2006年高考备考与试题分析 - 天津市第四十七中学
2006年高考数学试卷(天津)文史类本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分,考试用时120分钟。
第I 卷1至2页,第II 卷3至10页。
祝各位考生考试顺利!第I 卷注意事项: 1.答第I 卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号、科目涂写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。
参考公式.如果事件A、B互斥,那么()()()P A B P A P B +=+.如果事件A、B相互独立,那么(.)().()P A B P A P B =一.选择题:在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。
(1)已知集合{|31},{|2},A x x B x x =-≤≤=≤则A B =(A ){}|21x x -≤≤ (B ){}|01x x ≤≤(C ){}|32x x -≤≤ (D ){}|12x x ≤≤(2)设{}n a 是等差数列,13569,9.a a a a ++==则这个数列的前6项和等于(A )12 (B )24 (C )36 (D )48(3)设变量x 、y 满足约束条件2,36y xx y y x ≤⎧⎪+≥⎨⎪≥-⎩则目标函数2z x y =+的最小值为(A )2 (B )3 (C )4 (D )9 (4)设2323log 3,log 2,log (log 2),P Q R ===则(A )R Q P << (B )P R Q << (C )Q R P << (D )R P Q <<(5)设,(,),22ππαβ∈-那么""αβ<是"tan tan "αβ<的 (A )充分页不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件(C )充分必要条件 (D )既不充分也不必要条件(6)函数1(0)y x =<的反函数是.如果事件A在一次试验中发生的概率是P,那么n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 次的概率是()(1)k kn k n n P k C P P -=-(A )0)y x =< (B )0)y x =<(C )2)y x => (D )2)y x =>(7)若l 为一条直线,α、β、γ为三个互不重合的平面,给出下面三个命题: ①,;αγβγαβ⊥⊥⇒⊥ ②,;αγβγαβ⊥⇒⊥∥ ③.l αβαβ⊥⇒⊥∥,l 其中正确的命题有(A )0个 (B )1个 (C )2个 (D )3个(8)椭圆的中心为点(1,0),E -它的一个焦点为(3,0),F -相应于焦点F 的准线方程为7.2x =-则这个椭圆的方程是(A )222(1)21213x y -+= (B )222(1)21213x y ++=(C )22(1)15x y -+= (D )22(1)15x y ++= (9)已知函数()sin cos (f x a x b x a =-、b 为常数,0,)a x R ≠∈的图象关于直线4x π=对称,则函数3()4y f x π=-是 (A )偶函数且它的图象关于点(,0)π对称(B )偶函数且它的图象关于点3(,0)2π对称(C )奇函数且它的图象关于点3(,0)2π对称(D )奇函数且它的图象关于点(,0)π对称 (10)如果函数2(31)(0xxa a a a =-->且1)a ≠在区间[0,)+∞上是增函数,那么实数a 的取值范围是(A )2(0,]3 (B ),1)3 (C ) (D )3[,)2+∞ 第II 卷注意事项: 1.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。
天津第四十七中学高三物理上学期期末试卷含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. 物体在地面上30米高处以6m/s2的加速度竖直向下加速下落,则在下落过程中,物体的阻力的变化是A.不变 B.减少C.增大 D.无法判断参考答案:A2. (单选)某动车组列车以平均速度V从甲地到乙地的时间为t , 该列车以速度V0从甲地出发匀速前进,途中接到紧急停车命令后紧急刹车,列车停车后又立即匀加速到V0,继续匀速前进。
则动车组列车匀速运动的速度V0应为()A B C D参考答案:D3. 某带电粒子仅在电场力作用下由A点运动到B点,电场线和粒子在A点的初速度方向及运动轨迹如图所示,可以判定:A.粒子在A点的加速度小于它在B点的加速度B.粒子在A点的动能小于它在B点的动能C.粒子在A点的电势能小于它在B点的电势能D.A点的电势低于B点的电势参考答案:答案:AB4. 如图所示,为一皮带传动装置,右轮半径为r,a为它边缘上一点;左侧是一轮轴,大轮半径为4r,小轮半径为2r,b点在小轮上,到小轮中心的距离为r。
若传动过程中皮带不打滑,则 ( ) ①a点和b点的线速度大小相等②a点和b点的角速度大小相等③a点和c点的线速度大小相等④a点和d点的向心加速度大小相等A.①③B. ②③C. ③④D.②④参考答案:C5. (单选)如图所示,两个质量相等的物体从同一高度沿倾角不同的两个光滑斜面由静止自由滑下,到达斜面底端,则两物体具有相同的物理量是()A.下滑过程中重力的冲量B.下滑过程中合力的冲量C.下滑过程中动量变化量的大小D.刚到达底端时的动量参考答案:C二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 2011年11月3日,中国自行研制的神舟八号飞船与天宫一号目标飞行器在距地球343km 的轨道实现自动对接。
在这种类型题中考生必须想到倍角公式,和差公式,)sin(cos sin 22ϕααα++=+b a b a (其中a>0,ab =ϕtan ,y =k x A ++)sin(ϕω图象的特点。
天津市第四十七中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中考试语文试题 附答案
天津市第四十七中学高三年级第一学期第一次阶段性检测物理试卷一、单选题(共35 分)1.如图所示的三条直线a、b、c描述了A、B、C三个物体的运动。
若一物体从20m高的7楼处由静止下落,不计空气阻力,取g=10m/s2,则()A.物体经4s落地B.物体落地速度为40m/sC.物体通过5楼的时间大于通过3楼的时间D.物体在下落过程中第1s 内的平均速度为10m/s【答案】C【详解】A .物体落地时间t =√2ℎg =√2×2010s =2s 选项A 错误;B .物体落地速度为v =gt =20m/s选选B 错误;C .物体下落的速度越来越大,则物体通过5楼的平均速度小于通过3楼的平均速度,则物体通过5楼的时间大于通过3楼的时间,选项C 正确;D .物体在下落过程中第1s 内的平均速度为v 1=gt 12=5m/s 选项D 错误。
故选C 。
3.图所示四幅图涉及不同的物理知识,其中说法正确的是( )A.图甲:爱因斯坦通过研究黑体辐射提出能量子的概念,成为量子力学的奠基人之一B.图乙:玻尔理论指出氢原子能级是分立的,所以原子发射光子的频率也是不连续的C.图丙:卢瑟福通过分析α粒子散射实验结果,发现了质子和中子D.图丁:根据电子束通过铝箔后的衍射图样,可以说明电子具有粒子性【答案】B【分析】【详解】A.图甲为黑体辐射的实验规律,为了解释这一实验规律,普朗克提出能量子概念,而爱因斯坦扩展了能量子的概念,将其应用到光电效应现象,提出了光子的概念,故A错误;B.图乙为氢原子的能级图,氢原子在不同能级间跃迁时辐射或吸收一定频率的光子,选项B正确;C.图丙是α粒子散射实验,卢瑟福根据这一结果提出了原子的核式结构模型,选项C错误;D.图丁是电子束通过铝箔后的衍射图样,说明了电子具有波动性,选项D错误.故选B。
2006 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)英语本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)和Ⅲ卷(选择题)三部分,共150 分,考试用时120 分钟。
第I卷 1 至10 页,第Ⅱ卷11 至12 页,第Ⅲ卷13 至16 页。
3.本卷共55 小题,共85 分。
第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
例:Stand over there ______ you’ll be able to see it better.A.or B.and C.but D.while答案是B。
1.We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have ______ one this month. A.B.C.D.2.The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, ______ the quality of life is probably one of the highest.A.since B.when C.as D.while3.-Did Linda see the traffic accident?-No, no sooner ______ than it happened.A.had she gone B.she had goneC.has she gone D.she has gone4.What we used to think ______ impossible now does seem possible.A.is B.was C.has been D.will be5.If you are traveling ______ the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as the Romans do .A.in which B.what C.when D.where6.We want to rent a bus which can ______ 40 people for our trip to Beijing.A.load B.hold C.fill D.support7.A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not beleft ______.A.unsatisfied B.unsatisfyingC.to be unsatisfying D.being unsatisfied8.Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it ______ shopping and eating.A.refers to B.speaks of C.focuses on D.comes to9.-I’m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.-______! I’m sure you’ll make it.A.Go ahead B.Good luck C.No problem D.Cheer up10.Don’t respond to any e-mails ______ personal information, no matter how official they look.A.searching B.asking C.requesting D.questioning11.We ______ have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever madein the past ten years.A.needn’t B.may not C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t12.The Beatles, ______ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool. A.what B.that C.how D.as13.Fitness is important in sport, but of at least ______ importance are skills.A.fair B.reasonable C.equal D.proper14.There is much chance ______ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.A.that B.which C.until D.if15.Finding information in today’s world is easy. The ______ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.A.ability B.competition C.challenge D.knowledgeB.第二节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~35 各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
天津市第四十七中学高二上学期第二次月考(数学理)一、选择题(每小题5分,共计50分)1、在平行六面体ABCD-A 1B 1C 1D 1中,化简1BB AB DA +-= ( ) A .1BD B .1CA C . 1AC D .1DB2、双曲线221169x y -=的渐近线方程为( ) A. x y 916±= B. x y 34±= C. x y 43±= D. x y 169±= 3、已知向量)2,0,1(),0,1,1(-==→→b a ,且→→→→-+b a b a k 2与互相垂直,则k 的值是 A .1 B .51 C .53 D .574、双曲线191622=-y x 右支点上的一点P 到右焦点的距离为2,则P 点到左准线的距离为 A .6 B .8 C .10 D .125、椭圆2214x y m +=的焦距等于2 ,则m 的值为 ( ) A .5或3 B .5 C .8 D .16 6、已知(1,1,),(1,,1)t t t t =+=-a b ,则||-a b 的最小值为( )ABC .2D .4的标准方程为,则曲线值为焦点的距离的差的绝对的两个上的点到,若曲线轴上且长轴长为,焦点在的离心率为设椭圆、2121826135.7 C C C x C A.162x -92y =1B.1692x -252y =1C.92x -162y =1D. 1692x -1442y =18、若椭圆13422=+y x 内有一点P (,F 为右焦点,椭圆上有一点M ,使MF MP 2+的值最小,则点M 的坐标为 A 、)1,362(- B 、)23,1(± C 、)23,1(- D 、)1,362(-± 9、若方程15222=-+-ky k x 表示双曲线,则实数k 的取值范围是 ( )A 、()()5,25, -∞-B 、()2,5-C 、()()+∞-∞-,52,D 、()()+∞-,52,510、过点P (-1,1)作直线与椭圆12422=+y x 交于A 、B 两点,若线段AB 的中点恰为P 点,则AB 所在直线的方程为 ( )A 、032=+-y xB 、032=+-y xC 、02=+-y xD 、043=+-y x 二、填空题(每小题4分,共计11、已知点)4,1,3(--A ,则点A 关于y 轴对称的点的坐标为__________。
天津市第四十七中学2024届高三下学期高考模拟数学试题一、单选题1.已知全集{}{}{}16,,2,3,2,4,5U x x x A B =<<∈==N ,则()U A B ⋃ð=( ) A .{}4,5B .{}2,3,4,5C .{}2D .{}2,4,52.设l 为直线,α为平面,则//l α的一个充要条件是( ) A .α内存在一条直线与l 平行 B .l 平行α内无数条直线C .垂直于α的直线都垂直于lD .存在一个与α平行的平面经过l3.已知a =,sin1b =,0.12c =,则( ) A .a b c <<B .a c b <<C .c a b <<D .b c a <<4.已知函数()f x 的部分图象如图所示,则()f x 的解析式可能为( )A .()e e 34x xf x x --=-B .()e e 43x xf x x --=-C .()e e 48x xf x x -+=-D .()1x f x x =- 5.π()cos()(0,||)2f x A x A ωϕϕ=+><的图象如图所示,为了得到()f x 的图象,则只要将()sin(2)6g x x π=-的图象( )A .向右平移π8个单位长度B .向右平移π2个单位长度C .向左平移π4个单位长度D .向左平移π8个单位长度6.下列说法不正确的是( ).A .一组数据10,11,11,12,13,14,16,18,20,22的第60百分位数为14B .若随机变量X 服从正态分布2(3,)N σ,且(4)0.7P X ≤=,则(34)0.2P X <<=C .若线性相关系数r 越接近1,则两个变量的线性相关程度越高D .对具有线性相关关系的变量x 、y ,且回归方程为0.3y x m =-,若样本点的中心为(,2.8)m ,则实数m 的值是4-7.攒尖是古代中国建筑中屋顶的一种结构形式,依其平面有圆形攒尖、三角攒尖、四角攒尖、六角攒尖、八角攒尖.如图是圆形攒尖,可近似看作圆锥与圆柱的组合体(圆锥与圆柱的底面重合且半径相等),已知此组合体中圆柱底面的半径为4,圆锥与圆柱的高相等,若圆锥的顶点与圆柱的上、下底面圆周都在同一个球面上,则该球的体积为( )A .36πB .C .72πD .8.直线l 过双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b-=>>的右焦点F ,且与C 的左、右两支分别交于A ,B 两点,点B 关于坐标原点对称的点为P ,若P F A B ⊥,且3A F P F =,则C 的离心率为( )A .3B C .2D 9.在平面直角坐标系中,O 是坐标原点,两定点A ,B 满足2OA OB OA OB =⋅==u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r,则点集{}|,1,,R P OP OA OB λμλμλμ=++≤∈u u u r u u u r u u u r所表示的区域的面积是( )A .B .C .D .二、填空题10.复数z 满足()1i 1z +-=,其中i 为虚数单位,则复数z 的虚部为. 11.在5212x x ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭的二项式展开式中,x 的系数为.12.已知圆2214C x y +=:与圆222860C x y x y m +-++=:外切,此时直线:10l x y ++=被圆2C 所截的弦长为.13.红、黄、蓝被称为三原色,选取任意几种颜色调配,可以调配出其他颜色.已知同一种颜色混合颜色不变,等量的红色加黄色调配出橙色;等量的红色加蓝色调配出紫色;等量的黄色加蓝色调配出绿色.现有等量的红、黄、蓝彩色颜料各两瓶,甲从六瓶中任取两瓶颜料进行等量调配,则甲调配出绿色的概率为;在甲调配出绿色的情况下,乙再从余下四瓶中任取两瓶颜料,进行等量调配,则乙调配出紫色的概率为.14.已知正项数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,48a =,若存在非零常数λ,使得()1n nS a λλ+=+对任意的正整数n 均成立,则λ=,21nn S a +的最小值为.15.已知函数()()2e sin ,01,0x a x x f x x a x a x ⎧->⎪=⎨-+-+≤⎪⎩.若关于x 的不等式()0f x ≥的解集为[)1,-+∞,则实数a 的取值范围为.三、解答题16.在ABC V 中,内角,,A B C 所对的边分别为3,,,sin2sin ,7a b c C C a c ==.(1)求sin A 的值; (2)若7c =, (ⅰ)求b 的值; (ⅱ)求()cos A B -的值.17.如图,在三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,AB ⊥平面11BB C C ,已知11π,1,23BCC BC AB C C ∠====,点E 是棱1CC 的中点.(1)求证:1C B ⊥平面ABC ;(2)求平面11A B E 与平面1AB E 夹角的正弦值; (3)求点1C 到平面11A B E 的距离.18.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且满足:11a =,*12()n n na S n n +=+∈N . (1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式n a ; (2)设2112n n n n n a b a a +++=⋅⋅,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n T ;(3)设数列{}n c 的通项公式为nn n a c a t=+,问:是否存在正整数t ,使得12m c c c ,,(3)m m ≥∈N ,成等差数列?若存在,求出t 和m 的值;若不存在,请说明理由.19.已知椭圆()2222:10x y a b a b Γ+=>>的长轴长为k 的直线l与椭圆Γ有两个不同的交点A ,B . (1)求Γ的方程;(2)若直线l 的方程为y x t =+,点()0,1M 关于直线l 的对称点N (与M 不重合)在椭圆Γ上,求t 的值;(3)设()3,0P -,直线P A 与椭圆Γ的另一个交点为C ,直线PB 与椭圆Γ的另一个交点为D ,若点C ,D 和点71,32Q ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭三点共线,求k 的值.20.已知函数()()()22e e e ,,e 12x x x xf xg xh x x -+===+. (1)求函数()f x 在1x =处的切线方程;(2)当0x >时,试比较()()(),,f x g x h x 的大小关系,并说明理由;(3)设n *∈N ,求证:1111111111ln2123421223421n n n -+-+⋅⋅⋅+-<<-+-+⋅⋅⋅+--.。
天津市第四十七中学2023-2024学年高一上学期11月期中英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1、—Are you going to travel while you’re here?—______, but tomorrow, the business meeting will last all day.A. Don’t mention itB. Forget itC. I’d love toD. No problem2、Tom will go to Shanghai, ______ he plans to stay for one week.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. when3、Look, Tracy! Here is a photo ______ in my old house with my sisters and brothers. Can you recognize me in it?A. takingB. takenC. was takenD. to take4、—How soon will you finish the work?—In a week. We ______ about 80% of the work so far.A. are completingB. will completeC. have completedD. completed5、—Can I have a day off tomorrow, Mr. Johnson?—__________. I can manage without you.A. Forget itB. I’m afraid notC. It dependsD. Of course6、The hotel has special ______ for welcoming disabled people.A. facilitiesB. collectionsC. generationsD. descriptions7、Mary is very ______ about food, and only eats limited kinds of food.A. impressiveB. intelligentC. particularD. confusing8、A good art teacher can encourage students’ artistic ______.A. commentB. creativityC. errorD. opportunity9、While he was at university, he ______ a good knowledge of English.A. acquiredB. postponedC. illustratedD. maintained10、As senior high students, time ______ a lot, for we need to fully develop ourselves in the period.A. ignoresB. mattersC. sighsD. observes11、How time flies! The year 2024 is ______.A. the other way roundB. around the cornerC. at sixes and sevensD. in other forms12、Good sleep habits have a great ______ on our health.A. adventureB. personalityC. atmosphereD. impact13、______ my high school life, the most important advice I’d like to give is these wonderful words from the writer Maya Angelou.A. Making the most ofB. Looking back onC. Losing track ofD. Keeping in mind14、______ his timely help, the problem was solved.A. Thanks toB. In addition toC. According toD. Attached to15、_____ small, the company has about 1000 buyers in over 30 countries.A. AsB. IfC. AlthoughD. Once二、完形填空(20空)As an only child, Nicole Renae often felt lonely in her youth. But that all 1 when she turned 15. For her 2 , her grandmother surprised her with a(n) 3 puppy “Chloe”.The two were 4 , and they always played together because they were best friends. Chloe always 5 her face. But when Renae was 18, her father got a new job. He’d be working from home 6 distraction (干扰). “Chloe made a lot of noise at home,” Renae says. Unwillingly, the family sent 7 Chloe to an animal home although Renae didn’t want to 8 her likeable dog.Years later, Renae grew up, got married, and had a child of her own. Remembering the 9 that having a dog had brought her as a kid, Renae wanted her daughter to 10 the same. She had it in mind to adopt (领养) a dog as a(n) 11 for her child too. Then one day, she saw a(n) 12 on Facebook about a senior dog named Chloe that needed a new home. The dog in the photograph looked a lot like Chloe, and she was even named Chloe. 13 , she decided to adopt this dog.When Renae met Chloe, she was struck with a 14 feeling. The dog ran up to her and started kissing her face. Chloe 15 Renae so much of her old dog that the 16 overwhelmed (充溢;淹没) her. She knew it was her Chloe. 17 , ten years had passed since they last met, and her whole family thought she was crazy.Luckily, Renae’s mom 18 that there was a way to 19 the theory: Their Chloe had a microchip with the ID number. Sure enough, the dog also had a microchip and the numbers were the 20 . Renae was overjoyed to have her birthday gift back.16、A. mattered B. changed C. worked D. happened17、A. birthday B. honesty C. wedding D. safety18、A. weak B. annoying C. quiet D. lovely19、A. dangerous B. healthy C. inseparable D. optimistic20、A. cleaned B. bit C. hit D. kissed21、A. under B. without C. by D. from22、A. noisy B. frightened C. curious D. surprised23、A. keep B. leave C. support D. sell24、A. courage B. money C. hope D. joy25、A. forget B. experience C. find D. expect26、A. coach B. award C. nurse D. gift27、A. letter B. invitation C. post D. like28、A. Firstly B. Unwillingly C. Immediately D. Regularly29、A. familiar B. strange C. disappointed D. terrible30、A. broke B. told C. freed D. reminded31、A. excitement B. praiseC. prideD. embarrassment32、A. Therefore B. Then C. However D. Meanwhile33、A. warned B. predicted C. realized D. hoped34、A. test B. accept C. research D. record35、A. least B. opposite C. best D. same三、阅读理解A week before his family vacationed in Maui in 2017, 13-year-old Myles Harris took a class in water safety and lifesaving skills with his mother Karmen. Neither of them knew how important that class would become until July 5, 2018. On that day, his mother nearly drowned (溺死) — but Myles saved her life.Harris, now 15, received a Medal of Merit (勋章) for his action. This national honor, awarded by the US president, is given to people who do good things. However, it is unusual for the medal to be awarded to a person as young as Harris.Harris, a freshman at Mission Vista High School in Oceanside, was shocked by the honor. But he said he was grateful he had the training and was in the right place at the right time to save his mom. “It was a scary experience.” he recalled.His family was on vacation at the beach. As he looked around, he saw someone floating on the water. It wasn’t until he swam up to the body that he realized it was his mother Karmen. After seeing that she was unconscious, he quickly pulled her back to the family’sboat and called for help. His mother was taken to the hospital and finally was saved successfully.After her son won the award, Karmen thanked her son, as well as the water safety class, Karmen, 46, grew up in Los Angeles where she never learned to swim because she “wasn’t a water person.” But because her son grew up near the bea ch in Oceanside, she encouraged him to take swimming lessons from a young age. Myles’ father, Marc Harris, 47, said he was very proud of his son and the whole experience had made his family closer.36、Myles Harris took a water safety class ______.A. to get a national honorB. to save his family membersC. after his mother nearly drownedD. before his family went on vacation37、What can we learn about the national honor?A. It is an award for brave people.B. It was seldom given to a teenager.C. It was awa rded by Harris’ headmaster.D. It includes a gold medal and lots of money.38、When awarded the national honor, Harris felt ______A. surprisedB. proudC. scaredD. embarrassed39、What can we learn about Myles Harris from the passage?A. He lost consciousness after saving Karmen.B. He pushed Karmen into the water accidentally.C. He searched the beach for Karmen before saving her successfully.D. He wanted to save the person without knowing who she was.40、From the passage, we know ______.A. Harris grew up in Los AngelesB. Harris’ mother was encouraged to swimC. Harris’ father valued this experienceD. the experience destroyed the family’s holidayFrom United States’ Miami to South China’s high-tech city Shenzhen, The Lonely Planet released a list of top 10 cities which are worth visiting. Those places include second place Shenzhen, China, Novi Sad, Serbia in third place; Miami, Florida in fourth place, and Kathmandu, Nepal rounding out the top five. Let’s have a look at some of these attractiv e places.Copenhagen, DenmarkWith its modern design, 15 Michellin-starred restaurants and highly bike-friendly culture, it is not surprising that Denmark’s capital has topped The Lonely Planet’s top 10 cities list.Copenhagen’s street food business is dev eloping fast in Refshaleon, a former industrial area with a food market, Reffen.Novi Sad, SerbiaWhile Novi Sad is not as noted as the capital of Belgrade, it’s much more fashionable. It’s home to the country’s EXIT festival, which is held each July at th e 18th century-era Petrovaradin Fortress.The festival brings visitors an exciting music and art scene and a youthful atmosphere (氛围). 2019 European Youth Capital was held in Novi Sad. It was a practice run for 2021, when the city got the important title of European Capital of Culture.Kathmandu, NepalThree years after it was hit by a powerful earthquake, Kathmandu is welcoming visitors to a city which is much quieter, by design.With cars banned (禁止) from the historic center and motor horns (喇叭) banned across the Kathmandu Valley, it’s much quieter than it used to be in the past.Shenzhen, ChinaSplendid China Folk Culture Village (锦绣中华中国民俗文化村) in Shenzhen is a miniature (缩影) park. Over 100 major tourist attractions have been miniaturized and laid out according to the map of China. There are cars and trains to transport visitors around the park, making it possible to visit the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Three Gorges Dam, the Potala Palace and the Terracotta Army in one day. Some of the shows are only performed on weekends.41、In which city can you enjoy highly bike-friendly culture?A. Copenhagen, Denmark.B. Novi Sad, Serbia.C. Kathmandu, Nepal.D. Shenzhen, China.42、In Novi Sad, Serbia, you can ______.A. feel the power of earthquakesB. visit the food market, ReffenC. try delicious food in Michellin-starred restaurantD. appreciate energetic music and art with young people43、What can we learn about Kathmandu?A. It includes a cultural miniature park.B. It can bring visitors an artistic atmosphere.C. Visitors can experience a quieter lifestyle there.D. Visitors can enjoy a walking tour in the Kathmandu Valley.44、Where should visitors go if they want to visit major tourist attractions in China in one day?A. Copenhagen.B. Novi Sad.C. Kathmandu.D. Shenzhen.45、Where does the passage most probably come from?A. A science report.B. A magazine.C. A book review.D. A realistic novel.The family of a gifted chess player living in London has been given the right to stay in Britain because of his “world-class talent”.Nine-year-old Shreyas Royal had to leave the country with his parents when his father’s work visa (签证) couldn’t be used next month, the UK Press Association (PA) reported.In a post (帖子) on his Facebook page Friday, Shreyas celebrated the news that they could now stay, saying it was a “deep pleasure for all of us”. “I would like to say a big thank-you to each and everyone from the bottom of my heart!” he wrote.Shreyas, who plays for Battersea Chess Club, was born in India but moved to Britain when he was three years old after his father, an IT project manager, was offered a job there, according to PA.The Home Office said the boy’s father, Jitendra Singh, had been given permission to ask for another five-year work visa without leaving the United Kingdom due to Shreyas’ talent, according to PA.“After much research, I have taken the personal decision to allow Shreyas and his family to stay in the UK,” Home Secretary Sajid Javid said. “The UK is a country t hat brings up world-class talent and Shreyas is one of the most gifted chess players in his generation (代).”Battersea Chess Club, which was established in 1885, welcomed the Home Office’s decision in a statement on its website.“Shreyas is a very nice, do wn-to-earth young man who has a big future ahead of him on the world stage hopefully representing England,” said club secretary Leon Watson. “We strongly believe he will make us proud. We wish him every success going forward. In 10 years’ time we hope he’ll be a famous name as England’s first world champion.”In a Facebook post on Monday, Shreyas announced that following his performance at the British Chess Championship he was now ranked second in the world for his age group.46、What led to the special treatment of Shreyas Royal’s family?A. Sajid Javid’s help.B. Leon Watson’s support.C. Jitendra Singh’s requirement.D. Shreyas Royal’s special talent.47、Which word can best describe Shreyas Royal’s feeling at the moment?A. Thankful.B. Surprised.C. Confused.D. Regretful.48、How long has Shreyas Royal been in Britain?A. For about three years.B. For about six years.C. For about nine years.D. For about ten years.49、What was Leon Watson’s attitude toward Shreyas Royal?A. Very interested.B. A little worried.C. Very confident.D. A little doubtful.50、What can we learn about Shreyas Royal?A. He has moved to India now.B. He does well at school too.C. He has achieved fame in playing chess internationally.D. He moved to England to learn to play chess.Some of us like to spend money as soon as we have it, while others like to hold on to money and spend it carefully. But for people who are very smart about their cash, there are a number of interesting ways to invest (投资) it and, if things go well, make a big financial profit (经济收益).Buying stamps, wine, coins and books are all different ways of investing your money. It comes with risks but can be thrilling as, hopefully, you watch the value of your investment rise. However, you need to know what you’re doing and making a lot of money is not guaranteed (保证).If you’re happy to take a risk, then one of the most well-known ways of investing is by buying artwork. By buying a painting and holding on to it, its value can increase greatly, but of course, only when you sell it do you feel the profit. Some people get quite lucky particularly when they don’t expect to make any money. There are stories of people buying a painting at an exhibition for peanuts only to find out it’s actually worth thousands of doll ars.Of course, investing in artwork is not a guarantee to make you a millionaire. Patrick Connolly, a financial adviser, says investing in art is too risky and he advises his customers not to invest in it because the downside is greater than the upside.B ut if you’re still interested in it, there are art fairs (博览会), such as The Affordable Art Fair, and websites provide buyers with their affordable artwork. Patrick Connolly says the best way here is to buy something you like and can afford and “if it goes up in value, that should be just an added award.”If this has destroyed your plans for your investment, maybe there’s more chance of winning big money by buying a lottery ticket (彩票)!51、What can we learn from the first paragraph?A. Smart people easily make a lot of money.B. Making a good investment is interesting.C. Different people spend money in different ways.D. There are disadvantages of spending money carelessly.52、If you buy a painting, what do you have to do to get an increase in value?A. You have to sell it at a higher price.B. You need to know its real value.C. You should buy it at a low price.D. You should keep it for a long time.53、What do the underlined words in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Going to an exhibition to buy peanuts.B. Buying a painting for its financial profit.C. Spending a small amount of money on artwork.D. Exchanging artwork for peanuts at an exhibition.54、Which of the following views may Patrick Connolly agree with?A. Artwork investments don’t necessarily resu lt in the rise in value.B. Generally, people can earn more money by buying a lottery ticket.C. Buying stamps and coins is much safer than buying a painting.D. People will surely get financial profit if they invest wisely.55、What’s mainly discussed in t he passage?A. What investments guarantee a big fortune.B. Whether it’s profitable to invest in artwork.C. Where valuable works of art are available.D. How investment s influence people’s daily life.When I was a boy, our big family sometimes gathered t ogether at my aunt’s small house in summer. Relatives from all over the country would come to visit. The adults used to crowd together to talk and catch up on each other’s life. All of us would be sent out into the front yard to play while dinner would slowly cook for all of us. Those were the days before videogames and smart phones, so we often ended up playing a good old-fashioned game of tag (捉人游戏).I remember one of those times especially.I was the smallest of all the kids there, so I got caught first but couldn’t catch anyone else. Though I chased after my brothers and cousins hard they were all too fast for me. I grew more and more annoyed. I finally lunged at (猛冲) one of my brothers and fell face first into the dirt. I got up with tears in my eyes. Then I saw one of my female cousins standing there. She started to run but was going much slower than before. I easily caught up and tagged her. Then she turned to me, smiled and said, “I’m it! You’d better run!” I ran off laughing with great glee while she turned and started to chase one of my elder brothers.I see now how her act of kindness that day saved me from sadness and returned me to joy. It didn’t matter that we hardly ever saw each other. We were family and she loved me. We are all one, we all belong to each other, and we are one big, beautiful family. Perhaps it is time that we should share our love, our kindness, our laughter, and our joy with everyone without fear. Perhaps it is time to finally and forever bring this world together in one big family party.56、What did the elders of the author’s family do when they gathered together? (no more than 10 words)57、Why couldn’t the author play the game of tag well? (no more than 15 words)58、What does the underlined word “glee” in the third paragraph mean? (1 word)59、How did the author feel during the whole period of time of the game that day? (no more than 10 words)60、How do you show and share your love in your life? (no more than 20 words)四、书面表达61、假设你是晨光中学高一学生李津,应邀参加学校组织的“英语学习师生座谈会”,请你根据下面所提示的信息,用英语写一篇发言稿,简单介绍自己英语学习的情况,并对学校今后的英语教学提出建议。
天津市第四十七中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.--- Let me help you cross the street.--- _______! I’m not that old.A.Come on B.No way C.Take your time D.Go ahead 2.I’m moving to the country because the air there is much fresher than ________ in the city.A.ones B.one C.that D.those3.I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan ________ in the past two years.A.is being carried out B.would be carried outC.had been carried out D.has been carried out4.Kate, ________ sister I shared a room with when we were at college, has gone to work in Australia.A.whom B.that C.whose D.which 5.The lady would get a call from a stranger every morning who____made her believe that he was her friend, and then she lent him about £31,000.A.eventually B.frequently C.previously D.occasionally 6.Our family ________ our old neighbors after they moved to Canada five years ago.A.took advantage of B.turned up C.lost track ofD.in the lead7.It's important to develop good reading habits, for reading enables us to________ knowledge and has broadens our horizons.A.acquire B.maintain C.illustrate D.advance 8.My washing machine ___________this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.A.was repaired B.is repairedC.is being repaired D.has been repaired9.Professor Yang ________ his experiment and didn’t notice someone coming into the lab.A.settled for B.made his fortune C.hold your horses D.concentrated on 10.I want to go to a graduate school. ________, higher education can provide me with moreopportunities.A.In addition B.In all C.After all D.In turn 11.The local government is seeking an effective________ to the city’s traffic problem.A.reaction B.adventure C.generosity D.solution12.I can never forget the day ________ we worked together and the day ________ we spent together.A.when; which B.which; whenC.what; that D.on which; when13.Music should be taught on a regular basis because of the________ it can bring to children’s brain development.A.systems B.priorities C.barriers D.benefits 14.—Mary, I have trouble pronouncing the new words well. Could you please help me?________.You can come around with your English textbook tomorrow.A.By no means B.With pleasure C.It depends D.Don’t bother 15.High speed trains are seldom delayed or cancelled due to weather conditions. ________, they have become the first choice for many passengers.A.Besides B.However C.Therefore D.Otherwise二、完形填空My fiance (未婚夫)and I were excited about shopping for our first home. But our fundsThe next day, we got a 27 message that another buyer had offered a much higher price. Even so, we decided to talk with the 28 directly. We made our final offer, which 29 was thousands of dollars less than the other buyer’s bid. We knew it, 30 we had to try.“Sold!” said the owner. Then he 31 : He’d seen us sitting by the lake all those times; he knew how much we loved the place and that we’d 32 the years of work they had put into their home; he realized he would take a 33 by selling it to us, but it was worthwhile; we were the people they wanted to live there. He told us to consider the 34 in the price as “an early wedding present.”That’s how we found our home and how I learned that when people are 35 they are not strangers, only friends we haven’t yet met.16.A.needed B.limited C.enough D.large 17.A.recommended (推荐)B.decorated C.soldD.rented18.A.below B.within C.beyond D.between 19.A.at least B.at most C.at times D.at band 20.A.relief B.concern C.love D.curiosity 21.A.pride B.happiness C.challenge D.desire 22.A.which B.why C.that D.what 23.A.effort B.offer C.promise D.profit 24.A.come across B.look after C.depend on D.laugh at 25.A.instead B.indeed C.aside D.apart 26.A.worse B.better C.less D.higher 27.A.relaxing B.disappointing C.pleasant D.regular 28.A.agents B.buyers C.managers D.owners 29.A.already B.still C.generally D.ever 30.A.so B.or C.for D.but 31.A.apologized B.complained C.criticized D.explained 32.A.check B.analyze C.appreciate D.ignore 33.A.loss B.risk C.chance D.lead 34.A.increase B.difference C.interest D.average 35.A.kind B.polite C.smart D.energetic三、阅读理解Takashi Murakami ExhibitionYou have the chance to see this great exhibition! The exhibition is colorful and active and has some stories of human survival to be told. Your children will enjoy the activity and colorful pictures there.Address: Mori Art Museum, TokyoDate and Time: Daily 10:00 am-10:00 pm (Tuesday closes at 17:00), in the week before the New year Cost: Adults1,600 yen (日元), 4-12 years 600 yen, under 4 free.Phone: 03-5777-8665Japan Fisherman’s FestivalThere will be over 40 stands selling seafood and fish. The festival is supported by various Japanese fishing associations with the goal to promote eating fish. Hope to see you there eating happily!Event Dates: Friday-Sunday (just before the New Year); Friday 11:00 am -5:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am-9:00 pm and Sunday 10:00 am-5:00 pmAddress: Hibiya Park, TokyoCost: Adults 500 yen, kids below four freePhone: 03-5777-8680Museum of Contemporary (当代的) ArtGreat way to show your kids how the movies are made and all the steps involved. The exhibition also includes over 500 pieces of art. There are hand-drawn sketches, paintings, storyboards, color scripts, and character models created by the studio’s artists.Address:Museum of Contemporary Art, TokyoTelephone:03-5777-8600Date and Time:Daily; closed on MonCost:Adults 1.000 yen, middle school students 600 yen, primary students freeHeiwajima Antique (古董) ShowThis is a huge three-day inside antique fair that you should not miss. There are over 280 vendors (销售商) that have a huge selection of Japanese, Asian and western antiques. This show only happens a few times a year.Date:Friday, Saturday, Sunday; in the week before the New YearTime:10:00 am-5:00 pmAddress:Heiwajima, TokyoPhone:03-5985-510136.In the Takashi Murakami Exhibition, children can________.A.hear stories and enjoy pictures B.take part in interesting gamesC.watch some videos D.draw their favorite pictures37.How much will a couple with a 5-year-old child pay for the Takashi Murakami Exhibition?A.2,200 yen.B.1,600 yen.C.3,200 yen.D.3,800 yen 38.If your family want to eat fish in the evening. you should go there________.A.on Friday B.on Sunday C.on Saturday D.on Thursday 39.Where will you go if your child is interested in films?A.Heiwajima.B.Museum of Contemporary Art.C.Mori Art Museum.D.Hibiya Park.40.To learn about antiques, you will call________.A.03-5777-8680B.03-5777-8600C.03-5985-5101D.03-5777-8665A young man returns to his hometown of Colombia. He visits the house where he lived as a child.Here, he remembers the most important memories of his childhood. Standing in front of his old house, the young man makes an important decision. He says to himself, “I will start my life over again. I will become a writer.”This man is world famous writer. Marquez.Marquez was born on March 6, 1928. During his early life, Marquez’s grandmother and grandfather told him many stories. His grandmother would tell him legends as if they were real. Marquez says that his grandmother’s way of storytelling later influenced his own methods.When Marquez was about 20 years old, he left Colombia and attended university in Bogota. He began studying law because this was what his father wanted him to study. However, Marquez was not happy.During this time Marquez returned to Colombia. It was on this visit that he realized he must stop studying law. And he recognized that he must return to the passion of his childhood— writing. For the next few years, Marquez wrote for many different newspapers. And in 1955, he published his first book called “Leaf Storm”.For many years, Marquez knew he wanted to write about his grandfather’s house in Colombia. To write this book, Marquez and his wife had to sell almost all of their possessions to survive. But their sacrifice (牺牲) was worth it. The book, “One Hundred Years of Solitude” was immediately successful. And this book created a path for Marquez’s future success.In 1982, Marquez was given the Nobel Prize in Literature for his book “One Hundred Years of Solitude.” He was the first Colombian and the fourth Latin American to win a Nobel Prize for Literature.41.Who influenced Marquez’s writing style?A.His grandfather.B.His grandmother.C.His father.D.His wife.42.Marquez decided to take up writing________.A.when he worked for a newspaper B.under the influence of his familyC.after a visit to his hometown D.when he graduated from college 43.Marquez’s book “One Hundred Years of Solitude” ________.A.was written in the 1950s B.enjoyed a quick successC.helped Marquez lead a better life D.was about Marquez’s grandfather 44.What do we know from the text about Marquez?A.He is the first Latin American to win a Nobel Prize in Literature.B.His book “Leaf Storm” marked his great success in literature.C.He followed his father’s wish to become a writer.D.He wrote for newspapers before publishing his own books.45.The text is most probably a________.A.book review B.biography C.boring story D.science reportPeople who have the habit of texting (发短信) while walking tend to develop a robot-like posture, lose their balance, and involve themselves in traffic accidents, according to a research from the University of Queensland. Researchers said that text-walkers are in danger of walking into traffic and train tracks among others. They suggest pedestrians(行人)stop aside, type a text and then continue walking.For the study, the researchers tracked body movements of 26 young men and women whilewalking in a straight line over a distance of about 8.5 m ---once without a mobile phone, once while reading a text message and once while typing a message.They found that participants’ body movements were greatly changed when they used their phone. The difference in their posture was more prominent while sending a text than while reading a message. They further said that when those people began texting while walking, they slowed down their pace, went off course and moved their necks less than when reading a message.“We found that they ‘locking’ their arms, trunk and head together walked with a posture that was robot-like, all in aid of keeping their phone in their field of vision. So there is less movement between each of their body parts.” Researcher Siobhan Schabrun said, Daily Mail UK reports.“In recent years, there have been many reports of people involved in traffic accidents because they were texting while walking. The number of pedestrian accidents is rising and texting has been blamed,” Schabrun said.Despite such repeated accidents, only few studies have analyzed the impact of texting on body language. If more studies concentrate on walking styles adopted while texting, their findings can be used to lower whole accidents.While a few U.S. states have introduced laws on texting while driving, Fort Lee, a New Jersey town, went further ahead and recently fined some walkers an $85 for catching them texting. It is hoped that other American states and countries will follow.46.How did the researchers carry out their research?A.They called on most pedestrians.B.They tried texting while they were walking.C.They followed some pedestrians in the street.D.They showed pedestrians the danger of texting.47.The underlined word “prominent” in Paragraph 3 probably means _____.A.obvious B.important C.uncertain D.puzzling 48.When texting, the pedestrians walk in a different way to _____.A.avoid losing their balanceB.attract other people’s attentionC.keep their eyes steady on the phoneD.take part in the study with the researchers49.From the last paragraph, we can infer that texting while walking ______.A.is not popular with many peopleB.will make each American fined $85C.will be punished in some states of AmericaD.has been forbidden in most American states50.What is the best title of the passage?A.Negative effects of texting.B.Texting and traffic accidents.C.Texting and people’s health.D.Ways to avoid traffic accidents.Most times, what people accept as hope is a feeling or thought that something desired may happen. The word hope is a guarantee of happiness without doubt. Hope is the Greek word “elpis” meaning “to expect or look forward with pleasure”. Sam Jonah says “There is no medicine as great and powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.”Sam Jonah is one of the world’s most influential thinkers of this century. At a time, mining (采矿) for Africans was hell (地狱) on earth, because they were treated very badly and there were no certain key positions in the industry for them because there was this belief then that “the blacks can not manage their affairs successfully”. Even in the face of all these challenges and discriminations (歧视), Sam Jonah hoped to head the industry someday. When he told his friends and parents about his hope, he became a laughing stock. Not giving up his hope, he worked hard toward it and at last he became CEO of AngloGold Ashanti.Hope without doubt helps you to struggle hard until you finally achieve your aims. Hope keeps one alive and also helps us persevere (坚持) to succeed. Someone may say “I have tried and failed several times”. As a matter of fact, failure is unavoidable sometimes but that doesn’t affect your ability to succeed. The key is that you can’t give up your hope. Our history has seen many great achievers. Though they hoped they could make it, they also failed; however, they didn’t give up their hope. They worked even harder and eventually succeeded.Today when we can celebrate so many of them for their courage, remember “faith without work is dead”, so is your dream or hope. Sam Jonah says “Hope is the companion of power, the mother of success; we could succeed with hope in our hearts one day.” So don’t let your nope down.51.It can be inferred from Sam Jonah’s words in Para.1 that ________.A.hope has great influence on our lives B.expectation always leads to happiness C.hope could cure most illnesses D.expectation exists on tomorrow 52.Why did Sam Jonah become a laughing stock?A.Because he did many ridiculous things.B.Because others could finish the tasks better.C.Because he faced too many challenges.D.Because others thought his hope is beyond reach.53.The author mentioned the story of Sam Jonah to________.A.show Sam Jonah’s ridiculous hope B.introduce the condition of miningC.prove that hope may lead to success D.review the history of Anglo Gold Ashanti 54.According to paragraph 3, to succeed one should________.A.owning great ability B.having perfect faithC.holding big courage D.avoiding quitting easily55.Which would be the best title for this passage?A.Hope is just a choice B.Keep your hope aliveC.Failure helps success D.How to achieve success四、阅读表达阅读短文,并按照题目要求用英语回答问题。
天津市第四十七中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解Gymnastics Instructor WantedAbout usPCYC (Police Citizens Youth Club) Queensland is a not-for-profit organization established in 1948, aiming to build safer and healthier communities. We focus on young people’s personal and leadership development by offering state-wide programs, services and facilities through 54 branches, two leadership development centers and two activity centers.About the positionPCYC Burdekin currently wants gymnastics instructors, who will assist in the development and delivery of the gymnastics programs to PCYC clients.•Casual work (approximately 20 30 hours per week)•$28.38-$31.80 per hour (depending on previous experience and qualification—junior rate may apply)•To be employed, you must be qualified to get a Working with Children Check or Blue Card and be willing to undertake a National Police Check.•Applicants with intermediate accreditation (认证) from Gymnastics Queensland will be considered with priority.What we can offer•Free onsite parking and free access to PC 24/7 gyms•Flexible work environment and wo rking hours•Opportunity to work in an established branch with a great teamKey responsibilities include•Deliver a broad range of fun group gymnastics programs for all ages, in accordance with safety and industry-approved practice requirements.•Contribu te towards creative marketing and promotion of the gymnastics programs to maintain current participants and attract new participants.•Ensure our gymnastics equipment is maintained and used in a safe manner.•Instruct and assist the work of junior coachi ng staff.DeadlineApplications close on 8 September, 2022. Interested? Click here to apply.1、What is PCYC Queensland’s goal?A. To provide the youth with advice on personal emotions.B. To make a fortune through state-wide programs.C. To build more branches outside Queensland.D. To improve community security and health.2、How much can a gymnastics instructor in PCYC Burdekin earn in a week?A. $100-$300.B. $330-$530.C. $560-$960.D. $990-$1390.3、What should you do to increase your chance of being employed by PCYC Burdekin?A. Express the desire to work for National Police Agency.B. Show the intermediate gymnastics qualification.C. Present the experiences in dealing with children.D. Explain the urgent need for a full-time job.4、If hired, a gymnastics instructor will be responsible for_________.A. seeking junior coaches to build a teamB. seleoting suitable equipment for teenagersC. helping advertise the gymnastics programsD. designing new gymnastics programs independently5、Where does this text probably come from?A. A Queensland’s local paper.B. A job-hunting mobile app.C. A popular science website.D. A notice-board in a gym.My greatest regret in life is that I failed to tell my superb teachers how much they contributed to my early education.Ruth Hammerman taught English to the eighth-graders. She was the first to show me the rules of what Evelyn Waugh called our “rich and delicate language.” She was a no-nonsense instructor. Unlike common teachers, she diagramed (用图表展示) sentences so we could know the grammar rules. She never seemed to be tired of the simple pleasures of sharing her learning.Under her influence, I had the strong belief that language needs to be well-spoken and properly written. Yet over the years I never made the effort to find her and to express my thankfulness for what she did for me. Two years after being in her class, I began the study of Latin and French, and the foundation (基础) she provided in English grammar served me well. Sadly, I never looked back.In high school I took advanced French in a class taught by Richard Miller, the finestteacher I have ever experienced at any level. Mr. Miller brought to his subject a surprisingly deep understanding and new analysis (分析). Reading “Phèdre”, Racine’s classic play, he asked us to note there were 1,654 lines in it, and then pointed out the care Racine devoted to structure. Years later I made the same point — giving Mr. Miller credit — in a college French class, and my professor was surprised by my understanding of the play. Mr. Miller taught us to enjoy literature with particular points of view. Yet I never made the effort in later years to tell him what he meant to me.Mr. Miller is certainly long dead. If she is alive, Miss Hammerman would likely be in her 90s. In preparing this article, I tried to find her but was unsuccessful.their teachers. I ought to have told Miss Hammerman and Mr. Miller how much they did for me. I suppose they knew their work was effective because they believed in what they were doing. Now I appreciate how special they were.6、What is the most beneficial part to the author in Miss Hammerman’s class?A. Grammar.B. Writing.C. Speaking.D. Reading.7、What is special about Mr. Miller’s French class?A. He asked students to count lines.B. He stressed the importance of play.C. He analyzed literature in a new way.D. He showed great devotion to students.8、What does the underlined phrase “my act” in the last paragraph refer to?A. Preparing the article.B. Looking for the teachers.C. Failing to thank teachers.D. Copying teachers’ points.9、What best describes the two teachers according to the text?A. Creative.B. Frank.C. Humorous.D. Strict.10、What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?A. To show love for French literature.B. To explore the meaning of education.C. To explain why teachers are important.D. To share memories of the two teachers.It will come as no comfort to a child shivering (打哆嗦) on a playing field on a cold winter’s day. But regular organized school sport helps ch ildren in their academic studies in years to come. The researchers said other “structured” activities such as music or religiousactivities were not as beneficial for attention as taking part in a games lesson. The difference in academic ability was noticeable even at age ten, with those who had taken in sports since the start of junior school performing better than those who hadn’t.The Canadian study looked at children aged six and then ten. Professor Linda Pagani said:“We worked with information provide d by parents and teachers to compare kindergarteners’ activities with their classroom activities as they grew up. By the time they reached the fourth grade, kids who played structured sports were clearly better at following instructions and remaining focused in the classroom. There is something special to the sporting environment — perhaps the sense of belonging to a team to a special group with a common goal — that appears to help kids understand the importance of respecting the rules and honoring responsi bilities.”Researchers began studying 2,694 Canadian children around the age of six, with teachers filled in questionnaires about their behavior in school. Meanwhile, the children’s parents were interviewed by phone or in person about their home life. The exercise was the repeated four years later to test what effect the behavior had.Professor Pagani said: “We found children who had better behavior in the kindergarten class were more likely to be involved in sport by age ten. Nevertheless, we found those children who were specifically involved in team sports at kindergarten scored higher by the time they reached the fourth grade.” The researchers believe sporting activities and attention skills go hand in hand. Professor Pagani added: “The results should b e encouraging for schools looking to cut childhood obesity rates and low attainment in schools.”11、What kinds of children may do better in their academic study according to paragraph one?A. Those who join in structured activities.B. Those who don’t shiver on a cold winter’s day.C. Those who don’t like school sports.D. Those who take part in game lessons.12、What did the researcher focus on in their research?A. The classroom activities.B. The results of the exams.C. The performance at kindergarten.D. The time spent in classrooms.13、In the sporting environment, kids are more likely to ______.A. understand each other betterB. follow the rulesC. respect the teachersD. give up14、What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?A. How scientists carried out the research.B. Why parents were interviewed by phone.C. How kids behaved at home or at school.D. How many sports kids did at school.15、What can we infer from Prof. Pagani’s words in the last paragraph?A. The research will be of great benefit.B. It’s necessary for children go to kindergartens.C. Childhood obesity rates can lead to low attainment.D. Team sports will be reduced at kindergartens.In today’s motivational literature, failure is often viewed as something to be celebra ted. Inspirational speakers are fond of quoting the words of the novelist Samuel Beckett-“Fail again. Fail better.” It seems that disappointments are an essential stepping stone to success, a turning point in our life story that will ultimately end in victory.However, psychological researches find most of us struggle to handle failure constructively. In other words, we fail to “fail forward”. We find ways to devalue the task at which we failed, and become less motivated to persevere and reach our goals. This phenomenon is known as the “sour-grape effect”, which was discovered by Professor Hallgeir Sjastad.Sjastad explains that “sour-grape effect” is a self-protective mechanism. “Most of us picture ourselves as competent people, so when external feedback suggests otherwise, it poses a serious threat to that self-image,” he says. “The easiest way out is to deny or explain away the external signal, so we can reduce the inconsistency and preserve a positive sense of self. We do this even without noticing.”If you have one bad interview for your dream job, you might convince yourself that you don’t really want it at all, and stop applying for similar positions. The same goes if you fail to impress at a sports trial, or if a publisher rejects the first submission of your manuscript. “We tend to explain away our shortcomings and convince ourselves our ‘Plan C’ is actually our ‘Plan A’,” Sjastad says.It doesn’t mean we should persevere in goals all the time. It can be healthy to change ambitions if the process is no longer making us happy. But the “sour-grape effect may lead usmight learn and improve.Failures are unavoidable. By learning to face the disappointment instead of devaluing its importance and pretending nothing happened, you may find it easier to achieve your goals.16、Why does the author mention the speech of inspirational speakers in paragraph 1?A. To offer an example to handle failure.B. To describe a shallow understanding of failure.C. To introduce a common attitude towards failure.D. To emphasize the importance of experiencing failure.17、What can we learn from the paragraph 3 about the “sour-grape effect”?A. It protects us from false feedback.B. It pictures us as competitive people.C. It poses a severe threat to self-image.D. It denies negative feedback to ourselves.18、What is the author’s attitude towards failure?A. Short-sighted.B. Wait-and-see.C. Objective.D. Skeptical.19、What does the underlin ed word “prematurely” in paragraph 5mean?A. Unhappily.B. Mistakenly.C. Hurriedly.D. Carelessly.20、Which statement would the author most probably agree with?A. Don’t escape when our self-image is broken.B. Don’t quit when goals no longer make you hap py.C. Never hesitate to replace “Plan A” with “Plan C”.D. Never forget to maintain a positive sense of self.My family had moved into a new house with big back yard. For some time, my older brother and I had been expecting a family pet. Finally, we managed to persuade our parents that the time had come for keeping one.Though my brother and I were of like minds about the goal of having a family member, what exactly it meant to each of us was entirely different. I was excited and happy when my parents brought home the dog, Snoopy. Despite the fun of playing with him,I knew it was really more my brother’s pet than mine. I really, really wanted a cat! I tried to show my joy for getting a pet while trying to hide my disappointment that he wasn’t a cat. My pare nts must have known how I was feeling because they suggested that I could make a wish about it.Running to my bedroom, I made a wish sincerely that I would have a cat. Not more than a minute or two passed when I heard a faint scratching sound(轻微的抓挠声) coming from the front door. Curious, I stood up, approaching the open front door. There, sitting calmly before me was a large, white cat.I was absolutely amazed! I went close to the white cat, and it began walking towards me.brother were playing with Snoopy. So, Snowball joined our household that day, too.Although my parents always denied having anything to do with Snowball's arrival, I guessed they might have. However, even if they did somehow arrange for him to appear at the front door at the very moment when I was making a wish for a cat, it would not reduce the miracle of a cat doing in my life.21、What were the author's parents persuaded to do? (no more than 10 words)22、Why did the author feel disappointed? (no more than 10 words)23、What happened to the author after her wish? (no more than 10 words)24、How can we understand the underlined part in Paragraph 4? (no more than 10 words)25、What do you think of the author's parents? And why? (no more than 20 words)二、完形填空(20空)There is an older homeless woman who sometimes is sitting near where I am living, begging for money. Unfortunately, the inner city places are often being strongly 1 by younger men and women who try to 2 the space.Whenever I see her, I make sure to give her something, and at least to talk to her for a few seconds if I have a tight 3 . When young people 4 around, I often make sure to drop a few coins into her cup while passing her a note without anybody seeing it in the 5 that they will leave her alone.Today I was again 6 her, giving her some money and some food. I 7 before her and then kept down to ask her how she was. She 8 me by saying that she wanted to thank me not just for the 9 but for always talking to her.much to her.her as often as possible!26、A. refused B. requested C. supported D. ignored27、A. change B. paint C. enlarge D. occupy28、A. finance B. opportunity C. break D. schedule29、A. sit B. look C. hang D. live30、A. hope B. fear C. case D. way31、A. noticing B. phoning C. passing D. demanding32、A. ran B. stopped C. nodded D. spoke33、A. encouraged B. inspired C. interrupted D. surprised34、A. money B. kindness C. patience D. advice35、A. denied B. argued C. mentioned D. forgot36、A. work B. beg C. sit D. move37、A. prepared B. hesitated C. struggled D. stayed38、A. minding B. teaching C. treating D. supporting39、A. occasionally B. willingly C. gladly D. rarely40、A. ashamed B. worried C. upset D. proud41、A. living B. walking C. standing D. driving42、A. rest B. solution C. conversation D. share43、A. act B. praise C. reward D. gift44、A. move away B. start out C. break down D. open up45、A. agenda B. lookout C. ground D. course三、书面表达46、假如你是李津,请按如下提示给外国留学生Jeff写一封信,邀请他参加你们学校为留学生举办的晚会。
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根据目前情况,今年高考题应该呈现如下的特点:温和有“诈” ,平中见“新”,横向综合较广,计算量会相对减少,思维量和方法相对灵活,解题的入口相对较容易,每道题得满分还是很困难。
在这种类型题中考生必须想到倍角公式,和差公式,)sin(cos sin 22ϕααα++=+b a b a (其中a>0,ab =ϕtan ,y =k x A ++)sin(ϕω图象的特点。
通项公式已知,这个数列就是一个已知的数列,想求什么就可以求什么,就可以研究数列的性质(例如:单调性、最值、前n 项的和 n S ,极限等问题)常见的问题的条件是:给出数列的递推首项和递推关系,递推关系有可能是相邻项关系,也可能是相间项的关系等。
给出数列n S 和n a 的关系,这种题一般利用n n n a S S =--1把已知条件转化为n a 和1-n a 的关系,也可以转化为1-n n S S 、的关系。
最终都是通过构造等比、等差数列求出n a ,或者通过递推关系求出 ,,,321a a a ,猜想n a ,再用数学归纳法证明。
在此要大家注意常见构造数列的方法就是待定系数法(常见形式有: r qa a n n +=-1和)(1n f qa a n n +=-,也可以用迭代的方法。
在数列中要有这种理念:由n S 可求n a ,由n a 可求n S ,就必须分析n a 的特点,选择不同的求和方法(例如:倒序求和法,乘以公比错位相减法,裂项相消法等)总之,本题也是高考的一项综合性很强的问题。
具体方法有:①交点、分点、弦长、面积问题,要联立方程组,消元 利用韦达定理,如λ=21x x ,2)(122121221++=+x x x x x x x x ,||1||212x x k AB -+= ②与弦中点相关的问题,选择差点法,会减少计算量③过焦点问题,应想到曲线第一、第二定义作题(焦半径)④有变量问题,求范围、最值、应该想到函数观念,定义域,利用函数来解决问题解析题也可以与数列、函数形成综合题,作为高考的压轴题。