时间:2011年2月6日地点:西南政法大学研究生部记录人:且歌且行院系:法学院2009级联系方式:1375080562(QQ)目录2005—2006 学年第一学期行政管理专业法理学试题错误!未定义书签2005—2006学年第一学期法理学进阶试题................................... - 2 - 2005—2006学年第一学期法理学试题.............. 错误!未定义书签。
2005—2006学年第一学期04级法学二学位法理学试题错误!未定义书2006—2007学年第二学期04级法理学试卷A卷....................... - 8 - 2006—2007学年第二学期06级法理学进阶试卷A卷 ............ - 13 - 2006—2007学年第一学期06级法理学初阶试卷A卷错误!未定义书签2006—2007学年第一学期06级法理学初阶试卷B卷错误!未定义书签2006—2007学年第一学期法理学进阶试卷B卷........................ - 15 -2005—2006学年第一学期法理学进阶试题一、不定项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1.下列关于法律价值的理解正确的有【1234 】A 法律价值是一个表征关系的范畴B 法律价值反映的是法律对人的需要的满足状况C 法律价值既具有主观性,又具有客观性,是主观性与客观性的统一D 法律价值的含义包括主体人运用一定的道德标准对现实法律进行评价,因此具有伦理性法律价值,是指在作为客体的法律与人作为主体的关系中,法律对一定主体需要的满足状况以及由此所产生主体人对法律的评价。
2.对法律秩序的理解有【1234 】A 法律秩序就是法律制度B 法律秩序乃是法律在社会生活中的实现C 法律秩序就是法治秩序D 法律秩序现代文明的产物3.法律解释的方法包括【 123 】A 文义解释B 论理解释C 社会学解释D 合理性解释4.西方法律传统包括【13】A 权利文化B 人治传统C 法治传统D 权力文化5.下列关于法律权利与权力的描述,不正确的是【 2 】A 法律权利与权力都以追求一定的利益为目的B 法律权利来自于权力的赋与,因此法律权利的行使以服务于权力为目的C 法律权利的实现要依赖于权力D 权力以实现法律权利为目的,法律权利对权力具有制约作用6.下列关于平等的判断正确的是【 234 】A平等就是指结果上的均等,即平均B 平等不反对适当的区别对待C 平等的对立面包括特权和歧视D 平等是指“人与人的对等对待关系“7.强调人权与经济、文化条件、历史传统具有内在联系,人权的阶级性与社会性统一的西方学者是【 2 】A 格老秀斯B 马克思、恩格斯C 洛克D 斯宾诺莎8.把正义分为平均正义和分配正义的学者是【 2 】A 柏拉图B 亚里士多德C 霍布斯D 罗尔斯9.近代第一个阐述国家契约论的学者是【 1 】A 霍布斯 D 罗尔斯 C 边沁 D 伏尔泰10.关于中国法律传统,以下说法正确的是【 1234 】A 礼法文化的思想基础是“尊尊”和“亲亲”,价值追求是三纲五常的伦理秩序B德治是中国古代颇具特色的治国理论,虽然也重视制度建设,但更强调由有道德觉悟的贤人、君子等社会精英来治国,因此本质是人治C 重刑轻民并不是中国传统只有刑法而没有民法D 在中国古代,很难将司法权和行政权区分开来二、判断对错,并简要说明理由(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)1.在法律权利与法律义务的关系论述中,有这样的判断:法律权利与法律义务在社会生活中具有对等关系,主要表现之一是社会生活中的权利总量与义务总量是相等的。
西南政法大学2003年试题解析综合课试题(法理学、中国宪法、中国法制史)法理学部分(90分)一、不定项选择题(每小题1分,共13分)1.在西方,最早将法理学作为一个学科来讲述和研究的是:A.亚里士多德B.边沁C.奥斯丁D.萨维尼2.古汉语中“法”一词包括的含义有:A.公平B.正义C.惩罚D.权利3.根据法律规范所调整的方式不同,法律规范可分为:久授权性规范B.义务性规范C.确定性规范D.任意性规范4.公法和私法的划分起源于:久古希腊法B.古罗马法C.英国普通法D.《拿破仑法典》5.划分法律部门的标准是:A.人法律调整的对象B.法律调整的原则C.法律调整的范围D.法律调整的方法6.大陆法系又称为:A.中华法系B.民法法系C.法典法系D.罗马法系7.法定解释又称为:A.有效解释B.正式解释C.有权解释D.学理解释8.法律关系的要素有:A.主体B.法律规范C.客体D.权利义务9.法律事实包括:A.法律事件B.法律义务C.法律权利D.法律行为10.西方现代法律正义论包括:A.相对正义论B.社会正义论C.形式正义论D.程序正义论11.法制的中心环节是:A.执法必严B.违法必究C.依法治国D.依法办事12.不具有:立法性质的活动是:A.法的修改B.法的废止C.法律汇编D.法律编纂13.法律的社会监督包括:A.司法机关的监督B.政党监督C.人民政协的监督D.新闻舆论的监督答:1.C 2,AC 3.AB 4.B5.AD 6.BCD 7.ABC 8.ACD 9.AD10.ABCD 11.D 12.C 13.BCD[参考资料]张文显主编:《法理学》,北京大学出版社、高等教育出版社。
西南政法大学试卷(3卷) 2006—2007学年第一学期课程 民法分论 专业 法学 年级 2005 本试卷共12页,满分100分;考试时间:180分钟;考试方式:闭卷一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是最符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1、下列判断正确的是【 】。
A. 物权具有排他性,而债权则不具有排他性 B. 债权一般是有期限的,而物权则具有永续性 C. 主物与从物须为同一主体所有,方能成立主物权与从物权的关系 D. 所有权是物权中最完整、最充分的物权,所以在效力上要优先于限制物权 2、某招领处将招领期已过的一块瑞士罗马表以拍卖的方式卖给公民甲,公民乙将该表盗走并以较低价格卖与公民丙。
现公民甲、丙、丁都向招领处主张该表的所有权,该表应归谁所有?【 】 A. 应归公民甲所有 B. 应归公民丙所有 C. 应归公民丁所有 D. 应归公民甲、丙、丁共有 3、依照我国《土地管理法》及有关法规的规定,下列有关土地权属的表述中哪项是错误的?【 】 A. 城市市区的土地属于国家所有 B. 农村、城市郊区的土地,除由法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于农民集体所有 C. 农村、城市的宅基地和农村的自留地、自留山,属于农民集体所有 D. 国家依法征用的土地,属于国家所有 4、卢某有坐落于某市某街的房屋一幢。
因该房屋确实破烂不堪,王某夫妇未经居委会和市房管部门同意,也未告知房主卢 学生姓名:___________________ 学号 :_________________ 专业年级 :_________________ 考试教室:____________-密-----------------封-----------------线-------------------内-------------------不---------------------要-----------------------答-------------------题------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------某,便将房屋翻盖一新。
3- 财产权利只能属于民事法律关系的“内容要素”。
刑法学部分(50分)一、多项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)1.关于刑法的效力范围,下列选项正确的是A.A国公民甲在B国贩卖毒品到我国旅游时被抓,依属地管辖原则可以适用我国刑法追究甲的刑事责任B.我国公民乙(系国家工作人员)在美国考察时故意伤害一同在美国考察的同事,可以适用我国刑法追究乙的刑事责任C.我国公民丙在我国驻美国领事馆内盗窃财物数额较大的,适用我国刑法追究丙的刑事责任D.我国公民丁因犯劫持航空器罪被C国法院判处十年监禁,仍可以依照我刑法追究其刑事责任2.关于犯罪主体,下列说法正确的是(? )A.15周岁的甲为了骗取保险金而杀害被保险人的,构成保险诈骗罪和故意杀人罪B.15周岁的乙在拐卖妇女的过程中将被拐卖妇女杀害的,构成故意杀人罪C.76周岁的丙犯故意杀人罪,应当从轻或减轻处罚D.15周岁的丁,在盗窃汽车回家途中,由于车速太快将横穿公路的行人撞死,丁不构成犯罪3.关于正当防卫,下列选项正确的是( ?)。
A.制服不法侵害人后,继续对其实施加害行为,成立故意犯罪B.双方互殴结束后,一方继续追打实施不法侵害,被追打的一方可以实施正当防卫C.动物被饲主唆使侵害他人的,其侵害属于不法侵害,将动物打死的,属于正当防卫D.将不法侵害人所有的高级轿车砸烂以阻止其实施不法侵害的行为,属于紧急避险,不属于正当防卫4.某甲意图毒死某乙,误将白糖当作砒霜拌入某乙所要吃的食物内,某乙吃后平安无事关于某甲的行为,下列选项正确的是( )。
A、公证机关B、仲裁机构C、人民法院D、律师答案:D2. 律师向咨询者提交的对某项法律问题予以答询的法律文书是()。
A、合同审查意见书B、法律建议书C、法律咨询书D、法律意见书答案:C3. 下列说法正确的是()。
A、审查起诉阶段辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人不需要经过检察机关批准,会见时检察院也不应派员在场B、审查起诉阶段辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人需要经过检察机关批准,但会见时检察院不派员在场C、审查起诉阶段辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人不需要经过检察机关批准,但会见时检察院应派员在场D、审查起诉阶段辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人需要经过检察机关批准,会见时检察院也应派员在答案:A4. 律师实务文书中叙述案件事实的方法是()。
A、倒叙B、补叙C、顺叙D、插叙答案:C5. 下列说法错误的是()。
A、律师可以同时在两个以上律师事务所执业B、律师的工作机构是律师事务所C、律师承办业务,由律师事务所统一接受委托,统一收取费用D、律师执业不受地域限制答案:A6. 律师学是以()为研究对象的学科。
A、律师制度和律师实务及其发展规律B、律师制度C、律师制度和律师实务D、律师实务及其发展规律答案:A7. 下列说法错误的是()。
A、律师学是一门职业法学学科B、律师学是一门应用性法学学科C、律师学是一门理论性法学学科D、律师学是一门综合性的法学学科答案:C8. 符合下列哪类人可以申请考核授予律师资格?()A、在高等法律院校(系)或法学研究机构从事法学教育或研究工作,已取得中级职称的B、具有法学专业本科学位,有3年以上法律工作经历或者在律师事务所工作1年以上的C、在高等法律院校(系)或法学研究机构从事法学教育或研究工作,已取得高级职称的D、具有法学专业硕士以上学位的劳动者答案:C9. 下列哪种犯罪人可予颁发律师执业证书?()A、故意杀人B、过失杀人C、抢劫D、强奸答案:B10. 下列说法正确的是()。
装………. ………. ……….…………….….订………. ………. ……….…………….…. ………. ………. ……….…………….….线………. ………. ……….…………….….此处不能书写此处不能书写此处不能书写 此处不能书写《民法学*分论》(A 卷)期末考试班级名称:学号:姓名:题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 分数得 分一、单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)1. 甲将自己所有的一套书卖给乙,但甲还想留阅一段时间,遂又与乙达成协议,借阅该书1 个月,乙表示应允。
乙取得该套书所有权的交付方法为( ) 。
A 、简易交付B 、占有改定C 、指示交付D 、现实交付2.甲方将收藏的一件明代瓷器出售给乙,乙当场付清价金,约定甲10 天后交货。
甲当即决定卖给丙,约定第5 天交货,并收定金若干。
乙听得此事,诱甲7 岁子将瓷器从家中取出给她。
在瓷器为乙占有的期间,该瓷器所有权应归( ) 。
A 、甲B 、乙C 、丙D 、乙丙共有3. 下列现象中,不属于先占的是( )。
A 、无人继承又无人受遗赠的遗产B 、从垃圾桶中捡得旧电视4.留置物所有人的财产被留置后,以该留置物为标的而向他人设定抵押权,关于受偿顺序的表述,正确的是( ) 。
A 、留置权与抵押权同时受偿 B 、留置权先于抵押权受偿C 、抵押权优先于留置权受偿D 、何者优先受偿,取决于抵押权是否办理了登记5.甲有祖传珍贵玉器一件,乙、丙均欲购买之。
甲先与乙达成协议,以15 万元价格出售,双方约定,次日交货付款。
丙知晓后,当晚即携款至甲处,欲以16 万元价格购买。
对此,下列表述中,正确的是( ) A 、甲与丙之买卖合同无效 B 、甲与乙之买卖合同无效 C 、乙得请求丙交付该玉器D 、乙得请求甲承担违约责任6.养牛专业户王某的一头奶牛得了重病,王某恐怕此牛得的是传染病,传染了别的牛会造成更大的损失,于是将此牛拉到野外抛弃。
西南政法大学 法律英语考试真题及答案
西南政法大学法律英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Southwest University of Political Science and Law Legal English Exam Questions and AnswersPart I: Translation (20 points, 10 points each)Translate the following sentences into English:1. 我们必须遵守国际法规。
We must comply with international laws and regulations.2. 在法庭上他用英语进行了辩护。
He defended himself in English in court.3. 该条例规定了对未成年人犯罪行为的处罚。
The regulation stipulates the penalties for juvenile criminal behavior.4. 这份文件需要在截止日期之前提交。
This document needs to be submitted before the deadline.5. 该公司违反了环保法规,将面临巨额罚款。
The company will face hefty fines for violating environmental regulations.6. 他的律师成功地为他争取了辩护权。
His lawyer successfully fought for his right to defense.7. 请您签署此文件以确认接受以上条款。
Please sign this document to confirm acceptance of the above terms.8. 知识产权是一种无形资产,需要保护。
Intellectual property is an intangible asset that needs protection.9. 请尽快提供更多证据以支持您的主张。
西南政法大学试卷(A 卷)2008—2009学年第2学期课程 国际经济法 专业 法学3 年级 2006本试卷共 8 页, 满分 100分;考试时间:180分钟;考试方式:闭卷一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是最符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1.国际经济法的主体( )A .只能是国家政府B .只能是国家政府和国际组织C .国家政府、国际组织、个人或者法人均可以成为国际经济法的主体D .不能是个人或法人2.依据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,下列哪项属于非实质性修改( ) A .货物的数量 B .交货的时间 C .发票的份数 D .交货的地点 3.《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》在风险转移方面采取( )原则 A .以合同订立时间确定风险转移 B .以交货时间确定风险转移C .以所有权转移时间确定风险转移D .以买方实际控制货物时间确定风险转移 4.以下有关国际投资法表述中正确的是( )A.国际投资法是指调整国际私人直接投资关系的国内法规范和国际法规范B.国际投资法是指调整国际直接投资与间接投资的国内法规范和国际法规范C.国际投资法是指调整私人直接投资关系的国际法规范D.国际投资法是指调整国际私人投资关系的国内法规范和国际法规范 5.在信用证的诸多当事人中,并不一定有( ) A .开证申请人 B .保兑行 C .受益人 D .开证行6.中国甲公司向美国乙公司出口一批货物,价格条件FOB 天津。
根据《贸易术语解释通则2000》,下列说法哪项是正确的( )A .中国甲公司应负责安排运输事宜,并应在货物在天津上船后向乙公司及时发出通知B .货物虽在天津上船,但天津并不是交货港,交货地在美国的目的港C .货物的风险在天津货物装船越过船舷时由卖方转移到买方,双方的费用分界线也在于此D .美国乙公司有义务为货物在运输途中的风险投保7.中国甲公司(卖方)与德国乙公司(买方)签订的国际货物买卖合同中使用了“CIP 汉堡”贸易术语。
西南政法大学 法律英语考试真题
西南政法大学法律英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Southwest University of Political Science and LawLegal English ExamPart A: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:The concept of sovereignty has evolved over time and remains a key principle in the field of international law. Sovereignty refers to a state's supreme authority within its territory. This means that a state holds the power to govern its people, enact laws, and engage in relations with other states without interference. In the past, sovereignty was largely viewed as absolute and unchallengeable. However, modern international law recognizes the importance of balancing sovereign rights with global cooperation.Question 1: What is the definition of sovereignty?Question 2: How has the concept of sovereignty evolved over time?Question 3: What is the significance of sovereignty in international law?Part B: VocabularyChoose the correct word to complete each sentence:1. The United Nations is an international ________ organization that promotes peace and cooperation among countries.A) intergovernmentalB) intragovernmentalC) supragovernmentalD) nongovernmental2. The legal ___________ of a country is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the laws.A) judiciaryB) legislatureC) executiveD) cabinet3. The ___________ of a treaty is a binding agreement between two or more states.A) ratificationB) negotiationC) arbitrationD) verificationPart C: Legal WritingWrite an essay on the following topic:Discuss the impact of globalization on the practice of international law. How has the increasing interconnectedness of the world influenced the way states interact with each other, and what challenges does this present for the traditional concept of sovereignty? Provide examples to support your argument.Part D: GrammarIdentify and correct the grammatical errors in the following sentences:1. The judge agreed with the jury's verdict, who found the defendant guilty of the crime.2. International law are a complex area that is constantly evolving in response to changes in the global landscape.3. The president and his advisors will be meeting with the foreign ministers to discuss the trade agreement.4. Each state in the United Nations have a representative who advocates for their interests.Part E: Legal TerminologyDefine the following legal terms in your own words:1. Jurisdiction2. Due diligence3. Tort4. Precedent5. Habeas corpusGood luck on your exam! Remember to use proper grammar and spelling throughout your responses.篇2Southwest University of Political Science and LawLegal English ExamInstructions:1. This exam consists of both multiple choice andopen-ended questions.2. All answers must be written in English.3. Answers must be written in full sentences.4. Your exam paper must be submitted within the designated time frame.Part I: Multiple Choice1. Which of the following is NOT a principle of English contract law?a) Offer and acceptanceb) considerationc) good faithd) intention to create legal relations2. The doctrine of precedent refers to:a) The legal rule that a court must follow previous decisions in similar casesb) The legal rule that a court can only make decisions in cases of national importancec) The legal rule that a court can create new laws without reference to existing lawsd) The legal rule that a court must consult with international courts before making a decision3. In criminal law, the burden of proof lies with:a) The prosecutorb) The defendantc) The judged) The juryPart II: Open-ended1. Explain the concept of judicial review in the English legal system.2. Compare and contrast the processes of mediation and arbitration in resolving legal disputes.3. Discuss the role of international law in the enforcement of human rights.4. Analyze the differences between civil law and common law legal systems.5. Critically evaluate the impact of Brexit on the legal landscape of the United Kingdom.Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. Good luck!篇3Southwest University of Political Science and LawLegal English ExamInstructions:- Total marks: 100- Time: 2 hours- This exam consists of multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, short answer questions, and an essay question.- Please answer all questions in English.- Do not use any electronic devices during the exam.Part 1: Multiple Choice (20 marks)1. Which of the following is NOT a source of international law?a) Treatiesb) Customc) Judicial decisionsd) United Nations resolutions2. The principle of state sovereignty means:a) States are equal in rights and dutiesb) States have absolute power over their territoryc) States can intervene in the affairs of other statesd) States must follow the decisions of the International Court of Justice3. The International Law Commission is responsible for:a) Enforcing international lawb) Drafting treatiesc) Resolving disputes between statesd) None of the above4. Which of the following is NOT a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council?a) Chinab) Russiac) Brazild) United States5. The International Court of Justice is located in:a) New Yorkb) Londonc) The Hagued) GenevaPart 2: Fill in the Blanks (10 marks)6. The _______ of treaties is governed by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.7. The _______ is the supreme law of the land in the United States.8. The International Criminal Court prosecutes individuals for _______ crimes.9. The _______ is the United Nations body responsible for maintaining international peace and security.10. The _______ governs the conduct of armed conflict.Part 3: Short Answer Questions (30 marks) Answer any five of the following questions:11. What is the difference between international law and domestic law?12. Explain the concept of state immunity in international law.13. What is the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?14. Describe the role of the International Court of Justice in the settlement of disputes between states.15. How does the principle of self-determination apply to the recognition of states?16. Discuss the legal implications of climate change under international law.Part 4: Essay Question (40 marks)Write an essay on the following topic:Discuss the role of the United Nations in the promotion of international peace and security. How effective has the UN been in preventing conflicts and maintaining peace around the world? Support your arguments with examples.Good luck with your exam!。
西南政法大学试卷(A 卷)2014—2015学年 第二学期课程 保险学 专业 金融学 年级 2012级本试卷共7页,满分100分;考试时间:120分钟;考试方式:闭卷一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1、最早的商业保险是A.火灾保险B.人身保险C.责任保险D.海上保险 2、下列选项中,最有可能作为可保风险有A.账册损毁B.精神痛苦C.明星整容失败D.错过流星雨 3、《中华人民共和国保险法》开始实施的时间是 A.1949年 B.1984年 C.1995年 D.2002年 4、下列不属于狭义财产保险项目的是A.机动车辆保险B.货物运输保险C.工程保险D.产品责任保险 5、 世界上第一张生命表编制者是A.尼古拉·巴蓬B.埃蒙德·哈雷C.洛伦佐·佟蒂D.辛普森与多德森 6、被称为“第三领域险种”的是A.火灾保险B.意外伤害险C.生死两全保险D.万能人寿保险 7、保险人的合同解除权,自知道有权解除事由之日起,超过 不行使而消灭 A.3天 B.30天 C.1年 D.2年8、保险人应投保人或被保险人的要求出立的修订或更改保险单内容的证明文件是 A.投保单 B.暂保单 C.批改单 D.小保单9、为投保人与保险人订立保险合同提供中介服务,并向承保的保险方收取佣金的中介人是------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -密-----------------封-----------------线-------------------内-------------------不---------------------要-----------------------答-------------------题------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 学生姓名:___________________ 学号 :_________________ 专业年级 :_________________ 考试教室:____________A.保险代理人B.保险中介人C.保险公估人D.保险经纪人10、保险密度衡量的是A.原保险费收入总值B.人均保费收入C.保费收入占GDP比重D.参保率11、张某将自用的轿车交与租车公司营运使用,但未将此情况告知保险公司,保险公司应当A.退还全部保费B.向张某索赔C.增加保险费或解除合同D.向法院起诉张某12、某货运公司向保险公司投保货运基本险,在运输生鲜产品的途中,小偷不但盗窃了部分货物,还破坏包装导致部分生鲜产品变质,保险公司拒绝赔偿,其依据是A.补偿原则B.近因原则C.保险利益原则D.最大诚信原则13、根据我国《保险法》规定,人身保险合同生效满,就成为不可争议的文件。
1.中国古代关于法学一词也称( )A.刑名法术之学B.法律的科学C.法律的知识D.先见的系统法律知识2.认为法学要以“应然法”或“理想法”为研究对象的观点属于( )A.分析法学派B.自然法学派C.社会法学派D.注释法学派3.在下列选项中,关于法和道德的区别表达有错误..的是( )A.法和道德归属的范畴不同B.法和道德相互独立互不影响C.法和道德表现的形式不同D.法和道德调整的范围不同4.法对社会主体和社会关系所发生的实际影响是指( )A.法的功能B.法的价值C.法的作用D.法的实现5.关于资本主义法的特征在下列选项中表达错误..的是( )A.注重体现契约的自由B.注重法律面前人人平等C.注重维护私有财产权D.注重维护身份和特权6.法的历史类型更替的根本原因是( )A.社会基本矛盾的运动B.社会革命的要求C.历史传统的变化D.习惯到习惯法再到成文法7.在下列选项中,表述准确的是( )A.法是调整人的行为的社会规范B.法是调整人们行为的自然法则C.法是调整人们意识和行为的规范D.法是为主体提供行为标准的社会规范8.关于正义属性的表述,有错误..的是( )A.正义具有绝对和相对两重性B.正义是主观和客观的统合C.正义只是一种抽象的内容D.正义是以具体的形式历史性地表现出来的9.民法中的平等自愿、等价有偿、诚实信用等原则属于( )A.政策性原则B.公理性原则C.程序性原则D.主观性原则10.关于法对政治的作用,在下列选项中表达有错误..的是( )A.法可以反映一定阶级和集团的政治目的B.每一具体的法都有相应的政治内容C.法可以对危害掌权阶级的行为采取制裁措施D.法可以确定各阶级、阶层在国家生活中的地位11.关于法律规则与法律条文的关系,在下列选项中表达有错误..的是( )A.一个法律规则可以表现在一个法律条文中B.一个法律规则可以表现在同一法律的不同条文中C.一个法律规则可以表现在不同的法律中D.一个法律条文可以表现几个法律规则12.我国法学界一般认为部门法划分的首要标准是( )A.法的调整方法B.法的调整原则C.法的调整对象D.法的调整意图13.普通法与衡平法的划分存在于( )A.法国B.德国C.俄罗斯D.英国14.以规定主体的权利和义务关系或职权和职责关系为主要内容的法是( )A.实体法B.程序法C.公法D.一般法15.调整民主政治条件下国家组织和运行的重要关系的法律部门称为( )A.行政法部门B.宪政法部门C.社会法部门D.程序法部门16.法的渊源的三项要素包括( )A.资源进路动因B.条件模式结果C.信仰道德惯例D.立法执法司法17.关于法的体系的正确表述是( )A.法的体系是固定不变的B.法的体系是建构性的C.法的体系就是法学体系D.法的体系就是法系18.英国历史上确立了议会至上和国王必须服从法律等原则的法案是( )A.《大宪章》和《王位继承法》B.《权利法案》和《王位继承法》C.《人权和公民权利宣言》D.《独立宣言》和《权利法案》19.能够参与法律关系,依法享有法律权利和承担法律义务的能力或资格被称为( )A.行为能力B.权利能力C.责任能力D.权利资格20.国家司法机关依据法定职权和程序,具体应用法律处理案件的专门活动称为( )A.法的适用B.法的执行C.法的实施D.法的监督2l.我国法对主体的效力原则是( )A.属人原则和保护主义B.以属地原则为主,与属人原则、保护主义相结合的原则C.保护主义原则D.属地原则和保护主义22.法的效力和法的实效的区别是( )A.法的效力是指法的约束力,法的实效指法生效的范围B.法的效力是指规范性法律文件的效力,而法的实效指非规范性法律文件的效力C.法的效力是法律的强制力,而法的实效是法律实际上的强制力D.法的效力讨论的是应然的静态的法的效力问题,而法的实效是分析实然状态的法所实现的程度23.《国家赔偿法》规定,国家行政机关及其工作人员在行使职权时侵犯公民人身权利和财产权利的,赔偿义务机关有履行赔偿义务的责任。
西南政法大学普通本科课程考试试题参考答案及评分标准2014 ---2015 学年第一学期课程公共危机与应急管理( A 卷)专业公共事业管理、行政管理年级2012级满分:100 分;考试时间:180 分钟;考试方式:闭卷一、概念分析(本大题共4小题,每小题5 分,共20 分)1、危机的辩证含义危机的内涵包括两层含义,即“危险与机遇”。
二、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题10 分,共40 分)1、简析我国突发事件的四种分类一是两分法:即把突发事件分为自然因素引起的危机事件和人为因素引发的危机事件,××课程()卷试题参考答案及评分标准第1 页共 6 页虽然这两者各有所侧重,但在实际研究中交叉也很多。
西南政法大学试卷(A 卷)2012—2013 学年 第一学期课程 劳动社会保障法 专业 法学 年级 2010 本试卷共 10 页,满分100 分;考试时间:180 分钟;考试方式: 闭卷 15小题,每小题1分,共15分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是最符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1. 下列属于劳动法上劳动者的是 【 】A.张三为其母亲雇请的保姆B.在第十八军第10师任参谋的张某C.为居住在又一村的王某翻修瓦房的关某D.为领取营业执照的“一臭万年”老字号彭某做厨的万某2.下列有关工会维护劳动者权益表述错误的是 【 】A.工会帮助、指导职工与企业以及实行企业化管理的事业单位签订劳动合同B.企业解除劳动合同,应该通知工会,工会有权提出异议C.职工认为企业侵犯其劳动权益而申请劳动争议仲裁或者向人民法院提起诉讼的,工会应当给予支持和帮助D.职工因参加工会活动而被企业解除劳动合同的,由工会申请劳动行政部门责令恢复其工作,并补发解除劳动合同期间应得的报酬,或者责令给予本人年收入一倍的赔偿3.下列有关工作时间制度表述错误的是 【 】A.工作时间是给付劳动报酬的唯一依据B.工作时间制度有利于加强对劳动者身心健康的保护C.在工作时间内发生意外伤害的,可能被认定为工伤事故D.工作时间是劳动者完成工作以及待命的时间,亦包括因公外出的时间4.下列有关加班表述错误的是 【 】A.休息日安排劳动者加班工作的,应首先安排补休,补休时间应等同于加班时间学生姓名:___________________ 学号 :_________________专业年级 :_________________考试教室:____________-密-----------------封-----------------线-------------------内-------------------不---------------------要-----------------------答-------------------题------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B.休息日安排劳动者加班工作不能补休时,应支付不低于工资的百分之二百的工资报酬C.法定休假日安排劳动者加班工作的,应首先安排补休;补休时间应等同于加班时间D.法定休假日安排劳动者加班工作的,应另外支付不低于工资的百分之三百的工资报酬,不得以安排补休替代5.下列情形中属于工伤的是 【 】A.某甲系公司乙职工,在上班期间盗窃公司财务,被保安擒获遭到毒打而受伤B.王某午休期豪饮而醉从其所在工地正在建筑的七层楼房上坠落而死亡C.李某因前晚同妻子吵架而想不通,在次日工作期间从 工地在建房屋七楼纵身跳楼而亡D.何某系某民办高等学校教师,在上课期间被某学生刺伤而死亡6.下列不属于《劳动合同法》法定必备条款的是 【 】A.用人单位的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人B.劳动纪律C.劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护D.劳动合同期限7.下列对集体合同效力的表述不正确的是 【 】A.劳动合同中有关对劳动者工资约定不得低于集体合同约定的工资标准B.集体合同中约定的劳动者工资标准可以低于劳动者劳动所在地最低工资标准C.当劳动合同中劳动者报酬约定不明的,可以直接适用该用人单位所在行业集体合同的标准D.劳动合同中劳动者工资报酬可以高于用人单位所在行业集体合同标准8.下列有关劳动者对用人单位负有的义务表述正确的是 【 】A.由于劳动者不积极履行、不完全履行或因自己原因不能履行劳动义务时,应当赔偿因此而给用工方造成损害的赔偿义务B.某甲同乙公司在劳动合同中约定某甲在财务部工作,后来该公司人事部门缺少人手,被要求到人事部门工作,基于劳动者服从用人单位工作安排义务,其不得拒绝乙公司的工作的安排C.某甲劳动者因上班期间突发疾病,需要立即治疗,其立即电话请求其弟到工厂顶班D.某甲为乙公司办公室绿化人员,该公司同其签订了保密协议,甲不是公司高级管理人员其不必遵守该协议9.劳动监察工作人员甲明知用人单位乙严重侵害劳动者丙人身权利而故意不采取监察行为,导致丙被乙摧残致三级伤残。
西南政法大学试卷( A 卷)2006 —2007 学年第二学期课程大学英语专业本科各专业年级2006级本试卷共 12 页,满分 100 分;考试时间:120 分钟;考试方式:闭卷考试注意事项1. 所有答案务必须答在答题卡上,答在试卷上的不给分。
2. 机读卡上“试卷类型”和“外语级别”不填涂。
3. 请务必按要求填清楚各项内容,缺一不可;答题卡上准考证号一栏填学生学号。
4. 客观题按统一编号,用铅笔将答案标在机读卡上,答题方式在所选字母上划横线,浓度要盖过底色。
5. 做主观题时, 请务必在答题卡上写清大题的题号以及小题的序号。
7. 交卷时请同时交试卷和答题卡。
Part I Listening Comprehension (25%)Section ADirections: In this section, you’ll hear five short conversations. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be read only once. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.1. A. On foot. B. By bus.C. By bike.D. By car.2. A. To make tea at home. B. To finish her homework.C. To do the housework.D. To have tea at home.3. A. Sometime this month. B. Sometime next month.D. Sometime this year. D. Sometime next year.4. A. His bike. B. Jane’s bike.C. The key to his room.D. His bike key.5. A. Mike. B. John.C. Lily and John.D. Lily and Mike.Section BDirections: In this section, you’ll hear a long conversation and a passage. The conversation and passage will be read once. At the end of them, you’ll hear some questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following conversation:6. A. Driver —passenger. B. Policeman —witness.C. Lawyer —client.D. Judge —defendant.7. A. At the crossroads of Bridge Street and Churchill Avenue.B. Outside Brown’s toyshop.C. Just where the woman was standing.D. Where the policeman and the woman are talking.8. A. At 10. B. At 10:40.C. At 2:30.D. At 2:40.9. A. 10 miles per hour. B. 40 miles per hour.C. 30 miles per hour.D. 20 miles per hour.10. A. To write down what she had said. B. To identify the drivers.C. To sign her name.D. To go to the court.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:11. A. Noise. B. Newspapers.C. Advertisements.D. Electronic equipment.12. A. It gives too much music.B. It has too many programs for advertising.C. Its noise does harm to our ears.D. It changes our daily life.13. A. They spend too much time on sports.B. They are always watching TV programs.C. They like to play games on TV.D. They take little interest in their wives.14. A. Electronic equipment may invade our private life.B. Electronic equipment may harm our health.C. Electronic equipment may affect children’s study.D. Electronic equipment may affect family relationship.15. A. There are too many programs for grown ups on TV.B. Reading advertisements is a waste of time.C. Watching TV may hurt children’s eyes.D. Some electronic equipment may cause social problems.Section CDirections: There is a passage with ten blanks in this section. You’ll hear the passage read twice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with what you have heard.At midnight the telephone 1) ________ and Detective Jensen was called from his bed to go to the police station. A sixty-nine-year-old woman was attacked at home on a 2) ________ night. She had serious head 3) ________. Since the light was not on, the woman simply had not seen her attacker, so she could give no description. What could the police do? Jensen went to the 4) ________ of the crime. He found footprints in the 5) ________ snow at the back of the house leading up to the back door. He found some very small 6) ________ from clothes on the back wall. The wall was very high. A window in the door at the back of the house had been broken. Inside the door hung a green curtain. Jensen cut a small piece of the bottom of this and gave it to the 7) ________ at the laboratory. Six months later Jensen interviewed a young man who was 8) ________ of attacking two young girls. He sent clothes and snow boots from this man’s house to the laboratory. Little tiny bits of green curtain were found 9) ________ to the boots, and also spots of blood were found on a jacket. The laboratory had proved that this young man, who had attacked the schoolgirls, was the very same man who had attacked the 10) ________ woman six months before.(请写清楚题号并做在答题卡上)Part II Reading Comprehension(30%)Section ADirections: There are five reading passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Passage 1Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:In the United States many have been told that anyone can become rich and successful if he works hard and has some good luck.Yes, when one becomes rich he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he wants people to think that he is. That’s what “Keeping up with the Joneses” is about. The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American by the name of Arthur Momand. Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things to keep up with their neighbors; they try to look as rich and as successful as their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short storie s. He called it “Keeping Up with the Joneses”, because “Jones” is a very common name in the United States. “Keeping Up with the Joneses” came to mean keeping up with the people around you. Momand’s series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. That is one reason whythey read the “right” books, go to the “right” universities and eat in the “right” restaurants. Every city has an area where people want to live because others will think better of them if they do. And there are “Joneses” in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses, because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.16. Why, according to the passage, do many people try to keep up with the Joneses?A. Because they want to be as rich as their neighbors.B. Because they feel proud to be taken for the Joneses.C. Because they want others to know or think they are rich.D. Because they are afraid that others will know they are rich.17. Why did Arthur Momand use the name “Jones” in his stories?A. Because many rich people in the U. S. are named Jones.B. Because few rich people in the U. S. are named Jones.C. Because the name sounds funny and impressive.D. Because there are many people in the U. S. whose family name is Jones.18. What does the author refer to when he says the “right” books?A. Books that other people around are reading.B. Books that teach people how to get rich and successful.C. Books by famous and successful writers.D. Very expensive books.19. What does the author mean by “Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead”?A. It seems Mr. Jones is always walking ahead of others.B. It seems one can never keep up with all people around.C. It seems Mr. Jones is a very rich man.D. It seems one has to work very hard to get rich.20. What is the author’s opinion?A. It is funny to try to keep up with the Joneses.B. It is necessary to keep up with the Joneses.C. It is hard to keep up with the people around you.D. It is senseless to try to keep up with the people around you.Passage 2Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:Building team spirit is always the focal point of what I try to do as a manager. When I first went to Crystal Palace, players would finish training and then go straight home. There was no atmosphere. So we brought in a pool table and fruit machines. When players choose to spend time together, it generates a better atmosphere.The team spirit’s very important, but I don’t believe in trying to motivate the team as a team. I try to motivate the team as individuals. So I don’t give team talks. I speak to the players individually. And I try not to put too much pressure on them. I believe players perform best when they are relaxed. If they’re too tense, I can guarantee they won’t play well.I also believe in giving people autonomy. I like all the people who work for me to be autonomous. I very rarely interfere. I feel people should be judged on their results. If they prove incompetent, then I’m incompetent if I keep on employing them.It’s like that with the team. I get criticized for not interfering during a game and making more substitutions. But I feel if I’ve chosen those eleven play ers to get a result, then I should leave them alone to get on with it.If I’m dropping a player from the team, I don’t feel I have to explain it to them. If they want to discuss it, I’ll say, “Come back and talk about it in a couple of days.” But I don’t try to re-motivate them. It’s up to them to have the character to fight back. I’m a great believer that almost everything you believe in life is due to your attitude. If I have a player who is magnificently gifted but has a bad attitude, I won’t waste my t ime on him.21. As the manager of Crystal Palace, the writer’s focal point is to ________.A. drop bad players from the teamB. organize different team activitiesC. motivate the team as a wholeD. build team spirit22. The write believe that ________.A. players should be encouraged to fight back against the managerB. a good atmosphere helps construct a good teamC. putting great pressure on the players helps them to play wellD. interfering during a game helps calm the players23. As a manager, the writer doesn’t do the following things except that ________.A. he remains calm and doesn’t interfere during a gameB. he is very strict with players’ private lifeC. he puts different pressure on different playersD. he talks a lot to the whole team before a game24. The writer is likely to employ players ________.A. who are gifted ones with good attitudeB. who are gifted ones although without good attitudeC. who have the character to fight backD. who prefer to spend time with other players25. What is the main idea of this passage?A. How to manage a football team.B. How to play football as a team.C. How to be a good football player.D. How to control football players.Passage 3Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc. However, this may not be true in all countries. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. and end at 12. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 10 a.m. Several arrived after 10:30 a.m. Two students came after 11 a.m. Although all the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologized for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.The professor talked to American and Brazilian students about lateness in both an informal and a formal situation: at a lunch with a friend and in university calls, respectively. He gave them an example and asked them how they would react. If they had a lunch appointment with a friend, the average American student showed clearly lateness as 19 minutes after the agreed time. On the other hand, the average Brazilian student would be33 minutes late.In an American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. In contrast, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at 12:00; many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. Arriving late may not be very important in Brazil, neither is staying late.26. The American professor studied the Brazilian students’ behavior because ________.A. he felt angry at the students’ rudenessB. he felt puzzled at the students’ being lateC. he wanted to collect data for his researchD. he wanted to make students come on time later27. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Both American and Brazilian students will often be late for a lunch appointment.B. Classes begin and end at the scheduled time in the United States.C. Brazilian teachers don’t mind staying late after class.D. Brazilian students usually arrive late and leave early.28. What can we infer from the professor’s study of lateness in the in formal situation?A. Neither Brazilian nor American students like to be late in social gatherings.B. American students will become impatient if their friend is ten minutes late.C. Being late in one culture may not be considered rude in another culture.D. Brazilian students will not come thirty-three minutes after the agreed time.29. From the last paragraph we know that in Brazil, ________.A. it is acceptable for professors to be late for classB. it is rude to keep a professor staying after classC. it is important to arrive at the appointed timeD. it is normal for students to leave during lectures30. What does this passage tell us?A. People learn the importance of time from the country in which they live.B. The importance of being on time differs among cultures.C. Students being late for class should explain the reason to their teacher.D. It is important to come to class on time in the United States.Passage 4Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:The stars are usually actors and actresses. Most people do not even look at the name of the director or producer, except one ― Steven Spielberg. When he was a little boy, his father showed him how to use a camera. Later he got his own camera and started to film things like stories about monsters and horrible murders. His three younger sisters were always the victims. Later he made his first film at home at the age of twelve. It was a cowboy film three and a half minutes long, and it cost $10 to make. When he was sixteen, he made a science-fiction film more than two hours long. Making films was his great hobby ― much more fascinating for him than school. Of course, Steven wanted to go to film school. But his high school grades were not good enough! So he just went along to Universal Studios and asked for a job.Spielberg sometimes uses a lot of complicated effects ― in the Indiana Jones films, for example. But, like in Duel, he can create a fantastic atmosphere even without special effects. E. T. is a success because of the feelings of the children. In 1994 he won the most important film prize, the Oscar, for Schindler's List. The secret of Spielberg’s success is that the stories in many of his films somehow look as if they could happen to ordinary people like you and me.31. Steven Spielberg made his first film at the age of _______.A. TwelveB. ThirteenC. FifteenD. Sixteen32. His first film was about _____________.A. scienceB. cowboysC. monstersD. his younger sisters33. He didn’t go to a film school because ___________________________.A. he didn’t have enough moneyB. his high school grades were not good enoughC. he didn’t like schoolsD. he was eager to get a job34. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the Indiana Jones films?A. They are the most popular films by Steven Spielberg.B. Many children like the Indiana Jones films.C. A fantastic atmosphere was created without special effects.D. A lot of complicated special effects were used.35. In 1994, Spielberg won the Oscar for his film _______________________.A. Indiana JonesB. DuelC. E.T.D. Schindler’s ListPassage 5Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:When I was a boy, I belonged to the Boy Scouts, so I used to go camping every summer, and once something happened which I have never been able to explain.We were camping in a place above a river. After arriving, we all rushed down to the river to have a swim. Standing by the river, we noticed that it was surrounded by cliffs. If someone wanted to reach the river at this point, he had to walk past our camp.Several days later, the scoutmaster had to be away for a day. That afternoon, we had supper early. We were sitting round the fire, eating and talking, when a man walked past and went down towards the river. We felt that this man looked very strange, but, because each of us was afraid of looking very stupid, no one said anything.We ate rather slowly, talking as long as possible. After finishing, we collected our plates together so that we could take them to the river where we always washed them. But no one moved towards the river —we stood looking at each other ashamed. Then all shouting at once, we began talking about the man who had walked past us. We agreed how strange he looked and we wondered what he could be doing by the river. We knew that he could only return by passing through our camp.An hour passed. Then one of the boys suggested we should creep down by the river so that we could see what the man was doing. Moving very slowly and keeping in the shadow, we crept down towards the bank. One boy climbed a tree so that he could see everythingclearly. He called to us that there was no one there, so we ran down to the bank, looking everywhere carefully. We could not understand where the man had gone.When it got dark, we went back to our camp feeling bewildered. We told the scoutmaster what had happened in the evening. Smiling, he doubted that we had seen the man, but finally suggested we go and look again. We did, but there was no one there.Many years have passed, but I still remember it as if it were yesterday. What did we see? I do not know.36. The writer in the text mainly tells us __________.A. the story of his childhoodB. a strange camping experienceC. about a stranger by the riverD. about a good place for camping37. Why did the boys eat their supper slowly?A. They wanted to delay going to the river bank.B. They were waiting for their scoutmaster.C. They had a supper earlier than usual.D. They were talking while eating.38. The word “bewildered” in the text probably means _______.A. ashamedB. nervousC. unable to understandD. eager to know something39. When he heard what had happened, the scoutmaster _________.A. realized who the man wasB. started to worry about the manC. went back to look for the manD. felt it hard to believe the boys40. The writer still remembers the event because _________.A. the boys acted foolishlyB. the camping place is beautifulC. there has been no explanation for the eventD. he particularly enjoyed his camping that summerSection BDirections: In this section there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully, and answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.It is said that you need to exercise only twice a week in order to keep a sufficient level of physical fitness. Studies conducted by American scientists show that unexercised muscles lose their strength very quickly. After 48 to 72 hours, you must use the muscles again to re-establish the good physical effects. And what does that mean to you? American scientists have concluded that while daily exercise is most helpful, every other day, three days a week will keep a sufficient level of physical fitness.Is it true that you burn more calories running one mile than walking the same distance? The answer is no. The truth is that you use the same amount of energy whether you walk or run the mile, since in both cases you are moving the same weight the same distance. The speed does not matter. Of course, if you run rather than walk for 30 minutes, you will cover more distance, and therefore burn more calories.If your breathing does n’t return to normal within minutes after you finish exercising, you have exercised too much. Five minutes or so after exercising, your breathing should be normal, your heart shouldn’t be beating too fast, and you shouldn’t be exhausted.1) If you want to reduce fat in a specific part of your body, you should ___________________.2) Scientists have concluded that to keep fit, you have to exercise _______________________.3) You don’t burn more calories when you run one mile than when you walk that distance, because ________________________________.4) Speed does matter if ____________________________________.5) How do you know if you are not over-exercised?(请写清楚题号并做在答题卡上)Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20%)Section ADirections: For each of the following incomplete sentences, there are four words or expressions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark thecorresponding letter with a single line through the center.41. The local government has agreed to pay the town residents an extra sum to fortheir financial losses.A. turn upB. fill inC. make upD. lean on42. To a room here for a week is impossible now.A. preserveB. deserveC. conserveD. reserve43. Bob does not as an English teacher because his pronunciation is awful.A. equalB. matchC. fitD. qualify44. A cricket team eleven players.A. makes ofB. composes ofC. consists ofD. makes up of45. It’s very of you to keep it a secret.A. sensibleB. sensitiveC. sentimentalD. insensitive46. Susan often dreamed becoming a pop singer when she was a child.A. forB. toC. ofD. with47. If only I young again.A. amB. wasC. wereD. be48. The murderer was brought to the judge, .A. his hands were fast tiedB. his hands to be fast tiedC. his hands having been fast tiedD. his hands fast tied49. I must you on a successful visit to the factory.A. praiseB. congratulateC. wishD. award50. His taste and habits with those of his wife.A. combineB. competeC. coincideD. compromise51. You ought to your foolish behavior.A. be ashamed ofB. be sorry toC. be guilty ofD. be fond of52. Could you tell me the between poetry and prose?A. distinguishB. distinctC. distinctiveD. distinction53. Some of the experiments in the book are easy to perform.A. being describedB. describedC. to be describedD. having been described54. As we all know, English is becoming a(an) language in the world.A. urgentB. universalC. excessiveD. enable55. Do you know the policy of our country’ diplomacy (外交)?A. fundamentalB. urgentC. universalD. excessive56. Mr. Smith, together with his children, arrived.A. areB. hasC. isD. have57. She sat by the fire with a book on her .A. handB. chestC. lapD. leg58. The girl’s warm personality is her great .A. chargeB. chartC. charmD. character59. Don’t be by his nice smile; he’ll cheat you.A. taken inB. taken onC. taken overD. taken up60. She has become very since she came to live in the big city.A. softenedB. associatedC. sophisticatedD. complex61. I was away that day. Otherwise I to the meeting.A. would goB. had goneC. have goneD. would have gone62. It is difficult to get used to another country’s .A. routinesB. hobbiesC. customsD. habits63. These proposals put forward by Dr. Danniel serious consideration.A. serveB. deserveC. conserveD. reserve64. The deaf and man used sign language to express himself.A. dumbB. muteC. speechlessD. wordless65. The signing of the agreement will help to ease international .A. pressureB. tensionC. nervousnessD. intensity66. When he awoke, he found himself by an old woman.A. look afterB. be looked afterC. being looked afterD. be looking after67. For generations the people in these two villages lived in perfect .A. conflictB. distinctionC. harmonyD. regulation68. I have told her on occasions that George is not a man to be trusted.A. ridiculousB. numerousC. sentimentalD. alternative69. We are all to dislike those who are critical of us.A. suspiciousB. easyC. liableD. desirable70. The seller gave me a thirty percent on the shirt. Don’t you think it’s a goodbargain?A. discountB. treatmentC. decreaseD. favor71. He has been since he was appointed as president of the university last year.A. putting upB. getting awayC. making use of his friendshipD. throwing his weight around72. To be frank, I don’t like Jack. His rather superi or manner on me.A. jamsB. jarsC. irritatesD. upsets73. The French pianist who had been praised very highly to be a greatdisappointment.A. turned upB. turned inC. turned outD. turned down74. It is high time he strong actions against them.A. is takingB. tookC. takesD. will take75. This girl is Mary’s cousin.A. pretty little SwedishB. Swedish little prettyC. Swedish pretty littleD. little pretty Swedish76. I advised her that in the presence of the princess she should not say anything until .A. being askedB. askedC. to be askedD. having being asked77. The teacher warned that anyone who was caught during the test would bepunished.A. cheatingB. being cheatedC. to cheatD. to be cheating78. with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high atall.A. When comparedB. While comparingC. CompareD. Comparing79. On no account rudeness from his employees.A. the manager will tolerateB. the manager will not tolerateC. the manager toleratesD. will the manager tolerate80. The mere fact most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not meanthat it will not occur.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. whyPart IV Cloze (10%)Some people think they have an answer to the problem of automobile crowding and pollution in large cities. Their 81 is the bicycle, or “bike”.In a great 82 cities hundreds of people ride bicycles to work everyday. In New York City, some bike 83 have even formed a group 84 “ Bike for a Better City”. They 85 that if more people rode bicycles to work there 86 be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and 87 less dirty air from car 88 .For several years this 89 has been trying to get the city government to 90 bicycle riders. For 91 , they want the city to paint special lanes for bicycles only 92 some of the main streets, because when bicycle riders must use the 93 lanes as cars, there may be 94 . Bike for a Better City feels that if there were 95 lanes, more people would use bikes.But no bicycles lanes have been 96 yet. Not everyone thinks they are a good 97 . Taxi drivers don’t like the idea-they say it will slow 98 . Some store owners on the main streets don’t like the idea-they say that if there is less traffic, they will have less 99 . And most people live 100 far from downtown to travel by bike.81. A. problem B. answer C. help D. purpose82. A. many B. deal C. number D. more83. A. sellers B. fans C. riders D. sportsmen84. A. as B. of C. marked D. called85. A. announce B. assure C. claim D. convince86. A. would B. must C. will D. can87. A. still B. therefore C. even D. so88. A. factories B. equipments C. engines D. accidents89. A. group B. proposal C. section D. movement90. A. encourage B. help C. notice D. join91. A. once B. that C. good D. example92. A. on B. beside C. by D. near93. A. very B. big C. same D. narrow94. A. happenings B. conflicts C. events D. accidents95. A. good B. special C. broad D. safe96. A. build B. divided C. painted D. allowed97. A. idea B. way C. sign D. group98. A. transport B. speed C. traffic D. advance99. A. business B. money C. goods D. customers100. A. very B. quite C. too D. soPart V Translation (15%)Section A ( 3 points )。
西南政法大学试卷(A卷)2004 ---2005 学年第一学期一、不定项选择题(每题1分,共30分。
我国通说认为时效完成消灭实体诉权。实体诉权消灭的意义是指权 利人的权利不再受法律强制力的保护,即无强制执行的效力,实体权利 本身并不消灭,因此,如果义务人在诉讼时效完成后自愿向权利人为给 付,权利人的受领不构成不当得利。因此,在我国的司法实践中,原则 上法院只审理当事人的诉讼请求,如果当事人不就诉讼时效提出主张, 法院即可以不予考虑。也就是说,法院审理查明案件已过诉讼时效,并 不必然裁定驳回原告起诉。张玉敏主编,《中国民法学》,法律出版 社,2008年版,P256-P257。
侦查学、警察科学民法学部分(50分) (民法学部分) 一、概念比较题(每小题6分,共12分。答题要求:简要比较两对 概念的异同) 1.自己代理与双方代理 答:自己代理是指代理人代理被代理人以自己的名义同第三人为民 事法律行为,实现被代理人的利益,该行为为法律所禁止。 双方代理是指一个代理人同时代理双方当事人为同一法律行为。即 在一个代理关系中代理人既是被代理人的代理人,又是第三人的代理 人。双方代理也为法律所禁止。两者都属于代理权滥用的行为。 两者的区别在于:自己代理情形下。代理人同时为代理关系中的代 理人和第三人,交易双方的交易行为实际上是由一个人实施。双方代理 即“一手托两家”的情形,交易由代理人一人包办,一个人同时代表双方 的利益,没有第三人参与进来。
2004年西南政法大学刑法学考研真题 2003年西南政法大学专业基础(含刑事诉讼法学100分、刑法学50分) 考研真题及答案 2003年西南政法大学刑事诉讼法(刑法专业)考研真题 2002年西南政法大学刑法学考研真题及答案 2002年西南政法大学刑事诉讼法(诉讼法专业)考研真题 2001年西南政法大学刑法学考研真题及答案 2001年西南政法大学刑事诉讼法(刑法专业)考研真题 2000年西南政法大学刑事诉讼法(刑法专业)考研真题
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西南政法大学试卷(A 卷)200 6 —200 7 学年第 二 学期课程 英语视听 专业 英语专业年级 2006 级本试卷共 4 页,满分100 分;考试时间: 120 分钟;考试方式:闭卷Part I. Listen to the following 10 short conversations and decide which is the best answer. 1. A) He watched television with his friend. B) He stayed at home talking with his friend. C) He went to see a film with his friend. D) He went to see his schoolmate.2. A) When the meeting is to be held.B) Who are going to attend the meeting. C) Where the meeting is to be held.D) What’s to be discussed at the meeting.3. A) The necessity of writing to Mr. Johnson. B) Who is going to contact Mr. Johnson.C) The arrangement of the Wednesday meeting. D) Where they are going to meet Mr. Johnson.4. A) Jack brought the tape to the party. B) The tape had been returned to Paul. C) The tape was missing. D) Jack lent his tape to Paul.5. A) The man wants to reserve a room.B) The man reserved a room some time ago. C) The man has booked a room with no bath.D) The man wants to buy a flat on the second floor.6. A) Both editions are the same price now. B) It has two editions with the same cover. C) The paperback edition is on sale.D) The hardcover edition is more expensive.7. A) His TV sets are all of the same brand.B) He doesn’t have the newest models right now. C) He has the best TV sets for sale.学生姓名:___________________ 学号 :_________________ 专业年级 :_________________ 考试教室:____________-密-----------------封-----------------线-------------------内-------------------不---------------------要-----------------------答-------------------题-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D) His TV sets have a good sale.8. A) He must hand in a report about the museum.B) He has already visited the museum.C) He has to read a history book.D) He is too busy to go with her.9. A) They are rewarding.B) They are entertaining.C) They are boring.D) They are time-consuming.10. A) A sunny day.B) A raincoat.C) An attractive hut.D) A lovely hat.Part II. Listen to the following 3 passages and decide which is the best answer. Passage oneQuestion 1 to 4 are based on the passage you have just heard.1. A) She sat back and relaxed.B) She decided to retire.C) She entered university.D) She worked out a new English program.2. A) 8 years.B) 20 years.C) 16 years.D) 30 years.3. A) Bring a great deal of useful experience to the university.B) Improve human relationships in the university.C) Bring a fear of aging among young students on the campus.D) Improve the reputation of the university.4. A) She is learning English and Drama.B) She is learning how to make sound judgments.C) She is learning how to teach minority students.D) She is learning to perceive, not to judge.Passage TwoQuestions 5 to 7 are based on the passage you have just heard.5. A) The difference between classical music and rock music.B) Why classical music is popular with math students.C) The effects of music on the results of math tests.D) How to improve your reasoning ability.6. A) Because it stimulates your nerve activity.B) Because it keeps you calm.C) Because it strengthens your memory.D) Because it improves your problem solving strategies.7. A) Piano music could interfere with your reasoning ability.B) The effects of music do not last long.C) The more you listen to music, the higher your test scores will be.D) Music, whether classical or rock, helps improve your memory.Passage ThreeQuestions 8 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard.8. A) To drive the car automatically.B) To measure the driver’s pulse.C) To prevent car accidents.D) To monitor the driver’s health.9. A) It sends out signals for help.B) It sounds an alarm to warn the driver.C) It takes over the driving immediately.D) It stops the car automatically.10. A) It monitors the signals transmitted from the driver’s brain.B) It can measure the driver’s alcohol level in the blood.C) It ca n quicken the driver’s response to emergencies.D) It bases its analysis on the driver’s heartbeat.Part III. Listen to the VOA special report once and fill in the blanks.This is a ___project of two organizations, the Global Crop Diversity Trust and_____________________________. Cary Fowler, the director of the trust based in Rome, says it will be the largest such effort ever made.The aim is to __________or ___________ from one hundred sixty-five thousand varieties of the crops. Organizers say the effort will secure more than _______percent of the ________crop diversity represented in __________in developing countries.They say the fight against hunger cannot be won without _______crops that are in danger of being lost. Many of the crops are known as "________." _________do not get much attention from modern plant breeders but are especially important in poor countries. These include cassava, __________, yams, taro and coconut.Part IV. Listen to the VOA special report twice and answer the following questions.1.What does the passage mainly talk about?2.What is the other goal of the project?西南政法大学答题卷(A 卷)200 6 —200 7 学年第 二 学期课程 英语视听 专业 英语专业年级 2006 级本试卷共4 页,满分100 分;考试时间: 120 分钟;考试方式:闭卷Part I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10Part II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10Part III 1.___________2____________ 3____________4.___________5.___________6.___________ 7____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.___________Part IV 1. 2.学生姓名:___________________ 学号 :_________________ 专业年级 :_________________ 考试教室:____________-密-----------------封-----------------线-------------------内-------------------不---------------------要-----------------------答-------------------题-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------。