2、猪白条系列1 产品规格1.1 部位要求选用经兽医宰前、宰后检验合格的猪胴体,要求后腿肌肉饱满、体肤白色,无明显红斑、痂皮伤痕、局部性脓肿,刮净小毛,并修净内部脂肪、黄汗,色素沉着物,割平槽头肉。
1.2 产品分类该系列产品包括以下品种:品种白条、去皮白条、半膘白条、划膘白条、毛白条、中段划膘白条、中段半膘白条、软白条、带蹄白条等。
1.3 工艺质量要求1.3.1 原料挑选:剔除黑猪、花斑、黑斑、皮肤病、膘厚、病猪、断脊、断腿、严重锯偏、断三叉骨、断尾骨、无伤肉淤血、无污染的胴体,重量控制要求中原地区头50kg以上、东北及西南地区头重55kg以上的作为白条加工原料(小膘白条原料要求头重在40kg以上,膘厚≤2.5cm)。
1.3.2 按工艺规范进行去头、去内脏、摘除甲状腺、肾上腺、浅表股沟淋巴结病变淋巴结、去蹄和尾(去皮白条进行剥皮)。
1.3.3 修整1.3.3.1 带皮类1. 修奶脯:沿奶头外边沿1cm处下刀将猪皮划破,割净奶头,修净色素沉着物,不带黄汁。
刀贴腹直肌修割去软档部位脂肪,修净下腹气泡状油脂。 修后退:内腿肉露出面积标准为从三叉骨的外端,沿后腿延伸方向长度12cm将后腿部位的肥膘割下,露出后腿肉,不破坏肌膜,修去附着在里脊肉上的淋巴及油膜,修净腹腔内残留的碎板油、横膈肌。 去槽头:与颈头(寰骨)断面平齐,将腮肉修下,修净颈骨处淤血和淋巴。 精修:修净臀部和鼠蹊部的皱皮,以及肉体上的伤痕、暗伤、脓疱、皮癣、湿疹、痂皮、皮肤结节、密集红斑和表皮伤斑。
猪表皮修割单块面积不得超过6cm2,总面积不得超过25 cm2。 去皮类1. 修肚囊:修净色素沉着物,不带黄汁。
刀贴腹直肌修割去软档部位脂肪。 修后腿:从三叉骨的外端,沿后腿延伸方向长度12cm将后腿部位的肥膘割下,露出后腿肉,修去附着在里脊肉上的淋巴及油膜,修净腹腔内残留的碎板油、横膈肌。
他有个外号,叫“Action Dan”,用来笑话他那像岩石一样的玩牌策略,不过,这种策略非常有效。
1976年,他开始玩backgammon(西洋双陆棋),很快他就精通了这门游戏,1981年他赢得了backgammom 的世界冠军。
他是一名公认的伟大的牌手,他住在Santa Monica ,在那,他和别人合伙经营一家房地产公司。
当他还是个小男孩的时候,他在现场观看了Bobby Fischer的比赛,受到他高超棋艺的鼓舞,他开始下国际象棋。
翻牌是K-T-9,他得到了TPTK,感觉良好,可是出乎他意料的是,小盲注玩家BET而大盲注玩家RRAISE,我的朋友不能再等了,他ALL IN ,可是更加难以置信的是另外3家居然都跟了。
“我在做什么啊” 他嘟囔着。
“我想,你只是第三好的牌” 我这样回答到。
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Silver T E L E C O M Ag117x 评估板用户手册说明书
Silver T E L E C O M1Introduction 2 2Board Description 2 2.1Board Power (4)2.2Power Options (4)2.3Impedance Programming Options (5)3Getting Started 6 3.1Equipment Required (6)3.2Link Settings (7)4Using the Board 8 4.1Power On Conditions (8)4.2Ringing the Phone (8)4.3Dial Tone (8)4.4Reset (9)5Using Two Ag117x Evaluation Boards 9 5.1Set-up Conditions (9)5.2Talking Between the Two Telephones (9)5.3Ringing the Phone (10)6Using Two Ag117x Evaluation Boards via a CODEC 10 6.1Set-up Conditions (10)6.2Operation (11)7Using an Ag117x and Ag21x0 Evaluation Boards 11 7.1Set-up Conditions (11)7.2Ringing the Phone (12)7.3Making a Call (12)8Using the Ag117x and Ag21x0 via a CODEC board 13 8.1Set-up Conditions (13)8.2Operation (13)9Other Options 14 9.1RM and FR Links (14)9.2Programming the Microcontroller (15)1 IntroductionThis manual is intended to be a guide to using the Ag117x evaluation board. This board can be used on its own (with a telephone), or used in conjunction with other Silver Telecom evaluation boards. Examples of the different set-ups that can be used are show within this user manual.Below is a list of Silver Telecom SLIC (Subscriber Line Interface Circuit) modules that can be used on the Ag117x evaluation board: -Ag1170 – All product variantsAg11712 Board DescriptionThe board has two SLIC sockets, one for the single-in-line (SIL) and one for the dual-in-line (DIL). Do not attempt to plug in both variant at the same time.There are two 25-way D-Type connectors (J1 socket and J2 plug) that can be used to connect this board to other evaluation boards. There is also an RJ11 connector J3 to connect a telephone (to TIP and RING) and a power connector J6 to connect to a 7.5V bench power supply or power pack.The board is controlled by a Microchip 16F88 microcontroller, which is programmed via J4; a copy of the .asm file is available upon request. The software has been developed solely to demonstrate the different functions of the products listed above.The board uses an LM324 to generate a simple dial tone (350Hz & 440Hz). There are multiple test points and several links that can be used to monitor or inject external signals.The microcontroller monitors the SHK output and controls the FR, RM and SYNC inputs. In addition to this the controller also monitors the three control buttons: - Ring, Tone and Master Reset and two external lines connected to J1 and J2.There are five status LEDs: -L1 – Board power ONL2 – Dial Tone ONL3 – State of the FR input (ON indicates FR is Logic 1 – Forward Loop)L4 – State of the RM input (ON indicates RM is Logic 1 – during ringing)L5 – State of SHK output (ON indicates SHK is Logic 1)There are several jumper links that can be use to set the board to work with the different SLIC types, or to break input connections for monitoring or injecting signals from an external source. Figure 1 shows the top layout of the board, a copy of the board schematic is available upon request.Figure 1: Board Layout Top View2.1 Board PowerThe power socket J6 accepts an input voltage* range of 7.5V to 9V, the supply needs to be capable of supply to 1 Amp. The Ag117x evaluation kit has a power pack included, but if a different power supply is going to be used then it is important that it meets the above criteria and the centre pin is positive (+).*The power input is polarity protected.2.2 Power OptionsThe board is powered from the on-board regulator and can be set to +5V or +3.3V by using LK1 (see Figure 2): -+5V - LK1 not fitted+3.3V - LK1 fittedFigure 2: Power Input2.3 Impedance Programming OptionsWhen using a programmable SLIC such as the Ag1170P, an impedance module must be fitted in J5 (see Figure 3). However when using a standard SLIC (where the impedance is fixed to 600R) the impedance module must not be fitted in J5.Figure 3: Impedance Module PositionThe impedance modules are not supplied with the standard Ag117x evaluation board (or kit), but are available upon request. The module shown in Figure 4 can be made to match various Network and Terminal Impedances, see the Ag1170P applications note AN1170-1 for the component values required.Figure 4: Impedance Module Connections3 Getting Started3.1 Equipment RequiredFigure 5 shows a basic set up using a single Ag117x evaluation board and a telephone. The equipment required: -¾Ag117x Evaluation Board¾PSU 7.5V @ 1 Amp (supplied in kit only)¾ TelephoneFigure 5: Basic set-up3.2 Link SettingsLK7 to LK10 are used to set the Ag117x evaluation board for the different SLIC variants,see Figure 6 and Table 1 below.Figure 6: Product Link PositionsProduct LK7 LK8 LK9 LK10 Ag1170 Not Fitted Position A Position A Position AAg1171 Fitted Position B Position B Position BTable 1: Product Link Settlings4 Using the Board4.1 Power On ConditionsWhen the Ag117x evaluation board is connected as shown in Figure 6, with the phoneOn-Hook, on power-up the board will default to the conditions shown in Table 2 (idlestate).LEDPin StatusSYNC Free run Power = ONRM Logic 0 RM = OFFF/R Logic 1 F/R = ONOFF=SHK=OFF ToneTable 2: Default Condition4.2 Ringing the PhoneWith the telephone On-Hook press and release the “RING” button to ring the phone.When the phone is ringing the RM LED will be ON (for approximately 1 second) andOFF (for approximately 3 seconds). The FR LED will toggle (ON and OFF) at 20Hzduring ringing (when RM is ON) and FR will be ON between rings (when RM is OFF).The ringing will stop automatically, when the SLIC detects the phone going Off-Hook, orringing can be cancelled by pressing either the “Tone” or “Master Reset” buttons.If the phone is already Off-Hook and the “RING” button is pressed, the phone will notring.4.3 Dial ToneWhen the phone goes “Off-Hook” the dial tone circuit is enabled. When the “TONE”button is pressed, the evaluation board will generate a dial tone audible in the earpiece.This can be toggled ON and OFF by pressing and releasing the “TONE” button, thestatus will be indicated by the TONE LED.4.4 ResetThe SLIC can be reset, by pressing the “MASTER-RESET” button. This will take the SYNC pin to Logic 0 and reset the board controller back to the Power ON condition.5 Using Two Ag117x Evaluation Boards5.1 Set-up ConditionsTwo Ag117x evaluation boards can be connected together as shown in Figure 8. Each board can be operated independently as shown in section 4.The boards can be operated with a single power supply, in Figure 7 the power supply is connected to board “B”, but if would work equally well if the power supply was connected to board “A”.Figure 7: Connecting Two Ag117x Evaluation Boards5.2 Talking Between the Two TelephonesTwo Ag117x evaluation boards can be connected together via their 25 way male and female D-Type connectors. To have a conversation between telephones “A” and “B” (as shown in Figure 7) is done by simply going Off-Hook on both telephones.If the audio is too loud this can be attenuated by 6dB by placing a jumper link across LK3, Figure 8 shows this in more detail.Figure 8: Connecting Two Ag1170 Evaluation Boards5.3 Ringing the PhoneWhen two Ag117x evaluation boards are connected together as shown in Figures 7 and 8, if telephone “A” is On-Hook and the “RING” button is pressed (on evaluation board “A”) then telephone “A” will ring (the same applies with telephone “B” and board “B”).If telephone “A” is Off-Hook and the “RING” button is pressed (on board “A”), providing telephone “B” is On-Hook, that telephone will ring. Telephone “B” will stop ringing as soon as it goes Off-Hook, the ringing can also be cancelled by pressing either the “TONE” or “MASTER-RESET” buttons on board “A”. The reverse also applies if telephone “B” is off-hook and the “RING” button is pressed (on board “B”).6 Using Two Ag117x Evaluation Boards via a CODEC6.1 Set-up ConditionsTwo Ag117x evaluation boards can be connected together via a CODEC as shown in Figure 9. Each board can be operated independently as shown in section 4.The boards can be operated with a single power supply, in Figure 9 the power supply is connected to board “B”, but if would work equally well if the power supply was connected to board “A”.Figure 9: Connecting Two Ag117x Evaluation Boards via a CODEC6.2 OperationThe operation of the Ag117x evaluation boards are no different from that detailed is Sections 4 and 5.7 Using an Ag117x and Ag21x0 Evaluation Boards7.1 Set-up ConditionsThe Ag117x evaluation board can be connected to an Ag21x0 evaluation board (Ag2120 evaluation board or Ag2130 evaluation board) as shown in Figure 10.The boards can be operated with a single power supply in Figure 10 the power supply is connected to board “A”. This is the optimum configuration as the Ag117x evaluation board draws more supply current than the Ag21x0 evaluation board.Figure 10: Connecting an Ag117x and Ag21x0 Evaluation Boards7.2 Ringing the PhoneWhen the Ag117x evaluation boards is connected to an Ag21x0 evaluation board, if telephone “A” is On-Hook and the “RING” button is pressed then telephone “A” will ring. If an external call is made to the “Line” connected to the Ag21x0 evaluation board, this board will signal the Ag117x board and telephone “A” will ring. When telephone “A” goes Off-Hook, the ringing will automatically stop and the Ag117x board will instruct the Ag21x0 board to seize the line (accepting the call).7.3 Making a CallIf both evaluation boards are in their idle state, when telephone “A” goes Off-Hook the dial tones should be audible.To make a call dial the number required from telephone “A” and when the connection is made the ring tone (or engaged tone) will be heard. When the far end phone goes Off-Hook the audio paths will be connected, if the audio level is too high (at the far end) the LK3 can be fitted to reduce this by 6dB.8 Using the Ag117x and Ag21x0 via a CODEC board8.1 Set-up ConditionsThe Ag117x evaluation boards can be connected to an Ag21x0 evaluation board via a CODEC board as shown in Figure 11. Each board can be operated independently as shown in section 4.The boards can be operated with a single power supply in Figure 11 the power supply is connected to board “A”. Because the Ag117x evaluation board draws the most power supply current, this is the optimum configuration.Figure 11: Connecting an Ag117x, Ag21x0 and CODEC Boards8.2 OperationThe operation of the Ag117x evaluation board when used with the Ag21x0 and CODEC board is no different from that detailed is Section 7.9 Other Options9.1 RM and FR LinksThe RM and FR inputs can be isolated from the on-board controller by removing LK2 for RM or LK6 for FR.The top pins of LK2 and LK6 connect to the SLIC and the bottom pins connect to the controller (see Figure 12).Figure 12: Other Links9.2 Programming the MicrocontrollerThe microcontroller can be programmed in-circuit. To do so ensure that the SLIC andlinks LK2 and LK4 are removed, then connect the programmer to J4 (see Table 3 for pin connection details).If the programmer does not supply its own power then remove link LK1 (setting theboard to +5.0V) and connect the (+7.5V) power supply to J6. If the programmer does supply its own power, then disconnect the power supply connected to J6 and removelink LK4 (in addition to LK2 and LK6).1 2 3 4 5 6V PP PGD PGC V DD V SS V SSTable 3: J4 Programming Pin ConnectionsSilver Telecom Ltd does not accept responsibility for any damage to the Ag117x evaluation board or product, resulting from third party changes made to the software provided.。
自然双拼键盘表q:iu 汽忧--- 球w:ia,ua 呜呀哇e:e 俄尔r:uan van 日弯圆t:ue 特约y:ing,uai 英歪u:sh,u 诗i:ch,i 嗤o:o,uo 我窝p:un vn 晕温a:as:ong,iong 勇翁d:iang,uang 忘羊f:en 佛恩--分g:eng 歌亨--耕h:ang 喝昂--航j:an 吉安k:ao 科奥--靠l:ai 勒爱--来z:ei 自诶--贼x:ie 西椰--谢c:iao 此要v:zh,ui,ǖ知微余b:ou 播欧n:in 呐音m:ian 摸烟---棉教你一招:自然码双拼的诀窍!(包括学习及练习材料)自然码双拼的诀窍【规律】(1)凡是能用两个拼音字母来拼写的汉字,其代码也用这两个字母表示:da(大),ai(爱),……。
(5)二元音当头的打法(直接打): ai(爱)、诶(ei)、而(er)、ao(澳), ou(欧), an(安), en(恩)。
(6)多元音当头的打法: ah(昂), ag(嗯)。
(7)所有的拼法都遵循:前一个是声母,后一个是韵母: vs(中),……(8)有些字母能同时代表两个相近韵母,如“ong与iong”、“uang与iang”等被安排在同一键位上。
输入下列按双拼韵音排列的汉字:东同农龙工空红中充容总从送窘穷兄用并凭名定听宁零经请性应宾聘民您林进亲新因帮胖忙方当堂囊浪刚康行张长上让藏桑网像版盘慢凡但谈男兰干看含占产山然咱参三万言段团暖乱关款换卷全选原报跑毛到套闹老高靠好找超少扰早草扫要表票秒调条鸟了较瞧小自然码2000输入法学习及练习材料(上)自然码双拼键盘┌———┬———┬———┬———┬———┬———┬———┬———┬———┬—┐│Q七│W屋│E鹅│R日│T特│Y衣│U试│I尺│O喔│P││ iu 优│ ua 挖│ e 二│uan 弯│ ve 约│uai 外│u 屋│i 衣│ uo 握│un │││ ia 呀││van 元││ing 英││││vn │└┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬┘│A啊│S思│D德│F佛│G哥│H喝│J机│K科│L勒││ a │iong拥│uang汪│ en 恩│(亨)│ang 昂│ an 安│ ao 凹│ ai 哀│││ong 翁│iang央││eng │││││└┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴┬——┴———┘│Z资│X西│C词│V支│B播│N呐│M摸││ ei 诶│ ie 椰│iao 腰│ ui 微│ ou 欧│ in 音│ian 烟│││││v 余││││└———┴———┴———┴———┴———┴———┴———┘自然码双拼键位口诀(按键盘顺序)Qīu, Wua,ia, Ee, Ruan,üan, Tüe, Ying,uai, Ush,u;求蛙鸭鹅,软踢越,赢外鼠;Ich,i, Oo,uo, Pun,ün! Aa, Song,iong, Duang,iang;耻哦,屁蚊(晕!) 啊,送蛹,得旺羊;Fen, Geng, Hang, Jan, Kao, Lai!奋耕行,即安——靠赖!Zei, Xie, Ciao, Vzh,ui,ü, Bou, Nin, Mian。
Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition 产品说明书
Oracle Hospitality SimphonyFirst EditionOracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition is an enterprise hospitality management platform that provides point-of-sale (POS) and back-office functionality on fixed and mobile devices to support stadiums, arenas, and other food and beverage (F&B) operations. Available as a cloud service (Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition Cloud Service) or as an on-premises solution (Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition Foundation), it enables operational efficiency with centralized management, providing standardized reporting and advanced management controls. Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition is highly scalable; it can support thousands of workstations or single property operations.C O M P R E H E N S I V E P O I N T-O F-S A L EF U N C T I O N A L I T YK E Y F E A T U R E S•Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition Cloud Service available in the cloud to provide agility while reducing IT costs•Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition Foundation available on premises, making it ideal for every environment•Ability to continue trade if internet connection is lost•Mobile enabled with multiple hardware options for flexibility •Centralized management of menus, pricing, and promotions•Flexible order management controls to suit all environments•Powerful reporting for comprehensive real-time data accessible by mobile device•Kitchen management functionality for consistency and efficiency •Optional services for loyalty and gift cards, inventory, and loss prevention •Integration to online ordering and payment applications •Multilanguage and currency support Modern and MobileElevate the guest experience anywhere with mobile devices for Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition. Provide your customers with the freedom of ordering from the comfort of their seats, and stand out from your competition by offering mobile payments that increase customer engagement.Centralize the EnterpriseOracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition provides F&B operators with a centralized solution for simplified, agile management and control. Every POS terminal within the enterprise can be updated from a central location—giving you complete control over menus, pricing, and promotions. This enables a consistent guest and brand experience, while removing your dependency on a property expert at every location who understands how to make changes. Centralization also enables changes to be planned and tested weeks and months in advance so that rollouts are smooth and on time.Streamlining Food and Beverage OperationsOracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition was designed to serve and enhance the F&B industry. It features a multitude of functions created specifically for hospitality, including tools to ensure timely guest seating, food delivery, and loyalty tracking:∙Ensure your future orders will always be on time. Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition automatically sends online and call-ahead orders to the kitchen based on when they are needed.∙Ensure accurate food delivery with the seat management feature. With this functionality, any staff member is able to deliver food to a specific seat, and eachguest can receive a separate check.K E Y B E N E F I T S•Choose cloud or on premises to suit your enterprise•Take guest engagement to a new level with POS that extends to mobile •Maximize consistency through centralized management, increasing efficiency and customer satisfaction •Bring ideas and innovations to market faster with increased speed and agility•Manage multiple operation styles within one enterprise•Maximize ROI with additional modules for loss prevention, loyalty, and inventory•Exceptional integration functionality—leverage APIs for mobile payments, online ordering, and more ∙Easily manage multiple courses. Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition can automatically trigger a fixed-price menu based on the seat and items ordered,eliminating the need for multiple menu creation.∙Maximize efficiency and quality with kitchen management functionality.Enterprisewide Real-Time Reporting and AnalyticsOracle Hospitality Reporting and Analytics Advanced Cloud Service is an integrated component of Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition. It organizes and consolidates business-critical data into easy-to-view reports and dashboards. As a cloud reporting solution, it gives you access to real-time performance data from across your entire enterprise, helping you to make informed business decisions. This data is also made available through inMotion—a mobile app that is a downloadable companion tool to Oracle Hospitality Reporting and Analytics Cloud Service that enables you to see sales, guest numbers, covers, or other key metrics anytime, anywhere.Increase Control with ForecastingOracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition gives you increased control of your business through the forecasting module within Oracle Hospitality Reporting and Analytics Advanced Cloud Service. The forecasting module enables you to track sales and other performance metrics against your expected results, so you can clearly and quickly see where adjustments must be made.Improve Customer Engagement with Gift and LoyaltyOracle Hospitality Gift and Loyalty Advanced Cloud Service is an add-on product that integrates with Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition. It enables F&B operators to improve engagement with their guests and encourage customer loyalty. With the gift and loyalty functionality, innovative programs can be easily created and efficiently managed to reward the right customers at the right time.Oversee Inventory for Maximum ProfitabilityInventory is another major cost for any F&B operator, and waste or theft can have a considerable impact on profitability. At the same time, guest satisfaction relies on having sufficient stock to never disappoint a customer. Oracle Hospitality Inventory Management Cloud Service—an add-on module to Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition—gives you control of your stock, enabling you to monitor availability and usage without needing to physically check your stores.Monitor Your Business with Loss PreventionImplementing Oracle Hospitality XBRi Loss Prevention Cloud Service with Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition enables F&B managers to centrally monitor activity on every POS terminal throughout an entire enterprise. Sophisticated techniques enable unexpected transactions or behavior to be identified and flagged for investigation.Introduce Exceptional Venue ManagementFor stadiums and arenas in North America, Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition Venue Management Foundation manages perpetual inventory, goods-out-of-stock2 | ORACLE HOSPITALITY SIMPHONY FIRST EDITION3 | ORACLE HOSPITALITY SIMPHONY FIRST EDITION R E L A T E D P R O D U C T S The Oracle Hospitality suite includes thefollowing:• Oracle Hospitality Reporting andAnalytics Advanced Cloud Service• Oracle Hospitality Gift and LoyaltyAdvanced Cloud Service• Oracle Hospitality InventoryManagement Cloud Service• Oracle Hospitality XBRi LossPrevention Cloud Service• Oracle Hospitality Forecasting andBudget Cloud Service• Oracle Hospitality MarketSegmentation Cloud Serviceaccounting, ordering, receiving, cash pickups, and deposits for events. By trackinginventory before, during, and after each event and comparing it with product movement data from Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition, revenue can be accurately tracked with minimal manual effort, while also helping with restocking and shrinkage control. Optimize the Guest Experience in Stadium Suites Oracle Hospitality Suites Management is designed for stadiums and arenas that offer luxury suites to guests. Using this add-on module with Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition, guests can preorder F&B packages for delivery to their luxury suites at designated times. Guests can add to their preorders throughout the event and receive a single invoice, ensuring a first-class experience. Grow Your Enterprise Through Innovation Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition gives F&B operators the ability to remain at the forefront of innovation. The cloud enables new features and functionality to be speedily introduced across the entire enterprise —no lengthy rollout programs. Through partnerships with third-party solutions, such as mobile payments and online ordering, the latest innovations can be introduced, quickly bringing ideas to market. Servicing a Wide Range of Food and Beverage Operations Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition is a proven solution for a wide range of F&B operations, including stadiums and arenas, table service and quick service restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, casinos, travel hubs, and theme parks. In each case, Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition scales from running thousands of POS terminals across a large enterprise to operations with a single location. A Complete Solution for Your Enterprise Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition is the ideal solution for any enterprise that wants to offer numerous concepts —for example, combining fine dining with concessions. This, combined with the solution’s functionality for POS, loyalty, inventory, loss prevention, labor, and reporting, makes Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition an extremely powerful yet flexible solution for your business.C O N T A For more information about Oracle Hospitality Simphony First Edition, visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an Oracle representative.C O N N E C T W I T H U S/hospitality/OracleHospitality/OracleHospCopyright © 2012, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. 1115。
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hljluozhao 回复 廣博雅正_飘人杰地灵: 非常感谢小编和上面这位,两方面综合一下半小时搞定,最主要是数据还 都在,数据无价啊,大家按照小编给的东西下好调好后就按这个说的操作吧,简单详细,容易上手,赞 一个。
6月10日 回复 顶
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廣博雅正_飘人杰地灵 Nexus4 已成功升级,谢谢小编,同时也为小编的表达能力捉急,弄得我反复折腾了一个多小时啊!首 先,小编放出的adb和fastboot文件应该是nexus系列都可以用的,虽然以前也刷过好几次四儿子五儿 子,但是不复制过去的话还是会提示不是内部或者外部命令。第二,连接上手机打开usb模式之后,直 接打开电脑运行代码那里输入cmd,再输入cd c:\adb,回车后再输入adb reboot bootloader就可以进 入fastboot模式,后面手动操作那一段描述加上去看得人云里雾里的。第三,进入fastboot后输入flashall.bat 执行bat 命令的前提是把镜像包里所有文件放到adb 文件夹的根目录里,不然同样会失败。
下载解压,将名称中含有adb和fastboot.exe复制到 c:/windows/system32下 然后再将名称中含有adb的所有文件复制到 c:/windows/system。
http://www.inexus.co/article-621-1.html[2014/6/19 13:47:25]
6月6日 回复 顶
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飘仙樱花 回复 豆特勒: 我也是啊, 怎么办
6月5日 回复 顶
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擘 twr没有了,怎么办啊!而且升级完貌似LBE也无法获得系统权限啊!
6月5日 回复 顶
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豆特勒 一直停留在GOOGLE界面
Product Type Product Status Green Halogen-free IKW30N100T in production yes-IKW08T120in production yes available SKW30N60HS in production yes available IKW15T120in production yes available IKW25T120in production yes available IKW40T120in production yes available IKA06N60T in production yes-IKB06N60T in production yes yesIKA10N60T in production yes-IKB10N60T in production yes yesIKA15N60T in production yes-IKB15N60T in production yes yesIKB20N60T in production yes yesIKW20N60T in production yes available IKW30N60T in production yes available IKW50N60T in production yes available IKW75N60T in production yes available SKB02N120in production yes yesSKW07N120in production yes available SKW15N120in production yes available SKW25N120in production yes available SKB02N60in production yes yesSKB04N60in production yes yesSKA06N60in production yes-SKB06N60in production yes yesSKW10N60A discontinued yes-SKB15N60in production yes yesSKW15N60in production yes available SKW20N60in production yes available SKW30N60in production yes available SKB15N60HS in production yes yesSKW20N60HS in production yes available IKB01N120H2discontinued yes-SKB06N60HS in production yes yesIKA03N120H2in production yes-IKB03N120H2in production yes yesIKW03N120H2in production yes available IHW30N100R discontinued yes available IHW30N90R discontinued yes available IHW30N60T in production yes available IHW30N160R2in production yes available IHW40T120in production yes available IHW30N100T in production yes available IHW30N90T in production yes availableIHW40N60T discontinued yes-IHW40T60in production yes-IHW40N60R in production yes-IHW25N120R2in production yes available IHD10N60RA in production yes-IHW30N120R2in production yes available IHD06N60RA in production yes-IHW15T120in production yes available IHW20T120in production yes available IKW15N120T2in production yes available IKW25N120T2in production yes available IKW40N120T2in production yes available SKB10N60A in production yes yesIKI04N60T in production yes yesIHW20N120R3in production yes available IHW15N120R3in production yes available IKP04N60T in production yes yesIKP06N60T in production yes yesIKP10N60T in production yes yesIKP15N60T in production yes yesIKP20N60T in production yes yesSKP02N60in production yes yesSKP04N60in production yes yesSKP06N60in production yes yesSKP10N60A in production yes yesSKP15N60in production yes yesIKP01N120H2in production yes yesIKP03N120H2in production yes yesSKP02N120in production yes yesIHY15N120R3in production yes yesIHY20N120R3in production yes yesIHY30N160R2in production yes yesIKW15N120H3in production yes available IKW25N120H3in production yes available IKW40N120H3in production yes available IKD10N60R in production yes-IKU10N60R in production yes-IKD15N60R in production yes-IKU15N60R in production yes-IKD04N60R in production yes-IKU04N60R in production yes-IKD06N60R in production yes-IKU06N60R in production yes-IKW20N60H3in production yes available IKW30N60H3in production yes available IHW40N60RF in production yes available IHW30N110R3in production yes availableIKW40N60H3in production yes available IKB20N60H3in production yes yesIKW50N60H3in production yes available IKP20N60H3in production yes yesIHY20N135R3in production yes yesSwitching Frequency Package VCE (max) TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-2471,000.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-2471,200.0 V HighSpeed 30-100 kHz TO-247600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-2471,200.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-2471,200.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-2471,200.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-220600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz D2PAK (TO-263)600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-220600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz D2PAK (TO-263)600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-220600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz D2PAK (TO-263)600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz D2PAK (TO-263)600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-247600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-247600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-247600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-247600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz D2PAK (TO-263)1,200.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-247600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz D2PAK (TO-263)600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-247600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-247600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-247600.0 V HighSpeed 30-100 kHz TO-220600.0 V HighSpeed 30-100 kHz TO-247600.0 V HighSpeed2 30-100 kHz TO-2201,200.0 V HighSpeed 30-100 kHz TO-220600.0 V HighSpeed2 30-100 kHz TO-2201,200.0 V HighSpeed2 30-100 kHz TO-2201,200.0 V HighSpeed2 30-100 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,000.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-247900.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-247600.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,600.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-2471,000.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-247900.0 VTRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-247600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-247600.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-247600.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz DPAK (TO-252)600.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz DPAK (TO-252)600.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V TRENCHSTOP™2 2-20kHz TO-2471,200.0 V TRENCHSTOP™2 2-20kHz TO-2471,200.0 V TRENCHSTOP™2 2-20kHz TO-2471,200.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz I2PAK (TO262)600.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,200.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-220600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-220600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-220600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-220600.0 V TRENCHSTOP™ 2-20kHz TO-220600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-220600.0 V HighSpeed2 30-100 kHz TO-2201,200.0 V HighSpeed2 30-100 kHz TO-2201,200.0 V Fast IGBT 10-40 kHz TO-2201,200.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO247HC-31,200.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO247HC-31,200.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO247HC-31,600.0 V HighSpeed3 20-100kHz TO-2471,200.0 V HighSpeed3 20-100kHz TO-2471,200.0 V HighSpeed3 20-100kHz TO-2471,200.0 V RC Drives Series 2-20 KHz DPAK (TO-252)600.0 V RC Drives Series 2-20 KHz IPAK (TO-251)600.0 V RC Drives Series 2-20 KHz DPAK (TO-252)600.0 V RC Drives Series 2-20 KHz IPAK (TO-251)600.0 V RC Drives Series 2-20 KHz DPAK (TO-252)600.0 V RC Drives Series 2-20 KHz IPAK (TO-251)600.0 V RC Drives Series 2-20 KHz DPAK (TO-252)600.0 V RC Drives Series 2-20 KHz IPAK (TO-251)600.0 V HighSpeed3 20-100kHz TO-247600.0 V HighSpeed3 20-100kHz TO-247600.0 V RC-Fast Soft Switching Series 20-100 kHz TO-247600.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO-2471,100.0 VHighSpeed3 20-100kHz TO-247600.0 V HighSpeed3 20-100kHz D2PAK (TO-263)600.0 V HighSpeed3 20-100kHz TO-247600.0 V HighSpeed3 20-100kHz D2PAK (TO-263)600.0 V RC Soft Switching Series 8-60 kHz TO247HC-31,350.0 VIC(max) @ 25°IC(max) @ 100°60.0 A30.0 A16.0 A8.0 A41.0 A30.0 A30.0 A15.0 A50.0 A25.0 A75.0 A40.0 A10.0 A 6.2 A12.0 A 6.0 A11.7 A7.2 A20.0 A10.0 A14.7 A8.9 A30.0 A15.0 A30.0 A15.0 A40.0 A20.0 A60.0 A30.0 A80.0 A50.0 A80.0 A75.0 A6.2 A 2.8 A16.5 A7.9 A30.0 A15.0 A46.0 A25.0 A6.0 A 2.9 A9.4 A 4.9 A9.0 A 5.0 A12.0 A 6.9 A20.0 A10.6 A31.0 A15.0 A31.0 A15.0 A40.0 A20.0 A41.0 A30.0 A27.0 A15.0 A36.0 A20.0 A3.2 A 1.3 A12.0 A 6.0 A-8.2 A9.6 A 3.9 A9.6 A 3.9 A60.0 A30.0 A60.0 A30.0 A60.0 A30.0 A60.0 A30.0 A75.0 A40.0 A60.0 A30.0 A60.0 A30.0 A80.0 A40.0 A 80.0 A40.0 A 50.0 A25.0 A 20.0 A10.0 A 60.0 A30.0 A 12.0 A 6.0 A 30.0 A15.0 A 40.0 A20.0 A 30.0 A15.0 A 50.0 A25.0 A 75.0 A40.0 A 21.0 A10.9 A 8.0 A 4.0 A 40.0 A20.0 A 30.0 A15.0 A 8.0 A 4.0 A 12.0 A 6.0 A 20.0 A10.0 A 30.0 A15.0 A 40.0 A20.0 A 6.0 A 2.9 A 9.4 A 4.9 A 12.0 A 6.9 A 20.0 A10.6 A 31.0 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收稿日期:2022G06G05.基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11961069);新疆优秀青年科技人才培训计划项目(2019Q 022);新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(2019D 01A 71);新疆维吾尔自治区高校科研计划(X J E D U 2018Y 033);新疆师范大学青年拔尖人才计划项目.作者简介:马玉花(1997 ),女,硕士生.㊀∗通信作者:顾海波(1982 ),男,教授,硕士生导师.E Gm a i l :h b gu _m a t h @163.c o m .马玉花,顾海波,李㊀宁.非线性C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 型分数阶微分包含正解的存在性[J ].南昌大学学报(理科版),2023,47(2):118G125.MA Y H ,G U HB ,L IN.E x i s t e n c e o f P o s i t i v e S o l u t i o n s f o rN o n l i n e a r C a pu t o GH a d a m a r dF r a c t i o n a l D i f f e r e n t i a l I n c l u s i o n sw i t h I n t e g r a l B o u n d a r y V a l u eC o n d i t i o n s [J ].J o u r n a l o fN a n c h a n g U n i v e r s i t y(N a t u r a l S c i e n c e ),2023,47(2):118G125.非线性C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 型分数阶微分包含正解的存在性马玉花,顾海波∗,李㊀宁(新疆师范大学数学科学学院,新疆乌鲁木齐㊀830017)㊀㊀摘要:通过多值映射的不动点定理,证明了如下一类带有积分边值条件的C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 分数阶微分包含问题多个正解的存在性:C HD αx (t )ɪF (t ,x (t )),1<t ɤe x (1)=λʏe 1x (s )d s +d {,其中C H D α代表C a p u t o GH a d a m a r d 分数阶导数,12<αɤ1,0ɤλ<1e -1,d >0,F :[1,e ]ˑR ңp (R )的多值映射,p (R )表示R 上所有非空子集.关键词:C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 分数阶微分包含;边值条件;正解;不动点定理中图分类号:O 715.14㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1006G0464(2023)02G0118G07E x i s t e n c e o f p o s i t i v e s o l u t i o n s f o r n o n l i n e a r c a pu t o Gh a d a m a r d f r a c t i o n a l d i f f e r e n t i a l i n c l u s i o n sw i t h i n t e g r a l b o u n d a r y va l u e c o n d i t i o n s MA Y u h u a ,G U H a ib o ∗,L IN i n g(S c h o o l o fM a t h e m a t i c sS c i e n c e s ,X i n j i a n g N o r m a lU n i v e r s i t y ,U r u m qi 830017,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :B y t h e f i x e d p o i n t t h e o r e mo fm u l t i Gv a l u e dm a p p i n gs ,w e o b t a i n t h e e x i s t e n c e t h e o r e mo f a t l e a s t t w o p o s i t i v e s o Gl u t i o n s f o r t h e f o l l o w i n gp r o b l e mo fC a p u t o GH a d a m a r d f r a c t i o n a l d i f f e r e n t i a l i n c l u s i o nw i t h i n t e g r a l b o u n d a r y va l u e c o n d i t i o n :C HD αx (t )ɪF (t ,x (t )),1<t ɤe x (1)=λʏe 1x (s )d s +d {,其中C H D α,w h e r e C H D αd e n o t e s t h eC a p u t o GH a d a m a r d f r a c t i o n a l d e r i v a t i v e ,12<αɤ1,0ɤλ<1e -1,d >0,F :[1,e ]ˑRңp (R )i s am u l t i v a l u e d m a p ,p (R )i s t h ef a m i l y o f a l l s u b s e t s o f R .K e y Wo r d s :C a p u t o GH a d a m a r d f r a c t i o n a l d i f f e r e n t i a l i n c l u s i o n ;b o u n d a r y v a l u e c o n d i t i o n ;p o s i t i v e s o l u t i o n s ;f i x e d p o i n t t h e Go r e m㊀㊀分数阶微积分是应用数学中最重要的领域之一,它将现有的整数阶的微分算子推广到任意阶的微分算子.近年来,关于分数阶微分方程问题引起了人们广泛的关注.分数阶微分方程应用于反常扩散㊁流体力学㊁生物医学㊁最优控制等领域.相比起整数阶的微分算子,分数阶微分算子具有全局性,从而可以准确描述客观世界的发展规律.伴随着自然科学及社会科学发展㊁复杂工程应用需求的增加,分数阶微分方程已不能满足人类探索发展规律的需求,而微分包含可以看作是分数阶微分方程的推广,它可以对复杂的现象进行更加准确的刻画.对于微分包含解的存在性一直是人们研究的热点问题,同时人们已经不再满足去寻找微分包含的一般解,而是想找到更具有现实意义的正解.有关分数阶微分包含的理论研究有很多[1-13].在现有的成果当中,有关分数阶微分包含正解的存在性定理的结果并不是很多[8-9],因此,对于微分包含具有多个正解的存在性研究是第47卷第2期2023年4月㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀南昌大学学报(理科版)J o u r n a l o fN a n c h a n g U n i v e r s i t y(N a t u r a l S c i e n c e )V o l .47N o .2A pr .2023㊀必要的.文[6]中,作者结合变分方法和临界点理论,给出了下面一类带奇异项的非局部问题正解的唯一性.-[a +b (ʏa |Ñu |2d x )m ]Δu =f (x )u -γ-λu p -1,x ɪΩu >0,x ɪΩu =0,x ɪ∂Ωìîíïïïï其中Ω是R N (N ȡ3)是一个有界开区域且具有光滑边界阶∂Ω,a ,b ȡ0且a +b >0,m >0,λȡ0,1<p ɤ2,0<γ<1.系数函数f 为非零非负函数.文[7]中,作者利用不动点定理,给出了下面一类非线性加权问题正解的存在性.cD η,ψ,ω0+z (t )=f (t ,u (t )),0<t ɤ1z (0)=z 0>0{其中c D η,ψ,ω0+是加权广义η阶的C a p u t o 分数阶导数,0<η<1,连续函数f :[0,1]ˑR +ңR +,严格增函数ψ:[0,1]ңR +,加权函数ω(t )ʂ0且满足ω-1(t )=1ω(t).文[8]中,作者通过多值映射的压缩不动点定理,给出了下面非线性分数阶微分包含正解的存在性定理.C H D α0+u (t )ɪF (t ,u (t )),t ɪ(0,1)u (0)=u ㊆(0),u (1)=λʏ10u (s )d s ìîíïïïï其中C H D α0+是α阶的Ca p u t o 分数阶导数,2<α<3,0<λ<2,F :[0,1]ˑR ңp (R )是具有紧值的多值映射,p (R )是R 的非空子集.受以上结果的启发,本文将研究如下带有积分边值的分数阶微分包含多个正解的存在性问题C HD αx (t )ɪF (t ,x (t )),1<t ɤex (1)=λʏe1x (s )d s +d {(1)其中C H D α代表C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 分数阶导数,12<αɤ1,0ɤλ<1e -1,d >0,F :[1,e ]ˑR ңp (R )的多值映射,p (R )表示R 上所有非空子集.本文将利用[10]中G u o -K r a s n o s e l s k i i s 不动点定理,给出带积分边界值条件的分数阶微分包含方程(1)的正解存在的充分条件.本文具体安排如下:在第1节中,我们给出了相关预备知识,包括问题描述㊁基本定义和相关引理,以及本文所需的条件假设;在第2节中,我们利用不动点定理给出了(1)存在多个正解的充分条件;在第3节中,举出一个例子说明主要结果的有效性;在第4节中,对文章进行了总结.1㊀预备知识㊀㊀这部分我们将介绍一些相关的基础概念及定义,并介绍了一些对后续正解的存在性定理非常重要的引理.首先,我们将介绍一些关C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 分数阶微积分相关的内容,定义1.1[14]㊀连续函数x :1,+ɕ[)ңR 的α>0阶的H a d a m a r d 分数阶积分为H I αx (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1l o g t s æèçöø÷(n -α-1)x (s )d ss,n -1<αɤn㊀㊀定义1.2[14]㊀连续函数x :1,+ɕ[]ңR 的α>0阶的C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 分数导数为C H D αx (t )=1Γn -α()ʏt1l o g t s æèçöø÷(n -α-1),δn(s )d s s,n -1<αɤn其中δn =t d d t æèçöø÷n ,n ɪN .下面我们将介绍一些关于多值映射的基本概念.令(X , )是一个赋范线性空间,一个多值映射F :911 第2期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀马玉花等:非线性C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 型分数阶微分包含正解的存在性X ңp (X )满足:(1)若对于任意的x ɪX ,F (X )是闭的(凸的),则称多值映射F 是闭的(凸的).(2)若对于X 上所有的有界子集B ,有F (B )=ɣx ɪBF (x )是有界的,则多值映射F 在有界集上是有界的.(3)若对于X 上所有的有界子集B ,F (B )是相对紧的,则多值映射F 是全连续的.定义1.3[15]㊀(X , )是一个赋范线性空间,多值映射Θ:X ңp (X ).若对每一个x 0ɪX ,集合Θ(x 0)是X 的一个非空闭子集,对于X 中的每个包含Θ(x 0)开子集B ,存在x 0的一个开邻域V ,使得Θ(V )⊆B ,则称Θ在X 上是上半连续的.定义1.4㊀若对于每个x ɪC ([1,e ],R ),称S F ,x 是F 的选择集合,定义为:S F ,x =f ɪL 1([1,e ],R ):f ɪF (t ,x (t )),对于几乎处处的t ɪ[1,e ]{}㊀㊀定义1.5㊀假设0<αɤ1,λȡ0,d >0,x ɪC ([1,e ]),满足x (1)=λʏe1x (s )d s +d 并且存在f ɪS F ,x ,使得x (t )满足积分方程:x (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1l o g t s æèçöø÷α-1f (s )d s s +λʏe1x (s )d s +d ,t ɪ[1,e ]则x 是以下边值问题的唯一解C HD α1x (t )=f (t ),1<t ɤe x (1)=λʏe1x (s )d s +d {㊀㊀定义1.6[15]㊀设X 为B a n a c h 空间,C 是X 的闭凸子集,P c p ,c (C )表示C 中所有非空紧凸子集集合.对于任意有界子集Ω⊂X ,它的非紧测度为γ(Ω)=i n f {d >0:Ω可以被有限多个直径小于等于d 的集合覆盖}定义1.7[15]㊀多值映射F :[1,e ]ˑR ңP (R ),若满足:(1)对于x ɪ[0,ɕ),t ңF (t ,x )是可测的,且对几乎所有的t ɪ[1,e ],x ңF (t ,x )是上半连续的,则F 是C a r a t h e o d a r y 的.(2)如果对每一个δ>0,存在φδɪL 1([1,e ],R +),使得对几乎所有的 x ɤδ和t ɪ[1,e ],都有 F (t ,x ) =s u p {|w |:w ɪF (t ,x )}ɤφδ(t ),则F 是L 1-C a r a t h e o d a r y .定义1.8[15]㊀设X 为B a n a c h 空间,若对于映射T :E ⊂X ңX ,T 连续且满足条件:对每个有界子集Ω⊂E ,均有γ(T Ω))ɤk (Ω),则称T 为k -集压缩映射(k ȡ0).对于k <1的k -集压缩映射称为严格k -集压缩映射.特别地,全连续映射是0-集压缩映射,因此是严格k -集压缩映射.引理1.2[16]㊀设X 为B a n a c h 空间,令F 是一个多值映射,满足F :[1,e ]ˑR ңP c p ,c (C )是L 1-C a r a t h e od a r y 令Θ:L 1([1,e ],R )ңC ([1,e ],R )是一个连续线性算子,则Θ S F :C ([1,e ],R )ңP c p ,c (C ([1,e ],R )),x ң(Θ S F )(x )=Θ(S F ,x )是C ([1,e ],R )ˑC ([1,e ],R )中的一个闭图算子.其中C ([1,e ],R )表示[1,e ]ңR 上的连续函数.引理1.3[16]㊀若Θ是上半连续当且仅当Θ存在一个闭图象,即x n ңx ∗,y n ңy ∗,y n ɪA (x n ),有y ∗ɪA (x ∗).引理1.4[10]㊀令E 是一个B a n a c h 空间,C ⊂E 是一个锥,且 在C 上是增的.若存在常数L ,r ,Q ,k ,(0<L <r <Q ,0ɤk <1)和上半连续的k -集压缩映射F :Ωk -ɘC ңP c p ,c (C ),使得以下条件成立,则F 至少有两个不动点,x 0和x 1,其中x 0ɪC ɘ(Ωr ΩL )和x 1ɪC ɘ(ΩQ -\Ωr -).(1)对∀x ɪ∂E Ωr ɘC ,x ∉F (x );(2)对∀h ɪF (x ),x ɪ∂E ΩL ɘC ,有 h > x ;(3)对∀h ɪF (x ),x ɪ∂E Ωr ɘC ,有 h ɤ x ;(4)对∀h ɪF (x ),x ɪ∂E ΩQ ɘC ,有 h ȡ x .021 南昌大学学报(理科版)2023年㊀其中,Ωr ={x ɪE : x <r },∂E Ωr ={x ɪE : x <r }.对于∂E ΩL ,ΩQ 同理.为方便下文讨论,给出下列记号:设E =(C [1,e ], ),范数定义为 x =m a x t ɪ[1,e]|x (t )|,K ={x ɪC [1,e ]:x (t )ȡ0}显然K 是E 上的一个锥.定义算子A :K ңP c p ,c (C [1,e ]),A (x )=h (t )ɪC [1,e ]:h (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt 1(l o g t s )α-1f (s )d s s +λʏe1x (s )d s +d ,f ɪS F ,x ,t ɪ[1,e ]ìîíïïïüþýïïï下面给出本文假设条件如下:(H 1)函数F :[1,e ]ˑ[0,ɕ]ңP c p ,c ([0,ɕ))是L 1-C a r a t h e o d a r y ,并且有非空的紧凸值.(H 2)存在一个不减函数φ:[0,ɕ]ң(0,ɕ)和一个函数p ɪL 2([1,e ]ңR +),使得 F (t ,x ) p :s u p {|w |:w ɪF (t ,x )}ɤp (t )φ(x )㊀㊀(H 3)存在ηɪC [1,e ],η(t )>0,有 F (t ,x ) q :i n f {|w |:w ɪF (t ,x )}ȡη(t )φ(x )㊀㊀(H 4)存常数r >0,使得(1-λ(e -1))r -p L 2φ(r )Γ(α)(2α-1)12-(d +1)>0㊀㊀(H 5)存在ξɪ[1,e ],0<L <r ,使得ʏξ1(l o g ξs )α-1η(s )d s s >L -d Γ(α)φ(L )㊀㊀(H 6)存在ζɪ[1,e ],0<r <Q ,使得ʏζ1(l o g ζs )α-1η(s )d s s ȡQ -d Γ(α)φ(Q )㊀㊀为了得到微分包含边值问题(1)的正解的存在性定理,先证明下面的引理:引理1.5㊀假设条件(H 1)和(H 2)成立,则算子A 是一个上半连续的全连续算子.证明㊀第1步,A 将E 的有界集映射成为E 中的有界集.令B r ={x ɪE : x ɤr }是K 中的有界集.对于t ɪ[1,e ],x ɪB r 时,f ɪS F ,x ,令h (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1f (s )d ss+λ则对t ɪ[1,e ],由条件(H 2)有|h (t )|ɤ1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1|f (s )|d ss+λʏe1|x (s )|d s +d ɤφ( x )Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1p (s )d s s +λʏe1|x (s )|d s +d ɤ p L 2φ(r )Γ(α)(2α-1)12+λ(e -1)r +d <r 故当t ɪ[1,e ]时有 h (t ) ɤp L 2φ(r )Γ(α)(2α-1)12+λ(e -1)r +d <r 从而A (B r )是一致有界的.第2步,A 是将有界集合映射到等度连续集.令t 1,t 2ɪ[1,e ]且t 1<t 2,则由条件(H 2),有121 第2期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀马玉花等:非线性C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 型分数阶微分包含正解的存在性|h (t 2)-h (t 1)|=1Γ(α)ʏt 21(l o g t 2s )α-1f (s )d s s -1Γ(α)ʏt 11(l o g t 1s )α-1f(s )d s sɤ1Γ(α)ʏt 11(l o g t 1s )α-1-(l o g t 2s )α-1æèçöø÷|f (s )|d s s +1Γ(α)ʏt 2t 1(l o g t 2s )α-1|f (s )|d s s ɤ p L 2φ( x )Γ(α)ʏt 11(l o g t 1s )α-1-(l o g t 2s )α-1æèçöø÷2d s s 2æèçöø÷12+p L 2φ( x )l o g t 2t 1æèçöø÷α-12Γ(α)(2α-1)12利用L e b e s g u e 控制收敛定理知,当t 1ңt 2时,有ʏt 11(l o g t 1s )α-1-(l o g t 2s )α-1æèçöø÷2d s s 2ң0因此,当t 1ңt 2时,|h (t 2)-h (t 1)|ң0,即A 是等度连续的.由A s c o l i -A r z e l a d 定理,A 是全连续的.第3步,A 存在一个闭图,令x n ңx ∗,h n ңh ∗,h n ɪA (x n ),要证h ∗ɪA (x ∗).对于h n ɪA (x n ),则存在f n ɪS F ,x n,使得h n (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1f n (s )d ss+λʏe1x n (s )d s +d 定义线性算子:Θ:L 1([1,e ],[0,ɕ))ңC ([1,e ],[0,ɕ))f ң(Θf )(t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1f (s )d s s +λʏe1x (s )d s +d 又因为h n (t )ɪΘ(S F ,x n),x n ңx ∗,h n ңh ∗.由引理1.2知,Θ是闭图象算子,故h ∗ɪΘ(S F ,x ∗),即存在f ∗ɪS F ,x ∗,满足h ∗(t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1f ∗(s )d ss +λʏe1x ∗(s )d s +d 再由引理1.3知,A 是上半连续的.综上,A 是一个上半连续的全连续算子.2㊀主要结果㊀㊀定理2.1㊀若假设条件(H 1)-(H 6)都成立,则(1)至少存在两个正解.证明㊀由引理1.5知A 是一个上半连续的全连续算子,下面只需要证明A 满足引理1.4的所有条件,即可证明(1)至少存在两个正解.首先证明,A :K ңP c p ,c (K ),任给的x ɪK ,h ɪA (x ),那么存在w ɪS F ,x ,有h (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1w (s )d ss +λʏe1x (s )d s +d 又因为F :[1,e ]ˑ[0,ɕ)ңP c p ,c ([0,ɕ)),因此,当t ɪ[1,e ]时h (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1l o g t s æèçöø÷α-1w (s )d s s +λʏe1x (s )d s +d ȡd 故有h ɪK .即A :K ңP c p ,c (K ).下证,对∀x ɪ∂E Ωr ɘK ,x ∉A (x ).用反证法,假设存在x ɪ∂E Ωr ɘK ,t ɪ[1,e ],使得x ɪA (x ), x =r ,存在w ɪS F ,x ,利用H öl d e r 不等式,有|x (t )|=1Γ(α)ʏt 1(l o gt s )α-1w (s )d ss+λʏe1x (s )d s +d ɤ1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o gt s )α-1|w (s )|d s s +λʏe1|x (s )|d s +d ɤ221 南昌大学学报(理科版)2023年㊀φ( x )Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1p (s )d s s +λʏe1|x (s )|d s +d ɤ p L 2φ(r )Γ(α)(2α-1)12+λ(e -1)r +d <r 故与假设(H 4)矛盾.其次证,对∀h ɪA (x ),x ɪ∂E ΩL ɘK ,有 h > x .任意x ɪ∂E ΩL ɘK ,则 x =L .任意x ɪK ,存在w ɪS F ,x ,当t ɪ[1,e ],使得h (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1w (s )d ss +λʏe1x (s )d s +d 由条件(H 3)和(H 5)可知 h ȡh (ξ)=1Γ(α)ʏξ1(l o g ξs )α-1w (s )d s s +λʏe1x (s )d s +d ȡ1Γ(α)ʏξ1(l o g ξs )α-1η(s )φ( x )d s s +d ȡφ( x )Γ(α)ʏξ1l o g ξs æèçöø÷α-1η(s )d s s +d >L = x 再证对∀h ɪA (x ),x ɪ∂E Ωr ɘK ,有 h ɤ x .任意x ɪ∂E Ωr ɘC ,则 x =r .任意x ɪK ,存在w ɪS F ,x ,t ɪ[1,e ],使得h (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1w (s )d ss+λʏe1x (s )d s +d 由条件(H 2)和(H 4)可知|h (ξ)|=1Γ(α)ʏξ1(l o g ξs )α-1w (s )d s s +λʏe1x (s )d s +d ɤ1Γ(α)ʏξ1(l o gξs )α-1|w (s )|d s s +λʏe1|x (s )|ds +d ɤ p L 2φ(r )Γ(α)((2α-1))12+λ(e -1)r +d ɤr = x 由ξɪ[1,e ]的任意性有 h ɤ x .最后证明,对∀h ɪA (x ),x ɪ∂E ΩQ ɘK ,有 h ȡ x .任意x ɪ∂E ΩQ ɘK ,则 x =Q .任意x ɪK ,存在w ɪS F ,x ,t ɪ[1,e ],使得h (t )=1Γ(α)ʏt1(l o g t s )α-1w (s )d s s +λʏe1x (s )d s +d 由条件(H 2)和(H 6)知,h (ζ)=1Γ(α)ʏζ1(l o g ζs )α-1w (s )d s s +λʏe1x (s )d s +d ȡ1Γ(α)ʏζ1(l o g ζs )α-1η(s )φ( x )d s s +d ȡφ( x )Γ(α)ʏζ1l o g ζs æèçöø÷α-1η(s )d s s+d ȡQ = x 由ζɪ[1,e ]的任意性有 h ȡ x .综上,A 满足引理1.4的所有条件,故A 至少有两个不动点x 0和x 1,其中x 0ɪC ɘ(Ωr \ΩL )和x 1ɪC ɘ(ΩQ -\Ωr -).即L ɤx 0<r <x 1ɤQ 是(1)的两个正解.3㊀例子㊀㊀为了说明我们主要结果的有效性,下面给出一个简单的例子.C HD αx (t )ɪF (t ,x (t )),1<t ɤe ,x (1)=λʏe1x (s )d s +d {(2)其中α=0.7,λ=0,d =1.F :[1,e ]ˑR ңP c p ,c (R )的多值映射:321 第2期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀马玉花等:非线性C a pu t o GH a d a m a r d 型分数阶微分包含正解的存在性x ңF (t ,x )=e x10(e x +3),13+t t -1x +1æèçöø÷+2éëêêùûúú对于f ɪF (t ,x ),有110ɤm i n e x 10(e x +3),13+t t -1x +1æèçöø÷+2æèçöø÷ɤ|f |ɤm a x e x10(e x +3),13+t t -1x +1æèçöø÷+2æèçöø÷ɤ12因此,F (t ,x ) p :s u p {|w |:w ɪF (t ,x )}ɤ12=p (t )φ( x ) F (t ,x ) q :i n f {|w |:w ɪF (t ,x )}ȡ110=η(t )φ( x )φ(x )=(e -1)32p (t )=1(e -1)3η(t )=110(e -1)3计算知,当r >2.20时,满足(1-λ(e -1))r -p L 2φ(r )Γ(α)(2α-1)12-(d +1)>0若取r =2.21,存在ξɪ[1,e ],当0<L =1.29<r 时,有ʏξ1(l o g ξs )α-1η(s )d s s >L -d Γ(α)φ(L )存在ζɪ[1,e ],0<r <Q=2.51时,有ʏζ1(l o g ζs )α-1η(s )d s s ȡQ -d Γ(α)φ(Q )从而边值问题(2)满足引理2.1的所有条件,故根据定理2.1,(2)至少存在两个正解.4㊀总结㊀㊀本篇文章结合前人有关分数阶微分方程正解的存在性研究,将单值推广到多值,再利用多值映射的压缩或拉伸不动点定理,研究了一类带有积分边值条件的C a p u t o GH a d a m a r d 型分数阶微分包含正解的存在性问题,最后举出一个简单的例子说明结果的有效性.正解相比较一般的解更具有实际意义,而实际生活中问题复杂且受到多种因素的干扰,对于分数阶微分包含模型的建立和正解的存在性研究造成很多困难,因此如何更有效的寻找到分数阶微分包含的正解有待进一步的探究.参考文献:[1]㊀B E L MO RS ,J A R A DF ,A B D E L J AWA DT.O nC a p u t o GH a d a m a r d t y p e c o u p l e d s y s t e m s o f n o n c o n v e x f r a c t i o n 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FiveEasy Plus系列的商品介绍说明书
F i v e E a s y P l u s ™ S e r i e s/FiveEasyThe well-priced pH / m V and conductivity FiveEasy Plus benchtop meters are the perfect choice for a wide range of laboratory applications.The FiveEasy Plus™ SeriesQuality Measurement for the Budget-MindedTechnical SpecificationsSpecifications FiveEasy Plus™ pH FP20 FiveEasy Plus™ ConductivityFP30Measurement and CalibrationMeasuring Range−2.00 … 16.00 pH 0.00 µS / c m … 500.0 mS / c m (conductivity)−2.000 … 2.000 mV0.0 mg / L … 300.0 g / L (TDS)0.00 … 42.00 psu (salinity)−5.0 … 105.0 °C (23.0 … 221.0 °F)−5.0 … 105.0 °C (23.0 … 221.0 °F)Resolution0.01 / 0.1 pH Automatic range 1 mV 0.01 psu (salinity)0.1 °C 0.1 °CAccuracy (instrument)±0.01 pH ±0.5% of the measured value±1 mV ±0.3 °C±0.3 °CTemperature Compensation Automatic or manual Linear correction factor: 0.00 … 10.00 % / °C Reference temperature: 20 or 25 °C Automatic and Manual Endpoint Recording YesYesEndpoint Signal Acoustic / v isualAcoustic / v isual CalibrationMax. 5 points, linear or segmented 1 point4 predefined buffer groups3 predefined standards, manual cell constant input Data Storage Memory Size 200 measurements, current calibration 200 measurements, current calibration ConnectorsSensor Inputs BNC, Cinch (NTC 30 kΩ)Mini-DIN (NTC 30 kΩ)RS232 Interface Yes Yes USB Interface Yes Yes Reference Input Yes −GeneralPower Supply 100 … 240 V / 50 … 60 Hz, 12 VDC Display 4.3" segmented LCD Housing ABSSize / W eight227 × 147 × 70 mm / 0.63 kgFiveEasy Plus Kits Overview and Order InformationInstrumentKitsKits Description Ideally Suited forOrder Number FiveEasy Plus FP20 pH / m VFP20-Meter Kit with no sensorApplications that require a specific sensor not included in a kit 30266627FP20-Standard Standard kit with LE438 sensor Wide range of general aqueous samples30266628FP20-Bio Kit with LE410 sensor Rapid measurement with aqueous samples such as acids, bases etc.30266629FP20-Micro Kit with LE422 sensor Small samples in vials and test tubes30266940FP20-TRIS Kit with LE420 sensor Demanding, “dirty” samples such as emulsions, oily samples, waste water, TRIS, etc.30266941FiveEasy Plus FP30 ConductivityFP30-Meter Kit with no sensorApplications that require a specific sensor not included in a kit 30266944FP30-StandardStandard kit with LE703 sensorAqueous samples with mid to high conductivity30266945Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Analytical Im Langacher 448606 Greifensee, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 567 53 22Fax +41 22 567 53 23Subject to technical changes© 02/2019 METTLER TOLEDO. All rights reserved 30470648AGroup MarCom 2522 JK/KRFor more information。
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U S E R M A N U A L V1.0Thank youf o r c h o o s i n g2628293233TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroductionSpecificationsExploded ViewAccessories Configure your P600SGet StartedInstalling the MotherboardInstalling the Power SupplyInstalling FansConnecting the Fan HubInstalling DrivesInstalling Water CoolingRadiator InstallationPump/Reservoir InstallationInstalling GPU Anti-Sag BracketConnecting Front I/OCable ManagementMatienance Optional Upgrades:Installing A Vertical GPU Installing A Dual System Contact Us Warranty 3456791112131518212223241. WHAT’S INSIDE?2. CHOOSE YOUR SETUP3. SUPPORTINTRODUCTIONWelcome to Phanteks!The P600S combines the best of 2 worlds with its high quality sound dampening panels and the ultra high airflow fabrics from Phanteks. Achieving both a quiet system and a high airflow configuration.The durable fabric, carefully selected by Phanteks, results in a much lower airflow resistance compared to standard mesh panels. Keeping air speed higher and noise levels lower.Phanteks believes that meaningful designs are created throughthe fusion of form and function.The Phanteks teamDimension (WxHxD) Form Factor MaterialsMB Support Front I/OSide WindowPCI slots Internal 3.5”Internal 2.5”FrontTopRearFrontTopRearPremium Fan 140mmUniversal Fan Hub3.5” Stackable HDD BracketVertical GPU MountAccessory BagGPU Anti-Sag BracketAirflow CoverToolboxE-ATX Motherboard widthCPU Cooler ClearanceGPU ClearanceFront Radiatior ClearanceTop Radiator ClearanceContact (International)Contact (America)Warranty240 mm x 520 mm x 510 mm(9.45 in x 20.5 in x 20.1 in)Mid-TowerPowder coated steel chassisSound Dampening PanelsTempered glass side panelE-ATX, ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini ITXPower button, 2x USB 3.0,Microphone, Headphone, Reset Button,USB 3.1 GEN 2 Type-CYes, Tempered glass7x10x (4 included)3x (3 included)3x 3x (2 installed)3x 2x1x 1x (1 installed)Up to 360 Up to 420Up to 360 Up to 280120 1403x (installed)1x (installed)4x1x1x1x1x1x280mm (11.1 in)190 mm (7.48 in)435 mm (17.24 in)95 mm (3.74 in)65 mm (2.56 in)*******************************************5 Years*CASE SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDED ACCESSORIESCLEARANCESUPPORTPCI SLOTS & DRIVE BAYSFAN RADIATOR 120 MM120 MM140 MM140 MM*see page 31SPECIFICATIONS11110246459387 1. Chassis2. Front Panel3. Top Panel4. Side Panels5. Radiator Bracket6. PSU Bracket7. Front Silent Cover8. Top Silent Cover9. Airflow Cover10. Front Dust Filter11. PSU Filter EXPLOADED VIEWACCESSORY BAG AND TOOLBOXACCESSORIES3.5” MODULAR HDD BRACKET- 4 included in accessory box- For 3.5” or 2.5” Drive PREMIUM FAN 140 MM - 3 Pre-installed - Hight static pressure- Silent operationVERTICAL GPU MOUNT- Included in accessory box- Riser Cable is sold separately AIRFLOW COVER - Included in accessory box - MagneticGPU Anti-Sag Bracket6x Zip Tie 150mmPhanteks Logo Badge Toolbox Accessory bagFan screw M3x5 mmMotherboard /SSD screw6-32x6 mmHex screw Motherboard Standoff + tool 6-32x6 mm Thumb screw 6-32x5 mm Case screw 6-32x9 mm HDD screw Riser Cable screw12x 22x 12x 6x 16x 3x7x 1x 1xThe P600S has the most versatile chassis design, providing you with a myriad ofoptions. With so many possibilities to pick from, you can use this overview to chooseand plan the best configuration for your build.AIR COOLING- P13.STORAGE - P15.WATERCOOLING - P18.DUAL SYSTEM - P27.High performance fabric from Phanteks enhances the cooling performance while lowering noise levels.Heavy and sound dampening panels reduce noise levels and improve acoustics.The P600S can be transformed from a Silent to a High Airflow configuration. The magnetic front and top Silent Covers can be easily removed or installed. By removing the Silent Covers the air intake and outtake surface area is increased dramatically, allowing a much higher cooling capacity.PREPARATIONSThe P600S case is designed to support installation in a standing position. Don’t turn on the power to your system until installation is complete.Discharge your body’s static electric charge by touching a grounded surface before performing any hardware procedure.Make sure to consult the manuals of your hardware before installation.If you do not feel comfortable with performing the installation procedure, consult a qualified computer technician.RE MOVIN G TO P PAN EL4xR E MOVING FR ONT PANELLOOSEN:2.1.2313.REMOVIN G SIDE PANELOpen the side panel more than 90 degrees and lift it up near the hinges.12INSTALLING MOTHERBOARDSome motherboards require installation or repositioning of the standoffs. Please consult your motherboard manual for the correct standoff positioning.STANDOFF POSITIONINGMicro ATX (install extra standoffs)ATX / E-ATX (Pre-installed)REQUIRES:For repositioning standoffsBy loosening the thumb screws you can slide the Cable Covers left and right for optimal cable management.These standoffs have a special collar to keep the motherboard in place when installing vertically.Use the motherboard screws from the toolbox to install your motherboard on the pre-installed standoffs.INSTALLING POWER SUPPL Y124x2xLOOSEN:REQUIRES:The power supply can be installed by removing the PSU bracket on the rear of the case chassis.Connect all needed cables to the power supply before installing it in the case.TOP140 FAN 120 FANAIRFLOW COVER140 FAN120 FANFRONT140 FAN 120 FANREAR2xLOOSEN:B AConfigure your airflow-path with this overview. All fan locations support both 120mm and 140mm fans.Install the magnetic Airflow Cover to prevent air from re-circulating when you install 2x 120 mm or 2x 140 mm fans.REQUIRES:S A T AThe White Connector will provide the RPM signal to the motherboard.WHITE 3-/4-PIN UNIVERSALBLACK 4-PIN PWMBLACK 3-PIN DCChoosing a PWM output provides the most customization options in the motherboard settings.You can choose a PWM or DC output in the motherboard settings. The Fan Hub will automatically translate the signal to all connected 3- and 4-pin fans. Check /FAQ for more technical details.Expand the number of fans with splitter cables up to a maximum of 4A total power. Splitter cables are sold separately: PH-CB-Y4P / Y3P1.2.CON N EC T THE FAN HUB 4-PIN INPUT C ABLE TO YOU R MOTHERBOARD FAN HEADE RCON N EC T EX TR A FANS TO T HE CORRE SPONDING CON N E CTOR ON THE UNIVERSAL FAN HUB3.CON N EC T THE SATA C ABLE TO THE POWE R SU PPLYCONNECTING THE UNIVERSAL FAN HUBT O P S UFAN HUB INPUT TO MOTHERBOARD2.5” SSD INSTALLATIONInstall the SSD in to the SSD brackets before placing them in the chassis.123REQUIRES:4xMake sure to install the screws into the SSD once it rests in the SSD bracket to secure its position.H D D4xREQUIRES:3.5” HDD INSTALLATION4x Phanteks Stackable 3.5” HDD Brackets are included. Additional brackets are sold separately (PH-HDDKT_03).The HDD bracket can also house a 2.5” SSD instead of a 3.5” HDD.Each HDD bracket can be stacked together to offer more flexibility.HDD INSTALLATIONSTACK / INSTALL REMOVE1. LIFT UP LATCH2. PULL OUT2211ACBPOSITION A+CPOSITION BBOT TOM COMPARTMENTThe Bottom Compartment can house up to 2 or 4 Stackable HDD trays. Using Position B will not limit PSU or Front radiator clearance.S T A C KS T A C KS T A C KA BCDEFREQUIRES:Up to 6 Stackable HDD Brackets can be installed in the main compartment.1.R EMOVE THE C ABLE COVER(S) TO R E VEA L THE HDD MO UNT S3.2.SE CUR E WIT H 2 THUMBSCRE W S1xREMOVE:2xMOUN T TH E (SIN GL E / S TACK E D ) HD D B R ACK E T S IN P O SIT IO NStack the HDD brackets before mounting if you install more than 1x bracket.MAIN COMPARTMENT120 FORM FACTOR120 FORM FACTOR140 FORM FACTOR120140240280360420FRONTREAR140 FORM FACTOR120140REQUIRES:TOP120 FORM FACTOR140 FORM FACTOR12014024028036021Use the Airflow Cover to prevent hot air from circulating.INSTALLING WATER COOLINGF R O N TTOPAA BCBCMAX. RADIATOR CLEARANCE140mm Radiators: A :405mm B :146mm C :65mm 120mm Radiators: A :405mm B :126mm C :65mm**If the motherboard and its components (e.g. memory) are 50mm or lower there is no limit in Radiator thickness.TOPFRONTMAX. RADIATOR CLEARANCE: A :465mm B :148mm C :95mmInstalling a fill port in the top radiator bracketand/or a drain port in the front of the casemakes water cooling maintenance mucheasier. The port diameters are 20.5mm.Phanteks Passthrough fitting: PH-PTF_BK/CR_G1/4Phanteks Ball-Valve fitting: PH-BVA_BK/CR_G1/4D R A I N P O R TF I L L P O R TOPTIONAL PUMP BRACKET4x26m mReservoir mounting points are accessed by removing the Cable Covers.1xREMOVE:The universal Pump Bracket can be installed in the bottom compartment using 4 case screws.Pump Bracket sold separately (PH-PUMBKT_01)INSTALLING WATER COOLINGHold the GPU in the correct position when tightening the thumbscrews.324INSTALLING GPU ANTI-SAG BRACKET1.2.3.4.INSTALL ALL GPU AND PCI CARDS PLACE THE GPU ANTI-SAG BRACKET INS E RT T H E T HU MB SC R E W S WIT HO UT TI GHT E N IN G T H E MPRE SS D O WN AN D LO CK T HE TH UM B SC RE W S IN P OS IT ION.INSTALLING GPU ANTI-SAG BRACKETAlways loosen the 2 thumb screws before removing any GPU or PCI cards.2xREQUIRES:To prevent your GPU from tipping down you can install the GPU Anti-Sag Bracket.CONNECTING FRONT I/OPOWER BUT TON2X USB 3.0POWER LEDMICROPHONERESET BUT TONPlease make sure to consult your motherboard manual before connecting your front I/O.Power LEDHD AUDIOTO MOTHERBOARD USB 3.0Please consult the motherboard manual for additional instructions.Power SWReset SWUSB 3.1 GEN 2 TYPE-CHEADPHONECABLE MANAGEMENTUse the double-loop Velcro ties to route your cables. Zip ties are included in the accessory bag to manage any excess cables.Use the double-loop Velcro ties tosplit the cables into 2 channels.MAINTENANCEThe P600S is equipped with a front and bottom PSU filter. We recommend to clean thesefilters every month to keep your cooling performance optimized.PSU DUSTFILTERFRONT DUSTFILTER2.If cleaning the dust filters with water,make sure to properly dry them beforeplacing them back.1.The high-performance fabric on the front and top of the P600S acts as an extra dustfilter and can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. There is no need to remove thepanels from the case.The high-performance fabric from Phanteksis made from durable nylon to resist wear-and-tear for a long period of time.3.5” STACKABLE HDD BRACKETSPH-HDDKT_03CABLE EXTENSION SET PH-CBCMBO- Available in multiple colors - Includes clear cable combs - Also available as separate cablesIncluded cables:- Motherboard 24-pin - CPU 4+4-pin - 2x GPU 6+2-pinHIGH STATIC PRESSURE MP FANPH-F120MP / PH-F140MPFor 3.5” or 2.5” DriveUpgrade up to 6x additional 3,5” HDDs with the optional HDD brackets.Contains 2x Stackable HDD Brackets.Page 15More fans can be installed in the P600S and connected to the Universal Fan Hub.Page 12Y-SPLIT TER CABLES PH-CB-Y4P / PH-CB-Y3P4-pin / 3-pin Fan splittersUsing splitter-cables you can install more than 8 fans to the Universal Fan Hub. Page 13OPTIONAL UPGRADES220mm Slimline PCI-e x16 Riser Cable 90° PH-CBRS_SL22 220mm Premium Shielded High Speed PCI-e x16 Riser Cable 90° PH-CBRS_PR22 220mm Flatline PCI-e x16 Riser Cable 90° PH-CBRS_FL22 With the optional Riser Cable you can place any 2-slot or 3-slot GPU vertically.*Page 27* For System 1 only.Revolt X Power Supply P H-P1000P S / PH-P1200PST he Revolt X power supply unlocks the Dual System Configuration.But also works great as a “single system” power supply.Page 11ITX Upgrade Kit P H-ITXKT_R01The Streamer Kit contains an ITX bracket and a 600mmX1 Riser Cable. This allows for an ITX motherboard inthe top of the chassis and a vertically placed PCI-e card.Page 28600mm Premium Shielded High Speed PCI-E x16 Riser Cable 90° PH-CBRS_PR6With the optional Riser Cable you can place any 2-slot or 3-slot GPU verticallyfor your 2nd ITX system. With 16 lanes and high quality shielding it maximizesany GPUs’ performance.Page 29ABREQUIRES:2x2x1.INS TA LL RI SER C ABL E W IT H 2X RISER C ABL E SCRE W S2.INSTA LL VERTI C A L GPU MO UNT W IT H 2X HEX SCRE W SRiser Cable sold separately (PH-CBRS_SL22)The GPU Mount has 2 mounting positions. Position A allows for better air cooling and 3-slot GPU cards.INSTALLING A VERTICAL GPUABThe Revolt X power supply from Phanteks is required for this configuration.REQUIRES:14INSTA LL YO UR I T X MOTHE RBOARD ON THE BR ACKE T USIN G THE INC LUDED MOT HERBOARD SCRE W S 2.4x 4x Power SWTO ITX MOTHERBOARDPower LED Screws are included inthe kit.1.REMOVE THE TOP PANEL AND TH E DUAL SYSTE M COVE RFR OM THE C HASSI S3.CONN EC T T HE POWERS WITC H A ND LED C ABL E4.INS TA LL THE IT X BR AC KET WIT H 4X IT X BR AC KE T SCRE W S2x REMOVE:The Revolt X includes 2 different 24-pin Motherboardcable lengths; 610mm and 710mm.Use the longer, 710mm, 24-pin cable for the System 2ITX motherboard.SYSTEM 124-pin Motherboard 610 mm 710 mmSYSTEM 224-pin MotherboardTo minimize cable-clutter we recommend the following cable routing for the System 2 cables.S YST E M 2 C A B LE SR ISE R C AB LEC P U C AB L EMOT H E RB OAR D C A B LES A T AREQUIRES:2x AA B B MOVE:1x1x The GPU Mount has two mountingpositions. Position A allows for betterair cooling and 3-slot GPU cards.1.I N STALL RIS ER C AB LE ON TH E VE RTI C A L G P U MOU N T 2.4.I NS TAL L VERTIC AL G PU MOU N TW I TH 2 X SCR E W S CON N E CT SATA C AB LE (only for X1 Riser cable)3.MOVE VE LC R O T IEDepending on your needs, it’s not alwaysnecessary to install a GPU for your secondsystem when your CPU is equipped with anintegrated GPU.2xTO POWER SUPPLYAs a Phanteks customer, you are priority number one. We have a dedicated team ofemployees across the globe working hard every day to make sure we deliver the superior experience you deserve. We are here for you. If you have a question or a concern about our products, we have numerous ways you can reach us. Please choose one most convenient for you to connect with our team.CUSTOMER CARER MA AND TECHNIC AL SU PPO R T INTE RNATIO NALEmail:********************Facebook : @PhanteksR MA AND TECHNIC AL SU PPO R T AME RIC ASHours : Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00 PSTPhone number : +1(909)598-2115Email:***********************Facebook : @PhanteksFor up-to-date information please check PHANTEKS FACEBOOK PAGE Eclipse P600SPRODUCT PAGE CONTACT USWARRANTYPHANTEKS warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship during the warranty period; when given normal, proper and intended usage. If a product provesto be defective in material or workmanship during the warranty period, PHANTEKS will,at its sole option, repair or replace the product with same product or similar product. The replacement product assumes the remaining warranty of the original product or 30 days, whichever provides longer coverage for the customer.DU R ATION OF WA RR A NT Y:1. Fans - 5 years2. I/O Ports - 2 years3. Fan Hub -2 years4. LED Lighting - 2 years5. Buttons - 2 years6. Chassis - 5 years7. Front and Top Panels - 5 yearsPlease check /Warranty for more information.。
二、车间白条级别的统计记录方法2.1 设定白条级别标准在进行车间白条级别的统计记录之前,首先需要设定白条级别的标准。
2.2 采集白条样本为了进行白条级别的统计记录,需要在生产过程中采集白条样本。
2.3 进行白条评估对于采集到的白条样本,需要进行白条评估。
2.4 记录白条评估结果完成白条评估后,需要将评估结果进行记录。
三、生产数据的统计记录方法3.1 确定需要统计的生产数据指标在进行生产数据的统计记录之前,需要确定需要统计的生产数据指标。
3.2 收集生产数据为了进行生产数据的统计记录,需要及时收集生产数据。
步骤二 步骤三 步骤四 步骤五 步骤七
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_windrunner_X(第2组)(Lv1, 对手按照Lv8)(输)(积分-1)总计积分-1
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jimmy42471679(第2组)(Lv8, 对手按照Lv10)(输)(积分-40)总计积分-40
DOTACJBY(第2组)(Lv5, 对手按照Lv9)(输)(积分-15)总计积分-15
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:45:58 Fresh_003 开了结束睡觉
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:46:00 Fresh_003 速度来人a
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[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:54:10 系统 [系统消息]xuebiduikele()升到4级!
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 01:00:18 VIPyk0625660 liao99点info 水狂流
World_CC_TT(第2组)(Lv2, 对手按照Lv9)(输)(积分-1)总计积分-1
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:33:36 系统 [系统消息]魔兽争霸RPG比赛结束(系统编号12448):
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:35:52 系统 [系统消息]您当前的游戏已经正式开始!(系统编号12483)
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:03:00 系统 [VS助手]本局游戏录像文件自动保存于D:\游戏\dota\PCgames_Warcraft3\Warcraft III\Replay\VSReplays\cuiliang4620_2011_07_29__00_03_00.w3g,如果板里设置
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cuoluanle5(第2组)(Lv5, 对手按照Lv7)(输)(积分-35)总计积分-35
GHMWY(第2组)(Lv7, 对手按照Lv8)(输)(积分-50)总计积分-50
DOTACJBY(第2组)(Lv6, 对手按照Lv7)(输)(积分-45)总计积分-45
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:18:40 foxnong332 135ri点info 好片多
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:30:26 系统 [VS助手]本局游戏录像文件自动保存于D:\游戏\dota\PCgames_Warcraft3\Warcraft III\Replay\VSReplays\cuiliang4620_2011_07_29__00_30_26.w3g,如果需要关闭此项功能或者更改保存路径,可以在设置面板里设置
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 01:08:04 系统 [系统消息]魔兽争霸RPG比赛结束(系统编号12483):
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:51:10 3Hymn 每天开黑内战 美女陪你遨游DOTA 大神带你虐杀对手 寻找DOTA挚友打的不再寂寞 菜鸟蜕变大神 飞一般的感觉尽在YY频道2164
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:54:10 系统 [系统消息]donggua__tou()升到9级!
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:35:52 系统 [队伍消息]evesey(第1组)qianbenhuo(第1组)arm_spring(第1组)cuiliang4620(第1组)kscncw(第1组)World_CC_TT(第2组)58272820(第2组)cts19921202(第2组)liyixian_4(第2组)Mr_Right__Hu(第2组)
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:37:48 2Hymn 每天开黑内战 美女陪你遨游DOTA 大神带你虐杀对手 寻找DOTA挚友打的不再寂寞 菜鸟蜕变大神 飞一般的感觉尽在YY频道2164
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[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:45:52 Fresh_003 来人速度开
hym19910622(第2组)(Lv3, 对手按照Lv7)(输)(积分-10)总计积分-10
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:00:16 VIPyk0626768 ymm8点info 汁多
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:02:50 系统 [系统消息]evesey(LY)升到8级!
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:02:50 系统 [系统消息]kscncw(我是菜鸟)升到7级!
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 01:03:56 系统 [系统消息]Bombas()升到5级!
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 01:03:56 系统 [系统消息]fengT2()升到5级!
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[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:04:56 VIPyk0626768 ymm8点info 汁多
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:09:04 系统 [系统消息]SDA_Fri(恶扬)升到6级!
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:12:16 系统 [系统消息]魔兽争霸RPG比赛结束(系统编号12427):
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:03:58 系统 [系统消息]您当前的游戏已经正式开始!(系统编号12427)
[房间] 1.24-DOTA_Allstar专房77:2011-07-29 00:03:58 系统 [队伍消息]evesey(第1组)kscncw(第1组)cuiliang4620(第1组)arm_spring(第1组)qianbenhuo(第1组)zsp168168(第2组)jimmy42471679(第2组)DOTACJBY(第2组)adidas799(第2组)_windrunner_X(第2组)