国际商务交际 简答题部分

目的是利用扩大出口来积累资金,带动整个工业和国民经济的增长3.对外贸易:一国(地区)与其他国家(地区)之间的商品和服务的交换活动4.贸易术语:指用一个简短的概念(如Free On Board)或英文缩写字母(如FOB)来表示价格的构成和买卖双方在货物交接过程中有关手续、费用和风险的责任划分5.托收:债权人(出口人)出具汇票委托银行向债务人(进口人)收取货款的一种支付方式6. 经济全球化(国际货币基金组织的定义):指跨国商品与服务交易及国际资本流动规模和形式的增加,以及技术的广泛迅速传播使世界各国经济的相互依赖性增强7. 国际服务贸易: 指国家间服务输入与服务输出的贸易形式8.过境交付: 又称跨境提供,是指一国向另一国提供服务,没有人员的流动,而是通过电讯、邮电、电脑网络等完成的服务 9.转口贸易: 指一国进口某种商品不是以消费为目的,而是将它作为转卖商品再向别国出口的贸易活动。
属于复出口,是过境贸易的一部分10.国际展览会: 指某一国家通过选择适当的场所,将其商品集中进行展出和销售的贸易方式。
是现货交易11.国际博览会: 指在世界上一些著名的城市定期举办,各国商品集中展销一种贸易方式也叫国际集市。
12.补偿贸易:是在信贷的基础上,一方进口机器设备或技术,不用现汇支付,而以产品或劳务分期全额或部分偿还价款的一种贸易做法13.ATA单证册: 是货物临时进口免税的国际海关文件,是货物在一个国家(或地区)临时出口又复进口、在另一个或几个国家(或地区)临时免税进口又复出口或过境的国际通用的通关文件14.关税: 是进出口商品经过一国关境时,由政府所设置的海关向其进出口商所征收的税收15.原产地规则: 指任一国家或地区为确定货物原产地而实行的普遍适用法律、法规及行政决定16.进口配额制: 又称进口限额制,是一国政府在一定时期以后,对某些商品的进口数量或金额加以直接的限制的 17.进口许可证制:指进口国家规定某些商品进口必须事先领取许可证,才可进口,否则一律不准进口 18.“自动”出口配额制: 又称“自动”限制出口:出口国家或地区在进口国的要求或压力下,“自动”规定某一时期内(一般为3—5年)某些商品对该国的出口限制,在限定的配额内自行控制出口,超过配额即禁止出口 19.出口信贷: (Export Credit)是一个国家的银行为了鼓励商品出口,加强商品的竞争能力,对本国出口厂商或进口厂商提供的贷款20.保税区:又称保税仓库区,是由海关设置的或经海关批准设置的特定地区和仓库21.BOT方式:是指基础设施建设的一类方式,也是一种私营机构参与基础设施的开发和运营的方式。

全国2004年7月高等教育自学考试国际商务管理学一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)1.国际商务最基本的形式是(p2)A.国际投资B.国际贸易C.国际经济技术合作D.特许经营2.服务商品与有形商品相比,其自身的特点是(p3)A.生产与消费不同时进行B.货物与货物的交换C.价值与使用价值分离D.以实物形式来满足需要3.随着服务业的迅速发展,各国的就业结构也发生了比较大的变化,在那些比较发达的国家其总体趋势是(p )A.就业人口从农业和工业向服务业转移B.就业人口从农业向服务业和工业转移C.就业人口从农业和服务业向工业转移D.就业人口从服务业向工业和农业转移4.在其他国家境的本国律师事务所、银行分支机构提供的服务属于服务贸易中的(p3)A.越境提供B.境外消费C.商业存在D.自然人移动5.在纯粹的市场经济体制下,社会生产活动的数量和种类是由(p13)A.价格体系的变化决定的B.消费者决定的C.厂商决定的D.供求关系决定的6.属于国家指导经济的国家是(p14)A.美国B.英国C.日本D.德国7.认为中国工业产品已经具有充分的竞争力,从2003年起不再给予我国普惠制待遇的是()A.欧盟B.日本C.加拿大D.美国8.以下国家中不属于北美自由贸易区成员的是(p28)A.美国B.加拿大C.巴西D.墨西哥9.东盟成员国中人口最多的国家是(p175)A.马来西亚B.菲律宾C.泰国D.印度尼西亚10.个人主义文化最盛行的国家是()A.美国B.德国C.印度D.中国11.由于教育的差异,会导致()A.对不同消费品的偏好相同B.对同一消费品的偏好相同C.对相同的产品的承受程度相同D.对相同的产品的承受程度不同12.按照马克斯·韦伯的观念,最有利于资本主义发展的是(p85)A.天主教B.伊斯兰教C.印度教D.新教13.以下行为中不属于政治风险的是(p110)A.国有化B.外汇管制C.劳工政策D.通货膨胀14.按照WTO的有关规定,对进口商品实行反倾销制裁有三个基本条件,不属于这三个基本条件的是(p124)A.出口方有倾销行为B.进口方企业受到侵害C.进口方消费者受到侵害D.倾销行为与该侵害存在因果关系15.EDI是指(p154)A.电子政务B.电子数据交换C.电子订货D.电子16.在合同的数量条款中明确规定交货数量的增减幅度的条款称为()A.溢短装条款B.包装条款C.支付条款D.运输条款17.关于CIF与DES的区别,除了交货地点和交货方式不同外,表述最准确的是(p333)A.只有风险划分的界限不同B.只有运输方式不同C.风险划分与费用负担都不同D.只有费用的负担不同18.以下运输方式中,有力地促进了国际多式联运发展的运输方式是(p319)A.管道运输B.航空运输C.大陆桥运输D.集装箱运输19.在企业部设立专门的出口部门负责产品的出口,但这一出口部门在财务、计划、人事等重要职能上不具备独立性,直接承受公司各个职能部门的管理,这种组织形式称为(p416)A.国际部 B.出口部C.区域部 D.全球组织20.在D/P远期、D/P即期和D/A三种支付方式下,就卖方风险而言,按由大到小顺序排列应为()A.D/P远期>D/P即期>D/AB.D/A>D/P即期>D/P远期C.D/P远期>D/A>D/P即期D.D/A>D/P远期>D/P即期21.银行审单议付的依据是()A.合同、信用证B.合同、单据C.单据、信用证D.信用证、委托书22.CIF合同的货物在装船后因火灾被焚,应由(p337)A.卖方负担损失B.卖方请求保险公司赔偿C.买方请求保险公司赔偿D.买方负担损失并请求保险公司赔偿23.包销方式中包销人与供货人之间的关系为(p )A.代理关系B.买卖关系C.委托关系D.互购关系24.被许可方在规定地域和有效期对转让的技术具有独占使用权,许可方不能再将这项技术转让给第三方,同时许可方自己也不能在该地域利用这项技术制造和销售产品,这种协议称做(p378)A.独占许可协议B.排它许可协议C.普通许可协议D.可转让许可协议25.提单的种类不包括(p322)A.清洁与不清洁提单B.联运提单与联合运输提单C.直达提单与转船提单D.所有权提单与非所有权提单26.某种商品FOB价为69元,运费为20元,保险费率为10%,保险额为CIF价格的110%,则CIF价为(p336-337)A.97.9B.100C.197.9D.8927.在国际工程承包的“标准合同”方面最有名的FIDIC条款是由(p405)A.国际咨询师协会编制 B. 国际工程师协会编制C. 国际承包商协会编制D. 国际律师协会编制28.根据国际市场需求的特点对现有产品进行修改,以全部或部分解决原有产品不适应国外顾客需求的缺陷,这种产品开发策略称为(p435)A.产品延伸B. 产品创新C. 产品适应D. 国际产品29.在交易的成交期和结算期之间由于汇率变化造成的损益称为( p504)A.会计风险B.经营风险C.交易风险D.价格风险30.麦当劳快餐店采取的主要经营方式是( )A.技术咨询服务B.交钥匙工程承包C.合作生产与合作研究D.国际特许经营二、名词解释(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)31.微观国际商务管理p532.国家指导经济p1533.不可抗力p27534.多边净额p50135. 交钥匙合同p405三、简答题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)36.对客户资信评估的容包括哪些?p19537.一项有效要约必须具备哪些条件?p25138.国际技术转让战略有哪些?p39239.国际筹资来源有哪些?p49440.国际商务培训包括哪些容?p518四、论述题(本大题10分)41.解决国际商务纠纷的方法有哪些?p277五、案例分析题(本大题包括42-45四小题,共30分)2003年日本某汽车公司在中国推出了一款越野轿车,并为这款轿车的广告推广进行了招标。



国际商务交际第一册简答题汇总Chapter one1 Changes in the workplace(6): the emergence of heightened global competition; flattened management hierarchies; expanded team-based management; innovative communication technologies; new work environments; and an increasingly diverse workforce.The importance of communication: in this dynamic workplace you can expect to be a knowledge worker; that is , you will deal with word, figures, and data. The most important foundation skill for knowledge workers is the ability to communicate.2 The process of communication5: the sender encodes words or symbols to express an idea. The message is sent verbally over a channel or is expressed nonverbally (gestures or body language).”Noise”may interfere with the transmission. The receiver decodes the message and attempts to make sense of it. The receiver responds with feedback, informing the sender of effectiveness of the message.3 The objective of communication is the transmission of meaning so that a receiver understandsa message as intended by the sender.4 barriers to interpersonal communication(4): One’s frame of reference cause distortion and lack of objectivity; weak language skills as well as poor listening skills impair communication efforts; emotional interference hampers the sending and receiving of message; physical distractions can disrupt oral communication.5 overcome interpersonal communication barriers(5): realize that the communication process is imperfect; adapt your message to the receiver; improve your language and listening skills; question your preconceptions; plan for feedback.6internal functions of communication(4): issuing and clarifying procedures and policies; informing management of progress; persuading others to make changes or improvements; and interacting with employees.7 External functions of communication: answering inquires about products or services; persuading customers to by products or services; clarifying about products or services, and so forth.8 download information flow: distort information.Improve: newsletters, announcements, meetings, videos, and company intranets9 upload information flow: provide vital feedback. Obstacles:4 mistrust; fear of reprisal for honest communication; lack of adequate communication skills; and differing frames of reference. Improve3: improving relations with staff, offering incentive programs that encourage employees to share valuable feedback, and investing in communication training programs.10 horizontal communication obstacles(also to download and upload flow): poor communication skills; prejudice; ego involvement; competition; and turf wars. Overcome: training employees in communication and teamwork techniques; establishing reward systems; encouraging full participation in team function.11 goals of ethical business communication5: tell the truth; label opinions so that they are not confused with facts; be objective and avoid distorting a message; write clearly and avoid obscure language; give credit when using the ideas of others.12. questions serve as valuable tools5: Is the action you are considering legal? How would you see the problem if you were on the opposite side? What are alternate solutions? Can you discuss the problem with someone whose advice you trust? How would you feel if your family, friends,employer, or coworkers learned of your action?Chapter two1 importance of communicating in a team-oriented workplace:2more productive and effective.2 four phases of team development4: in the forming stage, members of the team get to know each other and discuss general topics; in the second stage, storming, they define their roles, goals, and governing procedures; in the third stage, norming, the tension between members subsides, roles clarify, and information began to flow; in the performing stage, teams develop loyalty and progress toward their goals.3roles of conflict: conflict that centers on issues can generate new ideas and help the group progress toward consensus. Open discussion of conflict prevents groupthink, a condition that leads to faulty decisions.4 the characteristics of successful teams7: They are usually small and diverse( they are made up of people representing different ages, genders, and background) they agree on their purpose ; they agree on their procedures; they are able to channel conflict into constructive discussion and reach consensus; they encourage open communication, listen actively, provide feed back, and have fun; members are able to collaborate rather than compete, and leadership is often a share responsibility depending on the situation and expertise required.5 techniques for organizing team-based written and oral presentation s: in preparing to work together, teams should limit their size, name a meeting leader, and decide whether they wish to make decisions by consensus, majority rule, or some other method. They should work out their schedules, discuss the value of conflict ,and decide how to deal with team members who do not do their share. They should decide on the purpose, form, and procedures for preparing the final document or presentation. They must brainstorm for ideas, assign topics, establish deadlines, and discuss how to ensure information accuracy. In composing the first draft of a report or presentation,they should use the same software to meet to discuss drafts and rehearsal. For written reports one person should probably compose the final draft, and the group should evaluate it. For group presentations they need to work for consistency of design, format ,and vocabulary. At least five rehearsals, one of which should be videotaped, will enhance the final presentation.6 how to become an effective team listener:8 control external and internal distractions; become actively involved, identify important facts; don’t interrupt; ask clarifying questions; paraphrase to increase understanding; take advantage of log time; take notes to ensure retention.7 nonverbal clues: eye contact, facial expression; body movements(posture and gestures), space, time, distance, appearance. They can speak louder than words.8 how information is transmitted through nonverbal messages: for example, sustained eye contact indicates trust or admiration; brief eye contact may signify fear or stress.9 how to improve nonverbal communication skills 10: establish and maintain eye contact; use posture to show interest; reduce or eliminate physical barriers; improve your decoding skills; probe for more information; avoid assigning nonverbal meanings out of context; associate with people from diverse cultures; appreciate with power of appearance; observe yourself on videotape; enlist friends and family.10 how to plan and participate in face-to-face meeting s5: call a meeting only when urgent two-way communication is necessary; limit participants to those directly involved, distribute an agenda in advance, start the meeting on time, and keep the discussion on track; confront conflictopenly by letting each person present his or her views fully before having the group decide which direction to take; End the meeting on time and summarize what was accomplished; follow up by distributing minutes of the meeting and verifying that action items are being accomplished.11electronic meetings:groupware is a dazzling and growing collection of computer tools to facilitate meeting and decision making. Three common groupware options are teleconferencing/videoconferencing, e-mail meetings and electronic meetings.Chapter three1three significant trends related to the increasing importance of multicultural communication3: globalization of markets; technological advancements in transportation and information; and a multicultural workforce.2 culture: is the complex system of values, traits, morals, and customs shared by a society.3 Five significant characteristics of culture5: culture is learned; cultures are inherently logical; culture is the basis of self-identity and community; culture combines the visible and invisible; culture is dynamic.4 five dimensions of culture5: context, individualism, degree of formality, communication style and time orientation.5 ethnocentrism: refers to a feeling that the culture you belong to is superior to all others and holds all truths.6 the relationship between ethnocentrism, tolerance and stereotypes in achieving multicultural sensitivity2: we must develop knowledge of and tolerance for other cultures. We also need to move beyond stereotypes, which are oversimplified behavioral patterns applied uncritically to groups.7six stages of multicultural tansformation6: the first stage is denial, we refuse to admit that cultural differences exits among people; the second stage, defense, involves protecting our own worldview to counter the perceived threat of cultural difference. In the third stage, minimization, we conceal differences in the shadow of cultural similarities; the fourth stage includes acceptance, we begin to accept the existence of behavioral differences. In the fifth stage, adaptation, we become empathic toward cultural differences; and in the sixth stage, integration, we look upon cultural differences as a means of enriching our lives.8 how to improve nonverbal and oral communication in multicultural environments: Nonverbal3: we can minimize nonverbal miscommunication by recognizing that meanings conveyed by eye contact, posture, and gestures are largely culture dependent. Nonverbal messages are also sent by the use of time, space, and territory. Becoming aware of your own nonverbal behavior and what it conveys is the first step in broadening you’re your multicultural competence. Oral10: In improving oral messages, you can learn foreign phrases, use simple English, speak slowly and enunciate clearly, observe eye messages, encourage accurate feedback, check for comprehension, accept blame, listen without interrupting, smile, and follow up important conversations in writing.9 how to improve written messages in multicultural environments7: adopt local formats, use short sentences and short paragraphs, avoid ambiguous expressions, strive for clarity, use correct grammar, cite number carefully, and try to accommodate the reader in organization, tone, and style.10 discuss multicultural ethics, including ethics abroad, bribery , prevailing customs:indoing business abroad, businesspeople should expect to find differing views about ethical practices.11 how to cope with multicultural ethi cs7+1: broaden your understanding of values and customs in other cultures; avoid reflex judgments regarding the morality or corruptness of actions; look for alternative solutions; refuse business if the options violate your basic values; and conduct all relations as openly as possible; don’t rationalize shady decisions; resist legalistic strategies; and apply a five-question ethics test (1-12) when faced with a perplexing ethical dilemma.12. explain the challenge of capitalizing on workforce diversity(dividends and its divisiveness): Having a diverse workforce can benefit consumers, work teams and business organizations. However, diversity can also cause divisiveness among various identity groups.13 tips for improving harmony and communication among diverse workplace audiences:1+6 The Organizations should develop diversity training programs; a Individual must understand and accept the value of differences; don’t expect conformity; create zero tolerance for bias and stereotypes; learn about your cultural self; make fewer assumptions; seek common ground when disagreements arise.Chapter four1 the basic elements that distinguish business writing:2 business writing differs from academic writing in that is strives to solve business problems, it is economical, and it is reader oriented.2 summarize the three phases of the 3*3 writing process3:phase 1(prewriting) involves analyzing the message, anticipating the audience, and considering ways to adapt the message to the audience; phase 2(writing) involves researching the topic, organizing the material, and composing the message; phase 3(revising) includes proofreading and evaluating the message.3 how the writing process may be altered2: it may be compressed for short message; steps in process may be rearranged.4 how the writing process is affected by team projects 3: teaming writing, which is necessary for large projects or when wide expertise necessary, alters the writing process. Teams often work together in brainstorming and working out their procedures and assignments. Then individual members write their portions of the report of presentation during phase 2. During phase 3 teams may work together to combine their drafts.5 what the writing process is affected by technology: Technology assists writers with word processing, revision, and collaboration tools.6 what is involved in analyzing a writing task: communicators must decide why they are delivering a message and what they hope to achieve. After identifying the purpose of message, communicators must choose the most appropriate channel.7 what is involved in selecting a communication channel6: that choice depends on the purpose of a message; the importance of the message; the amount and speed of feedback required; the need for a permanent record; the cost of the channel; and the degree of formality desired.8 describe anticipating and profiling the audience for a message5: a good communicator tries to envision the audience for a message. What does the receiver know about the topic? How well does the receiver know the sender? What is known about the receiver’s education, beliefs culture, and attitudes? Will the response to the message be positive, neutral, or negative? Is the secondary audience different from the primary audience?9 six writing techniques that help communicators adapt messages to the task and audience6:skilled communicators strive to (a) spotlight reader benefits,(b) look at a message from the receiver’s perspective, (c) use sensitive language that avoids gender, racial, ethnic, and disability biases, (d) state ideas positively, (e) show courtesy and (f) use short, familiar and precise word.9 why four areas of communication hold legal responsibilities for writers4: four areas are investments, safety, marketing, and human resources. (a) In writing about investments, communicators must avoid misleading information, exaggerations, and half-truths. (b) Safety information ,including warnings ,must tell people clearly how to use a product safely and motivate them to do so. (c) In addition to being honest, marketing information must not promise more than intended. (d) Communicators in the area of human resources must use careful wording to avoid potential law-suits.Chapter five1 contrast formal and informal methods for researching data and generating ideas: formal research for long reports and complex problems may involve searching library manually, accessing electronically, investigating primary sources (interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and focus groups) and experimenting scientifically. Informal research for routine tasks may include looking in company files, talking with your boss, interviewing the target audience, conducting informal surveys, brainstorming for ideas and cluster diagramming.2 how to organize data into lists and alphanumeric or decimal outlines: one method for organizing data in simple messages is to list the main topics to be discussed. Organizing more complex messages usually requires an outline. To prepare an outline, divide the main topic into three to five major components. Break the components into subpoints consisting of details, illustrations, and evidence. For an alphanumeric outline arrange items using Roman numerals(I,II), capital letters (A,B), and numbers(1,2). For a decimal outline show the ordering of ideas with decimals (1,1.1, 1.1.1)3 compare direct and indirect patterns for organizing ideas: the direct pattern places the main idea first. This pattern is useful when audiences will be pleased, mildly interested, or neutral. It saves the reader’s time, set the proper frame of mind, and prevents reader frustrations. The indirect pattern places the main idea after explanations, this pattern is useful for audiences that will be unwilling, displeased, or hostile. It respects the feelings of the audience, encourages a fair hearing, and minimizes negative reactions.4. techniques for creating effective sentences while composing the first draft: compose the first draft of a message in a quiet environment where you won’t be interrupted. Compose quickly, preferably at a computer. Plan to revise. As you compose, remember that sentences are most effective when they are short. A main idea may be emphasized by making it the sentence subject, placing it first, and removing competing ideas. Effective sentences use active verbs, although passive verbs may be necessary for tact or emphasis. Effective sentences avoid dangling and misplaced modifiers.5 paragraph: paragraph consists of one or more sentences designated as a separate thought group.6 three classic paragraph plans and techniques3: direct paragraphs( main sentence followed by supporting sentences) are useful to define, classify , illustrate, and describe. Pivoting paragraphs (limiting sentence followed by main sentence and supporting sentences) are useful to compare and contrast. Indirect paragraphs(supporting sentences followed by main sentences) build a rationale and foundation of ideas before presenting the main idea.. paragraphs may be improved through theuse of coherence techniques and transitional expressions.Chapter six1 problem areas that good proofreaders examine carefully:spelling, grammar, punctuation, names, numbers, an document format.2 compare the proofreading of routine and complex documents: routine documents may be proofread immediately after completion. They may be read line by line on the computer screen or better yet, from a printed draft copy. More complex documents, however, should be proofread after a breather. To do a good job, you must read from a printed copy , allow adequate time, reduce your reading speed, and read the document at least three times----for word meanings, grammar/mechanics and for formatting.3 Evaluate a message to judge its success: encourage feedback from the receiver so that you can determine whether your communication achieved it s goal. Try to welcome any advice from your instructor on how to improve your writing skills.。


简答题: 简答题:
3.国际商务为什么会得以发展? 3.国际商务为什么会得以发展 国际商务为什么会得以发展? 从宏观上看:(1)国际贸易打破民族经济的封闭性 (2)直接投资的空前 从宏观上看:(1)国际贸易打破民族经济的封闭性 ; (2)直接投资的空前 发展使得各国以更加直接的方式相连接; (3)技术生产的国际分工和 发展使得各国以更加直接的方式相连接; (3)技术生产的国际分工和 国际交换从生产构成上强化了各国经济的直接联系。 国际交换从生产构成上强化了各国经济的直接联系。 从微观上看:(1)突破国界进行生产要素优化组合的机会大于国内 突破国界进行生产要素优化组合的机会大于国内; 从微观上看:(1)突破国界进行生产要素优化组合的机会大于国内; (2) 生产要素禀赋差异导致要素跨国流动的内在与必然性; (3)资本寻优 生产要素禀赋差异导致要素跨国流动的内在与必然性; (3)资本寻优 使得生产打破了国界的限制。 使得生产打破了国界的限制。 4.一般来说,跨国经营会面临那些问题? 4.一般来说 跨国经营会面临那些问题? 一般来说, (1)经营环境复杂化的问题;(2) 更多机会与选择的问题; (3) 风险更大 (1)经营环境复杂化的问题 经营环境复杂化的问题; 更多机会与选择的问题; 的问题; 特殊冲突问题; 经营决策具有特殊性的问题。 的问题;(4) 特殊冲突问题; (5) 经营决策具有特殊性的问题。 5. 国际企业经营的基本动机有哪些? 国际企业经营的基本动机有哪些? (1)扩大销售;(2)获取资源; (3)经营多元化 ;(4) 特殊冲突问题; (5) (1)扩大销售 (2)获取资源 (3)经营多元化 扩大销售; 获取资源; 特殊冲突问题; 经营决策具有特殊性的问题。 经营决策具有特殊性的问题。
商务交流简答题 打印


国际商务谈判 简答题


商务专业考试试题及答案一、单选题(每题1分,共10分)1. 以下哪项不是商务谈判中常用的策略?A. 信息收集B. 建立信任C. 价格战D. 建立关系答案:C2. 商务沟通中,以下哪个原则不是有效沟通的关键?A. 清晰性B. 及时性C. 保密性D. 简洁性答案:C3. 根据SWOT分析,以下哪项属于外部环境分析?A. 内部资源B. 内部流程C. 机会D. 威胁答案:D4. 在市场营销中,以下哪项不是4P营销组合的一部分?A. 产品B. 价格C. 地点D. 促销答案:C5. 以下哪个不是企业社会责任(CSR)的范畴?A. 经济责任B. 法律责任C. 道德责任D. 技术责任答案:D6. 以下哪个不是企业战略管理的步骤?A. 确定战略目标B. 制定战略计划C. 执行战略计划D. 评估战略效果答案:D7. 以下哪个不是企业财务分析的主要指标?A. 利润率B. 资产负债率C. 市场份额D. 流动比率答案:C8. 以下哪个不是企业人力资源管理的组成部分?A. 招聘B. 培训C. 绩效评估D. 产品开发答案:D9. 以下哪个不是企业供应链管理的关键环节?A. 供应商管理B. 库存管理C. 物流管理D. 客户服务答案:D10. 以下哪个不是企业风险管理的主要类型?A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 操作风险D. 社会风险答案:D二、多选题(每题2分,共10分)11. 以下哪些因素会影响企业的市场定位?A. 产品特性B. 价格策略C. 竞争对手D. 消费者需求答案:A, B, C, D12. 以下哪些属于企业战略规划的要素?A. 使命陈述B. 愿景陈述C. 目标设定D. 资源分配答案:A, B, C, D13. 以下哪些是企业进行市场调研的目的?A. 了解消费者需求B. 分析竞争对手C. 评估市场趋势D. 制定营销策略答案:A, B, C, D14. 以下哪些是企业财务报表的组成部分?A. 资产负债表B. 利润表C. 现金流量表D. 股东权益变动表答案:A, B, C, D15. 以下哪些是企业进行人力资源规划的步骤?A. 需求分析B. 招聘与选拔C. 培训与发展D. 绩效管理答案:A, B, C, D三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. 简述企业进行市场细分的目的和好处。


国际商务专业基础简答题专项强化真题试卷11(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.1.简述保障措施在WTO法律体系中的作用,并例举5种WTO允许使用的保障措施。
(2)允许使用的5种保障措施①按照《GATT 1947》第12条的规定,在遵守相关条款的规定下,缔约方为了保障其对外金融地位和国际收支,可以限制商品准许进口的数量或价值。
②按照《GATT 1947》第18条的规定,对于只能维持生活水平处在发展初级阶段的缔约方,在必要时可以采取影响进口的保护措施或其他措施。
③按照《GATT 1947》第28条的规定,当某缔约方利益受到实质损害时,缔约方全体可以随时因特殊情况准许某缔约方进行谈判,以修改或撤销本协定有关减让表内所列的某项减让,但应在相应的程序和条件下进行。
④按照《GATT 1947》第21条的规定,当缔约方国家基本安全利益受到威胁时,缔约方为保护国家基本安全利益可采取其认为必需采取的任何行动。
⑤按照《GATT 1947》第23条的规定,一缔约方认为,由于另一缔约方未能实施其对本协定所承担的义务或另一缔约方实施某种措施(不论这一措施是否与本协定的规定有抵触)或存在着任何其他情况。

国际商务专业基础简答题专项强化真题试卷13(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.1.试述造成国际商务不同于国内商务的主要原因。

二、题目描述1. 案例背景:某国内知名企业计划进军国际市场,拓展海外业务。
2. 案例要求:(1)请结合所学专业知识,分析该产品在国际市场的竞争优势和劣势。
(4)在项目实施过程中,如何确保团队协作,提高工作效率?(5)在遇到突发事件时,如何应对并确保项目顺利进行?三、面试流程1. 自我介绍(5分钟)2. 案例分析(30分钟)(1)分析产品在国际市场的竞争优势和劣势(10分钟)(2)提出市场定位策略并阐述理由(10分钟)(3)设计营销推广方案(10分钟)(4)讨论团队协作与突发事件应对(10分钟)3. 评委提问(15分钟)4. 总结与评价(5分钟)四、评分标准1. 知识掌握程度:考察应聘者对国际商务相关知识的掌握程度,包括市场分析、营销策略、团队协作等。
2. 思维能力:考察应聘者分析问题、解决问题的能力,以及创新思维。
3. 沟通能力:考察应聘者表达观点、倾听他人意见的能力。
4. 团队协作能力:考察应聘者在团队中的角色定位、沟通协作能力。
5. 应变能力:考察应聘者在面对突发事件时的应对能力。
五、案例分析要点1. 产品分析:从产品特点、功能、价格、质量等方面,分析该产品在国际市场的竞争优势和劣势。
2. 市场定位:根据目标市场的需求,确定产品的市场定位,如高端市场、中端市场或低端市场。
3. 营销推广方案:包括产品定价、渠道选择、促销策略等,确保方案具有可行性。
4. 团队协作:明确团队成员的角色和职责,建立有效的沟通机制,提高团队协作效率。

国际商务交际一.简答题汇总(2’*5=10’)unit 1ik1.what are the typical stages in welcoming visitors?2.list at least three tips for welcoming visitors to a company.3.what information is usually given when making a hotel reservation?4.what are the two rules of making introductions in business?5.list three ways of entertaining visitors.6.what kind of gifts should you take if invited to a westerner’s home? at least two principles of seat arragnement for a dinner.8.what subjects are appropriate for small talk?unit 21.How should you prepare before making a call?2.what do you do if you are ready to respond to a call.3.what should be included in a message?4.what kind of message is a good one?5.what should you do when you pick up the phone and receive a complaint?6.when you understand what the complaint is about, should you promise compensation immdediately?why or why not?unit 31.list the things that should be done when preparing a presentation.2.write down the items that can be included in an introduction to a presentation.3.write down the general principles on using visual aids.4.provide one way of organizing a presentation.5.suggest a typical structure to end a presentation.6.what are the differences between a presentation and speech? P228unit 41.what are the functions of a business meeting? Describe each in one sentence.2.what procedures are followed in a business meeting? please draw a flow chart to show your ideas.3.what are agendas and minutes?4.who should prepare the agenda and to whom should it be dispatched?5.Describe differences and similarities between agendas and minutes.unit 51.what are the different types of business negotiation?2.what procedures are followed in business negotiations? Draw a flow chart to show your ideas.3.How can cultural differences impact negotiations? Suggest tactics and strategies.4.what tactics can be used when dealing with conflicts?5.what is the function of the agenda and checklists in an effective negotiation?6.How can you reach agreement on objectives in the agenda?7.what should be included in the opening statement for a negotiation?8.what should you check before ending a negotiation?unit 61.what are the procedures in employment communication? illustrate by completing the flow chart.2.what should be included in a letter of application?3.what should be included in a CV?二.案例分析(10’*3=30’) 主要在unit 1what do you learn from this case?case 1 why was the Arab officer angry? (P14)He extended his left hand(instead of his right hand) to the Arab officer for the handshake. In Arab culture, the left hand is dirty, and using it for a handshake is regarded as an insult.case 2 Analyze the situation and decide what went wrong? (P15)The American businessman was ignorant of Japanese culture. He did not understand that before a business relationship can be established with the Japanese, he must first develp a good personal relationship with him. He should take the time to cultivate a closer relationship with the Japanese businessman, and then, talking about his company’s product.case 3 what is the chinese way of entertaining guests? (P23)chinese people like to entertain friends by having dinner together, because of the custom of “how happy we are, to meet friends from afar!” They always treat their friends with delicious food to show their hospitality.Case 41.List all the conflicts in the case. (P25)a.During the negotiation, Mr.Lee felt confused and bored. Every hour the Arabs asked for a breakand went to the toilet to wash their hands and faces. When they came back, they knelt down and prayed.b.During the lunch, a dish of cooked pork was served, which made the Arabs irritated. they leftwithout saying anything.2.If you were Mr.Lee, after being blamed by your boss, what would you do to try to compensate for theloss? (P25)a.Start a training program for all the waitresses and persons invovled in communicating withMiddle East business people, and invite some professors to give lectures on the Islamic culture and customs.b.Set up a separate dinning room with special set of dinner dishes for Arabs.c.Set up a special room close to the meeting room. This room would be used only for praying bythose Middle Eastern business people.Case 5 Why can neither of the managers understand the other person’s need to alter the distance between them? (P28)a.In Arab: if two people stand close it means they have a friendly relationship with each other.b.In British: close distance doesn’t mean close relationship. keep certain distance with two peoplemeans they respect each other.Case 6 (P164)1.what do you think of the approach Jim took to get a rise?2.what advice would you give to Jim about negotiating for a raise?3.what can Jim do to improve this situation?4.三.阅读短文回答问题共1篇,2个问(5’*2=10’)Unit 11.what should you pay attention to when receiving visitors at the airport?(P5)P2102.What would you tell a foreign visitor about the “good manners”in your country? (P13)3.Give examples of bad manners in the western culture and the oriental culture.(P13)4.How much do you think is international business promoted by people’s awareness of foreign culturesand customs?(P13)5.What are the following people’s attitudes to business lunch:British, Germans, French and Japanese?(P22)P2146.If an American works in Japan, what advice will you give him or her?(P22) P214Unit 21.what is the complaint about?(P58) P2262.How does Eve Wheeler handle this complaint? (P58)P2263.What points should be paid attention to when handling complaints? (P58) P2264.which of the following is the best way of handling comlaints? and please list your reasons.(P59)5.What are the positive and negative points of a complaint? (P63) P2266.Can you think of additional positive points of complaints apart from those in the passage? (P63) P226 Unit 31.What does the draft of a presentation include? (P77) P2282.What are the advantages of a presentation plan (P77) P2283.What are the advantages of speaking notes? (P77) P2284.What are the advantages of using visual aids? (P85) P2295.Why should a presenter prepare alternative visual aids. (P85) P2296.What leads to Nixon’s losing his televised presidential debate? (P99) P2317.What did he do in his televised presidential debate? (P99) P231Unit 41.When scheduling meetings, what should we pay attention to? (p118) P2342.When selecting a meeting site, what should we think about? (p118) P2343.What should we think about when arranging and choosing seats at a meeting? (p118) P2344.What is an agenda for? (p120) p2345.What should be included in an agenda? (p120) p2346.How are agendas and minutes different? (p133) p2377.What should be included in the minutes? (p133) p237Unit 51.Why is good preparation especially important for a seller? (P150) P2432.What should be done to make sure that no matter is overlooked in preparing a negotiation? (P150)P2433.What are the three distinct areas involved when the buyer collect information? (P150) P2434.How should negotiation objectives be specified? (P150) P2435.what different approaches may be taken when opening negotiation? (p155) p2446.Which approach is better when starting a negotiation? Give your reason. (p155)7.What is the key difference between Western and Asian countries in dealing with concessions?(p158)p2448.Suggest how cultural differences may be utilized in business negotiations. (P158)9.Give your opinion of each response. (p166)10.Decide which response is more appropriate and give reasons for your decision. (p166) p245Unit 6无。

计算题1、我某公司出口商品一批共1 000公吨,出口价格为每公吨2 000美元CIF××港。
经查该商品总重量为1 200公吨,总体积1 100立方米,海运运费按W/M计收,每运费吨基本运费为120美元,港口附加费率为15%;原报价保险金额按CIF价另加成10%,保险险别为一切险,保险费率为1%。
试求该商品的FOB C5上海价。
则:CFRC5%=CFR/(1-佣金率)=(1-5%)=(港元)(3)应付的总用金额为:总佣金额=(含佣价-净价)×数量=()×200=1368(港元)(4)可收回的外汇=CFR ×数量=×200=25990(港元)答:本业务中CFRC5%香港价为港元;出口200箱商品应付给客户的总佣金额为1368港元;出口200箱可收回的外汇为25990港元。

4、简述海上风险的定义及种类海上风险(PERILS OF THE SEA)(1)定义:指船舶或货物在海上航行中发生的或随附海上运输所发生的风险。
(2)种类1)自然灾害(NATURAL CALAMITY)自然灾害是指由不以人的意志为转移的自然界力量所引起的灾害,它是客观存在的、人力不可抗拒的灾害事故,是保险人承保的主要风险。

5.大陆法的渊源答:1、大陆法国家是成文法(written law)国家,都强调成文法的作用。
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1. Describe three directions in which communication flows within organizations and what barriers can obstruct each. P.21
2. List characteristics of culture. P.74
3. Describe the components in each stage of the 3ⅹ3 writing process. P.97
4. Name three processes that are effective in achieving competence in
dealing with nonverbal messages in other cultures.
5. List the techniques for achieving intercultural competence. P.82
6. List the tips for improving communication among diverse workplace
audiences. P.90
7. Name five steps in the process of communication. P.13
8. List the obstacles that create misunderstanding in communication.
9. Describe five major dimensions of culture. P.75
10. List five techniques for situations in which on or both communicators
may be using English as a second language.\ Describe five specific ways
in which you can improve your oral communication with a foreigner.
11. List the five methods to reach group decisions. P.41
12. List the characteristics of successful teams. P.42
13. List the types of workplace listening. P.56
14. Name functions of non-verbal communications. P.61
15. List the five ethical traps in making ethical decisions. P.29
16. Describe the four phases of team development. P.38
17. List three steps before the meeting in order to plan and participate in productive meetings. P.45
18. List three types of body language cues which can all convey meaning. P.61
19.List the four goals for business writing. P.96
20. List the common logical fallacies in persuasion. p.200
21.List the four major elements in successful persuasive messages. P. 197
22. When would persuasion be necessary in messages moving downward in organizations? P. 206
23. When is the indirect pattern appropriate , and what are the benefits of using it? P.131
24. What is the primary difference between direct and indirect patterns of organizations? P.130。