五年级英语下册Unit3《EasterEggs》(PartB) 优秀课件2(新版)闽教版
闽教版小学英语五年级下册Unit3 Esater eggs课件
Learn to write
What are you going to do this
I’m going to
play chess do myhomework
go skating
watch TV
go to the park
make a card
be doing 是进行时,表示正在做某事 I’m doing my homework. I’m going to do my homework.
A. It’s June 1st. B. It’s May 1st.
1. When is Children’s
Day? ( A )
2. When is May Day? ( B )
A.It comes in March or April. B.It comes in January or February.
They are swimming. They are going to swim. Be going to do 是将来时,表示准备做某事。
She is hiding the eggs.
She is going to hide the eggs.
They are looking for the eggs.
I am going to draw a picture. She is going to watch TV. He is going to play football. They are going to visit the Great Wall. We are going to clean our classroom.
Part A
What are the people going to do on Easter?
闽教版小学英语五年级下册Unit3 Esater eggs课件
Hangzhou First People’s Hospital Group
Easter Present
典型的复活节礼物跟春天和再生有关系:鸡 蛋、小鸡、小兔子、鲜花,特别是百合花 是这一季节的象征。复活节前夕,孩子们 为朋友和家人给鸡蛋着色打扮一番。这些 蛋有的煮得很老,有的只是空空的蛋壳。 复活节那天早上,孩子们会发现床前的复 活节篮子里装满了巧克力彩蛋、复活节小 兔子、有绒毛的小鸡及娃娃玩具等。据说 复活节兔子会将彩谢蛋谢藏观在看室内或是草地里 让孩子们去寻找。THANKS
Hangzhou First People’s Hospital Group
be going to + 动词原形 准备做某事
I am going to draw a picture. She is going to watch TV. He is going to play football. They are going to visit the Great Wall. We are going to cle谢an谢ou观r c看lassroom.
I’m going to
play chess do myhomework
go skating
watch TV
谢谢g观o看to the park THAmNKaSke a card
Hangzhou First People’s Hospital Group
be doing 是进行时,表示正在做某事
I’m doing my homework. I’m going to do my homework.
Hangzhou First People’s Hospital Group
Easter Present
典型的复活节礼物跟春天和再生有关系:鸡 蛋、小鸡、小兔子、鲜花,特别是百合花 是这一季节的象征。复活节前夕,孩子们 为朋友和家人给鸡蛋着色打扮一番。这些 蛋有的煮得很老,有的只是空空的蛋壳。 复活节那天早上,孩子们会发现床前的复 活节篮子里装满了巧克力彩蛋、复活节小 兔子、有绒毛的小鸡及娃娃玩具等。据说 复活节兔子会将彩谢蛋谢藏观在看室内或是草地里 让孩子们去寻找。THANKS
Hangzhou First People’s Hospital Group
be going to + 动词原形 准备做某事
I am going to draw a picture. She is going to watch TV. He is going to play football. They are going to visit the Great Wall. We are going to cle谢an谢ou观r c看lassroom.
I’m going to
play chess do myhomework
go skating
watch TV
谢谢g观o看to the park THAmNKaSke a card
Hangzhou First People’s Hospital Group
be doing 是进行时,表示正在做某事
I’m doing my homework. I’m going to do my homework.
新闽教五下Unit 3 Easter Eggs Part B 1课件
Who will…… 谁愿意……
I will.
I will.
I will.
sports run 100 meters do long jump do high jump
A: Who will…… ? 谁愿意……
Sports run 100 meters do long jump do high jump
Sports Day 运动会
have a Sports Day 举行运动会
Unit 3 Easter Eggs Part B
Easter eggs 复活节的彩蛋
Easter Bunny
make some Easter eggs 做一些复活节彩蛋
color the eggs 给蛋上色
hide the eggs 藏蛋
主语+be going to +动词原形.
He is going to play football. She is going to go to school.
2、How many eggs did Sally get? Sally got eighteen eggs
3、How many eggs did Kate get?
Kate got fourteen . 4、How many eggs did Ben get?
Ben got fifteen .
Kate is picking up an egg. She is picking up an egg.
They are going to skate.
What are you going to do?
I’m going to… 我将要
闽教版英语五年级下册Unit 3 Easter Eggs Part B 课件
2)find意为“找到”“发现”,强调“找” 的结果,其宾语往往是某个丢失的东西或人。 如: —Did you find Li Ming yesterday?
你昨天找到李明了吗? —No,we didn‘t find .
请一位学生藏蛋,找蛋, 其他学生用以下句子描述他 的行动:
I’m going to hide the eggs. I’m hiding the eggs . I’m going to look for the eggs. I’m looking for the eggs.
➢Be 动词,三兄弟,am , is , are.
I 用am, you 用are, is连着他她它.
we和they后面跟着are, are,are.
单数is 复数are, 牢牢记住别忘记。
He is going to eat.
She is going to drink water .
They are going to run.
Run, running, I am running. Swim, swimming, you are swimming. Sing, singing, he is singing. Dance, dancing , she is dancing. Boat , boating , we are boating. Play, playing, they are playing.
Easter morning, the kids are looking for the eggs, too.
Let’s go and have a look .
1.What is Kate doing ? 2.How many eggs did the kids get ?
五年级英语下册Unit3《EasterEggs》(PartB) 精选教学PPT课件1(新版)闽教版
Let’s play : Hide and see.
规则:老师在藏蛋的之前同学们说 She is going to hide the eggs. (三遍) 在藏蛋的过程中,同学们说She is hiding the eggs.请同学们开始找时说They are going to look for the eggs.(三遍)在找 蛋时说They are looking for the eggs.找 完后数一数,最多的为赢家。
心里总像是有个很大的洞,空空的,什么都没有,好像永远都填不满。 总想说一些话给谁听,但很多时候似乎都只是在说给自己听。 也许是我要的太多了。 而我要的,是看不见的,无法衡量,无法捕捉,更无法留住。 一个什么都想要的人,最后多半是什么都得不到。 别人并不能给我,或者不能,或者不愿
又回到了这个让我倍感孤独的城市,我的日子也回到从前的单调无味。 其实我并不希望这么孤单的活着, 我渴望温柔的疼爱, 我渴望被身边的人喜欢。 我拒绝被不能忍受的忽略陪伴着,
安静的走近,安静的离开。 离开·遗忘
我不怕遗忘,只是心里会遗憾, 然而,面对人与人之间的感情,我们本就无力。 我想,我们都可以,空空的前行.一对从农村来城里打工的姐妹,几经周折才被一家礼品公司招聘为业务员。 她们没有固定的客户,也没有任何关系,每天只能提着沉重的钟表、影集、茶杯、台灯以及各种工艺品的样品,沿着城市的大街小巷去寻找买主。五个多月过去了,她们跑断了腿,磨破了嘴,仍然到处碰壁,连一个钥匙链也没有推销出去。 无数次的失望磨掉了妹妹最后的耐心,她向姐姐提出两个人一起辞职,重找出路。姐姐说,万事开头难,再坚持一阵,兴许下一次就有收获。妹妹不顾姐姐的挽留,毅然告别那家公司。 第二天,姐妹俩一同出门。妹妹按照招聘广告的指引到处找工作,姐姐依然提着样品四处寻找客户。那天晚上,两个人回到出租屋时却是两种心境:妹妹求职无功而返,姐姐却拿回来推销生涯的第一张订单。一家姐姐四次登门过的公司要招开一个大型会议,向她订购二百五十套精美的工艺品作为与会代表的纪念品,总价值二十多万元。姐姐因此拿到两万元的提成,淘到了打工的第一桶金。从此,姐姐的业绩不断攀升,订单一个接一个而来。 六年过去了,姐姐不仅拥有了汽车,还拥有一百多平方米的住房和自己的礼品公司。而妹妹的工作却走马灯似地换着,连穿衣吃饭都要靠姐姐资助。 妹妹向姐姐请教成功真谛。姐姐说:“其实,我成功的全部秘诀就在于我比你多了一次努力。” 只相差一次努力啊,原本天赋相当机遇相同的姐妹俩,自此走上了迥然不同的人生之路。 不只是这位姐姐,多少业绩辉煌的知名人士,最初的成功也就源于“多了一次努力”。
五年级英语下册Unit3《EasterEggs》(PartA) 精选教学PPT课件2(新版)闽教版
心里总像是有个很大的洞,空空的,什么都没有,好像永远都填不满。 总想说一些话给谁听,但很多时候似乎都只是在说给自己听。 也许是我要的太多了。 而我要的,是看不见的,无法衡量,无法捕捉,更无法留住。 一个什么都想要的人,最后多半是什么都得不到。 别人并不能给我,或者不能,或者不愿
又回到了这个让我倍感孤独的城市,我的日子也回到从前的单调无味。 其实我并不希望这么孤单的活着, 我渴望温柔的疼爱, 我渴望被身边的人喜欢。 我拒绝被不能忍受的忽略陪伴着,
• will do sth将要去做某事(但将来时间较远) 例:I will go to Beijing in summer.
I’m going to hide them in the garden.
当我充满自信地,朝着梦想 的方向迈进,并且毫不畏惧 地,过着我理想中的生活, 成功,会在不期然间忽然降
Unit 3 Easter Eggs Part A
Easter 的由来
• 复活节是基督教徒纪念耶稣复活的一个宗 教节日,复活节有不少传统活动,最典型 的要数寻找复活节彩蛋(Looking for Easter Eggs),因为蛋是多子多孙和生命 的象征。复活节的日期年年不同,但一般 在3月22日至4月25日之间。
• 复活节前夕,人 们给鸡蛋着色打 扮一番,然后把 它们藏在花园的 草丛中或者花坛 里。复活节早上, 孩子们会进行一 项寻找复活节彩 蛋的活动。
• be(is/am/are) going to do sth.(将要去做 某事,打算、计划做某事。)
• 例:I’m going to do my homework this afternoon.今天下午我将要做家庭作业。(时 间近,即刻)
又回到了这个让我倍感孤独的城市,我的日子也回到从前的单调无味。 其实我并不希望这么孤单的活着, 我渴望温柔的疼爱, 我渴望被身边的人喜欢。 我拒绝被不能忍受的忽略陪伴着,
• will do sth将要去做某事(但将来时间较远) 例:I will go to Beijing in summer.
I’m going to hide them in the garden.
当我充满自信地,朝着梦想 的方向迈进,并且毫不畏惧 地,过着我理想中的生活, 成功,会在不期然间忽然降
Unit 3 Easter Eggs Part A
Easter 的由来
• 复活节是基督教徒纪念耶稣复活的一个宗 教节日,复活节有不少传统活动,最典型 的要数寻找复活节彩蛋(Looking for Easter Eggs),因为蛋是多子多孙和生命 的象征。复活节的日期年年不同,但一般 在3月22日至4月25日之间。
• 复活节前夕,人 们给鸡蛋着色打 扮一番,然后把 它们藏在花园的 草丛中或者花坛 里。复活节早上, 孩子们会进行一 项寻找复活节彩 蛋的活动。
• be(is/am/are) going to do sth.(将要去做 某事,打算、计划做某事。)
• 例:I’m going to do my homework this afternoon.今天下午我将要做家庭作业。(时 间近,即刻)
【原创课件】闽教英语五下课件Unit 3 Part B
to children.
√ 3. We often see Bunny on Easter cards.
1.听课文录音, 并模仿跟读。 2.完成《课时通》。 3.向家长简单介绍复活节的情况。
Listen and follow.
look for pick up
>> Practise
Listen and follow. (注意模仿语音、语调哦)
F: Where are the kids?
M: They’re in the garden. They’re looking for Easter eggs.
How many eggs did Sally, Kate and Ben get?
Did they have a good time? 玩得开心
How many eggs did Sally, Kate and Ben get?
get- got 得到
What are the children doing? What is kate doing?
What are the children doing?
They are looking for Easter eggs. 他们正在寻找彩蛋。
What is kate doing?
She is picking up an egg.
F: Look. Kate is picking up an egg.
M: She is a clever girl.
√ 3. We often see Bunny on Easter cards.
1.听课文录音, 并模仿跟读。 2.完成《课时通》。 3.向家长简单介绍复活节的情况。
Listen and follow.
look for pick up
>> Practise
Listen and follow. (注意模仿语音、语调哦)
F: Where are the kids?
M: They’re in the garden. They’re looking for Easter eggs.
How many eggs did Sally, Kate and Ben get?
Did they have a good time? 玩得开心
How many eggs did Sally, Kate and Ben get?
get- got 得到
What are the children doing? What is kate doing?
What are the children doing?
They are looking for Easter eggs. 他们正在寻找彩蛋。
What is kate doing?
She is picking up an egg.
F: Look. Kate is picking up an egg.
M: She is a clever girl.
闽教版英语五年级下册Unit 3 Easter Eggs Part B 2
Unit 3 Easter Eggs
Part B
Байду номын сангаас
Easter morning,the kids are looking for the eggs.
• look 看 • look at 看着 • look for 寻找 • see 看到 • watch 观看 • watch TV • watch 3D films
• 他们的课程,无论是在内容和形式上,都是经过认真 研判,把各学科的核心素养作为教学主线。既涵盖城市中 小学、又包括乡村大局部学校的教学模式。適合全國大局 部教學大區。本課件就是從全國一等獎作品中,优选出的 具有代表性的作品。示范性强,有很大的推广价值。
I’m going to……
• make some Easter eggs • color the eggs • hide the eggs
2021 年 “精 英 杯〞 全国公开课大赛
• 2021年6月,由教育学会牵头,教材编审委员会具体 组织实施,在全国8个城市,设置了12个分会场,范围从“ 小学至高中〞全系列部编新教材进行了统一的培训和指导 。每次指導,都輔以精彩的優秀示範課。在這些示範課中 ,不乏全國名師和各省名師中的佼佼者。
They’re looking for Easter eggs.
• They’re是They are 的缩写。 • They are looking for Easter eggs • are=be动词,look后面加了ing
be +动词ing 表示“正在做某事〞, 是正在进行时态。
• They are looking for Easter eggs. • They’re looking for Easter eggs. • ride_riding, dance_dancing • run_running, swim_swimming • play_playing, watch_watching • pick_picking
2.上颜色 color
3.棕色的 brown
4.藏 hide
5.花园 garden
6.寻找 look for
7.捡起 pick up
8.得到(过去式) got
【答案】 B 【解析】本题考查现在进行时用法,句中出现look该词,即 选择be动词加动词ing形式,故选择B选项。
1.妈妈准备藏鸡蛋。 2.妈妈正在藏鸡蛋。 3.妈妈在哪里?
【答案】 1.Mother is going to hide the eggs. 2.Mother is hiding the eggs. 3.Where is mom? 【解析】本题考查本单元的重点句型以及一般进来时的正确 运用。
【答案】B 【解析】由“next birthday”可知题干是一般将来时,且will后加动 词原形,故选B。
3.按要求改写句子。 I am going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句) ——————————————————
【答案】Are you going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow?/ 【解析】本题考查一般将来时的句型转化。一般疑问句结构是 Be+主语+going to+动词原形+其他?
be going to和will区别3: 在表示按计划或安排要发生的动作时, 可以用be going to;will只表示单纯的 将来,并无按规定或计划之意。
4 王者 归来
五年级英语下册Unit3《EasterEggs》(PartB) 精选教学PPT课件2(新版)闽教版
Unit 3 Easter Eggs
Part B
Easter morning,the kids are looking for the eggs.
• look 看 • look at 看着 • look for 寻找 • see 看到 • watch 观看 • watch TV • watch 3D films
They’re looking for Easter eggs.
• They’re是They are 的缩写。 • They are looking for Easter eggs • are=be动词,look后面加了ing
be +动词ing 表示“正在做某事”, 是正在进行时态。
• They are looking for Easter eggs. • They’re looking for Easter eggs. • ride_riding, dance_dancing • run_running, swim_swimming • play_playing, watch_watching • pick_picking
心里总像是有个很大的洞,空空的,什么都没有,好像永远都填不满。 总想说一些话给谁听,但很多时候似乎都只是在说给自己听。 也许是我要的太多了。 而我要的,是看不见的,无法衡量,无法捕捉,更无法留住。 一个什么都想要的人,最后多半是什么都得不到。 别人并不能给我,或者不能,或者不愿
又回到了这个让我倍感孤独的城市,我的日子也回到从前的单调无味。 其实我并不希望这么孤单的活着, 我渴望温柔的疼爱, 我渴望被身边的人喜欢。 我拒绝被不能忍受的忽略陪伴着,
I’m going to……
• make some Easter eggs • color the eggs • hide the eggs
1. are going to sing 2. is going to do 3. are going to cook 4. are going to have
Look and say
He is going to eat a hamburger.
She is going to water some flowers.
A: Hurry up, Lily, the train ___ ____. L: Ok, I ___ ___.
is, coming Be quite, the teacher ___ ____.
A: What are you doing? B: I’m _______ TV. A: Come and help me. B: Ok I’m _____.
a.课前热 身
a.The Big Ben is very famous in the U.K.
a.课前热 身 a.复习回 顾
a.话题导 入
a.新词展 示
a.1 a. here/hɪə(r)/(副词)这 里;在这儿
a.新词展 示
a.点击〞新词展示” , 跟我一起学词汇吧 !
Unit 3
Easter Eggs Part A
Listen and answer
What are Sally and her mother going to do?
What color do they need?
What are Sally and her mother going to do?
a.重难点探 究
a.重点词 a.easy 容易的
a.例句 a.This is very easy. 这个很容易。
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They’re looking for Easter eggs.
• They’re是They are 的缩写。 • They are looking for Easter eggs • are=be动词,look后面加了ing
be +动词ing 表示“正在做某事”, 是正在进行时态。
• They are looking for Easter eggs. • They’re looking for Easter eggs. • ride_riding, dance_dancing • run_running, swim_swimming • play_playing, watch_watching • pick_picking
I’m going to…… • make some Easter eggs • color the eggs • hide the eggs
be going to do sth是表示“打算 做……事”,往往是计划或安排好 的事情
• • • • be going to后面接动词原形 I’m going to go swimming. She is going to fly the kite. We are going to play football.
• • • • 我打算制作复活节彩蛋。 我正在做复活节彩蛋。 我打算去找蛋。 我正在找蛋。
I t….
• • • • • got是get的过去式 get up 起床 get 获得,得到 I got eighteen eggs
梦想的力量, 当我充满自信地,朝着梦想 的方向迈进,并且毫不畏惧 地,过着我理想中的生活, 成功,会在不期然间忽然降 临!
1有了坚定的意志,就等于给双 脚添了一对翅膀。 2一个人的价值在于他的才华, 而不在他的衣饰。 3生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强 的人,才能到达彼岸。 4、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进 先读书。
Unit 3 Easter Eggs
Part B
Easter morning,the kids are looking for the eggs.
• • • • • • • look 看 look at 看着 look for 寻找 see 看到 watch 观看 watch TV watch 3D films
pick up 捡起
• • • • pick up _picking up I’m picking up a book. I’m picking up a pencil-box. I’m picking up an Easter egg.
be going to+动词:打算做某事 be+ 动词ing:正在做某事