时间:30ms;周期30-100HZ抗震动符合IEC61121-2标准电气隔离性能通讯隔离性通讯口均与内部隔离电源隔离性内部5V、15V之间隔离;与24V输入隔离数字量量输入导通状态高于DC15V,2.5mA 关断状态低于DC7V,1mA晶体管输出响应时间ON->OFF20us以内OFF->ON50us以内输出电压范围DC5V~30V额定输出负载0.75A@DC24V继电器输出响应时间10ms以内输出电压范围DC5V-30或AC5V~250V 额定输出电压DC24V/2A或AC220V/2.0A 使用寿命机械1千万次电气10万次(额定负载)模拟量输出输出范围电压输出0~10V 电流输出0~20mA模拟量输入输入范围电流输入0-20mA或4-20mA电压输入0-10V运动控制脉冲输出速度可达200KHZ 计数输入速度可200K以上2.2.PLC编程电缆参数一体机的PLC部分,对应的编程口为RS232通信。



伦茨(Lenze)变频器8200Vector系列使用说明注:本说明适用于梳棉机FA231A所使用 Lenze E82EV系列变频器包括内容:1.标准接线及安装1.1 400V控制器的主电源接线1.2 电机接线1.3符合EMC标准的安装1.4控制端子接线及说明2. 用操作面板进行参数设定2.1访问,设定所有参数2.2拷贝参数到操作面板2.3从操作面板复制参数到变频器2.4 输出转速的在线调整--用操作面板输入频率(hz)与其他给定值相加3.重要参数代码说明3.1 C0014代码可设置控制模式3.2 电机数据的输入/自动检测(C0087;C0088;C0089;C0090;C0091;C0084;C0092;C0148)3.3 JOG固定频率给定值(C0037,C0038,C0039)3.4 给定值选择(C0001)3.5 模拟输入给定的调整(C0026;C0027)3.6 PTC电机温度监控(C0119)3.7 数字输入信号配置(C0007)3.8 最小输出频率(C0010)3.9 最大输出频率(C0011)3.10 主加速时间(C0012)3.11主减速时间(C0013)3.12快停减速时间(C0105)3.13数字输入信号E1-E6电平反相(C0114)3.14 模拟量输入范围设定(C0034)3.15电流极限设定(C0022,C0023)4.故障诊断及排除4.1运行状态显示4.2故障查询5. 梳棉机FA231A变频器参数设定表5.1 E82EV222S4B参数设定表5.2 E82EV751S4B参数设定表6.变频器调试程序表7.产品维护,保养要点1.标准接线及安装1.1 400V控制器的主电源接线1.2 电机接线见上图注:BR1,BR2外部制动电阻T1,T2电机温度监控PTC热敏电阻或热继电器1.3符合EMC标准的安装注:将控制线及电源线与电机电缆分开使用低寄生电容电缆。


ZSD-U1 系列 交流伺服用户手册说明书

ZSD-U1 系列 交流伺服用户手册说明书
4.3.1 密码的输入与修改 ..............................................41 4.3.2 参数设置 ....................................................-U1 系列交流伺服驱动器
3.2 端口名称及功能 ....................................................26 3.2.1 端口介绍 ......................................................26 3.2.2 端口详细说明 ..................................................27
6.1 伺服系统的 JOG 控制................................................ 61 6.2 伺服系统的位置控制................................................ 62 6.3 伺服系统的速度控制................................................ 62 6.4 伺服系统的转矩控制................................................ 63 6.5 伺服系统的内部速度控制............................................ 64 6.6 伺服系统的内部四段位置控制 ........................................ 64
第 5 章 参 数................................................................. 44



FS6R06VE3_B2 FS10R06XL4 FS10R06VE3 FS10R06VE3_B2 FS10R06VL4_B2 FS15R06XE3 FS15R06XL4 FS15R06VE3 FS15R06VE3_B2 FS15R06VL4_B2 FS20R06W1E3
6A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.45V 10A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT2 Low Loss,饱和 压降1.95V 10A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 10A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 10A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT2 Low Loss,饱和 压降1.95V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT2 Low Loss,饱和 压降1.95V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT2 Low Loss,饱和 压降1.95V
EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 1B EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 1B EasyPACK 1B EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750
20A,600V@Tc=100℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V EasyPACK 1B
20A,600V,@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V EasyPACK 750 20A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 20A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750 EconoPACK 2B



通力电梯维修调试资料大全(超全整合)KONE通力3000无机房电梯Majinxiang 2019-08-08 LCE指示灯解释:指示灯(左列) 亮灭注解Emergency alam(红有警报没有警报按选择/输入按钮重置色)Liftinfau lt (红色)有故障,电梯不能启动电梯正常Cpurunning (黄色Cpu正在运行CPU不在运行CPU运行时指示灯闪烁Inspectio n (黄色)DS位于检修位置42:DS位于正常位42:DS在轿顶置Rescuedrive(黄色)RDF 开关在RDF在正常位置开关在控制柜RECALL 运行方式运行Carcommunication LCECPU 与 2.3以前版本应是灭检查接线OK(绿色)LCECCB 间信息交流的,2.3以后版本若正常,软件版本2.3 以灭,则信息交流有问上题Shaftcomm..ok(绿LCECPU 与楼层板间LCECPU与楼层板间检查接线色) 信息交流正常信息交流不正常+24Vcontroller 24V控制柜供电电源24电源不正常检查保险丝F4OK(绿色) 正常+5VcontrollerOK9( 绿LCECPU5V 电源正常5V 电源故障如果24V指示灯亮, 色) 则更换LCECPU 板+24VCar&shaft24V轿厢, 井道供电24V 电源故障检查保险丝F5OK(绿色) 电源正常Changebord( 红色) LCECPU板烧毁LCECPU 板正常更换新板Speed>0.1m/s( 黄正在加速,速度大于正在减速,速度小于色) 0.1M/S 0.1M/S指示灯( 中间) 亮灭注解Startpemit( 黄色主继电器都激活主继电器都释放如果灯不灭,可能有(201:1,201:2,201:4) 继电器阻塞(XD1/3POS379)Shaftdoorcontact( 黄所有层门都已关好层门未关好XH2/3终端POS.379 色)Closedoo r 关门命令有效关门命令无效从从LCE到ADVcommand( 黄色) LCE到ADVDriveneeded( 黄色) 控制系统认为需要启不需要启动呼梯,泊动梯. 自动平层等V3FOK( 绿色) 驱动系统可正常运行驱动单元有故障Safetyinput( 绿色) 到轿门触点前的安全到轿门触点前的安全XC1/5POS379回路正常回路有问题Opendoor 开门命令有效无命令从LCE到ADVcommand( 黄色)photocell( 黄色) 光眼光束受挡光束未光束未受挡XB29/2及受挡XB31/2POS.379Openbutton(黄色) 轿厢内开门按钮按下未按下Close force 关门力限制器申请重不需重开门XB28/8及limiter(黄色) 开门XB30/8POS806 指示灯( 右列) 亮灭注解Driveup( 黄色) 向上运行指令已送往无效V3F2577:U( 黄色) 轿厢在上部减速区轿厢不在上部减速区77:U断开61:U( 黄色) 轿厢在61:U 区内轿厢不在61:U 区内地坎以上5MM,以下地坎以上145MM30(黄色) 轿厢在门区内轿厢不在门区内地坎以上150MM, 以下150MM61N( 黄色) 轿厢在61:N 区内轿厢不在61:N 区内地坎以下5MM,以上145MM77:N( 黄色) 轿厢在下部减速区轿厢不在下部减速区77:N断开77:S( 黄色) 77:S开关断开或无此轿厢不在上下端站只开关在终端楼层间距短的时候Drivedown( 黄色) 向下运行指令已送往无效V3F25Majinxiang 2019-08-08 LCE用户接口功能模式:(EcoDisc)菜子菜单单功能注解- E 1 故障历史记录-显示最近的故障情况- F 2 清除故障记录-重置故障记录,清除内存菜子菜单单- 功能注解- d 驱动故障-参看故障代码表菜子菜单单- 功能注解代码含义(斜体表示默认值)必 1 1 基站选择基站(1) 楼层号1-N备 1 2 控制方式3 集选方式选择,相应普通楼层的1=SBC单按钮控制2=DC下集选3=FC全集内指令信号选4=PB按钮控制1 10 开门时间相应普通楼层的内指令信号时,单位秒(1-60)从门完全打开至开始关门时的时间1 11 重新开门时间重开门后 ,从门完全打开至重单位0.1 秒(1-99) 新开始关门的时间(20)1 12 激活ADO 激活提前开门功能0= 关闭1= 激活1 13 强迫关门如果在一段选定的时间内关门受0= 关闭1= 激活阻,门将以较慢的速度蜂鸣关门,此时只有关门力限器起作用,强迫关门持续到关门结束1 14 强迫关门时间设置开始强迫关门的时间(20) 单位秒(10-60)限制1 15 新轿内指登记开门或门已打开时, 按下内指单位0.1 秒0=无该功能(0-99)快速关门按钮可以缩短开门时间门116 光眼延时设置光眼被挡到重新关门的时间单位0.1 秒.0= 无该功能(0-99) 20系1 17 光眼正常快速设置光眼正常后快速关门0= 无1= 有统快门1 18 禁止同时开门A门及BC门的开门及同时开1=A门优先开2=C门优先开3= 同时开门门功能1 19 对穿门轿厢选用对穿门轿厢0= 一个门1=对穿门1 20 门铃为盲人选择门铃0= 关1= 门完全打开时响1 21 扩展延长开门LCECOB的输入SC17(34:E) 0= 按钮 (DOEB)有重开门时间1=开关带蜂鸣时间的类型器(DOES)2= 开关不带蜂鸣器(DOES)1 22 DOP类型选DOP类型0=none;1=DOPCS择1 30 泊梯楼层选择泊梯楼层0=off 楼层号1 31泊梯时开门泊梯时A 门与BC 门的开关情0= 关1=A 门优先2=C 门优先3=AC 同时开况泊1 32泊梯时间选择电梯在开始泊梯前的空闲时 1-99秒梯间301 33 泊梯模式选择单台或群组泊梯0=关1= 单梯2= 群组泊梯 1 34 自动从特定楼空闲电梯将离开此楼层(ADF 0= 关nn= 指定楼层层派遣电梯功能)1 35 自动返回特定(ADF 功能)将电梯开往此楼层 0= 回主楼层 nn= 指定楼层楼层1 40允许反向内选允许登录与电梯运行方向相反的0= 关1= 开内指令信号,一旦停梯,便对这些信号开始响应1 41错误内选删除电梯连续完成两个内指而无人出0= 关1= 开入轿厢的情况下删除所有内指信内号指42内选登记蜂鸣当内选登记时发出一声短促声 0= 关1= 开 1器1 43忽略新外呼为响应超时的外呼而忽略新外呼0= 关1= 开(有很久没有相应的内选时)1 44 司机模式选择 -0= 标准1=ATSHK2=ATSCS1 45 锁定呼梯的类指定LCEOPT 的锁输入信号- 0= 关1= 锁定内选2= 锁定外呼3= 锁定内选型锁-的用法(楼层进出控制)和外呼1 46 优先下呼1。



MMSZ4686T1G MMSZ4686T1G.MMSZ4xxxT1G Series, SZMMSZ4xxxT1G Series Zener Voltage Regulators 500 mW, Low I ZT SOD−123 Surface MountThree complete series of Zener diodes are offered in the convenient, surface mount plastic SOD−123 package. These devices provide a convenient alternative to the leadless 34−package style.Features•500 mW Rating on FR−4 or FR−5 Board•Wide Zener Reverse V oltage Range − 1.8 V to 43 V•Low Reverse Current (I ZT) − 50 m A•Package Designed for Optimal Automated Board Assembly •Small Package Size for High Density Applications•ESD Rating of Class 3 (>16 kV) per Human Body Model•SZ Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable•These Devices are Pb−Free and are RoHS Compliant*Mechanical Characteristics:CASE:V oid-free, transfer-molded, thermosetting plastic case FINISH:Corrosion resistant finish, easily solderableMAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE FOR SOLDERING PURPOSES: 260°C for 10 SecondsPOLARITY:Cathode indicated by polarity band FLAMMABILITY RATING:UL 94 V−0MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Max Units Total Power Dissipation on FR−5 Board,(Note 1) @ T L = 75°CDerated above 75°C P D5006.7mWmW/°CThermal Resistance, (Note 2) Junction−to−Ambient R q JA340°C/WThermal Resistance, (Note 2) Junction−to−Lead R q JL150°C/WJunction and Storage Temperature Range T J, T stg−55 to+150°CStresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected.1.FR−5 = 3.5 X 1.5 inches, using the minimum recommended footprint.2.Thermal Resistance measurement obtained via infrared Scan Method.*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.Cathode AnodeSee specific marking information in the device marking column of the Electrical Characteristics table on page 3 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATIONSOD−123CASE 425STYLE 1Device Package Shipping†ORDERING INFORMATIONMARKING DIAGRAM†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our T ape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.MMSZ4xxxT1G SOD−123(Pb−Free)3,000 /Tape & ReelMMSZ4xxxT3G SOD−123(Pb−Free)10,000 /Tape & Reel xx= Device Code (Refer to page 3)M= Date CodeG= Pb−Free Package(Note: Microdot may be in either location)1SZMMSZ4xxxT1G SOD−123(Pb−Free)3,000 /Tape & ReelSZMMSZ4xxxT3G SOD−123(Pb−Free)10,000 /Tape & ReelELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted, V F = 0.9 V Max. @ I F = 10 mA)Symbol ParameterV Z Reverse Zener Voltage @ I ZTI ZT Reverse CurrentI R Reverse Leakage Current @ V RVR Reverse VoltageI F Forward CurrentV F Forward Voltage @ I FProduct parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted, V F = 0.9 V Max. @ I F = 10 mA)Device*DeviceMarkingZener Voltage (Note 3)Leakage CurrentV Z (Volts)@ I ZT I R @ V RMin Nom Max m A m A VoltsMMSZ4678T1G CC 1.71 1.8 1.89507.51 MMSZ4679T1G CD 1.90 2.0 2.105051 MMSZ4680T1G CE 2.09 2.2 2.315041 MMSZ4681T1G CF 2.28 2.4 2.525021 MMSZ4682T1G CH 2.565 2.7 2.8355011 MMSZ4683T1G CJ 2.85 3.0 3.15500.81 MMSZ4684T1G CK 3.13 3.3 3.47507.5 1.5 MMSZ4685T1G CM 3.42 3.6 3.78507.52 MMSZ4686T1G CN 3.70 3.9 4.105052 MMSZ4687T1G CP 4.09 4.3 4.525042 SZMMSZ4687T1G CG6 4.09 4.3 4.525042 MMSZ4688T1G CT 4.47 4.7 4.9450103 MMSZ4689T1G CU 4.85 5.1 5.3650103 MMSZ4690T1G/T3G CV 5.32 5.6 5.8850104 MMSZ4691T1G CA 5.89 6.2 6.5150105 MMSZ4692T1G CX 6.46 6.87.145010 5.1 MMSZ4693T1G CY7.137.57.885010 5.7 MMSZ4694T1G CZ7.798.28.61501 6.2 MMSZ4695T1G DC8.278.79.14501 6.6 MMSZ4696T1G DD8.659.19.56501 6.9 MMSZ4697T1G DE9.501010.505017.6 MMSZ4698T1G DF10.451111.55500.058.4 MMSZ4699T1G DH11.401212.60500.059.1 MMSZ4700T1G DJ12.351313.65500.059.8 MMSZ4701T1G DK13.301414.70500.0510.6 MMSZ4702T1G DM14.251515.75500.0511.4 MMSZ4703T1G†DN15.201616.80500.0512.1 MMSZ4704T1G DP16.151717.85500.0512.9 MMSZ4705T1G DT17.101818.90500.0513.6 MMSZ4706T1G DU18.051919.95500.0514.4 MMSZ4707T1G DV19.002021.00500.0115.2 MMSZ4708T1G DA20.902223.10500.0116.7 MMSZ4709T1G DX22.802425.20500.0118.2 MMSZ4710T1G DY23.752526.25500.0119.0 MMSZ4711T1G†EA25.652728.35500.0120.4 MMSZ4712T1G EC26.602829.40500.0121.2 MMSZ4713T1G ED28.503031.50500.0122.8 MMSZ4714T1G EE31.353334.65500.0125.0 MMSZ4715T1G EF34.203637.80500.0127.3 MMSZ4716T1G EH37.053940.95500.0129.6 MMSZ4717T1G EJ40.854345.15500.0132.6 3.Nominal Zener voltage is measured with the device junction in thermal equilibrium at T L = 30°C ±1°C.*Include SZ-prefix devices where applicable.†MMSZ4703 and MMSZ4711 Not Available in 10,000/Tape & ReelTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSV Z , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /C )°θV Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 1. Temperature Coefficients (Temperature Range −55°C to +150°C)V Z , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /C )°θ100101V Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 2. Temperature Coefficients (Temperature Range −55°C to +150°C), TEMPERATURE (5C)Figure 3. Steady State Power Derating P p k, P E A K S U R G E P O W E R (W A T T S )PW, PULSE WIDTH (ms)Figure 4. Maximum Nonrepetitive Surge PowerP D , P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W A T T S )V Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGEFigure 5. Effect of Zener Voltage onZener ImpedanceZ Z T , D Y N A M I C I M P E D A N C E ()ΩTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSC , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 6. Typical Capacitance 1000100101V Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (V)1001010.10.01I Z , Z EN E R C U R R E N T (m A )V Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (V)1001010.10.01I R , L E A K A G E C U R R E N T (A )μV Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 7. Typical Leakage Current10001001010.10.010.0010.00010.00001I Z , Z E N E R C U R R E N T (m A )Figure 8. Zener Voltage versus Zener Current(V Z Up to 12 V)Figure 9. Zener Voltage versus Zener Current(12 V to 91 V)SOD−123CASE 425−04ISSUE GDATE 07 OCT 2009SCALE 5:1NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSIY14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.DIM MIN NOM MAXMILLIMETERSINCHESA0.94 1.17 1.350.037A10. 1.40 1.80E 2.54 2.69 2.840.100---3.680.140L0.253.860.0100.0460.0020.0240.0630.1060.1450.0530.0040.0280.0710.1120.152MIN NOM MAX3.56H E---------0.006------------GENERICMARKING DIAGRAM**For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering andMounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT**This information is generic. Please refer to device datasheet for actual part marking. Pb−Free indicator, “G” ormicrodot “ G”, may or may not be present.XXX= Specific Device CodeM= Date CodeG= Pb−Free Package1STYLE 1:PIN 1. CATHODE2. ANODE0.910.036ǒmminchesǓSCALE 10:1------q001010°°°°(Note: Microdot may be in either location) MECHANICAL CASE OUTLINEPACKAGE DIMENSIONSON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.ON Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor theON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.ON Semiconductor owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of ON Semiconductor’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONTECHNICAL SUPPORTNorth American Technical Support:Voice Mail: 1 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 011 421 33 790 2910LITERATURE FULFILLMENT :Email Requests to:*******************ON Semiconductor Website: Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support:Phone: 00421 33 790 2910For additional information, please contact your local Sales RepresentativeMMSZ4686T1G MMSZ4686T1G.。



L-A1.0软件使用说明为了能够使您尽享本系统操作的方便快捷,请您详细阅读本说明:一、 系统安装说明:打开您的电脑,启动操作系统之后,将本系统光盘放入光驱,打开我的电脑,打开光盘,会显示带有软件名称的文件夹,双击打开该文件夹,点击运行SETUP 文件,您就可以根据中文提示安装本系统了。



若您使用的是通过USB 口传输的巡检器,请您在安装完本软件系统后再安装USB 驱动,详细的安装程序请参考USB 驱动安装说明。

二、 软件操作说明:(一)软件登录、注销1、登录双击巡更管理系统图标,软件起动后,会出现以下登录界面,选择权限,然后输入相对应的密码,系统管理员初始密码为333;操作员密码为222;浏览者密码为111。

只要输入正确,便可登录成功;登录界面如下图:2、注销 操作员的注销,即更换操作员,使新的操作员用新的权限登录。

注销方法(如下图),选择菜单“操作员 用户注销”来实现。

(二)资源设置 资源设置分五部分组成:人员钮设置、地点钮设置、事件设置、棒号设置、系统设置,每一部分的设置如下:1、系统设置:在第一次进入软件后,应首先对系统进行设置。




注:巡检器与电脑是用串口进行数据传输的,默认使用的串口号为COM1,巡检器与电脑是用USB 口传输的,默认使用的串口号为COM3(具体情况可到设备管理器中查询),在系统设置完毕后请重新登录巡更系统。

2、棒号设置: 在使用巡检器之前需要将巡检器的棒号输入到软件中,以便识别。





3、人员钮设置: 此选项用来对巡检人员进行设置,以便用于日后对巡检情况的查询。

LG Display(LG)液晶面板连接器型号清单--精电连接

LG Display(LG)液晶面板连接器型号清单--精电连接

15.6 31.5 47 42 50 50 50 50 12.5 55 7 23.8 17.3 19 19 10.1 31.5 42 60 42 42 42 55 14 14 50 50 15.6 60 14 42 47 17.1 15 55 47 13.3 55 27 42 31.5 55
KN38-30S-0.5H FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-R51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF GT05Q-40S-H10 FI-RE51S-HF AXE640124 IS100-L30O-C23 CABLINE-VS RECE ASS’Y IS100-L30D-C23 IS100-L30O-C23 FH19C-40S-0.5 FI-X30SSL-HF 1001-65131 1001-65131 TF06L-60S-0.5SH TF06L-60S-0.5SF TF06-60S-0.5SF FI-R51S-HF IS050-L40B-C10 IS050-L40B-C10 TF06L-50S-0.5SH FI-R51S-HF KN38-30S-0.5H FI-RE51S-HF CABLINE-VS RECE ASS’Y TF06L-50S-0.5SH FI-R51S-HF FI-XB30SRL-HF11 GT101-30S-HR11 FI-RE51S-HF FI-R51S-HF KN38-40S-0.5H FI-RE51S-HF IS050-C51B-C39-A FI-RE51S-HF FI-X30SSL-HF FI-RE51S-HF



Lowbeam Indicator Park Optional Fog
27W 10W 2x 55W
Park Indicator Lowbeam Highbeam
10W 27W 55W
Highbeam 65W
Lowbeam 55W
Indicator 27W
Left Front-Light
Right Front-Light
m n
Low-Side Driver
HITFET ™ BTS3110/18
BTS3134 BTS3160D
Interior Light
LED Driver
Basic LED Driver without Status
Basic LED Driver TLE424x
Power System ICs
C Smart Power C System Integration
– ABS/Airbag – Powertrain – Body
Infineon® Embedded Power ICs
C Single Package C Smart Power and
Controller Integration
System Basis Chip TLE826xE TLE826x-2E
Optional: DC/DC Regulator
Single or Dual High-Side Driver
32-bit Multicore/Lockstep

Series MSI-SR4B 技术数据手册说明书

Series MSI-SR4B 技术数据手册说明书

Technical dataBasic dataSeries MSI-SR4BFunctionsFunctions Automatic start/restartContactor monitoring (EDM)Cross circuit monitoringStart/restart interlock (RES), selectable Restart AutomaticManualCharacteristic parametersSIL 3 ,IEC 61508SILCL 3 ,IEC/EN 62061Performance Level (PL) e ,EN ISO 13849-1MTTF d73 years ,EN ISO 13849-1PFH D0.000000021 per hourPFH D2,1E-08 per hourPFH D, nop = 48000.0000000014 per hourPFH D, nop = 288000.0000000045 per hourPFH D, nop = 864000.000000015 per hourMission time T M20 years ,EN ISO 13849-1Category 4 ,EN ISO 13849STOP category0 ,IEC/EN 60204-1B10d at DC13 (inductive load)1,000,000 number of cyclesB10d at AC15 (inductive load)1,400,000 number of cyclesElectrical dataProtective circuit Fuse on switching output, upstream Continuous current per current path, max. 3 AInput current, max.100 mAExternal safeguarding for supply circuit200 mA delay-actionPermissible input line resistance, max.30 ΩPerformance dataSupply voltage U B24 V ,AC/DC ,-20 ... 20 %Current consumption, max.Without external loadPower consumption, max. 3 WOutputsNumber of safety-related switching outputs (OSSDs) 3 Piece(s)Safety-related switching outputsType Safety-related switching output OSSD Voltage type AC/DCSafety-related switching output 1Switching element Relay ,NOSafety-related switching output 2Switching element Relay ,NOSafety-related switching output 3Switching element Relay ,NOTimingResponse time10 msPickup delay, automatic start300 msPickup delay, manual start30 msRegression delay10 msTest pulse acceptance, max. 1 msTime window for signal sequence monitoring20 msConnectionNumber of connections 1 Piece(s) Connection 1Type of connection TerminalFunction Connection to deviceType of terminal Screw terminalNo. of pins16 -pinCable propertiesConnection cross sections0.2 to 2.5 mm²Mechanical dataDimension (W x H x L)22.5 mm x99 mm x114.1 mm Housing material Plastic ,PA66Electrical contact material Silver alloyNet weight170 gHousing color GrayType of fastening Snap-on mounting Mechanical life time10,000,000 actuation cyclesOperation and displayType of display LEDNumber of LEDs 4 Piece(s)Environmental dataAmbient temperature, operation0 ... 55 °CAmbient temperature, storage-25 ... 70 °CCertificationsDegree of protection IP 20 (terminals)IP 40 (housing)Protection class IICertifications c TÜV NRTL USc UL USTÜV SüdClassificationCustoms tariff number85371098*********27371819*********27371819ETIM 5.0EC001449ETIM 6.0EC001449Electrical connectionConnection 1Type of connection TerminalFunction Connection to deviceType of terminal Screw terminalNo. of pins16 -pinTerminal Assignment13Relay contact 1 IN23Relay contact 2 IN33Relay contact 3 IN41Signal contact INA1+24VS35Restart inputS33Sensor supply, contacts 24V OUTS22Sensor inputS12Sensor inputA20 VS34Restart automatic outputS31Sensor input14Relay contact 1 OUT24Relay contact 2 OUT34Relay contact 3 OUT42Signal contact INOperation and displayLEDsLED Display Meaning1Green, continuous light Supply voltage on2Green, continuous light Relay K1 picked up3Green, continuous light Relay K2 picked up4Yellow, continuous light Restart interlock locked。



这包含最后两个STARTER 版本以及附加的SINAMICS 支持包:这包含用于SINAMICS、SIMATIC ET200 FC 和MICROMASTER 4 变频器系统的STARTER 调试工具的版本V4.3 SP1。

该下载内容还包含“”文件中的附加SINAMICS 支持包:∙SSP SINAMICS V4.5∙SSP SINAMICS G120 V4.5∙SSP SINAMICS G120D V4.5∙SSP SINAMICS G120P BT V4.4.1∙SSP SINAMICS MV V4.5这些SSP 是在选择画面上选中这些复选框之后由STARTER 安装程序自动安装的。


不过,为获得合法授权,您应拥有STARTER 许可证证书(任意版本)。

如果您没有STARTER 许可证证书,也可以订购包括光盘上的许可证证书的当前版本STARTER。

订货号:6SL3072-0AA00-0AG0.STARTER V4.3 SP1 支持德语、英语、法语、西班牙语和意大利语。

重要事项:USS 协议在64 位Windows 7 操作系统上不可用。

因此,该STARTER 版本无法在Windows 7(64 位)上用固件版本为< V4.4 的MICROMASTER 或G120 设备(如果它们没有PROFIBUS/PROFINET 接口的话)。


支持以下变频器系统(相对于之前的STARTER V4.2 修补程序1 最近包括进来的版本用粗体标记):∙MICROMASTER 第四代∙SINAMICS DCM,带有固件V1.1、V1.2 和V1.3∙SIMATIC ET200S FC,带有固件V1.0.x 和V3.0.x∙SIMATIC ET200pro FC,带有固件V3.0.x∙SINAMICS G110,带有固件V1.0.x 和V1.1.x∙SINAMICS G110D,带有固件V3.3.x 和V3.4.x∙SINAMICS G120,带有固件V2.0.x、V2.1.x、V3.0.x、V3.1.x、V3.2.x、V4.2、V4.3.0、V4.3.2、V4.4 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS G120C,带有固件V4.4 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS G120D,带有固件V3.0.x、V3.1.x、V3.2.x 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS G120P,带有固件V4.2、V4.3.0、V4.3.2、V4.4 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS G120P BT,带有固件(带有SSP)V4.4.1∙SINAMICS G130,带有固件V2.1.x、V2.2.x、V2.3.x、V2.4.x、V2.5.1、V2.6.1 和V2.6.2∙SINAMICS G130,带有固件V4.3.1、V4.3.2、V4.4 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS G150,带有固件V2.1.x、V2.2.x、V2.3.x、V2.4.x、V2.5.1、V2.6.1 和V2.6.2∙SINAMICS G150,带有固件V4.3.1、V4.3.2、V4.4 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS GM150,带有固件V2.5.1、V2.6.1 和V2.6.2∙SINAMICS GM150,带有固件V4.3.1、V4.4.2 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS GL150,带有固件V2.5.1、V2.6.1 和V2.6.2∙SINAMICS GL150,带有固件V4.3.1、V4.4.2 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS S110,带有固件V4.1、V4.3.1、V4.3.2 和(带有SSP)V4.4 ∙SINAMICS S120,带有固件V2.1.x、V2.2.x、V2.3.x、V2.4.x、V2.5.1、V2.6.1 和V2.6.2∙SINAMICS S120,带有固件V4.3.1、V4.3.2、V4.4 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS S150,带有固件V2.1.x、V2.2.x、V2.3.x、V2.4.x、V2.5.1、V2.6.1 和V2.6.2∙SINAMICS S150,带有固件V4.3.1、V4.3.2、V4.4 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS SL150,带有固件V4.3.1、V4.4.2 和(带有SSP)V4.5∙SINAMICS SM120,带有固件V4.4.2∙SINAMICS MV,带有固件(带有SSP)V4.5有关支持的变频器系统的更多详细信息,请参见下面的Excel 概览。

SINAMICS S120 电柜模块说明书

SINAMICS S120 电柜模块说明书

SINAMICS S120 Cabinet ModulesThe modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applications /sinamics-s120cmSINAMICS to tackle any taskn Wide range of power ratings from fractional horsepower to 85 MWn Available in low-voltage and medium-voltage versionsn Standard and unified functionality as a result of the commonhardware and software platformn One standard engineering process using only two tools for everydrive we offer: SIZER for engineering and STARTER for parameterizingand commissioningn High degree of flexibility and combinabilityn Available as chassis or cabinet units23SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules — a finely scalable modular system Individuality through modularitySINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules are drive converters that can be engineered for a specific application using a modular principle. This modular system is especially suited for multi-motors with central line supply infeed and common DC bus. For example, these are typically found in industrial pumps, fans, compressors, paper machines, metal process lines, test stands, cranes, lifting equipment and more.Simple planning, simple serviceSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules offer simplicity and are very cost-efficient. From planning and procurement, through installation and commissioning, even to daily operation and service — SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules have become the most-accepted and reliable solution for many manufacturers around the globe. They offer an outstanding price-performance ratio and can beintegrated into any automation solution.Common DC bus4SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules The modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applicationsQuick and easy to the perfect driveThe modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applications SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules The ideal module combinationis simple to configureSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules — freely combinable modulesLine Connection Modules t o connect to the line supply: These include the line-side components such ascontactors, fuses and circuit breakers, as well as line reactors for applicationswithout regenerative feedback into the line supplyLine Modules for the infeed from the AC line to the DC busBasic Line Modules f or 2-quadrant operation if regenerative feedback into the line supply isnot requiredSmart Line Modules f or 4-quadrant operation if it makes sense to regenerate braking energy back intothe line supplyActive Line Modules f or 4-quadrant operation if, in addition to the regenerative feedback into the linesupply, the line harmonics are to be reduced to a minimum and voltage fluctuationsare to be compensatedCentral Braking Modules to electrically brake the motorMotor Modules to control the speed of the connected motorBooksize version for axes with low power ratingsChassis version for axes with high power ratingsAuxiliary Power Supply Modules for the auxiliary voltagePrepared, shipped and ready for connectionSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules have all of the connections and connecting elements required.Standardized interfaces for every version of the drive units help when it comes to connecting andanalyzing them. With a well-thought configuration, they are ready to be connected as soon asthey are received. Individual modules can be combined already at the factory to form pre-fabricatedtransport units with a length of up to 2400 mm. When prepared in this manner, they can becombined in the plant quickly and easily to create a total system.Installation is as simple as it gets — even large cable cross-sections can be connected easily. If thecomprehensive standard version isn’t sufficient, then a wide variety of options are available thathave been specifically developed to address the requirements of a multi-motor system.Whether with a unique DC link coupling or extended safety interfaces, SINAMICS S120 CabinetModules can be adapted to each and every requirement. Installation is also simplified as SINAMICSS120 Cabinet Modules are supplied in standard cabinets in a 200 mm grid dimension.5Rugged and straightforward provides you the highest degree of reliabilitySINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules are extremely reliable thanks to their rugged, straightforward design. A special mechanical cabinet design guarantees the endurance and strength and is supplemented, among other things, by the fact that all of the standard busbars as well as the electronic boards and modules are protected against environmental contaminants. This is achieved by using nickel-plated copper busbars along with coated boards and modules.It goes without saying that all of the components are subject to exhaustive checks during the entire productionprocess — from the production of individual parts up toready-to-connect cabinets. This guarantees impressive system availability and high functional safety during installation, commissioning and operation.SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules Available voltage ranges and services:Air-cooledLiquid-cooled 3AC 380 ... 480V 4.8–3000 kW 7.5–4000 hp 110–3000 kW 150–4000 hp 3AC 500 (690V)7.5–4000 kW 100–6000 hp150–4000 kW 125–7500 hpLine supply voltage V line supply / power ranges 3AC 380 ... 480 V 1.6 ... 3000 kW 4–4000 hp 1.6 ... 4500 kW 2–6000 hp 3AC 500 ... 690 V75 ... 4500 kW 100–6000 hp 75 ... 5700 kW100–7500 hpSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules The modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applicationsReliable and service-friendly —operational reliability over the long termService-friendly designSINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules have a compact design and are extremely service-friendly. Individual modules and power components are easily accessible and can be quickly replaced — further increasing plant and system availability.Integrated operational safety and reliabilityAll of the SINAMICS S120 Cabinet Modules were developed according to the specifications of the zone concept. This is why they provide the highest possible degree of operational reliability and safety. EMC measures have been implemented as a result. Partitions to guide and route the airflow and to maintain temperature levels were designed with the help of computer-aided simulation.Innovative liquid-cooling conceptFor drives in poorly ventilated spaces and operating under harsh environmental conditions — for example, onboard ships and industrial systems — the liquid-cooled version of SINAMICS S120 is the ideal solution. Liquid cooling allows heat to be dissipated far more efficiently, so that room climate control is not required. Energy consumption can also be significantly reduced as a result of liquid cooling’s low energy consumption.Low space requirement — simplified planning and mountingThe footprint of SINAMICS S120 C abinet Modules is up to50 % smaller than conventional units. Cabinet widths decrease in a 200 mm grid. For IP54 degree of protection,to further reduce maintenance costs — for example, when changing filter elements — liquid-cooled cabinets can be used. In many applications, additional costs can be saved by recovering heat. Here, the hot cooling water can be used for process heat, heating or hot water.7The modular and high-performance cabinet system for demanding applications SINAMICS S120 Cabinet ModulesDigitalization solutions for low-voltage drivesWhether virtualization and simulation, dimensioning and project planning, connectivity, data analysis or services — digitalization opens up more efficiency and reliability in planning, operation and maintenance. Get the most out of your drive data through digitalization. From digital twins, selection and engineering tools and connectivity solutions via analysis apps to data-based services — the Siemens digitalization portfolio for drives enables optimized development processes and needs-based maintenance planning and ensures higher productivity.Published bySiemens Industry, Inc.100 Technology Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005Order No. DRBR-S120CM-1221 Printed in USA© 12.2021 Siemens Industry, Inc. /motioncontrol This document contains only general descriptions or performance features, which do not always apply in the manner described in concrete application situations or may change as the products undergo further development. Performance features are valid only if they are formally agreed upon when the contract is closed. Siemens is a registered trademark of Siemens AG. Product names mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Specifications are subject to change without notice.。



液晶电视逻辑板维修培训逻辑板维修培训一( 逻辑板就是我们常说的:T-CON板、中控板、解压板、解码板,是液晶屏显示视频图像信号的关键部件;英文 : timing controller的缩写为T-CON中文:时序控制电路作用:控制PANEL时序动作的核心电路,控制扫描驱动电路何时启动,并将输入的视频信号(例如LVDS信号)转换成数据驱动电路所用的数据信号形式(例如mini-LVDS信号或RSDS信号),传递到数据驱动电路(COF IC),并控制数据驱动电路适时开启。


主要接入脚:1、从数字板传输过来的LVDS信号(包括:RGB基色信号、行同步信号、场同步信号、使能信号、时钟信号);2、格式脚,控制电压符号是:SELLVDS或LVDS OPTION,格式控制电压为高、低电平;3、屏供电多为12V或5V,现在屏多数是12V,如是全高清屏全部是12V 供电。

TCON板电路主要由几部分组成:1.TCON IC(必须的)2.GAMMA IC(必须的)3.PM IC (必须的)4.GPM IC(OPTION)5.LEVEL SHIFT IC(GOA屏专用)1把主板电路送来的LVDS信号转换为供液晶屏显示的栅极驱动信号及源极驱动信号。

完成LVDS到MINI LVDS的转换输出;同时输出Source/Gate Driver所需的各种控制时序.具体就是把主板送来的LVDS信号经过转换;产生向“栅极驱动电路”及“源极驱动电路”提供为进一步转换需要的各种控制信号(STV、CKV、STH、CKH、POL)及图像数据信号(RSDS)。

二( 原理T-CON板主要由五部分组成:1、栅极驱动电路(行驱动电路);2、源极驱动电路(列驱动电路)组成;3、时序控制电路(T-CON);4、DC—DC变换电路(为以上电路提供电压的开关电源电路);5、伽马校正电路(灰阶电压发生电路)。



ContentsDescriptionPage1..P roduct.Selection.Guide...................................................................................22..S ubmittal.Drawings (5)3-Phase Loadcenter Program2Technical.Data.TD00302001EEffective February 20143-Phase Loadcenter ProgramEATON CORPORATION 1. Product SelectionType BR 3-Phase LoadcentersService3-Phase, four-wire, 208Y/120 Vac 3-Phase, three-wire, 240 Vac Delta Short Circuit Rating Main Breaker Loadcenters10 kAIC using BR / CC / HLD main breakers 22 kAIC using BRH / DK main breakers 100 kAIC using CHH mainMain lug Loadcenters Up to 100 kAIC using series ratings.The rating of main lug only loadcenter is dependent on the lowest branch breaker AIC rating. Convertible Loadcenters 10 kAIC using BR / CC main breakers 22 kAIC using BRH main breakersBranch BreakersTypes BR, BRH, BRHH: 10-150A single, two, and three pole; selected amperage available in Switching Duty, HACR, shunt trip, and high magnetic settingsType GFCB ground fault circuit interrupter: 15–60A single and two-pole Type AFCI arc fault circuit interrupter: 15-20A single-poleTypes BJ and BJH: 125–225A; two- and three-pole sub-fed breakersType BD Twin: 10–50A; two of one-pole; takes one 1-inch (25.4 mm) spaceType BQ and BQC Multi-breaker: 15–30A. Two of two-pole or one two-pole and two one-pole; takes two 1-inch (25.4 mm) spaces Type BRW: 15–30A; two-pole water heater breakers Type BRSN: 15–30A; two-pole switching neutral breakers Type BR 15–100A; two-pole, 240 Vac delta breakers Enclosures Nema Type 1 Indoor/Nema Type 3R OutdoorNema 4x (Available via Flex Center 800-330-6479)Bussing Tin Plated Aluminum or Copper StandardsUL67Figure 1. Three Phase through 600A.3Technical.Data.TD00302001EEffective February 20143-Phase Loadcenter ProgramEATON CORPORATION Main Breaker, 3-Phase.208Y/120.Vac.or.240.Vac.–.Aluminum.BusMain Breaker TypeAmpere RatingCatalog Number IndoorCatalog Number OutdoorMax # of SpacesMax # of CircuitsBox SizeNema1 Nema 3R Wire Size Range CU/AL 60 C or 75 C for MainBR - 10 kAIC100A 3BR1224B1003BR1224B100R 1224C1C1R #4 – 1/0CC - 10 kAIC125A 3BR3042B1253BR3042B125R 3042L1L1R #4 – 2/0150A3BR3042B1503BR3042B150R 3042L L1R #1 – 3/0200A 3BR3042B2003BR3042B200R 3042L1L1R #1 – 250 MCM 3BR4242B2003BR4242B200R 4242L2L2R #1 – 250 MCM 225A3BR4242B2253BR4242B225R4242L2L2R #1 – 300 MCM DK - 22 kAIC 400A 3BR4242B400S 3BR4242B400R42422447(2) 3/0 – 250 kcmil HLD - 10 kAIC600A3BR4242B600S----424224(2) 3/0 – 500 kcmilMain Lug Only ,.3-Phase.208Y/120V.or.240.Vac.–.Aluminum.BusMainAmpere RatingCatalog Number IndoorCatalog Number OutdoorMax # of SpacesMax # of CircuitsBox SizeNema1 Nema 3RWire Size Range CU/AL 60 C or 75 C for Main125A 3BR1224L1253BR1224L125R 1224C1C1R #6 – 2/0150A3BR2442L1503BR2442L150R 2442D1D1R #1 – 300 MCM 200A3BR1224L2003BR1224L200R 1224C4C3R #1 – 300 MCM 3BR1836L2003BR1836L200R 18361943#1 – 300 MCM 3BR3042L2003BR3042L200R 3042G1G1R #1 – 300 MCM 3BR4242L2003BR4242L200R 4242L1L1R #1 – 300 MCM 225A 3BR4242L2253BR4242L225R4242L1L1R #1 – 300 MCM 400A 3BR4242L400S 3BR4242L400R42422246(1) 250 – 750 kcmil or (2) #3/0 – 250 kcmil 600A3BR4242L600S---424222(2) #2 – 500 kcmilConvertible,.3-Phase.208Y/120.Vac.or.240.VacMain Breaker TypeAmpere RatingBus MaterialCatalog Number* IndoorCatalog Number* OutdoorMax # of SpacesMax # of CircuitsBox SizeNema1 Nema 3RBR 100A Aluminum 3BR3030N1003BR3030N100R 3030D1D1R CC125AAluminum3BR1224N1253BR1224N125R1224C1C1R* Order main beaker kit or main lug kit separatelyMain Breaker Kits:Type BRMain Breaker Kit Catalog NumberBR310010 kAIC BRH310022 kAICType CCMain Breaker Kit Catalog NumberCC3100N 10 kAICCC3125N CC3150N CC3175N CC3200N CC3225NGround Bar KitCatalog NumberGBK5 5 POS #14–4GBK520 5 POS #14–4 + (1) 2/0 POS GBK1010 POS #14–4GBK102010 POS 14–4 + (1) 2/0 POS GBK1414 POS 14–4GBK142014 POS #14–4 + (1) 2/0 POS GBK2121 POS #14–4GBK212021 POS #14–4 + (1) 2/0 POSMain Lug Kits Only:Main Lug Kit Catalog Number3BRSF150Note: Additional product selection is available in the Eaton catalog.4Technical.Data.TD00302001EEffective February 20143-Phase Loadcenter ProgramEATON CORPORATION 3-Phase − Main Lug Loadcenters − Copper Bus Main Ampere RatingMaximum Number 1-inch (24.5 mm) SpacesCircuitsCatalog Number IndoorCatalog Number OutdoorBox SizeNema1 Nema 3RWire Size Range CU/AL 60 C or 75 C for Main125A 12243BR1224LC1253BR1224LC125R C1C1R #6 – 3/0150A 24423BR2442LC1503BR2442LC150R D1D1R #4 – 300 MCM 200A 12243BR1224LC2003BR1224LC200R C4C3R #4 – 300 MCM 200A 30423BR3042LC2003BR3042LC200R G1G1R #4 – 300 MCM 200A 42423BR4242LC2003BR4242LC200R L1L1R #4 – 300 MCM 225A 42423BR4242LC2253BR4242LC225R L1L1R #4 – 300 MCM 400A 42423BR4242LC400S 3BR4242BC400R 2447(2) 3/0 - 250 MCM 600A42423BR4242LC600SN/A24N/A(2) 3/0 - 500MCM3-Phase − Main Circuit Breaker Loadcenters − Copper Bus Main Breaker TypeMain Ampere RatingMaximum Number 1-inch (24.5 mm) Spaces CircuitsCatalog NumberIndoorCatalog Number OutdoorBox SizeNema1 Nema 3RWire Size Range CU/AL 60 C or 75 C for MainBR 10 KAIC 10012243BR1224BC1003BR1224BC100R C1C1R #14 – 1/0CC 10 KAIC 15030423BR3042BC1503BR3042BC150R L1L1R #6 – 4/0CC 10 KAIC 20042423BR4242BC2003BR4242BC200R L2L2R #4 – 300 MCM CC 10 KAIC 22542423BR4242BC2253BR4242BC225R L2L2R #4 – 300 MCM DK 22 KAIC 40042423BR4242BC400S 3BR4242BC400R 2447(2) 3/0 - 250 MCM HLD 10 KAIC60042423BR4242BC600SN/A24N/A(2) 3/0 - 500MCM2. Accessories*Accessories for branch circuit breakers Auxiliary components, lockoffs, hold-down kits, lockdogs, handle ties.Sub-feed devices Main and sub-feed lugs 125,150, 225A two and three pole. Shunt trips available.Surge protection SPD Type 1 devices available for 208Y/120 Vac loadcenters Universal rainproof conduit hubsSmall Hub - Group 1 : 3/4, 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2, 2 inches Large Hub - Group 2: 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3 inches Adapter kits available*rmation..5Technical.Data.TD00302001EEffective February 20143-Phase Loadcenter ProgramEATON CORPORATION DimensionsApproximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)Commercial Loadcenter Unit Enclosures—Box Sizesote:N Box sizes do not include covers/fronts.Loadcenters—NEMA T ype 1 IndoorBox SizeHeightWidthDepthC121.00 (533.4) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4)C427.00 (685.8)14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4)D129.13 (739.8)14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4)G134.13 (866.8)14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4)L139.00 (990.6)14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4)L245.00 (1143.0)14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4)1944.00 (1117.6)16.16 (410.4) 6.25 (158.8)2044.00 (1117.6)16.16 (410.4) 6.25 (158.8)2254.00 (1371.6)16.22 (412.0) 6.31 (160.3)2466.50 (1689.1)16.22 (412.0) 6.31 (160.3)A 38.00 (965.2)18.13 (460.4) 5.00 (127.0)B 44.00 (1117.6)18.13 (460.4) 5.00 (127.0)C66.50 (1689.1)18.13 (460.4)6.25 (158.8)Loadcenters—NEMA T ype 3R OutdoorBox SizeHeightWidthDepthD1R 29.13 (739.8)14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8)G1R 34.13 (866.8)14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8)L1R 39.00 (990.6)14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8)L2R 45.00 (1143.0)14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8)C1R 21.00 (533.4)14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8)C3R 25.00 (635.0)14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8)4238.00 (965.2)16.31 (414.3) 6.38 (161.9)4344.00 (1117.6)16.31 (414.3) 6.38 (161.9)4654.00 (1371.6)16.31 (414.3) 6.38 (161.9)4766.56 (1690.7)16.31 (414.3)6.38 (161.9)Approximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)Residential Loadcenter KnockoutsKnockouts for Box Sizes C4, D1, G1, L1, L2, C1R, C3R, D1R, G1R, L1R, L2RCodeDiameterA 0.50 (12.7)0.75 (19.1)———B 0.50 (12.7)————C0.50 (12.7) 1.25 (31.8) 1.50 (38.1) 2.00 (50.8) 2.50 (63.5)D 1.25 (31.8) 1.25 (31.8) 2.00 (50.8) 2.50 (63.5)—E 0.50 (12.7)0.75 (19.1) 1.00 (25.4)——F 0.50 (12.7)0.75 (19.1) 1.00 (25.4) 1.50 (38.1) 2.00 (50.8)G 1.25 (31.8) 1.50 (38.1) 2.00 (50.8)——H 0.50 (12.7)0.75 (19.1) 1.00 (25.4) 1.25 (31.8) 1.50 (38.1)I 1.00 (25.4) 1.25 (31.8) 1.50 (38.1) 2.00 (50.8) 2.50 (63.5)J1.00 (25.4)1.25 (31.8)1.50 (38.1)——Residential NEMA T ype 1 Indoor and NEMA T ype 3R Outdoor EnclosuresOutdoor BoxesB1R, B2R, C1R, C3R, D1R,G1R, L1R, L2RIndoor BoxesC1, C2, C4, D1, G1, L1, L2Submittal DrawingsEaton1000.Eaton.Boulevard Cleveland,.OH.44122 United.States877-ETN-CARE.(877-386-2273) ©.2014.EatonAll.Rights.Reserved A Publication.No..TD00302001E respective.owners.Technical.Data.TD00302001EEffective February 20143-Phase Loadcenter ProgramApproximate Dimensions in Inches (mm)Commercial Loadcenter KnockoutsNEMA T ype 1 Indoor Commercial EnclosuresKnockouts for Box Sizes 19, 20, 22, 24Code DiameterA0.50 (12.7)———B0.50 (12.7)0.75 (19.1)——C0.75 (19.1) 1.00 (25.4) 1.50 (38.1)—D 1.50 (38.1) 2.00 (50.8) 2.50 (63.5) 3.00 (76.2)E 2.00 (50.8) 2.50 (63.5) 3.00 (76.2)—F 2.50 (63.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.50 (88.9)—NEMA T ype 3R Outdoor Commercial Enclosures Knockouts for Box Sizes 42, 43, 46, 47Code DiameterA0.50 (12.7)———B0.50 (12.7)0.75 (19.1)——C0.75 (19.1) 1.00 (25.4) 1.25 (31.8)—D 1.50 (38.1) 2.00 (50.8) 2.50 (63.5)—E 2.00 (50.8) 2.50 (63.5) 3.00 (76.2)—F 2.50 (63.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.50 (88.9)—G 1.25 (31.8) 1.50 (38.1) 2.00 (50.8) 2.50 (63.5)H 3.25 (82.6) Sq.——Indoor Commercial Enclosures Outdoor Commercial EnclosuresBox 19, 20Box 42。



LC420EUN42.0”WUXGA TFT LCDTitleMODELGeneralBUYER *When you obtain standard approval,please use the above model name without suffixLC420EUN*MODEL SDV1 (RoHS Verified)SUFFIXLG Display Co., Ltd.SUPPLIER SPECIFICATIONFOR APPROVALPlease return 1 copy for your confirmation withyour signature and comments.///SIGNATUREDATEAPPROVED BY))((Final Specification●Preliminary SpecificationAPPROVED BY SIGNATUREDATEP.Y. Kim / Team LeaderREVIEWED BYY.J. Heo / Project LeaderPREPARED BYY.M.Cho / EngineerTV Product Development Dept.LG Display Co., Ltd.LC420EUNCONTENTSNumber ITEM Page COVER1CONTENTS2RECORD OF REVISIONS31GENERAL DESCRIPTION42ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS53ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS6 3-1ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS6 3-2INTERFACE CONNECTIONS8 3-3SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONS12 3-4LVDS SIGNAL SPECIFICATIONS13 3-5COLOR DATA REFERENCE16 3-6POWER SEQUENCE174OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS195MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS236RELIABILITY267INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS27 7-1SAFETY27 7-2EMC27 7-3Environment278PACKING28 8-1INFORMATION OF LCM LABEL28 8-2PACKING FORM289PRECAUTIONS29 9-1MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS29 9-2OPERATING PRECAUTIONS30 9-3ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROL30 9-4PRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSURE30 9-5STORAGE30 9-6HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECTION FILM30LC420EUNUpdate the Mechanical specification 21, 29Nov, 11, 20100.2Update the Electrical specification 5, 6Update Power sequence 15Update Optical specification 17Jan, 27, 20111.0Appendix white uniformity 37Final SpecificationChange the Timing table 10Preliminary Specification(First Draft) -Sep, 10, 20100.1DescriptionPageRevision DateRevision No.RECORD OF REVISIONSLC420EUN1. General DescriptionThe LC420EUN is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display with an integral Light Emitting Diode (LED) back light s ystem. T he m atr ix employs a-Si Thin Film Transistor as the active element. It is a transmissive display type which is operating in the normally black mode. It has a 42.02 inch diagonally measured active display area with WUXGA resolution (1080 vertical by 1920 horizontal pixel array). Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arrayed in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the luminance of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 8-bit gray scale signal for each dot. Therefore, it can present a palette of more than 16.7Million colors.It has been designed to apply the 8-bit 2-port LVDS interface.It is intended to support LCD TV, PCTV where high brightness, super wide viewing angle, high color gamut, high color depth and fast response time are important.H : 2BlockV : 3BlockGeneral FeaturesLC420EUNThe following items are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or permanent damage to the LCD module.2. Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1. Ambient temperature condition (Ta = 25 ±2 °C )2. Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. Wet bulb temperature should be Max 39°C, and no condensation of water.3. Gravity mura can be guaranteed below 40°C condition.4. The maximum operating temperatures is based on the test condition that the surface temperatureof display area is less than or equal to 68°C with LCD module alone in a temperature controlled chamber.Thermal management should be considered in final product design to prevent the surface temperature of display area from being over 68℃. The range of operating temperature may be degraded in case of improper thermal management in final product design.90%1020304050607080-2001020304050Dry Bulb Temperature [°C ]Wet BulbTemperature [°C ]StorageOperationH u m i d i t y [(%)R H ]10%40%60%60NoteLC420EUN3. Electrical Specifications 3-1. Electrical CharacteristicsIt requires two power inputs. One is employed to power for the LCD circuit. The other Is used for the LED backlight and LED Driver circuit.Table 2. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS1. The specified current and power consumption are under the V LCD =12.0V, Ta=25 ±2°C, f V =60Hzcondition whereas mosaic pattern(8 x 6) is displayed and f V is the frame frequency.2. The current is specified at the maximum current pattern.3. The duration of rush current is about 2ms and rising time of power input is 0.5ms (min.).4. Ext_PWM signal have to input available duty range and sequence.After Driver ON signal is applied, Ext_PWM should be sustained from 5% to 100% more than 500ms. After that, Ext_PWM 1% and 100% is possibleFor more information, please see 3-6-2. Sequence for LED Driver.Mosaic Pattern(8 x 6)White : 255 Gray Black : 0 GrayNoteLC420EUNTable 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue)Notes :1. Electrical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stable for approximately 60minutes at 25±2°C. The specified current and power consumption are under the typical supply Input voltage 24V and V BR(Ext V BR-B: 100%), it is total power consumption.2. The life time (MTTF) is determined as the time which luminance of the LED is 50% compared to that of initialvalue at the typical LED current (ExtVBR-B :100%) on condition of continuous operating in LCM state at 25±2°C.3. The duration of rush current is about 200ms. This duration is applied to LED on time.4. Even though inrush current is over the specified value, there is no problem if I2T spec of fuse is satisfied.LC420EUN3-2. Interface ConnectionsThis LCD module employs two kinds of interface connection, 51-pin connector is used for the module electronics and 14-pin connector is used for the integral backlight system.3-2-1. LCD Module-LCD Connector(CN1): FI-R51S-HF(manufactured by JAE) or compatible-Mating Connector : FI-R51HL(JAE) or compatibleNote 1. All GND(ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. All V LCD(power input) pins should be connected together.3. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644Standard.4. #1~#6 & #9 NC (No Connection): These pins are used only for LGD (Do not connect)5. Specific pins(pin No. #10) are used for Scanning function of the LCD module.If not used, these pins are no connection. (Please see the Appendix VI for more information.)6. Specific pin No. #44is used for “No signal detection”of system signal interface.It should be GND for NSB(No Signal Black) during the system interface signal is not.If this pin is “H”, LCD Module displays AGP(Auto Generation Pattern).LC420EUN3-2-2. Backlight ModuleTable 5. LED DRIVER CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGURATION◆Rear view of LCM<Master>Pin No SymbolDescriptionNote1V BL Power Supply +24.0V 2V BL Power Supply +24.0V 3V BL Power Supply +24.0V 4V BL Power Supply +24.0V 5V BL Power Supply +24.0V 6GND Backlight Ground 17GND Backlight Ground 8GND Backlight Ground 9GND Backlight Ground 10GND Backlight Ground 11Status Back Light Status 212V ON/OFF Backlight ON/OFF control 13NC Don’t care 14NCDon’t careNotes :1. GND should be connected to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. Normal : Low (under 0.7V) / Abnormal : High (upper3.0V) 3. Each impedance of pin #12 and 14 is over 50 [K Ω] .Master-LED Driver Connector: 20022WR -H14B1(Yeonho) or Equivalent -Mating Connector: 20022HS -14B2(Yeonho)or EquivalentLC420EUN3-3. Signal Timing SpecificationsTable 6 shows the signal timing required at the input of the LVDS transmitter. All of the interface signal timings should be satisfied with the following specification for normal operation.Table 6. TIMING TABLE (DE Only Mode)Note:1. The input of HSYNC & VSYNC signal does not have an effect on normal operation (DE Only Mode).If you use spread spectrum of EMI, add some additional clock to minimum value for clock margin.2. The performance of the electro-optical characteristics may be influenced by variance of the verticalrefresh rate and the horizontal frequency※Timing should be set based on clock frequency.LC420EUNProduct Specification 3-4. LVDS Signal Specification3-4-1. LVDS Input Signal Timing DiagramDE, Data0.7VDD 0.3VDDtCLKDCLK0.5 VDDValid data First data Invalid dataPixel 0,0 Pixel 2,0Invalid dataValid data Second data Invalid dataPixel 1,0 Pixel 3,0Invalid dataDE(Data Enable)tHV tHP 1DE(Data Enable)1080tVVtVPVer. 1.011 /37LC420EUNProduct Specification3-4-2. LVDS Input Signal Characteristics 1) DC SpecificationLVDS -LVDS+V CM # V CM = {( LVDS +) + ( LVDS - )} /2 0VV IN _ MAXV IN _ MINDescription LVDS Common mode Voltage LVDS Input Voltage Range Change in common mode Voltage 2) AC SpecificationSymbol VCM VIN ΔVCMMin 1.0 0.7 -Max 1.5 1.8 250Unit V V mVNote -Tclk LVDS ClockALVDS DatatSKEW tSKEW( F clk = 1/T clk )ATclk80%LVDS 1’st Clock LVDS 2nd / 3rd / 4th Clock20% tRFtSKEW_min tSKEW_maxDescription LVDS Differential Voltage LVDS Clock to Data Skew LVDS Clock/DATA Rising/Falling time Effective time of LVDS LVDS Clock to Clock Skew (Even to Odd) High Threshold Low ThresholdSymbol VTH VTL tSKEW tRF teff tSKEW_EOMin 100 -300 260 |±360| -Max 300 -100 |(0.25*Tclk)/7| |(0.3*Tclk)/7| |1/7* Tclk|Unit mV mV ps ps ps psNote 3 2 -Note 1. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644 Standard. 2. If tRF isn’t enough, teff should be meet the range. 3. LVDS Differential Voltage is defined within teffVer. 1.0 12 /37LC420EUNProduct Specification360ps 0.5tui V+ data tuiVTH Vcm VTLVdata360ps teffV+ clktui : Unit IntervalVcmVclkVer. 1.013 /37LC420EUNProduct Specification 3-5. Color Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color(red,green,blue) is based on the 8-bit gray scale data input for the color the higher the binary input, the brighter the color. The table below provides a reference for color versus data input. Table 7. COLOR DATA REFERENCEInput Color Data Color RED MSB LSB MSB GREEN LSB MSB BLUE LSBR7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0Black Red (255) Green (255) 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 ... 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G00 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 ... 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B00 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 00 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0Basic ColorBlue (255) Cyan Magenta Yellow White RED (000) RED (001)RED... RED (254) RED (255) GREEN (000) GREEN (001)0 0 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 ...0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 ...0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0GREEN... GREEN (254) GREEN (255) BLUE (000) BLUE (001)0 1 0 1 0 0 0 01 1 0 01 1 0 01 1 0 0 ...1 1 0 01 1 0 01 1 0 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 ...0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 1BLUE... BLUE (254) BLUE (255)0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 1Ver. 1.014 /37LC420EUNProduct Specification3-6. Power Sequence3-6-1. LCD Driving circuit90%90% 10% T8 T2 30% T5 10%Power Supply For LCD VLCD0V10% T1Valid DataVcm : LVDS Common mode VoltageInterface Signal (Tx_clock)0V 100% T6 T3 T4User Control Signal (LVDS_select, OPC Enable) Power for LEDT7LED ONTable 8. POWER SEQUENCEValue Parameter Min T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 0.5 0 200 200 1.0 0.5 100 Typ Max 20 T2 ms ms ms ms s ms s ms 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 Unit NotesNote :1. Even though T1 is over the specified value, there is no problem if I2T spec of fuse is satisfied. 2. If T2 is satisfied with specification after removing LVDS Cable, there is no problem. 3. The T3 / T4 is recommended value, the case when failed to meet a minimum specification, abnormal display would be shown. There is no reliability problem. 4. T5 should be measured after the Module has been fully discharged between power off and on period. 5. If the on time of signals (Interface signal and user control signals) precedes the on time of Power (VLCD), it will be happened abnormal display. When T6 is NC status, T6 doesn’t need to be measured. 6. If there is no abnormal display, no problem. 7. It is recommendation specification that T8 has to be 100ms as a minimum value. ※ Please avoid floating state of interface signal at invalid period. ※ When the power supply for LCD (VLCD) is off, be sure to pull down the valid and invalid data to 0V. 15 /37Ver. 1.0LC420EUNProduct Specification3-6-2. Sequence for LED Driver Power Supply For LED Driver24V (typ.) 90% 90%VBL10% 0VT1 VON/OFFT2T3LED ONExtVBR-BT4T63-6-3. Dip condition for LED DriverT5 VBL : 24VVBL(Typ.) x 0.8 0V Table 9. Power Sequence for LED DriverParameter T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Values Min 20 500 10 0 500 Typ Max 10 Units ms ms ms ms ms ms VBL(Typ) x 0.8 2 Remarks 1Notes : 1. T1 describes rising time of 0V to 24V and this parameter does not applied at restarting time. Even though T1 is over the specified value, there is no problem if I2T spec of fuse is satisfied. 2. In T6 section, ExtVBR-B should be sustained from 5% to 100% .Ver. 1.0 16 /37LC420EUNProduct Specification4. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’ and stable in a dark environment at 25±2°C. The values are specified at 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of Φ and θ equal to 0 °. FIG. 1 shows additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method. Optical Stage(x,y) LCD Module Pritchard 880 or equivalent50cm FIG. 1 Optical Characteristic Measurement Equipment and MethodTa= 25±2°C, VLCD=12.0V, fV=60Hz, Dclk=74.25MHz, EXTVBR-B =100% Value Min 1000 290 5P Typ 1400 360 6 8 0.637 0.341 0.325 Typ -0.03 0.600 0.152 0.051 0.279 0.292 10,000 68 x axis, right(φ=0°) x axis, left (φ=180°) y axis, up (φ=90°) y axis, down (φ=270°) Gray Scale θr θl θu θd 89 89 89 89 7 degree 6 K % Typ +0.03 Max 1.3 9 12 ms cd/m2 Unit Note 1 2 3 4 5Table 10. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameter Contrast Ratio Surface Luminance, white Luminance Variation Response Time Variation Gray to Gray (BW) RED GREEN BLUE WHITE Color Temperature Color Gamut Viewing Angle (CR>10) Symbol CR LWH δ WHITE G to G σ G to G BW Rx Ry Gx Gy Bx By Wx WyColor Coordinates [CIE1931]Ver. 1.017 /37LC420EUNProduct SpecificationNote : 1. Contrast Ratio(CR) is defined mathematically as : CR(Contrast Ratio) = Maximum CRn (n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Surface Luminance at position n with all white pixels CRn = Surface Luminance at position n with all black pixels n = the Position number(1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For more information, see FIG 2. 2. Surface luminance are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’ and 1 Hour after lighting the backlight in a dark environment at 25±2°C. Surface luminance is the luminance value at center 1-point across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying white. For more information see the FIG. 2. 3. The variation in surface luminance , δ WHITE is defined as : δ WHITE(5P) = Maximum(Lon1,Lon2, Lon3, Lon4, Lon5) / Minimum(Lon1,Lon2, Lon3, Lon4, Lon5) Where Lon1 to Lon5 are the luminance with all pixels displaying white at 5 locations . For more information, see the FIG. 2. 4. Response time is the time required for the display to transit from any gray to white (Rise Time, TrR) and from any gray to black (Decay time, TrD). For additional information see the FIG. 3. ※ G to GBW Spec stands for average value of all measured points. Photo Detector : RD-80S / Field : 2 ° 5. G to G σ is Variation of Gray to Gray response time composing a picture G to G (σ) =√Σ(Xi- u)2 NXi = Individual Data u = Data average N : The number of Data6. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The angles are determined for the horizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to the LCD module surface. For more information, see the FIG. 4. 7. Gray scale specification Gamma Value is approximately 2.2. For more information, see the Table 11. Table 11. GRAY SCALE SPECIFICATIONGray Level L0 L15 L31 L47 L63 L79 L95 L111 L127 L143 L159 L175 L191 L207 L223 L239 L255 Ver. 1.0 Luminance [%] (Typ) 0.07 0.27 1.04 2.49 4.68 7.66 11.5 16.1 21.6 28.1 35.4 43.7 53.0 63.2 74.5 86.7 100 18 /37LC420EUNProduct SpecificationMeasuring point for surface luminance & measuring point for luminance variation.H A② ①B V③④⑤A : H / 4 mm B : V / 4 mm @ H,V : Active AreaFIG. 2 5 Points for Luminance MeasureResponse time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray(N)” and “Gray(M)”.T rR 100 90T rDOptical Response10 0 Gray(N) Gray(M) N,M = Black~White, N<M FIG. 3 Response Time Gray(N)Ver. 1.019 /37LC420EUNProduct SpecificationDimension of viewing angle rangeNormal E Y φ = 90 ° , Upφ = 180 ° , Leftθ φφ = 0 ° , Rightφ = 270 ° , DownFIG. 4 Viewing AngleVer. 1.020 /37LC420EUNTable 12 provides general mechanical characteristics.5. Mechanical CharacteristicsTable 12. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote : Please refer to a mechanical drawing in terms of tolerance at the next page.ItemValueOutline DimensionHorizontal968.4 mm Vertical 564.0 mm Depth 18.3 mm Bezel AreaHorizontal938.4 mm Vertical 531.0 mm Active Display AreaHorizontal930.24mm Vertical523.26 mmWeight8.8Kg (Typ.), 9.3 kg (Max.)LC420EUN[ FRONT VIEW ]LC420EUN[ REAR VIEW ]LC420EUN6. ReliabilityTable 13. ENVIRONMENT TEST CONDITIONNote : Before and after Reliability test, LCM should be operated with normal function.LC420EUN7. International Standards 7-3. Environmenta) RoHS, Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 27 January 20037-2. EMCa) ANSI C63.4 “American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-NoiseEmissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.”American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 2003.b) CISPR 22 “Information technology equipment –Radio disturbance characteristics –Limit and methods of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), 2005.c) CISPR 13 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment –Radio disturbance characteristics –Limits and method of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), 2006.7-1. Safetya) UL 60065, Seventh Edition, Underwriters Laboratories Inc.Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.b) CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60065:03, Canadian Standards Association.Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.c) EN 60065:2002 + A11:2008, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.d) IEC 60065:2005 + A1:2005, The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.(Including report of IEC60825-1:2001 clause 8 and clause 9)Notes1. Laser (LED Backlight) InformationClass 1M LED Product IEC60825-1 : 2001Embedded LED Power (Class 1)2. Caution : LED inside.Class 1laser (LEDs) radiation when open.Do not open while operating.LC420EUNa) Lot MarkABCDEFGHIJKLMb) Location of Lot Mark2. MONTHSerial NO. is printed on the label. The label is attached to the backside of the LCD module.This is subject to change without prior notice.8-2. Packing FormBNov MarkMonth AOct 6Jun 7Jul 8Aug 9Sep 4Apr 5May C321Dec Mar Feb Jan 8. PackingA,B,C : SIZE(INCH) D : YEARE : MONTHF ~ M : SERIAL NO.8-1. Information of LCM Labela) Package quantity in one Pallet : 16 pcsb) Pallet Size : 1140 mm(W) X 990 mm(D) X 120 mm(H)Note1. YEARMarkYear K2020F2016G2017H2018J2019D2014E2015CBA201320122011LC420EUN9. PrecautionsPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCD module.9-1. Mounting Precautions(1) You must mount a module using specified mounting holes (Details refer to the drawings).(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. Twisted stress) is not applied to themodule. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so that external force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the polarizer.Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the formergenerates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter causes circuit break by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with glass,tweezers or anything harder than HBpencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical treatment.Do not touch the surface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth.(Some cosmetics are detrimental to the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materials likechamois soaks with petroleum benzine. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front / rear polarizers. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol because they cause chemical damage to the polarizer(8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causesdeformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength.9-2. Operating Precautions(1) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage:V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(2) Response time depends on the temperature.(In lower temperature, it becomes longer.)(3) Brightness depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.)And in lower temperature, response time(required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomes longer(4) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature change.Condensation makes damage to polarizer orelectrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur.(5) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnant image is likely to occur.(6) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic interference shall bedone by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimized the interference.(7) Please do not give any mechanical and/or acoustical impact to LCM. Otherwise, LCM can’t be operatedits full characteristics perfectly.(8) A screw which is fastened up the steels should be a machine screw.(if not, it can causes conductive particles and deal LCM a fatal blow)(9)Please do not set LCD on its edge.(10) The conductive material and signal cables are kept away from LED driver inductor to prevent abnormaldisplay, sound noise and temperature rising.LC420EUN9-3. Electrostatic Discharge ControlSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wrist band etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4. Precautions for Strong Light ExposureStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5. StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep the temperaturebetween 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity.(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other object.It is recommended that they be stored in the container in which they were shipped.(3) Storage condition is guaranteed under packing conditions.(4) The phase transition of Liquid Crystal in the condition of the low or high storage temperature will berecovered when the LCD module returns to the normal condition.9-6. Handling Precautions for Protection Film(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking tape.When the protection film is peeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and polarizer.This should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains a verysmall amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on the bezel surface or its vestige is recognized,please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with normal-hexane.Product Specification29/37LC420EUNVer. 1.0# APPENDIX-I ■Pallet Ass’yPAPER ANGLE.COVER 9NO.DESCRIPTION MATERIAL1LCD Module 2BAG 42INCH3TAPE MASKING 20MMX50M 4PALLETPlastic 1140X990X120mm 5PACKING,BOTTOM EPS 6PACKING,TOP EPS 7ANGLE,PACKING PAPER 8BANDPP 10BAND,CLIP STEEL or PP 11LABELYUPO 80G 100X70LC420EUN■LCM Label# APPENDIX-II-1ModelUL, TUV MarkLGD LogoUS PATENT No.OriginLC420EUN# APPENDIX-II-2■Pallet LabelLC420EUN# APPENDIX-III-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7= “L”or “NC”)Note: 1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS Transmitter Data Sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD103 or Compatible)3. ‘9’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data.LC420EUN# APPENDIX-III-2■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7= “H”)Note :1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS Transmitter Data Sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD103 or Compatible)3. ‘9’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data.。

16位数智能温度控制器 E5CN 产品说明书

16位数智能温度控制器 E5CN 产品说明书

Digital Temperature ControllersE5CNCompact and Intelligent TemperatureControllersVarious temperature inputs: thermocouple, plati-num resistance thermometer, non-contact temper -ature sensor, and analog inputs.Auto-tuning and self-tuning available. Auto-tuning is possible even while self-tuning is being executed.Heating or heating/cooling control is available.Event input allows multiple SP selection and run/stop function.Water-resistant construction (NEMA4X: equivalent to IP66).Conforms to UL, CSA, and IEC safety standards aswell as CE marking.48(W) x 48(H) x 78(D) mm2.The heating and cooling function is available for models with two alarm points.3.Specify the power supply specifications when ordering.The E5CN provides communications or event input functionality when mounted with one of the following Option Units.NameModelFunctionCommunications Unit E53-CNH03 (For relay and voltage output)RS-485 communication and heater burnout alarmCo u ca o s U E53-CN03 (For current output)RS-485 communicationEvent Input Unit E53-CNHB (For relay and voltage output)Event input and heater burnout alarme u U E53-CNB (For current output)Event inputNote:The heater burnout alarm is available by mounting the E53-CNH03 or E53-CNHB Option Unit on the E5CN.Model E54-CT1E54-CT3Hole diameter5.8 dia.12.0 dia.Model E53-COV10Note:The Terminal Cover comes with the E5CN and does not have to be purchased separately .Platinum Resistance Thermometer Input/Thermocouple InputApplicable standards by input type are as follows:K, J, T, E, N, R, S, B: JIS C1602-1995L: Fe-CuNi, DIN 43710-1985U: Cu-CuNi, DIN 43710-1985JPt100: JIS C1604-1989, JIS C1606-1989Pt100: JIS C1604-1997, IEC751Shaded ranges indicate default settings.RatingsSupply voltage100 to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz24 V AC, 50/60 Hz/24 VDCOperating voltage range85% to 110% of rated supply voltagePower consumption7 V A 4 V A/3 WSensor input Thermocouple: K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, BPlatinum resistance thermometer:Pt100, JPt100Non-contact temperature sensor:10 to 70_C, 60 to 120_C, 115 to 165_C, 160 to 260_CV oltage input: 0 to 50 mVControl outputControl output Relay output SPST-NO, 250 V AC, 3 A (resistive load), electrical life: 100,000 operationsV oltage output12 VDC (PNP), max. load current: 21 mA, with short-circuit protection circuitCurrent output 4 to 20 mA DC, load: 600 Ω max., resolution: approx. 2,600Alarm output SPST-NO, 250 V AC, 1 A (resistive load), electrical life: 100,000 operationsControl method2-PID or ON/OFF controlSetting method Digital setting using front panel keysIndication method7-segment digital display and single-lighting indicatorCharacter height: PV: 9.9 mm; SV: 6.4 mmOther functions According to Controller modelAmbient temperature–10 to 55_C (with no condensation or icing)Ambient humidity25% to 85%Storage temperature–25 to 65_C (with no condensation or icing)CharacteristicsIndication accuracy Thermocouple:(±0.5% of indicated value or ±1_C, whichever greater) ±1 digit max. (see note )Platinum resistance thermometer:(±0.5% of indicated value or ±1_C, whichever greater) ±1 digit max.Analog input: ±0.5% FS±1 digit max.CT input: ±5% FS±1 digit max.Hysteresis0.1 to 999.9 EU (in units of 0.1 EU)Proportional band (P)0.1 to 999.9 EU (in units of 0.1 EU)Integral time (I)0 to 3999 s (in units of 1 s)Derivative time (D)0 to 3999 s (in units of 1 s)Control period 1 to 99 s (in units of 1 s)Manual reset value0.0% to 100.0% (in units of 0.1%)Alarm setting range-1999 to 9999 (decimal point position depends on input type)Sampling period500 msInsulation resistance20 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC)Dielectric strength2000 V AC, 50 or 60 Hz for 1min (between dif ferent charging terminals)V ibration resistance10 to 55 Hz, 10 m/s2 for 2 hours each in X, Y and Z directionsShock resistance300 m/s2, 3 times each in 3 axes, 6 directions (relay: 100 m/s2)Weight Approx. 150 g Mounting bracket: Approx. 10 gProtective structure Front panel: NEMA4X for indoor use (equivalent to IP66), rear case: IP20, terminals: IP00Memory protection EEPROM (non-volatile memory) (number of writes: 100,000)EMC Emission Enclosure:EN55011 Group 1 class AEmission AC Mains:EN55011 Group 1 class AImmunity ESD:EN61000-4-2: 4 kV contact discharge (level 2)8 kV air discharge (level 3)Immunity RF-interference:ENV50140:10 V/m (amplitude modulated,80 MHz to 1 GHz) (level 3)10 V/m (pulse modulated, 900 MHz)Immunity Conducted Disturbance:ENV50141:10 V (0.15 to 80 MHz) (level 3)Immunity Burst:EN61000-4-4: 2 kV power-line (level 3)2 kV I/O signal-line (level 4) Approved standards UL3121-1, CSA22.2 No. 14, E.B.1402CConforms to EN50081-2, EN50082-2, EN61010-1 (IEC61010-1)Conforms to VDE0106/part 100 (Finger Protection), when the terminal cover is mounted.Note:The indication of K thermocouples in the -200 to 1300°C range, and T and N thermocouples at a temperature of -100°C or less, and U and L thermocouples at any temperature is ±2°C±1 digit maximum. The indication of B thermocouples at a temperature of 400°C or less is unrestricted.The indication of R and S thermocouples at a temperature of 200°C or less is ±3°C±1 digit maximum.Note:The baud rate, data bit length, stop bit length, or vertical parity can be individually set using the communications setting level.Dielectricstrength 1,000 V AC (1 min)V ibration resistance 50 Hz 98 m/s 2WeightE54-CT1: Approx. 11.5 g E54-CT3: Approx. 50 g Accessories (E54-CT3 only)Armature (2)Plug (2)Max. heater currentSingle-phase AC: 50 A (see note 1)Input current readout accuracy ±5%FS ±1 digit max.Heater burnout alarm setting range 0.0 to 50.0 A (0.1 A units) (see note 2)Min. detection ON time 190 ms (see note 3)Note:1.When heater burnout is detected on a 3-phase heater , use the K2CU-F jj A-j GS (with gate input terminal).2.When the set value is “00 A,” the heater burnout alarm will always be OFF . When the set value is “50.0 A,” the heater burnout alarm will always be ON.3.When the control output ON time is less than 190 ms, heater burnout detection and heater current measurement will not be carried out.Level keyOperation indicatorsTemperature unitMode key Down keyNo.1 displayNo.2 displayUp key•Recommended panel thickness is 1 to 5 mm.•Group mounting is not possible in the vertical direction.(Maintain the specified mounting space between Controllers when they are group mounted.)•To mount the E5CN so that it is waterproof, apply the waterproof packing to the E5CN.•When two or more E5CNs are mounted, make sure that the surrounding temperature does not exceed the allowable operating temperature specified in the specifications.(48 number of units -2.5)60 min.60 min.+1.00454545+0.6+0.60+0.60Panel CutoutsGroup mounting does not allow waterproofing.Mounted SeparatelyGroup MountedNote :The suffix “500” is added to the model number of each Controller provided with a E53-COV10 Terminal Cover.48 x 4844.8 x 44.8Terminal CoverE53-COV10Current Transformer (Sold Separately)E54-CT1E54-CT35.8 dia.Two, 3.5 dia.12 dia.Two, M3 (depth: 4)40 x 402.36 dia.The voltage output (control output) is not electrically insulated from the internal circuits. When using a grounding thermocou-ple, do not connect the control output terminals to the ground. If the control output terminals are connected to the ground, errors will occur in the measured temperature values as a result of leakage current.Standard insulation is applied to the power supply I/O sections. If reinforced insulation is required, connect the input and output terminals to a device without any exposed current-carrying parts or to a device with standard insulation suitable for the maximum operating voltage of the power supply I/O section.Control output 1Analog inputInput power supplyAlarm outputALM1/Heater burnoutALM2/Control output 2Two input power supplies are available: 100 to 240 VAC or 24 VDC.Voltage OutputRelay Output12 VDC 21 mACurrent outputEvent Input/Heater Burnout DetectionE53-CNHB Event Input/Heater Burnout Alarm UnitContact inputNon-contact inputHeater burnout detection inputEvent InputE53-CNB Event InputContact inputNon-contact inputDo not connect anything.Do not connect anything.Communications Specification/Heater Burnout SpecificationE53-CNH03 Communications/Heater Burnout Alarm UnitDo not connect anything.H o s t c o m p u t e rCommunications SpecificationE53-CN03 Communications UnitDo not connect anything.H o s t c o m p u t e rDo not connect anything.Do not connect anything.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.To convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. T o convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.。

LG液晶面板连接器I液晶屏驱屏线I背光板线【产品 百I度I搜I索 找 →苏州汇成元】

LG液晶面板连接器I液晶屏驱屏线I背光板线【产品 百I度I搜I索 找 →苏州汇成元】

FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF HD2S030HA1 KN38B-30S-0.5H 20455-040E-0# FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-R51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF IS100-L30O-C23 FI-R51S-HF TF06L-60S-0.5SH FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF IS050-C51B-C39-A TF19L-50S-0.5SH F06L-50S-0.5SH TF06L-60S-0.5SH FI-XB30SL-HF10 20474-040E-12 FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF IS100-L30O-C23 IS100-L30O-C23 MDF76LBRW-30S-1H 20455-040E-0x FI-R51S-HF DF14H-20P-1.25H IS100-L30O-C23 FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF TF06L-50S-0.5SH KN38-30S-0.5H FI-RE51S-HF

Siemens PSU8200 DC-DC Converter Product数据手册说明书

Siemens PSU8200 DC-DC Converter Product数据手册说明书

6EP3446-8SB10-0AY0 Page 3/4
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Connection technology Connections
● Supply input
● Output ● Auxiliary
6EP3446-8SB10-0AY0 Page 1/4
3-phase AC 400 ... 500 V 320 ... 575 V Yes at Vin = 400 V 15 ms; at Vin = 400 V 50 Hz 60 Hz 47 ... 63 Hz
1.2 A 1A 16 A 0.8 A²·s none Required: 3-pole connected miniature circuit breaker 6 ... 16 A characteristic C or circuit breaker 3RV2011-1DA10 (setting 3 A) or 3RV2711-1DD10 (UL 489)
Closed-loop control Dynamic mains compensation (Vin rated ±15 %), max. Dynamic load smoothing (Iout: 50/100/50 %), Uout ± typ. Load step setting time 50 to 100%, typ. Load step setting time 100 to 50%, typ. Dynamic load smoothing (Iout: 10/90/10 %), Uout ± typ. Load step setting time 10 to 90%, typ. Load step setting time 90 to 10%, typ.
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LC420EUNProduct SpecificationVer. 1.11/35LC420EUNProduct SpecificationCONTENTSNumber ITEM Page COVER1CONTENTS2RECORD OF REVISIONS31GENERAL DESCRIPTION42ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS53ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS6 3-1ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS6 3-2INTERFACE CONNECTIONS8 3-3SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONS12 3-4LVDS SIGNAL SPECIFICATIONS13 3-5COLOR DATA REFERENCE16 3-6POWER SEQUENCE174OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS195MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS236RELIABILITY267INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS27 7-1SAFETY27 7-2EMC27 7-3Environment278PACKING28 8-1INFORMATION OF LCM LABEL28 8-2PACKING FORM289PRECAUTIONS29 9-1MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS29 9-2OPERATING PRECAUTIONS30 9-3ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROL30 9-4PRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSURE30 9-5STORAGE30 9-6HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECTION FILM30Ver. 1.12/35LC420EUNProduct SpecificationRECORD OF REVISIONSRevision No.Revision Date Page Description0.1Sep, 10, 2010-Preliminary Specification(First Draft)0.2Nov, 11, 201021, 29Update Mechanical specification5, 6Update Electrical specification8, 9Change the connector pin configuration1.0Jan, 05, 2011 1.0 Version released1.1Mar, 11, 20117Update Electrical specification (ExtVBR-B Level)23Update Mechanical characteristic30Production site addition-Final SpecificationVer. 1.13/35Product SpecificationLC420EUN1. General DescriptionThe LC420EUN is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display with an integral Light Emitting Diode (LED)back light s ystem.T he matrix employs a-Si T hin Film T ransistor as the active element.It is a transmissive display type which is operating in the normally black mode.It has a 42.02inch diagonally measured active display area with WUXGA resolution (1080vertical by 1920horizontal pixel array).Each pixel is divided into Red,Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arrayed in vertical stripes.Gray scale or the luminance of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 8-bit gray scale signal for each dot.Therefore, it can present a palette of more than 16.7Million colors. It has been designed to apply the 8-bit 2-port LVDS interface.It is intended to support LCD TV,PCTV where high brightness,super wide viewing angle,high color gamut,high color depth and fast response time are important.Source Driver CircuitTFT -LCD Panel(1920×RGB ×1080pixels)[Gate In Panel]G1S1S1920Mini-LVDS(RGB)Control SignalsTiming ControllerLVDS Rx + DGAIntegratedEEPROM SDASCLLVDS SelectCN1(51pin)LVDS2PortLVDS 1,2Option signalI2CVer. 1.14/35General FeaturesActive Screen Size 42.02 inches(1067.31mm) diagonalOutline Dimension 968.4(H) ×564(V) X 10.8(B)/18.3 mm(D) (Typ.)Pixel Pitch 0.4845 mm x 0.4845 mmPixel Format 1920 horiz. by 1080 vert. Pixels, RGB stripe arrangement Color Depth 8bit, 16.7Million colors Luminance, White 360 cd/m 2 (Center 1point ,Typ.)Viewing Angle (CR>10)Viewing angle free ( R/L 178 (Min.), U/D 178 (Min.))Power Consumption Total 91.3W [Logic= 7.3W, LED Driver=84W (ExtVbr_B=100% )]Weight 8.8 Kg (Typ.)Display Mode Transmissive mode, Normally blackSurface Treatment Hard coating(3H), Anti-glare treatment of the front polarizer (Haze 10%)G1080Power SignalsBack light Assembly+24.0V, GND, On/OffPower CircuitBlock+12.0VExtV BR-BLED DriverProduct SpecificationLC420EUNTable 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue)ParameterSymbolValuesUnitNotesMinTypMaxLED Driver :Power Supply Input Voltage VBL 22.824.025.2Vdc 1Power Supply Input CurrentIBL - 3.5 3.9A 1Power Supply Input Current (In-Rush)In-rush -- 4.85A V BL = 22.8VExtV BR-B = 100%4Power ConsumptionPBL -84.091.9W 1Input Voltage for Control SystemSignalsOn/OffOn V on 2.5- 5.0Vdc OffV off - Brightness Adjust ExtV BR-B 5-100%On Duty61-100%ExtV BR-B Level High Level 2.5- 5.0Vdc HIGH : on duty LOW : off dutyLow Level 0.0-0.7Vdc ExtV BR-B FrequencyPAL 100Hz 3Ver. 1.17/35NTSC120Hz 3LED :Life Time30,000Hrs2Notes :1. Electrical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’ and stable for approximately 60minutes at 25±2°C. The specified current and power consumption are under the typical supply Input voltage 24Vand V BR (Ext V BR-B : 100%), it is total power consumption.2. The life time (MTTF) is determined as the time which luminance of the LED is 50% compared to that of initial value at the typical LED current (ExtVBR-B :100%) on condition of continuous operating in LCM state at 25±2°C.3. LGD recommend that the PWM freq. is synchronized with One time harmonic of V_sync signal of system. Though PWM frequency is over 120Hz (max 252Hz), function of LED Driver is not affected.4. The duration of rush current is about 200ms. This duration is applied to LED on time.5. Even though inrush current is over the specified value, there is no problem if I 2T spec of fuse is satisfied.6. ExtV BR-B signal have to input available duty range and sequence.After Driver ON signal is applied, ExtV BR-B should be sustained from 5% to 100% more than 500ms.After that, ExtV BR-B 1% and 100% is possibleFor more information, please see 3-6-2. Sequence for LED Driver.LC420EUNProduct Specification3-2. Interface ConnectionsThis LCD module employs two kinds of interface connection, 51-pin connector is used for the module electronics and 14-pin connector is used for the integral backlight system.3-2-1. LCD Module-LCD Connector(CN1): FI-RE51S-HF(manufactured by JAE) or IS050-C51B-C39(manufactured by UJU)Refer to below and next Page table-Mating Connector : FI-R51HL(JAE) or compatibleTable 4. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN1) PIN CONFIGURATIONNo Symbol Description No Symbol Description1NC No Connection (Note 4)27NC No Connection2NC No Connection (Note 4)28R2AN SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (A-) 3NC No Connection (Note 4)29R2AP SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (A+) 4NC No Connection (Note 4)30R2BN SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (B-) 5NC No Connection (Note 4)31R2BP SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (B+) 6NC No Connection (Note 4)32R2CN SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)7LVDS Select‘H’=JEIDA , ‘L’or NC= VESA 33R2CP SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (C+) 8NC No Connection (Note 4)34GND Ground9NC No Connection (Note 4)35R2CLKN SECOND LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-) 10NC No Connection (Note 4)36R2CLKP SECOND LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+) 11GND Ground37GND Ground12R1AN FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (A-)38R2DN SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)13R1AP FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (A+)39R2DP SECOND LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)14R1BN FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (B-)40NC No Connection15R1BP FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (B+)41NC No Connection16R1CN FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (C-)42NC or GND No Connection or Ground17R1CP FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (C+)43NC or GND No Connection or Ground18GND Ground44GND Ground19R1CLKN FIRST LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)45GND Ground20R1CLKP FIRST LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)46GND Ground21GND Ground47NC No connection22R1DN FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (D-)48VLCD Power Supply +12.0V23R1DP FIRST LVDS Receiver Signal (D+)49VLCD Power Supply +12.0V24NC No Connection50VLCD Power Supply +12.0V25NC No Connection51VLCD Power Supply +12.0V26NC or GND No Connection or Ground---Note 1. All GND(ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. All V LCD(power input) pins should be connected together.3. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644Standard.4. #1~#6 & #8~#10 NC (No Connection): These pins are used only for LGD (Do not connect)5. Specific pin No. #44is used for “No signal detection” of system signal interface.It should be GND for NSB(No Signal Black) during the system interface signal is not.If this pin is “H”, LCD Module displays AGP(Auto Generation Pattern).Ver. 1.18/35Product SpecificationLC420EUN3-2-2. Backlight ModuleTable 5. LED DRIVER CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGURATIONMaster-LED Driver Connector:20022WR -H14B1(Yeonho)-Mating Connector:20022HS -14B2(Yeonho)or PHR-14(JST)Pin No SymbolDescriptionNote1V BL Power Supply +24.0V 2V BL Power Supply +24.0V 3V BL Power Supply +24.0V 4V BL Power Supply +24.0V 5V BL Power Supply +24.0V 6GND Backlight Ground 17GND Backlight Ground 8GND Backlight Ground Ver. 1.19/35◆Rear view of LCM<Master>PCB ……1411419GND Backlight Ground 10GND Backlight Ground 11Status Back Light Status 212V ON/OFF Backlight ON/OFF control 13NC Don’t care 14EXTVBR-BExternal PWM3Notes :1.GND should be connected to the LCD module’s metal frame.2.Normal :Low (under 0.7V)/Abnormal :High (upper3.0V)3.High :on duty /Low :off duty,Pin#14can be opened.(if Pin #14is open ,EXTVBR-B is 100%)4.Each impedance of pin #12and 14is over 50[KΩ].Product SpecificationLC420EUN3-3. Signal Timing SpecificationsTable 6 shows the signal timing required at the input of the LVDS transmitter. All of the interface signal timings should be satisfied with the following specification for normal operation.Table 6. TIMING TABLE (DE Only Mode)ITEMSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Note HorizontalDisplay Periodt HV 960960960tCLK 1920 / 2Blank t HB 100140240tCLK 1Total t HP 106011001200tCLK VerticalDisplay Periodt VV 108010801080Lines Blank t VB 20(228)45(270)69(300)Lines 1Totalt VP1100(1308)1125(1350)1149(1380)LinesVer. 1.110/35Note:1. The input of HSYNC & VSYNC signal does not have an effect on normal operation (DE Only Mode).If you use spread spectrum of EMI, add some additional clock to minimum value for clock margin.2. The performance of the electro-optical characteristics may be influenced by variance of the vertical refresh rate and the horizontal frequency ※Timing should be set based on clock frequency.ITEMSymbol Min Typ Max Unit NoteFrequencyDCLK f CLK 63.0074.2578.00MHz Horizontalf H57.367.570KHz2Verticalf V57(47)60(50)63(53)Hz2NTSC : 57~63Hz (PAL : 47~53Hz)LC420EUNProduct Specification 3-4. LVDS Signal Specification3-4-1. LVDS Input Signal Timing DiagramDE, Data0.7VDD 0.3VDDtCLKDCLK0.5 VDDValid data First data Invalid dataPixel 0,0 Pixel 2,0Invalid dataValid data Second data Invalid dataPixel 1,0 Pixel 3,0Invalid dataDE(Data Enable)tHV tHP 1DE(Data Enable)1080tVVtVPVer. 1.111 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification3-4-2. LVDS Input Signal Characteristics 1) DC SpecificationLVDS -LVDS+V CM # V CM = {( LVDS +) + ( LVDS - )} /2 0VV IN _ MAXV IN _ MINDescription LVDS Common mode Voltage LVDS Input Voltage Range Change in common mode Voltage 2) AC SpecificationSymbol VCM VIN ∆VCMTclkMin 1.0 0.7 -Max 1.5 1.8 250Unit V V mVNote -LVDS ClockALVDS DatatSKEW tSKEW( F clk = 1/T clk )ATclk80%LVDS 1’st Clock LVDS 2nd / 3rd / 4th Clock20%tSKEW_min tSKEW_maxtRFDescription High Threshold LVDS Differential Voltage LVDS Clock to Data Skew LVDS Clock/DATA Rising/Falling time Effective time of LVDS Low ThresholdSymbol VTH VTL tSKEW tRF teffMin 100 -300 260 |±360|Max 300 -100 |(0.25*Tclk)/7| |(0.3*Tclk)/7| -Unit mVNote 3mV ps ps ps 2 -LVDS Clock to Clock Skew (Even to Odd) tSKEW_EO |1/7* Tclk| ps Note 1. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644 Standard. 2. If tRF isn’t enough, teff should be meet the range. 3. LVDS Differential Voltage is defined within teffVer. 1.112 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification360ps V+ data 0.5tui tuiVTH Vcm VTLVdata360ps teffV+ clktui : Unit IntervalVcmVclkVer. 1.113 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification 3-5. Color Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color(red,green,blue) is based on the 8bit gray scale data input for the color. The higher binary input, the brighter the color. Table 7 provides a reference for color versus data input. Table 7. COLOR DATA REFERENCEInput Color Data Color RED MSB LSB MSB GREEN LSB MSB BLUE LSBR7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0Black Red (255) Green (255) 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 ... 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G00 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 ... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B00 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 00 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0Basic ColorBlue (255) Cyan Magenta Yellow White RED (000) RED (001)RED... RED (254) RED (255) GREEN (000) GREEN (001)0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 ...0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0GREEN... GREEN (254) GREEN (255) BLUE (000) BLUE (001)0 0 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 ...0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 1BLUE... BLUE (254) BLUE (255)0 1 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 1Ver. 1.114 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification3-6. Power Sequence3-6-1. LCD Driving circuit90%Power Supply For LCD VLCD90% 10% T8 T2 30% T5 10%0V10% T1Valid DataVcm : LVDS Common mode VoltageInterface Signal (Tx_clock)0V 100% T6 T3 T4User Control Signal (LVDS_select) Power for LEDT7LED ONTable 8. POWER SEQUENCEValue Parameter Min T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 0.5 0 200 200 1.0 0.5 100 Typ Max 20 T2 ms ms ms ms s ms s ms 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 Unit NotesNote :1. Even though T1 is over the specified value, there is no problem if I2T spec of fuse is satisfied. 2. If T2 is satisfied with specification after removing LVDS Cable, there is no problem. 3. The T3 / T4 is recommended value, the case when failed to meet a minimum specification, abnormal display would be shown. There is no reliability problem. 4. T5 should be measured after the Module has been fully discharged between power off and on period. 5. If the on time of signals (Interface signal and user control signals) precedes the on time of Power (VLCD), it will be happened abnormal display. When T6 is NC status, T6 doesn’t need to be measured. 6. If there is no abnormal display, no problem. 7. It is recommendation specification that T8 has to be 100ms as a minimum value. ※ Please avoid floating state of interface signal at invalid period. ※ When the power supply for LCD (VLCD) is off, be sure to pull down the valid and invalid data to 0V. 15 /35Ver. 1.1LC420EUNProduct Specification3-6-2. Sequence for LED Driver Power Supply For LED Driver24V (typ.) 90% 90%VBL10% 0VT1 VON/OFFT2T3LED ONExtVBR-B T4 T63-6-3. Dip condition for LED DriverT5 VBL : 24VVBL(Typ.) x 0.8 0V Table 9. Power Sequence for LED DriverParameter T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Values Min 20 500 10 0 500 Typ Max 10 Units ms ms ms ms ms ms VBL(Typ) x 0.8 2 Remarks 1Notes : 1. T1 describes rising time of 0V to 24V and this parameter does not applied at restarting time. Even though T1 is over the specified value, there is no problem if I2T spec of fuse is satisfied. 2. In T6 section, ExtVBR-B should be sustained from 5% to 100% .Ver. 1.1 16 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification4. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’ and stable in a dark environment at 25±2°C. The values are specified at 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of Φ and θ equal to 0 °. FIG. 1 shows additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method. Optical Stage(x,y) LCD Module Pritchard 880 or equivalent50cm FIG. 1 Optical Characteristic Measurement Equipment and MethodTa= 25±2°C, VLCD=12.0V, fV=60Hz, Dclk=74.25MHz, EXTVBR-B =100% Value Min 1000 290 5P Typ 1400 360 6 8 0.637 0.341 0.325 Typ -0.03 0.600 0.152 0.051 0.279 0.292 10,000 68 x axis, right(φ=0°) x axis, left (φ=180°) y axis, up (φ=90°) y axis, down (φ=270°) Gray Scale θr θl θu θd 89 89 89 89 7 degree 6 K % Typ +0.03 Max 1.3 9 12 ms cd/m2 Unit Note 1 2 3 4 5Table 10. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameter Contrast Ratio Surface Luminance, white Luminance Variation Response Time Variation Gray to Gray (BW) RED GREEN BLUE WHITE Color Temperature Color Gamut Viewing Angle (CR>10) Symbol CR LWH δ WHITE G to G σ G to G BW Rx Ry Gx Gy Bx By Wx WyColor Coordinates [CIE1931]Ver. 1.117 /35LC420EUNProduct SpecificationNote : 1. Contrast Ratio(CR) is defined mathematically as : CR(Contrast Ratio) = Maximum CRn (n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Surface Luminance at position n with all white pixels CRn = Surface Luminance at position n with all black pixels n = the Position number(1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For more information, see FIG 2. 2. Surface luminance are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’ and 1 Hour after lighting the backlight in a dark environment at 25±2°C. Surface luminance is the luminance value at center 1-point across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying white. For more information see the FIG. 2. 3. The variation in surface luminance , δ WHITE is defined as : δ WHITE(5P) = Maximum(Lon1,Lon2, Lon3, Lon4, Lon5) / Minimum(Lon1,Lon2, Lon3, Lon4, Lon5) Where Lon1 to Lon5 are the luminance with all pixels displaying white at 5 locations . For more information, see the FIG. 2. 4. Response time is the time required for the display to transit from any gray to white (Rise Time, TrR) and from any gray to black (Decay time, TrD). For additional information see the FIG. 3. ※ G to GBW Spec stands for average value of all measured points. Photo Detector : RD-80S / Field : 2 ° 5. G to G σ is Variation of Gray to Gray response time composing a picture G to G (σ) =√Σ(Xi- u)2 NXi = Individual Data u = Data average N : The number of Data6. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The angles are determined for the horizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to the LCD module surface. For more information, see the FIG. 4. 7. Gray scale specification Gamma Value is approximately 2.2. For more information, see the Table 11. Table 11. GRAY SCALE SPECIFICATIONGray Level L0 L15 L31 L47 L63 L79 L95 L111 L127 L143 L159 L175 L191 L207 L223 L239 L255 Ver. 1.1 Luminance [%] (Typ) 0.07 0.27 1.04 2.49 4.68 7.66 11.5 16.1 21.6 28.1 35.4 43.7 53.0 63.2 74.5 86.7 100 18 /35LC420EUNProduct SpecificationMeasuring point for surface luminance & measuring point for luminance variation.H A② ①B V③④⑤A : H / 4 mm B : V / 4 mm @ H,V : Active AreaFIG. 2 5 Points for Luminance MeasureResponse time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray(N)” and “Gray(M)”.T rR 100 90T rDOptical Response10 0 Gray(N)Gray(M) N,M = Black~White, N<M FIG. 3 Response TimeGray(N)Ver. 1.119 /35LC420EUNProduct SpecificationDimension of viewing angle rangeNormal E Y φ = 90 ° , Upφ = 180 ° , Leftθ φφ = 0 ° , Rightφ = 270 ° , DownFIG. 4 Viewing AngleVer. 1.120 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification5. Mechanical CharacteristicsTable 12 provides general mechanical characteristics.Table 12. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSItem Horizontal Outline Dimension Vertical Depth Bezel Area Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical Value968.4 mm 564.0 mm 18.3 mm 938.4 mm 531.0 mm 930.24 mm 523.26 mmActive Display Area Weight8.8 Kg (Typ.), 9.3 kg (Max.)Note : Please refer to a mechanical drawing in terms of tolerance at the next page.Ver. 1.121 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification[ FRONT VIEW ]SET : TOPSET : DOWNVer. 1.122 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification[ REAR VIEW ]SET : TOPSET : DOWNVer. 1.123 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification6. ReliabilityTable 13. ENVIRONMENT TEST CONDITION No.1 2 3 4Test ItemHigh temperature storage test Low temperature storage test High temperature operation test Low temperature operation test Ta= 60°C 240h Ta= -20°C 240h Ta= 50°C 50%RH Ta= 0°C 240hCondition240h5Vibration test (non-operating)Wave form : random Vibration level : 1.0Grms Bandwidth : 10-300Hz Duration : X,Y,Z, Each direction per 10 min Shock level : 50Grms Waveform : half sine wave, 11ms Direction : ±X, ±Y, ±Z One time each direction Ta= 40 °C ,90%RH 0 - 15,000 ft 0 - 40,000 ft6Shock test (non-operating)7 8Humidity condition Operation Altitude operating storage / shipmentNote : Before and after Reliability test, LCM should be operated with normal function.Ver. 1.124 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification7. International Standards 7-1. Safetya) UL 60065, Seventh Edition, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus - Safety Requirements. b) CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60065:03, Canadian Standards Association. Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus - Safety Requirements. c) EN 60065:2002 + A11:2008, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC). Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus - Safety Requirements. d) IEC 60065:2005 + A1:2005, The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus - Safety Requirements. (Including report of IEC60825-1:2001 clause 8 and clause 9) Notes 1. Laser (LED Backlight) Information Class 1M LED Product IEC60825-1 : 2001 Embedded LED Power (Class 1) 2. Caution : LED inside. Class 1 laser (LEDs) radiation when open. Do not open while operating.7-2. EMCa) ANSI C63.4 “American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.” American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 2003. b) CISPR 22 “Information technology equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limit and methods of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), 2005. c) CISPR 13 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and method of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), 2006.7-3. Environmenta) RoHS, Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 27 January 2003Ver. 1.125 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification8. Packing 8-1. Information of LCM Labela) Lot Mark A B C D E F G H I J K L MA,B,C : SIZE(INCH) E : MONTHD : YEAR F ~ M : SERIAL NO.Note 1. YEARYear Mark 2010 0 2011 1 2012 2 2013 3 2014 4 2015 5 2016 6 2017 7 2018 8 2019 92. MONTHMonth Mark Jan 1 Feb 2 Mar 3 Apr 4 May 5 Jun 6 Jul 7 Aug 8 Sep 9 Oct A Nov B Dec Cb) Location of Lot Mark Serial NO. is printed on the label. The label is attached to the backside of the LCD module. This is subject to change without prior notice.8-2. Packing Forma) Package quantity in one Pallet : 16 pcs b) Pallet Size : 1140 mm(W) X 990 mm(D) X 120 mm(H)Ver. 1.126 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification9. PrecautionsPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCD module.9-1. Mounting Precautions(1) You must mount a module using specified mounting holes (Details refer to the drawings). (2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. Twisted stress) is not applied to t h e module. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so that external force is not transmitted directly to the module. (3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the polarizer. Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force. (4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification. (5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the former generates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter causes circuit break by electro-chemical reaction. (6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with glass, tweezers or anything harder than HB pencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical treatment. Do not touch the surface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth.(Some cosmetics are detrimental to the polarizer.) (7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materials like chamois soaks with petroleum benzine. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front / rear polarizers. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol because they cause chemical damage to the polarizer (8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causes deformations and color fading. (9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength.9-2. Operating Precautions(1) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage : V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage) (2) Response time depends on the temperature.(In lower temperature, it becomes longer.) (3) Brightness depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.) And in lower temperature, response time(required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomes longer (4) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature change.Condensation makes damage to polarizer or electrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur. (5) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnant image is likely to occur. (6) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic interference shall be done by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimized the interference. (7) Please do not give any mechanical and/or acoustical impact to LCM. Otherwise, LCM can’t be operated its full characteristics perfectly. (8) A screw which is fastened up the steels should be a machine screw. (if not, it can causes conductive particles and deal LCM a fatal blow) (9) Please do not set LCD on its edge. (10) The conductive material and signal cables are kept away from LED driver inductor to prevent abnormal display, sound noise and temperature rising.Ver. 1.127 /35LC420EUNProduct Specification9-3. Electrostatic Discharge ControlSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wrist band etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4. Precautions for Strong Light ExposureStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5. StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary. (1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep the temperature between 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity. (2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other object. It is recommended that they be stored in the container in which they were shipped. (3) Storage condition is guaranteed under packing conditions. (4) The phase transition of Liquid Crystal in the condition of the low or high storage temperature will be recovered when the LCD module returns to the normal condition.9-6. Handling Precautions for Protection Film(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking tape. When the protection film is peeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and polarizer. This should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ionblown equipment or in such a condition, etc. (2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains a very small amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off. (3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on the bezel surface or its vestige is recognized, please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with normalhexane.Ver. 1.128 /35。
