Degradation behaviour of sputtered Co–Al coatings on superalloy
(记贝索斯在普林斯顿大学年学士毕业典礼上地演讲)我一直相信每一个人都有自己地天赋,每一个人地存在都代表着宇宙空间中地一种唯一,然而令我经常都在深思地是,既然我们都是这样地独特,又为何偏偏要去模仿和畸变成拥有同类“基因”地人呢?为什么我们中地很多人都不愿意去追逐属于自己地理想,或者不能为此奋斗一生呢,抑或者一生都是在自欺欺人地辩解?在地中我深深地感受到了一个人追逐自己最初理想地意义会变得如此地伟大,充满地是一种人生最大地和最根本地价值.一直在想这样地一个问题,当社会尚且艰难,生活尚且苦难地日子里都有如此多人在追逐属于自己梦想地时候;在一个生活舒适,物质条件优越地年代我们竟然不知所措地迷失掉自己地方向,找不到自己前行地路.这是多么可悲和可笑地一种境况!我们,有了更高地天赋,有了更好地环境,却因为有更多地选择而抹杀了我们自己地梦...这确实让人觉得不可思议!个人收集整理勿做商业用途我相信每个人都有自己最初地梦想,在这样地一个年代,在这样一个至少没有饥寒交迫地时代,我坚信追逐自己理想地人会获得生命尽头最高贵地礼物和人生最大地价值!个人收集整理勿做商业用途记:在一个可以实现最初梦想地时代选择不可以地沉默必将是这个时代最损失地损失,也必将是生活在这个时代地人最遗憾地遗憾... 个人收集整理勿做商业用途附:抵抗天赋地诱惑(贝索斯在普林斯顿大学年学士毕业典礼上地演讲)中文译稿:在我还是一个孩子地时候,我地夏天总是在德州祖父母地农场中度过.我帮忙修理风车,为牛接种疫苗,也做其它家务.每天下午,我们都会看肥皂剧,尤其是《我们地岁月》.我地祖父母参加了一个房车俱乐部,那是一群驾驶拖挂型房车地人们,他们结伴遍游美国和加拿大.每隔几个夏天,我也会加入他们.我们把房车挂在祖父地小汽车后面,然后加入余名探险者们组成地浩荡队伍. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我爱我地祖父母,我崇敬他们,也真心期盼这些旅程.那是一次我大概十岁时地旅行,我照例坐在后座地长椅上,祖父开着车,祖母坐在他旁边,吸着烟.我讨厌烟味. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途在那样地年纪,我会找任何借口做些估测或者小算术.我会计算油耗还有杂货花销等鸡毛蒜皮地小事.我听过一个有关吸烟地广告.我记不得细节了,但是广告大意是说,每吸一口香烟会减少几分钟地寿命,大概是两分钟.无论如何,我决定为祖母做个算术.我估测了祖母每天要吸几支香烟,每支香烟要吸几口等等,然后心满意足地得出了一个合理地数字.接着,我捅了捅坐在前面地祖母地头,又拍了拍她地肩膀,然后骄傲地宣称,“每天吸两分钟地烟,你就少活九年!” 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我清晰地记得接下来发生了什么,而那是我意料之外地.我本期待着小聪明和算术技巧能赢得掌声,但那并没有发生.相反,我地祖母哭泣起来.我地祖父之前一直在默默开车,把车停在了路边,走下车来,打开了我地车门,等着我跟他下车.我惹麻烦了吗?我地祖父是一个智慧而安静地人.他从来没有对我说过严厉地话,难道这会是第一次?还是他会让我回到车上跟祖母道歉?我以前从未遇到过这种状况,因而也无从知晓会有什么后果发生.我们在房车旁停下来.祖父注视着我,沉默片刻,然后轻轻地、平静地说:“杰夫,有一天你会明白,善良比聪明更难.” 个人收集整理勿做商业用途选择比天赋更重要今天我想对你们说地是,天赋和选择不同.聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择.天赋得来很容易——毕竟它们与生俱来.而选择则颇为不易.如果一不小心,你可能被天赋所诱惑,这可能会损害到你做出地选择. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途在座各位都拥有许多天赋.我确信你们地天赋之一就是拥有精明能干地头脑.之所以如此确信,是因为入学竞争十分激烈,如果你们不能表现出聪明智慧,便没有资格进入这所学校. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途你们地聪明才智必定会派上用场,因为你们将在一片充满奇迹地土地上行进.我们人类,尽管跬步前行,却终将令自己大吃一惊.我们能够想方设法制造清洁能源,也能够一个原子一个原子地组装微型机械,使之穿过细胞壁,然后修复细胞.这个月,有一个异常而不可避免地事情发生了——人类终于合成了生命.在未来几年,我们不仅会合成生命,还会按说明书驱动它们.我相信你们甚至会看到我们理解人类地大脑,儒勒·凡尔纳,马克·吐温,伽利略,牛顿——所有那些充满好奇之心地人都希望能够活到现在.作为文明人,我们会拥有如此之多地天赋,就像是坐在我面前地你们,每一个生命个体都拥有许多独特地天赋. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途你们要如何运用这些天赋呢?你们会为自己地天赋感到骄傲,还是会为自己地选择感到骄傲? 追随自己内心地热情年前,我萌生了创办亚马逊地想法.彼时我面对地现实是互联网使用量以每年地速度增长,我从未看到或听说过任何增长如此快速地东西.创建涵盖几百万种书籍地网上书店地想法令我兴奋异常,因为这个东西在物理世界里根本无法存在.那时我刚刚岁,结婚才一年. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我告诉妻子想辞去工作,然后去做这件疯狂地事情,很可能会失败,因为大部分创业公司都是如此,而且我不确定那之后会发生什么.告诉我,我应该放手一搏.在我还是一个男孩儿地时候,我是车库发明家.我曾用水泥填充地轮胎、雨伞和锡箔以及报警器制作了一个自动关门器.我一直想做一个发明家,支持我追随内心地热情. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途我当时在纽约一家金融公司工作,同事是一群非常聪明地人,我地老板也很有智慧,我很羡慕他.我告诉我地老板我想开办一家在网上卖书地公司.他带我在中央公园漫步良久,认真地听我讲完,最后说:“听起来真是一个很好地主意,但是对那些目前没有谋到一份好工作地人来说,这个主意会更好.” 个人收集整理勿做商业用途这一逻辑对我而言颇有道理,他说服我在最终作出决定之前再考虑小时.那样想来,这个决定确实很艰难,但是最终,我决定拼一次.我认为自己不会为尝试过后地失败而遗憾,倒是有所决定但完全不付诸行动会一直煎熬着我.在深思熟虑之后,我选择了那条不安全地道路,去追随我内心地热情.我为那个决定感到骄傲. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途明天,非常现实地说,你们从零塑造自己人生地时代即将开启.你们会如何运用自己地天赋?你们又会作出怎样地抉择?你们是被惯性所引导,还是追随自己内心地热情?你们会墨守陈规,还是勇于创新?你们会选择安逸地生活,还是选择一个奉献与冒险地人生?你们会屈从于批评,还是会坚守信念?你们会掩饰错误,还是会坦诚道歉?你们会因害怕拒绝而掩饰内心,还是会在面对爱情时勇往直前?你们想要波澜不惊,还是想要搏击风浪?你们会在严峻地现实之下选择放弃,还是会义无反顾地前行?你们要做愤世嫉俗者,还是踏实地建设者?你们要不计一切代价地展示聪明,还是选择善良?我要做一个预测:在你们岁时某个追忆往昔地时刻,只有你一个人静静对内心诉说着你地人生故事,其中最为充实、最有意义地那段讲述,会被你们作出地一系列决定所填满.最后,是选择塑造了我们地人生.为你自己塑造一个伟大地人生故事. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途谢谢,祝你们好运!英文原稿:" ", 个人收集整理勿做商业用途,, . , , . , " ." , . . , ' . ' ' , ' , . . , . . . . , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ' . ' . ' . ' , , : . , . , . ' , , , , " , ' !" 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, . . ", ' . , ." ' . , . . , , , . . ? , . , ? . . . , , , ", ' ' ." 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. , . ' . . ' , , ' . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. ' . ' ' ' ' , ' . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. . ' . , ' . ' . , ' , ' . ' . , , , . , , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途? ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. . ' , ' . , ' . ' ', ' . ( ) . , ' . ' , ' , . ' , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, . . , , , " , ' ." , . , , , . ' ' . . , , ' .个人收集整理勿做商业用途, , . 个人收集整理勿做商业用途? ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ?, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途' , ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途' , , ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途, ?, ? 个人收集整理勿做商业用途. , , . , . . ! 个人收集整理勿做商业用途诱惑是存于世上地一种奇怪地东西,你会为之疯狂而不能自已,而它之所以存在,是因为人地一生不断地被欲念剌激,所以为诱惑折磨一生.人存于世上,首要面对地是物质上地诱惑,然后才是精神上地诱惑.精神诱惑,我诠译是指追求浮名、执着于表现突现自我、或是指对知识领域过度探求.权势、地位、名利、金钱,这些都是诱惑.个人收集整理勿做商业用途人生时时面临诸多诱惑,权重地地位是诱惑,利多地职业是诱惑,光环般地荣誉是诱惑,欢畅地娱乐是诱惑,甚至漂亮地时装、可口美味都是诱惑……面对这些诱惑,我们该怎么办?个人收集整理勿做商业用途现在地社会,是一个充满诱惑地世界,如果你抵挡不住诱惑,你就会成为诱惑地奴隶,被诱惑淹没;如果你勇于抗拒诱惑,保持自我,你就能做好自己地事,成就自己地功业.个人收集整理勿做商业用途相反地,如果禁受不起外界地诱惑,就难以保持自我,难以做好自己地工作.俗话说地好,吃人家地嘴短,拿人家地手短.当今社会,又有哪个是白痴,肯为你白白付出?他们就是利用一些人“贪”地心理做诱饵,在这些人地身上谋取更大地利益,殊不知这正是走向死亡坟墓地开端.放眼看来,有多少人在多苦多难地日子里都挺了过来,可是,就在他地人生正走向成功,走向辉煌地时刻,经受不住名和利地诱惑,又白白断送了自己美好地前程;又有多少达官显贵在金钱美色地诱惑下,丧失道德水准,毁掉一世英名.个人收集整理勿做商业用途我们生活地时代更是一个充满诱惑地时代,网络游戏会诱惑你,网上聊天会诱惑你,歌星影星会诱惑你,淫秽读物会诱惑你,色情场所会诱惑你,名牌商品会诱惑你,灯红酒绿纸醉金迷地生活会诱惑你……如果你不能以顽强地意志保持自我,今天受这个诱惑,明天受那样诱惑,你哪还有时间和精力来作好自己地本职工作?哪有时间来提高自身素质?个人收集整理勿做商业用途所以我们要勇于保持自我,勇于抵抗诱惑.抵抗诱惑不要只看重于外因,社会是不断发展地,充满诱惑地东西只能越来越多,如果不从自身着手,你永远也不能抵抗诱惑.抵抗诱惑其实也很简单,我们地十六字方针告诉我们:无欲则刚淡泊心志,心中无欲,立身处世自然而刚!刚正则不阿!保持信念之火不灭,荣华富贵犹如过眼烟云,一笑而过,又哪里有什么诱惑呢?个人收集整理勿做商业用途。
Consumerism,a term that has been increasingly prevalent in modern society,refers to the social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in evergreater amounts.It is a phenomenon that has both positive and negative implications for individuals and society as a whole.Heres an essay discussing various aspects of consumerism.Title:The Impact of Consumerism on SocietyIntroductionIn the contemporary world,consumerism has become a dominant force shaping our lives. It is not merely about purchasing goods and services,but it has evolved into a lifestyle that influences our values,aspirations,and social interactions.This essay will explore the multifaceted nature of consumerism,examining its origins,benefits,and potential drawbacks.The Rise of ConsumerismThe roots of consumerism can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution,which led to mass production and a significant increase in the availability of goods.The postWorld War II era saw an economic boom that further fueled consumerism,as people sought to express their newfound prosperity through consumption.Advertising and marketing strategies played a crucial role in promoting consumerism,creating desires for products that were not always based on necessity.Positive Aspects of Consumerism1.Economic Growth:Consumer spending is a driving force behind economic growth.It stimulates production,job creation,and innovation,leading to a more prosperous society.2.Choice and Freedom:Consumerism offers a wide range of choices to individuals, allowing them to express their personal tastes and preferences through the products they purchase.3.Technological Advancements:The demand for better and newer products has led to rapid advancements in technology,improving the quality of life for many.Negative Aspects of Consumerism1.Environmental Impact:The mass production and disposal of goods contribute to environmental degradation,including pollution,deforestation,and climate change.2.Materialism:Consumerism can lead to a focus on material possessions over personaldevelopment and relationships,potentially leading to a decrease in overall life satisfaction.3.Debt and Financial Stress:The pressure to consume can lead individuals into debt, causing financial stress and impacting mental health.The Role of AdvertisingAdvertising is a key component of consumerism.It not only informs consumers about new products but also shapes their desires and expectations.The persuasive techniques used in advertising can sometimes manipulate consumer behavior,leading to impulsive buying and a constant chase for the next best thing.Sustainable ConsumerismIn response to the negative impacts of consumerism,there is a growing movement towards sustainable consumption.This involves making choices that are economically viable,socially just,and environmentally sound.Consumers are increasingly seeking out products that are ethically produced,have a lower carbon footprint,and contribute positively to society.ConclusionConsumerism is a complex phenomenon that has transformed the way we live,work,and interact with one another.While it has undoubtedly contributed to economic prosperity and technological advancement,it also poses significant challenges to our environment and societal wellbeing.As consumers,we have the power to shape the future by making informed choices that promote sustainability and balance the benefits of consumerism with its potential pitfalls.RecommendationsTo mitigate the negative effects of consumerism,it is recommended that:1.Consumers educate themselves about the impact of their purchasing decisions and opt for sustainable alternatives.ernments implement policies that encourage sustainable production and consumption practices.panies adopt responsible business models that prioritize longterm environmental and social health over shortterm profits.In conclusion,consumerism is a doubleedged sword.It is essential to find a balance that allows for economic growth and personal freedom while also protecting our planet and promoting social wellbeing.Through conscious consumption and collective effort,we can work towards a more sustainable and equitable future.。
When discussing the negative impacts in English,one can approach the topic from various angles such as environmental,social,economic,or healthrelated issues.Heres a detailed essay that touches on these aspects:Title:The Negative Impacts of Modern SocietyIn the modern era,the world has seen unprecedented advancements in technology, communication,and globalization.While these developments have brought about numerous benefits,they have also led to several negative impacts that are often overlooked.This essay aims to explore some of the detrimental effects that modern society has on the environment,social structures,economic stability,and public health. Environmental DegradationOne of the most pressing concerns is the environmental impact of human activities. Industrialization and urbanization have led to deforestation,loss of biodiversity,and pollution of air,water,and soil.The excessive use of fossil fuels has contributed to global warming,which in turn causes climate change with its devastating effects such as rising sea levels,extreme weather events,and loss of arable land.The environmental degradation not only threatens the existence of various species but also poses a significant risk to human life and health.Social DisintegrationThe rapid pace of modern life has also had a profound impact on social structures.The rise of individualism and the decline of community values have led to social disintegration.People are becoming increasingly isolated,with less time for family and community engagement.The digital age,while connecting people across the globe,has also created a sense of disconnection in personal relationships.The constant pursuit of material wealth often overshadows the importance of emotional wellbeing and social bonds,leading to a society that is fragmented and lacks a sense of unity.Economic InequalityThe economic prosperity that modern society promises is not evenly distributed.The gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen,leading to economic inequality.This disparity is not only reflected in income but also in access to education,healthcare,and other essential services.The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few can lead tosocial unrest,as the majority of the population struggles to meet their basic needs. Economic inequality also perpetuates a cycle of poverty,as those who are less fortunate find it increasingly difficult to break free from their circumstances.Public Health ConcernsThe modern lifestyle,characterized by sedentary habits and unhealthy diets,has led to a rise in chronic diseases such as obesity,diabetes,and cardiovascular conditions.The stress and pressure of modern living can also contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.Furthermore,the overuse of antibiotics and the lack of proper sanitation in some parts of the world have led to the emergence of drugresistant bacteria, posing a significant threat to public health.ConclusionWhile the modern world offers many conveniences and opportunities,it is essential to recognize and address the negative impacts it brings.It is crucial for individuals, communities,and governments to work together to mitigate these effects.This can be achieved through sustainable practices,social programs that promote inclusivity, economic policies that aim for equitable distribution of wealth,and public health initiatives that prioritize prevention and education.Only by acknowledging and addressing these challenges can we hope to create a society that is not only advanced but also harmonious and healthy.This essay provides a comprehensive overview of the negative impacts that modern society can have on various aspects of life.It is important to remember that while these issues are complex,they are not insurmountable,and with collective effort,it is possible to create a more balanced and sustainable future.。
这一决定的结果是研究中心的首席执行官DonArnone和剑桥桥大学物理学系的教授Michael Pepper先生于2001年成立了Teraview公司一作为研究中心的子公司。
TPI imaga 2000是第一个商品化太赫成像系统,该系统经优化用于成品片剂及其核心完整性和性能的无破坏检测。
Microbial degradation of PAHs and other hydrophobic substrates is believed to be limited by the amounts dissolved in the water phase (Ogram et al., 1985; Rijnaarts et al., 1990; Volkering et al., 1992; Volkering et al., 1993; Harms and Bosma, 1997; Bosma et al., 1997), with sorbed, crystalline, and non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL)-dissolved PAHs being unavailable to PAH-degrading organisms. Bioavailability is considered a dynamic process, determined by the rate of substrate mass-transfer to microbial cells relative to their intrinsic catabolic activity (Bosma et al., 1997; Harms and Bosma, 1997). It has been described by a bioavailability number, Bn, (Koch, 1990; Bosma et al., 1997), which is a measure of a microorganism’s substrate degradation efficiency in a given environment. Bn is defined as the capacity of an organism’s or a population’s environment to provide a chemical, divided by the capacity of the organism or population to transform that chemical. At high mass transfer rates, the overall biodegradation rate is controlled by the metabolic activity of the bacteria (Bn > 1), i.e. by both the specific activity of the cells and the population density. At Bn ¼ 1, the biodegradation rate is equally controlled by the physical transport and the microbial activity. When the transport of the substrate decreases or the bacterial population grows, the mass transfer becomes the factor that limits the biodegradation (Bn ! 1).
Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actinomycetes in the marine environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Role of actinomycetes in marine environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rare actinomycetes and selective isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molecular approaches to search for indigenous marine actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Different genera of marine actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marine streptomycetes – a boundary microorganism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fermentation process for metabolites production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secondary metabolites from actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Novel/new metabolites from marine actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Abiotic degradation of four phthalic acid esters in aqueous phase under natural sunlight irradiation
Journal of Environmental Sciences21(2009)285–290Abiotic degradation of four phthalic acid esters in aqueous phase undernatural sunlight irradiationRuttapol Lertsirisopon,Satoshi Soda,Kazunari Sei,Michihiko Ike∗Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering,Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka University,2-1Yamada-oka,Suita565-0871,Osaka,;revised02June2008;accepted17June2008AbstractAbiotic degradability of four phthalic acid esters(PAEs)in the aquatic phase was evaluated over a wide pH range5–9.The PAE solutions in glass test tubes were placed either in the dark and under the natural sunlight irradiation for evaluating the degradation rate via hydrolysis or photolysis plus hydrolysis,respectively,at ambient temperature for140d from autumn to winter in Osaka,Japan. The efficiency of abiotic degradation of the PAEs with relatively short alkyl chains,such as butylbenzyl phthalate(BBP)and di-n-butyl phthalate(DBP),at neutral pH was significantly lower than that in the acidic or alkaline condition.Photolysis was considered to contribute mainly to the total abiotic degradation at all pH.Neither hydrolysis nor photolysis of di-ethylhexyl phthalate(DEHP) proceeded significantly at any pH,especially hydrolysis at neutral pH was negligible.On the other hand,the degradation rate of di-isononyl phthalate(DINP)catalyzed mainly by photolysis was much higher than those of the other PAEs,and was almost completely removed during the experimental period at pH5and9.As a whole,according to the half-life(t1/2)obtained in the experiments,the abiotic degradability of the PAEs was in the sequence:DINP(32–140d)>DBP(50–360d),BBP(58–480d)>DEHP(390–1600d) under sunlight irradiation(via photolysis plus hydrolysis).Although the abiotic degradation rates for BBP,DBP,and DEHP are much lower than the biodegradation rates reported,the photolysis rate for DINP is comparable to its biodegradation rate in the acidic or alkaline condition.Key words:phthalic acid esters;abiotic degradation;photolysis;hydrolysis;first-order kineticsDOI:10.1016/S1001-0742(08)62265-2IntroductionIn recent years,considerable attention has been paid totoxicity and degradability of phthalic acid esters(PAEs)(Staples et al.,1997),which have been frequently de-tected throughout aquatic environment(Fromme et al.,2002;Yuan et al.,2002).PAEs undergoing hydrolysis,photolysis,and aerobic/anaerobic biodegradation could beremoved from aquatic environment.Among those differentdegradation processes,relatively abundant data are avail-able on biodegradation of PAEs(Chang et al.,2007;Liet al.,2005;Yuan et al.,2002;Wang et al.,1996,2000).On the other hand,limited information has been knownon the abiotic processes(hydrolysis and photolysis).Thereare several researchers who have focused on photolysis ofPAEs using artificial irradiation sources,such as xenon arclamps(Bajt et al.,2001),mercury lamps(Mailhot et al.,2002),and ultraviolet light(Lau et al.,2005),to cleanup the PAEs-contaminated water.However,those irradi-ation sources had very different radiation intensities andwavelength distributions from natural sunlight irradiation.As a rare study for describing the abiotic degradation of*Corresponding under natural aquatic environment,Gledhill et al.(1980)have reported that butylbenzyl phthalate(BBP)exposing to sunlight irradiation for28d resulted in lessthan5%degradation,but limited information is availableto date.Wolfe et al.(1980)inferred that according to amathematical model data the photolysis is the primarydegradation process of PAEs in oligotrophic lakes.Forbetter understanding of the fate of PAEs in aquatic envi-ronment,there is a need to conduct more realistic studieson abiotic degradation with natural solar intensity.The aim of this study was to assess the contributionof abiotic degradation of PAEs under the sunlight irra-diation at ambient temperature over a wide pH rangethat normally found in natural aquatic environments.Fourcommercial PAEs(BBP,di-n-butyl phthalate(DBP),di-ethylhexyl phthalate(DEHP),and di-isononyl phthalate(DINP)),were subjected to the abiotic degradation tests,and the half-lives of the PAEs by hydrolysis and photolysiswere estimated by thefirst-order degradation kinetics.Therole of abiotic degradation in the fate of the PAEs wasdiscussed by comparing the estimated half-lives with thoseby aerobic/anaerobic biodegradation reported previously.286Ruttapol Lertsirisopon et al.V ol.211Materials and methods1.1Phthalic acid eatersAnalytical grade BBP(Tokyo Chemical,Japan),DBPand DEHP(Kishida Chemical,Osaka,Japan),and DINP(Wako,Osaka,Japan)were utilized in the abiotic degra-dation tests.BBP and DBP are suspected to be endocrinedisruptors(Jobling et al.,1995;Harris et al.,1997;Beres-ford et al.,2000).DEHP is a probable human carcinogen(class B)and BBP is a possible human carcinogen(class C)(USEPA,2000).DINP is one of the PAEs with the largestproduction rate as well as DEHP.1.2Abiotic degradation testsOutdoor experiments were carried out on the roof ofa building of Department of Environmental Engineering,Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka University,Japan(34◦N,135◦E)for140d from September2004to March2005.All the selected PAEs were prepared at total organiccarbon(TOC)concentration of100g/L in artificial riverwater(g/L deionized water)(K2HPO421.8,KH2PO48.5,Na2HPO444.6,NH4Cl1.7,MgSO4·7H2O22.5,CaCl2 27.5,and FeSO4·6H2O0.25).The concentration of BBP, DBP,DEHP,and DINP at100g TOC/L corresponds to0.44,0.52,0.35,and0.32mmol/L,respectively.Sincesolubility of the PAEs is extremely low,the solutionswere treated by an ultrasonicator(TOMY UD201,Seiko,Japan)with output20kHz and stirred for several hoursfor homogenization.The pH value was adjusted by HClor NaOH to designed pH value(5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,and9.0).A30-mL of the solution was placed in a50-mLpyrex glass test tube(IWAKI,Chiba,Japan)in duplicate.All tubes were sealed tightly with a rubber stopper.Thetest tube was in2-mm thick and90%–100%transparentfor solar radiation.All test tubes were divided into twogroups,one was exposed to the sunlight irradiation and theother was covered with aluminum foil to keep in the darkat the same place.The radiation energy and the ambienttemperature were measured by a pyranometer EKO MS-802(EKO Instruments,Japan).1.3Analytical proceduresA0.75-mL was periodically sampled from the testtube and mixed with0.75mL acetonitrile to extract thePAE,followed by centrifugation(15000×g)to obtainsupernatant.The0.75mL of supernatant was used for thePAE analysis by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).The HPLC apparatus consisted of two LC-10ADvp solvent delivery pump with a DGU-14A solventcontroller and a SPd−10Avp UV-Vis spectrophotometricdetector connected to an advanced computer interface forthe analyses by a chromatography workstation(LCsolu-tion,ver.1.02J,Shimadzu,Japan).Samples were injectedvia a SIL-10AF autosampler into Shim-pack VP-ODScolumn(150mm×4.6mm,i.d.5μm;Shimadzu,Kyoto)with the mobile phase of acetonitrile and water mixture(90:10,V/V)at aflow rate of0.5mL/min.The PAEs weredetected by the UV detector at a wavelength of254nm.The errors in the PAEs measurements were less than5%. 2Results2.1Daily changes of radiation energy and ambienttemperatureThe daily average radiation and ambient temperature widely varied from17.1to242.8W/m2(107.9W/m2by mean)and0.4to27.4°C(10.8°C by mean)(Fig.1).These conditions can reflect a moderate autumn and winter in Japan in the temperate zone.2.2Abiotic degradationThe results of the abiotic degradation tests of the PAEs at different initial pH values are shown in Fig.2.The pH value of the mixture did not change significantly during the experimental period.The PAE concentrations in the dark were affected only by hydrolysis,while those under the sunlight irradiation were affected by both hydrolysis and photolysis.Degradation of all the PAEs proceeded slowly in the dark,and more than80%of the initial concentration remained after140d at all pH,especially degradation of DEHP and DINP in the dark was negligible at neutral pH. On the other hand,BBP,DBP,and DINP demonstrated the relatively high abiotic degradation rate under the sunlight irradiation at acidic and alkaline pH values compared with those under the dark condition,suggesting the higher photolysis rate than the hydrolysis rate of the three PAEs. DINP was effectively degraded under sunlight irradiation even at neutral pH,where more than50%was removed. BBP and DBP were degraded by about20%under same condition.On the other hand,DEHP degradation proceed-ed slowly even under sunlight irradiation at any pH,and more than80%of its initial concentration remained even after140d.Any distinctive intermediate could not be detected under the experimental condition.2.3Kinetic analysisAlthough there was a large variation in solar radia-tion and temperature during the experimental period,the abiotic degradation curves could be well described by thefirst-order kinetic model compared to the zero-order kinetic that could also describe the abiotic degradation under dark condition.Thefirst-order kinetic parameters(k) and half-lives(t1/2)are estimated and summarized in Table 1,and the simulated degradation curves are described in Fig.2.The k values and half-lives determined for degradation under sunlight irradiation represent typical values for the abiotic PAEs degradation under moderate or calm climates such as autumn or winter in Osaka,Japan. According to the kinetic analysis,abiotic degradation of the four PAEs would be ranked by half-lives as:BBP(390–1500d) DBP(430–1300d)>DINP(>460d) DEHP (>830d)in the dark and DINP(32–140d)>DBP(50–360 d),BBP(58–480d)>DEHP(390–1600d)under sunlight irradiation.No.3Abiotic degradation of four phthalic acid esters in aqueous phase under natural sunlight irradiation287Fig.1Daily average radiation and ambient temperature at Osaka from September 2004to March 2005.Experiments were beaked by typhoons (A)and equipment maintenance(B).Fig.2Degradation of the PAEs in sunlight irradiation (upper panels)and in the dark (lower panels)at pH 5,6,7,8,and 9.The regression lines by first-order kinetics are shown.DBP:di-n -butyl phthalate;BBP:butylbenzyl phthalate;DEHP:di-ethylhexyl phthalate;DINP:di-isononyl phthalate.3DiscussionThis research aimed at assessing the contribution of abiotic degradation of the PAEs to total degradation in aquatic environment.The abiotic degradation tests were carried out for selected PAEs at ambient temperature in the dark and under natural sunlight irradiation.Degradation observed in the former test refers to hydrolysis solely,while that in the latter test to hydrolysis plus photolysis,that is total abitotic degradation.The half-lives of the PAEs by abiotic degradation under ambient conditions which have been reported previously (Table 2).Our resultsconsist with the previous data that PAEs are hydrolyzed at negligible rates and photolysis is minor degradation in aquatic environment at neutral pH.Fig.3illustrates the contribution of hydrolysis and photolysis and pH to total abiotic degradation of each PAE during 140d experiment.It could be said,as a whole,that photolysis is the main process for abiotic PAE degradation and the acid-and alkali-catalyzed photo-hydrolysis processes enhance abiotic degradation considerably.The e ffect of pH on the abiotic degradation rate was rarely reported in aquatic u et al .(2005)reported that the rates of DBP degradation were high at288Ruttapol Lertsirisopon et al.V ol.21Table 1Kinetic parameters for abiotic degradation of the PAEs under sunlight irradiation and dark conditionsCondition pHDBPBBPDEHPDINPk(d −1)t 1/2(d)k (d −1)t 1/2(d)k (d −1)t 1/2(d)k (d −1)t 1/2(d)Sunlight5 1.4×10−250 1.2×10−258 1.8×10−3390 2.1×10−2326 1.0×10−2669.3×10−375 1.3×10−3550 1.3×10−2527 1.9×10−3360 1.5×10−3480 4.4×10−41600 4.9×10−314087.3×10−394 6.9×10−31009.9×10−4700 1.1×10−2619 1.2×10−257 1.0×10−268 1.5×10−3460 1.9×10−236Dark5 1.4×10−3510 1.6×10−34408.2×10−48409.6×10−47206 1.1×10−3620 1.2×10−3600 5.6×10−41300 5.9×10−412007 5.3×10−41300 4.6×10−415000–0–8 1.3×10−3530 1.5×10−3480 6.8×10−41000 6.9×10−4100091.6×10−34301.8×10−33908.4×10−48301.5×10−4460All the regression resulted in r 2>0.99.Table 2Abiotic degradation half-life of the PAEs (d)DBPBBP DEHP DINP ReferenceHydrolysis 3650–730000–Wolfe et al .,1980a –>100––Gledhill et al .,1980bPhotolysis880–4450–73–550–Wolfe et al .,1980;Howard 1991c –>100––Gledhill et al .,1980d–:No data;a based upon overall rate constant at pH 7and 30°C;b aqueous solutions under dark conditions for 28d;c scientific judgment based upon estimated rate data for alkylperoxy radicals in aqueous solution;d Sunlight exposure in aqueous solutions for 28d.Fig.3Contribution of hydrolysis and photolysis on abiotic degradation of the PAEs under di fferent initial pH after 140d tested period.both the highest pH value (pH =10)and lowest pH (pH =3)under UV irradiation at the initial concentration of 600g TOC /L for 60min.According to the degradation model of DBP (Fig.4),the major degradation pathway of DBP involves the hydrolytic photolysis of the carbon in the α-and /or β-position of the ester chain with the production of aromatic carboxylic derivatives (Lau et al .,2005).As the pH is elevated to the alkali range,a simpleNo.3Abiotic degradation of four phthalic acid esters in aqueous phase under natural sunlight irradiation289Fig.4Model of degradation mechanism of DBP photolysis at different pH(Lau et al.,2005).Six different pathways are marked by numbers.The mechanisms are divided into3major pathways depending on the pH level.Aαand Aβ:acidic catalysis at pH3;Hβ:hydrolysis;H butyl:oxidation/reduction of the butylchain at pH5;Bα:basic catalysis when pH>>7.cleavage dominates the degradation process through a photochemical homolyric decarboxylation.Additionally, multi-degradation pathways explain the fast acid-catalyzed hydrolytic photolysi.This model possibly explains the results of abiotic degradation of the PAEs.However,both hydrolysis and photolysis were not effective for DEHP at acidic/alkaline pH,i.e.,abiotic degradability of DEHP is low at ordinal conditions like in the ranges of solar radiation,temperature and pH tested here.The other three PAEs could be readily degraded under acidic and alkaline conditions mainly via photolysis.DINP could be efficiently degraded even at neutral pH.In contrast, the abiotic degradation of BBP and DBP was significant-ly ineffective compared with that under acidic/alkaline conditions.Therefore,abiotic degradation of DINP might proceed readily regardless of pH when sunlight irradiation is available.It could partly explain that there is no apparent contamination of aquatic environment by DINP in contrast to frequent detection of DEHP,even though DINP is one of the PAEs with the largest production as well as DEHP. The detection,identification,and toxicity evaluation of the intermediates are needed for further studies,although no distinctive intermediate in abiotic degradation of the PAEs could be detected in current experimental conditions.In order to discuss the abiotic degradation contributions to the fate or disappearance of the PAEs in aquatic envi-ronment,the half-lives of PAEs by biodegradation which have been reported previously(Table3)were used for comparison with those determined in this study(Table1). Since there have been rarely reported on the biodegra-dation half-lives under acidic/alkaline condition,the data only determined at neutral pH are listed in Table3.Under the aerobic condition,BBP and DBP can be biodegraded by half-lives of a few days,whereas,more than weeks or months are required for DEHP and DINP.The half-lives in the anaerobic condition are2–10times longer than those in aerobic conditions.Photolysis and aerobic degradation occurs simultaneously in the surface layer of aquatic environment.The biodegradation half-lives of the PAEs are much shorter than abiotic degradation at neutral pH,suggesting that biodegradation would be the main process to remove the PAEs from aquatic environment when the aqueous phase is neither acidic nor alkaline. However,low or high pH could lower the microbial activities.Lertsirisopon et al.(2003)reported that the half-lives of BBP,DBP,DEHP and DINP increased about20% under aerobic condition(pH5–9).Chang et al.(2005) have also reported that about15%increase in the half-290Ruttapol Lertsirisopon et al.V ol.21Table3Biodegradation half-life of the PAEs in aquatic systems(d)Condition DBP BBP DEHP DINP ReferenceAerobic0.5–10.10.5–10.57.3–27.5Yuan et al.,2002a 1–32–42–5Fujita et al.,2005b2–54–116–217–40Lertsirisopon et al.,2003c Anaerobic8–1414–33>1300Painter and Jones,1990d11.7–18.99.9–25.529.9–39.1Yuan et al.,2002e2–32–3>208>347Lertsirisopon et al.,2006f a Unacclimated river sediment samples at pH7.0;b unacclimated river,pond,or activated sludge samples at pH7.2,and28°C;c unacclimated pond water samples at28°C;d unacclimated sludge at30°C;e unacclimated river sediment microcosms at pH7and30°C;f natural sediment microcosms at pH7and28°C.lives of BBP and DEHP by anaerobic degradation wasobserved at low or high pH(pH5–9).In contrast,ourstudy showed that abiotic degradability of the PAEs wasconsiderably enhanced under the acidic and alkaline condi-tions.Therefore,the contribution of abiotic degradation todisappearance of the PAEs will increase when pH becomesacidic or alkaline.Even so,the disappearance of BBP,DBP and DEHP might highly depend on biodegradationunless pH becomes extremely acidic/alkaline judging fromcomparison of the half-lives.However,abiotic degradation(photolysis)would play a significant role in removal ofDINP in acidic(pH<6)or alkaline(pH>8)conditionsinstead of biodegradation.4ConclusionsThe abiotic degradation tests under the sunlight ir-radiation over a wide pH range were carried out toestimate the contribution of hydrolysis and photolysis todegradation of the PAEs in aquatic environment.Theexperiments gavefindings that abiotic degradation ofthe PAEs occurs mainly by photolysis under acidic andalkaline conditions rather than neutral pH,as a wholetrend.According to thefirst-order kinetics analysis,theabiotic degradability(hydrolysis plus photolysis)of thePAEs in aquatic environment would be ranked as DINP >DBP,BBP>DEHP.Although the abiotic degradation rate for BBP,DBP,and DEHP is considered much smallerthan their biodegradation rate when pH is not extremelyacidic/alkaline,the photolysis rate for DINP is comparablewith its biodegradation rate in aquatic environment.DINPin aquatic environment would be degraded mainly byphotolysis in both acidic and alkaline conditions but bymicroorganisms at neutral pH.ReferencesBajt O,Mailhot G,Bolte M,2001.Degradation of dibutyl phthalate by homogeneous photocatalysis with Fe(III)in aqueous solution.Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,33:239–248.Beresford N,Routledge E J,Harris C A,Sumper J P,2000.Issues arising when interpreting results from an in vitro assay for estrogenic activity.Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology,162:22–33. 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工业污染 英语作文
Industrial pollution is a significant issue that has been plaguing our society for decades.It refers to the contamination of the environment by harmful substances and waste materials that are byproducts of various industrial processes.This essay will delve into the causes,effects,and potential solutions to combat industrial pollution.Causes of Industrial Pollution1.Unregulated Emissions:Many industries,especially in developing countries,lack stringent environmental regulations.This leads to the release of harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air,water,and soil without proper treatment.2.Resource Extraction:Industries involved in mining,oil drilling,and deforestation contribute to pollution through the destruction of natural habitats and the release of pollutants into the environment.3.Waste Disposal:Inefficient waste management practices result in the improper disposal of industrial waste,which can contaminate water bodies and soil,leading to longterm environmental damage.4.Overproduction:The drive for mass production often leads to the generation of excessive waste,which,if not managed properly,can lead to pollution.Effects of Industrial Pollution1.Health Issues:Exposure to industrial pollutants can lead to respiratory problems,skin diseases,and even cancer.Children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to these health risks.2.Environmental Degradation:Pollutants can disrupt ecosystems,leading to the loss of biodiversity.Water pollution can also affect aquatic life,making water sources unsafe for human consumption.3.Climate Change:Industries are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions,which are a significant factor in global warming and climate change.4.Economic Impact:The cost of cleaning up pollution and the loss of productivity due to health issues can have a significant economic impact on communities and nations.Solutions to Industrial Pollution1.Regulation and Enforcement:Governments should implement and enforce strict environmental regulations to ensure that industries adopt cleaner production methods and manage waste responsibly.2.Clean Technology:Encouraging the use of clean and renewable energy sources can reduce the reliance on fossil fuels,thereby reducing pollution.3.Waste Management:Industries should invest in efficient waste management systems, including recycling and proper disposal methods,to minimize the environmental impact of their waste.4.Public Awareness:Raising public awareness about the dangers of industrial pollution and the importance of sustainable practices can lead to a collective effort to reduce pollution.5.International Cooperation:Global collaboration is essential to address the issue of industrial pollution,as it is a problem that transcends national borders.In conclusion,industrial pollution is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address effectively.By understanding the causes,acknowledging the effects, and implementing sustainable solutions,we can work towards a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.。
Global issues are complex challenges that affect the entire world and require international cooperation to address.Here are some of the most pressing global problems and the reasons why they are significant:1.Climate Change:Climate change is one of the most critical global issues,primarily caused by the emission of greenhouse gases from human activities.It leads to rising temperatures,melting ice caps,and more extreme weather events,which can have devastating effects on ecosystems,economies,and human health.2.Poverty:Poverty is a global problem that affects billions of people,particularly in developing countries.It is characterized by a lack of access to basic necessities such as food,clean water,healthcare,and education.Poverty perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage, making it difficult for individuals and communities to break free from its grip.3.Inequality:Economic,social,and gender inequality are pervasive issues that affect societies worldwide.Inequality can lead to social unrest,reduced economic growth,and a lack of access to opportunities for large segments of the population.4.Migration and Refugees:Conflicts,persecution,and economic hardship drive millions of people to migrate or seek refuge in other countries.The movement of people across borders is a global challenge that requires coordinated international responses to ensure the safety and wellbeing of migrants and refugees.5.Health Pandemics:The emergence of infectious diseases,such as COVID19, highlights the interconnectedness of our world and the need for global health infrastructure.Pandemics can have farreaching impacts on health systems,economies, and social structures.6.Environmental Degradation:Deforestation,pollution,and loss of biodiversity are examples of environmental degradation that threaten the planets ecosystems.These issues can lead to the loss of habitats,species extinction,and disruptions to the services that nature provides to humanity.7.Access to Education:Education is a fundamental right,yet millions of children and adults around the world lack access to quality education.This lack of access can perpetuate cycles of poverty and limit opportunities for personal and societal development.8.Water Scarcity:Freshwater is a precious resource,and its scarcity is becoming a more significant issue due to population growth,industrialization,and climate change.Waterscarcity can lead to conflicts,food shortages,and health crises.9.Energy Security:The worlds growing demand for energy and the need to transition to sustainable sources are critical challenges.Dependence on fossil fuels contributes to climate change,while the unequal distribution of energy resources can lead to geopolitical tensions.10.Cybersecurity:As technology becomes more integrated into every aspect of life,the risk of cyber threats increases.Cybersecurity is essential for protecting personal data, financial systems,and critical infrastructure from attacks.Addressing these global issues requires a concerted effort from governments, international organizations,businesses,and individuals.It involves creating policies and strategies that promote sustainable development,social justice,and environmental protection.By working together,we can build a more equitable and resilient world for future generations.。
《The Consequences of Environmental Degradation》高考优
《The Consequences of Environmental Degradation》高考优秀英语作文The consequences of environmental degradation are becoming increasingly dire. This can be seen in a variety of ways, from the effects of global warming to the deterioration of ecosystems and habitats.Global warming is the most obvious consequence of environmental degradation. With rising temperatures, more frequent and intense natural disasters, such as floods and droughts, are occurring. Additionally, sea levels are rising, causing coastal areas to become submerged. These changes are impacting all life on Earth, from plants and animals to humans.Ecosystems and habitats are also suffering from environmental damage. With habitats being destroyed, more species are becoming endangered and their populations are declining. This brings about a decrease in biodiversity, which can lead to further problems for ecosystems down the line. Pollution and contamination are also playing a role in reducing habitat availability.The effects of environmental degradation are reaching far and wide, and it is up to us to take steps to reduce its impact. This involves reducing pollution, respecting habitats, and taking care of nature and all its inhabitants. If we act now, we can help protect our planet and ensure that future generations will benefit from a healthy and sustainable environment.。
In the realm of English language education,school essays are an integral part of the curriculum,designed to help students develop their writing skills,express their thoughts, and engage with various topics.Here is a sample school essay that can serve as a model for students looking to improve their writing abilities.Title:The Importance of Environmental ConservationIntroduction:In todays fastpaced world,the environment is under immense pressure from human activities.The importance of environmental conservation cannot be overstated,as it is crucial for the survival of our planet and its diverse ecosystems.This essay aims to explore the significance of environmental conservation and the steps that can be taken to preserve our natural resources.Body Paragraph1:The Impact of Environmental DegradationThe first paragraph delves into the consequences of environmental degradation.It discusses how deforestation,pollution,and climate change are affecting the Earths biodiversity,leading to the extinction of species and the disruption of natural habitats. The paragraph also highlights the impact on human health and the economy due to environmental issues.Body Paragraph2:The Benefits of Environmental ConservationThe second paragraph outlines the benefits of environmental conservation.It explains how preserving the environment can lead to cleaner air and water,improved public health, and the preservation of natural resources for future generations.Additionally,it touches on the economic benefits of a clean environment,such as increased tourism and sustainable development.Body Paragraph3:Individual and Collective ActionsThe third paragraph focuses on the actions that individuals and communities can take to contribute to environmental conservation.It suggests practical steps such as reducing waste,recycling,conserving water,and supporting renewable energy sources.The paragraph also emphasizes the importance of collective action,including government policies and international cooperation.Body Paragraph4:The Role of Education and AwarenessThe fourth paragraph discusses the role of education in raising awareness about environmental issues.It argues that educating the public about the importance ofconservation can lead to a more environmentally conscious society.The paragraph also highlights the need for schools to incorporate environmental education into their curricula.Conclusion:The conclusion summarizes the main points of the essay,reiterating the importance of environmental conservation and the collective responsibility to protect our planet.It ends with a call to action,urging readers to take steps in their daily lives to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment.This essay serves as a comprehensive guide for students to understand the structure and content of a wellwritten school essay.By following this format,students can effectively express their ideas and arguments on a variety of topics.Remember,practice is key to improving writing skills,so students should endeavor to write regularly and seek feedback from teachers and peers.。
Environmental protection is a critical issue that has gained significant attention in recent years.Here are some key points that you can include in your essay on environmental protection for a high school English exam:1.Introduction to Environmental Issues:Begin by introducing the concept of environmental protection and its importance.Mention how human activities have led to issues such as climate change,deforestation,and pollution.2.Causes of Environmental Degradation:Discuss the various factors contributing to environmental problems.This could include industrial pollution,excessive use of natural resources,and the burning of fossil fuels.3.Effects on Ecosystems and Human Health:Explain the consequences of environmental degradation on ecosystems and human health.This could involve loss of biodiversity,air and water pollution,and the spread of diseases.4.Individual and Collective Responsibility:Emphasize the role of individuals and communities in protecting the environment.Highlight the importance of recycling, reducing waste,and conserving energy.ernment and Corporate Initiatives:Discuss the role of governments and corporations in implementing policies and practices that promote environmental sustainability.Mention examples of successful environmental regulations and green technologies.cation and Awareness:Stress the importance of environmental education and raising awareness about the importance of protecting the environment.Suggest ways in which schools and communities can educate people about sustainable practices.7.Sustainable Development Goals:Reference the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals SDGs and how they relate to environmental protection.Discuss specific goals such as affordable and clean energy,responsible consumption and production,and climate action.8.Technological Innovations:Mention the role of technology in environmental protection,such as renewable energy sources,electric vehicles,and energyefficient appliances.9.International Cooperation:Discuss the need for international cooperation in addressing global environmental challenges.Mention agreements like the Paris Agreement and therole of international organizations in promoting environmental protection.10.Conclusion and Call to Action:Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points and issuing a call to action.Encourage readers to take personal responsibility for their environmental impact and to support policies and initiatives that protect the environment. Remember to use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to make your essay engaging and wellrounded.Additionally,ensure that your essay is wellorganized with a clear introduction,body paragraphs,and conclusion.。
Environmental protection is a critical issue that affects every individual on our planet.Here are some key points to consider when writing an essay on environmental conservation:1.Introduction to Environmental Issues:Begin by introducing the importance of environmental protection and the challenges our planet faces,such as climate change, deforestation,pollution,and loss of biodiversity.2.Causes of Environmental Degradation:Discuss the various factors contributing to environmental problems.This could include industrial activities,excessive use of fossil fuels,improper waste management,and overconsumption.3.Effects of Environmental Degradation:Explain the consequences of environmental damage,such as global warming,melting of polar ice caps,rising sea levels,and the extinction of species.4.Individual Actions for Environmental Protection:Emphasize the role of individuals in protecting the environment.Suggest actions like reducing,reusing,and recycling waste, conserving water and energy,and adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.ernment and Corporate Responsibility:Highlight the responsibility of governments and corporations in implementing policies and practices that promote environmental sustainability,such as regulating emissions,promoting renewable energy,and supporting reforestation efforts.6.Technological Innovations:Discuss the role of technology in environmental conservation,including advancements in renewable energy,electric vehicles,and sustainable materials.7.International Cooperation:Stress the importance of global cooperation in addressing environmental challenges.Mention international agreements and initiatives aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment,such as the Paris Agreement.cation and Awareness:Advocate for the importance of environmental education and raising public awareness about the need for conservation and sustainable practices.9.Case Studies:Include examples of successful environmental initiatives or communities that have made significant strides in environmental protection.10.Conclusion:Conclude by summarizing the main points and emphasizing the urgentneed for collective action to protect our environment for future generations. Remember to use persuasive language and provide evidence to support your arguments. Additionally,consider including a call to action,encouraging readers to take steps towards a more sustainable future.。
Environmental protection is a crucial issue that affects the health and wellbeing of every individual on our planet.As high school students,it is our responsibility to understand the importance of environmental conservation and to take actions to contribute to a cleaner and healthier world.1.Understanding the Importance of Environmental ProtectionThe environment provides us with essential resources such as clean air,water,and food.Protecting the environment ensures these resources remain available for future generations.Environmental degradation leads to a loss of biodiversity,which can disrupt ecosystems and affect the balance of nature.2.Causes of Environmental DegradationPollution from industrial activities,such as the emission of greenhouse gases, contributes to climate change.Deforestation and habitat destruction lead to the loss of species and disrupt the natural carbon cycle.Overconsumption and waste generation exacerbate the problem by depleting resources and creating pollution.3.Individual Actions for Environmental ProtectionReducing,reusing,and recycling are fundamental principles that can be applied in daily life to minimize waste.Conserving energy by turning off lights and appliances when not in use can help reduce carbon emissions.Choosing sustainable products and supporting companies that prioritize environmental responsibility can make a difference.munity and Government InitiativesParticipating in community cleanup events and tree planting initiatives can help restore local environments.Advocating for stronger environmental policies and regulations can lead to systemic changes that protect the environment on a larger scale.cation and AwarenessEducating peers and family members about the importance of environmental protection can create a ripple effect of positive change.Staying informed about environmental issues and sharing knowledge through social media and community events can raise awareness.6.Technological InnovationsEmbracing green technologies,such as solar and wind energy,can reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease pollution.Supporting research and development in sustainable technologies can lead to innovative solutions for environmental challenges.7.The Role of Youth in Environmental ProtectionAs the future leaders of society,high school students have a unique opportunity to influence change and set an example for others to follow.Engaging in school projects and extracurricular activities related to environmental protection can foster a sense of stewardship and activism.8.ConclusionEnvironmental protection is not just a duty but a collective effort that requires the participation of every individual.By taking small steps in our daily lives and advocating for larger changes,we can work towards a more sustainable future.In conclusion,high school students have a pivotal role to play in environmental protection.By understanding the issues,taking personal actions,and advocating for change,we can contribute to a healthier planet for all.。
2009年雅思作文In recent years, the issue of environmental degradation has become a pressing concern for many people around the world. The impact of human activities on the environment has led to a range of problems, including climate change, deforestation, and pollution. This essay will explore the causes of environmental degradation, its effects on the planet, and potential solutions to address this critical issue.One of the primary causes of environmental degradation is the overexploitation of natural resources. With the growing global population and increasing demand for food, water, and energy, the extraction of natural resources has reached unsustainable levels. Deforestation, for example, is driven by the need for timber, agricultural land, and urban development. This has resulted in the loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and disruption of the carbon cycle, contributing to climate change.Another significant cause of environmental degradation is pollution. The release of harmful chemicals and waste products into the air, water, and soil has detrimental effects on ecosystems and human health. Industrial activities, transportation, and agricultural practices are major sources of pollution, leading to air and water contamination, as well as the decline of wildlife populations.The effects of environmental degradation are far-reaching and can have devastating consequences for the planet and its inhabitants. Climate change, caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, has led torising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and the melting of polar ice caps. These changes have profound implications for ecosystems, food security, and human livelihoods, particularly in vulnerable regions.Furthermore, environmental degradation has a direct impact on human health.Air and water pollution contribute to respiratory diseases, waterborne illnesses, and other health problems. In addition, the loss of biodiversity and naturalhabitats can disrupt ecosystems, leading to the spread of infectious diseases and the loss of potential sources of medicine and food.Addressing environmental degradation requires a multifaceted approach that involves individuals, communities, governments, and businesses. One potential solution is to promote sustainable resource management and conservation practices. This includes the implementation of renewable energy sources, reforestation efforts, and the protection of natural habitats. Additionally, reducing waste and promoting recycling can help minimize the impact of human activities on the environment.Another crucial aspect of addressing environmental degradation is the need for international cooperation and policy interventions. Global agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, aim to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development. Furthermore, governments can implement regulations and incentives to encourage businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices and technologies.Individuals also play a vital role in addressing environmental degradation through everyday actions and lifestyle choices. By reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, and supporting sustainable products and businesses, individuals can contribute to the preservation of the environment. Education and awareness-raising efforts can also empower people to make informed decisions and advocatefor environmental protection.In conclusion, environmental degradation is a complex and urgent issue that requires collective action at the local, national, and global levels. By addressing the root causes of environmental degradation, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering international cooperation, it is possible to mitigate the impact of human activities on the environment. Ultimately, safeguarding the planet for future generations requires a concerted effort to protect and preserve the natural world.。
Environmental degradation is a pressing issue that affects every aspect of our lives. Here are some key points to consider when discussing the harmful effects of environmental damage in an English composition:1.Deforestation:The destruction of forests leads to loss of biodiversity,disruption of water cycles,and contributes to climate change by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by trees.2.Air Pollution:Industrial emissions,vehicle exhausts,and agricultural activities release harmful substances into the atmosphere,causing respiratory problems in humans and animals,and contributing to global warming.3.Water Pollution:The contamination of water bodies with industrial waste,agricultural runoff,and sewage leads to the death of aquatic life,and poses health risks to humans who rely on these water sources.4.Soil Degradation:Overfarming,overgrazing,and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can lead to soil erosion,loss of fertility,and desertification.5.Loss of Biodiversity:The extinction of species due to habitat loss,pollution,and climate change disrupts ecosystems and can lead to the collapse of food chains.6.Climate Change:The increase in greenhouse gases due to human activities is causing global temperatures to rise,leading to extreme weather events,melting of polar ice caps, and rising sea levels.7.Overfishing:The depletion of fish stocks due to overfishing disrupts marine ecosystems and can lead to the collapse of fisheries,affecting coastal communities that rely on fishing for their livelihood.8.Plastic Pollution:The widespread use of singleuse plastics has led to a global pollution problem,with plastics taking hundreds of years to decompose and entering the food chain through marine life.9.Waste Management:Inefficient waste management practices can lead to the accumulation of waste in landfills and the release of toxic substances into the environment.10.Urbanization:Rapid urbanization can lead to the loss of green spaces,increased pollution,and the strain on natural resources.In conclusion,it is crucial for individuals,communities,and governments to take action to mitigate these environmental harms.This can be achieved through sustainable practices,conservation efforts,and the implementation of policies that promote environmental protection and restoration.。
英语作文 环境恶化
Environmental degradation is a pressing issue that affects every corner of our planet. The deterioration of the environment can be attributed to various factors,including industrial pollution,deforestation,overfishing,and the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.Industrial Pollution:The rapid industrialization of the past century has led to a significant increase in air,water,and soil pollution.Factories release harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide,nitrogen oxides,and heavy metals into the atmosphere,which contribute to air pollution and acid rain.These pollutants can travel long distances,affecting areas far from the source of pollution.Deforestation:The clearing of forests for agricultural land,urban development,and logging has led to a loss of biodiversity and the disruption of the carbon cycle.Trees absorb carbon dioxide,a greenhouse gas,and their removal exacerbates climate change. Additionally,forests are home to countless species of flora and fauna,many of which are endangered due to habitat loss.Overfishing:The demand for seafood has led to overfishing in many parts of the world. This not only threatens the survival of certain fish species but also disrupts the balance of marine ecosystems.Overfishing can lead to a decrease in the overall fish population, affecting the food chain and the livelihoods of communities that rely on fishing.Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides:The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture has increased crop yields,but it has also led to soil degradation and water pollution.These chemicals can leach into water bodies,causing eutrophication,which leads to algal blooms and the death of aquatic life.Moreover,the overuse of pesticides can lead to the development of resistance in pests,necessitating the use of even more potent chemicals.Climate Change:The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation contribute to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,leading to global warming.This has resulted in more frequent and severe weather events,such as hurricanes,droughts,and floods,which further damage the environment.Waste Management:The improper disposal of waste,including plastic and electronic waste,is another significant contributor to environmental degradation.Plastic waste,in particular,pollutes oceans and harms marine life,while electronic waste contains hazardous materials that can leach into the soil and water.Solutions:To combat environmental degradation,a multifaceted approach is necessary.This includes promoting sustainable practices in industry,agriculture,and forestry, investing in renewable energy sources,enforcing stricter environmental regulations,and raising public awareness about the importance of conservation.International cooperation is also crucial,as environmental issues do not respect national boundaries.In conclusion,the environment is a shared resource that requires collective action for its preservation.It is imperative that we take immediate and effective measures to reverse the trend of environmental degradation and ensure a healthy planet for future generations.。
Environmental pollution is a global issue that has been a topic of concern for decades. It affects not only the natural ecosystem but also the health of every living being on the planet. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of environmental pollution, its causes, effects, and potential solutions.The Earth is facing an unprecedented level of pollution, primarily due to human activities. Industrialization, urbanization, and the excessive use of fossil fuels have led to the degradation of air, water, and soil quality. The burning of fossil fuels releases harmful gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution and climate change. Deforestation and improper waste disposal have also led to the loss of biodiversity and the contamination of water bodies.Air pollution has become a significant health hazard, causing respiratory problems, heart diseases, and even cancer. The World Health Organization WHO estimates that around 7 million people die each year due to exposure to polluted air. In addition, the presence of pollutants in the air can lead to acid rain, which damages crops, forests, and aquatic life.Water pollution is another critical issue, affecting both human health and aquatic ecosystems. Industrial effluents, agricultural runoff, and sewage discharge have led to the contamination of rivers, lakes, and oceans with toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and microplastics. This not only poses a threat to marine life but also to humans who rely on these water sources for drinking, fishing, and recreation.Soil pollution, on the other hand, results from the excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and industrial waste. These pollutants can accumulate in the soil, affecting the growth of crops and the quality of the food we consume. Moreover, contaminated soil can also lead to the leaching of pollutants into groundwater, further exacerbating the problem of water pollution.The effects of environmental pollution are farreaching and can have longlasting consequences. It not only affects the health of humans and animals but also disrupts the balance of ecosystems, leading to the extinction of species and the loss of valuable natural resources. The degradation of the environment can also lead to natural disasters such as floods, droughts, and storms, which can have devastating impacts on communities and economies.To address the issue of environmental pollution, it is essential to adopt sustainable practices and implement effective policies. Governments, industries, and individuals all have a role to play in reducing pollution levels. Some potential solutions include:1. Promoting the use of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.2. Encouraging the adoption of cleaner technologies and practices in industries to minimize the emission of pollutants.3. Implementing strict regulations on waste disposal and the use of chemicals in agriculture to prevent soil and water pollution.4. Raising awareness about the importance of environmental conservation and encouraging individuals to adopt ecofriendly habits, such as recycling, reducing plastic use, and conserving water and energy.5. Investing in research and development to find innovative solutions for pollution control and environmental restoration.In conclusion, environmental pollution is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention and action. By understanding the causes and effects of pollution, and by adopting sustainable practices and policies, we can work towards a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for all. It is our collective responsibility to protect the environment and preserve it for future generations.。
Environmental protection is a critical issue that affects every individual on our planet.Here are some key points to consider when writing an essay on environmental protection:1.Introduction to Environmental Issues:Begin your essay by introducing the concept of environmental protection and its importance.Explain how the environment is being affected by human activities.2.Causes of Environmental Degradation:Discuss the various factors contributing to environmental problems such as deforestation,pollution,climate change,and loss of biodiversity.3.Effects of Environmental Degradation:Elaborate on the consequences of environmental damage,including health issues,loss of natural resources,and the impact on ecosystems.4.Individual Responsibility:Emphasize the role of individuals in protecting the environment.Suggest ways in which people can reduce their carbon footprint,such as recycling,conserving water,and using public transportation.ernment and Corporate Actions:Highlight the responsibilities of governments and corporations in implementing policies and practices that promote sustainability and reduce environmental harm.6.Technological Innovations:Discuss how technology can be harnessed to address environmental challenges,such as renewable energy sources,electric vehicles,and energyefficient appliances.cation and Awareness:Stress the importance of education in raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices.8.International Cooperation:Mention the need for global cooperation to tackle environmental problems,citing examples such as international agreements and treaties aimed at reducing pollution and protecting natural habitats.9.Case Studies:Include examples of successful environmental protection initiatives or failures that serve as lessons for others.10.Conclusion and Call to Action:Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points and issuing a call to action,urging readers to contribute to environmental protectionefforts.Remember to use clear and concise language,provide evidence to support your arguments,and maintain a logical flow throughout your essay.Additionally,consider using persuasive techniques to inspire readers to take action.。
Environmental protection is a topic of paramount importance in todays world.As the human population grows and industrialization expands,the natural environment faces unprecedented challenges.Here are some key points to consider when writing an essay on environmental protection:1.Introduction to the Issue:Begin by introducing the importance of the environment to human life and the ecosystem.Explain how the environment provides us with clean air, water,and a variety of resources that are essential for our survival.2.Causes of Environmental Degradation:Discuss the various factors contributing to environmental issues such as deforestation,pollution,climate change,and loss of biodiversity.Highlight the role of human activities in these issues.3.Effects of Environmental Damage:Describe the consequences of environmental degradation on both the natural world and human society.This can include the loss of species,increased health problems,and the impact on weather patterns and natural disasters.4.Individual Responsibility:Emphasize the role that each individual can play in protecting the environment.Suggest practical steps such as reducing waste,recycling, conserving energy,and supporting sustainable practices.ernment and Corporate Actions:Discuss the role of governments and corporations in environmental protection.Mention policies and regulations that have been implemented to reduce pollution and promote sustainability.6.Technological Innovations:Highlight the advancements in technology that can help mitigate environmental damage,such as renewable energy sources,electric vehicles,and energyefficient appliances.7.International Cooperation:Stress the importance of global collaboration in addressing environmental challenges.Reference international agreements and initiatives aimed at combating climate change and protecting the environment.cation and Awareness:Advocate for the importance of environmental education and raising public awareness about the issues at hand.Explain how informed citizens can make better choices and influence policy.9.Conclusion:Summarize the main points of the essay and reiterate the urgency of environmental protection.End with a call to action,encouraging readers to contribute tothe preservation of our planet.10.Personal Reflection:Optionally,include a personal reflection on how you have been affected by environmental issues or what steps you have taken to contribute to environmental protection.Remember to use clear and concise language,provide evidence to support your arguments,and maintain a logical flow throughout your essay.By addressing these points, your essay will effectively communicate the importance of environmental protection and inspire action.。
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Degradation behaviour of sputtered Co e Al coatings on superalloyAtikur Rahman a ,Vipin Chawla b ,R.Jayaganthan a ,*,Ramesh Chandra b ,R.Ambardar caDepartment of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,Roorkee 247667,India bInstitute Instrumentation Centre,Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,Roorkee 247667,India cDepartment of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,National Institute of Technology Hazratbal,Srinagar 190006,Indiah i g h l i g h t s<The cyclic high temperature oxidation behaviour of nanostructured Co e Al coatings has been investigated in the present work.<The oxidation kinetics of Co e Al coatings is very slow due to protective oxide scale formation.<The corroded products of Co e Al coatings indicated the formation of protective oxide scale such as Cr 2O 3,Al 2O 3,CoAl 2O 4.<Thenanostructured coatings exhibit improved their oxidation resistance as well as the scale-metal adherence.a r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 16May 2011Received in revised form 15August 2012Accepted 2November 2012Keywords:(B)Coatings(C)Atomic force microscopy (AFM)(C)Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)(D)Corrosiona b s t r a c tDegradation behaviour of sputtered Co e Al coatings on Superni-718substrate has been investigated.Cyclic high temperature oxidation tests were conducted on uncoated and coated samples at peak temperatures of 900 C for up to 100thermal cycles between the peak and room temperatures.The results showed that a dense scale formed on the coated samples during thermal cycling at the peak temperature of 900 C.The external scale exhibited good spallation resistance during cyclic oxidation testing at both temperatures.The improvement in oxide scale spallation resistance is believed to be related to the fine-grained structure of the coating.Nanostructured Co e Al coatings on Superni-718substrate were deposited by DC/RF magnetron sputtering.FE-SEM/EDS,AFM,and XRD were used to characterize the morphology and formation of different phases in the coatings,respectively.The Co e Al coating on superalloy substrate showed better performance of cyclic high temperature oxidation resistance due to its possession of b -CoAl phase as Al reservoir and the formation of Al 2O 3and spinel phases such as CoCr 2O 4and CoAl 2O 4in scale.The oxidation results con firmed an improved oxidation resistance of the Co e Al coating on superalloy as compare to bare substrate in air at 900 C temperature up to 100cycles.Ó2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionNickel-based superalloys are the most widely used materials in turbine blades of jet engines,nuclear power reactors and land-based gas turbines.Among them Superni-718superalloy has been extensively used as blade materials for the jet engines and high-speed airframe parts such as wheels,buckets,spacers,high temperature bolts and fasteners.The Superni-718superalloy has been designed to display exceptionally high yield,tensile and creep e rupture properties at temperatures up to 800 C.As super-alloys must simultaneously meet strength and corrosion/oxidation requirements at high temperature,their surfaces are typicallyprotected by coatings against oxidation and hot corrosion.MCrAlY coatings play a signi ficant role in protection of hot section components in gas turbine engine system,either as overlays or as bond coats for TBCs [1e 4].Usually,the conventional M CrAlY coat-ings are designed to meet particular operating conditions.Nano-structured M CrAlY (M ¼Ni,Co,or Fe)coatings have been identi fied as potential materials for providing good resistance against high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion [5e 13]as compared to conventional coatings due to the formation of dense,continuous,non-porous and adherent alumina scales over the coatings [14e 16].The size effect of nanostructured coatings facilitates the enhanced diffusivity of atoms to form the continuous protective scales,which is normally discontinuous in the conventional coatings as reported in the literature [17].Recently,there has been considerable interest in the develop-ment of nanocrystalline coatings,which are more resistant to*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ911332285869;fax:þ911332285243.E-mail (R.Jayaganthan).Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectMaterials Chemistry and Physicsjo urn al homepag e:/locate/matchemphys0254-0584/$e see front matter Ó2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.11.004Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 62oxidation [5e 7,18]and corrosion [12,13]than their counterpart conventional coatings.The short-term,50e 200h,test results on the FeNiCrAl [5e 7]coatings indicate that ultra-fine grain size promotes selective oxidation of Al and formation of a continuous alumina,Al 2O 3protective oxide scale on the external surface of these coatings with Al content as low as 2wt.%and the protective oxide layer formed on these coatings during thermal exposure exhibits excellent spallation resistance.The improved oxide spall-ation resistance on the nanostructured coatings has been attributed to the fine grain size of the scale formed on the nanocrystalline coatings after thermal exposure [19e 22].Liu et al.[19]have investigated the effect of grain size on the protective external oxide scale formation on Ni e 20Cr e 3Al nanocrystalline coatings.Their results showed that the external oxide formed on the fine grained coatings varied from Cr 2O 3to Al 2O 3as the grain size decreased from 500to 50nm.The ultra fine grain structure promotes grain boundary diffusion,which facilitates selective oxidation of Al over Cr.Typically conventional FeNiCrAl alloys require Al content greater than 6wt.%for the formation of a protective external Al 2O 3scale.Liu et al.[6]have also observed protective external Al 2O 3scale on the nanocrystalline NiCrAl coating containing 4wt.%Al after thermal exposure.The formation of external Al 2O 3scale on the NiCrAl coating was attributed to selective oxidation of Al resulting from enhanced grain boundary diffusion in the nanocrystalline coating.These results suggest that the critical Al or Cr required for the formation of a continuous Al 2O 3or Cr 2O 3is signi ficantly lower for the ultra-fine grain coatings than that of conventional coatings.The protection offered by these coatings against high temperature oxidation relies on the formation and maintenance of a continuous,slow-growing and adherent alumina scale.The life span of the MCrAlY coatings in service of high temperature oxidation and type I hot corrosion is mainly limited by aluminium depletion occurring upon aluminium consumption as a result of growth,spallation and re-healing of the alumina scale.Thus the aluminium content plays a vital role to resist the high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion.Higher ef ficiencies of engines,due to the application of protective coatings,would lead to a signi ficant reduction of fuel consumption and a considerable decrease in exhaust gas emissions.It may be mentioned that high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion behaviour of Cr/Co e Al coatings deposited at 250e 450 C substrate temperature were reported in our earlier work [10,11].However,the literature is scarce on the oxidation behaviour of Co e Al coated superalloy.Therefore,the present work has been focused to study the microstructure and cyclic high temperature oxidation behaviour of magnetron sputtered Co e Al coatings on the Superni-718superalloy substrate and compared with uncoated bare Superni-718substrate.The formation of intermetallic b -CoAl pha-ses (Al reservoir)in the Co e Al based superalloy coatings show high melting point (1640 C),which is bene ficial for providing oxidation resistance at very high temperature above 1000 C in the actual service applications,especially in gas turbines.2.ExperimentalNi-based superalloy namely Superni-718has been chosen to deposit Co e Al coating in the present work.The superalloy was procured from Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited,Hyderabad,India inannealed and cold rolled sheet form and its chemical composition is shown in Table 1.Each specimen measuring approximately:18mm (L )Â15mm (W )Â3mm (T )was cut from the rolled sheet and grounded by using 220,320,subsequently down to 1000grit of SiC emery papers.Further,it is polished on cloth polishing disc by using alumina powder followed by diamond mercially available Co and Al target were fixed at an angle of 45 to each other in the sputtering chamber.With the use of rotator,the substrate heater was rotated between Co and Al targets continuously to perform a co-sputtering.The target to substrate distance was fixed at 40mm during deposition.Before starting the deposition,the targets were pre-sputtered for 15min with a shutter located in between the targets and the substrate.The shutter is also used to control the deposition time.All the samples were cleaned in acetone,ethanol and deionized water prior to the deposition of Co e Al coatings.The process parameters used in DC/RF magnetron sputtering are given in Table 2.The Co e Al coatings were deposited on Superni-718at different substrate temperatures,i.e.500 C,700 C and 800 C.At the substrate temperature 800 C,the deposited coatings have peeled off due to the induced thermal stress in the coating,which is con firmed by FESEM/EDS as shown in Fig.1(a e d).Cr,Ni,Mo and Fe have come from substrate element,especially at the peeled-off portion of the coating before oxidation.The Co e Al coatings were subjected to XRD,FE-SEM/EDS,and AFM analysis.2.1.Characterization of Co e Al coatingsXRD (Bruker AXS,D8Advance)measurements were made using Cuk a radiation to characterize the as deposited Co e Al coatings at 500 C and 700 C on Superni-718substrate.The scan rate and the scan range used were 0.1step/s and from 10 to 110 respectively.An average grain size of the Co e Al coatings is estimated using its XRD peak broadening according to Scherrer formula [23],as given in Eq.(1).It was found to be in the range of 20e 35nm and 22nm 26nm (average values)coating at 500 C and 700 C respectively.B ð2q Þ¼k l q(1)where D is the average size of crystallite,B is the broadening of the diffraction line measured at half maximum intensity,k is constant (k ¼1is used in the present work),l is the wavelength of the X-rayTable 1Chemical composition of the superalloy (Superni-718).Chemical composition,wt-%Midhani grade Fe Ni Cr Ti Al Mo Mn Si Co Nb PC SSuperni-71819.8Bal17.60.960.533. 2Sputtering parameters for Co e Al coatings.TargetAl (99.99%pure,2inch diameter &5mm thickness)Co (99.99%pure,2inch diameter &2mm thickness)Base pressure4Â10À6Pa Deposition gas pressure (Ar) 1.5Â10À2PaDeposition power50W/150W for Co/Al target Deposition time for Co e Al Coating 90minSubstrateSuperni-718Substrate temperature 500 C &700 C Total deposition time90minA.Rahman et al./Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 6250radiation (1.54052 A,CuK a )and q is the Bragg angle.Instrumental broadening has been accounted for the calculation of grain size,and its value of 0.1(for standard Si sample)has been subtracted from the full-width half maximum (FWHM)value,from B value.FE-SEM/EDS (FEI,Quanta 200F)has been used to characterize the microstructures of the Co e Al coatings at an acceleration voltage of 20kV.The surface morphology of the Co e Al coatings has been characterized by AFM (NT-MDT,Ntegra)operated in a semi contact (tapping)mode in order to calculate its surface roughness.The root-mean-square (RMS)roughness of the surface of the sample was calculated from AFM scan at five different spots for each sample.2.2.High temperature oxidation studies in airThe cyclic oxidation studies of Co e Al coated and bare superalloy samples were conducted in air at 900 C for 100cycles.Each cycle consisted of 1h heating at given temperature followed by 30min cooling at ambient conditions.The bare and coated samples were subjected to mirror polishing and wheel cloth polishing,respectively,before the cyclic oxidation studies.Both of these coated and uncoated samples,during cyclic oxidation,were sub-jected to mass change measurements at the end of each cycle with the help of electronic balance machine Model CA-124(Contech,India)with a sensitivity of 1Â10À5g.The spalled scale was also included in the weight change measurements to determine the total oxidation rate.The samples subjected to cyclic oxidation studies were subsequently analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD),and field-emission scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive spectroscopy (FE-SEM/EDS)for the identi fications of different phases,morphologies,and composition of scales.The kinetics of cyclic oxidation of coated and bare superalloy samples was deter-mined using the thermogravimetric analysis and by evaluating the parabolic rate constants.3.Results and discussionsFig.2(a)shows the XRD pattern of as deposited Co e Al coatings on Superni-718at different substrate temperatures.The interme-tallic b -CoAl phase is observed in coatings at two differentsubstrateFig.1.FE-SEM/EDS surface micrographs (a e d)at different locations of peeled off of Co e Al coating deposited at substrate temperature 800 C.A.Rahman et al./Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 6251temperatures as evident from the XRD results and also con firmed by CoAl binary phase diagram.Co e Al coating contains high Co and Al which is con firmed by FE-SEM/EDS results.Co e Al coating at 500 C substrate temperature shows only one major peak of b -CoAl phase,whereas coating at 700 C substrate temperature shows one major peak along with two small peak of b -CoAl phase with different orientation.The XRD results for the oxidized products of bare and Co e Al coated samples are shown in Fig.2(b).It is observed that the oxide scales such as Cr 2O 3,NiO,and Fe 2O 3are formed on the bare superalloy subjected to high temperature air oxidation at 900 C.The oxide scale such as Al 2O 3,CoO,Cr 2O 3,and CoAl 2O 4were observed in the oxidized Co e Al coating at 500 C substrate,whereas the oxide scale such as Al 2O 3,CoO,Cr 2O 3,CoCr 2O 4and CoAl 2O 4were observed in the oxidized Co e Al coating at 700 C substrate.Thus oxidized Co e Al coating at 700 C substrate has two spinel phases in scale i.e.CoCr 2O 4and CoAl 2O 4.CoCr 2O 4spinel phase is present as a minor phase which is con firmed by XRD result (Fig.2(b)).Fig.3(a e d)shows the 2D and 3D AFM images of the Co e Al coatings deposited at two different substrate temperatures.2D image of Fig.3(a)indicates that coating has some voids and small spherical grains,whereas 2D image of Fig.3(c)shows that it has dense coating and slightly large spherical grains.The surface roughness of the coatings was found to be 23nm and 12nm for the coatings deposited at 500 C and 700 C,respectively.Fig.4(a e b)shows the FE-SEM surface micrographs at magni fi-cation (15,000Â)with EDS at different points on the surface of as deposited Co e Al coatings at 500 C and 700 C.At highmagni fication (40,000Â),FE-SEM surface micrograph of the same Co e Al coating at 500 C and 700 C substrate temperature are shown in corner Fig.4(a)and (b).The observed microstructural features of the coatings can be classi fied by using the structure zone model proposed by Messier [24].The homogeneous temperature,(ratio of substrate temperature to melting point of the coating materials),is used to classify the coating microstructures observed at different substrate temperature during sputter deposition of the coatings.In the present work,the coating deposited at 500 C exhibits a homogeneous temperature of 0.41and showed spherical shape grains (Fig.4(a))which approaches zone 2structures as re-ported in Messier ’s work.The homogeneous temperature (T S /T m )is 0.51for the coatings deposited at 700 C and the rod type elongated shape grains (Fig.4(b)),but their edges are round and dense coating are observed at this deposition temperature,which comes under zone 3structure.With increase in substrate temperature,the surface mobility of condensed atoms increases,which could easily diffuse from island side to lower potential zone of substrate,resulting in denser coating with reduced porosity or voids in coatings.The grain size has been slightly increased with the increase in substrate temperature.Roughness of Co e Al coating at 700 C temperature is lower than that of coating at 500 C substrate temperature,because coated sample at 700 C temperature is more dense as it belongs to structure zone 3.Cr/Co e Al coating at 250 C substrate temperature belongs to structure zone 1whereas,coating at 350and 450 C substrate temperature belongs to structure zone 2[10].Deposited coatings were homogeneous over the superalloy substrate.The thickness of coatings was calculated by using surface pro filometer (AMBIOS Technology,XP-200)and it was also con firmed by its cross sectional FE-SEM images.Sample with a step must be formed to measure coating/film thickness.Step is formed in coated sample by masking of the sample at one place during sputtering,where in no deposition occurs.It works by monitoring the height of a stylus as it drags across a step in the coating/film,the height is used to measure thickness of the coatings.The thickness of coatings was found to be approximately 4m m.The cross-sectional FE-SEM micrographs of as deposited Co e Al coating on Superni-718at two different substrate temperatures are shown in Fig.4(c e d).Coating at 500 C substrate temperature has fine columnar grains (Fig.4(c)),whereas coating at 700 C substrate has slightly thicker columnar grain (Fig.4(d)).Thus,as per AFM analysis and FE-SEM surface and cross-sectional analysis it is observed that coating at 700 C substrate temperature is more dense as compare to coating at 500 C substrate temperature.The detailed chemical compositions of the as deposited Co e Al coating on Superni-718substrate have been analysed at the surface as well as the depth pro file as shown in cross-sectional FE-SEM/EDS micrographs (Fig.4(e)).Fig.5(a e d)shows the FE-SEM/EDS surface micrographs at the selected points of interest of oxidized bare Superni-718substrate.The scale formed on bare Superni-718has spalled,and the cracks were formed as shown in Fig.5(a).The large numbers of small pores on the surface of the specimen are also observed from Fig.5(b).The high magni fication (5000Â)micrograph shown in Fig.5(c),reveals that the scale is non-uniform.EDAX Genesis 32software was used to calculate the composition of the oxidized products,mainly,oxides using elemental composition of the coat-ings obtained from EDS analysis.EDS analysis was carried out at different location on the surface of oxidized bare substrate (Fig.5(a))and the EDS results are shown in Fig.5(d).It is found that at location 1scale has Nb-oxide (13.04at%),Ti-oxide (4.97at%),Cr-oxide (7.86at%),Fe-oxide (8.76at%)and Ni-rich oxide (34.4at%),whereas at location 2and 3,oxide scale contains,Ti-oxide (1.44at %),Cr-rich oxide (48.73at%),Fe-oxide (2.01at%)and Ni-oxide (2.12at%)are also present.20406080100a(210)(111)(110)C o A l C o A l C o A l At 700OCAt 500OCI n t e n s i t y (a .u )I n t e n s i t y (a .u )2θ (Degree)2θ (Degree)Fig.2.XRD pattern of (a)as deposited Co e Al coatings and (b)oxidized Co e Al coatings on bare Superni-718and coated samples at different substrate temperatures.A.Rahman et al./Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 6252Fig.6(a e d)shows the FE-SEM surface micrographs of oxidized Co e Al coated sample at the selected points of interest along with its corresponding EDS results.At magni fication (5000Â)micro-graph shown in Fig.6(a)and (b)reveals that scale formed on both oxidized Co e Al coated substrate has uniform,continuous and defect free scale.There is no spallation and cracks in the scale observed on both oxidized Co e Al coated sample.At high magni fi-cation (20,000Â)surface micrograph of oxidized Co e Al coated sample at 500 C substrate temperature is shown in Fig.6(c),the morphology of scale look like spinel chord.On the other hand,surface micrograph of oxidized Co e Al coated sample at 700 C substrate temperature at high magni fication (20,000Â)shown in Fig.6(d)exhibits fine needle type morphology of scale.EDS results of oxidized Co e Al coating at 500 C substrate temperature (Fig.6(a))indicate that Al-rich (27.04at%)and Co-rich (23.12at%)oxide scale are present and also have chromium oxide (4.99at%)scale.Similarly,EDS analysis was carried out on the surface of oxidized Co e Al coating at 700 C substrate temperature (Fig.6(b))and it is observed that,Al-rich oxide (31.89at%)scale and also Cr-oxide (01.23at%),Fe-oxide (1.08at%)scale and Co-oxide (23.69at %)scale are present.Surface EDS analysis results after 100h of cyclic oxidation at 900 C in air environment revealed that aluminacontent in oxidized Co e Al coated superalloy at 500e 700 C substrate temperature is slightly lower than Cr/Co e Al coated superalloy [10]after 50h of cyclic oxidation at 900 C in air.It shows that oxidation resistance of Cr/Co e Al coatings is better than CoAl coatings.Heinonem et al.[25]reported that the Cr enhanced Al segregation to the surface due to the change in Fe/Al chemical potentials and therefore Cr facilitates the growth of the protective alumina scale on the surface.Patnaik P C [26]reported that CoO is a metal-de ficient oxide scale (p type-oxide)and that small addi-tions of the higher valency element chromium increase the oxidation rate.It is only for chromium contents higher than 4e 5wt.%that the oxidation resistance is improved through the formation of continuous films of Cr 2O 3or of MCr 2O 4spinels.The nanosized grains in the Co e Al coating,observed using XRD and AFM analysis,facilitate the enhanced reactivity of Al,and Co with oxygen for the formation of continuous layer of their corresponding oxide,which is essential for providing an adequate protection to the Superni-718in the air environment.Thus,both oxidized Co e Al coating have uniform,adherent,continuous,and dense scale on the surface.Fig.7(a e c)shows the FE-SEM cross-sectional micrographs of oxidized bare substrate with EDS results at the selected pointsofFig.3.AFM 2D &3D images of Co e Al coatings on Superni-718substrate at different substrate temperatures (a e b)at 500 C,and (c e d)at 700 C.A.Rahman et al./Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 6253interest.The scale formed on bare Superni-718was non-uniform and spallation (Fig.7(a)),and crack (Fig.7(b))and large number of pores were also present in scale which is shown in Fig.7(c)at high magni fication (10,000Â).The overall EDS result (Fig.7(d))indicates that in oxidized bare substrate has Ni-rich (54.35at%)oxide,Fe-oxide (21.70at%)and Cr-oxide (14.19at%)phases are present in scale,which is also con firmed by XRD result (Fig.2(b)).Thus surface as well as cross-sectional FE-SEM micrographs of oxidized bare substrate revealed that protective oxide scale is not formed on bare substrate in high temperature oxidation at 900 C in air up to 100cycles,since bare substrate has not suf ficient aluminium content (Table 1).There are many pores observed on the surface as well as cross-sectional FE-SEM/EDS microstructure of oxidized bare sample.The melting point of MoO 3is 792 CandFig.4.(a e b)FE-SEM/EDS surface micrographs (at 15,000Âmagni fication)of Co e Al coatings on Superni-718substrate at different substrate temperatures (a)at 500 C,and (b)at 700 C.The corner surface micrograph is at higher magni fication (40,000Â)of the same coating,and (c e d)FE-SEM/EDS cross-sectional micrographs of Co e Al coatings on Superni-718substrate at different substrate temperatures (c)at 500 C and (d)at 700 C and (e)the detailed chemical compositions of the as deposited Co e Al coatings,on Superni-718substrate (analysed by depth pro file on surface as well as cross-sectional).A.Rahman et al./Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 6254Fig.5.(a e b)FE-SEM surface micrographs of oxidized bare Superni-718substrate at lower magni fication (1000Âand 2500Â)and (c)at higher magni fication (5000Â),and (d)EDS analysis of at different locations of oxidized bare Superni-718substrate.A.Rahman et al./Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 6255there is no MoO 3phases present in scale of oxidized bare substrate,which is con firmed by XRD result.Hence,it is believed that pores are due to evaporation of Mo-oxides [27].Cross-sectional analysis of the oxidized Co e Al coatings,at 900 C after 100cycles,was carried out at different points along the cross-section by using FE-SEM/EDS and the results are shown in Fig.8(a e b).Cross-sectional FE-SEM micrograph revealed that both oxidized Co e Al coated samples exhibit dense and defect free scale i.e.there is no spallation,cracks and voids are present in scale.Co e Al coating at 700 C substrate temperature (Fig.8(b))has more dense and fine morphology of scale as compared to Co e Al coating at 500 C substrate (Fig.8(a)).Cross-sectional EDS analysisofFig.6.(a e b)FE-SEM surface micrographs (at 10,000Âmagni fication)with EDS of oxidized Co e Al coatings on Superni-718deposited at different substrate temperatures (a)at 500 C,and (b)at 700 C,(c)FE-SEM surface micrograph of oxidized Co e Al coating at 500 C,at higher magni fication (20,000Â)and (d)FE-SEM surface micrograph of oxidized Co e Al coating at 700 C,at higher magni fication (20,000Â).A.Rahman et al./Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 6256Fig.7.(a e c)FE-SEM/EDS cross-section micrographs of oxidized bare substrate Superni-718and (d)EDS analysis of oxidized bare Superni-718substrate.A.Rahman et al./Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 6257oxidized Co e Al coating at 500 C substrate temperature reveals (Fig.8(a))that the uppermost part of the scale has relatively higher content of Al (25.15at%)at point (1)and at point (2),scale has relatively higher content of Al (21.85at%)and Co (18.72at%),Cr (10.86at%)and Fe (10.05at%),Cr and Fe have diffused in to the coating from the substrate,while at point (3)i.e.coating-substrate interface,scale has Co (25.00at%)and Al (8.69at%),Cr (13.59at%)and Fe (13.33at%).Point (4)indicates substrate.Ni contents in scale are increasing towards the substrates from point (1)to point (3)continuously.Similarly cross-sectional EDS analysis of oxidized Co e Al coating at 700 C substrate temperature reveals (Fig.8(b))that the uppermost part of the scale has relatively higher content of Al (43.27at%)at point (1)and at point (2)scale has relativelyhigher content of Co (28.05at%),Al (27.31at%),Cr (4.63at%)and Fe (5.13at%),Cr and Fe have diffused in to the coating from the substrate.Point (3)represents the coating-substrate interface where,scale has Co (33.56at%),Al (21.80at%),Cr (5.43at%)and Fe (5.78at%).Point (4)represents substrate.In this oxidized coating also,Ni content is increasing towards the substrates from point (1)to point (3)continuously.Thus,EDS analysis indicates that Al content (43.27at%)in scale of oxidized Co e Al coating at 700 C substrate temperature is higher as compared to oxidized Co e Al coating at 500 C substrate temperature (25.15at%).It con firms the better oxidation resistance of the coatings deposited at 700 C as compared to that of the coatings deposited at 500 C.It is also con firmed by cross-sectional micrograph of scale in oxidized Co eAlFig.8.(a e b)FE-SEM cross-section micrographs and EDS analysis of oxide scale morphology across the cross-section of the Co e Al coatings on Superni-718deposited at different substrate temperatures (a)at 500 C and (b)at 700 C after oxidation at 900 C.A.Rahman et al./Materials Chemistry and Physics 138(2013)49e 6258。