WP掌门人Joe Belfiore在新浪微博上向中国用户征求意见




安德鲁·布里克:中国品牌机会很大作者:暂无来源:《国际公关》 2013年第4期文本刊记者闫益佳这是安德鲁·布里克(AndrewBleeker)第一次踏上中国国土,忙碌的工作虽然让他没有时间发展业余爱好,但却能来到这个历史文化悠久的国度感受东方神韵。






在2012年奥巴马竞选活动期间,布里克监管史上最大的在线营销运作,负责整合付费媒体(Paid Media)、赢得媒体(Earned Media)和社交媒体(SocialMedia)。


他创办过自己的数字营销和广告公司Bully Pulpit Interactive,该公司主要为政府和企业客户提供在线营销战略咨询,服务过的客户包括众多大型企业、非政府组织等。






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联 网 巨 头 发 力手 机 的 一 年 。 在 阿 里 巴
戴玮 表示 ,与厂 商分成 的底气 来 自于 三 条业务线 :第一是 阿里 系电商 的实
物 交 易 及 充 值 等 虚 拟 交 易 , 第 二 是 软
巴 的手 机 业 务 已经
景 不 太 光 明 :产 品 定 位 是 红 海 的 千 元 机, 而这 块市场利润 有 限; 合 作 厂 商 作 为二 、 三 线 品牌 , 品 牌 吸 引 力 不 够 。 在 此 背景之下 , 阿里 巴 巴与 弱 势 的二 、 三
中国移动互联 网产业 联盟秘 书长李 易 表示 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้中 国用 户 尚未 普遍养 成为 内容 付 费的 习惯 , 对于 二、 三线 的品牌手机
调 研 公 司 A. T . Ke a me y预计 , 在 未
来 五年 内, 按新增 手机用户 数量 计算 , 非洲 将成 为全球发展 速度最 快的手机
机普及 率甚至超过 1 0 0 %。 需求旺盛 I D C数据 显示 , 去年 第 四季 度 , 非 洲 和 中东 地 区 的 手机 出货 量 为 5 9 0 0
最大经济体 的各阶层用户 。当前 , 南非
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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

580 articles found for: pub-date > 2008 and tak(((Collaborative Environment) or (Research Center) or communications or telecommunications or network or equipment) and (information or technology or research or government or agencies) and ("e-Science" or Collaborative or research or development or application) and (service or platform or provide or comprehensive or integrated or efficient) and (use or environmental or tools or actively or promote or appropriate or support) and (services or based or (new way) or (use of) or collaborative or development) and (science or technology or activities or R&D or application or "e-Science") and (building or support or units or coordinated or key or technology or partners or contact or prospective))Edit this search | Save this search | Save as search alert | RSS Feedresults 526 - 550Font Size:Journal (580)Journal/Book TitleExpert Systems with Applications (26)Computers & Education (23)Computer Networks (20)Automation in Construction (14)Acta Astronautica (10)Topicsensor network (9)decision support (6)earth observation (6)co2 emission (5)computer science (5)view moreYear2011 (143)2010 (254) 2009 (183)Open all previewsSort by: Relevance - selected | Date526Nurses' perceptions of the barriers to and the facilitators of research utilization inTurkeyOriginal Research ArticleApplied Nursing Research , Volume 22, Issue 3, August 2009, Pages 166-175Ayla Yava, Nuran Tosun, Hatice Çiçek, Tülay Yavan, Gülşen Terakye, Sevgi HatipoğluShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50 527Mammographic surveillance in women younger than 50 years who have a family history of breast cancer:tumour characteristics and projected effect on mortality in the prospective, single-arm, FH01 study Original Research ArticleThe Lancet Oncology , Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2010, Pages 1127-1134FH01 collaborative teamsShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50528The zebrafish embryo model in toxicology andteratology, September 2–3, 2010, Karlsruhe, GermanyReproductive Toxicology , In Press, Uncorrected Proof ,Available online 12 March 2011Wibke Busch, Karen Duis, Martina Fenske, Gerd Maack, Juliette Legler, Stephanie Padilla, Uwe Strähle, Hilda Witters, Stefan ScholzShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50529In situ stress variations at the Variscan deformation front —Results from the deep Aachen geothermalwell Original Research ArticleTectonophysics , Volume 493, Issues 1-2, 8 October 2010, Pages 196-211Ute Trautwein-Bruns, Katja C. Schulze, Stephan Becker, Peter A. Kukla, Janos L. UraiShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50 Research Highlights►In situ stress study in an area of changing stress pattern. ►Borehole failure analysis using high quality image logs from a deep geothermal well. ►Strike -slip regime at the Variscan Thrust Front.530A survey of demographics, motivations, andbackgrounds among applicants to the integrated 0 + 5vascular surgery residency Original Research ArticleJournal of Vascular Surgery , Volume 51, Issue 2, February2010, Pages 496-503Jason T. Lee, Mediget Teshome, Christian de Virgilio, Brandon Ishaque, Mary Qiu, Ronald L. DalmanShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 531A Conceptual Model of the Experience of Dyspnea and Functional Limitations in Chronic Obstructive PulmonaryDisease Original Research ArticleValue in Health , Volume 12, Issue 6, September 2009, Pages 1018-1025David E. Victorson, Susan Anton, Alan Hamilton, Susan Yount,David CellaShow preview| PDF (128 K) | Related articles | Related reference workarticles532Introducing graph theory to track for neuroplasticalterations in the resting human brain: A transcranialdirect current stimulation study Original Research ArticleNeuroImage , Volume 54, Issue 3, 1 February 2011, Pages2287-2296Rafael Polanía, Walter Paulus, Andrea Antal, Michael A. NitscheShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 Research Highlights► The use of voxel-based graph theory to track for neuroplastic alterations; ► tracking neuronal signal-to-nois e ratio alterations in the resting brain; ► tDCS induces cortico -cortical functionalreorganization.533Comprehensive genetic analysis of transcriptionfactor pathways using a dual reporter gene system inbudding yeast Original Research ArticleMethods , Volume 48, Issue 3, July 2009, Pages 258-264 Pinay Kainth, Holly Elizabeth Sassi, LourdesPeña-Castillo, Gordon Chua, Timothy R. Hughes, Brenda AndrewsShow preview | Supplementary content | Related articles | Relatedreference work articlesPurchase$ 41.95 534From genes to shape: Understanding the control of morphogenesis at the shoot meristem in higher plantsusing systems biologyComptes Rendus Biologies , Volume 332, Issue 11,November 2009, Pages 974-985Jan Traas, Olivier Hamant Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50535Admission control scheme based on priority access for wireless LANs Original Research ArticleComputer Networks , Volume 54, Issue 1, 15 January2010, Pages 3-12Sunmyeng Kim, Young-Jong Cho, Yong K. KimShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 536A surface display yeast two-hybrid screening system for high-throughput protein interactomemapping Original Research ArticleAnalytical Biochemistry , Volume 390, Issue 1, 1 July 2009,Pages 29-37Jun Chen, Jianhong Zhou, Claire K. Sanders, John P. Nolan, Hong CaiShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 537Burn Hazards of the Deployed Environment inWartime: Epidemiology of Noncombat Burns fromOngoing United States Military Operations OriginalResearch ArticleJournal of the American College of Surgeons , Volume 209,Issue 4, October 2009, Pages 453-460 David S. Kauvar, Charles E. Wade, David G. BaerShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50538Worm control in sheep in the futureOriginal Research ArticleSmall Ruminant Research , Volume 86, Issues 1-3,October 2009, Pages 40-45F. Jackson, D. Bartley, Y. Bartley, F. KenyonShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Purchase $ 31.50 539Young people living with parental bereavement:Insights from an ethnographic study of a UKchildhood bereavement serviceOriginal Research ArticleSocial Science & Medicine , Volume 72, Issue 2, January 2011, Pages 283-290Joanne D. Brewer, Andrew C. Sparkes Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 35.95Research highlights► Gives voice to bereaved young people who describe the factors that have helped them to live with parental death. ► Describes an ethnographic study exploring the role of one specific UK childhood bereavement organization. ► Provides insights into the expe riences of both recently bereaved children and those bereaved over ten years ago. ► Outlines practice implications for working with bereaved young people.540 Characterisation of clayey raw materials for ceramic manufacture in ancient Sicily Original Research ArticleApplied Clay Science, In Press, Corrected Proof,Available online 17 September 2010Giuseppe Montana, Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros, AnnaMaria Polito, Ettore AzzaroShow preview| Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50Research Highlights►The main Sicilian clays used in the past for pottery production were characterised. ►Chemistry, mineralogy and technological properties were investigated. ►Chemical analysis revealed markers for the discrimination of production centres. ►Provenance of loc al/regional ceramic products has been successfully identified.541 Long-term avian research at the San Joaquin Experimental Range: Recommendations for monitoring and managing oak woodlands OriginalResearch ArticleForest Ecology and Management, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 30 August 2010Kathryn L. PurcellShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50Research highlightsThe San Joaquin Experimental Range (SJER) has a long history of avian research dating back to 1935.Early work focused on California quail and formed the basis for quail management in California. Research has led to important recommendations for implementing avian monitoring programs.Long-term data provide unique opportunities to explore biotic responses to changing environments. These datasets have facilitated studies of the impacts of invasive species and climate change.542Integration of experimental facilities: A joint effort for establishing a common knowledge base inexperimental work on hydrogen safety OriginalResearch ArticleInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy , Volume 36,Issue 3, February 2011, Pages 2700-2710 Ernst-Arndt Reinecke, Thomas Huebert, IsabelleTkatschenko, Armin Kessler, Mike Kuznetsov, M. Wilkins, David Hedley, Inaki Azkarate, Christophe Proust, Beatriz Acosta-Iborra, B. Gavrikov, Peter C.J. De Bruijn, Alessia Marangon, Andrzej Teodorczyk, A. GrafwallnerShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50 543The archaeology of climate change in the Caribbean Original Research ArticleJournal of Archaeological Science , Volume 37, Issue 6, June 2010, Pages 1226-1232 Jago Cooper, Matthew PerosShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50544Changing primary education programmes’ reflection in teacher training: thinking, interrogant, searcher teacher candidates Original Research ArticleProcedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 2732-2733Hatice Mertoglu, Esra Macaroglu AkgulShow preview |PDF (92 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles545Lessons from smallpox eradication campaign in Bihar State and in IndiaVaccine , Volume 29, Issue 11, 3 March 2011, Pages2005-2007Mahendra Dutta, R.N. BasuShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articles Purchase $ 31.50 546Performance comparison of some shared memoryorganizations for 2D mesh-like NOCs Original ResearchArticleMicroprocessors and Microsystems , Volume 35, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 274-284Martti Forsell Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 35.95547Standardized marketing strategies in retailing? IKEA’s marketing strategies in Sweden, the UK andChina Original Research ArticleJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services , In Press, Corrected Proof , Available online 29 September 2010 Steve Burt, Ulf Johansson, Åsa Thelander Show preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50548Energy and economic assessment of soda andorganosolv biorefinery processes Original Research ArticleBiomass and Bioenergy , Volume 35, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 516-525 Araceli García, María González Alriols, Rodrigo Llano-Ponte, Jalel LabidiShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 35.95549New discoveries in the Piramide Naranjada inCahuachi (Peru) using satellite, Ground Probing Radarand magnetic investigations Original Research ArticleJournal of Archaeological Science , In Press, Corrected Proof , Available online 4 January 2011Rosa Lasaponara, Nicola Masini, Enzo Rizzo, R. Coluzzi, Giuseppe OreficiShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase$ 31.50 Research highlights► The investigation of earthen archaeology is a challenge. ► We propose an approach for detecting buried earthen remains in Cahuachi Nasca, Peru. ► Geostatistical analyses of satellite data, georadar and geomagnetic have been used. ► Archaeological excavat ion confirm the reliability of the proposed method. ► Archaeological findings were adobe walls and a rich ceremonial offering.550The need for a General Comment for Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Towardenlightenment and progress for childprotection Original Research ArticleChild Abuse & Neglect , Volume 33, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 783-790 Susan Bennett, Stuart N. Hart, Kimberly Ann Svevo-CianciShow preview | Related articles | Related reference work articlesPurchase $ 31.50。

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Fitbit Inspire 3手冊版本1.3说明书

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HP PageWide Pro MFP 577dw系列用户指南说明书

HP PageWide Pro MFP 577dw系列用户指南说明书

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HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M776用户指南说明书

HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M776用户指南说明书

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printing solutions (12)Printer dimensions (13)Power consumption, electrical specifications, and acoustic emissions (15)Operating-environment range (15)Printer hardware setup and software installation (16)2 Paper trays (17)Introduction (17)Load paper to Tray 1 (multipurpose tray) (17)Load Tray 1 (multipurpose tray) (18)Tray 1 paper orientation (19)Use alternative letterhead mode (24)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (24)Load paper to Tray 2 (24)Load Tray 2 (24)Tray 2 paper orientation (26)Use alternative letterhead mode (29)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (29)Load paper to the 550-sheet paper tray (30)Load paper to the 550-sheet paper tray (30)550-sheet paper tray paper orientation (32)Use alternative letterhead mode (35)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (35)ivLoad paper to the 2 x 550-sheet paper trays (36)Load paper to the 2 x 550-sheet paper trays (36)2 x 550-sheet paper tray paper orientation (38)Use alternative letterhead mode (41)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (41)Load paper to the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (41)Load paper to the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (41)2,700-sheet HCI paper tray paper orientation (43)Use alternative letterhead mode (45)Enable Alternative Letterhead Mode by using the printer control-panel menus (45)Load and print envelopes (46)Print envelopes (46)Envelope orientation (46)Load and print labels (47)Manually feed labels (47)Label orientation (48)3 Supplies, accessories, and parts (49)Order supplies, accessories, and parts (49)Ordering (49)Supplies and accessories (50)Maintenance/long-life consumables (51)Customer self-repair parts (51)Dynamic security (52)Configure the HP toner-cartridge-protection supply settings (53)Introduction (53)Enable or disable the Cartridge Policy feature (53)Use the printer control panel to enable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the printer control panel to disable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to enable the Cartridge Policy feature (54)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to disable the Cartridge Policy feature (55)Troubleshoot Cartridge Policy control panel error messages (55)Enable or disable the Cartridge Protection feature (55)Use the printer control panel to enable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the printer control panel to disable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to enable the Cartridge Protection feature (56)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to disable the Cartridge Protection feature (57)Troubleshoot Cartridge Protection control panel error messages (57)Replace the toner cartridges (58)T oner-cartridge information (58)Remove and replace the cartridges (59)Replace the imaging drums (62)Imaging drum information (62)Remove and replace the imaging drums (63)Replace the toner-collection unit (66)T oner-collection unit information (66)vRemove and replace the toner-collection unit (67)Replace the staple cartridge (M776zs model only) (70)Staple cartridge information (70)Remove and replace the staple cartridge (71)4 Print (73)Print tasks (Windows) (73)How to print (Windows) (73)Automatically print on both sides (Windows) (74)Manually print on both sides (Windows) (74)Print multiple pages per sheet (Windows) (75)Select the paper type (Windows) (75)Additional print tasks (76)Print tasks (macOS) (77)How to print (macOS) (77)Automatically print on both sides (macOS) (77)Manually print on both sides (macOS) (77)Print multiple pages per sheet (macOS) (78)Select the paper type (macOS) (78)Additional print tasks (79)Store print jobs on the printer to print later or print privately (79)Introduction (79)Create a stored job (Windows) (79)Create a stored job (macOS) (80)Print a stored job (81)Delete a stored job (81)Delete a job that is stored on the printer (81)Change the job storage limit (82)Information sent to printer for Job Accounting purposes (82)Mobile printing (82)Introduction (82)Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct Print, NFC, and BLE printing (82)Enable wireless printing (83)Change the Wi-Fi Direct name (83)HP ePrint via email (83)AirPrint (84)Android embedded printing (85)Print from a USB flash drive (85)Enable the USB port for printing (85)Method one: Enable the USB port from the printer control panel (85)Method two: Enable the USB port from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connectedprinters only) (85)Print USB documents (86)Print using high-speed USB 2.0 port (wired) (86)Method one: Enable the high-speed USB 2.0 port from the printer control panel menus (86)Method two: Enable the high-speed USB 2.0 port from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connected printers only) (87)vi5 Copy (88)Make a copy (88)Copy on both sides (duplex) (90)Additional copy tasks (92)6 Scan (93)Set up Scan to Email (93)Introduction (93)Before you begin (93)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (94)Step two: Configure the Network Identification settings (95)Step three: Configure the Send to Email feature (96)Method one: Basic configuration using the Email Setup Wizard (96)Method two: Advanced configuration using the Email Setup (100)Step four: Configure the Quick Sets (optional) (104)Step five: Set up Send to Email to use Office 365 Outlook (optional) (105)Introduction (105)Configure the outgoing email server (SMTP) to send an email from an Office 365 Outlookaccount (105)Set up Scan to Network Folder (108)Introduction (108)Before you begin (108)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (108)Step two: Set up Scan to Network Folder (109)Method one: Use the Scan to Network Folder Wizard (109)Method two: Use Scan to Network Folder Setup (110)Step one: Begin the configuration (110)Step two: Configure the Scan to Network Folder settings (111)Step three: Complete the configuration (118)Set up Scan to SharePoint (118)Introduction (118)Before you begin (118)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (118)Step two: Enable Scan to SharePoint and create a Scan to SharePoint Quick Set (119)Scan a file directly to a SharePoint site (121)Quick Set scan settings and options for Scan to SharePoint (122)Set up Scan to USB Drive (123)Introduction (124)Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (124)Step two: Enable Scan to USB Drive (124)Step three: Configure the Quick Sets (optional) (125)Default scan settings for Scan to USB Drive setup (126)Default file settings for Save to USB setup (126)Scan to email (127)Introduction (127)Scan to email (127)Scan to job storage (129)viiIntroduction (129)Scan to job storage on the printer (130)Print from job storage on the printer (132)Scan to network folder (132)Introduction (132)Scan to network folder (132)Scan to SharePoint (134)Introduction (134)Scan to SharePoint (134)Scan to USB drive (136)Introduction (136)Scan to USB drive (136)Use HP JetAdvantage business solutions (138)Additional scan tasks (138)7 Fax (140)Set up fax (140)Introduction (140)Set up fax by using the printer control panel (140)Change fax configurations (141)Fax dialing settings (141)General fax send settings (142)Fax receive settings (143)Send a fax (144)Additional fax tasks (146)8 Manage the printer (147)Advanced configuration with the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (147)Introduction (147)How to access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) (148)HP Embedded Web Server features (149)Information tab (149)General tab (149)Copy/Print tab (150)Scan/Digital Send tab (151)Fax tab (152)Supplies tab (153)Troubleshooting tab (153)Security tab (153)HP Web Services tab (154)Networking tab (154)Other Links list (156)Configure IP network settings (157)Printer sharing disclaimer (157)View or change network settings (157)Rename the printer on a network (157)viiiManually configure IPv4 TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (158)Manually configure IPv6 TCP/IP parameters from the control panel (158)Link speed and duplex settings (159)Printer security features (160)Introduction (160)Security statements (160)Assign an administrator password (160)Use the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) to set the password (160)Provide user access credentials at the printer control panel (161)IP Security (161)Encryption support: HP High Performance Secure Hard Disks (161)Lock the formatter (161)Energy-conservation settings (161)Set the sleep timer and configure the printer to use 1 watt or less of power (161)Set the sleep schedule (162)Set the idle settings (162)HP Web Jetadmin (163)Software and firmware updates (163)9 Solve problems (164)Customer support (164)Control panel help system (165)Reset factory settings (165)Introduction (165)Method one: Reset factory settings from the printer control panel (165)Method two: Reset factory settings from the HP Embedded Web Server (network-connectedprinters only) (166)A “Cartridge is low” or “Cartridge is very low” message displays on the printer control panel (166)Change the “Very Low” settings (166)Change the “Very Low” settings at the control panel (166)For printers with fax capability (167)Order supplies (167)Printer does not pick up paper or misfeeds (167)Introduction (167)The printer does not pick up paper (167)The printer picks up multiple sheets of paper (171)The document feeder jams, skews, or picks up multiple sheets of paper (174)Clear paper jams (174)Introduction (174)Paper jam locations (174)Auto-navigation for clearing paper jams (175)Experiencing frequent or recurring paper jams? (175)Clear paper jams in the document feeder - 31.13.yz (176)Clear paper jams in Tray 1 (13.A1) (177)Clear paper jams in Tray 2 (13.A2) (182)Clear paper jams in the fuser (13.B9, 13.B2, 13.FF) (188)ixClear paper jams in the duplex area (13.D3) (194)Clear paper jams in the 550-sheet trays (13.A3, 13.A4) (199)Clear paper jams in the 2 x 550 paper trays (13.A4, 13.A5) (206)Clear paper jams in the 2,700-sheet high-capacity input paper trays (13.A3, 13.A4, 13.A5, 13.A7) (213)Resolving color print quality problems (220)Introduction (220)Troubleshoot print quality (221)Update the printer firmware (221)Print from a different software program (221)Check the paper-type setting for the print job (221)Check the paper type setting on the printer (221)Check the paper type setting (Windows) (221)Check the paper type setting (macOS) (222)Check toner-cartridge status (222)Step one: Print the Supplies Status Page (222)Step two: Check supplies status (222)Print a cleaning page (222)Visually inspect the toner cartridge or cartridges (223)Check paper and the printing environment (223)Step one: Use paper that meets HP specifications (223)Step two: Check the environment (223)Step three: Set the individual tray alignment (224)Try a different print driver (224)Troubleshoot color quality (225)Calibrate the printer to align the colors (225)Troubleshoot image defects (225)Improve copy image quality (233)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (233)Calibrate the scanner (234)Check the paper settings (235)Check the paper selection options (235)Check the image-adjustment settings (235)Optimize copy quality for text or pictures (236)Edge-to-edge copying (236)Improve scan image quality (236)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (237)Check the resolution settings (238)Check the color settings (238)Check the image-adjustment settings (239)Optimize scan quality for text or pictures (239)Check the output-quality settings (240)Improve fax image quality (240)Check the scanner glass for dirt and smudges (240)Check the send-fax resolution settings (242)Check the image-adjustment settings (242)Optimize fax quality for text or pictures (242)Check the error-correction setting (243)xSend to a different fax machine (243)Check the sender's fax machine (243)Solve wired network problems (244)Introduction (244)Poor physical connection (244)The computer is unable to communicate with the printer (244)The printer is using incorrect link and duplex settings for the network (245)New software programs might be causing compatibility problems (245)The computer or workstation might be set up incorrectly (245)The printer is disabled, or other network settings are incorrect (245)Solve wireless network problems (245)Introduction (245)Wireless connectivity checklist (245)The printer does not print after the wireless configuration completes (246)The printer does not print, and the computer has a third-party firewall installed (246)The wireless connection does not work after moving the wireless router or printer (247)Cannot connect more computers to the wireless printer (247)The wireless printer loses communication when connected to a VPN (247)The network does not appear in the wireless networks list (247)The wireless network is not functioning (247)Reduce interference on a wireless network (248)Solve fax problems (248)Checklist for solving fax problems (248)What type of phone line are you using? (249)Are you using a surge-protection device? (249)Are you using a phone company voice-messaging service or an answering machine? (249)Does your phone line have a call-waiting feature? (249)Check fax accessory status (249)General fax problems (250)The fax failed to send (250)No fax address book button displays (250)Not able to locate the Fax settings in HP Web Jetadmin (250)The header is appended to the top of the page when the overlay option is enabled (251)A mix of names and numbers is in the recipients box (251)A one-page fax prints as two pages (251)A document stops in the document feeder in the middle of faxing (251)The volume for sounds coming from the fax accessory is too high or too low (251)Index (252)xiPrinter overview1Review the location of features on the printer, the physical and technical specifications of the printer,and where to locate setup information.For video assistance, see /videos/LaserJet.The following information is correct at the time of publication. For current information, see /support/colorljM776MFP.For more information:HP's all-inclusive help for the printer includes the following information:●Install and configure●Learn and use●Solve problems●Download software and firmware updates●Join support forums●Find warranty and regulatory informationWarning iconsUse caution if you see a warning icon on your HP printer, as indicated in the icon definitions.●Caution: Electric shock●Caution: Hot surface●Caution: Keep body parts away from moving partsPrinter overview1●Caution: Sharp edge in close proximity●WarningPotential shock hazardReview this important safety information.●Read and understand these safety statements to avoid an electrical shock hazard.●Always follow basic safety precautions when using this product to reduce risk of injury from fire orelectric shock.●Read and understand all instructions in the user guide.●Observe all warnings and instructions marked on the product.●Use only a grounded electrical outlet when connecting the product to a power source. If you do notknow whether the outlet is grounded, check with a qualified electrician.●Do not touch the contacts on any of the sockets on the product. Replace damaged cordsimmediately.●Unplug this product from wall outlets before cleaning.●Do not install or use this product near water or when you are wet.●Install the product securely on a stable surface.●Install the product in a protected location where no one can step on or trip over the power cord.Printer viewsIdentify certain parts of the printer and the control panel.Printer front viewLocate features on the front of the printer.2Chapter 1 Printer overviewPrinter front view3Printer back viewLocate features on the back of the printer.Interface portsLocate the interface ports on the printer formatter. 4Chapter 1 Printer overviewControl-panel viewThe control panel provides access to the printer features and indicates the current status of the printer.NOTE:Tilt the control panel for easier viewing.The Home screen provides access to the printer features and indicates the current status of the printer.screens.NOTE:The features that appear on the Home screen can vary, depending on the printerconfiguration.Control-panel view5Figure 1-1Control-panel view?i 12:42 PM6Chapter 1 Printer overviewHow to use the touchscreen control panelPerform the following actions to use the printer touchscreen control panel.T ouchT ouch an item on the screen to select that item or open that menu. Also, when scrolling T ouch the Settings icon to open the Settings app.How to use the touchscreen control panel 7SwipeT ouch the screen and then move your finger horizontally to scroll the screen sideways.Swipe until the Settings app displays.Printer specificationsDetermine the specifications for your printer model.IMPORTANT:The following specifications are correct at the time of publication, but they are subject to change. For current information, see /support/colorljM776MFP .T echnical specificationsReview the printer technical specifications.Product numbers for each model ●M776dn - #T3U55A ●Flow M776z - #3WT91A ●Flow M776zs - #T3U56APaper handling specificationsPaper handling features Tray 1 (100-sheet capacity)Included Included Included Tray 2 (550-sheet capacity)IncludedIncludedIncluded8Chapter 1 Printer overview550-sheet paper trayOptional Included Not included NOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray.Optional Included Included2 x 550-sheet paper tray and standNOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of thestand.Optional Not included Not included2,700-sheet high-capacity input (HCI) paper trayand standNOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of theoptional printer stand.Printer standOptional Not included Not included NOTE:The M776dn models accept one optional550-sheet tray that may be installed on top of theoptional printer stand.Inner finisher accessory Not included Not included Included Automatic duplex printing Included IncludedIncludedIncluded Included Included10/100/1000 Ethernet LAN connection with IPv4and IPv6Hi-Speed USB 2.0Included Included IncludedIncluded Included IncludedEasy-access USB port for printing from a USBflash drive or upgrading the firmwareIncluded Included Included Hardware Integration Pocket for connectingaccessory and third-party devicesHP Internal USB Ports Optional Optional OptionalOptional Optional OptionalHP Jetdirect 2900nw Print Server accessory forWi-Fi connectivity and an additional Ethernet portOptional IncludedIncludedHP Jetdirect 3100w accessory for Wi-Fi, BLE, NFC,and proximity badge readingPrints 45 pages per minute (ppm) on Letter-sizepaper and 46 ppm on A4-size paperEasy-access USB printing for printing from a USBIncluded Included Includedflash driveT echnical specifications9Included Included Included Store jobs in the printer memory to print later orprint privatelyScans 100 pages per minute (ppm) on A4 andIncluded Included Included letter-size paper one-sidedIncluded Included Included 200-page document feeder with dual-headscanning for single-pass duplex copying andscanningNot included Included Included HP EveryPage T echnologies including ultrasonicmulti-feed detectionNot included Included Included Embedded optical character recognition (OCR)provides the ability to convert printed pages intotext that can be edited or searched using acomputerIncluded Included Included SMART Label feature provides paper-edgedetection for automatic page croppingIncluded Included Included Automatic page orientation for pages that haveat least 100 characters of textIncluded Automatic tone adjustment sets contrast,Included Includedbrightness, and background removal for eachpageIncluded Included Includedfolders on a networkIncludedSend documents to SharePoint®Included IncludedIncluded Included Included NOTE:Memory reported on the configurationpage will change from 2.5 GB to 3 GB with theoptional 1 GB SODIMM installed.Mass storage: 500 GB hard disk drive Included Included IncludedSecurity: HP Trusted Platform Module (TPM)Included Included IncludedT ouchscreen control panel Included Included IncludedRetractable keyboard Not included Included Included 10Chapter 1 Printer overviewFax Optional Included IncludedSupported operating systemsUse the following information to ensure printer compatibility with your computer operating system.Linux: For information and print drivers for Linux, go to /go/linuxprinting.UNIX: For information and print drivers for UNIX®, go to /go/unixmodelscripts.The following information applies to the printer-specific Windows HP PCL 6 print drivers, HP print driversfor macOS, and to the software installer.Windows: Download HP Easy Start from /LaserJet to install the HP print driver. Or, go tothe printer-support website for this printer: /support/colorljM776MFP to download the printdriver or the software installer to install the HP print driver.macOS: Mac computers are supported with this printer. Download HP Easy Start either from /LaserJet or from the Printer Support page, and then use HP Easy Start to install the HP print driver.1.Go to /LaserJet.2.Follow the steps provided to download the printer software.Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL 6” printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating system aspart of the software installation.Windows 8.1, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL-6” V4 printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating systemas part of the software installation.Windows 10, 32-bit and 64-bit The “HP PCL-6” V4 printer-specific print driver is installed for this operating systemas part of the software installation.Windows Server 2008 R2, SP 1, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2012, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2012 R2, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2016, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Windows Server 2019, 64-bit The PCL 6 printer-specific print driver is available for download from the printer-support website. Download the driver, and then use the Microsoft Add Printer tool toinstall it.Supported operating systems11macOS 10.13 High Sierra, macOS 10.14 MojaveDownload HP Easy Start from /LaserJet , and then use it to install the print driver.NOTE:Supported operating systems can change.NOTE:For a current list of supported operating systems and HP’s all-inclusive help for the printer, go to /support/colorljM776MFP .NOTE:For details on client and server operating systems and for HP UPD driver support for this printer, go to /go/upd . Under Additional information , click Specifications .●Internet connection●Dedicated USB 1.1 or 2.0 connection or a network connection● 2 GB of available hard-disk space ●1 GB RAM (32-bit) or2 GB RAM (64-bit)●Internet connection●Dedicated USB 1.1 or 2.0 connection or a network connection●1.5 GB of available hard-disk spaceNOTE:The Windows software installer installs the HP Smart Device Agent Base service. The file size is less than 100 kb. Its only function is to check for printers connected via USB hourly. No data is collected. If a USB printer is found, it then tries to locate a JetAdvantage Management Connector (JAMc) instance on the network. If a JAMc is found, the HP Smart Device Agent Base is securelyupgraded to a full Smart Device Agent from JAMc, which will then allow printed pages to be accounted for in a Managed Print Services (MPS) account. The driver-only web packs downloaded from for the printer and installed through the Add Printer wizard do not install this service.T o uninstall the service, open the Control Panel , select Programs or Programs and Features , and then select Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall a Programto remove the service. The file name isHPSmartDeviceAgentBase.Mobile printing solutionsHP offers multiple mobile printing solutions to enable easy printing to an HP printer from a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or other mobile device.T o see the full list and to determine the best choice, go to /go/MobilePrinting .NOTE:Update the printer firmware to ensure all mobile printing capabilities are supported.●Wi-Fi Direct (wireless models only, with HP Jetdirect 3100w BLE/NFC/Wireless accessory installed)●HP ePrint via email (Requires HP Web Services to be enabled and the printer to be registered with HP Connected)●HP Smart app ●Google Cloud Print12Chapter 1 Printer overview。



2024北京高三二模英语汇编阅读理解A篇一、阅读理解(2024北京顺义高三二模)Have you considered contributing your skills and expertise virtually towards achieving sustainable human development efforts? Through the Online V olunteering service of the United Nations V olunteers (UNV) programme, you can connect with UN agencies, governments, public institutions and civil society organizations — from any device, anywhere in the world. While extending your network, you can also get first-hand practical experience.Requirements:·To sign up on the Unified V olunteering Platform and apply for Online V olunteer assignments, you must be at least 18 years of age.·There is no particular background required to become an Online V olunteer. Each Online V olunteer assignment is different and has its own requirements, set by the host organization.· As an Online V olunteer, you can only support organizations remotely in assignments up to 20 hours per week for a maximum of 12 weeks for each assignment.Criteria and service rules:· Online V olunteers are not under contract with the UNV programme or the engaging organization.· Online V olunteers do not receive any kind of financial benefits.·For each Online V olunteering assignment, a maximum of 25 Online V olunteers can be engaged.Procedures:· Volunteers find assignments of their interest and apply.· Organizations select the volunteers they want to engage.· Volunteers and organizations work together online.· Volunteers and organizations provide feedback on their cooperation.· Organizations issue an electronic certificate of appreciation to their volunteers.1.Through the UNV programme, one can ______.A.travel around the world B.improve their network skillsC.set up civil society organizations D.work on sustainable development2.Which is a requirement for the applicants?A.Being no less than 18 years.B.Finishing 25 online assignments.C.Working at least 20 hours a week.D.Having some practical experience.3.When working in the UNV programme, volunteers will ______.A.sign a contract with an organizationB.find tasks of their interest and applyC.get a paper certificate of appreciationD.receive some kind of financial benefits(2024北京丰台高三二模)Around the world, coral reefs (珊瑚礁) are in danger. Now, let’s check out a fewways conservationists are protecting these habitats.Seaweed SmackdownHot ocean temperatures can supercharge seaweed growth — and that’s not good for a reef. So, in Hawaii, scientists have used an underwater vacuum (真空吸器) to suck up lots of seaweed into the device’s long tube. In Australia, scientists are studying a low-tech solution: pulling seaweed by hand.21Some polyps (珊瑚虫) are harmed by heat waves and pollution. Scientists cut parts of coral from a healthy reef. Then these polyps are taken to a nursery, which could be in shallow protected areas underwater. After about a year, the healthy coral parts are attached to damaged reefs. The nursery-grown corals can bring new life to a struggling habitat.Sound SaverHealthy reefs are noisy. Fish make different sounds, and thousands of shrimp create and pop bubbles with their claws to create a sound. The biologists play sounds of healthy reefs through underwater speakers. They found that six weeks of broadcasting healthy reef sounds doubled the amount of fish in the area.Bleaching KillerOne of the biggest threats to coral reefs is bleaching. Here’s how it works.themake food for the coral bythenowhere else, so they can survive heat waves. Biologists hope their work will inspire governments and environmental groups to protect these corals.4.Which of the following might be the subtitle of Paragraph 3?A.Underwater Nurseries.B.Fishing Guides.C.Seaweed Cleaners.D.Colour Designers.5.What can mainly help stop corals bleaching?A.Breathing in more oxygen.B.Changing the appearance.C.Absorbing more sound.D.Partnering with algae.6.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?A.To present the serious damages to corals.B.To explain the reasons for coral habitat loss.C.To introduce the methods of coral protection.D.To compare the effects of different solutions.(2024北京昌平高三二模)Interested in writing, photography or current events? Looking for an experience to inspire your college essays? Or hoping to explore a world-class city with new friends this summer? If so, check out the Boston University Summer Journalism Academy. It’s a program created and run by Boston University,where high school students:● Learn from award-winning, working journalists — including two who have shared in Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting.● Report on actual events around Boston or your hometown.● Place stories with Boston’s Daily Free Press, one of the top college newspapers.● Improve their writing, interviewing, and research skills — applicable for any major and career.The academy offers two options: an on-campus, residential program over three weeks for students with journalism experience, and a learn-from-home program over two weeks for all experience levels. For students interested in photography, we offer a special photojournalism track for both. Every option is organized in three sections:● Classroom starts each day with a review of journalism fundamentals in a collegiate format. A university-level journalism textbook provides daily readings and writing assignments.● Newsroom provides time for students to apply what they learn in the Classroom to hands-on journalism assignments. Over the rest of their day, students conduct interview s and gather information.● Guest Talks offer students advice and insight from journalism experts in topics such as radio reporting and studying journalism in college. Sessions feature a Guest Talk during each three-week session from journalism experts. Students also visit city newsrooms to hear from famous reporters.Applications for the on-campus session June 24 to July 12 are due: April 19. Applications for learn-at-home sessions starting June 17, July 1 and July 15 are due: May 10.● On Campus, residential: Three weeks, including tuition(学费), activity fees, room and board: $ 6,200. ($ 400 discounts for Early Bird applicants by Mar 8!)Learn-from-Home: Two weeks, tuition: $ 1,500. ($200 discounts for Early Bird applicants by Mar 8!)7. In the program, participants can ______.A. develop their interviewing skillsB. finish their college essays with helpC. get inspiration from retired journalistsD. publish stories in Boston official website8. If one chooses to learn in on-campus program, one needs to ______.A. pay at most $ 1,500B. apply before May 10C. have journalism experienceD. have knowledge in photography9. What will the three sections provide for participants?A. Advice and insight from top photographers.B. Reviews of reading and writing fundamentals.C. A weekly talk with leading journalism experts.D. Chances to put journalism knowledge into practice.(2024北京朝阳高三二模)Do you want to boost your ATAR, a rank which indicates the overall achievements of all Year 12 students in Australia, and get a preview of university life? When you join the Deakin Accelerate Program, you’ll get a head start by completing two first-year university units while you’re still a high school student.How Deakin Accelerate Program worksYou’ll study two first-year university units through the program. If you choose to study and experience university life on campus, you’ll attend classes and conferences during the day. Or if studying online is more accessible for you, complete the program online in your free time at school or after hours when it suits you.No matter how you choose to study, you’ll benefit from our online learning platform, which allows you to access classes, workshops, resources and more. Whether you’re using your desktop,tablet or mobile, you’ll have access to course content all year round and get answers in real time.After successfully completing your Accelerate units, you’ll gain credits which you can put towards a related Deakin university course. Plus, there is no charge for that.Apply to the Deakin Accelerate Program if you’re:Ÿ a high achiever with above-average Year 11 results;Ÿ looking for an extra challenge in high school;Ÿ a self-starter who can work independently;Ÿ keen to make a head start on your university degree.To be qualified for the program, you must:Ÿ be completing Year 12 in 2024;Ÿ meet the high school subject requirement;Ÿ attain a minimum average grade of 65% across your subjects.For more information about the Deakin Accelerate Program, you can read our FAQs or get in touch using our online inquiry form.❖Submit an inquiry10. What benefit do participants gain from the Deakin Accelerate Program?A. Receiving a preview of their ATAR.B. Experiencing different learning styles.C. Completing two years’ university units.D. Earning credits towards university courses.11. What is available for participants on the online learning platform?A. Real-time response.B. Guidance on using devices.C. High school course content.D. An online learning schedule.12. Which is a requirement for the applicants?A. Submitting an inquiry form.B. Graduating from university in 2024.C. Having started to study for a university degree.D. Achieving an average score of at least 65% in all subjects.(2024北京东城高三二模)Over 1.000 of these yellow robots, Spot, are already checking factories and power plants.And now the New York City Fire Department is starting to use the dog-like devices for search-and-rescue missions.In April 2024, a Spot surveyed the remains of a collapsed car park that was considered too unstable for fire crews to enter. Spot can also send back video footage, carry up to 14 kg and. when fitted with an add-on “arm”, open doors and press switches.Lightning SwarmInspired by fireflies, these robots are tiny and can give out light in various colours.The scientists intend the robots to use their lights to signal to and track each other: a low-power communication strategy for a lightweight robot.“We envision sending hundreds or more of these tiny flying robots into a disaster site, and having them collectively search for survivors,” says MIT robotics engineer Prof Kevin Chen. “Once a survivo r is found, they’ll pass the information out to the operators.”Trail BlazersAt the Bajiao Firc Rescue Station, in Yantai, northeast China. a firefighter tests out a fire-fighting robot.For a few years, China has been promoting the technology, which allows humanfirefighters to stay safely outside the danger zone while controlling robot firefighters to put out fires at chemical plants and in subways. One major advantage of this approach is fire resistance — Trail Blazers can work at temperatures of 1,000℃ for over 30 mins.RoosterThanks to its clever design, Rooster can roll across surfaces or fly around to examine almost any type of disaster site, moving through narrow passages and windows, or overobstacles and up or down staircases.Designed to assist in search operations, the robot uses cameras and sensors to scan a space, so that rescuers don’t need to enter dangerous areas. Rooster can also communicate with search teams and other robots via a radio link.13. Which robots can work in the air?A. Spot and Trail Blazers.B. Spot and Lightning Swarm.C. Rooster and Trail Blazers.D. Rooster and Lightning Swarm.14. What do these robots have in common?A. They can send radio signals.B. They are fitted with cameras.C. They can help conduct rescues.D. They are modelled after animals.15. This passage is probably from ______.A. a science magazineB. a test reportC. an operating handbookD. a modern fiction(2024北京海淀高三二模)UN FAO World Food Day Poster Contest applications are now being accepted. Try to picture a future where everyone has access to food and water. What comes to mind? You may help create a sustainable future by taking appropriate action. Create a poster showing your water action for food as part of the World Food Day Poster Contest to showcase your artistic talent.Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is a specialized agency that leads international efforts to end hunger, promote nutrition, and ensure food security.Procedure and BenefitsFill out the form on our website, take a picture of or scan your submission, and submit it on line. The screening committee will choose 15 posters from each category for the first round (a total of 60 posters from 4 age categories), and those chosen will be notified in December 2024. A certificate for this accomplishment will be given to the shortlisted individuals. Winners will be highlighted on the FAO social media channels and by regional FAO offices.Our judges will choose three winners in each age group, and they will be revealed in December. The winners will also get a diploma and a surprise gift package, as well as promotion from FAO offices throughout the world.Entry Requirements●The entry period will open on June 1, 2024, and end on November 3, 2024.●Per individual, only one entry may be submitted.●Poster entries may be painted, sketched, or drawn using oil or watercolor paint as well asmixed media, pens, pencils, crayons, or charcoal. Artwork produced digitally is also acceptable. No photos are permitted.●Text may or may not be included in poster entries. Use of text is limited to no more than 25 words.●Never mention private information such as names, schools, ages, etc.●Please do not send in physical posters; only digital files saved as JPEGs will be allowed.16. By taking part in the contest, participants can .A.show their cooking talent B.contribute to food sustainabilityC.raise their nutritional awareness D.have more access to food and water17. The final winners of the contest will be .A.promoted globally B.informed before DecemberC.invited to regional FAO offices D.decided by FAO after three rounds18. Which of the following posters meets the entry requirements?A.B.C.D.(2024北京西城高三二模)Museum ToursThere are many ways to visit SAAM and the Renwick Gallery and they’re all free!Gallery Tours for All Ages●Group ToursGroup tours are available by request for adult groups of eight or more. Choose from a variety of themes, including current special exhibitions. Request 3 to 4 weeks in advance.●Walk-in ToursWalk-in tours are sometimes available. Check with the Information Desk when you arrive. If a walk-in tour is scheduled for that day:SAAM walk-in tours start at 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. every day of the week and 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Thursday through Sunday.Renwick walk-in tours start at 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. every day except Sunday. There are no tours on Sundays.●Self-guided ToursSelf-guided tours using your smartphone are available throughout SAAM. Scan the QR codes to bring lots of information to your fingertips!Access ProgramsFree tours are available online and in our galleries at SAAM or the Renwick Gallery:–in American Sign Language (ASL);–for people with low vision;–for people with mental disorders and their care partners.There is no minimum group size for Access tours.School ToursWe welcome learners of all abilities and from all settings. School tours at SAAM and the Renwick Gallery are:–for kindergarten through college;–in line with national curriculum standards;–interactive and interdisciplinary.School tours last 60 minutes. Want more time in the galleries? Ask about additional activities. Request 4 to 6 weeks in advance.Virtual Programs●Online School Tours:–for 3rd grade through 12th grade;–in line with national curriculum standards;–40 to 60 minutes long.Request 4 to 6 weeks in advance.Online Adult Tours:–available by request;–45 to 60 minutes long;–focus on a variety of themes, including highlights and special exhibitions;–interactive and conversational.Request 4 to 6 weeks in advance.19. If you want to take a walk-in tour, you can visit the SAAM Gallery at ______.A. 12:00 pm on MondayB. 4:30 pm on WednesdayC. 1:00 pm on SundayD. 3:30 pm on Tuesday20. What do we know about the Access Programs?A. Tours are available in English only.B. There is a minimum group size of 8 for Access tours.C. People with mental illness can visit the galleries with their care partners.D. People with poor sight cannot have access to the free tours in the galleries.21. From the passage, we can know ______.A. SAAM and the Renwick Gallery offer paid tours for adult groupsB. school tours are consistent with educational curriculum standardsC. requests for online tours should be made at least 3 weeks in advanceD. visitors can use smartphones to enjoy self-guided tours in Renwick Gallery参考答案1.D 2.A 3.B【导语】本文为一篇应用文。



作者简介:牛兆宝(2002-),山东青岛人,东北林业大学本科生,研究方向:新媒体传播,民法;李梦琪(2002-),重庆人,东北林业大学本科生,研究方向:新媒体传播,公共关系;岳改玲(1981-),河南新郑人,博士,教授,研究方向:科技传播,新媒体传播(通讯作者)㊂自媒体 意见领袖 失范行为的法律规制研究牛兆宝㊀李梦琪㊀岳改玲(东北林业大学文法学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040)摘㊀要:社交媒体时代,如何对自媒体 意见领袖 的失范行为进行规制是一个关键问题㊂由于相关法律法规不完善㊁自媒体平台的责任义务不明确㊁侵权受害者维权难度大等原因,自媒体 意见领袖 呈现出多样态的失范行为㊂未来可以从立法㊁司法等多个层面,对自媒体 意见领袖 的失范行为进行法律规制㊂关键词:自媒体;意见领袖;治理模式中图分类号:D9㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀doi:10.19311/ki.1672-3198.2023.21.062㊀㊀随着新传播科技的飞速发展,互联网用户数量猛增,传统媒体受到巨大冲击㊂新媒体获得迅猛发展,尤其是自媒体㊂人们使用自媒体频率越来越高,不少自媒体的粉丝数量激增,社会影响力不断提升,成为新一代 意见领袖 ㊂ 意见领袖 概念最早由拉扎斯菲尔德提出,指在人们做出界定的过程中,那些对他们施加个人影响力的人㊂信息的传播首先通过大众传播媒体到达 意见领袖 ,再由 意见领袖 传达给普通受众㊂意见领袖凭借其庞大的 粉丝 基础和影响能力,可以对社会议题呈现以及舆论走向等产生影响㊂本研究中,自媒体 意见领袖 是指活跃在自媒体平台上,并具有较大影响力的主体㊂自媒体飞速发展,但对自媒体尤其是自媒体 意见领袖 的治理却跟不上其发展的步伐㊂自媒体 意见领袖 在舆论传播中发挥着 桥梁 作用,但其网络失范行为屡禁不绝,完善对自媒体 意见领袖 的法律监管显得异常迫切㊂1㊀自媒体 意见领袖 失范行为的表现盲目抢时效,缺乏把关机制㊂在新闻传播分秒必争的当下,各类媒体对于时效性的竞争进入激烈状态㊂社会事件发生后,有的自媒体 意见领袖 仅凭自己掌握的真伪难辨的信息,就抢先发声;或者在事件发展中时,仅根据单方面的采访调查或片面的图文材料就主观臆断确立主题,仓促加工,利用自媒体平台的传播优势,抢在传统媒体或其他竞争对手之前发布㊂缺乏事实核查㊁盲目追求时效性,使得许多自媒体 意见领袖 发布的新闻信息的真实性大打折扣㊂为吸引流量,凭空捏造虚假信息㊂自媒体环境下,多元话语博弈成为 新常态 ㊂为了在话语竞争中占据优势,部分自媒体从业者采取断章取义㊁歪曲事实㊁偷换概念等手法,制作偏离事实的标题,或者截取事件的片段进行传播,骗取点击率,误导读者㊂这些行为严重违背新闻伦理,消费受众的情绪价值甚至降低媒体的社会公信力㊂有时,自媒体 意见领袖 发布的内容会成为爆点,甚至能够影响网络舆论走向㊂而上述失范行为,往往以言论自由为保护伞,难以管理和规范㊂自媒体从业者素质良莠不齐,部分从业者法律观念淡薄㊂自媒体的准入门槛较传统媒体低,很大多未接受过必要培训的自媒体从业者缺乏必需的专业素养,责任意识淡薄,所谓 意见领袖 也不能幸免㊂这就容易导致部分自媒体 意见领袖 有意㊁无意中就侵犯了他人权益㊂2㊀自媒体 意见领袖 失范行为法律规制的检讨2.1㊀自媒体相关的法律法规尚不健全我国尚无系统的媒体法㊁新闻法,自媒体相关的法律规制处于 条块分割 状态㊂中国规范网络空间言论自由的文件多由部门层级作出,立法层次低,约束能力很难达到预期效果㊂有关法律内容较为宽泛,具体内容尚待细化㊂自媒体 意见领袖 失范行为的立法制度跟进不及时,规制机制尚不健全㊂自媒体 意见领袖 侵权行为责任认定存在自由裁量权过大,对信息传播的注意义务不明确等问题,导致现实生活中通过自媒体打 擦边球 的行为时有发生㊂依制定主体来讲,中国对网络法律㊁法规的制定主体有将近20个部门,如公安部㊁信息产业部㊁国务院新闻办㊁新闻出版总署㊁国家广播电影电视总局㊁国家保密局㊁国务院信息化工作领导小组等等㊂繁多的制定主体使得网络言论自由的立法鱼龙混杂,部门的管理职能重叠,在实际操作中可能出现多个部门插手或多个部门互相推诿的局面㊂在网络生活中不少恶劣的侵权行为,多是因为权力分配不明确使得追责主体缺位,造成自媒体 意见领袖 违法成本低,难以追责的局面㊂㊃681㊃2.2㊀自媒体平台的责任㊁义务尚不明确‘互联网信息服务管理办法“只是要求平台承担最低限度的 守夜人 职责,仅拦截非法言论进入即可㊂非法言论的边界并不清晰,判断网络用户言论 非法 的标准与执行的义务被平台服务合同异化为平台所拥有的一项权利㊂自媒体 意见领袖 发布一些耸人听闻或断章取义的信息往往能够在短时间内吸引大量关注,为平台带来热度和流量,因此一些平台对此往往采取放纵的态度,对于相应失范行为进行规制的动力不足㊂某些情况下,某些自媒体平台甚至会为了获取流量而职责缺位,乃至放任一些模糊的㊁引起争议的热点事件传播,任由网民围绕某些事件争论不休㊂比如微博就经常推送一些极具争议的热搜话题,相应话题的转发与讨论常达数以万计㊂‘中华人民共和国民法典“第1195条规定了网络服务提供者在接到通知后阻断不适当言论传播的义务,最后一句规定 知道 用户侵权后未采取 必要措施 的,承担连带责任㊂但是,本条规定源自于美国对网络版权侵权处理的问题,运用此规则来处理网络言论侵权是否妥当仍然是有疑问的㊂司法实践中并没有建立起对言论侵权的评价体系,要到什么程度才能算作言论侵权? 知道 的标准是什么?部分自媒体 意见领袖 往往使用含沙射影,指桑骂槐的方式攻击受害人,但这种言论能否算作侵权是难以判断的㊂法律中对 知道 的定义模糊,如何算作采取了必要措施也没有进一步的规定㊂这使得该规定显得含糊不清,缺乏可操作性㊂事实上,正是法律对自媒体平台责任㊁义务具体规定的缺位,使得一些自媒体平台及自媒体 意见领袖 在法律的边缘游走,产生不良的舆论影响㊂2.3㊀侵权后果评估困难,受害者维权难度大由于自媒体 意见领袖 的虚拟性㊁匿名性等特征,自媒体用户与现实主体难以对应㊂因此当自媒体 意见领袖 传播错误㊁虚假㊁伪造的信息㊁侵害公民的合法权益乃至扰乱社会秩序时,很难将其与现实主体相联系,确认违法主体困难重重㊂虽然我国‘网络安全法“明确要求网络运营者应当加强网络实名制,要求用户提供真实身份信息,否则不提供相关服务㊂但遗憾的是,对于要求如何执行落实㊁由哪些部门负责互联网实名制,从现有法律来看自媒体领域实名制监管主体㊁措施㊁渠道等尚不清晰,某些自媒体平台通过 打擦边球 的手段弱化网络实名制的规定㊂如哔哩哔哩在国内仅要求视频up主实名认证,并且验证十分简单,仅验证手机号即可通过㊂大多数平台为了降低准入门槛,增加用户数量,在用户注册登录时往往不要求提供身份认证信息㊂一个账号即使多次被查封,但根据平台的不同机制,更换一下账户名或者更换一个手机号往往就能够 复活 继续发布内容㊂即使网信部门对违规自媒体账号永久封禁,甚至禁止严重违规者在自媒体平台进行注册,被处罚者仍可以使用其他人的身份获得账号继续操作㊂3㊀自媒体 意见领袖 失范行为法律规制的优化策略3.1㊀借鉴特定新闻司法原则纵然‘网络信息内容生态治理规定“等法规的出台能够在一定程度上改善网络舆论环境,但是自媒体 意见领袖 言论自由尺度何在等问题仍有极大的可讨论空间㊂在这种情况下, 实际恶意 即刻危险 等新闻司法原则即具有一定借鉴意义㊂实际恶意 原则的确立对美国新闻司法中言论自由与名誉权的平衡审定起到了至关重要的作用,是完善美国新闻司法的重要原则㊂ 实际恶意 包含两方面的内涵,其一指明知故犯;其二是指严重失职㊂ 即刻危险 原则在司法实践领域为解释言论自由的限制问题提供了一个权威性标准,将言论自由看作是一种根据结果来衡量的可克减的权利㊂立足于该原则,网络谣言的不法性基础不仅在于网络谣言本身,而且在于网络谣言的传播带来的附随效果㊂言论上的失范行为难以被规制,是因为其界定比较模糊㊂例如秦皇岛男孩救三位落水女孩牺牲事件,首先是自称为知情者的网民评论,声称三个女孩态度冷漠,甚至踹了男孩一脚导致男孩没能爬上岸㊂接着不少自媒体 意见领袖 开始发表对事件的看法,批评女孩们的白眼狼行为㊂甚至出现机构批量账号盗用他人照片,冒充女孩和女孩的家人,发布嚣张言论,故意挑拨网民的情绪㊂最后事件愈演愈烈,变为了一场造谣网暴的闹剧㊂通过一定的舆论技巧,影响了消息的曝光度,不少澄清的消息沉入海底,造谣言论却屡上热搜㊂这些信息的传播对当事人的形象㊁声誉造成了巨大影响,事后的辟谣信息也未能大范围传播,造谣媒体更没有被追责㊂一方面是因为当事人没有更多精力追究,也没有主动追责的官方部门;更主要的原因是我国法律相关规定不完善,对这方面的言论很少有法条或原则的指导,即便媒体被起诉也可以通过责任豁免㊁言论自由或公共利益等进行抗辩㊂将特定的新闻司法原则引入,将其作为司法审判相关自媒体 意见领袖 言论违法时的重要原则,在某种程度上可以把这种豁免改为过错责任原则或过错推定责任原则,以此来促使自媒体 意见领袖 在发表言论时更加注重自我审查,既可以提高新闻的真实性,同时也能避免媒体权利滥用㊂法官在相关案件中可以避免受到机械规则的约束,同时又有一定的原则和标准可以参考,有助于在审理具体案件时自由心证的同时形成价值立场的一致性㊂既可以保护当事人的言论自由,又可以使法官根据具体情况在违法者明知故犯时进行惩罚㊂3.2㊀完善自媒体平台监管机制自媒体 意见领袖 失范行为在新媒体技术的加持㊃781㊃下往往表现出传播速度快㊁范围广㊁影响大等特点,自媒体平台对此应当建立事前㊁事中㊁事后的周延监管机制㊂首先是事前弹窗提醒㊂事前弹窗提醒视为自媒体平台对自媒体 意见领袖 发布内容时的注意提示义务㊂以醒目的弹窗的形式,告知发表不当言论的法律后果和应承担的法律责任,提醒自媒体 意见领袖 造谣传谣的代价,告知其应当对自己发布信息的合法性和真实性负责㊂其次为事中密切审查㊂平台应当通过后台对自媒体发布的内容进行实时流量监控,当发现某一话题或某一发布内容流量骤增或流量巨大时,应当及时启用人工审核,并对有别于传统媒体的其他发布者所发布的信息上显示 此信息未经核实 等涉谣提醒㊂当平台注意到意见领袖介入某一议题时要紧密追踪,对于极端性㊁煽动性㊁虚假性言论要及时予以恰当回应,并通过网站管理者提醒本人㊂如收到针对某信息的多次举报,对其是否涉谣或违法暂不明确时,应及时利用技术手段加以冻结 ,如禁止转发评论,待实际审查后再进行解冻处理或删除㊂最后是事后澄清处理㊂当有传统媒体发布有关辟谣信息或有足够证据证明自媒体 意见领袖 发布的为不实信息时,平台有义务删除相关内容,防止损害扩大㊂同时,平台要充分与政府㊁媒体㊁专家进行多方联动,如将官方媒体的最新报道在榜单中进行置顶,通过后台大数据,将辟谣的信息推送给曾经点赞㊁评论㊁转发过相关不实信息的网民账号㊂通过多种手段来澄清处理谣言,强化信息对冲,避免出现 谣言转发上万,辟谣无人知晓 的局面㊂3.3㊀建立法制部门与自媒体平台的沟通联络机制目前网络上自媒体 意见领袖 侵犯个人权益主要分为侵犯人格权与侵犯著作权两类,其中对人格权的侵犯又主要表现为诽谤侮辱㊂在我国现行刑法中表现为自诉案件,同时一般侵犯著作权的行为在民法中同样为自诉案件㊂起诉时,由于自媒体用户身份隐匿性较强,被侵权人一般情况下信息闭塞,仅知晓侵权人的网名㊁自媒体账号等,难以获知真实姓名㊁地址㊂这就导致法院立案难,立案后送达难㊂采取公告送达又会导致案件审理周期长,不良影响继续扩大㊂在侵权行为的认定方面,被侵权人要证明自媒体虚拟人格进行了侵权传播行为,传播内容对被侵权人产生影响,且其内容已到达第三人㊂所有证据环环相扣㊂而多数情况下,违法主体往往将不法言论乃至账号一删了事,证据难以保存㊂起诉耗时长,难度大,成本高因此案件往往不了了之㊂如此种种,更见自媒体 意见领袖 违法成本之低㊂在自媒体 意见领袖 失范行为侵犯网络公共秩序方面,我国有‘治安管理处罚法“‘中华人民共和国刑法“等进行规制㊂但在侵犯个人权益方面,受害者却维权难度很大㊂下一步,可建立法院与自媒体平台的沟通联络机制,在原告举证联络确有困难时,由法院与自媒体平台进行联系,获取被告的身份㊁住址等必要信息㊂通过信息的互动沟通,在自媒体㊁公众㊁法院等相关机构之间建立良性循环,从而提升司法效率,尽量把侵权对受害人的影响降到最低㊂3.4㊀将网络实名制与自媒体黑名单制度相结合虽然我国已经实行网络实名制,要求网络运营商在用户不提供真实信息时不得为其提供服务,但部分自媒体平台为降低准入门槛㊁增加使用人数,往往不愿意要求严格的实名认证,一般以手机号作为平台的身份注册信息㊂然而,手机号并不具备专一性,而是可以买卖㊁更换的,同一 意见领袖 甚至可以通过注册小号来反复转生 ㊂因此,尽快出台指导意见,明确自媒体用户必须用真实身份注册信息,实施 人号对应 ,建立精准的监督管控系统,就显得非常迫切㊂对于借用他人手机号或其他身份信息进行注册的情况,可以参考电信网络诈骗犯罪和跨境网络赌博犯罪㊂为这类犯罪的犯罪团伙提供银行卡,帮助其进行资金支付结算的行为同样属于犯罪行为㊂将供卡人也列入其中,通过增加其风险,从上游减少犯罪可能㊂在本情况中,也可以参考该罪名,对在上游提供手机号或其他身份信息供自媒体 意见领袖 转生者同样进行处罚,并通过列入征信㊁行政处罚㊁刑事处罚等一系列措施,从源头减少供信息人参与的可能㊂同时,应建立自媒体黑名单制度,对列入黑名单的自媒体 意见领袖 ,依法依规实施限制从事互联网信息服务㊁行业禁入㊁撤销相关业务许可㊁取消备案和关闭账号等措施,以避免其反复 转生 ㊂参考文献[1]董璐.传播学核心理论与概念(第2版)[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2016:292.[2]葛自发,王保华.从博弈走向共鸣:自媒体时代的网络舆论治理[J].现代传播(中国传媒大学学报),2017,39(08):140-144.[3]段然.自媒体新闻传播存在问题的成因与规制[J].传媒, 2018,(02):41-42.[4]薛军.民法典网络侵权条款研究:以法解释论框架的重构为中心[J].比较法研究,2020,(04):131-144.[5]周志钧,顾亚慧.自媒体信息暴力的危害及防范[J].北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版),2019,32(4):1-6. [6]原平方,梁欣彤. 实际恶意 原则在自媒体传播治理中的应用[J].新闻爱好者,2020,(09):42-46.[7〛姜涛.网络谣言的刑法治理:从宪法的视角[J].社会科学文摘,2021,(07):76-78.[8]陈雪梅.网络暴力视域下个人信息保护的规制路径[J].法律适用,2021,(10):64-74.㊃881㊃。

Xerox ColorQube 8700 8900彩色多功能打印机用户指南说明书

Xerox ColorQube 8700   8900彩色多功能打印机用户指南说明书
一般准则 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 电源线 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10 电话线路电缆 ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
文档版本 1.0:二月 2012
节 1 安全
电气安全 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
操作安全 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12













法国驻华大使谈抵制采访全文Transcription d’une interview accordée à Phoenix Newspar l’Ambassadeur /15 avril 2008/Des voix s'élèvent pour critiquer la mauvaise protection accordée à l a flamme olympique à Paris par les autorités fran?aises, qu'en pensez -vous ?Hervé Ladsous : Merci de me donner l’occasion de vous donner mes réa ctions sur ces questions.谢谢你给我机会就这些问题作出回应。

A propos du passage de la flamme olympique à Paris, qui était effecti vement un événement majeur, je dois dire que le gouvernement fran?ais a pris tout es les mesures qu’il était possible de prendre : nous av ons mobilisé 3000 policiers, jamais on n’avait vu cela dans la capit ale fran?aise. Je sais que cela a été traité comme une visite d’état, ce qui montre l’importance que le gouvernement fran?ais attach ait a u passage de la flamme à Paris.关于在巴黎的火炬传递活动,这确实是一个重大活动。



采撷自微博世界里的观点和诉求作者:暂无来源:《农产品市场周刊》 2014年第49期陇原渔夫【美国零售商对阿里巴巴潜在的竞争感到紧张】数家美国大型零售商警告,如果美国国会不堵住税务漏洞,中国电商阿里巴巴可能“毁掉大部分美国的本土零售商”。




向基层的乡建志愿者们致敬!创业家杂志【餐饮创业者的榜样:宁愿被辞退也不掺假】不愿掺杂劣质大米,不肯用鸡架充当鸡肉,也看不惯老板卖鱼短斤缺两……老曾在私人餐厅当了20 年的厨师,由于看不惯一些餐饮行业的“潜规则”,每到一个餐厅干不够一年就跟老板闹翻,被开除成家常便饭。


”人民日报【震惊!送检12 种阿胶样品,11 种非驴皮】记者买到12 种阿胶制品,价格最高为3.9元每克,最低为0.15 元每克,相差足足26 倍!经检测,有11 种阿胶产品都含有其他动物皮,如果是马皮,对人体危害会很大!目前每克阿胶光驴皮成本就需要0.3 元,如果低于或等于这个售价,就可判定为问题阿胶。

农业追梦者【如果有机会就回家创业吧】中国乡村有6000 万留守儿童,这是当代中国最大的不公。



34;two pizza principles"
Bezos insisted on avoiding complacency(自满) at all costs. Bezos argues that companies should be decentralized .Only in this atmosphere can emplorees think more independently. He believed that the team should be as small as possible, while limited communication between employees. Bezos was full of praise for the "two pizza principles,"if both pizzas don't feed one team, it means they're too big, "he said.
Thank s
6. Work backwards(逆向工作法)
Amazon started with selling books online, but in the nearly two decades , it has been pushing into new areas like music, cloud storage, content production, and so on, it wasn’t simply attempts , but with a common goal of starting everything from customers’ needs. This "Work backwards" approach is different from the "skills-forward(技能导向法)" approach, in which individuals or businesses often decide what to do next based on existing technology and capabilities. In a letter to shareholders in 2008, Bezos wrote: "in the end, the existing skills will be out of date. Reverse work requires us to explore new skills and hone them, never mind the discomfort and embarrassment of taking the first step. Bezos also applies this logic to his personal life, and when he has to make important decisions, he often thinks in this way, assuming he is 80 years old, what kind of attitude is toward this choice.



必修一英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?A. beautifulB. abilitlyC. difficultD. actually2. The teacher asked the students to ________ the essay by next Monday.A. hand inB. hand onC. hand outD. hand over3. The ________ of the accident was due to the driver's carelessness.A. reasonB. causeC. effectD. result4. He is ________ to win the first prize in the competition.A. possibleB. likelyC. probableD. impossible5. The ________ of the meeting has been postponed until next week.A. dateB. timeC. scheduleD. agenda6. She ________ the bookshelf to the wall.A. attachedB. fastenedC. fixedD. stuck7. The ________ of the building is very impressive.A. designB. shapeC. formD. structure8. He ________ the truth to his parents.A. toldB. liedC. admittedD. concealed9. The ________ of the company is to provide high-quality products.A. purposeB. goalC. intentionD. aim10. The ________ of the concert was very high.A. ticketB. priceC. costD. fee二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The ________ (重要的) of education is widely recognized.12. She is ________ (对...感兴趣) music.13. The ________ (结果) of the experiment was surprising.14. He ________ (决定) to travel abroad next year.15. The ________ (原因) of the fire is still unknown.16. The ________ (设计) of the new building is very modern.17. The ________ (目的) of the meeting is to discuss the project.18. The ________ (结果) of the game was a draw.19. The ________ (原因) for his absence is unclear.20. The ________ (结构) of the sentence is complex.三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Read the following passage and answer the questions.Passage 1The Internet has changed the way we live. It has made communication faster and more convenient. People can now send emails, make video calls, and share information instantly. The Internet also provides access to a wealth of knowledge and resources. Students can use it for research and learning, while businesses can use it for marketing and sales.21. What has the Internet made communication?A. SlowerB. FasterC. More expensiveD. Less convenient22. What can people do with the Internet?A. Send lettersB. Send emailsC. Make phone callsD. All of the above23. What does the Internet provide access to?A. Knowledge and resourcesB. Only entertainmentC. Only newsD. Only social networks24. Who can use the Internet for research and learning?A. StudentsB. TeachersC. BusinessmenD. All of the above25. What can businesses use the Internet for?A. ResearchB. Marketing and salesC. CommunicationD. All of the abovePassage 2In recent years, the number of tourists visiting historical sites has increased dramatically. This has led to concerns about the preservation of these sites. Some believe that more visitors mean more revenue, which can be used for maintenance and protection. However, others argue that the increased number of visitors can cause damage to the sites.26. What has increased dramatically in recent years?A. The number of touristsB. The number of historical sitesC. The revenue from tourismD. The preservation of historical sites27. What does the increase in tourists lead to?A. More preservationB. More damageC. More revenueD. More maintenance28. What can more revenue be used for?A. Expansion of sitesB. Maintenance and protectionC. AdvertisingD. Building new sites29. Who believes that more visitors mean more revenue?A. TouristsB. Site ownersC. PreservationistsD. Historians30. What can the increased number of visitors cause?。



厉害了,美国小胡子驻华大使作者:陈世冰来源:《莫愁·天下男人》 2017年第8期陈世冰土生土长的务实州长特里·布兰斯塔德出生于美国艾奥瓦州地广人稀的小城利兰,因为喜欢辽阔无际的农场,他一直留在家乡读书。



















第十二届全球市场领导者(世界隐形冠军)峰会举行2022年第十二届全球市场领军企业(世界隐形冠军)峰会在德国施瓦本哈尔市举行.世界隐形冠军峰会组委会主席瓦尔特多林先生(Walter Doering),经济周刊主编巴茨利(B.Balzli),德国施威比豪尔住房储蓄银行董事会主席莱哈德克莱恩(R.Klein)和隐形冠军企业之父伍尔特集团主席莱恩伍尔特致欢迎词并主持了峰会。




德国联邦教育科技部部长B.Stark-Watzinger斯塔克-瓦青格致辞德国联邦教育科技部部长Bettina Stark-Watzinger斯塔克-瓦青格女士出席峰会并致辞:她强调说创新必须是能够实现市场成熟的解决方案。


德国执政党社会民主党主席拉尔斯克林贝尔(Lars Klingbei)和德国财政部经济顾问,瓦尔特-欧伊肯研究所(Walter-Eucken Institut)所长拉尔斯菲尔特(Lars Feld)教授就新联邦政府的经济和金融政策做了介绍。




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WP掌门人Joe Belfiore在新浪微博上向中国用户征求意见
今日,微软WP企划管理部企业副总裁Joe Belfiore在其新浪微博上向WP的中国粉丝问好,并表示希望听到中国用户针对WP的意见。

据The Verge报道,微软目前正在将主要的精力集中在WP Blue重要更新,该更新将会带来通知中心、改进的多任务机制、内置应用的更新等,预计将于2014年年初到来。


Joe Belfiore于今年6月22日开通了新浪微博,不过目前尚未加V。

对于WP8尤其是WP8. 1大更新,你有啥要和微软说的么?可以去新浪微博@Joe Belfiore。

以下是@Joe Belfiore今日午间发布的微博摘录:
12:24,Hello #WP fans in China! My name is Joe Belfiore, I run Program Management a nd Design for #WP at #Microsoft. #WP中国粉丝大家好!我是Joe Belfiore.我在#微软主管#WP企划管理与设计。

12:25,I’ve been active on Twitter for a while in the US, but now that #WP is becoming popular in China, I thought I’d post here as well.我在美国推特上与很多人交流。

现在#WP 在中国渐受欢迎,我也想在此与大家互动。

12:25,I’m including @歌剧迷in all my posts to translate my E nglish (sorry, I don’t spea k Chinese!) and help me learn what you’re saying back to me.我发微博会加@歌剧迷,请他帮我翻译(抱歉我不会讲中文),并告诉我你们的意见。

12:26,Keep in mind I won’t/can’t disclose confidential information here…so don’t ask me about what’s in unannounced #WP updates! 我要关照一下,我不会,也不能在此披露任何保密内容。


12:27,But I’ll try to let you know when there’s newsworthy happenings for the China ma rket, and I’ll try to answer other questions!但我会中国市场值得关注的动向,也尽力回答大家的问题!
12:28,And for those of you who are developers—thanks for writing apps! If you’re not r egistered, it’s much less expensive (just $19) through August. Sign up!如果您是开发人员,感谢你们开发应用!如果您还登记开发账户,到八月低为止才要19美元。

12:28,Nice to meet all of you, and thank you for supporting #WP and #Microsoft!非常开心认识你们。

