第四讲 广告语翻译(上课)handout
应用文体翻译教程第四章 广告商标翻译.优秀PPT资料

现在时强调商品的当前价值和功能 ,同时主动语态和现 在时通常给人一种直接感,并暗示商品的持久性和永恒性。
Harmony of style and performance set this new Mazda 6 apart. Qualities are at the heart of every Mazda.
广告明说劳力克斯手表不需要休息,暗示了手表走时准 确 ,同时把产品人格化,使产品具有人情味,切中要害地渲 染了它的优越性。
广告中双关用单个单词映射多重含义,出其不意,引 人入胜,深受广告商的喜爱。广告文体的双关形式多样: 一是谐音双关
Ask for More. 再来一支,我还抽摩尔。 广告是利用More(摩尔)牌香烟与 more谐音双关的 效果,使广告具有双层含义:一是消费者忍俊不住再 抽一支;二是消费者再抽还抽摩尔牌香烟。
Spoil yourself and not your figure. 尽情享受,不增体重。 利用广告语中“Spoil ”的一次多义的特点,使词语或句
子的多义性在特定的环境下形成双关 。
广告套用或模仿过去某一著名诗句、警句、或谚语等, 改动其中部分词语,从而达到作者创新的目的,取得或讽刺 或幽默的效果。例如:
省略句的语言特点是语言凝练,节奏明快,关键词 突出, 利用最少空间,传达信息;其句法特点是省略部分 大多数是主语、谓语、宾语或其它成分,以便强调和传 达商品的重要信息。
Can’t beat the feeling . 挡不住的感觉 广告省略了主语,表达人人难挡其魅力的自信。
祈使句本身含有请求、号召人们做某事的意思,具有非 常强的劝说性。
hand out什么意思

hand out什么意思标题:hand out什么意思手撕!? 手掌外!?手下留情... 手势的含义...手势在人类交流中起着重要的作用。
而“hand out”这个短语在英语中是一个常见且有趣的表达方式。
那么,让我们一起来探索一下“hand out”这个词组的含义、用法以及相关的词语。
首先,让我们了解一下“hand out”这个词组的字面意思。
根据字面翻译,我们可以将“hand out”理解为“伸出手”。
在教育领域,我们经常听到“hand out”一词。
而学生也可以用“hand out”这个词来描述老师发给他们的资料,例如:“The teacher handed out the worksh eets for us to complete.”此外,“hand out”也可以用于商业场合。
除了上述情况,我们还可以把“hand out”用于一些日常生活中的场景。
“hand out”这个短语的进一步延伸是“handout”。
lecture 4 广告翻译

(二) 中英文广告翻译中的文化比较 (1)文化背景的差异 各个国家或地区的文化往往受到语言、宗教、价值观 念、生活方式、教育科技水平、物质文明程度、社会 组织形式、政治和法律等因素的影响。文化差异是跨 文化交际的障碍,克服文化差异造成的交际障碍已经 成为整个世界共同面临的问题。
广告中,人们通常会通过联想、想象、幻想等形式,进行 创造或再创造,从而创造出具有特色的、传情达意的审美 对象。例如: 1 .All is well that ends well . (香烟广告) 译文(1):结局好,全都好。 译文(2):烟蒂好, 烟就好。 这则广告实际上是一条英语成语,译文1 是该成语的意义, 置于广告中,读者一时难解原句之妙, 而译文2则是灵感思维的绝妙产物,在香烟广告中,ends 就 具有了双重意义: 动词“结束”和名词“香烟蒂”,能寻到 这样一词两义的妙趣,译者一定能享受到创造的乐趣。
Love her, take her to Haagen-Dazs.
Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽!
Shoes can fly! So do your dreams!
(一) 音韵美( beauty in sound ) 音韵美是指广告词发音响亮、节奏分明、富有乐感, 给人以听觉上美的享受。例如: 1.Big thrills , small bills. (出租车广告) 译文(1):大刺激,小花费。 译文(2):莫大的激动,微小的费用。 广告英语常利用各种语音表现手段,诸如与声音强度 有关的音节、音步、停顿,与声音一致的押韵以及与 语音关系密切的修辞手法如拟声、谐音等,取得广告 的美音效果。 在翻译英语广告时,应尽量注意原文的音韵美,尽量运 用汉语双韵母和复合韵母的特点,再加上音节长短变 化的汉语特色,使广告语读起来铿锵有力、流畅自如。
hand out英语翻译

hand out英语翻译
Handout Master讲义母版
audience handout听众讲义
See Handout见讲义
welfare handout福利救济
Course handout课程讲义
a handout救济品 ; 施舍
Read Handout阅读讲义
my handout最爱书籍
I've put this on the handout.
Mnemosyne, whose name is spelled with some difficulty, is spelled on the lower part of yourhandout.
“This Shakespeare is handsome and glamorous, so how does this change the way we think about him?” the handout said.
翻译 lesson 010 handout

Lesson 1010.1 Warm-up奥运菜谱定译:夫妻肺片、红烧狮子头、麻婆豆腐误译10.2 Bilingual Reading快餐的精神分析沈宏非不过,新鲜好奇开洋荤,以及家庭聚会、恋人约会这一类在阎文中成为―美国文化中国化‖的要素,正在逐渐消失于中国的沿海城市,最起码在繁忙时间,麦当劳的顾客群多由互不相识者组成,这正是美式快餐业者的理想顾客。
Version 1 A Psychoanalysis of Fast FoodsAnyway, curiosity, novelty-seeking and fresh-tasting as well as family gathering and love dating –these elements, pledged in Yan’s essay to have actualized the Sinolization of American culture, are disappearing in China’s coastal cities. At least during its busy hours, the customers of the Macdonald’s are composed mainly of people who do not know each other – they are actually the ideal customers of American fast food restaurants. Meanwhile, the sites of the Macdonald’s are moving closer and closer to commercial areas and office buildings. A mature market is coming into being. For all this, I still cannot see any favorable opportunity for Chinese fast foods to duel with their foreign opponents.Not long before, KFC has decorated inside out its headquarter restaurant in Beijing in a typical Chinese style. The packing of this restaurant is even more typical Chinese than the native ―Red Sorghum‖ restaurant – if these restaurants, both KFC and Red Sorghum, understand globalization in this way, they may well have made an undue mistake, say, they depart from the essence of food culture.Western fast foods are most suitable for lone eaters while lone eaters are the target customers of fast food restaurant. Nevertheless, the subconscious of the Chinese people usually resists lone eating because lone eating is of certain tragic aesthetic qualities, or in other words, lone eating is an unpleasant and boring experience, is a punishment that should be ended as soon as possible. Therefore, when someone has to eat alone, apart from sanitation and low price, speed is another important consideration.Although Chinese fast foods have acquired these features, although the cooking of deep-fried dough sticks, soybean milk, jiaozi and noodles have also met these basic requirements, they are after all foods for boisterous gatherings. Deep-fried dough sticks, soybean milk, jiaozi and noodles, eaten in the Westernized fast food environment, are far from evoking the expected cozy feelings. Instead, they are conducive to the development of tragic feelings. Western fast foods, which have done without all sad symbols, including the critical property of chopsticks, have thus become temporary screens and pacifiers of the above-mentioned unpleasant feelings. This is probably just what is wanted for a Chinese person sitting solitarily with a hamburger in hands.The bad performance of Chinese fast foods is just supportive of this view: As regards to eating and drinking, there is no such issue of ―globalization‖. If there is, it must be found out of nothing.Version 2The novelty of the Macdonald’s has really aroused the interest and curiosity of the Chinese customers, but the elements featuring in the Macdonald’s referred to as ―localized…American culture‖in Yan’s essay, such as family gathering and love dating, are disappearing in the Macdonald’s restaurants in China’s coastal cities. The Macdonald’s, in their busy hours specially, are frequented by individuals unknown to each other – the ideal customers of American fast food restaurants. Further, the locations of the Macdonald’s are moving toward commercial areas and office buildings. A market in the real sense is taking shape. However, the chance for Chinese fast foods to compete with their foreign rivals is still very slim.Recently, KFC has decorated inside out its headquarter restaurant in Beijing in a typical Chinese style, making it even more Chinese than the native ―Red Sorghum‖. However, if this is the way they understand globalization, both KFC ad Red Sorghum have made a mistake that should not have been made, in other words, they are getting astray from what makes food a culture.Western fast foods are suitable for lone eaters and lone eaters are the target customers of fast food restaurants. But in the subconscious of the Chinese people there is a natural resistance to eating without companion because eating without companion is usually tinged with some tragically aesthetic color. As it is an unpleasant and boring experience, or a punishment, so to speak, the eater tends to finish it off as quickly as possible. So, when a Chinese person has to go to a restaurant and eat alone there, he has the sense of time in mind, apart from sanitation/ hygiene and price.Although Chinese fast foods have secured competent edge on price and sanitation /hygiene, although they are now made and served more quickly than before, they are after all foods meant for boisterous gatherings. When they are provided in a Westernized fast food environment, they cannot evoke the kind of coziness otherwise expected on such occasions: they are apt to call forth sadness instead. Western fast foods, having done away with all sad symbols, including the one represented by chopsticks, have thus become a temporary screen for and a pacifier of the unpleasant feelings as mentioned above. This is probably just what a Chinese person wants, while sitting solitarily in a restaurant with a hamburger in hands.Well, the poor performance of Chinese fast foods, if anything, explains that, as regards what to eat and what to drink, there is no such an issue as ―globalization‖. If there ever was, it must have been worked out by people with nothing else to do in life but eat and drink.10.3 Translation TipsTranslation of Chinese Dishes中式菜肴名称的翻译一、中式菜肴的传统特点(一)原料丰富、品种繁多、达两千多种。

以下是一些可行的翻译方法:1. 互译法:这种方法直接将源语言的口号逐字翻译成目标语言,尽量保持原文的韵律和节奏。
2. 意译法:这种方法根据源语言的意思和文化内涵,在目标语言中使用类似的表达方式或意象。
3. 注释法:这种方法是在翻译后的口号旁加上一两句简短的注释,解释其含义或背后的文化内涵。
4. 创新法:这种方法是在原有的口号基础上进行重新创作,针对目标语言和受众的特点创造全新的表达。
【最新文档】浪琴广告语英文-精选word文档 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==浪琴广告语英文篇一:商标、广告语英文翻译商标:1.Benz 奔驰2.BMW 宝马3.Safeguard 舒肤佳ncome 兰蔻化妆品5.Rejoice 飘柔6.Pepsi 百事7.Pond's 旁氏8.Gillette 吉列9.Adidas 阿迪达斯10.Coca- Cola 可口可乐11.Canon 佳能12.Ritz 乐之13.Lux 力士14.Longines 浪琴表15.Head&Shoulder 海飞丝16.Porsche 保时捷17.Sharp 夏普18.Ports 宝姿广告语:1. Make yourself heard.(Ericsson爱立信) 理解就是沟通。
2. A diamond lasts forever.(De Bierres第比尔斯) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。
3. Intel Inside.(Intel Pentium英特尔奔腾) 给电脑一颗奔腾的"芯"。
4. Connecting People.(Nokia诺基亚) 科技以人为本。
5. Mosquito Bye Bye Bye .(RADAR雷达驱虫剂) 蚊子杀杀杀。
6. Behind that healthy smile, there is a Crest kid.(Crest toothpaste 佳洁士) 健康笑容来自佳洁士。
7. Let's make things better. (Philips飞利浦) 让我们做得更好。
8. The sign of excellence.(OMEGA欧米茄) 凝聚典雅。
有一些经典翻译体现了"文字翻译"和"文化翻译"的完美结合:1. Coca-Cola 可口可乐评:译得绝妙,既利用了谐音,又把喝过这种饮料后痛快淋漓的感觉充分反映出来,同时又接近中国文化中"可乐"一词给人们的美好联想。
topic five商业广告的翻译.handout

商业广告的翻译•广告的目的, 功能和构成•广告语言的特点广告的目的和功能•信息功能, 美化,表情功能, 呼唤功能•功能的实现: 说理和移情广告的构成标题, 正文, 口号, 商标, 插图广告语言的特点•词汇特征•句法特点•修辞特征词汇特征(1) 大量使用形容词fine ,great, wonderful 表称赞和推荐crisp, delicious, fresh ,rich在食品广告中常用; clean, fresh, soft 常用在牙刷,洗发水等产品广告中;super-常构成超级,(2)创新的拼写方式Forget hot taste. Only Kool, with pure menthol has the taste of extra coolnees. Come up to cool.We know eggsactly how to sell eggs(3)借用外来词Order it in bottles or in canes Perrier… with added je ne sais quoi(4)灵活运用复合词mass-product, light-blue, frist class, home-made, warm-heated, money-saving, innocent-looking句法特点•比较口语化, 句式大多简单明了, 采用多种句式。
(1)使用简单句, 一目了然飞利浦电器, 没有最好, 只有更好你的人生伴侣.钟表(2)使用疑问句, 制造悬念, 激发好奇心.•Do you teach? If so, Please read on…•The Seiko Ladied Quartz, Prettey, isn’t she?(3)使用祈使句, 简单明快,车鼓动性强.别再犹豫了Take it now!读, 记忆, 行动Red, remembered, rushed.(4)使用省略句, 语言凝练,重点突出当代的经典, 永久的记时A contemporary classic, a timeless timepiece.生机勃勃的领带, 献给那些沉静而有信心的人们. Bright ties, ties for the cool, and certainly the confidence.(5)使用第一,二人称, 曾强亲和力和可信度.•我相信它的疗效, 我喜欢它的价格.I trust the cure! I like the price!修辞特征(1)明喻•妈妈依赖果乐Kool-Aids, 就像孩子依赖妈妈. Mom depends on Kool-Aid, like kids depend on Moms.•戴在你手臂上的东西应该和你手臂上的人一样美丽What’s on your arm should be as beautiful as(2) 暗喻•To spread your wings in Asia share our vantage point..•Sophisticated, sweet-to drink pink Lady.(3) 双关•Mr Kipling(蛋糕牌子,又是对人的称呼)烤制出绝好的蛋糕Mr Kipling makes exceedingly good cakes. You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nut. It fills you up and gives you lots of g o•(4) 对偶•The choice is yours, the honor is ours.选择在你们, 荣耀在我们•See, sun, sand, seclusion and Spain! You can have all this when you visit the new Hotel Caliente.(5)压韵(头韵,尾韵)•健康,幽默,幸福……这就是我们的赠礼. Health, Humor, and Happiness…Gifts we’d love to give.高保真, 高乐趣, 高时尚-只来自索尼Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-Fashion, Only from Sony. •Flash. Dash. Classic splash.(6)反复•电脑设计,激光消音,机器人制造. Designed with a computer; Silenced by a laser; Built by a robot (7)排比•THE CORDIA, shaped by the wind, born for the road. CORDIA汽车,流线型设计,天生地实用与道路行驶•We will tell you the odds before they are out. We will published what other publications dare not. We will give you inside information you won’t find elsewhere. (杂志广告).第二节广告翻译的原则和基本方法广告翻译的原则•考虑译文对接受着的效果,既要保留源语言的形式,风格,有要产生与之相同的效果,达到音,意,韵的和谐统一.•简洁,优美,•符合接受语的文化传统和语言表达习惯.广告语句的翻译方法直译•对原文进行字面的翻译,既保留原文的内容,有保留原文的形式.•(丁家宜化妆品)The secret for perfect skin. 拥有完美肌肤的秘诀转译•翻译人员提取原文中最具有表情功能和呼唤功能的部分来引申,发挥后用地道的语言表达出来. 意译•The unique spirit of Canada 酒类•Good to the last drop麦氏咖啡增补翻译•Start ahead飘柔洗发水•Anytime 快递公司缩减•Wherever you are. Whatever you do. The Allianz Group is always on your side.安联集团•The man who have achieved success are the man who have dared, who have had the courage to act upon their convictions招商套用警句格言•Not all cars are created equal. 三菱汽车•Tasting is believing 食品使用四字结构•Finest food, most attractive surroundings, and friendly disposition.•广告文本的翻译处理广告文本应该在谋篇布局上应该本着功能相似的原则, 不拘泥与原文的遣词造句, 因该以文本为翻译单位, 再现原文的功能.•The perfect companion for 2001 Since you depend on a diary every day of the year, Pick the one that’s perfect for you. Bright, attraction, colourful, always for a smile…••100%COTTON•GENTLE AND SOFT enough for a baby’s skin.•A NA TURAL WAY to remove, makeup and cleaner, nail polish, lotion, cream, etc. •PERFECT for any use where a soft absorbent applicator is needed主要问题1.准确传递广告中的信息2.根据广告性质采用不同的翻译方法.3.对说理类广告多用直译, 移情类广告比较自由, 实现关高宣传和劝购4.Double Star Takes you Afar5.考虑社会文化因素, 注意读者的审美需求. It is the taste.6.译文要符合译入语的广告文体. Safe, Easy, Quick, and with fun!7.使用安全,操作简单, 高效快捷, 乐在其中!Exercises and Keys•It is gives me hair a top-quality look.•Just do it•You and northwest, business at its best•Old product. New Design•Kodak is Olympic Colour.•A word to wealthy•The world smiles with Reader’s Digest.•The Globe bring you the world in a single copy•Unlike me, my ROLEX never needs a rest•Chromatic exclusive sunglasses•A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play.•Quality first, advanced technology, scientific management and best service.•Where there is South, there is a way•Everything is extraordinary; Everything tempts.。

第四讲广告语翻译Part I 广告翻译的类别和策略:1.1 直译(Literal Translation )A组:Challenge the Limits. 挑战极限(SAMSUNG)Winning the hearts of the world 赢取天下心(Air France 法国航空公司)Hand in Hand, Future in Your Hand 伴你同行,齐握未来(The Tai Ping Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 太平人寿)The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.(Lexus--automobile )B组:What can be imagined, can be realized. 只要有梦想,万事可成真。
(香港电讯)We're Siemens. We can do that. 我们是西门子,我们能办到(Siemens 西门子)Life is a journey. Travel it well. 人生如旅程,应尽情游历(United Airlines 联合航空)来是他乡客去时故人心When you come, you are a guest of ours, when you leave, we are the friends of yours. (Central Hotel 中心大酒店)1.2 意译(Paraphrase)Ask for more! 渴望无限(Pepsi-cola--百事可乐)For next generation. 新一代的选择。
(Pepsi-cola--百事可乐)The COLOR OF SUCCESS! 让你的业务充满色彩。
(Minolta--copier machine)Whatever makes you happy. 为您设想周全让您称心如意(Credit Suisse)UPS. On time, every time. UPS —准时的典范(UPS--快递)Every time a good time 秒秒钟欢聚欢笑(McDonald's-- 麦当劳)We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty. (UPS--快递)Begin your own tradition. (Patek Philippe Geneve 百达翡丽--Watch)1.3 再创型翻译/创译(Creative Translation)Connecting People 科技以人为本(Nokia)The Way Ahead 九铁动力拓新领域(KCRC 九广铁路)Music makes us 生有趣?乐无穷(2000/01 乐季--康乐及文化事务署)Quality Services for Quality Life 凝聚新动力文康展新姿(康乐及文化事务署)Ma Belle is Diamond 只因为您更有价值(Ma Belle-jewelry )Good to the last drop !滴滴香浓,意犹未尽!(雀巢咖啡)A great way to fly 新加坡航空,飞越万里,超越一切。

商务英语源于普通英语,并以此为基础,完全具有普通英语的语言学特征,但同时它又是商务知识和普通英语的综合体,因而具有其内在的独特性,主要有以下几个方面的特点:●专业词汇词义的“专一”和词义的“歧义”并存●用词正式严谨●商务英语不同于普通英语的另一个特点是许多专业词汇词义变化不大,如D/P (document against payment)付款交单,不管在什么上下文,都是指出口方在委托银行收款时,指示银行只有在付款人付清贷款是,才能向其交出货运单据。
●Instrument of payment, instrument of pledge, instrument of ratification商务文本的语篇风格特点:根据商务英语在商务交际活动中的功能,商务语类语篇可分为商务信函(busines correspondence)、备忘录(Memorandum),会议纪要(Synopsis of Minutes),广告(Commercials),报告(Report),通知(Notice),说明书(Specification),协议或合同(Agreement or Contract),以及各种相关单据与表格(Bills and Forms)。

CET4 Sentence AnalysisDirections: Try to identify the characteristics of clauses existing in the following sentences.Noun clauses--substantive clause; Attributive clause, Appositive clause;Adverbial clauses (Adverbial clause of time/place/cause/result/manner/condition/purpose/concession)1.The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity tofast-forward(促进)certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight(洞察力)to know when it is better to move more slowly.2.Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims(调整平衡)the pollution controland energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a more refined(精炼的)raw material.3.There is another conversation, which from our point of view is equally important, and that has to do notwith what is read but with how it is read.4.Decision-thinking is not unlike poker——it often matters not only what you think, but also what othersthink you think and what you think they think you think.5.Obviously, there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all his answers, butpeople should also rely on their own internal computers and check the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong.plaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when theconsumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question.7.When children understand that the light of the lighting flashing reaches their eyes almost at the samemoment, but the sound of the thunder takes about 5 seconds to travel just one mile, they can begin to time the interval between the flash and the crash to learn how close they were to the actual spark.。

百达翡丽广告语英文篇一:打动人的英语广告词@cecilia-ssyYouneveractuallyownaPatekPhilippe.Youmerelylookafteritforthenextgene ration.没人能拥有百达翡丽,只不过为下一代保管而已。
@Summer里的非小姐:当然不得不提广告文案界奉为经典,奥格威为劳斯莱斯撰写的最负有盛名的长标题:at60milesanhourtheloudestnoiseinthisnewRolls-Roycecomesfromtheelect ricclock.时速60英里时,这辆新劳斯莱斯的最大噪音来自电子钟。
篇二:百达翡丽广告策划书百达翡丽广告策划书营销与策划专业4班罗建堂张根郭文卓舒星凌萧鹏20XX/11/30目录1、前言 (1)2、市场分析·····························1~43、广告战略·····························4~54、广告对象·····························5~65、广告地区·····························6~76、广告策略·····························7~87、广告预算及分配 (8)8、广告效果预测·························8~9百达翡丽广告策划书一、前言百达翡丽创立于1839年,作为日内瓦最后一家独立制表商,百达翡丽在设计、生产直至装配的整体过程中享受着全面的创新自由,打造出令世人专家交口称赞的全球钟表杰作,并谨遵品牌创始人百达先生(antoinenorbertdePatek)和翡丽先生(Jean-adrienPhilippe)的卓越远见,凭借超凡的专业技能,秉承优质的创新传统,百达翡丽至今拥有超越80余项技术专利。

▪ ① When your taste grows up, Winston out-tastes them all.
➢ 译文:随着你的鉴赏能力的提高,您会觉得温丝顿香烟味道 超群。
▪ ② Forget hot taste
▪ Only Kool, with pure menthol has the taste of extra coolness
➢ 投射科技阳光(爱普生液晶投影仪广告), ➢ 国酒茅台,相伴辉煌(茅台酒广告) ➢ 悟其韵,品其味,闻其香,观其色(云南七子饼茶)
▪ 所谓“俗”,则是指口语、俚语和非正式用语, 常见于食品、饮料或日用小商品的广告。口语词
汇简单易懂,俚语和非正式用语则使广告更加生 动活泼。
➢ 牙好,胃口就好,身体倍儿棒,吃嘛嘛香,您瞅准喽,
4、使用缩略词或复合词,目的在于 节省广告篇幅。
▪ 译文应体现原文的语言特色。原文用词优 雅精致,译文就不要用俗语、俚语;原文 为轻松随意的口语体,译文就应通俗易懂, 朗朗上口。
(二)句法特点(syntactic features)
▪ 1、口号语一般都高度凝练,经常使用简单 句或省略句。
➢ 一切皆有可能(李宁服饰) ➢ 疼痛到此为止(感冒药芬必得)。
▪ 2、采用祈使句,以使广告具有强烈的鼓动 色彩。
➢ 保护嗓子,请用金嗓子喉宝。
▪ 3、使用并列或平行结构,以加深读者对商品 印象。
➢ 霜飞点点,秀色年年(霜飞化妆品)
➢ 活力的牛肉让你更活力;强壮的牛肉让你更强壮; 诱人的牛肉让你更诱人(麦当劳牛肉汉堡)
【优质文档】百达翡丽广告语英文版-实用word文档 (7页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==百达翡丽广告语英文版篇一:打动人的英语广告词@Cecilia-ssyYou never actually own a Patek Philippe.You merely look after it for the next generation. 没人能拥有百达翡丽,只不过为下一代保管而已。
@渣攻猛回头:yesterday you said tomorrow.昨天你说明天(就行动)。
@机器人婕婕:If they don't look good, we don't look good.他们不体面,我们没面子。
@国光苹果_欣:Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。
@张三三同学:Life's good. LG 美好心生活。
@Summer里的非小姐:当然不得不提广告文案界奉为经典,奥格威为劳斯莱斯撰写的最负有盛名的长标题:At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock.时速60英里时,这辆新劳斯莱斯的最大噪音来自电子钟。
广告语的翻译培训课件PPT(共 57张)

3. 广告类别(Categories of Ads)
商品广告(product advertisement) 服务广告(service advertisement) 公司广告(corporation advertisement) 公益广告(public-welfare advertisement)
1)Everything you’ve heard is true. 真材料,真感受,真服务。 2)He who hesitates is lost. 机不可失,时不再来。 3)In touch with tomorrow. 与明天共进。(东芝)
4) Life is discovery. And we have directions to get you there. (Wondemess)
1. Lexical features: common and simple words.
1) I love this game. 2) Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 3) I’m lov’in it. (我就喜欢。) 4) I chocolate you.
2. 广告语的魅力
吸引力 (attractive --- catch the reader’s attention) 创造力 (creative --- project an image) 说服力 (persuasive --- urge the reader to act) 影响力 (impressive --- produce an impact)
4. 广告策划的6M原则(6M Principles)
Market 市场 Message 信息 Media 媒体 Motion 活动 Measurement 评估 Money 广告投入的

独特的设计, 独特的品味。 如今的“苗条”牌香烟, 连价格也很“苗条”。
Example 9:
You’ll enjoy relaxed sunny days. Warm, crystal clear lagoons. Cool, green foliage. Waterfalls. Flowers. Exotic scents. Bright blue skies. Secluded beaches. Graceful palms. Breathtaking sunsets. Soft evening breezes. And food that simply outstanding.
My hair was dry, coarse and unmanageable. But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo, it has become healthy and shiny. This is because Pantene Pro-V treatment Shampoo contains unique Pro VB5,which deeply penetrates your hair from root to tip. Its new improved formula gives your hair extra protection against damage, leaving it healthier and shiner.
两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假 日,一切费用均包括在单人 价格之内。
3. 使用缩略词和复合词(以节省广告篇幅)
Example 4:

广告词常用表达法Aa complete range of specifications 规格齐全aesthetic appearance 式样美观a great variety of models 款式多样agreeable sweetness 甜而不腻ample supply and prompt delivery 货源充足,供给及时A plastic case is compartmentalized for safe storage 备有塑料盒,便于平安保存。
aromatic character and agreeable taste 香浓可口aromatic flavour 香味浓郁as effectively as a fairy does 成效神奇attractive and durable 美观耐用attractive appearance 造型美观attractive designs 款式新颖attractive fashion 式样新颖available in various designs and specifications for your selection 备有各种款式的现货,任君挑选。
a wide selection of colours and designs 花色繁多Bbeautiful and charming 华美臻美beautiful in colour 色泽艳丽bright and translucent in appearance 外观美泽透明bright in colour 色彩鲜艳bright luster 色泽光润by scientific process 科学精制Ccan be repeatedly remoulded 能屡次翻新carefully-selected materials 用料精选catalogues will be sent upon request 各有详细目录,惠索即寄choice materials 选科考究clear and distinctive 清晰突出clear-cut texture 条文清晰colours are striking, yet not vulgar 色彩夺目,迥然不俗comfortable and easy to wear 穿着舒适轻便comfortable feel 手感舒适complete in specifications 规格齐全complete range of articles 品种齐全complete range of specifications 规格齐全convenient to cook 烹制简便cool in summer and warm in winter 冬暖夏凉courteous service 效劳周到crease-resistance 防绉customers from various countries and regions are welcome to establish and develop business contacts 欢送与世界各地客商进一步加强合作,建立和开展贸易关系Ddelicacies loved by all 群众所喜爱之品尝佳品delicious in taste 口味鲜美dependable performance 性能可靠distinctive for its traditional properties 具有传统风味特色diversified practices and efficient services 方式灵活,方便客商drip-dry 快干durable in use 经久耐用durable-modeling 定型耐久durable service 经久耐用Eeasy and simple to handle 操作方便easy contacts and flexible trading methods 业务联系方便,贸易做法灵通easy to lubricate 易于润滑easy to repair 维修简易easy to use 使用方便elegant and graceful 典雅大方elegant and sturdy package 包装美观牢固elegant appearance 美观大方elegant in smell 香气高雅elegant in style 式样雅致elegant shape 外型大方enquiries and orders are warmly welcome 竭诚欢送客户惠顾Enquiries are cordially welcome 欢送洽购excellent in cushion effect 缓冲好excellent (in) quality 品质优良exquisite craftsmanship 技艺精湛exquisite traditional embroidery art 传统刺绣工艺exquisite in workmanship 做工讲究extremely efficient in preserving heat 耐热性强FFashionable and attractive packages 包装新颖美观fashionable patterns 花式入时fashionable (in) style 款式新颖fast colour 永不退色fine craftsmanship 技艺精湛fine quality 质地优良fine (in) workmanship 做工精细firm in structure 结构巩固fragrant aroma 香气馥郁fragrant (in) flavour 香味浓郁Ggood companions for children as well as adults 老少良友good heat preservation 保温性强good taste 味道纯粹great varieties 种类繁多Hhandsome appearance 造型美观harmonious colours 颜色调和highly polished 光洁度高high quality materials 选料讲究high resilience 富有弹性high safety 保险性强high standard in quality and hygiene 质量高,讲究卫生Iideal gift for occasions 节日送礼之佳品in many styles 式样众多in plain, fancy colour 色彩奇异大方inquiries are welcome 欢送洽询订购Jjade white 洁白如玉Llatest technology 最新工艺limpid in sight 色泽清澈long and rich experience 历史悠久、经验丰富long performance life 使用寿命长久lovely luster 色泽鲜艳可爱lustrous, soft and antislippery 色泽光洁,柔软防滑lustrous surface 外表光泽luxuriant in design 设计华美富贵Mmatching in colour 色彩协调meticulous dyeing processes 染制精良mild and mellow 口感和醇moderate cost 价格适中moderate price 价格公正modern and elegant in fashion 式样新颖大方modern design 设计新颖modern technology 技术先进Nneither too hard, nor too soft 软硬适中new varieties are introduced one after another 新品送出non-ironing 免烫novel (in) design 款式新颖numerous in variety 品种多样Oorders are welcome 欢送惠订outstanding features 有点出众Ppacking of nominated brand 定牌包装perfect in workmanship 制作精巧pleasant in after-taste 回味隽厚pleasant to the palate 清香爽口please order now 请君速订possessing Chinese flavours 具有中国风味pretty and colourful 瑰丽多彩professional design 专业设计promoting health and curing diseases 保健治病prompt delivery 交货迅速punctual timing 走时准确pure and mild flavour 香味纯和pure white and translucent 洁白透明pure whiteness 洁白纯粹Q•quality and quantity assured 保质保量Rrapid heat dissipation 散热迅速reasonable price 价格公正reliable performance 性能可靠rich and magnificent 雍容华美rich experience and strict scientific management 丰富的生产经验和严格的科学管理rich in …富有rich in poetic and pictorial splendor 富有浓厚诗情画意Sselected materials 用料上乘selling well all over the world 畅销全球shrink-proof 防缩水sincerely wish to strengthen business relations with counterparts both at home and abroad 竭诚欢送国内外同行加强业务联系skillful manufacture 制作精巧soft and full 柔软饱满sophisticated technologies 工艺精良stocks are always available in large quantities for prompt delivery 备有现货,交货迅速strict quality control 严格的质量管理strong packing 包装牢固strong resistance to heat and hard wearing 抗热耐磨structural durabilities 经久耐磨sturdy construction 结构巩固sufficient supplies 货源充足suitable for men, women ,and children 男女老少皆宜superior performance 性能优越superior (in) quality质地考究Tthe branch is ready to provide excellent service to customers 本公司准备为客户提供优质效劳timely delivery guaranteed 交货及时to adopt advanced technology 采用先进技术和工艺to assure years of trouble-free service 多年使用,不出故障to be awarded a sliver medal 荣获银质奖to be awarded super-quality certificate 荣获优质产品证书to be distinguished for…以┅著称to be highly praised and appreciated by consuming public 深受国内外消费者的欢送和好评to be specially designed for…专为┅设计的to clear out annoyance and quench thirst 涤烦疗渴to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad 誉满国内外to enjoy high reputation in the world market 在国际市场上具有声誉to ensure smooth transmission 传送灵活to have a long historical standing 历史悠久to have a long history in production and marketing 产销历史悠久to have a long history, rich history, and reliable reputation 历史悠久,经验丰富,信誉可靠to have a unique national style 独特的民族风格to have both the quality of tenacity and hardness 韧硬兼蓄to help digest greasy food 助消化,除油腻to insure a like-new appearance indefinitely 外型永保如新to invigorate health effectively 促进体质to keep your fit all the time 保君健康to make one feel at ease and energetic 安心益气to offer you the best convenience 为君提供便利to produce an effect of expelling hot, refreshment, and digestion helping.清火祛热,怡神醒脑,帮助消化to provides clients with excellent service 向广阔客商提供优良效劳to rank first among similar products居同类产品之首to reduce body weight and prolong life 轻身延寿to satisfy the demands of consumers 满足消费者的需求to win a high reputation and is widely trusted at home and broad 深受国内外客户的信赖和称赞to win high admiration 享有声誉to win warm praises from customers 深受顾客欢送Uunequal in performance 性能无与伦比up-to-date styling 款式新颖utmost in convenience 使用极便Vvarious styles 款式齐全vivid and great in style 款式活泼端庄Wwarm and windproof 保暖防风waterproof, shock-resistant and anti-magnetic 防火、防震和防磁we accept orders according to customers’requirements as well as processing on given materials and compensation trade. 我们接受客户订货,来料加工和补偿贸易well-known for its fine quality 以优质闻名wholesale and retail are welcome 欢送批发零售wide varieties 品种繁多with a long standing reputation 久享盛名with most up-to-date equipments and technique 采用最新设备和工艺with traditional methods 沿用传统的生产方式选词1.absolute绝对的;完全的:We make sure that every facet of yourtrip is absolute perfection.2.advanced 先进的;高级的:One of the world’s most advancedcompact autofocus cameras.3.beautiful 漂亮;美丽的:Your eyewear should be as beautiful andsuperbly crafted as a fine watch or your other fashion accessory.4.classic 古典的;第一流的:classic design.fortable 舒适的: with wider and more comfortable seats.6.creative 创造性的:It also creative possesses creative functions.7.delicate 优雅;柔和;悠扬:the delicate tones of these malts.8.different 不同的:What makes us different?9.easy 容易;简便:Its wide range of interchangeable autofocuslenses make it easy to expand your world of photographic creativity.10.e conomical 经济的;省钱的:the economical engine in a dynamicand sporty shape.11.e njoyable 快乐的:There’s never been a more enjoyable way to flyfrom Singapore to Sydney.12.e xcellent 杰出;优良:And once on the road, it’s excellent handingand roadaility are proven at every turn.13.e xperienced 有经验的:the most experienced international bank.14.e xtraodinary 不同一般;非凡的:the extraodinary perfection offinish.15.f abulous 难以置信的:with a whole day of fabulousshows,shows,shows!16.f ashionable 时尚的;流行的:And so fashionable that it’s seen inall the best places.17.f ast 迅速:For fast relief of athlete’s foot, get Tiactin.18.f lawless 完美无缺:Each Penisula hotel offers flawless service in aspectacular setting.19.f lexible 有弹性的:It offers more personal control and moreflexible,personalised service than ever before.20.f ree 免费的:We also extend to our guests a freetransfer service tothe hotel.21.f riendly 友好的:the friendly smiles of our stewardesses.22.g entle 温和;文雅:Ask our gentle hostess for some Insam Cha.23.g reat 伟大;显著:A beautifully designed wall clock that will lookgreat in your bath.24.i ncredible 令人难以相信的:For incredible speed and accuracy, trythe Minota 7000.25. latest最新的: This latest generation language at lows net new, fastvector graphics.26. light轻的: The eyewear is so light that you feel you’re wearing nothing at all.27. local当地的: We are local company.28. lovely 可爱的: Lovely Quartz. Decoration clock for your bath.29. luxurious豪华的: Add to this luxurious guestrooms.30. modern现代的: the international airline with a growing modern fleet.31 .new新的: A striking new feature of the city skyline.32. nice 美妙: Which is one more reason so many people find it so nice to come home.33. original独创的,新颖的: totally original in concept.34.outstanding杰出的: It’s loaded with outstanding features.35.perfect完美的: It creates the perfect ambience for enjoying our numerous other innovations.36. precious珍贵的: Each brush is a precious tool.37. pure纯洁的: The quality: pure new wool.38. relaxed 放松的: a relaxed attitude.39.remarkable稀奇的: What keeps these remarkable machines way ahead of competition is clever new ideas.40. simple简单的: It not only makes striving simpler, but offered improved automatic fuel economy as well.41.smooth平滑的: It ensures lines so sharp, curves so smooth and blacks so black, that documents look as though they’ve been typeset. 42.spacious广阔的: Spacious, beautifully-appointed rooms and spectacular views from the world’s tallest hotel.43. special 特别的: a special form of hydrated44.splendid绝妙的: splendid facilities, restaurants, poolside.45.successful成功的: The world most extensive and successful videotext system.46.traditional传统的: the traditional Chinese brush.独特的 to offer a unique blend of Western efficiency and Chinese hospitability.通用的: The universal availability of trained personnel.极有价值的: These are valuable concepts for understanding how to manage business successfully into the 21st century.重要的: Northwest is more than just a way to the States, it’s a vital business connection.1.advance 开展;前进: Advance when technology does.2.become变成: MagneTek, since 1984, has become one of theleading producers of electrical equipment in the United States.建立;制造: We build some of the world’s fastest supercomputers. 4.buy 购置: It’s like buying a new computer for the price of a single chip.打 : Call the Swiss life oasis number to find out more.选择: When you next travel, choose the airline that takes service a little further.7 bine 联合: She combines a remarkable liveliness and spontaneity with an absolute obsession with perfection.act 与……联系 Fore more information, please contact your nearest office of the Hong Kong Bank group.9.contain 含有: And its sleek shape hides the fact that it contains a powerful 36mm-110mm zoom lens.精巧地制作: Cathay Pacific First has been crafted from the ground up to meet the needs of the most discerning international travelers.11.dedicate 奉献;致力于: MagneTek’s ongoing R&D is dedicated to improving on this already proven success.设计: Designed to improve your photography at the touch of a button. 发现: So why not contact your travel agent or local Gulf Air Office and discover for yourself the delights of flying.14.enjoy 享受: You’ll enjoy many of these dishes on our flights, along with a wide choice of international cuisine.15.establish 建立: It’s so technically innovative, easy to operate, it’s introduction establishes a new standard of photographic excellence.经历;体验:Now you can experience our uniquely hospitable style of service all the way.发现:You’ll find the flight seems comfortably shorter.飞行:China Airlines flies to twenty cities all over the world.给予:We’ll give you exactly what you want.帮助:Ease of communications helps companies trade nationally and internationally.21.i mprove 改善:We can improve people’s live in three fundamental ways: Communications, Energy and Transportation.包括:This includes our new laptop series.介绍:Now ALR can introduce you to a newer, simpler world.邀请:We invite you to see the complete range of Acer computers.知道:What’s more, our associates know that they can rely on us as business partners not only in good times, but also when the going gets tough.延续;持续:For us it lasts a moment, for you, a lifetime.让:let you perform at your very best.看:don’t look at the PC’s. Look at the ads.使┅成为:It is our tradition of service that makes these flights the most enjoyable.30.manage 经营:We are a group of companies managed by local people all over the world.意味着:Our products and production procedures mean that you as the end user have a product that combines a minimum of energy to achieve maximum efficiency.满足:Lufthansa goes all the way to meet these differing expectations. 需要:To succeed, you need a keen sense of vision and ability to react swiftly and with conviction.提供:Through these companied, our staff can offer clients the benefit of our years of experience in many financial fields.操作:In over 100 countries where we operate, we’ve made the world better place to live in.表演:You can count on them to perform dependably.拥有:It also possessed creative functions such as digital editing, which lets you recreate images by altering shapes.更喜欢:When travelling the international lecture circuit, he prefers to fly Swissair.提供Specialized skills provide fast local decisions.到达;触到:You can reach us by fax 0427-*******节省:Our products save energy, reduce costs and meet stringent environmental requirements.看见:You can see for yourself.效劳:They will serve you in accordance with solid swift traditions, and the competence you would expect from one of the world’s few AAA-rated banks.分享:Introducing a camera that shares your vision of the perfect picture.花费:Every working day we spend $ 14 million on research and development.开始:For more information about Ricoh copiers, start by communicating with your Ricoh dealer.利用:Simply take advantage of the vast array of business services and equipment.试用:Try the Olympus super zoom 110 on for size.利用:Using an innovative process called Finite Element Analysis, our engineers and designers were capable of determining the ideal body structure.赢得:To win the first BS 5750 in the travel service industry.1.appearance 外观;外表:Appearance isn’t all that is brilliant.艺术:It has been leaving its mark on the art of watchmaking.态度:Because our staff have an attitude you’ll find perfectly refreshing. 奖赏:After all, we’ve won this award four times in just ten years.5.breakthrough 突破:Announcing a revolutionary breakthrough in world-band radios from Grundig.舒适:Greater safety, comfort make driving more pleasurable.7.conclusion 结论:If we may draw a conclusion from five generations of experience, it will be this: choose once but choose well.8.creation 创造:An important element in this process is the creation of an infrastructure to meet telecommunications needs.快乐;愉快:It could be because they know the delights of flying, Gulf Air style.设计:They achieve it by approaching every design as integrated unit. 发现:a scientific discovery.1 卓著:You see, J&B is a Scotch of rare distinction.差异;多样性:Because no other destination offers so much diversity in one compact island Paradise.优雅:a touch of elegance.范例:Chip Up Technology is only one example of our commitment to meeting your computing needs, now and in the future.卓越:We believe that creating computers that maximize people’ innate talents and potential for excellence in a noble pursuit.经验:Mastering the intricacies of Asian finance takes time andexperience.便利;设施:Floppy disk manufacture’s modern purpose built sterile facility.事实:Equally comforting us is the fact that many of our new seats are available shows on the smoke-free upper decks of our vast 747 fleet.时尚:In Bali, you can see fashion shows on every street.特征;特色:fast and compact, the 1515 also offers a host of easy-to-use feature.形式:Everything the entrepreneur needs to feel on truly top form.假日:No other place on Earth offers you so many different holidays. rmation 信息:If you would like more information, please contact Siemens Ltd.革新:Innovation is jour strength.2 钥匙;关键:This is the key to one of the world’s major telescope.生命:We made this watch for you ---to be part of your life.28.masterpiece 杰作;名作:The first masterpiece in the art of watchmaking is portrayed by ideal perfection.混合:With its wildlife, its unspoilt beaches, its fascination mix of cultures, its ancient civilizations, its art, its food and its hospitality.新闻:It’s comforting news.着迷:It combines a remarkable liveliness and spontaneity with an absolute obsession with perfection.32.perfection完美:One example from many is Lufthansa’s dedication to technological perfection.33.pleasure快乐:With subsequent effects on driving pleasure.轻便:They don’t just offer speed and poratbility.存在:These new presense reinforce our long standing presence in the Middle East.许诺:supercomputers bring with them the promise to unveil the most complex technologies and reveal the deepest secrets of nature.证据:The vessels are proof that technology can make man a protector instead of a predator.可靠性:An overall quality of engineering that guarantees reliability and durability.名声:Lufthansa has a worldwide reputation for never compromising. 效劳:The HongKong Bank group’s member companies are well known for their expertise in specialized financial services.l 技巧:We’ve been sharpening our specialized skills since we opened our first office in 1856.精神:The spirit of Korea is in the air.风格:Good taste, Kent style.象征:The symbol for quality and style are early recognized all over the world.味道:It’s a taste of Paradise.温柔:an encounter with tenderness.触及:In First Class, Regency Class, and Economy, you’ll be surrounded by the touch of all-around excellence to make you flight as comfortable, relaxed and rewarding as possible.传统:Fortunately, as tradition dictates Mercedes-Benz engineers and staff aren’t allowed the liberty of lesser aspirations.热情:It could be the warmth of our welcome.50.world 世界:The world is at your fingertips with the Grunding World Band Receiver.1.always一直,总是:This is the way we’ve always made watches.完全地:Nestehaus highlights the completely new and unique opportunities opened up by the world of plastics.沉着地:A PS/2 is deliberately easy to upgrade, whether it is a small desktop or a mighty file serve.不同一般的:It is made differently.直接地:Every improvement in transportation efficiency directly your company ‘s profitability.容易地:Less energy can more easily (readless expensively) meet increasingly stringent environmental laws.有效地:It will help you transact business effectively anywhere in the world.y 情感地:A car, we believe, should move you as much emotionally as it does physically.完全地:Like Christopher Columbus before us, we too are discovering entirely new world.y 准确地:Call 0753 693738 and tell us exactly what you need. And we’ll give you exactly what you want.极其地:The white Swan is an extremely comfortable Deluxe Hotel.幸运地:Fortunately, if you see the name ABN AMRO Bank over the door, you can be sure that you’re dealing with one of the world’s most rock solid financial institutions.完全地:Darwin is a modern, fully serviced city.世界上;全世界:We plan globally—we act locally.有希望地:And hopefully, you’ll be on your way to the experience of a lifetime with Acer.难以置信地:Our digital DS320 Image Processing System reproduces incredibly sharp b&w half-time images.17internationally国际地:The British standards award is an internationally recognized mark of excellence and quality assurance.尤其地:It contains a particularly high proportion of malts from Speyside in Scotland.迅速地:It gave me the knowledge and the tools to respond quickly and effectively to a constantly evolving business environment.静静地:Your watch will be a masterpiece, quietly reflecting your own values.真正地:We really think you should have a closer look.简单地:Simply transfer a specific part of your operation and perhaps a few key people to the Highlands. You’ll find the rest here.柔软地:The tone begins softly and gathers volume until you wake up. 特别地:There’s 40 billion dollars worth written specifically for Intel. 成功地:Vision, Mission. Innovation. Change. These are valuable concepts for understanding how to manage business successfully into the 21st century.26.truly 真正地:Investing in Mexico is truly a money-making proposition.毫无疑问地:Because if you want the best in laser printers, the Hewlett-Pachard Laser Jet is undoubtedly it.独特地:The delicate tones of these malts help to make J&B such a uniquely well-balanced blend.29.virtually 真正地:Our avionics equipment is on virtually every aircraft in the western world.世界范围地:Our products have established standards, which in future will be required wordwide.。
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第四讲广告语翻译Part I广告翻译的类别和策略:1.1 直译(Literal Translation)A组﹕Challenge the Limits. 挑战极限(SAMSUNG)Winning the hearts of the world 赢取天下心(Air France法国航空公司)Hand in Hand, Future in Your Hand 伴你同行,齐握未来(The Tai Ping Life Insurance Co. Ltd. 太平人寿)The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.(Lexus--automobile)B组﹕What can be imagined, can be realized. 只要有梦想,万事可成真。
(香港电讯)We're Siemens. We can do that. 我们是西门子,我们能办到(Siemens西门子)Life is a journey. Travel it well. 人生如旅程,应尽情游历(United Airlines联合航空)来是他乡客去时故人心 When you come, you are a guest of ours, when you leave, we are the friends of yours. (Central Hotel中心大酒店)1.2意译(Paraphrase)Ask for more! 渴望无限(Pepsi-cola--百事可乐)For next generation. 新一代的选择。
(Pepsi-cola--百事可乐)The COLOR OF SUCCESS! 让你的业务充满色彩。
(Minolta--copier machine)Whatever makes you happy. 为您设想周全让您称心如意(Credit Suisse)UPS. On time, every time. UPS—准时的典范(UPS--快递)Every time a good time 秒秒钟欢聚欢笑(McDonald's--麦当劳)We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty. (UPS--快递)Begin your own tradition. (Patek Philippe Geneve百达翡丽--Watch)1.3再创型翻译/创译(Creative Translation)Connecting People 科技以人为本(Nokia)The Way Ahead 九铁动力拓新领域(KCRC九广铁路)Music makes us 生有趣•乐无穷(2000/01乐季--康乐及文化事务署)Quality Services for Quality Life 凝聚新动力文康展新姿(康乐及文化事务署)Ma Belle is Diamond 只因为您更有价值(Ma Belle-jewelry)Good to the last drop!滴滴香浓,意犹未尽!(雀巢咖啡)A great way to fly 新加坡航空,飞越万里,超越一切。
(Singapore Airlines--新加坡航空)It happens at the Hilton (Hilton)It's all within your reach. (AT&T 电讯)1.4增补型翻译(Supplementary Translation/Over Translation)一种是对原文某些关键词的词义进行挖掘、引申或扩充。
Be good to yourself. Fly emirates. 纵爱自己纵横万里(Emirates--阿联酋航空)Any shape and size to Europe 不同大小各种形状,火速直飞欧洲。
(Federal Express--联邦快递)You're at 35,000 feet. Your head is in New York. Your heart is in Paris. Your Rolex can be in both places at once. 身在35,000呎的纽约上空,巴黎的浪漫仍系心中…唯你的劳力士可两地相容。
”(Rolex--劳力士)Elegance is an attitude (Longines--浪琴表)Beyond your imagination(Korean Air--大韩航空)第二种情况主要是出于中文表达习惯上的考虑,使用四字成语。
Trust us for life 财务稳健信守一生(American International Assurance)straight talk smart deals直言实干,称心方案(East Asia Heller Ltd.--东亚兴业有限公司)Your Future Is Our Future 与您并肩• 迈向明天(Hongkong Bank--汇丰银行)Taking the lead in a Digital World领先数码,超越永恒(SAMSUNG)Live with focus 生活有“焦点”,才是真正享受!(ford focus汽车)Focus on Life 人生难忘片段,永留印记(Olympus相机)Anytime(Global Express, Logistics & Mail TNT 快递服务)Prepare to want one (Hyundai汽车)We race, you win.(Ford)1.5 浓缩型翻译(Condensed Translation)Overseas. Time set free Overseas. 自由真义(Vacheron Constantin--江诗丹顿)Wherever you are. Whatever you do. The Allianz Group is always on your side. 安联集团,永远站在你身边(Allianz Group安联集团)Inspiration is the number one cause of greatness. (Heading) If information is power, then inspiration must be the power of our potential. The power that moves us from the systematic to the spontaneous. From ideas to results. At Compaq we believe technology is no longer simply a tool for information. It’s a tool for inspiration. Redefining access. From set time to any time. From one place to a million places. With the touch of a button, we no longer fire-up just our computers, but our imaginations. We’re moving beyond the limitations of Information Technology to a new technology. Welcome to the new IT. Inspiration Technology from Compaq.灵感—伟大成就之源。
激发灵感的科技—康柏Inspiration Technology,欢迎进入新的IT世界。
)(Compaq--computer)1.6 不译V olvos have always forced other cars to be safer. This one will force them to be better. (Slogan:) for life V olvo 安全可靠,早已闻名天下。
崭新S80一登场,再度成为典范!(口号﹕) for life(V olvo S80--automobile)My way, this is what I create. (Slogan:) for life 路,由我闯出来(口号﹕) for life (V olvo Cross Country)Because ENERGY is essential and LIFE is precious. (Slogan) Doing what others dare not能源虽是必须的,但我们更要尊重大自然的生命(口号﹕) Doing what others dare not. (Environmental Protection)Use the American Express Card to reflect your classic style. (Slogan:) do more使用美国运通卡,配衬经典型格(口号﹕) do more (American Express美国运通)Currently taking on all projects. Large. Small. IMPOSSIBLE. (Slogan:) Never stop thinking. 无论任务大小,即使是不可能,我们必都全力以赴。
(口号﹕) Never stop thinking. (Infineon Technologies)NEC Multimedia welcomes you home. (Slogan:) just imagine 这里变成你家!(口号﹕) just imagine (NEC Multimedia)Open your eyes to the world (Slogan:) The world’s news leader CNN国际新闻网让您放眼看世界(口号﹕) The world’s news leader C NN International (CNN International)How would you know which one handles better? (Slogan:) The Ultimate Driving Machine好与不好?自己掌握(口号﹕) 登峰造极(BMW宝马)。