The Catcher in the Rye全英读书报告
The Catcher in the Rye该书的主人公霍尔顿是个中学生,出生于富裕的中产阶级家庭。
The catcher in the rye麦田里的守望者读后感英文
The catcher in the ryeThe Catcher in the Rye is anovel written by J. D. Salinger. J. D. Salinger becomes one of the most pr ominent Post-World ii American novelists,The catcher in the rye narrates a series of picaresque adventures of a sixteen-year-old boy in the New Yo rk for three days. The protagonist Holden Caulfield became a quite legen dary character, and his awareness of adolescent is just like the most sensit ivity young Americans. After Post-World War, more and more young peo ple faced on the main-adolescence growing up crisis in the America. Duri ng adolescence, boys and girls go through the biological, psychological, a nd social changes necessary to prepare themselves to meet the challenges of becoming adults. Someone explains it more exactly, “adolesc ence is a process of achieving the attitudes and beliefs needed for effective particip ation in society.” But, they didn‟t suit the changes from young to the mar ital adult. Holden is such kind of adolescent; he fails in school uses vulgar expressions, gets drunk… He may be thought to have some vulgar or no t very high moral standards. These common characteristics of teenagers may not match the idealistic conception of adolescents. On one hand, Hol den finds the innocence of children and wants to be a protector of the inn ocence; on the other hand, he must be growing up and gets into the dilem ma between the childhood and the adulthood. He refuses the traditions of school in which they just3 focus on educating people materialistically, but lacking depth. His loneliness and rebellion result from his conscious refusing of the false co nventions and phonies that surround him. However, no matter hoe repelle nt Holden is, he is not to overthrow society. So at the end of the novel, the red hunting hat can‟t stop the pouring rain; Holden has the wet clothes. Holden must be inevitably going back under the help of Phoebe.6would stay away from children for their whole lives, and that they w ould retain their honesty and naivety.Children are different from adults in many aspects. Children are naïve and pure. They have not yet learned the phoniness and pretense, while which are the adults‟ common characters. To Holden, growing up means to enter the world where phony is everywhere. He is so reluctant to enter the adult world, for he can not find his role he likes. He yearns for pure ch ildhood, and he does not want to be into adulthood. He rejects all practice that marks initiation into adulthood. So Holden finds various means to pr otect his adulthood from world‟s influences. He makes great effort to cat ch his innocence. As Holden himself says, “certain things they should sta y the way they are”. (Salinger, 128)C. His Escaping from the RealityI keep picturing all these little kids playing some in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids and nobody‟s around—nobody big, I mean—except me. And I‟m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff—I mean if they‟re running and they don‟t look where they‟re going I hav e to come out from somewhere and catch them. That‟s all I‟d do all day . I‟d just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it is crazy, but that‟s t he only thing I‟d really like to be. (Salinger, 179-180)From this monologue above, Holden is a constant character in the st ory, his attitude toward life results from his attitude toward himself. His l ow self-esteem causes him to try to run away from life and from reality. When life is presented to him as a game with rules, he breaks the rules an d leaves the game. He‟s a person who refuses to accept reality and tries a s much as he can to grasp childhood. He always wants to protect children ‟s purity and innocence. (Claro)Through out the novel, Holden incessantly mentions how things depr ess him. Everything from the way people act, to how things are in nature, brings him down. Holden‟s behavior revolves around his depression. He does not try to pass his classes7in school, as well as he does not try to be overly social. He hates the way that people can be so phony, yet he himself can also be called one. H olden tries to put up a front to hide his depression. He acts the way that he thinks people want him to act. Holden enjoys …shooting the bull‟ with people. This is because it is the only way that he can have a conversation w ith someone without revealing his depression. (Claro)III. Causes of Holden’ Refusal to Grow up A. The Modernization of American SocietyHolden‟s plight represents the plight of young people of his conte mporary: they are neither under the sanctuary of the nature gods, nor gui delines from the elderly. He dreams of going to the west, living by the lak e, asking her sister Phoebe to stay in his place in summer holidays, Christ mas and Easter, if his brother D. B. is looking for a comfortable, quiet pla ce to write, he can go to his place, too. In Holden‟s ideal dream of the w est, there are full of nature, tranquility, comfort. But he ultimately was not able to escape from city. Holden‟s experience reflects that the modern w estern civilization spreads on a large scale. (Bing, 137)According to this novel we can see that Holden is faced with a crim inal and inhuman world. His living condition is just like that of Hamlet, w ho is standing in front of a world about to collapse. He was deceived by t he world of supremacy of material. The American society, in which Holde n lives, is no longer like the society Thoreau or Adams live, because now it is a modern, complex, urbanized and alienated society. People are surro unded generally by the hypocrisy, indifference, impudence, and decadenc e. Through the eyes of Holden, Salinger presents not only the living conte xt of the hero but also a scary, disgusting adult world. The basic featuresof the world are shameless hypocrisy, and this is Holden hates most. (Hua ng, 93)This novel is known for his autobiographical details that are transpla nted into a post-World War II setting. This novel reflects American adults ‟ lack of enthusiasm8for helping and guiding the adolescents. Thus, this kind of society ca uses mental anxiety and distress to teenagers. (Yang, 551)Under the influence of the War, American people have changed no t only in their looking but also in mind. Though they are rich in material li fe, they become spiritually empty and , what‟s worse, they are psycholog ically unbalanced. They have also lot their values of moral standard. This is the environment or background in which Holden lives. (Fu)B. His Isolation from SocietyHolden‟s isolation is as a form of self-protection and not wanting p eople to know the real of him. I am pretty sure that Holden‟s alienation i s the cause of his most unhappiness. He never seems to address his own e motions, nor does he attempt to discover the reasons for his own troubles. He greatly needs contact and love with other humans, but his protective wall of bitterness keeps from seeking that. For example, his loneliness ma kes him to have a dire to date Sally Hayes, but his wanting for isolation le ads him to drive her away.Holden explains, “The best thing, though, in the museum was that ev erything always stayed right where it was. Nobody‟d move…Nobody‟d be different. The only thing that would be different would be you.” Hold en also mention he wishes he could live in: “the catcher in the rye” fantas y, a world where nothing ever changes, where things are simple and under standing. Holden‟s character hates challenges and conflict. He fears inter action with people around him. (Salinger)He deplored that he has lost his childhood, at the same time he refus ed to be a role of the adult world; this is the typical Holden code confusio n and pain. But he has been unable to return to Childhood, while fears of entering a false hypocritical adult world. He lost between the two worlds. Moreover, disturbing for him, he realized that he had been tarnished by a dult world. Therefore, in order to prevent these simple and9pure children from repeating his tragedy, he is willing to stand on the edge as a catcher. (Huang, 100-101)IV. ConclusionThe analysis above reveals that Holden represents the lonely and lost American youth. He is at odds with the adult society, and he refuses to gr ow up because he thinks that the adult world is phony. He treasures innoc ent childhood, so Holden wants to be the catcher in the rye. In a word, thi s resulted from the American post-war influence and his intended isolation。
TheCatcherintheRye麦田里的守望者读后感第一篇:The Catcher in the Rye麦田里的守望者读后感The Catcher in the Rye: Live Truly The novel The Catcher in the Rye written by Jerome David Salinger opens with the narrator, Holden Caulfield, a seventeen-year-old boy from New York City, telling the story of three days in his life.In this book, Salinger expresses his desire for true love and purity.For the hero, Holden, it is the adult world that has driven him insane.He just cannot relate to anyone except for his kid sister Phoebe.Everything and all other people seem “phony” to him.Holden is unable to accept life.Since Holden is becoming an adult himself, he is unhappy with what he will represent.He flunks out of three boarding schools in a row, the latest of them Pencey Prep.After an unpleasant experience with his history teacher “Old Spencer,” his roommate Stradlater and the boy next door, Robert Ackley, Holden decides to leave Pencey four days early for Christmas break.He knows that he cannot return to his parents because they are not aware that he has been expelled again.Holden spends the next three days wandering aimlessly around New York City.In those three short days, he suffers a lot.Finally, he meets his sister, who tells him she wants to run away with him and that she will never go back to school.Holden sees himself in her, finally changes his mind and decides to go back to his parents.Salinger develops his own style of the use of language.The Catcher in the Rye is written in a subjective style from the point of view of its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, following his exact thought processes.There is flow in the seemingly disjointed ideas and episodes;for example, as Holden sits in a chair in his dorm, minor events such as picking up a book or looking at a table, unfoldinto discussions about experiences.Critical reviews agree that the novel accurately reflected the teenage colloquial speech of the time.Words and phrases that frequently appear include “Phony” “That killed me” “Flit” “FlittyWuddya” ”Crumby“.These are able to increase the vivid language and appealing and can give the readers emotional resonance, rouse readers' desire of exploration and thinking.For example, …It was cold as a witch‟s teat.” such jocular and humorous metaphor is so wonderful that it may come as a bit of a shock.But, it does not make the readers feel sick, instead, it sparks their interest to think about why the author express by this way.Except the flexible application of various spoken languages and slangs, there is another prior factor that it has a very far-reaching significance makes The Catcher in the Rye being recognized more and more.It is a war between phoniness and authenticity.Holden labels almost everyone a “phony,” excepting Phoebe, Allie, and himself.In Holden's eyes, a “phony” is someone who embraces the world ‟s mundane demands and tries to make something out of nothing—that is, just about everyone who studies in school or who puts on airs in order to do a job or achieve a goal.So, he escapes from the school even the society to find some authentic living, to hold on to someone like Phoebe or Allie who knows nothing of the world‟s superficiality and therefore is not tainted by it, but he is afraid to make it too real out of the justified fear of one day losing them forever.What Holden is searching for is what Salinger wants.In the case of J.D Salinger‟s The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger painted the image of Holden Caulfield on the canvas of his own life.J.D.Salinger‟s personal experiences and beliefs are reflected in the settings, the protagonist, and the themes of The Catcher in the Rye.He developed a character,Holden Caulfield, whose attitude and values are comparable to his.He also built the central themes of the novel through the implementations of motifs that illustrate his own beliefs.In conclusion, through the usage of his own experiences, Salinger created one of the greatest portrayals of teenage struggles amidst a confusing and unappealing society.He is keen to seek for true love and purity but simultaneously he fears loosing all that he possesses.All in all, throughout Salinger's creation of Holden, I sense a profound pathos.Without question Salinger makes us deeply sorry for Holden's failures, and as a result we are left with little hope at the end when we learn that Holden does not know whether he is going to succeed at school.But his ”little hope" makes us review the novel with an eye toward answering the question of whether the world in which Holden finds himself is really worth succeeding in on its own terms, and encourages us live truly.2第二篇:麦田里的守望者读后感读麦田里的守望者有感“不管怎么样,我老是想像一大群小孩儿在一大块麦田里玩一种游戏,有几千几万个,旁边没人——我是说没有岁数大一点儿的——只有我。
中国矿业大学外文学院___09___级读书报告姓名王家邓学号12095162专业班级英语09-3班读书报告题目The Catcher in the Rye 指导教师李灏职称副教授2011 年 6 月徐州The Catcher in the RyeI. Introduction1、Title: The Catcher in the Rye2、Author: Jerome David Salinger3、Writing background:The Catcher in the Rye was published in 1951. At that time America took advantage of the huge accumulation of capital which comes from the two world wars to begin the big economic development. With the development of living standard, there is an explosion in the population of middle class, just as the protagonist in the book, who comes from a middle-class family. However, the affluent material life can’t bring along substantial in spirit, resulting in a widening gap between rich and poor and emptiness of the broad masses’spiritual life. One reason is due to the shadow of war fear, which roots to world war Ⅱ, making the American people feel confused about future. Another reason is that the America government pursued Truman Doctrine and McCarthyism. What’s more, economy, military affairs, and science were the most important fields that America government focused on at that time. Synchronously, as a result, the moral education would be neglected. Lacking in moral education, people lived disconcertedly with an attitude of funk, doubt and discontentment. Therefore the America modern historians regarded the 1950s in America as silent 1950s.In this atmosphere, the cultural field had been directly affected. Novels,poems, films and magazines were all affected by McCarthyism. At this moment, with the effort of Norman Mailer, existentialism went the rounds in America. Affected by this kind of philosophy, some people abandoned the traditional ethics and choose another mode of existence, forming the so-called fallen generation, if we can say, and the leading character in the novel is a member of the fallen generation. They don’t exactly accord with who we think they should be. They just appear dissatisfying with the society, being wild oats, and adopting negative attitude to fight against the society. But they are sincerity, bluffness and they still have pursuit of dreams, however, they are incapable to fight or change the actuality. What they can do is to abandon all the things, just like money, duty, status and obligation, they can’t get out of their own heart, so they seek satisfaction from drinking, smoking, taking drugs and so on.The writers of‘fallen generation’ school of literature are mostly young cynical intellectuals, they and their works reflects the confusion at that time in America and produce far-reaching effects o later western literature.4、About the author:Jerome David Salinger was born in 1919 in a very rich Jewish family, in New York City. When he was 15 years old, Salinger’ parents sent him to a military school in Pennsylvania and he graduated from there. Salinger began writing short stories for money while in secondary school, and published several stories in the early 1940s before serving in World War II. World War II prevented him from writing in 1942, for he was sent to the European battlefields.The war made Salinger so afeard that he wrote a lot of books about wars later. In 1946, Salinger was released from the army, and came back to New York, beginning to attend to writing. In 1951 Salinger released his novel The Catcher in the Rye, which became an immediate popular success all over America. His depiction of adolescent alienation and loss of innocence in the protagonist Holden Caulfield was influential, especially among adolescent readers. The novel remains widely read, selling around 250,000 copies a year. After the success of The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger became more and more dissocial. He led a cloistered life in the countryside of New Hampshire. He never gave up writing, however, since 1951, he seldom published his works in public. He later became more and more inclined to oriental philosophies and zen.Ⅱ. The Story of the BookThe story takes place in December 1949, the book's leading character, Holden, studying in Pencey Prep, was born to well-off middle-class family. Though he is only 16 years old, he always wears a raincoat and a cap. Hating schools, teachers, students, homework and so on, he criticizes all of them for being superficial. Another semester is over; he fails 4 courses except writing. Due to his poor academic performance, he had to be expelled from the school. Holden packs up and leaves the school in the middle of the night after a physical altercation with his roommate. He went to New York by train, but dare not rashly go home and instead checks in to Edmont Hotel. In his hotel Holden sees people who are dubious, the men wearing women's clothing, a men and womenspraying wine to each other, he feels surprised and disgusted. He has a clumsy encounter with a young prostitute named Sunny. His attitude toward the prostitute changes the minute she enters the room, the prostitute becomes annoyed with him and leaves. However, he still pays her for her time. Sunny and Maurice, later return to Holden's hotel room and demand more money than was originally agreed upon.The next day, Holden calls up sally, his old friend, to invite her to see s musical. After the play Holden went ice-skating. Sally sees it leave just leave the situation as it stands; Holden and Sally went to go skating. While drinking coffee, Holden impulsively Sally to run away with him, but she declines. Sally’s response deflates his mind, he is not happy so that they had a quarrel. Although he has pleaded with her to accept his apology, finally Holden gives up and leaves her there.Holden secretly returns to his home, but fortunately, his parents are away. He woke up Phoebe to tell her his own boredom and ideals. He pictures himself as the sole guardian of numerous children running and playing in a huge rye field on the edge of a cliff. His job is to catch the children if they wander close to the brink, to be a catcher in the rye. He wants to do all day long on such a thing. Later, the parents returned, Holden scared to hide in the closet. When his parents go to bedroom, he quickly slipped out of the house. Then he goes to Mr. Antoine’s home. But Holden is upset when he wakes up in the night to find Mr. Antolini patting his head the middle of the night sleep, he found that the teachermay be a gay; they had no choice but to escape secretly.Holden does not want to go home and decides to make a living to the west, to be deaf and dumb, but he would like to say goodbye to his little sister before he leaves. He mentions these plans to his little sister, but she decides to with him. Holden declines her offer and refuses to have her accompany him. This upsets Phoebe, so Holden does her a favor and decides not to leave after all. Holden tries to reverse her saddened mood by taking her to the Central Park Zoo. He realizes his mistake as she rides the carousel that lies within the zoo. While watching Phoebe, Holden realizes that he can’t be the “Catcher in the Rye" and that he is in need of help. The last words of the novel are, don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.Ⅲ. Comments and My Views on the BookThe Catcher in the Rye is the only long novel of Salinger’s, though it is not too many words, but it made great influence in American society and literatus. When the novel was published in 1951, it immediately caused a sensation. The experience and mind of the leading character caused strong resonance in the public, especially the teenagers. They imitated the protagonist’toilette and language style one after another, for this novel recognized their mind, reflects their ideals and pang. Though some parents and literatus consider it as a bad books, for the leading character don’t study , smoke, drink, make women and say dirty words, it should be forbidden, I think it is a modern classic novel in the Contemporary American Literature. It can increase the youth’s understanding oflife alert the ugly reality and choose a self-love road.The Catcher in the Rye is written in a subjective style from the point of view of its leading character, Holden Caulfield, following his exact thought processes. There is flow in the seemingly disjointed ideas and episodes - for example, as Holden sits in a chair in his dorm, minor events such as picking up a book or looking at a table, unfold into discussions about experiences. Critical reviews agree that the novel accurately reflected the teenage colloquial speech of the time.[1] This book uses the tone of Holden to tell us the several days’experience and heart feeling after being expelled from school. It not only gives a vivid and detailed description of a restless and depressed middle class youth, but also criticizes the hypocrisy and artificiality of adult world. What makes this book produce such a great influence is since the author created a kind of new are style. Through the first person, the whole book describes the boy’s own thoughts with a youth tone, and also criticizes the hypocrisy of adult world with a youth’s vision. The author anatomizes the leading character’s complex psychological state of mind with the exquisite and deep analysis, not only caught his conflict——ideal and reality to analyze, but also hold teenagers’psychological characteristic in adolescence to perform the leading character’s pureness and absurd indulgence.This book also develops its own style of the use of language, it is written in a simple and straight way with a youth’s tone,using a lot of oral English and slang. All these factors add the appeal of the story, so that readers can arouseresonance and thinking, and its association and response.[1] Donald P. Costello (October 1959). "The Language of 'The Catcher in the Rye'". American Speech (American Speech, Vol. 34, No. 3) 34 (3): 172–182. doi:10.2307/454038. JSTOR 454038. "Most critics who glared at The Catcher in the Rye at the time of its publication thought that its language was a true and authentic rendering of teenage colloquial speech.".。
如果朋友让你生气,那说明你仍然在意他的友情 From that you would get angry with your friends, we can conclude you still care about the friendship between you.
Thank you
The Catcher in the Rye
Jerome David Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye
• The Catcher in the Rye is a 1951 novel written by J.D Salinger. • It has been listed as one of the best novels of the 20th century.
Jerome David Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye gives us a portrait of a sixteen-year-old American boy, Holden Caulfield . Holden has just been kicked out of yet another boarding school. Having a few days to kill before returning home for the Christmas break, he hops on a train to New York. There he spends his time wandering aimlessly from one brief encounter to another, getting progressively more disgusted with what he calls the phoniness of the adult world.
《麦田里的守望者》读后感——The Catcher in the Rye我到现在都清晰地记得我当初买这本书时的心情。
The Catcher in the Rye 读后感《麦田守望者》
I Just Want to be A Catcher in the Rye----My Views on The Catcher in the Rye Comments on the AuthorThe author of the book is J.D.Salinger, whose full name is Jerome David Salinger. He was born in January, 1, 1919 and died in January, 27, 2010. As an American writer, he is best known for his novel The Catcher in the Rye, as well as his reclusive nature.Summary of the BookThe main character is a 16-year-old student----Holden Caulfield, who is born in a wealthy middle-family in New York. The teachers and parents force him to study hard, the purpose of which is able to buy a Cadillac卡迪拉克(高级轿车名)in the future. However what he does in the school is talking about women, alcohol, and sex. He doesn't like the people around him. Because there is no desire to study in his mind, so he is always being punished. When he receives his fourth dismissal, he does not dare go home, instead he just wanders in the prosperous['prɒsp(ə)rəs] New York City for one day and two nights alone. After that he checks in a hotel, killing the time with a prostitute['prɒstɪtjuːt]妓女, but at the same time his heart is very depressed and he attempts to escape the hypocrisy[h ɪ'pɒkrɪsɪ]伪善of the adult world, he wants to look for batch purity and truth of experiences and feelings actively. This spirit of irreconcilable[ɪ,rek(ə)n'saɪləb(ə)l;]矛盾的conflict eventually leads to hisextremely complete collapse, lying down in a mental hospital.Personal Views of the BookWhen I first read the book, I didn't like Holden Caulfield. I thought he was a bad student, for he doesn't study hard, and he is always talking about women, he drinks a lot of alcohol. All in all he lives a decadent['dekəd(ə)nt]颓废的life. In his mind, he doesn't have lofty ideals, such as to be a scientist, a teacher, or an engineer. His dream is just to be a catcher in the rye."I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids and nobody's around----nobody big I mean----except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff. I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them...4 and all..."The above words are what Holden Caulfield tells to his sister Phoebe Caulfield. She is Holden's little sister, a bright and articulate girl. She is one of the few people he feels great affection for, and he talks about her with obvious delight. She is the personification of Holden's idealized view of childhood, and she seems to have all the wonderful qualities Holden ascribes to her. Phoebe plays a central role in Holden's thoughts, and has much influence on what happens to him at the end of the book. However when I read the story of Holden for the second time, my viewschanged a lot. I began to feel sympathy for him and think he is a good boy in nature. The reason why he turns to be a bad guy is the environment around him. His teachers tell him to study hard just in order to be afford to buy an expensive car in the future. His president treats different students with different attitudes. He smiles to the students from rich families, makes handshakes with their parents initiatively, but he shows unfriendliness to the students from poor families. The hypocritical side of the adult world makes Holden very disappointed, so he uses the alcohol to anaesthetize himself. He thinks he could use the extreme ways to escape form the world or attract the attentions of the adults. On the contrary, he is just a boy who has mental problems in the eyes of the adults. The ending of the story is not a happy one, to be honest, the whole story is a tragedy.Finally I find that I can understand why Holden Caulfield wants to be a catcher in the rye, because his wish is to save the children. Being a catcher in the rye is more meaningful than being a scientist, a teacher or an engineer. I just want to be a catcher in the rye like Holden Caulfield.Major ThemesPainful Experience vs. NumbnessPerhaps the greatest theme of the novel involves the relationship between the pain of actual experience and feeling one's feelings, on the one hand, and on the other hand the equally devastating(毁灭性的)numbness that comes with shutting down(关闭)one's emotions in order to avoid suffering. After the death of Allie, Holden essentially shuts down, forcing himself to lose all attachments to people so as never to be hurt again. He repeatedly mentions how important it is not to get attached to anyone,since this will lead to missing them once they are gone. By the end of the novel, he has spiraled(螺旋)so far down with this theory that he has become afraid to even speak to anyone. Phoebe is perhaps the only reminder that Holden still has the capacity to love. When he looks at her, he cannot help but feel the same tortured(扭曲的)love that he felt for Allie. Nevertheless, the surges(澎湃)of these feelings leave him even more bereft(孤寂). He knows he must leave Phoebe to protect himself, but when she shows up to accompany him on his journey, ultimately(最后)he puts his love for her first and sacrifices his own instinct(本能)to flee in order to return home.Holden, it seems, is in the throes(剧痛)of an existential crisis(存在危机). To a great degree he is numb to the pains and joys of life. Unable to come to terms with his brother's death, he has no one to show him the kind of parental or brotherly love that he himself gave Allie. Whenever someone does end up showing him even a hint of such love (such as Mr. Antolini), Holden ends up being disappointed.Love and SexAt his core, Holden is a deep, sensitive soul, at bottom unable to sublimate(升华)his feelings into numbness. He envies someone likeStradlater, who can simply pick up girls whenever he likes, and who treats sex as a casual pleasure. To Holden, however, sex is deeply discomforting. He cannot have it with girls he likes, and he cannot manage to numb himself enough to treat girls casually. Numbing himself to love, it seems, is Holden's greatest challenge. He feels too deeply about the world, about people, to truly shut down. When he finally does fall in love with Jane Gallagher, he soon discovers that Stradlater has a date with her, which confirms his suspicion that everything he loves eventually deteriorates(恶化). He leaves Pencey with some hope of inventing a new identity, but he cannot break out of his being. Even in the presence of a prostitute, he cannot think of having sex, only of having a conversation in the hope of feeling some glimmer(闪光)of human affection with her. All Holden wants to do is talk, but he cannot find someone who will listen.Loss of InnocenceHolden must face that fork in the road of adolescence when one realizes that maturity entails(引起)a loss of innocence—that greater knowledge of oneself and others and the circumstances(情况)all comes with a price. In Holden's case, he cannot bear to accept the death of Allie, the death of pure innocence that had no good reason to suffer or die. In Holden's eye s, Allie is truth, while everyone else is “phony(赝品).”Innocence goes with idealism and a certain inability or unwillingness to bear and accept the harsher reality. Holden cannot bear to hold onto his innocence because innocence brings its own harms; people continue to disappoint him. Thus the cost of maturity is much less; innocence has been quite painful, too. Innocence has been problematic: the prostitute demands more money for nothing, the man who takes him in seems like a pedophile(恋童癖), and the cab drivers berate(责备)him as stupid when he asks simple questions about the duck s in the park. While Allie’s memory can help him preserve his innocence, this is not enough, for he cannot find real love in the outside world.Besides, losing Allie has brought tremendous pain. Holden also has the common adolescent experience of perceiving that time in school learning mundane lessons feels petty when his entire soul is in flux as it comes to grips with reality. When the entire world around him appears phony, where can he go to grasp hold of some reality, some stable truth? Without an explanation why Allie was taken from him, there appears no reason behind the world's events, and in this respect Holden’s maturity involves a deep loss of innocence such that he perceives that the reality of the world is its very irrationality.Phoniness vs. AuthenticityHolden labels almost everyone a “phony,” excepting Phoebe, Allie, and himself. In Holden's eyes, a “phony” is someone who embraces the world’s mundane demands and tri es to make something out of nothing—that is, just about everyone who studies in school or who puts on airs in order to do a job or achieve a goal. The fact that no one is acknowledging how trivial and fleeting life is, compared with the grand things we tell one another about reality—how difficult it is to truly love and share oneself with people knowing that all, like Allie, will eventually die—causes him to burn with frustration, even rage. Holden understands on some level one of the most profound truths of mortal life: the superficial matters little because it will not last, yet it is made to seem so much more important. Meanwhile, all around him, he must watch superficial people win honors through their artifice. He thus holds his deepest contempt for those who succeed as phonies: Stradlater, the Headmaster, and all the boys who treat school as if it is a club to be ruled by Social Darwinism. All Holden wants is some authentic living, to hold on to someone like Phoebe or Allie who knows nothing of the worl d’s superficiality and therefore is not tainted by it, but he is afraid to make it too real out of the justified fear of one day losing them forever.Life and DeathA key part of Holden’s emotional life involves his reaction to Allie’s death. People live for a while, but all too soon we all die. Allie did not choose it, but Holden thinks about James Castle, a skinny boy who jumped out the window at school and fell to his death. Holden himself entertains thoughts of a similar suicide. The decision to numb himself to his feelings about life is a decision to shut himself down emotionally so much that he is no longer truly living. It is a decision, however, that remains fundamentally impossible for Holden. When he thinks about James Castle, he cannot bear to imagine James just laying there amidst the stone and blood, with no one picking him up.Holden might see some romance in suicide and some comfort in the idea that it ends internal pain, but death does seem worse, the ultimate loneliness. He seen the effects of death on the living as well. He thus cannot do to Phoebe what Allie has done to them already.He plods on, only sure that he must gradually wean himself away from Phoebe so that she gets used to losing him forever--and so that he gets used to being away from her. Though Holden needs closeness and love in order to renew his life, he keeps driving himself further away from it in order to avoid the inevitable loss. The more he wants to experience life, the more antisocial he becomes and the more he imagines death. Thisparadox is part of Holden’s life: there is pain in shutting down one's feelings, and there is pain in the risk of opening oneself up again. He impossibly tries to avoid pains that are inevitable for human mortals while they live.Lack of Authority FiguresHolden is profoundly alone. His parents are absent except for insisting that he progress along a conventional path and stay in school as long as he can before he is kicked out or tires of each institution. His parents do not let him regroup but send him off to the next school. At Pencey, Holden finds no adult to trust with his feelings; most people everywhere are phony. Some adults even seem so selfish that they are willing to abuse children. Overall, Holden views adults with intense disappointment, even cynicism. How is it that the older they get, the farther from authenticity they get? Meanwhile, the gradual deterioration of the body disgusts him. Upon visiting an old professor, much of his thoughts are dedicated to the awfulness of the old man's body. There is no allure in growing older.Authority does not seem related to wisdom, either. Adults tell Holden to find direction and thus stability, but he views such advice as both suspicious and naïve; playing such a game is inauthentic. Going his ownway autonomously, as a law unto himself, does not work out so well either, so it is unclear where Holden might find legitimate authority.LonelinessHolden is very lonely, and his adolescent loneliness seems to run much deeper than the feelings so commonly felt at that age. He admits to his loneliness openly, and it gives him evidence that perhaps he might still have some emotions left. At the same time, Holden takes few steps to mitigate his loneliness. Whenever he feels the urge to meet someone, to call up a girl, to have a social experience, he ends up sabotaging it before he can get hurt. He thus protects himself so fully that he effectively shuts off any possibilities of alleviating his own loneliness. He might want to call Jane, for example, but he hangs up before she gets on the phone. He might want to sleep with a prostitute to feel human comfort, but this will not do. He might want to interact with friends at a bar, but he ends up saying something hurtful so that they abandon him. Pushing them away provides a deeper and deeper loneliness, but at these moments of choice he is willing to endure it rather than eventually face the ultimate, devastating loneliness of losing another person like Allie.。
the catcher in the ray《麦田里的守望者》读后感
The Perplexity and Painfulness of the Teenager——The Catcher in the RayThere are half of uncivilized words in this book. This is the first feeling when I read this book. Then I feel confused and stresseed about the people in this book. They are contradictory, especially the leading character——Holden Caulfied. Holden of this book is a secondary school students came from wealthy middle-class 16-year-old boy, in the fourth after being expelled from school, not dare to go home, alone in the United States the most prosperous of New York City one day and two nights wandering living small inn, go to nightclubs, girlfriend promiscuity, alcoholism·he sawthe ugly capitalist society, access to a wide variety of characters, most of which are "false false mode of" hypocrite. Holden could not around almost everything, he even wants to flee the real world, to the remote to pretend a deaf and dumb people and married with a beautiful and also deaf woman, but to really do so, it is impossible, and he can only live in contradiction: the most hated him in this lifetime movies, but bored to death also had to spend their time in the cinema; him offensive sexual relations without love, but a confused and called a prostitute; He hated the vulgar vanity of his girlfriend Sally , but obsessed with her beauty, could not help with her play kossy-poo. Therefore, even though he could not stand the social, he had no choice but to depression, like anxiety, using a variety of comforting illusions about themselves, self-deception, and finally we still can not avoid the reality of social compromise, into a genuine treason, which can be said to be the author JD Salinger His characters and the tragedy of Holden is located.Jerome David Salinger, born in 1919 in New York City, son of ham and cheese to do the import business of the Jewish businessman, a very rich family. 15-year-old Salinger, parents were sent to a military school in Pennsylvania in time to live, it is said, The Catcher in the Rye in the description on the boarding school, it is that most of the schools as the background. In 1936, Salinger in the military school graduate, he has made his life only a diploma. From 1940 in the "fiction" magazine published his first short story, that in 1951 he published the novel. The Catcher in the Rye only in the more than 10 years, he made a total of 20 a number of short stories, some are still short of "classic" and "New Yorker" and other well-known journals, so he has a little bit of literary fame. Fame after he lived to the countryside, specially built for themselves a window of only a cement room for study each day with 8:30 on a lunch box into the writing, it was not until 17:30, no one at home are not allowed to Go in to disturb him; who, if only by telephone. He is also said to be writing process is very arduous, The Catcher in the Rye was first published in the progress of his writing more and more slowly, only the publication of three 10-year Medium length text open and a short, was not even published works. Occasionally fortunate enough to have seen him said, his face has been "showing signs of aging." His work has been completed and the number is said to be considerable, but he refused to make out. Publishers have a lot of fight in his mind, even after his death, such as how to get all of his works out of copyright, but so far, in addition to the book, the author published only a short set of "Nine Stories" and "were a carpenter" (1963).The hero Holden always swears so much, he nearly hates everything. He even hates the word "grand" very much, and also thinks "Good luck" sounds terrible. He said himself that "I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life". I think he is combination of contradictions. He always does something he doesn't like. But, he is very kind I think. Actually, he is full of love and sympathy. He could lend his cote and printer to someone even he doesn't know him. He could donate muchmoney to nuns, and say the money is just a little. When nuns thanks about it, he would feel embarrassed.He became this guy just because that social. His parents and teacher force him to study hard just for "buying a hell of Cadillac", and even his most respect teacher said that,"the mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one". This is a kind of self-interested and utilitarianism. Holden doesn't willing to follow this, then he doesn't study and react as a hoodlum, he just chooses this way to resist this social. His dream is very simple " I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff-I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the ray and all." He just shouted all children's dream——they want to be protected.Then I remember an Singapore movie named I'm Not Stupid 2. The children in this movie become bad and make many mistakes because their parents pay little attention to them. Their hearts are kind actually. Finally, their parents realize their faults and shoe their love to them, they become excellent. In my heart, there are no complete villains in this world, these people must suffered pains in life. If they lived happily, they will become another people.Holden has a brother D.B.——he is a writer in Hollywood. A little sister Phoebe, he loves Phoebe, he said his sister is the most pretty an d smart girl. And a little brother Allie who got leukemia and died, he said that Allie was a wizard. You can see that Holden love them very much. Once he thought he died, then he hopes that when he does die somebody has sense enough to just dump him in the river or something. Anything except sticking him in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody! This is actually true. People always want to treasure things after losing them. Then he mentioned his died brother Allie: He hates to go his grave. He doesn't enjoy seeing him in that crazy cemetery, surrounding by dead guys and tombstones and all. And when it rains, all the visiters to see him could go to their cars and turn on their radio and all then go someplace nice for dinner-enerybody except Allie, this makes him crazy. This is really cruel.I took some notes of philosophical sentences from this book.He said that,"What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrfic friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it.That doesn't happen much, though". I love this description of a good book. It just speaking my feelings after reading an excellent book in an active way which I never think of this way. I cleared my mind at once after reading this sentence.When he missed his sister Phoebe, then he decided to go to home to talk with her. When he walked in his home in the dark, he said that, I certainly knew I was home, though. Our foyer has a funny smelllike anyplace else. I don't know what the hell it is. It isn't cauliflower or perfume, but you always konw you're home. Yes, this is his feeling about his home, maybe this is all people's feeling about home.This book pressed my emotions, and I can't speak my feeling clearly actually. Everybody must have their own thought about this book, I think.。
篇一:麦田里的守望者读后感(英文版)My thoughts after reading The Catcher In The RyeThe Catcher In The Rye, which was written by Jerome David Salinger, tells a story about Holton’s two-day experiment and feelings after he dismissed by the middle school. He was hanging out in the New York City and seeing many ugly sides of the society. Although he was born in the middle class and had good condition to live, to study or to work, he expressed his dissatisfaction either. Holton was a complicated and contradictory youngster, but with a heart yearning for beautiful life and lofty ideal. Hating the headmaster, helping nuns raise money for survivors, caring his sister carefully, Holton was really a boy beyond a protagonist in the novel.What on earth made Holton become such a kind of younger? In my opinion, there are three reasons. Firstly, every person lives in his specific social background. The book was written after the Second World War, the American society and economy was waiting to recover to the level before the Second World War. Secondly, different person has different living conditions. Holton was living in a mid dle class. He don’t worry about how to live. So he had much free time to think about the society. And his education in the school planted the social responsibility deeply in his heart. Thirdly, the American value makes contributions to it. It emphasizes a single person is more important than collectivity, which is much different from the values of us. Holtonwas also believed this value.However, it is such a person that made me think. There is a sentence in the book, “a sign of an immature man is that he i s willing to for a cause bravely dying, a mature man of marking is him would like to for a cause meanly alive”. In the ancient China, people were asked to sacrifice for his beliefs. But in the modern society, it becomes different. We are taught to protect our own life in any condition. But as a soldier, we should also believe in it.A soldier’s duty is protecting motherland and people. When facing enemies, what choose would you do? Die for defeating them or protect our own life? Of course we will choose the first one. However, I do think Holton was too extreme. Although the society is not so satisfying, we can use our own power to make it change. Resisting is really not a wise choice. Maybe you will say that one person’s power is too weak to make any change, but we can influence people around us. By this way, your value can be spread far away. Then the whole world must change in the end. Just believe yourself.In a word, I would like to be a catcher in the rye, not worrying and complaining like Holton. I will make my contributions to the world. Do something and influence the world in my own way. Distinguishing goodness with badness, I am sure that a right value has been set up in my mind.篇二:麦田里的守望者读后感(英文版)Catcher in the rye wrote a 16 years old boy,called Holden ,who was born in a rich middle class family .He escaped from school after being expelled in the fourth time .Then he went to the United States of New York city in one day and two nights.The whole story tells ahout his such a special experience. It not only vividly depicted a delicate restlessness of the middleclass children’s depressed, lonely and cynical spirit world,and the psychological characteristics of adolescents’ a mass of contradictions, but also criticized the the hypocrisy in the adult society.The beginning of the story from Pencey school. Pencey middle school is very famous and has a great popularity in people's minds, however, the hero describes the pencey middle school follow as " Pencey is just as other schools,it can’t cultivate talent s at all. And I don’t see any outstanding , intelligent and excellent students." Besides, he also said there are a plenty of thieves in pencey middle school. In holden's opinion, the most unforgivable thing in that school is fuilled with hypocritical people, especially the principal.He is very snobbish.When he sees ordinary parents,he just say hello to them.While see the rich and powerful who drive a good car, he will talk with them enthusiasmly in a long time. Besides the disgusted Acle and Mr Rudd tower. The reason that Holden leaves pencey is not for he failed six subjects, but there are a lot hypocritepeople.Even if there are endless glory and splendor, but the entire campus is indifferent and almost to be a no human world.There is no happiness in Holden's world.Even if he can feel happy, it is only a few people to give him. His reject good things, although it is a real concern. When his history teacher Spencer tells him that his parents are the best persons.He felt very disgusted, he heartily hates the word "better". While it's hard for me to imagine, as a child,why he could think so ugly about the world? Though there are many ugly things in this world, too. He even thinks some tiny little things very hateful. When he sees a boy who is just like a guy in the street and get together with hisgirlfriend. If they laugh constantly, he thinks their laugh is simply but not funny.Seeing somebody else playing a tune, he also thinks the man is just show off his ability.Seeing a woman with a child is being moved and cry at the movies, he also considered a phony. He even boring to hate Christians. In Holden's eyes, all sorts of things is just a fake death of farce.When Holden sees the ugly side of life, he tells his loneliness without any reservation. This kind of loneliness is not a simple sadness in the sense of solitude, but it is not a person can really understand him. Although he hates Mr Rudd tower, he would also like to dance in front of him. "I also need an audience and I also like to in front of others to show off myself" This is the voice of his heart, he need to hear, to understandand not a elegantly false face and the soft greetings. Can a person feel happy without the audiences? The bus drivers wants him to throw snowballs, and he said he will not threw to anyone, but the bus driver doesn’t believe. "People just don't believe your words" Holton said:“No one understands him. The meet between the old man and him is not happy, because their views are opposite.But one the other hand, he is very desire to communicate with the old man. According to our today's understanding, if the man is not bosom friend, it isn’t necessary to explain. However he is too lonely, no one accompanies to him and talk to him,so he was very lonely. Thus under inevitable loneliness, he even thought to find prostitutes and he just wants to talk with her, but the final result is being deceived and has also been beat by the rascal Maurice.In our opinion, holden isn't a good student, but he has innocence and kindness in his heart just like other children's. When he take a taxi for twice, he asked the driver that:”Whereshould shallow-water ducks go in the central park when the lake is frozen ?”This is a funny question.Holden concerned about ducks and nature.So he is also sympathetic. In Edmond hotel, when he saw a old man worked as the waiter.Then he thought it is very difficult to let an old man to do such a thing.Having encountered bad suitcase in hand, the two sister eat only bread and coffee for breakfast, he even still hate to eat salted fish eggs.And thought that when they didn't teach ,how can they take the oldstraw basket to raise money in everywhere and will meet all kinds of situations, even attract by others despistion . From these things,we can conclude that he was very sympathetic. His brother and sister had a larger influence on holden's life.Alli have dead for a long time.On that day of Alli’s death , holden broken all of the windowsuntil his hands were bleeding. We can see that Alli ,as it were, the most important person in his life.This is not a fake. it is undoubtedly a huge strike for holden on her death. She wanted to escape from this world and to find her own spiritual home. He said to Sally:”They can go to the forest to built their own cabin by themselves and leave away from the people.Even their relativest come to visit them,they still don’t welcome.” In fact, Holden doesn’t hate this world, but hate something ugly. In Galveston, the poor James Kaiser was killed by a group of guys.However that group of boys are still escaping.The world really has a dark side, and even today, although the state attaches great importance to the legal system, but there are still many people ignore the law under the various network of relationships. We don't have to worry about these, because frankly speaking, we can't change the circumstances .Jsut like holden can't change the time, sometimes, we’d better be ourselves.Holden’s character is very complex, on the one hand, he himself has many problems, he criticizes people around him, but times displays as much phoniness, meanness and superficality as anyone else in the book.On the other hand, his spiritual world is innocent, he hates all phony things while seeks sincerity and love and he himself is a person full of love. He loves children, because children from falling into the cliff referring to the adult world which he associates with hypocrisy and ugliness. He doesn’t want children to step into the adult world; he wants them to stay innocent forever. That is why when he sees the word “fuck you” on the wall of Phoebe’s school he is so angry that he even wants to kill the guy who wrote it. His degeneration is in essence a kind of resistance, because he doesn’t want to wallow in mire with those guys he despises. “Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody'saround--nobody big, I mean--except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff--I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thi ng I'd really like to be.”This paragraph is the most famous part from the story.And to some extent,it reflects why the book is named by Catcher in the rye.Holden was those of a very troubled person who deserved our sympathy more often than our praise. A close look at what Holden did, nonetheless, revealed that he possessed very strong moral, compassionateinstincts. Though Holden struggled against everything, evenleft away from the real world, he choose to adjusted himself to accept the real world to be a catcher in the real life. The Catcher in the Rye left many useful points to us for cogitation. Thus instead of treating the novel as a commentary by a innocent young man rebelling against an intensive world or as a study of a youth's moral growth, we regarded it as a guide that give us a hand to overcome the depression when we are stuck in it. We should learn to adjust ourself to the society.With an acceleration in the rate of economic growth, college graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market. What we need is not only the high level of competence in our profession, but also the practical and sensible trait to realize the fact that we shouldn't give up until we have exhausted all the possibilities. Facing with the confuse problems, we should never compromise to them. We should accommodate ourself to live in the world. And it is the faith that pulls Holden back into the society.One who liv in that faith will never feel lonely or lose the way.。
the Catcher In the Rye 英文读后感 麦田里的守望者
The Catcher In the Rye is a novel written by American writer Jerome David Salinger,which is considered to be one of the most classic works in the twentieth century American literature.It published in 1951,when American just won the Second World War and became a economic and military power in the world,people at that time ignored personality development and other’s feeling but only focused on creating wealth.The Catcher In the Rye criticized such kind of phenomenon.The story occurred during 3 days,about a sixteen-year-old high school student,Holden Caulfield,who used to talk dirty and disliked study.This was the forth time for him to be dismissed by school.He was afraid to be scold by his parents,so he take a considerable sum of money and left for New York.After two days hanging out he decided to pack up and run away to a place where is far away from home,but with his sister’s entreaties he finally chose to stay.There are many conflicts in the story,but the most important one maybe is Holden’s inner conflict.From the brief plot we may regard him as a rebellious and cynical boy,but actually he is also sincere and good-hearted,has base line of moral,we can see that from when he refused the prostitute,donated money to the nuns,concerned about where the ducks can go in the winter and so on.“Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around--nobody big, I mean--except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff--I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.”These is the most famous line in the novel,which appears in chapter 22.Holden had unique and different point of view about things,and he hated phony behaviors,such kind of character can exactly be showed from the words above,when his sister Phoebe asked what he wanted to do in the future.Holden was born in a middle class family,teachers and parents only wanted him to get grades and become rich but ignored hid real feelings.Holden’s complaint means his discontent with the unfair in American social and no one really understand him.So if we see in this way, Holden seems to be a little kid playing in the rye rather than a catcher,he hoped that someone would come,understand and help him,let him to do the things he like but not only study the boring lessons,what made him disappointed is that the man didn’t appear all the time.Growth is an eternal topic,maybe we will have some confusion just like Holden,but may us can find the one who understands us and never give up our original dreams.。
t h e C a t c h e r I n t h e R y e 英文读后感麦田里的守望者文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]The Catcher In the Rye is a novel written by American writer Jerome David Salinger,which is considered to be one of the most classic works in the twentieth century American published in 1951,when American just won the Second World War and became a economic and military power in the world,people at that time ignored personalitydevelopment and other’s feeling but only focused on creating Catcher In the Rye criticized such kind of phenomenon.The story occurred during 3 days,about a sixteen-year-old high schoolstudent,Holden Caulfield,who used to talk dirty and disliked was the forth time for him to be dismissed by was afraid to be scold by his parents,so he take a considerable sum of money and left for New two days hanging out he decided to pack up and run away to a place where is far away from home,but with his sister’s entreaties he finally chose to are many conflicts in the story,but the most important one maybe is Holden’s inner the brief plot we may regard him as a rebellious and cynical boy,but actually he is also sincere and good-hearted,has base line of moral,we can see that from when he refused the prostitute,donated money to the nuns,concerned about where the ducks can go in the winter and so on.“Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around--nobody big, I mean--except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff--I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.”These is the most famous line in the novel,which appears in chapter had unique and different point of view about things,and he hated phony behaviors,such kind of character can exactly be showed from the words above,when his sister Phoebe asked what he wanted to do in the was born in a middle class family,teachers and parents only wanted him to get grades and become rich but ignored hid real ’s complaint means his discontent with the unfair in American social and no one really understand if we see in this way, Holden seems to be a little kid playing in the rye rather than a catcher,he hoped that someone would come,understand and help him,let him to do the things he like but not only study the boring lessons,what made him disappointed is that the man didn’t appear all the is an eternal topic,maybe we will have some confusion just like Holden,but may us can find the one who understands us and never give up our original dreams.。
读后感 麦田里的守望者英语读后感
The catcher in the Rye is a novel written by Jim Salinger, an American writer. The novel tells the story of a high school student named Holton who was born in a wealthy middle class family. Should be young and lively youth, but wandering outside, do not want to study in school. Although he was once captain of the school fencing team, he hated everything in school, whether it was school or activities. After he was expelled from school again, he fled school after a fight with his classmates, but he dared not go home. Wandering for a few days, he felt more dark, so that he had the desire to think of the catcher in the rye, hoping to protect the innocence of the child.After reading this novel, I have great sympathy for Holton, but his heart is a good child, because through the darkness inside the school, everything will be so resistant to the school, he had no real friends in the school, only called a mercenary friend. However, he did not want tocontinue to travel with those so-called friends, maybe he knows just continue to associate with them, in accordance with the principle of Like attracts like. will follow, he fall together, even the last glimmer of purity will be darkness. So he prefers to be a parent, a bad boy in the eyes of a teacher, and he doesn't want to go back to school.When he fled the school, he found that the outside world was not much better than the school. When he was staying in a small hotel, he saw many different kinds of people and sympathized with some poor poor people. He was even beaten up by a prostitute. Fortunately, he still has his lovely sister, and finally feel that he is not alone, but also hope that he can be like the catcher in the rye like that, to protect the innocence of the child.For children, to see the darkness of society will have a certain impact on children. I remember when I was a child, the village levied land to collect the land of my grandparents, and my grandparents got a sum of money. Grandpa wanted to split it up between his children. But uncle feel that too little, and so often in the front row grandma and grandpa. The family was embarrassed, and my father felt that it was not good to destroy his brother's feelings for the sake of money. He gave his share to his uncle. Even after my mother scolded the pour dog's blood on he just smiled, said one family in harmony. But last year the Spring Festival does not go to the temple's uncle came unexpectedly, obviouslyhe is the purpose of it is to borrow money, indeed. Not long ago, when my father was in the hospital for surgery, my uncle didn't visit my father. My father left the hospital and soon came to borrow money. Home savings are not much, but my father is to lend money to Uncle without demur. I do not know why some people think money is more important than their families. Will money treat them as good as their families?The greedy uncle, even relatives, I really very difficult for him to have a crush. Moreover, his image had been deeply impressed when I was a child, and it was difficult to change him. So I feel the same with everything that Holton has suffered. Hope that the dark and selfish human nature of society will no longer appear, and give the children a warm world.内容仅供参考。
麦田里的守望者英文版读书报告第一篇:麦田里的守望者英文版读书报告Catcher in the rye10140128 陈葭碧Catcher in the rye wrote a 16 years old boy,called Holden ,who was born in a rich middle class family.He escaped from school after being expelled in the fourth time.Then he went to the United States of New York city in one day and two nights.The whole story tells ahout his such a special experience.It not only vividly depicted a delicate restlessness of the middle class children’s depressed, lonely and cynical spirit world,and the psychological characteristics of adolescents’ a mass of contradictions, but also criticized the the hypocrisy in the adult society.The beginning of the story from Pencey school.Pencey middle school is very famous and has a great popularity in people's minds, however, the hero describes the pencey middle school follow as “ Pencey is just as other schools,it can’t cultivate talents at all.And I don’t see any outstanding , intelligent and excellent students.” Besides, he also said there are a plenty of thieves in pencey middle school.In holden's opinion, the most unforgivable thing in that school is fuilled with hypocritical people, especially the principal.He is very snobbish.When he sees ordinary parents,he just say hello to them.While see the rich and powerful who drive a good car, he will talk with them enthusiasmly in a long time.Besides the disgusted Acle and Mr Rudd tower.The reason that Holden leaves pencey is not for he failed six subjects, but there are a lot hypocrite people.Even if there are endless glory and splendor, but the entire campus is indifferent and almost to be a no human world.There is no happiness in Holden's world.Even if he can feelhappy, it is only a few people to give him.His reject good things, although it is a real concern.When his history teacher Spencer tells him that his parents are the best persons.He felt very disgusted, he heartily hates the word “better”.While it's hard for me to imagine, as a child,why he could think so ugly about the world? Though there are many ugly things in this world, too.He even thinks some tiny little things very hateful.When he sees a boy who is just like a guy in the street and get together with his girlfriend.If they laugh constantly, he thinks their laugh is simply but not funny.Seeing somebody else playing a tune, he also thinks the man is just show off his ability.Seeing a woman with a child is being moved and cry at the movies, he also considered a phony.He even boring to hate Christians.In Holden's eyes, all sorts of things is just a fake death of farce.When Holden sees the ugly side of life, he tells his loneliness without any reservation.This kind of loneliness is not a simple sadness in the sense of solitude, but it is not a person can really understand him.Although he hates Mr Rudd tower, he would also like to dance in front of him.“I also need an audience and I also like to in front of others to show off myself” This is the voice of his heart, he need to hear, to understand and not a elegantly false face and the soft greetings.Can a person feel happy without the audiences? The bus drivers wants him to throw snowballs, and he said he will not threw to anyone, but the bus driver doesn’t believe.“People just don't believe your words” Holton said:“No one understands him.The meet between the old man and him is not happy, because their views are opposite.But one the other hand, he is very desire to communicate with the old man.According to our today's understanding, if the man is not bosom friend, it isn’t necessary to explain.However he is toolonely, no one accompanies to him and talk to him,so he was very lonely.Thus under inevitable loneliness, he even thought to find prostitutes and he just wants to talk with her, but the final result is being deceived and has also been beat by the rascal Maurice.In our opinion, holden isn't a good student, but he has innocence and kindness in his heart just like other children's.When he take a taxi for twice, he asked the driver that:”Where should shallow-water ducks go in the central park when the lake is frozen ?”This is a funny question.Holden concerned about ducks and nature.So he is also sympathetic.In Edmond hotel, when he saw a old man worked as the waiter.Then he thought it is very difficult to let an old man to do such a thing.Having encountered bad suitcase in hand, the two sister eat only bread and coffee for breakfast, he even still hate to eat salted fish eggs.And thought that when they didn't teach ,how can they take the old straw basket to raise money in everywhere and will meet all kinds of situations, even attract by others despistion.From these things,we can conclude that he was very sympathetic.His brother and sister had a larger influence on holden's life.Alli have dead for a long time.On that day of Alli’s death , holden broken all of the windowsuntil his hands were bleeding.We can see that Alli ,as it were, the most important person in his life.This is not a is undoubtedly a huge strike for holden on her death.She wanted to escape from this world and to find her own spiritual home.He said to Sally:”They can go to the forest to built their own cabin by themselves and leave away from the people.Even their relativest come to visit them,they still don’t welcome.” In fact, Holden doesn’t hate this world, but hate something ugly.In Galveston, the poor James Kaiser was killed by a group of guys.However that group of boys are still escaping.The world really has a dark side,and even today, although the state attaches great importance to the legal system, but there are still many people ignore the law under the various network of relationships.We don't have to worry about these, because frankly speaking, we can't change the circumstances.Jsut like holden can't change the time, sometimes, we’d better be ourselves.Holden’s character is very complex, on the one hand, he himself has many problems, he criticizes people around him, but times displays as much phoniness, meanness and superficality as anyone else in the book.On the other hand, his spiritual world is innocent, he hates all phony things while seeks sincerity and love and he himself is a person full of love.He loves children, because children from falling into the cliff referring to the adult world which he associates with hypocrisy and ugliness.He doesn’t want children to step into the adult world;he wants them to stay innocent forever.That is why when he sees the word “fuck you” on the wall of Phoebe’s school he is so angry that he even wants to kill the guy who wrote it.His degeneration is in essence a kind of resistance, because he doesn’t want to wallow in mire with those guys he despises.“Anyway, I keep picturing al l these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all.Thousands of little kids, and nobody'saround--nobody big, I mean--except me.And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff.What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff--I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them.That's all I'd do all day.I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all.I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd re ally like to be.”This paragraph is the most famous part from the story.And to some extent,it reflects why the book is named by Catcher in therye.Holden was those of a very troubled person who deserved our sympathy more often than our praise.A close look at what Holden did, nonetheless, revealed that he possessed very strong moral, compassionate instincts.Though Holden struggled against everything, even left away from the real world, he choose to adjusted himself to accept the real world to be a catcher in the real life.The Catcher in the Rye left many useful points to us for cogitation.Thus instead of treating the novel as a commentary by a innocent young man rebelling against an intensive world or as a study of a youth's moral growth, we regarded it as a guide that give us a hand to overcome the depression when we are stuck in it.We should learn to adjust ourself to the society.With an acceleration in the rate of economic growth, college graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.What we need is not only the high level of competence in our profession, but also the practical and sensible trait to realize the fact that we shouldn't give up until we have exhausted all the possibilities.Facing with the confuse problems, we should never compromise to them.We should accommodate ourself to live in the world.And it is the faith that pulls Holden back into the society.One who liv in that faith will never feel lonely or lose the way.第二篇:麦田里的守望者英文读后感麦田里的守望者英文读后感(一)The leading role Holden Caulfield is a sixteen-year-old school student who was born in a rich family.Although he is rich and kind, no one in the school likes to get along with him.So he always feels constantly lonesome.Such as like the book says “His loneliness arises from the fact that no one seems to share his view of the world, no one understands what's going on in hishead.” In his view, school is a hypocritical place.The purpose that you go to school is only to get a good job or beat others.The surroundings talk about wine, women and sex all days.Holden hates this society.He never puts his heart in study so he is always be punished by teachers.And when he is flunked out of school the forth time, he doesn't go home but stays in New York—the place where he was born and lived.That is just the time several days before Christmas.He lives in hotel, stays in the bars all the day, makes many girlfriends and drinks heavily.At the same time, he feels sad about the teenager and the life.He feels what he never thinks before in the true life.He wants to escape from this society but he can't.This is just the background of Holden's story.During this time, Holden thinks of many things and many important people to him.Except introduces Holden's life in New York, the book also tells us Holden's life in school and some important people and things to him.麦田里的守望者英文读后感(二)Impression of a book of “persons who keep watch in the wheat field.”Went to the bookstore that day, I chose a very thin book from a lot of world masterpieces, name let “ wheat persons who k eep watch of field ”,when I pick up this book, I have not expected that such a thin book will have a so great impact on me, making my thoughts and feelings very deep, I think that the form and content of this book are all very outstanding.The fifties in U.S.A.were a quite confused period, the dark cloud of World War II has not left yet, the smoke of gunpowder of cold war arises again.On one hand the development in science and technology is fast, and on the other hand, people lack the ideal, demoralized, under the great social background unable to change in oneself, live and mix shocking and shocking life.Then, “ a generation ofcollapsing ” appears , Halton is a member among them , he smokes and gets drunk, not to strive to make progress, but, he is still unlikely to reduce to taking drug, gregarious stage,()because in his bottom of heart , still have a beautiful and remote ideal all the time---Do a “ person who keeps watch in the wheat field ”.A country here of our life, this era is during the enormous change, everything is in the development with rapid change.()In a sense, this is and really a bit alike in U.S.A.of the fifties.The society is progressing constantly, people's concept is changing too, a lot of people begin to be vast and hazy, downhearted, they get to forget one's own ideal, do not have the first enthusiasm, begin to yearn for being mediocre.We are a group of children living in new era, it is puzzled and worried to be already been used to naturally , but we should concentrate spirit and are certain about the front of we , our way , we should whether one have lofty ideals ambitious people.If Halton does not have his pure ideal, then he will degenerate through to the end , it is his ideal that lets him live.The ideal is the people' s beacon light, it is leading people to move towards future, move towards the light.Our life has just begun, even if life makes us some of this generation perplexed with knowing which way to go, but everything is just temporary, does not know the past , we needed most now, it is our ideal.Yes, it is hopeful to have lofty ideals , will just tomorrow hope, will be more beautiful tomorrow!麦田里的守望者英文读后感(三)The catcher in the Rye is a typical novel which reflects the confusion and rebel of the 1950s in America history.From year 1945-1955, the American society seemed to be blissful on the surface while the fear of uncertainty caused by the growing communist challenge was affecting the culture of society.Peoplebecame paranoiac and youngsters of the time became rebel or even violent resulting from the lost of aim and belief.Holton, the main character of this novel, is portrayed by the author as a typical teenager of the time.Born in a wealthy middle class family, Holton was supposed to live a good life.However, he expelled from school four times, not dare to go home, wandering alone in York city one day and two nights, living in small inn, going to nightclubs, being alcoholism.He wanted to escape from the real world because he feel depressed, confused, filled with all sorts of unrealistic fantasies.This novel can be defined as both the tragedy of Holton's and the author Salinger, who is a young people of that generation.In 1950, the Korean War started, which was an extension of the Cold War which strengthened the hostilities and conflicts between America and the Soviet Union.It definitely leaded to the panic of normal people because they were uncertain about the result of the competition between the superpowers.Teenagers were emotionally confused of the changing society, doubting their life and their future.Salinger has also written other novels such as Nine Stories, a collection of short stories even more depressed than The catcher in the Rye, which at least have expressed some hope at the end of the novel.Actually, characters like Holton become popular at that time, not in literature only.In the film Rebel Without a Cause describe a very similar situation, the tendency of rebel and violence among youngsters in American culture at that time.In the early 1950s, the accumulation of emotions and conflicts were bedding the transform a few years later, which had significant influence on American culture of that period.第三篇:麦田里的守望者英文读后感The Catcher in the Rye Part one Story Synopsis The hero ofthe story called Holden,he was a middle school student,but he didn’t like studying at all.He was tired of everything in the school.So he was expelled from school for the fourth time.In the removed that night,Holden left school,but he was afraid to go home.In desperation,Holden lived in a small hotel.However,it was a chaos of hotel,some shady people lived there,here Holden made a lot of stupid ter,he and his girlfriend split up.Then Holden to the bar to drink with an old school friend,he got very drunk,he put his head in cold water for a while,just wake up.When he walked out of the pub, be cold wind blows, the hair of his head was frozen.He thought he might die from pneumonia, always can't see his sister, decided to take the plunge and home her farewell.Holden secretly returned home, he said to sister his ideal, he will want to be a catcher in the ter, his parents came back, Holden frighten hide in closet.When his parents went to the bedroom, he quickly slipped out of the house, to a his respected teacher spend the night in the home.Holden didn't want to go home, decided to go to the west to make a living, but he wanted to in the face before walked bye sister, so he dated sister to the museum.But his sister, dragging a big suitcase full of her clothes, she must go with Holden to the western.Finally, for sister persuade invalid,Holden had to give up his plan to the west, then he took her to the zoo.And Holden decided not to run away.He went home shortly he had illness and was sent to a nursing home.Part two Book ReportThis is a novel about adolescent psychological problems.From the point of subject, like all young men, the hero is a liberal person, but he doesn't handle their own problems, at the same time, he was also confused, he don't know their future.Perhaps everyone in a teenager have encountered similarproblems, when we are at that time we offen not to talk about own confusion,so we may enter a wrong way,bringing harm to myself.So after finished reading this book, I realize the importance of mental health, when we meet with difficulties, we should actively to face, and efforts to solve every problem,can't give up myself,we must have the courage to face the reality.第四篇:《麦田里的守望者》读后感(英文)The catcher in the Rye is a typical novel which reflects the confusion and rebel of the 1950s in America history.From year 1945-1955, the American society seemed to be blissful on the surface while the fear of uncertainty caused by the growing communist challenge was affecting the culture of society.People became paranoiac and youngsters of the time became rebel or even violent resulting from the lost of aim and belief.Holton, the main character of this novel, is portrayed by the author as a typical teenager of the time.Born in a wealthy middle class family, Holton was supposed to live a good life.However, he expelled from school four times, not dare to go home, wandering alone in York city one day and two nights, living in small inn, going to nightclubs, being alcoholism.He wanted to escape from the real world because he feel depressed, confused, filled with all sorts of unrealistic fantasies.This novel can be defined as both the tragedy of Holton's and the author Salinger, who is a young people of that generation.In 1950, the Korean War started, which was an extension of the Cold War which strengthened the hostilities and conflicts between America and the Soviet Union.It definitely leaded to the panic of normal people because they were uncertain about the result of the competition between the superpowers.Teenagers were emotionally confused of the changing society, doubting their life and their future.Salinger hasalso written other novels such as Nine Stories, a collection of short stories even more depressed than The catcher in the Rye, which at least have expressed some hope at the end of the novel.Actually, characters like Holton become popular at that time, not inliterature only.In the film Rebel Without a Cause describe a very similar situation, the tendency of rebel and violence among youngsters in American culture at that time.In the early 1950s, the accumulation of emotions and conflicts were bedding the transform a few years later, which had significant influence on American culture of that period.第五篇:麦田里的守望者读书报告《麦田里的守望者》读后感那天去书店,我从一大堆世界名著中挑了一本很薄的书,名字叫《麦田里的守望者》,在我拿起这本书时,我没有想到这么薄的一本书会对我产生这么大的影响,使我感触很深,我觉得这本书的形式和内容都很出色。
——By J.D. Salinger
Data: Lin Junqiao, Hou Tiantian PPT: Zhang Haoyuan Speakers: Wang Be Author Plots&Characters Writing Style&Themes Beautiful Sentences Comments
我会站在一道破悬崖边上,我要做的就是抓住每个跑向 悬崖的孩子——我是说要是他们跑起来不看方向,我就 得从哪过来抓住他们。我整天就看那种事,就当个麦田 里的守望者。
• Lin Junqiao: We college graduates all have to fight for jobs in the
It is impossible that one can isolate from each other no matter how serious you are fed up with the world.
You have no choice but to adjust it. So Holden decided to become a catcher in the real world.
• Hou Tiantian:
• Zhang Haoyuan: It's a moving story, about youth and growth. Sometimes growth is painful, you have to change yourself. As will-be graduates, we are going to the crossroad in our life, to change or to escape, that's the question.
TheCatcherintheRye_麦田里的守望者读后感600字The catcher in the Rye is a novel written by Jim Salinger, an American writer. The novel tells the story of a high school student named Holton who was born in a wealthy middle class family. Should be young and lively youth, but wandering outside, do not want to study in school. Although he was once captain of the school fencing team, he hated everything in school, whether it was school or activities. After he was expelled from school again, he fled school after a fight with his classmates, but he dared not go home. Wandering for a few days, he felt more dark, so that he had the desire to think of the catcher in the rye, hoping to protect the innocence of the child.After reading this novel, I have great sympathy for Holton, but his heart is a good child, because through the darkness inside the school, everything will be so resistant to the school, he had no real friends in the school, only called a mercenary friend. However, he did not want to continue to travel with those so-called friends, maybe he knows just continue to associate with them, in accordance with the principle of Like attracts like. will follow, he fall together, even the last glimmer of purity will be darkness. So he prefers to be a parent, a bad boy in the eyes of a teacher, and he doesn't want to go back to school.When he fled the school, he found that the outside world was not much better than the school. When he was staying in a small hotel, he saw many different kinds of people and sympathized with some poor poor people. He was even beaten up by a prostitute. Fortunately, he still has his lovely sister, and finally feel that he is not alone, but also hope that he can be like the catcher in the rye like that, to protect the innocence of thechild.For children, to see the darkness of society will have a certain impact on children. I remember when I was a child, the village levied land to collect the land of my grandparents, and my grandparents got a sum of money. Grandpa wanted to split it up between his children. But uncle feel that too little, and so often in the front row grandma and grandpa. The family was embarrassed, and my father felt that it was not good to destroy his brother's feelings for the sake of money. He gave his share to his uncle. Even after my mother scolded the pour dog's blood on he just smiled, said one family in harmony. But last year the Spring Festival does not go to the temple's uncle came unexpectedly, obviously he is the purpose of it is to borrow money, indeed. Not long ago, when my father was in the hospital for surgery, my uncle didn't visit my father. My father left the hospital and soon came to borrow money. Home savings are not much, but my father is to lend money to Uncle without demur. I do not know why some people think money is more important than their families. Will money treat them as good as their families?The greedy uncle, even relatives, I really very difficult for him to have a crush. Moreover, his image had been deeply impressed when I was a child, and it was difficult to change him. So I feel the same with everything that Holton has suffered. Hope that the dark and selfish human nature of society will no longer appear, and give the children a warm world.。
《麦田里的守望者》英文读后感Book Review of The Catcher in the Rye ——Canacsa
Book Review of The Catcher in the RyeThese days I’ve been reading a book called The Catcher in the Rye, a novel written by an American author Salinger. The novel, telling a story about a 16-year-old boy Holden who was born in a rich middle class family, wandering around New York for three days after he was dropped out of school, left a deep impression on me. Some people criticized that the figures in the novel were victims in the 1950s in America, who are tortured by capitalism. However, I consider it to be simply a novel exploring the inner world of a teenager.In my opinion, Holden was a nice boy who was once the captain of the school fencing team, even though he, a teenage boy of 16, smoked, drank and had sexual intercourse with females. After he was dropped out of Pencey, instead of going home immediately, he went to visit his history teacher, for whom he showed true respect. During these three days, he went to a bar for a drink and went to see a movie with his girlfriend, Sally, a fake girl who thought highly of money and fame. And Holden broke up with her after the movie. Finally on the third day, he went back home to see his beloved sister, Phoebe, a brilliantly innocent girl. It really impressed me that Holden loved his families so much because every time Holden recalled his departed younger brother, Ally, he was highly proud of Ally even though he passed away at an early age. Being highly expected of by his parents, Holden was afraid that his parents would beirritated if they learned the news that he was dropped out of school.At the end of the story, Holden fell ill and was sent to hospital and his rest of life remained a mystery.Holden is the most sincere and kindest hero I’ve ever come across in the novels, even though he tells lies and his mouth is full of dirty words. In truth, if you get further insight into his pure heart or know how he feels about the world, you won’t consider him rebellious, nonchalant or selfish. Instead, you regard him to be a gentle, calm, straightforward guy who is pursuing true love in the world.From my point of view, The Catcher in the Rye is a masterpiece that goes beyond class, age and nation. As long as you think deeply, you will have the same feelings as Holden. A young person, especially teenagers od 16, radiant with vigor and full of life, has all the favor granted by God. However, sometimes there is uncertainty inside our heart; sometimes we smile unfaithfully in order to be sociable; sometimes we chase anxiously after fame without innocence. But how many of us are brave enough to break the rules and stick to what is correct even though people around us put strong emphasis on it that it is wrong. We all know that there a real “I” inside our soul, and sometimes we need to talk with ourselves, otherwise we will be twisted by the injustice, hatred and greediness in the real world.Although the story doesn’t satisfy us with a happy ending, there isreally something we can learn throughout the story. Mr. Spencer, Holden’s history teacher, once said to Holden when Holden visited him, “Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.” It sure is. However, the problem is how we can play by heart and keep it a fair game for everyone and make it memorable for our life. If not, we may lose hope and find life meaningless. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.To conclude, The Cather in the Rye is worthy of being read. It is a novel about a teenage life, from which we university students can learn a lot. University life is a special phase in our life. Being a member of this society which is now having a revolution, we should, to some extent hold on to our dreams. We have already learned some bad news about university students. They become less eager for their dreams. Instead, they drowned themselves in bars and clubs taking drugs. They play day in and day out. They become negative about their future life and just give themselves up to the bleak future after plenty of job interviews. So frustrated and vulnerable are they that they may even commit suicide. It's true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities. You would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you a understanding look during your bitter struggle. Even a mereglance would make you moved and inspired. For us university students, I think we should always keep a pure heart no matter what happen in our future. We should be ambitious and stick to our dreams. Where there’s hope, there is life. The book is just like a wonderful dessert which you hope to taste for a long time.。
英语名著读后感作文The Catcher in the Rye: A Reflection on Adolescence and Disillusionment。
The Catcher in the Rye, a seminal work by J.D. Salinger, is a profound exploration of adolescent angst and alienation. Through the eyes of Holden Caulfield, an introverted and cynical teenager, the novel offers a rawand unfiltered glimpse into the complexities of teenagelife. As I delved into the pages of this literary gem, I found myself constantly engaged by Holden's unique perspective and the profound themes that Salingermasterfully weaves throughout the narrative.Holden's voice is both charming and infuriating. His candid observations and candid assessments of the world around him are both refreshing and jarring. He sees through the hypocrisy and superficiality of society, particularly the adult world, and he is unafraid to voice his disapproval. His contempt for phonies, those who pretend tobe something they are not, runs throughout the novel, serving as a stark contrast to the superficiality of society. This disdain for hypocrisy resonates deeply with me, as it highlights the importance of authenticity and sincerity in human relationships.The novel's exploration of adolescence is particularly poignant。
In the novel, the catcher in the rye field represents Holden's desire to protect the innocence and purity of children from the evils of the adult world.
Slang and Colloquialisms
The language is full of 1950s teen slang and colloquialisms, adding to the authenticity and immersion in the story.
Mixed Register
He feels lonely, misunderstood, and disconnected from society, and he is constantly on the lookout for something meaningful in life.
Holden's mood is characterized by cynicism, melancholy, and a strong sense of alienation.
The Catcher in the Rye的出版对后来的青春文学产生了深远影响,它开创了青少年成长小说的新篇章,为后来的作家提供了新的创作灵感和方向。
The influence on later literature
Dreamlike Quality
Salinger adeptly explores Holden's mental state, including his loneliness, alienation, and confusion about the adult world.
The Catcher in the Rye全英读书报告
——By J.D. Salinger
Data: Lin Junqiao, Hou Tiantian PPT: Zhang Haoyuan Speakers: Wang Binping Xu Meng
The Author Plots&Characters Writing Style&Themes Beautiful Sentences Comments
我会站在一道破悬崖边上,我要做的就是抓住每个跑向 悬崖的孩子——我是说要是他们跑起来不看方向,我就 得从哪过来抓住他们。我整天就看那种事,ts
• Lin Junqiao: We college graduates all have to fight for jobs in the
Other Works
1. Nine Stories (1953) •A Perfect Day for Bananafish (1948) •Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut (1948) •Just Before the War with the Eskimos (1948) •The Laughing Man (1949) •Down at the Dinghy (1949) •For Esmé—with Love and Squalor (1950) •Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes (1951) •De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period (1952) •Teddy (1953) 2.Three Early Stories (2014) •The Young Folks (1940) •Go See Eddie (1940) •Once a Week Won't Kill You (1944)
完整word版,the Catcher In the Rye 英文读后感 麦田里的守望者
The Catcher In the Rye is a novel written by American writer Jerome David Salinger,which is considered to be one of the most classic works in the twentieth century American literature.It published in 1951,when American just won the Second World War and became a economic and military power in the world,people at that time ignored personality development and other’s feeling but only focused on creating wealth.The Catcher In the Rye criticized such kind of phenomenon.The story occurred during 3 days,about a sixteen-year-old high school student,Holden Caulfield,who used to talk dirty and disliked study.This was the forth time for him to be dismissed by school.He was afraid to be scold by his parents,so he take a considerable sum of money and left for New York.After two days hanging out he decided to pack up and run away to a place where is far away from home,but with his sister’s entreaties he finally chose to stay.There are many conflicts in the story,but the most important one maybe is Holden’s inner conflict.From the brief plot we may regard him as a rebellious and cynical boy,but actually he is also sincere and good-hearted,has base line of moral,we can see that from when he refused the prostitute,donated money to the nuns,concerned about where the ducks can go in the winter and so on.“Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around--nobody big, I mean--except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff--I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.”These is the most famous line in the novel,which appears in chapter 22.Holden had unique and different point of view about things,and he hated phony behaviors,such kind of character can exactly be showed from the words above,when his sister Phoebe asked what he wanted to do in the future.Holden was born in a middle class family,teachers and parents only wanted him to get grades and become rich but ignored hid real feelings.Holden’s complaint means his discontent with the unfair in American social and no one really understand him.So if we see in this way, Holden seems to be a little kid playing in the rye rather than a catcher,he hoped that someone would come,understand and help him,let him to do the things he like but not only study the boring lessons,what made him disappointed is that the man didn’t appear all the time.Growth is an eternal topic,maybe we will have some confusion just like Holden,but may us can find the one who understands us and never give up our original dreams.。
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The Author
Jerome David Salinger (1919 – 2010) •American writer, Short story writer, novelist •Educated in Ursinus College, New York University, Columbia University •Won acclaim early in life •Achieved great success because of The Catcher in the Rye
The Plots
Holden was a boy taller than his peers and was dismissed from school four times. After experiencing a lot of things, he gradually realized that as a human being.
• Hou Tiantian:
• Zhang Haoyuan: It's a moving story, about youth and growth. Sometimes growth is painful, you have to change yourself. As will-be graduates, we are going to the crossroad in our life, to change or to escape, that's the question.
Holden Caulfield
A sixteen-year-old American boy His characters——alienation, cynical, yearning for individuality , escape from reality, rebellious.
Writing Style
The Catcher in the Rye
——By J.D. Salinger
Data: Lin Junqiao, Hou Tiantian PPT: Zhang Haoyuan Speakers: Wang Binping Xu Meng
The Author Plots&Characters Writing Style&Themes Beautiful Sentences Comments
Other Works
1. Nine Stories (1953) •A Perfect Day for Bananafish (1948) •Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut (1948) •Just Before the War with the Eskimos (1948) •The Laughing Man (1949) •Down at the Dinghy (1949) •For Esmé—with Love and Squalor (1950) •Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes (1951) •De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period (1952) •Teddy (1953) 2.Three Early Stories (2014) •The Young Folks (1940) •Go See Eddie (1940) •Once a Week Won't Kill You (1944)
Majence vs. Numbness • Love and Sex • Loss of Innocence • Phoniness vs. Authenticity • Life and Death • Lack of Authority Figures • Loneliness
It is impossible that one can isolate from each other no matter how serious you are fed up with the world.
You have no choice but to adjust it. So Holden decided to become a catcher in the real world.
我会站在一道破悬崖边上,我要做的就是抓住每个跑向 悬崖的孩子——我是说要是他们跑起来不看方向,我就 得从哪过来抓住他们。我整天就看那种事,就当个麦田 里的守望者。
• Lin Junqiao: We college graduates all have to fight for jobs in the
highly competitive market. What we need is not only the high level of competence in our profession, but also the practical and sensible trait to realize the fact that we shouldn't give up until we have exhausted all the possibilities. Facing with the confusing problems, we should never compromise to them. We should accommodate ourselves to live in the world. And it is the faith that pulls Holden back into the society.
The Catcher in the Rye
Published in 1951. among the 100 best English-language novels from 1951-2005 Frequently challenged in the United States for its liberal use of profanity(亵 渎语言) and portrayal of sexuality. Deals with complex issues of identity, belonging, connection and alienation.
Dominant Symbols
• The “Catcher in the Rye” • Holden’s Red Hunting Hat • The Ducks in the Central Park Lagoon
Beautiful Sentences
A woman’s body is like a violin and all, and that it takes a terrific musician to play it right. 女人的身体就像一个小提琴什 么的,得有个出色的音乐家来演奏才行。 I’m always saying ―Glad to’ve met you‖ to somebody I’m not at all glad I met. 我经常要对别人说―很高兴见到你‖,尽管我见到 他们根本不高兴。 Some people you shouldn’t kid, even if they deserve it. 有些人是开不得玩笑的,尽管他们活该。
Beautiful Sentences
I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff—I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I’d do all day. I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all.
• Subjective • Critical • "Old" - term of familiarity or endearment. • "Phony" – superficially acting a certain way only to change what others think of you • "That killed me" – I found that hilarious or astonishing • "Flit" – homosexual