Web Service描述语言 WSDL 详解
Web Service描述语言WSDL 详解为什么使用WSDL?像Internet协议之类的标准有没有为权威所利用,或者人们这样看待它是因为顺之所获的好处远远超出了代价?曾经有许多试图建立的标准都流产了。
Web Service描述语言(WSDL)向这种Web Service的提供商和用户推出了方便的协调工作的方法,使我们能更容易的获得SOAP的种种好处。
对Web Service来说,这要复杂得多。
而使用了WSDL,我就可以通过这种跨平台和跨语言的方法使Web Service代理的产生自动化。
就像COM和CORBA的IDL 文件,WSDL文件由客户和服务器约定。
WSDL 1.1已经作为记录递交给W3C(见/TR/wsdl.html)WSDL文档结构若要理解XML文档,将之看作块状图表非常有用。
WEB Service基本原理
Web Services的基本原理Web Services的基本原理Web Services 是通过一系列标准和协议来保证程序之间的动态连接。
其中最基本的协议包括:SOAP, WSDL, UDDISOAP: 是“Simple Object Access Protocol”的缩写,SOAP是消息传递的协议,它规定了Web Services之间是怎样传递信息的。
简单的说,SOAP规定了:1. 传递信息的格式为XML。
这就使Web Services能够在任何平台上,用任何语言进行实现。
2. 远程对象方法调用的格式。
3. 参数类型和XML格式之间的映射。
4. 异常处理以及其他的相关信息.WSDL:是“Web Services Description Language”的缩写.意如其名,WSDL是Web Services的定义语言。
WSDL协议就是规定了有关Web Services描述的标准。
UDDI: 是Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration的缩写。
简单说,UDDI 用于集中存放和查找WSDL描述文件,起着目录服务器的作用。
实现一个Web Services,使其能够接受和响应SOAP消息(现在有很多工具都可以帮助实现)。
撰写一个WSDL文件用于描述此Web Services。
Vista 的WSD机制
Vista 的WSD机制微软公司在2006年发布了许多技术,可以解决设备和Windows Vista操作系统之间的互联和服务问题,从而很好地实现设备的发现和连接。
2006年,Windows Rally推出了一套技术,包括Link Layer Topology Discovery (链路层拓扑发现协议,LLTD)、Windows Connect Now (WCN)、Function Discovery(FD)、Plug and Play Extensions (PnP X)等,它们可以使设备的发现、连接更方便更安全。
其中,LLTD可以实现设备在链路层的快速发现,并且在Windows Vista的网络视图中显示连接结构。
LLTD能够使得设备在Windows Vista Network Explorer and Network Map 中显示,并能够显示物理连接信息,这样可以确保设备的正确连接。
在Windows Vista中,Web Services on Devices API (WSDAPI)是Devices Profile在Windows Vista中的应用。
它支持为设备连接而设置的WS标准,像WS Discovery和WS Eventing等。
在Windows Vista中,Function Discovery API能轻松列举和使用具有某一特定类型的设备,而不管这些设备是怎样连接到电脑上的。
Function Discovery是应用和设备的接口层,它能够使硬件通过功能发现设备,而不是通过连接的总线类型和连接方式。
FD支持可扩展的发现提供者模型,系统提供一个接口层,这些接口层是基于已经存在的标准,如Plug and Play、Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP)、WS Discovery等。
据共享 、 任务共享和 自动处理 , 使得各种 应用不论 语言 、 平台
移动 aet 一个 代替人或其 他程序执行某种任务 的程 gn是 序 , 能在异 构 网络 中 自主地从 一 台 主机 移动 到另 一 台主 它 机 , 可与其他 aet 并 gn 或资 源交互 。它能 有效地 降低分 布式 计算 中的网络负载 、 高通 信效 率 、 提 动态适 应变化 了的网络 环境 , 并具有很好 的安 全性和 容错 能力 。移 动 a n 目前已 gt e
注册中心主要存在以下 问题 :
开发平 台和执行环境 。J a 目 开发移动 a n 的一门理 a 是 前 v gt e 想语 言 , 具有很好的跨 平 台特 性 。 目前使用 的移动 aet gn 系
统大致可 以分 为 3类 : 一类是 基于传 统解 释语 言的 ; 一类是 基于 Jv 语言的 ; aa 另一类 则是基于 C R A平台的 。 O B 2 2 基于 P P的 We . 2 b服务组织模型
1 引言
We 服务作为工业 界和 学术界 分布 式计算 的主 导性 方 b
2 相关的支撑技 术
2 1 移 动 aet 术 . gn 技
案而诞 生 , 为建立 一个适 合 W b 境 的 、 e环 高度分 散化 、 度 高 自 的企业级应用提供 了计算模 型。它通过 Ie e进 行数 治 nmt t
功能 的一类 系统和应用程序 , 目的是将 网络中的不 同的计 其
8在可靠性方 面, D I 、 U D 服务器 容 易造成 整个 系统 的单
一,WSDL概述WebServices Description Language (WSDL Web服务语言)是一个用于精确描述Web Service的文档格式。
例如:JAX-RPC provider(例如:BEA Weblogic)通过API用WSDL生成相应的占位程序;IBM WebSphere、以及Apache Axis都有自己的工具生成相关的代码。
下图是一个例子:上面的例子JAX-RPC通过读取WSDL文档,创建JAX-RPC RMI接口(endpoint接口)和实现此接口的网络占位程序(stub)。
客户端程序通过RMI接口,Stub和Web Service服务端交换SAOP消息。
二、WSDL基本结构WSDL文档是一个遵循WSDL XML模式的XML文档(文档实例);类似于:SOAP 文档是一个遵循SOAP XML模式的XML文档(文档实例);一个WSDL文档的根元素是definitions元素,WSDL文档包含7个重要的元素:types, import, message, portType, operations, binding和service元素。
三、WSDL声明3.1 XML声明<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>WSDL的声明必须定义成使用:UTF-8 或者UTF-16 编码。
3.2 definition元素所有WSDL文档的根元素都是definition元素。
<definitions name="BookQuoteWS"targetNamespace=/jwsbook/BookQuotexmlns:mh=/jwsbook/BookQuotexmlns:soapbind="/wsdl/soap/"xmlns:xsd=/2001/XMLSchemaxmlns="/wsdl/">definition元素中一般包括若干个XML命名空间;/wsdl/是默认的命名空间,这样就可以不用显式地定义每一个WSDL元素的命名空间了,例如:<ty pes><messages><portType>…;文档中所有的元素缺省应该属于这个命名空间。
SOAP Web服务与WSDL详解SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)是一种基于XML的通信协议,通过HTTP或其他协议在网络上进行数据交换。
1. SOAP(Web服务地址)SOAP是一种基于XML的通信协议,用于不同应用程序之间的数据交换。
它通过HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)或者其他协议在网络上进行消息的发送与接收。
2. SOAP(Web服务描述语言)为了描述SOAP消息的格式和交互方式,WSDL(Web Services Description Language)被引入到SOAP中。
3. WSDL(Web服务定义)WSDL定义了Web服务的接口和实现方式。
它包含以下几个主要部分:a. 服务(service):定义了Web服务的名称和命名空间。
b. 端口(port):定义了Web服务的访问地址和通信协议。
c. 操作(operation):定义了Web服务提供的操作或方法。
d. 消息(message):定义了Web服务接收和发送的消息格式。
e. 数据类型(type):定义了Web服务使用的数据类型。
4. SOAP消息结构SOAP消息由以下几个部分组成:a. Envelope:包含了整个SOAP消息的起始标签和结束标签。
b. Header:可选部分,用于传递与消息处理相关的信息。
c. Body:包含了实际的操作请求或响应。
d. Fault:可选部分,用于返回错误信息。
5. WSDL文档结构WSDL文档由以下几个主要部分组成:a. 服务(service):定义了Web服务的名称和命名空间。
b. 绑定(binding):定义了Web服务使用的通信协议和消息格式。
Web Service工作原理
Web Service工作原理
Web Service是一种可以接收从Internet或者Intranet上的其它系统中传递过来的请求,轻量级的独立的通讯技术。
Web Service的体系结构是由Web服务提供者、Web服务请求者、Web服务中介者构成,其工作过程简单的说就是:Web服务请求者利用SOAP消息向Web 服务提供者发送请求以获得服务,Web服务中介者把Web服务请求者与合适的Web 服务提供者联系在一起,Web服务提供者为Web服务请求者提供自己已有的功能。
1. Web服务提供者设计实现Web服务,并将调试正确后的Web服务通过Web 服务中介者发布,并在UDDI注册中心注册;(发布)
2. Web服务请求者向Web服务中介者请求特定的服务,中介者根据请求查询UDDI注册中心,为请求者寻找满足请求的服务;(发现)
3. Web服务中介者向Web服务请求者返回满足条件的Web服务描述信息,该描述信息用WSDL写成,各种支持Web服务的机器都能阅读;(发现)
4. 利用从Web服务中介者返回的描述信息生成相应的SOAP消息,发送给Web服务提供者,以实现Web服务的调用;(绑定)
5. Web服务提供者按SOAP消息执行相应的Web服务,并将服务结果返回给Web服务请求者。
XML、Soap、WSDL和UDDI在Web Service中扮演着重要的角色,Web Service 通过SOAP在Web上提供的软件服务,使用WSDL文件进行说明,并通过UDDI进行注册。
WEBSERVICE简介Web ServiceWeb Service是一种构建应用程序的普遍模型,可以在任何支持网络通信的操作系统中实施运行;它是一种新的we b 应用程序分支,是自包含、自描述、模块化的应用,可以发布、定位、通过web调用。
Web Service是一个应用组件,它逻辑性的为其他应用程序提供数据与服务.各应用程序通过网络协议和规定的一些标准数据格式(Http,XML,So ap)来访问Web Service,通过Web Service内部执行得到所需结果.Web Service可以执行从简单的请求到复杂商务处理的任何功能。
一旦部署以后,其他Web Service应用程序可以发现并调用它部署的服务。
技术和规则在构建和使用Web Service时,主要用到以下几个关键的技术和规则:1.XML:描述数据的标准方法.2.SOAP:表示信息交换的协议.3.WSDL:Web服务描述语言.4.UDDI(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration):通用描述、发现与集成,它是一种独立于平台的,基于XML语言的用于在互联网上描述商务的协议。
XML可扩展标记语言(Extensible Markup Language, XML) ,用于标记电子文件使其具有结构性的标记语言,可以用来标记数据、定义数据类型,是一种允许用户对自己的标记语言进行定义的源语言。
XML是标准通用标记语言(SG ML) 的子集,非常适合Web 传输。
XML 提供统一的方法来描述和交换独立于应用程序或供应商的结构化数据。
wsdl文件用法(一)WSDL文件简介WSDL(Web Services Description Language)是一种用于描述WebService的XML格式文件。
许多开发框架和工具(如SOAPUI、Apache CXF)都支持根据WSDL生成客户端代码。
Webservice原理简析Webservice的基本概念:Web Services 直译过来就web 服务,个人理解就是一种基于Internet的对外服务机制。
这就要求我们的Web Services 框架必须适用于现有的Internet 软件和硬件环境,即服务的提供者所提供的服务必须具有跨平台、跨语言的特性。
其次,Web Services 所提供的服务不仅是向人,更需服务于其它应用系统。
现有的Web网站也可以认为是面向服务的,但这种服务仅仅可以提供给人使用(只有人类才可以读懂浏览器下载的页面) 。
而新一代的Web Services 所提供的服务应能被机器所读懂,例如其它应用程序及移动设备中的软件系统。
这样,我们可以看出,Web Services 的发展方向实际上是构造一个在现有Internet 技术上的分布计算系统。
Web Services 框架的核心技术包括SOAP ,WSDL 和UDDI ,它们都是以标准的XML 文档的形式表的。
SOAP 是Web services 的通信协议。
●SOAP:SOAP是一种简单的、轻量级的基于XML 的机制,用于在网络应用程序之间进行结构化数据交换。
WSDL文件是一个XML 文档,用于说明一组SOAP消息以及如何交换这些消息。
●UUDI:UDDI(统一描述发现和集成) 提供一种发布和查找服务描述的方法。
UDDI 数据实体提供对定义业务和服务信息的支持。
WSDL 中定义的服务描述信息是UDDI注册中心信息的补充。
WebServices体系架构Web Services 的体系架构如图1 所示Web Services 服务提供方通过WSDL(Web Services Description Language) 描述所提供的服务,并将这一描述告知Web Services 注册服务器。
DDI (DNS,DHCP,IP地址管理) 解决方案概述
内置式DHCP(交换机/防 火墙) 免费DHCP, DNS(微软、 开源,BIND..) 专用化IPAM(DNS、 DHCP)系统
• 还在使用固定IP的政府、企业,大学、金融、政府等 鉴于安全方的考虑,还在使用固定IP • 使用固定IP,人工通过IP地址薄进行管理
IP 地址管理是一个飞速发展的市场,截至2011年预期可以达到 $425 million … "The most significant dimension of the IPAM market performance in 2006 is that IT departments are finding the budget to invest in this often overlooked product category," said Elisabeth Rainge, director, Network Management. "The essentially new spending on IPAM solutions is expanding this market.“… (全球IP地址管理 2007---2011的预测和分析。)
IBM_ESB介绍ThankYou!Thistime,therequestispassedthroughaMediationModule.TheMediationModule usesaMessageLoggerMediationPrimitivetologthemessagetoadatabase.TheRequestcontinuesonitswayasbefore:passedtotheimporttobesenttoXQuote.Thistime,whentherequestpassesthroughtheMediationModule,aDataBaseLookupPrimitiveisusedtolookuptheuseridinatableof“gold”users,thenaFilterisappliedIftheuserisagoldcustomer,therequestwillbepassedtoadifferentexternalWebService(offeredbyXIgnite)otherwiseitwillcontinueasbefore.Becausethemessageformatsdiffer,therequestisfirstpassedthroughanXSLTPrimiti vethatwilltransformthemessageusinganXPathexpression.Th eresponsefromXIgnitewillalsoneedtobetransformedaspart oftheMediationsothattheformatisasexpected.WebSphere ESBisdesignedtobeeasytousefrombothatoolsandaruntimeperspective.WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper,thetoolthatworkswithWebSphereESB,isbuiltforanintegrationdeveloper—some onewhounderstandsITsystemsandarchitecturesbutwhoisnotaJavadeveloper.BothWESBandWIDaredesignedtohelpcustom ersgetupandrunningquicklyandeasily,withcomprehensiveout oftheboxdocumentationandasimplifiedandvisualdevelopmentenvironment.Avisualcompositionmodelallowseasyorchestrationofmediationfunctions.Thefactthatthetoolisrolebasedmakesadministrationmucheasier.AdditionalNotes:Themediatio nfloweditorprovidesauniformapproachtoauthortheprocessingofmessage-basedone-waymodel(message-oriented)andrequest-responsebasedtwo-waymodel(service-oriented).WebSphereESBa ndWebSphereIntegrationDeveloperaresoldseparately.WIDcosts$3500/perseat.Forplanningpurposes,pricesforWebSphereESBareprojectedtobe$25KperCPU,however,thisissubjecttochange.Additionalinformationaboutlistedfeatures:Gain supportforavarietyofmessagingprotocolsincludingJMS1.1JMS1.1providedbyWebSphereApplicationServerCanexploitavarietyoftransports,includingTCP/IP,SSL,andHTTP(S)Allowsint eroperationwiththeWebSpherefamily,eg,WAS,MQ,Message/Event BrokersUtilizeabroadrangeofinteractionmodels(request/reply,point-to-point,publish/subscribe,etc.)tomeetyourrequire mentsLeverageadvancedWebservicessupporttoincorporateleadingedgecapabilitiesSOAP/HTTP,SOAP/JMS,WSDL1.1UDDI3.0ServiceRegistry,WebServicesGatewayWS-StandardsincludingWS-Security,WS-AtomicTransactionsTakeadvantageofacomprehensivec lientspackagetoextendyourenvironmentMessageServiceClientforC/C++extendstheJMSmodelformessagingtonon-JavaapplicaapplicationstoparticipateinJMS-basedinformationflowsWebServicesClientisaJAX-RPC-likewebservicesclientforC++toenabl esuserstoconnecttoWebserviceshostedonWebSpherefromwithinaC++environmentJ2EEclientsupportfromWebSphereApplicationServer,includingWebservicesClient,EJBClient,andJMSCli entAdditionalNotesforPossibleQuestions:Q.WhatareyourplansforaServicesRegistry?A.Todayyoucanstoreandlocate informationaboutservicesthroughtheIBMWebSphereUDDIRegistry.Youcandiscoverservicesintheregistrywhendevelopingnewservices,andatrun-timeyourmediationscanaccesstheregistry.Inthenearfuture,aServicesRegistryinWebSphereESBwill allowyoutolocateandmanageservicesinyourregistrythrough aflexibleregistrationandqueryinterfaceeitherthroughaUI oranAPIthatcanbeusedinpackagedorcustomtools.Longerterm,you’llbeabletointegrateyourserviceregistryentitiesan dyourgeneralmetadataandworkwiththemasaunit,e.g.,throughsharedclassificationschemes,acommonapproachtoqueryinga ndmanipulatingyourmetadataandregistrycontent.Additionalinformationaboutlistedfeatures:GainsupportforavarietyofmessagingprotocolsincludingJMS1.1JMS1.1providedbyWeb SphereApplicationServerCanexploitavarietyoftransports,includingTCP/IP,SSL,andHTTP(S)AllowsinteroperationwiththeWebSpherefamily,eg,WAS,MQ,Message/EventBrokersUtilizeabroadrangeofinteractionmodels(request/reply,point-to-point,publish/subscribe,etc.)tomeetyourrequirementsLeverageadvance dWebservicessupporttoincorporateleadingedgecapabilitiesSOAP/HTTP,SOAP/JMS,WSDL1.1UDDI3.0ServiceRegistry,WebServicesGatewayWS-StandardsincludingWS-Security,WS-AtomicTrans actionsTakeadvantageofacomprehensiveclientspackagetoexte ndyourenvironmentMessageServiceClientforC/C++extendstheJMSmodelformessagingtonon-Javaapplications.MessageServiceapplicationstoparticipateinJMS-basedinformationflowsWebServicesClientisaJAX-RPC-likewebservicesclientforC++toenablesuserstoconnectto WebserviceshostedonWebSpherefromwithinaC++environmentJ2EEclientsupportfromWebSphereApplicationServer,includingWebservicesClient,EJBClient,andJMSClientAdditionalNotesforPossibleQuestions:Q.WhatareyourplansforaServicesRegistry?A.Todayyoucanstoreandlocateinformationaboutser vicesthroughtheIBMWebSphereUDDIRegistry.Youcandiscovers ervicesintheregistrywhendevelopingnewservices,andatrun-timeyourmediationscanaccesstheregistry.Inthenearfuture,aServicesRegistryinWebSphereESBwillallowyoutolocatea ndmanageservicesinyourregistrythroughaflexibleregistrati onandqueryinterfaceeitherthroughaUIoranAPIthatcanbeusedinpackagedorcustomtools.Longerterm,you’llbeableto integrateyourserviceregistryentitiesandyourgeneralmetadataandworkwiththemasaunit,e.g.,throughsharedclassificationschemes,acommonapproachtoqueryingandmanipulatingyourmetadataandregistrycontent.Beyonditsintelligentconnectivityandeaseofusebenefits,WebSphereESBisdesignedtoimproveyourtimetovalue.Asacosteffectivesolutionforservicesintegration,WESBisdesignedtomakeSOA“real”andassuchwisintegration,WESBisdesignedtomakeSOA“real”andassuchwillallowyoutoLeverageyourSOAITinvestmentsbyquicklybuildingaflexibleintegrationinfrastructuretoextendthevalueofyourexistinginvestments,regardlessofvendor.Itsmodularapproachsupportsabilitytostartsmallandgrowasfastasthebusinessrequires,andtheextensivebusinessandITstandardssupportfacilitategreaterinteroperability&portability.FirstclasssupportforhundredofISVsolutionsthroughextensiveWebSpher eAdaptersupportandthenumerousWASandMQpartnersintheWeb SpherePartnerecosystemmakeiteasytoconnecttoyourexistingassets.Pre-builtmediationfunctionssavetimeandmoneybecauseverylittleadditionaldevelopmentisrequired.Furthermore,w ithWebSphereESByousavetimewhenyoucanchangeyourserviceinteractionswithouttakingyoursystemdown.AdditionalNotes:CompleteMediationlist,delliveredateGA:XSLTMessageLoggerM essageRouterFailStopDatabaseLookupCustomComponentFinally, WebSphereESBofferswhatsimilarofferingsdonot—seamlessintegrationwiththeWebSpherePlatform.AsImentionedbefore,WebS phereESBisbuiltontopofWebSphereApplicationServerNetworkDeployment.Assuch,itinheritsallofthemarket-leadingqualitiesofservice,includingscalability,clustering,andfail-over,uutilizesthecommonWebSphereAdministrativeConsoletoenabl esystemmanagementacrossWebSphereApplicationServer,WebSphereESB,andWebSphereProcessServer,andaaddressesend-to-endsecurityrequirementsonauthentication,resourceaccesscontrol,dataintegrity,confidentiality,privacy,andsecureinteroperabilityBecauseWebSphereESBisbuiltonthisfoundation,customers caneasilyextendtoleverageWebSpherePlatformasneedsdictate.CustomerswiththerightskillscantakefulladvantageoftheunderlyingcapabilitiesofWebSphereApplicationServerNetworkDeployment.ExtendyourexistingWebSphereMQmessagingfoundationtointegratenewenvironmentsinanopen,standards-basedway.Finally,ccommontoolingandadministrationmeansthemovefromWebSphereESBtoWebSphereProcessServerispainless.WebSphereESBintegrateswithotherIBMSoftwareofferings,aswell,includingIBMTivolisecurity,directory,andsystemsmanagementofferings.WESBincludesTivoliAccessManager,foroptionaluse,todeliverasecure,unifiedandpersonalizedexperiencethatwillhelpmanagegrowthandcomplexity,anditintegrateswithIBMTivoliCompositeApplicationManagerforSOAforaddedmonitoringandmanagementcapabilities.Managingcompositeapplicationsbasedonserviceorientedarchitecturespresentamixofnewandtraditionalchallenges,asservicesneedtobetreatedbythemanagementinfrastructureasfirst-classmanagedobjects,conformingtodefinedservicecharacteristics.IBMTivoliCompositeApplicationManagerforSOAhelpsyoumonitor,manageandcontroltheseservice-basedapplications.ThissolutionisintegratedwiththeIBMTivoliEnterprisePortal,whichenablesend-to-endresource,application,transactionandservicemanagementacrossyourITinfrastructure.Attheoperationallevel,eachmodulemapstoasingleWebSphereapplication.AdminpanelsallowsimplenavigationtoandcontroloftheseapplicationsScenario1demonstratesthecapabilitiesofWebSphereESBwhenusedalone.Itassumesthatalmostalloftheinterfacesareservices-based(eitherSOAP/JMSorSOAP/HTTP).ItcanalsotalktoWebSphereMQorWebSphereMessageBrokeroranadapterifitneedstotalktoanysystemthatisnotusingtheWebServicesorJMSmodel.Solution:ShareTraderutilizedWebSphereESBtoimplementanEnterpriseServiceBusthat:RoutesincomingrequestsfromtheWebsitetotheappropriateservicebasedonthecustomer’sstatususingcontentbasedroutingTransformstherequesttotheappropriateformatforthetargetdestinationusingXSLTandprotocoltransformationandroutesrequestbacktosourceEnablesShareTradertoseamlesslytransitionserviceendpoints.ShareTraderrecentlymovedfromaninternallyprovidedstockquoteservicetoamoredependableexternalproviderwithoutanyimpacttotherestoftheoffering.NotethatWindows2000supporthasbeenremoved!!ThisisduetoMicrosofthavingdroppedsupportforthisplatformrecently.LinuxonpSeriescomingpostGA.Solaris10supportcomingpostGA.NotethatWindows2000supportisgone!!ShipswithWebSphereMQV6–ifV5.3isnotdetectedthenV6isinstalled.IBMESB案例分享民航航空安全系统整合技术⽅案民航信息建设要求利⽤现代信息技术建⽴完整的⾼速⽹络交换平台建⽴⾼效、及时、准确、完整、统⼀的民航安全运⾏管理信息系统满⾜各种应⽤系统集成的需要完整的管理机制满⾜运⾏和维护的需要航安系统整合实现框架⽅案总结-民航航空安全系统整合技术⽅案⾸先保证在⼀个异构的环境中实现信息稳定、可靠的传输屏蔽掉⽤户实际中的硬件层、操作系统层、⽹络层等相对复杂、烦琐的界⾯,为⽤户提供⼀个统⼀、标准的信息通道,保证⽤户的逻辑应⽤和这些底层平台没有任何关系提供⼀个基于application-hub的先进应⽤整合理念,最⼤限度地减少应⽤系统互联所⾯临的复杂性基于WBI系统的实现维护都相对简单,保证每⼀个应⽤系统的更新和修改都能够实时地实现,当新的应⽤系统出现时能够简便的纳⼊到整个IT环境当中,与其它的应⽤系统相互协作,共同为⽤户提供服务,是我们实现企业应⽤互联和流程管理的最佳实现⽅案中国⼈民银⾏国库信息处理系统建设⽬标国库信息处理系统(TreasuryInformationProcessingSystem)是⼀个以国库横⾏联⽹的业务流程和⼯作流程为基础,连接税务、财政、国库及商业银⾏等业务部门的信息集成处理系统,⽤于传递、处理税款缴纳、划分、⼊库、退库、对账、业务监管、统计分析等各项业务的电⼦信息。
wsdl文件用法WSDL文件的用途WSDL文件(Web Services Description Language)是一种用于描述Web服务的XML格式文件。
它可以描述Web 服务的传输协议(如HTTP、SOAP等)以及与之相关的绑定细节(如SOAP消息结构、编码方式等)。
0 引
We b服务 … 以 X 、O P WS L U D 为核 心 , ML S A 、 D 、 D I 具有 良
口的变异测试 。
接 口变异 的概念最早 是由 D lm r 等人提 出的。在 这 e ao a 之前 , 人们通 常将 程 序变异 的测试 方法 用 于单 元测 试级 别 , D lm r 等首次把 变异测试 思想应用到集成测 试级别。 ea ao 接 口变异 的基础是将变 异体建 立在模块或子 系统集成 时 的接 口上 , 也就是说 , 对被测试程序 的改动集 中在模块或子 系 统之 间的接 口上 。对于 程序变 异开销 大 的问题 , 口变 异 可 接
Te tm e ho o e Se v c sba e n e t n d W SDL ut to s t d f r W b r ie s d o x e de m ain
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gowsdl 用法 -回复
gowsdl 用法-回复gowsdl 是一个基于Go 语言的库,用于生成SOAP Web 服务的客户端代码。
它提供了简单易用的接口,能够快速地将WSDL 文件转化为Go 语言的代码,从而方便地调用SOAP Web 服务的方法。
本文将逐步介绍gowsdl 的用法,帮助读者理解如何使用该库。
在使用gowsdl 之前,需要先安装Go 语言环境。
安装完成后,可以使用以下命令安装gowsdl:go get github/hooklift/gowsdl第二步是准备WSDL 文件。
WSDL(Web Services Description Language)是一种描述Web 服务的XML 格式。
可以从Web 服务的提供方获取到WSDL 文件,或者在本地保存一个WSDL 文件。
确保已经成功获取了WSDL 文件,并记住该文件的路径。
第三步是使用gowsdl 生成客户端代码。
在命令行中,使用以下命令生成代码:gowsdl -o <output_directory> <path_to_wsdl>其中,`<output_directory>` 是生成的代码保存的路径,`<path_to_wsdl>` 是WSDL 文件的路径。
执行上述命令后,gowsdl 将会生成一系列的Go 代码文件,用于访问SOAP Web 服务。
在Go 语言的源码中,可以通过导入生成的代码包来使用SOAP Web 服务的功能。
在源码中添加以下代码,即可导入生成的代码:goimport ("path/to/generated/package")记得将`"path/to/generated/package"` 替换为实际生成的代码包的路径。
导入之后,就可以使用生成的代码中定义的各种方法来调用SOAP Web 服务。
第五步是调用SOAP Web 服务的方法。
gowsdl 用法 -回复
gowsdl 用法-回复gowsdl 是一个用于生成Go 语言代码的工具,它能够根据WSDL 文件中的定义,自动生成相应的Go 语言代码,简化了与Web 服务交互的过程。
本文将为您详细介绍gowsdl 的用法,并逐步回答您关于该工具的问题。
什么是gowsdl?gowsdl 是一个开源的命令行工具,用于根据WSDL(Web Service Description Language)文件生成Go 语言代码。
WSDL 是一种XML 编码的Web 服务描述语言,用于描述Web 服务的接口和操作。
使用WSDL 文件可以方便地了解Web 服务的功能和使用方法。
gowsdl 则可以根据WSDL 文件中的定义,自动创建出相应的Go 语言代码,方便我们在Go 语言中调用Web 服务。
如何安装gowsdl?要使用gowsdl,首先需要确保您的计算机上已经安装了Go 语言环境。
然后,您可以通过以下命令从GitHub 上下载并安装gowsdl:go get -u github/hooklift/gowsdl这个命令会自动下载并安装最新版本的gowsdl。
如何使用gowsdl?使用gowsdl 生成Go 语言代码非常简单,只需要执行如下命令:gowsdl -o <output_directory> <wsdl_file>其中,`<output_directory>` 指定生成的Go 语言代码的输出目录,`<wsdl_file>` 是要生成代码的WSDL 文件路径。
执行该命令后,gowsdl 将会自动读取WSDL 文件,并将生成的Go 语言代码输出到指定目录中。
gowsdl 的相关标签参数是什么意思?在使用gowsdl 进行代码生成时,我们可以使用一些标签参数来指定生成代码的细节。
下面是一些常用的标签参数及其意义:- `-n`:指定生成的Go 语言代码的包名。
- `-t`:指定生成的Go 语言类型的名称。
代码1/**2 * WsdlInfo.java Create on 2013-5-4 下午12:56:143 *4 * 类功能说明: wsdl解析⼊⼝5 *6 * Copyright: Copyright(c) 20137 * Company: COSHAHO8 * @Version 1.09 * @Author 何科序10*/11public class WsdlInfo12 {13private String wsdlName;1415private List<InterfaceInfo> interfaces;1617/**18 * coshaho19 * @param path wsdl地址20 * @throws Exception21*/22public WsdlInfo(String path) throws Exception23 {24 WsdlProject project = new WsdlProject();25 WsdlInterface[] wsdlInterfaces = WsdlImporter.importWsdl( project, path );26this.wsdlName = path;27if(null != wsdlInterfaces)28 {29 List<InterfaceInfo> interfaces = new ArrayList<InterfaceInfo>();30for(WsdlInterface wsdlInterface : wsdlInterfaces)31 {32 InterfaceInfo interfaceInfo = new InterfaceInfo(wsdlInterface);33 interfaces.add(interfaceInfo);34 }35this.interfaces = interfaces;36 }37 }3839public String getWsdlName() {40return wsdlName;41 }4243public void setWsdlName(String wsdlName) {44this.wsdlName = wsdlName;45 }4647public List<InterfaceInfo> getInterfaces() {48return interfaces;49 }5051public void setInterfaces(List<InterfaceInfo> interfaces) {52this.interfaces = interfaces;54 }1/**2 *3 * InterfaceInfo.java Create on 2016年7⽉20⽇下午9:03:214 *5 * 类功能说明: 接⼝信息6 *7 * Copyright: Copyright(c) 20138 * Company: COSHAHO9 * @Version 1.010 * @Author 何科序11*/12public class InterfaceInfo13 {14private String interfaceName;1516private List<OperationInfo> operations;1718private String[] adrress;1920public InterfaceInfo(WsdlInterface wsdlInterface)21 {22this.interfaceName = wsdlInterface.getName();2324this.adrress = wsdlInterface.getEndpoints();2526int operationNum = wsdlInterface.getOperationCount();27 List<OperationInfo> operations = new ArrayList<OperationInfo>();2829for(int i = 0; i < operationNum; i++)30 {31 WsdlOperation operation = ( WsdlOperation )wsdlInterface.getOperationAt( i );32 OperationInfo operationInfo = new OperationInfo(operation);33 operations.add(operationInfo);34 }3536this.operations = operations;37 }3839public String getInterfaceName() {40return interfaceName;41 }4243public void setInterfaceName(String interfaceName) {44this.interfaceName = interfaceName;45 }4647public List<OperationInfo> getOperations() {48return operations;49 }5051public void setOperations(List<OperationInfo> operations) {52this.operations = operations;53 }5455public String[] getAdrress() {56return adrress;57 }5859public void setAdrress(String[] adrress) {60this.adrress = adrress;61 }62 }1/**2 *3 * OperationInfo.java Create on 2016年7⽉20⽇下午9:03:424 *5 * 类功能说明: ⽅法信息6 *7 * Copyright: Copyright(c) 20138 * Company: COSHAHO9 * @Version 1.010 * @Author 何科序11*/12public class OperationInfo13 {14private String operationName;1516private String requestXml;1718private String responseXml;20public OperationInfo(WsdlOperation operation)21 {22 operationName = operation.getName();23 requestXml = operation.createRequest( true );24 responseXml = operation.createResponse(true);25 }2627public String getOperationName() {28return operationName;29 }3031public void setOperationName(String operationName) {32this.operationName = operationName;33 }3435public String getRequestXml() {36return requestXml;37 }3839public void setRequestXml(String requestXml) {40this.requestXml = requestXml;41 }4243public String getResponseXml() {44return responseXml;45 }4647public void setResponseXml(String responseXml) {48this.responseXml = responseXml;49 }50 }测试代码1package com.coshaho.integration;23import com.coshaho.integration.wsdl.InterfaceInfo;4import com.coshaho.integration.wsdl.OperationInfo;5import com.coshaho.integration.wsdl.WsdlInfo;67/**8 *9 * WSDLParseTest.java Create on 2016年7⽉20⽇下午9:24:3610 *11 * 类功能说明: WSDL解析测试12 *13 * Copyright: Copyright(c) 201314 * Company: COSHAHO15 * @Version 1.016 * @Author 何科序17*/18public class WSDLParseTest19 {20public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception21 {22 String url = "/WebServices/ChinaOpenFundWS.asmx?wsdl";23 WsdlInfo wsdlInfo = new WsdlInfo(url);24 System.out.println("WSDL URL is " + wsdlInfo.getWsdlName());2526for(InterfaceInfo interfaceInfo : wsdlInfo.getInterfaces())27 {28 System.out.println("Interface name is " + interfaceInfo.getInterfaceName());29for(String ads : interfaceInfo.getAdrress())30 {31 System.out.println("Interface address is " + ads);32 }33for(OperationInfo operation : interfaceInfo.getOperations())34 {35 System.out.println("operation name is " + operation.getOperationName());36 System.out.println("operation request is ");37 System.out.println("operation request is " + operation.getRequestXml());38 System.out.println("operation response is ");39 System.out.println(operation.getResponseXml());40 }41 }42 }43 }测试结果1 WSDL URL is /WebServices/ChinaOpenFundWS.asmx?wsdl2 Interface name is ChinaOpenFundWSSoap123 Interface address is /WebServices/ChinaOpenFundWS.asmx4 operation name is getFundCodeNameDataSet5 operation request is6 operation request is <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:web="/">7<soap:Header/>8<soap:Body>9<web:getFundCodeNameDataSet/>10</soap:Body>11</soap:Envelope>12 operation response is13<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:web="/" xmlns:xs="/2001/XMLSchema"> 14<soap:Header/>15<soap:Body>16<web:getFundCodeNameDataSetResponse>17<!--Optional:-->18<web:getFundCodeNameDataSetResult>19<xs:schema>20<!--Ignoring type [{/2001/XMLSchema}schema]-->21</xs:schema>22<!--You may enter ANY elements at this point-->23</web:getFundCodeNameDataSetResult>24</web:getFundCodeNameDataSetResponse>25</soap:Body>26</soap:Envelope>27 operation name is getFundCodeNameString28 operation request is29 operation request is <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:web="/">30<soap:Header/>31<soap:Body>32<web:getFundCodeNameString/>33</soap:Body>34</soap:Envelope>35 operation response is36<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:web="/">37<soap:Header/>38<soap:Body>39<web:getFundCodeNameStringResponse>40<!--Optional:-->41<web:getFundCodeNameStringResult>42<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->43<web:string>?</web:string>44</web:getFundCodeNameStringResult>45</web:getFundCodeNameStringResponse>46</soap:Body>47</soap:Envelope>48 operation name is getOpenFundDataSet49 operation request is50 operation request is <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:web="/">51<soap:Header/>52<soap:Body>53<web:getOpenFundDataSet>54<!--Optional:-->55<web:userID>?</web:userID>56</web:getOpenFundDataSet>57</soap:Body>58</soap:Envelope>59 operation response is60<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:web="/" xmlns:xs="/2001/XMLSchema"> 61<soap:Header/>62<soap:Body>63<web:getOpenFundDataSetResponse>64<!--Optional:-->65<web:getOpenFundDataSetResult>66<xs:schema>67<!--Ignoring type [{/2001/XMLSchema}schema]-->68</xs:schema>69<!--You may enter ANY elements at this point-->70</web:getOpenFundDataSetResult>71</web:getOpenFundDataSetResponse>72</soap:Body>73</soap:Envelope>。
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I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2014, 10, 56-62Published Online September 2014 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2014.10.08Dynamic Discovery of Web Services usingWSDLProf. SumathiCanara Engineering College/Computer Science and Engineering, Mangalore, 574219, IndiaEmail: pawarsumathi@Dr. Niranjan N. ChiplunkarNMAMIT/ Computer Science and Engineering, Nitte, Karkala, IndiaEmail: nchiplunkar@.inDr. Ashok Kumar A.NMAMIT/ Computer Science and Engineering, Nitte, Karkala, IndiaEmail: ashok@.inAbstract―Web service technology promises to provide a ynamic integration and interaction of heterogeneous systems, thereby to facilitate fast and efficient cooperation among the entities in cooperative environments. With the surge of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services, service discovery has become increasingly crucial. Web service discovery mechanism retrieves relevant web services from the internet to serve a wide range of users such as service consumers, service developers, service deployers, and service brokers. This paper demonstrates the model for discovery of web services using WSDL processing system and comparison between WSDL(Web Service Description Language) and UDDI(Universal Description Discovery and Integration) based discovery system. The solution leverages WSDL retrieval according to the requested term using horizontal and vertical search and processing WSDL to find suitable web services to satisfy the user request during run time.Index Terms―WSDL, UDDI, SOA, OWL.I.I NTRODUCTIONWeb services are loosely coupled, self- contained software modules that can be accessed programmatically using existing Internet technology, found and assembled dynamically to serve a particular function, solve a specific problem or deliver a particular solution to a customer.[15]The combination of Service Oriented Architecture and Web services will be used to provide a rapid integration solution that will quickly and easily align Information Technology investments and corporate strategies by focusing on shared data and reusable services rather than proprietary integration products.In a web services scenario a web application sends a request message to a service at some URI using the SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) over communication protocols like HTTP, SMTP or FTP. The service receives the request message, processes it and returns a response message. The URI of the service might be known or might be discovered using UDDI.Existing Web Service discovery methods classified into two categories. WSDL-based and Ontology- based. In ontology based method annotation have been made to reference to a domain ontology through the standard WSDL extension mechanism. Ontology based methods aims to provide ‘semantically enriched’ version of WSDL files in order to automate complicated tasks such as service composition. But ontologies are static in nature. Therefore in this paper we have given an approach of web service discovery using WSDL based method. Normally Web services are described by WSDL documents while semantic web services use Web Ontology Languages(OWL-S) as a description language. WSDL based discovery is most popular and supported by both industry and development tools. WSDL based method is further divided into 1)Text based 2)Structure based 3) Semantics based methods.Text based method is the most straight forward way to conduct Web service discovery. The most widely used text-based method is keyword matching built in the UDDI public registry.UDDI API also allows developers to specify keywords of particular interest and it then returns a list of web services whose service description contain those keywords. Beyond the literal keyword matching, research in XML schema matching has applied various string comparison algorithms (e.g. prefix, suffix,edit distance) to match different spellings. This method is particularly useful for scientific Web services where many special terms, jargons, and acronyms are widely used in their service descriptions. For example, a bioinformatics Web service might have an operation called ‘DNACombo’, which shall be relevant to a user search ‘DNACombination’. The literal keyword method cannot tell the equivalence between Combo and Combination. Using UDDI API a link to WSDL will be found and WSDL elements texts are extracted, analyzed, and expanded. But due to pitfalls given in the[2][3][4] we are retrieving WSDL using search engines and will be processing those WSDL files.This paper demonstrates how it can be achieved by discovering the web services using WSDL based methods which have proper operation of web services according to the user requests during run time. The organization of this paper is, section II gives literature review, section III gives overview of the model, section IV gives dynamic search of web services with WSDL records, section V gives processing of WSDL elements to interpret the functionality, section VI gives generating WSDL from java, section VII gives finding web services using UDDI and section VIII and IX gives results and conclusion.II.L ITERATURE R EVIEWIn Paper[1] Service mining is used to discover and compose web services which make use of the service usage logs. But our research does not depend on any template information prior to discover because of dynamic discovery.Chen Wu and Elizabeth Chang [2] indicated that Public UDDI Business Registry - the primary service discovery mechanism over the Internet - has been shut down permanently since January 12, 2006 due to several reasons. This has made the most important public Web service discovery mechanism missing from the Web Services Community.Literature review justifies the necessity of WSDL based discovery of web services by using WSDL based method.Noh-sam Park [3] in his paper explained that consumers search web services with UDDI and manually access the web services that appear in the result. The pitfalls are that UDDI search results only provide specifications for registered web services and cannot express what consumers really want. Also it is impossible to know the states of registered web services. The authors [4] in their paper point out that more than 53% of UDDI Business Registry (UBR) are invalid where as 92% of web services cached by search engines are valid and active. Search engines partially match the search terms entered by the user with the web service name, location, business, or tModel defined in web service description file to get the results back.Lijie Wang [5] shown that Large propotion of web services on the Internet could not provide enough descriptions in their WSDL files. Therefore it is necessary to enrich descriptions for public web services by extracting useful information and provide semantics by data mining technique.Pat. P.W. Chan and Michael R. Lyu [6] indicated that It is challenging to integrate the semantics of servicesin automatic service composition as currently, semantics are captured through manual service composition. Semantics are important i n service composition. To c ompose services semantically it must be known in advance functionality of the service and constraint it enforces. This function will be known by processing the web service’s<definition>/ <service>/ <porttype>/ <operation> element of the WSDL which is explained in the section V.Jan Hendrik Hausmann [7] described that OWL (Ontology Web language) is first step towards the creation of semantic web enabled Web Services. A problem is that they concentrate on the description of static information. This contradicts the demand of a flexible description of innovative web service in the dynamic nature of eBusiness. When large scale web services are available an innovative dynamic structured integration is required.Fangfang Liu [8] proposed a approach to find the similarity of services is evaluated by the traditional measures such as Jaccard and Euclidian combined with wordnet to increase the precision. But in practice most text descriptions of published web services contain much useless information unrelated with the function of services, which hampers the application of this kind of approach.Ning Gu[9] in his granted paper explained that SWORD(Software Ontology For Resource Description) is rule based expert system for web service composition. SWORD is set of tools for the composition of a class of web services including "information - providing " services. In SWORD, a service is represented by a rule to express that with given certain inputs, the service is capable of producing particular outputs. SWORD can compose services automatically, but it identifies services only syntatically - that is, by their inputs and outputs. Two services with the same inputs and outputs can have different functions.Thomas Fischer [10] in his paper explained about recently WSMO-Lite(Web Service Modeling Ontology) has been proposed for describing Web Services semantically as the next evolutionary step after SAWSDL (Semantic Annotations for WSDL), filling SAWSDL annotations with concrete service semantic service descriptions. WSMO-Lite ontology is on one side lightweight and on the other side provides elements for modeling functionality of web services. But WSMO-Lite does not provide modeling of input and output parameters explicitly and relies on their derivation from free variables in the formulas for precondition and effect. In paper [16] authors given a survey about service design attributes of reusability of the services. They given that service availability is also one of the factor for reusability of the service. Therefore in our paper we are discovering for service availability using different search methods.In paper [17] there is a survey on semantic web which is used to extract semantic information from web documents. But it requires additional tools to add annotation to the existing documents as well as as it is known from literature survey if the underlying web information changes then it is necessary to required to change the ontologies. Therefore in this research we are not using any ontology based discovery method, instead we are processing tokenized WSDL elements and check for their semantics using MMA(Match Making Algorithm) for discovering suitable web services.III.M ODEL O F W EB S ERVICES D ISCOVERY S YSTEMAs it is explained in the literature survey additional efforts are required for discovery of web services and to get robust web service in low cost. Permanent shutdown of public UDDI has made UBR unavailable to start with. Customized commercial search engines generally provide large number of online web services in the form of WSDL files. But this requires lot of preprocessing in WSDL file to analyze WSDL- portal like HTML pages and to infer relation between them and WSDL files in order to create WSDL focused discovery without using Google. Therefore it is necessary to collect and process WSDL, policy, metadata files to get suitable web service. Schema and policy documents are used as metadata documents of the web services.An overview of an approach to discover suitable web service according to the user request is shown in the figure 1.Fig. 1. Model of Web Services DiscoveryUser requests for a web service from Web service requestor system. Semantics of the request is collected by semantic server which enriches the request by additional suitable semantics and proper requesting function forwarded to the discovery system. Discovery system searches WSDL according to the user’s requested term. WSDL processing system checks the input/output element of the <porttype>/<operation> element. If <input> as well as <output> element of <porttype>/<operation> is matching with user request then <port> element will be processed to extract <location> element.The <location> element gives URL of the physical location of the web service which is required by the discovery system. Once the location is found then non functional description such as reliability, security, policy will be analyzed using metadata of web services using WS-MetadataExchange. Satisfaction of these factors proceeds to further steps. Suitable SOAP message will be constructed and this message will be redirected to the same physical address via SOAP intermediary nodes. Routing and addressing information will be added to SOAP header by the intermediary SOAP nodes and SOAP message will be redirected through several intermediary nodes according to address location of the web service. The SOAP message will be received by the remote service, extracts body of the SOAP message, understands and executes the request and response message transferred back via intermediary nodes to discovery system. Discovery system collects the results in to its dictionary which is required for further analysis. Semantic server will pose additional queries to requestor after getting results from discovery system. According to user response if user gets satisfied then the result will be forwarded to requester.IV.D YNAMIC W SDL S EARCH S YSTEMTo retrieve WSDL according to the list of functional words of user request, the requested term is inputted to the WSDL search system which is developed in this research. Search results with more than zero value of confidence and support factors are used to find weather functional words are available or not? If requested terms are available, then those service’s WSDL records are retrieved to select suitable web services.To get information about availability of requested terms as web services, it is required to search for requested terms using search engines and should apply following equation (1) and equation (2) to find support and confidence of the requested terms in the search results. support s(t1) = P(t1) = ║So t1║/ ║S║ (1) confidence c(t1) = ║So t1║/ ║So║ (2) ………………support s(tn) = P(tn) = ║So tn║/ ║S║confidence c(tn) = ║So tn║/ ║So║Where t1,t2..tn are the requested terms, in this example it is temperature, language translator.║Sot1 ║ indicates number of services contains requested term in the output element and ║S║ indicates total number of web services which contain requested term in any element of WSDL in the particular search. Support greater than zero shows the existence of the requested term in the output element. ║So║ is total number of outputs in the particular web service, 100% confidence indicates web service is meant for requested output and confidence greater than zero indicates availability of requested term in the web services.The search results which have high support is considered and those service’s input element is extracted. If requester’s input element for e.g. city_name doesn’t matches with the extracted input element(zipcode) of the GetTemperature service then it is required to search for the service which gives zipcode with city as input. If it is found then find the support and confidence of that search.s = P(tin, tout) = ║S tin,St out║ / ║S║ (3)c = P(tin, tout) = ║S tin,S tout║ / ║S tin║ (4) Here ║Stin,Stout║is total number of services that satisfies input, output parameters of requested terms in the input or output or operation elements of web services. In equation(3) ║S║ is total number of web services in the search results that contain requested terms in any elements of web services. In equation (4) ║Stin║ is total number web services which matches input term(city) of the request with only input element of the web services. Here 100% confidence indicates web service meant for the requested service. Zero support and zero confidence indicate unavailability of web services in the search result. Now the search results which satisfy formulae (3) and formulae (4) in the particular search in different services with more than threshold value of support and confidence indicates the necessity of composition. We need to get those web service’s WSDL records.In these WSDL records, the WSDLs which gives the required output element is compared for its input element with requested input parameter. If input element of this web service does not match with requested input, then it is concluded that more than one web services need to be composed for this request and shows the necessity of horizontal or vertical search of web services for those input/output elements of requested term.A. Vertical SearchIf all input parameters of a request is collectively available in the set of inputs of different services and all output parameters of the same request are collectively available in the set of output of different services then those services need to be considered as list of sub-requests which collectively satisfies the user request. Therefore these services need to be searched and this type ofsearching is called as vertical search.Fig. 2. vertical searchB. Horizontal SearchConsider the Request R1 for the service, if its input parameters Rin1, Rin2, Rinn are matched to the input parameters S1in1, S1in2.. S1inn of the service S1 and Request’s output parameter R1out1, R1ou2..R1outn matches to the S4out1, S4out2…S4outn of the S4. Then we need to find S2 and S3. This type of search is called horizontal search.Fig. 3. Horizontal SearchThe results of horizontal and vertical search may give different web services which need to be executed in the sequential order. The set of web services which are resulted from different horizontal and vertical search are checked for their support and confidence of input/output terms with respect to their prior and next services as given in formulae(5) and formulae(6).s = P(Sout n-i, Sin n-i+1) = ║Sout n-i,Sin n-i+1║ / ║S║ (5) c = P(Sout n-1, Sin n)=║Sout n-i,Sin n-i+1║ / ║ Sout n-i║ (6) Where i ranges from 1 to n-1 and n indicates the service number which satisfied the user requested function in output term of the web services.In equation (5) ║Sout n-i, Sin n-i+1║ indicates number of web services which matches output element of n-i th web services to the input element of n-i+1st web service. ║S║ indicates the total number of web services in the particular search which contain Sout n-i terms in any elements web services in the search results. In equation (6) ║Sout n-i║ indicates the total number of web services which satisfies the requested term in the output elements of n-i th web services.Finally these list of services with high support(s) and confidence( c) are used to satisfy the user request.V.W SDL P ROCESSING S YSTEMWSDL is extensible to allow description of endpoints and their messages regardless of what message formats or network protocols are used to communicate, however, the only bindings described in this document describe how to use WSDL in conjunction with SOAP 1.1, HTTP GET/POST, and MIME.The WSDL document of a service usually consists of ports, portTypes, operations, input/output messages and other definitions to express its function. The names of its components generally are concatenation of words which declares the function of the service such as " getAccountDetails " of PortType element. It is function of the WSDL processing system to decompose the names into individual terms according to some rules. Then tokens “get Account Details” is obtained as functional description of the service.<porttype nam e=”MyBank”><operation name=”getAccountDetails”parameterOrder=”St ring_1” ><input message= ”tns:MyBank_ getAccountDetails”/><output messag e=”tns:MyBank_ getAccountDetailsResponse ”/></operation></portType>Function of web service will be found in the operation element of WSDL file by processing <definition>/<service>/<porttype> element of WSDL. This operation should be matched with user requested functionality by using MMA(Match Making Algorithm). Matching of requested term will be weighted in increasing order of different matches of MMA as given here.Exact> Plugin> Subsume > Sibbling > FailAmong similar services, a maximum matching service (which has more weight) is considered as suitable web service.To make a Web service useful, a service consumer who has discovered a set of useful services must be able to determine invocation details of the services. This will be described by WSDL. WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. The operations and messages are described abstractly, and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message format to define an endpoint. Related concrete endpoints are combined into abstract endpoints (services). The <definition>/<service><location> element of WSDL is given below.<port nam e=”BanksIFPor t”binding=”t ns:MyBankbinding”><soap:address xmlns:wsd l=”/wsdl” ><location=”http://www.Mybank.getAccounts /”></port>This location is actual service location where the service methods exists and should be always available. Thus the required web services will be discovered.VI.G ENERATING W SDL F ROM J AVAThere are many tools to generate a WSDL document, given a Java remote interface. Current tools will, however, generate only WSDL that describes an RPC style invocation for SOAP-based Web services. The xrpcc utility can be used to generate a WSDL document with SOAP-HTTP binding, given a Java remote interface, using the followingcommand:xrpcc -classpath %classpath% -server -keep -d <destination directory> <configuration xml file>VII.F INDING SERVICE USING UDDIThe ability to publish services in a UDDI registry requires the application used to publish the service interface definitions to understand WSDL. WSDL4J is one mechanism that allows an application to read and interpret WSDL.// Read the WSDL service interface document Definition definition = WSDLReader.readWSDL(null, wsdlURL);// Create a new tModel to be used to map the WSDL service interfaceTmodel tModel = new tModel();OverviewDoc overviewDoc = new OverviewDoc(); OverviewURL overviewURL = new OverviewURL(wsdlURL);tModel.setOverviewDoc(overviewDoc);This is the last step in parsing WSDL to create the appropriate UDDI entities. UDDI4J contains APIs that allows to publish, find, and bind to a Web service. Because UDDI4J is open source, it comes with source code, JavaDoc, and several sample applications. It contains multiple APIs but the one most frequently used is the UDDIProxy class. Let us look at how UDDIProxy class interacts with a registry:UDDIProxy proxy = new UDDIProxy();A user who willing to find all businesses that meet a specified criterion, such as companies that start with the name "Flute," would use the find_business method of the proxy similar to this:BusinessList bl = proxy.find_business ("Flute", null, 0); The UDDI4J is one way for querying the registry. The Java API for XML registries (JAXR) is another.VIII.R ESULTSComparison of web service discovery time between WSDL based discovery and UDDI Based Discovery is shown below in the graph.Fig. 4. Comparison between WSDL & UDDI based discovery Average of support and confidence of different search matches for a particular user request is given below in the graph. As given in the graph below horizontal search satisfies the particular user request with more support and confidence than all other searches.As given in the section VII, the tModel of UDDIcontains an overviewURL element that points to the location of the service interface definition (WSDL). Therefore WSDL has to be retrieved from that location to get service signature and other details.Fig. 5. Average of support & confidence for different search Matches ofa requestBut to find appropriate business service from UDDI and to retrieve WSDL, takes more time than directly retrieving WSDL using search engine.IX.C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORKUnlike ontology based methods of semantic web services it is better to process WSDL of the web services to get its semantics, but this may results into slow process. A problem in ontology based method is they concentrate on the description of static information. This contradicts the demand of a flexible description of innovative web service in the dynamic nature of eBusiness. When a large scale web services are available, an innovative dynamic structured integration is required. This can be achieved by processing WSDL to develop a suitable discovery mechanism which requires information retrieval and data mining technique. It is necessary to provide robust web services to the user in less cost and high speed. As a future work it is planned to develop a knowledgebase of WSDL by using data mining technique. As a result the time of discovering the appropriate service will be reduced after the request is received.A CKNOWLEDGEMENTI Mrs. Sumathi would like to give my sincere thanks to my guide Dr. Niranjan N. Chiplunkar, Principal, NMAMIT, Nitte, Karkala, India, for his motivation, guidance and giving me an opportunity to continue my research under the absents of my first guide Dr. Ashok Kumar(passed away). I also feel my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Ashok Kumar who was professor of Computer Science and Engineering, NMAMIT, Nitte, for his great support and motivation.R EFERENCES[1]Wil van der Aalst, Senior Member, IEEE, “Service Mining:Using Process Mining to Discover, Check, and Improve Service Behavior”,IEEE transactions on services computing – 2013.[2]Chen Wu and Elizabeth Chang , Curtin University ofTechnology, Australia " Searching services on the web : A public Web Services discovery approach" IEEE Int. conf.on Internet Base System.[3]Noh-sam Park, Gil-haeng Lee, Electronics andTelecommunications Research Institute, KOREA "Agent- Based Web Services Middleware" IEEE GLOBECOM 2003.[4]Khalid Elgazzar, Ahmed E. 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