Greek and Roman Mythology


greek and roman mythology

greek and roman mythology
Hercules Heracles
• Hercules was the most famous of the Greek mythological heroes. He was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman named Alcmene.
Hera and Heracles
• 希腊神话里最伟大的英雄赫拉克勒斯被认 为是宙斯的后代:他的母亲阿尔克墨涅是 帕尔休斯的一个孩子,而他的父亲就是宙 斯,但宙斯是附在阿尔克墨涅的丈夫底比 斯王安非特力翁的身上是其怀孕的。因此, 赫拉队赫拉克勒斯的厌恶和与利用一切机 会阻挠他的企图是由充分理由的。由于宙 斯发誓下一个出生的仙座将会统治迈锡尼, 所以,赫拉企图让尤利西斯的出生提前, 而让赫拉克勒斯推后。
• The great crime for which Tantalus was condemned to an eternity of hunger and thirst may have entailed stealing ambrosia from the gods. He was made to stand in a pool in Tartarus, the Underworld zone of punishment. Each time he reached down for the water that beckoned to his parched lips, it drained away. Overhanging the pool were boughs laden with luscious fruit. But each time Tantalus stretched to pluck this juicy sustenance, the boughs receded from his grasp. For his offense against the gods, this great sinner was tantalized indeed.



Unit One Greek and Roman MythologyPre-reading Questions1。

The Greek and Roman mythologies have fascinated human beings for centuries。

Name some of your favorite myths and tell your classmates why you like them.2. Are there any similarities or differences between Greek and Roman myths?If so, what are they?Chaos : a goddess EurynomeEurynome's consort is Ophionin the beginning, Eurynome and Ophion ruled everything together from Mt。

Olympus, but were supplanted by Cronus and Rhea.The Erinnyes (in English, the Furies)Tisiphone, the AvengerMegara, the JealousAlecto, the UnrestingThe CharitesThe Charites (or the Graces) were three happy Goddesses of Beauty. They were named:Aglaia, SplendorEuphrosyne, MirthThalia, Good CheerGaia, called EarthShe is from whom everything comes, but she is not quite a divinity, because she is Earth。

lecture 4 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件

lecture 4 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件
• He wandered years after years in search of his sister without any result.
• One day, he found himself in the noble city of Delphi, and visited the temple of Apollo.
• According to one legend, Perseus, unwilling to take the kingdom of his grandfather, went to Asia, where his son Perses became the ruler of the Persians (波斯人), who were said to have been named after him.
• But Zeus fell in love with her, and turned himself into a shower of gold to fall on her.
• When Danae had a son, Acricius locked them in a chest and cast them into the sea.
Perseus fulfilled the oracle
• Perseus then returned to Seriphos just in time to save his mother from the violence of Polydectes, whom he turned to stone with the head of Medusa.
Classical Greek and Roman Mythology



世界著名的100个海洋神话传说1. 海神波塞冬 (Greek Mythology)2. 海妖美人鱼 (Folklore)3. 海王子 (Fictional Character)4. 海怪诺斯 (Scandinavian Mythology)5. 海神涅普顿 (Roman Mythology)6. 海神座爾斯 (Norse Mythology)7. 海神泰坦特里东 (Greek Mythology)8. 海神伊斯特里 (Egyptian Mythology)9. 海神玛纳尼 (Polynesian Mythology)10. 海神利维坦 (Jewish Mythology)11. 海神奥兰 (Celtic Mythology)12. 海神普鲁托 (Roman Mythology)13. 海神诺特 (Egyptian Mythology)14. 海神里奧 (Greek Mythology)15. 海神尼普顿 (Egyptian Mythology)16. 海神奥德修斯 (Roman Mythology)17. 海神塞壬 (Greek Mythology)18. 海神波赫 (Norse Mythology)19. 海神特里东 (Greek Mythology)20. 海神哈戴斯 (Greek Mythology)21. 海神洛克 (Norse Mythology)22. 海神波塞冬斯 (Roman Mythology)23. 海神波塞冬 (Roman Mythology)24. 海神奥德修斯 (Greek Mythology)25. 海神波赫 (Norse Mythology)26. 海神泰坦特里东 (Roman Mythology)27. 海神哈戴斯 (Greek Mythology)28. 海神里奧 (Greek Mythology)29. 海神座爾斯 (Norse Mythology)30. 海神洛克 (Norse Mythology)31. 海神诺特 (Egyptian Mythology)32. 海神波塞冬斯 (Greek Mythology)33. 海神特里东 (Greek Mythology)34. 海神奥兰 (Celtic Mythology)35. 海神普鲁托 (Roman Mythology)36. 海神尼普顿 (Egyptian Mythology)37. 海神奥德修斯 (Roman Mythology)38. 海神塞壬 (Greek Mythology)39. 海神波赫 (Norse Mythology)40. 海神泰坦特里东 (Roman Mythology)41. 海神哈戴斯 (Greek Mythology)42. 海神里奧 (Greek Mythology)43. 海神座爾斯 (Norse Mythology)45. 海神诺特 (Egyptian Mythology)46. 海神波塞冬斯 (Greek Mythology)47. 海神特里东 (Greek Mythology)48. 海神奥兰 (Celtic Mythology)49. 海神普鲁托 (Roman Mythology)50. 海神尼普顿 (Egyptian Mythology)51. 海神奥德修斯 (Roman Mythology)52. 海神塞壬 (Greek Mythology)53. 海神波赫 (Norse Mythology)54. 海神泰坦特里东 (Roman Mythology)55. 海神哈戴斯 (Greek Mythology)56. 海神里奧 (Greek Mythology)57. 海神座爾斯 (Norse Mythology)58. 海神洛克 (Norse Mythology)59. 海神诺特 (Egyptian Mythology)60. 海神波塞冬斯 (Greek Mythology)61. 海神特里东 (Greek Mythology)62. 海神奥兰 (Celtic Mythology)63. 海神普鲁托 (Roman Mythology)64. 海神尼普顿 (Egyptian Mythology)65. 海神奥德修斯 (Roman Mythology)67. 海神波赫 (Norse Mythology)68. 海神泰坦特里东 (Roman Mythology)69. 海神哈戴斯 (Greek Mythology)70. 海神里奧 (Greek Mythology)71. 海神座爾斯 (Norse Mythology)72. 海神洛克 (Norse Mythology)73. 海神诺特 (Egyptian Mythology)74. 海神波塞冬斯 (Greek Mythology)75. 海神特里东 (Greek Mythology)76. 海神奥兰 (Celtic Mythology)77. 海神普鲁托 (Roman Mythology)78. 海神尼普顿 (Egyptian Mythology)79. 海神奥德修斯 (Roman Mythology)80. 海神塞壬 (Greek Mythology)81. 海神波赫 (Norse Mythology)82. 海神泰坦特里东 (Roman Mythology)83. 海神哈戴斯 (Greek Mythology)84. 海神里奧 (Greek Mythology)85. 海神座爾斯 (Norse Mythology)86. 海神洛克 (Norse Mythology)87. 海神诺特 (Egyptian Mythology)88. 海神波塞冬斯 (Greek Mythology)89. 海神特里东 (Greek Mythology)90. 海神奥兰 (Celtic Mythology)91. 海神普鲁托 (Roman Mythology)92. 海神尼普顿 (Egyptian Mythology)93. 海神奥德修斯 (Roman Mythology)94. 海神塞壬 (Greek Mythology)95. 海神波赫 (Norse Mythology)96. 海神泰坦特里东 (Roman Mythology)97. 海神哈戴斯 (Greek Mythology)98. 海神里奧 (Greek Mythology)99. 海神座爾斯 (Norse Mythology) 100. 海神洛克 (Norse Mythology)。


The Olympians
1.Zeus(宙斯)——主管众神,希腊神话中的至高神 2.Hera(赫拉)——掌管婚姻,捍卫家庭,妇女的保护神 3.Poseidon(波塞冬)——海洋中的最高神明 4.Hades(哈迪斯)——主管冥界 5.Athena(雅典娜)——智慧及战争女神 6.Apollo(阿波罗)——射术艺术科学的保护神,公正的惩罚神,光
Greek mythology also involved the method of critical thinking.
One of the Titans,Cronus(克罗诺斯)Killed Ouranos Then the Titans Ruled the world
The World on the Earth——
After Ouranos(乌拉诺斯)'s Death Gaea and Cronus(克罗诺斯)Become the ruler of the world Cronus(克罗诺斯)swallowed he and Gaea's Son except one ——Zeus(宙斯)
Topic 1
Brief Introduction
1.Greek Mothology 2.The features of Greek Mothology 3.A story from Greek Mothology 4.Roman Mothology 5.The features of Roman Mothology 6.A story from Roman Mothology
Page 2
Greek Mothology



希腊罗马神话英文作文英文:Greek and Roman mythology are two of the most well-known mythologies in the world. They are filled with fascinating tales of gods and goddesses, heroes and monsters, and epic battles between good and evil. As someone who has always been interested in mythology, I find these stories to be both entertaining and educational.One of the most famous stories from Greek mythology is the tale of Perseus and Medusa. Perseus was a hero who was sent on a mission to slay the monstrous Medusa, who had snakes for hair and could turn people to stone with her gaze. With the help of the gods, Perseus was able to defeat Medusa by using a mirror to avoid her gaze and then cutting off her head.Another popular tale from Roman mythology is the story of Romulus and Remus. According to legend, these twinbrothers were abandoned as infants and were raised by ashe-wolf. As they grew older, they decided to found a city, but they could not agree on where to build it. In the end, Romulus killed Remus and founded the city of Rome in his honor.These stories are just a small sample of the many fascinating tales that can be found in Greek and Roman mythology. They are full of interesting characters,exciting adventures, and valuable lessons. Whether you are interested in history, literature, or simply enjoy a good story, these mythologies have something to offer everyone.中文:希腊和罗马神话是世界上最著名的两种神话之一。



希罗神话与西方文化智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下浙江工业大学浙江工业大学第一章测试1.Western culture has two main sources, Greek and Roman Mythology and TheBible. ( )A:对 B:错答案:对2.The logo of Goodyear Tires (固特异轮胎) alludes to Nike’s shoes. ( )A:错 B:对答案:错第二章测试1.Which of the following translations best describes the Chinese word “混沌”?( )A:ChaosB:AbyssC:DarknessD:Black Hole答案:Chaos2.What does the Latin word “pietas” mean? ( )A:responsibility towards the neighbours or neighbouring kingdomsB:acceptance of the human limit and weaknessC:piety or loyalty towards gods, family or menD:love for the foreigners and their culture答案:piety or loyalty towards gods, family or men3.In Greek Mythology, human beings are first created by the Titan Prometheus.( )A:错 B:对答案:对4.Theogony refers to the origin of the gods and goddesses. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对5.Which of the following source texts are from the Greek culture? ( )A:TheogonyB:AeneidC:The OdysseyD:The Iliad答案:Theogony;The Odyssey;The Iliad第三章测试1.Which of the following gods has a pair of winged boots that can help himtravel in all realms of the universe? ( )A:HermesB:AresC:PoseidonD:Apollo答案:Hermes2.What does the phrase to pile Pelion on Ossa mean? ( )A:To endure something painful.B:To do meaningless work again and again.C:To achieve success.D:To add difficulty to difficulty or to attempt an enormous but fruitless task.答案:To add difficulty to difficulty or to attempt an enormous butfruitless task.3.Gigantomachy is a war for power between the two generations of the Titans.( )A:错 B:对答案:错4.Demeter, goddess of agriculture, is a sister and wife of Zeus. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对5.Who are the three sisters of the Fates? ( ).A:AtroposB:CalliopeC:ClothoD:Lachesis答案:Atropos;Clotho;Lachesis第四章测试1.Which one is Zeus’ weapon? ( )A:ArrowsB:CaduceusC:Thunderbolt and lightening.D:Trident.答案:Thunderbolt and lightening.2.The expression “horn of plenty” or “Amalthea’s horn” means abundance. ( )A:对 B:错答案:对3.Europa plays an important role in spreading the Phoenician letters from theEast to the West. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错4.Who are the descendants of Io? ( )A:HerculesB:CadmusC:PerseusD:Europa答案:Hercules;Cadmus;Perseus;Europa5.Which painting does NOT depict Zeus and his mistresses?A:C B:B C:D D:A答案:D第五章测试1.The Trojan War lasts for ______ years. ( )A:twentyB:eightC:twelveD:ten答案:ten2.Who comes up with the idea of the Trojan Horse? ( )A:OdysseusB:The ghost of AchillesC:AgamemnonD:Ajax答案:Odysseus3.Helen from Troy elopes with Paris to Sparta. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错4.Odysseus refuses to participate in the Trojan War because one oracle comesthat he will be killed as a great hero in the war. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错5.Who of the following heroes fight for the Greeks in the Trojan War? ( )A:HectorB:AchillesC:OdysseusD:Agamemnon答案:Achilles;Odysseus;Agamemnon第六章测试1.Whom does Demeter teach the art of agriculture? ( )A:AeneasB:TriptolemusC:NyxD:Heracles答案:Triptolemus2.The English phrase “the cap of Hades” means the helmet of invisibility. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对3.Demeter is the goddess of the tender shoots. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错4.Where did the relatives of the dead people put Charon's obol in AncientGreece?( )A:Under the tongue of the dead.B:On the feet of the dead.C:On the eye lids of the dead.D:On the belly of the dead.答案:Under the tongue of the dead.;On the eye lids of the dead.5.Which painting depicts Persephone?A:B B:A C:D D:C答案:B第七章测试1.To whom does Orpheus owe his talent? ( )A:PersephoneB:PandoraC:EurydiceD:Calliope答案:Calliope2.What happens to Orpheus at the end of the myth? ( )A:Women from Thrace dismember him.B:He falls in love with another woman and forgets about Eurydice.C:He lives happily with Eurydice in this upperworld.D:He is trapped at the edge of Hades without food or water.答案:Women from Thrace dismember him.3.Orpheus needs to give Charon his lyre to cross the river. ( )A:错 B:对答案:错4.Orpheus is a great musician and poet.( )A:错 B:对答案:对5.What lessons should we learn from the story of Orpheus? ( )A:To keep one’s promise.B:Love conquers all.C:To be polite.D:Never trust anyone.答案:To keep one’s promise.;Love conquers all.第八章测试1.Who is regarded as the wisest hero in Greek mythology? ( )A:OdysseusB:AchillesC:HectorD:Palamedes答案:Odysseus2.What is the English equivalent of 风沙?( )A:aeolian sandB:sandy stormC:aeolussandD:wind and sand答案:aeolian sand3.Polyphemus is the son of Poseidon. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对4.Odysseus is detained on Calypso’s island for six years. ( )A:错 B:对答案:错5.What helps Odysseus to confirm his identity after he returns to his homelandIthaca? ( )A:The scar on his kneeB:His accentC:His old bedD:His arrow答案:The scar on his knee;His old bed第九章测试1.Who is chasing after Perseus after he beheads Medusa? ( )A:The GraiaeB:The other two gorgonsC:AthenaD:Poseidon答案:The other two gorgons2.During his homecoming journey, Perseus comes across the Hyperboreans, bywhom he is hospitably received. ()A:对 B:错答案:对3.Pegasus, Perseus, the Muses and Apollo, are all related to poetic inspiration.()A:错 B:对答案:错4.What equipment helps Perseus successfully behead Medusa? ( )A:The Cap of invisibilityB:The Brazen shieldC:The walletD:The winged sandals答案:The Cap of invisibility;The Brazen shield;The wallet;The winged sandals5.In the picture below, who puts baby Perseus and his mother in a woodenbarrel and throws it into the sea?A:Polydectes B:Acrisius C:Zeus D:Dictys答案:Acrisius第十章测试1.Which of the following plants is sacred to Apollo? ( )A:Olive treeB:MolyC:Oak treeD:Laurel tree答案:Laurel tree2.Plants always play a positive role on Odysseus’ journey home. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错3.Taurus, one of the 12 zodiac signs, originates from the myth of Minotaur. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错4.Of the following monstrous animals, whose body is composed of a snake orsnakes? ( )A:TyphonB:EchidnaC:MinotaurD:Chimera答案:Typhon;Echidna;Chimera5.Which picture is Minotaur?A:A B:B C:C D:D答案:A第十一章测试1.Which of the following translations best describes the Chinese expression“中庸之道”? ( )A:CentreB:MediocreC:Nothing in excessD:Middle答案:Nothing in excess2.Which of the following mythological figures is related to the Ethiopians’ darkskin color? ( )A:ZeusB:PhaethonC:ApolloD:Icarus答案:Phaethon3.In Greek and Roman mythology, those who challenge the authority of divinitywill incur a severe penalty. ( )A:对 B:错答案:对4.The revenge of Athena and Leto can also be ascribed to the divine jealousy. ( )A:对 B:错答案:对5.Which of the following figures in Greek and Roman mythology are punishedby gods because of their crimes of challenging divinity? ( )A:CassiopeiaB:CapaneusC:SalmoneusD:Sisyphus答案:Cassiopeia;Capaneus;Salmoneus;Sisyphus第十二章测试1.Who is the wife of Cadmus? ( )A:SemeleB:HarmoniaC:AgaveD:Autonoe答案:Harmonia2.The English phrase “sowing the dragon’s teeth” means one is sowing thetrouble and conflicts. ( )A:对 B:错答案:对3.Pentheus is trained by the centaur Chiron to be a hunter. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错4.Cadmus and Harmonia have several daughters. Their names are _______. ( )A:SemeleB:AutonoeC:InoD:Agave答案:Semele;Autonoe;Ino;Agave5. Which painting depicts Actaeon’s death?A:D B:C C:B D:A答案:A。



希腊罗马神话试卷Greek and Roman MythologyName:__________ Class:_________ Score:_________I. Match the gods/goddesses and their roles in mythology. (10%)( ) 1. Diana A. goddess of grain( ) 2. Poseidon B. goddess of hunting, the moon( ) 3. Hades C. god of the sea( ) 4. Hera D. queen of Olympus; goddess of marriageand childbirth( ) 5. Ceres E. goddess of arts and crafts and defensivewar; goddess of wisdom( ) 6. Athena F. goddess of beauty and sexual desire ( ) 7. Aphrodite G.. god of war( ) 8. Mars H. metal smith of the gods( ) 9. Hermes I. ruler of the Underworld; lord of the dead( ) 10. Hephaestus J. Zeus’messenger, guardian of travelers,merchants and thievesK. one of the Fates who determine thelength of each mortal’s lifeII. Choose a word/phrase from the following list to fill in each of the blanks with, changing their forms if necessary. (20%)1.The report presented by the scientist to the government was extremely _______ - no one could understand it.2.He was ________ by her beauty, but lacked the courage to speak to her.3.Another round of negotiations were conducted on the Middle East under the _______ of the UN.4.Seeing the ________ expression on his father’s face, the boy immediately knew what was awaiting him.5.While the president was casually chatting with his supporters, his body-guards were _______, looking for any single sign of danger.6.The scientist spent all his life researching the ____________ of his hometown.7.Showing disrespect to gods according to many cultures is to invite ______.8.The young man had about him a(n) _______ of youth and health.9. When the theater caught fire, there was a great______.10. The desk was a ______ of papers and unopened letters.III. Multiple Choice Questions (10%)( )1. The Iliad and the Odyssey were both written by _______.A. VirgilB. Ovid( )2. Many transformation stories can be found in _________, a collection of poems written by ____.A. Metamorphosis; OvidB. Theogony, HesiodC. Persians, AeschylusD. Aeneid, Virgil( )3.The spinners of the thread of human destiny were __________.A. the MusesB. the GracesC. the FatesD. the Furies( )4.Zeus changed Io a _______ hide her from Hera.A. bearB. heiferC. snakeD. bull( )5.Leda and the Swan was supposedly painted by __________.A. Peter Paul RubensB. Gustave MoreauC. Sandro BotticelliD. Leonardo da Vinci( )6.Pandora replaced the lid of her box, with only one thing left at the bottom - _______.A. warB. famineC. hopeD. disease( )7.Arachne was a _____, who was punished by ______.A. hunter; DianaB. titan; ZeusC. weaver; MinervaD. king; Hera( )8.When we say someone has Midas’ ears, we are commenting on his ________.A. wealthB. poor judgment( )9.The gods who ruled the heavens, the ocean and the Underworld, respectively, were ______.A. Jupiter, Pluto and SaturnB. Jupiter, Apollo and Neptune D. Jupiter, Neptune andPluto( )10.If you throw a sop to Cerberus, you are trying to _______.A. kill someoneB. bribe someoneC. avoid being killed by someoneD. enjoy a blissful afterlife.IV. Read each literary excerpt carefully and do the following: (a) underline all the mythological allusions, and (b) explain their meanings according to the context of the excerpt. (20%)1. We feasted that evening as on nectar and ambrosia. (Charlotte Bront?, Jane Eyre, 1847)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.There was, as I have said, a Minerva fully armed. (Marilynne Robinson, Mother Country, 1889)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.Trinity College had undertaken the Sisyphean task of repairing all of its historic Front Square.(John Brady, A Stone of the Heart, 1988)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.Antoine and Francoise with their children, but without ever knowing why, joined the refugeesfor the sake of their vision of elysium and because of Don Emmanuel ’s enthusiasm. (Louis De Berni res, The War of Don Emmanuel ’s Nether Parts , 1990)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5.It was hard to imagine H.E. sniffing after some other country woman, or being discovered mounting one of the milking girls.H.E., even when he was twenty-seven, would not have made a credible farmyard satyr. (Thomas Keneally, The Playmaker , 1987)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________V . Look at the following paintings and tell briefly the mythological stories depicted therein. (20%)1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________VI. Essay question: (A) choose ONE from the list of questions and answer the question you’ve chosen, and (B) tell what you have learned from this course. You should write at least 150 words. (20%)1.What is the significance of the story of Proserpine?2.What are the different character traits between Apollo and Bacchus?3.What is the relationship between hubris and nemesis (cite at least one mythological story as an example)?4.What aspect does the Pandora myth show about the ancient Greek society?Your question:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________。

古希腊罗马神话故事对英国文学的影响英语专业 学位论文

古希腊罗马神话故事对英国文学的影响英语专业 学位论文

2015届本科生毕业设计(论文)题目:古希腊罗马神话故事对英国文学的影响英文题目:The Influence of Greco-RomanMythology on English Literature学生姓名:曾育婷院系:外国语学院英语系届别:2015届专业、班级:英语专业1班学号:080520110003指导教师:常文彩完成日期:2015年6月5日二0 一五年六月AcknowledgementsIn the course of writing this thesis, I received a lot of help and support from my teachers and friends, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all who have helped me.First and foremost, I want to give my profound thanks to my supervisor, Chang Wencai, for her constant encouragement, critical instructions, great care and precious advice and suggestions. With her help, this thesis appears in the present form.I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their support and helped me work out the problems I encountered when writing the thesis.Thank you very much.摘要古希腊罗马神话作为西方文明的源头之一,对西方文化产生了深远的影响。



Pan荒野之神潘 荒野之神潘 God of the forest and pastures
Greek and Roman Mythology 古希腊罗马神话 Achilles’ heel 阿喀硫斯脚踝 Adonis 美少年阿多尼斯 Apollo 太阳神阿波罗 Atlas 提坦巨神阿特拉斯 Sisyphus 希绪弗斯 西齐弗 希绪弗斯/西齐弗
风雨女神迈亚 外遇 忒拜公主 塞墨涅 外遇 阿尔戈斯公主 达娜亚 外遇 河神阿索波斯之女 安提俄佩 外遇 河神阿索波斯之女 埃吉娜 外遇 腓尼基公主 欧罗巴 外遇 斯巴达王后 勒达 外遇 伊俄 外遇 吕基亚公主 外遇 阿尔克墨涅 外遇
神使 赫尔墨斯 酒神 狄俄尼索斯 大英雄 提林斯王 忒拜王 安菲翁 冥界判官 冥界判官,克里特王 冥界判官 克里特王 绝色美女 海伦 埃及王 吕基亚王 大英雄 赫拉克勒斯
Oedipus Complex “恋母情结” 恋母情结” 恋母情结 Laius 拉伊俄斯 Polybus 波吕玻斯 “swollen-foot” 肿脚 Sphinx 斯芬克斯
Oedipus 俄底浦斯
What is that walks on four legs in the morning, on two at noon, and on three in the evening? “Man, for he has four legs when he is a baby and crawls, two legs when he is a man, and three legs when he is old and walks with a stick”
太阳神阿波罗 God of the Sun and poetry Apollo
Artemis 月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯



希腊罗马神话对西方影响Greek and Roman languages belong to the same Indo European language family, so Greek and Roman myths have a great influence on the national culture of other languages in the Indo European language family. Poetry, drama, sculpture, painting and customs in western culture are closely related to Greek mythology.希腊和罗马两个民族的语言同属印欧语系,因此希腊罗马神话对印欧语系中的其他语言的民族文化有很大的影响。


1、Influence on British and American LiteratureGreek and Roman mythology is a world cultural heritage. Since the Renaissance, Greek mythology has attracted extensive attention and strong interest in Europe. Poets and litterateurs all use myths and stories as their creation materials. In England, Shakespeare wrote tragedy Troilus and Cresida and long poem Venus and Adonis with Greek mythology. Milton's Comus is not long, but it mentions more than 30 Greek mythological characters and stories. In the 19th century, British and American Romantic poets praised the colorful Greek and Roman myths. Influenced by Greek mythology, romantic poets like to write poems with mythological materials. Shelley's "Ode to Apollo", "the song of Pan", Keats's "to Pu Xu Ke" are still popular beautiful poems praising mythological figures. The poet uses mythological allusions toexpress his thoughts and feelings. They often use the scenery to express their feelings, use the analogy to express their aspirations, express their worries and indignation, and criticize the current situation. Keats's Endymion, with the love story between mortal Endymion and moon goddess as the theme, expresses his pursuit of the best love and happiness. Shelley's "Adonis" expresses his mourning for Keats by using Venus' lover Adonis as the myth of boar killing. In Byron's works, Prometheus became the embodiment of the firm will and strength to resist oppression. The poem play "Prometheus liberated" of Xuecai created a new image of the unyielding fighter, full of strong flavor of the times. In the 20th century, writers prefer to express their depression and resentment with meaningful fairy tales, and attack the unreasonable phenomena in real life. The most famous is ts. Eliot's the waste land. This epoch-making work of Western literature in the 20th century makes use of a large number of myths and legends to compare Europe after the first World War to a wasteland, which fully shows the melancholy and despair of European and American intellectuals. Ulysses, a masterpiece of James Joyce, borrows Homer's epic Odysseus to set off his day and night wandering in Dublin with Odysseus's 10-year wandering, thus revealing the decadent decline of modern western society and the loneliness and despair of modern people. The American dramatist b.o'neill's "Mourning Becomes Electra" uses the story ofAgamemnon, a mythical hero, to describe the tragedy and the source of suffering of modern people.一、对英美文学的影响希腊罗马神话是世界文化遗产,从文艺复兴时期开始,希腊神话在欧洲引起广泛的注意和浓厚的兴趣。

Greek myth and mothology-Book report

Greek myth and mothology-Book report

A Book Report of Greek and Roman Mythology·Publication InformationTitle: Greek and Roman MythologyThe publishing house: Central Compilation & Translation PressPublishing time: 2012Edition information: The first edition of the first printing·Content SummaryJessie M. Tatlock briefly introduces the development of Greek Mythology and the characters of Greek and Roman religion in the introduction part. He noted that classical mythology is truly Greek. The content of the book mainly consists of two parts, narrating the origins and legendary stories of Greek and Roman Gods and heroes, including Titans, Olympians and the famous Trojan War. The first part explains how the world begins and the birth of the Gods; starting with introduction of mythical geography and distant land. In the beginning was Chaos, next came Gaea, Gaea then bore Uranus...; Later, the war between the Titans and how Zeus became the King of heaven and earth; the creation of man, the conflict between Zeus and Prometheus and the stories and affairs between different Gods and Goddesses. The second part is about the stories of heroes, mainly focusing on the Trojan War and the wanderings of Odysseus. It begins with the story of Crete, Sparta, Corinth and Aetolia, and ends with the tragedy of Agamemnon and the legendary origin of Rome. Sun, moon, water, fire and other natural phenomena as well as love affair, war, death which are human beings’ primitive forms of activities are all demonstrated in this book.·Assessment & Reader ReceptionMythology is the product of human primitive thought. It’s illogical, strange, sym bolic and absurd. At first, when we read these mythlogies, we didn’t really understandwhy primitive people created such a lot of Gods and weaved so many stories which w ere eerie but full of imagination. But above of, Greek mythology is interesting and attractive, as Jessie M. Tatlock says, “first, because it expresses the nature of a people gifted with a peculiarly fine and artistic soul; secondly, because our own thought and art are, in great part, a heritage from the civilization of Greece.” Thus, getting to know Greek mythology is a way to understand the initial society of Greece.We see the Gods and Goddesses take on human shapes. “They control awesome things of nature: thunder, storm, rain, fire, earthquake...” But they are not as holy as Buddha, who restrain their behaviors according to a certain code. On the contrary, Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses are more like human beings, or even worse than us. They conduct countless immoral things, betrayal, adultery, hatred and revenge. “Conflicts among them can take place on an immense scale and involve whole continents, high mountains and vast seas.”Each God and Goddess has their own characters and shortcomings. Zeus, the King of the heaven and earth, is stubborn, lascivious and unfaithful to his wife Hera. And Hera, the Queen of all the Gods and Goddesses, is extremely jealous of the women who have affairs with Zeus. She hates them and always put them in trouble. Envy and wrath fill her life. All these affairs and conflicts are similar with those of our human beings, maybe because that in ancient time, people could not explain the origin of the world, so they created many Gods, in other words, many special human beings who were immortal and had supernatural power.Among all the stories of Gods and heroes, the Trojan War impresses me most. It all started with “the apple of discord.”In order to revenge for not being invited to Peleus and Thetis’wedding, Eris sent a golden apple as a gift and noted “to the fairest”, which brought about the quarrel between Athena, Hera and Aphrodite and further led to the Trojan War. This story includes many Gods and heroes and all of them have their own features and significant meaning. Eris is the representative of discord; she likes creating dispute and is famous for causing the Trojan War. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite are quarreling for who is the fairest. The conflicts between Gods resulted in wars between the Greek and Trojan, which lasted for ten years andbrought human beings a lot of sufferings. These Gods are personified as selfish and indifferent; they only care about their own things and put human beings’interest behind. Compared with Gods, heroes in Trojan War are more respectful: Odysseus, the originator of the Trojan house who fought heroically in the Trojan War, refusing to leave the field when the Greek troops were being routed by the Trojans; Achilles, the invincible hero, slayed Hector outside the gates of Troy and was killed near the end of the war by Paris. Although equipped with supernatural powers, these Gods and heroes reflect personalities.We read Greek and Roman myths not only for entertainment, interpreting mythology and getting to know the culture and society of ancient Greeks are more important and truly meaningful. Gods are very honored by human beings. Actually, human beings are not inferior to Gods. Through these mythologies, it is easy for us to find human beings challenge Gods. This implies that human beings are not afraid of Gods though they are more powerful. Greek thought they are excellent to do many things as well. Mythology tells us Gods create human beings. Image and character of human beings are from Gods. Human development is based on of this reason. Gods were greatly loved and esteemed. Nevertheless, the ancient Greeks emphasize human value and dignity, fond of secular life with happiness. Therefore the ancient Greeks wrote myth, never in which degraded themselves and made themselves as God s’faithful servants. They put themselves first, not Gods. The purpose of writing myths is just as Berens E.M. said, “Gods of Greeks existed for human beings’interest, so human beings gave praise to Gods, which equaled that they gave praise to themselves.”So we learn how ancient Greeks value their society and themselves through these myths and mythologies. And it is necessary to have a general knowledge about Greek geography and society to interpret the implications within these stories and legends. After all, myths and mythologies are also literature, which need to be tasted, chewed and digested.·ReferencesTatlock, J.M. Greek and Roman Mythology. Central Compilation & Translation Press, 2012Barry Powell, Classical Myth. Pearson Education (US), 2008Berens E.M, Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome. Nabu Press, 2010。



• I think this book is full of romance.It just like a magic. Greek and Roman mythology is the source of the western literature art . • The spread of the historic story has been reduced to a vivid imagery and idioms,blend in our cultural life.Such as the mystery of the sphinx and Pandora's box.
Love and soul爱情与灵魂
• The story is about cupid and Psyche. • Psyche was a beautiful young maiden that everybody loved. Venus was jealous because everyone thought that Psyche was prettier than she was.
• Hera:a beautiful and rich kingdom • Athene:the opportunity to be a hero • Venus:the most beautiful girl in the world ( love)
loveБайду номын сангаас
• only love that everyone can have
• In that world, there are many deified heroes and historical facts, reflecting various contradictions and fight between human beings and society and nature.

lecture 4 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件

lecture 4 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件

2. Cadmus and Europa
• Cadmus (卡德摩斯) was the son of Agenor, the King of Tyre (泰尔城国王阿哥诺耳), a city in Phoenicia (腓尼基城邦).
• He set out to find his sister Europa after she had been carried off by Zeus in the shape of a white bbes (底比斯)
• The cow led him to the site of Thebes. • When he sent his companions to fetch water
from a nearby spring, they were killed by a dragon that was guarding the source of water. • Cadmus killed the dragon and following the instruction of Athena, pulled out the dragon's teeth and sowed them in the ground. • At once, armed men sprang up and threatened to kill him. • By throwing a stone among them, Cadmus caused them to kill each other in the struggle to gain the stone. • At last five were left alive, who helped Cadmus build the city of Thebes and became the ancestors of the noble families of Thebes.

lecture 3 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件

lecture 3 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件

Eros (Cupid) and Psyche (
• He commonly carried bow and arrows, and caused gods and men to fall deeply in love by shooting arrows of desire into their hearts. • A person shot with one of his gold-tipped arrows fall in love, and shot with his leadtipped arrows hate love affairs. • Psyche was the daughter of a king, who was so beautiful that people turned to worshiping her instead of Venus, goddess of beauty. • Venus became angry and sent her son Eros (Cupid) to make Psyche fall in love with the ugliest man in the world.
Eros (Cupid) and Psyche
• Psyche was heartbroken and wandered throughout the world in search of him. • Finally, she arrived at the palace where Aphrodite (Venus) was living, and asked the goddess to forgive her, who made her slave and gave her some nearly impossible tasks to fulfill. • The first was to sort out before nightfall an enormous heap of various kinds of grain. • But the ants took pity on her, came in large numbers and did the job for her. • The last was to go down to the Underworld and fetch a box filled with the beauty of Persephone, the queen of the

Greek and Roman mythology

Greek and Roman mythology

A Brief Contrast of Pandora and EveIn the Greek and Roman mythology,there are many gods and goddesses live in the Mount Olympus.They are regarded as heroes who create the world and heaven, control all the places on their rules.At the same time in western culture as the The Bible describes there are also gods created the earth .Among them there are such as Aphrodite ,Demeter ,Athena and Apollo in Greek mythology ,they were respected deeply by the ordinary human beings,but others were really hated by them,because they have brought mang troubles to human being’s life.Eve as the mother of the life in Bible is one of the women who are called the roots of all troubles .At the same time ,Pandora is always the one who is regarded as the bad woman by people in Greek mythology both at that time and nowadays.Why did the “mother of all life”Eve being called the troubles?Because she is the first person before Adam to eat the fruit of the knowledge tree .She is guilty of the original sin.She is the first woman in the world,god made her by taking a rib from Adam ,and she is made to help Adam.But things didn’t go as god’s wish.Stan pretended to ba a snake to tempted Eve to eat the fruit.Without Eve Adam is lonely but his life is well because he lives in Garden Of Eden.After the coming of Eve she companions him all the time but the life of human were ruined by her.The original intension of making Eve is good ,the result is bad.Humans were compelled out of Eden,and God punished Eve suffering the pain of pregnant and born.All the bad thing seemed to happen to humans.The other woman Pandora is a little different from Eve.First of all the purpose is not to make a companion to man but to punish Prometheus because of his stealing of the fire from Olympus.As the leader of all gods,Zeus send a so called “gift”Pandora to Prometheus’s brother with a evil box.When Pandora can’t help to open the box ,all the evil things began to come out,such as disasters diseases and so on.From then on the human beings have to suffer all the troubles .Compared to Eve she must be more beautiful charming and attractive,so as to tempt a man.But she is not as smart as Eve,because when she saw all the evil things come out from the box she is frightenedand close the box before sending the only good thing “hope”out.Nevertheless,Eve is brave enough to argue with Adam and God when being asked the reason for eating the forbidden fruit of the tree.For a long time even nowadays Pandora and Eve are considered the woman destroy human beings’ lives.But they are not to be blame.If there are not them ,there must be someone else,the result won’t be changed. To the contrary,I think the man should review himself,both Adam and others.When God ask the reason ,Adam tends to shrink his responsibilities but not to protect Eve.No wonder God punished him to suffer all the Labor things .To sum up Panbroil and Eve should not be considered as the roots of all troubles,they have something some and different both outside and inside.。

lecture 11-13 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件

lecture 11-13 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件
•In this fight he lost 72 men , and the rest hurried on board their ships and sa iled way . •Odysseus : 由于奥德修斯在海上漂泊了10年 , 历尽险阻,
英语词Odyssey还指任何路途漫长 、充满风险的旅行 。
• Instead of leaving the place , they sat eating and drinking t i l l dawn . By then the Thracians had gathered and began to attack the men of Odysseus .
ClassicalGreekandRoman Mythology
Lecture 11- 13
Part IV : The Adventures of Odysseus
•11.. TThhee BBeeggiinnnniinngg VVooyyaaggee
•22.. TThhee LLoottuuss--EEaatteerrss
•The winds escaped from the bag and blew them back to the island of Aeolus aga in , who refused to provide any favourable winds .
5. Circe
•Circe was a beautiful goddess , who lived on an island in the Mediterranean Sea .
• lotus land : 常指梦幻般的地点或环境 , 俚语里指好莱坞
3. One-Eyed Giant



Unit One Greek and Roman MythologyPre-reading Questions1. The Greek and Roman mythologies have fascinated human beings for centuries. Name some of your favorite myths and tell your classmates why you like them.2. Are there any similarities or differences between Greek and Roman myths? If so, what are they? Chaos : a goddess EurynomeEurynome's consort is Ophionin the beginning, Eurynome and Ophion ruled everything together from Mt. Olympus, but were supplanted by Cronus and Rhea.The Erinnyes (in English, the Furies)Tisiphone, the AvengerMegara, the JealousAlecto, the UnrestingThe CharitesThe Charites (or the Graces) were three happy Goddesses of Beauty. They were named:Aglaia, SplendorEuphrosyne, MirthThalia, Good CheerGaia, called EarthShe is from whom everything comes, but she is not quite a divinity, because she is Earth.当时人类都是男性,对于潘多拉都很好奇。

ture 古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件

ture  古希腊罗马神话 英文版 教学课件
• But this made Thetis angry and she deserted the father and son .
• However , luckily , soon after he was born , The ti dipped him in the River Styx in the Underworld .
• 1 . The Sacrifice of Iphigenenia • 2 . The Quarrel Between Achilles
and Agamemnon
• 3 . The Fight Between Achilles and Hector
• 4 . The Death of Achilles, and Ajax
3. Achilles
• Then they were told that Troy could not be taken without the a id of young Achilles , the seventh son of Peleus .
• Thetis , his mother had destroyed his other brothers by burning away their mortal parts , and he would have perished in the same way , had not Peleus snatched him from the fire .
• Return ing after n ine days , Agelaus was aston ished t o f i n d t h e child s t i l l a l i v e , and brought him home in a backpack (hence Par is " s name , which means "backpack " ) to rear as his own .



我喜欢的希腊神话人物英语作文The development of Greek mythology, Greece has experienced hundreds of years the long period of primitive society. At the time ofthe historical stage, the low level of productivity, people to the understanding of the nature is limited, often with the help ofimagination to explain natural phenomena and life around, and sowas born the myth. Start, due to the human understanding of nature is very limited, don't understand the real reasons that the forces of nature, so he created by god as his incarnation of power,such as Zeus, Poseidon, and hades, Athena, and so on.Greek and Roman mythology is the world's cultural heritage, notonly had a huge impact on the development of European art, andhas an important role in the development of literature and artworld. Not familiar with Greek and Roman mythology, cannot understand the splendid western culture, unable to appreciate thetrue meaning of works of many authors. So, it is the reader,especially text lovers indispensable spiritual sustenance.In Greek myth story, one of my favorite character is the Zeus, he is powerful, and finally become cruel, violent, but he unified the chaos of the war scenes, has brought people don't like war peaceand well-being. Here I'll introduce some of his deeds:Greek myth of the god Zeus, the third king, god is the ruler of MountOlympus. Zeus is the child of cronus and rhea. Zeus a strong dislikefor his father's tyranny, and all his brothers to contact their parentsfought a war to a victory. Lies in the choice of its brothermanagement job, bickering, they finally follow Prometheususe they cast lots to decide. As a result, Zeus made the king of heaven, did the king of the sea Poseidon, hades did king of hell. In Olympus, Zeus, with supreme power and strength, he is the leader of justice, his rule of human fair and unbiased.。

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The First Difference
The origin of the two systems of Mythology: The archaic Romans did not have myths. Until their poets began to borrow from Greek models in the later part of the Republic, the Romans had no sequential narratives about their gods.
Cronus Zeus Poseidon Hades Aphrodite
Saturn Jupiter Neptune Pluto Venus
Chinese version
撒腾 宙斯 波塞顿 哈帝斯 维娜斯
(Ⅱ) In fact, the Mythology is an important document for the history and religion.
(Ⅲ) It also has great impact on other areas such as the science, technology, art (especially for the paintings and the sculptures), and the literature.
The First Difference
The origin of the two systems of Mythology: The archaic Romans did not have myths. Until their poets began to borrow from Greek models in the later part of the Republic, the Romans had no sequential narratives about their gods.
However, it has a great significance for us foreign language learners to have an accurate knowledge of the Roman and Greek Mythology.
(Ⅰ) As two great civilized ancient countries, Rome and Greek are treasured with their splendid culture and traditions which are intimately connected with the Roman and Greek Mythology.
It’s because the Romans had a highly developed system of rituals, priestly colleges, and "clusters" of related gods and a rich set of historical myths about the foundation and rise of their city involving human actors, with occasional divine interventions
Apollo Athena Aphrodite Hermes (Sol (Minerva) (Venus) (Mercury) Phoebus) Artemis (Diana)
Hestia (Vesta)
Gaea, or Mother Earth, was the great goddess of the early Greeks. She represented the Earth and was worshipped as the universal mother. In Greek mythology, she created the Uranus and gave birth to both the first race of gods and the first humans.
However, it has a great significance for us foreign language learners to have an accurate knowledge of the Roman and Greek Mythology.
Judging from the Matching game, most of us can not clarify the Roman Gods and the Greek Gods correctly. Actually, many students are confused by the Roman mythology and the Greek mythology for their similarities.
For example, if one were to ask a Greek about Demeter, he might reply with the well-known story of her grief at the rape of Persephone by Hades. An archaic Roman, by contrast, would tell you that Ceres had an official priest called a flamen, who was junior to the flamens of Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus, but senior to the flamens of Flora and Pomona. He might tell you that she was grouped in a triad with two other agricultural gods, Liber and Libera.
Saturn ……
Zeus (Jupiter)
Metis Dion Maia
Hera (Juno)
Poseidon (Neptune) Hades (Pluto)
Ares (Mars) Hephaestus (Vulcan)
(Ⅳ) As the Mythology, it has an attraction for us to access to and to learn.
So, today we are going to have a quick look at the difference between the Roman Mythology and the Greek Mythology.
The third difference
The name of the two systems.
Most of the Greek deities were adopted by the Romans, although in many cases there was a change of name.
(Ⅱ) In fact, the Mythology is an important document for the history and religion.
(Ⅰ) As two great civilized ancient countries, Rome and Greek are treasured with their splendid culture and traditions which are intimately connected with the Roman and Greek Mythology.
The Second Difference
The different ideas about the Gods: The Roman model involved a very different way of defining and thinking about the gods than we are familiar with from Greece. The archaic Roman "mythology", at least concerning the gods, was made up not of narratives, but rather of interlocking and complex interrelations between and among gods and humans.
The Secnt ideas about the Gods: The Roman model involved a very different way of defining and thinking about the gods than we are familiar with from Greece. The archaic Roman "mythology", at least concerning the gods, was made up not of narratives, but rather of interlocking and complex interrelations between and among gods and humans.
Match the Gods on the left with Rome or Greece on the right