Dual systems of sequents and tableaux for many-valued logics




Database, schema standards
Modelling; ODEs, Constraint-based optimisation, Solving inverse problems, Novel strategies
Iteration between theory and experiment
一个自稳态系统是一个开放系统,通过由相互依赖的调控 机制严格控制的多重动态平衡来维持其结构和功能
• Term coined at 1960s, however theoretical people and experimental biologists diverged • Renaissance at 1990s
Genome-wide protein-metabolite binding constants Regulatory interactions Genome-wide protein-protein binding constants
Experimentation Analysis
Genome-wide high-throughput enzyme kinetics
Model organism/ system of choice
Transcriptome Proteome Metabolome
New theory
New methodology
Genome-wide protein-inhibitor binding constants (Chemical genetics)
E. Schrödinger (1944) What is life? Cambridge University Press



















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雌性生殖干细胞全基因组范围选择性多聚腺苷酸化位点分析沈挺挺;张晓丽;张盼;康亚妮;田静;赵小东【摘要】目的描绘小鼠雌性生殖干细胞(FGSCs)和胚胎干细胞(ESCs)全基因组范围内选择性多聚腺苷酸化(APA)位点,通过细胞间的比较,分析生殖干细胞特异性的APA位点对其生物学特性的影响.方法利用本实验室之前建立的基于高通量测序的转录本3'末端poly(A)位点捕获方法3T-seq确定并比较两个细胞系中所有APA 位点,通过DAVID对具有APA位点差异的基因进行Gene Ontology分析.结果在两种细胞系中共确定16 973个基因的50 243个APA位点,发现FGSCs中相较于ESCs3'UTR发生长度变化的基因1148个,其中795个(66%)3' UTR变短,353个(34%)基因3'UTR变长,与生殖发育密切相关的基因3'UTR存在显著的缩短现象.结论 FGSCs存在与ESCs不同的APA谱,APA介导的3'UTR变化参与生殖发育相关的生物学过程,揭示了生殖干细胞的基因转录后调控机制.【期刊名称】《南方医科大学学报》【年(卷),期】2016(036)002【总页数】6页(P157-162)【关键词】雌性生殖干细胞;小鼠胚胎干细胞;全基因组APA谱【作者】沈挺挺;张晓丽;张盼;康亚妮;田静;赵小东【作者单位】上海交通大学系统生物医学教育部重点实验室,上海 200240;上海交通大学生物医学工程学院Bio-ID研究中心,上海 200240;西北大学生命科学学院,陕西西安 710069;上海交通大学生物医学工程学院Bio-ID研究中心,上海 200240;西北大学生命科学学院,陕西西安 710069;上海交通大学生物医学工程学院Bio-ID 研究中心,上海 200240【正文语种】中文选择性多聚腺苷化(APA)是一类很重要的基因转录后表达调控方式,通过调节转录本3’非翻译区(3’untranslated region, UTR)的长度来影响包括mRNA 的稳定性、亚细胞定位和翻译效率等在内的多个生物学过程[1-3]。






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Collaborative networks and product innovation performance--Toward a contingency perspective

Collaborative networks and product innovation performance--Toward a contingency perspective

Research Policy 38(2009)765–778Contents lists available at ScienceDirectResearchPolicyj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /r e s p olCollaborative networks and product innovation performance:Toward a contingency perspectiveKuen-Hung Tsai ∗Department of Business Administration,National Taipei University,151University Rd.,San Shia,Taipei 237,Taiwana r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 3October 2007Received in revised form 11September 2008Accepted 26December 2008Available online 29January 2009Keywords:Collaborative networkProduct innovation performance Absorptive capacitya b s t r a c tAn increasing number of studies have examined the impact of collaborative networks on product innova-tion performance,but have produced inconsistent results.This research contributes to existing literature by examining how absorptive capacity affects the relationships between different types of partners and product innovation performance.The sample used in this research is drawn from the Taiwanese Tech-nological Innovation Survey (TTIS)database.A moderated hierarchical regression approach is used to analyze the models,which are further explored by firm size and industry type.Some interesting findings appear.First,absorptive capacity positively moderates the impact of vertical collaboration on the per-formance of technologically new or improved products.Second,the effect of absorptive capacity on the relationship between supplier collaboration and the performance of new products with marginal changes varies based on firm size and industry type.Third,absorptive capacity negatively affects the relationship between customer collaboration and the performance of marginally changed products.Fourth,absorptive capacity positively affects the relationship between competitor collaboration and the performance of new products with marginal changes for large firms.Fifth,absorptive capacity negatively affects the relation-ship between collaboration with research organizations and the performance of technologically new or improved products.On the contrary,absorptive capacity positively affects the impact of collaboration with research organizations on the performance of marginally changed products.These results enrich current understanding of the relationships between collaborative networks and product innovation performance.©2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionGiven the intense competition in most markets today,compa-nies are increasingly recognizing the necessity and advantages of regularly developing new products.Firms that introduce higher-quality products faster than their competitors usually earn higher economic returns (Datar et al.,1997).However,rapid changes in technology often force such firms to depend on external technological knowledge and skills in addition to internal techno-logical resources.Many firms today are relying more extensively on external linkages to acquire new technological knowledge using strategies such as technology licensing and collaborative agreements.Inter-firm collaboration is an important vehicle for the creation of technological competencies (Schoenmakers and Duysters,2006),and is a viable solution to the problem of resources and capabilities not always being available within a firm and diffi-cult to obtain efficiently in the market (Das and Teng,2000).While most research on this topic focuses on the motives behind R&D collaboration (e.g.,Fritsch and Lukas,2001;Tether,2002;∗Tel.:+886286746568;fax:+886286715912.E-mail address:atmas@.tw .Miotti and Sachwald,2003;Belderbos et al.,2004b ),a number of authors have evaluated the impact of different types of collaborative networks on product innovation performance (Lööf and Heshmati,2002;Criscuolo and Haskel,2003;Miotti and Sachwald,2003;Belderbos et al.,2004a;Faems et al.,2005;Nieto and Santamaría,2007).However,these studies present inconsistent results:some show that these relationships are negative or insignificant,while others find they are positive.This ambiguity implies that other factors may moderate the relationship between collaborative net-works and product innovation performance.Given that inter-firm collaboration is an effective vehicle for organizational learning,prior research argues that a sufficient degree of absorptive capac-ity is required for effective learning in a collaborative agreement between firms (Mowery et al.,1996;Lane et al.,2001).Despite a growing interest in the link between organizational learning and product innovation (e.g.,Adams et al.,1998;Erwin,2002),rela-tively little research examines how absorptive capacity moderates the relationship between external linkages and product innova-tion.The lack of research on this issue is surprising,especially since some important works (e.g.,Cohen and Levinthal,1990;Kim,1997,2001;Teece,2000)emphasize that a firm’s absorptive capacity determines the extent to which it is able to utilize external knowl-edge.0048-7333/$–see front matter ©2009Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.respol.2008.12.012766K.-H.Tsai/Research Policy38(2009)765–778The present study therefore addresses the question:Dofirms with a high level of absorptive capacity realize higher product innovation from close collaboration thanfirms with a low level of absorptive capacity?Answering this question can make a signif-icant contribution to the literature on this topic.While previous studies focus on the effects of collaborative networks on prod-uct innovation performance,this paper proposes a contingency framework to address the value of absorptive capacity in explain-ing the relationship between collaborative networks and product innovation performance.Additionally,this study advances research on absorptive capacity by empirically examining its effect on the use of external knowledge for product innovation.Answers to the question of absorptive capacity are also important because they are relevant tofirms that depend to a large extent on technol-ogy acquired from collaborating with different partners.In their efforts to reduce the costs and risk of technology development and to introduce higher-quality products faster than competitors,firms may count heavily on the effectiveness with which they can gain access to external sources of technological knowledge and skills. While some previous studies suggest that collaborating with dif-ferent partners is an effective way to improve product innovation (e.g.,Belderbos et al.,2004a;Nieto and Santamaría,2007),this research sheds light on the importance of absorptive capability in the effectiveness of collaborative networks.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Follow-ing this introduction,Section2reviews the literature and provides theoretical expectations.Section3introduces the research meth-ods,including the model,variable definitions and measurements, and the data source utilized in this study.Section4presents the results and discussions.Section5summarizes the results,discusses their implications for theory and managerial practice,and suggests possible directions for future research.2.Literature review and research hypotheses2.1.The impact of different types of partnersPrior research suggests that afirm can advance its product innovation by interacting with different collaborators,primarily including suppliers,customers,competitors,and research orga-nizations.Suppliers usually have greater expertise and more comprehensive knowledge regarding the parts and components which may be critical to afirm’s new product development.Thus, supplier collaboration can allowfirms to incorporate the exper-tise and different perspective of a supplier to improve its solutions or create new methods for product development(Bonaccorsi and Lipparine,1994;Eisenhardt and Tabrizi,1995).Supplier involve-ment also helpsfirms identify potential technical problems,thereby speeding up new product development and responses to market demands(Kessler and Chakrabatri,1996).Miotti and Sachwald (2003)used the French CIS-2survey to reveal the positive effect of collaboration with suppliers on the share of innovative prod-uct turnover.Faems et al.(2005)analyzed Belgian manufacturing firms and found a positive association between suppliers and the proportion of turnover attributed to improved products.In a sur-vey of Spanish manufacturingfirms,Nieto and Santamaría(2007) regressed product innovation on collaborative networks and found a positive link between collaboration with suppliers and the degree of product innovativeness.However,Sánchez and Pérez(2003) analyzed Spanish manufacturingfirms and concluded that collabo-rating with suppliers does not improve new product performance. Freel(2003)analyzed UK small and medium-sized manufacturing firms and found that supplier collaboration does not have a signif-icant impact on new product performance.Ledwith and Coughlan (2005)used a sample of electronicsfirms in Ireland and the UK and found an insignificant correlation between collaboration with sup-pliers and product innovation performance.In addition,Belderbos et al.(2004a)studied Dutch manufacturingfirms and found a negative but insignificant relationship between collaboration with suppliers and product innovation performance.Collaborating with customers is another important way for a firm to improve its product innovation performance(Gupta et al.,2000;Fritsch and Lukas,2001;Brockhoff,2003).Working with customers not only provides benefits in identifying market opportunities for technology development,but also reduces the likelihood of poor design in the early stages of development.In addition,understanding the needs of influential customers may helpfirms gain new ideas about solutions(von Hippel et al.,1999) and identify market trends early on,thereby increasing the chances of new product development and success.Thus,customer involve-ment may lead to product innovation advantages(Souder et al., 1997;Li and Calantone,1998).Miotti and Sachwald(2003),Freel (2003),and Faems et al.(2005)all found that collaboration with customers has a positive impact on product innovation perfor-mance.In contrast,Lööf and Heshmati(2002)analyzed Swedish manufacturingfirms and found a negative relationship between customer collaboration and product innovation performance.Nieto and Santamaría(2007)found that customer collaboration has a positive impact on product innovation with marginal changes,but does not affect significant innovation with new functions.In addi-tion,Belderbos et al.(2004a)revealed an insignificant association between collaboration with customers and changes in new product sales.Monjon and Waelbroeck(2003)analyzed French manufactur-ingfirms and found that customer collaboration has an insignificant impact on product innovation.The least frequent type of collaborative network thatfirms adopt to achieve product innovation seems to be collaboration with com-petitors(Bayona et al.,2001;Nieto and Santamaría,2007),but this type of collaboration still provides some advantages.Firms involved in a cooperative agreement may share technological knowledge and skills with each other,producing a synergistic effect on solv-ing common problems outside the competitor’s area of influence (Tether,2002).The case study of Inkpen and Pien(2006)suggests thatfirms collaborating with competitors may perform better in innovation than they would otherwise.At the same time,firms can accelerate their capability development by R&D cooperation,which allows them to reduce the time and risk involved in technologi-cal innovation(Belderbos et al.,2004a).Furthermore,collaborating with competitors enablesfirms to ascertain their competitors’tech-nological level;firms that are more knowledgeable about their competitors’technology strategies are better able to differenti-ate themselves(Linn,1994).Lööf and Heshmati(2002)found that collaborating with competitors is positively related to new prod-uct sales.However,Monjon and Waelbroeck(2003),Miotti and Sachwald(2003),and Belderbos et al.(2004a)found that com-petitor collaboration has a negative but insignificant impact on product innovation performance.Nieto and Santamaría(2007)also found that collaboration with competitors does not impact prod-uct innovation with marginal modifications,but it negatively affects product innovations with new functions.Due to governments’encouragement,more and morefirms are pursuing product innovations by collaborating with universities and research institutions.Universities and research institutes are important centers for the creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge(Hemmert,2004).Firms can interact formally and informally with universities and research institutes to acquire new scientific knowledge to benefit their product or process innovations(Caloghirou et al.,2004).In contrast,afirm choosing not to acquire technological knowledge from universities and research institutions may fall behind,reducing the likelihood that it will make a technological breakthrough leading to a commercial product(Spencer,2003).Several studies suggest that technologicalK.-H.Tsai/Research Policy38(2009)765–778767innovation relies heavily on knowledge from universities and research institutions(Bozeman,2000;McMillan et al.,2000;Vuola and Hameri,2006).Belderbos et al.(2004a),Faems et al.(2005), and Nieto and Santamaría(2007)found that collaboration with research institutes and universities positively affects product inno-vation performance.However,Monjon and Waelbroeck(2003), Caloghirou et al.(2004),and Ledwith and Coughlan(2005)found that collaboration with universities and research institutes has a negative effect on product innovation performance.Furthermore, Lööf and Heshmati(2002)revealed an insignificant relationship between collaboration with research organizations and product innovation performance.In summary,the empirical studies reviewed above show that while there is some support for collaborating with different part-ners in product innovations,there is an absence of consensus on the benefits of this type of networking.Surprisingly,though most of the studies mention the importance of absorptive capacity,they do not investigate its moderating role.Therefore,the way in which absorptive capacity affects the relationship between collaboration and product innovation performance is worthy of further study.2.2.The role of absorptive capacityAbsorptive capacity refers to afirm’s ability to use its own prior related knowledge to recognize,assimilate,and use exter-nal knowledge for its own commercial ends(Cohen and Levinthal, 1990).Zahra and George(2002)and Todorova and Durisin(2007) further characterized absorptive capacity as a bundle offive capa-bilities:recognition,acquisition,assimilation,transformation,and exploitation.Obviously,afirm with a high level of absorptive capac-ity is better able to create and exploit linkages with otherfirms (Caloghirou et al.,2004).The absorptive capacity of afirm is greatly dependent on its current level of technological knowledge(Cohen and Levinthal,1990;Kim,1997,2001),which in turn is derived from previous and current efforts in internal R&D(e.g.,Veugelers,1997; Stock et al.,2001;Schoenmakers and Duysters,2006).Numerous studies argue that a certain degree of absorptive capacity is required for effective learning in inter-organizational collaborations(e.g., Mowery et al.,1996;Kim,1998;Lane and Lubatkin,1998;Lane et al.,2001).Organizations with a greater absorptive capacity usually have a sufficiently developed technology base that enables them to have rich and detailed communications with their suppliers dur-ing the knowledge-sharing process.This communication process, in turn,may generate new ideas or solutions for product designs. Further,suchfirms are more likely to recognize the value of new ideas and effectively integrate them into their product develop-ment efforts.As certain ideas are completely de novo,it is necessary to develop new parts and components to produce significant inno-vations.Unrealistic designs or incompatible parts and components may seriously delay the development cycle(Culley et al.,1999). Thus,close collaboration with suppliers is important during the engineering process to shorten the development time and ensure the quality of new products.In contrast,an organization with a lower absorptive capacity mayfind it difficult to recognize the value of new ideas which emerge from interactions with their suppliers.Afirm may also lack sufficient ability to integrate ideas into new products.In this case, close collaboration with suppliers may waste time and money and, as a result,inhibit new product performance.Based on these argu-ments,this study expects that the greater the absorptive capacity, the stronger the relationship between collaboration with suppliers and product innovation performance.Absorptive capacity can also enhance the use of knowledge from customer collaboration in product innovation.In working closely with customers,and particularly with influential customers,afirm may uncover latent customer needs(Atuahene-Gima et al.,2005). These unarticulated needs alert thefirm to new market opportu-nities,technology developments,and ideas that challenge existing cause-effect relationships,thereby resulting in new products with significant benefianizations with a greater absorptive capac-ity are more likely to identify,convert,and exploit these needs using new technological knowledge.Absorptive capacity,then,improves afirm’s chances of capturing new market opportunities by mak-ing innovative products.Hence,afirm’s performance in product innovation may be improved by close customer collaboration.Con-versely,an organization lacking sufficient absorptive capacity will be unable to integrate the latent customer needs into new product developments.Thus,even if afirm collaborates closely with cus-tomers,these activities may not increase thefirm’s performance in product innovation,and may even be detrimental to such per-formance.Based on the arguments above,this study proposes that the greater the absorptive capacity,the stronger the relation-ship between collaboration with customers and product innovation performance.The impact of any external knowledge absorbed from com-petitor collaboration on product innovation may also depend on absorptive capacity.By establishing collaborative arrangements, afirm can access the specialized knowledge of its competitors, which is usually tacit and cannot be easily copied by simple obser-vation.Inkpen and Pien’s(2006)case study suggests thatfirms with a sufficiently developed technology base are able to iden-tify and understand the knowledge that underpins similarities and differences in their collaborators’skills.As a result,they may be more likely to incorporate competitor knowledge and expertise in their own technological innovations.Further,the research of Kim and Song(2007)suggests that absorptive capacity may facilitate the creation of new technology through collaboration with other companies.Afirm with a greater absorptive capacity has a better technology base that enables it to understand and exploit competi-tors’skills and knowledge(Cohen and Levinthal,1990),thereby resulting in significantly innovative products.For example,given that Hewlett–Packard(HP)had developed its own laser printing capabilities,it chose to work with canon to develop the desk-top laser printer and achievefirst-mover advantages in personal laser printers(Helleloid and Simonin,1994).Therefore,this study hypothesizes that the greater the absorptive capacity,the stronger the impact of collaboration with competitors on product innovation performance.Research organizations are an important source of new scien-tific knowledge.Collaborating with research organizations enables afirm to access scientific knowledge previously unexplored.This knowledge may provide thefirm with different modes of reason-ing,problem formulation,and solutions(Amabile,1988).Exposure to these different approaches adds to the repertoire that afirm can bring to bear on new product development problems.The process of combining new technological knowledge into existing knowl-edge can foster insights that can then lead to additional insights and profundity,thereby offering significantly higher potential for breakthrough innovations(Ahuja and Lampert,2001).However, case studies and empirical evidence show that absorptive capacity is important for afirm,especially for SMEs,to achieve success-ful collaboration with research institutions(Koschatzky,2002; Hadjimanolis,2006).While collaborating with research organiza-tions,firms with a high level of absorptive capacity are better able to learn new perspectives that may provide better,more effective solutions in new product development.In contrast,an organization that lacks sufficient absorptive capacity may be unable to digest advanced technologies when closely collaborating with research organizations.Thus,this study hypothesizes that the greater the absorptive capacity,the stronger the impact of collaboration with research organizations on product innovation performance.768K.-H.Tsai /Research Policy 38(2009)765–778In summary,with an adequate degree of absorptive capacity,firms will be better at internalizing their partners’knowledge,and thereby improve their chances for product innovations.Whether or not the benefits of collaborating with different types of partners can be realized may be affected by the parent organization’s absorptive capacity as derived from its existing technological knowledge.Con-versely,an inability to identify and understand the technological knowledge that underpins partners’competencies limits a firms’collaborative learning potential.3.Research method 3.1.Conceptual frameworkFig.1shows the conceptual framework investigated in this study.This framework indicates that the product innovation performance of a firm is affected by its collaborative networks in terms of differ-ent types of partners.It further proposes that these relationships are influenced by the absorptive capacity of a firm.In addition,sev-eral important controls are included in the model to eliminate or reduce the bias arising from the confounding effects.This frame-work guides the definitions and measures of the major variables used in this study.3.2.Variable definitions3.2.1.Dependent and independent variablesThe dependent variable in this study is product innovation per-formance,which is measured by innovative sales productivity.This study operationalizes this measure as the sales generated by new products per employee (i.e.,the ratio of sales attributed to new products divided by the total number of employees).These sales include (1)technologically new or technologically improved prod-ucts introduced to the market within the past 3years,and (2)marginally changed products within the same time period.Note that this study does not measure product innovation performance by the volume of new product sales because this measure signif-icantly correlates with firm size.A technologically new product is a product whose technological characteristics or intended uses differ significantly from those of existing products (OECD,1997).A technologically improved product refers to an existing product whose performance has been significantly improved or upgraded (OECD,1997).A marginally changed product is an innovative prod-uct that cannot be categorized into either of the first two groups.The independent variables in this study are the four types of col-laboration with different partners,including suppliers,customers,Fig.1.Conceptual framework.competitors,or research institutes and universities.These variables measure the level of collaboration with different types of partners.This study constructs each of these variables by the product of two variables in the TTIS database.One is a dummy variable which takes the value of 1if the firm is engaged in collaboration with a specific type of partner,else 0;the other is the relative importance (high,medium,and low)of collaboration with this partner,indicating how close the collaboration is.3.2.2.Moderator and controlsThe moderating variable in this research is absorptive capacity.The absorptive capacity of a firm depends greatly on its existing technological knowledge base (Cohen and Levinthal,1990;Kim,1997,2001).If a firm lacks a sufficiently developed technologi-cal knowledge base,it may have difficult absorbing any externally acquired technological knowledge (Schoenmakers and Duysters,2006).Firms can only be expected to learn from their collaboration partners if they have some level of prior technological knowledge which they can us to incorporate their partners’knowledge and use it for their own purposes.Prior research views in-house R&D invest-ment as the key determinant of a firm’s absorptive capacity (e.g.,Cohen and Levinthal,1990;Mowery et al.,1996;Stock et al.,2001;Carayannis and Alexander,2002;Todorova and Durisin,2007).The absorptive capacity variable is measured by dividing the firm’s total expenditures on in-house R&D activities and training programs for technological activities in the past 3years by its total number of employees in a current year.Note that the numerator of the vari-able is a stock measure,as in previous studies (e.g.,Helfat,1997;Ahuja and Katila,2001),usually used as a proxy for the firm’s tech-nology base acquired from previous and current R&D or training activities.However,this study does not use in-house R&D or train-ing stock to measure a firm’s internal efforts in innovation activities because this measure is always highly correlated with firm size.This type of measure represents a firm’s absorptive capacity more accurately than the R&D intensity measure (R&D expenditure/sales)widely used in prior research (e.g.,Jones et al.,2001;Belderbos et al.,2004a;Faems et al.,2005;Schoenmakers and Duysters,2006;Nieto and Santamaría,2007).More importantly,this measure reflects existing knowledge accumulated from past learning and intensity of effort,which are both important elements of absorptive capacity (Cohen and Levinthal,1990;Kim,1997,2001).The research model in this study also contains several impor-tant controls.The first control is the use of industry dummies for fixed industry effects.As stressed in prior research,these dummies capture various environmental dimensions such as tech-nological opportunity and competition intensity (e.g.,Veugelers,1997;McGahan and Porter,1997).This analysis uses seven indus-try dummies representing eight traditional manufacturing sectors.The second control is the size of the firm as measured by its total number of employees,which is a proxy for size in previous studies related to innovation performance (e.g.,Caloghirou et al.,2004;Schoenmakers and Duysters,2006).Next,the average ratio of employees with a university degree or higher by total number of employees serves as a proxy for the quality of the firm’s human resources,which is an important determinant of innovation output in the literature (e.g.,Rothwell and Dodgson,1991;Jones,2001).In addition,this study controls for the effects of inward technology licensing since previous studies emphasize the role of this control on innovation (e.g.,Zahra et al.,2005;Tsai and Wang,2007).Inward technology licensing in this study comprises the firm’s expendi-tures on external technology acquisition through inward licensing.The last control is a dichotomous variable that takes the value of 1if the firm is mostly foreign owned;else zero.Previous studies suggest that the subsidiary of a foreign parent company may per-form better in bringing new product products to the market than a host company (e.g.,Deeds and Hill,1996;Belderbos et al.,2004a ).K.-H.Tsai/Research Policy38(2009)765–778769Table1Means,standard deviations,and correlations(N=753).Variable PIP CL S CL C CL P CL R ACAP FS HQ ITL SBPIP 1.000CL S0.084b 1.000CL C0.116a0.435a 1.000CL P−0.0030.219a0.237a 1.000CL R0.0500.116a0.062c0.083b 1.000ACAP0.361a0.074b0.129a−0.003−0.001 1.000FS0.159a0.153a0.180a0.0030.270a0.058 1.000LQ0.123a0.094a0.0340.011−0.086b0.080b−0.039 1.000ITL0.131a0.081b0.142a0.0510.103a0.210a0.309a0.050 1.000SB0.044−0.070c−0.026−0.058−0.0110.0120.060c−0.0430.021 1.000Mean50.60.2590.4290.0900.2370.253444.410.226 5.8010.072 S.D.75.60.739 1.0020.4310.6090.6181215.000.22633.870.258Notes:(1)PIP:product innovation performance;CL S:collaboration with suppliers;CL C:collaboration with customer;CL P:collaboration with competitors;CL R:collaboration with research organizations;ACAP:absorptive capacity;FS:firm size;LQ:labor quality;ITL:inward technology licensing;SB:subsidiary.(2)Unit of analysis for PIP is thousand NT dollars;and ITL is million NT dollars;FS,person.a p<0.01.b p<0.05.c p<0.10.Therefore,this study uses this variable to control for the effects of thefirm’s managerial style on innovation output.3.3.The dataThis study analyzes data at thefirm level.Both the sample and the variables used in this analysis come from the Taiwanese Techno-logical Innovation Survey(TTIS),jointly conducted by the National Science Council and the Ministry of Economic Affairs in2002.The sample is representative of the population of traditional Taiwanese manufacturingfirms because the sampling frame was generated by a stratified random sampling process based onfirm size and industry.The database consists of1346firms in various manufac-turing industries.Among this total,firms indicating that they had not engaged in technological innovation activities during the pre-vious3years were excluded from this study since their profiles do not contain any data for external technology sourcing variables. The sample includes a total of753firms for the preliminary anal-ysis and the model estimation.Thesefirms are categorized into eight sectors:food,beverages&tobacco(40firms,5.31%);textile, wearing apparel&leather(56firms,7.44%);paper&printing(29firms,3.85%);chemical,rubber&plastic(130firms,17.26%);non-metallic mineral(28firms,3.72%);basic metal(22firms,2.92%); fabricated metal(108firms,14.34%);and machinery,electronics &transportation equipments(340firms,45.15%).Within the sam-ple,the percentage of reported collaboration with suppliers,clients, competitors,and research organizations is about20%,18%,8%,and 23%,respectively.Thesefigures reveal that competitor collaboration does not seem to be the best way to improve innovation.This may be caused by problems of technological knowledge leakage and the increased risk of hold up in competitor collaboration(Bayona et al., 2001).Thisfinding is consistent with that of Nieto and Santamaría (2007).Moreover,collaboration with research organizations seems to be the most frequent type of partnership.This phenomenon is unlike that of a large number of European countries documented in Drejer and Jørgensen(2005)and Nieto and Santamaría(2007), where collaboration with suppliers was the most important.Table1 reports the basic statistics for the variables(except for the industry dummies)used in the analysis.Table1shows some interestingfindings.First,all of the correlation coefficients for the collaboration variables(except collaboration with research organizations)achieve a statistical sig-nificance at the5%significance level.This indicates that a certain proportion of thefirms within the sample collaborate with more than one type of partner for technological innovations.In particu-lar,firms collaborating with suppliers tend to also collaborate with their customers(r=0.44,p<0.01).Second,competitor collabora-tion has the lowest value in its mean and standard deviations among the collaboration variables.This result shows that collaboration with competitors is the least common type of partnership for prod-uct innovation within the sample.Third,a significant correlation exists betweenfirm size(FS)and product innovation performance (PIP).This preliminary analysis suggests that largefirms have an innovation advantage over smallerfirms in terms of output,sup-porting the Schumpeterian hypothesis.4.Analyses4.1.ResultsThe models in this study are estimated by OLS-based hier-archical regression.Model1contains several control variables, including industry dummies(IND1–IND7),firm size(FS),labor quality(LQ),inward technology licensing(ITL),and subsidiary (multi-nationality)dummy(SB).Then,absorptive capacity(ACAP) and the collaboration variables(CL S,CL C,CL P,and CL R)are entered in Model2.The terms of the interaction between the collabora-tion variables and the ACAP variable are added in Model3.Because the interaction terms are usually highly correlated with ACAP or the collaboration variables,this study follows the procedure sug-gested by Friedrich(1982)to reduce or eliminate any bias resulting from multi-collinearity.This approachfirst standardizes the vari-ables except for the dummies and then forms the cross-product terms.Table2presents the moderated regression analysis results for the models.Table2indicates that adding the collaboration and ACAP vari-ables(Model2)to the model with only controls(Model1)increases the R2by about38.2%.The F-value(106.48)for the incremental R2 values achieves a statistical significance at the1%level.An inspec-tion of the coefficient estimates of the collaboration variables shows that these variables do not explain the change in product inno-vation performance.This result implies that collaboration with different types of partners does not increase product innovation performance when the analyses does not account for the effect of absorptive capacity.1Adding the interaction terms(Model3)to Model2further increases the R2by about1.7%.The F-value(4.63) 1This result confirms to that documented in Brouwer and Kleinknecht(1996), Love and Rpoer(2001),and Freel(2003).。



多维宏组学方法-概述说明以及解释1.引言【1.1 概述】多维宏组学方法是一种基于多种生物信息学技术和统计学分析方法,综合多个层面的生物学数据,以更全面深入地理解生物系统的复杂性和多样性。













1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容:本文将按照以下结构进行描述和分析多维宏组学方法。



——与剑桥大学史蒂文·沃特森的对话张 丹 [英]史蒂文·沃特森 洪其绿在学术领域,高等教育学不仅是一个学科,同时也是一个开放的研究领域。








这一转变的核心是两个重要理论框架的融合:尼克拉斯·卢曼(Niklas Luhmann)的社会系统理论和胡塞尔(Husserl)的现象学[4-6]。







免疫调节英文 PPT课件

免疫调节英文 PPT课件
Immunoregulation,Immunodysregulation and Autoimmune Disorders
Part I Concept of Immunohomeostasis Part II Immunological Tolerance Part III Immunoregulation and Immunodysregulation Part IV Mechanisms of Autoimmune Diseases
with unique Ag specificity • Has to be able to distinguish
self from non-self
A properly coordinated (regulated) immune system will:
1 Defend against infectious microorganisms 2 Stay in harmony with self-antigens and tissues of the host 3 Maintain appropriate magnitude when responding to
T cell-deficient mouse
Autoimmune diseases thyroid stomach salivary gland Langerhans islets adrenal glands ovaries testes
T 细胞外周免疫耐受
非专职APC诱导初始 T 细胞进入免疫失能状态



1经典理论:预期效用模型风险偏好问题的相关论述,最早可以追溯到著名的预期效用模型(Expected Utility M odel )。

该模型是由V on Neumann 和M orgenstern 在对圣彼得堡悖论解答的基础上,进行相关的公理化阐述而形成。

预期效用模型建立了VN-M 预期效用函数,该函数的内涵是:在不确定性条件下,经济人的效用水平是通过对预期效用函数可能出现的损益结果期望加权得到的[1]。


此后,Savage 在预期效用理论的基础上提出了主观预期效用理论,用主观概率代替预期效用函数中的客观概率,该模型更能体现出决策者的个体差异。




关键词:风险偏好;实验经济学;公理性假设;偏好存在假设中图分类号:F069.9文献标志码:ALiterature survey on risk preference experimentLI Yan -xi ,FU Jie ,LI Peng -feng ,F ENG Bao -jun(School of Management ,Dalian University of Technology ,Dalian 116024,China )Abstract :Experimental economics ,which yielded substantial achievement ,has brought severe challenge to the traditional theory in the field of risk preference study ,so it ’s necessary to arrange the experimental results to grasp the orientation.The experimental method ,sorting from the axiomatic hypothesis and preference -existed hypothesis ,conducts a literature survey on the experimental application on risk preference ,and it has an expansive research space in this field.Key words :risk preference;experimental economics;axiomatic hypothesis;preference -existed hypothesis收稿日期:2009-05-31基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(70772087);教育部博士点基金资助项目(20040141031);大连理工大学人文社科基金(DUTHS2007302)作者简介:李延喜(1970—),男,教授,博士生导师;付洁(1985—),女,硕士研究生;李鹏峰(1983—),男,硕士研究生;冯宝军(1968—),男,高级审计师.第11卷第5期科技与管理Vol.11No.52009年9月Science-Technology and ManagementSep.,2009性假设和对偏好存在假设的质疑。



Chromosome 1
AL gene P/A gene
Nip. 9311
Chromosome x
Nip. 9311
Proportion of Asymmetric Located Genes
Correlation between Asymmetry and Diversity
Gene C
- More similar in A & C or B & C
- Stable gene copies
A&B A &C C&B
Average diversity:
Share polymorphic sites: 6
Fixed mutations:
Recombination events: 0




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Dual Systems of Sequents and Tableauxfor Many-Valued LogicsMatthias Baaz Christian G.Ferm¨u ller Richard ZachNovember25,1992Technical Report TUW–E185.2–BFZ.2–921993Workshop on Theorem Proving withAnalytic TableauxTechnische Universit¨a t WienInstitut f¨u r Computersprachen E185.2Abteilung f¨u r Anwendungen der formalen LogikResselgasse3/1,A–1040Wien,Austria/EuropePhone:(+431)58801x4088Fax:(+431)5041589Dual Systems of Sequents and Tableauxfor Many-Valued LogicsMatthias BaazChristian G.Ferm¨u llerRichard ZachThe aim of this paper is to emphasize the fact that for allfinitely-many-valued logics there is a completely systematic relation between sequent calculi and tableau systems.More importantly,we show that for both of these systems there are al-ways two dual proof sytems(not just only two ways to interpret the calculi).This phenomenon may easily escape one’s attention since in the classical(two-valued) case the two systems coincide.(In two-valued logic the assignment of a truth value and the exclusion of the opposite truth value describe the same situation.) We employ the usual definitons offirst order languages,many-valued interpre-tations(M)and induced valuation functions(val M)(see e.g.Carnielli[1987]). In the following V={v1,...,v m}always denotes the set of truth values of a logic.To stress the dualty of the two types of calculi we shall define them simul-tanously:1.Definition An(m-valued)sequent is an m-tuple offinite setsΓi of formulas, denoted asΓ1|Γ2|...|Γm.(As usual we abbreviateΓ∪∆byΓ,∆andΓ∪{A} byΓ,A.)2.Definition An interpretation M is said to p(n)-satisfy a sequentΓ1|...|Γm, if there is an i(1≤i≤m)and a formula F∈Γi,s.t.val M(F)=(=)v i.A sequent is called p(n)-valid,if it is p(n)-satisfied by every interpretation.The concept of p-satisfiability was used by Rousseau[1967](compare also Schr¨o ter[1955])in his formulation of many-valued sequents,whereas n-satisfiablity essentially already appears in Carnielli[1991].3.Definition An introduction rule for a connective2at place i in the logic L isa schema of the form:Γj1,∆j1|...|Γj m,∆j mj∈I2:iΓ1|...|Γi,2(A1,...,A n)|...|Γmwhere the arity of2is n,I is afinite set,Γl= j∈IΓj l,∆j l⊆{A1,...,A n} It is called p(n)-admissible,if for every interpretation M the following are equiv-alent:(1)2(A1,...,A n)takes(does not take)the truth value v i.(2)For all j∈I,M p(n)-satisfies the sequents∆j1|...|∆j m.4.Example We state rules for the implication of the three-valued G¨o del logic G 3with V ={f,u,t }.Let the expression A v (A =v )denote the statement “A takes (does not take)the truth value v ”.Since (A ⊃B )t iff(A f ∨A u ∨B t )∧(A f ∨B u ∨B t )we get the following p-admissible introduction rule for position t :Γ,A |∆,A |Π,B Γ ,A |∆ ,B |Π ,B Γ,Γ|∆,∆|Π,Π,A ⊃B⊃:t Because of (A ⊃B )t iffA f ∨(A u ∧B u )∨B t we get by negating both sides of the equivalence the following n-admissible introduction rule for the implication at position t :Γ,A |∆|ΠΓ |∆ ,A,B |Π Γ |∆ |Π ,BΓ,Γ ,Γ |∆,∆ ,∆ |Π,Π ,Π A ⊃B ⊃:tIt should be stressed that admissible introduction rules for a connective at a given place are far from being unique:Every p(n)-admissible introduction rule for 2(A 1,...,A n )at place i corresponds to a conjunction of disjunctions of some A v l (A =v l )which is true iff2(A 1,...,A n )takes (does not take)the truth value v i .Any such conjunctive normal form for 2(A 1,...,A n )v i will do.In particular,the truthtable 2for a connective 2immediately yields a complete conjunctive normal form.For p-sequents the corresponding rule is as in Definition 3,with:I ⊆V n is theset of all n -tuples j =(w 1,...,w n )of truth values such that 2(w 1,...,w n )=v i ;and ∆j l ={A k |1≤k ≤n,v l =w k }.For n-sequents we get:I ⊆V n consistsof all n -tuples j =(w 1,...,w n )of truth values such that 2(w 1,...,w n )=v i ;and ∆j l ={A k |1≤k ≤n,v l =w k }.5.Definition An introduction rule for a quantifier Q at place i in the logic L is a schema of the form:Γj 1,∆j 1|...|Γj m ,∆j m j ∈IΓ1|...|Γi ,(Q x )A (x )|...|ΓmQ :i where I is a finite set,Γl = j ∈I Γj l ,∆jl ⊆{A (a 1),...,A (a p )}∪{A (t 1),...,A (t q )}.The a l are metavariables for free variables (the eigenvariables of the rule)satisfying the condition that they do not occur in the lower sequent;the t k are metavariables for arbitrary terms.Q :i is called p(n)-admissible ,if for every interpretation M the following are equivalent:(1)(Q x )A (x )takes (does not take)the truth value v i under M .(2)For all d 1,...,d p ∈D ,there are e 1,...,e q ∈D s.t.for all j ∈I ,M p(n)-satisfies ∆ j 1|...|∆ j m where ∆ j l is obtained from ∆jl by instantiating theeigenvariable a k (term variable t k )with d k (e k ).The truth function Qfor a (distribution)quantifier Q immediately yields admis-sible introduction rules for place i in a way similar to the method described above for connectives:For p-sequents let I ={j ⊆V | Q(j )=v i }.Then the rule is given as in Definition 5,with ∆jl ={A (a j w )|w ∈j,w =v l }∪{A (t j )|v l ∈V \j }.In contrast,for n-sequents we take I ={ j,i |j ⊆V ∧i ∈j ∧ Q(j )=v i }and ∆ j,i l ={A (a jl )|l ∈j }∪{A (t j )|i =l }.Again,it should be stressed that in general these are not the only possible rules.6.Definition A p-sequent calculus for a logic L is given by:(1)Axioms of the form:A|A|...|A,where A is any formula,(2)For every connective2and every truth value v i a p-admissible introductionrule2:i,(3)For every quantifier Q and every truth value v i a p-admissible introductionrule Q:i,(4)Weakening rules for every place i:Γ1|...|Γi|...|Γmw:iΓ1|...|Γi,A|...|Γm(5)Cut rules for every pair of truth values(v i,v j)s.t.v i=v j:Γ1|...|Γi,A|...|Γm∆1|...|∆j,A|...|∆mcut:ijΓ1,∆1|...|Γm,∆mA n-sequent calculus for a logic L is given by:(1)Axioms of the form:∆1|...|∆m,where∆i=∆j={A}for some i,j s.t.i=j and∆k=∅otherwise(A is any formula),(2)For every connective2and every truth value v i an n-admissible introductionrule2:i,(3)For every quantifier Q and every truth value v i an n-admissible introductionrule Q:i,(4)Weakening rules(identical to the ones tor p-sequent calculi)(5)The cut rule: Γi1|...|Γi i,A|...|Γi m mi=1cut:Γ1|...|ΓmwhereΓl= 1≤j≤mΓj l.7.Theorem(Soundness and cut-free Completeness)For every p(n)-sequent cal-culus the following holds:A sequent is p(n)-provable without cut rule(s)iffit is p(n)-valid.Analytic tableaux for many-valued logics have been investigated by Surma[1977]and Carnielli[1987].H¨a hnle[1991],based on the aforementioned work,studied the applicability of these systems for automated theorem proving. H¨a hnle introduced the notation of sets-of-signs which allows a more efficient repre-sentation of tableaux and presented streamlined calculi for certain classes of logics. Here,we want to stress the striking similarity between tableaux systems and sequent calculi:In fact,there is an immediate correspondence between cut-free sequent cal-culus proofs and closed tableaux.Again,there are two dual systems for any logic.8.Definition A signed formula is an expression of the form{w}A,where w∈V.9.Definition A tableau is a downward tree of sets of signed formulas where every set is obtained from a set preceding it in the tree by application of one of the rules of the tableau system:Let R:i be a p(n)-admissible introduction rule for a connective or a quantifier as given in Definitions3and5,where at least one of the∆j is nonempty.Moreover, let F be the formula being introduced(i.e.,F≡2(A1,...,A n)or F≡(Q x)A(x)).The p(n)-tableau rule corresponding to R:i is:Γ,{v i}FΓ, m k=1∆k j∈Iwhere∆k is obtained from∆k by replacing every formula A∈∆k by{v k}A.A p(n)-analytic tableau is called closed,if every leaf contains formulas{v k}A for all k∈{1,...,m}(for k∈{i,j},i=j).10.Theorem Every closed p(n)-tableau with the root Γk corresponds to a cut-free p(n)-sequent calculus proof ofΓ1|...|Γm.Wefinally remark that also resolution calculi can be derived from sequent cal-culi:The introduction rules for sequents convert into reduction rules that translate finite sets of assignments of truth values to formulas into clause forms.(Clauses arefinite sets of assignments of truth values to atomic formulas;cf.Baaz and Ferm¨u ller[1992])ReferencesBaaz,M.and C.G.Ferm¨u ller.[1992]Resolution for many-valued logics.In Proc.Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning LPAR’92,A.Voronkov,editor,LNAI624,pp.107–118,Springer,Berlin.Carnielli,W.A.[1987]Systematization offinite many-valued logics through the method of tableaux.J.Symbolic Logic,52(2),473–493.[1991]On sequents and tableaux for many-valued logics.J.Non-Classical Logic, 8(1),59–76.H¨a hnle,R.[1991]Uniform notation of tableaux rules for multiple-valued logics.In Proc.IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-valued Logic,pp.238–245.Rousseau,G.[1967]Sequents in many valued logic I.Fund.Math.,60,23–33.Schr¨o ter,K.[1955]Methoden zur Axiomatisierung beliebiger Aussagen-und Pr¨a dikatenkalk¨u le.Z.Math.Logik Grundlag.Math.,1,241–251.Surma,S.J.[1977]An algorithm for axiomatizing everyfinite logic.In Computer Science and Multiple-valued Logic:Theory and Applications,D.C.Rine,editor,pp.137–143.North-Holland,Amsterdam.。
