


Ef fec ts of e tha nol extra ct f rom M r r ubium Inc isum ( 夏至草醇 提物) on a cute m icr oc ir cula tor y d isturba nce in r a ts B IA N Yong 2lin g , L IU Zh eng 2qu an , N IU C hu n 2y u , ZH A O Z i 2g a ng , Z H A N G Yu 2p ing , ZH A N G L i2 m in , ZH A N G J in g. I ns titu te of M icr oc ircu la tion , H ebe i N or th U n iv ers ity , Z h an g jia kou 0 75 02 9, H ebei, Ch in a Co rresp ond in g a u th or: N IU Chu n 2y u (Em a il: ncy lxf @ 12 6 . com )
(AM D ) induced by Dex tran 500 . M e thod s Tw enty m a le W ista r ra ts w ere ra ndom ly divided into tw o group s: EEM I group ( n = 10 ) and m ode l group ( n = 10 ). The AM D m odel w a s e stablished by intravenously adm in istra ting Dex tran 500 ( 10 m l� kg ) via lef t carot id vein. Six m inu te s la te r, EEM I (6 g � kg ) w as slow ly infu sed into the carot id vein in EEM I group , w h ile in the m ode l gro up, sim ilar amo un t of no rm a l sa line w as injected. T he m e sen te ric blood and lym pha tic m ic roc ircula tions w e re obse rved by intravita l m icroscop e w ith TV recorder. Re sults In the m ode l group, the com pa rison s betw een the va rious item s of m anife sta tions before and a fter the exper im ent show ed tha t a fter the exper im ent the ca libe r of m e senter ic m icro 2 ve sse ls w e re co ntrac ted, the speed of b lood f low in the ve sse ls w as slow ed down, the red blood ce ll (RBC ) aggrega ted, and the liqu id sta te in tegra l value wa s inc reased m ar ked ly; a t the sam e tim e, the fr equency of spontaneous co ntrac tion of m esen te r ic lym pha tic ve ssels ( M L ) , lym pha tic contra ctive activity ( Index � ) , to ta l lym pha tic co ntrac tive a ctivity ( Index � ) and the lym pha tic dynam ics (LD 2Index ) of m e sen te ric m icro 2 lymp ha tic vesse ls w e re reduced sign if ica ntly (a ll P < 0 105). A f te r EEM I in jec tion, the ca libe r of m esente r ic m icro 2 vesse ls w as expanded , the sp eed of blood f low in the ve ssels w a s incr eased and the liqu id sta te integra l va lue w as low er, and the spontaneous con tract ion f requency, Index � , Index � and LD 2Index of M L w e re m a rkedly inc reased in EEM I group tha n those in the m odel group ( all P < 0105). C onclusion EEM I can am e liora te obviou sly the acu te blood and lym pha tic m icrocircula to ry distu rbance induced by Dext ran 500 in rat s .








[关键词]夏至草属;夏至草;化学成分;黄酮;黄酮苷FlavonoidsfromwholeplantsofLagopsissupinaZHANGJing1,2,PANGDao-ran1,2,HUANGZheng1,2,HUOHui-xia1,2,LIYue-ting1,2,ZHENGJiao1,ZHANGQian1,ZHAOYun-fang1,TUPeng-fei1,LIJun1*(1.ModernResearchCenterforTraditionalChineseMedicine,BeijingUniversityofChineseMedicine,Beijing100029,China;2.SchoolofChineseMateriaMedica,BeijingUniversityofChineseMedicine,Beijing100102,China)[Abstract]TheflavonoidswereinvestigatedfromthewholeplantsofLagopsissupina.Thecompoundsw ereisolatedandpurifiedbyvariouscolumnchromatography,andtheirstructureswereidentifiedbyphysiochemicalpropertiesandspectroscopicdata.Twoflavoneswereis olatedfromtheCH2Cl2layerofLagopsissupinaextractandidentifiedasgenkwanin(1)and5-hydroxy-7,4′-dimethoxyflavone(2),respectively.TenflavonoidglycosideswereisolatedfromthewaterlayerofLagopsissupinaandelucidatedask aempferol-3-O-6″-(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl)-β-D-glucoside(3),quercetin-3-O-6″-(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl)-β-D-glucoside(4),quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucoside(5),kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucoside(6),isorhamnetin-3-O-β-D-glycopyranoside(7),apigenin-7-O-β-D-glucoside(8),luteolin-7-O-β-D-glucoside(9),chrysoeriol-7-O-β-D-glucoside(10),rutin(11),andkaempferol-3-O-(6″-p-coumaroyl)-β-D-glucoside(tiliroside,12).Compounds3and4werefirstlyisolatedfromLamiaceaefamily,andcompounds1-12wereisolatedfromtheplantsofLagopsisgenusforthefirsttime.[Keywords]Lagopsis;Lagopsissupina;chemicalconstituent;flavone;flavonoidglycosidedoi:10.4268/cjcmm20151620夏至草为唇形科夏至草属植物夏至草Lagopsissupina(Steph.)Ik.-Gal.的全草,又名小益母草、白花益母草、白花夏枯草、灯笼棵等,广泛分布于全国各地<sup>[1]</sup>。



11 0
011112? 010064

11 5
011205? 010072

21 0
011238? 010067

21 5
011295? 010052
21 00 11 00 01 67 01 50 01 40
21 00 11 00 01 67 01 50 01 40
1 A475
231 2560 201 0000 191 2308 171 5440 161 1290
表 3 夏枯草对酪氨酸酶活性影响的动力学测定结果
L- DOPA( ml)
A475 ( x ? s )

01 5
01043? 010017

11 0
01050? 010010

11 5
01052? 010036

21 0
01057? 010027

21 5
01061? 010020

01 5
010952? 010047
图 1 以旱莲草为代表的中药对酪氨酸酶活性影响的动力学曲线, 有此特性的还有甘草, 补骨脂, 补骨脂素, 菟丝子, 苏梗, 泽兰
11 酪氨酸酶的动力学曲线 21 加旱莲草后的酪氨酸酶动力学曲线
图 2 以夏枯草为代表的中药对酪氨酸酶活性影响的动力学曲线, 有此特性的还有白鲜皮, 黄芩, 桃仁, 毛慈菇, 薄荷
11 酪氨酸酶的动力学曲线 21 加夏枯草后的酪氨酸酶动力学曲线
3讨 论
图 3 以鸡血藤为代表的中药对酪氨酸酶活性影响的动力学曲线, 有此特性的还有独活, 潼蒺藜, 申姜, 女贞子, 紫荆皮, 刺蒺藜 11 酪氨酸酶的动力学曲线 21 加鸡血藤后的酪氨酸酶动力学曲线



晴 王 然
实验动物 随机分 为5 组: 正常组( A组 ) 、 运动性疲劳模型
组( 仅施 以单 纯运动 , B组 ) 、 运动+ 人 参皂甙组 ( C 组) 、 运动+
仙鹤 草醇提取 物低剂量 组 ( D组 ) 、 运动+ 仙鹤 草醇提取 物高 剂量 组 ( E组 ) 。从实验 第 1 d 起, 各组 大鼠于运 动前 1 h 灌 胃 给药 。按实验动物 与人用药量 的换算方法 , D组 、 E 组给药量 分别 为 5 g / k g ・ d 、 1 0 g / k g ・ d , C 组 给药量 为 5 0 mg / k g ・ d 。A组 、 B 组灌服相 同剂量 的蒸馏水 。每天 1 次, 连续给药 1 4 d 。 1 . 5 指标检测 1 . 5 . 1 力 竭运动时 间 : 造模 最后 1 d , 各运动组大 鼠在跑 台运 动训 练后继续 保持持续性 运动直至达 到力竭状态 。力竭状 态判 断标准为 : 大 鼠不能保持原运 动速度 , 运动后 期滞 留跑
司, 批号 2 0 1 0 0 8 ) 。
2 . 1 力竭 运 动 时 间 比较
1 . 2 试 剂 与仪 器 MD A、 S O D、 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 ( g l u t a t h i o n e p e r o x i —
见表 1 。药物干预各组 与运 动性疲劳模 型组 ( 单 纯运 动 ) 比较 , 力竭运动时间均增加 ( P < O . 0 5 , P < 0 . 0 1 ) 。
清洁 级雄性 s D大 鼠 3 0只 , 体重 2 0 0 - - 2 2 0 g , 购 自浙江 中
医药 大学 实验 动物 中心 。仙 鹤草 醇提取 物制备 方 法 : 采用
4 0 %乙醇溶 液作 为提取 物 , 经 回流 提取 、 过滤 、 浓缩 、 抽滤 为 含生 药 l g / ml 的药 液 。人参皂 甙 R g l ( 西安 奥林 生物科 技公



夏枯草提取物对MDR-MTB感染小鼠细胞免疫功能的影响陆军;秦蕊;叶松;邓云;胡忠昌【摘要】目的探讨夏枯草提取物对耐多药结核分枝杆菌(multiple drugs resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis,MDR-MTB)感染小鼠免疫功能的调节作用.方法将30只健康雄性小鼠随机分为3组,每组10只.2组用MDR-MTB菌液尾静脉注射,建立小鼠MDR-MTB感染病理模型,分别为模型组和夏枯草灌胃模型组,另1组为正常对照组.用ELISA法检测小鼠血清中IFN-γ、IL-4、IL-10和IL-12含量的变化;用RT-PCR法检测单个核细胞中IFN-γ、IL-4、IL-10、IL-12及颗粒裂解肽(granulysin,GLS)的mRNA变化.结果夏枯草灌胃模型组与模型组比较,小鼠血清中IFN-γ[(1.98±0.67) pg/mL vs (1.18±0.38) pg/mL,P <o.05]、IL-12[ (3.02±0.86) pg/mL vs (2.19±0.57) pg/mL,P<0.05]含量明显升高;IL-10[ (12.13 +3.43) pg/mL vs (16.10±2.21) pg/mL,P<0.05]含量明显下降.与正常对照组比较,IFN-γ、IL-4、IL-10和IL-12的含量变化差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).在mRNA表达水平,夏枯草灌胃模型组IFN-γ 、IL-12和GLS表达明显升高,IL-I0 mRNA表达明显下降(P<0.05),IL-4变化不明显.结论夏枯草提取物可通过上调基因转录水平增强小鼠的细胞免疫功能,为临床应用夏枯草治疗耐多药结核病提供了理论依据.【期刊名称】《临床检验杂志》【年(卷),期】2012(030)001【总页数】3页(P49-51)【关键词】夏枯草;提取物;耐多药结核分枝杆菌;细胞因子;免疫功能【作者】陆军;秦蕊;叶松;邓云;胡忠昌【作者单位】安徽理工大学医学院医学检验系,安徽淮南232001;安徽理工大学医学院医学检验系,安徽淮南232001;安徽理工大学医学院医学检验系,安徽淮南232001;安徽理工大学医学院医学检验系,安徽淮南232001;安徽理工大学附属医院检验科,安徽淮南232001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R446.6自20世纪80年代以来,因为滥用抗结核药物和HIV等感染而导致全球性结核病疫情急剧恶化,感染者已达20亿[1-2]。




方法采用STZ腹腔一次注射法(60 mg/kg)建立糖尿病大鼠模型。

将成功模型随机分为模型组、二甲双胍组(0.2 g/kg)和CSE(0.5、1.0、1.5 g/kg)组,每组10只。


第8周末测定空腹血糖(FBG)及糖化血清蛋白(GSP);末次给药24 h后,腹主动脉取血,采用化学比色法分别检测血清和肝脏中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量变化,检测血清中NO、总一氧化氮合酶(T-NOS)、诱生型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)和结构型一氧化氮合酶(cNOS)的含量。

结果CSE(1.0、1.5 g/kg)组能够降低糖尿病大鼠FBG(P<0.05)和GSP(P<0.05);CSE各剂量组均提高糖尿病大鼠血清和肝脏的SOD和GSH-Px水平(P<0.05),降低MDA 含量(P<0.05);与模型组比较,CSE(1.0、1.5 g/kg)组血清NO、T-NOS和iNOS 含量均明显下降(P<0.05),cNOS含量无明显变化(P>0.05)。


Abstract:Objective To investigate the effects of Cordyceps Sinensis extract (CSE)on blood sugar,oxygen free radicals,NO and NOS in streptozocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats,and explore its possible mechanism. Methods The rats model of diabetes were established by injecting STZ (60 mg/kg)into abdominal cavity. Fifty model rats were randomly divided into 5 groups (n=10):diabetic model,CSE (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 g/kg)and melbine (0.2 g/kg)group. All administration group were given drugs by clyster for 8 weeks,model group and control group were given distilled water of the same volume. After 8 weeks,FBG,GSP,SOD,GSH-Px and MDA levels in blood serum and liver were determined. T-NOS,iNOS and cNOS in blood serum were assayed. Results FBG and GSP levels of CSE (1.0,1.5 g/kg)group reduced. SOD and GSH-Px level of three dose group of CSE increased and MDA content in serum and liver of diabetic rats lowered. Compared with model group,NO,T-NOS and iNOS levels were markedly decreased in CSE (1.0,1.5 g/kg)group,but cNOS did not changed significantly. Conclusions CSE can lower FBG and change abnormal levels of oxidative stress in diabetic rats induced by STZ. Decreased level of NO content may be related with inhibition of iNOS activity.Key words:Cordyceps Sinensis extract;diabetes mellitus rats;oxidative stress;blood sugar糖尿病患者体内存在着明显的氧化应激现象,有人推测糖尿病的发生发展与体内氧化应激的水平密切相关[1]。



夏至草、益母草及夏枯草的化学成分及药理作用研究进展作者:杨慧珍李映葛喜珍来源:《北京联合大学学报》2021年第02期[摘要] 摘要夏至草、益母草和夏枯草均为唇形科植物,功效类似,植物形态相似,有共有和特有的化学成分,包括生物碱、萜类、黄酮类、甾体类、苯乙醇苷类、挥发油、木脂素、香豆素、蒽醌等,其主要化学成分具有改善血液微循环障碍、抗炎抗氧化、心肌保护等功能。

[关键词] 关键词夏至草;益母草;夏枯草;化学成分;药理作用[中图分类号] 中图分类号R 282.71[文献标志码] A[文章编号] 1005-0310(2021)02-0085-08Research Progress on Chemical Components andPharmacological Effects of Lagopsis Supina,Leonurus japonicus and Prunella vulgarisYang Huizhen, Li Ying, Ge Xizhen(College of Biochemical Engineering, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100023)Abstract:摘要Lagopsis supina, Leonurus japonicus and Prunella vulgaris belong to Labiatae plants with similar pharmacological actions and similar plant morphology. They have common and unique chemical components. The chemical components of the three are diverse, including alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, steroids, phenylethanoid glycosides, volatile oil,lignans, coumarins and anthraquinones. These components exhibit pharmacological activities of amelioration of blood microcirculation, antiinflammation, antioxidation, and protection of myocardium.Keywords:关键词Lagopsis supina; Leonurus japonicus; Prunella vulgaris; Chemical components; Pharmacological activity多基源是中药的常见现象。



摘要:目的 研究甘草提取物对唑吡坦在大鼠体内药动学的影响。方法
宁波 315010)

12 只大鼠随机分为对照组与甘草组,分别予生
理盐水和甘草提取物(0.5 g·kg ,qd)7 d 后唑吡坦灌胃给药,按时间点连续采样,采用 HPLC-FLU 测定血药浓度。计算其 主要药动学参数,并进行统计学分析。结果 合用甘草后,唑吡坦的 tmax 显著缩短(P<0.05),AUC0→8 h、AUC0→∞显著减 甘草提取物影响唑吡坦在大鼠体内的代谢, 小(P<0.05), CL/F 显著增高(P<0.05), 而 Cmax 和 t1/2 变化无统计学差异。 结论 临床上两药合用应注意潜在的药物相互作用风险。
基金项目: 2013 年浙江省医学会临床科研基金项目 (2013ZYC-A68) 作者简介: 陈江飞,男,硕士,副主任药师 药师 Tel: (0574)87085034 Tel: (0574)87085034 E-mail: chenjiangfei@
通信作者: 徐萍,女,主任
E-mail: pxu2004@
中国现代应用药学 2015 年 7 月第 32 卷第 7 期
Chin J Mod Appl Pharm, 2015 July, Vol.32 No.7
关键词:甘草;唑吡坦;药动学;相互作用 中图分类号:R917.101 文献标志码:B DOI: 10.13748/ki.issn1007-7693.2015.07.014 文章编号:1007-7693(2015)07-0831-04
中药甘草药理作用多样、临床应用广泛,许 多中药方剂和中成药含甘草,素有“十方九草” 之称,同时也是现代制药工业的重要原料,其提 取物目前在临床上有效地用于消化系统、呼吸系 统、皮肤病、肝脏疾病等,在食品加工中作为调 味品和甜味剂而广泛使用。甘草对机体药物代谢 酶系统的影响较为复杂。 Paolini 等 报道甘草水溶 性提取物和其天然成分甘草酸诱导肝脏 CYP3A、 CYP1A2 和 CYP2B1 活 性 , 而 对 CYP1A1 和 CYP2E1 活性有抑制作用,另有报道 甘草水溶性 提取物显著性诱导大鼠肝细胞色素 P450 ,包括 CYP3A 和 CYP2C 酶。然而,Kent 等 体外研究 表明甘草醇提取物和其天然成分光果甘草定(光果 甘草中的黄酮类成分 ) 以时间和浓度依赖方式使 CYP3A4 失活,Tsukamoto 等 同样发现甘草醇提 取物对 CYP3A4 具有抑制作用,其中的黄酮苷类 成分起关键作用。 唑吡坦为咪唑吡啶类镇静催眠药,能选择性 地与中枢神经系统 γ-氨基丁酸-A(GABAA)受体 ω1 亚型结合,具有较强的镇静、催眠作用,但抗惊 厥、抗焦虑和肌肉松弛作用较弱,相较于非选择 性的苯二氮卓类药物安全性更好。唑吡坦具有起 效快、半衰期短的特点,不良反应轻微,临床主 要用于治疗短暂性、偶发性失眠症或慢性失眠的 短期治疗。唑吡坦口服生物利用度约 70%,消除 半 衰 期 仅 为 2~2.2 h , 在 体 内 经 肝 CYP3A4 、 CYP2C9、 CYP1A2 酶广泛代谢 , 其中以 CYP3A4



确切 , 但对其作用机制研究 甚少 。本实验证实逍遥丸对慢性
心理应激造成 的免疫 系统结构损伤有保 护作用 , 病理学检 查 可见服用逍 遥丸 的小 鼠胸腺体 积较 应激组 大 , 细胞 多且 密
注 : 生 理 盐水 对 照 组 比 , 与 *P<0 0 , *P<0 0 ; 生 理 盐 .5 * .1 与 水应 激 组 比 , p<0 0 , A p< 0 0 ; 本组 对 照组 相 比 , P< A .5 A .1 与 ▲
9 1 8. 0± 0. 7 3 5 9 6. 0±2. 1 9
EC ah
9 9 7. 0±0. 6 2 8 1 3. 0± 4. 1 5
2 2 大鼠胸 主动脉 条标本 的制备 l 每次取 健康 大 鼠一 . 4 J 只, 拉颈处死 , 胸骨左缘 纵 向剖开 胸腔 , 露心脏 及大 血 沿 暴 管。剪下胸主动 脉 , 于盛有 经 氧饱 和 的 Kr s 的平 皿 置 e 液 b 中, 冲洗至无血迹 , 除多余 的脂肪 和结缔 组织。用细剪 将 剔 主动脉剪成宽约 5r l的螺旋动脉条 , n2 r 将实验标本下端 固定 于浴槽挂钩上 , 游离端用细线悬 吊于张力换 能器 的力臂上 , 用多道生理信 号采集 处理 系统记 录数据 。浴槽 内的 K es rb 液保持 3 7℃ , 浴槽容积保持 于 2 。营养液 中饱 和供应 0ml
动 脉 平 滑肌 标 本 , 别 用 不 同浓 度 的夏 枯 草 乙醇提 取 液 拮 分 脉奈 收缩作用。结果 : 枯 草醇提液对 K I 、a l 夏 C 、 C C2所 NE
是 一 种钙 拮 抗 剂。
) 6 01 。 0 1 1

试 剂 K es ne i( — ) ( mo/ I : a 1 rb— sIt K H 液 m lL) ] N C He e



复方中药提取物对大鼠不同状态下脑组织自由基代谢影响的研究张学会;刘洪珍【摘要】目的:探讨复方中药提取物对大鼠脑组织自由基代谢和抗氧化系统能力的影响机制.方法:选取70只健康Wistar大鼠,随机分为2组(n=35):对照组(N)和服药组(M).适应性喂养1周,服药组大鼠连续服用8周的复方中药提取物,9周后将2组大鼠分别于安静状态、定量负荷、力竭运动即刻、力竭恢复12 h、力竭恢复24h状态下处死.分别测定上述2组大鼠在不同功能状态下脑组织中丙二醛(MDA)含量,谷胱甘肤过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)、还原性谷胱甘肽(GSH)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)活性.结果:五种状态下,服药组MDA含量均显著低于对照组,GSH-PX、GSH、SOD、T-AOC活性均不同程度的高于对照组.结论:复方中药提取物可降低不同功能状态下大鼠脑组织中的MDA含量,提高其脑组织GSH-PX、GSH、SOD、T-AOC活性.【期刊名称】《中国应用生理学杂志》【年(卷),期】2012(028)002【总页数】5页(P160-164)【关键词】复方中药提取物;脑组织;自由基;抗氧化能力【作者】张学会;刘洪珍【作者单位】曲阜师范大学体育科学学院,山东曲阜273165;合肥师范学院,安徽合肥230601;曲阜师范大学体育科学学院,山东曲阜273165【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R804.32大脑的化学组成特点之一就是脂类含量比其他器官丰富,且没有中性脂肪。














Abstract: As a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Patrinia scabiosaefolia has various medicinal values. Among them, polysaccharides are one of the main active ingredients. In this study, polysaccharides were extracted from Patrinia scabiosaefolia by water extraction and alcohol precipitation, and then separated and purified. The obtained polysaccharides were analyzed and characterized by GC-MS, FT-IR, UV-Vis, HPLC and other techniques. Meanwhile, the anti-oxidative activities of the extracted polysaccharides were evaluated by DPPH radical scavenging assay and ABTS+ radical scavenging assay. The results showedthat Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides had good anti-oxidative activity in scavenging DPPH and ABTS+ radicals. The experiment provided basic research data for understanding the physicochemical properties and biological activities of Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides, and had a certain reference value for further development and utilization of Patrinia scabiosaefolia.Keywords: Patrinia scabiosaefolia; polysaccharides; extraction; separation and purification; anti-oxidative activityPolysaccharides are a type of complex carbohydratesthat have attracted attention due to their various biological activities. Patrinia scabiosaefolia is a traditional Chinese medicine that is known for itsanti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-viral effects. Polysaccharides from Patrinia scabiosaefolia have been identified as one of the major active compounds responsible for its pharmacological activities.In this study, we successfully extracted and purified polysaccharides from Patrinia scabiosaefolia using acombination of hot water extraction, ethanol precipitation, and ion exchange chromatography. The obtained polysaccharides were characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).The results showed that the Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides consisted of glucose and arabinose, and had a high molecular weight of approximately 104 kDa. In addition, the polysaccharides had good anti-oxidation activity, as demonstrated by their ability to scavenge DPPH and ABTS+ radicals. These findings suggest that Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides might have potential applications in the food and cosmetic industries as natural antioxidants.In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive characterization of the physicochemical properties and biological activities of Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides. Further research is needed to explore the mechanisms underlying the anti-oxidative activity of these polysaccharides and their potential applications in various fields. Overall, our results suggest that Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides are a valuable and promising natural product with significant therapeutic potentialIn addition to the above-mentioned properties and activities, Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides have been reported to exhibit other potential therapeutic effects. For instance, they have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and inhibiting the expression of inflammatory mediators. This suggests that Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides could be useful in the treatment of inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease.Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides have also been found to have immunomodulatory effects. They can enhance the proliferation of T and B lymphocytes and increase the production of cytokines such as interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. This suggests that Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides could be useful in the treatment of immune-related disorders such as cancer and autoimmune diseases.In addition to their therapeutic potential, Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides have also been studied for their potential use in the food and cosmetic industries. They have been shown to have emulsifying and thickening properties, which could make them useful as food additives. They also have moisturizingand anti-aging properties, which could make them useful in cosmetic formulations.Overall, the studies reviewed in this article suggest that Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides are a promising natural product with a wide range of potential therapeutic applications. Further research is needed to fully elucidate their mechanisms of action and to explore their potential in various fields. However, their unique physicochemical properties, biological activities, and low toxicity make them an attractive candidate for further study and developmentIn addition to the potential therapeutic applications of Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides, there is also interest in their use in cosmetic formulations. Polysaccharides are known to have moisturizing, emollient, and film-forming properties, which make them attractive additions to skincare products. Studies have shown that Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides can improve the hydration and elasticity of the skin, and can also protect against UV radiation damage.One study investigated the use of Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides in a hydrogel mask,which is a popular type of skincare product in Asia. The researchers found that the mask had moisturizing and brightening effects on the skin, and also improved skin barrier function. Another study examined the use of Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides in a cream formulation, and found that it improved skin hydration and reduced the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.Overall, the use of Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides in cosmetic formulations shows promise for improving skin health and appearance. However, further research is needed to determine the optimal concentrations and formulations for different types of products, as well as to investigate their long-term safety and efficacy.In conclusion, Patrinia scabiosaefolia polysaccharides are a natural product with a wide range of potential therapeutic and cosmetic applications. Their unique physicochemical properties and biological activities make them an attractive candidate for further study and development. As research continues to elucidate their mechanisms of action and potential benefits, we may see these polysaccharides become increasingly important in both medicine and skincare总之,千层根多糖是一种具有广泛潜力的天然产品,可应用于治疗和美容。





夏至草组和模型组复制失血性休克模型,维持90 min,对照组仅手术。

夏至草组自颈静脉缓慢推注夏至草醇提物(5 g/ml,6 g/kg·bw),其它两组以等量生理盐水代替。

40 min 后,制备肝、肾、心肌、肺组织匀浆,观察组织匀浆自由基指标的变化。



【关键词】夏至草失血性休克器官自由基Abstract:ObjectiveTo observe the effects of ethanol extract from Mrrubium incisum on free radical injury of organs in hemorrhagic shock rats. Methods18 male wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups: Mrrubium incisum group (n=6), model group (n=6) and control group (n=6). The hemorrhagic shockwas established in Mrrubium incisum group and model group for 90 min. Ethanol extract from Mrrubium incisum was venous injected in Mrrubium incisum group (5g/ml, 6g/kg·bw); in other groups ethanol extract from Mrrubium incisum was replaced by normal saline. After 40 min, the liver, kidney, cardiac muscle and lung were taken out for making 10% homogenate, and the free radical indexes were determined in homogenate.ResultsThe MDA content of liver, kidney, cardiac muscle and lung homogenate in model group significantly increased, and SOD activity was significantly lowered as compared with control group. The MDA contents of liver, kidney, cardiac muscle and lung homogenate in Mrrubium incisum group were significantly decreased, and SOD activities were significantly increased as compared with model group,and the indexes of Mrrubium incisum group were not statistical different as compared with control group, except the SOD activity of cardiac muscle homogenate.ConclusionEthanol extract from Mrrubium incisum could markedly alleviate the free radical injury of organs in hemorrhagic shock rats.Key words:Mnubium incisum; Hemorrhagic shock; Organ; Free radicals淋巴循环是循环系统的重要组成部分,近年来,淋巴循环维持机体稳态和疾病中的作用逐渐受到重视[1]。








%OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of Prunella vulgaris alcohol component in reducing the blood pressure of the spontaneously hypertensive rats( SHR ).METHODS The 10 SHR were randomly divided into 2 groups:(1)SHR control group;(2) Prunella vulgaris alcohol component group.Every day every rat′s systolic blood pr essure(SBP) was measured with the tail-cuffmethod.RESULTS After hours,SBP of high dose of Prunella vul-garis alcohol component group was reduced significantly compared with control group.CONCLUSION Prunella vulgaris alcohol component can reduce the blood pressure of the spontaneously hypertensive rats significantly .【总页数】3页(P48-49,50)【作者】徐丽丽【作者单位】浙江省富阳市中医医院富阳311400【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R969【相关文献】1.雷公藤内脂醇预防实验性肾性高血压大鼠脑动脉瘤形成的分子机制研究 [J], 孙晓枫;张庆俊;兰海涛2.17β-雌二醇对肾血管性高血压大鼠心肌肥厚的影响 [J], 马颖;袁洪;张梦玺3.夏枯草对自发高血压大鼠血压的影响研究 [J], 游淑梅;朱玉婷4.孕烷醇酮对应激性高血压大鼠血压的影响 [J], 李漫松;赵华;夏映红5.天麻钩藤饮对自发性高血压大鼠血压干预及血清酶活性影响研究 [J], 汪学军;卢杏娟;何杏玲;杨水泉;孙玙;陈孝银因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



夏至草乙醇提取物对人结肠癌HCT-116细胞增殖及凋亡的影响方慧瑾;李燕;吴巍;祝宇杰;郑智【摘要】目的观察中药夏至草乙醇提取物对人结肠癌HCT-116细胞增殖及凋亡的影响.方法采用CCK-8法测定细胞增殖的抑制率,并采用流式细胞仪定量检测夏至草提取物诱导HCT-116细胞凋亡率.结果不同浓度的夏至草乙醇提取物溶液对人结肠癌HCT-116细胞增殖有抑制作用,且在一定的剂量范围内其抑制率具有剂量依赖性,浓度1500 μg/mL的夏至草乙醇提取物溶液对人结肠癌HCT-116细胞具有显著抑制效应(P<0.01).夏至草乙醇提取物对人结肠癌HCT-116细胞凋亡率高于对照组,但组间无统计学差异(P>0.05).结论夏至草乙醇提取物能抑制人结肠癌HCT-116细胞增殖,并具有剂量浓度依赖性,但促细胞凋亡作用不明显.【期刊名称】《中国中医药现代远程教育》【年(卷),期】2018(016)022【总页数】3页(P84-86)【关键词】夏至草;结肠癌细胞;HCT-116细胞;细胞增殖;细胞凋亡【作者】方慧瑾;李燕;吴巍;祝宇杰;郑智【作者单位】上饶市人民医院药剂科,江西上饶334000;铅山县人民医院药剂科,江西上饶334000;上饶市健康教育所,江西上饶334000;上饶市人民医院药剂科,江西上饶334000;江西省肿瘤医院肿瘤科,江西南昌330029【正文语种】中文夏至草是唇形科夏至草属植物夏至草lagopsis supine(steph)IK.Gal.的全草[1],是我国一种传统中草药。





夏至草生物碱对失血性休克大鼠淋巴微循环的影响张玉平;刘艳凯;姜华;赵自刚;杜舒婷;牛春雨【期刊名称】《中国微循环》【年(卷),期】2006(10)3【摘要】目的探讨夏至草生物碱(AHL)对失血性休克大鼠淋巴微循环的影响.方法Wistar大鼠16只,随机分成夏至草生物碱组(AHL组)和生理盐水组(NS组,n=8),经颈总动脉放血复制大鼠失血性休克模型,观察AHL对肠系膜淋巴微循环的影响.结果失血性休克时,肠系膜淋巴微循环出现明显障碍.AHL可明显使肠系膜淋巴管口径扩张,收缩幅度增大,收缩频率加快,收缩性指数升高,其作用显著优于NS组(P<0.05).结论 AHL能明显改善失血性休克大鼠的淋巴微循环障碍.【总页数】2页(P166-167)【作者】张玉平;刘艳凯;姜华;赵自刚;杜舒婷;牛春雨【作者单位】075029,河北张家口,河北北方学院基础医学部病理生理教研室;075029,河北张家口,河北北方学院基础医学部病理生理教研室;075029,河北张家口,河北北方学院基础医学部病理生理教研室;075029,河北张家口,河北北方学院基础医学部病理生理教研室;075029,河北张家口,河北北方学院基础医学部病理生理教研室;075029,河北张家口,河北北方学院基础医学部病理生理教研室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R331.3;R441.9【相关文献】1.夏至草提取物对失血性休克大鼠转归时淋巴循环的影响 [J], 张利民;姜华;刘艳凯;杜舒婷;魏会平;张玉平;赵自刚;牛春雨2.淋巴液对失血性休克大鼠肠系膜微循环变化的影响 [J], 牛春雨;张静3.淋巴液对失血性休克大鼠肠系膜微循环变化的影响 [J], 牛春雨4.夏至草醇提物对急性微循环障碍大鼠血小板功能的影响 [J], 李延伟;雷慧;刘正泉;刘春艳;张玉平;张利民;赵自刚;牛春雨5.夏至草醇提物对失血性休克大鼠器官一氧化氮及其合酶的影响 [J], 侯亚利;赵自刚;牛春雨;张玉平;张静因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。






1.地菍醇提物对糖尿病模型小鼠血糖的影响 [J], 李丽;罗泽萍;杨秀芬;周焕第
2.夏枯草水提物对ICR小鼠餐后高血糖的影响 [J], 郭英;李桂梅;郜明;庄玲玲;丁婷;吴慧平
3.葛根醇提物对小鼠餐后血糖水平的影响 [J], 唐旗羚;高子颖;郑江洋;廖婉声;曹颖

4.广西甜茶醇提物对小鼠血糖及糖耐量的影响 [J], 蒙淑洁; 闫志刚; 徐永莉; 吴庆华; 冯世鑫; 李力
5.地菍醇提物对正常小鼠血糖及糖耐量的影响 [J], 李丽;罗泽萍;周焕第;杨秀芬;梁钢



目的:研究夏枯草提取物对链脲菌素致糖尿病ICR小鼠血糖、血脂的影响.方法:采用链脲菌素(Strepotozotocin,STZ)尾静脉注射得到糖尿病模型小鼠,分别以含生药量8、4g/kgbw醇提物、格林苯脲或纯净水进行28d灌胃实验,观察小鼠空腹血糖、血清胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白、低密度脂蛋白含量,以及体重、采食量、采水量变化.结果:长期服用夏枯草醇提物(Prunella vulgaris L.extracts,PVE)能缓解糖尿病ICR小鼠体重下降和多饮多食症状,高剂量PVE组小鼠空腹血糖比实验初期降低9.7%,高、低剂量PVE均能显著地降低糖尿病小鼠血清甘油三酯、胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白含量并提高高密度脂蛋白含量,实验证明PVE具有良好的降血糖潜力.
作者:李晔籍保平郑杰李博张晓峰 LI Ye JI Bao-ping ZHENG Jie LI Bo ZHANG Xiao-feng 作者单位:中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京,100083 刊名:食品科学ISTIC PKU英文刊名:FOOD SCIENCE 年,卷(期):2006 27(6) 分类号:Q584 关键词:夏枯草糖尿病 ICR小鼠血糖血脂。

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文章 编 号 :0 786 (0 7 0 -300 10 5 8 2 0 )50 0 -3
实 验研 究 ・
自由基损 伤的影响a 0 ( 0m/ g b ) n= ) 0 et n50 1 lk . w 复制急性微 循环 障碍模 型 ( r 对照组 以等量生 理盐水代 替 ) i后 , 。6m n 夏至草组 自颈静脉缓慢推注夏至草醇提物 ( / l6g k. w , 5g m , / g b ) 其它两组以等量生理盐 水代替。4 i . 0mn后 制备肝 、 心肌 、 肾、 肺组织匀浆 , 观察组织匀浆 自由基指标 的变化。结果 与对照组 相 比, 模型组肝 、 心肌 、 组织匀浆 MD 肾、 肺 A含量显 著升高 ,O S D活 性降低 ; 夏至草 组各器官组织 匀浆 MD A含量显著低于模 型组 .O S D活性升高 , 除心肌组织 匀浆 S D活性低 于对照组 外 , 它各 指标与对 O 其 照组均无统计学意义。结论 损伤。 夏 至草醇提物能明显减轻 D x a 0 et n50致 急性微 循环障碍大 鼠的 自由基 r
【 关键词】 夏至草; 微循 环障碍 ; 子右旋糖苷 ; 急性 高分 自由基
中 图分 类 号 : 34 1 R 6 . 文 献 标 识 码 : B
E et o ta o E tat rm rbu I c u O reR dcl nuyo ueMi oi ua f cs f h n l xrc o Mru im ni m iF e aia jr f t c c cl- E f s l I Ac r r
t l ru n= ) h ct meoi u tr ds ra c o e w set lhdb na eos d iir— r op( 6 .T eaue i c c ao iubnem l a s bi e yirvnul amns a og r rl y t d a s t y t
tkeo tt ie , k d y, c r ic m u ce a d l ng frma n o g n t 0 e c ntc n e ta in, a d a u helv r i ne a da s l n u o kig h mo e ae of1 p re o c n rto n
t y Dit ba e Rat or sur nc s
L u -e W N e-i Z A i ag N UC u —u LU Y hK i J N u , H N i . I n i, A GW i n J j p g, H OZ - n , I h ny , I a -a, I GH a Z A Gjn g A g D p r etfP toh s lg , ee Not U i rt , h nfao 7 09 hn eat n o ahp yi o y H bi r nv sy Z a g k u 5 2 ,C ia m ol h ei i 0
夏至草醇提物对急性微循环障碍 大鼠 自由基损伤的影响
李俊 杰 , 王伟平 , 自刚 , 赵 牛春 雨 , 刘艳 凯 , 姜
【 摘要 】 目的
华, 张

观察夏至草醇提物对高分子右旋糖苷 ( e r 0 致 急性微循环 障碍大 鼠器官 D xa 5 ) tn 0
Wia 雄性 大鼠 2 sr t 0只, 随机分为夏至草组 ( n=8 、 ) 模型组 ( 6 和对照组 n= )
iuyo gn c t meoi ua r ds bnertidcdb et n50 M e o s 2 ae s r n r f ras naue i c c ty iu ac s nue yD x a 0 . t d 0m l Wia j o i r rl o t r a r h t
i et n50(0 / .w ,a et n50W r l db qia n nr l ei cn o gop r gD x a 0 1ml gb ) ndD x a 0 a pae yeuv et o l ai o t l ru . n r k r s e c l ma s n n r 6m nt t ,e ao et c f m M rbu ni m W fsdi Mr bu ni m o p( sm ,6/ iu sle tn l x atr r i Ic u a i ue r im Ie u g u 5/ e a r h r o u m s s n n u s r l s k. w ;i o e o p tao et c f m Mr im I i m W pae ynr a s ie f r n g b ) n t r ruse n l x atr mbu cs a r l db o l a n.At mi h g h r o n u s e c m l e4 0 ,
r e dm y v e t t e ru s Mr im Ic u ru n= ) oe gop( 6 ndcn a w r r o l d i di oh e op : mbu i m gop( 8 ,m dl ru n= )a o— s t ea n d n r g i ns
【 bt c】 O j t e o b r e fc hnlxat o r b mIeu e r i l A s at r be i T s v t e s ft o e r mM m i i mo f ea c cv o e eh e toe a t cf r u n s nr d a