Appendix 有 机 合 成 化 学 文 献




英语硕士学位论文内容和格式要求一、论文内容与文本格式论文文本按照封面(Front cover)、扉页(Title page)、致谢(Acknowledgements)、中英文摘要(Abstract)以及关键词(Key words)、目录(Contents)、正文(Body)、注释(Notes)、参考文献(References)、附录(Appendix)的顺序排列。




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论文的章节根据内容来设定,一般分为5-7章,包括导论(Introduction)、文献综述(Literature Review)、理论框架(Theoretical Framework)、理论推演(Theorization)或案例分析(Empirical Study)和结语(Conclusion)。



• •
摘要(Abstract) 2 摘要(Abstract)
• 简短 、 概括 、 全面 , 以便读者一窥而知全貌 。 好的摘 简短、 概括、 全面, 以便读者一窥而知全貌。 要应该是: 要应该是: • 准确 (accurate): 确保摘要正确反映研究的目的与内容; 准确(accurate) 确保摘要正确反映研究的目的与内容; (accurate): • 独 立 (self-contained) : 定 义 所 有 的 缩 写 ( 除 测 量 单 (self位); • 简练与专业化 (concise and specific) : 使每个句子最大 简练与专业化(concise specific): 程度地包含信息。摘要应该不超过960个字符, 960个字符 程度地包含信息。摘要应该不超过960个字符,大约为 120个字 摘要应以最重要的信息开头,可能指目的、 个字。 120个字。摘要应以最重要的信息开头,可能指目的、 结果与结论,但不要浪费空间重复标题。 结果与结论,但不要浪费空间重复标题。 • 非评价(nenvaluative):对文章不作评论 非评价(nenvaluative) (nenvaluative): • 连贯性与可读性(coherent and readable):叙述清楚、 连贯性与可读性(coherent readable):叙述清楚、 描写生动。 用现在时态描述结果和结论, 描写生动 。 用现在时态描述结果和结论 , 用过去时态 描写实验的特异性变量, 描写实验的特异性变量 , 尽可能用第三人称而不用第 一人称,避免“样板句” boilerplate) 一人称,避免“样板句”(boilerplate)
结果, ④ 结果,包括统计显著性水平
The amplitudes of the posterior P1 and N1 components of the ERP evoked by the search array were affected in opposite ways by the size of the precue: P1 amplitude increased precue: whereas N1 amplitude decreased as cue size increased, SOA. particularly following the shortest SOA.

2019 2020高中化学第3章有机合成及其应用合成高分子化合物第1节第2课时有机合成路线的设计和应用学案鲁

2019 2020高中化学第3章有机合成及其应用合成高分子化合物第1节第2课时有机合成路线的设计和应用学案鲁

有机合成路线的设计和应用[核心素养发展目标] 1.宏观辨识与微观探析:结合碳骨架的构建及官能团衍变过程中的反应规律,能利用反应规律进行有机物的推断与合成。








2△(2)二元合成路线XNaOH水溶液[O][O]2CH===CH――→CHX—CHX――→CH―→OHCCHO――→ OH—CHOH―222222△HOOC —COOH―→链酯、环酯、聚酯。

(3)芳香化合物合成路线水溶液ClNaOH2――――①―――→―→△FeCl3NaOHCl水溶液2――――②――→―→△光照.醇、浓HSO[O][O]42――→―――→芳香酯――→――△h[O]Cl/NaOH/ν水2――→③―――→―→△hνNaOH/水/Cl2―――④――→→△[O] ―→―(4)改变官能团位置加成消去―→CH===CH―Br―→CH―CHCHCH23322HBr—+HBr 相关链接 1.常见有机物的转化关系若以乙醇为原料合成乙二酸(HOOC—COOH),则依次发生反应的类型是消去反应、加成反应、水解(或取代)反应、氧化反应、氧化反应。




Advances in Control of Cancer Pain控制癌肿疼痛方法的进展。

Semiquantitatie Analysis of the Autoradiographs放射自显影半剂量分析The Higher the Diffusion Rate,the Higher thdChance of Each NewlyIodinated Tgb Molecule Cominginto Repeated Contact with the Peroxidase Site at theApical Membrane 弥散率越高,新碘化的Tgb分子与实膜过氧物酶部位所接触的机会越多。



Ultra-Low-V olume Administration:SystemsEvaluation and Date Analysis超低量用药一系列评价和数据分析(补充正题)。

Medical News:Adjuvant Chemotherapy Works forBreast Cancer with Involved Nodes医学新闻:辅助性化学疗法对伴有淋巴结转移的奏效(说明上题)。

Unresolved Issue:Do Smokers Catch Less LungCancer?尚未解决的问题:吸烟者患肺癌少吗?(提醒人们注意吸烟者患肺癌的数量增加)。


Effect of LATS(=Long-Acting Thyroid Stimula-tor)and LATS Protectoron HTACA(=Human Thy-roid Adeny Cyclase Activity)长效甲状腺刺激素和长效甲状腺刺激素保护物对人体甲状腺甙酸环化酶活性的作用。























最简单有效的方法即采用IMRaD形式(Introduction,Materials and Methods,Results,and Discussion),这是英文科技论文最通用的一种结构方式。

IMRaD结构的逻辑体现在它能依次回答以下问题:Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题?Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题?Results(结果):发现了什么?Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么?按照这个结构整体规划论文,有一个方法值得借鉴,即剑桥大学爱席比教授提出的“概念图”。









有机合成化学:第六章 缩合反应

有机合成化学:第六章 缩合反应

第六章 缩合反应
这类反应很多,如羟醛(酮) 缩合,酯缩合等反应,其历程为:
C-H 碱
C + C= O
水解 产物
颠茄酮 设计其它合成路线?
第六章 缩合反应
上例是由于选择不同的起始原料,而选择不同的合成路线,使 产品成本大大降低。如果没有很好的路线选择时,可以通过优化 反应条件,提高产物的收率,降低成本。从产品收率上讲,能提 高1-5%。我们可能认为没什么意义,可对企业讲,产品成本会降 低2-8%左右。如果一个产品产值上亿时,可估算一下其价值了。 所以,一个化工产品刚上市时价格较高,随着生产时间延长,价 格逐渐降低,很大可能是由于生产工艺和生产条件的改变所致。
第六章 缩合反应
这类反应常用XCH2CO2C2H5 (X = CN 、CH3CO、CO2C2H5)、乙 酰丙酮、硝基甲烷等,一般有机胺或NaOH和KOH即可。这类 反应为放热反应,应采取冷却措施。同时这类反应还常伴随 着进一步的缩合。如:
第六章 缩合反应
第六章 缩合反应



车床科普知识(Lathe popular science knowledge)The lathe popular science knowledgelathe mainly carries on the turning processing with the lathe tool to the revolving work piece the engine bed.On the lathe also the available drill bit, the reamer, the reamer, the screw tap, the board tooth and the knurling tool and so on carry on the corresponding processing.The lathe mainly uses in processing the axis, the plate, the wrap and other has the rotation surface work piece, is the machine manufacture and makes repairs in the factory to use a broadest kind of engine bed.The ancient times lathe was depends on the hand to pull or the foot pedal, caused work piece revolving through the rope, and grasped the cutting tool to carry on the cutting. In 1797, English mechanical inventor Maudsley has formulated with the guide screw transmission tool rest modern lathe, and used in 1800 changes gears, might change the feed rate and is processed the thread the pitch.In 1817, another English Roberts has used four levels of band pulleys and the back gear organizations changes the main axle rotational speed. In order to enhance the mechanization automaticity, in 1845, US's Fitch invented the turret lathe; In 1848, US appeared the feedback lathe; In 1873, US's Spenser made a spindle automatic lathe, he made the three axle automatic lathe soon; At the beginning of the 20th century appeared had the gear gear box lathe by the independent motor-driven. After First World War, as a result of munitions, automobile and other mechanical industry need, each kind of highly effective automatic lathe and specialized lathe rapid development.In order to enhance small batch work piece the productivity, at the end of the 40's, bring the hydraulic pressure copying mechanism lathe to obtain the promotion, at the same time, themulti-cut lathe also obtains the development.In the 50's, developed the belt punch card, inserted the lock plate and dials the coded disk and so on the procedure control lathe.The numerical control technology starts in the 60's to use in the lathe, after the 70's obtain the rapid development.The lathe depends on the use and the function discrimination is many kinds of types. The conventional lathe processing object is broad, the main axle rotational speed and to feed quantity adjustment scope is big, can process the work piece inside and outside surface, the end surface and inside and outside thread. Plants the lathe by the worker manual operation, the production efficiency is mainly low, is suitable for the single unit, the small serial production and the repair and parts workshop. The turret lathe and the rotation lathe have can install many the cutting tool revolving tool box saddle or the feedback tool rest, can clamp in a work piece attire uses the different cutting tool by the worker to complete many kinds of working procedures in turn, is suitable in the mass productions.The automatic lathe can complete the middle and small scale work piece automatically according to certain procedure the multi-working procedure processing, can on the automatic yummy treats, the repetition process one batch of same work pieces, is suitable in large numbers in, the mass productions.The semiautomatic multi-cutter lathe has the single axle, multiple spindle, the horizontal type and the vertical division. The single axle horizontal type layout form and the conventional lathe are similar, but two groups of tool rests install separately in main axle around or about, uses inprocessing the plate, the link and the axis class work piece, its productivity enhances 3~5 times compared to the conventional lathe.The copying lathe can imitate the model or the type shape size, completes the work piece automatically the processing cycle, is suitable in the shape complex work piece small batch of andthe mass productions, the productivity compared to conventional lathe high 10~15 times.Has the capstan of lathe, multiple spindle, the chuck type, vertical and so on the types.The vertical lathe main axle is vertical to the horizontal plane, the work piece attire clamps onthe level rotary table, the tool rest moves on horizontal Liang or the column.Is suitable is big in the processing, heavily, difficulty with the work piece which installs on the conventional lathe, dividesinto the sole column and the biprism two big kinds generally.The relieving lathe while turning, the tool rest cycle makes the radial direction reciprocalmotion, uses in the mechanical shovel milling cutter, the hob and so on the formed toothually has the shovel to rub the appendix, rubs the tooth face by the independent direct motor drive small grinding wheel shovel. The special lathe is uses in processing some kind of work piecethe specific surface lathe, like crank shank lathe, cam shaft lathe, wheel lathe, axle-machining lathe,roll lathe and steel ingot lathe and so on.Unites the lathe mainly to use in the turning processing, after but attaches some special partsand the appendix, but also may carry on the boring, the mill, drills, inserts, rubs and so on the processings, has “many one machine energy” the characteristic, is suitable on the machine sho the ships or the motion service station makes repairs the work.车床科普知识车床主要用车刀对旋转的工件进行车削加工的机床。



文献专用英语词汇和基础化学英语词汇英文全称缩写中文Abstracts Abstr. 文摘Abbreviation 缩语和略语Acta 学报Advances 进展Annals Anna. 纪事Annual Annu. 年鉴,年度Semi-Annual 半年度Annual Review 年评Appendix Appx 附录Archives 文献集Association Assn 协会Author 作者Bibliography 书目,题录Biological Abstract BA 生物学文摘Bulletin 通报,公告Chemical Abstract CA 化学文摘Citation Cit 引文,题录Classification 分类,分类表College Coll. 学会,学院Compact Disc-Read Only Memory CD-ROM 只读光盘Company Co. 公司Content 目次Co-term 配合词,共同词Cross-references 相互参见Digest 辑要,文摘Directory 名录,指南Dissertations Diss. 学位论文Edition Ed. 版次Editor Ed. 编者、编辑Excerpta Medica EM 荷兰《医学文摘》Encyclopedia 百科全书The Engineering Index Ei 工程索引Et al 等等European Patent Convertion EPC 欧洲专利协定Federation 联合会Gazette 报,公报Guide 指南Handbook 手册Heading 标题词Illustration Illus. 插图Index 索引Cumulative Index 累积索引Index Medicus IM 医学索引Institute Inst. 学会、研究所International Patent Classification IPC 国际专利分类法International Standard Book Number ISBN 国际标准书号International Standard Series Number ISSN 国际标准刊号Journal J. 杂志、刊Issue 期(次)Keyword 关键词Letter Let. 通讯、读者来信List 目录、一览表Manual 手册Medical Literature Analysis and MADLARS 医学文献分析与检索系统Retrieval SystemMedical Subject Headings MeSH 医学主题词表Note 札记Papers 论文Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT 国际专利合作条约Precision Ratio 查准率Press 出版社Procceedings Proc. 会报、会议录Progress 进展Publication Publ. 出版物Recall Ratio 查全率Record 记录、记事Report 报告、报导Review 评论、综述Sciences Abstracts SA 科学文摘Section Sec. 部分、辑、分册See also 参见Selective Dissemination of Information SDI 定题服务Seminars 专家讨论会文集Series Ser. 丛书、辑Society 学会Source 来源、出处Subheadings 副主题词Stop term 禁用词Subject 主题Summary 提要Supplement Suppl. 附刊、增刊Survey 概览Symposium Symp. 专题学术讨论会Thesaurus 叙词表、词库Title 篇名、刊名、题目Topics 论题、主题Transactions 汇报、汇刊Volume Vol. 卷World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO 世界知识产权World Patent Index WPI 世界专利索引Yearbook 年鉴资料邮件消息编辑引用报告基础化学常用英语词汇1. The Ideal-Gas Equation 理想气体状态方程2. Partial Pressures 分压3. Real Gases: Deviation from Ideal Behavior 真实气体:对理想气体行为的偏离4. The van der Waals Equation 范德华方程5. System and Surroundings 系统与环境6. State and State Functions 状态与状态函数7. Process 过程8. Phase 相9. The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律10. Heat and Work 热与功11. Endothermic and Exothermic Processes 吸热与发热过程12. Enthalpies of Reactions 反应热13. Hess’s Law 盖斯定律14. Enthalpies of Formation 生成焓15. Reaction Rates 反应速率16. Reaction Order 反应级数17. Rate Constants 速率常数18. Activation Energy 活化能19. The Arrhenius Equation 阿累尼乌斯方程20. Reaction Mechanisms 反应机理21. Homogeneous Catalysis 均相催化剂22. Heterogeneous Catalysis 非均相催化剂23. Enzymes 酶24. The Equilibrium Constant 平衡常数25. the Direction of Reaction 反应方向26. Le Chatelier’s Principle 列•沙特列原理27. Effects of Volume, Pressure, Temperature Changes and Catalystsi. 体积,压力,温度变化以及催化剂的影响28. Spontaneous Processes 自发过程29. Entropy (Standard Entropy) 熵(标准熵)30. The Second Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第二定律31. Entropy Changes 熵变32. Standard Free-Energy Changes 标准自由能变33. Acid-Bases 酸碱34. The Dissociation of Water 水离解35. The Proton in Water 水合质子36. The pH Scales pH值37. Bronsted-Lowry Acids and Bases Bronsted-Lowry 酸和碱38. Proton-Transfer Reactions 质子转移反应39. Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs 共轭酸碱对40. Relative Strength of Acids and Bases 酸碱的相对强度41. Lewis Acids and Bases 路易斯酸碱42. Hydrolysis of Metal Ions 金属离子的水解43. Buffer Solutions 缓冲溶液44. The Common-Ion Effects 同离子效应45. Buffer Capacity 缓冲容量46. Formation of Complex Ions 配离子的形成47. Solubility 溶解度48. The Solubility-Product Constant Ksp 溶度积常数49. Precipitation and separation of Ions 离子的沉淀与分离50. Selective Precipitation of Ions 离子的选择沉淀51. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 氧化还原反应52. Oxidation Number 氧化数53. Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations 氧化还原反应方程的配平54. Half-Reaction 半反应55. Galvani Cell 原电池56. Voltaic Cell 伏特电池57. Cell EMF 电池电动势58. Standard Electrode Potentials 标准电极电势59. Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 氧化剂和还原剂60. The Nernst Equation 能斯特方程61. Electrolysis 电解62. The Wave Behavior of Electrons 电子的波动性63. Bohr’s Model of The Hydrogen Atom 氢原子的波尔模型64. Line Spectra 线光谱65. Quantum Numbers 量子数66. Electron Spin 电子自旋67. Atomic Orbital 原子轨道68. The s (p, d, f) Orbital s(p,d,f)轨道69. Many-Electron Atoms 多电子原子70. Energies of Orbital 轨道能量71. The Pauli Exclusion Principle 泡林不相容原理72. Electron Configurations 电子构型73. The Periodic Table 周期表74. Row 行75. Group 族76. Isotopes, Atomic Numbers, and Mass Numbers 同位素,原子数,质量数77. Periodic Properties of the Elements 元素的周期律78. Radius of Atoms 原子半径79. Ionization Energy 电离能80. Electronegativity 电负性81. Effective Nuclear Charge 有效核电荷82. Electron Affinities 亲电性83. Metals 金属84. Nonmetals 非金属85. Valence Bond Theory 价键理论86. Covalence Bond 共价键87. Orbital Overlap 轨道重叠88. Multiple Bonds 重键89. Hybrid Orbital 杂化轨道90. The VSEPR Model 价层电子对互斥理论91. Molecular Geometries 分子空间构型92. Molecular Orbital 分子轨道93. Diatomic Molecules 双原子分子94. Bond Length 键长95. Bond Order 键级96. Bond Angles 键角97. Bond Enthalpies 键能98. Bond Polarity 键矩99. Dipole Moments 偶极矩100. Polarity Molecules 极性分子101. Polyatomic Molecules 多原子分子102. Crystal Structure 晶体结构103. Non-Crystal 非晶体104. Close Packing of Spheres 球密堆积105. Metallic Solids 金属晶体106. Metallic Bond 金属键107. Alloys 合金108. Ionic Solids 离子晶体109. Ion-Dipole Forces 离子偶极力110. Molecular Forces 分子间力111. Intermolecular Forces 分子间作用力112. Hydrogen Bonding 氢键113. Covalent-Network Solids 原子晶体114. Compounds 化合物115. The Nomenclature, Composition and Structure of Complexes 配合物的命名,组成和结构116. Charges, Coordination Numbers, and Geometries 电荷数、配位数、及几何构型117. Chelates 螯合物118. Isomerism 异构现象119. Structural Isomerism 结构异构120. Stereoisomerism 立体异构121. Magnetism 磁性122. Electron Configurations in Octahedral Complexes 八面体构型配合物的电子分布123. Tetrahedral and Square-planar Complexes 四面体和平面四边形配合物124. General Characteristics 共性125. s-Block Elements s区元素126. Alkali Metals 碱金属127. Alkaline Earth Metals 碱土金属128. Hydrides 氢化物129. Oxides 氧化物130. Peroxides and Superoxides 过氧化物和超氧化物131. Hydroxides 氢氧化物132. Salts 盐133. p-Block Elements p区元素134. Boron Group (Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, Thallium) 硼族(硼,铝,镓,铟,铊)135. Borane 硼烷136. Carbon Group (Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, Lead) 碳族(碳,硅,锗,锡,铅)137. Graphite, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide 石墨,一氧化碳,二氧化碳138. Carbonic Acid, Carbonates and Carbides 碳酸,碳酸盐,碳化物139. Occurrence and Preparation of Silicon 硅的存在和制备140. Silicic Acid,Silicates 硅酸,硅酸盐141. Nitrogen Group (Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth) 氮族(磷,砷,锑,铋)142. Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Phosphoric Acid 氨,硝酸,磷酸143. Phosphorates, phosphorus Halides 磷酸盐,卤化磷144. Oxygen Group (Oxygen, Sulfur, Selenium, and Tellurium) 氧族元素(氧,硫,硒,碲)145. Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide 臭氧,过氧化氢146. Sulfides 硫化物147. Halogens (Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine) 卤素(氟,氯,溴,碘)148. Halides, Chloride 卤化物,氯化物149. The Noble Gases 稀有气体150. Noble-Gas Compounds 稀有气体化合物151. d-Block elements d区元素152. Transition Metals 过渡金属153. Potassium Dichromate 重铬酸钾154. Potassium Permanganate 高锰酸钾155. Iron Copper Zinc Mercury 铁,铜,锌,汞156. f-Block Elements f区元素157. Lanthanides 镧系元素158. Radioactivity 放射性159. Nuclear Chemistry 核化学160. Nuclear Fission 核裂变161. Nuclear Fusion 核聚变162. analytical chemistry 分析化学163. qualitative analysis 定性分析164. quantitative analysis 定量分析165. chemical analysis 化学分析166. instrumental analysis 仪器分析167. titrimetry 滴定分析168. gravimetric analysis 重量分析法169. regent 试剂170. chromatographic analysis 色谱分析171. product 产物172. electrochemical analysis 电化学分析173. on-line analysis 在线分析174. macro analysis 常量分析175. characteristic 表征176. micro analysis 微量分析177. deformation analysis 形态分析178. semimicro analysis 半微量分析179. systematical error 系统误差180. routine analysis 常规分析181. random error 偶然误差182. arbitration analysis 仲裁分析183. gross error 过失误差184. normal distribution 正态分布185. accuracy 准确度186. deviation偏差187. precision 精密度188. relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差(RSD)189. coefficient variation 变异系数(CV)190. confidence level 置信水平191. confidence interval 置信区间192. significant test 显著性检验193. significant figure 有效数字194. standard solution 标准溶液195. titration 滴定196. stoichiometric point 化学计量点197. end point滴定终点198. titration error 滴定误差199. primary standard 基准物质200. amount of substance 物质的量201. standardization 标定202. chemical reaction 化学反应203. concentration浓度204. chemical equilibrium 化学平衡205. titer 滴定度206. general equation for a chemical reaction化学反应的通式207. proton theory of acid-base 酸碱质子理论208. acid-base titration 酸碱滴定法209. dissociation constant 解离常数210. conjugate acid-base pair 共轭酸碱对211. acetic acid 乙酸212. hydronium ion水合氢离子213. electrolyte 电解质214. ion-product constant of water 水的离子积215. ionization 电离216. proton condition 质子平衡217. zero level零水准218. buffer solution缓冲溶液219. methyl orange 甲基橙220. acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂221. phenolphthalein 酚酞222. coordination compound 配位化合物223. center ion 中心离子224. cumulative stability constant 累积稳定常数225. alpha coefficient 酸效应系数226. overall stability constant 总稳定常数227. ligand 配位体228. ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid 乙二胺四乙酸229. side reaction coefficient 副反应系数230. coordination atom 配位原子231. coordination number 配位数232. lone pair electron 孤对电子233. chelate compound 螯合物234. metal indicator 金属指示剂235. chelating agent 螯合剂236. masking 掩蔽237. demasking 解蔽238. electron 电子239. catalysis 催化240. oxidation氧化241. catalyst 催化剂242. reduction 还原243. catalytic reaction 催化反应244. reaction rate 反应速率245. electrode potential 电极电势246. activation energy 反应的活化能247. redox couple 氧化还原电对248. potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾249. iodimetry碘量法250. potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾251. cerimetry 铈量法252. redox indicator 氧化还原指示253. oxygen consuming 耗氧量(OC)254. chemical oxygen demanded 化学需氧量(COD) 255. dissolved oxygen 溶解氧(DO)256. precipitation 沉淀反应257. argentimetry 银量法258. heterogeneous equilibrium of ions 多相离子平衡259. aging 陈化260. postprecipitation 继沉淀261. coprecipitation 共沉淀262. ignition 灼烧263. fitration 过滤264. decantation 倾泻法265. chemical factor 化学因数266. spectrophotometry 分光光度法267. colorimetry 比色分析268. transmittance 透光率269. absorptivity 吸光率270. calibration curve 校正曲线271. standard curve 标准曲线272. monochromator 单色器273. source 光源274. wavelength dispersion 色散275. absorption cell吸收池276. detector 检测系统277. bathochromic shift 红移278. Molar absorptivity 摩尔吸光系数279. hypochromic shift 紫移280. acetylene 乙炔281. ethylene 乙烯282. acetylating agent 乙酰化剂283. acetic acid 乙酸284. adiethyl ether 乙醚285. ethyl alcohol 乙醇286. acetaldehtde 乙醛287. β-dicarbontl compound β–二羰基化合物288. bimolecular elimination 双分子消除反应289. bimolecular nucleophilic substitution 双分子亲核取代反应290. open chain compound 开链族化合物291. molecular orbital theory 分子轨道理论292. chiral molecule 手性分子293. tautomerism 互变异构现象294. reaction mechanism 反应历程295. chemical shift 化学位移296. Walden inversio 瓦尔登反转n297. Enantiomorph 对映体298. addition rea ction 加成反应299. dextro- 右旋300. levo- 左旋301. stereochemistry 立体化学302. stereo isomer 立体异构体303. Lucas reagent 卢卡斯试剂304. covalent bond 共价键305. conjugated diene 共轭二烯烃306. conjugated double bond 共轭双键307. conjugated system 共轭体系308. conjugated effect 共轭效应309. isomer 同分异构体310. isomerism 同分异构现象311. organic chemistry 有机化学312. hybridization 杂化313. hybrid orbital 杂化轨道314. heterocyclic compound 杂环化合物315. peroxide effect 过氧化物效应t316. valence bond theory 价键理论317. sequence rule 次序规则318. electron-attracting grou p 吸电子基319. Huckel rule 休克尔规则320. Hinsberg test 兴斯堡试验321. infrared spectrum 红外光谱322. Michael reacton 麦克尔反应323. halogenated hydrocarbon 卤代烃324. haloform reaction 卤仿反应325. systematic nomenclatur 系统命名法e326. Newman projection 纽曼投影式327. aromatic compound 芳香族化合物328. aromatic character 芳香性r329. Claisen condensation reaction克莱森酯缩合反应330. Claisen rearrangement 克莱森重排331. Diels-Alder reation 狄尔斯-阿尔得反应332. Clemmensen reduction 克莱门森还原333. Cannizzaro reaction 坎尼扎罗反应334. positional isomers 位置异构体335. unimolecular elimination reaction 单分子消除反应336. unimolecular nucleophilic substitution 单分子亲核取代反应337. benzene 苯338. functional grou 官能团p339. configuration 构型340. conformation 构象341. confomational isome 构象异构体342. electrophilic addition 亲电加成343. electrophilic reagent 亲电试剂344. nucleophilic addition 亲核加成345. nucleophilic reagent 亲核试剂346. nucleophilic substitution reaction亲核取代反应347. active intermediate 活性中间体348. Saytzeff rule 查依采夫规则349. cis-trans isomerism 顺反异构350. inductive effect 诱导效应t351. Fehling’s reagent 费林试剂352. phase transfer catalysis 相转移催化作用353. aliphatic compound 脂肪族化合物354. elimination reaction 消除反应355. Grignard reagent 格利雅试剂356. nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振357. alkene 烯烃358. allyl cation 烯丙基正离子359. leaving group 离去基团360. optical activity 旋光性361. boat confomation 船型构象362. silver mirror reaction 银镜反应363. Fischer projection 菲舍尔投影式364. Kekule structure 凯库勒结构式365. Friedel-Crafts reaction 傅列德尔-克拉夫茨反应366. Ketone 酮367. carboxylic acid 羧酸368. carboxylic acid derivative 羧酸衍生物369. hydroboration 硼氢化反应370. bond oength 键长371. bond energy 键能372. bond angle 键角373. carbohydrate 碳水化合物374. carbocation 碳正离子375. carbanion 碳负离子376. alcohol 醇377. Gofmann rule 霍夫曼规则378. Aldehyde 醛379. Ether 醚380. Polymer 聚合物。













例如,“actus reus”(犯罪行为)、“mens rea”(犯罪意图)等术语。










比如,“carpe diem”(及时行乐)、“e pluribus unum”(合众为一)等,这些表达已经成为英语等语言中的常见词汇。





文献出处:Ishizaka A, Labib A. THE ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS IN DERIVING FURTHER BENEFITS OF AN AHP MODEL [J]. The World Insight, 2014, 22(4): 201-220.(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。

)原文THE ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS IN DERIVING FURTHER BENEFITS OF ANAHP MODELIshizaka A, Labib A.ABSTRACTThis paper deals with evaluation of benefits from the AHP methodology that can improve the quality of the decision making process. In this research effort, evaluation (give second opinions) of another’s assessment of goal is carrie d out, wherein, the criteria assessment is different while keeping the alternatives assessment with respect to each criteria constant, to test if the priority vector of the alternatives is same or different.Keywords: AHP process, subjectivity, pair-wise assessments.1. IntroductionMaking decisions involve evaluating the available alternatives and choosing the right one that meets a desired objective. Underlying assumption is our ability to compare, and measure or assess the value of these alternatives with the respect to the goal at hand. It is one of main functions and responsibilities of senior management in organizations. Decision-making is a fundamental process that is integral in everything we do (Saaty, 2004). It is not surprising to know that one of the main goals of education is to help students/participants in the study to make better decisions and increase objectivity in making such decisions. However, subjectivity cannot be completely eliminated because we interpret and make inferences based on objective assessments of the data.Analytical Hierarchy Process, a decision-making methodology developed by Saaty (1987) is an attempt in this direction. AHP can be used in any situation where the presence of multiple influencing factors and decision criteria make it difficult to understand the interactions among them intuitively. In such cases AHP offers a structured approach to reduce the complexity and help us in making a decision objectively.Saaty (2004) argues that subjective judgments using qualitative parameters are not necessarily inferior to physical quantitative measures. He contends that physical scale measurements only help in interpretation and in our understanding and use of the things that we already know how to measure.Although, AHP is practiced in industry and academics, it presents a few concerns and opportunities for further research. One of the concerns is that subjectivity. Although subjectivity cannot be eliminated completely, with better analysis, objectivity can be improved. In this paper, using the AHP methodology, we propose to evaluate or provide second opinion of another person’s assessment of a goal to improve objectivity. With this approach, the second opinion of the criteria assessment is different while keeping the alternatives assessment with respect to each criteria the same and test if the priority vector of the alternatives is same or different.The remainder of the paper presents a brief literature review about the analytical hierarchy process followed by hypothesis of the study and research design. Following these, we present data presentation and analysis. We conclude the paper with limitations and future scope.2. Literature ReviewThe primary objective of AHP is to classify a number of alternatives by considering a given set of qualitative and quantitative criteria and using pair-wise comparisons/judgments. AHP results in a hierarchical leveling of the quality determinants, where the upper hierarchy level is the goal of the decision process, the next level defines the selection criteria which can be further subdivided into sub criteria at lower hierarchy levels and, finally, the bottom level presents the alternative decisions.Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the multi-criteria decision making methods that was originally developed by Saaty (1987). It is a method to derive ratio scales from paired comparisons to determine relative weights and use them for evaluating alternatives. The input can be obtained from actual measurement such as price and weight or from subjective opinion such as satisfaction feelings and preference. AHP has a provision for a small inconsistency (10%) in judgment because it is difficult to be absolutely consistent. The ratio scales are derived from the principal eigenvectors and the consistency index is derived from the principal eigenvector value (Saaty, 2008).It is well known that AHP is associated with large computing and subjectivity (Rang-guo & Yan-ni, 2004). In an effort to improve quality of decisions, Stern, Meherez, and Hadad (2000) suggested a hybrid approach of using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and AHP to take best of both and avoid pitfalls of each method. The Peters-Zelewski (2008) paper looks at a discussion of the pitfalls of AHP from understanding differences between relative versus absolute measurements, clustering of direct measurements, and integrated view of inputs and outputs.Considering the above research findings, our research objective is to understand the inherent subjectivity of pair-wise comparisons via the tool of reciprocal assessments. And to overcome the subjectivity issue, we propose to use research methodology involving evaluation of second opinion of another person’s assessment of a goal to improve objectivity.3. Hypotheses/ObjectivesOur research goal is to improve the quality of decision using AHP by inserting second opinion of a person’s assessment to examine variations in choosing the alternative.4. Research Design/MethodologyIn this research study, we found that without a strong understanding of the AHP technique, the respondents in the pilot survey found it difficult to provide consistent judgment. Hence, we have sought four pair-wise comparisons for the criteria table and two for each of the project judgments (for every criteria) to derive a consistent set ofall pair-wise comparisons..Using literature review, Rich (2012), Sulemani (2009), Hibner (2011) and interviews with Scrum Masters, we have derived a prioritized list of factors influencing the success for Scrum projects. Five factors were identified, for assessing their influence and impact on success, Scrum process understanding/compliance (Factor 1), Clarity of Scrum Projects i.e. roles and responsibilities(Factor 2), Effectiveness of Scrum Master(Factor 3),Customer–Degree of Product Owner involvement (Factor 4), Team collaborative environment (Factor 5)..The survey questionnaire included two components: general profile (role in project, years of experience, educational qualification, number of scrum projects, number of scrum masters, type of project, size of organization, and part 2 included AHP parameters for gauging the influence of various factors (mentioned above) on success or failure in Scrum project..For the pair-wise comparisons we used a verbal scale of moderate, strong, very strong and extreme and neutral and converted them into a numerical scale of 2,4,6,8 respectively. The pair-wise comparisons for two respondents are shown in Appendix.对层次分析法AHP模型优势的进一步分析伊扎卡;拉比的摘要本文探讨了层次分析法AHP分析模型的优势,即可以提高企业管理人员决策过程的质量。


第7章 氧化
概述 空气液相氧化 空气的气固相接触催化氧化 化学氧化法
7.4.2 硝酸氧化法
R - O H R - C O O H
C H 2
H N O 3
N O 2
优点:价廉,选择性好,收率高,工艺简单 缺点 :酸雨,废酸处理问题
7.4.3 有机过氧化氢物共氧化法
3 链的销毁
R -R
R -O -O + R
R -O -O -R
R3C > R2C > RC H
7.2.2 被氧化物结构的影响
氧化 O2
HNO3,NaClO3,NaClO (2)金属元素高价化合物:
①高价金属盐:KMnO4,Na2Cr2O3,K2Cr2O7 ②高价金属氧化物:MnO2,CrO3 (3)过氧化物:H2O2 (4)专用氧化剂


















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收稿日期:2003-08-09作者简介:万灵(1970— ),女,湖北浠水人,汉族,讲师,主要从事大学英语的教学与研究工作。

用英文写作科技论文的一般格式万 灵(黄石高等专科学校公共课部,湖北黄石435003)摘 要:文章从论文题目、作者姓名、摘要、关键词、正文、致谢、参考文献、附录,作者简介等几个方面详细介绍了用英语写作科技论文的一般格式,对用英语进行科技论文写作的科研人员具有借鉴作用。

关键词:英语;科技论文;写作;格式中图分类号:H315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-8245(2004)01-0030-04G eneral Writing Form at of Scientif ic Paper in E nglishW an L i ng(Department of Basic Courses ,Huangshi Polytechnic College ,Huangshi Hubei 435003)Abstract The article narrated the general writing format of scientific paper in English Particularly by the paper ’s Title ,Author ’s name ,Abstract ,K ey words ,Body ,Acknowledgements ,References ,Appendix and Resume.It has use for reference to people who work on scientific research and write paper in English.K eyw ords English ;scientific paper ;writing ;format1 引言随着我国改革开放的进一步深入,与国外学者进行学术交流的机会越来越多,其中的一种方式就是在国外专业英语刊物上根据自己的实验结果或科研成果发表学术论文,以便接受国外同行的检验,提高科研水平。



詹安泰编注词集的体式与词学文献学价值王湘华【摘要】"CI Collection of Li Jing and Li Yu" compiled by Zhan An-tai, is made up of the detailed notes from others' CI collections. Its style includes the preface, CI verses, notes, proofing, appendixes, giving an overall classification of the two Li's CI. The language use of annotations is briefand clear, and the comm-etary original and universal. Compiled with the basic principles of proofing, emphasis is laid on proofreading of differences, giving a fine, critical examination, The appendix materials add background information from vari-ous respects, which is beneficial to a thorough understanding of the verses. The methods of annotation are var-ied, thus enriching the theory of proofing. Explorations are made into the artistic features, achievements and in-fluence of Li Yu's CI, and a comprehensive assessment of a writer's work is advocated, making the innovations of the annotator in CI theory prominent. The CI collection by Zhan has the value in CI philology and in practice as well as in textual criticism, possessing active significance for the construction of CI system.%詹安泰所编《李璟李煜词》,用诸词集及其他文献细注详校而成。



文献检索整理一、概论2.文献按照载体形式、加工深度各分为哪些类型?其中加工深度要求能识别各种出版物类型属于几次加工深度?按载体形式:印刷型文献、缩微型文献、机读型文献、声像型文献按加工深度:零次文献、一次文献、二次文献、三次文献属第三次加工深度3.按出版物类型的不同,文献分为哪些类型?一、科技图书二、科技期刊三、科技报告四、专利文献五、会议文献六、标准文献七、政府出版物八、学位论文九、产品资料十、技术档案十一、其他文献源4.《中图法》属于体系分类法,分几个基本部类,多少个大类?你所学专业属于哪一大类?5大部,22大类,T 工业技术5.文献检索含义?广义、狭义有何区别?信息检索分类。



文献存贮:文献分析文献特征文献特征标识检索工具文献检索:文献分析提问特征文献提问标识检索工具检索结果2. 狭义文献检索:仅指从检索工具或检索系统中准确的检出文献这一过程,人们通常所说的检索一般指狭义的文献检索。

信息检索分类:数据检索(data retrieval)事实检索(fact retrieval)文献检索(document retrieval)6.检索工具的著录方式有哪几种?目录(Catalogue )、题录(Citation )、文摘(Abstract)7.检索语言分为哪几类,在检索实践中哪两种检索语言用的最多?其中主题语言分为哪几种?1. 按描述文献特征划分1)描述文献外表特征的检索语言2)描述文献内容特征的检索语言2. 按语言结构划分1)分类语言。








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附录 1有机合成化学文献有机合成文献检索主要是化合物和合成方法两个方面,下面简要例举有关的杂志、丛书和专著。

一、化合物检索1.Beilstein handbuch der Organischen Chemie, 4th Ed., Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1985.近期该大全又推出了多种形式的计算机版,如 CrossFire Plus Reaction 据称是世界上最大最完备的有机化合物及反应数据库。

2.Chemical Abstracts Vol. 1~ (1907 ~ ), American Chemical Society.大全性二次文献。


3.Dictionary of Organic Compounds, 6th. Ed., Chapman and Hall, London,1996.目前已出第六版。




主要的有下列几种:1.W. Theiheimer Theiheimer抯 Synthetic Methods of Org.Chem. Vol.1~(1947~ ), 连续出版物。

2.Houben-Weyl Methoden der Organiche Chemie, 连续出版物。

3.Harrison & Harrison Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods 至1995 年已出 Vol. 1 ~ 8.4.Bueler & Pearson Survey of Organic Synthesis, Vol.1~2, JohnWieley & Sons,Inc., Canada, 1977.5.J. Mathieu & Formation of C-C Bonds Vol. 1 ~ 3.Georg Thieme Pub.J. Weill-Raynaller et al. Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis每年出版7.H. T. Clarke et al. Organic Synthesis, Vol. 1 ~ ( 1942~ ),John Wieley &Sons, Inc. 每年出版,定期汇集成 Organic Synthesis Collective 8.Fieser & Fieser Reagents for Organic Synthesis Vol. 1~17(1967~1994),John Wieley & Sons, Inc. Vol. 18 ~ (1999 ~ ) 由 Lse-Lok Ho 编集。

9.R. M. Coates et al. Handbook of Reagents for Organic SynthesisVol. 1 ~ 4 (1999)John Wiley & Sons Ltd10.R. N. Grimes Inorganic Synthesis, Vol.1~29(1945~1992+), John Wieley &Sons, Inc.11.J. J. Eisch et al. Organometallic Syntheses Vol. 1~4(1965 ~ 1988), Elsevier12.Herrmann Synthetic Methods of Organometallic andInorganic ChemistryVol. 1 ~ 8 (1996 ~ 1997),Thieme13. R. Adams et al. Organic Reactions Vol.1 ~ (1954 ~ ),John Wieley &Sons, Inc. 每年出版14.R. C. Larock Comprehensive Organic Transformation,2nd Ed. (1999) WieleyVCH14.非纸质出版物除上节提及的 CrossFire Plus Reaction 外,还有不少以 CD-ROM 方式出版或提供联机服务的反应数据库。

如 CASreact ( 网络版 ), InfoChem 反应数据库 (1975 ~ 1991) ( 光盘版 ), Derwent Jounal of Synthetic Methods (DJSM) (光盘版) 以及 ChemPrep 化学反应数据库 (1985 ~ ) ( 光盘版 )。


下面例举一些检索综述文献的书籍和有机合成有关的丛书:1.N. Kharasch, W. Wolf & E. C. P. Harrison Review Index to Reviews,Symposia volumes and Monographs in Organic Synthesis.2. D. A. Lewis & P. Charnock Index of Review in Organic Chemistry3.Methods in Organic Synthesis (Reviews Section)4.Current Chemical Reaction (Review Section, monthly)5. J. Synthetic Methods (Review Section)6.Houben-Weyl Methoden der Organishen Chemie 及其增补本Stereoselective Synthesis Vol 1 ~ 10 (1996).prehensive Organic Chemistry, Vol.1~6, Ed. by Sir D.H.R. Barton,Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979.prehensive Organic Synthesis: Selectivity, Strategy and Efficiency inMorden Organic Chemistry, Vol.1~9, Ed. by B. M. Trost & I. Fleming,Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1991.prehensive Organometallic Chemistry II (A review of the literatures of1982-1994), Vol.1-14, Ed. by E. W. Abel, F. G. A. Stone and G. Wilkinson, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1995.prehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations Vol.1-7, Ed. by A.R. Kartritzky, O. Meth-Cohn, C. W. Rees, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1995. prehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry Vol 1 ~ 8, Ed by A. R. Katritzky etal. 1984; Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry II Vol 1 ~ 11, Ed by A. R.Katritzky et al. 1996, Pergamon Press.prehensive Natural Products Chemistry Ed by D. Barton et al. 1993,Pergamon Press.四、知识跟踪跟踪阅读新的原始文献是了解有机合成化学最新发展情况的最好方法。


我们向合成化学工作者推荐下列期刊用来经常阅读,画线者为核心文献:1.Accounts of Chemical Research ( 美国, 综述 )2.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. ( 德国,综述、通讯)3.Australian J. Chem. ( 澳大利亚 )4.Bulletin Chem. Soc. Japn. ( 日本 )5.Canadian J. Chem. ( 加拿大 )6.Chem. Lett. ( 日本,通讯 )7.Chem. Pharm. Bull. ( 日本 )8.Chem. Rev. ( 美国,综述 )9.Chem. Soc. Rev. ( 英国,综述 )10.Coll. Czech Chem. Commun. ( 捷克, 全文 )11.Contemporary Organic Synthesis ( 英国,综述 )12.Europe J. Org. Chem. ( 欧洲,全文,通讯 )13.Helv. Chim. Acta ( 瑞士,全文 )14.Heterocycles ( 日本,通讯、全文,简报,综述 )15.J. Am. Chem. Soc. ( 美国,通讯、全文 )16.Chem. Commun. ( 英国,通讯 )17.J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I ( 英国及斯堪的纳维亚,通讯、全文,综述 )18.J. Org. Chem. ( 美国,简报、全文 )19.J. Eu. Chem. ( 欧洲,全文 ). Lett. ( 美国,通讯 )21.Pure & Appl. Chem. ( IUPAC,会议论文报告综述 )22.Synlett ( 德国,综述、通讯 )23.Synthesis ( 德国,综述、全文)24.Synthetic Commun. ( 美国,通讯、全文)25.Tetrahedron ( 英国,综述、全文)26.Tetrahedron Lett. ( 英国,通讯 )27.Tetrahedron: Asymmetry ( 英国,综述、通讯、全文)28.有机合成化学(J. Syn. Org. Chem. Jap.) ( 日本,综述 )五、一些二次文献:1.Current Chemical Reactions (monthly)2.Methods in Organic Synthesis (monthly)3.Journal of Synthetic Methods (monthly)4.Natural Products Updates六、最新进展报道评述1.Chem. & Eng. News ( 美国化学会,周刊 )2.Chemistry in British ( 英国化学会,周刊 )3.ChemTech ( 美国化学会,月刊 )4.Chemistry International ( IUPAC,月刊 )5.Chemtracts, Organic Chemistry ( 美国,双月刊 )附录 2 常用保护基一览表附录 3 常用缩写语汇录每年,美国化学会出版的«J. Org. Chem.»杂志的第一期上都对常用的化学缩写语进行一些说明,但比较系统的可见于«Aldrichimica Acat» 1984 年 17 卷第 1期第 13 至 23 页的汇录。
