























这一段原文描写的是在百草园时候拔何首乌的情 景。原文中用6 个短句子表达出拔何首乌的原因, 动作,结果,完全依靠句子内部的语气联系起来 的。在译文当中,就不能够直接把这6 个短句子 一个一个照样子翻译出来,英语中每个独立的句 子只有唯一的谓语成分,因此必须采用适当的连 词,将一个一个短句子连接成为一个长句子或者 复合句。译者采用了 “ if, so‖ 来表达原因,用 “and, but‖来表达结果。
3)运用适当的介词成分 出门向东,不上半里,走过一道石桥,便是我 的先生的家。 – “A few hundred yards east of our house, across a stone bridge, was where my teacher lived.‖ – of+宾语——向东 – Across+宾语——走过
以上译例看似平铺直叙,但也准确到位,紧扣 原文意义。
• 例9: (平儿) ―如今这事八下里水落石出了,连前儿太太屋里 丢的也有了主儿。”(第61回) 杨译:―The fact is, this business ismore or less solved; we‘ve even found out as well who took the things missing from themistress‘p lace the other day. ‖ • 例10:虽不免大家赖一回,终不免水落石出。(第73回) 杨译: Though at first everyone denied ever having gambled, in the end inevitably they arrived at the truth; 解析:在处理“水落石出”这一习语时,杨宪益没有保留 “水”(waters)和“石”( rocks)的意象。“水落石出”这 个隐喻在汉语文化中使用频率很高,大家耳熟能详,基本相 当于死喻。由于这一比喻显豁,意义不言自明,且此处源语 文化背景并不十分突出,杨宪益采取意译法将其隐含意义 明示出来,直截了当,简洁明快。



杨宪益是中国翻译史上的重要人物之一,他的翻译成就 和贡献被广泛认可。
他为推动中国文化的国际交流和传播做出了卓越贡献, 促进了中外文化的交流与融合。
杨宪益的历史地位和影响不仅体现在他的翻译成就上, 还体现在他的人格魅力和文化素养上。
杨宪益与夫人戴乃迭一起,积极参与国际文化交流活动,推动中外文化的相互了解与传播 。他们与外国作家、学者建立了广泛的联系,为中国文化“走出去”做出了贡献。
杨宪益在培养翻译人才方面也做出了重要贡献。他担任多个高校翻译专业的教授和导师, 培养了一批优秀的翻译人才。
杨宪益认为,提高翻译质量是提高文化交 流水平的关键。因此,他主张在翻译过程 中要进行充分的研究和准备工作,包括对 原文的理解、对目标语言的掌握、对文化 背景的了解等。同时,他也主张在翻译过 程中要进行反复的修改和校对,以确保译 文的质量和准确性。
杨宪益认为翻译要与时俱进,不断适应新的时代背景和语言变化 ,才能更好地传递文化的精髓。
杨宪益认为培养翻译人才是促进文化交流和传播的重要途径,应该 重视翻译人才的培养和发展。
杨宪益的文化交流贡献与影 响
杨宪益致力于将中国文学作品翻译成英文,让更多西方读者了解中国文学的魅力。他翻译 的《红楼梦》、《水浒传》等作品在西方世界广受欢迎,为中国文学在国际舞台上赢得了 声誉。



从语义翻译和交际翻译角度评析杨宪益的关于《红楼梦》两版译文英国翻译理论家Peter Newmark在他的专著《翻译问题探讨》中提出“语义翻译”( Semantic Translation ) 和“交际翻译”( Communicative Translation )的新概念对翻译理论研究做出了极大的贡献。





他认为,自公元1 世纪以来,那些沉醉于直译和意译争论的研究者们都忽略了翻译还应当考虑翻译的目的、读者的特点和文本的类型,争论双方都把翻译过程看得太过理想化了。





因此,语义翻译有时更倾向于超额翻译( overtranslation );相比较而言,交际翻译拥有归化、意译和地道翻译的优势。



因此,交际翻译有时更倾向于欠额翻译( undertranslation )。



如和杨静如。自幼家境殷实。从小饱读四书五经等经典。13岁进入天津新书 院学习,中学毕业时,英语水平达到大学外文系二年级水平。其后对英美文 学感兴趣,后来对古希腊和古罗马文学产生兴趣,因无老师教授古希腊文和 拉丁文以及家庭因素,便自费到英国牛津大学莫顿学院学习古希腊文和拉丁 文。因名额限制,第二年入学。第一年期间和后来求学时间便在各国旅游, 在英国做演讲宣传国内局势。期间结识兴趣相投的戴乃迭,相恋并结为终生 伴侣。1940年,从牛津大学莫顿学院毕业,花费几十美元获得硕士学位。拒 绝哈佛大学邀请,毅然回国。当时天津和上海正处于日寇铁蹄压迫之下,高 校都前往南方。杨与戴便到重庆,结婚后执教于中央大学(后南京大学)贵 州师范大学和四川光华大学。因为个人原因没去成当时最富盛名的西南联合 大学。因为环境问题,都是短期执教。1944年经介绍进入位于南京的国立编 译局,从事中国古典名著翻译。回国后至此育有一子二女。直至解放后被调 入中国外文出版社。解放后担任南京市人民政协常务秘书长等职位。文化大 革命期间,夫妻双双含冤入狱,4年后释放。夫妇二人重新负责英文翻译工作, 优秀译作迭出。其后长子杨烨因父母收到迫害而受到打击患精神分裂而自焚。 杨与戴深受打击。戴自此健康每况愈下,痴呆。1999年逝世,从此杨宪益封 笔,2009年与世长辞。
• 但由于受到战争环境的影响,他们只是在翻译领域初试身手。他们合作翻 译了楚国三闾大夫屈原留下的杰出诗篇《离骚》,这部译作后来在五十年 代由外文出版社出版。此外,两人还合译了一些中文古今文学作品的选段, 如鲁迅的《朝花夕拾》、《阿 Q 正传》、周作人的散文、艾青和田间的 新诗,等等。杨宪益还曾独自翻译了唐朝后期诗人李贺的一些诗,发表在 牛津大学的一本学生杂志上。虽然这段时期是他们翻译生涯的开端,但夫 妇俩的译介对象已经带上了古今兼备的特色。

浅析杨宪益及戴乃迭翻译风格 ——以名著节选为例

浅析杨宪益及戴乃迭翻译风格 ——以名著节选为例

理论广角幸福生活指南224幸福生活指南浅析杨宪益及戴乃迭翻译风格——以名著节选为例胡晶晶 康春颖南京工程学院摘 要:说起中国著名的译者,翻译家,不得不提的就是神仙眷侣——杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇。







例1 “癞皮狗,你骂谁?”王胡轻蔑地抬起眼来说。

“Mangy dog, who are you calling names?” Whisker Wang looked up contemptuously.(杨、戴)“Mangy-hided dog, whom are you cursing?” sneered Wang-hu, lifting his eyes disdainfully. (港版)此处清晰可见杨戴的忠实翻译风格,从整个句式到用词都非常的忠实原文,尤其是“王胡轻蔑地抬起眼来说”,并没有像港版翻译中先用sneer 表示动作及态度,而是一气呵成。



论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略摘要由于众多因素对翻译活动的影响, 损失在翻译过程中是不可避免的。

可以说, 翻译损失从翻译活动存在时就一直与翻译相伴。

但事实并非如此, 翻译补偿研究并没有得到应有的重视,还有很多领域有待探讨。

直到 20 世纪八十年代,译界才开始认真对待翻译补偿。

国内外的学者夏廷德, 尤金? 奈达, 乔治? 斯坦纳等提出了自己的翻译补偿理论,大多以翻译对等作为翻译宗旨,把补偿看做是一种翻译技巧。


本文在国内外翻译补偿理论研究成果的基础上, 精选部分诗歌, 试探索了译者在诗歌翻译过程中在词汇、语篇和审美三个层面所采取的翻译补偿策略。

词汇层面主要采用了增益, 具体化, 概括化, 省略和加注的方法。



关键词 :翻译补偿; 诗歌; 《红楼梦》iAbstractDue to various factors that imposed on translation activity, loss of translation isinevitable in translation process. Translation losses go with translation when the translationactivities exist. However, the fact is that translation compensation research doesn’t get itsdue attention and many areas of it remain to be carefully probed into. It is not until the1980s that translation compensation is regarded seriously. Scholars at home and abroadsuch as Xia Tingde, Eugene Nida, George Steiner and others elaborate on translationcompensationThe English version of A Dream of Red Mansions translated by Yang Xianyi and hiswife Gladys Yang is widely and greatly praised by numerous scholars both at home andabroad. The author selects the poems based on the known translation compensation theory;and endeavors to explore strategies of compensation adopted by the translator at lexical 、discourse and aesthetic levelsFive compensation strategies amplification, specification, generalization, omissionand annotation are used in lexical levelCompensation at discourse level is realized byadding logical conjunctives and person deixis. In aesthetic level, this thesis is mainlyanalyzed from the rhyme of poems and its translation textKey Words: translation compensation; poems; A Dream of Red Mansions ii广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略ContentsAbstract in ChineseiAbstract in English iiChapter 1 Introduction11.1 Significance of the Present Research11.2 Purpose of the Present Research.11.3 Framework of the Thesis2Chapter 2 Literature Review32.1 The Definition of Translation Compensation.32.2 Previous Studies on Translation Compensation32.2.1 Translation Compensation Studies Abroad42.2.2 Translation Compensation Studies in China..9Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework. 143.1 Classifications of Compensation143.2 Principles of Translation Compensation 15Chapter 4 Compensation Strategies Adopted in the Translation of Poems in ADream of Red Mansions. 184.1 Compensation at the Lexical Level. 184.1.1 Amplification. 184.1.2 Specification 204.1.3 Generalization. 204.1.4 Omission224.1.5 Annotation within Text 25广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略4.1.6 Annotation outside Text314.2 Compensation at the Discourse Level. 314.2.1 Logical Conjunction. 324.2.2 Person Deixis 334.3 Compensation at the Aesthetic Level 38Chapter 5 Conclusion. 41Bibliography 44Paper Published During the Study for M. A. Degree 47Acknowledgements48 广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Present ResearchA Dream of Red Mansions, written by Cao Xueqin, is a great work with high ideologythand artistry, and it is also one of the most famous classics in China in the middle of the 18century. It is an encyclopedia that reveals different aspects of ancient Chinese feudalsociety. There are about more than 230 various poems which covers 50% of the wholenovel. The distinctive feature of this work lies in these poems that adds artistic charm on,which becomes a big challenge to its translationMany translators have come under this novel’s spell and embarked on their translationof it. The English version A Dream of Red Mansions translated by Yang Xianyi and hiswife Gladys has aroused tremendous attention around the world. Moreand moreresearches have been made about translation compensation strategies and great numbers ofbooks, articles and theses about the study of poems in A Dream of Red Mansions have alsobeen published, but this thesis is one of the first studies in the analysis of compensationstrategies for the translation of poems in Yang Xianyi’s version of A Dream of RedMansions1.2 Purpose of the Present ResearchThis thesis is an attempt at analysis of compensation for the translation of Chinesepoems in A Dream of Red Mansions. To be more specific, the purpose of this study is toexplore how translation compensation is realized when the translator Yang Xianyi andGladys are confronted with poems in A Dream of Red Mansions. And the author tries tomake some contribution to the development and improvement of translation compensation1广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略theoryThis thesis aims to probe into translation compensation from three levels: the lexicallevel 、 discourse level and aesthetic level in terms of strategies of compensation. In addition,the principles of compensation should be followed during the process of employingcompensation1.3 Framework of the ThesisThis thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One, the author will make anintroduction, including purpose of the present research, significance of the present researchand preview of each chapter. Chapter Two will review the definition of translationcompensation and previous studies on translation compensation which will be detailedtalked from its development at home and abroad. Chapter Three is theoretical framework,classifications of compensation and principles of translation compensation will bediscussed respectively in this chapter. Compensation strategies adopted in translation ofpoems in A Dream of Red Mansions will be analyzed in Chapter Four; the author willdiscuss compensation strategies Yang Xianyi and Gladys adopted in translating the poemsfrom three levels: compensation at the lexical level 、 discourse level and aesthetic level, andcompensation at the lexical level and discourse level will be focused on. The last chapterserves as the conclusion, in which the author will summarize the whole thesis, includingmajor findings, implications and limitation of this thesis will also be presented 2广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1 The Definition of Translation CompensationTranslation losses live along with emergence of translation activities due to thelinguistic and cultural differences, from this we can see that translation compensation andcompensation theory should begin quite early, however, this is not the truth. Although wehave achieved great success in translation research, the significance of translationcompensation has not been paid attention to. Compared with other translation studies, it isa marginal area in translation theory research. The results of study conducted by KeithHarvey shows that throughout the 1960s and 1970s, compensation, compensatory andcompensate for were used loosely as semi-technical terms in the literature Baker, 1998:38. It is not until 1980s that translation compensation has been defined more rigorously byscholars. Different scholars have different definitions about translation compensationAccording to Newmark 2001b: 90, “This compensation is said to occur when lossof meaning, sound effect, metaphor or pragmatic effect in one part of a sentence ascompensated in another part, or in a contiguous sente nce.” For Harvey 1995: 66,“Compensation is a technique which involves making up for the loss of a source textaffected by recreating a similar effect in the target text through means that are specific tothe target language or the text.” While Baker 2000: 78 holds adifferent view that “thiscompensation means that one may omit or play down a feature such as idiomaticity at thepoint where it occurs in the source text and introduce it elsewhere in the target text.”Hatim and Masor 2001: 239 regard tran slation compensation as “In translating, themaking good of some communicative loss by substituting equivalent effects”2.2 Previous Studies on Translation Compensation 3广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略2.2.1 Translation Compensation Studies Abroad2.2.1.1 Nida ’s View of CompensationNida, as the vanguard of modern translation theory, seldom talked aboutcompensation in his early translation works. In his most representative book Toward theScience of Translating 1964, he mentioned compensation when illustrating features ofwriting style. However, he referred to the universal features and strategies of loss inwriting style which didn’t deal directly with translation compensationAs more studies on linguistics and disciplines related to translation,Nida’s attention inits concern has been aroused. In Language, Culture and Translating 1993, he illustratedcompensation from the perspective of function while discussing functional equivalence,and put forward functional compensation strategies based on isomorphism. Compensationfor a lack of isomorphism can be regarded as a means of accurately representing themeaning of source text. For example, because of lack of close correspondence in figurativeexpressions, it is necessary to translate some figurative phrases in the source language bynon-figurative ones in the target language. However, if too many such figurative phrasesbecome non-figurative ones, much of impact of a passage will be lost, which is particularcritical for poetry. In order to compensate for such loss, it is significant to translate somenon-figurative phrases by figurative strategies. In this way, the balance with the originaltext can be obtained in some extentTherefore, we can summarize Nida’s studies on translatio n compensation as thefollowing three aspects: Firstly, compensation should be based on functional equivalence,which is to obtain functional equivalence by means of compensation for isomorphismSecondly, the same strategies can be used to compensate in different locations. Thirdly,equivalence of the whole can be realized by local compensation “Functional equivalence” is the basis of Nida’s translation theory which is concluded4广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略from the Bible translation. Therefore, he attaches more importance to functionalequivalence. Although he makes the statement about compensation, Nada takes metaphorof the loss of surface structure as an example to elaborate the process of compensationActually compensation for the loss of isomorphism involves abstract aspects in his deepstructure as well2.2.1.2 George Steiner ’s View of Compensation George Steiner is one of the contemporary translation scholars who have the mostprofound elaboration on translation compensation. His elaborationabout compensation canbe found in After Babel, which published in 1975. In this classical work, he gives anincisive statement about translation compensation from the perspective of philosophyAccording to Steiner 2001, he takes translation as a hermeneutic process that concludedby four steps and compensation is the last one. The four steps are trust, aggression, importand compensation. “Trust” is the first step, which means that the translator should have aninitiative trust to the original. “Aggression” is the second s tep, which originates fromHeidegger, who regards understanding process as movement and the thing that is onlybeing translated can come into authentic being. The next step is import, Steiner 2001:312-316 points out that “the assimilation of meaning an d form is not made in or into avacuum. The native semantic field is already extant and crowded. There are innumerableshadings of simulation and placement of the newly-acquired, ranging from a completedomestication; the other permanent strangeness and marginality of an artifact. Butwhatever the degree of naturalization’, the act of importation potentially dislocates orrelocates of the native structure”. In order to reduce the loss and regain the balance, thetranslator has to compensate for the loss, which is the forth step of translation activity,should be adopted. Steiner defines compensation from two aspects: First, the translatorcompensates the loss in translation; second, the translated text compensates for loss of thesource language due to difference of time and space. Steiner’s compensation theory can be5广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略summarized in the following aspects: the translation loss occurs throughout the wholeprocess of translation; aesthetic activity is the primary cause of translation loss;compensation should not be judged by the addition or reduction of the words; theconnections between source language and target langue are dialecticalFrom the above discussion, we can see that Steiner’s research on compensationconcludes process, cause, feature and demerit, which gives us significant inspiration andguidance for putting further and thorough study on translation loss, compensationstrategies and improve translation quality. However, Steiner mainly blames too muchtranslation loss on aesthetic subject despite insuperable linguistic and cultural barriers ofthe esthetic subject, i.e. the source text2.2.1.3 Newmark ’s View of CompensationNewmark claimed that puns, rhyme, slang, metaphor, pregnant words-all these can becompensated, if it worthy of the efforts-though sometimes it isn’t. While Newmark paysmore attention to text-type and function. He puts forward communicative translation andsemantic translation. Actually his ideas about compensation are based on text function. Inhis opinion, the limit of transitivity attributes to translation loss, and “compensation issaid to occur when loss of meaning, sound effect, metaphor or pragmatic effect in one partof the sentence is compensated in another part, or in a contiguous sentence”Newmark,2001a: 31Newmark’s compensation theory mainly involves the following three points: Firstly,from a macroscopic point, employment of compensation is determined by text-type andfunction; while from a microscopic point, compensation is determined by the value ofpotential target to be compensated, i.e. to ensure the rationality of compensation judged bywhether the loss is important or not in the context. Secondly, for the expressive text, thewriter should be kept at the central point, and respect the surface form of the source text;while for the vocative text, the reader is taken as core. Thirdly, there are seldom equivalent6广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略words between source language and target language. Therefore, in our translation, weshould keep the balance between translation economy and compensationNewmark lays his compensation theory on text-type and function, which makes thetranslator have definite purpose in mind and avoid the blindness and irrationality duringthe process of compensation. What’s more, Newmar k puts forward the contradictionbetween compensation and economy and the style of translated text, which is indeed worthconsidering carefully. But the scope of compensation for expressive text is relativelylimited2.2.1.4 Baker ’s View of CompensationMona Baker’s view of compensation mainly can be found in her work In Other Words:A Courseboook on Translation 2000, in which he talks about compensation forequivalence of lexeme and hyper-lexeme level. The compensation techniques that Bakerproposed aim to obtain translation equivalenceIn lexeme level, Baker thinks that there is often no equivalent in the target languagefor a particular form in the source text. In such a condition, there are “two choices fortranslators: their subtle contribution to the overall meaning of the text is either lostaltogether or recovered elsewhere by means of compensatory techniques” Baker, 2000:24. As for the hyper-lexeme level, Baker takes idiomaticity as an example. She suggeststhat the translators either omit or play down a feature at the point where it occurs in thesource text and introduce it elsewhere in the target text. Baker 2000: 78 argues that “thisstrategy is not restricted to idiomaticity or fixed expressions and may be used to make upfor any loss of meaning, emotional force, or stylistic effect which may not be possible toreproduce directly at a given point in the target text” Wilss ’s View of Compensation7广西师范学院硕士学位论文论《红楼梦》杨宪益英译本中诗歌的翻译补偿策略Wolfram Wilss is a well-known German translation scholar. Wilss 2001: 39-40thinks that the range of compensation strategies in any instance varies from one languagepair to another. What’s more, the question of relativetranslatability vs. untranslatabilityof the text has also played a significant role in the modern science of translationFor the untranslatability of culture, Wilss holds that can be resolved by compensationFor example, “adaption amounts to textual compensation for sociocultural differencesbetween the SL and the TL co mmunities” Wilss, 2001: 99. His compensation theory canbe summarized as the following three aspects: First, compensation should take both thesource text and target text into consideration to obtain communicative synchronizationSecondly, compensation range should be applied both microcontextually andmacrocontextually. Thirdly, the range of compensation strategies in any instance variesfrom one language pair to another. Fourthly, compensation is a reconstruction process ofdefinite semantic elements in the context at the sentence and discourse levelsIn all, Wilss puts more attention on communicativeness of text and doesn’t attachimportance to compensation for aesthetic elements andfunction2.2.1.6 Hatim and Mason ’s View of Compensation Hatim and Mason pay great attention to the communicative function of translation;Hatim and Mason 2001: 1 regard translation as “in creating a new act of communicationout of a previously existing one”, their central concern which can be found in Discourseand th e Translator: “tra。













针对杨宪益的忠实与通顺,下面以《卖花女》中杨宪益译本来分析:The bystander: You be careful:give him a flower for it. There’s a bloke here behind taking down very blessed word you’re saying.The flower girl:I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to the gentleman. I’ve a right to sell flowers if I keep off the kerb.—杨译如下:旁边的人:你留点神:给他一支花。





























例4 贾母听了,如火上浇油一般。
译文:This added fuel to the fire of the old lady’s anger.
“火上浇油”愿意是往火上浇油,用来比喻增加别人的愤怒 或促使事态更加严重。由于英语中也用这中比喻,因此杨氏 夫妇在翻译时,只根据上下文增加了“anger”一词。
---刘勰《文心雕龙• 辞》
意义不同而情趣一致;即变异中具 有一种内在的统一性,所以为优。
人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力, 明辨是非的能力。 所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读, 古人说“书中自有黄金屋。 ”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识, 培养逻辑思维能力; 通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平, 培养文学情趣; 通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。 有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操, 给我们巨大的精神力量, 鼓舞我们前进。
◎“Red” 在英语文化中常与流血联系到
一起。“Red”表示流血的、犯罪、警告、 不详之兆等。
Red Flag(斗牛士用于激怒斗牛的红布)被喻 为“令人恼怒的事”。
Red Alert(空袭紧急警报)
Red Light(危险信号)
“Red”在经贸词汇中象征“赤字”、“亏 的”
◎“红” 在汉语里是褒义色彩最强的颜
例5 李纨笑道:“真真你是个水晶心肝玻璃人。”
译文:“There is true perspicacity for you.’”
◎perspicacity having keen judgement or understanding(洞察力、聪颖、睿智)
“水晶心肝玻璃人”是一句谚语,用以比喻人具有敏锐的 理解或判断能力。杨氏夫妇采用意译的方法,只译出原文 的寓意。 尽管形式上与原文不同,却同样形象地表现出了 王熙凤的天资聪颖、灵敏机警、办事麻利的特点。



Main translation works---
Li Sao 《离骚》 Records of a Historian 《史记》 Dream of the Red Mansion 《红楼梦》 The scholars 《儒林外史》 Selected stories by Lu Xun《鲁迅选集》
熟悉中国文化的人对“风流”一词的理解并不难。但 是要向异国读者解释何为“风流”,实属不易,即算 费尽口舌也未必使其豁然开朗。鉴于此,杨氏夫妇 索性进行归化处理,减少不必要的文化障碍。
翻译原则中,杨氏夫妇秉承忠实与通顺以 做到尊重原作者的文学创作,承担译者的责 任而不是创作者的责任,在直译与意译之间 倾向直译以保持原作的文化氛围,体现文化 底蕴,呈现一份原汁原味的文化大餐,杨氏
to 1972 with his English wife. Passed away in 2009.
戴乃迭,原名Gladys B.Tayler, 婚后更名为Gladys Yang 1919 年戴乃迭生于北京一个英国传 教士家庭。戴乃迭七岁时返回 英国,在教会中学接受教育。 1937年戴乃迭考入牛津大学, 最初学习法语语言文学,后转 攻中国语言文学,是牛津大学 首位中文学士。她从小挚爱中 国文化, 1999年11月18日戴 乃迭于北京逝世。戴乃迭女士 是中国文学出版社英籍老专家、 在国际上享有崇高声誉的翻译 家和中外文化交流专家。
杨氏夫妇所翻译的作品大都是中国古典名著,他们采用 异化与归化相结合的方式,以异化为主,归化为辅,担 当起传播中国文化的重任。
Yang's couple's translation works are mostly Chinese classics, and they combine foreignization and domestication, mainly use foreignization and supplement with domestication. They beared the burden of spreading Chinese culture.



















例如,杨宪益将“社戏”翻译为village opera。



但杨宪益英译本仅简单地将社戏翻译为village opera,只译出了社戏的表层文字意义,并未译出社戏背后蕴含的祈福敬神的意义。

若译者在village opera后面加上对社戏的解释,或许能让外国读者更好地理解其含义。




Thank you !

• •
1915年 生于天津 1936年 牛津大学莫顿学院学习古希腊罗马文学 、中古法国文学和英国文学 1940年 回国,先后在重庆中央大学、贵阳师范 学院、成都光华大学、重庆及南京编译馆工作 1953年 担任外文出版社(中国外文局前身)翻译 部专家 1980年 担任《中国文学》杂志社总编辑 2009年 被中国翻译协会授予最高荣誉“翻译文 化终身成就奖”。这是中国翻译协会设立的给予 翻译家个人表彰的最高荣誉。
• 与夫人合作翻译的三卷本《红楼梦 》,与英国两位汉学家合译的五卷 本《石头记》一幵成为西方世界最 认可的《红楼梦》译本。 • 《红楼梦》三卷本全文英译工作从 20世纪60年代开始,历经坎坷,在 70年代完成幵陆续出版,引起中外 文化界和学界轰动,成为最受中外 学者和读者认可和推崇的经典译作 ,为中国文学和文化赢得了更加广 泛的国际影响。

在这个问题上,杨宪益等一些老一代翻译家是有清醒认知的。所以杨宪益在 翻译《奥德修纪》和《牧歌》时多采用意译,译文有很强的中国味,另一种 文化的陌生感被减至了最弱,而在翻译《红楼梦》时,采用的却多为直译手 法。在这点上,杨宪益先生显示了界的第一人 • 他翻译的《鲁迅选集》是外国高校教学研究通常采用的 蓝本 • 与夫人合作翻译的三卷本《红楼梦》,与英国两位汉学 家合译的五卷本(译名《石头记》)一并成为西方世界 最认可的《红楼梦》译本 • 他还翻译了《离骚》、《资治通鉴》、《长生殿》、《 牡丹亭》、《老残游记》、《儒林外史》等经典作品。 • 1982年,杨宪益发起并主持了旨在弥补西方对中国文学 了解的空白“熊猫丛书”系列,重新打开了中国文学对 外沟通窗口。这套丛书里,既有《诗经》、《聊斋志异 》、《西游记》、《三国演义》、《镜花缘》等中国古 典文学经典,也收录了《芙蓉镇》、《沉重的翅膀》以 及巴金、沈从文、孙犁、新凤霞、王蒙等人的中国现当 代文学作品。



白云千载空悠悠。 (崔 颢)
Once gone, the yellow crane will ne’er on earth alight,
Only white clouds still float in vain from year to year.
在地愿为连理枝。 (白居易)
◎考虑到英语文化中红色的 贬义联想,以及英语读者的 接受性,避开了对“红楼” 隐喻的阐释和翻译。
“怡红院” “怡红公子”
杨氏夫妇 Happy Red Court
Happy Red Prince
Hawkes The House of Green Delights
Green Boy
◎异化策略 尽量忠实于原文的文化意 象,尽可能多地保留中国 文化的独有风味。
例3 平儿说道:“癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。”(《红楼梦》第十 一回)
译文:“A toad (癞蛤蟆) hankering(渴望) for a taste of swan(天鹅).”Scoffed Ping-er.
例4 贾母听了,如火上浇油一般。
译文:This added fuel to the fire of the old lady’s anger.
故国三千里, Shut in deep palace twenty years.
一声何满子, Singing the dying swan song’s sweet lay, 双泪落君前。 O how can she hold back her tears.
点击“反对为优,正对为劣” “反对者,理解趣合者也。正对者, 事异义同也。”



杨宪益在晚年时期,尽管身体状况逐渐衰退,但仍保持着乐观的心态和积极的 生活态度。他致力于整理自己的译作和回忆录,为后人留下了宝贵的文化遗产 。
杨宪益在晚年时期,对于生活和翻译事业始终保持着热情和执着。他深知自己 的身体状况,但仍坚持工作,希望能够为翻译事业做出更多的贡献。
他强调在翻译过程中应充 分考虑语境和修辞,以使 译文更加自然、流畅。
杨宪益在翻译时会考虑到 不同文化的差异,通过适 当的调整和解释,使译文 更易于目标读者理解。
翻译中的 能保留原文的文化特色,以促进
通过翻译中国文学作品,杨宪益帮助西方国家更好地理解中国文 化、历史和社会,增进了国际间的相互理解。
他积极参与中外文化交流活动,为中外文化交流搭建了一座坚实的 桥梁,促进了不同文化之间的交流与融合。
杨宪益的翻译作品促进了中外在文化、教育、出版等领域的合作, 为中外交流与合作做出了积极贡献。
杨宪益致力于将中国古典文学译 成英文,让更多西方读者了解和
他不仅翻译古代文学,还关注现 代文学,将一些现代作家的作品
杨宪益的翻译作品为学术界提供 了珍贵的研究资料,促进了中国
• 杨宪益的生平简介 • 杨宪益的翻译理念与风格 • 杨宪益的代表性翻译作品 • 杨宪益的贡献与影响 • 杨宪益的晚年生活与遗产
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Main works
Li Sao《离骚》 Records of a Historian《史记》 Dream of the Red Mansions《红楼梦》 The Scholars《儒林外史》 Selected Stories by Lu Xun《鲁迅选集》 Homer's Iliad《伊利亚特》 Odyssey 《奥德赛》 Pygmalion《卖花女》
例3 子兴冷笑道: “亏你是进士出身, 原何不通”。 "For a palace Graduate you are not very smart."Zixing chuckled. 例4 月满则亏, 水满则溢。 The moon waxes only to wane, water brims only to overflow. 例5 远水解不了近渴。 Distant water can't quench a present thirst
杨宪益夫妇简单地调整了一下语序,重置主语, 以便能使句子的结构顺序 符合英语语言的要求, 做到通顺。但是从句子的外在形式和语义上却是和 原句完全对等的, 做到了忠实。
例2也不知请了多少大夫, 吃了多少药, 花了多少钱。 Goodness knows how much silver we've squandered on doctors and medicines to cure this illness of mine.
number of Chinese classics to the Englishspeaking world.
In 1968, he and Gladys were arrested and held without news of each other or the outside world for four years.
1968 to 1972
passed away in 2009
With Gladys's help, he translated the lyrical
poem Li Sao by Qu Yuan (4th century BC) into
English heroic couplets in the style of John Dryden .They cooperated and introduced a large
杨宪益夫妇为了使句子更加符合英语口语化, 就根据意思, 在译文的句 首增加了Goodness knows( 天晓得) , 这样不仅忠实地体现出口语中的那 种轻微的抱怨与无奈, 而且使句子读起来更加顺口。
直译, 顾名思义就是直接的表现出原文所要 表达的意思。其要求就是最大限度地、尽可能完 美地保留和表达原作的意义与形式, 以力求保存 原作的风姿, 不损害其原创美, 使译文能够最大限 度地传达原作者的思想感情。所以在翻译这样的 经典著作时, 杨氏夫妇为了保存原作风姿, 尽可能 地传达中国语言和社会文化, 主要采用了直译的 翻译手法。
Faithfulness and fluency
杨宪益认为, 译者要忠实于原作者的思想感情, 尊重原作者的创造性工作。译者的工作就是尽可 能地忠实地传达原作者的思想, 而不是充当原作 者的创作助手, 进行附加的文学创作。在忠实的 前提下, 译者也要尽可能地做到通顺, 使目标语 的读者能够理解文章, 在通顺辅助下的忠实才是 真正地忠实, 才真正具有文学价值。否则一味地 追求忠实或是一味地追求通顺就会使文章似鸟般 的折断了一只翅膀。
After being released from detention, in 1972,Yangs were
allowed to complete their translation of the most famous novel of all, the 18th-century Dream of the Red Mansions. Rather than rage against fate, those who survived would take refuge in humour and self-deprecation.
熟悉中国文化的人对“风流”一词并不难理解。但是要向 异国读者解释何为“风流”, 实属不易, 即算费劲口舌也 未必使其豁然开朗。鉴于此,杨氏夫妇索性进行规划处理, 减少不必要的文化障碍。
纵览杨氏夫妇历尽一生心血留下的百余部译 著, 使我们高山仰止。在翻译原则中, 杨氏夫妇秉 承忠实与通顺以做到尊重原作者的文学创作, 承 担译者的责任而不是创作者的责任, 在直译与意 译之间倾向直译以保持原作的风姿, 在归化与异 化之间倾向归化以保留原作的文化氛围, 体现文 化底蕴, 呈现一份原汁原味的文化大餐, 杨氏夫妇 真的有太多的东西值得我们学习。
黛玉笑道:“也亏你倒听他的话。我平日和你说的,全当耳 旁风; 怎么他说了,你就依,比圣旨还快些。” Daiyu retorted, "So you do whatever she asks, but let whatever I say go in one ear and out the other. You jump to obey her instructions faster than if they were an Imperial edict. "
Translation Theory
Faithfulness and fluency 忠实和通顺
Integration of literal translation and free translation with emphasizing the previous one.直译与意译相结合, 直译为主,意译为辅 integration of domestication and foreignization with emphasizing the later one.异化与规化相结合,异化为主, 规划为辅
例1那一年我才三岁, 记得来了一个癞头和尚, 说要化我去出家, 我父母自是 不从。 The year I was three, I remember being told,a scabby monk came to our house and wanted to take me away to be a nun. My parents wouldn 't hear of it
圣旨是指中国古代皇帝下达命令, 旨意的一种方式的称呼。 在封建王朝社会, 皇帝是一国之主, 控制国家大小事务的 独裁统治者, 所以皇帝的命令即圣旨具有不可侵犯和强制 执行性。在这里, 杨宪益用专有名词的形式译出, 使异国 读者可以间接地了解圣旨文化。
那僧笑道:“你放心, 如今现有一段风流公案, 正该了结, 这一干风流冤家, 尚未投胎入世。” "Don't worry," replied the monk. "A love drama is about be enacted, but not all its actors have yet incarnated. "

宪 益
Life experience
Main works
Translation Theory
Life Experience
Born into a wealthy banker family in 1915 Studied Classics in Merton College(默顿学院), Oxford in1936 Returned to China in 1940 with his wife Gladys Taylor 戴乃迭 worked for Foreign Languages Press from 195ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Labeled a "rightist" and put into prison from
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
雨村见他回头, 便自为这女子心中有意于他, 便狂 不喜尽。 Yuncun seeing this was over joyed, thinking that she must have taken a fancy to him.
赵嬷嬷也笑个不住, 有念佛到: “可是 屋子里跑出青天来了。” "Amida Buddha! "she crackled."So here comes an impartial judge."
例6 孩子们都长的这么大了, “没吃过猪 肉, 也看见过猪跑”。 The boys grown up now. He's old enough to have seen a pig run.
意译就是为了正确传达原文意思, 舍弃原句 外在形式的一种翻译手法。这种翻译手法虽然牺 牲了原作的外在美却更生动地再现了原作的内在 美。红楼梦中的大量谚语、成语、习语、俗语等 语言现象在英语中无法找到对应的表达方式, 所 以不得以采用意译的翻译方法, 舍弃原著的外在 美, 而保留原作的内在美, 使异国读者能够没有 阻碍地理解原著。
归化是倾向读者,尽量地减少读者 理解障碍,但是无形中牺牲了源语言 的文化精华;而异化是倾向作者,尽量 地保留作者的思想,有益于保存源语 言的风姿特色,是将本国文化介绍到外 国的有效途径,但无形中增加了读者理 解难度。杨宪益与戴乃迭所翻译作品 大都是中国古典名著,他们采用异化 与归化相结合的方式,以异化为主, 归 化为辅,担当起传播中国文化的重任。