热血教师 人物

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Awards and nominations
• On March 10, 2007, the 28th Annual Young Artists Association honored the film as the “Best Family Television Movie or Special,”
莎美卡· 沃勒斯 Shameika Wallace--Hannah Hodson
玛瑞萨· 维加 Marissa Vega--Melissa De Sousa
• The Best Man 《伴郎》 • 30 Years to life 《 30年来 生活》 • The Fire This Time 《消 防这个时代 》
• Matthew Perry was the son of Navy Captain, he was born on August 8, 1969. and he was born in Williamstown, Massachusetts [,mæsə’tʃu:sits], USA ( 马 萨诸塞州, 威廉斯顿. )
• On March 15, 2007, the film received the prestigious Christopher Award for TV and Cable.
• In July 2007, it was nominated for three Emmy Awards .
Randa Haines
• In 1986, Haines made her theatrical[θi‘ætrikəl] feature debut named by Children of a Lesser God(《悲怜上帝的 女儿》), which earned much attention at the Academy Awards and a best actress of Oscar. • In 2002, Haines produced Denzel Washington's directorial debut Antwone Fisher .
• His occupation: player ,playwright ,director
• Ron Clark has been called "America's Educator." Clark's tireless work and dedication to making a difference in the lives of children led Disney to name him American Teacher of the Year in 2000.
• Clark has authored two books that have become extremely popular in the education profession. His first book, The Essential 55, is a New York Times bestseller and is currently published in more than 25 countries and in its 11th printing of more than 1 million copies.
Major Works
再生之旅 The Doctor (1991)
热血教师 The Ron Clark Story (2006)
悲怜上帝的女儿 Children of a Lesser God (1986)
与我共舞 Dance with Me (1998)
Ron Clark--Matthew Perry
Major Works
• 2011 电视剧 《阳光先生》《Mr. Sunshine》 • 2009 电影 《重回十七岁》(17 Again) • 2008 电影 《美国鸟类》(Birds of America) 电影《智慧开端》(The Beginning of Wisdom) • 2007 电影《麻木》(Numb) • 2006 电视剧《日落大道60号演播室》(Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip) 电影《热血教师》(The Ron Clark Story)
Other actors
• On March 10, 2007, the 28th Annual Young Artists Association honored the film as the “Best Family Television Movie or Special,” gave Hannah Hodson the award for “Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special (Comedy or Drama) Leading Young Actress."
• 2006, Matthew Perry, who plays Ron Clark, was nominated for the Best Actor Golden Globe and again at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. • 2007 金球奖(Golden Globe) Best Performance by an Actor in a Miniseries or a Motion Picture Made for Television(提名)《热血教师》 • 2006艾美奖 Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or Movie(提名) • 演员工会奖(Actor) Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries(提名)
• The film based on the real educator Ron Clark, it centers on the title character. Ron Clark from a small town, who moves to New York City and tries to make a difference in the livesቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱof his students, despite nobody, including the students themselves, believing in them. . Through his passionate use of special rules for his classroom, highly innovative teaching techniques and an undying devotion to his students and helping them cope with their problems. In the end, Principal Turner reveals that Mr Clark's class got the highest average in the state and Mr Clark was regarded by his students as their best teacher in the world.
• American filmmaker Randa Haines was born in Los Angeles and studied with Lee Strasberg before acting in off-Broadway(非 百老汇戏剧界的) plays. During the 70s, she worked as a script girl before attending her first directing workshop at the American Film Institute(美国电影学院). In 1979, she started working on her own projects. Her first directing job was Under This Sky, a dramatic program about women‘s suffrage(选举权,参政权).
• Living Single 《单身生活》