Is there a post office near here?
2、Do you know these places?Please look at the picture. Where is it? Today we will learn some new words about places.
Ⅲ. Presentation:
1、Learn some new words aboutplaces.。
4、学习本课本句型There is / are…。Is/are there..
5、利用新单词训句型There is / are…。Is/are there..
Ⅴ.Home work
1、Remember the new words.
2、Make new conversation and prac析
6、Make a new conversations with your partner。
初中英语听课记录范文21.引语为一般陈述句,变为间接引语时一般由that引导(可省略)2.如果直接引语中的主语为第一人称,变为间接引语时人称要随主语作适当变化3.如果引述动词为一般过去时,间接引语中动词的时态一般推移到过去时间4.其他变化指示代词时间状语地点状语动词this—that today-that day here—there come--go these--those now-then Read the passage. Describe the sentences are from the radio review (R) or the newspaper review (N) 1. “ It’s an excellent film, with terrific special effects.”2. “Although the special effects are fantastic, it’s a disappointing film.”3. “The film is very long, and becomesboring.”4. “Elijah Wood’s scenes are boring. 5. “Ian Mckellen is much better and his scenes are great.”Read the passage then answer the questions1. Read Paragraph 2 and answer the following questions 1). What did Chen Huan say the type of Pirates of the Caribbean? 2). What did Chen Huan say about the actors?2. Read Paragraph 3 and answer the following questions 1). Why are Depp and Bloom sailing around the island? 2). Who do they meet? 3). Why is there lots of action in the film? 4). Who does Keira Knightley play?3. Read Paragraph4 and check the sentences 1) The film is really true to our life. 2) Chen Huan thought there was too much fighting in the film. 3) Chen Huan didn’t like the film at all Students can practice like this: Jane: Did you hear Chen Huan’s culture report yesterday? Adam: No, I didn’t. What did she say ? Jane: It was about Pirates of the Caribbean. He said it was on at the student cinema. Adam: What did he say about it ? Jane: He said that… Write a short report about the film Chen Huan thought of,Ask some students to show it. 重点词组:1. keep out不让......进入2. out of style不时髦的;过时的3. call sb. up打电话给......4. pay for付款5. ask for要求6. the same as 与......同样的7. in style时髦的;流行的8. get on相处;进展9. as much as possible尽可能多10. all kinds of各种;许多11. on the one hand, ......(在)一方面,...... 12. on the other hand, ......另一方面,......掌握词组和句型的语法结构和用法。
主题:人教版九年级英语教师第1单元听课记录一、背景介绍1.1 单元内容:本单元是九年级英语的第一个单元,主要内容包括介绍自己、家人和朋友的基本信息以及谈论爱好和喜好。
1.2 教学目标:通过本单元的教学,学生应能够掌握一些基本的英语交流技能,包括自我介绍、询问他人信息以及谈论自己的爱好。
二、听课情况记录2.1 时间地点:2021年10月15日上午,在人教版九年级英语教室内进行。
2.2 参与人员:本次听课活动共有30名九年级学生和1名教师参与。
2.3 教学步骤:2.3.1 自我介绍:教师首先对自己进行简单的介绍,包括尊称、国籍、爱好等信息,引出本单元的教学内容。
2.3.2 课堂互动:教师引导学生进行自我介绍,并指导他们使用正确的语言表达自己的基本信息。
2.3.3 练习演讲:学生进行小组活动,互相介绍并练习演讲,培养他们的口语表达能力。
2.3.4 情景对话:教师设计了一些情景对话,帮助学生学会如何在不同场合进行交流。
三、听课情况分析3.1 教学内容覆盖全面:教师在课堂上通过自我介绍的方式很好地引出了本单元的教学内容,让学生对本单元的学习目标有了更清晰的认识。
3.2 互动性强:教师在课堂上引导学生进行多种形式的互动,包括小组活动和情景对话,帮助学生更好地掌握所学内容。
3.3 学生参与度高:学生在课堂上表现活跃,积极参与各种活动,充分发挥了他们的语言表达能力。
四、听课中发现的问题与建议4.1 词汇掌握程度不够:部分学生在自我介绍和情景对话中出现了词汇错误,需要加强词汇的积累和应用。
4.2 口语表达欠缺:一些学生在进行演讲时表达欠流畅,需要加强口语练习和训练。
4.3 课堂纪律不够:部分学生在课堂上表现得不够专注,需要加强对课堂纪律的管理。
五、教学反思与改进措施5.1 加强词汇训练:针对学生词汇掌握不够的问题,教师可以设计一些词汇练习活动,帮助学生加强词汇的积累和运用。
5.2 口语练习加强:教师可以设计更多的口语练习活动,例如角色扮演、情景对话等,帮助学生提高口语表达能力。
课程名称:PEP初中英语上册授课老师:XXX听课日期:XXXX年XX月XX日听课地点:XXX教室授课内容:本节课主要讲解了PEP初中英语上册的Unit 1,主题是“Hello”。
授课过程:1. 老师首先通过提问的方式,检查学生是否已经预习了本单元的单词和课文。
2. 老师讲解了课文中的重点词汇和短语,并让学生进行造句练习。
3. 老师讲解了课文中的语法点,并让学生进行语法填空练习。
4. 老师让学生听录音,并模仿录音中的发音和语调。
5. 老师让学生进行小组讨论,讨论课文中的主题和意义。
6. 老师布置了课后作业,要求学生完成本单元的练习题和单词默写。
教学互动:1. 在讲解单词和短语时,老师通过与学生互动,引导学生用所学词汇造句。
2. 在讲解语法点时,老师让学生进行小组讨论,共同探讨语法的运用。
3. 在模仿录音发音时,老师鼓励学生大胆模仿,并及时纠正学生的发音错误。
4. 在小组讨论时,老师积极参与学生的讨论,引导学生深入思考。
教学亮点:1. 老师通过多种方式帮助学生掌握英语知识,包括讲解、示范、互动等。
2. 老师注重培养学生的英语实际运用能力,通过小组讨论等形式引导学生用英语表达自己的观点和想法。
3. 老师在课堂上始终保持积极的态度和热情,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动。
教学建议:1. 对于一些较为抽象的语法点,老师可以进一步解释其含义和用法,帮助学生更好地理解。
2. 在小组讨论中,老师可以更加注重引导学生深入思考,提高讨论的质量和效果。
初二英语听课记录30篇初二英语听课记录30篇第1篇一、教师自身的良好素质是上好一堂课的重要前提和根本保证.在听课中,我发现优秀的教师都有几个共同特点:1、口语流利,发音准确.只有做到这一点,才能保证孩子对课程的理解,才能保证孩子学到正确的知识,地道的语言;2、善于利用多种手段辅助教学,使孩子接触到的知识更立体,更直观,更生动;3、教态亲切,表情丰富,在课堂上能轻松,活泼,潇洒地进行授课,富有艺术性;4、有扎实的英语根底知识作为后盾,词汇丰富,课堂充实.二、调动学生积极性,让学生真正成为课堂的主人.这是新课标的重要特点,也是素质教育的要求.通过听课我发现教师的教学理念都发生了转变,都树立了以学生为主体的教学理念.把整个课堂还给了学生,注重学生能力的培养,注重主体参与,教学中互动模式多样,多采用小组竞赛的模式或创造一个语境,让学生展开联想,激起了学生们对英语学习的兴趣,营造了宽松,民主,和谐的教与学的气氛,让学生真正成为了课堂的主人.三、课前互动是一个很关键的环节在这次听课中我发现课前老师和学生互动的较好的,课堂都比拟成功,老师们大多数从自身的生活着手活泼课堂气氛,得学生们的喜欢..我认为大多数的老师在这一点上做得很到位.课程开始后,从单词的讲解,到听力练习,再到对话讨论,一环扣一环可以说衔接得非常自然,学生们都能很好的理解,并且在每一环节和环节之间的过渡中都在反复应用本节课的语法重点,很多老师还打破常规,大胆创新,改变课本原有的思路,取得了较好的效果.通过这次听课,我开阔了眼界,让我深切的体会到了紧迫感,认识到了自己的局限.同时我对自己也提出了许多问题去思考,怎样让自己的语言更优美?怎样让学生喜欢上课?怎样培养学生的能力?相信通过自己的不断努力,一定能拉近距离,不断进步.这为我们英语教师的业务素质的提高提供了一次不可多得的学习时机.通过这次听课,我觉得在教育教学方面收获很多.虽然这13节优质课的水平不一,风格各异,但每一节课都有很多值得我学习借鉴的东西.一、调动学生积极性,让学生真正成为课堂的主人.这是新课标的重要特点,也是素质教育的要求.注重学生能力的培养,注重主体参与,教学中互动模式多样,多采用小组竞赛的模式或创造一个语境,让学生展开联想,激起了同学们对英语学习的兴趣.营造了宽松,民主,和谐的教与学的气氛.平时我们在这一方面做得不够好.因此,听课时我特别注意了各地老师不同的调动学生的方式.学生积极性调动起来以后,怎样保持下去也很重要.老师在每个教学环节中对孩子的要求一定要清楚明确,难易适中.只有孩子清楚的知道自己应该干什么时,才有可能干好这件事;而问题太难孩子会无从下手,太易又不用思考,这都会打击孩子的积极性.二、教师自身的良好素质是上好一堂课的重要前提和根本保证.在这几天的听课中我发现优秀的教师都有几个共同特点:1、口语流利,发音准确.只有做到这一点,才能保证孩子对课程的理解,才能保证孩子学到正确的知识,地道的语言;2、善于利用多媒体等多种手段辅助教学,使孩子接触到的知识更立体,更直观,更生动;3、教态亲切,表情丰富,在课堂上能轻松,活泼,潇洒地进行授课,富有艺术性;4、有扎实的英语根底知识作为后盾,词汇丰富,课堂充实.通过这次听课,我开阔了眼界,看到了自己的缺乏,以及自己与省优的差距.同时我对自己也提出了许多问题去思考,怎样让自己的语言更优美?怎样然孩子喜欢上课?怎样培养孩子的能力?相信通过自己的不断努力,一定能拉近距离,不断进步.初二英语听课记录30篇第2篇课前板书1.Do you like festival?2.What kinds of festivals do you know in China?3.Which festival do you like best? Why?4.What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? Teaching procedure Before classRead the words in Module 2 During class:1.Read the words and expressions in Module 22.Have a dictation of the words in Module 23.Ask and answer:Do you like festivals?What kinds of festivals do you know in China? Which festival do you like best? Why?What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival?4.Group workDivide the students into nine groups and the topic for them to discuss is: What does your family do to get ready for Spring Festival?5.Talk about the pictures.6.Match the phrases and the pictures.7.Listen and read.8.Finish Part 3 --- Choose the correct answer.9.Homework评课意见:1、课前进教室,提前板书相关内容,为课堂教学顺利进行打下根底,并能有效的节省时间;2、教学环节设计安排清晰明了,过渡自然.3、能结合学校分组分享教学法和英语教学的学科特点,有效开展分组活动.如全班学生分成九个小组,共同讨论分享What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? 在这一环节中学生能够积极参与,并能充分运用所学语言知识进行英语表达;初二英语听课记录30篇第3篇上午,来到**中学参加初三英语教研活动.参加本次活动的市镇中心英语教研组的成员和全镇初三英语老师.本次活动首先听了六峰中学朱杰红老师的一杰初三教研课,然后,大家开展了积极的教研讨论活动,最后,曾衍明主任就初三英语复习工作做了一些工作部署. 下面是这节课的听课记录和听后随感.Teaching procedure1.课前朗读,复习单词2.Greetings ---- Whats the weather like today? Sunny.紧接着复习其他表示天气的单词..教师问:Whats the weather will be like if its rainy? 然后学生答复说:Itll be wet.感慨句的表达形式.How fine the day is! 当这一句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过What a fineday it is ! 启发,并最终让学生顺利说出下面的句子:How fine it is! 接着,进一步问道:如何赞扬一个人呢?引出以下单词:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working, 然后说:He isa hard-working student.Ill learn from him.4.朗读Lesson 60 课文内容,之后,通过看幻灯片,谈论图片内容;(感觉在这一过程中,教师中文组织教学太多.如:首先,我们见到图画中有什么?像这样的句子完全可以直接用英语组织进行.教师通过幻灯片呈现故事,在故事的呈现中渗透语言知识,形式很好.如果能就图片提出一些目的性更强、有效性更高的问题就好了.)接着,教师继续由图片、话题引出.The dog is our best friend.We should take good care of it.这两句话可否连起来呢?让学生说出:The dog is our best friend and we should take good care of it.5.检查上次作文情况并步入正题----初三升中专题复习----书面表达在这一环节中,让学生做老师,阅读并修改作文,谈谈他们的好与不好到底何在,应当如何修改.6.朗读范文听课意见与随想总体感觉:朱老师在课堂教学中表现出了扎实的教学根本功和丰富的教学经验,并展示出了教师关爱学生、循循善诱等方面的教学特点.特别是在知识的引入过程中,十分注重启发学生思维,并在这一过程中努力提高学生的想象力和益友语言知识的运用能力.随想与建议:1.书面表达是语言学习过程中语言输出的.局部.它不是被动的语言输入,而是积极的主动输出.可以说,书面表达对于初三的同学来说,是最难的一个能力工程了.2.思考:如何提高学生作文或书面表达能力呢?我觉得:第一,应当给与学生足够正确的语言输入;第二,应当专设书面表达作文课.在作文课上教师亲自示范,并和学生一起作文.比方说在看图过程中,可以更好的启发学生如何看图、如何说图.(这样可以更好的深入到学生的思维内核.)当说图训练充分之后,在开展进行书面表达.第三,注意要点的把握.如时态准确、选字恰当、长短句问题、连接词问题等.第四,学生作文优秀的拿出示范,不佳的进行错误分析.在修改作文时需要考虑我们修改的标准是什么?显性和隐性的标准何在?同时,还可以结合考试标准中对书面表达的专门阐述,有所侧重地开展教学活动.3.从教学环节安排来看,个人觉得各环节小任务明确,但是,各个小任务与大任务的目标一致性方面还有待加强.4.关于口语语言输出的工作,有一个教学活动是否可以考虑:那就是课前给学生6-8个单词或短语,让他们用这些词语说出一段英语故事.然后,在每节课上课开始的前三分钟可以让学生展示.在一定程度上对学生语言的输入会有所帮助.5.从这节课中的作文材料来看,随想到一个问题:那就是路见不平、拔刀相助的问题.这不是一个英语知识问题.需要考虑的是:当我们路见不平的时候,要不要拔刀相助,如何相助? He knew what was happening.He threw the bottle hard and quickly to the man.-------We should help people in trouble.----But how? 也许,就这样的话题,可以用英语开展更加深入地讨论(语言输出).『初二英语听课记录30篇』由nozhao分享,本页面最后一次更新时间为2021-06-25,仅供参考,下载后可根据需要自行编辑修改.。
4活动方式多样化,有group work, look and read,等一系列活动。
1. 听课日期:[具体日期]2. 听课教师:[教师姓名]3. 授课教师:[授课教师姓名]4. 授课班级:七年级[X]班。
5. 授课内容:Unit [X],Section A。
(一)导入(Lead - in)(5分钟)1. 授课教师通过展示一些与本单元话题相关的图片(如家庭成员的照片),并提问学生:“What can you see in these pictures?”引导学生用简单的英语单词回答,如“father”“mother”“sister”等。
2. 接着,教师播放了一段简短的视频,视频内容是一个家庭聚会的场景,里面有家庭成员之间的互动对话。
播放完视频后,教师提问:“How many people are there in this family? Who are they?”让学生回忆视频内容并作答。
点评:- 导入方式生动有趣,图片和视频能够吸引学生的注意力,迅速将学生带入到英语学习的氛围中。
- 问题设置简单且具有引导性,适合七年级学生的英语水平,能够让学生轻松开口回答,为后面的学习做好铺垫。
(二)知识呈现(Presentation)(15分钟)1. 教师在黑板上写出本单元的重点单词,如“grandfather”“grandmother”“parent”“brother”“uncle”“aunt”等,一边写一边大声朗读单词,让学生跟读。
2. 针对每个单词,教师都给出了相应的例句,例如:“My grandfather is very kind.”“Her grandmother likes reading books.”并通过简单的动作和表情帮助学生理解例句的含义。
3. 接着,教师利用多媒体展示了一个家族树(family tree)的图片,在家族树的各个分支上标注出刚刚学过的单词,然后指着家族树向学生介绍家庭成员之间的关系,如:“Your father and mother are your parents.”“Your father'sbrother is your uncle.”点评:- 单词教学方法多样,既有跟读又有例句展示,并且结合动作和表情,能够让学生更好地掌握单词的发音和用法。
2.回顾:1)let’sdo.出示课件录像:tall,tall,makeyourselftall.\short,short,makeyourselfshort.\big,big,makeyoureyesbig.\small,small,makeyoureyessmall.\lon g,long,makeyourarmslong.\short,short,makeyourarmsshort.师生一起随录像做动作。
初中英语听课记录Listening Class NotesSubject: EnglishGrade level: Junior HighDate:Lesson Topic:1. Introduction to the English language- English is an international language spoken by over 1.5 billion people.- English is the most widely used language for business and trade.- English is an important language for communication and travel.2. Basic English greetings and introductions- Hello, Hi, Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening.- How are you? I'm fine, thank you. How about you? - What's your name? My name is ___.3. Numbers and counting in English- Numbers 1-20: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.- Counting from 20 to 100: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred.4. Describing people and objects- Physical appearance: tall, short, slim, overweight, blond, brunette.- Personality trts: kind, friendly, shy, confident, funny.- Objects: big, small, heavy, light, smooth, rough.5. Classroom objects and commands- Pencil, pen, notebook, textbook, eraser, ruler.- Rse your hand, sit down, stand up, listen, write. 6. Dly routines- Wake up, brush teeth, take a shower, get dressed.- Eat breakfast, go to school, have lunch, do homework.- Watch TV, play sports, eat dinner, go to bed.7. Family members and relationships- Father, mother, brother, sister, grandparents.- Uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece.- Relationship words: son, daughter, husband, wife.8. Food and drinks- Fruits: apple, orange, banana, strawberry, watermelon.- Vegetables: carrot, tomato, lettuce, broccoli, potato.- Drinks: water, juice, soda, milk, tea, coffee.9. School subjects and activities- Math, English, Science, History, Geography.- Reading, writing, studying, taking tests, doing experiments.10. Hobbies and leisure activities- Play sports, listen to music, watch movies, read books.- Dance, sing, draw, pnt, play an instrument.Please note that the lesson topics and sequence may vary depending on the curriculum and textbook used in the specific junior high school.。
初中英语听课记录30篇As a student in middle school, I have had the privilege of attending English classes on a regular basis. Over the past 30 days, I have kept a detailed record of my experiences in these classes, and I am excited to share my insights with you.Day 1: Today marked the beginning of a new semester, and I was eager to dive into my English studies. Our teacher, Ms. Smith, started the class by introducing the curriculum and outlining our learning objectives for the term. She emphasized the importance of active participation and encouraged us to ask questions whenever we were unsure of something.Day 2: In today's lesson, we focused on improving our vocabulary. Ms. Smith presented a list of commonly used English words and their definitions, and we engaged in various exercises to help us memorize and properly use these terms. I found the interactive nature of the class to be particularly helpful in reinforcing the new vocabulary.Day 3: Today, we delved into the intricacies of English grammar. Ms.Smith explained the different parts of speech and their functions within a sentence. We then had the opportunity to apply our knowledge by identifying the various grammatical elements in sample sentences. I was surprised by how much I was able to learn in just one class period.Day 4: This class was dedicated to practicing our English writing skills. Ms. Smith provided us with a prompt and asked us to compose a short essay. I found this exercise to be both challenging and rewarding, as it allowed me to put my newly acquired vocabulary and grammar knowledge into practice.Day 5: In today's lesson, we explored the importance of pronunciation and intonation in the English language. Ms. Smith led us through a series of tongue twisters and dialogues, encouraging us to pay close attention to our articulation and the rhythm of our speech. I found this activity to be particularly helpful in improving my overall fluency.Day 6: Today, we focused on listening comprehension. Ms. Smith played a series of audio recordings, ranging from news reports to casual conversations, and asked us to answer comprehension questions. I found this exercise to be quite challenging, as it required me to actively listen and process the information being presented.Day 7: In this class, we explored the cultural aspects of the English-speaking world. Ms. Smith discussed the various customs, traditions, and social norms of different English-speaking countries. I found this to be a fascinating and enlightening lesson, as it helped me understand the cultural context behind the language.Day 8: Today, we delved into the world of English literature. Ms. Smith introduced us to a classic short story and led a discussion on the themes, characters, and literary devices used by the author. I was captivated by the depth and complexity of the story, and I found myself eager to explore more works of English literature.Day 9: In this lesson, we focused on improving our English conversation skills. Ms. Smith divided the class into pairs and asked us to engage in a series of role-playing exercises. I found this activity to be both challenging and rewarding, as it allowed me to practice my speaking skills in a real-world context.Day 10: Today, we explored the use of idioms and colloquial expressions in the English language. Ms. Smith presented a variety of common idioms and their meanings, and we discussed how these expressions are used in everyday speech. I found this lesson to be particularly enlightening, as it helped me understand the nuances of the English language.Day 11: In this class, we delved into the world of English poetry. Ms. Smith introduced us to a selection of classic poems and encouraged us to analyze the poetic devices used by the authors. I found this to be a thought-provoking and enriching experience, as it allowed me to appreciate the artistry and creativity inherent in the English language.Day 12: Today, we focused on improving our English reading comprehension skills. Ms. Smith provided us with a series of short passages and asked us to answer questions about the content. I found this exercise to be challenging but rewarding, as it helped me to better understand and interpret written English.Day 13: In this lesson, we explored the use of English in the professional world. Ms. Smith discussed the importance of effective communication in the workplace and provided us with tips and strategies for writing professional emails, resumes, and other business documents. I found this lesson to be particularly relevant and applicable to my future aspirations.Day 14: Today, we delved into the world of English grammar once again, this time focusing on more complex sentence structures and verb tenses. Ms. Smith presented a series of examples and encouraged us to practice using these grammatical concepts in our own writing and speaking. I found this lesson to be both challengingand enlightening, as it helped me to better understand the nuances of the English language.Day 15: In this class, we explored the use of English in the media and popular culture. Ms. Smith presented a series of examples, ranging from news articles to song lyrics, and encouraged us to analyze the language used in these contexts. I found this lesson to be particularly engaging and relevant, as it helped me to understand how the English language is used in the real world.Day 16: Today, we focused on improving our English pronunciation and accent. Ms. Smith led us through a series of exercises designed to help us improve our articulation and intonation. I found this lesson to be particularly helpful, as it allowed me to identify and address any areas of weakness in my spoken English.Day 17: In this lesson, we delved into the world of English literature once again, this time focusing on a more contemporary work. Ms. Smith introduced us to a modern novel and led a discussion on the themes, characters, and writing style of the author. I found this lesson to be both engaging and thought-provoking, as it allowed me to explore the evolution of the English language in a modern context.Day 18: Today, we explored the use of English in the field of science and technology. Ms. Smith presented a series of technical terms andencouraged us to discuss their meanings and applications. I found this lesson to be particularly interesting, as it helped me to understand the role of English in the global scientific community.Day 19: In this class, we focused on improving our English writing skills once again, this time with a focus on persuasive writing. Ms. Smith provided us with a prompt and asked us to compose a persuasive essay. I found this exercise to be both challenging and rewarding, as it allowed me to put my knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and rhetorical devices into practice.Day 20: Today, we delved into the world of English idioms and slang once again. Ms. Smith presented a series of common expressions and encouraged us to discuss their meanings and origins. I found this lesson to be particularly enlightening, as it helped me to better understand the nuances of the English language and how it is used in everyday speech.Day 21: In this class, we explored the use of English in the field of arts and culture. Ms. Smith presented a series of examples, ranging from film reviews to art critiques, and encouraged us to analyze the language used in these contexts. I found this lesson to be particularly engaging and relevant, as it allowed me to understand the role of English in the global cultural landscape.Day 22: Today, we focused on improving our English listening comprehension skills once again, this time with a focus on more complex audio recordings. Ms. Smith played a series of interviews and news reports, and asked us to answer a series of comprehension questions. I found this exercise to be particularly challenging, but also rewarding, as it helped me to better understand the nuances of spoken English.Day 23: In this lesson, we delved into the world of English grammar once again, this time focusing on the use of modals and conditional structures. Ms. Smith presented a series of examples and encouraged us to practice using these grammatical concepts in our own writing and speaking. I found this lesson to be particularly enlightening, as it helped me to better understand the subtleties of the English language.Day 24: Today, we explored the use of English in the field of business and finance. Ms. Smith presented a series of business-related terms and encouraged us to discuss their meanings and applications. I found this lesson to be particularly relevant and applicable to my future aspirations, as it helped me to understand the role of English in the global business world.Day 25: In this class, we focused on improving our English speaking skills once again, this time with a focus on more formal andprofessional contexts. Ms. Smith divided the class into pairs and asked us to engage in a series of role-playing exercises, such as conducting a job interview or delivering a presentation. I found this activity to be both challenging and rewarding, as it allowed me to practice my speaking skills in a more structured and professional environment.Day 26: Today, we delved into the world of English literature once again, this time focusing on a work of non-fiction. Ms. Smith introduced us to a historical or biographical text and led a discussion on the use of language and the author's writing style. I found this lesson to be particularly enlightening, as it allowed me to appreciate the diversity and depth of the English language in a non-fictional context.Day 27: In this class, we explored the use of English in the field of law and politics. Ms. Smith presented a series of legal and political terms and encouraged us to discuss their meanings and applications. I found this lesson to be particularly relevant and thought-provoking, as it helped me to understand the role of English in the global political and legal landscape.Day 28: Today, we focused on improving our English writing skills once again, this time with a focus on creative writing. Ms. Smith provided us with a prompt and asked us to compose a short story orpoem. I found this exercise to be both challenging and rewarding, as it allowed me to tap into my creativity and express myself through the medium of the English language.Day 29: In this lesson, we delved into the world of English idioms and metaphors once again. Ms. Smith presented a series of common expressions and encouraged us to discuss their meanings and origins.I found this lesson to be particularly enlightening, as it helped me to better understand the nuances of the English language and how it is used to convey complex ideas and emotions.Day 30: Today, we wrapped up the semester with a comprehensive review of all the topics we had covered over the past 30 days. Ms. Smith led a discussion on the key takeaways and encouraged us to share our thoughts and reflections on our English language learning journey. I found this lesson to be particularly valuable, as it allowed me to synthesize all the knowledge and skills I had acquired over the course of the semester.Overall, my 30-day record of my middle school English class has been a truly enriching and enlightening experience. I have learned so much about the English language, its cultural and historical context, and its practical applications in the real world. I am grateful to Ms. Smith for her dedication and expertise, and I am excited to continue my English language learning journey in the years to come.。
文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!初中英语听课笔记范文(共4篇)初中英语听课笔记范文第1篇初中英语的听课笔记1.引语为一般陈述句,变为间接引语时一般由that引导(可省略)2.如果直接引语中的主语为第一人称,变为间接引语时人称要随主语作适当变化3.如果引述动词为一般过去时,间接引语中动词的时态一般推移到过去时间4.其他变化指示代词时间状语地点状语动词this―that today-that day here―there come――go these――those now-then 重点词组:out不让......进入of style不时髦的;过时的打电话给......for付款for要求same as与......同样的style时髦的;流行的on相处;进展much as possible尽可能多kind sof各种;许多the one hand,......(在)一方面......the other hand,......另一方面......初中英语听课笔记范文第2篇学校:20XX年11月16日第三节科目英语年班级6年级3班Unit5Whatdoesshedo?课题课堂教学过程授课教师一.复习全班学生一起读第四单元单词,一遍英语一遍汉语。
1. 听课日期:[具体日期]2. 授课教师:[教师姓名]3. 授课班级:七年级[X]班。
4. 授课内容:Unit [X] Section A。
(一)导入(5分钟)1. 教师通过展示一些与本节课话题相关的图片(如家庭成员的照片),引起学生的兴趣。
- 教师问:“What can you see in these pictures?”引导学生用简单的英语单词回答,如“father”“mother”等。
- 大部分学生积极参与回答,课堂气氛活跃起来。
2. 教师接着播放了一段简短的关于家庭介绍的视频片段,视频中有简单的英语对话。
- 播放完视频后,教师提问:“What did you hear in the video?”有部分学生能够说出一些视频中的单词,如“family”“love”等。
(二)知识讲解(20分钟)1. 词汇学习。
- 教师在黑板上列出了本节课的重点词汇,如“grandfather”“grandmother”“parent”“sister”“brother”等。
- 教师先领读每个单词,读得清晰、缓慢,并且强调了单词的重音和发音规则。
- 然后让学生跟读,采用全班跟读、小组跟读、个别学生跟读的方式,确保每个学生都有机会练习发音。
- 为了帮助学生记忆单词,教师采用了一些记忆方法。
如对于“parent”,教师解释说“p - a - r - e - n - t,它可以表示父亲或者母亲,是父母双亲中的一个”。
2. 句型讲解。
- 教师引出本节课的重点句型“This is my...”和“These are my...”。
- 在黑板上写出例句“This is my father.”和“These are my parents.”,并详细讲解了“this”和“these”的用法区别。
1. Unit 1 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to introduce ourselves and say hello to others.2. Unit 1 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to ask and answer questions about personal information, such as name, age, and nationality.3. Unit 2 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to talk about daily routines and express preferences for different activities.4. Unit 2 Lesson 25. Unit 3 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe people's appearance and personality traits using adjectives.6. Unit 3 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about people's hobbies and interests and discuss their likes and dislikes.7. Unit 4 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe past events using the past simple tense and talk about our personal experiences.8. Unit 4 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about historical events and famous figures and discuss their significance.9. Unit 5 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe places and talk about the activities we can do there.10. Unit 5 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about past and future travel experiences and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation.11. Unit 6 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe objects and their functions and discuss their importance in our daily lives.12. Unit 6 Lesson 213. Unit 7 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe animals and their habitats and discuss the importance of wildlife conservation.14. Unit 7 Lesson 2species and the measures taken to protect them.15. Unit 8 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different weather conditions and discuss their effects on our daily lives.16. Unit 8 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about natural disasters and the measures taken to prevent and respond to them.17. Unit 9 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different sports and discuss the benefits of participating in physical activities.18. Unit 9 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about sports events and discuss our favorite athletes and teams.19. Unit 10 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe differentfestivals and celebrations and discuss their cultural significance.20. Unit 10 Lesson 2customs and traditions in different countries and discuss the similarities and differences between them.21. Unit 11 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different jobs and professions and discuss their requirements and responsibilities.22. Unit 11 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about future career plans and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different professions.23. Unit 12 Lesson 124. Unit 12 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about the impact of technology on our daily lives and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using electronic devices.25. Unit 13 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different types of music and express our preferences for them.26. Unit 13 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to describe different musical instruments and discuss their roles in an orchestra.27. Unit 14 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different forms of art and express our opinions about them.28. Unit 14 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to describe different art exhibitions and discuss the significance of art in our society.29. Unit 15 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of books and discuss their benefits and drawbacks.30. Unit 15 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different authors and their works and discuss the impact of literature on our lives.31. Unit 16 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of movies and discuss our favorite genres.32. Unit 16 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different film festivals and discuss the influence of movies on society.In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of food and discuss our favorite dishes.34. Unit 17 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different cuisines and discuss the cultural significance of food.35. Unit 18 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different means of transportation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.36. Unit 18 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different travel destinations and discuss the factors to consider when planning a trip.37. Unit 19 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of pollution and discuss the impact of human activities on the environment.38. Unit 19 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about environmental issues and express our opinions about them.In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of celebrations and discuss the importance of celebrating special occasions.40. Unit 20 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about holiday traditions and discuss the similarities and differences between different cultures.。
课程内容1. 动词时态的概念介绍老师首先向学生介绍了动词时态的概念。
2. 一般现在时的用法老师通过提问和示范,引导学生掌握了一般现在时的用法。
3. 一般过去时的用法接着,老师向学生介绍了一般过去时的用法。
老师还强调了一般过去时的时间标志词,如yesterday、last night等。
4. 一般将来时的用法最后,老师介绍了一般将来时的用法。
他向学生解释了一般将来时表示将来某个时间发生的动作或状态,以及一般将来时的时间标志词,如tomorrow、next week等。
初中英语听课记录及评析听课时间:XXXX年XX月XX日听课地点:XX中学听课班级:七年级一班授课教师:XXX授课课题:How do you study?听课感想:今日上午第一节课,我有幸在七年级一班聆听了XXX老师执教的英语课,本节课的主题是“How do you study?”下面就本次听课谈点感想。
本课在处理“work in pairs”这一环节时,教师先示范,再让学生小组活动,这样既节省了时间,又取得了很好的效果。
teaching procedure1.课前朗读,复习单词2. greetings ---- what's the weather like today? sunny.紧接着复习其他表示天气的单词。
cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy,fine, etc.然后,启发学生说出另外一些表示天气的单词:warm,cold, cool, hot, etc.启发的方法是通过师生问答开展的。
教师问:what's the weather will be like if it's rainy?然后学生回答说:it'll be wet.3.由it's a fine day.复习感叹句的表达形式。
how fine the day is!当这一句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过what a fine day it is !启发,并最终让学生顺利说出下面的句子:how fine it is!接着,进一步问道:如何赞扬一个人呢?引出下列单词:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working,然后说:he is a hard-working student. i'll learn from him.4.朗读lesson 60课文内容,之后,通过看幻灯片,谈论图片内容;(感觉在这一过程中,教师中文组织教学太多。
Teaching procedure1. 课前朗读,复习单词2. Greetings ---- What's the weather like today? Sunny.紧接着复习其他表示天气的单词。
cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, fine, etc. 然后,启发学生说出另外一些表示天气的单词:warm, cold, cool, hot, etc. 启发的方法是通过师生问答开展的。
教师问:What's the weather will be like if it's rainy? 然后学生回答说:It'll be wet.3. 由 It's a fine day. 复习感叹句的表达形式。
How fine the day is! 当这一句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过 What a fine day it is ! 启发,并最终让学生顺利说出下面的句子: How fine it is! 接着,进一步问道:如何赞扬一个人呢?引出下列单词:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working, 然后说: He is a hard-working student. I'll learn from him.4. 朗读Lesson 60 课文内容,之后,通过看幻灯片,谈论图片内容;(感觉在这一过程中,教师中文组织教学太多。
下面是店铺给大家整理的初三英语听课记录范文,供大家参阅!初三英语听课记录范文1听课意见: 1、教师英语情况2、良好的师生之间关系是学生英语学习的情感基础3、课堂调控能力---纪律和习惯是学习成功的有效保证4、课前充分的准备是课堂教学成功的基础(认真备课,精心进行教学设计,课前做好板书设计等5、学生在进行第四部分判断正误的时候,回答问题的方法挺好。
It’s true/false. 但是,在判断学生答案到底正确与否的时候应该可以有更好的操作方式。
6、教学设计情况:上课的时候教师首先通过图表进行问答帮助学生复习always, usually, often, never. 然后操练句子。
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Is there a post office
near here?
Ⅰ. Warm—up
2、Do you know these places? Please look at the
picture. Where is it? Today we will learn some
new words about places.
Ⅲ. Presentation:
1、Learn some new words about places.。
4、学习本课本句型There is / are…。
Is/are there..
5、利用新单词训句型There is / are…。
Is/are there..
6、Make a new conversations with your partner。
7、利用Where 引导的特殊疑问句学习near ,across from
,next to ,between…and,in front of ,behind
Ⅴ.Home work
1、Remember the new words.
2、Make new conversation and practice with partner.