Control of table grape storage rots by pre-harvest applications of salts


表控制Table Control使用方法总结

表控制Table Control使用方法总结

TableControl使用方法TalbeControl使用方法总结一.自己手动制作TableControl(我最喜欢用的方法)1) 定义内表DATA wa type mseg.DATA itab like table of wa.2) 定义表控制对象CONTROL: TC1 type TABLEVIEW USING SCREEN 0100.3) PBO*将内表中的值传至TableControl中显示出来.*内表=>屏幕LOOP AT itab into waWITH CONTROL TC1CURSOR TC1-current_line.…*将内表或变量中的值传给TableControl中相应的字段.MODULE TC1_change_field_attr.ENDLOOP.4) PAI*将TableControl中的值传至内表*屏幕=>内表LOOP AT itabCHAIN.FIELD itab-co1.FIELD itab-co2.…*将TableControl中相应字段的值传给内表或变量MODULE TC1_modify ON CHAIN-REQUEST.…ENDCHAIN.ENDLOOP.5) Modulemodule TC1_modify input.modify itab from wa index TC1-current_line.endmodule.二、通过向导建立TableControl1)进入Screen Painter;2)将Table Control拖入屏幕,进入向导界面;3)输入Table Control名称,继续;4)输入内表名称( 注意,应该先在程序中建立好内表);5)选择表字段,继续;6)设置Input/output attributes、Columns、Line selectability属性;7)设置是否有Scroll;8)输入生成程序的名称,可以用默认;9)单击“完成”;10)观察程序,TableContrl和相应代码都已自动生成,建立成功。

11 利口酒和蜜甜尔

11 利口酒和蜜甜尔

西北农林科技大学“葡萄与葡萄酒工程专业”——专业必修课葡萄酒工艺学授课专业:葡萄与葡萄酒工程授课教师:陶永胜授课时间:2012年秋葡 萄 酒 工 艺 学 内 容1.绪论2.葡萄的成熟与采收3.原料的改良4.酵母菌与酒精发酵5.苹果酸-乳酸发酵6.葡萄酒酿造的基本工艺7.红葡萄酒的酿造8.白葡萄酒的酿造9.桃红葡萄酒的酿造 10.二氧化碳浸渍酿造法11.利口葡萄酒和蜜甜尔12.起泡葡萄酒13.白兰地 14.葡萄酒的成熟15.葡萄酒的澄清 16.葡萄酒的稳定17.葡萄酒的病害 18.葡萄酒的封装11 利口酒和蜜甜尔主要内容:几种利口葡萄酒。



●11.1 利口葡萄酒的定义、分类●11.2 索泰尔纳酒●11.3 自然甜型葡萄酒●11.4 蜜甜尔●11.5 以干化葡萄为原料的葡萄酒●11.6 加香葡萄酒●11.7 其它的特种葡萄酒●11.8 加强葡萄酒的热处理思考题11.1 利口葡萄酒的定义、分类⏹利口葡萄酒:OIV规定,总酒度≥17.5%(v/v),酒度15-22%(v/v)的特种葡萄酒。


⏹是在自然总酒度不低于12%的新鲜葡萄、葡萄汁、或葡萄酒中加入①酒精②酒精和浓缩葡萄汁,或葡萄汁糖浆,或新鲜过熟葡萄汁或蜜甜尔,或它们的混合物后获得的产品,但由发酵产生的酒度不得低于4% (v/v)。


11.2 索泰尔纳酒(Sauternes)⏹法国Sauternes(索丹,苏玳)地区著名的浓甜白葡萄酒,品种为赛美容和密思恰得尔,利用灰腐菌的贵腐作用提高浆果的含糖量(达30%),并引起原料成分的一系列变化。

⏹贵腐作用:(botrytis cinerea)Noble rotSauternes贵腐作用引起的原料的变化⏹柠檬酸、葡萄糖酸含量升高,而且葡萄糖酸含量的升高是所有过熟葡萄原料的共同特点。

proc tabulate用法

proc tabulate用法

proc tabulate用法PROC TABULATE是SAS中的一个过程,用于生成交叉表和汇总报告。


PROC TABULATE的基本语法如下:sasPROC TABULATE DATA = dataset;CLASS variables;VAR variables;TABLE row-variable(s), column-variable(s) * statistic-variable(s) / options;RUN;其中,参数说明如下:- DATA:指定数据集的名称。

- CLASS:指定要分组的分类变量。

- VAR:指定需要计算统计量的变量。

- TABLE:定义交叉表的结构,通过指定行变量和列变量以及需要计算的统计量来创建交叉表。


- options:可选的控制选项,用于控制输出格式和计算方法。

可以使用以下选项来控制PROC TABULATE的行为:- FORMAT:对变量进行格式化。

- MISSING:指定缺失值出现在分类变量的位置。

- WHERE:子集选择。

- KEYWORD:通过关键字指定某些特定的统计量。

以下是一个简单的PROC TABULATE的示例:sasPROC TABULATE DATA = sashelp.class;CLASS sex;VAR age height weight;TABLE sex, (age mean height mean weight mean) / BOX="Statistics"; RUN;该示例将sashelp.class数据集按性别进行分组,并计算年龄、身高和体重的平均值。


E5CSL E5CWL温度控制器使用说明书

E5CSL E5CWL温度控制器使用说明书

E5CSL/E5CWL T emperature Controller Instruction Manual Thank you for purchasing the OMRON E5CSL/E5CWL Temperature Controller. This manual describes the functions, performance, and application methods needed for optimum use of the product.Please observe the following items when using the product.• This product is designed for use by qualified personnel with a knowledge of electrical systems.• Before using the product, thoroughly read and understand this manual to ensure correct use.• Keep this manual in a safe location so that it is available for reference whenever required.©All Rights Reserved Suitability for Use OMRON shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations that apply to the combination of the products in the customer's application or use of the product. Take all necessary steps to determine the suitability of the product for the systems, machines, and equipment with which it will be used.Know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to this product.NEVER USE THE PRODUCTS FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCT IS PROPERLY RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.See also product catalog for Warranty and Limitation of Liability.CAUTION Do not touch the terminals while power is being supplied. Doing so may occasionally result in minor injury due to electric shock.Do not allow pieces of metal, wire clippings, or fine metallic shavings or filings from installation to enter the product. Doing so may occasionally result in electric shock, fire, or malfunction.Do not use the product where subject to flammable or explosive gas. Otherwise, minor injury from explosion mayoccasionally occur.Never disassemble, modify, or repair the product or touch any of the internal parts. Minor electric shock, fire, or malfunction may occasionally occur. If the output relays are used past their life expectancy, contact fusing or burning may occasionally occur. Always consider the application conditions and use the output relays within their rated load and electrical life expectancy. The life expectancy of output relays varies considerably with the output load and switching conditions.Tighten the terminal screws to between 0.74 and 0.90 N·m. Loose screws may occasionally result in fire.Set the parameters of the product so that they are suitable for the system being controlled. If they are not suitable, unexpected operation may occasionally result in property damage or accidents.EN Models with Single Display Models with Dual Display E5CSL- R Relay output: 250 VAC, 3 A Q Voltage output (for driving SSR): 12 VDC, 21 mA Control output 131Sensor type 31 Relay output: 250 VAC, 1 A (resistive load)Alarm (E5CWL only)2E5CWL- 1123• Insert the Controller through the hole in the panel. Push the adapter on from therear to secure the Controller.• Make sure that the surrounding temperature does not exceed the allowable operating temperature given in the specifications, especially when two or more Controllers are mounted.• The voltage output (control output) is not electrically isolated from the internalwiring. One or the other of the control output terminals must therefore be leftungrounded when using a grounded thermocouple thermometer. (If both are grounded, measurements will be unreliable due to sneak current.)Individual Mounting Side-by-side Mounting TC Thermocouple (K, J, T, R, or S)P Platinum resistance thermometer (Pt100)The standby sequence is cleared when the alarm OFF condition has been met.The standby sequence is started again when any of the following conditions is met.• Operation is started (power is turned ON or operation is switched from stop to run).• The alarm value is changed.• The temperature input offset is changed.• The set point is changed.Standby sequence clearedAlarm value Alarm with standby sequenceProcess value TimeAlarm without standby sequence Example: Deviation Lower Limit Standby Sequence ONThe default alarm type is 2.• The control output and the alarm output will turn OFF when an error occurs.(For s.err , the alarm output will be processed for a high temperature error.)• If the input value exceeds the display limit (-1999 to 9999) but it is still within the control range, [[[[ will be displayed for values under -1999.Under these conditions, the control output and alarm output will operate normally.*1: This error is displayed only when the process value and set point are displayed.*2: If the display does not change, the Controller needs to be repaired.If operation returns to normal, then noise may have caused the problem. Check for noise.*3: On the E5CSL, e111 and sum will alternate on the display at 1-second intervals.On the E5CWL, e111 will be displayed on display No. 1 and sum will be displayed on display No. 2. * * * * *The default input type is 8.The default input type is 0.−300 to 23000.0 to 900.0−100 to 15000.0 to 750.0−300 to 700−199.9 to 700.00 to 30000 to 3000−200 to 1300−20.0 to 500.0−100 to 850−20.0 to 400.0−200 to 400−199.9 to 400.00 to 17000 to 1700Input Setting range (°C)Setting range (°F)t -n i l.adj t p a o Input Typeinpt at AT Execute/Cancel d-u Temperature Unit s n i t p k o TemperatureInput Shift cntl PID • ON/OFF al-1Alarm Value*E5CWL only p Proportional Band cp Control Period r-s RUN/STOP i Integral Time oreV Direct/ReverseOperation d Derivative Time alt1Alarm Type *E5CWL only of-r hys HysteresisOperation/Adjustment Protect Initial Setting Protect Operation Control Key Protect PV/SP Set Point *E5CSL only Manual Reset Value Adjustment Level 100SP 25SP for less for at least 3 seconds.Protect Level Operation Level +Adjustment Level POWER ON Initial Setting Level 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz85% to 110% of the rated voltageApprox. 3.5 VARelay output: 250 VAC, 3 A (resistive load)Voltage output (for driving SSR): 12 VDC+25%/−15%, 21 mA Relay output: 250 VAC, 1 A (resistive load)ON/OFF or 2-PID control 100,000 operations 250 ms −10 to 55°C (with no freezing or condensation)Thermocouple: K, J, T, R, or S (JIS C 1602-1995 and IEC 60584-1)Platinum resistance thermometer: Pt100(JIS C 1604-1997 and IEC 60751)Control output Recommended fuse Weight Degree of protection Alarm output Control method Electrical life of relay Sampling period Malfunction vibration Vibration resistance Ambient temperature Ambient humidity Storage temperature Altitude Installation environment Memory protection Indication accuracy (ambient temperature: 23°C)25% to 85%Power supply voltage Operating voltage range Power consumption −25 to 65°C (with no freezing or condensation)2,000 m max.T2A, 250 VAC, time-lag, low-breaking capacity Approx. 100 g (Controller only)Front panel: IP50, Rear case: IP20,Terminal section: IP00Installation category II,pollution degree 2 (as per IEC 61010-1)Non-volatile memory(number of write operations: 100,000)Sensor type Alarm type No alarm Deviation upper/lower limit Deviation upper limit Deviation lower limit Deviation upper/lower range D eviation upper/lower limit standby sequence ON Deviation upper limit standby sequence ON Deviation lower limit standby sequence ON Absolute value upper limit Absolute value lower limit Absolute value upper limit standby sequence ON Absolute value lower limit standby sequence ON Do not set.Output OFF Positive alarm value (X)Negative alarm value (X)Always ON Always OFF Always OFF Process value LevelSetting Adjustment LevelOperationLevel PV/SPOthers (Alarm Value): Operation control keys are enabled but operation control using parameters is disabled.: Operation control keys are disabled but operation control usingparameters is enabled.: Operation control keys and operation control using parametersare disabled.Default: 0Operation ControlAT Execute/Cancel (M +D )RUN/STOP (M +U )01234SettingLevel 10Do not set.2SettingInitial Setting Level Default: 1• Operation/Adjustment Protection • Initial Setting Protection • Operation Control Key Protection+−AB B Pt inputAlarm Output• Relay output: 250 VAC, 1 A(resistive load)Input power supply:100 to 240 VAC,50/60 HzDO NOT USE Control output +−TC inputM M MM M M M MM M M M M M MM M Step 3Adjustment Level: Used to tune parameters and set control parameters. Adjustment Level AT Execute/Cancel Temperature Input Shift Proportional Band Integral Time Derivative Time Manual Reset Value Hysteresis l.adj at ins p i d of-r hys This display indicates that you have moved to Adjustment Level.Starts and stops autotuning. (Displayed only when PID control is selected.)*1*2Set a compensation value for the temperature input in increments of 0.1°C or 0.1°F.Set the proportional band in increments of 0.1°C or 0.1°F.(Displayed only when PID control is selected.) Set the integral time in increments of 1 s. (Displayed only when PID control is selected.) Set the derivative time in increments of 1 s. (Displayed only when PID control is selected.) Set the manipulated value to use for P or PD control (I = 0). The offset will be canceled. Set the hysteresis to use to achieve stable operation when switching the control output ON/OFF during ON/OFF control. (Displayed only when ON/OFF control is selected.) off /on -199.9 to 999.90.1 to 999.90 to 39990 to 39990.0 to 100.00.1 to 999.9OFF 0.0 (°C)8.0 (°C)233 (s)40 (s)50.0 (%)1.0 (°C)Step 4Protect Level: Used to set parameters to restrict key operations.Operation/Adjustment Protect Initial Setting Protect Operation Control Key Protect oapt inpt okpt Set protection for Operation Level and Adjustment Level.Set protection for Initial Setting Level. Set protection for the AT Key and RUN/STOP Key (operation control keys). *Refer to table on the right.*Refer to table on the right.*Refer to table on the right. 010Step 2Operation Level: Used to monitor the process value and to set the set point, alarm value, etc.PV/SP Alarm value RUN/STOP Monitor the process value and set the set point.Set the alarm value. The location of the decimal point depends on the input type. *E5CWL only.Start and stop control operation. *1-1999 to 9999run /stop SV: 0 (°C)0 (°C)RUN Display Parameter name Description Setting/monitoring range Default Step 1Initial Setting Level: Used to set basic specifications.Input Type Temperature Unit PID • ON/OFF Control Period Direct/Reverse Operation Alarm Type in-t d-u cntl cp ore?alt1Set the input sensor type.Set the unit for temperature input to Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).Set either 2-PID control or ON/OFF control.Set the time-proportional control period for the control output. (Displayed only when PID control is selected.) Set either reverse option (heating control) or direct operation (cooling control). Set the alarm type.*E5CWL only.c (°C)/f (°F)onof /pid 0.5, 1 to 990 or 8°C ON/OFF 20 or 2 (s)Or-r (reverse control)2 (Deviation upper limit)or-r (reverse control)or-d (direct control)*1: Displayed only when Operation Control Key Protection is set to 4.*2: The setting cannot be changed during autotuning. Autotuning will be stopped if you move to Initial Setting Level or stop control operation. • Displays during AutotuningE5CSL: The current deviation indicator will flash. E5CWL: The AT Execute/Cancel characters on display No. 1 and the PV/SP characters on display No. 2 will flash.K J T R S Setting 01234567Check the wiring of inputs, disconnections, short circuitsand input type.T urn the power OFF then back ON again.*2Press the U and D Keys for at least 3 seconds to initialize the settings and clear the non-volatile memory error.*2Display Action s.err (S.ERR)e111(E111)e111/sum (E111)/(SUM) *3Meaning Input error *1RAM memory error Non-volatile memory memory error −300 to 1500−199.9 to 900.0−200 to 850−199.9 to 500.0Pt10089Safety Precautions Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, is likely to result in minor or moderate injury or property damage. Read this manual carefully before using the product.CAUTION Package Contents • Temperature Controller • Adapter • Instruction Manual 460645844.8×44.848×48Adapter • Solderless terminal size: M3.5• Terminal Cover: E53-COV19 (sold separately)• Front Panel: E53-COV20 (sold separately)Recommended panel thickness is 1 to 5 mm.1(10) D Down Key: Reduces the setting.(11) U Up Key: Increases the setting.(12) O +M Press these keys for at least 3 seconds in Operation Level or Adjustment Level to go to Protect Level.Press these keys for at least 1 second in Protect Level to return to Operation Level.(13)M +D Press these keys for at least 2 seconds to start or stop autotuning.*1(14) M +U Press these keys for at least 2 seconds to start or stop operation.*2(3)(7)(4)(9)(8)(12)(13)(14)(11)(12)(13)(14)(11)(10)(2)(1)(10)(6)(6)(7)(8)(5)(1)(9)E5CSL E5CWL D Key or U Key Input Type Parameter Display Parameter SettingDisplay Press the U or D Key at the display for the parameter for which the setting is to be changed. The parameter setting display will appear.Use the U or D Key to change the setting. Example: Changing the Input Type from 0 to 1in-t 0Procedure for Changing E5CSL Settings After 2 seconds U Flashes quickly.Setting confirmed.*1: These keys are disabled when starting and stopping autotuning has been disabled with operation control key protection.*2: These keys are disabled when starting and stopping operation has been disabled with operation control key protection.Control Output• Relay output: 250 VAC, 3 A (resistive load)• Voltage output (for driving SSR): 12 VDC, 21 mAAlarm hysteresis(always 0.2 °C/°F)23457891045+0.60+1.004560 min.+0.6045+0.60(48 x number of Controllers − 2.5)OMRON CORPORA TION Key to Warning Symbols Warning Symbols SpecificationsWiring Model Number Legends Dimensions (mm)Installation (mm)Connections Front Panel Part Names and Functions(1) Display No. 1 Displays the process value (PV) or parameter. For the E5CSL, the set point or parameter setting is also displayed.(2) Display No. 2 Displays the set point (SP) or parameter setting.(3) Deviation Indicators Show the relation between the process value and the set point. Lit: The process value is more than 5°C/°F higher than the set point. Lit: The process value is more than 5°C/°F lower than the set point. Lit: The process value is within 5°C/°F of the set point. The relevant deviation indicator will flash during autotuning.(4) SP Lit while the set point is displayed on display No. 1 (E5CSL only). (5) ALM Lit while the alarm is ON. Not lit while the alarm is OFF. (6) OUT Lit while the control output is ON. Not lit while the control output is OFF.(7) STOPNot lit during operation. Lit while operation is stopped.(8) O Level Key: Changes the setting level.(9) M Mode Key: Changes the parameter within the setting level.Operation MenuParameter Operations Press Press than 1 second.for at least 1 second.Press Parameter Tables Display Parameter name Description Setting/monitoring range Default Display Parameter name Description Setting/monitoring range Default Display Parameter name Description Setting/monitoring range Default *Refer to table on the right.*Refer to table on the Input type: Thermocouple Input Setting range (°C)Setting range (°F)Setting Input type: Platinum Resistance Thermometer Troubleshooting Protection : Can be displayed and changed.: Can only be displayed.: Display or changing to another level is not possible.0 1 2 311OMRON EUROPE B.V.Wegalaan 67-69, NL-2132 JD Hoofddorp The NetherlandsPhone 31-2356-81-300 FAX 31-2356-81-388OMRON ELECTRONICS LLCOne Commerce Drive Schaumburg, IL 60173-5302 U.S.APhone 1-847-843-7900 FAX 1-847-843-7787OMRON ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD.No. 438A Alexandra Road # 05-05/08 (Lobby 2),Alexandra Technopark, Singapore 119967 Phone 65-6835-3011 FAX 65-6835-2711OMRON Corporation Shiokoji Horikawa, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8530 JAPAN Malfunction shock Shock resistance 10 to 55 Hz, 20 m/s 2 for 10 min each in X, Y and Z directions 10 to 55 Hz, 20 m/s 2 for 2 h each in X, Y and Z directions100 m/s 2, 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions300 m/s 2, 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directionsMd-u Next Parameter Display*The dimensions are the same for the E5CSL.(±0.5% of indication value or ±1°C, whichever is greater)±1 digit max.R, S thermocouple at 200°C or less: ±3°C ±1 digit max.K, T thermocouple at −100°C or less: ±2°C ±1 digit max.Use a deviation alarm to link the alarm to the SP.If the SP is changed, the alarm operating point will also change.Deviation AlarmUse an absolute value alarm when the alarm is not linked to the SP.Absolute Value Alarm0X ON OFF SP X ON OFF SP X ON OFF SP X ON OFF 0X ON OFF 0X ON OFF 0X ON OFF 0X ON OFF ON OFF SP X XSP XON OFF SP XON OFF SP X X ON OFF SP X X ON OFF SP X ON OFF SP X ON OFF 0X ON OFF0XON OFF 0X ON OFF Set this difference.SP Linked Fixed Set the difference(deviation) from the SP.Set the alarm operating point as the temperature (absolute value).Set the temperature (absolute value) at which to output an alarm.0* Alarms with a Standby SequenceSP X ON OFFAlarmsSetting 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12Alarm operating point Alarm operating point The alarm is blocked until the first safe-state is reached.Unwanted alarm during start-up are prevented.Deviation/ab solute value alarm Deviation alarmDeviationalarm DeviationalarmDeviation alarm Deviation alarm Deviationalarm Deviationalarm Absolute value alarm Absolutevalue alarm Absolute value alarmAbsolute value alarm Be sure to observe the following precautions to prevent operation failure, malfunction, or adverse affects on the performance and functions of the product. Not doing so may occasionally result in unexpected events.(1) The product is designed for indoor use only. Do not use the product outdoors or in any of the following locations. •Places directly subject to heat radiated from heating equipment.•Places subject to splashing liquid or oil atmosphere. •Places subject to direct sunlight. •Places subject to dust or corrosive gas (in particular, sulfide gas and ammonia gas). •Places subject to intense temperature change.•Places subject to icing and condensation. •Places subject to vibration and large shocks.(2) Use/store within the rated temperature and humidity ranges. Provide forced-cooling if required.(3) To allow heat to escape, do not block the area around the product. Do not block the ventilation holes on the product.(4) Be sure to wire properly with correct polarity of terminals.(5) Use specified size (M3.5, width 7.2 mm or less) crimped terminals for wiring. To connect bare wires to the terminal block, use copper braided or solid wires with a rated temperature of over 70°C and a gauge of AWG24 to AWG14 (equal to a cross-sectional area of 0.205 to 2.081 mm 2). (The stripping length is 5 to 6 mm.) Up to two wires of same size and type, or two crimped terminals can be inserted into a single terminal.(6) Do not wire the terminals which are not used.(7) Allow as much space as possible between the controller and devices that generate a powerful high- frequency or surge. Separate the high-voltage or large-current power lines from other lines, and avoid parallel or common wiring with the power lines when you are wiring to the terminals.(8) Use this product within the rated load and power supply.(9) Make sure that the rated voltage is attained within two seconds of turning ON the power using a switch or relay contact. If the voltage is applied gradually, the power may not be reset or output malfunctions may occur.(10) Make sure that the Controller has 30 minutes or more to warm up after turning ON the power before starting actual control operations to ensure the correct temperature display. (11) A switch or circuit breaker should be provided close to this unit. The switch or circuit breaker should be within easy reach of the operator, and must be marked as a disconnecting means for this unit.(12) Do not use paint thinner or similar chemical to clean with. Use standard grade alcohol.(13) Design system (control panel, etc) considering the 2 second of delay that the controller’s output to be set after power ON.(14) The output may turn OFF when shifting to certain levels. Take this into consideration when performing control.(15) The number of non-volatile memory write operations is limited.Precautions for Safe Use A malfunction in the Temperature Controller may occasionally make control operations impossible or prevent alarm outputs, resulting in property damage. To maintain safety in the event of malfunction of the Temperature Controller, take appropriate safety measures, such as installing a monitoring device on a separate line.Default: 0: Can be displayed and changed.: Display or changing to another level is not possible.2113603-9A CL1for at least 3 seconds.Press for at least 1 second.+Press。



OptionsOptionsBehaviorAllowIncrementalSearchAllowPartialRedrawOnScrolingAutoExpandAllGroupsAutoPopulateColumsAutoSelectAllInEditorAutoUpdateTotalSummaryCacheValuesOnRowUpdatingEditableEditorShowModeFocusLeaveOnTabImmediateUpdateRowKeepFocusedRowOnUpdateKeepGroupExpandedOnSortingSamrtVertScrollBar OptionsCustomizationAllowColmunMovingAllowColmunResizingAllowFilterAllowGroupAllowRowSizingAllowSortOptionsDetailAllowExpandEmptyDetailsAllowOnlyOneMasteRowExpandedAllowZoomDetailAutoZoomDetailEnableDetailToolTipEnableMasterViewModeShowDetailTabsSmartDetailExpandSmartDetailExpandButtonModeSmartDetailHeightOptionFilterAllowColumnMRUFilterListAllowFilterEditorAllowMRUFilterListColumnFilterPopupMaxRecordsCountColumnFilterPopupRowCountMaxCheckedListItemCountMRUColumnFilterListCountMRUFilterListCountMRUFilterListPopupCountShowAllTableValuesInFilterPopupUseNewCustomFilterDialog OptionHintShowCellHintsShowColumnHeaderHints OptionLayoutColumnsAddNewColumnRemoveOldColumnsStroeAllOptionsStroeAppearanceStroeLayoutLayoutVersionStoreAllOptionsStoreAppearanceStoreDataSettingsStoreVisualOptionsOptionMenuEnableColumnMenuEnableFooterMenuEnableGroupPanelMenu OptionNavigationAutoFocusNewRowAutoMoveRowFocusEnterMoveNextColumnUseTabKeyOptionsPrintAutoWidthEnableAppearanceEvenRowEnableAppearanceOddRowExpandAllDetailExpandAllGroupsPrintDetailsPrintFilterInfoPrintFooterPrintGroupFooterPrintHeaderPrintHorzLinesPrintPreviewPrintVerLinesSplitCellPreviewAcrossPagesUsePrintStyles OptionsSelectionEnableAppearanceFocusedCellEnableAppearanceFocusedRowEnableAppearanceHideSelectionInvertSelectionMultiSelectMultiSelectModeUseIndicatorForSelection OptionViewAllowCellMergeAllowHtmlDrawHeadersAnimationTypeColumnAutoWidthEnableAppearanceEvenRowEnableAppearanceOddRowGroupDrawModeHeaderFilterButtonShowModeNewItemRowPositionRowAutoHeightShowAutoFilterRowShowChildrenInGroupPanelShowColumnHeadersShowDetailButtonsShowFilterPanelModeShowFooterShowGroupedColumnsShowGroupPanelShowHorzLinesShowIndicatorShowPreviewShowPreviewLinesShowVertLines设计Design(name)GenerateMemberModifiers数据DataApplicationSettingsPropertyBindingTag外观AppearanceAppearanceColumnFilterButtonColumnFilterButtonActiveCustomizationFormHintDetailTipEmptyEvenRowFilterCloseButtonFilterPanelFixedLineFocusedCellFocusedRowFooterPanelGroupButtonGroupFooterGroupRowHeaderPanelHideSelectionRowHorzLineOddRowPreviewRowRowSeparatorSelectedRowTopNewRowVertLine AppearancePrintEvenRowFilterPanelFooterPanelGroupFooterGroupRowHeaderPanelLinesOddRowPreviewRowBorderStyleChildGridLevelNameColumnPanelRowHeightDetailHeightDetailTabHeaderLocationFixedLineWidthFocusRectStyleFooterPanelHeightGroupFooterShowModeGroupFormatGroupPanelTextGroupRowHeightImagesIndicatorWidthLevelIndentNewItemRowTextPaintStyleNamePreviewFieldNamePreviewLineCountRowHeightRowSeparatorHeightShowButtomModeVertScrollTipFieldNameViewCaption ActiveFilterEnabledBestFitMaxRowCountDefaultRelationIndexHorzScrollStepHorzScrollVisibiltyScrollStyleSynchronizeClonesVertScrollVisibility选择项视图的行为选项允许用户通过输入想得到的列值来定位行允许视图在垂直滚动中局部刷新自动展开视图中的所有组当视图中没有某些数据源中的字段时,在视图中自动创建这些列在一个单元格编辑中,是否允许通过Enter或F2来选择该单元格的所有内容当列值发生改变时,自动更新汇总摘要数据缓冲将被存入数据源的数据(当一行数据要存入到数据源时,Grid可以将它的值存入到一个内部的缓冲器中。














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ABAP 表格控制(Table Control)和 步循环(STEP-LOOP)

ABAP 表格控制(Table Control)和 步循环(STEP-LOOP)

ABAP 表格控制(Table Control)和步循环(STEP-LOOP)表格控制(Table Control)和步循环1. 两个标准Demo: SAPMTZ60, SAPMTZ612. 简介3. 建立Table Control程序的基本流程4. 使用步循环5. 表格控制(Table Control)和步循环注意事项6. 在屏幕表格中循环和在内表与屏幕表格中同时循环的区别7. 确定屏幕循环的记录条目8. MODIFY2. 简介表格控制和步循环是用于屏幕表格显示的对象。





)通常表格控制所提供的许多特征由系统的SAPGUI 前端操纵,因此,不必在ABAP/4 事务中编制任何特征(除了竖直滚动)。

LOOP 语句的任务LOOP 语句负责读取往返传递于屏幕和ABAP/4 程序之间的屏幕表格值。

因此必须同时在PBO 和PAI 事件中为屏幕中的每一个表格编制LOOP语句。


LOOP 语句还用于驱动滚动。


该参数因此导致下一个屏幕表格显示的更新(对于表格控制,该参数是表格控制结构中的TOP_LINE 字段;对于步循环,该参数为用于LOOP 语句的CURSOR参数。


ABAP/4 程序和系统都可以设置该参数。




LOOP 语句有两种重要的格式:LOOP如果正在使用表格控制,就必须包括附加的WITH CONTROL参数:LOOP WITH CONTROL <table-control>.<actions>...ENDLOOP .该语句在屏幕表格行中循环( Table Control 有多少行就循环多少次) ,同时在每个块和程序的对应ABAP/4 字段之间往复传送数据。



Using XPSPEAK Version 4.1 November 2000Contents Page Number XPS Peak Fitting Program for WIN95/98 XPSPEAK Version 4.1 (1)Program Installation (1)Introduction (1)First Version (1)Version 2.0 (1)Version 3.0 (1)Version 3.1 (2)Version 4.0 (2)Version 4.1 (2)Future Versions (2)General Information (from R. Kwok) (3)Using XPS Peak (3)Overview of Processing (3)Appearance (4)Opening Files (4)Opening a Kratos (*.des) text file (4)Opening Multiple Kratos (*.des) text files (5)Saving Files (6)Region Parameters (6)Loading Region Parameters (6)Saving Parameters (6)Available Backgrounds (6)Averaging (7)Shirley + Linear Background (7)Tougaard (8)Adding/Adjusting the Background (8)Adding/Adjusting Peaks (9)Peak Types: p, d and f (10)Peak Constraints (11)Peak Parameters (11)Peak Function (12)Region Shift (13)Optimisation (14)Print/Export (15)Export (15)Program Options (15)Compatibility (16)File I/O (16)Limitations (17)Cautions for Peak Fitting (17)Sample Files: (17)gaas.xps (17)Cu2p_bg.xps (18)Kratos.des (18)ASCII.prn (18)Other Files (18)XPS Peak Fitting Program for WIN95/98 XPSPEAKVersion 4.1Program InstallationXPS Peak is freeware. Please ask RCSMS lab staff for a copy of the zipped 3.3MB file, if you would like your own copyUnzip the XPSPEA4.ZIP file and run Setup.exe in Win 95 or Win 98.Note: I haven’t successfully installed XPSPEAK on Win 95 machines unless they have been running Windows 95c – CMH.IntroductionRaymond Kwok, the author of XPSPEAK had spent >1000 hours on XPS peak fitting when he was a graduate student. During that time, he dreamed of many features in the XPS peak fitting software that could help obtain more information from the XPS peaks and reduce processing time.Most of the information in this users guide has come directly from the readme.doc file, automatically installed with XPSPEAK4.1First VersionIn 1994, Dr Kwok wrote a program that converted the Kratos XPS spectral files to ASCII data. Once this program was finished, he found that the program could be easily converted to a peak fitting program. Then he added the dreamed features into the program, e.g.∙ A better way to locate a point at a noise baseline for the Shirley background calculations∙Combine the two peaks of 2p3/2 and 2p1/2∙Fit different XPS regions at the same timeVersion 2.0After the first version and Version 2.0, many people emailed Dr Kwok and gave additional suggestions. He also found other features that could be put into the program.Version 3.0The major change in Version 3.0 is the addition of Newton’s Method for optimisation∙Newton’s method can greatly reduce the optimisation time for multiple region peak fitting.Version 3.11. Removed all the run-time errors that were reported2. A Shirley + Linear background was added3. The Export to Clipboard function was added as requested by a user∙Some other minor graphical features were addedVersion 4.0Added:1. The asymmetrical peak function. See note below2. Three additional file formats for importing data∙ A few minor adjustmentsThe addition of the Asymmetrical Peak Function required the peak function to be changed from the Gaussian-Lorentzian product function to the Gaussian-Lorentzian sum function. Calculation of the asymmetrical function using the Gaussian-Lorentzian product function was too difficult to implement. The software of some instruments uses the sum function, while others use the product function, so both functions are available in XPSPEAK.See Peak Function, (Page 12) for details of how to set this up.Note:If the selection is the sum function, when the user opens a *.xps file that was optimised using the Gaussian-Lorentzian product function, you have to re-optimise the spectra using the Gaussian-Lorentzian sum function with a different %Gaussian-Lorentzian value.Version 4.1Version 4.1 has only two changes.1. In version 4.0, the printed characters were inverted, a problem that wasdue to Visual Basic. After about half year, a patch was received from Microsoft, and the problem was solved by simply recompiling the program2. The import of multiple region VAMAS file format was addedFuture VersionsThe author believes the program has some weakness in the background subtraction routines. Extensive literature examination will be required in order to revise them. Dr Kwok intends to do that for the next version.General Information (from R. Kwok)This version of the program was written in Visual Basic 6.0 and uses 32 bit processes. This is freeware. You may ask for the source program if you really want to. I hope this program will be useful for people without modern XPS software. I also hope that the new features in this program can be adopted by the XPS manufacturers in the later versions of their software.If you have any questions/suggestions, please send an email to me.Raymund W.M. KwokDepartment of ChemistryThe Chinese University of Hong KongShatin, Hong KongTel: (852)-2609-6261Fax:(852)-2603-5057email: rmkwok@.hkI would like to thank the comments and suggestions from many people. For the completion of Version 4.0, I would like to think Dr. Bernard J. Flinn for the routine of reading Leybold ascii format, Prof. Igor Bello and Kelvin Dickinson for providing me the VAMAS files VG systems, and my graduate students for testing the program. I hope I will add other features into the program in the near future.R Kwok.Using XPS PeakOverview of Processing1. Open Required Files∙See Opening Files (Page 4)2. Make sure background is there/suitable∙See Adding/Adjusting the Background, (Page 8)3. Add/adjust peaks as necessary∙See Adding/Adjusting Peaks, (Page 9), and Peak Parameters, (Page 11)4. Save file∙See Saving Files, (Page 6)5. Export if necessary∙See Print/Export, (Page 15)AppearanceXPSPEAK opens with two windows, one above the other, which look like this:∙The top window opens and displays the active scan, adds or adjusts a background, adds peaks, and loads and saves parameters.∙The lower window allows peak processing and re-opening and saving dataOpening FilesOpening a Kratos (*.des) text file1. Make sure your data files have been converted to text files. See the backof the Vision Software manual for details of how to do this. Remember, from the original experiment files, each region of each file will now be a separate file.2. From the Data menu of the upper window, choose Import (Kratos)∙Choose directory∙Double click on the file of interest∙The spectra open with all previous processing INCLUDEDOpening Multiple Kratos (*.des) text files∙You can open up a maximum of 10 files together.1. Open the first file as above∙Opens in the first region (1)2. In the XPS Peak Processing (lower) window, left click on 2(secondregion), which makes this region active3. Open the second file as in Step2, Opening a Kratos (*.des) text file,(Page 4)∙Opens in the second region (2)∙You can only have one description for all the files that are open. Edit with a click in the Description box4. Open further files by clicking on the next available region number thenfollowing the above step.∙You can only have one description for all the files that are open. Edit with a click in the Description boxDescriptionBox 2∙To open a file that has already been processed and saved using XPSPEAK, click on the Open XPS button in the lower window. Choose directory and file as normal∙The program can store all the peak information into a *.XPS file for later use. See below.Saving Files1. To save a file click on the Save XPS button in the lower window2. Choose Directory3. Type in a suitable file name4. Click OK∙Everything that is open will be saved in this file∙The program can also store/read the peak parameter files (*.RPA)so that you do not need to re-type all the parameters again for a similar spectrum.Region ParametersRegion Parameters are the boundaries or limits you have used to set up the background and peaks for your files. These values can be saved as a file of the type *.rpa.Note that these Region Parameters are completely different from the mathematical parameters described in Peak Parameters, (Page 11) Loading Region Parameters1. From the Parameters menu in the upper window, click on Load RegionParameters2. Choose directory and file name3. Click on Open buttonSaving Parameters1. From the Parameters menu in the XPS Peak Fit (Upper) window, clickon Save Region Parameters2. Choose directory and file name3. Click on the Save buttonAvailable BackgroundsThis program provides the background choices of∙Shirley∙Linear∙TougaardAveraging∙ Averaging at the end points of the background can reduce the time tofind a point at the middle of a noisy baseline∙ The program includes the choices of None (1 point), 3, 5, 7, and 9point average∙ This will average the intensities around the binding energy youselect.Shirley + Linear Background1. The Shirley + Linear background has been added for slopingbackgrounds∙ The "Shirley + Linear" background is the Shirley background plus astraight line with starting point at the low BE end-point and with a slope value∙ If the slope value is zero , the original Shirley calculation is used∙ If the slope value is positive , the straight line has higher values atthe high BE side, which can be used for spectra with higher background intensities at the high BE side∙ Similarly, a negative slope value can be used for a spectrum withlower background intensities at the high BE side2. The Optimization button may be used when the Shirley background is higher at some point than the signal intensities∙ The program will increase the slope value until the Shirleybackground is below the signal intensities∙ Please see the example below - Cu2p_bg.xps - which showsbackground subtraction using the Shirley method (This spectrum was sent to Dr Kwok by Dr. Roland Schlesinger).∙ A shows the problematic background when the Shirley backgroundis higher than the signal intensities. In the Shirley calculation routine, some negative values were generated and resulted in a non-monotonic increase background∙ B shows a "Shirley + Linear" background. The slope value was inputby trial-and-error until the background was lower than the signal intensities∙ C was obtained using the optimisation routineA slope = 0B slope = 11C slope = 15.17Note: The background subtraction calculation cannot completely remove the background signals. For quantitative studies, the best procedure is "consistency". See Future Versions, (Page 2).TougaardFor a Tougaard background, the program can optimise the B1 parameter by minimising the "square of the difference" of the intensities of ten data points in the high binding energy side of the range with the intensities of the calculated background.Adding/Adjusting the BackgroundNote: The Background MUST be correct before Peaks can be added. As with all backgrounds, the range needs to include as much of your peak as possible and as little of anything else as possible.1. Make sure the file of interest is open and the appropriate region is active2. Click on Background in the upper window∙The Region 0 box comes up, which contains the information about the background3. Adjust the following as necessary. See Note.∙High BE (This value needs to be within the range of your data) ∙Low BE (This value needs to be within the range of your data) NOTE: High and Low BE are not automatically within the range of your data. CHECK CAREFULLY THAT BOTH ENDS OF THE BACKGROUND ARE INSIDE THE EDGE OF YOUR DATA. Nothing will happen otherwise.∙No. of Ave. Pts at end-points. See Averaging, (Page 7)∙Background Type∙Note for Shirley + Linear:To perform the Shirley + Linear Optimisation routine:a) Have the file of interest openb) From the upper window, click on Backgroundc) In the resulting box, change or optimise the Shirley + LinearSlope as desired∙Using Optimize in the Shirley + Linear window can cause problems. Adjust manually if necessary3. Click on Accept when satisfiedAdding/Adjusting PeaksNote: The Background MUST be correct before peaks can be added. Nothing will happen otherwise. See previous section.∙To add a peak, from the Region Window, click on Add Peak ∙The peak window appears∙This may be adjusted as below using the Peak Window which will have opened automaticallyIn the XPS Peak Processing (lower) window, there will be a list of Regions, which are all the open files, and beside each of these will be numbers representing the synthetic peaks included in that region.Regions(files)SyntheticPeaks1. Click on a region number to activate that region∙The active region will be displayed in the upper window2. Click on a peak number to start adjusting the parameters for that peak.∙The Processing window for that peak will open3. Click off Fix to adjust the following using the maximum/minimum arrowkeys provided:∙Peak Type. (i.e. orbital – s, p, d, f)∙S.O.S (Δ eV between the two halves of the peak)∙Position∙FWHM∙Area∙%Lorenzian-Gaussian∙See the notes for explanations of how Asymmetry works.4. Click on Accept when satisfiedPeak Types: p, d and f.1. Each of these peaks combines the two splitting peaks2. The FWHM is the same for both the splitting peaks, e.g. a p-type peakwith FWHM=0.7eV is the combination of a p3/2 with FWHM at 0.7eV anda p1/2 with FWHM at 0.7eV, and with an area ratio of 2 to 13. If the theoretical area ratio is not true for the split peaks, the old way ofsetting two s-type peaks and adding the constraints should be used.∙The S.O.S. stands for spin orbital splitting.Note: The FWHM of the p, d or f peaks are the FWHM of the p3/2,d5/2 or f7/2, respectively. The FWHM of the combined peaks (e.g. combination of p3/2and p1/2) is shown in the actual FWHM in the Peak Parameter Window.Peak Constraints1. Each parameter can be referenced to the same type of parameter inother peaks. For example, for four peaks (Peak #0, 1, 2 and 3) with known relative peak positions (0.5eV between adjacent peaks), the following can be used∙Position: Peak 1 = Peak 0 + 0.5eV∙Position: Peak 2 = Peak 1 + 0.5eV∙Position: Peak 3 = Peak 2 + 0.5eV2. You may reference to any peak except with looped references.3. The optimisation of the %GL value is allowed in this program.∙ A suggestion to use this feature is to find a nice peak for a certain setting of your instrument and optimise the %GL for this peak.∙Fix the %GL in the later peak fitting process when the same instrument settings were used.4. This version also includes the setting of the upper and lower bounds foreach parameter.Peak ParametersThis program uses the following asymmetric Gaussian-Lorentzian sumThe program also uses the following symmetrical Gaussian-Lorentzian product functionPeak FunctionNote:If the selection is the sum function, when the user opens a *.xps file that was optimised using the Gaussian-Lorentzian product function, you have to re-optimise the spectra using the Gaussian-Lorentzian sum function with a different %Gaussian-Lorentzian value.∙You can choose the function type you want1. From the lower window, click on the Options button∙The peak parameters box comes up∙Select GL sum for the Gaussian-Lorentzian sum function∙Select GL product for the Gaussian-Lorentzian product function. 2. For the Gaussian-Lorentzian sum function, each peak can have sixparameters∙Peak Position∙Area∙FWHM∙%Gaussian-Lorentzian∙TS∙TLIf anyone knows what TS or TL might be, please let me know. Thanks, CMH3. Each peak in the Gaussian-Lorentzian product function can have fourparameters∙Peak Position∙Area∙FWHM∙%Gaussian-LorentzianSince peak area relates to the atomic concentration directly, we use it as a peak parameter and the peak height will not be shown to the user.Note:For asymmetric peaks, the FWHM only refers to the half of the peak that is symmetrical. The actual FWHM of the peak is calculated numerically and is shown after the actual FWHM in the Peak Parameter Window. If the asymmetric peak is a doublet (p, d or f type peak), the actual FWHM is the FWHM of the doublet.Region ShiftA Region Shift parameter was added under the Parameters menu∙Use this parameter to compensate for the charging effect, the fermi level shift or any change in the system work function∙This value will be added to all the peak positions in the region for fitting purposes.An example:∙ A polymer surface is positively charged and all the peaks are shifted to the high binding energy by +0.5eV, e.g. aliphatic carbon at 285.0eV shifts to 285.5eV∙When the Region Shift parameter is set to +0.5eV, 0.5eV will be added to all the peak positions in the region during peak fitting, but the listed peak positions are not changed, e.g. 285.0eV for aliphatic carbon. Note: I have tried this without any actual shift taking place. If someone finds out how to perform this operation, please let me know. Thanks, CMH.In the meantime, I suggest you do the shift before converting your files from the Vision Software format.OptimisationYou can optimise:1. A single peak parameter∙Use the Optimize button beside the parameter in the Peak Fitting window2. The peak (the peak position, area, FWHM, and the %GL if the "fix" box isnot ticked)∙Use the Optimize Peak button at the base of the Peak Fitting window3. A single region (all the parameters of all the peaks in that region if the"fix" box is not ticked)∙Use the Optimize Region menu (button) in the upper window4. All the regions∙Use the Optimize All button in the lower window∙During any type of optimisation, you can press the "Stop Fitting" button and the program will stop the process in the next cycle.Print/ExportIn the XPS Peak Fit or Region window, From the Data menu, choose Export or Print options as desiredExport∙The program can export the ASCII file of spectrum (*.DAT) for making high quality figures using other software (e.g. SigmaPlot)∙It can export the parameters (*.PAR) for further calculations (e.g. use Excel for atomic ratio calculations)∙It can also copy the spectral image to the system clipboard so that the spectral image can be pasted into a document (e.g. MS WORD). Program Options1. The %tolerance allows the optimisation routine to stop if the change inthe difference after one loop is less that the %tolerance2. The default setting of the optimisation is Newton's method∙This method requires a delta value for the optimisation calculations ∙You may need to change the value in some cases, but the existing setting is enough for most data.3. For the binary search method, it searches the best fit for each parameterin up to four levels of value ranges∙For example, for a peak position, in first level, it calculates the chi^2 when the peak position is changed by +2eV, +1.5eV, +1eV, +0.5eV,-0.5eV, -1eV, -1.5eV, and -2eV (range 2eV, step 0.5eV) ∙Then, it selects the position value that gives the lowest chi^2∙In the second level, it searches the best values in the range +0.4eV, +0.3eV, +0.2eV, +0.1eV, -0.1eV, -0.2eV, -0.3eV, and -0.4eV (range0.4eV, step 0.1eV)∙In the third level, it selects the best value in +0.09eV, +0.08eV, ...+0.01eV, -0.01eV, ...-0.09eV∙This will give the best value with two digits after decimal∙Level 4 is not used in the default setting∙The range setting and the number of levels in the option window can be changed if needed.4. The Newton's Method or Binary Search Method can be selected byclicking the "use" selection box of that method.5. The selection of the peak function is also in the Options window.6. The user can save/read the option parameters with the file extension*.opa∙The program reads the default.opa file at start up. Therefore, the user can customize the program options by saving the selectionsinto the default.opa file.CompatibilityThe program can read:∙Kratos text (*.des) files together with the peak fitting parameters in the file∙The ASCII files exported from Phi's Multiplex software∙The ASCII files of Leybold's software∙The VAMAS file format∙For the Phi, Leybold and VAMAS formats, multiple regions can be read∙For the Phi format, if the description contains a comma ",", the program will give an error. (If you get the error, you may use any texteditor to remove the comma)The program can also import ASCII files in the following format:Binding Energy Value 1 Intensity Value 1Binding Energy Value 2 Intensity Value 2etc etc∙The B.E. list must be in ascending or descending order, and the separation of adjacent B.E.s must be the same∙The file cannot have other lines before and after the data∙Sometimes, TAB may cause a reading error.File I/OThe file format of XPSPEAK 4.1 is different from XPSPEAK 3.1, 3.0 and 2.0 ∙XPSPEAK 4.1 can read the file format of XPSPEAK 3.1, 3.0 and 2.0, but not the reverse∙File format of 4.1 is the same as that of 4.0.LimitationsThis program limits the:∙Maximum number of points for each spectrum to 5000∙Maximum of peaks for all the regions to 51∙For each region, the maximum number of peaks is 10. Cautions for Peak FittingSome graduate students believe that the fitting parameters for the best fitted spectrum is the "final answer". This is definitely not true. Adding enough peaks can always fit a spectrum∙Peak fitting only assists the verification of a model∙The user must have a model in mind before adding peaks to the spectrum!Sample Files:gaas.xpsThis file contains 10 spectra1. Use Open XPS to retrieve the file. It includes ten regions∙1-4 for Ga 3d∙5-8 for Ga 3d∙9-10 for S 2p2. For the Ga 3d and As 3d, the peaks are d-type with s.o.s. = 0.3 and 0.9respectively3. Regions 4 and 8 are the sample just after S-treatment4. Other regions are after annealing5. Peak width of Ga 3d and As 3d are constrained to those in regions 1 and56. The fermi level shift of each region was determined using the As 3d5/2peak and the value was put into the "Region Shift" of each region7. Since the region shift takes into account the Fermi level shift, the peakpositions can be easily referenced for the same chemical components in different regions, i.e.∙Peak#1, 3, 5 of Ga 3d are set equal to Peak#0∙Peak#8, 9, 10 of As 3d are set equal to Peak#78. Note that the %GL value of the peaks is 27% using the GL sum functionin Version 4.0, while it is 80% using the GL product function in previous versions.18 Cu2p_bg.xpsThis spectrum was sent to me by Dr. Roland Schlesinger. It shows a background subtraction using the Shirley + Linear method∙See Shirley + Linear Background, (Page 7)Kratos.des∙This file shows a Kratos *.des file∙This is the format your files should be in if they have come from the Kratos instrument∙Use import Kratos to retrieve the file. See Opening Files, (Page 4)∙Note that the four peaks are all s-type∙You may delete peak 2, 4 and change the peak 1,3 to d-type with s.o.s. = 0.7. You may also read in the parameter file: as3d.rpa. ASCII.prn∙This shows an ASCII file∙Use import ASCII to retrieve the file∙It is a As 3d spectrum of GaAs∙In order to fit the spectrum, you need to first add the background and then add two d-type peaks with s.o.s.=0.7∙You may also read in the parameter file: as3d.rpa.Other Files(We don’t have an instrument that produces these files at Auckland University., but you may wish to look at them anyway. See the readme.doc file for more info.)1. Phi.asc2. Leybold.asc3. VAMAS.txt4. VAMASmult.txtHave Fun! July 1, 1999.。



MIC3002FOM Management IC with InternalCalibrationMLF and Micro LeadFrame are regIstered trademarks of Amkor Technology.General DescriptionThe MIC3002 is a fiber optic module controller which enablesthe implementation of sophisticated, hot-pluggable fiber optictransceivers with intelligent laser control and an internallycalibrated Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface per SFF-8472. It essentially integrates all non-datapath functions of anSFP transceiver into a tiny (4mm x 4mm) MLF® package. Italso works well as a microcontroller peripheral intransponders or 10Gbps transceivers.A highly configurable automatic power control (APC) circuitcontrols laser bias. Bias and modulation are temperaturecompensated using dual DACs, an on-chip temperaturesensor, and NVRAM look-up tables. A programmableinternal feedback resistor provides a wide dynamic range forthe APC. Controlled laser turn-on facilitates hot plugging.An analog-to-digital converter converts the measuredtemperature, voltage, bias current, transmit power, andreceived power from analog to digital. An EEPOT providesfront-end adjustment of RX power. Each parameter iscompared against user-programmed warning and alarmthresholds. Analog comparators and DACs provide high-speed monitoring of received power and critical laseroperating parameters. Data can be reported as eitherinternally calibrated or externally calibrated.An interrupt output, power-on hour meter, and data-readybits add user friendliness beyond SFF-8472. The interruptoutput and data-ready bits reduce overhead in the hostsystem. The power-on hour meter logs operating hours usingan internal real-time clock and stores the result in NVRAM.In addition to the features listed above which are alreadyimplemented in the previous controller MIC3001, theMIC3002 features an extensive temperature range, optionsto mask alarms and warnings interrupt and TXFAULT, andability to support up to four chips with the same address onthe serial interface.Communication with the MIC3002 is via an industry standard2-wire serial interface. Nonvolatile memory is provided forserial ID, configuration, and separate OEM and userscratchpad spaces. Two-level password protection guardsagainst data corruption.Features• Extensive temperature range• Alarms and Warnings interrupt and TXFAULT masks• Capability to support up to four chips on the serialinterface• LUT to compensate for chip-FOM case temperaturedifference• APC or constant-current laser bias• Turbo mode for APC loop start-up and shorter laser turnon time• Supports multiple laser types and bias circuit topologies• Integrated digital temperature sensor• Temperature compensation of modulation, bias, andfault levels via NVRAM look-up tables• NVRAM to support GBIC/SFP serial ID function• User writable EEPROM scratchpad• Diagnostic monitoring interface per SFF-8472– Monitors and reports critical parameters:temperature, bias current, TX and RX optical power,and supply voltage– S/W control and monitoring of TXFAULT, RXLOS,RATESELECT, and TXDISABLE– Internal or external calibration– EEPOT for adjusting RX power measurement• Power-on hour meter• Interrupt capability• Extensive test and calibration features• 2-wire SMBus-compatible serial interface• SFP/SFP+ MSA and SFF-8472 compliant• 3.0V to 3.6V power supply range• 5V-tolerant I/O• Available in (4mm x 4mm) 24-pin MLF® packageApplications• SFP/SFP+ optical transceivers• SONET/SDH transceivers and transponders• Fibre Channel transceivers• 10Gbps transceivers• Free space optical communications• Proprietary optical linksMicrel, Inc. MIC3002Ordering InformationPart Number Package Type Junction Temp. Range Package Marking Lead FinishMIC3002BML 24-pinMLF®–45°C to +105°C 3002 Sn-PbMIC3002BMLTR(1) 24-pinMLF®–45°C to +105°C 3002 Sn-PbMIC3002GML 24-pinMLF®–45°C to +105°C 3002with Pb-Free bar-line indicator Pb-Free NiPdAuMIC3002GMLTR(1) 24-pinMLF®–45°C to +105°C 3002with Pb-Free bar-line indicator Pb-Free NiPdAu1. Note:2. Tape and Reel.ContentsPin Configuration (7)Pin Description (7)Absolute Maximum Ratings (9)Operating Ratings (9)Electrical Characteristics (9)Timing Diagram (14)Address Map (15)Block Diagram (18)Analog-to-Digital Converter/Signal Monitoring (18)Temperature Reading Compensation (19)Alarms and Warnings Interrupt Source Masking (20)Alarms and Warnings as TXFAULT Source (21)Alarms and Warnings Latch (21)SMBus Multipart Support (21)Calibration Modes (22)A/External Calibration (22)Voltage (22)Temperature (22)BiasCurrent (22)Power (22)TXPower (23)RXInternal Calibration (23)B/Temperature Offset (25)Registers Reading (25)ResultC/ADCRXPOT (25)Laser Diode Bias Control (25)Laser Modulation Control (26)Power ON and Laser Start-Up (27)Fault Comparators (28)SHDN and TXFIN (29)Temperature Measurement (29)Diode Faults (29)Temperature Compensation (29)Alarms and Warning Flags (32)Control and Status I/O (32)System Timing (34)Warm Resets (36)Power-On Hour Meter (36)Test and Calibration Features (37)Serial Port Operation (38)Page Writes (38)Acknowledge Polling (39)Write Protection and Data Security (39)Password (39)OEMPassword (39)UserDetailed Register Descriptions (40)Alarm Threshold Registers (40)Warning Threshold Registers (43)ADC Result Registers (45)Alarm Flags (48)Warning Flags (49)Warning Status Register 0 (WARN0) (49)Warning Status Register 1 (WARN1) (49)OEM Password Entry (OEMPW) (50)USER Password Setting (USRPWSET) (50)USER Password (USRPW) (51)Power-On Hours (51)Data Ready Flags (DATARDY) (51)USER Control Register (USRCTL) (52)OEM Configuration Register 0 (OEMCFG0) (52)OEM Configuration Register 1 (OEMCFG1) (53)OEM Configuration Register 2 (OEMCFG2) (54)APC Setpoint x (54)Modulation Setpoint x (54)I BIAS Fault Threshold (IBFLT) (55)Transmit Power Fault Threshold (TXFLT) (55)Loss-Of-Signal Threshold (LOSFLT) (55)Fault Suppression Timer (FLTTMR) (55)Fault Mask (FLTMSK) (56)OEM Password Setting (OEMPWSET) (56)OEM Calibration 0 (OEMCAL0) (57)OEM Calibration 1 (OEMCAL1) (57)OEM Calibration 1 (LUT Index) (58)OEM Configuration 3 (OEMCFG3) (58)BIAS DAC Setting (APCDAC) Current VBIAS Setting (58)Modulation DAC Setting (MODDAC) Current VMOD Setting (59)OEM Readback Register (OEMRD) (59)Signal Detect Threshold (LOSFLTn) (59)RX EEPOT Tap Selection (RXPOT) (60)OEM Configuration 4 (OEMCFG4) (60)OEM Configuration 5 (OEMCFG5) (61)OEM Configuration 6 (OEMCFG6) (62)Power-On Hour Meter Data (POHDATA) (62)OEM Scratchpad Registers (SCRATCHn) (63)RX Power Look-up Table (RXLUTn) (63)Calibration Constants (CALn) (63)Manufacturer ID Register (64)Device ID Register (64)Package Information (65)Figure 1. MIC3002 Block Diagram (18)Figure 2. Analog-to-Digital Converter Block Diagram (18)Figure 3. Internal Calibration RX Power Linear Approximation (25)Figure 4. RXPOT Block Diagram (25)Figure 5. MIC3002 APC and Modulation Control Block Diagram (26)Figure 6. Programmable Feedback Resistor (26)Figure 7. Transmitter Configurations Supported by MIC3002 (26)Figure 8. V MOD Configured as Voltage Output with Gain (27)Figure 9. MIC3002 Power-ON Timing (28)Figure 10. Fault Comparator Logic (28)Figure 11. Saturation Detector (29)Figure 12. RXLOS Comparator Logic (29)Figure 13. Control and Status I/O Logic (33)Figure 14. Transmitter ON-OFF Timing (34)Figure 15. Initialization Timing with TXDISABLE Asserted (34)Figure 16. Initialization Timing with TXDISABLE Not Asserted (34)Figure 17. Loss-of-Signal (LOS) Timing (35)Figure 18. Transmit Fault Timing (28)Figure 19. Successfully Clearing a Fault Condition (36)Figure 20. Unsuccessful Attempt to Clear a Fault (36)Figure 21. Write Byte Protocol (38)Figure 22. Read Byte Protocol (38)Figure 23. Read_Word Protocol (38)Figure 24. Four-Byte Page_White Protocol (39)Table 1. MIC3002 Address Map, Serial Address = A0h (15)Table 2. MIC3002 Address Map, Serial Address = A2h (15)Table 3. Temperature Compensation Tables, Serial Address = A4h (16)Table 4. OEM Configuration Registers, Serial Address = A6h (17)Table 5. A/D Input Signal Ranges and Resolutions (19)Table 6. V AUX Input Signal Ranges and Resolutions (19)Table 7. LUT for Temperature Reading Compensation (20)Table 8. Alarms Interrupt Sources Masking Bits (20)Table 9. Warnings Interrupt Sources Masking Bits (21)Table 10. LSB Values of Offset Coefficients (23)Table 11. Internal Calibration Coefficient Memory Map – Part I (24)Table 12. Internal Calibration Coefficient Memory Map – Part II (24)Table 13. Shutdown State of SHDN vs. Configuration Bits (27)Table 14. Shutdown State of V BIAS vs. Configuration Bits (27)Table 15. Shutdown State of V MOD vs. Configuration Bits (27)Table 16. Temperature Compensation Look-up Tables (30)Table 17. APC Temperature Compensation Look-Up Table (31)Table 18. V MOD Temperature Compensation Look-Up Table (31)Table 19. I BIAS Comparator Temperature Compensation Look-Up Table (31)Table 20. BIAS Current High Alarm Temperature Compensation Table (31)Table 22. MIC3002 Events (33)Table 23. Power-On Hour Meter Result Format (36)Table 24. Test and Diagnostic Features (37)24-Pin MLF® (MLF-24)Pin DescriptionPin Number Pin Name Pin FunctionAnalog Input. Feedback voltage for the APC loop op-amp. Polarity and scale are programmable1 FBvia the APC configuration bits. Connect to V BIAS if APC is not used.Analog Input. Multiplexed A/D converter input for monitoring transmitted optical power via a2 VMPDmonitor photodiode. In most applications, VMPD will be connected directly to FB. The input rangeis 0 - V REF or 0 - V REF/4 depending on the setting of the APC configuration bits3 GNDA Ground return for analog functions.4 VDDA Power supply input for analog functions.Analog Input. Reference terminal for the multiplexed pseudo-differential A/D converter inputs for5 VILD–monitoring laser bias current via a sense resistor (VILD+ is the sensing input). Tie to V DD or GNDto reference the voltage sensed on VILD+ to V DD or GND, respectively. Limited common-modevoltage range, see “Applications Information” section for more details.Analog Input. Multiplexed A/D input for monitoring laser bias current via a sense resistor (signal6 VILD+input); accommodates inputs referenced to V DD or GND (see pin 5 description). Limited common-mode voltage range, see “Applications Information” section for more details.Digital output/Input; programmable polarity. When used as shutdown output (SHDN), OEMCFG3-27 SHDN/TXFINset to 0, SHDN is asserted at the detection of a fault condition if OEMCFG4-7 is set to 0. If thelatter bit is set to 1, a fault condition will not assert SHDN. When programmed as TXFIN, it is aninput for external fault signals to be ORed with the internal fault sources to drive TXFAULT.Analog Input. Multiplexed A/D converter input for monitoring received optical power. The input8 VRXrange is 0 to V REF. A 5-bit programmable EEPOT on this pin provides for coarse calibration andranging of the RX power measurement.Analog Input/Output. Optional connection to an external PN junction for sensing temperature at a9 XPNremote location. The Zone bit in OEMCFG1 determines whether temperature is measured usingthe on-chip sensor or the remote PN junction.Digital Output; Open-Drain, programmable polarity. If OEMCFG5-4 is set to 0, a high level10 TXFAULTindicates a hardware fault impeding transmitter operation. The state of this pin is always reflectedin the TXFLT bit.Pin Number Pin Name Pin FunctionDigital Input; Active High. The transmitter is disabled when this line is high or the STXDIS bit is11 TXDISABLEset. The state of this input is always reflected in the TXDIS bit.12 DATA Digital I/O; Open-drain. Bi-directional serial data input/output.13 CLK Digital Input; Serial clock input.If bit 4 (IE) in USRCTL register is set to 0 (default), this pin is configured as analog input. If IE bit14 VIN/INTis set to 1, this pin is configured as open-drain output. Analog Input: Multiplexed A/D input formonitoring supply voltage. 0V to 5.5V input range. Open-drain output: outputs the internallygenerated interrupt signal /INT.Digital Input; Rate Select Input; ORed with rate select bit to determine the state of the RSOUT pin.15 RSINThe state of this pin is always reflected in the RSEL bit.16 GNDD Ground return for digital functions.17 NC No connection. This pin is used for test purposes and must be left unconnected.18 VDDD Power supply input for digital functions.Digital Output; programmable polarity Open-Drain. Indicates the loss of the received signal as19 RXLOSindicated by a level of received optical power below the programmed RXLOS comparatorthreshold; may be wire-ORed with external signals. Normal operation is indicated by a Low levelwhen OEMCFG6-3 is set to 0 and a high level when OEMCFG6-3 is set to 1. RXLOS is de-asserted when VRX > LOSFLTn. The LOS bit reflects the state of RXLOS whether driven by theMIC3002 or an external circuit.Digital Output. Open-Drain or push-pull. When used as rate select output, it represents the20 RS0/GPOreceiver rate select as per SFF. This output is controlled by the SRSEL bit ORed with RSIN inputand is open drain only. When used as a general-purpose, non-volatile output, it is controlled bythe GPO configuration bits in OEMCFG3.Analog Output, compensation terminal. Connect a capacitor between this pin and GNDA or V DDA21 COMPwith appropriate value to tune the APC loop time constant to a desirable value.Analog Output. Buffered DAC output capable of sourcing or sinking up to 10mA under control of22 VBIASthe APC function to drive an external transistor for laser diode D.C. bias. The output andfeedback polarity are programmable to accommodate either a NPN or a PNP transistor to drive acommon-anode or common-cathode laser diode.Analog Input. Inverting terminal of VMOD buffer op-amp. Connect to V MOD+ (gain = 1) or23 VMOD–feedback resistors network to set a different gainAnalog Output. Buffered DAC output to set the modulation current on the laser driver IC. Operates24 VMOD+with either a 0– V REF or a (V DD–V REF) – V DD output swing so as to generate either a ground-referenced or a V DD referenced programmed voltage. A simple external circuit can be used togenerate a programmable current for those drivers that require a current rather than a voltageinput. See “Applications Information” section for more details.Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)Power Supply Voltage, V DD.................................+3.8V Voltage on CLK, DATA, TXFAULT, VIN, RXLOS, DISABLE, RSIN..................................–0.3V to +6.0V Voltage On Any Other Pin...............–0.3V to V DD+0.3V Power Dissipation, T A = 85°C...............................1.5W Junction Temperature (T J)..................................150°C Storage Temperature (T S).................–65°C to +150°C ESD Ratings(3)Human Body Model.............................................2kV Machine Model.. (300V)Soldering (20sec).................................................260ºC Operating Ratings(2)Power Supply Voltage, V DDA/V DDD.....+3.0V to +3.6V Ambient Temperature Range (T A) ...–40°C to +105°C Package Thermal ResistanceMLF® (θJA)..............................................43°C/WElectrical CharacteristicsFor typical values, T A = 25°C, V DDA = V DDD = +3.3V, unless otherwise noted. Bold values are guaranteed for +3.0V ≤(V DDA = V DDD) ≤ 3.6V, T(min)≤ T A≤ T(max)(8)Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units Power SupplyCLK = DATA = V DDD= V DDA; TXDISABLE low; all DACs at full-scale; all A/D inputs at full-scale; all other pins open. 2.3 3.5 mAI DD SupplyCurrentCLK = DATA = V DDD= V DDA;TXDISABLE high; FLTDAC at full-scale; all A/D inputs at full-scale; allother pins open.2.33.5 mAV POR Power-on Reset Voltage All registers reset to default values;A/D conversions initiated.2.9 2.98 VVUVLOUnder-Voltage Lockout Threshold Note 5 2.5 2.73 VVHYSTPower-on Reset Hysteresis Voltage 170 mVt POR Power-on Reset Time VDD> V POR(4) 50 µsV REF ReferenceVoltage 1.210 1.225 1.240 V∆VR EF/∆V D D A Voltage Reference Line Regulation 1.7 mV/V Temperature-to-Digital Converter CharacteristicsLocal Temperature MeasurementError–40°C ≤ T A≤ +105°C(6) ±1 ±3 °CRemote TemperatureMeasurement Error–40°C ≤ T A≤ +105°C(6) ±1 ±3 °C t CONV Conversion Time Note 4 60 mst SAMPLE SamplePeriod 100 ms Remote Temperature Input, XPNXPN at high level, clamped to 0.6V. 192 400 µAI F Current to External Diode(4)XPN at low level, clamped to 0.6V. 7 12 µAVoltage-to-Digital Converter Characteristics (V RX , V AUX , V BIAS , V MPD , V ILD ±) Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units Voltage Measurement Error –40°C ≤ T A ≤ +105°C (6) ±1 ±2.0 %fst CONV Conversion Time Note 4 10 ms t SAMPLESample PeriodNote 4100msVoltage Input, V IN (Pin 14 used as an ADC Input) V IN Input Voltage Range –0.3 ≤ V DD ≤ 3.6V GNDA 5.5 V I LEAK Input Current V IN = V DD or GND; V AUX = V IN 55 µAC IN nput Capacitance10 pFDigital-to-Voltage Converter Characteristics (V MOD , V BIAS ) Accuracy –40°C ≤ T A ≤ +105°C (6) ±1 2.0 %fs t CONV Conversion TimeNote 4 20 ms DNLDifferential Non-linearity ErrorNote 4±0.5±1LSBBias Current Sense Inputs, V ILD +, V ILD – V ILD Differential Input Signal Range,| V ILD + – V ILD – | 0 V REF /4 mVI IN+ V ILD + input current ±1 µA V ILD – referred to V DDA +150 µA I IN–V ILD – input current | V ILD + – V ILD – | = 0.3VV ILD – referred to GND -150 µA C IN Input Capacitance10 pFAPC Op Amp, FB, V BIAS , COMP GBW Gain Bandwidth ProductC COMP = 20pF; Gain = 11MHzTC VOS Input Offset Voltage TemperatureCoefficient (4) 1 µV/°C I OUT = 10mA, SRCE bit = 1 GNDA 1.25 V V OUT Output Voltage Swing I OUT = -10mA, SRCE bit = 0 V DDA -1.25 V DDA VI SC Output Short-Circuit Current55mAt SC Short Circuit Withstand Time T J ≤ 150°C (4)sec C COMP = 20pF; Gain = 1, to GND 55 dB PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio C COMP = 20pF; Gain = 1, to V DD 40A MIN Minimum Stable Gain C COMP = 20pF, Note 4 1 V/V ∆V/∆t Slew RateC COMP = 20pF; Gain = 13 V/µs ∆RFB Internal Feedback Resistor Tolerance±20%∆RFB/∆t Internal Feedback Resistor Temperature Coefficient25 ppm/CSTART = 01h 0.375 mASTART = 02h 0.750 mASTART = 04h 1.500 mAI STARTLaser Start-up Current MagnitudeSTART = 08h 3.000 mAC IN Pin Capacitance10 pFSymbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units V MOD Buffer Op-Amp, V MOD+, V MOD–GBW GainBandwidth C COMP = 20pF; Gain = 1 1 MHzTC VOS Input Offset VoltageTemperature Coefficient 1µV/°CI BIAS V MOD– Input Current ±0.1 ±1 µAV OUT Output Voltage Swing I OUT = ±1mA GNDA+75 V DDA-75 mVI SC Output Short-Circuit Current 35 mAt SC Short Circuit Withstand Time TJ≤ 150°C(4)sec PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio C COMP = 20pF; Gain = 1, to GND 65 dBC COMP = 20pF; Gain = 1, to V DD44 dBA MIN Minimum Stable Gain C COMP = 20pF 1 V/V∆V/∆T Slew Rate C COMP = 20pF; Gain = 1 1 V/µsC IN PinCapacitance 10 pF Control and Status I/O, TXDISABLE, TXFAULT, RSIN, RSOUT(GPO), SHDN(TXFIN), RXLOS, /INTV IL Low Input Voltage 0.8 VV IH High Input Voltage 2.0 VV OL Low Output Voltage I OL≤ 3mA 0.3 VV OH High Output Voltage(applies to SHDN only)I OH≤ 3mA V DDD–0.3 VI LEAK InputCurrent ±1 µAC IN InputCapacitance 10 pF Transmit Optical Power Input, V MPDV IN Input Voltage Range Note 4 GNDA V DDA VV RX Input Signal Range BIASREF=0 V REF VBIASREF=1 V DDA–V REF V DDA VC IN Input Capacitance Note 4 10 pFI LEAK InputCurrent ±1 µA Received Optical Power Input, VRX, RXPOTInput Voltage Range Note 4 GNDA V DDA VV RX Valid Input Signal Range(ADC Input Range) 0V REF VR RXPOT(32)End-to-End Resistance RXPOT = 1F h32KΩ∆RXPOT Resistor Tolerance ±20 %∆RXPOT/∆T Resistor TemperatureCoefficient 25ppm/C∆V RX/V RXPOT Divider Ratio Accuracy 00 ≤ RXPOT ≤ 1F h -5 +5% I LEAK Input Current RXPOT = 0 (disconnected) ±1 µAC IN Input Capacitance Note 4 10 pFI LEAK InputCurrent ±1 µASymbol Parameter ConditionMin Typ Max Units Control and Status I/O Timing, TXFAULT, TXDISABLE, RSIN, RSOUT, and RXLOSt OFF TXDISABLE Assert Time From input asserted to optical output at 10% of nominal, C COMP = 10nF. 10 µs t ONTXDISABLE De-assert TimeFrom input de-asserted to optical output at 90% of nominal, C COMP = 10nF.1mst INITInitialization Time From power on or transmitter enabled to optical output at 90% of nominal and TX_FAULT de-asserted.(4) 300 mst INIT2 Power-on Initialization Time From power on to APC loop-enabled. 200 mst FAULT TXFAULT Assert Time From fault condition to TXFAULT assertion.(4)95 µs t RESET Fault Reset Time Length of time TXDISABLE must be asserted to reset fault condition. 10µst LOSS_ON RXLOS Assert Time From loss of signal to RXLOS asserted.95 µs t LOSS_OFF RXLOS De-assert Time From signal acquisition to LOS de-asserted.100 µs t DATAAnalog Parameter Data ReadyFrom power on to valid analog parameter data available.(4)400 ms t PROP_IN TXFAULT, TXDISABLE, RXLOS, RSIN Input Propagation Time Time from input change tocorresponding internal register bit setor cleared.(4)1µst PROP_OUTTXFAULT, RSOUT, /INT Output Propagation TimeFrom an internal register bit set or cleared to corresponding output change.(4) 1 µsFault ComparatorsφFLTTMRFault Suppression Timer Clock PeriodNote 4 0.475 0.5 0.525 msAccuracy-3 +3 %/F.S. t REJECT Glitch RejectionMaximum length pulse that will not cause output to change state.(4) 4.5 µs High level 95 %VDDA V SATSaturation Detection ThresholdLow level5 %VDDAPower-On Hour MeterTimebase Accuracy 0°C ≤ T A ≤ +70°C (4) +5 -5 %–40°C ≤ T A ≤ +105°C +10-10%Resolution Note 4 10 hoursNon-Volatile (FLASH) Memoryt WRWrite Cycle Time(7)From STOP of a one to four-byte writetransaction.(4) 13 msData Retention 100 years Endurance Minimum Permitted NumberWrite Cycles10,000cyclesSerial Data I/O Pin, DataSymbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units V OL Low Output VoltageI OL = 3mA 0.4 VI OL = 6mA 0.6 VV IL Low Input Voltage 0.8 VV IH High Input Voltage 2.1 V Current ±1 µAI LEAK InputC IN Input Capacitance Note 4 10 pFSerial Clock Input, CLKV IL Low Input Voltage 2.7V ≤ V DD≤ 3.6V 0.8 VV IH High Input Voltage 2.7V ≤ V DD≤ 3.6V 2.1 V Current ±1 µAI LEAK InputC IN Input Capacitance Note 4 10 pFSerial Interface Timing(4)t1CLK (clock) Period 2.5 µs t2Data In Setup Time to CLK High 100 ns t3Data Out Stable After CLK Low 300 nsStart Condition 100 ns t4Data Low Setup Time to CLKLowStop Condition 100 ns t5Data High Hold Time After CLKHigh400 mst DATA Data Ready Time From power on to completion of oneset of ADC conversions; analog dataavailable via serial interface.Notes:1. Exceeding the absolute maximum rating may damage the device.2. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating rating.3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions recommended.4. Guaranteed by designing and/or testing of related parameters. Not 100% tested in production.5. The MIC3000 will attempt to enter its shutdown state when V DD falls below V UVLO. This operation requires time to complete. If the supply voltagefalls too rapidly, the operation may not be completed.6. Does not include quantization error.7. The MIC3002 will not respond to serial bus transactions during an EEPROM write-cycle. The host will receive a NACK during t WR.8. Final test on outgoing product is performed at T A = +25°C.Timing DiagramSerial Interface TimingAddress MapAddress(s) Field Size (Bytes) Name Description 0 –95 96 Serial ID defined by SEP MSA G-P NVRAM; R/W under valid OEM password. 96 – 127 32 Vendor Specific Vendor specific EEPROM128 – 255128ReservedReserved for future use. G-P NVRAM; R/W under valid OEM password.Table 1. MIC3002 Address Map, Serial Address = A0hAddress(s)HEX DEC Field Size (Bytes) Name Description 00-270-3940Alarm and WarningThreshold High/low limits for warning and alarms; writeable using OEM p/w; read-only otherwise.28-37 40-55 16 ReservedReserved – do not write; reads undefined.38-5B 56-91 36 Calibration Constants Numerical constants for external calibration; writeable using OEM p/w; read-only otherwise. 5C-5E 92-94 3 Reserved Reserved – do not write; reads undefined.5F 95 1 Checksum G-P NVRAM; writeable using OEM p/w; ready only otherwise. 60-6996-10510Analog Data Real time analog parameter data. 6A-6D 106-109 4 Reserved Reserved – do not write; reads undefined. 6E 110 1 Control/Status Bits Control and status bits.6F 111 1 Reserved Reserved – do not write; reads undefined. 70-71 112-113 2 Alarm Flags Alarm status bits; read only.72-73 114-115 2 Reserved Reserved – do not write; reads undefined. 74-75 116-117 2 Warning Flags Warning status bits; read only.76-77 118-119 2Reserved Reserved – do not write; reads undefined.78-7E120-1267OEMPWOEM password entry field. The OEM password location can be selectedto be 78-7B (120-123) or 7B-7E (123-126) by setting the bit OEMCFG5 bit 2 to 0 (default) or 1.7F 127 1 Vendor Specific Vendor specific. Reserved – do not write; reads undefined.80-DD 128-221 94User Scratchpad User writeable EEPROM. G-P NVRAM; R/W using any valid password. DE2221ALT_USRCTL Alternate location for USRCTL register. Set bit OEMCFG6-2 to 1 to select this location. Can be used as a scratch pad if not selected. DF-F5 223-245 23 User Scratchpad User writeable EEPROM. G-P NVRAM; R/W using any valid password. F6 246 1 USRPWSET User password setting; read/write using any p/w; returns zero otherwise. F7 247 1 USRPW User password registerF8-F9 248-249 2 Alarms Masks Bit =1: corresponding alarm not masked Bit = 0: corresponding alarm masked FA-FB 250-251 2 Warnings Masks Bit =1: corresponding warning not masked Bit = 0: corresponding warning masked FC-FE 252-254 3 Reserved Reserved – do not write; reads undefined.FF2551USRCTLEnd-user control and status bits If ALT-USRCTL is not selected. Can be used as a scratch pad if not selected.Table 2. MIC3002 Address Map, Serial Address = A2h。



proe菜单栏中英对照菜单栏:文件(F):File 编辑(E):Edit 视图(V):View 插入(I):Insert 分析(A):Analysis 信息(N):Info 应用程序(P):Applications 工具(T):Tools 窗口(W):Window 帮助(H):HelpFile 文件(F)New (N)新建Open (O)打开Open Last SessionSet Working Directory 设置工作目录Close Window 关闭窗口Save (S)保存Save a Copy 保存副本Backup 备份Copy From 复制自Mirror PartIntegrate 集成Rename 重命名Security→DRM Session Report 安全→DRM会话报告Apply DRM Policy 应用DRM策略Remove DRM Policies 移除DRM策略Policy Server 策略服务期Erase→Current 拭除→当前Not Displayed 不显示Component Reps 元件表示Delete→Old Versions 删除→旧版本All Versions 所有版本Instance Operations→Update Index 实例操作→更新索引Accelerator Options 加速器选项Declare 声明Associative Topology BusCheck Status 检查状态Update 更新Change Link 更改链接Make Independent 独立化Auto Check Status on Activate 激活时自动检查状态Auto Check Status on Retrieve 检索时自动检查状态Auto Check Status on Update 更新时自动检查状态Show Log 显示日志Print (P)打印Quick print 快速打印Send T o→Mail Recipient (as Attachment) 发送至→作为附件发送给收件人Mail Recipient (as Link) 作为链接发给收件人Properties 属性Exit 退出Edit 编辑(E) Regenerate (G)再生Regenerate Manage 再生管理器Undo (Z)撤消取消选取全部Redo (Y)重做Cut (X)剪切Copy (C)复制Paste (V)粘贴Paste Special 选择性Mirror 镜像Move 移动Flip Normal 反向法向Fill 填充Intersect 相交Merge 合并Pattern 阵列Geometry Pattern 几何阵列Project 投影Wrap 包络Trim 修剪Extend 延伸Offset 偏移Thicken 加厚Solidify 实体化Remove 移除Replace 替换Suppress 隐含Suppress to End of Model Suppress Unrelated Items Resume 恢复Delete 删除Delete to End of Model Delete Unrelated Items Properties 属性Setup 设置Reference 参照Definition 定义Patten Table 阵列表Scale Model 缩放模型GroupUDF Operations UDF操作Feature Operations 特征操作Select→Preferences 选取→首选项Deselect All 取消选取全部Find (F)查找Hyperlink (K)超级链接Read Only 只读View 视图(V)Repaint (R)重画Shade 着色Render Window 渲染窗口Enhanced Realism 增强的真实感Orientation→Standard Orientation 方向→(D)标准方向Previous 上一个Refit 重新调整Reorient 重定向Active Annotation Orientation 活动注释方向Orient Mode 视图模式Orient Type 视图类型Visibility →Hide 可见性→隐藏Unhide 取消隐藏Unhide All 全部取消隐藏 Save Status 保存状态Reset Status 重置状态RepresentationExcludeIncludeView Manager 视图管理器Display Combined Views 显示组合视图Color and Appearance 颜色和外观Zone 区域Annotation Orientation 注释方向Model Setup→Scene 模型设置→场景Room 房间Lights 光源Effects 效果Render Setup 渲染设置Render Region 渲染区域Perspective Settings 透视图设置 Perspective View 透视图Render Control 渲染控制Analysis Display 分析显示Model Grid 模型栅格Layers 层Display Settings→Model Display 显示设置→模型显示 Datum Display 基准显示 Performance 性能Visibilities 可见性 System Colors 系统颜色Insert 插入(I)Hole 孔Shell 壳Draft 拔模(斜度)Round 倒圆角Auto Round 自动倒圆角Rib→Trajectory Rib 筋→轨迹筋Profile 轮廓筋Chamfer →Edge Chamfer 倒圆角→边倒角Corner Chamfer 拐角倒角Extrude 拉伸Revolve 旋转Sweep→Protrusion 扫描→伸出项Thin Protrusion 薄板伸出项Cut 切口Thin Cut 薄板切口Surface 曲面Surface Trim 曲面修剪Thin Surface Trim 薄曲面修剪Blend→Protrusion 混合→伸出项Thin Protrusion 薄板伸出项Cut 切口Thin Cut 薄板切口Surface 曲面Surface Trim 曲面修剪Thin Surface Trim 薄曲面修剪Swept Blend 混合扫描Helical Sweep- Protrusion 螺旋扫描→伸出项Thin Protrusion 薄板伸出项Cut 切口Thin Cut 薄板切口Surface 曲面Thin Surface Trim 薄曲面修剪Boundary Blend 边界混合Variable Section Sweep 可变截面(剖面)扫描Model Datum→Plane 模型基准→平面Axis 轴Point→Point 点→点Sketched 草绘的Offset Coordinate System 偏移坐标系 Field 域Coordinate System 坐标系Default Coordinate System 缺省坐标系Sketched 草绘Curve 曲线Analysis 分析Component InterfaceEvaluate 估算Reference 参照Graph 图形Ribbon 带Offset Planes 偏移平面Annotations→Annotation FeatureDatum Target Annotation FeatureAE PropagateDiving Dimension AENotesSymbolDimensionReference DimensionOrdinate Driven DimensionOrdinate Reference DimensionGeometric T oleranceSurface FinishCosmetic→Thread 修饰→螺纹Sketch 草绘Designated Area 指定区域Groove 凹槽Ecad Area ECAD区域Style 造型Restyle 重新造型Facet Feature 小平面分析Warp 扭曲Independent Geometry 独立几何User-Define feature 用户定义特征Foreign Surface 外来曲面Shared Data→From File 共享数据→自文件Copy Geometry 复制几何Merge/Inheritance合并/继承Shrink Warp 收缩包络Cut out From Other Model 从其他模型切口Advanced 高级→Conic Surfaces and N-sided Patch →圆锥曲面和N侧曲面片Blend Section to Surfaces→Protrusion 从剖面混合到曲面→伸出项 Cut 切口Surface 曲面Surface Trim 曲面修剪Blend Between Surfaces→Protrusion 在曲面间混合→伸出项Cut 切口Surface 曲面Blend From File→Protrusion 从文件混合→伸出项Thin Protrusion 薄板伸出项Cut 切口Thin Cut 薄板切口Surface 曲面Surface Trim 曲面修剪Thin Surface Trim 薄板曲面修剪Blend Tangent to Surfaces 将切面混合到曲面Surface Free Form 曲面自由形状Vertex Round 顶点倒圆角Solid Free Form 实体自由形状Toroidal Bend 环形折弯Spinal Bend 骨架折弯Flatten Quilt 展平面组Bend Solid 折弯实体Pipe 管道Variable Pull Direction Draft 可变拖拉方向拔模Silhouette Trim 侧面影像修建Local Push 局部推拉Radius Dome 半径圆顶Section Dome 剖面圆顶Shafe 轴Lip 唇Flange 法兰Neck 环形槽Ear 耳Slot 槽Analysis 分析(A)Measure→Distance 测量→距离Length 长度Angle 角度Area 面积Volume 体积Diameter 直径Transform 变换Model (Analysis)→Mass Properties模型分析→质量属性X-Section Mass Properties 剖面质量属性 Pairs Clearance 配合间隙Short Edge 短边Edge Type 边类型Thickness 厚度Geometry →Point 几何→点Radius 半径Curvature 曲率Sections 截面Dihedral Angle 二面角Offset 偏移Deviation 偏差Surface Knots 曲面节点Shaded Curvature 着色曲率Draft 拔模Slope 斜率Reflection 反射Shadow 阴影External Analysis→外部分析→外部分析Excel Analysis Excel分析Toolkit-Based 基于工具包Curve Analysis 曲线分析Surface Analysis 曲面分析Mechanica Analysis 机械分析User-Defined Analysis 用户定义分析T olerance Study 公差研究Dimension Boundaries 尺寸边界Sensitivity Analysis 敏感度分析Feasibility/Optimization 可行性/优化Multi-Objective Design Study 多目标设计研究Statistical Design Study 统计设计研究ModelCHECK→ModelCHECK Interactive ModelCHECK→交互检查 ModelCHECK Regenerate 再生检查ModelCHECK Rule Check 规则检查ModelCHECK Geometry Check 几何检查Compare Part→By Feature 比较零件→按特征Performance Monitor 性能监视器Saved Analysis 保存的分析Hide All 全部隐藏Delete 删除Delete All→Delete All 全部删除→全部删除Delete All Curvature 删除全部曲率Delete All Sections 删除全部界面Delete All Dihedral Angle 删除全部二面角 Delete All Offset 删除全部偏移Delete All Surface Knots 删除全部曲面节点Info 信息(N)Geometry Checks 几何检查Feature 特征Model 模型Reference Viewer 参考查看器Parent/Child 父项/子项Relations and Parameters 关系与参数Switch Dimensions 切换尺寸Feature List 特征列表Model Size 模型大小File History 文件历史记录Audit Trail 审计追踪Data Exchange→Import Log File 数据交换→导入日志文件Session Info→Object List 进程(会话)信息→对象列表 Message Log 消息日志 Date and Time 日期与时间Applications 运用程序(P)Standard 标准Sheet Metal 钣金件Welding 焊接Legacy 继承Mechanica 机械Plastic Advisor 朔性顾问Mold/Casting 模具/铸造Conference 会议Mechanica Results Mechanica结果Relations 关系Parameters 参数Designate 指定Family Table 族表Program 程序UDF Library UDF库Update Mfg AEs 更新Mfg注释元素Appearances Manager 外观管理器Image Editor 图像编辑器Model Player 模型播放器Model Sectioning 模型剖解Assembly Setting→Reference Control 组件设置→参照控制Play Trail/Training File 播放跟踪/培训文件Distributed Computing 分布式计算Pro/Web.Link→Set Access Permissions →设置访问权限Release License 发行许可Map-Keys 映射键Floating Modules 浮动模块Auxiliary Applications 辅助应用程序Environment 环境Server Manager (Registry) 服务器注册表(管理器)Customize Screen 定制屏幕Configure ModelCHECK 配置ModelCHECKClear History 清除历史记录Data Exchange→Import Profile Editor 数据交换→导入配置文件编辑器Options 选项Debug 调试Window 窗口(W)Activate (A)激活New 新建Close 关闭Open System Window 打开系统窗口Maximize 最大化Restore 恢复Default Size 缺省尺寸Help Center 帮助中心What’s This? 这是什么Menu Mapper 菜单映射器Search Online Knowledge Base 搜索在线知识库Log Support Call 记录支持呼叫Online Resources 在线资源What’s New? 新增了哪些内容System Information 系统信息About 关于Pro/ENGINEER Release Notes 版本说明Technical Support Info 技术支持信息。

HP StorageWorks HSG60 和 HSG80 外部缓存电池(ECB)替换指南(第六版)

HP StorageWorks HSG60 和 HSG80 外部缓存电池(ECB)替换指南(第六版)

HP StorageWorks Replacing an HSG60and HSG80 External Cache Battery (ECB)Replacing an HSG60 and HSG80 External Cache Battery (ECB) Installation InstructionsSixth Edition (March 2005)Part Number: EK-80ECB-IM. F01© Copyright 2000–2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P .Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental orconsequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.Microsoft®, MS Windows®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies as reflected by an associated footnote.Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for Hewlett-Packard Company products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements for such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.Printed in the U.S.A.Read instructions completely before beginning the installation procedureAbout these instructionsThis document contains instructions for replacing the ECB in an HP StorageWorks HSG60 or HSG80 subsystem.For instructions on upgrading a single-controller configuration to a dual-redundant controller configuration, refer to the appropriate array controller user guide or maintenance and service guide.ECB replacement procedures provided in these instructions include:■Replacing an ECB in HP StorageWorks Model BA370 enclosures , page 1■Replacing an ECB in HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 enclosures , page 2■Replacing an ECB in HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 enclosures using hot-pluggable procedure , page 3General informationThe type of ECB used depends on the HP StorageWorks controller enclosure type.WARNING: The ECB is a sealed, rechargeable, lead acid battery that must be recycled or disposed of properly according to local regulations or policies afterreplacement. Do not incinerate the battery. Improperhandling may cause personal injury. The ECB displays the following label:Replacing an ECB in HP StorageWorks Model BA370 enclosuresFigure 1 and Figure 2 provide information about the ECBs used in HP StorageWorks model BA370 controller enclosures.Figure 1: Single ECB for single-controller configurations in a BA370 enclosure1Battery disable switch (shutoff)2Status LED 3ECB Y-cableFigure 2: Dual ECB for dual-redundant controller configurations in a BA370 enclosureUse the following steps including Figure1 (on page1) and Figure2, as appropriate, to replace an ECB in single-controller and dual-redundant controller configurations using the Field Replacement Utility (FRUTIL):1.Connect a PC or terminal to the maintenance port of thecontroller with the defective ECB.The controller connected to the PC or terminal becomes“this controller.”2.Verify the system time setting by entering the followingcommand:SHOW THIS_CONTROLLER FULL3.If the system date and time is not set or current, entercurrent date and time by entering the following command: SET THIS_CONTROLLER TIME=dd-mm-yyyy:hh:mm:ssNote: An internal clock monitors the life of the ECB battery. This clock is automatically reset as part of the FRUTIL procedure.4.Start FRUTIL with the following command:RUN FRUTIL5.Follow on-screen instructions concerning availability andreplacement questions for the ECB.Caution: Ensure that at least one ECB is connected to theECB Y-cable at all times during this procedure. Otherwise,cache memory data is not protected and is subject to loss.Caution: The ECB Y-cable has a 12-volt and a 5-volt pin.Improper handling or misalignment while connecting ordisconnecting the ECB can cause these pins to contactground, resulting in cache module damage.Note: If an empty bay is not available, temporarily place the replacement ECB on top of the enclosure or at the bottom of the rack.6.Insert the replacement ECB into an appropriate bay or nearthe ECB being removed.7.Connect the new battery to the unused end of the Y-cableattached to cache A.8.Disconnect the old battery. Do not wait for the new batterystatus light to turn solid green.9.Press Enter or Return.The ECB expiration date and deep discharge history areupdated. FRUTIL exits.plete one of the following options:■For single ECB replacement:1) Remove the old ECB, and then place it in anantistatic bag or on a grounded antistatic mat.2) If the replacement ECB is not placed within anavailable bay, install it into the vacant bay of the oldECB.3) Disconnect the PC terminal from the controllermaintenance port.■For dual ECB replacement:1) If the other cache module is also to be connected tothe new dual ECB, connect the PC or terminal to the“other controller” maintenance port.The connected controller becomes “this controller.”2) Repeat step 2 through step 9 as required.3) Disconnect the PC terminal from the controllermaintenance port.Replacing an ECB in HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 enclosuresUnlike the BA370 enclosure, the HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 controller enclosures use a type of ECBs that does not require an ECB Y-cable. These enclosures contain four ECB bays: two bays support Cache A (bays A1 and A2) and two bays support Cache B (bays B1 and B2)—see this relationship in Figure3 and Figure4 on page3.Note: No more than two ECBs are supported within an HP StorageWorks Model 2100 or 2200 controller enclosure at any time—one for each array controller and cache set. Blanks must be installed in the remaining vacant ECB bays for controlling air flow.Figure 3: ECB locations in an HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 enclosure1Battery disable switch (shutoff)2Status LED 3ECB Y-cable4Faceplate and controls forsecond battery (dual ECBconfiguration only)1B1 supports cache B2B2 supports cache B3A2 supports cache A4A1 supports cache AFigure 4: Cache module locations in an HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 enclosureNote: If you are replacing an ECB (see Figure 5), match the vacant ECB bay with the supported cache module. This bay is always next to the failed ECB.Figure 5: Removing an ECB that supports cache module B in an HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 enclosureUse the following steps and Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5, as appropriate, to replace an ECB in single-controller and dual-redundant controller configurations using the Field Replacement Utility (FRUTIL):1.Connect a PC or terminal to the maintenance port of the controller that has the defective ECB.The controller connected to the PC or terminal becomes “this controller.”2.Enter the following command to verify that system time is set:SHOW THIS_CONTROLLER FULL3.If system time is not set or current, enter current data using the following command:SET THIS_CONTROLLER TIME=dd-mm-yyyy:hh:mm:ssNote: An internal clock monitors the life of the ECB battery. This clock is automatically reset as part of the FRUTIL procedure.4.Start FRUTIL with the following command:RUN FRUTIL5.Follow on-screen instructions to replace the ECB.Caution: Do not remove the old ECB until the ECB charged LED on the replacement ECB turns on (see Figure 7, on page 4).Caution: Make sure to install the replacement ECB in a bay that supports the same cache module as the current ECB being removed (see Figure 3).Remove the blank bezel from this replacement bay and reinstall the blank bezel in the bay vacated by the current ECB. Failure to reinstall the blank bezel might cause an over-temperature condition and damage the enclosure.Note: Install a Battery Service Label on the replacement ECB prior to installing the ECB in the enclosure. This label indicates the installation date (MM/YY) for the replacement ECB.6.Attach the Battery Service Label to the replacement ECB as described by the HP StorageWorks ECB Battery Service Label Placement installation instructions.7.Remove the blank bezel from the appropriate bay, and then install the replacement ECB.8.Remove the old ECB, and then install the blank bezel in this bay.9.Press Enter or Return .Note: The ECB expiration date and deep discharge history are updated. FRUTIL exits.10.Disconnect the PC terminal from the controller maintenance port.11.Repeat this entire procedure to replace the ECB for the “other controller.”Replacing an ECB in HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 enclosures using hot-pluggable procedureFor a hot-pluggable ECB replacement, use the procedure in this section.Note: The hot-pluggable procedure (used in the HSG60 and HSG80 controller sections) uses FRUTIL to update the ECB expiration date and deep discharge history.The hot-pluggable procedure in this section is used to replace the ECB only and is not used to update ECB history data.Use the following procedure to replace an ECB as a hot-pluggable device:ing Figure 3 on page 2, determine the specific bay to install the ECB.Note: Ensure that the bay supports the same cache module (A or B) as the ECB being removed.2.Press the release tab and pivot the lever downward on the replacement ECB (see Figure 6).1Controller A 2Controller B 3Cache A 4Cache BFigure 6: Release tab and lever on an ECB3.Remove the blank panel from the appropriate vacant bay (A or B).4.Align and insert the replacement ECB into the vacant bay until the lever engages the enclosure (see Figure 5).5.Lift the lever upward until the lever locks.6.If enclosure power is applied, verify that the LED displays a Charge Test state (see Figure 7 for LED locations and Table 1 for the proper display state).7.Following ECB initialization, verify that the LEDs display either a Charging or Charged state (see Figure 7 for LED locations and Table 1 for the proper display state).8.Press the release tab on the old ECB, and then pivot the lever downward.9.Remove the old ECB from the enclosure.10.Install the blank panel in the vacant ECB bay.Figure 7: Status LEDs for an HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 enclosure ECBUpdated HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 enclosure ECB LED definitionsTable 1 replaces Table 6–1 “ECB Status LED Displays” in the HP StorageWorks Model 2100 and 2200 Ultra SCSI Controller Enclosure User Guide .Note: Be sure to identify the existence of this updated table in the user guide.Table 1: ECB Status LED Displays1ECB charged LED 2ECB charging LED 3ECB fault LED。



单选题1、以下哪个不就是vmkernel可以提供的核心功能:()A、资源调度B、I/O堆栈C、设备驱动程序D、虚拟发布机2、Linux查瞧当前所属的目录使用哪条命令:( )A、CD-SB、PWDC、IS-AD、CD、、3、openstack开发类提供哪些功能()A、为openStack系统提供构建、部署、生命周期管理等功能B、为openStack提供开放的API,通过SDN可以对系统进行定制华开发C、为openStack的运营运维提供辅助工具,包括系统监控、优化、计费、多区域管理D、就是整改OpenStack架构中最核心的部分,包括计算,存储、网络、公共服务、大数据服务等功能,提供了云计算的大部分的服务。


5、()指的就是容器文件系统的变更可以提交到新的映像(image)中,并可重复使用以创建更多的容器A、容器占用磁盘空间大B、虚拟机启动速度快C、虚拟机占用磁盘空间大D、容器启动速度慢6、以下RAID相关技术中,读写性能最高的就是()A、RAID0B、RAID1C、RAID3D、RAID57、SCSI协议、FC协议、iscsi协议哪个就是串行的那个就是并行的D、SCSI协议就是并行,FC协议与ISCSI就是串行的8、关于raid3说法错误的就是()A、RAID3完好时读性能与raid0完全一致B、如果某个磁盘的数据有误,或者磁盘发生故障,数据无法恢复C、RAID3至少需要三块磁盘D、RAID3对访问较长的连续记录有利9、python中单行注释以什么开头()A、//B、#C、/**/D、#!1、单选-云计算的一大特征就是(),没有高效的网络云计算就什么都不就是,就不能提供很好的使用体验A、按需自助服务B、无处不在的网络接入C、资源池化D、快速弹性伸缩2、单选-要使端口组到达其她VLAN上的端口组,必须将VLAN ID设置为()A、80B、4095C、8080D、33063、单选-对于公有边缘节点,通常以()的形式部署于()A、小型数据中心,地市及以下的自有机房B、大型数据中心,公有云机房C、大型数据中心,私有云机房D、大型数据中心,地市及以下的自有机房4、单选-对于公有边缘节点,边缘连接网元与边缘云()置于同一机房,()放置于不同机房A、不可以,可以B、不可以,不可以C、可以,可以D、可以,不可以5、单选-对ANSIBLE框架下包含的几个模块,说法不正确的就是A、connetcion plugins:负责与被监控端实现通信B、playbook:剧本执行多个任务时,非必须可以让节点一次性运行多个任务C、hosinventory:借助于插件完成记录日志邮件等功能D、各种模块核心模块、command模块、自定义模块6、单选-Saltstack 就是基于什么语言开发A、c++B、javaC、PHPD、Python7、单选-Linux返回上一级目录使用那条命令(C)A、cdB、cd 、C、cd 、、D、cd …8、单选-Nova-scheduler创建与迁移虚拟机时,通过两个步骤选择合适的节点创建与迁移虚拟机,这两步中第一步就是过滤(filter),第二步就是()A、随机选择(random)B、权重计算(weighting)C、选举(election)D、投票(vote)9、单选-Raid5需要至少几个硬盘组成的磁盘阵列A、1B、2C、3D、410、单选-()指的就是降低运维开销,实现IT的敏捷交付,实现企业业务的自动化交付,就是IT可以更加关注业务的本身。

BS 970-1 - 1996 General Inspection And Testing Procedures And Specific Requirements For Carbon, Carb

BS 970-1 - 1996 General Inspection And Testing Procedures And Specific Requirements For Carbon, Carb

Section 5. Specific requirements for stainless and heat resisting steels
Section 6. Specific requirements for sizes and tolerances
6.1 Sizes
6.2 Mass/unit length tolerances
1.14 Selection and preparation of material for mechanical testing
1.15 Frequency of other tests
1.16 Test methods and test results
1.17 Retests
1.18 Inspection
ISBN 0 580 25120 9
Licensed Copy: Institute Of Technology Tallaght, Institute of Technology, Fri Jul 20 10:06:19 GMT+00:00 2007, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 10-1998
BS 970-1:1996
Committees responsible Foreword
Page Inside front cover
Section 1. General inspection and testing procedure
1.1 Scope
1.2 References



GridControl详解GridView插件所在位置使用时拖拽过来,如下所示即使拖拽过来原封不动的样子:1.原汁原味的表格展示我们在程序中写入构建一个表格的代码:private DataTable InitDt(){DataTable dt = new DataTable("个人简历");dt.Columns.Add("id",typeof(int));dt.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));dt.Columns.Add("sex", typeof(int));dt.Columns.Add("address", typeof(string));dt.Columns.Add("aihao", typeof(string));dt.Columns.Add("photo", typeof(string));dt.Rows.Add(newobject[] { 1, "张三", 1, "东大街6号", "看书", "" });dt.Rows.Add(newobject[] { 1, "王五", 0, "西大街2号", "上网,游戏", "" });dt.Rows.Add(newobject[] { 1, "李四", 1, "南大街3号", "上网,逛街", "" });dt.Rows.Add(newobject[] { 1, "钱八", 0, "北大街5号", "上网,逛街,看书,游戏", "" });dt.Rows.Add(newobject[] { 1, "赵九", 1, "中大街1号", "看书,逛街,游戏", "" }); return dt;}书写gridControl1绑定数据方法:privatevoid BindDataSource(DataTable dt){//绑定DataTablegridControl1.DataSource = dt;//绑定DataSet//gridControl1.DataSource = ds;//gridControl1.DataMember = "表名";}程序调用:BindDataSource(InitDt());呈现结果如下:2.表格的列名配置点击gridControl1控件上的按钮,弹出视图设计窗口:列配置:我们配置完列名后,会发现设计视图发生了变化:运行结果:3.列数据的格式设置为了测试方便,我们加入新的3列,格式分别是数据,时间,字符串。

uipath table cell scope 用法

uipath table cell scope 用法

uipath table cell scope 用法UiPath 是一种流行的 RPA (Robotic Process Automation) 工具,它允许用户创建自动化工作流以模拟人类的交互式行为。

在 UiPath 中,处理表格数据是一个常见的任务,而Table Cell Scope 是一个用于与表格单元格交互的活动。

Table Cell Scope 活动主要用于定义在表格单元格上执行的一系列操作的范围。


以下是 Table Cell Scope 的一些用法:选择单元格:你可以使用 Table Cell Scope 来选择一个特定的单元格,并在该单元格上执行操作,如点击、输入文本等。

获取单元格内容:通过 Table Cell Scope,你可以读取单元格中的文本或数据,并将其存储在变量中以供后续使用。


与其他活动结合:Table Cell Scope 可以与其他 UiPath 活动(如 Click、Type Into、Get Text 等)结合使用,以在选定的单元格上执行更复杂的操作。

使用 Table Cell Scope 时,你需要指定如何定位单元格。


请注意,为了有效地使用 Table Cell Scope,你可能需要对表格的结构和数据进行一些分析,以确保你能够准确地定位和操作所需的单元格。

总的来说,Table Cell Scope 是 UiPath 中一个非常有用的活动,它可以帮助你更有效地处理表格数据,从而提高自动化流程的效率和准确性。

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Postharvest Biology and Technology 42(2006)142–149Control of table grape storage rots by pre-harvest applications of saltsFranco Nigro ∗,Leonardo Schena,Angela Ligorio,Isabella Pentimone,Antonio Ippolito,Mario G.SalernoDipartimento di Protezione delle Piante e Microbiologia Applicata,Universit`a degli Studi di Bari,Via Amendola 165/A,70126Bari,ItalyReceived 30November 2005;accepted 11June 2006AbstractThe activity of 19inorganic and organic salts to control table grape storage rots was preliminarily assessed by in vitro and in vivo tests.Several salts reduced the growth of Botrytis cinerea Pers.on amended (0.1–2%,w/v)glucose–agar;however,only calcium chloride (CC),potassium carbonate (PC),sodium bicarbonate (SB)and sodium carbonate (SC)significantly reduced the incidence of grey mould on small table grape bunches (cv.Italia).PC,SB and SC showed a similar effect in the in vitro (inhibition of mycelial growth and conidia germination of B.cinerea )and in vivo tests (reduction of incidence of grey mould on table grape),whereas CC was effective only in vivo .Efficacy of salts applied before harvest was extensively evaluated in small-scale tests (CC,PC,SB,and SC),and in large-scale tests (CC,SB,SC).In both,small-and large-scale tests,field applications of salts resulted in a significant reduction of botrytis storage rots.Field rots (mainly sour rot)were significantly reduced when vines were sprayed at least 21days before harvest.In large-scale tests,simulating the practical commercial conditions in Southern Italy,two salt applications (30and 90days before harvest)of CC,SC,or SB significantly reduced postharvest grey mould from 63.8%among untreated controls to 22.5,31.2,and 29.5%,respectively.In the same conditions,field rots were 23.4%(untreated control),9.5%(CC),11.9%(SC)and 12.0%(SB).On the whole,salts showed an activity higher or similar to that of conventional chemical treatments.Finally,results from specific tests suggested that pH and inhibition of polygalacturonase activity of B.cinerea seem to play a role in the mode of action of SB,SC,PC and CC.©2006Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Botrytis cinerea ;Table grape;Inorganic salts;Grey mould;Sour rot;Control1.IntroductionGrey mould,due to Botrytis cinerea Pers.,is one of the most important diseases of table grapes,because of the dam-age caused in the harvest season and during storage.Losses are severe,particularly in years when heavy rainfall dur-ing fruit ripening occurs.The pathogen can also develop at low temperature,shortening the duration of storage and marketing.Sour rot,a grape disease with an ambiguous and controversial aetiology (Guerzoni and Marchetti,1987),causes losses that exceed grey mould in Southern Italy.The disease,associated with Acetobacter spp.,and other bacte-ria and yeasts transmitted by the grape fruitfly (Drosophila melanogaster Mg.),is a serious problem in Apulia (South-∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+390805443055;fax:+390805442911.E-mail (F.Nigro).ern Italy)where table grapes bunches are left on vines under plastic coverings to delay the harvest.The control of botry-tis storage rot and sour rot is very difficult since postharvest treatments with synthetic fungicides or food additives are not allowed by European legislation (European Parliament and Council Directive 95/2/EC,1995).Pre-harvest fungi-cide applications are not always effective to control botrytis storage rot and ineffective against sour rot.Furthermore,the use of conventional chemicals is becoming increasingly restricted because of concerns for the environment and human health,as well as the cost of developing new fungicides to overcome resistance developed by the pathogens.Therefore,there is a need for alternative disease-management practices that can reduce rots without risks for consumers and work-ers.Many alternative means have been proposed to manage postharvest disease of fruit and vegetables.These include biocontrol agents (Janisiewicz and Korsten,2002),natural0925-5214/$–see front matter ©2006Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.postharvbio.2006.06.005F.Nigro et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology42(2006)142–149143substances(Ippolito and Nigro,2003),and physical treat-ments(Nigro et al.,1998).In the search for biocompatible products,which could be defined as chemicals exhibiting low mammalian and envi-ronmental toxicity,many salts have been recently tested as alternative control means,either alone(Smilanick et al., 1999)or in combination with physical(Palou et al.,2001)and biological treatments(Ippolito et al.,2005;Karabulut et al., 2005).Salts are inexpensive,easily accepted by consumers, non-toxic,with minor environmental impact at the effective concentrations,and usually used in the food industry.Several inorganic salts have been shown to be active antimicrobial agents against a range of phytopathogenic fungi.In particular,postharvest treatments with calcium chlo-ride(CC)and sodium bicarbonate(SB)have been proposed as safe and effective alternative means to control posthar-vest rots of fruit and vegetables.The activity of bicarbonate salts against fungal pathogens is well known(Hervieux et al.,2002)and recent postharvest applications reduced stor-age rots of melon(Aharoni et al.,1997),papaya(Sivakumar et al.,2002),citrus(Palou et al.,2002;Smilanick et al., 2005),banana(Alvindia et al.,2004),table grape(Mlikota Gabler and Smilanick,2001),and bell pepper(Fallik et al.,1997).Calcium,known for its ability to reduce or delay parasitic and/or physiological disorders in fruit and vegetables,also gave promising results in controlling stor-age rots when applied both as organic and inorganic salts (Punja and Grogan,1982;Biggs,1999;Conway et al., 1999).Most of the research regarding the use of carbonates and calcium salts to control postharvest rots has involved posthar-vest applications;however,they are inappropriate for fruit such as strawberries and table grapes since the cosmetic appeal of these fruit can be seriously reduced by posthar-vest handling(Ippolito and Nigro,2000).There are only few reports about pre-harvest applications of salts to control stor-age rots.Application of SB24h before harvest significantly reduced the incidence of botrytis storage rot on table grape (Karabulut et al.,2003).Field applications of CC increased the storage life of kiwifruit(Gerasopoulos et al.,1996)and reduced the incidence of russet on‘Golden Delicious’apples (Brown et al.,1996)and various rots on cactus pear(Schirra et al.,1999).Field applications of SB were effective for con-trolling Monilinia fructicola on organic apricots(McLaren and Fraser,2000).Similarly,pre-and postharvest applica-tion of CC on table grapes reduced the incidence of grey mould storage rot(Ippolito et al.,1997;Miceli et al.,1999).The present work was performed to evaluate the effective-ness of a range of salts,mostly common food preservatives, for the control of pre and postharvest rots of table grapes.In this regard,we conducted small-and large-scale trials over a4-year period with different pre-harvest application sched-ules of these salts to obtain the most effective postharvest decay control efficacy.Investigation of some possible mech-anisms by which the most effective salts reduce rot incidence was also carried out.2.Materials and methods2.1.In vitro and in vivo screening of saltsThe effect of19salts(Table1)on the mycelial growth of B. cinerea was evaluated using1%glucose agar(GA).An aque-ous solution of the salts was sterilised byfiltration(0.45␮m) and added to molten(45◦C)GA,to achieve0.1,0.25,0.5,1, and2%(w/v)final concentration;GA without salts served as a control.GA-salt solutions,poured into100mm Petri dishes, were inoculated in the centre with a5mm mycelial plug taken from the edge of actively growing colony of B.cinerea and incubated for5days at22◦C.Colony diameter was mea-sured as the average of the longest and the shortest diameter; the results were expressed as minimum inhibitory concentra-tion(MIC).Salts(Table2)were also tested for their activity against B.cinerea on table grape,cv.Italia,harvested at com-mercial maturity from groves located at Conversano,and Rutigliano(South-eastern Italy).Small bunches,of approxi-mately10berries,were sprayed with an aqueous salt solution (1%,w/v)or sterile distilled water(control)until dripping and left to dry.Before application the pH of all salt solu-tions was measured.The bunches were then sprayed with a conidial suspension of B.cinerea,prepared by removing the spores from a sporulating edge of the3-week-old culture with a sterile bacteriological loop and suspending them in sterile distilled water.The suspension wasfiltered through three sterile cheesecloth layers and spore concentration was adjusted to5×105mL−1using a haemocytometer.Treated bunches were arranged in plastic trays,covered with plas-tic sheet,and stored at0◦C(95–98%RH)for22days.The percentage of rotted berries was evaluated after7days shelf Table1Minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC)of salts for Botrytis cinerea in a colony growth assaySalt MIC(%,w/v) Sodium chloride(NaCl)>2.0 Sodium formate(HCOONa)>2.0 Calcium nitrate(Ca(NO3)2·4H2O)>2.0Sodium phosphate monobasic(NaH2PO4·H2O)>2.0 Sodium nitrate(NaNO3)>2.0 Calcium chloride(CaCl2)>2.0 Ammonium chloride(NH4Cl)>2.0 Sodium acetate(CH3COONa·3H2O)>2.0 Potassium chloride(KCl)>2.0 Potassium phosphate dibasic(K2HPO4)>2.0 Ammonium sulphate((NH4)2SO4)>2.0 Sodium phosphate dibasic(Na2HPO4·12H2O) 2.0 Sodium sulphate(Na2SO4)0.5 Ammonium phosphate dibasic((NH4)2HPO4)0.5 Sodium bicarbonate(NaHCO3)0.5 Sodium silicate(Na2Ox2SiO2·2H2O)0.5 Potassium carbonate(K2CO3)0.5 Sodium carbonate(Na2CO3)0.25 Ammonium bicarbonate(NH4HCO3)0.25 Diameter of B.cinerea colonies was determined after5days incubation at 22◦C on glucose agar amended with different salt concentrations(0.1,0.25, 0.5,1.0,and2%,w/v).144F.Nigro et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology42(2006)142–149Table2pH values and effect of19aqueous salt solutions(1%,w/v)on the devel-opment of rots on small table grape bunches artificially inoculated with B. cinereaSalts pH Rottedberries(%) Sodium phosphate dibasic(Na2HPO4·12H2O)8.497.0a Ammonium chloride(NH4Cl) 5.580.0b Control(distilled water) 5.778.0bc Sodium nitrate(NaNO3) 5.978.0bc Ammonium sulphate((NH4)2SO4) 5.677.0bc Sodium sulphate(Na2SO4) 5.977.0bc Sodium chloride(NaCl) 5.976.0bc Sodium acetate(CH3COONa·3H2O)7.673.0bc Sodium formate(HCOONa)7.173.0bc Ammonium phosphate dibasic((NH4)2HPO4)8.172.0bc Monobasic sodium phosphate(NaH2PO4·H2O) 4.371.0bc Ammonium bicarbonate(NH4HCO3)8.164.0bcd Potassium chloride(KCl) 5.963.0bcd Calcium nitrate(Ca(NO3)2·4H2O) 5.762.0bcd Potassium phosphate dibasic(K2HPO4)9.062.0bcd Sodium silicate(Na2Ox2SiO2·2H2O)11.660.0cd Calcium chloride(CaCl2) 6.048.0de Sodium bicarbonate(NaHCO3)8.545.0de Sodium carbonate(Na2CO3)11.341.0e Potassium carbonate(K2CO3)11.336.0e Values marked with different letters are statistically different according to Fisher’s protected LSD test(P≤0.05).life at20±1◦C and90–95%RH.In both screening tests a completely randomized experimental design,includingfive replicates(Petri dishes or small bunches),was utilised.An arcsine transformation was applied to data percentage prior to analysis of variance(ANOV A)and the mean values were compared by using Fisher’s protected LSD test.2.2.Small-and large-scale trialsField trials were conducted over a4-year period in com-mercial orchards of table grapes(cv.Italia)located in South-eastern Italy,involving pre-harvest applications of salts and conventional fungicides(chemical controls)as described in Table3.In particular,aqueous salt solutions(1%,w/v)were sprayed twice(21and5days before harvest)in thefirst3 years of the trials;a treatment receiving only one salts appli-cation(5days before harvest)was also included in the second year.For each year,the spraying time was in the last week of October or thefirst week of November,depending on the harvest date.According to the control schedule used in the commercial grove which hosted the trials,in the fourth year salts were sprayed90days(end of August)and30days(end of October)before harvest,in order to test their effective-ness under the practical control conditions commonly used in Southern Italy.A motor-driven back sprayer(delivering approximately10hL ha−1)and a hydro-pneumatic sprayer (delivering approximately7hL ha−1)were used for small-and large-scale tests,respectively.Harvested bunches were placed in plastic crates,covered with plastic sheet to maintain high relative humidity(95–98%)and stored.The incidence Table3Schematic representation of small-and large-scalefield testsYear Treatments Number ofapplicationsTiming a FirstUntreatedCC221and5SCSBPCProcymidone121 Second bUntreatedCC221and5SC15SBPCProcymidone121Large-scale testsThirdUntreatedCC221and5SCSBCiprodinil andfludioxonil121FourthUntreatedCC290and30SCSBCiprodinil andfludioxonilTrials provided pre-harvest sprays with1%(w/v)aqueous solution of cal-cium chloride(CC),sodium bicarbonate(SB),sodium carbonate(SC),and potassium carbonate(PC).Untreated table grapes bunches and bunches treated with procymidone(Sumisclex®,50%a.i.)at0.75g L−1or a mix-ture of ciprodinil andfludioxonil(Switch®,37.5and25%a.i.,respectively) at0.8g L−1,were used as controls.a Days before harvest.b For each salt,treatments with two applications(21and5days before harvest)and one application(5days before harvest)were performed.of naturally occurring decay(sour rot,grey mould,and sec-ondary rots)was evaluated on two different sets of bunches,in thefield(5days before harvest)and after storage at0±1◦C (1month)and shelf life(5–7days)at20±1◦C,90–95%RH. Decay assessment was done by using an empirical scale with the following values:(0)bunch without rots;(1)1–5%of rot-ted berries;(2)6–10%of rotted berries;(3)11–25%of rotted berries;(4)26–50%of rotted berries;(5)51–75%of rotted berries;(6)more than76%of rotted berries.This empiri-cal scale made it possible to calculate the McKinney index (McKinney,1923),expressing the weighted average of the disease severity as actual percentage in terms of the maximum disease severity.The McKinney index(MI)was calculated by means of the following formula:MI=[df/T n D]×100, where d is the degree of disease severity assessed on the bunch,f its frequency,T n the total number of the fruit exam-ined(healthy and diseased),and D the highest degree of disease intensity occurring on the empirical scale.All trials were arranged in a completely randomised block design with four replicates.In small-scale tests each repli-cation contained three grape vines,from which15bunchesF.Nigro et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology42(2006)142–149145were harvested;in large-scale tests each replication con-tained50grape vines,from which30bunches were randomly harvested.An arcsine transformation was applied to data per-centage prior to analysis of variance(ANOV A),and the mean values of treatments compared by using Fisher’s protected LSD test.2.3.Effect of salts and pH on the germination of B. cinerea conidiaThe ability of B.cinerea conidia to germinate was eval-uated in50mL of liquid medium containing2.4%potato dextrose broth(PDB)supplemented with1%of calcium chlo-ride(CC),potassium carbonate(PC),sodium bicarbonate (SB),or sodium carbonate(SC).PDB medium was utilised without modifying the pH determined by each salt or adjust-ing its value to pH6–10by means of NaOH,KOH or HCl. An equal set of PDB medium without salts was used as con-trol.Diluted conidial suspension of B.cinerea was added to the medium at afinal concentration of104cells mL−1. The percentage of germinated conidia(length/width ratio≥2) was evaluated after6and24h incubation on a rotary shaker (100rpm),at21◦C,in the dark.For each salt type,pH value and reading date,three separate replications of100conidia were evaluated.2.4.Effect of salts on polygalacturonase activity of B. cinereaTo evaluate the effect of salts on polygalacturonase activity of B.cinerea,the pathogen was grown in a minimal salt(MS) medium(KH2PO4,13.6g/L;NH4NO3,4g;MgSO4·7H2O, 2.6g/L;FeSO4·7H2O,20mg/L;CuSO4·5H2O,0.07mg/L;ZnSO4·7H2O,0.23mg/L;(NH4)2MoO4,0.18mg/L; MnSO4·4H2O,2mg/L;H3BO4, 3.1mg/L;pectin,5g/L; sodium polypectate,5g/L)containing CC,PC,SB,or SC at different concentrations(10,20,and40mM).MS medium without salts was used as a control.Two agar plugs (9mm in diameter)taken from the edge of actively growing mycelium of B.cinerea were used to inoculate50mL of medium.After7days incubation at25◦C on a rotary shaker at120rpm,the media were collected byfiltration and the concentration of polygalacturonase(PG)assessed measuring the concentration of reducing sugars using the 2-cyanoacetamide method described by Gross(1982).Three replicate samples were utilised for each salt and for each concentration.3.Results3.1.Preliminary screening of saltsThe in vitro tests showed a variable effect of salts on B. cinerea growth(Table1).After5days incubation at22◦C most salts reduced the colony diameter of the pathogen.A complete inhibition was achieved by ammonium bicarbon-ate and SC at0.25%and by ammonium phosphate,PC,SB, sodium silicate,and sodium sulphate at0.5%.CC did not affect the growth of B.cinerea,whereas it was enhanced on GA amended with calcium nitrate,sodium chloride,and sodium nitrate,as compared to the control(Table1).In the in vivo tests on small table grape bunches,salts showed a variable activity against B.cinerea(Table2).Aque-ous solutions(1%,w/v)of CC,SB,SC,and PC were the most effective,reducing the percentage of rotted berries by38.5, 42.3,47.4,and53.9,respectively,as compared to the water control.None of the salt solutions had a phytotoxic effect on the berries.The pH of salt solutions did not show any signif-icant correlation with the control activity(data not shown). High disease reductions were obtained with SC and PC for which the pH was11.3;however,a significant disease reduc-tion was obtained also by using CC,with a pH of6.00.3.2.Small-scale trialsIn small-scale trials conducted in thefirst year,CC,PC, SB,and SC reduced the incidence of total rots on table grape bunches treated21and5days before harvest(Fig.1).In thefield assessment(5days before harvest)all the salts sig-nificantly(P≤0.05)reduced rot incidence as compared to the untreated control,with reduction ranging from46.1to 64.6%(Fig.1).A significant(P≤0.05)rot reduction was also achieved after30days of storage followed by5days of shelf life at20◦C(Fig.1).CC,PC,SB,and SC reduced rot inci-dence from57.6to71.4%as compared to the untreatedcon-Fig.1.Small-scale tests conducted in thefirst year investigation.Rot inci-dence among table grape bunches treated in thefield21and5days before harvest with1%(w/v)aqueous solution of calcium chloride(CC),potas-sium carbonate(PC),sodium bicarbonate(SB),or sodium carbonate(SC). Untreated bunches and bunches treated with procymidone(Sumisclex®,50% a.i.)at0.75g L−1were used as controls.Rots were assessed in thefield5 days before harvest(A)and after30days storage at0◦C followed by5 days shelf life at20±1◦C(B).For each assessment,columns marked with the same letters are not statistically different according to Fisher’s protected LSD test(P≤0.05).146F.Nigro et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology42(2006)142–149Fig.2.Small-scale tests conducted in the second year investigation.Inci-dence of postharvest rots among table grapes bunches treated in thefield once(5days before harvest—A)or twice(21and5days before harvest—B) with calcium chloride(CC),potassium carbonate(PC),sodium bicarbonate (SB),or sodium carbonate(SC).Untreated bunches and bunches treated with procymidone(Sumisclex®,50%a.i.)at0.75g L−1were used as controls. Rots were assessed after30days storage at0◦C followed by5days shelf life at20±1◦C.Values followed by the same letters are not statistically different according to Fisher’s protected LSD test(P≤0.05).trol;moreover,SB was significantly(P≤0.05)more effective than the chemical control.In the second year of trials,all salts reduced storage rots as compared to the untreated control(Fig.2).Two salt appli-cations(5and21days before harvest)allowed higher levels of protection compared to a single salt spray(5days before harvest),although the values were not statistically different. In particular,on the bunches treated21and5days before har-vest,storage rots were reduced by54.8%(CC),50.1%(PC), 50.7%(SB),and50.6%(SC),as compared to the untreated control(Fig.2).In both years of trials,field rots were mainly ascribed to sour rot whereas storage rots were almost exclusively caused by B.cinerea(data not shown).rge-scale trialsIn large-scale trials conducted in the third year of trials, salts applications21and5days before harvest significantly reduced storage rots(Fig.3),but were ineffective in reducing the rot incidence in thefield(data not shown).After1-month storage at0◦C and5days at20±1◦C,storage rot incidence was reduced by49.3%(CC),53.6%(SC),and37.2%(SB)as compared to the untreated control.Chemical control was the most effective treatment in reducing storage rots,although not statistically different from SC(Fig.3).In the fourth year trials,the application of salts90and 30days before harvest resulted in a significant reduction of rots compared to untreated controls(Fig.4).In thefield assessment the three tested salts reduced sour rot incidence by 59.4%(CC),49.2%(SC),and48.6%(SB),whereas the chem-ical control was not statistically different from theuntreated rge-scale trials conducted in the third year investigation.Stor-age rot incidence on table grapes bunches treated in thefield21and5 days before harvest with calcium chloride(CC),potassium carbonate(PC), sodium bicarbonate(SB),or sodium carbonate(SC).Untreated bunches and bunches treated with a mixture of ciprodinil andfludioxonil(Switch®,37.5 and25%a.i.,respectively)at0.8g L−1were used as controls.Rot incidence was determined after30days storage at0◦C followed by7days shelf life at 20±1◦C.Columns marked with the same letter are not statistically different according to Fisher’s protected LSD test(P≤0.05).rge-scale trials conducted in the fourth year investigation.Rot inci-dence among table grape bunches treated in thefield30and90days before harvest with calcium chloride(CC),potassium carbonate(PC),sodium bicar-bonate(SB),or sodium carbonate(SC).Untreated bunches and bunches treated with a mixture of ciprodinil andfludioxonil(Switch®,37.5and25% a.i.,respectively)at0.8g L−1were used as controls.Rots were assessed in thefield(A)and after30days storage at0◦C followed by6days shelf life at20±1◦C(B).For each assessment,columns marked with the same let-ters are not statistically different according to Fisher’s protected LSD test (P≤0.05).F.Nigro et al./Postharvest Biology and Technology42(2006)142–149147Fig.5.Effect of different salt concentrations on the polygalacturonase activ-ity of :calcium chloride;PC:potassium carbonate;SB: sodium bicarbonate;SC:sodium carbonate.Bars represent the standard error (n=3).control.After1-month storage at0◦C and5days shelf life, storage rots were reduced by64.7%(CC),51.1%(SC),53.8% (SB),and40.4%(chemical control),as compared to the untreated control(Fig.4).In both years of trialsfield rots were mainly ascribed to sour rot,whereas storage rots were almost exclusively caused by B.cinerea,the incidence of secondary rots(due to Alternaria,Aspergillus,Cladosporium,Mucor,Penicillium, and Rhizopus spp.)being negligible(data not shown).3.4.Effect of salts and pH on conidial germination and polygalacturonase activity of B.cinereaThe pH had a variable influence on germination of B. cinerea conidia for the different salts.After6h incubation,a concentration of1%of PC,SB,and SC prevented germina-tion of B.cinerea spores in PDB from pH6to10and at the native pH of each salt solution.Germination of the spores in 1%CC occurred from pH6to10and was similar to that of the control.CC,PC,SB,and SC significantly inhibited polygalac-turonase activity of B.cinerea at the tested concentrations (Fig.5).In particular,CC was the most effective at all the tested concentrations,whereas SB resulted in an increasing reduction with increasing concentrations(Fig.5).4.DiscussionThe objective of the present study was selection of salts effective in controlling sour rot and botrytis storage rot of table grapes by means of pre-harvest applications.In prelim-inary screenings,several salts showed in vitro and/or in vivo inhibitory activity against B.cinerea,although no correla-tion was found between the two activities.Indeed,ammo-nium bicarbonate,ammonium phosphate,sodium acetate,and sodium sulphate strongly reduced B.cinerea mycelial growth but displayed an inconsistent activity against grey mould on small bunches.In particular,sodium phosphate reduced the growth of the pathogen in vitro,but increased rot incidence on small table grape bunches.As reported for other phosphates(Palou et al.,2002),presumably this salt provided additional nutrients and/or enhanced environmental conditions for the development of the pathogen.In addition, CC showed almost no in vitro inhibitory activity but strongly reduced grey mould incidence on table grapes.Other salts such as PC,SB,and SC showed the same behaviour,with both in vitro and in vivo assays.Therefore,the present study suggests that in vitro tests are inappropriate to predict the potential of a salt in controlling grey mould of table grapes as already reported for silver scurf on potato tubers(Hervieux et al.,2002).The different in vitro and in vivo behaviour of salts suggests that specific salt–host tissue interactions may involve biochemical reactions,such as defense mechanisms contributing to the control of grey mould(Hervieux et al., 2002).Furthermore,the interaction between salt and agar medium(Biggs et al.,1997)as well as the interaction between salt and environment(Punja and Grogan,1982)may play an important role.Results of the present work showed that pH of salt solu-tions has a minor role in the mode of action.High disease reductions were obtained with PC and SC(pH11.3),but also with SB(pH8.5),and CC(pH6.0).Furthermore,PC,SB,and SC completely inhibited the germination of B.cinerea inde-pendently of the pH,whereas in water and in CC solutions, conidial germination was reduced,but not completely inhib-ited by high pH.Although our results,in accordance with data reported by Palmer et al.(1997),demonstrate that pH alone cannot explain the inhibitory action of salts,it cannot be excluded that a change in pH value may affect the activity of salts(Punja and Grogan,1982;Mecteau et al.,2002).In the present work,results from small-and large-scale tests demonstrated that pre-harvest applications of salts are an effective strategy to reduce the incidence of sour rot and botrytis storage rot of table grapes.Although with some dif-ferences,CC,PC,SB,and SC in small-scale tests and CC,SB, and SC in large-scale tests,provided similar or higher level of protection compared to conventional fungicides.Higher control levels were achieved with two applications(21and 5days before harvest)as compared to a single application made5days before harvest.Furthermore,early applications (90and30days before harvest)of calcium chloride provided better control offield rots,mainly sour rots.It is presumed that an early application of calcium chloride favoured the penetration of calcium through the skin and that a second application increased the calcium level inside the fruit,result-ing in higher levels of protection compared to treatments made just a few days before harvest.Our data are in accor-dance with previous reports on pre-harvest application of calcium chloride.Pre-harvest applications of calcium chlo-ride increased the Ca2+content of sweet cherries and apples (Brown et al.,1996),and table grape berries(Miceli et al.,。
