High-resolution soft x-ray photoemission study of a Kondo semiconductor and related compoun
The camera,a device that captures moments in time,has evolved significantly over the years.From the early days of photography to the digital age,cameras have become an integral part of our lives,allowing us to document and share our experiences with others.History of the CameraThe cameras history dates back to the19th century with the invention of the first practical photographic process,the daguerreotype,by Louis Daguerre in1839.This was followed by the introduction of the calotype by William Henry Fox Talbot,which allowed for multiple copies of a negative to be made.Types of CamerasThere are several types of cameras available today,each with its unique features and uses:1.Digital Cameras:These are the most common type of camera today.They use digital technology to capture and store images,allowing for easy editing and sharing.2.Film Cameras:These cameras use film to capture images.They are still popular among photography enthusiasts for their unique aesthetic and the tactile experience of developing film.3.DSLR Cameras:Digital SingleLens Reflex cameras are popular among professional photographers for their highquality images and advanced features.4.Mirrorless Cameras:These cameras,like DSLRs,offer highquality images but without the mirror mechanism,making them lighter and more compact.5.Instant Cameras:Instant cameras,such as the Polaroid,produce a physical print of the photo immediately after it is taken,offering a nostalgic and tangible experience.Technological AdvancementsWith the advent of digital technology,cameras have become more sophisticated,offering features such as:HighResolution Sensors:These capture more detail in images,allowing for larger prints and better cropping flexibility.Image Stabilization:This feature reduces the effect of camera shake,resulting in sharper images.Autofocus Systems:Modern cameras have advanced autofocus systems that can track moving subjects and adjust focus quickly.Builtin Editing Tools:Many cameras come with builtin editing tools,allowingphotographers to adjust settings like exposure,contrast,and saturation directly on the camera.Photography TechniquesUnderstanding different photography techniques can enhance the quality of photos taken with a camera:Composition:Techniques like the rule of thirds,leading lines,and framing can make a photo more visually appealing.Lighting:Understanding how to use natural and artificial light can dramatically affect the mood and quality of a photo.Depth of Field:Controlling the depth of field can create a sense of depth or isolate a subject from the background.The Impact of Cameras on SocietyCameras have had a profound impact on society,influencing how we remember events, communicate,and express ourselves creatively.They have also played a crucial role in journalism,allowing for the documentation of historical moments and the sharing of stories from around the world.In conclusion,the camera is more than just a tool it is a medium through which we can capture and share our world.As technology continues to advance,the possibilities for creative expression through photography will only continue to expand.。
FLIR ONE Pro热成像仪产品介绍说明书
The FLIR ONE Pro gives you the power to find invisible problems faster than ever. Combining a higher-resolution thermal sensor able to measure temperatures up to 400 °C (752 °F)with powerful measurement tools and report generation capability, the FLIR ONE Pro will work as hard as you do. Its revolutionary VividIR ™ image processing lets you see more details and provide your customers with proof that you solved their problem right the first time. The updated design includes the revolutionary OneFit ™ adjustable connector to fit your phone, without taking the phone out of its compatible protective case. An improved FLIR ONE app lets you measure multiple temperatures or regions of interest at once and stream to your smartwatch for remote viewing. Whether you’re inspecting electrical panels, looking for HVAC problems, or finding water damage, the new FLIR ONE Pro is a tool no serious professional should be without.VividIR IMAGE PROCESSING See It & Solve It - Sharpest Mobile Thermal Imaging Performance Lets You Detect Problems with Precision and Accuracy, then Document Your Fix for the Customer• Most advanced image resolution enhancement detects the thermal details you need to find problems fast• With 160 x 120 thermal resolution, FLIR ONE Pro uses FLIR’s highest resolution micro thermal camera and can measure temperatures as high as 400 °C (752 °F)• FLIR MSX ® embosses visible edges from the 1440 x 1080 HD camera onto thermal imagery to create a sharper, easier to understand pictureOneFit CONNECTOR Leave Your Case On - Adjustable Connector Means You Don’t Have to Choose Between Thermal Vision and Safeguarding Your Device when Using Compatible Protective Cases • Adjust length of USB-C and Lightening connector up to an additional 4 mm • Reversible connectors for Android and iOS• Secure the FLIR ONE to your mobile device while keeping your phone safe HARD-WORKING APP Work Like a Pro - Work-Based Features IncludeAdvanced Capabilities for More ProfessionalProblem Solving and Functionality• Use multiple real-time spot meters and regions of interest• Access real-time thermal tips and tricks in the FLIR ONE app followed by professional reporting through FLIR Tools• See around corners and in awkward spaces by connecting to your Apple Watch or Android smartwatchFLIR ONE PRO ®Provided by: (800)404-ATECAdvanced Test Equipment Corp .®Rentals • Sales • Calibration • ServiceSpecificationsEquipment described herein is subject to US export regulations and may require a license prior to export. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited. Imagery for illustration purposes only. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2017 FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 06/06/1717-1746-OEM-FLIROne_Pro CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS FLIR Systems, Inc.27700 SW Parkway Ave.Wilsonville, OR 97070PH: +1 877.773.3547SANTA BARBARA FLIR Systems, Inc.6769 Hollister Ave.Goleta, CA 93117PH: +1 805.690.6600CHINA FLIR Systems Co., Ltd Room 502, West Wing, Hanwei Building No. 7 Guanghua Ave.Chaoyang District, Beijing 100004, China Phone: +86 10-59797755EUROPE FLIR Systems, Inc.Luxemburgstraat 22321 Meer Belgium PH: +32 (0) 3665 NASDAQ: FLIR。
mshotimage analysis system
mshotimage analysis system
MShot Image Analysis System是一个专业用于显微镜数码成像的应用系统。
在图像处理方面,MShot Image Analysis System具有多重拍摄功能,支持一次2-7帧图片多重拍摄,支持降噪及增强两种模式。
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AE CS4 中英对照特效3D Channel三维通道特效--3D chanel extract 提取三维通道--Depth matte 深度蒙版--Depth of field 场深度--ExtractoR 提取器--Fog 3D 3D雾化--ID Matte ID蒙版--Identifier 标识符Audio 音频特效--Backwards 倒播--Bass & treble 低音和高音--Delay 延迟--Flange & chorus 变调和合声--High-low pass高低音过滤--Modulator 调节器--Parametric EQ EQ参数--Reverb 回声--Stero mixer 立体声混合--Tone 音质Blur & Sharpen模糊与锐化特效--Bilateral Blur 双边模糊--Box blur方块模糊--CC Radial Blur 螺旋模糊--CC Radial Fast Blur 快速的放射模糊--CC Vector Blur 向量区域模糊--Channel blur通道模糊--Compound blur混合模糊--Directional blur方向模糊--Fast blur快速模糊--Gaussuan blur高斯模糊--Lens blur镜头虚化模糊--{Radial blur径向模糊--{Reduce interlace flicker降低交错闪烁--Sharpen锐化--Smart blur智能模糊--Unshart mask 反遮罩锐化--Channel通道特效--Alpha levels Alpha色阶--Arithmetic通道运算--Blend混合--Calculations融合计算--CC Composite 对自身进行混合模式处理--Channel combiner复合计算--Invert 反相--Minimax扩亮扩暗--Remove color matting删除蒙版颜色--Set channels设置通道--Set matte设置蒙版--Shift channels转换通道--Solid composite实体色融合Color correction 颜色校正特效--Auto color自动色彩调整--Auto contrast自动对比度--Auto levels自动色阶--Brightness & contrast亮度与对比度--Broadcast colors播放色--CC Color Offset RGB色谱调节--CC Toner 分别对阴影、中间色和高光色调进行替换--Change color 转换色彩--Change to color 颜色替换--Channel mixer通道混合--Color balance 色彩平衡--Color blance(HIS) 色彩平衡(HIS)--{Color link 色彩连接}--Color stabilizer 色彩平衡器--Colorama 彩光--Curves 曲线调整--*Equalize 均衡效果--Exposure 多次曝光--Gamma/pedestal/gain伽马/基色/增益--Hue/saturation 色相/饱和度--Leave color 退色--Levels (individual controls) 色阶(个体控制)--Photo Filter 照片过滤--PS arbitrary Map 映像遮罩--Shadow/highlight 阴影/高光--Tint 色度--Tritone 三阶色调整Distort扭曲特效--Bezier warp贝赛尔曲线弯曲--Bulge凹凸镜--CC Bend It 区域卷曲效果--CC Bender 层卷曲效果--CC Blobbylize 融化效果--CC Flo Motion 两点收缩变形--CC Griddler 网格状变形--CC Lens 鱼眼镜头效果,不如Pan Lens Flare Pro--CC Page Turn 卷页效果--CC Power Pin 带有透视效果的四角扯动工具,类似Distort/CornerPin --CC Ripple Pulse 扩散波纹变形,必需打关键帧才有效果--CC Slant 倾斜变形--CC Smear 涂抹变形--CC Split 简单的胀裂效果--CC Split 2 不对称的胀裂效果--CC Tiler 简便的电视墙效果--Corner pin边角定位--Displacement map置换遮罩--Liquify像素溶解变换--Magnify像素无损放大--Mesh warp液态变形--Mirror镜像--Offset位移--Optics compensation镜头变形--Polar coordinates标转换--Puppet木偶工具--Reshape形容--Ripple波纹--Smear涂抹--Spherize球面化--Transform变换}--Turbulent displace变形置换--Twirl扭转--{Warp歪曲边框--{Wave warp波浪变形Expression Controls表达式控制特效--Angel control角度控制--Aheckbox control检验盒控制--Color control色彩控制--Layer control层控制--Point control点控制--Slider control游标控制Generate 生成.渲染--4-ccolor gradient四角渐变--Advanced lightning高级闪电--Audio spectrum声谱---Audio waveform声波--Beam光束--CC Glue Gun 喷胶效果--CC Light Burst 2.5 光线缩放--CC Light Rays 光芒放射,加有变形效果--CC Light Sweep 过光效果--Cell pattern单元图案--Checkerboard棋盘格式--Circle圆环--Ellipse椭圆--Eyedropper fill滴管填充--Fill 填充--Fractal万花筒--Grid网格--Lens flare镜头光晕--Paint bucker颜料桶--Radio waves电波--Ramp渐变--Scribble涂抹--Stroke 描边--Vegas勾画--Write-on手写效果Keying 抠像特效--CC Simple Wire Removal 简单的去除钢丝工具,实际上是一种线状的模糊和替换效果--Color difference key色彩差抠像--Color key色彩抠像--Color range色彩范围--Difference matte差异蒙版--Extract 提取--Inner/outer key轮廓抠像--Keylight(1.2)--Linear color key线性色彩抠像--Luma key亮度抠像--Spill suppressor溢色抑制Matte 蒙版特效--Matte choker蒙版清除--Simple choker简单清除Noise & Grain 噪波和杂点特效--Add grain添加杂点--Dust & scratches杂点和划痕--Fractal noise不规则噪波--Match grain杂点匹配--Median中性--Noise噪波--Noise alpha alpha噪波--Noise HLS HLS噪波--Noise HLS auto 自动生成HLS噪波--Remove grain减弱杂点Obsolete旧版本特效--Basic 3D 基础三维--Basic text 基本文字--Lightning 闪电--Path text 路径文字Paint 绘画--Paint绘画工具--Vector paint矢量绘画-动态画笔perspective 透视特效--3D glasses立体眼镜--Bevel Alpha Alpha导角--Bevel edges 边缘导角--CC Cylineder 圆柱体贴图--CC Sphere 球化效果--CC Spotlight 点光源效果--Drop shadow 投影--Radial shadow放射状的投影Red Giant--RGS Grow BoundsSimulation 模拟仿真特效--Card dance碎片飘移--Caustics焦散--CC Ball Action小球状粒子化--CC Bubbles 气泡效果--CC Drizzle 雨打水面效果--CC Hair 毛发生成器(较慢)--CC Mr.Mercury 模仿水银流动--CC Particle Systems II 二维粒子运动--CC Particle World 三维粒子运动,优于Simulation/ParticlePlayground --CC Pixel Polly 画面破碎效果--CC Rain(下雨效果)--CC Scatterize 发散粒子化(类似于Stylize/Scatter)--CC Snow(飘雪效果)--CC Star Burst(模拟星团效果)--Foam泡沫--Particle playground 粒子场--Shatter爆碎,破碎--Wave world波纹抖动Stylize 风格化特效--Brush storkes画笔描边--Cartoon--CC Burn Film 胶片烧灼效果--CC Glass 玻璃透视效果--CC Kaleida 不错的万花筒效果--CC Mr Smoothie 像素溶解运动--CC RepeTile 多种方式的叠印效果--CC Threshold 简单的阈值工具--CC Threshold RGB RGB分色阈值--Color emboss彩色浮雕--Emboss浮雕--Find Edges查找边缘--Glow自发光-辉光--Mosaic马赛克--Motion tile运动拼贴--Posterize 多色调分离--Roughen edges粗糙边缘--Scatter 扩散--Strobe light 闪光灯--Texturize 纹理化--Threshold 对比度极限《Synthetic Aperture》--SA Color Finesse 2Text 文字特效--Numbers数字--Timecode时间码Time 时间特效--CC Force MotionBlur 强力运动模糊--CC Time Blend 带有动态模糊的帧融合--CC Time Blend FX 可自定义的帧融合--CC Wide Time 多重的帧融合效果--Echo重影--Psterize time招贴画--Time difference时间差异--Time displacement时间置换--Timewarp时间收缩Transition 过渡(转场特效)--Block dissolve快面溶解--Card wipe卡片擦除--CC Glass Wipe 融化过渡--CC Grid Wipe 纺锤形网格过渡--CC Image Wipe 亮度过渡(类似Transition/Gradient Wipe)--CC Jaws 锯齿状过渡--CC LightWipe 边缘加光过渡,带有变形效果--CC Radial Scale Wipe 带有边缘扭曲的圆孔过渡--CC Scale Wipe 扯动变形过渡--CC Twister 扭曲过渡--Gradient wipe渐变擦拭--Iris wipe星形擦拭--Linear wipe线性擦拭--Radial wipe径向擦拭--Venetian blinds百叶窗Utlity 实用特效--Cineon converter Cineon转换--Color profile converter色彩特性描述转换--Grow bounds范围增长--HDR compander HDR压缩扩展--HDR Highlight compression HDR高光压缩。
DS-2DF4220-DX(S6 316L) 2 MP 爆炸防护网络速度域摄像机说明书
DS-2DF4220-DX(S6/316L)2 MP Explosion-proof Network Speed DomeATEx:II 2 G Ex db IIC T6 GbII 2 D Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IECEx:Ex db IIC T6 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db⏹316L stainless steel⏹Supports H.265 video compression⏹Certificate No.: ATEX: SEV 20 ATEX 0415 X; IECEx: IECEx NEP 20.0018X ⏹20 × optical zoom, focal length 4.8 mm to 96 mm⏹ 2 MP 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS⏹120 dB WDR, 3D DNR⏹High quality imaging with high-perfomance sensor⏹DORIThe DORI (detect, observe, recognize, identify) distance gives the general idea of the camera ability to distinguish persons or objects within its field of view. It is calculated based on the camera sensor specification and the criteria given by EN 62676-4: 2015.DORI Detect Observe Recognize IdentifyDefinition25 px/m63 px/m125 px/m250 px/mDefinition1280 m (4198.4 ft)507.9 m (1665.9 ft)256 m (839.68 ft)128 m (419.84 ft)⏹SpecificationCameraImage Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination color: 0.005Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON) B/W: 0.001Lux @ (F1.6, AGC ON)Shutter Speed 1/1 s to 1/30000 sSlow Shutter yesDay & Night ICRDay/Night Switch autoBLC yesWDR 120dB WDRHLC yesFocus semi-auto, manual, auto3D DNR yesDefog yesRegional Exposure yesRegional Focus yesImage Settings saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpnessImage Parameters Switch yesWhite Balance auto, ATW, sodium lamp, fluorescent lamp, indoor, outdoor, MWB, Locked WB Digital Zoom 16 ×Optical Zoom 20 ×Privacy Mask up to 24 masksSNR >52dBGeneral Function mirror, password protection, watermark, IP address filterGain Control auto, manualLensFocal Length 4.8 mm to 96 mm, 20 × opticalZoom Speed approx.2.9 sFOV Horizontal field of view: 57.6° to 3.4° (wide-tele), Vertical field of view: 34.4° to 2° (wide-tele), Diagonal field of view: 64.5° to 3.9° (wide-tele)Aperture F1.6PTZMovement Range (Pan) 360° endless Movement Range (Tilt) 0° to 90° (Auto Flip)Pan Speed Configurable, from 0.1°/s to 160°/s, preset speed: 160°/s Tilt Speed Configurable, from 0.1°/s to 120°/s, Preset Speed: 120°/s Proportional Zoom yesPresets 300Patrol Scan 8 patrols, up to 32 presets for each patrolPattern Scan 4 pattern scans, record time over 10 minutes for each scan Power-off Memory yesPark Action Preset/Pattern Scan/Patrol Scan/Auto Scan/Tilt Scan/Random Scan/Frame Scan/Panorama Scan3D Positioning yes PTZ Status Display yes Preset Freezing yesScheduled Task preset,pattern scan,patrol scan,auto scan,tilt scan,random scan,frame scan,panorama scan,dome reboot,dome adjust,aux outputException Detection IP address conflict, HDD full, illegal login, HDD error, network disconnected VideoMax. Resolution 1920 × 1080Stream Type main stream, sub-stream, third streamMain Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Third Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Video Bit Rate 32 kbps to 16384 kbpsH.264 Type baseline profile, main profile, high profileH.265 Type main profileH.264+ yesH.265+ yesSVC yesROI yesSmart FeaturesBasic Event motion detection, video tampering alarm, alarm input, alarm output, exceptionSmart Event intrusion detection, line crossing detection, region entrance detection, region exiting detection, unattended baggage detection, object removal detection,face detectionAlarm Linkage Alarm actions, such as Preset, Patrol Scan, Pattern Scan, Memory Card Video Record, Trigger Recording, Notify Surveillance Center, Upload to FTP/Memory Card/NAS, Send Email, etc.Smart Encoding H.265+, H.264+, low bit rate, ROI, SVC Smart Tracking manual tracking, panorama tracking Smart Record ANR, Dual-VCANetworkNetwork Storage NAS (NFS, SMB/ CIFS), ANRProtocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, Qos, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP, RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, UDP, IGMP, ICMP, DHCP, PPPoE, Bonjour, Websocket, WebsocketsAPI Open-ended API, ISAPI,Hikvision SDK,Third-party management platform,Open Network Video InterfaceSimultaneous Live View Up to 20 channelsUser/Host Up to 32 users. 3 levels: Administrator, Operator and UserSecurity Measures User authentication (ID and PW), Host authentication (MAC address); HTTPS encryption; IEEE 802.1x port-based network access control; IP address filteringClient iVMS-4200, iVMS-4500, iVMS-5200, Hik-ConnectWeb Browser IE11, Chrome 57.0+, Firefox 52.0+, Safari 11+InterfaceOn-board Storage support microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cards, up to 256 GB Communication Interface RJ45, self-adaptive 10M/100M Ethernet portAlarm Input 1 alarm inputAlarm Output 1 alarm outputGeneralDimensions 264.2 mm × Φ184 mm (10.4" × Φ7.2")Demist yesCertificate No. IECEx: IECEx NEP 20.0018X ATEX: SEV 20 ATEX 0415 XPower DC9 V to 12 V, Max. 7 W; PoEOperating Conditions Temperature: -30°C to 60°C (-22°F to 140°F), Humidity: ≤ 95% Material SUS316L stainless steel with anti-corrosion surface spray treatment Weight Approx. 8 kg (17.64 lb.)Ex-mark ATEX: Ex II 2GD Ex db IIC T6 Gb /Ex tb IIIC T80℃Db IECEx: Ex db IIC T6 Gb /Ex tb IIIC T80℃DbApprovalEMC FCC (47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B);CE-EMC (EN 55032: 2015, EN 61000-3-2: 2019, EN 61000-3-3: 2013+A1:2019, EN 50130-4: 2011 +A1: 2014);RCM (AS/NZS CISPR 32: 2015);IC (ICES-003: Issue 7);KC (KN 32: 2015, KN 35: 2015)Safety UL (UL 62368-1);CB (IEC 62368-1:2014+A11);CE-LVD (EN 62368-1:2014/A11:2017);BIS (IS 13252(Part 1):2010/ IEC 60950-1 : 2005)Protection IP68, TVS 6000V Lightning Protection, Surge Protection and Voltage Transient ProtectionAvailable Model DS-2DF4220-DX(S6/316L)⏹⏹Dimension⏹Accessory⏹IncludedDS-1772ZJ-ED2-AC⏹Typical ApplicationHikvision products are classified into three levels according to their anti-corrosion performance. Refer to the following description to choose for your using environment.This model has TOP-LEVEL PROTECTION.LevelDescriptionTop-level protectionHikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where professional anti-corrosion protection is a must. Typical application scenarios include coastlines, docks, chemical plants, and more.Moderate protectionHikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas with moderate anti-corrosion demands. Typical application scenarios include coastal areas about 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) away from coastlines, as well as areas affected by acid rain.No specific protectionHikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where no specific anti-corrosion protection is needed.⏹OptionalDS-2780ZJ-X/316L(OS) DS-2781ZJ-X/316L(OS)DS-1677ZJ-XS-1.0(DY)。
• 720p HD images up to 30 fps• Super high resolution at HD / 1,280 x 720 created by 2.4 Megapixel high sensitivity MOS image sensor• Multiple H.264 (High profile) streams and JPEG streams ensure simultaneous real time monitoring and high resolution recording by “UniPhier ®”, Panasonic’s proprietary System LSI platform.• Full frame (Up to 30 fps) transmission at 1,280 x 960 image size • 45x HD extra optical zoom at 1,280 x 720 (30x optical zoom) 90x extra optical zoom at 640x360 resolution with 12x digital zoom enabling 1080x zoom.• Super Dynamic and ABS (Adaptive Black Stretch) technologies deliver 128x wider dynamic range compared to conventional cameras.• Face Super Dynamic technology ensures clear face image.• High sensitivity with Day/Night (ICR*) function: 0.3 lx (Color), 0.04 lx (B/W) at F1.6 *ICR: IR Cut filter Removal• VIQS (Variable Image Quality on Specified area) technology allows the designated 2 areas to retain higher image quality while the excluded area will have a decreased image quality, which enables to use lower image file size and bit rate.VIQS can be set on preset position (1 to 8) and except preset.• Digital Noise Reduction: 3D-DNR ensures noise reduction in various conditions.• Progressive scan ensures clear images with less motion blur and no tearing even when the subject is moving.• Electronic sensitivity enhancement: Auto (Up to 16x) / OFF • Selectable light control modes:Outdoor scene / Indoor scene (50 Hz) / Indoor scene (60 Hz) / Fix shutter Indoor scene (50 Hz / 60 Hz): Flicker causedby fluorescent lightning will be automatically compensated.• 360 degrees endless Panning• Advanced auto tracking: The camera automatically pans and tilts to follow a moving subject and keep it in the center of the image.• PTZ control can be taken very smoothly on the user friendly GUI with 16 speeds pan/tilt and “Drag and Zoom” operation enabling finer control. 256 speeds available for system with WV-CU950 system controller.• Up to 256 preset positions• 360 map shot: 8 thumbnail images at 45 deg. intervals make it simple to direct the camera easily by clicking on a thumbnail.• Industrial grade Pan / Tilt / Zoom mechanism for high reliability• VMD (Video Motion Detection) with 4 programmable detection areas, 15 steps sensitivity level and 10 steps detection size• Privacy Zone can mask up to 32 private areas, such as house windows and entrances/exits.• Camera title display: Up to 20 alphanumeric characters on the browser• Alarm sources including 3 terminal input, VMD and Panasonic alarm command can trigger actions such as SDXC/SDHC/SD memory recording, FTP image transfer, E-mail notification, Indication on browser, Alarm terminal output, and Panasonic alarm protocol output.• Full duplex bi-directional audio allows interactive communication between camera site and monitoring site.• JPEG Image compression ratio can be changed by alarm so that higher quality image can be provided.• Prioritized stream control: One of the video streams can be prioritized when multiple recorders or client PCs are accessing the camera so that the recorder or the client PC can maintain the frame rate.• SDXC/SDHC/SD Memory card slot for manual recording (H.264 / JPEG), alarm recording (H.264 / JPEG) and backup upon network failure (H.264 / JPEG) • H.264 max. bit rate / client and Total bit rate control allows flexible network traffic management. Frame rate priority mode controls bit rate and compression ratio to provide the specified frame rate.• Internet mode: H.264 images can be transmitted over HTTP protocol.• Multi-language: English / Italian / French / German / Spanish / Portuguese / Russian / Chinese / Japanese • IPv4/IPv6 protocol supported• Supports SSL, DDNS (viewnetcam, RFC2136)• Still images (JPEG) can be viewed on mobile phones via Internet.• Onvif compliant model• IP66 rated water and dust resistant. Compatible with IEC60529 measurement standard compliant.• Dehumidification device for use in various weather conditions • Rain wash coating dome cover• Ambient Operating Temperature : -50 °C to +55 °C ( -58 °F to 131 °F )• Fog compensation function equipped as standard.• AEM (Auto Eyelid Mechanism) offers images that are more natural and easy to watch reducing doubled images when direction of the lens moved above the horizontal.HD / 1,280 x 720 H.264 Weather Proof Camera featuring 45x HD extra optical zoom and Super DynamicKey FeaturesSuper Dynamic Weather Resistant HD PTZ Dome Network CameraWV-SW397A(Rain Wash Coating Model)Trademarks and registered trademarks– Microsoft, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.– iPad, iPhone and iPod touch are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.– Android is a trademark of Google Inc.– UniPhier is a registered trademark of Panasonic Corporation.– "MEGA Super Dynamic", "i-PRO SmartHD" logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Panasonic Corporation.– ONVIF and the ONVIF logo are trademarks of ONVIF Inc.Important– Safety Precaution: Carefully read the Important Information, Installation Guide and operating instructions before using this product.– Panasonic cannot be responsible for the performance of the network and/or other manufacturers' products used on the network.• Masses and dimensions are approximate. • Specifications are subject to change without notice.SpecificationsSDXC/SDHC/SDMemory Card (Option)Cellular Phone Compatibility Mobile Terminal Compatibility Alarm Source Alarm ActionsAlarm LogScheduleH.264 recording (Audio recording is enable): Manual REC / Alarm REC (Pre/Post) /Schedule REC / Backup upon network failure JPEG recording: Manual REC / Alarm REC (Pre/Post) / Backup upon network failureCompatible SD (SDHC/SDXC) card: Panasonic2 GB, 4 GB*, 8 GB*, 16 GB*, 32 GB*, 64GB** model *SDHC card, ** SDXC card (except miniSD card and microSD card) JPEG image, panning/ tilting/ zoom/ focus control, AUX control (by access level)iPad, iPhone, iPod touch (iOS 4.2.1 or later) Android mobile terminals3 terminals input, VMD, Command alarm, Audio detection SDXC/SDHC/SD memory recording, E-mail notification,Indication on browser, FTP image transfer, Panasonic protocol output With SDXC / SDHC / SD memory card: 5,000 logs, without SDXC / SDHC / SD memory card: 1,000 logsAlarm / VMD / Access permission / H.264 recording / Audio detection Monitor Output (for adjustment) Microphone/Line InputAudio OutputExternal I/O Terminals Safety/EMC StandardPower Source and Power Consumption Ambient Operating TemperatureAmbient Operating Humidity Shock ResistanceWater and Dust Resistance DimensionsMass (approx.) FinishVBS : 1.0V[p-p] / 75Ω,NTSC / PAL composite, BNC JackMIC IN and Line IN are selectable. ø3.5 mm stereo mini jack (monaural input) (Applicable microphone: Plug-in power type) Supply voltage: 2.5 V ±0.5 V Input impedance: approx. 2 kΩ ø3.5 mm stereo mini jack (monaural output) Line levelALARM IN 1 (DAY/NIGHT IN), ALARM IN 2 (ALARM OUT), ALARM IN 3 (AUX OUT) AC24 V : 3.5 A, 55 WPoE+ DC54 V: 470 mA, 25 W (IEEE802.3at compliant)POE Injector (60 W) DC54 V : 1.0 A, 50 WAC24 V and Tested PoE Injector (60 W) : –50 °C to +55 °C (-58 °F to 131 °F) * with limitations POE+ : –30°C to +55°C (–22 °F to 131 °F) Less than 90 % (no condensation)Compliant with IK10 (IEC62262)Main body : IP66 (IEC60529) compliantø229 mm x 392 mm(H) {ø9-1/32 inches x 15-7/16 inches(H)} diameter of the dome 160 mm(6-5/16 inches) Approx. 5.0 kg { 11.02 lbs}Main body : Aluminum die cast, Natural silver Sunshields : ASA resin coating, Natural silverDome section : Clear polycarbonate resin (Rain wash coating)<Safety>UL (UL60950-1), C-UL (CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950-1), CE, IEC60950-1<EMC>FCC Part15 Class A, ICES-003 Class A, EN55022 Class B, EN55024*1 Converted value*2 For further information about PC system requirements and precautions for when using Microsoft ® Windows ® 8.1,Microsoft ® Windows ® 8, Microsoft ® Windows ® 7, Microsoft ® Windows Vista ®, or Windows Internet Explorer, click“Manual” - “Open” from the supplied CD-ROM and refer to “Notes on Windows ® / Internet Explorer ® versions”.*3 AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) is only used when recording audio on an SD memory card.*4 Transmission for 2 streams can be individually set.NetworkAlarmInput/OutputGeneralImage Sensor Effective Pixels Scanning Mode Scanning AreaMinimum IlluminationWhite BalanceLight Control ModeShutter SpeedSuper DynamicFace Super Dynamic Adaptive Black Stretch Fog compensation Gain (AGC)Electronic Sensitivity UP Day & Night (ICR)Digital Noise Reduction Video Motion Detection Privacy Zone Image Stabilizer VIQSDouble Image Reduction Camera Title (OSD) Focus distance Focal Length Zoom RatioDigital (Electrical) Zoom Angular Field of ViewMaximum Aperture Ratio Focusing Range Aperture RangePanning RangePanning SpeedTilting RangeTilting SpeedProportional Pan/Tilt Control Number of Preset Positions Auto Mode Image HoldPTZ Position Display Self Return Map Shot4.3 mm - 129.0 mm {3/16 inches - 5-3/32 inches} 30x / 45x with HD extra optical zoom (at 1280 x 720)12x (Max. 1080x combined with extra optical zoom at 640 x 360) H: 2.6° (TELE) - 64.6° (WIDE), V: 1.6° (TELE) - 38.2° (WIDE) ([16:9] mode)*H: 1.4° (TELE) - 44.4° (WIDE), V: 1.1° (TELE) - 33.8° (WIDE) ([4:3]mode)1 : 1.6 (WIDE) - 4.7 (TELE) 2.0 m - ∞ F1.6 - Close 360° endlessManual: approx. 0.065°/s to 120°/s, Up to 256 steps (depending on the controller)Preset : up to approx. 300°/s–15° to 195° (upward-level-downward)Auto Eyelid Mechanism (Double image reduction)Selectable tilting angle: 0° / –5°/ –10° / –15Manual: approx. 0.065°/s to 120°/s, Preset: up to approx. 300°/s Yes 256Auto track/ Auto pan/ Preset sequence/ 360 map-shot/ Patrol On / Off On / Off10 s / 20 s / 30 s / 1 min / 2 min / 3 min / 5 min / 10 min / 20 min / 30 min / 60 min 360° map shot / Preset map shotCamera ControlDisplay ModeCamera Title Clock Display Alarm Control One Shot Capture AudioSD Memory Data Download GUI/Setup Menu LanguageSystem Log Supported OS *2Supported BrowserImage Resolution H.264 *4JPEGImage Capture Mode:16:9H.264 : 1,280 x 720 / 640 x 360 / 320 x 180, up to 30 fps JPEG (MJPEG): 1,280 x 720 / 640 x 360 / 320 x 180, up to 30 fps 10Base-T / 100Base-TX, RJ45 connectorH.264 : 1,280 x 960 / 800 x 600 / 640 x 480 / 320 x 240, up to 30 fps JPEG (MJPEG): 1,280 x 960 / 800 x 600 / 640 x 480 / 320 x 240, up to 30 fps Network IF Audio Compression Audio ModeAuthentication for Audio Total Bit RateSupported ProtocolFTP ClientMaximum concurrent access numberPan/Tilt (256 steps), Zoom, Focus, Click centering, Drag zoom, Iris,Preset position call and program, Auto modeSpot, Quad: Image from 16 cameras can be displayed in 4 different Quad screens or 16 split screen (JPEG only). 20 characters camera title available.Up to 20 alphanumeric charactersTime: 12H/24H, Date: 5 formats on the browser, Summer time (Manual)ResetA still picture will be displayed on a newly opened window.Mic (Line) Input: On / Off Volume adjustment : Low / Middle / High Audio Output : On / Off Volume adjustment : Low / Middle / High Still or motion Images recorded in the SDXC/SDHC/SD memory card can be downloaded. English / Italian / French / German / Spanish / Portuguese / Russian / Chinese / Japanese Up to 100 (Internal)Up to 4,000 (SDXC/SDHC/SD memory when the recording format is set to JPEG.) error logs Microsoft ® Windows ® 8.1,Microsoft ® Windows ® 8, Microsoft ® Windows ® 7, Microsoft ® Windows Vista ®, Microsoft ® Windows ® XP SP3Windows ® Internet Explorer ® 11 (32 bit), Windows ® Internet Explorer ® 10 (32 bit), Windows ® Internet Explorer ® 9 (32 bit), Windows ® Internet Explorer ® 8(32 bit),Windows ® Internet Explorer ® 7 (32 bi t)Approx.1/3 type MOS image sensor Approx. 2.4 mega pixels Progressive scan5.38 mm (H ) x 3.02 mm (V ) {7/32 inches(H) x 1/8 inches(V)}Color: 0.3 lx, BW: 0.04 lx (F1.6, Auto slow shutter: Off (1/30s), Gain: On(High))Color: 0.019 lx, BW: 0.003 lx (F1.6, Auto slow shutter: Max. 16/30s, Gain: On(High)) *1AWC (2,000 - 10,000 K), ATW1 (2,700 - 6,000 K), ATW2 (2,000 - 6,000 K)Outdoor scene: Automatic integration of ALC and ELCIndoor scene [50 Hz]: Automatic integration of ALC and ELC (up to 1/100 s)Indoor scene [60 Hz]: Automatic integration of ALC and ELC (up to 1/120 s)Fix shutterFix shutter: 1/30, 3/100, 3/120, 2/100, 2/120, 1/100, 1/120, 1/250,1/500, 1/1,000, 1/2,000, 1/4,000, 1/10,000 (only at Super Dynamic Off) On / OffOn / Off (Only when Super Dynamic: On) On / Off (Only when Super Dynamic: Off) On / OffOn (Low, Mid, High) / OffOFF / AUTO (Max. 2x (2/30 s), 4x (4/30 s), 6x (6/30 s), 10x (10/30 s), 16x (16/30 s)) Mode: AUTO1 / AUTO2 / AUTO3 / On / Off, Level: High / Low, with external control High / Low4 areas, Sensitivity: 15 steps, Detection size: 10 steps Up to 8 zones / Up to 32 zones, Gray / Mosaic On / OffUp to 2 zones at preset position 1-8 and except preset On / OffUp to 20 characters (alphanumeric characters, marks) Limited / UnlimitedImage Capture Mode:4:3Transmission Mode Frame Rate Bit Rate/ClientImage Quality Refresh Interval Transmission Type Image Quality Refresh Interval Transmission TypeConstant bitrate / Frame rate priority / Best effort /Advanced VBR 1 / 3 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12 / 15 / 20 / 30 fps64 / 128 / 256 / 384 / 512 / 768 / 1,024 / 1,536 / 2,048 / 3,072 / 4,096 / 6,144 / 8,192 kbps Low / Normal / Fine0.2 / 0.25 / 0.33 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 s Unicast / Multicast 10 steps0.1 fps to 30 fps Pull / PushG.726 (ADPCM) 32 kbps / 16 kbps, G.711 64 kbps, AAC *3Off / Mic (Line) input / Audio output / Interactive (Half duplex) / Interactive (Full duplex) Level 1 only / Level 2 higher / All users64 / 128 / 256 / 384 / 512 / 768 / 1,024 / 2,048 / 4,096 / 8,192 kbps / Unlimited IPv6: TCP/IP, UDP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, RTSP, RTP, RTP/RTCP, FTP, SMTP, DNS, NTP, SNMP, DHCPv6, ICMP, ARPIPv4: TCP/IP, UDP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, RTSP, RTP, RTP/RTCP,FTP, SMTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, SNMP, UPnP, IGMP, ICMP, ARP Alarm image transmission, FTP periodic transmission (When the FTP transmission is failed, backup on an optional SDXC/SDHC/SD memory card is available. ) Up to 14 users (Depends on network conditions)CameraLensPan and Tilt Browser GUINetworkDISTRIBUTED BY:/PanasonicNetworkCamera(2A-146AL)。
合格用FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 HD安防摄像头说明书
u1080p resolution for sharp imagesu Easy to install with auto zoom/focus lens, wizardand pre-configured modesu Fully configurable quad streamingu IR version with 15 m (50 ft) viewing distanceu Regions of interest and E-PTZThe HD indoor dome cameras from Bosch areprofessional surveillance cameras that provide highquality HD images for demanding security andsurveillance network requirements. These domes aretrue day/night cameras offering excellent performanceday or night.There is a version with a built-in active infraredilluminator that provides high performance in extremelow-light environments.System overviewEasy to install stylish indoor domeIdeal for indoor use, the stylish design is suitable forinstallations where appearance and flexible coverageare important. The varifocal lens allows you to choosethe coverage area to best suit your application. Usingthe proprietary pan/tilt/rotation mechanism, installerscan select the exact field of view. Mounting optionsare numerous, including surface, wall, and suspended-ceiling mounting.The automatic zoom/focus lens wizard makes it easyfor an installer to accurately zoom and focus thecamera for both day and night operation. The wizard isactivated from the PC or from the on-board camerapush button making it easy to choose the workflowthat suits best.The AVF (Automatic Varifocal) feature means that thezoom can be changed without opening the camera.The automatic motorized zoom/focus adjustment with1:1 pixel mapping ensures the camera is alwaysaccurately focused.FunctionsIntelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction reducesbandwidth and storage requirementsThe camera uses Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reductionwhich actively analyzes the contents of a scene andreduces noise artifacts accordingly.The low-noise image and the efficient H.264compression technology provide clear images whilereducing bandwidth and storage by up to 50%compared to other H.264 cameras. This results inreduced-bandwidth streams that still retain a highimage quality and smooth motion. The cameraprovides the most usable image possible by cleverlyoptimizing the detail-to-bandwidth ratio.Area-based encodingArea-based encoding is another feature which reduces bandwidth. Compression parameters for up to eight user-definable regions can be set. This allows uninteresting regions to be highly compressed, leaving more bandwidth for important parts of the scene. Bitrate optimized profileThe average typical optimized bandwidth in kbits/s for various image rates is shown in the table:Multiple streamsThe innovative multi-streaming feature delivers various H.264 streams together with an M‑JPEG stream. These streams facilitate bandwidth-efficient viewing and recording as well as integration with third-party video management systems.Depending on the resolution and frame rate selected for the first stream, the second stream provides a copy of the first stream or a lower resolution stream.The third stream uses the I-frames of the first stream for recording; the fourth stream shows a JPEG image at a maximum of 10 Mbit/s.Regions of interest and E-PTZRegions of Interest (ROI) can be user defined. The remote E-PTZ (Electronic Pan, Tilt and Zoom) controls allow you to select specific areas of the parent image. These regions produce separate streams for remote viewing and recording. These streams, together with the main stream, allow the operator to separately monitor the most interesting part of a scene while still retaining situational awareness.Built-in microphone, two-way audio and audio alarm The camera has a built-in microphone to allow operators to listen in on the monitored area. Two-way audio allows the operator to communicate with visitors or intruders via an external audio line input and output. Audio detection can be used to generate an alarm if needed.If required by local laws, the microphone can be permanently blocked via a secure license key. Tamper and motion detectionA wide range of configuration options is available for alarms signaling camera tampering. A built-in algorithm for detecting movement in the video can also be used for alarm signaling.Storage managementRecording management can be controlled by the Bosch Video Recording Manager (VRM) or the camera can use iSCSI targets directly without any recording software.Edge recordingThe MicroSD card slot supports up to 2 TB of storage capacity. A microSD card can be used for local alarm recording. Pre-alarm recording in RAM reduces recording bandwidth on the network, or — if microSD card recording is used — extends the effective life of the storage medium.Cloud-based servicesThe camera supports time-based or alarm-based JPEG posting to four different accounts. These accounts can address FTP servers or cloud-based storage facilities (for example, Dropbox). Video clips or JPEG images can also be exported to these accounts.Alarms can be set up to trigger an e-mail or SMS notification so you are always aware of abnormal events.Easy installationPower for the camera can be supplied via a Power-over-Ethernet compliant network cable connection. With this configuration, only a single cable connection is required to view, power, and control the camera. Using PoE makes installation easier and more cost-effective, as cameras do not require a local power source.The camera can also be supplied with power from+12 VDC power supplies.For trouble-free network cabling, the camera supports Auto-MDIX which allows the use of straight or cross-over cables.True day/night switchingThe camera incorporates mechanical filter technology for vivid daytime color and exceptional night-time imaging while maintaining sharp focus under all lighting conditions.Hybrid modeAn analog video output enables the camera to operate in hybrid mode. This mode provides simultaneous high resolution HD video streaming and an analog video output via an SMB connector. The hybrid functionality offers an easy migration path from legacy CCTV to a modern IP-based system.Access securityPassword protection with three levels and 802.1x authentication is supported. To secure Web browser access, use HTTPS with a SSL certificate stored in the camera.Complete viewing softwareThere are many ways to access the camera’s features: using a web browser, with the Bosch Video Management System, with the free-of-chargeBosch Video Client or Video Security Client, with the video security mobile app, or via third-party software. Video security appThe Bosch video security mobile app has been developed to enable Anywhere access to HD surveillance images allowing you to view live images from any location. The app is designed to give you complete control of all your cameras, from panning and tilting to zoom and focus functions. It’s like taking your control room with you.This app, together with the separately available Bosch transcoder, will allow you to fully utilize our dynamic transcoding features so you can play back images even over low-bandwidth connections.System integrationThe camera conforms to the ONVIF Profile S, ONVIF Profile Q and ONVIF Profile G specifications. Compliance with these standards guarantees interoperability between network video products regardless of manufacturer.Third-party integrators can easily access the internal feature set of the camera for integration into large projects. Visit the Bosch Integration Partner Program (IPP) website () for more information.HD standardsComplies with the SMPTE 274M-2008 Standard in:–Resolution: 1920x1080–Scan: Progressive–Color representation: complies with ITU-R BT.709–Aspect ratio: 16:9–Frame rate: 25 and 30 frames/sComplies with the SMPTE 296M-2001 Standard in:–Resolution: 1280x720–Scan: Progressive–Color representation: complies with ITU-R BT.709–Aspect ratio: 16:9–Frame rate: 25 and 30 frames/sInstallation/configuration notesDimensions mm (inch)Parts included•Camera•Screw kit•Installation documentation Technical specificationsSensitivity – (3200K, reflectivity 89%, F1.3, 30IRE)Ordering informationFLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 HDProfessional IP dome camera for indoor HD surveillance. Varifocal 3 to 10 mm f1.3 lens; IDNR; day/ night; H.264 quad-streaming; cloud services; motion/ tamper/audio detection; microphone; 1080pOrder number NIN-51022-V3FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 IRProfessional IP dome camera for indoor HD surveillance. Varifocal 3 to 10 mm f1.3 lens; IDNR; day/ night; H.264 quad-streaming; cloud services; motion/ tamper/audio detection; microphone; 1080p; infrared Order number NII-51022-V3FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 HDProfessional IP dome camera for indoor HD surveillance. Automatic Varifocal 3 to 10 mm f1.3 lens; DC iris; IDNR; day/night; H.264 quad-streaming; cloud services; motion/tamper/audio detection; microphone; 1080pOrder number NIN-50022-A3FLEXIDOME IP indoor 5000 IRProfessional IP dome camera for indoor HD surveillance. Automatic Varifocal 3 to 10 mm f1.3 lens; DC iris; IDNR; day/night; H.264 quad-streaming; cloud services; motion/tamper/audio detection; microphone; 1080p; infraredOrder number NII-50022-A3AccessoriesNDA-LWMT-DOME Dome Wall MountSturdy wall L-shaped bracket for dome cameras Order number NDA-LWMT-DOMENDA-ADTVEZ-DOME Dome Adapter BracketAdapter bracket (used together with appropriate wall or pipe mount, or surface mount box)Order number NDA-ADTVEZ-DOMEVEZ-A2-WW Wall MountWall mount (Ø145/149 mm) for dome cameras (use together with appropriate dome adapter bracket); whiteOrder number VEZ-A2-WWVEZ-A2-PW Pipe MountPendant pipe mount (Ø145/149 mm) for dome cameras (use together with appropriate dome adapter bracket); whiteOrder number VEZ-A2-PWLTC 9213/01 Pole Mount AdapterFlexible pole mount adapter for camera mounts (use together with the appropriate wall mount bracket). Max. 9 kg (20 lb); 3 to 15 inch diameter pole; stainless steel strapsOrder number LTC 9213/01NDA-FMT-DOME In-ceiling mountIn-ceiling flush mounting kit for dome cameras(Ø157 mm)Order number NDA-FMT-DOMENDA-ADT4S-MINDOME 4S Surface Mount BoxSurface mount box (Ø145 mm / Ø5.71 in) for dome cameras (use together with the appropriate dome adapter bracket).Order number NDA-ADT4S-MINDOMEMonitor/DVR Cable SMB 0.3M0.3 m (1 ft) analog cable, SMB (female) to BNC (female) to connect camera to coaxial cableOrder number NBN-MCSMB-03MMonitor/DVR Cable SMB 3.0M3 m (9 ft) analog cable, SMB (female) to BNC (male) to connect camera to monitor or DVROrder number NBN-MCSMB-30MNPD-5001-POE Midspan PoE InjectorPower-over-Ethernet midspan injector for use with PoE enabled cameras; 15.4 W, 1-portOrder number NPD-5001-POENPD-5004-POE Midspan PoE InjectorPower-over-Ethernet midspan injectors for use with PoE enabled cameras; 15.4 W, 4-portsOrder number NPD-5004-POERepresented by:North America:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:Latin America and Caribbean:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.203 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2016 | Data subject to change without notice 188****8507|en,V9,01.Jun2016。
DS-2XE68x5G0-IZHSHigh Resolution Explosion-Proof Network Bullet Camera Series● 2 MP or 8 MP High Resolution Options ● 2.8 mm to 12 mm or 8 mm to 32 mm Lens Option ● 120 dB Wide Dynamic Range ● H.265, H.265+, H.264, H.264+ ● On-Board Storage up to 256 GB● ATEX: Ex II 2 G D Ex db IIC T6 Gb/Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IP68 ● IECEx: Ex db IIC T6 Gb/Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IP68 ● UL(Zone): Class I, Zone 1, AEx db IIC T6 Zone 21, AEx tb IIIC T80°C ● cUL(Zone): Ex db IIC T6 Gb X Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db X ● UL/cUL (Division): Class I, Division 2, Groups A,B,C and D,T6; Class II, Division 2, Groups F and G,T80°CHikvision’s DS-2XE68x5G0-IZHS Explosion-ProofNetwork Bullet Camera Series feature 2 MP or8 MP resolution and 2.8 mm to 12 mm or 8 mm to32 mm Lens options. On-board storage of up to256 GB via a microSD card offers addedfunctionality. H.265, H.265+, H.264, and H.264+video compression options saves storage space and bandwidth.Available ModelsDS-2XE6825G0-IZHS (2.8 mm to 12 mm): 2 MP DS-2XE6825G0-IZHS (8 mm to 32 mm): 2 MP DS-2XE6885G0-IZHS (2.8 mm to 12 mm): 8 MP DS-2XE6885G0-IZHS (8 mm to 32 mm): 8 MPSpecificationsDS-2XE6825G0-IZHSDS-2XE6885G0-IZHSCamera Image Sensor1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS 1/2" progressive scan CMOS Minimum Illumination 2.8 to 12 mm Color: 0.012 lux @ (ƒ/1.4, AGC on), B/W: 0.0012 lux @ (ƒ/1.4, AGC on), 0 lux with IR 8 to 32 mmColor: 0.018 lux @ (ƒ/1.7, AGC on), B/W: 0.0018 lux @ (ƒ/1.7, AGC on), 0 lux with IR Shutter Speed 1s to 1/100,000 s Slow Shutter YesDay/NightIR cut filter WDR 120 dBLens Lens Type Varifocal lens, 2.8 mm to 12 mm or 8 mm to 32 mm lens Auto-IrisDC drive Aperture2.8 mm to 12 mmƒ/1.4ƒ/1.7, constant ƒ/1.7 throughout the zoom range 8 mm to 32 mmFocusAuto, semi-auto, manualFOV2.8 mm to 12 mm Horizontal FOV 115° to 42°, vertical FOV 59° to 24°, diagonal FOV 141° to 48° Horizontal FOV 112° to 41°, vertical FOV 58° to 23°,diagonal FOV 137° to 47°8 mm to 32 mm Horizontal FOV 43° to 15°, vertical FOV 23° to 9°, diagonal FOV 50° to 17° Horizontal FOV 42° to 15°, vertical FOV 23° to 8°,diagonal FOV 49° to 17°Lens MountIntegrated IlluminatorIR Range Up to 330 ft (100 m) Wavelength 850 nmVideoMaximum Resolution 1920 × 10803840 × 2160 Video Streams 5 defined streamsMain Stream 50 Hz 50 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) 25 fps (3840 × 2160, 3072 × 1728, 2560 × 1440,1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720)60 Hz 60 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) 30 fps (3840 × 2160, 3072 × 1728, 2560 × 1440,1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) Sub-Stream50 Hz 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480)60 Hz 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480)Third Stream50 Hz 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480)60 Hz 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 ×720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480) Fourth Stream50 Hz 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480)60 Hz 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480) Fifth Stream50 Hz 25 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480)60 Hz 30 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480) Video CompressionMain stream H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264 Sub stream H.265/H.264/MJPEGThird stream H.265/H.264/MJPEGFourth stream H.265/H.264/MJPEG Fifth stream H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.264 Type Baseline Profile/Main Profile/High ProfileH.264+ Main stream supports H.265 Type Main profileH.265+ Main stream supports Video Bit Rate 32 Kbps to 16 MbpsSVC H.265 and H.264 support AudioAudio Compression G.711/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCMAudio Bit Rate 64 Kbps (G.711)/16 Kbps (G.722.1)/16 Kbps (G.726)/32–192 Kbps (MP2L2)Environment Noise Filtering YesAudio Sampling Rate 8 kHz/16 kHz/32 kHz/44.1 kHz/48 kHzSmart FeaturesSmart Event Line crossing detection, up to 4 lines configurable Intrusion detection, up to 4 regions configurableRegion entrance detection, up to 4 regions configurableRegion exiting detection, up to 4 regions configurableUnattended baggage detection, up to 4 regions configurable Object removal detection, up to 4 regions configurableScene change detection, audio exception detection, defocus detectionBasic Event Motion detection, video tampering alarm, exception (network disconnected, IP address conflict,illegal login, HDD full, HDD error)Face Capture Detects up to 40 faces simultaneouslyHard Hat Detection Detects up to 30 human targets simultaneouslySupports up to 4 shield regionsLinkage Method Upload to FTP/NAS/memory card, notify surveillance center, send e-mail, trigger alarm output,trigger recording, trigger captureRegion of Interest 4 fixed regions for main stream, sub stream, and third stream, and dynamic face trackingSpecifications (continued)DS-2XE6825G0-IZHSDS-2XE6885G0-IZHSImageImage EnhancementBLC, HLC, defog, EIS, distortion correction, 3D DNRImage Settings Saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, AGC, and white balance are adjustable by client software or Web browser Target Cropping YesDay/Night Switch Day/Night/Auto/Schedule/Triggered by alarm inPicture OverlayLogo picture can be overlaid on video with 128 × 128 24-bit bmp formatNetwork Network StorageSupports microSD/SDHC/SDXC card (256 GB), local storage, and NAS (NFS, SMB/CIFS), ANRIf used with a Hikvision high-end class memory card 1, memory card encryption and health detection are supportedProtocolsTCP/IP, ICMP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, RTCP, PPPoE, NTP, UPnP, SMTP, SNMP, IGMP, 802.1x, QoS, IPv6, UDP, Bonjour, SSL/TLS API ONVIF (PROFILE S, PROFILE G), ISAPI, SDKSecurityPassword protection, complicated password, HTTPS encryption, 802.1x authentication (EAP-MD5), watermark, IP address filter, basic and digest authentication for HTTP/HTTPS, WSSE and digest authentication for ONVIF, TLS1.2 Simultaneous Live ViewUp to 20 channelsUser/HostUp to 32 users. 3 user levels: administrator, operator, and user ClientiVMS-4200, Hik-Connect, HikCentral Web BrowserPlug-in required live view: IE8–11Plug-in free live view: Mozilla Firefox 52+InterfaceCommunication Interface1 RJ-45 10M/100M self-adaptive Ethernet port, optical interface FC RS-485 (half duplex, HIKVISION, Pelco-P, Pelco-D, self-adaptive) Audio 1 line in/outAlarm1 input, 1 output (maximum 24 VDC, 1 A or 110 VAC 500 mA) Interface StyleConnector panelVideo Out1Vp-p composite output (75 Ω/CVBS)On-Board StorageBuilt-in microSD/SDHC/SDXC slot, up to 256 GBGeneralFirmware VersionV5.5.96Web Client Language 32 languages: English, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak, French, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Croatian,Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian,Portuguese (Brazil)General Function Anti-flicker, heartbeat, mirror, privacy mask, pixel counterReset Reset via reset button on camera body, Web browser, and client softwareStartup and Operating Conditions -40° to +60° C (-40° to +140° F), humidity 95% or less (non-condensing)Storage Conditions -30° to +60° C (-22° to +140° F), humidity 95% or less (non-condensing)Power Supply 100 to 240 VAC, PoE (42.5 to 57 V, 802.3 at), terminal blockPower Consumption and Current 100 to 240 VAC, 0.4 A, maximum 18 W; PoE (802.3at, 42.5 to 57 V), 0.55 to 0.45 A, maximum 18 WMaterial Stainless steel 316L and anti-corrosion coating Heater YesDimensions Camera: 352 mm × 200 mm × 214 mm (13.6" × 7.9" × 8.4")With package: 438 mm × 283 mm × 303 mm (17.2" × 11.1" × 11.9")Weight Camera: 14 kg (37.5 lb)With package: 15 kg (40.2 lb) ApprovalsEMC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B; EN 55032: 2015, EN 61000-3-2: 2014, EN 61000-3-3: 2013, EN 50130-4: 2011+A1: 2014; AS/NZS CISPR 32: 2015; ICES-003: Issue 6, 2016; KN 32: 2015, KN 35: 2015Safety UL 60950-1, IEC 60950-1:2005 + Am 1:2009 + Am 2:2013, EN 60950-1:2005 + Am 1:2009 + Am 2:2013, IS13252(Part 1):2010+A1:2013+A2:2015Environment 2011/65/EU, 2012/19/EU, Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006Protection IP68 (IEC 60529-2013) Explosion-proof:ATEX: Ex II 2 G D Ex db IIC T6 Gb/Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IP68IECEx: Ex db IIC T6 Gb/Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IP68 UL(Zone): Class I, Zone 1, AEx db IIC T6 Zone 21, AEx tb IIIC T80°CcUL(Zone): Ex db IIC T6 Gb X Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db XUL/cUL (Division): Class I, Division 2, Groups A,B,C and D,T6; Class II, Division 2, Groups F and G,T80°C Anti-Corrosion: NEMA 4X (NEMA 250-2014), C5 (ISO 6270-1, ISO 9227) Explosion-Proof Certificate ATEX: Ex II 2 G D Ex db IIC T6 Gb/Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IP68 IECEx: Ex db IIC T6 Gb/Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IP68For explosive gas atmospheres, the maximum surface temperature is 85° CFor flammable dust atmospheres, the maximum surface temperature is 80° CIIC: for explosive gas atmospheres other than mines susceptible to firedamp For explosive gas mixture atmospheres: Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 21, Zone 221You are recommended to purchase the memory card together with the product if needed. After ordering, the memory card will be installed to product during manufacturing.DimensionsAccessoriesNOT INCLUDEDDS-1707ZJ-Y-AC (OS)Wall Mount。
华为云链相机200 4K超高清相机说明书
4K Ultra-HD CameraHUAWEI CloudLink Camera 200 is a next-generation 4K UHD PTZcamera that works with Huawei's UHD video conferencing endpointrange or cloud-registered soft clients, creating an unprecedentedvideo conferencing experience.CloudLink Camera 200Designed with EleganceThe camera 200 was built with the integrator in mind, enabling ultra-wide field of view and powerful zoom capabilities. The professional-grade and elegant appearance adds to the aesthetics that delights the customer.Effortless to UseEasy maintenance and configuration are made possible by the embedded OSD UI, through which the Camera 200 can be operated independently. The Camera 200 operations are also supported on the remote control or touch panel of the connected Huawei endpoint.Unmatched Video QualityThe 8.51-megapixel CMOS image sensor provides HDMI video outputs of up to 4K. Image enhancement based on human visual system and 3D video denoising based on motion estimation present images in true color and with every detail, creating the ultimate video confer-encing experience. The Camera 200 provides four image modes including Standard, Natural, Vivid, and Scenery for you to choose from.Intelligent Image ProcessingThe Camera 200 provides intelligent viewing with auto-sensing capabilities including automatic white balance (AWB), automatic exposure (AE), and automatic focus (AF).High-performance Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ)The high-precision pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) has a localization deviation of only ±0.1°, which is industry-leading. The PTZ is also fast-switch-ing with a 170-degree-wide field of view.12 x Optical ZoomThe high-performance AF lens support stable focusing and 12 x optical zoom for best overview, which provides ideal framing to the far end.254 PresetsPTZ positions can be predefined. (A predefined PTZ position is named preset.) The PTZ can be adjusted to a specific position to capture desired images with just one button push through presets. Presets are saved even when the Camera 200 is turned off.USB3.0 Video OutputThe Camera 200 can be connected to a laptop to deliver images through the USB3.0 port.SpecificationsModel HUAWEI Camera 200-1080P HUAWEI Camera 200-4K Video output resolution 1080p 50/60, 1080i 50/60, 1080p 25/30, and 720p 50/60 4K 25/30, 1080p 50/60, 1080i 50/60, 1080p 25/30, and 720p 50/60Image sensor8.51-megapixel, 1/2.5-inch CMOS 12x optical zoom ZoomF1.8–F3.56±5%Max. aperture3.85–43.06 mm ±5%Focal lengthPan: ±110°; tilt: ±30°Pan/Tilt anglePan: 1.7°/s (tele) to 80°/s (wide); tilt: 0.7°/s to 28°/s Pan/Tilt speed3 lux (50 IRE, F1.8)Min. illumination1/25–1/10000 seconds Shutter speed254Number of presets 80°/50°Max. horizontal/vertical field of viewStandard, Natural, Vivid, and SceneryImage mode Auto, manual, or one-button-push Auto, manual, aperture priority, shutter priority, or brightness priority Auto, manual, or one-button-pushWhite balanceExposureFocus Supported Ceiling-mountedRemote control over an endpoint through the connected camera Remote control (infrared)Software upgrade through the local USB portSoftware upgrade 100–240 V AC, 50–60 Hz Input voltage12 V DC Output voltage≤ 12 WPower 0℃ to 40℃Operating temperatureNet weight: 4.23 lb (1.92 kg)Weight 2 x RS232 serial portControl port Camera: 6.10 in. x 9.80 in. x 5.47 in. (155 mm x 249 mm x 139 mm)Packages: 12.60 in. x 16.73 in. x 11.22 in. (320 mm x 425 mm x 285 mm)Dimension1 x HDMI 1.4b 1 x USB3.0Video output portSupported Digital wide dynamicrange (WDR)Copyright©2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.。
超高解析2MP Turret摄像机说明说明书
800-645-5516 / DIMENSIONSFEATURESHTINT601TA –3.6mm lens, dark gray housingSPECIFICATIONSImage Sensor.................. 1/3” Progressive Scan CMOS, 2MPMinimum Illumination....... 0.001 lux (Sens-up X32)Effective Pixels................ 1984 (H) x 1105 (V) Total Pixels...................... 2000 (H) x 1121 (V) Scanning System............ Progressive S/N Ratio......................... More than 50dB Output Resolution............ 1920x1080 @ 30fps Video Output.................... 1.0Vp-p / 75 OhmsElectronic Shutter............ Auto / Manual (1/30 –1/30,000 sec.) Day / Night....................... Auto / Color / BW / External Test Monitor Output......... CVBS (BNC out in Yellow)Communication............... UTC (up the coax) Power............................. 12VDC / 24VACPower Consumption........ 150mA (DC), 2W (AC) Operating Temperature.... -4°F –122°FUnit Dimensions.............. 4.58” (H) x 5.49” (Dia.) Unit Weight...................... 1.54 lbs Certifications.................... FCC, RoHS Signal Distance............... Up to 1600 feet(depending on coax quality)*• Full HD resolution over coax (HD-TVI) • Supports up to Full HD 1080p @ 30fps • True WDR operation• Superior low-light performance• Amplify existing light with no distance limitation• Presets: Outdoor, Low Light, Hallway, Lobby, Elevator, Indoor • Built-in heater and anti-fog glass reduces condensation • 3-axis for wall and ceiling mounting• Full OSD operation through on-board control and UTC (up the coax) • Additional 960H analog output • Signal distance up to 1600 feet* • Vandal / tamper resistant • IP67 compliant, weather resistant • 12VDC & 24VAC dual voltage operation • 5 year warrantyOSD MENU TREESide View Front View Optional AccessoriesCVCJBD1(Junction Box)INTWM1(Wall Mount)Unit : inchOSD ACCESSPRESET MODE•OUTDOOR •INDOOR •LOW LIGHT •LOBBY •HALLWAY •ELEVATOR MAIN SETUP EXPOSURE •B/W•EXTERN•LOW •MIDDLE•HIGH•SHARPNESS •GAMMA•MIRROR •FLIPDAY / NIGHTCOLOR SPECO DNR IMAGEEXIT•BRIGHTNESS •SHUTTERBACKLIGHT •HLC •BLC •WDR •AUTO•AWB •COLOR GAIN •ACE •DEFOGSYSTEM •OUTPUT •FREQ.•IMAGE RANGE•INTENSIFY•AGC•COLOR •SHADINGIRIS MOTION •FRAME RATE •LANGUAGE •COLOR BAR •RESET•CAM TITLE •D-ZOOM•PRIVACY 2-MOTOR •COLOR SPACE •COM.OSD JoystickVideo TestINTCM1(Pole/Corner Mount)Speco Technologies is constantly developing product improvements.We reserve the right to modify product design and specifications without notice and without incurring any obligation. Rev. 220210800-645-5516 / OSD MENU DetailsHTINT601TA –3.6mm lens, dark gray housingDAY / NIGHT : Adjust Day / Night options .COLOR : Always Color mode, Default value for these cameras B/W : Always B/W mode.-ANTI-SAT. : Adjusts the Anti Saturation level (0~20)EXT : please do not use this mode for these camerasAUTO : Day / Night is switching automatically by AGC level.-ANTI-SAT. : Adjusts the Anti Saturation level (0~20)-AGC THRES : Adjusts AGC THRES (0~20)-AGC MARGIN : Adjusts AGC margin (0~20)-DELAY : Adjusts the changing delay time (LOW/MIDDLE/HIGH)COLOR : Adjusts white balancing options.AWB : it goes to optimized color level automatically.COLOR GAIN : Sets the desired Color Gain value (0~20)SPECO DNR : Uses to reduce the background noise in a low luminanceenvironment with 2D + 3D filtering system.BACKLIGHT : Adjusts backlight options.WDR : WDR illuminates darker areas of an image while retaining thesame light level for brighter areas to even out the overall brightness of images with high contrast between bright and dark area -Adjusts the WDR Weight (LOW/MIDDLE/HIGH)* CVBS out cannot adjust this function.BLC : Produces a clearer image of an object darkened by strong backlighting.-H-POS : Adjusts the horizontal position(0~20)-V-POS : Adjusts the Vertical position(0~20)-H-SIZE : Adjusts the horizontal block size (0~20)-V-SIZE : Adjusts the vertical block size (0~20)HLC : Uses to contain extremely bright areas such as from car headlight,the light can be masked out much of the on-screen details.IMAGE : Adjusts various image options.SHARPNESS: Adjusts sharpness level. Increasing this value, the pictureoutline becomes stronger and clear. (0~10)GAMMA : Sets the desired Gamma value. (0.45 ~ 0.75)MIRROR : Change the video direction horizontally.FLIP:Change the video direction perpendicularly.ACE (D-WDR) : Uses a digital wide dynamic range to balance dark and oversaturated areas within the image.DEFOG : Activated this mode when the video or the weather is foggy.PRIVACY : Used to hide regions of the image.MOTION : Adjust motion detection settings. DET WINDOW DET TONE MDRECT FILLSENSITIVITY : Sets the desired of “Motion” (0~20)MOTION OSD TEXT ALARM SIGNAL OUTSYSTEM : Adjusts various camera system options.OUTPUTMAIN OUTPUT ANALOG OUT0ANALOG OUT0 TVI Y GAIN CB GAIN CR GAINFRAME RATE: 1080P 30 / 720P 60FREQ 60Hz COM.IMAGE RANGE COLOR SPACECOLOR BAR : Manufacturer’s optionLANGUAGE : Sets the desired OSD language CAM TITLERESET: Press with long to reset all settings to factory defaults.IRIS : ‘ALC’ for HTINT60TM, ‘ELC’ for HTINT601TA as a default value 2-MOTOR : AF Mode, Scanning, OnepushAF, Sync TDN, Initial EXPOSURE : adjusts exposure settings.BRIGHTNESS : Adjusts image brightness. (0~ 20)SHUTTER : Outdoor / Indoor / DeblurINTENSIFY : Sets the desired multiple of the digital exposure length.AGC(Auto Gain Control): Adjusts the AGC level. (0~10)。
AZ MIF开发者的中文名字:高对比度、超高纯度TMAH基础开发者,适用于各种先进IC和厚层照相应用
APPLICATIONAZ MIF developers are high contrast, ultra-high purity tetramethyl-ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) based photoresist developers formulated for a wide range of advanced IC and thick photoresist applications. •Surfactant enhanced and surfactant free options •Industry leading normality control •Wide range of normality available•High purity, low particulate formulations•Multiple bulk and non-bulk packaging optionsPROCESSINGGENERAL PROCESSING GUIDELINESAZ MIF developers should be used at room temperature in puddle, spray, or batch immersion processing mode. Variations in develop time, developer temperature, and substrate temperature will result in inconsistent develop uniformity and will affect process repeatability/reproducibility. It is important to monitor and control these variables.When processed in batch immersion mode, MIF developer bath life will be limited by the volume of dissolved photoresist in solution and by carbonate uptake from the fab environment. Bath change out frequency should be specified by thenumber of substrates processed and by elapsed time since the last bath change. The maximum number of substrates that may be processed through a given bath will depend upon the photoresist thickness, the % of substrate surface covered, and the volume of the developer tank.MerckPeRFoRmaNce MaTeRIaLstechnical datasheet AZ® Organic DevelopersMetal Ion Free (TMAH) Photoresist DevelopersWhen not in use, developer tanks should be covered to minimize evaporation and the rate of carbonate uptake. Inert gas blankets (dry N2 for example) may also be used to isolate developer tanks from the fab environment. In general, immersion tanks should be changed at least every 24 hours (or sooner if the maximum number of substrates processed is reached).BATH AGITATIONMild agitation of immersion developer tanks may improve wafer-to-wafer develop uniformity and photo speed when batch processing substrates.PUDDLE DEVELOPINGDue to their lower surface tension, surfactant enhanced developers improve substrate wetting and facilitate puddle formation using lower dispense volumes than typical surfactant free developers. Complete development of patterns in thick photoresist films (> 3.0µm) may require multiple developer puddles. Increased normality developers and/or aggressive surfactants can improve dissolution rates and reduce develop time for thick photoresist films (see application guide section of this publication).RINSINGUse de-ionized water only to rinse wafers post develop and to “quench” the developer activity. Spray pressure or bath agitation during rinsing may reduce post develop defect density by minimizing redeposited surface particles.DEVELOPER APPLICATIONS GUIDE0.26N (2.38%) TMAH DEVELOPERS0.26N TMAH developers are the industry standard for advanced integrated circuit (IC) production and general lithography.AZ 300MIF DeveloperAZ 300MIF is an ultra-high purity, general purpose, surfactant free 0.26N TMAH developer featuring class leading normality control and ppb level metals content. Recommended for puddle, spray, and immersion applications.AZ 726MIF DeveloperAZ 726MIF is a surfactant enhanced 0.26N TMAH developer optimized for puddle develop processes.AZ 917MIF DeveloperAZ 917 MIF is a surfactant enhanced 0.26N developer formulated to improve photo speed in puddle or immersion develop processes with no loss of contrast or selectivity. Improves photo speed by 10-20% vs. AZ 726MIF.AZ 2026 MIF DeveloperAZ 2026 MIF developer contains different surfactants which also have an impact on dissolution rate of photoresist. Dark erosion is higher than with AZ 726 MIF, however this helps to avoid scrumming, which mainly is observed when the photoresist is processed on steppers without applying a post-exposure-bake (PEB).CUSTOM NORMALITY TMAH DEVELOPERSCustom normality developers may be desirable in cases where the develop rate or selectivity provided by 0.26N materials is inadequate. Reduced normality developers can improve selectivity to unexposed resist and increased normality developers will reduce the required exposure dose and/or develop time for thick resist processing.AZ 422 MIF DeveloperAZ 422 MIF developer is a reduced normality (0.215N) surfactant free developer engineered to maximize dissolution selectivity and process control.AZ 435MIF DeveloperAZ 435 MIF developer is a surfactant free, increased normality (0.35N) TMAH developer optimized to improve photo speed for medium thick photoresist processing (5-10µm thick) while maintaining good process control. Recommended for use with AZ 9200 and AZ P4000 series photoresists.AZ® Organic DevelopersAZ 405 MIF DeveloperAZ 405 MIF developer is an aggressive, surfactant enhanced, high normality developer (0.405N) designed for thick photoresist processing (>15µm thick). This developer provides a metal ion free alternative to the sodium or potassium based developers typically employed in thick resist processing. Recommended for use with AZ 9260, AZ 50XT, and AZ P4620 photoresists.AZ 2033 MIF developerAZ 2033 MIF developer contains high TMAH (3.0% TMAH), which is specially designed for improved compatibility with the AZ 8100 Series Photoresist.Developer Normality SurfactantAZ 300 MIF developer0.26N NoAZ 726 MIF developer0.26N YesAZ 927 MIF developer0.26N YesAZ 2026 MIF developer0.26N YesAZ 2033 MIF developer0.33N YesAZ 422 MIF developer0.215N NoAZ 435 MIF developer0.35N NoAZ 405 MIF developer 0.405N YesAZ 732c MIF developer0.30N YesProducts are warranted to meet the specifications set forth on their label/packaging and/or certificate of analysis at the time of shipment or for the expressly stated duration. EMD MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE REGARDING OUR PRODUCTS OR ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Customer is responsible for and must independently determine suitability of EMD´s products for customer’s products, intended use and processes, including the non -infringement of any third parties´intellectual property rights. EMD shall not in any event be liable for incidental, consequential, indirect, exemplary or special damages of any kind resulting from any use or failure of the products: All sales are subject to EMD’s complete Terms and Conditions o f Sale. Prices are subject to change without notice. EMD reserves the right to discontinue products without prior notice.EMD, EMD Performance Materials, AZ, the AZ logo, and the vibrant M are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.North America:EMD Performance Materials 70 Meister AvenueSomerville, NJ USA 08876(908) 429-3500Germany:Merck Performance Materials (Germany) GmbH Wiesbaden, Germany +49 611 962 4031Korea:Merck Performance Materials (Korea) Ltd.Seoul, Korea+82 2 2056 1316Singapore:Merck Performance Materials Pte. Ltd.Jurong East, Singapore +65 68900629Taiwan:Merck Performance Materials Co. Ltd.Hsinchu, Taiwan+886 3 5970885#375Japan:Merck Performance Materials G. K.Tokyo, Japan+81 3 5453 5062China:Merck Electronic Materials Shanghai, China+86 (21) 2083 2362AZ® Organic DevelopersMATERIALS COMPATIBILITY and HANDLINGTMAH containing developers are compatible with all standard semiconductor processing equipment designed to handle high pH aqueous solutions.Note: Contaminating inorganic developer baths or lines withtetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) based metal-ion-free developers, even at the parts-per-million level, will neutralize the dissolution activity of the inorganic developer process. Use extreme caution when changing developing equipment from a metal-ion-free to an inorganic process.TMAH containing developers should be avoided in cases where slight etching of an aluminum layer cannot be tolerated. 0.26N TMAH developers will etch typical deposited aluminum substrate layers at ~100Å/min.Recommended personal protective gear during handling includes eye protection, apron, caustic resistant gloves. Refer to the current version of the SDS for information on exposure hazards. STORAGEStore AZ MIF Developers in a cool, dry location in sealed original containersaway from sunlight and incompatibles. Do not expose to excessive temperatures or moisture. Recommended storage temperature is >0C. Do not freeze. Empty containers may contain harmful residue. DISPOSALAZ MIF Developers are compatible with typical facility acid/base drain lines and materials. For disposal other than via facility solvent drains, refer to the current product SDS and to local regulations.。
Step into the world of 8K with Sony’s best processor ever. Sony’s MASTER Series continues to change the way you watch TV with the Z9G 8K HDR LED TV. With four times the resolution of 4K HDR, picture is richer in color and clarity than ever before. Upscale anything you watch to the heights of near-8K HDR quality withthe Picture Processor X1 Ultimate and Backlight Master Drive.Bullets• MASTER series TVs are meticulously engineered for excellence with the latest and greatest in TV technology • Everything is upscaled to get close to 8K HDR with the Picture Processor X1™ Ultimate and 8K X-Reality PRO 1,2• 8K X-tended Dynamic Range™ PRO 20x contrast range provides a wider range of brightness 3• Acoustic Multi-Audio produces an immersive Sound-from-Picture Reality™ experience• 8K HDR 1 - HDR10, HLG, IMAX Enhanced 4 and Dolby Vision™5 support for incredible detail and clarity • X-Wide Angle technology makes picture and color look great from anywhere in the room• On-screen action and motion look better than ever with X-Motion Clarity™ technology and native 120Hz refresh rate.• Enjoy smooth and vibrant colors with TRILUMINOS™ Display & 8K HDR Super Bit Mapping• Android™ TV with the Google Assistant built in gives you a genius TV with hands-free voice search 6• Enjoy studio-quality Netflix content with Netflix Calibrated Mode 10FeaturesMasters of picture qualitySony’s MASTER Series TVs are the very best of Sony, created to exemplify the goal of faithfully conveying the creator’s intent on-screen. These TVs are engineering marvels that are meticulously designed with the latest and greatestproprietary TV technology. The MASTER Series TVs deliver Sony’s best picture quality, no matter what you like to watch.Intelligent processing, ultimate realism.Simply put, our proprietary 8K HDR Picture Processor X1™ Ultimate is our best processor, ever. Object-based rendering happens in real time at lightning speed to remaster and upscale everything you see to near-8K HDR quality.1,2 Everything on the screen is identified, analyzed and optimized individually to adjust the overall contrast, sharpness and color for a picture that looks nearly identical to the real thing.Experience a more natural picture with 8K X-Reality PRO & Object-Based Super ResolutionEvery object, accurately displayed. With Object-Based Super Resolution in combination with 8K X-Reality PRO™, you’ll see lifelike detail, textures, and clarity in everything you watch. Leveraging intelligent 8K database, pictures look cleaner with less on-screen noise. Every single pixel is enhanced beautifully by Sony’s best 8K HDR Picture Processor X1™ Ultimate.1,2Enhanced brightness, incredible contrast with Backlight Master Drive and 8K X-tended Dynamic Range Pro 20xSony’s Backlight Master Drive dynamically changes the light levels in sections of the screen depending on the content, resulting in a dramatic increase in contrast and brightness. Add in 8K X-tended Dynamic Range™ PRO 20x which gives the screen 20 times the contrast range of a conventional LED-edge lit TV 3. Backlight Master Drive’s calibrated beam design accurately send light only where it is needed for more accurate contrast. Balancing the light output across the screen, darker scenes get darker brighter scenes get brighter.XBR-85Z9G85” class (84.6” diag.) 8K HDR TVAn immersive audio experienceFour front facing speakers across the chassis of the TV create wide, authentic sound that seems to come from where the action occurs. With action and sound precisely aligned, your viewing becomes so much more immersive, no matter what you’re watching.See the big picture with 8K HDR, IMAX Enhanced and Dolby VisionHigh Dynamic Range (HDR) picture is the way TV was always meant to be watched. 8K resolution and HDR video content combine to bring dazzling detail, color and contrast to everything you watch, while keeping a far wider range of brightness than other video formats.1 IMAX Enhanced™4 makes movies feel larger than life. Dolby Vision™5 brings scenes to life with striking highlights, deeper darks and vibrant colors. Whichever format you choose, Sony TVs deliver picture-perfect reality, creating an immersive and engaging cinematic experience.Every seat is the best seat in the houseX-Wide Angle technology gives the Z9G vivid real-world colors from any angle while retaining more color and brightness than other LED TVs. Enjoy a great picture with incredible color from anywhere in the room.On-screen action and motion look better than everScenes appear as they do in real life with X-Motion Clarity™ technology. This revolutionary, best in class technology from Sony refines action on the screen in real time with an incredible refresh rate for action that is brighter and clearer than ever before.TRILUMINOS™ Display & 8K HDR Super Bit Mapping deliver smooth and vibrant colorsColors are as rich and vivid as nature’s own thanks to the TRILUMINOS™ Display with more shades of red, green andblue than ever before. You’ll enjoy rich, authentic images that evoke the emotion in every scene. And, 8K HDR Super Bit Mapping reveals thousands of shades and gradations of light, for sunsets as bright and clear as real life.Hands-free smart TVWith Android TV and the Google Assistant built-in, simply ask and you shall receive. With hands-free voice search, just start with “Hey Google” to ask it questions, control smart home devices like Nest™, or access many of the apps and services you already use every day.6 In addition, cast your favorite apps with Chromecast built-in7, or enjoy a huge range of apps from Google Play™, including YouTube™, Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, Spotify and more.6Well-connected to your smart homeWith Google Home9 and Amazon Alexa10 compatibility, simply voice-control your TV and ask it to do things like cast and control videos from YouTube with Google Home or change the channel or volume with Amazon Alexa. Apple HomeKit and Airplay 2 support seamlessly integrate your iPhone and Siri devices with your Sony TV for effortless smart home management and content streaming.12Enjoy studio quality Netflix content with Netflix Calibrated ModeThis mode was specially developed to enjoy Netflix originals and reproduce picture quality on a TV that is as brilliant as a studio evaluation master. With Netflix Calibrated Mode, the creator’s vision and intent is faithfully preserved.10High performance calibration for professionalsOur MASTER Series TVs receive high performance calibration that has never previously been possible using CalMAN software11. It allows adjustments to be made with finer precision than conventional picture quality settings to meet the strict requirements of creators in the post-production stage. Colors are reproduced with maximum fidelity to the original TV signal, giving exceptional picture control for a TV. CalMAN also features an easy-to-use interface that has been well received by calibration specialists.Specifications1.8K: 7,680 x 4,320 pixels. Requires HDR compatible content from supported streaming services, such as Netflix and Amazon Video or HDR compatible content device connected via HDMI input. Requires HDMI® cables sold separately2. Upscaled, simulated and enhanced 8K images will vary based on source content.3. This is the perceptible contrast level expanded by X-tended Dynamic Range PRO technology, which is a unique figure calculated for the contrast that users actually feel and experience (XDR Contrast). This figure is based on our conventional TV without local dimming.4. IMAX Enhanced content enables the full IMAX Enhanced experience.5. Dolby Vision™ is available via network update. Dolby Vision content will be compatible with Dolby Vision devices and streaming services such as Prime Video, Apple TV 4K, and Netflix.6. User must connect to a Google account to use, including voice to activate linked apps. Wireless connectivity requires 802.11 home network (802.11n recommended). Network services, content, and the operating system and software of this product may be subject to separate or third party terms and conditions and changed, interrupted or discontinued at any time and may require fees, registration and credit card information. Apps must be compatible with TV. App availability varies by region and device. Broadband speed of at least 2.5 Mbps recommended for SD services, 10 Mbps for HD streaming or 4K downloads, 20 Mbps for 4K Ultra HD streaming. Use of this TV requires consent to Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Please visit /policies/terms/, /policies/privacy/.7. Chromecast built-in compatibility dependent on app.8. Google Home device (sold separately) compatible with Sony TV’s powered by Android TV. Requires compatible devices connected to the same wireless home network. Downloadthe Google Home app from the iPhone App Store or Google Play. Subject to third party app terms and conditions. User must link compatible devices in order to control operation. Once download is complete, the Google Home feature may be connected to the Sony device to access the voice control function9. Amazon Alexa enabled devices (sold separately) compatible with Sony TV’s powered by Android TV. Amazon account required. Subscriptions may be required to access certain content. Compatible devices require internet connection.10. Netflix streaming membership required. 4K Ultra HD availability subject to your Netflix subscription plan, internet service, device capabilities, and content availability. / termsof11. Requires separately sold CalMAN calibration software to be installed on your PC, a pattern generator, a meter (colorimeter, spectrophotometer etc.), and CalMAN for BRA VIA appto be downloaded from Google Play and installed on your TV. Internet needed to utilize app services on TV. Network services, content, and software of this product may be subject to separate terms and conditions and changed, interrupted or discontinued at any time and may require fees, registration and credit card information.12. AirPlay 2 and HomeKit compatibility will be available later this year. This Sony TV is compatible with AirPlay 2 and HomeKit. iOS 12.2 or later or macOS 10.14.4 or later is required.© 2019 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibitedSony X-Reality, X-Motion Clarity, TRILUMINOS, X-tended Dynamic Range and the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony Corporation. HDMI is a trademark of HDMI Licensing LLC. Android, Android TV, Google Play, Google, YouTube and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission. Amazon Alexa is a registered trademark of Amazon Technologies, Inc. Dolby, Dolby Vision and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Nest is a trademark of Nest Labs, Inc. Netflix is a trademark of Netflix Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. /Updated: February 22, 2019。
由于正常相机的的动态范围表现都难以呈现所有的环境,所以人们想到了HDR (HighDynamicRange)处理方法来人工加大最终照片的表现能力。
Photoresist Spin Coating
①作用:促进胶膜内溶剂充分挥发,使胶膜干燥; 性。 增加胶膜与SiO2 (Al膜等)的粘附性及耐磨
②影响因素:温度,时间。 烘焙不足(温度太低或时间太短)-显影时易浮胶,
图形易变形。 烘焙时间过长-增感剂挥发,导致曝光时间增长,
甚至显不出图形。 烘焙温度过高-感光剂反应(胶膜硬化),
未对准问题:重叠和错位 - Run-out, Run-in, 掩膜旋转,晶圆旋转,X方向错位,
Y方向错位 临界尺寸Critical dimension (CD)(条宽) 表面不规则:划痕、针孔、瑕疵和污染物
通过图形检测,即可进入下一步工艺 刻蚀或离子注入
8、显影 Development
9、坚膜 Hard Bake
10、图形检测 Pattern Inspection
目的 --去除污染物、颗粒 --减少针孔和其它缺陷 --提高光刻胶黏附性
基本步骤 – 化学清洗 – 漂洗 – 烘干
脱水烘焙--去除圆片表面的潮气 增强光刻胶与表面的黏附性 通常大约100 °C 与底胶涂覆合并进行 底胶广泛使用: Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS,六甲基乙
Negative Photoresist 负性光刻胶-负胶 曝光后不可溶解 显影时未曝光的被溶解 便宜
Positive Photoresist 正性光刻胶-正胶 曝光后可溶解 显影时曝光的被溶解 高分辨率
正胶 Positive Photoresist
曝光部分可以溶解在显影液中 正影(光刻胶图形与掩膜图形相同) 更高分辨率(无膨胀现象) 在IC制造应用更为普遍
AXIS M4216-LV 四分辨率变焦不动瞭望头摄像头
DatasheetAXIS M4216-LV Dome CameraVarifocal4MP dome with IR and deep learningFeaturing Lightfinder,WDR,and OptimizedIR,this compact and discreet dome delivers great image quality—day and night,even in low light.A deep learning processing unit(DLPU)lets you take advantage of intelligent analytics based on deep learning on the edge.Designed to blend into any environment,it can be repainted and offers a range of accessories for discreet monitoring.Plus,it features an HDMI port and the flexibility to add audio and I/O connectivity using AXIS T61Series.Furthermore,Axis Edge Vault protects your Axis device ID and simplifies authorization of Axis devices on your network.>Great image quality in4MP>Varifocal lens with remote zoom and focus>Lightfinder,WDR,and OptimizedIR>Analytics with deep learning>HDMI output for public viewing monitorsAXIS M4216-LV Dome Camera CameraImage sensor1/2.7”progressive scan RGB CMOSLens Varifocal,3–6mm,F1.9-2.7Horizontal field of view:100°–45°Vertical field of view:72°–34°Remote focus and zoom,fixed irisDay and night Automatic IR-cut filterMinimum illumination With Lightfinder:Color:0.18lux at50IRE F2.0B/W:0.03lux at50IRE F2.0,0lux when IR illumination is onShutter speed1/37500s to1/5sCamera angle adjustment Pan±180°,tilt-40to+65°,rotation±105°Can be directed in any direction and see the wall/ceilingSystem on chip(SoC)Model CV25Memory1024MB RAM,512MB Flash ComputecapabilitiesDeep learning processing unit(DLPU) VideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC)Main and High Profiles H.265(MPEG-H Part2/HEVC)Main and High Profiles Motion JPEGResolution2304x1728to320x240Frame rate Up to25/30fps with power line frequency50/60Hz in H.264and H.265aVideo streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264,H.265and Motion JPEGAxis Zipstream technology in H.264and H.265Controllable frame rate and bandwidthVBR/MBR H.264/H.265Low latency modeHDMIMulti-viewstreamingUp to2individually cropped out view areas in full frame rateHDMI output HDMI1080p(16:9)@25/30fps(50/60Hz)HDMI720p(16:9)@50/60fps(50/60Hz)Image settings Compression,color,brightness,sharpness,contrast,whitebalance,exposure control,motion-adaptive exposure,WDR:upto110dB depending on scene,text and image overlay,mirroringof images,privacy maskRotation:0°,90°,180°,270°,including Corridor FormatPan/Tilt/Zoom Digital PTZAudioAudio input/output Audio features through portcast technology:two-way audio connectivity,voice enhancerNetworkNetwork protocols IPv4,IPv6USGv6,ICMPv4/ICMPv6,HTTP,HTTPS,TLS,QoS Layer 3DiffServ,FTP,SFTP,CIFS/SMB,SMTP,mDNS(Bonjour),UPnP®, SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II),DNS/DNSv6,DDNS,NTP,NTS,RTSP, RTP,SRTP/RTSPS,TCP,UDP,IGMPv1/v2/v3,RTCP,ICMP,DHCP, ARP,SSH,HDMI,LLDP,CDP,MQTT v3.1.1,Link-Local address (ZeroConf)System integrationApplication Programming Interface Open API for software integration,including VAPIX®and AXIS Camera Application Platform;specifications at One-click cloud connectionONVIF®Profile G,ONVIF®Profile M,ONVIF®Profile S,and ONVIF®Profile T,specification at Event conditions Device status:above operating temperature,above or belowoperating temperature,below operating temperature,IP addressremoved,network lost,new IP address,system ready,withinoperating temperatureEdge storage:recording ongoing,storage disruptionI/O:manual trigger,virtual input,digital input via AXIS T61Audioand I/O Interfaces with portcast technologyMQTT subscribeScheduled and recurring:scheduled eventVideo:live stream openEvent actions MQTT publishNotification:email,HTTP,HTTPS,TCP and SNMP trapOverlay text,zoom preset,day/night modePre-and post-alarm video or image buffering for recording oruploadRecord video:SD card and network shareUpload of images or video clips:FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,networkshare and emailExternal output activation via AXIS T61Audio and I/O Interfaceswith portcast technologyBuilt-ininstallation aidsRemote zoom,remote focusAnalyticsAXIS ObjectAnalyticsObject classes:humans,vehicles(types:cars,buses,trucks,bikes)Features:line crossing,object in area,crossline counting BETA,occupancy in area BETA,time in area BETAUp to10scenariosMetadata visualized with color-coded bounding boxesPolygon include/exclude areasPerspective configurationONVIF Motion Alarm eventMetadata Object data:Classes:humans,faces,vehicles(types:cars,buses, trucks,bikes),license platesAttributes:Vehicle color,upper/lower clothing color,confidence,positionEvent data:Producer reference,scenarios,trigger conditions Applications IncludedAXIS Object Analytics,AXIS Video Motion Detection,AXIS Face Detector,active tampering alarmSupportedAXIS Live Privacy ShieldSupport for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of third-party applications,see /acap CybersecurityEdge security Software:Signed firmware,brute force delay protection,digest authentication,password protection,AES-XTS-Plain64256bitSD card encryptionHardware:Axis Edge Vault cybersecurity platformSecure element(CC EAL6+),system-on-chip security(TEE),Axisdevice ID,secure keystore,signed video,secure boot,encryptedfilesystem(AES-XTS-Plain64256bit)Network security IEEE802.1X(EAP-TLS),IEEE802.1AR,HTTPS/HSTS,TLS v1.2/v1.3, Network Time Security(NTS),X.509Certificate PKI,IP addressfilteringDocumentation AXIS OS Hardening GuideAxis Vulnerability Management PolicyAxis Security Development ModelAXIS OS Software Bill of Material(SBOM)To download documents,go to /support/cybersecu-rity/resourcesTo read more about Axis cybersecurity support,go to/cybersecurityGeneralCasing IP42water-and dust-resistant,IK08impact-resistant,polycarbonate and aluminum casing with hard-coated domeEncapsulated electronicsColor:white NCS S1002-BFor repainting instructions of casing and impact on warranty,contact your Axis partner.Sustainability PVC free,BFR/CFR free,43%recycled plasticsPower Power over Ethernet(PoE)IEEE802.3af/802.3at Type1Class3Typical5W,max9.7WConnectors RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoEHDMI type DAudio:Audio and I/O connectivity via portcast technologyIR illumination OptimizedIR with power-efficient,long-life855nm IR LEDsRange of reach20m(65.6ft)or more depending on the scene Storage Support for microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cardSupport for SD card encryptionSupport for recording to network-attached storage(NAS) For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operating conditions 0°C to45°C(32°F to113°F) Humidity10–85%RH(non-condensing)Storage conditions -40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F) Humidity5–95%RH(non-condensing)Approvals EMCCISPR24,CISPR35,EN55032Class A,EN55035,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A,ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A),KC KN32Class A,KC KN35,RCM AS/NZS CISPR32Class A,VCCI Class ASafetyIEC/EN/UL62368-1,CAN/CSA C22.2No.62368-1,IS13252IEC62471EnvironmentIEC60068–2–1,IEC60068–2–2,IEC60068–2–14,IEC60068–2–27,IEC60068–2–6,IEC/EN60529IP42,IEC/EN62262IK08NetworkNIST SP500-267Dimensions Height:71mm(2.8in)ø121mm(4.76in)Weight375g(0.83lb)IncludedaccessoriesInstallation guide,Windows®decoder1-user licenseOptionalaccessoriesAXIS TM3207Recessed MountAXIS T94C01L Recessed MountAXIS T94C01U Universal MountAXIS T94C01M J-Box/Gang Box PlateAXIS M42Casing A Black4PAXIS M42Smoked Dome A4PAXIS T91A33Lighting Track MountAXIS T91A23Tile Grid Ceiling MountAXIS TM3101Pendant Wall MountAXIS Surveillance CardsFor more accessories,see VideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station and video managementsoftware from Axis Application Development Partners.For moreinformation,see /vmsLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,Japanese,Korean,Portuguese,Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese,Dutch,Czech,Swedish,Finnish,Turkish,Thai,Vietnamese Warranty5-year warranty,see /warrantya.Reduced frame rate in Motion JPEGKey features and technologiesAXIS Object AnalyticsAXIS Object Analytics is a preinstalled,multifeatured video analytics that detects and classifies humans,vehicles,and types of vehicles.Thanks to AI-based algorithms and be-havioral conditions,it analyzes the scene and their spatial behavior within–all tailored to your specific needs.Scal-able and edge-based,it requires minimum effort to set up and supports various scenarios running simultaneously.Axis Edge VaultAxis Edge Vault is the hardware-based cybersecurity plat-form that safeguards the Axis device.It forms the founda-tion that all secure operations depend on and offers fea-tures to protect the device’s identity,safeguard its integrity from factory and protect sensitive information from unau-thorized access.Establishing the root of trust starts at the device’s boot process.In Axis devices,the hardware-based mecha-nism secure boot verifies the operating system(AXIS OS) that the device is booting from.AXIS OS,in turn,is cryp-tographically signed(signed firmware)during the build process.Secure boot and signed firmware tie into each other and ensure that the firmware has not been tampered with during the lifecycle of the device and that the device only boots from authorized firmware.This creates an unbroken chain of cryptographically validated software for the chain of trust that all secure operations depend on. From a security aspect,the secure keystore is the crit-ical building-block for protecting cryptographic informa-tion used for secure communication(IEEE802.1X,HTTPS, Axis device ID,access control keys etc..)against mali-cious extraction in the event of a security breach.The se-cure keystore is provided through a Common Criteria and/or FIPS140certified hardware-based cryptographic comput-ing module.Depending on security requirements,an Axis device can have either one or multiple such modules,like a TPM2.0(Trusted Platform Module)or a secure element, and/or a system-on-chip(SoC)embedded Trusted Execution Environment(TEE).Signed video ensures that video evidence can be verified as untampered without proving the chain of custody of the video file.Each camera uses its unique video signing key, which is securely stored in the secure keystore,to add a sig-nature into the video stream.This allows video to be traced back to the Axis camera from where it originated,so it’s possible to verify that the footage has not been tampered with after it left the camera.To read more about Axis Edge Vault,go to /solu-tions/edge-vault.LightfinderThe Axis Lightfinder technology delivers high-resolution, full-color video with a minimum of motion blur even in near darkness.Because it strips away noise,Lightfinder makes dark areas in a scene visible and captures details in very low light.Cameras with Lightfinder discern color in low light better than the human eye.In surveillance,color may be the critical factor to identify a person,an object,or a vehicle.OptimizedIRAxis OptimizedIR provides a unique and powerful combi-nation of camera intelligence and sophisticated LED tech-nology,resulting in our most advanced camera-integrated IR solutions for complete darkness.In our pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ)cameras with OptimizedIR,the IR beam automatically adapts and becomes wider or narrower as the camera zooms in and out to make sure that the entire field of view is al-ways evenly illuminated.ZipstreamThe Axis Zipstream technology preserves all the important forensic in the video stream while lowering bandwidth and storage requirements by an average of50%.Zipstream also includes three intelligent algorithms,which ensure that rel-evant forensic information is identified,recorded,and sent in full resolution and frame rate.For more information,see /glossary©2021-2023Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered trademarks ofAxis AB in various jurisdictions.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.We reserve the right tointroduce modifications without notice.T10170907/EN/M17.2/2309。
Produce high quality images with INFINITY ANALYZE, a complete image capture and processing software package for advanced imaging in life science, clinical and industrial research markets. Easily capture and process images with excellent reproducibility and accuracy. The combination of INFINITY ANALYZE and INFINITY USB microscopy cameras create the perfect solution for all your imaging • P roduce high quality images using our advanced software features • O ptimize workflow by customizing the layout to your preference • S ave an unlimited number of unique user settings • E asily manage and organize images with intuitive save featuresBasic ControlsReal time preview, manual/auto exposure, white balance, gain, file format storage options, brightness, gamma, saturation, intensity, hue, image orientation, averaging, subsampling, light source selection, flip vertical, flip horizontal, flip diagonal, zoom preview, cascade, tile horizontal, tile vertical, INFINITY 3-1 cooling control, photometry data, channel splitting, image summing.Capture OptionsSingle capture, time lapse, auto increment filename and keyboard shortcut capture.Flexible Camera Control© 2015 Lumenera Corporation, all rights reserved.Design, features, and specifications are subject to change without notice.VERSION 15-SCI-01Video TutorialsA series of video tutorials for INFINITY ANALYZE software is available on our website at: /support/microscopy/training.php.Configure for Accurate MeasurementsOperating SystemsINFINITY ANALYZE is compatible with Windows as well as Mac OS x 10.7 (with limited features).。
图像测量软件 iSolution Lite 使用手册说明书
Features included in iSolution LiteInclude:Live Measurement and Overlay SettingsUsers can perform measurements on the live preview image, using the crosshair or grid masks to center and count. The grid masks include calibration data. Calibration marker (scale bar) can be placed on the live preview image. The marker (scale bar) can also be burned on each captured image automatically. Any standard file format image can be chosen to see it above live preview image.Calibration (Auto, Manual)All measurements start with an accurate calibration. Auto, Semi-Auto calibration functions allow the software to calculate the pixels-per-unit value automatically. Only setting the unit for the calibration scale and the distance between the scale marks is needed. This feature greatly improves the accuracy and repetition of measurements. Manual calibrations are easily added and saved for recall from a drop down menu. All calibrations can be saved as files, which let the calibration be retrieved by simply opening the saved files later.Calibration can be protected by password option. Two password options, one in calibration menu itself and the other in camera resolution option, protect calibration by unexpected change. A scale bar can be permanently added to each image. Scale bar properties for color, size and text are simple to optimize for any image background.Z-Axis Extended Focus Imaging (EFI), with displacement compensation for stereo microscopesSamples with curves or of varying heights are difficult to bring into focus under highly magnified conditions. And more a stereomicroscope takes images with tilting due to its own structural characteristics. Thus, each image is out of its supposed position when you move microscope to the Z-axis getting the right focus. Our displacement compensation function allows you to rearrange these images automatically and manually.Software can combine a stack of images sequentially captured at different levels of focus and combine them into a single in-focus image. You can count on our software not to leave any trace of the composites.3D Visualization. . . clearly view complex structuresA Three-dimensional picture can be created from any image. The 3-D presentation is based upon intensity values of the image and can be displayed as a normal or wire frame image. Z axis information can easily be adjusted to optimize the 3-D effect. To better visualize an image in 3-D, software offers full 360 degrees of rotation on X-Y-Z axis. A 3D image can then saved in JPG, TIF or BMP format.Image Stitching. . . create a mosaic of the “Big Picture”With our software, you can create auto and manual composites of continuously captured images in order to minimize the reduction in the field-of-view that typically comes with increased magnification. Combined images are automatically corrected for brightness without leaving any stitching mark. Live Image Comparison. . . for fast inspection and size verificationFor QA testing or quick go/no-go inspections any stored image can be used as a reference image onto which the live preview image is projected.Time Lapse Capture and Movie File Production. . . Import into Power PointSoftware features a Time Lapse Capture function that supports TIF, BMP and JPG file formats. The Time Lapse Capture function also includes an Auto Save feature byyyyy/mm/dd/hour/minute/second. You can save video movie recordings in AVI, MPG, MPEG, and MOV formats.Combine Image Planes - Fluorescence ImagingMerge and pseudo color monochrome images into a single RGB composite.Export Into Excel® - with one mouse clickA single mouse click exports the original image with measurement, calibration, annotation overlay,measurement data, statistics, and chart.Manual Measurement Tools - Including Various Perpendicular DistanceSoftware’s versatile manual measurement features include tools for measuring lengths, areas, and angles and can even auto detect an object's outline and then make specified measurements. The software is equipped with a wide choice of powerful measurement tools including 3-point circle functionality, Npoint circle measurement functionality, parallel line distance measurement, perpendicular distance measurement and object distance measurement. In addition, a zoom-in window can be used to determine the accurate measuring point of an object.Once you've measured a specimen you can easily export all of the images, measurement data and statistics to an Excel® file. With iSolution Lite, comprehensive statistics and data are just one effortless mouse click away.Line ProfilingSingle, multiple, parallel and polyline commands provide Gray/Red/Green/Blue intensity values for specific lines within an image. The profile data of each pixel on the line can be exported to MS Excel. Auto TraceUsing an automatic edge detection algorithm, our software will perform an auto trace measurement function around a closed object. This function greatly increases accuracy and saves time when making measurements of complex shapes.Image ProcessingManual Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Background Subtraction, Shading Correction, Histogram, Clone, Crop, AOI, Resize, Rotate, Split, Merge Monochrome series into RGB Color, Combine different exposure Images for highlight reduction, Image Mode Change, Grayscale, RGB, HSB, YUV Pseudo Color view, Full range of enhancement and morphology filters 8bit and 16bit per channel Manual MeasurementsPoint Count, Straight Line, Circle by radius, Circle by N points, Circle by diameter, Circle by 3 points, rectangle, polygon, polyline, splice lines from a common point, auto trace, angle parallel lines, perpendicular width, perpendicular from common line, angle between 2 lines, distance, perpendicular distance.Shading CorrectionThe edge parts of captured image by low magnification have background shading frequently, which can be removed by the shading correction function. The color of the original image remains the same though. A standard image is acquired from a blank space on the slide glass, or from an out of focus image in a metallurgical specimen. Such a standard image is used to correct the background shading of all other captured images.AnnotationLine, arrow, polyline, spline, rectangle, ellipse, textRegion of Interest- ROI. . . . with unique add/subtract capabilityRectangle, arbitrary rectangle, circle, arbitrary ellipse, polyline, spline, magic wand ROI itself can be saved to work with other images. The saved ROI can be placed on the exact same location of other images.View and Zoom ImageManual zoom In-Out, User Defined, Fit to Window, 1600% Zoom in Window for Accurate Edge Detect, sizeable context Window to view all open ImagesImage EditingUndo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Paste New, Delete, Delete All, Annotate, Image InformationSave OptionsTXT File Format, image and measurement data together in Proprietary .img File Format for future editing and data collectionSupported Image File Formatsjpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, bmp, gif, pcx, tga, mpg, mpeg, avi, mov, img, rpt, txt and etc.Report GeneratorCreate Report, Insert Image and Data, Insert other OLE ObjectsWindow ViewSplit Horizontal, Split Vertical, Cascade, Tile Horizontal, Tile Vertical, Arrange icons, Dynamic User Interface (UI), Classic, ModernTime Lapse Sequence ControlPlay Forward, Backward, Making Movie File (mpg, avi, mov) with Still Images, Split Single Image from Sequence FilePerfect Focus EnhancementiSolution FL implements a perfect function of focus compensation irrespective of the status of lights and specimen.Reflected Light SubtractioniSolution FL creates clear, evenly illuminated images by removing the bright saturated light from a highly reflective sample.System Requirements• PC with a Pentium-class processor; Pentium 300MMX or higher recommended• Microsoft Windows Win7/Vista/WinXP/2000/ME/Win98SE operating system• 32 MB of RAM or more (128 MB recommended)• 15 MB or more hard-disk space (50 MB recommended)• CD-ROM drive• VGA or higher-resolution monitor; Super VGA recommended (1024 x 768 pixel and 24 bit and more color support video card is recommended)• Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device• USB- or LPT-port for hardware key (depends on delivery).Supported imaging devices1. TWAIN Driver2. 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High-resolution soft x-ray photoemission study of a Kondo semiconductor and related compoundsA. Sekiyama a, Y. Fujita a, M. Tsunekawa a, S. Kasai a, A. Shigemoto a,S. Imada a, D. T. Adroja b, T. Yoshino b, F. Iga b, T. Takabatake b,T. Nanba c, and S. Suga aa Department of Material Physics, Graduate School of Engineering Science,Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japanb ADSM, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8530, Japanc Department of Physics, Kobe University, Kobe 657-8501, Japan AbstractWe have performed the bulk-sensitive high-resolution soft x-ray photoemission study of a Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs and related compounds CeNiSn and CePdSn. The comparison of the spectra of polycrystalline CePdSn on the fractured and scraped surfaces shows that the fracturingof the samples is much better than the scraping in order to obtain intrinsic photoemission spectra. The Ce 4d core-level spectra show clear differences in the electronic states among the materials.Key words: Photoemission, CeRhAs, CePdSn, strongly correlated systems1. IntroductionThe formation of the (pseudo-) gap in Kondo semiconductors, which are nonmagnetically semiconducting at low temperatures and behave as local-moment systems at high temperatures, is one of the intriguing phenomena in the strongly correlated systems. CeRhAs is known as the Kondo semiconductor with the Kondo temperature of the order of 1000 K, namely, a strongly hybridized 4f system [1,2]. Although CeNiSn and CePdSn are isostructual with CeRhAs, the hybridization between the 4f electrons and valence-bands is weaker than that in CeRhAs where the Kondo temperature is ~50 and < 7 K, respectively [3,4]. Low-energy photoemission (PES) studies have so far been performed on the scraped [5] and fractured [2] surfaces of CeRhAs in order to investigate its electronic structures. On the other hand, it is known that the low-energy PES often probes the surface electronic states strongly deviated from the bulk states [6,7]. In this paper, we show the bulk-sensitive high-energy PES spectra of CeRhAs, CeNiSn and CePdSn. We have also examined the differences in the spectra on the scraped and fractured surfaces of CePdSn.2. ExperimentalThe PES measurements were performed at BL25SU in SPring-8. The base pressure was about 4 x 10-8 Pa. In order to obtain clean surfaces, the samples were fractured orrepeatedly scraped in situ as discussed later at the measuring temperature of 20 K. The surface cleanliness was confirmed by the absence or weakness of the possible O 1s and C 1s signal. The binding energies in the spectra were calibrated by the measurement of the gold electrically connected to the samples.3. PES spectra of CePdSnIn order to know which surface (fractured or scraped) is better to obtain the intrinsic photoemission spectra even at the high-energy soft x-ray excitation, we have measured the several core-level PES spectra of polycrystalline CePdSn on both fractured and scraped surfaces. As shown in Fig. 1, all core-level peaks in the spectra on the scraped surface are obviously broader than those on the fractured surface. The gravity of the spectral weight on the fractured surface is shifted to the lower binding energy side compared with that on the scraped surface. The same tendency has also observed for the Sn 3d3/2 and Pd 3d3/2peaks as mentioned below. The full width of half maximum (FWHM) of the Sn 3d5/2 and Pd 3d5/2 peaks in the spectra on the fractured surfaces are estimated as about 630 and 420 meV while those on the scraped surface are about 850 and 620 meV. In the case of an intermetallic compound CePdSn, any complicated structure such as final-state multiplet structure is not expected near the main peaks in the Sn 3d, 4d and Pd 3d spectra. Indeed, it seems that there is not any shoulder or pre-peak in the Sn 3d5/2 as well as Pd 3d5/2 spectra on the scraped surface while a shoulder seems to be seen at the higher binding energy side (by ~0.3 eV) of the main peak in the Sn 4d spectra on the scraped surface. Although an origin of the broader FWHM of the peak in the spectra on the scraped surface is not clear at present, it is natural to judge that the fractured surface is better than the scraped surface inorder to obtain the intrinsic spectra. Fig. 1. Comparison of the core-level photoemission spectra of CePdSn on the fractured and scraped surfaces. (a) Sn 3d5/2core level. (b) Pd 3d5/2core level.(c) Sn 4d core level.The energy resolution for these spectra were set to 200 meV.Figure 2 shows the valence-band PES spectra near the Fermi level (E F) of polycrystalline CePdSn with the resolution of ~100 meV measured at h n= 875 eV, which is below the Ce 3d absorption threshold. Therefore, the spectral weight is mainly due to the Pd 4d and Sn 5p states. In both spectra are seen the clear Fermi cut-off. There are broad peaks at ~0.2 and ~1.0 eV in the spectrum on the fractured surface. We consider that these originate from the Pd 4d-Sn 5p antibonding states reflecting the band structures of CePdSn [8]. On the other hand, these structures are somewhat smeared in the spectrum on the scraped surface. We consider that such a phenomenon is caused by the formation of the scraped surface region, in which the translational symmetry of the crystal is rather broken, comparable or longer than the probing depth of the high-energy soft x-ray PES (at most 20 Å when the photoelectron kinetic energy of <~1000 eV). Possible charge up of the scraped surface might be the other origin of the broadened peak structures near E F.The results seen in Figs. 1 and 2 indicate that the fractured surfaces are better to obtain the intrinsic PES spectra if we would like to discuss the electronic states of solids based on the PES spectra within an energy scale of several hundreds meV.Fig. 2. High-resolution (~100 meV) soft x-ray photoemission spectra of CePdSn on the fractured and scraped surfaces. 4. Ce 4d core-level spectraFig. 3. Ce 4d core-level photoemission spectra of CeRhAs, CeNiSn and CePdSn on the fractured surfaces. The energy resolution for these spectra were set to 350 meV.Figure 3 shows the Ce 4d core-level PES spectra of CeRhAs, CeNiSn and CePdSn on the fractured surfaces. In all spectra, a strong peak structure including several peaks or shoulders is observed in an energy region from108 to 117 eV, which corresponds to the 4d94f1final states. A shoulder seen at 106 eV is ascribed to the 4d94f2final states, whose intensity becomes stronger on going from CePdSn to CeRhAs, namely from the weakly to strongly hybridized systems. In addition, there are two peaks at 119.5 and 123 eV in the spectrum of CeRhAs. These are due to the 4d94f0final states, where the energy between these two peaks reflects the spin-obit splitting of the 4d orbitals [9]. The 4d94f0 contributions are slightly seen in the spectrum of CeNiSn whereas those are hardly observed for CePdSn. It is known that the 4d94f0 spectral weight is larger for the strongly hybridized system [9], therefore the relatively stronger 4d94f0intensity in the spectrum of CeRhAs indicates that the hybridization between the 4f electrons and valence-bands is much stronger in CeRhAs than the other compounds. AcknowledgementsWe are grateful to A. Higashiya, A. Irizawa, A. Yamasaki, H. Fujiwara, T. Satonaka, K. Konoike, T. Muro and Y. Saitoh for supporting the experiments. This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for COE research (10CE2004) and Creative Scientific Research (15GS0213) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan. The experiments were performed under the approval of the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (2001A0130-NS-np).References[1] T. Takabatake, F. Iga, T. Yoshino, Y. Echizen, K. Katoh, K. Kobayashi, M. Higa, N. Shimizu, Y. Bando, G. Nakamoto, H. Fujii, K. Izawa, T. Suzuki, T. Fujita, M. Sera, M Hiroi, K. Maezawa, S. 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